She f)arl0ttc .(Dbisrafc LOCAL INTIfiLLKiKNCfi FRIDAY, OCT. 14, 1881. SOCIETY,DIREOTORY. Phalanx Lodgb Na 81, A. F. ft A. M.-Regulaj meeting even second and fourth Monday nights. Exclusion Lodok No. 26i. A.F.4A. M. Reg ular meeting every first arid third Tuesday night Chablott Chaptkk No. 89. R. A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nighta. Chaklott Oovkakdakt No. 2, K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. JSZ. EC. K rights of Honor. Regular meeting every second and fourth Thursdays. op :p. Knigbts of Pttbxls. Regular meeting nl&hts first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock nTm. atMa sonlc Temple Hall. i- 6. o. if. CHARLomt Lodqx No. 88.-Meets every Mon day night. Mkcklxkbttbg Declaration Lonsx Na a M eets every Tuesday night. night15 LQDfl Na 1(8.-Meets:every Thursday Catawba Rijkb Encakfkknt No. 21. Meets First and third Thursday nighta In each month. Index to New AdvenicemenM. S. M. Howell Cranberies, Ac Chas. R Jones-On consignment Attention. H. N. R. HOME PJENCI LINOS. EST North Carolina apples are now the finest on this market. EST The weather indications for to day are for fair weather and westerly winds, iW The Air Line conductors report the local travel to Atlanta as quite large. Capt. Sid. Alexander is at the State Fairways the Raleigh News-Ob-. server. tW Messrs. Chick and Andrews have gone to Raleigh to join the State York town band. tar Cloudy a while yesterday, and a faint suggestion of a coming rain, but it didn't last. W The old water works wagon has broken down completely just when the dust has become worst W All old members are requested to attend the meeting of the Gounod at Mrs. Young's to-night without fail. EST The funeral services of Mrs. Wm. Johnston will take place at 10 o'clock this morning at the First Presbyterian church. IW The water works piping has been unloaded, and the" constructors are working actively toward the breaking of ground in a few days. W Messrs. T. T. Gilmer and L. P. Elam have gone to Raleigh to take part in the bicycle race to day. They took their bicycles along. Another colored "festiment" at the corner of Trade and College last night, and an accompanying parade by the Good Samaritans. tThe sheriff has already received more applications for tickets of admis sion to the hanging of Allen Johnson on the 28th inst, than the law allows to be issued. StSTThe cotton buyers are anxious to don the uniform of the Hornets Nest Riflemen and go to Yorktown on the I military rates. They say they have I plenty of time to spare. I3T The Hornets' Nest Riflemen, yes terday, received from the Adjutant General their proportion of the State appropriation for transportation of troops to Yorktown. 13T The Baltimore Sun of the 12th says,the most prominent mining stocks at the Baltimore stock exchange on the llth were Baltimore and North Caroli, na, Silver Valley and Conrad Hill, all of them North Carolina mines. The Columbia Fair begins on the 8th of November and centinues through the llth. Tickets from Charlotte will be sold at $4.25 for the round trip. All articles for exhibition, race horses ex cepted, will be transported free tWThe festival of the Library Asso ciation, in the basement of the Tryon Street Methodist Church last night, was ; well attended and the receipts were very satisfactory. But the shooting gallery was not there. IW Constable.Means, yesterday, levi ed on a fox, the only property belong ing to a defendant in a case brought before one of our justices yesterday for the recovery of damages for the killing of several chickens by the same fox. tW About 3 o'clock, yesterday morn ing, some of the police officers found two mules and a wagon swinging corn ers with a lamp post, with no sign of an owner. The team was put in the pound and the owner turned up during the day and redeemed, with the explanation that he had been a "little off." Z3T It will be seen by advertisement this morning that a special meeting of the Gounod club is called at the resi dence of Mrs. S. V. Young, to-night, in stead of Tuesday night, the regular time. The anticipated absence of some of the members in attendance at the Yorktown centennial is the occasion of the changed time. tW A drunken man on horseback ran his animal between the leaders and wheelers of the Central Hotel 'bus day before yesterday. He stopped the tus and was himself thrown about ten feet, but with the usual luck of men in his condition he escaped without serious injury. tW The police have been instructed to remove all obstructions in the shape of goods boxes and other lumber left on the streets and pavements during the night Persons found guilty of these breaches of the ordinance forbid ding such obstructions have been warn ed that they will be fined If guilty second time. ty Messrs. Jno. W. Wadsworth, T. C. Smith, Joseph Smith and W. R. Jones, from the con er relation of th Trvnn street Methodist Episcopal Church, of thid city, went to Hamlet yesterday, to meet the remains of Rev. A. A. Bos- namer which, cominir from Raleieta were to be interred at Wadesboro to- aay. It is most appropriate that a rep resentation from this conittecration. so attached to the deceased young minis ter, gnouia do honor to his funeral tiiS ful1 et sorrows' and disappointments, but w most sanguine hepes of all these who try Dr. away rnmn the lynchers. IiTMm ThMipMa Harder Hewa-ore to Charlwtt ' Jail ta e aat aff ta way af a Tnraateaaa Lracal mg A nian scamped te Death. . onerm .Maya, oi Alexander county reached this city yesterday on the train trom Statesville, bringing with him a prisoner js. H. Dodfery. one of the Car- oline Thompson murderers, whom he committed to jail here, Bhowing affida vits from citizens of Alexander that there were such apprehensions of the lynching of Dockery that it was con sidered unsafe for him to remain in AI exanaer jail, or even in the jail or any of the adjoining counties.- a repurier or 1 HE OBSERVER saw Sheriff Mays and inquired, what rea son he had to think that Dockery would be lynched. UT L. . a nave HDunuani reason, you may rest assured, young man," he said. ' have received several intimations from amerent people that the friends of Church, the other principal in the mur aer.wno was lynched at Newton last week, have sworn vengeance against Dockery, whose confession led to the lynching. I had notice last Sunday from a prom inent gentleman of Alexander that h 1 would be to pay Monday night, and that I had better lay out with Dockery; and I did, you can bet; but no one came that night. But I have undoubtet evi dence that there is a regular organiza tion of Church's friends inWilkes for the purpose of lynching Dockery. It is not only for vengeance against him for his confession, but his testimony in court will, it is thought, seriously im plicate two other Wilkes county men, one of whom named Adams is already under bond to appear in court. The other, named Davis, has never been caughtj This being the case, our own jail being altogether insecure, and the example of theUynching of Church proving the uselessness of removing the prisoner no further than an adjoin ing county, nothing was left but to bring him here. You see we want him at court bad and we don't want him hurt Will he talk freely about the mur der?" "Oh, yes. If you go down at any time he will tell you all about it, but he is not exactly sound up here," and the sheriff tapped his forehead signifi cantly. This being the case the reporter thought it would not be quite the thing to interview the prisoner himself. The sheriff was asked if he knew where the lynchers of Church were from. He looked mysterious and said: "Well, I am pretty sure they were not from Alexander, though I think I know the crowd. There were .twenty odd of them, and twenty odd men I I saw once at the Alexander county jail who came to lynch him and were with great difficulty, as The Observer has heretofore described, dissuaded from their purpose." Although the sheriff did not say so in so many words, yet the reporter was impressed with the idea that the lynch ers were from Iredell or "Wilkes. Sheriff Mays stated in the course of the conversation that the two men Bud McNeal and Nathan Tripps, who killed a quiet, inoffensive man named Walker, a few days ago, were now in Wilkesborojail. The men after leav ing a still house with the declaration that they would kill the first manthey met, carried out the threat by literally Stamping to death the good natured ana narmies3 waiter, rney were cap tured in Ashe county. SC. iriary'a School. It is learned with pleasure that the fall term of St Mary's (Catholic) School, near Garibaldi, on the . Air-Line, con ducted by pxe Benedictine Brotherhood of the Gaston Monastry, opened under very promising circumstances. There are already 45 students and a number more are expected. The new and com-j modious brick building recently erect ed has been completed and is now occu pied. Several new instructors, among whom is an accomplished professor of music, have been added to the corps and the school now presents induce ments equalled by few and expelled by none. Tbe III ten of a mad Do. Mr. Lewis Abernethy, who was bit ;en three weeks ago by a black and yel ow hound which showed every indica tion of hydrophobia, was in the city yesterday. An account of the biting appeared at the time, and it was stated that Mr. Abernethy had gone to Ruth erford county to apply a mad stone owned by a Mr. Edwards of that coun ty. He told a reporterxf The Obser ver, yesterday, that he had done so. For about two and a half hours after the first application the stone adhered to the wound, but after that time it would fall off. Mr. Abernathy does not pretend to say whether the stone did any good or not, but Ire states that he has not felt the slightest symptom of hydrophobia. The dog bit him in two places on the hand. He held it un til his wife cut it's head off with an axe, and immediately set to work to doctor the wounds. He cut out all the flesh around them, then burnt the places with nitric acid, and still not content, again burnt the hand to the bone with a red hot iron. He thinks the dog was surely mad, but does not know whether the cutting, burning or mad stone did any good. HI IuTsrer' Coart. At the mayor's court yesterday Clark Hall re-appeared in his old role of d. and d. He showed such marked peni tence for his fall from grace after his long swear off that the mayor remitted the fine on the condition that Clark would go home and stay sober, which he promised most faithfully to da Clark, it will be remembered, claims to have macadamized a greater part of the city streets, and the city, he thinks, owes him some consideration. Hattie Moore, colored, was fined 92.50 and costs tor ad. and d . Joan MeGtnneM sawf -Jit. Beam. I will pray xoryoa as kwg as I live, because yvutook ptty on na when I was sick and In tne hospital, and lent um in imums oi your ceiery ana cnamomue rau, and they eared me ot Sciatica, Neuralgia and Uncalled Far List of letters remaining in. the post- office at Charlotte, uncalled for, for the week ending Sept. 12, 1881: W. Addison, Lockey Brown, Mrs. Jane Burton, Alex. Bonner, Mrs. Mar gret Cochrane, Major S. W. Cole, W. Frank Cunningham, Woodey Euders. Mrs. Nannie Flow, Will Fountaine, It D, Foard, Miss Manda Funderburk, Miss Rena Funderburk, I. A: Fraziejv Sally i Jane Grose, Roger Huntley, D. Hudson, George Myles, William Mc Kee, Andy Rankin, colored, Miss Kate Ramsey. When calling for any of the above please say "advertised." W. W. Jenkins, P. M. Death ot Hire Wm, Jobnutaa. The funeral services of Mrs. William Johnston, who died yesterday morning at 6 o'clock, after long illness, will take place at the First Presbyterian Church at 10 o'clock this morning, conducted by Rev. E. H. Harding, D. D. Mrs. Johnston was a descendant of one of the ancient families of the State, tho' a native of the city of Memphis, Tennessee. Her father, Dr. Franklih Graham, was a son of General Joseph Graham, of Linco'n county, North Caro lina, and removed to his home in Mem phis early in life, where he died during the childhood of the subject of this notice. " CoL Wm. Johnston and bis estimable wife have been citizens of Charlotte since their marriage, where they have reared a family of children, all of whom have attained full maturity. No mem ber of the community was held in high er esteem than Mrs. Johnston; and now in the ripened years of life she is called to the reward of her Christian 1ork. The -community, which know and ap preciate her many virtues and excellent qualities, are invited to attend her. fun eral. Railroad Item. Florida travel has already begun and tourists from the North crowd the South bound trains daily. John Fetzer, of Greensboro, not yet 0 years of age, has been promoted to an engine on the Richmond and Dan ville road. Work on the Richmond and Dan ville buildings in Manchester is pro gressing rapidly. The foundry building is being roofed. The walls of the car shop are nearly completed. The office building at the Richmond and Danville shops has been finished and is occupied by Capt R. D. Wade. superintendent of motive-power. Last week not a single train ar rived at Richmond f rom the.North on time, and the papers and the people are getting hot about the irregularities. The detention at Richmond frequently throws the train behind in arriving here. JEgThe Yorktown Centennial began yesterday and continues through the 2lst On each day novel and attractive programmes will be presented. The rate from Charlotte for tickets for civ- illians for the round trip is 13.80 ; from Salisbury $10.95. Wednesday the 19th, an address is expected from the Presi dent of the United States. Our troops leave Monday morning. .ANOTHER CANDIDATE. large majority the people of the United have declared their faith in Ktdnev Wort Bys as a remedy lor all the diseases of the kidney and liver, some, however, have disliked the trou ble 01 preparing it from the dry lorm. For such a new candidate appears In the shape of Kidney "Wort in Liquid orm. It Is very concentrated, U easily taken and Is equally efficient as tne dry. Try it Louisville Post, "The profession ought to bear In mind that the Lleblg Company prepare a genuine Extract of Witch Hazel, and in ordering Uie remedy be sure to designate the preparation desired; otherwise a worthless article may be obtained. "The same Arm also makes a most useful and convenient nutrient tonic, in the form of 'Coca Beef Tonic,' which has Justly received the highest commendation. We have used both of tnose preparations with the most satisfactory resulte." Editorial in the Medical and Surgical Times. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 13, 1881. PEODDCX. Wilmington, N. C Spirits turpentine steady at 4!ftc. Rosin dull; strained $2.05, good strained $2.15. Tar firm at S2.10. Crude turpentine quiet at $3.00; hard $3.60 for yellow dip; $2 80 for virgin Inferior. Com unchanged; rlme whit -; wxea. Chicago. Ilour weak. Wheat active. lower and irregular; Na 2 Chicago spring 1.3114 cash and October, 12a November and December. Corn active and lower, opened strong ! and higher, closed at inside prices, 59tyja60 cash and October, 69lfc November, 61 December. Oats dull, weak and lower; No. 2 42 cash, 42U October. 4214 November. December. Pork k fair demand and lower, opened strong and higher. ciosea ai insiae prices u.w casn, lo uuaio 80 October and November, 17.06al 7.10 December. Lard fair demand -and lower, opened strong and 1 higher, closed inside prices, 11.82fcalL05 cash, October and November, 11.80 December. Bulk meats shoulders 7.60, short rib 9.10, short clear y.fXJ. wnissey quiet and unchanged. Balttmobs Noon Flour dull and without change; Howard street and Western super ; extra : family ; city mills, super ; ex tra ; family ; Rio brands : Patapsco family. Wheat Southern dull and nominal; Western easier and active, closing weak; South em red 1.89al.40, da white 1.45a 1.50, Maryland' l.oo; no. z wesiem winter rea spot and October 14514, November 1.47l4att. December 1.51Ual.51$t. Corn-Southern dull: Western lower and weak; Southern white 70; new do. yeUow 77. BixriifORx Night Oats easy; Southern 48a51 ; Western white 60a51, do mixed 48a49. Penn sylvania 60a 1. Provisions unchanged: mess pork . milk meats -shoulders and clear rib sides packed . Bacon shoulders , clear rib sides , hams . Lard -refined . Got fae dull: Rio cargoes ordinary to fair 9alli Sugar ;qulet-A. soft 10& Whiskey quiet 19. 20 00. Cimotbtuti Floui dull and unchacred. Whsat unsettled and lower; No. 2 red winter 1.42al.l45. Corn dull and lower at 68ta68 Oats scarce firm; 46. Pork nominal: $20.00. Lard tu-m at Bulk meats scarce: shoulders : riba i nui Bacon dull and lower; shoulders 914 : rib 11; clear llty. Whiskey weaker at 1.15. Sugar- firm and unchanged. Hogs dull and lower; com mon and light 6.00a6.60, packing and butchers 6.25&80; receipts ; shipments . Naw Tom Southern floor dull and drooping; common to fair extra 6.50a7.40, good to choice do. 7.50a8.75. Wheat irregular and unsettled, odenlng at 1 to m higher, afterwards advanced, lost ana declined to to 1, closing weak and un settled; ungraded red 1.22a49; mixad winter 40; ungraded white 29a42; Na 2 red October 1.46 Vtv 48U; November 1.48ial.61ft; December 1.52 a54. Corn opened 1 to iy, higher afterwaids advanced to 1, closed dull and heavy; ungrad ed 62a70;No. 8 67ft. Na 2 October 68a691. November 6Ua7Ufr, December 71 a7 4. Oats 1 to 2 lower and heavy; No. 44. Coffee quiet and about steady. Sugar firm, trade moderate; fair to good refining 8iatt, refined firm and more active; standard A 9 JiAlasses quiet and steady. Rice steady, in moderate demand. Resin un changed. Pork dull and heavy at 60a60, packed lower, shipments 1.900; October 18, November 18; middles dull and nominal, long clear 10, short 10 Lard opened higher, closed weak and lower at 12.02fel2.07VNoreiaber n.95a 12.05, December 12,25. con oil 1 8 878; to Great Britain -; continent ; to Franca NowoLg-Qutet and steady; middling 11 15; not reeetpts 4402; cross ; ports iwaitwuw 1J83Tj sale toek -18.704: ex 235; exports to ureas juruain 4,100. BUCTont-Qnlet; mlrg llfcc; low mkWg ll j 2?'Z .Wi, J" Tu -i v 679: sales 150; stock 12,188; exports eoastwlM 20: spinners ; exports to tireat Britain j to Congnent eaLravros Quiet; middling 10; tea Tmlddl'g Otte: good ordinary 10c: net ree'ta 2.flftQ: nnu ,041: sales 940: stock 70.BOA: axn'ta aoaaMsa Dobtow. Qnietr lalddHnt lUkn low middling nwi gooo ww J iwr w receip vsi : groM 1,525; sales : stoek 8,500; experts to dreat Britain to nance. WTuavoToa Tlra; waUkfrn lOfes: low mil. dllnc 107-lBc: good ord'j Mhe- Marino 78S: gross j alee; stock 9.099: export oast- wise j.o,jsya; w ureas, muun 076; to continent PHTTUTMT1A Dull; ' mkMllM lits.: middling 1 1 Vic: good ordinary I0e: net receipts 100: gross 640; sales ; spinners 121: stock 6,018; ex pons w weat mtain . SiVAjrww-Steady-j middling 10e: low mld'g iw iwn ujuuiofj m, uwt receipts 0,032; gross to Great Britain s France; to continent 6.672. Nmw Orlkajto-Quiet; midd'g 10; low mW- oiing juwgwu vru7 iujc; net reeetpts 0,177; sross 6.781: sales 600: stoek iro.aii. .rmiti to Great Britain 4,692; to France ; to coast wise Momxa Firm ; middling loc; low middling 10e; igood ordinary lOtyc; net recta 1 606; cross 1,631; sales 1.000; stoek 18.844: exports Buuiiiooiiinun ; mi ureal uruain. Manpins steady: middling 1040: receipts z.tsu; snipmenu z.vtr, sales 2,100; stock 33,909. itTfinwilAflrlT! mltrili its mat. ia. . dltng lOVfcc. good ordlnari 9e; reeetpts 1,114 auiiuvuk ianw dwi Charucstm Higher; middling lle.low mid dling 1014e: good ordinary c; net reeetpts 8.856; gross 8,856: sales 1,000: stock 48,798: spores coastwise 2,114: Great Britain ; conti nent Nnv Yrntr Ctntton Arm .!.. rno . ,in. f trmmnfm UUU, niTBIIIIlg uplands 11 9-1 6e;mlddd'g Orleans 11 18-16-e;net receipts ; gross 11,556: consolidated net re ceipts 26,244; ex. Great Britain 7.096; France -; LiVKRFOOL Noon cotton, aetlve and firmer; uuuuiiiiK upuuias o -xoa; mia'g Orleans DVsd; sales 15,000. speculation and export 2,000; re eelnta IKOOO: mertenn - rrniDna w www ni fiSrT avw middling clause: October delivery 6 5-1 6d; Octo ber and November H 5-16d; November and De cember 6 5-16a0 11 -8 2d; December and January owa; January ana xeoruary 0 l3-32a6 7-1 Bd; February and March 6 1532a6lW; March and Aprtl 6 11-82d; AprU and May 6 9-16d; May and June 0 19-82d; June and July 6 21-32d. Futures steady. Lxvkbpool. 5 p. m. Sales of American cotton bales. Upland low middling clause: January SnAFnu2e,lTry WW; February and March 617-82d. Futures firm. FUTTJRSS Raw Toax Futures closed steady, daius 121, 000. October 1 1.42a44 Kowmber 11.63a54 Decembar 11.66a87 January.. 11 &6a-86 February 11.99al2.00 March 12.14al4 fPrtl 12.27a.28 MT 12.87a.88 June -iAQ.A.a July 12&3&9 tnrufCLiu Raw Tors Money 4a0. Kxchange 4.78V4. Govemmenu strong at 993M. Four and a half per cents 1.12 Four per cents 1.15. State bonds dull and nominal. Nxw TOBK-Stocks firm and higher. New York Central 1.87ft Krie 44 Lake Shore l.ltWb Illinois CenraU 1.30ft Nashville and Chattanooga 81 Louisville and Nashville 1.30ft Pittsburg. 1.40 Chicago and Northwestern 1 .28 44 preferred.... 134ft Wabash, 8t Louis ft Padfle 48 Do preferred 89Vfe Memphis and Charleston. 71 Bock Island 1 aa Western Union 86 Aiaoama-Cias8 A, 2 to 5 77J4 Class A, small 78 " Class B, 5's 92 " Claaa C. A.' K Bast Tennessee 14 Georgia 1.6O Richmond and Allegheny 88 Bub-treasury blances-Gold $79,.46f5,068 Currency . 4 942,311 CITY COTTON MABXKT. Omen aw m Obswsvxb, i Chablotts. October 14, 1881. f The market yesterday closed steady. Good Middling. ti 8trlctly middling, 10 Middling.... TTt?. 10 Strict low middling. 10 Low middllne. 1 nu Tinges.... 9al0iA utorm co ton lVsa.9 Sales yesterday 225 bales. Mem dttjet:tisemcttts. ATTENTION H. N. R. YOU are hereby ordered to appear at your armory this (Friday) evening at ovfc o ciock in ruii uniiorm, witn cross belts. Knapsacks and Haversacks will be fr sued to members who will go to York town, Full attendance desired. By order. E. F. YOUNG. Captain. T KrErrkE, O. S. CRANBERRIES, APPLES, CABBAGE ar.d OAT MEAT. DRESSED CHICKENS and GfiESF, On Saturday morning, at S. M. EOWKLL. oct 14 FRESH JUST RECEIVED. CHAS. R. JONES. pttsjcjellattcattfi. FOR RENT. FOR the year 1882, or for a term of years, that commodious and elegant dry goods store, on Trade street, now occupied by H. Morris ft Bra Possession given 1st' January, 1882. For terms apply to Capt. Y. Q Johnson, or oct9 lm F. a DeWOLFX. NOTICE. Sale Under Execution. I WILL sell for cash, on Monday, the 24th day of October. 1881, to satisfy executions In my bands the entire stock of JXWXLRY, of every kind and description, now In the store house oc cupied by John T. Butter. M. X. ALEXANDER, octlStds Sheriff. CALLED MEETING Of the Gounod Club wOl be held at the resfj denoe of Mrs. a Y. Young, friday night next. By order of - A. W. BACON. Mas, B. L. Diwar. President tfeeretary, COMMraaNGpetober 12th, Round Trip Tick ets betweenjCharlotto and Yorktown, Ya , vti HUUUUU1 vi. cwwMf " maw iwnnt In fiharlfltla. PrtflB S1JLRA.' octll tf Gem Pass. Agent, F.W. It rish Richmond ana wenroms jcauraaa, good to re- Please Return Parties having in their possession Cracker cans . belonging to tne undersigned, wOl please return promptly when empty, as 1 have a great demand for them. LeROY DAVIDSON. --TO THE-- -OF- -AND- SURROUNDING Your attention is respectfully called to the large and fine stock of Mow In ray store and ready for inspection, which are offered at very close figures. I am prepar ed to offer special bargains to the trade in all goods in my line. CORN IN CAB LOAD LOTS. MEAL, IN CAR LOAD LOTS. FLOUR, IN CAR LOAD LOTS. jgULK MEAT and HAMS, jyjOLASSES, SYRUPS, gUGAR, COFFEE and TEAS. LARGE STOCK OF TOBACCO. CHEWING AND SMOKING. FINE LINE OF CIGARS. CIGARS. Gilt Edge Goshen " BUTTER. New York State CREAM CHEESE. FRUITS 5 SUCH A3- Lemo.ns, Oranges, Apples, Bananas, Grapes. CANNED GOODS, APPLE3. PEARS. PINK APPLE3. GBEKN GBiPES, PLUM PUDDING, RASPBERRIES. STB A WBERBIES, ASPARAGUS, 6UGAB PEAS, SUCCOTASH. BOSTON BAKED BE IN 3, CORN, OKBA and TOMATOES. FISH, Cod, Mackerel In all styles and sizes, Deviled Crabs, Lobster, Salmon, American and French Sardines, Oysters, Ac POTTED MEATS, Chicken, Beef, Duck, Ham, Tongue and Turkey, Assorted. CORNED BEEF, CONDENSED MILK, OLIVES. LARGE LOT STARCH, 8 to 40 lb. boxes. Farinaceous Goods, Oatmeal, Peas, Cheese, Cnocolato- Essential Oils Mustards, Anchovy Paste, Ancnovtesin salt or oti, and other Imported7 articles. a TMTTT7C In backets, boxes and U AiN JJ1 barrels; Nuts, Raisins, Prunes, Pepper, Spices, Cloves, Nutmeg, Mace. Crt A PC Large stock Toilet jjVJA-t iJm and Common. THE RETAIL TRADE Wfflsrjd special bargains mail goods In my line. A sail is solicited, as it is believed that anything daslred in the Grocery Line. Faney or Staple, can be found In my store. Respectfully, LeROY DAVIDSON. MERCHANTS TotheReMWe Great Sale of Till Jl .1 i&ismy-mme BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CARPETS,XRIJNKS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, &C Eegardless of Cost, rpo CLOSE OUR BUSINESS BY JANUARY 1st, 1882. Having concluded to return to the Eastern J- part of the State, and t avoid packing and sniping our goods we have resolved to give the sublic the benefit to purchase ourenUre stock at prices never before known In Chailo'te. Our goods are all new and desirable, having bought a complete new stock this season. ' Dont fall to call early to secure the best bargains as this is positively a bonande closing out sale. . . - &T Three new silverplatod Mansard 8 foot show cases, 1 Na 7 Moslers' fire proof sate, 1 hand some Mirror, 5 Iron Velvet Cushioned Stools, and 4 folding awnings and frames, for sale cheap. oct 18 R ODDI CK Sc TRYON BARGAINS!!! WE HAVE ADDED To our stock In the past week a new lot of CASSIMERES, JKAN, HOSIERY, COSSETS, BLANKETS, SHEETING, SHIRTINGS, TABLE LINENS, DOILIES 4 NAPKINS, Which we Sell Positively for RODDICK & C 0. AT REDUCED RATES TO ALL POINTS BOUGHT AND SOLD BY S. J. PERRY, OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C KN.B. Partiesydesiring Information In regard to railroad travel will please address as above. WILSON & B URWELL, DRUGGISTS, TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C. BBAGG'8 LIVER PILLS are the best made for all troubles of the liver and bowels. Sold only by WILSON & BUR WELL. FRESH chest of He No Tea; Ju3t arrived at TI7E have lust received a lot of cheap Scrub Brushes and Feather Dusters f T WILSON & BUR WELL. R ED and White Onion Setts. At 8UPPLY of No. 1 Lanterns just received by GLASS Lamps of all styles and prices; wholesale W.W.WOO),MaiiiiMwJ5nstoii.lC!' 1 V - CHAS. R. JONES, Sole Ag't.Charlotte.N.C. 6 M f & Every Estey Organ Sold is made Throughout with Equal fidelitv. and Yields unrivaled tones. Bend for lUutirated Catalogue. oet7rdlmoeodw Female InstiMe. SESSION OPENS WXDNE3DAY. 8EPTEMBMR 7, '81. CORPS OF TEACHERS: We, B. ATKINSON, Principal, Latin, Mathe matics, and Natural Sciences. Miss HELEN LONG, Principal of Preparatory Department. MBS. 8ALLU CALDWELL WHITE, English Literature and History. Miss LELLIE W LONG, Modem Languages. Misa MARY L. MATTOON, KloraUon and Eng lish Branches. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Pbov. A. BTDSZ. LL. Dl, Director. ASSISTANTS MBS. B. L. DEWEY, MBS. WX. B. ATKINSON. Mas U. A. SAVAGE, Art Department DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. Mqb NANNIE TINSLEY, Intendant of Infirm- "Ibas ANNA SUTTON, Head of Boarding De partment. For terms, etc., apply for a catalogue tn Bar. WM. R. ATKINSON, PrtndpaL y augll,tf Chew only the brand of tobacco known as The oaken Bucket. THE old Oaken Bucket, The Iron-bound bucket.' The moss -covered bucket, That hungin the welL - CHAS. R. JONES. Charlotte. N. C. Rnln lnt Liberal terms to dealers. i Charlotte Hir t JtH fiwmW MQRRISBRQS. 1 11 rrr 1 sit V STREET. ' - v . . BARG A IN S:! ! ! WE HAVE ADDED To our stock m the past week a . new lt of COTTON DIAPERS, ' i 1 ai 1 ivi rwr 1 j ' aurrrma ' - - - - ; TAWULT.flT . . v ww UHMV4 , - . a . - i.. FLANNELS. : . FELT SKIRTS,' ' SHAWLS, C, 4C. One Price, M Mllf'M. WILSON & BUR WELL'S Drugstore. WILSON & BUR WELL'S Drugstore. WILSON & BURWJJLL. and retail; at wi WILSON & BURWELL'S Drugstore. P!fH!MflN!lFNMM7tll&en- Every kuyaKqtife That gudfahUes good Every dayfwcrh and jl ears or servuswms ESTEY ORGAN CO. Atlanta, a P. C. WILSON, CH 4 BLOTTE, N. &' , Sole Agent for LOUIS. COOK, CoIamb'ns'Bnggy AHD TEX WATERTOWN SPRINa WAGON COMPANIES, ron rax salx or BUGGIES, CARRUGE8, PHAETONS, SPRING WAGONS, &a, WHOLESALE ANfl RETAIL. . OPEN BUGGIES, $55. , -, TOP BUGGIES, S66. Special inducements to the wholesale trade Correspondence solicited, tun 11 - 1. - .. . . . . V i . . - ..'i,:;.'.!f'".n',)'i','.f Am buying largely these bonds with air coupons attached. Until orders exhausted, will pay ; S2 a thousand for such bonds delivered at my office, 61 Wall St, New York, free of expense, in lots nnder one hundred thousand, and $2.0 a thousand In larger lots. RAPHAEL J. MOSES, Jr. octl6 2t y w a a 1 dm-m