i I ,i w 1 ii II . ft . U , l SURE : APPETISER JJEtON B1TTEKS tn highly and eincxent vomc; tag a certain trnertli.XAclc of Enerery. now Ufa tn tl diwTeottana, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting 'the Food '' EiUKivi.Btati Stomach, llcarttmrn, etc xne oiuy uou ax ep c!rrTwitl -Li t7-i,-a ArAAvi rvr headache. dbyaffdragi Write for .Ifjnnsin i i tm mT-i"g Ciuia aral rtahiMUr . a naatloa at a maatk did not civ ' imwr4.r vosdarf al result. Tha old energy retnrasd and I found that my natural f ore MintljtliaUi. I bit bm4 thra bottiaa of th Tonic. Since using U I hay done twice tho la TlCt iIT12 4iM fHHn n llliuu. and with doubla tha aasa. With tha traoqnU nerre aiat aat aaraai oaMaiaaa alaanaatof thoiit . ft taaaradit. m tMk.TStaatrha4 a I MwAartl lAlTMia If TBI Dl. HARTbTK HEDICINI CO.. HO. S13 MQBTH MAIM STREET. ST. 10H ftwly Gtoctxizs. HALMir OOK. 0OLUO1 ft FOURTH 8T3., Just in, and to Arrive : 3000 BCNDLBfl ABBOW TIES. 1000 HALF BOLLS BAGGING, 1500 PKQS FISH. 500 BBL& FLOUR, 100 BAGS OOFFXK, 75 BBLS. 8TBUP, 101 BOXES SOAP Qlre ui a trial before you bur and we will Bell you. R. M. MILLER & SONS. ugS4 CORNICORNICOKN! BAGGING AND TIES Welara agenU tor THE WATT PLOW Win UBI)WSBthan- you can buy an other EMd Plow, foil aMortment alays on band. Call and tee us before purchasing. MAYER & ROSS. WJ30 THE GENUINE lias acquired s repor A -any medicine S extant as the AIL CHEAPEST, PUREST and best family medicine in wfi exVrtjkinary power and efficacy en Ue,ody, called. SJSSiiSSISS10 i? whole eonfiirace-' SfflPQPK KEGULAT0B. The tert of flaw and the experience of thous SM, Peeaest 5S5 WrtSaTtB01 UTCT' 8UMttacl1 1ULABI0US EEYEES, ??p!Si: Mental Depression, sick Headache, Jaundice, Colic, CoosUpation and Biltonsneu, IT HAS NO EQUAL. sMtHHS ?l4 wod-eteed volume wUh such like fWaed tMUmoDiais as tha following: sara nnn nnnm t.Im nnia.n. MimMOTi ec my bowels, cauaed bv a temnorar ha. . . t .wxumwi avi voar "Sff .7J?6 l0 last three or four . Late OuTueorgla. ... ...ALIX. H, 8TJSPHXMA a2Mffi2K55 MWH0DI8R tevene7oi iTTOTSS. "taumleged 52255855 40aV M & Sods, GROCERS I! IJULlllOiil FLOOR ! -aA. MJU -' ft- S55iitt aiwlcrs airectiy upon the Liver, and a. :. MMatsaaa'' ' 1 i'Mlwa T !VAM raaYH.I T- k i e??J.ln White Wranner. win, jrjpawwwwjjHUW ft Co. ' ,; S10iREWAllD. 'aotm on - ww.- ivupa auniia . ' ibanlnn nf ottl.u B.M. MIL 8A80N3. I A TRUE TONIC oijnr.ir cJoj o ani rerommended'for all "diseases requir- ciwcxxij iuuigcouvu etc. It enriches the blood, strengthens he nerves. It acts like a charm on the sptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Food,. i Vi rpvA Tlir Twin TrAna the ABC Book, 32 pp. of useful an Mil. tulil iu f fee mad i-1 eol jMeiott, or I ttvmjtevaia, Gnmnl I (ton and Convalea-i to each an axtent that my law was excaemngiy oui ma mucn reuei, dob on me contrary, was iouyweu u. oarer bfora enjoyed If Ae Tonio hai not doDi tha J. P. WATaOK, P tor Chrirtlan Church. Troy.O. DIMINISHED VIGOB Is reimbursed In great measure to tUose troubled with weak kidneys, by a judicious use of Hostet ters Stomach Bitters, which Invigorates and stim. ulates without exciting the unnary organs. In conjunction with Its Influence upon them, It cor rects acidity, improves appetite, and Is In every way conducive to health and nerve repose. An other marked Quality Is Its control over f ever and ague, and its power of preventing them. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. Pat'd Jnat 11,1870 WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, DR. DYE'S Electro -Voltaic Appliances suffering from NervoRsWeaknessfs, Gen eral iieoiiuy, io.-4k oi nerve lorce or vipor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Othet. Causes, or to any ous afflicted with Rheuma tism. Neuralgia, Panih,is. SDinal Diffieultip. Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup- Also women troubled with diseases peculiar to uieir so.x. Speedy relief nnd romplete restoration to health guanintecd. These are tho only Electric Appliance! that have ever Deen const ruetcil iiponHcientificprin clnles. Their thorough efficaevhas been nrac tically proven with the moat wonderfnl success, nn1 they have the highest vuuonemeniN irom uieaieai and sclen tifie men, and from hundreds who have rrcu quicuijr uuu muicaiiy ciireu D their tise. 8end at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, civln all information free. Address, VOLTAIC BEIT CO., Karihall, Hich. JuiySl DOES wnv9 WONDERFUL f H I J CURES ! i. i Because it acta on tho LIVER, BOWELS and KID5ETS at the aaran tlmn. Beeaaao It oleanaca tha mlmn nfthAt ll ooa humors that developo in Kidney and TXrl- I J HAFT TUflPUM. IHIInnmMi T.-nJ;. rt .. 1 1 pation. Piles, or in RhauTnH.im frmM. I Vervoua Siaordeia and Tamala Complaint. L ' Hi WHAT PEOPLE SAT Eagone B. Stork, of Junction City, Karua, aya, Kldnej-Wort enrad him after reguiarPhy atcUiii had bean trying- for four jturZ fc r?hn ArnaU, of Washington, Ohio, aaya rJSiT WM Rri.vT,n nP dio T tovr prominent SL?1 .Um haT wrwMd' enrad by 4 berood belief vT r oi iontn Baiem, M. Y., kits f ?a year tuff ering- from kidney troubles and other cotnpneations was ended by the um of JohnB. Lawrence of Jackson, Tcna., Buffered ST yer,!,fro 1,iTer wl kidney troubles and iMiSr11" suffered eigfht years with kidney dlfficultr an3 l waa unable towork. Kidney-Wort made him M PERHANEMTLV 'Ctioeor lNENTLY CURES - 1 4 KIDNEY DISEASES, I LIVERCOMPI AlMTc Constipation and Piles. ' " P np In Dry Vegetable Farm In , ap cans, one package of which makes six quarts of medicine. , Also in Liquid Form, rrrr Con. aaatrated, for thoao that cannot readily pre- M W It acts tHth equal tfflctency Hther form. BET IT AT THE DRUGGISTS. TRICE, $1.00 WELLS, BICHARDSjvy A Co., Prop's, ifTuiBBuuuwarypomrpai, VLUioaTOW,TT. C I'i II I'f t F "1 111 111 '! March 27 d&wly Dn.SMOESD'S XT v.uuiuidints,, jaun dice. BffiousneLS- Malaria ' PrL - 7 ' .a. , ar-Vaa tiveness, Headache. Itassistscti gestion, strengthens the system, regulatesthe bowds, purifies the blood. : , A ;Book sent free. Dr. Broadway, N.y. rmuoQxsTg. I ' arnl8-deod eow ly. ils. 3&sr- Is-WeJahr1 I H H. B. Goodwin, an editor in Chardon, Ohio, i. uinvMw .u uve, ixiinir bloated . but KidneT-Wort nnmlTilTT NEWS NOTES. roar nihilists are on trial in St Pe tersburg public not admitted. ",. The Old or General Baptist denomin ation of Rhode Island, a body of twelve rhnmhea and ahut 1.200 members re cently held its two hundred and elev enth anniversary at Coventry Foxhall, Keene's horse, won the Ce- zarewitch stakes at JNewmarfcet. He will run for the Cambridgeshire stakes at Newmarket-Houahton, October twenty-fifth. Mai. John Poe. Jr.. of Richmond Va.. who has charge of the police force at vfuv uw vuttigo wi v iuvv m.vm.w w Yorktown, has completed all of his ar- rancrftmftnta. Tift will havft 100 men. 50 rangements. He will have 100 men, 50 in uniform with badges, and 50 in citi zens ciotnes to act as detectives. The corner stone of the United States building to be erected at Dan ville, Va., for a United States court house, a postoffice and United States internal revenue office, has been laid with Masonic ceremonies. A San Francisco court has ffiven judgment in favor of Dr. Frederick z.eiie against tne. estate, or tner rats James Lick for professional services, The claim was for SS53.000. but the Doc tor coniessea tnere was a vana onset for $2,000 against his claim. In the Rock River. Illinois, confer ence, Monday nighty the jury in the found him guilty and decided to expel A. ? . A 1 mm irom tne minisiry ana irom mem bershiD in the Methodist church. Un less Dr. Thomas should change his mind he will take an appeal to, the Ju aiciai comerence. Ex-Qov. Franklin J. Moses, of South ling Maj. Wm. Hall, wad arraigned in the General Sessions court, in 3few lork city, and, pleading not guilty, was remanded Ifor trial Wedneadav. hut was released on one thousand dollars bail. "MY -Tnhn T.nnof nf TTarrioVinrr -"Pa VV" MMUa,V V. WV - m - i . . i sieeps wun a revolver unaer nis puiow. ti: : r , : l i: i.i - j xxis rf ixc, wuuo LUimiug up lu uou uae dav last week, nicked nn the nistnl and thoughtlessly pulled the trigger. The uuuri uosseu turuugu ner uanu ana imbedded itself in the- frame of the V. 1 1 .1 1 i l . . door Mrs. Alice Hawthorne . Mudrl. nf Tonisville. is a anriiHatfi fnr t.h nf(na of State Libraian of Kentucky. She as Eirea to tne same omce two years ago, ut was defeated. She mav fare hat ter at the next session of the Legisla ture, as a numoer or tne chivalrous Kentuckv editors are advocating her eiecuon. Consul Grinnel renorts to the Statj department from Bremen that the wheat crop of Germany last year was 106,058,066 bushels, and that 17,000,760 hnshpla were imnnriprl unnn whiAh a duty of $4,285,700 was paid. These fig- - w .u.uVAWww, W UWU M trrnwincr TVAPti nf a nrrHnf wViitVi America can best supply. The heavy import auty, nowever, Dears nardly on the laboring classes. Two hundred stun sity or Wisconsin nave revolted against a charffo. of SS-t eafh for f nl and lio-hf and will test the matter in the courts, O " A.KUV, contenaing mat as tne university is a free educational institution, any charge is illegal. The regents reply that about A rv C A.1 T T" . l t i . . 9w,uw oi me university iunas in tne treasurv can not be used until th Tor, islature reduces the lecal rate of intr, est, and that it was necessary to make aauian uuarge ior inciaentais STATE NEWS. Statesville A merivi.n. . Thrvmna A Nichilson, Esq., will soon add another cotton iactory to the two already in the county, and we learn of another in prospective. Dr. R. M. Eames reports that three experimental lines of the Statesville and Jefferson railroad, have been surveyed by Major Bomar across the Brushy Mountains, and a certainty ul a practical route oeing secureo. A young man by the name of How ard, who has been confined in jail at this place, made his escape through a hole in the roof, through which the stoye pipe passed, about 6)4 Inches in daimeter. on last Sunrlav nichr. Thia was a tight squeeze, but the feat was iwvuuipiiaiieu. On thft 28th nit Tiriitw fVkl1atiM- Walker, Coley and Stockton, seized 110 M J A. I 111 n giuiuus oi uranay, two sails ana na tures, the property of Logan Setzer of Catawba county. The property was seized on betzer s premises, near New ton. In the same neighborhood, on the same day, the same officers seized 60 gallons of illicit brandy, the property ul j auiea mcn,ea, oi vaiawoa. Laurinburg Enterprise: A fight oc- uurreu a. otewarisvuie in wis county, last Snndav. . hptwOBn Tlill 'Pvano DnH another negro man, name unknown, in tvlucu jrvans was severely cue m sever al places on his left arm and on the neck with . a pocket-knife and shot tnrough the thigh with a No. 32 car triage. It is though Evans will die. Orfifinshorn Pnt.ri.nf.' Tiua TTotfw - . AU.MM UH,. J Warren, aged 17 years, a student at the ..11 Jt ALi- 1 J. a i-i cofiiV; : KZ7mZ aZ ness of six weeks. She was the dausrh ter of Allen Warren, sheriff of Pitt county. There are about 100 pupils at Greens boro Female Cnlleo-n this tprm A few cases of dinhtheria arA rAnnrt- CU ill lUWU. Sauire Eckel nnitfd in thA hnlvhnnria of WAfllnnlr last Mnnrlav an 1H man n.t 82 summers to a vouthful maiden of VYVCULJ. No usb den vine thA fnrt AlmAof everybody kept count, and it was just nuicu uiuu tua lu nay irom me time the TTat.v-dirla fl rat-. " ia aaa w v-mulaUA vu UU bA& UVOW Aucjf noio liearu, uutiuijobn. ui, uregroy, or ureensboro, a very sncceaaful and eminAnt nhvaiman 4a the owner of thirty-two patents. He is w .UVMW kJ wweu tne original patentee or tne needle cot ton gin, one of the greatest inventions of the age. r ri - The National Bank of Greensboro nas lust paia a special deposit of twen ty-six years standing. It was made in 1855 in the Branch of the Bank of Cape Fear at this place, passed throueh all the troubles of that hanV. t.hrrmoh oil the troubles of the war. throueh the truuuies auu calamities oi lb73,tnrouca XL 1 A A m . m & 4. 1.1 a m A - .f luh uanK or tTreenarnrn. ann thna far in tne JN ationai Jank. The partv elad- ly received it, never having called for it beforehand offered compensation for iu riaitj Keeping. -Hon. AIM. StaIas haa rAtnrnftrl from his snmrrTfir Rftinrn in thA mnnnrrnno In 3 a i Milton CYhrrvn.ij'l.a- ' 'TH Vro frmrwl Inw V WWW ".WIT . . . V J aui. jxt. uiiver, or xanceviiie, ana ior Wnrdpfl tA t.VlA Sfoto lonlMTiaf fnr in. spection proves to be galena sulphuret land whiskey belonging to ElwoodiLed well. ahd seized-soma timA avn h :k. rr . .-. t -r t -a- . ttevenne omcaaisi yrere' toiri lasr Mon- aay DTiVevvw ptamen una; purchased by Mrs. Elwood Ledwell. " , Ever since T was Beveri years bid I suffered with rheumansra.; especially Fhen the weather chang ed I WOUld ftta fjaln 1 HI lMt lrht an that fnr hours i could hot moraip;: I'M'Jarti of .vwcuwio niuwiA OTUif husu A IWUTOU DW a St- OOPS Oil which cured me. i f V 1 1 j iWi.GOtaz.dobtractof,! !? I f flO Pebp AveueJ huTftt, t. A FATXt C1TASTR0PHE. . - "j -M-r iNnATEs conpELtEir to &njAp..: FRom ms WINDOWS. I mangled on Um SldewalMs ana Horn ed la laeriaaMaMTwMiir PitlTlATrtrr.WrTA .fVt: IS ThA firm At Itamhpraor'a mill lot ninht nhih ov utBiustruus to iue ana property, origi nated in the finishing room, on the sec ond floor and sDread uowards Ihrouirh J! . i- - . . . T the buildlnar with amazinn raDiditv. ADout iorty-nve of tne bands, twelve or w inn wh ra iririH urara ar isnr tr rr rnia wv ny rrvto v vaa wm vua I uuur9 uut a iU3jon.IT were euZafmx in the spinning and weaving departments J f i mv. . a noor, Dot a maiontv were engaged in - " r "-a 1 Vfl 1 AU MVVMHAMMWU nn thft nnnpr Aaam - Tha urrwvon afsiir. ways at either end of the building were . ma 9 i . a t.hft hllilriinor tvif h onnf Viar mill nroa OTinf ww vHuA.uay Abu nuwwUva lima tt h waauv off from aDoroach tv fire-Droof doors. auu iu luo ausence oi any nre escape t 4. 1 1 . uie panic was instantly caused among tk. a i l -At iuo uieu auu women connneu wiuiin the buildinsr. Thev Tnshed to the win dows crvine franticallv to the- crowd below to save them, it was proposed by the crowd to form squares in the street and catch the men and girls as j they leaped out, but before anything could be done a young woman leaped At r -1 7 i .t . irom iue nitn story, it seemea mat everv hone in her hridv wan hrolren f or she never breathed again. After this the imprisoned people seemed to be come frenzied, and although the crowd outside sought to encourage them by snouting mat neip wouia speedily oe there, thev becran iumDintr from win dows like sheep. A man apparently bereft of reason flung himself headlong J a. A 4 9 a to toe street, ana wniie nis ooay was still in the air others followed, now man then a woman, or a half-crown erlrl until in A fflw mlnntaa tltvun' human beings; one and all unconscious, with fractured skulls and broken limha wata heinor narrlad ho Unlar hands to a neiehborintr saloon, on thai - . . w w - w V WUUS J M 1 J 1 J Si F . ' . noor oi wnica ooay aiter Doay . was laid in a row until vehicles were pro- a a a a. a m mm curea to convey mem to nospitais. ay this time relatives of the victims began A" A A"3A . to gamer outsiae tne ouuaing, and cries of mothers outside to their children still in the burning rooms and their lamentations over those who had jump- ea ana ueen iirpraii v nation rr. tiionM Avere heart-rending to hear. "When flre- uicu were auie to enter me OU l la in g they found on the third floor the bodies of two females hum. ed almost to a crisp, and a man bad ly scorched and dead. Before they could search further t.fiA fnnrth floor with its heavy machinery came ed with their Uvea. Tho fl roman rr compelled then to desist in their labors u xi i . because the floors had gone throueh to the ground and machinery, charred wood, and what remained of unfortun ate operatives. Ten or a dozen, were mincrled ticfthpr in an nnrMvumiTahla mass which was seething and sending out columns of steam as cold water waa poured upon it. Seven are known to be dead and 33 injured, mostly young women. The victims were carried off in all directions, some to their homes, some to houses close by and others to various hospitals. So that their exact nnmhftr cannot vnt ha atntori "Ph woi cians say that nearly every one of the naatva nrimitfoH tn fit- VTara'a Ksta-iSf-nl will result fatally. The total number of deaths will nrnhahlv arrAaH t.wntv There being ten dead bodies in the ruins. Had the fire occurred in day- liffht fullv400 TWtnln wnnM hava hoen compelled to fight for life with flames. tv nam an nour tne names were Drought under control, leaving tha walla ntanrt. ing but the inside completely gutted out. Tne loss in property will amount to S65.00O. to offset which th am ia an insurance of $50,000. Some of the work men attribute the origin of the fire to SDarks from tha elantrirL licrht fallino among the waste, others attribute the buuucu BLiroaiu uj lnnuences oi over heated wires. The same mill was hum. ed in 1877. Two bodies havA hnan ro. covered this morning from the ruins. New York Stock ItlarkeU New York. Oct. 13 ll a. m. Th stock market onenrri sfrnno- And orcn. erally higher, and up to this hour spec ulation has been fairly firm with an up ward tendencv nf nriAs. An imnrnvn. ment from vesterdav'a clnsinc fio-nrM ranging from k to per cent, the latter in Naw York KlAva.tA.1 whih sold up from 110 to 115; Metropolitan .Elevated rose from 85 to 89, and Manhattan Elevated from 33 to 37. The advance waa nart.lv -ininoH in hv the entire list, other shares prominent werem uemg jaicnigan uentrai, New York Central. Reading. ITninn Pacific and Lake Shore. Oklo Election A Republican Cleao Sweep, CtoLTOmTTS. Oftt. 13. Phnirmnn Vooh of the Republican executive committee says returns from 51 out of 80 counties shew a net Republican gain of 2,723, ana ne estimates rosters plurality over 20.000. He estimates that at the TTnilRA will fttanrl flQ RAnnMloana fA 36 Democrats, and the Senate 20 Republi cans t 13 Democrats. This estimate uamuton eoantjr only I Bepub- 21g Democrats 12. The Charfi Anlut Parnell. DTTRT.rw fWt.' IS T.atAr ornnnta ran. tective Superintendent Maljins, at Mor- 5 f- TT.i.l A. . . iHSRri r. r nar. ram waa nrrparcn n no. A . Tl ,1 . . . . x lauii a xiotei, on two warrants signea Dy Mr. orster, cniei secretary for ire- land, charging him with inciting peo ?ie to intimidate others from paying heir just rent and with intimidatine tenants from taking the benefit of the iauu ace jrarneu was taaen to ivu-main-Ham jail J - A TV a a m a . ftaabvllle Race. Nastjatt.t -n. Tirisrw OnL 13. In one mile " race . yesterday, Bootjack won ; Rallant. v..firM timo 1 AT Ana anrl nno. fourth mile, Bootjack first; Bonfire sec- ffi uuu; muuey mirat time uzi?$. Jxxin and an eighth, Kate Clear won ; Roches ter second ; time 5.01. ChBrlea X. Parasll a mated. Dublin. Oct ia Mr. Charles S. Par- j sell was , arrested this morning at King's Bridge Railway station while vu uia way 10 attena tne jviiutuo uuu vention. It is not vet known with what offense he is charged. TTaaanalAd Jn dulh.niu. imunnuhMl fn 1 J?apnV and unrivalled in pepu&ilty la Dr. Bull'i cough syrurx 2fie ner bottle. r I BDBNXTrs COCOAINE, Unlike A '- ther Hair Pressings, Is the best for nromntina- tha rmwth of and beau tifying the hair, and rendfflng it dark and glossy. The Coco&lne hold . in ninii fmin. a larea nn. rjortlrlTl nf dMiriArfral rviniinn, rHT nmnaMul yrcsaij ior uus purpose. No otherrompouna pos sesses the neeBHar.nimnaTttaa arhlah.aa asRCtlr itiie variowcoomudnaoftl ; aub upenoruy oi BurnetraJfiayoring xxiricu consists In their perfect parity and great strength. -ail - j . i j HADE FRnv TTlwirr-rcra viTTTRTlTA arwl Parker". Hair Balsam histain) the first rank at' ao eiegant awi reliable hair restprfUve. TfMia Wells' f. BeaEfSenewer.M 1 al druggUta. -Depa leAdea,Chariolte, &.& iow Wanltlpa at Ber oiaSMriite. " Des Monies, Octs IS. The State Reg ister, has full returns from 1& pf 99 counties of the State, which gins Her-' uiau, ifccpuuucan ior- ijrovernor, -ane inajorityof 34,500. inrer the rDeniocratie capidafce. The; Register's estimate ;of i cauuiuiufL ,i:na, K.rruitA?a Aartmir m I the legislature gives the Bepvbtieans of the 60 Senators and 78 6f the 100 ncprosenuiaYes. IT WON'T PAT after so much labor and capital has been expend ed to build up this medicine, to allow It to deterio rate. Too can take Simmons' liver Begtrlator with perfect faith, as It is made by no adventurers who pick op the business of concocting medicines, w oy eaueaiea, practical druggista who have made the study of medicine and its compounds the labor for a lifetime. The care, precision, neatness ana perfection exhibited by the very ap pearance of the Regular proves it to be the best 1 1 cizr, " uv uiarn. ana i. eiiin Sm? SLT motto: "Puri88lma et I vimum ujuiwh, ana oeu; VkMnOMwl mAyllAlMv a-V.. a. J- . ... txo &avsxtlszmzuts. FOB 1EUMATISI, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Achat. 1,0 ""J000 on earth equau sr. jacom oa Ho Preparation I tnnin. An,i. m , . ."v1 . ' I u,h 6411 ud positive proof of its I claiim Directions in Havan Lanrnafea. 80LD BY ALL DBUGGI8TS ABD DEALEE8 nr mediohte. A. VOGEjLER & CO., Baltimore, Md., U. S. X. ee80d4 w ly I 1 A SURE RECIPE For Fine Complexions. Positive relief and immunity from complexional blemishes may be found in Hagan's Mag nolia Balm. A delicate and harmless article. Sold by drug gists everywhere. It Imparts the most brilliant and life-like tints, and the clo sest scrutiny cannot detect its nse. All unsightly discolora tions. eruptions, zing marks under the eyes,sallowness,red ness, ronghne, and the flush of fatigue and excitement are at once dispelled by the Mag nolia Balm. It Is the one incomparable Cosmetic. ,n 22 m 8 Wholesale and Retail. AT THE WHITE FRONT. E.M. ANDREWS, (Soocessor to E. G. Sogers.) WHOLESALE i IlETAIL KUKNITUSE DEALEB aug26 TURKEYS, GEESE, TRESH CO0NTBY CHICKENS, a -rm . . Arr JLiHfe, UAi5rA(jE. " v-vavaj, OATMEAL, And BIchmond Sweet Potatoes by the bbL , a M. HOWELL. Sale of Real" Estate. T T virtue of authority. AfinfAmiaf In Mvf-otf. r aw mmM mm W1MUU "e"B a--v vmvuicu tyu Ul9 OlBliUBCfUX January, 1880, by Thomas 3. Sprinkle and Loo- moruraae wnDurg, North Carolina to the North Carolina State "SSedJn "e Keglater'a Office of Mecklenburg SMlPS0 23, page 228, 1 will offer for sale MtheeonTt house, in the City of Charlotte, to the toberTit irafock IC'lW Wand to cSaBrt-Mty o-!W&ttd. between wSStlhSS Jj.adJointog lands of & j. 52i?trt.H-,3r UIottnd Mnv H. W. Tatum. For terms of sale apply to jr.r"SrJr. S Jfi -isw .;.! lIIUIULtUUUHl'UN.!.. U CharlcltettermtefaT J lNp2flirvm! . v.iMaa wie ins. txx. un&rioo&. -ORA.; ta . UtiJ ! ,-. Mis ml (Me i i 4i ft oth Foreign and Domestic, JUST BJBCSTVZD AT 1 ABATOGA riCHY, From Saratoga Springs, N. T. A new water re sembling the imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and in all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO. g CASKS CONGBESS WATER, Q CASES BOCK BBIDGR ALUM, 10 CASSS BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS -ATO Hnnyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY JJTJNYADI JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: DosasAwlne glass full before breakfast Jl? aperient salts snrpaises Tif?!? MedJfal otrnal-'Hunyadi Janos. n.rt 'lTXZ 1 cuicacious -JVVAAJAA WaiClt Virchow, Berlln,-"Invarlably good and prompt success; most valuable." rmr. Krantterm .ir 1 .. . tZZ. lkVC1 wi4 reiuajKaoie success. . -r- wurszDurg.-l prescribe none Prof. TstnstAV TXnuntnn V n xT a t -i more pieasani tnan its rivals, and surnassea inom in AmAQAw wa-vau aai - D., l. R fl., Eoyal MllitaiT Hos- pnai, et ey. "Preferred to Pullna and Fried- I1CUBUOU. JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist North Tryon St, CHABLOTTK, N. C. DON'T no TO SAP i Ton. a When you can get water Just as fresh and spark- tti's ireu u, uuyvH irom me spring at Saratoga, We receive this water in large block tin reservoirs Which we return nq uwn as amnHul n k. .n.j annltT. . 1 """" w HV UO ICUllOU samorei j. M. MCADKN. Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night juiyzs j Drnggist by Examination. Go to 0 H 1 H a H W. P. MARVm, igent, 0 and Successor to F. 8carr & Co. fob 4 Fresh Drugs and Pure Medicines 8 None but the Very Best Drags do I keep In my stock. Also, Toilet and faucy .&rucies, renumenes, combs Brushes, Tooth Brushes, &c, 4. GAEDEN SEEDS rQ rO 1 of all the best varieties, and warranted 1 H to De gooo. Til Physicians' prescriptions are given spec- I lal uentu Ion. Hoping to receive a share of public imuvuage, i sot, respeciruiiy, feb8 W. P. HABVTN, Agt fl a. OF Containing all the latest styles and qualities of LADIES', ALSO AH the novelties for trimmlne: S"B A thurs. ITLOWICSS, BIBBONS, SILKS, FLASHES, SATINS, ORNAMENTS, &S. none uooos, iaces, isniDroiderles, Neck Wear. Gloves and Hnslrv nnraat. biii. ri.i,- ------ . w. mw, uuario, vwou, I . . j u. Ajnuinn niiMiiii Underweariust received, that we are offering at MRS. P. QUERY oct 11 "gov ale. CITY PROPERTY FOB SALE. A DESIRABLE residence, three blocks from the . Public square in Charlotte, win be sold cheap and on reasonable terms to the right kind of a An frill af ' a ar " rv vaawi u w vu w auu AVVf AUIO aUlIO comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine well of wa- ki, oi. i us uuuatj ia auinirsuij auaprea ior ine residence of a lawyer, doctor or preacher, having ou muuuaura uuiai vi dmju iwiu, uuut ior me i purpose. . For furthsi particulars, price, terms, etc apply at . - THIS orvim ... July20,dtf - - Oty Lot lot Sale Oieap. THE Lot on the corner of Ninth street and th w North Careliiw fiimi-ftlrAO on : Ninth street and ltttteet on Nortk clriir BaiUoad. will either he sold a -orSrwSd tototwiofJ0196iee Dp. J.H.McAden's Druff Store We are now receiving our MILLINERY fiflnns Misses and Children-s Bafe and Bonnek &&vtKtistmzus , 0Ct4 4w . . ... Benson's Capne Poroiisliaii' Ovnr R OOO Ttr, Nigned a paper stating that Benson's itouliJ V rous Plasters are-snnpnoF tn uiPVv.' al',e!',e Po oct4.4w ' ' K5fic Ktelf-rZrZ'?0' Life oct4 dw4w CUTICURA irx.KinAXSJSrtTLY CUBES HUMORS 8CALP AND SKIN. OF THB oSpmsss ii Sir' fSiSs" clnal Toiit sr ili P!.??106- ..Cutlcnra Medi- IngSoapTTscMn bara fnrhMed,c,nal Shav suersoT'pVclMepof berS &nd large Park's Cher Tonk BEST HE1LTH AND STRENGTH BESTORER NOW USKD. bSSSSjb of le is ntimi HnStlU. .f8, "rer and Kidneys, and lsentlreirdiffnrSr..a"d dneys, , and other TomV. ","-.uln8'er Essences and SI sizes. irran 60c oct4.d&wdw H1&cox CO., Chemists, N. . Y. 5000 AcenU Wonf. ., ' " Life of President Garfield f His early life and career as Soldier and fittA, sn?o?the shoodStte chamber Se' : in his cell:thA Mil WAATl fl find tV.. I . u only eomptete-iST uthenuc "workT! 4W HUBBARD BB08., Pnb'rs, AUanta. Ga. St. CHARLES HOTEL STATESVILLE, N. a Tf S?611 lea8td for 8 te rears iL JKl,-LS?!?. wno?e intention Is to ""8s nouse in every respect Oommodiona aamnlu nn n. j1?. . floors. r " "u uiov uuu second J$iattRm of 1118 pubUo 13 80Uclted- HONEST 1- Twist Chewing Tobacco Beware Of tmltarlnna SiebO 2W 1ntAn M C waa Ala v Richmond and DanviUe Railroad. PASSENGER DEPAETMETTT. On and aftpr Jnna Kth 1001 Ti- Service m tha aoX.L01 . .u.vu liiia ivou wm uo as ioilOWS: N. T. 0. 8 lciQTwiDri t8-11 ?TxPress Fast Mall EASTWAED. Ko. 45, No. 47, No. 49, A. B. C. L've Atlanta 4.00 am 3.15 pm 6 80 ph Arr.Suwanee....r; 5.18 am 4.87 pm 7.45 pm g 6.54 am 5.59 pm 9.06 ra , I00003 8. 14 am 7.15 pm 10 16 pm Seneca ...... G 9.20 am 8 40 pm 11.25 pm Greenv' e ..H 10.58 am 10.20 pm l.oo am Spartan'g.. .K 12.14 pm 11.40 pm 2 11am SS8?1?- i H2PM 2.18 am 4 81am Charlotte. ..M 3.35 pmJ 8.15 amJ685am WESTWABd! U. S. Mail Express Fast Mall No. 42. No. 48. No. 50. L've Charlotte... M 12.30 pm 12?43 am 12.83 am ' Gastonla...L 127 pm 1.43 am 1.17 am Spartan.g..K 8.50 pm 4.06 am 3.12 am Greenv'le... H 5.07 pm 5.18 am 4.24 am " 8Deca G a51 pm 7.02 am 6.47 am Toccoa F 8.01pm 8.15 am 6.63 am 1 E 9.16 pm 9.81am 8.09 am a! sjiwapee...D 10.38 pm 10.54 am 9 22 am Arr. Atlanta 12.05 am 12.20 pm 10.85 am A With MTlvtriff train a nf Georgia Central and a. a. w. r. rtaiiroaas. B with Arrivino trafna flaA(n r. , . W. P. w.7rATskn.wimn "u"tt1' a arrivmg trains of the Georgia Railroad. D with LawrenravUln Rnnoh ay , rencevllle, Ga. K with NnrthAaaham BallmnJ -1 i . . from Athens, GaT vl w BUU Georgia Ebert0Q iLlr"LIne to and from Elberton, rfM.?Kla, 5d Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, 8. c. .k?. Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, a & K With Snfl.rtanhllHr nnl AoIiat11a . Durr. Union and rVthlmhta tn rr . Fd Ashe ville, and Alston and Columbia, . L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauim to and irom Dallas and Chester. O. forsil points West, North and East Pullman palace sleeping car service on trains Nps. 47 and 48, daily, without change between Atlanta and New York. a. POPE. Juno General Passenger Agent. Carolina Central B. ll Co. Change of Schedule. OFFICE GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT. JnnA A 1 WW I N and after June 6, 1881, the following Schedule will be operated on this railroad: PASSKKeiB, JCAtL ADS XXPRXSS TBAXNS DATXT XXOXFT SUITDATS. No. 1. 14876 wumington at f 45 a m I nim m uiniiviw (H,..ri 40 P m No. 2 lAaveunarioneai 8 00 a m j uuioM nuuuuBWu a.. 9 40 p m Trains Nos. 1 and 9 atnn at imnl station nn lyand points designated in the company's time These trains make close connection at Charlotte with trains Nos. 3 and 4 for Cleaveland Springs ouu ui yuiuuj vu um oneioy ui vision. FASSXSQXB ABD FBXIQHT. I Leave WllmiTioAn nt k on n m No. 6. V Arrive at Hamlet at ". . . l 28 a m ) Arrive ai unarione at 8 00 a m ) Leave Charlotte at 7 nn n. m No. 6. V Arrive at Hamlet at ' i 2fl a m i Arrive at Wilmington 9 80am NrY K Trntn la rinflv avnanr Qimaa v vA " w" v .b.w.u -mxaaj VAVaw ""M"flV lUV Ul VVAI nections to Raleigh on Saturday. No. 6 Train is dallr. excertt Satrrrrta SHSLBT DIYISIOH, FASSKNQiKH, VATrt XXPBKS3 AHD Wn o (Leave Charlotte ." 7 00 d m No 4 I Leave Shelby 6 00 a m Tralnn Nna. R And ltmilndu , Hamlet to and from Raleigh, except as above. Throueh SlMtilne- Tan hatmin , Charlotte. I Trains No. 1 and 2 make connection at Char lotte with tha A.. T. n t n .nirin. c,i. !1M . . ' " vm WllTlllg WDWWO- ylll the same evening, and connecting then with h -or' XT r' t T" laiicrmo OUU aMl poullS OU the W. N. C R. R. Traina Koa. R an1 A mnnu, " Chester and Lenoir Railroad at Ljncolntou. nr. V. . JOrUNoON. Jun25 Gen'L Sup'L Atlantic, Tennsee & Ohio Railroad jaauTBroxsT's Omoi, I Charlotte, N. a. June 5th. 1H81. f Oil ATld A.ftF flntulaw Tim A CTr 1001 tha , : euuo vu XOOli me iOilOWlTiflf AfihAaiTllA ha vi-m hla IniU " arv a.iaaa viol U1U iVOAi uoii; GOING NORTH. Leave Charlotte DavidsonCollege,.. ... 8 80 p. m ..10 24 p. m ..10 69 p. nt ..12 00 P. m Arrive at Statesville. , GOING SOUTH. Leave Statesville 2 50 a. m. 8 66 a. m. 4 81 a m. . Mooresvllle . ", Davidson CoUege,... Arrive at Charlotte,. ..... .. . "Mill e 15 a. in. J. J. QORMLEYj surt Jun8 THE OXONIAN, i A JOURNAL OF LITERATURE ft EDUCATION XX. published monthly at Oxford, .N. C, at On. Dollar a year In dranoe. ' v The Oxonian alms at Increasing the Interest for Literature and Education, and gives original ar ticles on subjects of vital importance as well as criticisms of, the newest andmost valuable publica tions. -; ' Offers decided advantages o-adverflsers. High average circulation. Advertisements are shown prominently, ara fre tron ramr. and are taste- fully displayed. Its, Mjxertlslng rates are not in excess of tta value toan advertiser. AdverUse- uioaiov uuenaea ror 'paoiicanuon ta any Issue, araua pe in ute vXTJee oy tse Bom the monto, i

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