r 4 i 2 I 4 t it 1; 71 'ill rug Mil i : 'it i; I- ssss i l . . ga unt SURE APPETISER EBON- BITTERS, we ine a oerUin and efficient tt ionic; rdiyeWnrefflo ration that Trill not DiacKcn gold bV aTrdrajtrlsaT Write fer u Mnuttng readinrjir LM.l.iiiHii lro iwm aouii ! A veaeUea a ont O'l . almaMUawedlate m BWaHHaVaU a - : ... abated, 1 6Te te uiraa mwu. ardl4 la ik aaattn drim! r Uffffi", CORN '.CORN! CORN! BAGGING AND TIES We are ageuta for THE WATT PLOW Will Mil it LOWEB than you can buy an other foi plow. Full assortment always' on band. Call and tea na before purchasing. MAYER & ROSS. aagae MY LARGE STOCK -OP HEW AND HOW 'CHEAP I AM SELLING IT. AT 13.00 PKB 81TT. Hot WINDOW SHADIS Just in. Ikesp (Saceessor to X. O.Bnmra.1 IT WHIM YStiVT. TBiaXNUIKZ Has acquired a reptH iuoq greater thao, i any . modlclns I extant -as ;. ;J rvuaa dm riaimiT 11.1 f hi i at i i ill BWUSIISIB tts Lrver Um largsst organ of the DOdyT called, Dom.tts lmpoitanos, the Httue-keerjer of our w its. JThsn the Liver is torpid, the bowels sxe 1 UnartHaih anil AAnsrlnara . ths Has I aaih ladlfestsel and poisoning the blood., Fre aetUhs4aobes,a fsellnc of lassitude, aespon soey, sas nervousness, indicate how the whole sTatswisderaaged. To prevent a more seritus I woouioa, at once Tike BIMM0NS LIVEE EEGULAT0E. RnetMtofOniesnd the experience of thoos-l saas ns proven it the best, safest and speediest Jsnsedy for all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen, as a remedy In ItAlIOUSFEYEES, yspepsia. Mental Depression, Sick Headaehe, ubk, tone, vonsapauon ana isuionsness, IT HAS NO EQUAL. f??1 fooWfted olume with such like "wnwiipea, issusaonuu as the louowlnst IfJ used Simmons Liver Regulator for eon tipattea et ny bowels, eaused by a temporary de- 2 rc tL.df. eOsftf Ua decided benent. Hnuk wabnxb, . Late Chief Justies of Georgia. t M - iiiummvrS k.aua. Ji. : -i..' f- i Biuimora urer Regulator is acknowieged jlfA&an-M lrnWl vtY tBjy hmv fjemutM to 'Whit Wrapper, with IWIJIIImA true tonic ' imrasSK: x:v rr,; e wood. HIT A WlfTT. n 1 ATJLUi fHKlK J . .. t.ll II i .: " I iff IS f fflfp rfffrf T II I w or vifoi-1 I f ff f f JF if If fy) f f f I f ft I Cu I lv,artwjiWtra- I IMf. ffi0 WJfJ f.if V. y I !". eVSrVKUfte toSmiT5i?M MEDICINE CO., MO. 818 NORTH MAIN JTitIT, ST. -reWly ,..Mi..,MaMea1eM'MnM flats H ! mi ni See FURNITURE Ito Springs 53. J'r.T -- -rrir - .inn i ,-.-- - ' w 1 f re" rarJ, rs T t Of 3 the uo 0 r rfVi s a o . ro Baltimore, Md. ton. and Conale-l t that my labor was exceedingly Jni "".-" TV7t.Lrr; ICi ,Vr.W followed b "r." TioFioNib: from which I W snH vtth double the L?trS.rrZ- With thitrana nil nerre arm before enjoyea. eikelora eoaorea. ubb miu" mw m 5Jrar.iriMtor Christian Ohnr.h. Troy. O. J. P. CELEBRATED DIMINISHED VIGOR Is reimbursed In great measure to thosa troubled with weak kidneys, by a judicious use of Hostet ter's Stomach Bitters, which invigorates and stim ulates without exciting the urinary organs. In conjunction with its influence upon them, It cor rects acidity, Improves appetite, and Is In every: way conducive to health and nerre repose. - An other marked Quality Is Its control over level and ague, and its power of preventing them. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. patM HijavT Juno 13, 1378 WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, Electro-Voltaic Appliances MSN suffering from NcrvouaWealtncssoa, Ocn eral leblllty, loss of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resulting from abuses and Othkt. Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma- timn, NeuraMa. raralyrfs, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles,- Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the vital organs. Also womM troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. 8peedy relief and romplete restoration to health guaranteed. These are tbe only Electric Appliances that have ever been constructed upon acipntillc prin ciple. Their thorough efficacy has been prac tically proven with the most wonderful success, and they have the highest endorsements from medical and scien tific men.nnd from hundreds who have been quickly &uI radically eared b their nse. Send at once or IHhstrated Pamphlet, givlD all information tree. Address. . YOLTIQ BUT C0.,Marihall, Klca. 3uly81 ; .' . I r DOES WONDERFUL CURES! Beaiige It acts on thii 'LITBB, BOWELS:! I sad KIDXETS at thaiawe time. j H ,- Beoatueltoleansee the 7tei&of thepolaon-' I I (ma humors that develops in Kidney and TJrl- II nary Slseaaea, tHHougaeaa. Jaundice, Conati.' E3 pation, Piles, or in Rhonmattom, Neuralgia,. Kervoxis Diaotdais and JFsmals Complaiata.' WHAT PBOPU BAT t Eocene B. Stork, of Jnnctirtn CUtr. ITaimaa; ays, Kldner-Wort eared him after regular Fhj- hadl oees t trying for four year. Kidney-Wort. ibX1. . Jim a. a.a uooawin, an eoitor la 3iaraoh, Ohio, sayshe tM Sot expected to Tire: Deuw bloated beyond belief, tmt Kidney-TVart eurediim. Anna X Jarrett of Bonth Bleia. Y., says ana other eotmilic&liana was endttl brth una rt I John B.lAWmice of JacltBos, iraffered J for yaore-frcmlirca- and kidney trovbleg and 1 After taking "barreU of other niedioinee." ' Aianey-wort made him weU. : uffered eight yearawitl kidney difficulty and was unable to wprfc-Kidney-Wort iuatle him - weu aa ever." PERMANENTLY CURE KIDNEY OISEASE8, v . , OLIVER COMPLAINTS, Co nstl patfon and Piles. -lartt is put no la Pry yefstsble form in tfa cans, one rstttapBtrf whleh maVesais quarts of medicine. Also in Liquid Form. Terr Cos seatrated. for those that cannot readily prs parsifc . r tW H acti icith equal tffieieneg tn etther form. GET IT AT THE DEUGGIST9. PEICE, $1.00, WELLS, BlCHABDSgJ ft C. Prop's J kr4 (Wm send the dry poat-pai3f) BrBU56T0J,Vt. 31 W II VI 1 1 1 W I March 27 d&wly mmmm I OdyVep-etableComobiinlir 1 acts directly upon the Liver,' . . . : ' V. , i T ? - . .- ,1 I a dice, biliousness. Mald Cn 1 I aTOOtiAM al,MA.l -a Al I " I 3li cuy mens vug sysLem,' regulate IprfieM WocA-Bobkt free. Dr. I ifS9 VfUJ' 1 02 J-roaawaV, Bztuoa Jamig-deod :eowlf.i- it arts like a cnarm on 4f wnvnti Dtt II MMMrM.eaejMMSMSMameSeMeaWa 'iWrili i r aHiiHTil lipj WM! Ill lI i I" I W. LfciimiilpJlTTliiTIl II tfi JL 'M in iJB M Willlw li - - - - Lga.l Insanlt y. - The last productions of Guiteaa given to the public are the following letter, to his counsel and the address . to the ppo-j pie, which saw the light in print last Thursday. He seems to prefer legal insanity to any other kind, on which he thinks he has a dead sure thing: Mr.Scovutt: J. naa.a jiizn lever last night, the worstilliaVetiad since I was F"1. sawsiactlop ijom uen. Aiuariy Sin .Tulv. I told CoL arkhM'saKtf0 the President V If Dotsaeiittt aSotce " , tm . - 5 a us e ytfu stick to huni 'liujt tonint lose A. as 1 wouia. xn.iriy aays w pitsau my book are the objects to be pressed now. Do not waste any effort in trying to proye my actual insanity. It would disgust the court and jury Legal in sanity is ail 1? claim,: aiid thl is just as real as'acttual. II tfahjt to ft the lead ing stalwarts' I'-met n BTe w I York last fall in1 my defense.' 'TPlns arid- my own testimony is about all the defense I have, as the law is with us, the law of insanity and the law of jurisdiction. See me as soon as you can. I want to get my book pat at once some way. His statement is as follows : To the Public: I wish to warn all persons to attempt no viplence;on me, as they will probably be-ahofrdead if they do by the officials having me in custody. The United States govern ment is bound to protect me and give me a fair trial, and tbe honor of the American people is at stake for my per sonal protection. I understand this hit terne8s is kept alive by certain friends of the late President wno expected or fice from him. They are mad abdat his removal, ana it is irresponsible cuaray acters of this kind that aref sefiCdhig sil ly and impertinent letters $nnThously to my attorney. These people1 had bet ter drop politics and go into other busi ness. . With greatest respect. Charles Gtjiteatj. , as Eight Monks Mardered. A shocking murder, says the St, James's Gazette was committed a fort night ago at a monastery near the for est of Vranyo-Selo, in ? Hungary. This monastery, which waf inhabited by eight monks who were believed to be very wealthy, was. attacked by:aband of brigands, but an alarm having been given, a body of soldeirs came to the rescue. The brigands endeavored to barricade themselves in the monastery, and exchanged several shots with the soldiers, who were more than an hour before they could force an entrance. When they did get in they found the monks lying gagged on the floor, but could find no trace of the brigands. After the monks had been set at liber ty they informed their deliverers that, the brigands had escaped by an under ground passage leading from the .cellar into a forest. The soldiers' at once search ed for the passage, while the monks went off to the chapel to givd thinks for. their delivery. The soldiers, haying explored the cellar and having failed to find the door of the passage, came back to ask one of the monks to act as their guide ;, but they, we re nowhere to be seen. Jn the course of further in vestigations, however, they found the dead bodies of the eight monks in a small room, and the mystery was then solved. The brigands, seeing that they could not escape, had murdered the monks and hidden their bodies in this room, Having first stripped them of their clothes and put them- On them selves. Then they gagged one another to decieve the soldiers, and while the latter were searching in the cellar, h2d made off to their fastnasses in the for est. The Business Blockade at St. Louis. All the roads leading from Chicago to St Louis now refuse to take freight for that point, not being able to have it transferred across the river from East St. Louis. There is a very serious freight blockade at the .latter point. The ferry boats cannot take the business because the transportation lines on the Other side cannot remove it from the levee. The latter are short -of horses. their animals suffering severely from tuu uv tv uiguuau aa.aa vt n cao ljxaixa. jj De The bridge company, which cannot take care of one-third of the freight that comes to that point, is much criticised for tms state or aaairs. it is claimed that it could handle all or most of tne business if it desired; butfit prefers to nse all its motive power for the trans portation of the passenger business, which is unusually neavy at present, and which pays it much better than the r t i i A. . , . ireigab uusmoss. ui ouiy are toe onsi ness interests of St Louis proper suffer ing severely from this blockade, but the roads centenngat sc. Louis are also seriously damaged, as transfers from one road to another can only be made with much difficulty and after much delay. . Disturbance lit Ireland Police chargrlnr the Crowds. LbNDONOct 17. On Saturday nieht the police frequently charged crowds of 1 n . l n r. 3 ri 1 ill. peopie on uasue lanugo anu oacKviue street Dublin. The mob shouted "to hell with buckshot," and cheered Par- nell Dillen and bther leaders-of the leagtie. 'Marry persons were seriously injured. The seyerity of the action of the police is severely condemned. The Irish population of Liverpool is in a state of great ferment All the officers oi tne regiments quartered in Ireland have been ordered to return to duty im mediately. e Army Promotions. . Washington, Oct 15. Lieut-Col. Hobt Williams, Assistant Adjutant General, to be Colonel and Assistant Adjutant-General; Major Thomas M. Vincent, Assistant Adjutant-General, to be Lieutenant-Colonel and Assist ant Adjutant-General: Captain Yan- Buren Hubbard, Assistant Surgeon, to be Major and Surgeon; Major Cyrus B. Comstock, Corps of Engineers, to be Lieutenant-Colonel of Engineers Cap tain Jas. W. Cuyler, Corps of Engi neers, to be Major of Engineers; and a large number of Other army promo tions. ; . . - , -: More Virginia Adjustment. Richmond, "VX, Oct 15. A hostile meeting took place this afternoon at 4 o'clock about ten miles from Richmond between Capt H. H. Elddleberger and Hon. G. D. Wise. Four rounds were fired without either being hurt -Mutu al-explanations andah,arM6ahle adjust ment followed. Be on time; for prevention Is bett'i than con. All coughs and colds and such affectlens of the throat and lungs as lead to consumption are cored by Dr." Bull's cough syrup, j Price ,25 cents. ... " tmt ' ' . t - : V Alluding to the TartoTH campaigns, the Wheeling InteTIlgencar Uunks that the gnat, campaign now upon as wul exceed that of 1872,' when thjCre West" philosopher was in the field and fray; Time works wonders; bat with some things it can ntake' no change. s the fallowing from our esteemed fellot cltttanH.iF. kirens,wlll sh6wt I have febjdfce Harfbatt would no? M"S 873, Wf have ? rilliss who Ips Yoanythlng. j fliti io Every dealer says the same. a i Jt m 5 HURRAH FOB 0 OUBSLDX! n.: HivSlfSelfmt 'ln Mlltlcs ' .Biw to amueefnehtsgwea inrng." ii sucn persons wvoiu vsiy ve wise i ts try that celebrated remedy Xidnty W expeuepelts tonic ana-ranoi ?uvbr) rrahfeft ff 0 LfornkitUa rsorfswyaL lardift Hvr,j -fini orAr "wnat xime .we wano. m t hnnnri tiS belt) me and Be -till SbelrfTD T - - i C -.V- 1 lklnthtt 1 isSii. ioflt'uie' wot eneoTtwr rtmrdy;w lOdajl NOOlf . TELEGRHIST ine is published tottitPfPttfcZ mt,i4 7 VisHiNGioNi Oct 14TcrTn Pvb- Agpeeeb x Genlf uTsd'Af EariyJ in Richmond, Oct. 11th. baa bee read! by me. So far as it refers to myself, the Tan of ! Gen., "Early lasthe 3oat ederata army,entitiea the speecK ffrtoatmrich. squarely and erbsaiv. ' It admits of no cmniiPaM n i discnssioh, and would- neither be met nor evaded by : recrimination, I so ar ceptit. Aly decision arrived at advised ly and maturely is that the rank of Qen. Earry,;which is his sole claim to recog- nition, does not outweigh other consiaf eratlqns" which forbid su& recognition The public of Virginia need no Wgwfr cations of facts concerning Gen. .Earnr, on which I rely, for this action, r I only desire to make it known that I am not ignorant or Tjeglectful of his speech. He could give me n&'Stisfaetioh and I can lave none even in .describing him as he is known to . all men. He may therefore proceed with his falsehoods, and wotija be insults of impnnity so far as I am concerned. ' ' . : . . . I William mahoke, Gen. Early made a speech here a few evenihgs since, grossly-abusing Mahofle. It wag said in i 'the appearance of the Siblication accredited to JSarly that eri, Mahone wrote a challenge to Gen. Iku-lf an4. referred by. letterito:,triends here saying he would adopt either alter native suggested by them. Their ad vice was to take1 no hotice'ef Early's tirade. The above ;!ette? rproibJthe outcome of the matter.; ", .' '...;.. . : Ifewr' York gtaek-iaswka.. '.: . New Yobk, Oct iMiiL'ikTtxB stock market opened generally firm but in early dealings prices declined per cent; speculations, however, soon became strong and an advance of M to to per cent, was recovered, in which' tne Micnigan central, Denver K itio Grande, Mar. & Cincinnati were pre ferred. Colorado Coal and Wabash were most prominent Cleveland, Col orado, Cincinnati & Indianapolis rose 1 per cent to 97, fell off to 05 and re covered to 96. Manhattan Elevated, which closed on Saturday at 42H opened at 40. receded to 393. advanced to 0, fell off to M and rallied to 40. Gbarleston Invites the Count De Gritsse sued will : Decorate the Do . : Oratst Tsms, Chaklestoit, S. 5, Oct 17. Major Courtney, oil behalf of this city, has in vited Count de Grasse to visit Charles ton, where two daughters of Admiral de Grasse died and were buried. On Wednesday, while the ceremonies are in progress at Yorktown. the de Grasse tomb nere, which is now being restored, wm De surmounted witn commemora tive arches of evergreen and the mound coronated with fiowers contributed by tne citizens. In the Senate . Washington, October 17. Teller was relieved rrom rurtner service on the committee on privileges and elec? tions upon his own request Sherman called up his resolution di recting the Secretary of the Treasury to transmit to the Senate a copy of the report or James t. Meiine and urged its consideration, but it went over until .Friday. . The Iron Uand John Dillon Arrest ed. - Dublin, Oct 15. John Dillon, mem ber of Parliament for Tipperary, was arrested at 4 o'clock this afternoon on the charge of treasonable practices and lodged in Killmainham jail. Sexton was arrested Friday afternoon. Steamer Capsized. New York, October 17. The steam ship Crescent City, while in the dry dock at the foot of Clinton street, was capsized this morning, being badly bal anced. The steamer was considerably damaged, Dut tne exact extent oi inju ries are unobtainable till she is righted. I found Dr. Bull's couch syrup to be a most ef fectual remedy, and feel sure that the most stub born cough and cold wlU yield to its healing in fluence. Frank S. P ce, Mew Orleans, August 6, 1876. BUBNKTT'S COCOAINK, Unlike All Other H&lr Pressings, Is the best for promoting the growth of and beau tifying the hair, and rendering it dark and glossy. The Cocoalne holds. In a liquid fo'm, a large pro portion of deodoilzed Cocoanut Oil, prepared ex pressly lor this purpose. No other compound pos sesses the peculiar properties which so exactly suit the rarlous conditions of the human hair. -The superiority of Burnett's slavoring Jxtracfs consists in their pe.fect parity and gnat strength. MOTBJKBS D0N7T XK0W B.ow many children an punished for being un couth, wilful, and IndJSerent to Instructions or rewards, simply because they are oat of health! An intelligent lady said of a child of this kind: "Mothers should know that lf they would give the OtUe ones moderate doses of Hop Bitten for two or three weeks the children would be an a parent could desire." MADS FBOM HARMLESS MATERIA L8 and dapted to the needs of fading and failing hair, Parker's Hair Balsam has tacen the first rank as an elegant and reliable hair restorative. . OF CLOTH, ONE DOLLAR, -AT- J. H. BOOK STORE. oct9, tf BcpAHiwrwirjill'ti Ornos; ??-JL i Charlotte, N. a, Xkt 18th, f ; On, and ndarr GdT TKSf. 1881 thfl vdlLfie ran over tnis rota HNG1TOBTH. ! lVtajhBrlottB,t;vi2j;;. rlPP- xaiiZJ&tfJ. syw ii, 1 km I ton aTossTUieYK.Ap-v-fo,Mrflrf IrS ... k i .n uiTv;! . The Life and Public Services ltiilro i , j i . after Ma -"oiiO' 'i .sit .j,. IT WONT-AY after semuch labsr and capital has been expend-, ed to build up this medicine, to allow It to deterio rate. .Ion can take Simmons' LtVet Bekuiator' with perfect-faiai, as ft Is made by adventurers who pick np the business of concocting mexnelses,. but iby edneated ipcaatlcal . s!rugglsts : who; have made the tadi of tAedlclna . .and . its compounds us laper xor a ;'ieome. , xne care, preaisn,! neatness and perfection exhibited by the tc ty ap- pearanee of the Begular proves it to be the best prepareo-meaKane in the maricat, ana J. u. zeuin ft CO. folly carry out their motto: "Purlssima et Opama (purest and best.) Mrs. WInslew's Soothing Bymp. Rev. Sylvanus Cobb thus writes in (he Boston Christian Freeman: We would by no -means re commend any kind of medicine which we did not know to be good parQcnlarly for infants. But of Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup we can apeak from knowledge; In ear own family It has proved a blessing Indeed, by givii! g an Infant troubled with eolic pains, quiet sleep, and Its parents unknown rest at night Most parents can' appreciate these blessings. - Here Is an article which works to per fectlon, and which is harmless; for the sleep which it affords the infant Is perfectly natural, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." And during the process of teething, its value is incalculable. We have freauently heard mothers say they would not be without it from the birth of the ct niic id till It had finished the teething siege, on any consideration whatever. Sold by all it consideration i 25 cents a bottle. druggists. THMREAT1 RHEDMATISM, Neuralgia Sciatica. Lumbaao, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache Frosfed Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and 'Aches, Ho Preparation on earth eqnala Sr. Jacob Orb safe, ru- rure. hmnu and chmait Kztarnal Beatedr. A trial entails bat the comnaratlvelv trinlBg outlay of 60 Csats, sod every one suffering with pain eon have cheap and positive proof of tu elahns. . Directions in Eleven Lsngnsges. BOLD BY ALL DBTJGGI8T8 AID DEALERS LV EDI0IE. ' A. VOGEIiER fc CO., ; Baltimore, X., C. 0. A deeSOddcw y c A SURE RECIPE For Fine Complexions. Positive relief and irnmimity from complexional blemishes may be found in Hagan's JLag nolla Bairn. A delicate and harmless article. Sold by drug gists everywhere. It imparts the most brilliant and life-like tints, and the clo sest scrutiny cannot detect its use All unsightly discolora tions, eruptions, ring marks under the eyes,saIlowness,red ness, Rugmie8s, and the flash of fatigue and excitement are at once dispelled by the Mag nolia Balm. It is the one incoiirparable Cosmetic.; We ht6 now receiving our OF MILLINERY GOODS, Containing all the latest styles and qualities of LADIES', Misses and Children's Hafe and Bonnets ALSD All the novelties for trimming: FEATHERS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, SILKS, FLASHES, , SATINS, ORNAMENTS, 4c Also our usual large and attractive stock of White Goods, Laces, Embroideries, Neck Wear, Gloves and Hosiery, Corsets, Shawls, Cloaks, Skirts, 4& Another large stock of Ladles Muslin Underwear fust received, that we are offering at tery low prices. MRS. Pr QUERY OCtll ' ' i' X Ttlrtne of authority, conferwd in a eertalrf AJ mortgage deed, executed -jtm Uie Elst day oi auunrjj i oou, oy x nomas j. gxioicie ana tiou lw i Sprtnkla.nls wile, ot ,iae.cpntt Wkeck ienburgi Jtorth Carolina to the North Carolina State Life Insnzanca Comoanrj ef Rakdff h. N.. C. Srwi recorded in thaBeglster's Office of Meckienbors county, in botfTpige 228. 1 will offer for sale, at the court house; In the City of Charlotte, to the "co luuucr. nn HnrnraaT. ine zhkji nav ar (w. at 13'oVtock M. Lots 17a . and l!76S. In 1 For terms of sale apply to Ii4uiuep . Oacd ha: i if. a Sale of Real Estate. " Wei sep: r,d t&iciuts. MffllALfATER itJBT RKCTElVtD AT 's Drag Store ARATOGA From Saratoga Springs, N. T. A new water re . sembling the imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids dlges . tlon, is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al teratlve and in all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, g CASES CONGRESS WATKR, CASES BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, J Q CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a foil supply of ft IMPORTED APOLLINARIS HflByadi Jaoos Waters. THE GREAT EDEOPEAN NOVELTY H UNYADI JANOS. THS BEflff NATURAL APKRIBJIT. IS A CATHARTIC: Doa-A wine glass full before breakfast. The Lancet "Hunyadl Janos. Baron Llebig af firms that its richness m aperient salts surpasses that of all ether known waters." The British Medical Journal "Hunyadl Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Prof. Tirehote, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Prof. Bamberger, "Vienna. "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Pro. Scanzoni, Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this." Pnf. Lander Brunton, M. D., F. B. 8., London. "More pleasant than Its rivals, and surpasses them in efficacy." - Prof. Aiken, M. D., F. R. 8., Royal Military Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred to Pulina and Fried richahalL" JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist, North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. a DONT GO TO SAEATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from tbe spring at Saratoga. We receive this water In large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J. H Mo A DSN, Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 Druggist by Examination. Go to W. P. MARVIN, Agent, and Successor to F.JScarx x Co. JOB Fresh Drugs and Pure Medicines None but the Very Best Drugs do I keep In my stock. Also, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Perfumeries, Combs Brushes, Tooth Brushes, 4c, &. GARDEN SEEDS of all the best varieties, and warranted to be good. Physicians' prescriptions are given spec ial attention. Hoping to receive a Shan of public patronage, I am, respectfully, feb8 W. P. MARVIN, Igt o 1 i a H a H H I H tt If WHOLESALE & RETAIL Druggists, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Oar stock of Drags, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs, is complete. t3TGIYE US A TRIAL. rpRT OUR DOC CAPSULES, Something new and guaranteed to make the BEST INK In the Market L. R. WBI3T0N 4 CO. yHITE and RED ONION SETS, For fall planting, L. B. WRISTON 4 CO. HAVE A IULL ASSORTMENT Of 8eeley's Hard Rubber Trusses at reasonable prices. Every Trass warranted as represented. JADHa' CORSET BRACE, A shoulder brace and support for the back com- omea. soia oy i a. WRISTON a CO. octl2 'gov gnlz. CITY PROPERTY FOB SALE. A DESIRABLE residence, three blocks from the public souare m Charlotte, will be sold cheati and en reasonable terms to the right kind of a purchaser. The dwelling is on a ran lot, has nine comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine well of wa ter, etc The house Is admirably adsnted for ins residence of a lawyer doctor or rjreacher, having au.unurjioi uumrj ur bwmij rwiu, s4us IOf Ute purpose. For, rorthsr parucularsprlee, iterms, 'M ai majh on ine corner or ninth arMar street? and 'A North CarouBAlliosd. trrMTHr,I.rr XHuroaa, wui eiuter oe sold as A suinio into twe lots of 70 byv 1VQ feet BmtMMmtTiZ tfWtoS factory pinvoses. jCTtf irT 5? Ml! DrJ.fl.McAden Bena to ' MOORE'S -BUSINESS VM1VERS1TY Atlsntau On. IrCUlar. A aetaal Rnarf naam gchoolr - JMaUithed twenty yean. oct4 4w . Benson's Capcme Porous Piai oai Work,warrantod tbe beitii" CUTICURA PERMANENTLY CURES HUMORS OF THE SCALP AND SKIN. .utlcura remedies are for sale by all druerists Crlce of Cuticura, a medical Jelly, small boxesftrt Jjarge boxes. 81. Cuticura Resolvent the new blood purifier, $1 per bottle. CuOcura Wdi ing Soap. 15c; In bars for barbers and laree con sumers. 50a Principal depot W- All m?3 POTTER, Boston. Mass. Farter's Ginger Tonic. . BEST HEALTH AND 8TRENGTH RESTORER NOW USED, Cures complaints of Women and diseases of the &f h,' B618' Lun9' L,w and and ad othe1? TontiS0?? Bltte.Glag ence. oct4,d4w4w HlCO..ChemisU,N.Y. 5000 Agents Wanted to sell the life of President Garfield 5'ne.!,1I,fland career M SoW'er and States mn,:h's elecOoa and administration; his assas Si2n;hls. lrolc struggle for life; wonderful medical treatment; blood poisoning; removal to Portrait of Garfield, his wife and mother: f.-0l.t,h?1.8nootln;the8,ck chamber; Gultsau In his cell; the surgeons and the sick cabinet The only complete and authentic work. A fortune for agents first In the field with this book. Outfit 60c Speak Quick. Address 4w HUBBARD BROS., Pub'rs, Atlanta, Ga St. CHARLES HOTEL STATES VILLE, N. C. THIS house has been leased for a term of years by Mrs. Dr. Reeves, whose intention Is to keep a strictly first-class house In every respect Commodious sample rooms on first and second floors. The patronage of the public is solicited. lulyl,dtt HONEST 1 Twist Chewing Tobacco Beware of Imitations. None geutne unless ac companied with our "Honest 7" copy-righted label which will be found on head of every box. xaanuiaciurea only DJ t UQWN 4 BBO., Bfeb20-2w 71natnn K r. - I. M. ... Richmond and Danville RiM. PASSEITGEE DEPAETMENT. On and after June 5th, 1881, Passenger Train Service on the Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line di vision of this road will be as follows: FREE For Illustrated Ci N. T. U. 8. U. S. Mall Express Fast Mail EASTWARD. No. 45, No. 47, No. 49, A. - B. C. L've Atlanta 4.00 am 8.15 pm 6.80 fm Arr. Suwanee D 5.18 am 4.87 pm 7.45 pm ' Lula E 6.54 am 5.59 pm 9.06 pm " Toccoa Y 8.14 am 7.15 pm 10 16 p " Seneca. G 9.20 am 8 40 pm 11.25 pm " Greenv'le ..H 10.58 am 10.20 pm 1.00 am " Spartan'g...K 12.14 pm 11.40 pm 211 am Gastonla....L 2.36 pm 2.13 am 4 31am " Charlotte ...M I 3.35 pmI 3.15 am 5.85 am : ntt v. a. WESTWARD. U. 8. MaO Express Past Mall No. 42. No. 48. No. 50. L've Charlotte... M 12.30 pm 12.43 am 12.83 AM " Gastonla...L 1 27 pm 1.43 am 1.17 am " Spartan'g- K 8.50 pm 4.06 am 8.12 am " Greenv'le... H 5.07 pm 5.18 am 4.24 am ' Seneca G 6.51 pm 7.02 am 5.47 am Toccoa F 8.01 pm 8.15 am 6.68 am " Lula E 9.16 pm 9.81 am 8.09 am " Suwanee. ..D 10.88 pm 10.54 am 9.22 am Arr. Atlanta 12.05 am 12.20 pm 10.35 am CONNECTIONS. A with arriving trains of Georela Central and A 4 W. P. Railroads. B with arrivlne trains of Georela Central. A. fc W. P. and W. 4. A. Railroads. C with arriving trains of the Georgia Railroad. D with Lawrence ville Branch to and from Law- rencevllle, Ga. E with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga. F with Elberton Alr-Llne to and from Kberton, Georgia. G with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, 8. C . H with Colombia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, 3. C - K with Spartanburg and AshavOle, and Spartan burg. Union and Columbia to and from Henderson ana Asnemie, ana Alston and Colombia. L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and from Dallas and Chester. M with a, a A.-C C.-B. 4 D. and A, T. 4 O. for all points West North and East Pullman nalace- slaenlna' car anrvUM nn train a Nos. 47 and 48, dally, without, change between Atlanta and New York. A POPE, Juno . . General Passenger Agent. Carolina Central H R. Co. Change of Schedule OFFICE GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT; WnjfntGTOK, N. a, June 4, 1 881 ON and after June 5, 1881, the sallowing: Schedule win be operated on this railroad: PASSIKGXB, XATL AHP AXPRISS TBABV DAH.1 - XXCXPT SOKDAIS. w. . 1 Leave Wilmington at.M... t 45 a m " ' f Arrive at Charlotte at-... 45 p m . ) Leave Charlotte at. .. 6 00 a m ao' .Arrive at Wilmington 125pm Trains Nos. 1 and 2 stop at regular stations on ly, and points designated In the company's time table. These trains make close connection at Charlotte with trains Nos. 8 and 4 for eieavelane Springs and all points on the Shelby division. PASSKNGXB AND TOH9BP. ) Leave Wilmington at.. 6 80pm No. 6. Arrive at Hamlet at 1 26 a m ) Arrive atCharlotte at 8 00 a m ) Leave Charlotte at 7 30pm No. 8. Arrive at Hamlet at 126am I Arrive at Wilmington 9 80am No. 5 Train is dally, except Sunday, but no con nections to Raleigh on Saturday. No. 6 Train is dally, except Saturday. BHJELBT DIVISION, PASSENOIB, MAIL, XXPKBSS AND FKXIHT. v. o 1 Leave Chartotte...; 7 00 p m ( Arrive at Shelby , 10 80 pm No. 4. LLea Shelby 6 00 a m n9'' f Arrive at Charlotte.. 9 80 a m Trains Nos. 5 and 6 make close connection a Hamlet to and from Raleigh, except as above. Through Sleeping Cars between Raleigh and Charlotte. Trains No. 1 and 2 make connection at Char lotte with the A, T. 4 O. R. R., arriving at States vill the same evening, and connecting then with the W. N.C.R.R, for Ashevllle and all points on the W. N. C. B. R. Trains Nos. 8 and 4 connect closely with e Chester and Lenoir Railroad at Lmoolnton. V. a JOHNSON. ran25 Gen'L 8up't FRESH Mate JtUST RECEIVED. rT 4i ??U:- !;.. ' i ti't! : 1 - h.nt t i:, 8 flll OBiASilRafONES. 1 . TV -- . fry. 'Vir. 'VMS t