ILaJ, B. JONES, EAif r 4c Prrletor lfWiuin AT POBT-OtTlCT AX QUBLOTTS, W. 0. AS BOOMD-CLASS MATTEL 1 WEDNESDAY, OCT. 19, 1881. Now we will see whether coercion in Ireland will coerce. Senator Mahone has left Washington to attend to his campaign in Virginia. Virginia duels are getting to be quite harmless and correspondingly amusing. There are 8,000 men at work on the new railroad between Home and Ma con, Ga. Jubal Early is nearly eighty, but he uses cuss words with the vigor of youth. Just to accommodate Vennor, we suppose that snowstorms put in an ap pearance in Canada. Gen. John C. Fremont, Governor of Arizona, has resigned. It is rumored that Gen. Banks is to be his successor. Biddleberger seems not to be averse to duelling. He had two on has hands in one day ; but didn't riddle anybody. The Tunis difficulty has become so serious that it is said it will take 100, 000 men to cope with the insurgents. There is a fine collection of Chinese and Japanese fabrics at the Atlanta Exposition. Ohio Republicans don't seem to take well to the colored man. Bob Harlan, the only one run by them for the legis lature was beaten. In England it costs a man $7.60 a year to carry a pocket pistol, but in Ire land it costs him a term in prison to talk about 'em. Richmond has an industrial exposi tion which was opened last Friday night with a chorus by three hundred male voices. James Bon, white, and Floyd Price, colored, are in jail at Greenville, South Carolina, for retailing liquor without paying the special United States tax. Boston has subscribed 850,634.58 so far to the Michigan relief fund. Bos ton people have their peculiarities and one of them is a ready disposition to re lieve distress. Numerous meetings of Irishmen are being held in this country to protest against the arrest of the leading Land Leaguers by the British government David Davis, President pro tern of the Senate, has appointed James E. Harvey, a Democrat, on the Washing ton staff of the New York Sun. his private secretary. Gov. Wiltz, of Louisiana, whose death has been expected for some time, died Sunday morning. He was but 38 years old. Louisiana mourns him sin cerely. The accumulation in the New York postoffice from unpaid money orders exceeds $1,750,000. Congress will be asked at the next session to pass an Act covering the money into the treas ury. There was a special election held in Texas in September and they haven't got through counting the votes yet That's why Gov. Roberts couldn't go to the Yorktown centennial. Washington is a city of rumors. The last is that the Democrats want to have Mahone killed so as to get a Democrat in his place, and thus secure control of the Senate. But Mahone won't accom modate them. The population of Alaska consists mainly of forty-seven liquor dealers and some natives. The liquor dealers Want the territory admitted as a State, but the natives are indifferent about it Was Captain Hooper, who squatted on Wrangell land a Land leaguer who took this way of seizing that frigid ter ritory to produce a coolness between the Britons and the Yanks ? Thirsty visitors to the Atlanta Expo sition complain that the liquor shops are closed at midnight, and others prob ably complain that they do not open early enough in the morning. It is stated that the longest drought which this country has ever known was In the year 1762, when for 123 days in succession, ending September 1st, no rain fell over a considerable part of what was at the time settled territory. The Louisville News says there "is a malignant sore throat afflicting people in Burke county that is singularly fa tal. Dr. Hurdock says it is quite dif ferent from diphtheria. When the windpipe becomes affected there is scarcely any hope of recovery.'' Some unknown wretch laid a pack age of dynamite upon the track of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad at Zanes- vine, Ohio, on Saturday. But for its accidental discovery a passenger train would have probably been blown to atoms. wnen the parties who are buyintr Confederate bonds get the "residue of tne remainder" of the ConfedAratA fundTA; in if u . ? aws runda deposited in the Bank of Eng- larifl A Will rinl. V,- if the final collapses of this mundane " w " j nuuwuuw buo iw;h sphere do not occur in the mean time. A Russian, direct from Odessa. rasa- d through Chattanooga on Saturday, xor jnaneua, ua, and in the course of u interview nam to a coneDondnt that 600 of his fellow-countrymen came over wun mm, and many more sneediW luuvw. ii myb many win come South. 1 TT ... " xjaaj inwu Evelyn Bertie, tha yougiaugaverol the Earl of Ab- Dingdon. has entered a convent Rltn. alism educated her to Catholicism, it is MUUi UUk WCJ IULIUVH U1B.E all Tnarla u,., out the tame length, breadth afiCFimoothnjBs. GETTING SERIOUS. The news from Ireland is of the most exciting character, telling of mobs and collisions between the people, soldiery; and police. Throughout. the Island .the srreatest indignation prevails ) ovex'the despotic arrest of the Irish leaders and the evident purpose of the government to suppress agitation and freedom of speech. Thousands of people who have heretofore not co-operated with the leazue are now warmly' enlisted with it Thfi lack of arms and munitions of war, may prevent an attempt at revolu tion for which the people are in an ex cellent frame of mind. If it was Mr. Gladstone's purpose to bring on a con flict between the people and the gov ernment which would afford excuse for declaring martial law, he has suc nooAoA hnt onlv temporarily, for he might as well undertake to to stop the wind from blowing with his policemen's clubs, soldiers' bayonets, and martial proclamations, as to stop the agitation of the question which has stirred that country and has begun to stir both England and Scotland. What ever the outcome of the present con flict may be home rule is among the decrees of fate ; feudalism called land lordismbelongs to past ages. CUITEAXJ'S CASE. The indications are that those who anticipated an early hanging of GuH teau will be disappointed. The pro gramme of his counsel now seems to be first to argue the question of jurisdic tion and avail themselves of all the provisions the law affords, to carry the case up to the Supreme Court Thus they secure delay and every day gained is that much in the criminal s favor. Even now public excitement has very much subsided, and but very few peo ple show any interest whatever in the assassin any further than to see him tried and punished according to law. All the numerous threats of speedy death by avenger's hands seem to have been forgotten, and he goes into court as unmolested as any other criminal. For Guiteau there seem to be now rather a feeling of contempt than of resentment, inspired by his cowardly, cringing fear of death. He has degen erated into the shrnking coward and not the bold, desperate assassin he was at first supposed to be. The very contempt into which he has fallen may at last save his life. AN ENGLISH PROPHESY, An English critic, speaking of the Southern States of the Union, prophe sies that their future development is to be one of the wonders of this century, No doubt of it. The next quarter of a century will show more growth and development in the South than in any other portion of the American conti nent. She has inexhaustible stores of wealth which have scarcely yet been tapped, but which are opening up day after day and year after year. Where there is a dollar invested now, thou sands will be in a few years and the thousands will grow to millions. No section of all this broad domain has such a wealth of forest, field and mine, so easy of development and promising such grand results when developed. The South has a great future before her, a future that in years gone by her people never dreamed of. An Atlanta correspondent of the Sa vannah jyews in speaking or the jour nals of Atlanta says : Noticing the improvements, I forgot to say that newspaper men are very prosperous in this town. My friend Hemphill has a 20,000 house, Mr. Finch has a $25,000 one, "H. W. G." has a $2u,uoo one, captain noweii has a $15,000 one all very stylish domiciles and well worth the prices mentioned- while our old friend Harris has a neat cottage and handsome grounds. Sid ney Herbert (Chatham) has a neat cot tage, value unknown, but not as much as the above. Mr. Peck, who writes those hair-raising stories in the New York Ledger or weekly, has a hand some home. With such good luck, is it any wonder that these gentlemen "toot" the Atlantese horn i All of which 13 additional proof of the fact, if any were wantiug, that At lanta is a live burg. Where newspapers flourish the spirit of progress is abroad and onward is the motto. No better index can be found of progress and prosperity. It is predicted that Judge Davis will, before a great while, have good reason to regret that his ambition led him to fall such an easy victim to the cajole ries of the Republican Senators. The next move from that side, possibly at this session of the Senate, but more probably at the December session, will be to bring in a resolution for the elec tion of some Republican Senator Presi dent of the Senate. Of course Judge Davis cannot vote on such a proposi tion, as to do so would be a vote for himself. Thirty-eight Senators, includ ing Mahone, will then make a majority of one, and carry the motion for the election of a Republican presiding of ficer. The feelings of Judge Davis in retiring from the chair under such cir cumstances will not be so enviable as those of Mr. Bayard last week. Philadelphia Times: Quite a number of organs, disappointed that Senator David Davis did not materially assist ,the Republicans in the organization of the Senate before he had himself been proposed for something, roundly abus ed him as a trimmer. Kow that he has been elected Vice-President by the par ty the overhauling of their opinions af fords an excellent opportunity for mor- alizing and a good field to display ver - ,.arjm b i - J John Kelly has been conquered at last, and he surrenders, but not crace- fully, to the Democratic atrthoritv df New York, At the Tammany c"onven- tion on Friday he announced his pur pose to support the Democratic State ticket, notwithstanding it was nomina l ted by his enemies. A big counterfeiting enterorise was broken up within the past few days by arrest oi nineteen of the gang in luucKy ana Tennessee. They nro- vww to BIIOVA thAtr mannfanfnA I tv.- ... at and dollar, tw Uir . . i circulation were also captured. ni ,;r . yut m nana ipr at iroRKTotrjr. An Inspiring- Scene ecorated Ship pins' Gar Uniforms and Martial StralnsIAying- the Corner Stone. Yokk6wn. Va- Oeti 18. The scene on the river front td-day was .inspirinsr. Men of war, "passenger steamers, boats-' ana pleasure craits were proruseiy decorated with flags and streamers. Salutes were constantly being fired in honor of arriving dignitaries, and the air was filled with mnsic by the num berless bands. These with the gay uni forms of the templars and military, and the great crowds of people who" gather ed to witness the display, contributed to make a scene of great interest At 11 o'clock Gov. Holliday and his staff met in Lafayette hall, which was beau tifully decorated, and welcomed the Governors of other States and other distinguished guests. Gen. Hancock called and paid his respects, and an in terchange of pleasant greetings occu pied the time until the arrival of Presi dent Arthur and the French guests. At 12 :30 the masonic procession, un der direction of ex-Senator Withers as marshal, marched into the hall. President Arthur, accompanied by Secretaries Lincoln, Hunt and James, was escorted to the stand amid the cheers of the crowd. The ceremonies then opened with prayer bv Rev. Dr. Nelson, a grand son of Gov. Nelson, who commanded the Virginia malitia at Yorktown. He thanked God for the one hundred years of blessings vouchsafed this country ; for Washington ; tor our allies ana ior our victory. ie prayea ior peace among all nations aid fraternal con cord among the sections of our own country. At the conclusion or the prayer the band played the star span gled banner with arbitary accompani ments. Gov. Holliday then delivered an ad dress pf welcome. Senator Johnson, of Virginia, chair man of the Congressional Commission, made a few appropriate remarks, con cluding by saying that the column now to be erected was to commemarate not only the victory of the colonies but the part taken in mat victory oy tne French. The recognition and acknowl menti of the aid given by France to this country was a solemn duty left by the continental congress to its successors, and nowaf ter a lapse of one hundred years, the congress of the thirty-eight States and fifty millions of people, is fulfilling that duty. The corner-stone of the monument was then laid with masonic honors Dy the Grand Master of Virginia, Peyton Coles. The trowel used was a historic one, and a pattern made from Commo dore Perry s flagship .Lawrence, ana was used on a similar occasion in lay ing the corner-stone of monuments at Monmouth, New Jersey, and of the Egyptian Obelisk in Central Park, New Yorfc. At the conclusion of these ceremo nies, the I'resiaenc ana party ana ine foreign guests returned to the war ves sels on tne river. The military continued to arrive un til late in the evening. Fltods in tne Western Riyers. CnicAGO, Oct. 18. The rain fall over the Northwest still continues, and the troubles caused by high water seem to be increasing. At Quincy it is feared that a breakioglof the levees is again imminent, the water Demg as high as last June. At Keokuk the Mississippi river con tinues to rise. This morning at 10 o'clock the stage of the water being 2 inches above the great rise of last spring which caused such great dam age. At Alexandria, 5 miles below here, the water is backing up over the prai rie, and there is a prospect that the town will be completely inundated. The railroad shops and lumber yards in the southern part of the city are com pletely surrounded, and operations have been suspendea. it is iearea that the river will rise another foot, and that a very disastrous flood will result. A Grand Gift. Dr. Henry Foster, who for thirty-two years has been widely known in con nection with the Clifton Springs (N. Y.) Sanitarium, which he has built ud and superintended, has now donated that entire property, estimated in value at auvuu jiw.wu, tu uuiu vl wuaccco, i consisting or aisunguisnea Disnops ana clergymen oi various x ruwjuwini, ue- nominations, who are to use the proper ty for the benefit of three classes of beneficiaries, namely, missionaries and their families who are dependent upon their salaries for support, ministers of the Gospel other than missionaries who are also dependent upon their salaries for support, and teachers who may be unable to pay ior their treatment, and upon the Bame conditions as members or the church. Tne Weather. Washington, Oct. 18. Indications: Middle Atlantic States, partly cloudy weather and ram. westerly shifting to northeasterly winds, higher barometer. lower temperature. South Atlantic States, partly cloudy weather and rain, westerly shifting to northerly winds, stationary or higher uaromemr, lower jxinuerabure. liuir. states, partly cloudy weather and rain, northeasterly winds, station ary or higher barometer and lower temperature. Ohio Valley and Tennessee, partly cloudy weather and rain, northerly shifting to easterly winds, rising, fol lowed by falling barometer, falling fol lowed by rising temperature. Excitement Increasing-. London, Oct. 18. The 52nd regiment embarked for Ireland to-day. The wo men and affects will remain in Eng land as the regiment was ordered into active service. The press association says it i3 informed that the Irish privy council has decided to proclaim Dublin city under martial law. A proclamation will be issued warn ing all loyal citizens to remain at home after dark. Further arrests are expect ed after to-day's meeting of the Land League. , Conference Between Cotton Drokere and Splnnere AiONdon, uct. ia. xeswraay's con- ference between the Liverpool cotton brokers and Manchester spinners' asso ciation, relating to "futures." arrived at no decision on any suggestions discus sed. The suggestions included the adoption of a system of monthly settle ments, publication of all sales of fu tures and making of all contracts with good ordinary clause instead of low middling clause. Tne President at Yorktown: 1 Yorktown, Oct. 18.-The steamer Excelsior with the Yorktown congres- sional commission on board arrived this morning and received salutes from General -Hancock's camp and the war vessels in .the harbor. Shortly after the Despatch and Tallapoosa hove in sight and were saluted by the camp and gunboats. President Arthur left thai Despatch about 11.30 o'clock and pro ceeded to Lafayette Hall where he was received by the Governor of Virginia. t i i i i Common sense. For all eases of coughs, colds, vieuuo, eve, use vr. siui cougu Bjrup. irHSdMOlQUITOES. f i'lfce bbi 'of "Bonsa on' Bats'? wQl keep a house free from files, mosquitoes, rats and mice, the en- uis season. - .urugKisis. i ;-"tt: ''! ' r- ... ' , rfoiin iusjinnesi gars; Dr. Benson. I will pray for ffM Mfl lAniv mm V Mmm tmnmnrnm wmrl IaaIt me when I was sick and In the hospital, and sent um iiwv iMjjoa oi joor ueiery ana unamomue fills, and-the cured me sot Sciatica, Neuralgia and ITEMS OF INTEREST. : Ta the rude momimpnta whieh have been: erected in. the Mam moth Cave to tne memory or distinguished men, and which now number nearlv three hun dred, some of them reachinc frora floor to roof, one in honor of Gen. Burnside was added on the day of his burial by a party of visitors from Providence, R. I. These rough piles of stone are an impressive feature of the cave. Of the 6,476 counles married in Phila delphia last year, according to the of ficial returns as-made by truthful min isters, none of the women married had passed the age of thirty years. Either the widows and old maids are not in demand in Philadelphia, or there has been some loose transactions in the granting of marriage licenses. Statistics show that there are 40.000 breweries in Europe, and that the 113.- 000 dealers in England and Wales are devoted to the sale of liauor in some form or other. This only shows that the Europeans are human as well as Americans, and they are "catching-on" to our vices with avidity. The census returns show that the Southern cotton mills make finer goods on the average than those of New En gland, earning eleven cents a yard for the goods turned out by tkem, whereas the New England mills get only eight and a half cents. The Cincinnati exposition closed with a aencit or over $15,000, which will come out of the guarantee fund. This was the ninth exhibition, and the sec ond one which did not pay a cash re turn to its projectors. Paris capitalists have subscribed 620r 000,000 to tunnel the St. Lawrence at Montreal and construct the South Shore Railway. A MODEL. INTERVIEW. The Snort Talk, of Congressman Till man with Editor Bacon. Edgefield, S. C, Advertiser. Verbatim et literatim. We are rush ing from the court house across the square on saleday at 10 a. m., and we meet our distinguished representative in Congress rushing toward the court house. As we dart nervously to one side to avoid so ponderous and fatal a collission, both parties rushing onward, we cry out : "George, the people are ex tremely anxious to hear your views on the political situation. Do write some thing for us and let us have it in the morning. And the answer comes back to us thus, the Colossus still striding onward in his course: "Oh, Lord God, Jim, I've got no time to write nor talk ; and if I had, all I've got to say is, let us go on building our railroads and call a Constitutional Convention to get our State Constitution bettered." And thus ended the interview. And there was more in it than in most interviews. mm i i i In Good Taste. Wilmington Star. The resolutions adopted by the ex- Confederates in their recent re-union at Raleigh are in good taste. We were pleased that they emphasized their de votion to the Union. All who know the material that made up the North Carolina Confederates know that they are loyal and true, and may be trusted in their Dliehted word. Thev did their duty grandly in the late war. They have done their duty to their country in the sixteen years of peace. Proposed Railroad Extension. Alexandria Gazette. Efforts are now being made, with favorable prospects of sucoess, for the extension of the Manassas Gap Branch of the Midland Railroad to the coal fields in West Virginia. The prospect has been brought to the attention of Northern capitalists, and presents such exceptional chances for remunerative investments that they have taken it in to serious consideration, and the indica tions are that what is now a proposed extension will soon be in the way of becoming a rapidly accomplished fact. Declines the Otfer. London, Oct. 18th. It is understood that Sexton has declined the offer of the Government to release him from imprisonment on account of his health, nroviaea he leaves tne country, it is provided he leaves the country, it not considered probable that the mem bers of Parliament in Killmainham jail will be detained beyond three months. Closing: the Liquor Shops. Limerick. Oct 18. All liquor shops have been ordered to close their doors from 5 this evening until to-morrow morning in consequence of the appre hensions or a riot Married, and ret unhappy. How many a borne has besn robbed of tansbtne and happiness and rendered sad and desolate by the loss ol some dear and petted child. This is a dangerous sea son for children, and parents should keep Dr. Bull's cough syrup handy. Price 25c a bottle. INDULGENT PARENTS Who allow their children to eat heartily of highly seasoned food, rich pies, cake, etc, will have to nse Hop Bitters to prevent Indigestion, sleepless nlfhts, sickness, pain, and perhaps death. No family is safe without them in the house. Thousands of women have been entirely cured of the most stubborn eases of female weakness by tne use of Lydia is. rinKnanvs vegetable com pouna. send to sua. ucua je. nnknam, 233 western Avenue, Lynn, Mass ior pamphlets. Midland N. C. Railway (Atlantic and North Carolina Division.) PASSENGER DEPABTM'T. Time Table 11. to take effect Monday. 12. -OK a. m.. October 8rd, 1881: No. 47. GOING EAST. ABEIVK. LXaVS. Goldsboro 7 00 pm 7 82 pm 7 50 pm 8 05 pm 8 25 m 8 55 pm 9 21 pm 9 41 pm 9 60 pm 10 25 pm 10 59 pm 11 10 pm 11 80 pm 11 84 pm 12 17 am 12 84 am 12 54 am Best's 7 82 pm 7 45 pm 8 05 pm 8 20 pm 8 55 pm 916 pm 9 41 pm 9 50 pm 10 10 pm 10 59 pm 11 10 pm 11 80 pm 11 84 pm 12 12 am 12 84 am 12 51 am 1 00 am Itf Orange Falling Creek .... Klnston Dover Core Creek Tuscarora Clark's New Beme Rlverdale Oroatan Woodbrldge Havelock Kewport Hollywood Macon Hotel Morehead Depot. . No. 48. . . GOING WEST. ' ' ARRIVE. LEA VS. Morehead Depot 8 20 am Macon Hotel 8 25 am 8 85 am Hollywood 8 50 am 8 50 am Newport 4 08 am 4 13 am Havelock 4 49 am 4 49 am Weodbridge 454 am 4 54 am Croatan 5 12 am ' 5 12 am Rlverdale 5 25 am 6 25 am New Berne 5 58 am 0 10 am Clarke's 6 80 am 6 80 am Tuscarora 6 40 am 6 40 am Core Creek 7 01 am 7 06 am Dover 7 27 am 7 27 am Klnston 7 54 am 8 14 am Falling Creek 8 29 am 8 29 am La Orange 8 44 am 8 49 am Best's 9 01 am 9 01 am Goldsboro 9 85 am Train 48 connects With Wilmington A Weldon train, leaving Goldsboro 90 a. m. for Bichmond, Baltimore, rmiaaelphla, New York, and points North, East and West, and with the North Caro lina train, leaving Goldsboro 1:45 p.m. Tram 47 connects with Wtimimrtnn a Waliinn train from Bichmond. Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, amd points North, East and West, that arrives at Goldsboro 6:80 p. m. Wihiihigton ft Weldon trains leave Goldsboro, North, 90 a. m., and 1024 p. m.. South, 6:86 p. m., ana a :04 p.m. -North Carolina Rullmof train man aiui nan. 5SSFwL!?2,tS OpWabonv 8ouUi, 15 p. m., ar rive, rtertn. 8 25 p. m. e5RI? T!ht?',9,J1' S- arrives Goldsboro 8:00a. m.; leaves Goldsboro 420 am. Steamer for Elizabeth Cltj leaves New Berne, Tuesday, 2 OO p. m., andJtidar 20 p. m., ar- i ' J. B.TATKJ, Kt5 Chief Engineer ft Gen'l Mao. Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, Boys CANNOT JAIL TO BE SUITED IN OUR STOCK FOR THE yy guarantee that every pair of SHOES we sell shall be found Just as represented, and shall allow no money. Our stock has been carefully selected with a view to the wants of all classes of customers, and goods, of the very best quality and aU grades, from suit yon and at the lowest possible prices, you cannot sepl3 Strengthening- UarrUonn Limerick, Oct. 18 The 20th regi ment arrived here to strengthen garri son. The authorities keep the telegraph office open all night for the transmis sion of military and police telegrams. Lydia B. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound is a remarkable remedy for all those painful com plaints and weaknesses so common to our best female population. send to Airs. Lyaia s. nnknam, uaa western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. MANY MISERABLE PEOPLE dras: themselves about with failing strength, feeling that they are steaauy sinking into tneu graves wnen, Dy using Parkers Ginger Tonic, they would find a cure commencing with the first dose, and vitality and strength surely coming back to them. Bee other column. FADED OB GBATHAIB gradually recovers Its youthful eolor and lustre by the use of Parker's Hair Balsam, an elegant dressing, admired for Its purity and rich perfume. $tistzllzcmBVcs. NEURALGIA, Nervous Irritability, Sciatica and all painful nerv ous diseases. A treatise by a well known physl- olan, a specialist on these subjects, conoludes as follows: "Neuralgia Is one of the most painful of diseases, and is attended with more or less nerv ous irritation. Sciatica is also a form of neural gia, and all painful nervous diseases come under that name. Neuralgia menns nerve ache, and therefore you can suffer with neuralgia in any part of the body, as the nerves are supplied to every part. "I have for many years closely studied the cause of neuralgia, and the nature of the nervous sys tem, with the many diseases that it is subject to, ana nave iouna Dy actual experience mat the true and primary cause of neuralgia is poverty of the nervous fluid it becomes impoverished and poor, and in some cases starved, not because the pa tlent does not eat, but because what is eaten is not appropriated to the nervous system. There are many causes for this, but Dr. C. W. Benson's celery and Chamomile Pills have In my hands proved a perfect remedy for this condition and these diseases." Sold by all druggists. Price. 50 cents a box. Depot, 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mall, two boxes for 81, or six boxes for 82.50. to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DI8EASES OF HAIR AND 8CALP, SCROFULA ULCER8, PIMPLE8 and TENDER ITCHINCS on mparts of ttie body. It nutkes the akin white, soft and smooth; rtmovM tan and freckle, and ia tha BEST toilet ill wing In w WOULD. Elegantly put np, two bottles in one package, consisting of both internal and external treatment. All first class druggists have it. Prioe 11. per package. oct4 MRS. LYDIA E. PIKKHAM, OF LYNH, MASS., LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOTftTD. Is a Positive Cure fMintlm Painful Complaints and WufaMMW M wamtB to onr best female population. It will curs entirely the worst form of Female Com plaints, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Ulcer tlon, railing and Displacements, and the consequent Bplnal Weakness, and if particularly adapted to the Change of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus la as early stage of derelopment. The tendency to oao. oeroui humors there Is checked very speedily by Its use. It removes falntness, flatulency, destroys all era ring for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nerrous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently cured by Its use. It will at all times and under all circumstances act In harmony with the laws that gorern the female system. Tor the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound Is unsurpassed. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COM POUND is prepared at 33 and SS6 Western Arenue, Lynn, Mass. Price $1. Six bottles f or SS. Bent by mail is the form of pills, also In the form of losenges, on receipt of prioe, 91 per box for either. Mrs. Plnkham freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Bend for pamph let, Address as above. Mention thit Paper. Ho family should be without LYDIA E. PINEHAM t LIVER FILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness, and torpidity of the liver. 26 cents per box. tST Sold by all Druggists. t v sep3 "fr FOR RENT. FOB the year 1882, or for a term of years, that commodious and elegant dry goods store, on Trade street, now occupied Dy u. morns a tsro. Possession given 1st January, IE 82. For terms apply to uapt. v. y. Jonnson, or oct9 lm F. 8 DeWOLFE. WANTED ! CONFEDERATE BONDS WITH ALL COUPONS FBOM JULY, 1865, ON. ALSO COTTON BONDS. State quantity and price. 672, New York. Address "J1MES." Box octlBat NOTICE. Sale Under Execution. I WILL sell for easH, on Monday, the 24th day of October. 1881, to satisfy executions In my hands the entire stock of jxwklrt. of evert kind and description, now In the store house oe if 1 t cupica py jonn x. auuer. If. E. ALEXANDER, oetl8tds Sheriff. OF BOOTS FALL AND WINTER the finest French Kid Button Boot to the Heaviest do better than at our store. Give us a calL A. E. GENERAL "Wholesale Grocers 1217 CARY Because of the cheap rates of transportation, and the location of Bichmond, she offers spe- miT13 10 WnoIe8ale Bu5"e1,9 m North Carolina. We claim to stand at the top. W. T. BLACKWELL & CO. - Durham. N. C. Jggnfoctnrers of the Original aad Only Gonuins TOBACC Mar 22 ly tisczllvaizavLs. This great specific cures that most loathsome disease SITPHIXiIS WHETHEB IN ITS PRIMARY, SECONDARY OR TERTIARY STAGE. Removes all traces of Mercury from the system. Cures scrofula, old sores, rheumatism, eczema, catarrh, or any blood disease. CURES WHEN HOT SPRINGS FAIL! Malvern, Ark., May 2, 1881. We have cases In our town who lived at Hot Springs and were Anally cured with S. S. S. jhuuabuion a mukkt. Louisville, Kentucky, May 13, 1881. 8. 8. 8. has given better satisfaction than any medicine I have ever sold. J. A. Flkxnilb. Memphis, Tennessee. May 12, 1881. We have sold 1,296 bottles of S. S. 8. in a year. It has given universal satisfaction, Fair minded physicians now recommend it as a positive specif ic. S. Mansfield & Co. Denver, cot, May 2. lsel. Every purchaser speaks In the highest terms of 8. 8. 8. ' L. Meisseteb. Richmond, Va., May 11, 1881. Toucan refer anybody to us in regard to the merits of 3. S. 8. Folk Milleb & Co. Have never known S. a S. to fall to cure a case of Syphilis, when properly taken. H. L. Dknhabd, Eli Warren, Perry, Ga. The above signers are gentlemen of high stand ins. A. EL Colquitt, Gov. of Ga, If yon wish, we will take your case, TO BE PAID FOB WHEN CURED. Write for particulars. 81,000 BEWABD will be paid to any chemist who will find, on analysis of 100 bottles of a & 9., one particle of Mercury, Iodide Potassium, or any mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Proprietors, Atlanta, Ga. Sold by druggists everywhere. For further information write for the little book. Bold by T. C. Smith, L. B. Wriston & Co. and Wilson & Burwell. un25dly RUST PROOF, RUST PROOF, RUST PROOF. A few Bushols of Genuine Rust Proof Wheat, FOB SEED, THE BEST IN THE MARKET. m CALL EAULY. M.IMS0I1S. oct!8 m lea Seed Whea Seed Wheat and Children AND SHOES TRADE. house to give you better goods than we do for the comprises a full line of beautiful and seasonable Brogan. If you wish to get your boots and shoes to RANKIN & BRO., Central Hotel Block. Trade Street. BURGESS NICHOLS, WfcnlMrtsiMsdBetaai ALL KIND! f FURNITURE, BEDDING, &C. A IT7LL LINE Off Cheap Bedsteats, AND LOUNGES, Parlor & Chamber Suit oomn cm ah. suma mm iajTsv M. I WEST TEAS! STREET, RICHMOND, VA. Our claim for merit is based upon tlie fact that a chemical analysis proves that the tobacco gTov.n In our section is better adapted to make a GOOD .PURE, satisfactory smoke than ANY OTHER tobacco grown in the world; and being: situated in the HEART of this fine tobacco section, WE have the PICK of the offering. The public ap preciato this; hence our sales EXCEED the products of AliLi ! the leading manufactories com j biued. JGQfJvcTie genuine unless it I bears the trade-mark of the Bull. JOB PRINTING. BOOK BINDING STEAM POWER FAST PRESSES. GOOD WORKMEN, In connection with the publication of The Ob server, and the establishment of one of the larg est, most complete, and most thoroughly equipped JOB PRINTING HOUSES In the South, the proprietor has just added a com plete BOOK BINDERY AND Ruling Department, Capable of executing the very best class of work at short notice. Old magazines, newspapers, law or other books rebound In handsome style, and at very low figures. BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNTS CURRENT, And work of this class, ruled and bound to order We are prepared to furnish close estimates on every description of LETTER PRESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OF WOOD TYPE JOB POSTER PRINTING. Theatricals and other exhibitions can get thel DATES and POSTERS printed here In as attractive a manner as in New York. We have a very full supply of type for printing, at short notice and in first class style, BRIEFS FOB THE SUPREME COURT, And lawyers desirous of presenting their argu ments in good shape will do well to give us a trial. We have the most accurate proof-readers, and our work is as free from defects as it Is possible to make it LETTER HEADS, Statements, Order Books, Visiting Cards, Ball Cards, Pamphlets BILL HEADS, Deeds, Recelpt'Books, Business Cards, Programmes Magistrates' and " ' w . Court Blanks In fact, all kinds of printing done at short notice Special attention given to Railroad Printing. NOTE HEADS, Circulars, Envelopes, Handbills, Invitations. Checks, Labels SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. BOOK WORK' Having a larger supply of type than most Job es tablishments, BOOK WORK has been and will continue to be a specialty with us. Address .P.O.BOXU82. THE OBSERVER' Charlotte, N. G