LOCAL INTfiMJtiKMfi. VEDNESDAY, OCT. 19, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. MASOUIC. Phalanx Lodgk No. 81, i.F,41 M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday nights. Excklsiob Lodob No. 261. i. F, 4 t M. Reg ular meeting every tlrat and third Tuesday nights. Charlotte Chaptkr No. 89. B. A. M. Regular meeting every second and lounh Friday nights. CnARLoTTK Comma KB art No. 2. K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. HZ. OF H. knights of Honor. Regular meeting every ,ecoiiU and tourth Thursdays. ik:. of :p. Kniohts of Pythias. Regular meeting nights first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. atMa- sonic Temple Hall. X. O. O. F- Charlottk Lodge No. 88. Meets every Mon day night. Mkcrlknbuko Declaration Lodge Na . Jleew every Tuesday nlghL Dixik hovax No, 108. Meets'every Thursday night. Catawba Rivtsk Encakpmdhtt No. 21. Meets First and third Thursday nights In each month. luclex to New AdvertiMmenu. WlUon A Burwell Druggists HUME PENCIL,! NOS. U- Bishop, as the "Widow Bedott," lias changed his date from the 28th to the 2Gth instant. 3 Both the night and d;y trains fivia the Xorth continue to come in behind time quite ofteu. The annual fair hop takes place in Wadesboro to-morrow evening at Masonic Hall. The Observer returns its thanks for an invitation to be pres ent. The Library Association did not meet last night, as the weekly meetings will hereafter be held on Fri day instead of Tuesday night as hereto fore, 3T The exact location of the water works stand pipe was staked off in the court house yard yesterday. The dis tribution of the main piping continues. "Several letters and postals were received in the city yesterday announc ing the safe arrival of the Hornets' Nest Riflemen in Richmond and very large crowds in that city all going to Yorktown. ZS" The Observer acknowledges with thanks a complimentary pass to the third annual fair of the North Carolina Industrial Association (colored) which is to be held in Raleigh from October 3lst to November 4th, 1881. 2T On the complaint of Sallie Thomas, the woman who was robbed several days ago of $41, Semor Harris, colored, was placed under bond of $200 to appear before Justice Davidson next Friday to answer the charge of the robbery. The feeble drizzles of Monday were preliminary to a genuine rainy day yesterday. It really rained with considerable spirit. Several people re port that their horses became much frightened at the unusual spectacle of water falling from the clouds. EST The worn places in the brick pavement in front of the Trade street facing of the Central Hotel were being filled in yesterday with plain dirt. It is a considerable improvement on the worn brick, but one can't help imagin ing that this sort of pavement will not make the streets irresistibly attractive this winter. 2T Mayor DeWolfe has left the city for a few weeks on a visit to his old home in East Tennessee. It is his first absence from Charlotte for any length of time in six years. Alderman E. K. I Osborne is mayor pro tem. according to a provision of the board at its last meeting, in view of the absence of the mayor. tW Judge Avery concluded the fall term of Marion county Superior Court yesterday and reached this city last night. He says the State docket just concluded exhibited more elaborate or namentation in records of varied ex ploits with pidtol, knife, brass knucks and hickory sticks than it has been his good fortune to have witnessed hereto fore. The Spoopendyke Letter The Spoopendyke letters in pamphlet form, issued by W. B. Smith & Co., 27 Broad street, New York, has reached the enormous sale of 240 thousand. Those who have read these letters aa they appeared in the Brooklyn Eagle fresh from the pen of their author, Mr. Stanly Iluntley.will not wonder at their extraordinary popularity. Spoopen dyke marks an epoch in American books and American humor. "Evicliou" oi tUe 25lU. Mr. C. E. Verner's dramatic company is booked for the Charlotte opera house for the evening of the 25th instant. The company will probably play "Evic tion," an Irish drama written by Mr. Verner himself, who takes the main part as "Terrence." The Charleston News and Courier says the play is in tended to portray the hardships of the tenant system in Ireland, and is con structed with considerable skill. A Vouibf ul Opera Ilotme Manager l'robably the youngest opere house manager in the United States is Mr. Harvey Orr, of the Charlotte opera house, who succeeds Mr. L. W. Sanders, his step father, in the management for this season. Mr Orr is not yet 18 years f age, but he will assume the difficult position with the business sagacity of a much older man, and will undoubtedly keep our theatre fully up to its estab hshed satisfactory standard. Ciijr Taxcu. The City Clerk has completed the en 'jstment of property for city taxes. The 'isted taxes will amount to $25,000. A"e special taxes, licenses, cotton, &a, will bring between $5,000 and $6,000 lnore. The list has been handed over to the tax collector, and he desires tax payers to remember that by theamend etl charter he is to square up his ac counts and turn them over to the city nuance committee by the 1st of Janu ai7. To enable him to do this all taxes should be paid by the middle of Decern ber. LIEBIGCO'S COCA BEEF TONIC, n pa .?!i?!rt2Lt! mJ Jwrfc I have used or prescrib ed r10! It HAtB. M. D Chicago Medi cal College. Bmre of Imitations. Special Term of Superior Court Mr. Vail, chairman of the board of county commissioners, received an or der from Got. Jar vis yesterday, issued on the recommendation of JudgeAvery, for a special term of court to begin on the 9th of January, 1882. No grand jury will be summoned, as only civil cases are to be tried. The term is to be continued until the business is disposed of. Who the Judge will be is not yet decided. The county cOmmissloneas, some time ago, refused to recommend this special term, although the bar unanimously requested it. Not Coming Ala t The Rentz-Santley female minstrel trourje, around whose unadorned visits to Charlotte cluster so many pleasing recollections, is even now excitiug the hey dey in the blood of the bald heads of neighboring cities; but it is learned with painful regret that they will, in all human probability, so far. prove un grateful to the delicate attentions and enthusiastic receptions with which they have been uniformly received in this community heretofore, as to take the Wilmington and Columbia route to the South. . A Painful Accident. Mr. W. A. Sing, one of the workmen in the planing mill of Mr. Josiah As bury, yesterday evening a short while before 6 o'clock, had his hand cut near ly off at the wrist by a jig saw. His wrist-band was loose and was caught by the flying saw and the arm was drawn after it. A main artery was cut in two and the bone of the arm was cut to some distance. The wrist-band was tied tightly around the arm above the cut and checked the bleeding until a physician arrived. He will be kept from his work for three months it is feared. Southern musical Journal. The October number of the Southern Musical Journal, published by Ludden, Bates & Co., Savannah, Ga., which has been received at this office, begins the new volume, and, as usual, it is a sur prise in excellence. The publishers do not flood us with promises.but prefer to delight in performances. The rapid growth in favor is evinced by the fact of the advertisements having overflow ed and crowded even the title page, as much as by the rapid swelling of the subscription list It is rare to find a low priced paper excellent, and yet the Journal, whose premiums repay its cost, is never poor. What lie Thinks ef Charlotte. The editor of the Wadesboro Intelli gencer, a brand new paper, full of brand new news, recently visited Charlotte and received the pleasant impressions which find expression from him as fol lows: "Charlotte is without question one of the prettiest, pleasantest little cities in the South, if not in the United States. There is a general aspect of ease, comfort and contentment noticeable on every hand, and that squalid misery among the poorer classes, which often, too often, exists almost within the very shadow of the homes of opulence, there seems to be totally absent. And then, the people of Charlotte all appear to be happy and so friendly. This is particu larly manifest to a stranger, who is greeted by nearly every one he meets with a bow, and as pleasant a smile as though he were an acquaintance of a lifetime. It i3 stated, also, that there is more actual wealth in Charlotte than any other city of its size in the South.' Drnmmers' Licences. The city tax collector is frequently called upon by travelling salesmen for city license. Neither Charlotte nor any other North Carolina town demands any municipal license from commercial travellers. The State license, costing $100 annually, with a penalty of $250. exempts salesmen in North Carolina from the payment of a further license tax. But in most of the other Southern States the municipal, instead of the State license, is issued. Here are some of the charges of some of the towns: Hawkinsville, Ga., makes a call of $5 per day on the drummer; Mobile, Ala., demands $3 per day ; Little Rock, Ark., won't buy anything from anybody un less he pays $5 per week, cash down ; in Florida various sums are asked yearly $5 per week at Fernandina ; Augus ta, in Gaorgia, wants $3 per day ; Sav annah, $25 per quarter; New Orleans. in Louisiana, takes $10 per week; Charleston demands $10 per week, as does Memphis, in Tennessee; Texas, like North Carolina, sells a State tax at $50 per year, and Virginia at $100 per yetr. Ifleteorlc showrra To-Night and To- JMorrow Night. Last night was the first night of the three, the 18th, 19th and 20th, instant, on which, the astronomers have assured us, there were and are to be grand me teoric showers. But with that perver sity which characterizes all uncontrol able or accidental events, from the stumping of the sore toe to rain on picnic days, the heavens, last night, were thickly clouded for the first time in weeks and the celestial fireworks were not visible. Considering the drought one who would so far influence the weather as to publicly express a desire for fair weather even in antici pation of these meteoric showers, would deserve the reprobation of the community but in case it should be fair to-night or to-morrow night, or both, the conscientious reporter, con siders it his duty to inform the pub lic that the best time to see the phe nomena is between midnight and moon rising, which now occurs about 4 o'clock in the morning. In the east, after 9 o'clock in the evening, the planets Jupi ter and Saturn will be conspicuous. Jupiter cannot fail to be recognized, for it is by far the most brilliant object in the sky except the moon. This Is to certify, that after suffering the most excruciating pain for two years from chronic rheu matism, Mia using immense Quantities of lini ments, oils and musicians' redoes. St. Jacobs Oil was recommended to me by a friend. I used it for a few weeks and him not nffonvi with rheama- Qsm from that time until the present nearly six months, i now consider myself entirely curea, inan&s 10 oL jaooDs oil. GlLBXBT G. HXXPTXLD, 1026 Milwaukee lye., Chicago, HI. Tb.e Star of Bethlehem." In reply to a correspodent who asked to be told what is the large brilliant star now visable near the Seven Stars and which some persons call the "Star of Bethlehem," the New York Sun says : "The brilliant twinkler near the Pleiades, or Seven Stars, is the planet Jupiter. The star that is sometimes called the Star of Bethlehem is not now visible, although, according to the cal culations of some astronomers, another appearance of it is due, and it may blaze out at any moment. This star was last seen in 1572, in the time of Tycho Brahe. It shone out suddenly where no star was visible before, and was so bright that it could be seen at noonday. It gradually faded, assuming various hues as it did so, until it disappeared. This wonderful star is believed to have been seen in the years 1264 and 945. Its ap parent period extended backward would indicate an appearance of this star about the time of the birth of Christ; hence its name, Star of Bethle hem. If you wish to know where to watch for it, look some forty degrees to the northwest of Jupiter, and you will see a group of stars arranged thus: 3 These are in the constellation Cassi opeia, and the dot marked - snows where the great star is expected to ap pear. Tha Care of Carp In Winter. As very many of our farmers have made fish ponds and stocked them with carp within the last year they are of course unfamiliar with many things conducive to the growth and welfare of this lately prominent fish, from which so much is hoped for the peopling of our ponds. Here are some directions from the Forest and Stream for the care of the carp during winter: The inflow and outflow channels of ponds must be constantly kept clear of ice and the snow partially removed to afford a necessary amount of light. The main surface of the pond, however, should be left undisturbedjsince snow helps to keep off the extreme cold. When the ice bears, air-holes should be provided, and these shou'd be sawn, not chopped. To protect these from further action of the frost thin poles should be laid athwart them, covered with a thin layer of branches, reeds or rushes. On no account should the air-holes be made above the spot where the fish have con gregated for the Winter, and the most suitable position for them is at opposite ends of the pond, close to the in and utflow, so as to secure a maximum aeration of the water. The air-holes must be examined daily for signs of the dispersion of the fish these are dis coloration of the water, the appearance on the surface of dead water, beetles and spiders, or fish gasping for air. Should these unhoped for signs occur, the number of air-holes must be largely increased, and as much circulation as possible given to the water. If these measures prove unavailing, and there is no immediate prospect of thaw, all that can be done is to net the pond and transfer the fish to other and better water. All noise on the ice, such as that caused by cutting ice for storage, skat ing or sledging, is to be avoided, other wise the fish will be roused and tempt ed to rise to the surface, where, in all probability, they will freeze fast to the ice and die in consequence. Battus Creek, Mich., Jan. 31, 1879. Gentlemen -HhvIdk been afflicted for a number of Tears with indigestion and eeneral debility, by the advice of my doctor I used Bop Bitters, and must say they afforded me almost instant relief. I am glad to be able to testify in their behalf. I HUB. U. iflUA. Bud ford Alum and I bow Sfbikgs Watkh ahd Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains lwlce as much iron and any per cent, more alum tnum than any "alum and iron mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so feneral. Sold by all druggists of auy standing, 'rices reduced one half. mayll tf MARKETS BY TELEGEAPH OCTOBER 18. 1881. PBODUCK. Wilmington. N. C Spirits turpentine firm at 48Ac. Rosin firm; strained $2-00, good strained $2,074. iar nrm at 82. J U. iruuj lurpeutwe firm at 82.00 hard; $3.10 for yellow dip; $2.48 for virgin inferior. Coin unchanged; prime whit - -; mixed . Chicago. Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat active and lower; Mo. 2 Chicago spring 1.34V cash; October; 1.85V9 November; Decemoer. Corn unsettled and lower; No. 2 60lfea cash. October; 01 Novemner; uecemoer; re jected 58. Oats dull, weak and lower; Me. a 43iAa43fe cash, October; 48 November; December. Pork active, but lower; 17.25a50 cash; October; 17.25 November; 17.45a50 December; 18.82teal8.85 January. Lard active, but lower; 11.10 cash and November; 1 1 90 December. Bulk meats easier snouiaers 7.70; short rlbr 9.25; short clear U.60. Whiskey steady and unchanged at 1.17. Baltimore Noon Flour quiet and unchang ed; Howard street and Western super So. 604- $0.00; extra Srt.zo; iamuy m.isoaw uu; cuy mills, super $5.50a$6.25; extra $0.60a$7.00; family $8 25a$.50; Bio brands $8.0a$8.25; Patapsco family $8.75. Wheat-Southern steady and quiet; Western steady; Southern rd 1.85a- 1.45, amDer 1.40ai.r, rnu. I junrymuu ; no. 2 Western winter red spot and October 145lfea 1.45; November 1.47al.48; December 1.53a- 1.53A; January . Corn-Southern firmer i or white; Western about steady; Southern white 75a76; do. yellow T6V2. BAivriMORK-Nlght-Oats firm and quiet; '.outhern 48a52; Westero wnite 50a51, do mixed 48u49, Pennsylvania 50a61. Provisions easy, but not quotably lower; mess pork . Bulk meats - sneulders and clear rib sides packed . Bacon shoulders , clear rib sides , hams . Lard refined. Oolfe quiet and lower; Bio cargoes ordinary to fair 9all. Sugar steady A soft 10Ve Whiskey quiet and nominal. CiKcnnfATi Flour quiet and unchanged: family ; fancy . Wheat stronger; No. 2 red winter 1.43. Corn easier; No. 2 mixed 68. Oats firm; No. 2 mixed 47. Pork dull; S20.00. Bulk meats quiet; shoulders 8A; clear ribs 10; clear Bides . Bacon in light demand, firm; shoulders 9Mt; ribs 10t; clear lift. Lard dull at 11 Whiskey firm at 1.18. Sugar quiet and unchanged. Hogs steady; common and light 5.00a6.85, packing and butchers 6.00a70. Nxvr Torx Southern flour dull and declining; common to fair extra 6.40a7.80, good to choice do. 7.35a8.50. Wheat heavy, 1 to 2 cents lower; ungraded spring 1.80al.49; ungraded red .30a51; mixed winter ; ungraded white 40a 47; No. 1 red- ; No. 2 red October 1.501; November 1.5Ufcal.52: December 1.54Via57. Cora opened V to lbwar, and less active, clos ing steady and unchanged; uugraded 65a71V6; new and old white 75a6; No. 2 October 7044aVi; November 71a72i; December 73a74. Oats about V lower and dull; No. 8 44. Coffee moder ately active, rather weak; Bio in cargoes : in lob lots . Sugar strong and very quiet; centrifugal ; lllollo ; Cuba musco at : fair to good roAnine RUi&lA. refined easier and oulet. Stan dard 9149. Melasses quiet and unchang ed Rice firm and modrrateiy active, uosin nrm and quiet at 2.62tea7. Turpentine higher and strong, closing bid 58. Wool quiet about steady; domestic neece twwo; loooa- rur. ycrj rtnii and nriofts wholly nominal at 18.8559: do. nntnhAr and November 18.00al8.10: middles dull and nominal: long clear 10; short . Lard lower and dull at 12.01 October : November ; December 12.l2Vfral6. COTTON e AL vwroir Quiet ; middling 10; tow mlddl'g i-lVsales 1,810: tock 67.426; exp'ts eoistwlse ; to ereat Britain 4,820; continent; to NOKTOLX-Quiet; middling IVkt; net reeeipui 2,602; gross i sww oiiowoi uyvrawtHiui 1,045; sales ewferpoiti'to flreei Britain; to continent . - Bautisobs 8teady;mld'g 1 le;low utdd'g 1 1 ; good ord'y 10c; not iC ; m 1.829; aalea : Mock 9.802; exports eoaatwiaa 50,000; spinners 126 : exports to Ores Britain 6,000: to Comment Bosioa-Qulet; middling llVte: low mtddltnc ime; good onry iwae: net iwomph ims 38: gross to Moat 2,978; sai : sioe b,zu: exporu Britain 1,231; to Franc. Wrxjmnmw Weak; naMtTg 10e; tow mid dllng 10 7-1 6c; good ord'y fifee: ros4pt 1.587; gross . sales : stock 11,050: exports aoeat wise ; to Great Britain ; to continent PHiLJLDKLraiA Dull; middling 11140.; low middling lltyc; good ordinary 10c: net receipts 475 gross 930; sales ; spinners 211: stoek 5,098; exporu to Great Britain . SATAHHAm Xasler; middling 10c: low mld'g 10i6e.ood ordinary 9i,ttc.;netreelptt517roa ; sales 2.600; stoek 04,828: ex. eoastwlao ; to Great Britain ; France; to continent -. Nsrw Oslxajis Good dem'd; mldd'g 10$: low mw g 10: good ord'jrl (Hec: net JcelpU 8,787; gross 4,165; sales 6,000; stoek 1 69,207 :x ports to Great Britain ; to France ; to coast wise 2,257. Mobtu Quiet ; middling lOTfee; tow middling lOUc; good ordinary lOlfce; net ne'u 914; gross : sales 1,000: stock 18.6S7; exports coast 681 ; France ; to Great Britain. MnrpaTS Dull; middling 10e: receipts 2.765: shipments 488; sales 75,000; stoek 84,478. aoodsta Quiet ; middling 10be.: low mid dling lOVhc. good ordinary 9Vfcc; receipts 1,877; shipments ; sales 1,477. Chaxlxstoi- Qu'.et ; middling UVfee; lew mid dling lotye; good ordinary 10-fec; net reoslpta 4,836; gross ; sales 1,000; stoek 68,768: exports eoaatwise : to Great Britain ; to continent. Nxw Tom Cotton quiet; sales 1,004; middling uplands 11 ftc; mlddd'g Orleans lltAe; receipts ; gross ; consolidated net receipts 2 1.811; ex. Great Britain 12,710; France ; continent Lrrntpootr-Noon cotton, moderate Inquiry freely supplied; middling uplands 6 7-16d; mid dling Orleans 6V4d: sales 10.000; speculation and export 1,000; receipts 18.700; Ameriean 4.600. Uplands low middling clause: October delivery 6iAa7-82d; October and November 6l4a7-82d; November and December 6 9-82aiAd; December and January 6 ll-S2a5-16d: January and Febrn ary&tfed; February and March 6 18-82d; March and ADril 6ttalB-32d: April and Mar 6 l7-82d: May and Jane 6 17-82d; June and July 6 19-8 2d. Futures weak. LrmpooL. 6 d. m. Sales of American cotton 7.060 bales. Upland low middling clause: October delivery 6 7 82d; October andNevember 6 7-824, also a; novemoer ana ueeemoer tuta: De cember and January d, all d; January and February d, alt d: February and March 6 18-82d; April andMaytUM; May and June 6 17-82d; June and July 6 17 82a6 9-1 od. Futures closed firm. ruTURsa Niw Tom Futures closed steady. Bales 12.- 600. October ll.85a.88 November ll.8rta.37 December ll.48a.49 January 1167a.68 February ll.82a.88 March ll.97a.98 ADril 12.10s.ll May 12.2 1 a. 22 June 12.32a.83 July 12 42a.44 FINANCIAL. Nrw Tobx. Exchange Governments-generally higher:. .. New 5's. Four and a half per cents Four per cents, Money, State bonds-generally active, firm. 4.79 fa 1.15 Sag Sub-treasury balances Gold,. $77,935,006 currency,... .u.4VZ,zo Stocks -Weak and declining. Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 78 79 98 80 1.2214 1.80 43 1.41 1.60 1.29le 1.174 82 1.85ta L40 41 1.83 48 am 851 uiass a, small Class B, 5's " Class C 4's Chicago and Northwestern preferred.... Irie Fast Tennessee Georgia Illinois Central. Lake Shore. . Louisville and Nashville Memphis and Charleston Nashville and Chattanooga New York Central Pittsburg. Richmond and Allegheny hock island Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific. - nreierred. Western Union CITY COTTON MABXKT. Omoi or ths Oisnm, I CHARLom, October 19, 1881. 1 The market yesterday closed steady. Good Middling 1 0al 1 StricUy middling, 10 Middling 10 Strict low middling. 1 (m Low middling. iui Tinges 9V.B9 Storm cotoa 7Vfca9 Sales yesterday 147 bales. ftxo dtrertisctttcttts. ERSKINE COLLEGE, DUE WEST, SOUTH ClBOLlNA. One of the oldest Inslltutlona In the State. Total expenses for Tuition, Board. Books, etc., need not exceed 8165. Preparatory Department in charge of a Tutor. Locality healthy; community moral and intelligent. Opens first Monday in October. oct 10 lit w. M. Uttiatt. rres t. NOTICE. A Meeting of the stockholders and directors of the North State Copper and Gold Mining Company will be held at the office upon the prop erty of the company In Guilford county, N. C., on Thursday, October 27th, 1881. at noon, for th purpose of levy an assessment upon the capital stock of said company and for the purpose of fransactlug such other business as may be brought before the meeting. JUbkPU wujunh. CRANBERRIES, STRAINED HON IT, PEELED PI ACHE 3 and OAT MEAL. DRESSED CHICKENS and GEESE. On 8aturday morning, at S. M. HOWELL. oct 14 DENTAL NOTICE. I WOULD respectfully announce to the citizens of Charlotte and vicinity that I have opened DENTAL ROOMS over Jno. 1. Butler's Jewelry Store, where I will be pleased to s e aay who may desire my services. All work guaranteed to be satisfactory and at reasonable prices for first class operations. Particular attention given to cleaning and pre venting decay of the natural teeth. Nitrous Oxide Gas safely given for the painless extraction of teeth. It. r. YOUNG, D. D. 8., octl8dlw Charlotte. N. C. OF- CLOTH, ONE DOLLAR, -AT- BOOK STORE. octOItf The Life and Public Services James i Garfield, PI Return ease Parties having la their possession Cracker eana patonglBg to the undersigned, will please retarn promptly when empty, as I bare a great demand tor them. LeBOY DAY1D80N. -iTO THE-- MER -OF- -AND- SURROUNDING Your attention is respectfully called to the large and fin stock of Now in my store and ready for Inspection, which ar offered at very close figures. 1 am prepar ed to offer special bargains to the bade la all goods in my line. , CORN IS CAB LOAD LOTS. MEAL, IN GAB LOAD LOTS. FLOUR, IN CAB LOAD LOTS. JgTJLK MEAT and HAMS, JOLASSES, SYBUPS, gUGAB, COFFEE and TEAS. LARGE STOCK OF TOBACCO. CHEWING AND SMOKING. FINE LINE OF CIGARS. CIGARS. Gilt Edge Goshen BUTTER. New York State CREAM CHEESE. FRUITS, SUCH A3- Lemons, Oranges, Apples, Bananas, Grapes. CANNED GOODS, APPLES. PEARS, PiNE APPLES. GREEN GRAPES. PLUM PUDDING. BASPBEBBIRS, STRAWBERRIES, ASPARAGUS, SUGAR PEAS. SUCCOTASH. BOSTON BAKED BEANS, CORN, OKRA and TOMATOES. FISH, Cod, Mackerel in all styles and sizes, Deviled Crabs. Lousier, tjaimon, American ana rrencn Sardines, Oysters, Ac POTTED MEATS, Chicken, Beef, Duck, Ham, Tongue and Turkey, Asserted. CORNED BEEF, CONDENSED MILK, OLIVES. LABQE LOT STARCH, 8 to 40 lb. boxes. Farinaceous Goods, Oatmeal. Peas, Cheese, Chocolate, Essential Oils Mustards. Anenovy rastc, Anenoviea in sau or oil, and other Imported articles. C A TMT'aTTFO Itt buckets, boxes and V;il -LJLUjO, barrels; Nat, Raisins, Prunes, Pepper, Spices, Cloves, Nutmeg, Mace. OA A T3C Large stock Toilet OLAI and Common. TEE RETAIL TRADE wm find sdacuU hamtni ra all roods In mr lin. A call is solicited, as It is keltovod that anything anra in in wooer? aob. raiey or onpw, csub to found la my stor. Respectfully, LeROY DAVIDSON. CHANTS Wm EI To the ReM Trade fa i Sale of leady-made dlothiog, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, &C, legardless of (tost, TO CLOSE OUR BUSINESS BY JANUARY 1st, 1882. Having concluded to return to the Eastern X part of the State, and te avoid packing and sniping our goods we have resolved to give the public the benefit to purchase our entire stock at prices never before known In Charlo:te. Our goods are all new and desirable, having bought a complete new stock this season. Don't fall to call early te secure the best bargains as this is positively a bonafide closing out sale. CT Three new sllverplated Mansard 8 foot show cases, 1 No. 7 Hosiers' fire proof safe, 1 hand some Mirror, 6 iron Velvet Cushioned Stools, and 4 folding awnings and frames, for sale cheap. oetlS R ODDI CK & C O., TRYON STREET. WE ARE STILL TO THE FRONT. ANOTHEB LOT OF THAT FAM0U3 10c BLEACHING. A NEW LINE OF CHILDREN'S REGULAR-MADE HOSIERY. We are making a specialty of BMCK CMllMSIES, We would be glad to have our prices and qualities compared with any in the city; we arc certain they are at least ten per cent cheaper than can be found elsewhere. NEW DRESS GOODS RECEIVED DAILY. 1 nother lot of thse 8 Button Kids at 50c a pair. Full line of Towels. Table Linens, &c. Give us a call before purchasing, as it will be for our mutual benefit. Respectfully, RODDICK&CO. Terms strictly cash and one price. AT REDUCED RATES TO ALL POINTS BOUGHT AKD SOLD BY S. J. PERRY, OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C. WN. B. Parti es'deslring information in regard to railroad travel will please address as above. sl novl2 WILSON k DRTJGrGrlSTS, Trade Street, : : : Charlotte, N. C. PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO BOTH WHOLESALE AND octlO W.W.WOOT.FtaWEtrBiaoiiJfCj V 'DICHMQNO ENG-RWIKGCO. CHAS. R. JONES, Sole Ag't,Charlotte,N.C. Every Estey Organ Sold is made Throughout with Equal fidelity, and Yields unrivaled tones, -- .s Send for Illustrated Catalogue. oet7,dlmoeod&w Charlotte Female Institute. SESSION OPENS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBMR 7, '81. CORPS OF TEACHERS: Ws. B. ATKINSON. PrinciD&L Latin. Mathe matics, and Natural Sciences. Miss tL&UEH iajhu, 7iHcipai oi iTeparaiory Department. MSB. 8AI.IJJS CALDW&Ub Willi IE. JSngllsn Literature ana History. Miss liiAiLiiB w lAJNU, Moaern Languages. Miss MARY L. MATTOON, Elocution and Eng lish Branches. MUSIC DSrAJiTMJsNT. Pbot. A. BIDSZ. LL. D., Director. ASSISTANTS MBS. B. L. DEWEY, MBS. Wm B, ATKINSON. Miss U. A. SAVAGE, Art Department DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. Mm NANNIE TINSLKY, Intendant of Infirm mrr. Mm ANNA BUTTON, Head of Boarding De partment. For terms, etc., apply for a catalogue to Bit. Wx. B. ATKINSON, Principal, augll.tf . Chew only the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket. rpHE old Oaken Bucket, X The iron-bound backet. The moss-covered backet, That bang in the welL Churiarta. N. CL. Sol a imnt iiTPJOnU HIIU W UOBMUB. Dry CARPETS, TRUNKS, H. MORRIS & BROS. ITS BURWELL, RETAIL TRADE. Every buyer should Select an Organ That guarantees good Every day work and Years of service r - .... ESTEY OEGAN CO., Atlanta, Ga. P. C. WILSON, C H A R L O T T" E, N. C., Sole Agent for LOUIS COOK, Columbus Buggy ASD TBS WATEBTOWN SPRING WAGON COMPANIES, JOB TEE BALM OW BUGGIE3, CABBIAGES, PHAETONS, SPRING WAGONS, &C, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. OPEN BUGGIES, $55. TOP BUGGIES, $85. BnutnJ Inducement to th shnlnuilA trade Correspondence solicited. lunil For YorktowD. COMMENCING October 12th, Round Trip Tick ets between Charlotte and Yorktown, va , via Richmond and West Point Railroad, good to re turn until Oct 25th, will be on sale by the R, ft D. agent in Charlotte. Price 818.8a pop oct 11 tf Gen'l Pass. Agent. TV tv l- A w ,