ect I II I ri HI r l J Mil1 u SURE APPETISER o), nrir C o)' IKON BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases requir lag a certain and efficient tonic; especially Indigestion, Dys pepila, Intermittent Fevers, AVant of Appetite, Loss of Strength, Lack of Energy, etc. It enriches the blood, strengthens the mmclei and give new life to the nerves. It acts like a charm on the dieeetive oreana, removing aU dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the bood, flK tke StonLh. itJrn, etc The only Iron Prepa nSon that not blacken the teeth or give headache, by all druggists. Write for the A B C Book, 32 pp. of useful an iCHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. ITSrtSTtro ral d-buItTETsuch an eiUsnt that my labor was exceedingly bui l7. .,?. did not lve mm much relief, but on the contrary, was followed fa. t.-Ju alMblaiaAhnia Itt.MIIINil Mrtmkliisehilla Attktotf-a !'". -i-i, JiJi.tT aa4 wonderful reeolU. The , luoia ! . : . . . , iWua luw.1.. fThm Mr Toniwt a Mm mmmrmtin JrVw-1 WUmUl fMr,Frt-1 I (toe Mark, mn JFSm- leeMJa fageteMll 1 .. Mt leeni-M wj eefceref Ma Baa -aaal 1 1 eaten, t swo uuw I aw did in the aaae time darin my Ulneea, Il,Mra'Badr. kaaeomealsee elearneeeei tbeoahti what. 1It tt taa.redlt. J l fraiaa a Migiiaiini J bMMHMSMasa asMBas a bmb MAIIfACTIIEI II TIC DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., 10. 813 NORTH MAIN STBEET, ST. LOUIS Awl 7 iS . CORN ! CORN ! CORN ! II ! BAGGING AND TIES We are agents for THE WATT PLOW rill Mil It LOWER than you can buy an other good plow. Full assortment always on hand. Call and tee as before purchasing. MAYER & ROSS. . aogao Come and See MY LARGE STOCK -OP HEW . ill nil AND HOW CHEAP I AM SELLING IT. AT $3.00 PBB 8STT. X lot WINDOW SHADES Just In. I keep E. M. ANDREWS, (Soeeeasor to X. 6. Rogers.) WBOLBSALX ft RiTAIL FURNITURE DEALER AT WHITE FRONT. octlS THE GENUINE hag acquired a repn ; tatlon greater than . any medlclna ; extant as , . . the n iT, PURIST and bast family medio in a in the world. It acta with extraordinary sower and a fen Liver the largett orran of -the body, called. from Its i importance, me uwue-Keeper ox ear Health. Whan the Liver Is torpid, the bowels are lucgish and constipated; the food lies In the sto atach Indigested and poisoning the blood. Fre quent aeadaches, a leeilnc i lassitude, despon- oaocy, ana nerveusness, indicate now the whole system Is deranged. To prevent a more serious eaoauuw,as oace Take SIMMOHS LIVER REGULATOR. OThs test of time and the experience of thous ands have proven it the best safest, and speediest remedy for all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and opweo. as a remeay in MALARIOUS PEVEES, yspepiria. Mental Depression, Sick Headache, uiutK, vouc, uonsupauon ana muoasness, IT HAS NO EQUAL. -.3Sli2Sl3?.!7,0l,a olume with such like Olstlngalsaed tesUmoniala as the following JJZ X,Bliy Begolator for con atipaUantfw bowels, eaosed by a temnorarr de- rangensem oi u um lor the last three or four years, and always when used aeeonnBte tbi m rections with decided benefit. U' Georgia. I occasionally use, when my condition reonlr It, Dr. aimmon. Liver ggS THE BALTTJIOBE EPISCOPAL MITH0i)iaT ayit Simmons uver Hegoiator . w acKnowieged tn din nn atnai ma m nmr maucuio, cvuwuin. thnu sntittiArn mats and barbs which aa all wis Providence has jjjaosd n eountrlea .where Uver oiaeasaspravau. Buy only the Genuine In White Wrappefi with t Cols and Caskets V23lTt OTEAPE8 fed R. prepared only by J. H. seuin a w. sep3 fl t c i ti c s A TRUE TONIC faFMw. . -- --- .....- I a ':. vj- I I IMiavevaia, General I I Debility. Venal IHa- Mt. tram or itu. Xervow Proatra- It ion and Convales- neefromJrevrm,&e J .be th..of your imiMm from wuui .n old energy returned and I fouad that my natural force I tMfM KM DM OI TUUr lAUfl AWfllo. i-as tw a w one tth .. ..nk MIM. fl.11.Bl I IU1VB QOIH IiWIH UD ld UQ W1U1 UUUUIV U1D VMM. vu m 4 vr vns brauituu uwt. iivn before eojoyea. inns ionw dm hot uum uio if uone i Troy.O. DIMINISHED VIGOR Is reimbursed In great measure to those troubled with weak kidneys, by a judicious use of Hostet ters Stomach Bitters, which Invigorates and stim ulates without exciting the urinary organs. In conjunction with Its Influence upon them, it cor rects acidity, Improves appetite, and Is In every way conducive to health and nerve repose. An other marked quality is Its control over fever and ague, and Its power of preventing them. Jfor sale Dy all Druggists ana .ueaiers generally. 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. r.tM Jaa. 12,1S;8 WE WILL SENDON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, BR. DYH?S Electro-VGitaic Appliances suffering from NerTonsWenknessos, Gen eral Debility, loss of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Othet. Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also women troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. 8peedy relief and complete restoration to health guaranteed. These are tbe only Eleetrle Appliances that have ever been const ruetetl upon acientificprin eiples. Their thorough efficacy has been prac tically proven with the most wonderful access, and they have the highest endorsements from medical and scien tific men, and from hundreds who have been quickly and radically cared b their use. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, givlD- all Information free. Address, VOLTAIC BELT CO., KarshsU, Mich. July81 DOES WWTTftH WONDERFUL ff J12 U CURES! u" i Booanse 1 tacts on tho LIVER, BOWELS and KIDXEIS at the same time. Because it cleanses the system of the poison ous humors that develops In Kidney and Uri nary Diseases, Biliousness, Jaundice. Consti- Upauon, Piles, or in Hheumatism, Neuralgia, I I Nervous Disorders and Female Complaints. BBS WHAT PBOITJB BAT i Eaffcne B. Btork. nf Innctlnn flh TTxTma. tl ays, Kidney-Wort cured him after regular Phy- uwb iryintf ror lour years. phTslclans am Kidney-Wort. e M. M. B. Goodwin, an editor in Chorden, Ohio, says he was not expected; to live, being bloated beyond beUefbut Kidney-Wort Cured him. Anna Jarratt nf flrniMi W V Hthat seren yean suffering from kidney troubles I and other complications was ended by the use of a4 aauiiey-nroiitaaSSJsssBSBSBjtaasasv"- . -Wm John R. TaimmM of JnTrornn Tmiti mnuI I 1 for years from liver and kidney troubles and after taking "barrels of other medicines." HIchMl Goto of ' Montgomery Center. suffered eight years with kidne m jtiuney uimcuny was nnaoie 10 work. " well as erer." Kidney-Wort made him hint fl PERMANENTLY CURES ' KIDNEY DISEASES, UVER COMPLAINTS, Constipation and Piles. tflt is put up in Dry Vegretable Fersa in Hp. oans, one package of which makes six quarts of medicine. Also in Liquid Form, very Con eeatpsted. for those that cannot readily pre pare It. . ta If atta irtth equal ejJMenoy in either form. GET IT AT THE DRUGGISTS. PRICE, $1.00 WELLS, BICIIAKDSOJ & Co., Trop's, (Will send the dry pog-pai BlIILKfOTO!!, JT. March 27 d&wly Dr.SANFOBD'S Only Vegetable Compoundthal acts airectiy upon the Liver, and T ... ' . ! cures .Liver, complaints, Jaun- uveness, neaaache. It assists di l T T . . - gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the Wood, i A Book sent free. ' Dr. J6J Broadway, N.Y. aaVlJS BT T T sarjaazsTs. S STOMACH She horlattc B)b0mitr j bNESpAjQCti9.liij) "T GEORO I A OOI.B. The Working tJp of tbe Gireat Urn Mine Aa IntereatlBgr Frank Nana Uve: Cor. Atlanta Constitution.1 ; ' - I notiqe in the Macon Telegraph and Messenger an article credited to the Baltimfore Sun, and in the Constitution one taSen from the Marietta Jpurnal, the incorrectness of which, and my knowledge of your care to be correct in all matters df wthltlyo 11 giye through ; yotlr columns to Hue' HWiP. leads me to this attempt togiv yoji the exact aacti relating tq one btkhe most extensivagolii mining operlitfaiis ever undertaken iA this couritry. It his not been the wish of the par ties connected with this enterprise to parade their business or names before tbe public, the fact of their being able within themselves to 'carry out theii; plans as arranged By Jtheirf business; manager, making it entn: ly unnecessa ry that they should be advertised. . 1 About the year 1833 the father of Howell Cobb worked a gold mine in the second district, third section, of Cherokee county, Georgia, making it pay so well that many miners and pros pectors were attracted to this immedi ate neighborhood, among them an Eng lishman by the name of John jfascoe, who had come from tbe mother coum try to seek his fortune t Dithloneg3i the land ef gold? Unsuccessful in what is now Lumpkin county, and hearing of Mr. Cobb's "better luck," he went to Cherokee, arriving there in debt, with out money, tools, or provisions, to com mence work with, but he found a friend and benefactor in the person of Major Wiley Petty, a finet old-fashioned gen tleman, still livinuon,?.and owing a large plantation, adjoining wbt -is now Jfenown as-the f Cobb lot." Fitted out with provisional aiid iiieaiis by. tfeil liberal hearted Qeorgian, Mr. Pascbd (an experienced English miner), leased about ten acres of land from the Leon ards, placing thereon a little, wooden five stamp "pounding mill," contract ing with the Leonards to bring on a lit tle stream of water known as "Hurri cane creek," and keep it on for a stipu lated sum per year. That the Leonards "acted well their part" is evidenced by the fact that the ditch is now, after, a lapse of forty years, in tolerably good condition. Mr. Pascoe was soon en abled, from the earnings of his little mill, to buy the property and add other territory to it, which he did, and dying a few years later, left a handsome for tune in money and lands, to be divided among his brothers and sisters, of whom Samuel Pascoe now lives on a portion of the large plantation. About this time Cherokee country, em bracing, what are now called, Cherokee, Lumpkin, Dawson, and other counties, was surveyed by the State engineers and divided into lots, the sections where gold was known to be found being divided into forty-acre lots, the whole put into a lottery and drawn by the citizens of Georgia. Vfany;of those who suddenly found themselves pos sessed of a forty-acre lot in an un known section of the country, placed no value thereon, and paid no immedi ate attention thereto. Among this class was a widow lady in indigent circum stances, eking. out an existence on a lit tle one-mule farm. ' But the lady, Mr?. Mary G. Franklin, was surprised one week by offers to purchase her little unknown forty-acre lot from ten or welve different persons, and becoming excited herself over the interest others felt in her lottery prize, she mounted her little mule, and after two days' ride saw for the first time the much sought alter Cherokee lot. biie saw, also, a score of men hard at work with pick, shovel and hammer, hand mortars and pans, on and in the vicinity of a ledge of rocks, panning out her gold and pay ing no tributes. These were soon dis persed, a trusty man left in charge, and Mrs. Franklin returned fox her family, which she quickly Drought, ana imme diately set to work pounding and pan ning, as she had seen the others do. By the richness of the ore, with the facilities of convenient waters for washing, Mrs. Franklin was soon able to erect a rude, stamp mill on the wa ters of the Etowah river which ran . through her lot. A thorough business woman, everything was done under her immediate personal supervision and the proceeds of her mill enabled her to own her own labor and to add by pur chase many other lots on the line of the veins that run through her original one. She built an elegant mansion on one of the most beautiful sites, com manding an extensive riew of the Blue Eidge as well as of her large plantation then worked Dy ner owa numerous slaves. Mrs. Franklin educated her children to become statesmen and gave them professions, some of them becom ing noted as public men. By a happy coincidence a young man by the name of McDonald drew a lot adjoining Mrs. Franklia's and which proved equally rich. McDonald married one of Mrs. Franklin's daughters, made his fortune from his mine and subsequently became Governor of the State. These several properties now make a whole of some thirty-two lots and have at last been united by the efforts of the writer, extending through some eight years of nam work. During tne last six months l nave maae iorcy-tnree trips from the mines to New York, Washington, D. C Macon,. Say annah and Atlanta, in all or wnicn places some of the persons lived owning in terests in the property stock of some ompsny that had Deen iormed on it, or neid some claim or nen, imagined or real, all of which have been bought up by me for men living in Pennsylvania, Wbo have bought it to work it, and who have thoroughly exploited the mine, using for this purpose the best skill tna they could employ, ana Desc ma chinery of modern times, as a result they have found a very extensive placer mine, qxienumg nearly luur nines in length, and about a half mile in width, with plenty of conveniences-waper for sluicing. Also several quartz veins running the entire length of the proper ty, with an average width or eight feet, some of them assaying from ten dollars to eighty dollars per ton. A hornblende slate vein, three hundred feetv wide, every inch of it fcoldVbeanng, wlth au "average value of three and a half dol lars per ton. With a milLdam hve feet ana. two inches mgn tney nave over one thousand horse water power for the reduction of ores. With more ore in sight thah any mine in the west can snow they propose to put up a tnree hundred stamp mill with all the neces sary, apparatus for separating the ores which are nearly all sulphurets and termed refractory.- Th.e concentrated sulphurets average two hundred and thirty dollars per ton and can be treat ed here or shipped. The property has been bought very low, but the parties buying have taken all the risk -and spent their money freely, but with-care, in thoroughly investigating the mines, and they could hardly set a price on it that would be too high;- but they xlo not want to sell any portion of it. The Ontario minimg company of Utah de clares a monthly dividend payable to day, October 15, of 875,000 atofej of $3,800,000 in ax years, j 'A'neae, gemift men -of - Pennsylvania nave a bettez . . . r l i . fas mine man uieuiiiiiiiu. " - ; - . A.H.MOORE, , , .. .-' " -. 3;. - 3 HtJBBAH FOB OUB SIDSt . Many iisoDleiiave lost their tatttto'ih' BoUtics and in amusements becanse tbejr .are' so,oat of sorts and nut down that they, canhor enjoy any thlnsc II such neraona would On It fie wise enoni to try that celebrated remedy Kidney Wort and experience Its tonic and renovating effects they would seon be hfiirahlniF.irith tth londwit.rn NOON TELEGRiMS. From Yorklovr Trends Ayrttrlny Kalnla (. UJ.ll.i. I. Cliln Yorktown, Oct. 18. There was a slight shower this morning and at this hour, 10 a. m, the sky is cloudy, with indications of more rain. The weather id cooler, however, and there is a pleas ant breeze. Eight "boats arrived be tween midnight and 8 o'clock this morning, bringing many troops and civilians, among the former were de tachment, from Delaware, Michigan, Virginia and New Hampshire. , At 10 o'clock salutes were fired from Gen. Hancock's camp, and it is suppos ed the vessel containing the President yas passing. 2 l ' Sir, forater JTuatlflea tbe Attack on tho People by tbe Police. Dublin, Oct 18. Mr.Forster, reply ing to a corporation deputation, stated that the police in cleaning Sackville street acted upon instructions to pre vent the mob from taking possession of the street. If the mob had been al lowed to- take possession Ithe conse quence would have been far more la mentable. He regretted that any one had been hurt, but said should a like occasion arise he would certainly make use of the same force. Forster conclud ed Dy raying it was the duty of law abiding people to keep out of the way and thus avoid being implicated in dis turbances. Secretary' Blaine ani the Natlen'a Gneata on the Way to Turk town. Fokt Monroe, Oct 18. Tbe steamer City of Catskill, with Secretary Blaine and the French and German guasts, ar rived in Hampton Roads this morning from Washington. The French minis ter and guests were transfered to the frigate Magicienne which cot under ' wa and accompanied by her consort. JLmment and urvme sailed for York t5 mi at half-past 8. Among the pas singers on the Catskill are Gen. Wick ham of Virginia, Mayor Latrobe and Collector Thomas, o Baltimore. A salute was fired from the fort in honor of Secretary Blaine's arrival. The Cats kill leaves for Yorktown at 9 o'clock. ' New York Stock Market. New York, Oct 18. 8 a. m. The stock market opened firm and generally a fraction higher, but a speculation im mediately took a downward turn and a decline ranging from to 1 per cent, was recorded, in which New York Cen tral was most prominent, selling off from 138 and to 137. Michigan Cen tral fell off from 89 to 88 ; Denver and Rio Grand from 84 to 83, and Colorado coal from 51 to 50. Subse quently a partial recovery took place but improvement was quickly lost and the market aerain took a downward turn. 1 m 1 1 The Arctic Steamer Rodgera Heard From. San Francisco- Oct. is. A IaMaf received by the Morning Call from Arctic; seas steamer Rodgers, dated St Lawrebce. Aucruat 13th. statpq that, thm Rodgers arrived there the day before ana mac an were wen on Doard. They found : the Russian Corvette which would accom Dan v the Rodeers to Ser- dezi, Ammon. They were to leave that afternoon and had hired two natives for the cruise. Rioting In Ireland, Dublin. Oct 17. Riotinc was r- newed here to-night The police were compelled to retreat over Carlisle bridge under a shower of stones. It is proba ble that troops will be called out At Charleville, county Cork, the police weresionea. ine not act was read and the militarv were callad nnf. anH clearedthe streets. Thirty-live arrests were maae. A Steamboat Captain Killed. Memphis. Tenn.. Oct. ift. A ViVlrs- burcr snecial savs J. TT. "RnhArfarm formerly sheriff of Sharkey, in a diffi- cuity last nignt Killed iiugti uarson, master of the steamer Tributary. Snow Storm at Quebec. Quebec, October 18. A heavy snow storm set in yesterday afternoon and was still raging at midnight. Six inch es of snow has fallen. God. Lambert's Appointment. Paris, Oct. 18. Gen. Lambert com mandant of Paris garrison, has been appointed to the chief command of the city of Tunis. STATE NEWS. Fayetteville Examiner: At his resi dence four miles west of Fayetteville, on Sunday morning, the 9th inst, Alex ander Johnson died in the 86th year of his age. He had for twenty years of his life filled the office of high sheriff of Cumberland county, and in t manner highly creditable to himself and satis factory to the public Mr. H. C. Davis, the ferryman at Mat thews' Ferry, about three miles above the Clarendon bridge, on the Cape Fear, brought us a few days ago a specimen of the salmon fish, put into the river by Mr. S. G. Worth. The fish we saw was about eight inches in length, but Mr. Davis informs us that he has seen them jump out of the water eighteen inches in length. He says the river is full of them, and they are growing rapidly. - A. lady of Robeson county has sent us a carious sport of nature. It consists of an egg a little larger than a partridge agg, found within an ordinary hen's egg. It was entirely enclosed, and only appeared when the shell of the outside egg was broken. The nineteenth annual Fair of the Cumberland county Agricultural So ciety will be held at the fair grounds in Fayetteville, on the 8th to the 11th of November. Winston Leader: The Leader will issue a daily edition during the session of the Baptist Convention, which will convene in this place on the 9th of November. Total revenue receipts for the week ending Oct 15th, 624,33155. The work of decapitation has com menced in the Internal Revenue De partment in this district J. H. Shultz, one of . the aDnointees under Collector iEveritt has been removed by Commis- . r VTT . " - ... Bioner naum. w e nave not heard the cause of his removal. BUBNETT'S cocoaene, Unlike All Other Hair Pressings, Is the best for promoting , the growth of and beau tifying the hair, and randi ring It dark and glossy. The Cocoalne holds, ttt afldult foim, a Urge pro portlou of xleodorteed Oocoanut' Oil, prepared ex prissly for this purpose. 'No other compound pos sesses the peculiar properties which so exactly salt the various conditions of the human hair. ' the -Operiorlty of Burnett's Flavoring Extracts consists in their perfect parity and great strength. I r. . . .. i i MAtE FBOM HARMLESS MATERIALS, and ; . dapted to the needs of fading and falling hair, Parker's Hair Balsam has taien the first rank as ran elegant and reliable hair restorative. Atlantic, Tennessee 4 Ohio5 Railroad ouMKnrrnrDBrrs Omoi, Charlotte, N. C, Oct 13th, 1881 A i pn J and after Monday, rw i iasi loachlrtn'rci'tSSi:' the WUHQ NORTH. Leave Charlotte 4 15 n. m Z' 'I'.'"'' S i? T m. m. m. 1ST 46 P. U; : 1 a i,uu i GOING SOUTH. LMTStaUsfffle 6 80 a. V MooresvUle 7 44 a. H" Davidson Collem i. ta rn. Afdre at Charlotte,.. ...,.. .,.i.Vi.,io 00 ai EL rL . v .. ,. . it WOISrT.PAY : after se much labor and capital has been expend ed to bund up this medicine, to allow it to deterio rate. ; Too can take Simmons' Liver Regulator, with perfect faith, as it is made by no adventurers who pick up the business of concocting medicines, bat by educated, practical druggists whQ have aaade the sttidy of medicine and its compounds the labor for a lifetime. The care, precision, neatness and perfection exhibited by the very ap pearance of the Regular proves It to be the best prepared medicine in the market, and J. EL Zellln 4 Co. fully carry out their motto: "Purlsslma et Optima (purest and best.) Mn. WlnsloWs soothing Byrnp. Rev. Sylvan us Cobb thus writes In the Boston Christian Freeman: We would by no means re commend any kind of medicine whldh we did not know to be good particularly for infants. But of Mrs. Winslow8 Soothing Syrup we can speak from knowledge; In our own family it has proved a blessing indeed, by glrlB g an Infant troubled with colic pains, quiet sleep, and its parents unknown rest at night. Most parents can appreciate these blessings. Here is an article which works to per fection, and which Is harmless; for the sleep which It affords the Infant Is perfectly natural, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." And during the process of teething, its value Is incalculable. We have frequently heard mothers say they would not be without It from the birth of the child till it had finished with the teething siege, on any consideration whatever. Sold by au druggists. 25 cents a bottle. FOR RHEUMATISM I Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ho Preparation on earth equals Sr. Jacobs Oil a a safe, sure, simple and cheap External Kenedy. A trial entails but the eomparatiTely trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and every one snfferlng with pain tun have cheap and positive proof of It claims. Direct! ana in Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALL DBUGGISTS AKD DEALEE3 nr mediohte. A. VOGEIiER & CO., Baltimore, Ma, U. B. -A. dec 80 d w ly A SURE RECIPE For Fine Complexions. Positive relief and immunity from complexional blemishes may be found in Hagan's Mag nolia Balm. A delicate and harmless article. Sold by drug gists everywhere. It imparts the most orilllant and life-like tints, and the clo sest scrutiny cannot detect its use. All unsightly discolors tions, eruptions, ring marks under the eyes,sallownes8, red ness, roughness, and the flush of fatigue and excitement are at once dispelled by the Mag nolia Balm, It is the one incomparable Cosmetic Jan. 22 We are now receiving our Winter Stock OF I Containing all the latest styles and qualities of LADIES', 1 s late ani Bonnets. ALSO All the novelties for trimming: FEATHEBS, FLO WEBS, RIBBONS, SILKS, FLASH S3, J SATINS, OBNAM1NTS, &8. Also oar usual large and attractive stock of White Goods, Laces, Embroideries, Neck Wear, Gloves and Hosiery, Corsets, Shawls, Cloaks, Skirts, &c Another large stock of Ladles' Muslin Underwear Just received, that we are offering at very low prices. MRS. P. QUERY octll Sale of Real Estate. BY virtue of authority, conferred in a certain mortgage deed executed on the 81st day of January, 1880, by Thomaa J. Sprinkle and Lou isa J. Sprinkle, bis wife, of the county of Meck lenburg, North Carolina to the North Carolina State Life tosnraiwe Company, of Raleigh, N. C, and recorded in tho Register's Office of Mecklenburg county, in book 23, page 228. 1 win offer for sale at the crart house, in the City of Charlotte, to the fhebldder, on Saturday, the 29th day of Oo- fe5H?3& -.Lot8 1782 and 1795, in the plan of the City of Charlotte, situated between new mm a MILLINERY GOODS Misses and CMta uauu d ubh,-ana aaioining lands of S. J. w hlteh urst, H. F. Elliott aadMST w. Tatai For terms of sale apply to - , 7 . ':.'iqMU i 1-.. v- tTi ?Ha H. HAUGHTON, JL , A"t N. a State Life Ins. Co., Charlotte. FRESH NERAL WATER oth Foreign and Domestic, JUST RECEIVED AT Dr.J.H.McAden's Drucr Store gABATOGA "yiCHY. From Saratoga Springs, N.Y. A new water re sembling the imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, Is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and in all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO. CASES CONGRESS WATER, JQ CASES BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINABIS AHD HuDyadi Janos Waters. TP GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! JJUNYADI JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHABTIC: rxjsxi A wine glass full before breakfast. The Lancet "Hunybdl Janos. Baron Lleblg af firms that Its richness In aperient salts surpasses that of all ether known waters." The British Medical Journal' 'Hunyadl Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Proj. nrchow, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Pro. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." . Sf: .fcanaw. Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this." Prff. Lander BnmUm, M. D., F. R 8., London. More pleasant thah its rivals, and surpasses them In efficacy." Prpf.Atken, M. D.,r.R. 8., Royal Military Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred to Pullna and Frled richshalL" JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist North Tryon 8L, CHARLOTTE, N. C DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water In large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refiUed again every week. J. H. McADEN, Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or Dlght July28 Druggist by Examination. Go to 0 H rt a H H h ii ti U 0 W. P, MARVIN, Agent, and Successor to F. 3carr & Co. -FOB- Fresh Drugs and Pure Medicines None but the Very Best Drags do I keep in my stock. Also, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Perfumeries, Combs Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Ac, A. GARDEN SEEDS of all the best varieties, and warranted to be good. Physicians' prescriptions are given spec ial attention. Hoping to receive a share of public patronage, I am, respectfully, feb8 W. P. MARVIN, Agt L K Wriston & Co., WHOLE J ALE & RETAIL Druggists, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Our stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Otis, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs, Is complete. -GIVE US A TRIAL. rpRY OUB INK CAPSULES, Something new and guaranteed to make the BEST INK In the Market L. R. WRISTON & CO. "YHITE and RED ONION SETS, For fall planting, L. B. WBISTON & CO. w E HAVE A IULL ASSOBTMENT Of Seeley's Hard Rubber Trusses at reasonable prices. Every Truss warranted as represented. L. R. WRISTON & CO. TOADIES' CORSET BRACE, A shoulder brace and support for the back com bined. Sold by L. ft WBISTON & CO, octl2 CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE residence, three blocks from the public square in Charlotte, will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms to the right kind of a purchaser. The dwelling Is on a full lot, has nine comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine well of wa ter, etc The house Is admirably adapted for the residence of a lawyer, doctor or preacher, having an admirable library or study room, built for the purpose. For furthsr particulars, price, terms, etc. apply at THIS OFFICE. July20,dtf City Lot for Sale Cheap. THE Lot on the eomer of Ninth street and the - North Carolina Railroad, fronting 140 feet on Ninth street and 106 feet on the North Carolina Railroad, will either be sold as a whole or divided a . . M rrn 1 cut au-vi- .T . Uttxr &&vtextistmzuts p ma MsTSenaTo' Kir Ir busmessmiversity 1 1 Dm Lm Atlanta, Oa. For Illustrated Circular. A live aotwal Business SchooL Established twenty yean. oct4 4w Benson's Capcine Porous Plaster. rous Plasters are supenor to aU others. Prtc . it 0Ct4,4w '" 0 L MEDAL AWABIED tie Author. A n.w .drTe":T eheapeet, indispensable to everr "lie Seieneeof UlS 5&!i,UoP bondin . UloetemtedtAmDla yr'TZZZZ:"" na now.Addn. P4 x7,' CUTICURA PERMANENTLY CURES HUMORS OF THE SCALP AND SKIN. Cutlcura remedies are for sale by all druggist Crice of Cutlcura, a medical jelly, snm 1 boxes SO cents; large boxes, 81. Cutlcura Resolvent th cfnWeKrpli Me- JEk&?. canai louet Heap, 25a Cutlcura Medicinal Shav ing Soap 15c; in bars for barbers and large con sumers. 50a Principal depot Mn tr- n mSS POTTER, Boston, Mass. oct4,4wd&w a ""' 0f pr,oe: Parker's Ginger Tonic. BEST HEALTH AND 8TBENGTH RESTORES NOW USED. stireAf5ipla,mt? of wmen and diseases of the u,nM,.1 nes- L,ver and KWneys. and ud otter Tonr'ir'i? B1. Ginger JtLeZs Si ?i T011!08- 83 H never Intoxicates. 50o and 81 sizes. Large saving buying SI size oct4,d&w4w HUiC0 CO.. Chemists, N.Y. 5000 Agents Wanted to sell the Life of President Garfield Sn6.!! " 8oWJer and States- S?.;,H8t,,ec,i0,lndadmml3traUon: his assas Ih ilS? hsroic struggle for life; wonderful medical treatment; blood poisoning; removal to Elberon; death, eta Profusely mustarted. Bplen dld portit of Garfield, his wife and mother scsne of the 1 shooting; the sick ehamber; Gulteaii In his cell; the surgeons and tke sick cabinet The only complete and authentic werk. A fortune for agents first In the field with this book. Outfit 50a Speak quick. Address 4w HUBBABD BROS., Pub'rs, Atlanta, Ga. St. CHARLES HOTEL STATES VILLE, N. a THIS house has been leased for a term of years by Mrs. Dr. Reeves, whose Intention Is to keep a strictly first-class house In every respect Commodious sample rooms on first and second floors. The patronage of the public Is solicited. Julyl,dtt IIONEST 7 Twist Chewing Tobacco Beware of Imitations. None geuine unless ac companied with our "Honest 7" copy-righted label which will be found on bead of every box. Manufactured only by t J3ROWN A BBO.. Ifeb20-2w 7inston, N. C. Richmond and Danville Railroad. PASSEUGJjB depabtment. On and after June 5th, 1881, Passenger Train Service on the Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line di vision of this road will be as follows: N. Y. U. 8. , U.S. Mafl Express Fast Mall EASTWABD. No. 45, No. 47, No. 49, ' A. B. C. L've Atlanta 4.00 am 3.15 pm 6.30 pm Ait. Suwanee.. ..D 5.18ah 4.87 pm 7.45 pm ' Lula E 6.54 am 5.59 pm 9.06 pm " Toccoa F 8.14 am 7.15 pm 10 16 pm " Seneca. G 9.20 am 8 40 pm 11.25 pm " Greenv'le ..H 10.58 am 10.20 pm 1.00 am " Spartan'g. ..K 12.14 pm 11.40 pm 211 am ' Gastonla....L 2.36 pm 2.13 am 431 am " Charlotte.. ,Mj 3.35 pm! 3.15 am 585 am w. . rr. a.- WESTWABD. U.S. Mall Express Fast Mall No. 42. No. 48. No. 50. L've Charlotte. . . M 12.30 pm 12.43 am 12.33 am" " Gastonla...L l 27 pm 1.43 am 1.17 am " Spartan'g.. K 8.50 PM 4.06 am 3.12 am " Greenv'le... H 5.07 pm 5.18 am 4.24 am ' Seneca G 6.51 pm 7.02 am 5.47 am - Toccoa F 8.01pm 8.15 am 6.53 am " Lula E 9.16 pm 9.H1 am 8.09 am " Suwanee. ..D 10.88 pm 10.54 am 9.22 am Att. Atlanta 12.05 am 12.20 pm 10.35 am writ . 1 1 o. A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. & W. P. Railroads. B with arriving trains of Georgia Central. A. & W. P. and W.4A. Railroads. C with arriving trains of the Georgia Railroad. D with Lawrencevllle Branch to and from Law rencevllle, Ga. E with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga. F with Elberton Air-Line to and from Elberton, Georgia. G with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, S. C. H with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, 8. C. K with Spartanburg andAshevllle, and Spartan burg, Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Ashevtlle, and Alston and Columbia. L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and from Dallas and Chester. M with C, C. A.-C. C.-R. A D. and A., T. & O. for all points West, North and East Pullman palace sleeping car service on trains Nos. 47 and 48, dally, wltheut change between Atlanta and New York. A. POPE, Jun5 General Passenger Agent. Carolina Central R. II Co. Change of Schedule OFFICE GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT. WmmiGTOH, N. C. June 4. 1881 ON and after June 5, 1881, the following Schedule will be operated on this railroad: PASSBMGXB, MAIL, AND XXPB3BS TEAINS DAILY KXCXPT SUKDAT3. Hal. No. 2. (.Leave Wilmington al-., 45 a m i Arrive at Charlotte at-... 45 p m ) Leave Charlotte at 6 00 am 1 Arrive at Wilmington atw 8 25pm Trains Nos. 1 and 2 stop at regular stations on ly, and points designated in the company's time table. These trains make close connection at Charlotte with trains Nos. 3 and 4 for Cleaveland Springs and all points on the Shelby division. PASSXNGXB AND FBJUGHT. 1 Leave Wilmington at 5 30 pm No. 5. 5-Arrive at Hamlet at , . . . 1 28 a m ) Arrive at Charlotte at 8 00am ) Leave Charlotte at 7 30 p m No. 6. Arrive at Hamlet at 1 28 am S Arrive at Wilmington 9 30am No. 5 Train Is daily, except Sunday, but no con nections to Raleigh on Saturday. No. 6 Train Is dally, except Saturday. SHELBY DIVISION, PAS6KNOKK, MAIL, KXFKESS AND VRXIHT. Nn a 1 Leave Charlotte 7 00pm "- I Arrive at Shelby 10 80 p m N . Leave Shelby fl OO a m f Arrive at Charlotte 9 80 a m Trains Nos. 5 and 6 make close connection at Hamlet to and from Raleigh, except as above. Through Sleeping Cars between Raleigh and Charlotte. Trains No. 1 and 2 make connection at Char lotte with the A., T.40.B. R., arriving at States vlll the same evening, and connecting then with the W. N. C. R. R. for AshevUle and all points on the W. N. C. R. R. Trains Nos. 8 and 4 connect closely with s Chester and Lenoir Railroad at Lincolnton. V. Q. JOHN8ON. un25 Gen'l. Sup't 75 MSIIEILS FRESH JUST RECEIVED. aaU&-ieod eow ly.y fltherdryof lltniwtemit-i rferfect&emedyio? 1 'ol1!"'. X ' k.llIlT. aWw nii 1 .-. CHAS. R. JONES. vmixjpa

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