LOCAL INTELLIGENCE THURSDAY, OCT. 20, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. MABOUIC. I'ualanx Lodgk Na 81, A. F. A A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday nights. Excklsiob Lodge No. 2fil, 1.K.4A. M. Reg ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. Chablottx Chaftkb No. 89. R. A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nights. Charlotte Const and a.u t Na 2. K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. TZ. ODET1 H. f " Kkishts of Honor. Regular meeting every second and fourth Thursdays. HZ. 3?- Knights or Pythxas. Regular meeting nights first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. in. atMa sonlc Temple Ball. I. O. O. ZF Charlottii Lodgb No. 88. Meets every Mon day night. Mkcklknbukg Declaration Lodgk No. Meets every Tuesday night. Drus Lodgk No. 108. Meete; every Thursday nighL Catawba Rivkr Encampment No. 21. Meets First and third Thursday nights in each month. IIOTOE PENCII.INUS. GST There were no cases before the mayor yesterday morning. tW The cold sqap, it is hoped, will spur the oyster dealers up to their full duty. 2FThere is much solicitude on the effect of the cold snap on the poor sol diers at Yorktown. B3T Stores were fired up and fire places cleaned out yesterday. To pull up one's coat tails and stand before either yesterday was a delightful amusement. ENo boy with any self-respect will fail to crawl through at least one sec tion of the main piping for the water works which now lies temptingly on tae streets with both ends open. EjffMuch complaint is made of the foul odors in many parts of the busi ness portion of the town. Indeed they are very bad, almost as bad as the pave ments. EST" Reports from the colored man injured by the blow from a baseball bat in the difficulty with members of the Mecklenburg base ball club are that he is getting along all right and there is every prospect for hia recovery. ILgThe Hornets' Nest Riflemen will return to find the main entrance to their armory through the billard room of Kendrick & Bixby closed. They will have to content themselves with the entrance through the candy store. ' jg"Blum's Salem Almanac for 1882, is out, and the boys are busy selling it on the streets. They tackle every man they see with cotton on his coat on the presumption that no farmer can do without the famous calendar. tW Dog killing has moderated con siderably, but will not cease entirely till all the collarless curs are dead or paid for. About 50 have been killed, which is a very small proportion of those in the city ; but still, a larger number than has ever been killed be fore. The owners keep the dogs close, and the brutes themselves seem to scent something unhealthy in the air of the streets. Through a Bridge. A day or so ago as Mr. Walter Pharr's team of three mules and a wagon was crossing the bridge on the Providence road across Mycr's branch, about one and a half miles from the city, the bridge gave way and the team fell through about 8 feet. The driver fell under one of the mules, but strange to say was not seriously hurt but got up and extricated the team. Death of a Centenarian. Mias Polly Standi, aged 101, died in Morning Star township a day or two ago. She was a native of Scotland, but had lived in Morning Star for many years since 1830 at least,, for upon the records of the old Lutheran church in that township is found the memoran dum of her admission to its communion in that year. She was buried in Morn ing Star church yard. Her mind was clear up to the day of her death and she had been physically vigorous and active up to last fall. She lived with her sister-in-law and left no near blood rela tives in the county. Terrible Death of a Former ITIeck.len- burger. Mr. James M. Johnson, of this city, has received a slip from a northeastern Texas paper giving a detailed account of the horrible death of his brother, Mr. Jesse F. Johnson, aged about 26, who left this city, where his family still lives, about eight years ago. He was burned so terribly in a cotton gin build ing that death resulted in a few days The cotton in the house caught fire one night from a lantern which a compan ion held near the door while Mr. John son was working inside. The bottom fell out of the lantern and the cotton was immediately in flames. Mr. John son ran through the fire but struck his head against the door post and was knocked back into the very midst of the burning stapl. He rose and again rushed for the door, this time getting out. But it was too late. He was burned so that his recovery was impos sible. Uncalled For. The following is the list of letters re maining in the postotfice at Charlotte, for the week ending October 10th, 1881: Mike 411brjght, W. Baylor, Victor G. lirawley, Mrs. Mary Coverson, Miss Mattie Curry, Sharper Daniel, Lizzie Douglas, J. B. Davidson. H. K DeAr- mond, Wm. Frailkillf Jnol Fisher, Mrs. Etta Gaston, J. P. Hawkins, Miss Dolly Harris, Bryant Hallyburton, Richard J ohnston, L. S. Jones, Fred Lewis, Wil liam McDowell, Miss Manda McCall, Lawson Mooney. Mrs. L. L. McCall, II. M. Matz, Hattie McMorrison, Mrs. Chas. f1 n f . i r mi., rijii r I ram rcraass Hobs, Henry A. 'Bu'ff, Ellen BJggins, Fanny Ramsour, Amal ReiL Mary E. bmith, Eliz Steel, Sallie J. Tyson, Han- na Torrence, Isabella Wade, Miss Mary White, Mrs. Julia Whitley, Jno. F. Woodward, Warren Wilson, Mrs. L. C. Walker, Annie Ware, Andrew Wood ward. In calling for any ofi 7he above please m atvertized. ' - - - 1 -W, W. Jenkins, P. M. A Cosstlr IMotstfce. They tell a pretty good story on ; one! of our monied men who . owned con- siderable stock in the Atlantic, Ten nessee and Ohio road before the lease. A gentleman came to him a day or two before the announcement and offered to buy his stock for $15 per share. Shares are worth $50, so this was equiv alent to an offer of 30 cents on the dol lar. The bid was declined. A few hours afterwards another speculator offered 20 cents on the dollar for the same stockinet the holder sold out un der the impression that he was getting as much more for his stock as the dif ference between 15 and 20. Of course it was an oversight, but the mistake was worth $2,000. Besides this the stock went up next day when the lease was announced to 50 cents on the dollar. Chloroforming by Burglar. In some of the very numerous instan ces of burglary which have occurred in tne city ana county recently the vic tims have expressed the belief that they were chloroformed. One of our prominent physicians told the reporter of The Observer yesterday that he mougnt tnese impressions muse do im aginary, as he considered it next to im possible that one could be chloroform ed while asleep without being waked by the process. When the air is exclud ed from the nostrils in chloroforming a smart burning sensation is experienc ed which could hardly fail to wake any ordinarily sound sleeper. The doctor said that it would take hours to affect the sleeper by the diffusion of the drug throughout the room by evaporation. Indeed he doubted if such a thing was possble at all. Arreat of m Thief Officers Farrington and Erwin made a thief catching excursion Tuesday to Matthews station and returned yes terday with an itinerant scoundrel with half a dozen aliases and a sure enough name of Dallas Simmons. Dal las confesses to the fact of having rob bed a little negro boy of $20 which the little negro had himself stolen about eight days ago from Alderman Hutchi son. Dallas will have a hearing this morning. The boy says that the chamber-maid at Mr. Hutchison's gave him the money. Another charge against Dallas is that he is due the city several days work on the chain gang. He escaped on the sec ond day after beginning to work out a fine of $7.50 which the mayor put upon him for an affray some time ago. The Atlanta Exposition. A very large number of Charlotte people will attend the Atlanta Exposi tion. Declarations of intentions to do so are heard daily by the reporter, and heard with pleasure, not only be cause the Observer desires to see the exposition a success but because North Carolina has taken an unusually prom inent part in it, as far as the magnitude and attractiveness of the display goes, if she does not send visitors in propor tion. The Atlanta Constitution makes North Carolina first in three States, North Carolina, Texas and Kansas, which make the most distinguished displays. It will be remembered that an Ob server reporter attended the opening exercisas and advised the citizens of Charlotte to postpone their visit for a week or so until the exhibits were fair ly up and the exposition in working or der. It is learned with pleasure that those conditions are now fulfilled, and that the groat inducements of the grand promises referred to at the time of the opening exercises have not proved a deception. As regards the exaggerated reports which prevail with regard to board, the Constitution says: "Good board can be had in Atlanta to-day at $2 per day. The usual rate is three and there is no place where more than $4 is charged. These are the rates for transient board much cheaper figures can be Ehad when arrangements are made by the week." Uowip About the Ieaae The two theories as to how the new management of the Atlantic, Tennes see & Ohio road will run its trains whether the Western North Carolina trains will come to Charlotte, or the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta trains go to Statesville, continue to divide pub lic opinion in the absence of any official announcement on the subject from the authorities. A reporter of the Observer was in formed yesterday by a prominent capi talist who is supposed to know pretty well what the railroads rfre about, that the lease would have been made in the name of the Western North Carolina road but for the absence of any provis ion in its charter admitting it. This would indicate that Charlotte is to be come. the distributing point according to the original design in the lease. And So the gentleman referred to thought would undoubtedly be the case, bucn is also the unofficial opiniou of present employes of the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio, and such would seem to be tne course dictated by the interest of the railroads. But there are still some re ports in confirmation of the Statesville theory. The reporter, heard indirectly yesterday of the declaration of a promi nent official of the Charlotte, Columbia Sr. Ancuata. that trams on tnac roaa would be rin through to Statesville, All this is, however, little more than street gossip, The guage will without doubt be changed within a short while, and the few miles of old strap iron now on the road will be replaced withmodern rails. It is thought that the present employes ot the road will be all retained. The stockholders of the. road are all hmsr ased, it is said, witn he lease i and with' reason, for a 0 per cent return on the capital stock whlci the $25,000 rental represents, is unusual for railroad interests in this country. The loud bed is said to be in first rate order. lhA liabilities of tiEBiaco'a coca mef TONIC. "Superior to any tonlo I have used or prescrib ed." aays JrTOL s. m. hale, m. v., tuicago j&eai- cai w)uege, ceware 01 lmitauons. The Hornet in Bichmond. 'Letters from numbers of the Hot . . m Vt.'j. ' 'i nets jx est ttinemen zrom menmona re? ,1 review oi troops, in wmca toe uoraeu took a eonspveuous position on the 'tifcl treme left They were met at the denot.i in the Virginia capital by the Walker v Light Guard which escorted them to the barracks. The boys write very com placently of the admiration which j has been showered upon their, green and gold, to say nothing of those attrac tions not dependent on the tailor the gifts of God. LIEBIG GO'S COCA BEEF TONIC. 'Superior to any tonic I have used or prescrib ed," says Prof, X. M. Hale, M. D , Chicago Medi cal College. It is prescribed by the most eminent physicians xor wean rungs, iaiung out or the nair (applied to the scalp), weak and irritable throats, asthma, shortness ot breath, chronic coughs, ana all nervous affections. Beware oi counterfeits. Lidla E. Ptnkham's Vegetable Compound has done thousands oi women more good than the medicines or many doctors, it is a positive cure for all female complaints. Send to Mrs.. , LydiaE. Plnkham. Battue Cbkek, Mich., Jan. 81, 1870. Gentlemen-Havlng been afflicted for a number of years with indigestion and general debility, bj the advice or my doctor i used Hop Bitters, and must say they afforded me almost Instant relief. I am glad to be able to testify in their behalf. I HUH. U. AMOi. Bxdford Alum and iboh Spbigs Watib akd Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains twice as much iron and fffty per cent, more alum tnum than any "alum and Iron mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so general, sold Dy an aruggisu oi any sianuing. Prices reduced one half. may 11 tf MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH OCTOBKB 19. 1881. PBODUCS. wmnHGTOH, N. C Spirits turpentine firm, at 50c Rosin firm; strained 82.00, good strained S2.071. Tar firm at 82.10. Crude turpentine firm at $2.00 hard; $3 25 for yellow dip; 82.60 for virgin lnienor. unn uncnangea; prune wane -; mixed . Chicago. Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat steady, fair demand; Ho. 2 Chicago spring 1.84a- l.i54i4tOVI casn; uciODer; l-own novemuer, 1.87ta December. Com fairly active and a shade higher; Mo. 2 60 cash, 60 October; 61ft No vember; December. Oats firmer; tto. 2 43ft cash, octooen novemoer; December. Pork unsettled and generally lower; 17.2650 cash; 17.25 octoDer; 17. iu movemoer; December: January. Lard easier; 1 1.70 cash and November; 1 1.85 December. Bulk meats easier shoulders 7.50; short ribs 0.25; short clear 9.60. Whiskey steady and unchanged at 1.17. Baltthork Noon Flour quiet, about steady; Howard street and Western super S5.25a$5.75; extra $6.00a87.00; family 87.25a$8.00;clCT mills, super $5.25a$6.uu; extra $.2oas7.uu; family $8.00a$8.25; Rio brands S8.00a0.00; Patapsco lamuy $s. to. waeat oouinem auiei; Western quiet and easy; Southern red 1.85a45; amber 1 .46al.54; No. 1 Maryland red 1.55a56; No. 2 Western winter red spot and October 1.45ft; Nnvpmhfirl.475faa1.47Si: December 1.52a1.53: January . Com-Southem firmer for white; steady for yellow; western dull and a shade lower: Southern white 74a77; do. yellow 73. Balttmori- -Nizht Oats firmer: Southern 48fta49; Western white 50a51 ; do mixed 49a50; Pennsylvania 49a50. Provisions steady: mess norkSl9.5a uulk meats -shoulders and dear rib sides packed 9al Oft. Baon -shoulders 10; dear rib sides 11; hams 15al5. Lard -refined 13. Qoffce dull and nominal; Bio cargoes -ordinary to fair Ball, sugar nrm-a. son l u 14. w nianey steady and auiet at S20.00ft. CiBohnriiTi Flour quiet and unchanged; family : fancy . wheat nrmer; jmo. 2 red winter 1.43al.45. Corn active, firm at 68ft. Oats easier at46fta47. Pork quiet; $19.50. Laid to good demand at 11. Bulk meats easier; Moulders 8; clear ribs 9; clear sides . Bacon quiet and unchanged; shoulders 9; ribs ; clear . Whiskey in good aemana at 1.1a; cemmnaaon sales finished roods 580 barrels on a basis of 15. Sugar firm and unchanged. Hogs steady; com mon and light 5.00a6.40; packing and butchers 6.00a7.oO. Nnr Tons Southern floor dull and weak: common to fair extra $6.40a$7.30; good to choice do. S8.50; Wheat onened a better, advance lost, 1214 aft, closing weak; ungraded spring 1.28al.4U; JNO. 2 cmcago 41; ungraaearea a51; mixed winter ; ungraded white 84a47; No. 1 red ; No. 2 red octooer i.4WWU .ouw; November 1.60ai.&z; juecemoer l.oaoovs. Corn mened laatt higher, subsequently the ad- vnnen Inst, and declined la. weak and less dome: uugraded 50a7PA; No. a white 75a7; No. 2 Octo- Der Uaum; noveuiuer iwiuii wwuiocf low a78ft. Oats cash higher; No. 8 45. Coffee lower, and moderate trade; Bio 8ftall: in lob lots Sugar firm and very quiet; centrifugal : Iloflo ; Cuba musco at ; iair to good re tilling eLgavgi reuiieu unu cuiu uick, oi.au- rini-H a u&h. Molasses auiei ana uncnanc- ed. Iftce fair demand and steady. Bosin steady at. o KiAa7ft. Turpenline very firm at 53. Wool Hmi ami weak: domestic fleece 84a48: Texas 16a- 32 Pvrk dull and nominally unchanged; middles dull and nominally unchanged. Lard lower and closlDt somewhat strong at 11.95all.97ft; Octo ber li,P5al 1.97ft; November 11.95ft; December OOTTOR HAT.vMwron-OulRt: mlddllnir 10: low mlddl'g inuw- irtwwi ordiiiRn 10c: net rec'U 8.141; gross ; sales 2,125; stock 70,560: exn'ts coastwise : to ureal Britain : oonuneuk w France . Norfolk Quiet ; middling llftc; net receipts 4,103; gross : stock 83,203; exports coastwise 2.895: sales 883; exports to Great Britain; to continent . BALTMOBK-Quiet; mld'g Ilc;low mtd'g 10; mnd nrd'v OSic: net rerfis : cross 781: sales . .. .H - . AAA. ; stock ,yy3;exporis coastwise u,wu,ByiiuiciB RS: exDorts to Great Britain 815; to Continent imrm-nnll: middling 11 lie: low middling nii(: mod ord'v lOUic: net receipts 1,801; gross i.stl: sales : stock 8.420: exports to Great Britain ; to France. WTLMTN8T0H Quiet; mldd'g lOfec; low mid dling 107-16c; good ord-y vw. receipts wo; wrZmi ulIas : stock 10.697: exports eoast wise l.ztiH: 10 ureoviuiuuu , w wubumh PwhJlDxlphia Steady . middling llc; low mlddllns lllAc: good ordinary 10c: net receipts ins. mua 9.K07: sales : SDlnners 198: stock 8,033: exports to Great Britain 1 to continent 5.250. Savannah Steady; middling 10e: low mrg 1 oii. -imvwi ordtnurr Qike. :nt recelDU 6.782 ;eross : Mies 2.800: stock 70,558; ex. eoastwlse ; to Great Britain : trance; w wuuucm . Nkw Oblkajts Firm; mldd'g 10; low mld- cLng 10ft; good ord'y I0lc; net receipts 1 ,ov; to Great Britain ; to France 4.811; to coast wise 2,622. Mobilb Steady; middling 10c; low middling lOftc; good ordinary lOVfec; net recjs l.utw; uross : saies ouu; bic in.oiv. vyio coast ; rranoo , w ut.uuu. Mmmna Fa-y: middling 10?hc: reoelpta ooiq- KhtDments l.Hy: saies l.oou; stocx 40,349. inanvrt-OnlP.t: middling 1U1,C.: lOVf mwi dllne lOlac good ordinary 9ftc; receipt 1,04J; shipments : sales 1 1,282. Charlkstoh Steady; middling lli&c; low mid dling 10c; good ordinary IIHbc; net rciiDis aq Ai . i sales 1.000; stock 68.049; exnnrts coastwise : m ureal oriinuu , continent. Nxw York Cotton steady; sales 1,894; middling uplands llftc; mlddd g oneans iic: gross ; consolidated net -receipw 23,541; ex. Great Britain 1.99&; irrance 4,011; wuuuoui www LrvKBPOoL Noon cotton, steedy; middling up lands 6d; middling oneans o 7-100; saies iz, 000; speculation and export 1,000; receipts 5.050; imoViftan . Dnlands low middling clause: October delivery 6 7-82d; October ahd November 6 7-82di November and December iAd; December and January 69-82a5-16d; January and Febru nft ii.?i9astd: Februarv and March 6 13-82d: March and April 6 15-82d: April and May 6fta- 6 17-32d; uay ana June o v iou; wuasuia ,11117 a, jTutures nrm. r.rrravnniv K 11. m. Sales of American cotton 9,400 bales. Upland low middling clause t October delivery d; Navemoer o o-iua; jurcn ana April uwiraiui. FUTURES Nxw Yoax Futures closed firm. Sates 89,- 500. October ll.89a.40 11.41 11.5657 November...; December January February ll.7oa.76 11.90 91 March April May.1 ' 12.06 12.19a.20 12.80a.81 June ' July JIM11V FINANCIAL, Nw YORK. Exchange, Governments ureuuu;..... 'New 6 Bi. At Four and a half per cents, Four per cents, .... . :.. Money,.... State bonds -light demand,. ...... Bub-treasury balances Gold.. ...... 1.41 lJUttfc. 90 SifS frregular. dosing generally firmer: jUabams-viara rn. -a uass a, imsu i.c -7ClasaB,B,a. ' M Class C,4's. .............. or Chicago and Northwestern 1.2 2 preierrea.... Erie i.f Am East Tennessee. 1 1.88 Lift 80. 1.861 IM 40 IS I jIUraata Central. . un Boon.. ...... LMdavfUe and Nashville empou mna munwni.,v. i New TorxcaainL...., , 'EBSSmi&mti&m. 50- uwna i iHn.nL. Wabash, St. Louis PaeUVr. " DrelerraL W astern Union COT COTTOH KaBXXT. Owwum or m Ownvn, l Caasuim. October 20, 1881. f The market yesterday closed steady and an. changed. Good Middling. 10all Strictly middling, 10 Middling. iobZ Btruxiow nuuuiiuc. 10 101 LOW mitttmng. , Timres 9tta9i 7fta Storm co ton Sales yesterday 186 bales. Charlotte Prnce Irisurket. OCTOBKB 5. 1881. BUYING PBICIS. Cobh, perbush'l j.iq mal. ;; 1.00 Whxat, " Bkmns, white, per bushel 1.25a.50 Pbas, Clay, per bush. SOal.OO liauy, " . 1.60 White. " 7&aM Floob Family 425450 Xxtra.. 400 8.75 Super. Oats, shelled dbud Fjtcrr 65 4fta6 1520 7al0 3a5 75 1.00 80a3S 16 2025 10al5 20 8 8540 6a8 Apples, per m. Peaches, peeled unpeeiea. Blackberries.. .. Potatoes Irish BU'I'l'KB North Carolina. law, perdozen. , POULTHT Chickens, Spring micas.. Turkeys, per nv, Geese Bxzr, per lb., net Mutton, per ft., net.. . Pork, " " ... SKLLINO PRICKS-WHOLES AH" Bulk Mxats Clear Bib Bides. Ill Coma- Prime BIO. t 141814) Good. laftalg MOLASSXB Cuba 82a85 Sugar SyruD. 8fiafi0 Choice New Orleans 50a60 Common 40a4fi Salt Liverpool fine 1.00al.25 " Co&rm 8Ral.no 8TJ8AB White. lOalllfc Yellow 7fl Whisxxt Corn, per gallon... $1.80a.40 Bye. " .....tl. 25aft.0O Bbabdt AddIo. ner eallon. S9. T0a.5.2K Peach. " Winx, Scuppemong, per gauon. . .... . . . $1.00 RETAIL. Chekss.... 20 Labd, per Id. - J5 Tallow, per ft Raio Baooh N.Choa round... lOall Hams, N. C 1$ Hams, canvassed....: lfialAtt Bic ; 8al0 Fruit Apples, Northern, per bbl 8-25a.50 atountain, " 3.00 Mackerel No. 1.. 1.25 " No.2.. " No. a.. 1.00 I 75 15 6 Codfish Cabba.sk, per ft.... ERSKINE COLLEGE, DUX WEST, SOUTH CABOL1NA. One of the oldest institutions m the State. Total expenses for Tuition, Board, Books, etc., need not exceed $165. Preparatory Department in charge of a Tutor. Locality healthy; community moral and intelligent. Opens first Monday in October. octio lit w. M. UBUUL Pres't. NOTICE. A Meeting of the stockholders and directors of the North State Copper and Gold Mining Company will be held at the office upon the prop erty of the company in Guilford county, N. C, on Thursday, October 27th, 1881, at noon, for the purpose of levy an assessment upon this capital stock of said, company and for the purpose of transacting such other business as may be Drought imivre uie meeting. rfua&rri wjiiKxna. ociio u- rraadent CRANBERRIES, STRAINED HOMY, PEELED PEACHES and OAT MEAL. CHESTNUTS, AT- S. M. HOWELL'S. oct 14. DENTAL NOTICE. I WOULD respeetfally announce to the etdxent of Charlotte and vicinity that I have opened. DEftTAL kuoms over jno. I. Buuers jewetrr Store, where I will be pleased to see ay who may aesire my semoes. au wojk gmranieea te oe satisfactory and at reasonable prices for flit-class o dc rations. Particular attesUea glvea to deaning and pre venting decay of the natural teeth. - nitrous uziae uassaiely gi'a wt to Dainiess extraction 01 teem. M. F. EOUWO,- D. D. H., octl8dlw Charlotte, N. C. Midland N. C. Railway (Atlantic and North Carolina Division.) PASSENGER DEPABTM'T. Time Table 11. to take effect Monday. 12 j05 a. ra , uctooer ura. ltusi: : No. 47. GOING EAST. ' ABRITB. LKAVK. Goldsboro Best's 7 00 pm 7r)2rpm 7 45 pm 8 05 pm 8 20 pm 8 65 pm 9 16 pm 041 pm 960 pm 10 10 pm 1069 pm 11 10 pm 1180 pm 1184 pm 12 12 am 12 84 am 12 51 am 1 OOam 7 o a pm 70 pm 8 05 pm 8 25 pm 865 pm 9 21 pm 9 41 pm 960 pm 10 25 nm LaGranae Vailing Creek..... Einston . . Dover ......... Cora Creek Tuscarora. Clark's...... New Berne Biverdale Croatan woodbrtdge 1069 pm 11 10 pm 11 80 pm 1184 pm 12 17 am Havelock Newport Hollywood Macon Hotel 12 84 am 12 54 am Morehead Depot.-. No. 48. GOING WEST. ABBITX. LKAVK. Morehead Depot.. Macon Hotel Hollywood'. Newport..-. Havelock.. ... 8 25 am 860 am 408 am 4 49aa Weodbndge.. Croatan Biverdale. New Berne.. lUUUI Tuscarora.... Core Creek .... Dover ......... Kinston FalliDg cnek' L Grange..." Besvs .'.".. Goldsboro.. vv With Wilmington A Veldan train, laavlDg Goldsporo 920 a. m. for Bichmond, Balttmere, jrouaewpnMp mw .7, aaa poinu Sorth, East and WesC and with the KorUCaro- Hna trin. leavlnc Goldsboro 1 n. m. Trata 47 eoprnwli with WUjnington ajVeMon train from Bichmor Blttoore, Philadelphia, New York, aid plnt.Nott. SaatteiwaftTttat 6S0B.BL Wiimu awwuw North, 9 SrnMuMdiL K. C. B. 1L. anivM alMbram iTXJU a. Dk, S9BV mwrnre asu p. n. Steamer for Elizabeth City leave Ne rives at EUzabea'aWedneaday, 1$QtL' ar- m. andBatoraar.TWU a.. a. a. iatsh. oct5 Chief Xogtaeer ft Qen'l Man. 8 20,m 8 85 am S 50 am 418 am 44$ am 512 am 512 am 25 ami 526 am 5 5a ami 610 am 80 am 6 80 am 640am 640am 7 OT-am 7 06 am, 7 27" am 727 am 3fam fidOam 844 aa 8 49 am fiOl am ' 9.01 an 985 am PI Mm mi Vattfes having m their poesemtott Cracker Uleagtag to the umfcHlgnaa, will pleaw retarn premptty when emp, as I have great demand for them. LeBOY DAYIDSON. ' -iTO THE::- MERCHANTS -OF- SURROUNDING Your attention Is respectfully called to the large and fine stock ot Now ta my store and ready for inspection, which are oCered at very eiose figures. 1 am prepar ed to offer special bargains to the trade la all good in my line. CORN . CAB LOAD LOTS. MEAL. IN GAB LOAD LOTS. FLOUR, IN CAB LOAD LOTS. JgTJLX MEAT and HAMS, jyj-OLA83E3, SYRUPS, gUGAK, COFFEE and TEAS. LARGE 8TOCK OF TOBACCO. CHEWING AND SMOKING. FINE LINE OF CIGARS. CIGARS. Gilt Edge Goshen BUTTER. New York State CREAM CHEESE. FRUITS, SUCH AS Lemons, Oranges, Apples, Bananas, Grapes. CANNED GOODS, APPLES, PEABS. . PiNB APPLES. UBJBEN QBAPES. PLUM PUDDING, BASPBEBBIES. STKAWBSBBIES, ASPABAGCS, SUOAB PEAS, SUCCOTASH , BOSTON BAKED BEAN, CO UN, OERA and TOMATOES. FISH, Cod, Maekerel in all styles and sizes. Deviled Crabs, i.ODsier, Baimon. Amenean ana f reucn Sardines, Oysters, &c POTTED MEATS, Cnlokea, Beef, Does:, Ham, Tongue and Turkey, Assonoa. COBNES BEEF, CONDENSED MILK. OLIVES. LABGS LOT STABCH, 8 to 40 lb. boxes. Farinaceous Goods, Oatmeal, Poas, CheeM.Cheoorate, Essential Oils mnstawss, Anenoxy jrasse, ancwmwin sau . oioU,aBdotbr imported artlciea. r A "WTtTT?Q lB buckets, boxoa and IxAJNUlHiid. aarrals: Nats. Ealsins. nuTM,Fwper,Spioes, Oovea, SOAPS, Large stock Toilet and Common. TEBBETAEL TKABE 1 ! doslroata UMfiraeacy Lt. Fancy or Staple, oaa Da,iobaa u my atoco. , nespsi r LeROY DAVIDSON. wsm of Eeady-made Clothing, i BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CARPETS, TRUNKS, ' GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, &C., legardless of Cost, rpo CLOSE OUR BUSINESS BY JANUABY 1st, 1 882. Having concluded to return to the Eastern JL part of the 8tate, and ts avoid packing and sniping our goods we have resolved to give the public the benefit to purchase our entire stock at prices never before fcnown In Charlotte. Our goods are all new and desirable, having bought a complete new stock this season. Don't . fall to call early to secure the best bargains as this is positively a bonaflde dosing out sale. EV Three new sllverplated Mansard 8 foot show cases, 1 No. 7 Hosiers' fire proof safe, 1 hand tome Mirror, 5 Iron Velvet Cushioned Stools, and 4 folding awnings and frames, for sale eheap ootis ZL MORRIS & BROS. RODDICK &C; TRYON STREET. VE ARE STILL TO THE FRONT. ANOTHER LOT OF THAT FAMOUS 10c BLEACHING. A NEW LINE OF CHILDBEN'S BSGU LABrMADS HOSIEBY. We are making a specialty of - .ALACK CASlMllM. We would be glad to have our prices and qualities compared with any In the cttj; wevare certain they are at least ten per cent cheaper than can be found elsewhere. NEW DRESS GOODS RECEIVED DAILY. Another lot of those 8 Button Elds at 50c a pair. Full line of Towels, Table Linens, Ac .Give us a call before purchasing, as it will be for our mutual benefit. Respectfully, RODDICK & CO. UP " Terms strictly cash and one price. - AT REDUCED RATES BOUGHT AND SOLD OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTEL, fcirN. B. Partles'deslrlng information in regard novl2 WILSOR DRTJQ - Trade Street, PAY SPtCUL ATTENTION TO BOTH WHOLESALE AND oct 1 9 W.W.WOOB,MaiiiirerMofiS(J N . V ROMnNDENGRWIHSCO. 3 CHAS. R. JONES, Sole Ag't.Charlotte.N.C. Every JSstey Orvan Sold to made Throughwt with Equal fidelity, and Xields unrivaled tones &ndfor IKvtiraUd Catabgru. oct741moeodw SESSION OPENS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBMB 7, '81. CORPS OF TEACHEBS: Wk. B. ATKINSON. PrincfpoL Latin, Mathe matics, and Natural Sciences. MI88 lLKltBM lAjatt, nucifH oi inepanuoiy Department. MBS. B SALLIE CALDWELL "WHITE. English Literature aad Bstory. Mm i.iL.riK w lAJrtvt. aioaern AianzuaKes. MM M ABE L. MATTOON, Elocution and Eng- rTnh Branrtvim - MUB1U DIPABXXLKT. PBOV. A. BIDEZ. LL. IX, Director. ASSIST ANTS Mna. B. L. DEWEY. Mks. WM. B, ATKINSON. - Htu tt. A. BAVAun, Art ueparwneni. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. NANNIE TLKSLXT, Intendant of Inflrm- Limft ANNA SUTTON,' Head of Boarding De- partmenk fa1i loguetn ON.Prt -T bt. wm. b. atkinso: PrlncipaL augll.tl Chew the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken rpHE old Oaken Bucket, . . X The iron-bound bucket, The moss-covered bucket, That bung In the welL -CHAS. B JONES. Charlotte, N. a, Sole Agent. ' Liberal terms to dealers. Jharlotte Female - TO ALL POINTS BY S. J. PERRY, CHARLOTTE, N. C. to railroad travel will please address as above. Q - ISTB Charlotte, N. C. RETAIL TRADE. Every buyer should Select an Orgdn That guarantees good Every day worh and r - j t ?;- "Attiiiw - i. '- " ' 'mi. ' : ESTEY OEGAN CO., Atlanta, P. C. WILSON, CHABLOTTX. NC Bole Agetit for LOUIS COOK, CoWas Baggy Aito m WATEBTOWN SPRING! WAOON COMPANIES, FOB TH BALE ' ' BUGGIES, CARRIAGES,' PHAETONS, SPRING wAuuriSj cm., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. OPEN BUGGIES, $55. . TOPBUeeiES, f85. Special tndoeementa to the wholesale iraue Correspondence solicited. ; v . , , lumi ; , ' FOR RENT. - 170B the year 1882. orrora term 01 th. uhm n commodious and elegant -dry goods store, on f Trade street, now occupied by EL. MomaftBro. Possession gives 1st January, ima Mm muu aPt.V.0. Jonnaon, or g ;. ': wm

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