SURE APPETISER TROK" BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases requir in a certain and efficient tonic; especially Indigestion, Dys pepiia, Intermittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Loss of Strength, Lack of Energy, etc It enriches the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. It acts like a charm on the dieestive onrtns, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the tood, jS, tJU Siolch. itSt&rn, k The only Iron Prepa- rattoi that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold br all dnurffists. Write lor we lEMJ P1 Hilnidi rime troifaeraMehUH'lo mtfcnnu did no kit IB I pratnUm ud sinklns etUl . J.i ii. a.i A m v tHnasstsl a -Vyn ryii ?Xiri " wHM of rro' iswJs smaJ Hmon f" r g in i Z rfr" 11 I I ITU I JM J fJ X I RJII Sseveet "1 9 WW ymC.M ITA?TllTl IITHlDR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., HO. 13 NORTH MAUtsTBUT. ST. 10U1 CSrxrjCjerJjes. CORN ! CORN ! CORN ! BAGGING AND TIES We are agents for THE WATT PLOW Will sell it LOWBB than you can buy an other good plow. Full assortment always on hand. Call and see as before purchasing. MAYER & ROSS. aog26 MY LARGE STOCK -OF NEW HOW CHEAP I AM SELLING IT, Twin: AT S3. 00 PER 8BTT. A lot WINDOW SHADES Just in. I keep E. M. ANDREWS, (Sooeessor to JE. Q. Bogen.) WUOLSBALX RjSTAIJ. ITJRjnTUBJE DKALZB AT WSOCK 1TB0HX. odl5 THXGXNDINX has acauired a' ieDD- tatlon greater than 1 any mecicme .. , extaat C81APWT,PDM8T itfi fcfoA best tamfiy medio In e in the world. u acts wrat eprcramiry power ana emcacr en Hie Liver UM largest organ of the body, called. from ttf Importance, (he Hue-keeper of our Haslth. Whan thS'UMr la torrsd. tb bowsla torn Tirris anff eensttpated: the lood ilea in the sto- SmmU ladlfestsd and pouonmg the blood. ITre ausni ksadsebes. a feeling of lassitude, despon- mmt. ao4 nerveanieH. indicate how the whole rstssa to deranged. To nraveat a more serious Moaiaen.a Tito SIMM 018 LIVEB BEQULATOE. DThe test of time and the' experience of thous ands have proven it the beet, safest and speediest remedy for all diseases of the Liver, stomach and ppleeo. As a remedy in .JIALABIOUSPEVEBS, brfseMU, Vental Depression. Sick Headache, Vauadlce, Coue, Oonaupatlon and Biliousness, V X YE HAS NO EQUAL. We eeoU til a good-sized volume with such like gWjtiinUlMd testimonials at the following: r ossa imrnsDs uver Beguiator ior con- atfpsIMn rnr psweis, caused by a temporary de- ianMmentof IMUver, vn me last three or four ssrs. aad alirafi when used according to the dl- T'.?n7tki decided beneut t Assajionsllr tiee wten niy eeodxioti nqnires ..asvii v. v rrraj wwar TBI ULTO Z-Z ,eontaioTnc 'taaft B0 MUM HIi"i.I,.hri an all wise stnuthera f09 " "?7Jr:. -v,i -4. s nslnTto' wliiu Wrapper, irttli HfllBl I M flats! 1 Cone ani See ' AND 3 Mill! ui&uae) r a u u jmxjjs, oa yp. j u" " CAIi CO., Baltimore, Md. j7nrforeI and recom-V msndsd by fhemedi-1 nal vrofesmion, for A DbUitv, WtvmaleMttm- mmm. Want of Vital- it. Sorvowm Promtrar I And 3ovaI t.Vna mi avAOAflfnfflv hill lucou ira n m ' "V, " Vfi H h h. moon reuei, do va uw . " "Vr 'L ? re 111! KMUI "T. ise. nun uie truiuuu u" If the Toniehssnot dose tha jTp.WATi5r can Chnrch Tea. iToy, v. DIMINISHED VIG03 ... .,. .r Is reimbursed In great measure to thoge troubled with weak kidneys, by a judicious use of Hostefc ters Stomach Bitters, which invigorates and stim ulates without exciting the urinary organs. In conjunction with its influence upon them, It cor rects acidity, improves appetite, and Is in every way conducive to health and nerve repose. An other marked quality is its control over lever and ague, and its power of preventing them. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. 80 DAYS TRIAL ALL,OiSrEC. rat'4 Ja !, 1878 WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, Electro -Voltaic Appliances Buffering from Nervons Weaknesses-General Jebllity, loss of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Othet. Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also wumen troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. . , Speedy relief and complete restoration to health guaranteed. These rm the only Eleetrie Appliances that have ever beeneonstrnetcd a pon scientific prin eiples. Their thorough efficacy has been prac tically proven with the most wonderful success, and tliey nave the bfgbest endorsements from medical and scien tific men, and from hundreds who have been quickly ami radically cured b their use. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet,' giving &U Information free. Address, VOLTAIC BUT CO., XsrafcaU, Mich. JoiySl DOES WONDERFUL i CUrTESI Beeanso It acts On the LIVEB, B0WIL8 and KLD5EIS at the same time. M . SaoanseitoleuMstbssTBtemof thepeiaon ena hTxmozs tbat develops in Kidney and XTfl. nary IHiea, Rnirmimjwn, Jaundice, Coiutl. pation, Piles, or In Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Nervous IMaordeis and ramale JComplalnta. fiEB WHAT PIOFTjB BAT r Eorene a Stork, ot Junction Clty.'EanSM, lye, iLianer-Wort oared him after regular Ity- deiaiunadl ua Dees 1 i trjtng for four years. Mr. John Arnall, of WaahlngtoB, Ohio, aays BerbOTwaselTenaDtodia hv fnrir prominent ihyriclAm and that he waa afierwarda cured hi Kidney-Work sajaheiraanot expeoted to Ue, beiBjr b'leatotr beyond peUefbut todney-Wort curedhim, Anna L. Jarrett of South' SaleHL K'Tjf9 that seven yean Buffering t rom Mdney trpublea and other complications was ended by the use ol m mim-w.i. eaaasSPaa1'' ':' r John ILfAvrmm Af laiaam Tantw iMFAwmA for years from liver and kidney .trouble aod arcer taklnr Hdnej.VVo) ' Michael Darreia 01 ouwr meetcinfes,? iSmadAUnjreIL MlehMl Ooto of nMostgomery Cilertt? offered elcht rears irith W11tiav iMfHnnitr mA uifered elgh years ith was unable to work, Kidney-Wort jnade him 'as unaoie o weU aa arer.1 PERMANENTLY, OUSES -t IVIUNbl UISCA3r.9, , "LIVER COMPllAfMf 9i Constipation and Piles rv.s-t Ksr-xa spat up in vry veretaDie r orm in aa eana. one pact lofi C which makes six- quarts - ox meaioina, aim in Liquid irorm, vtrrj I n Liquid Form, very Con. parelt, . VT ' tWlt act with equal efficiency in either form. ooicraaaev ror inoae tnaE cannot nuuiiiv nr. M OST IT AT THE DRUGGISTS. PRICE. 1.00 II J WEL1S, EICHAKDSJ A Co., Prdi'n A (Win send the dry poet-pal BURLIXGTOII.YT. ssBsslCsllaslssssBsit March 27 dftwly Dr.SAMFORD'S 1 I J V J Only Vegetate Compbiinathat dice, Biliousness, MalaHa, Cos tiveness, Headache. It assistsdi gestion, strengthens thesvirnl regmlatesthe bowels. ntirifiesThH Uood;i A Boolsenfeelfv pANFQRD, 162 Broadway, NY. JPOB S4XS BT . Alt. PBrjOOIBTk i .i tjter TOO acts airecuy upon the Liver; and ', cures Liver . ComolamtsLiJahrU s rr Texas has thirty-four daily papers. Txa -Bells annuaHy lour . bundred thousand head &t cattle. ; osi U1QU UWU i,WU,Wy DUCClt , The Cleveland Daily Globe, a Demo cratic journal, suspended publication, Monday, after in pi$enpe of thirty cLsiys Soar 650,000 has beea suhacrihed towarfla hi Kimr cottdnifsctorV lit 'A eusta,aGfa: It is intended tor rafteBsi f Mr. fc. A. Jeib. ol Buffalo, NevYip has1 tAid' S5(M)00 for three3 acres' bt ground at Hot Sprints, Arkansas, and will put up a hotel. G. W. Smally telegraphs from Lon don that the arrest of Mr. Earnell has sent a thrill of 'satisfaction throughout Great Britain. ? : The Methodist Freeman's Aid'Socie- ty are about to erect two Colleges at Little Rock, Ark., one for white and one for colored students. Mr. Daniel Dougherty. Philadelphia's noted orator; has home after speeding fa; deUghiftiir fc;rp throe months' MuTatioh fnEngland "and France. . j.. at; & 4 v" Gov. TilHfln'rf intirnate tankrimmedi- J ate personal friends say thatt has not wholly recovered irom nis last niness, which for a while appeared likely to re sult fatally. Dennis Lvons. once a prosperous and Comparatively "wealthy dry goods deal er in Boston, but now penniless, is un der arrest (masrgBd with passing arworth less chebkf$r f ip on i ifaaifrier pby mentfwrols Tf Vf 4 GoColiutte f ae'orgjaexrBftito snare tWp pifdi ih'.otie teapbj bJs.'Tisit to Yorktown. He will be present as a representative of the State, and also to induce the French and German .visitors. together with the Governors' of the I States, to go back with him to the At lanta Cotton Exposition. " Mrs. A. Beyland, sixty-five years of age, was arrested in Cincinnati the oth er day, charged with the murder of her grandson, son of .J no,; Gould; pf SNew port, by striking him oh the head with a stick, land-.thea nearly cuttirig- his head from the body with, a : biucber An attempt was made to set fire to the Cunard steamship- Bothnia while 'lying at her pier at New York, on Sun day night. Suspicion points towaras- the mysterious "skirmishers,? who are supposed to be intent 'upon driving British shipping" from thejjeean. 1 The total amount of subscriptions for Ithe Mrs. Garfield fund received in Jjevy York and paid to the united States Trust Company, of New York is 8360,- 345.74. The amount paid by tne com pany for pnechase of OOJDflb United" States? four' cent, registered; bonds $ras $348,968.75. The balance of flash! with the United Stater Tlust Gofcipaiii is $11,370.90 ; I . i f '' M m " How Appearance Receive. De troll Free Press. A Mciugan teVaperanc's advocate re cently Btated rn a speech that he watch ed the doors of a saloon in a certain vil lage for an hour one day and saw thir ty-one men go and come. He therefore . .u4- . i : j j ; 1 1 3 ttaauiueu iuu um bv-uua urmna nuu tradeded owners, and that the town was full of tipplers. Never was a man more, grievously' mistaken. Nothing is more deceptive than the saloon business. Of thirty-one men he saw enter perhaps not over five took a drink. When you see aJat man rolling into a saloon on a hot dy your first thought is that he" will fling his: hat oh the floor, fall into a chair and call for claret with ice in it, and you wrong him. - He sim ply inters the saloon to see 11 coal will be any higher if he waits another month before buying. The saloon-keeper al ways knows whether coal will be up or down ; and is always willing to tell. : You see couple of lawyers enter a saloon and your impression is that they are going to hake dice for the -drinks. Nothing could be more ; erroneous. They are simply going in to consult a state map to decide a bet that Fishkill is in Bass county. Having "secured their information they walk right out without even stopping to reflect on the awful suction nature must hpve given a man to j)ull aiwhole glass of lemton ade through a straw six inches long; An induranceagentis encountered as he comes out of a saloon, jrripirfg.his mouth on the back of his hand. The public at once jump at the conclusion that he has been struggling with a brandy smash. That's where the public wrong mm. Me noius a poucyouneJ saioon, anu no aociu.eni.euiy. uroppea m. to see if the stock was being kept up. to given figures. A fly bit him on the pfcin and he instinctively wiped ids mouth. A young man in .this,cityAlost his situation in a bank bec&ajeb.e' was seen comming out of a saloon and was heard to say: "QUI fctoKine off!" In stead of dying of-a broken heart, as some bankfjaerks; Jwould, this young man produced proofs that he went to the saloon to buy some old beer tum blers for his wife to put up jelly in, and that as he came out the cool breeze struck.himiand. laitfed, him to ntpark. as above. He was fct orlce reinstated, and now he can go to the saloon to ask the weight of a ton of bricks, the name of the longest river in th world, or what the "George" in George Washing ton's name stood for, and no one sus- pcuts ui uituiguauiuj. uubui auunureu men who enter a saloon only a very small per cent, qnaff the goblet of de struction. The rest go to find out the exact shortage on the wheat, crop, the fluctuations fn English bank stocks, the news from the Panama canal, and vari ous other things: if they happen to wipe their moutbs as they come out, it Is simply an involuntary movement for Which they can notmdreb held respon sible than a yearling babe. BaBaaSaBafl&.aSa.aMajJaBBlSaaBaaB.HMSa.-' i" Senator David Jbavla .. I The senior and solid Senator from Il linois, David DaYiSjia now th,e jpost m nuentialminln theSemte. Hisi bios graph"ellsiilr 'T ' " Mr. Davi3 was born in -Cecil county, Maryland, March 0, 1815, and was edu cated at Kenyon College, Ohio. He Studied law with Judge Bisnop in Len nox, Massachusettsand, in. the law, school atNew .Haven, Connecticut ;Ia lsao ne settled in isioomington, Illinois, where he still resides, and where he has ion nois Lesrislature : to tha Constitutional invention, which framed a -new -con- Butution ior - tne tstate in was elected . Judge of . the .Eighth JudieUl Circuit of Illinois in lAiSwaa tAlacted- in 1855,anctagaifl in l80i, and" ajrpoint ed bv President J4ncoln a Associate Justice of the Supreme JSav&tl ox the united states in 1861. in 1877 he resign ed his indsreahin and wrjt elected to the United States. Senate for the Jull term ending 1881. ,XU 1172 he.was momntated by Ufcaft Mrflpl4siWdi" date lot the IPiesiierfcvJ Ifitlt w Bultneed Uoldf c he're.' i Mmnui ftT Sere are political outbreaks so popular with the wneMiMnlethiB(Sir Tbe breaking oul bpxpliapief, : tettw'awL g exercised great influence, both so-1 cieuieu to ine lower xiouse 01 tne aiii- 1 enfccne ne UKe oa h aoeuea&vbe pleasantly cured 4y Dr. Benson's Sklnflure. Also good lor tbe hair i ood for the hair I fiBAHLXsnAv.. af ID In AHowHIa' couhty, Monday nightvt wo colored nieni namea pieman and WUte. quarreiiea about a woman whom White had es corted to church and White disembow elled Coleman with a 1 knife- killifiz him instantly. T If ew tork Sleek Klarkett New York. Oct -19 11 a. m.- The ; stock market opened strong and gener- ,aiiy uiuer ana suDsequentiy aavancea !a fraction, but speculation soon became heavy and a decline yas recorded rang ing from Mtol percent Metropoli tan Elevated, Denver and Rio Grande and Texas Pacific leading therein. At the first board a better tone prevailed and under the leadership of Metropoli tan rose i to 1 per cent, advance in the rest of the list being merely frac tional, ao ward 11 tne market again took a downward turn. Efforts te Save Onltean. Washington, October 16. In the case of Guiteau, Mr. Scoyille, his broth er-in-law and counsel, says' that Rich ard t. Merrick has consented to argue the question of jurisdiction. If Jndge Cox decides against them they will file objections and go on with the case. If conviction is reached thev will carry the question of jurisdiction to the court in general term and go over it again. II tnat is against them, the question will be appealed to the Supreme Court. This indicates the probable length and cost of this important trial. .' ITEiTJS OF INTEREST. ; In a civil suit last week in a St. Louis eourt,B. M. Chambers, the owner, of tne late Times newspaper of that city, testified that the St Louis gas company on one occasion paid him $3,000 as hush money, and that he understood at the time that the other newspapers were paid still larger sums, one of them get. ung $ou,uuu, John McComb, the' oldest policeman in England and doubtless in tbe world, died at Liverpool October 5. He had joined the Liverpool police force in 1818, when the old watchmen were guardians of the public peace, and in 183d; when the police force was estab lished, he became one of its constables, which rank he held up to his death, in the ninetieth year of his age. Mr. Jackson, the American who has become reader to the King of Wurtem burg, and his majesty's chosen friend, ha had titles and decorations shower ed on him. He has highly-ornamented flunkeys assigned to his service, and .lives in great luxury. He is renrnf- ed as a cultivated and pleasant vounc fellow, talr and slender, with an agree able but not handsome face. The Savannah (Ga.) Recorder of the 13th says: "Florida oranges are com ihg in freely now by almost every train and' boat TThose thus far received are Of good duality, and find read local dealers, while the handsomest prices, are realized by through shipment North." Commissioner Kincaid, of Kentucky, says that much of the legislation had been experimental in the regulation of railroads, and had to be repealed ; while in other cases it had been most satisfac tory, and had worked like a charm saving to the people in one State in four years over $17,000,000. Bice cultivation is one of the most promising industries, of Louisiana. In bt CharieflvTjariah the cultivation of the grain has been found so profitable that thousands of acres formerly dAvnt.d tn other crops have been for the past ten years sown with rice. Within the last year or two its cultivation has been at tempted in the Lake Charles district McNeally reached across a Tam framing table and seized the stakes be onging to Phillips. His hand was in stantly pierced and fastened down by Phillips' knife; trat he quickly freed himself and killed Phillips with apis- The Siamese Princes, before lea vino- Paris, bought 350 pianos for the harem of their august brother. There Is land enough in Texas t.r give four acres to every man. woman and child, m .the: United States. Cleveland's Garfield monument will cost $200,000. .-. New York's Growth ' A New York correspondent .writimr ?of the city' rapid growth says : i xniny years ago tne total valuation was under $500,000,000. -At that time We had no Central park. Yorkville was out of town and Harlem far awav. There is no ;dobt that ninth of the in crease in real estate value is due to Centrol park. The park itself has cost ub to the present time, interest on the " . S S mm. . original ouuay included, about $43J)00, 000. east of the land was $e,666. 000. If the same land were now cut up in building 4otsJt would probably bring nearly ' A plat that was sold in 1852. just before the park.was laid out, for $3000, is held to-day at $1,250,000 The same rate of increase has not of H course been maintained all through only in; the best v neighbor hoods. The-three upper Wards. , com- rising the. part of the city above the owerline of the park, were valued drty years ago at about $50,000,000. one of th&landwas then improved. The value,' of ; the same section is now estimated at $310,000,000. As a large part of the land is still vacant there is room for a further inerease of 'value that can be reckoned only by millions. It is not at all unlikely that at the end of anothertwenty years the total wealth of New York will run up tp.$2,Q00i)00,- ooo. :.- w ' . - in sifr Rale Ina; Qaarantine. Galveston, Texas, Oct 19. Quar antine haa rxA.n declared diRnnntinned at all Texas stations on the 20th instant except- Galyeston; and Indianola, , at which places it wul be raised Novem ber first. : : ODlnions of a Baltlmorean. -lT have used Dr. Bulfs eoUBh syrup foe some time in my family id found It tbe beat remedy for eougbs, colds, Are., 1 evet.trieoV-Louis. Bnming, 28 Carolina areei. ,, ... ... .". .. - UoUke AS Other .Hair PresatiiKS, Is tbe best for promotmt tbe growth of and beau Urlatr tbd air, and randeriDg-it dark and glossy Tbe,Cee;old,ln.a llquld foim, a large pror portion of deodorized Ooeoanut OH, prepared -presl.for; tbs irarpeBa Ho other eompouBd pos sesses the ; fiecullaz oionertlea vhteh so exactly suit the rarjeus oondiaons of the human hair. The superiority of Buraett's Flavoring Sxtraeti Oottilateliiielr perf fiuriV and great Wxebgth. MADffFBOM HABESS MATKEIA W,' and adapted to the needs Hi Jading and falling bail, Parker'aHalr Balsam has tasen the first rank as aire MIanlii Teiin :a Raflroad ; . :;'- sji "'I 4 . tin c-toll . " v i K CbadottOVJI. (XVOAlStB, 1881i feilowlna schedule wfflbsnmowLhla roads. ,.i MCharli 415 p.m. ssvwMan i i . . .... HO tu nc mm ii v. mrw WIO mtit.miS. iMam. (lt?tate8vtlie... ....-0avm .t i tlloore8vin?iis....:...Ta TttOoUe.i.itew.8 24aB If Dtte..........L fW1a in Arrive eACbarlotte,... ... .iiiwKlO 00 Portland Arrua. "' The wrangle vverWrangel land'cori tinues, both thp United- States and SCanada claiming it. The best thing. onr crsvernmerrt rsvn in i 'M'rnwrmr ,w uepauuvau uuico-uoiaers 01 tuu xror sey, Brady, Hawgate pattern loose up there and give them free swing, , It is jraore than likelv they would steal the vto'e concern in six months, and that Nwould bo tho last we would hear of Wrangel land. IT WON'T PAT after so much labor and capital has been expend ed to build up this medicine, to allow It to deterio rate. Ton can take Simmons' Liver Beguiator with perfect faith, as It Is made by no adventurers who pick up the business of concocting medicines, but by educated, d radical dmesriaia who ham made the study of medicine and its compounds the labor for a lifetime. The care, precision, neatness and perfection exhibited by the very ap pearance of the Regular proves It to be the best prepared medicine in the market, and J. H. Zeilln ft Co. fully carry out their motto: "Purisslma et Optima (purest and best.) M iHEDMATISI, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Bout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Generat Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ko Preparation on earth equal Sr. Jacobs Oil at a tafy, re, simple and chap External Remedy. A trial en tails but the comparatiTely trifling outlay of 60 Casts, and every one mffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of its claims. IHrectiotu la Eleven Languages. SOLD BT ALL DBUGGISTS AID DEALERS A. VOGEIiER & CO., Baltimore. JXd., V. 8. JL, ase 80d& w ly r A SURE RECIPE For Fine Complexioiis. Positive relief and immnnity irom complexional blemishes maT be found in Hagan's Mag nolia Balm. A delicate and harmless article. Sold by drug gists everywhere. It imparts the most brilliant and life-like tints, and the clo sest scrutiny cannot detect its use. All unsightly discolora tions, eruptions, ring marks under the eyes,sallowness,red ness, roughness, and the flush of fatigue and excitement are at once dispelled by the Mag nolia Balm. It is the one incomparable Cosmetic Jan. aa !M ! lulUJJi We are now receiving our 1 &Winter Stock OF 1 Containing all the latest styles and qualities of LADIES', liorens flats and B AIS0 All the novelties for trimming: FEATHERS, FI.OWEBS, BIBBONS, SILKS, FLASHES, 8ATINS, OBNAMSNT8, AO. Also our usual large and attractive stock of White Goods, Laces, "Embroideries, Neck Wear, Gloves and Hosiery, Corsets, Shawls, Cloaks, Skirts, &c. Another large stock of Ladies' Muslin Underwear lust received, that we are offering at very low prices. MRS. P. QUERY 'US1 --! Sale of Real Estate, BT virtue of authority, conferred in a certain mortgage deed executed on the 81st day of January, 1880, by Thomas J. Sprinkle and Lou ise; J. Sprinkle, bis wife, of the county ofHecte lenUurK, North Carolina to theNorth Carolina State Life Insurance Company, eTEaleigh, N. a, and recorded la the Register's Office of Mecklenburg book 28, page 228, 1 win offer for sale at theeourt house, in the City of Charlotte, to tha highest bidder, on Saturday, tbe 29th day of Oc tober, at 12 o'clock 1L, Lots 1793 and 1796, to the plan cf the City of Charlotte, situated between CandBj streets, and adjoining lands of 8. J. hitehurat. H. JT. Xlllott and MraT H. W. Tafian. VTojerma of sale apply to ' - W4Ufe ' I tV - TH0a.FATJSHT0S; if TO M urn a MILLINERY GOODS ir l ni 'ii u ana to OMS oth Foreign and Domestic, JUSf RJECHVED AT Dr.J.H.HcAden's Drog Store 'AB1TOOA yiCHT. From Saratoga Springs, N. Y. A new water re sembling the imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and In all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO. g CASES CONGRESS WaTBR, CASES ROCK BRIDGE ALUM, J Q CASKS BUFFALO LITHIA And a full supply of ' IMPORTED APOLLINARIS AND Hnnyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! H UNYADI TANOS. THE BEST NATURAL- APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: DoMr-A wine glass full before breakfast. ?.a?"L"?unyadl Janos- -Baron Lieblgaf ftrms that ite richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." Tto British Medical Journal "BunjAdi Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Prqj. Ytrchom, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." buftnicanaw'' Wurszburg. I prescribe none Prof. Lander Bntnton, M. D., f. B. 8., London. "More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them in efficacy." ,E&AJ;ken PiF- Koy MUItary Hos E1. Net ey.preferred to Pulina and Fried nchshalL " JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water In large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J. H. McA DEN, Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 Bropt by Examination. -Go to W. P, MARTIN. Agent, and Successor to F. Scan- 4 Co. JOB- Fresh Drags and Pure Medicines None but the Very Best Drugs do I keep in my stock. Also, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Perfumeries, Combs Brushes, Tooth Brushes, &&, &. GARDEN SEEDS of all the best varieties, and warranted to be good. Physicians' prescriptions are given spec ial attention. Hoping to receive a share of public patronage, I am, respectfully, feb8 W. P. MARVIN, Agt L. R. Wriston & Co., WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL Druggists, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Our stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs, is complete. tsrarvE us a trial rpBY OUB INK CAPSULES, Something new and guaranteed to make the BEST INK in the Market L. B. WRISTON & CO. "TyHITK and BED ONION BETS, For fall planting, L. B, WBISTON 4 CO, w X HAVE A ULL ASSORTMENT Of Seeley's Hard Rubber Trusses at reasonable prices.- Every Truss warranted as represented. - - . . L. B. WBISTON & CO. JADIES' CORSET BRACK, A shoulder brace and support for tbe back com bined. Sold by L. U. WRISTON & CO. octl2 'gov gnXz. CITY PROPERTY FOB SALE. A DESIRABLE residence, three blocks from tbe public square lit Charlotte, will- be sold cheap and on reasonable terms to the Tight kind of a purchaser. The dwelling is on a full lot, has nine comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine well of wa ter, etc." The bouse is admirably adapted for the residence of a lawyer, doctor or preacher, having an admirable library or study room, built for the purpose. - For furthsr particulars, price, terms, wew; THE Lot on the corner of Ninth street and the North Carolina Railroad, fronting 140 feeton Ninth street and 196 feet on the North Carolina Railroad, will either be sold as a whole or divided into two lots of 70 by i8feeV SoitaWe either for oeiiu to MOORE'S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY m sa aaaissl sssssw a usuiua. vrs For Ulustrated Circular. A ll-r actmia Buslnefia oct4 4w Capcifle Porous Plaster. .Jo5,000 e&sto d Physicians have signed a paper stating tbat Benson's Capclre Po "o4 4s 8upemr 10 411 oUiers: PriL a&entUdJene7orI ?11 ffltOO pVLoontains IxuSSiol mail; ifliutiWgakple.Tcent? send nnw AHH. t-L' J i. CUTICURA PERMANENTLY CURES HUMORS OF THE SCALP AND SKIN. Crice of Cuticura, a medical jelly, sma l box?! ko 2nti large boxes. 81. Cuticura Resolvent th cinlleSfbli1"16- "JSSSWdl- Xteof5' PrlnMepor6" con" All if8 POTTER, Boston. Mass. octliwd61 oa recelpt 01 lafirll Tonic. BEST HEALTH AND STRENGTH RESTORER NOW USID. sSMtt1? 2 Wo?n .Oteeases of tbe nd8 ta i.L ii ucver intoxicates. 50o and 51 sizes. Large savin burtns si w oet4.dftw4w msC0X CO-' Chemists, N.Y. 5000 Agents Wanted tn aii tha Life of President Garfield ScalK,816. for le;wondirfil wiw.JS611 blopd Poisoning; removal to scsnffi 1 .iJwS?lte wlfe "id mother; ?rfcuitih?8h0tmg:theglck ebamber; Guiteau 'n,Isell;P1.e surgeons and the sick cabinet The only complete and authentic w-rk. A lorttine 50c Speak quick. Addrsss 4w HUBBARD BROS., Pub'ra, AUanta, Ga, St. (JHAKLES HOTEL STATES VILLK, N. C. rri HIS house has been leased for a term of years t"LJ I HJ8;, .ReeTes- wbose intention is to keep a strictly first-class house in every respect floors' sample rooms on first and second The patronage of the public is solicited. Julyl.dtf. HONEST 7 Twist Chewing Tobacco Beware of imitations. None geulne unless ac- -hTrt?teth 0I? "H5nest I" copy-rlgbted label which will be found on bead of every box. Manufactured only by , BROWN & BRO., S feb20-2w Winston. N. G Riehmond and Danville Railroad. PASSENGJ3B DEPAETMEKT. On and after June 5th, 1881, Passenger Train Service on the Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line di vision of this road will be as follows: N. Y. Express No. 47, B. U. a Fast Mail No. 49, C. U. S. Mall EASTWARD. No.45, L've Atlanta... Arr. Suwanee.. " Lula " Toccoa " Seneca.... " Greenv'le . " Spartan'g. Gastonla.. ' Charlotce.. 4.00 AM 3.15 Pm 4.37 PM 5.59 PM 6.30 PM 7.45 PM 9.06 pm 10 16 pm 11.25 pm 1.00 AM 2 11 AM 4 31 AM 5 85 am ..D ..E ,..F 5.18 AM 6.54 AM 8.14 AM 9.20 am 10.58 am 12.14 pm 7.15 PM 8 40 pm 10.20 ps .G .H i.K 11.40 pm! 2.13 AMj ,.L .M 2.3r pm 3.35 Ps 3.15 AM k g. Express No. 48. U. 8. WESTWARD U. S. Mail No. 42. i Fast Mall No. 50. L've Charlotte... M " Gastonla... L " Spartan'g. K " Greenv'le... H " Seneca G 12.30 1 27 8.50 5.07 6.51 8.01 9.16 10.38 12.05 PM PM PM PM 12.43 1.43 4.06 5.18 7.02 8.15 9.H1 1054 12.20 AM AM AM 12.33 am 1.17 AM 3.12 AM 4.24 ah 5.47 AM 6.53 AM 8.09 am 9 22 am 10 35 am AM AM AM PM Toccoa F " Lula E " Suwanee... D PM PM PM AM AM AM PM Arr. Atlanta CONNECTIONS. A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. & W. P. Railroads. B with arriving trains of Georgia Central, A. & W. P. aud W. ft A. Railroads. C with arriving trains of the Georgia Railroad. D with Lawrenceville Branch to and from Law rence vtlle, Ga. E with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga, F with Elberton Air-Line to and from Elberton, Georgia. G with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, S. C. H with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, a G K with Spartanburg and Ashevllle, and Spartan burg, Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Ashevllle, and Alston and Columbia. L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and from Dallas and Chester. M with C, C. A C C.-B. ft D. and A., T. A 0. for all points West North and East Pullman palace sleeping car service on trains Nos. 47 and 48, dally, without change between Atlanta and New York. a. POPK, Jun5 General Passenger Agent. Carolina Central R. II Co. Change of Schedule OFFICE GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT, O WmmiGTOH, N. C. June 4, 1 881 N and after June 5, 1881, the following Schedule will be operated on this railroad: PaSSXMGEB, HAIL AJTD XPB38 TBADV DAILY aiCIPT 8CHDAT8. n i 1 Leave Wilmington ai.,.v. t 45 a m a i Afrtve at CharlottS ai.JU 45 p $ wn 9 I Leave Charlotte at 6 00 a m ao' ) Arrive at Wilmington at,.. ... 8 25pm Trains Nos. 1 and 2 stop at regular stations on lyand points designated in the company's time These trains make close connection at Charlotte with trains Nos. 8 and 4 for Cleaveland Springs and all points on the Shelby division. FASSBHGHB AND FREIGHT. ) Leave Wilmington at 6 80pm No. 5. Arrive at Hamlet at. 126am ) Arrive at Charlotte at 8 00 a m ) Leave Charlotte at 7 80pm NO. 6. VArrive at Hamlet at 1 26 a m 1 Arrive at Wilmington 9 30 a m No. 5 Train is dally, except Sunday, but no con nections to Raleigh on Saturday. No. 6 Train Is daily, except Saturday. SHXLBT DIVISION, PASSENGER, KAIL, EXPRESS AND FHEIHT. No a (.Leave Charlotte 7O0pm f Arrive at Shelby 10 80 p m No 4. ikee Shelby 6 00 a m Arrive at Charlotte. 9 30 a m Trains Nos. 5 and 6 make close connection at Hamlet to and from Raleigh, except as above. Through Sleeping Cars between Raleigh and Charlotte. Trains No. 1 and 2 make connection at Char lotte with the A., T. 4 O. B. R., arriving at States vill the same evening, and connecting then with ID9 w- fr Ashevllle and all points on the W . N. C. R. R. Trains Nos. 3 and 4 connect closely with the Chester and Lenoir Balliosd at Lincoln ton. V. Q. JOHNSON. Jun25 Gen'L Sup't 76 MS1IE1LS FRESH JUST RECEIVED. FREE m i I sua seal; CHAS. R. JONESJ i-. - f tTOBUeswoa eow ly,

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