LOCAL lflTELUGKNCE. FRIDAY, OCT. 21. 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. Phaiaix Lodox Na 81, A. F. ft A. M.-Begular meeting e?ery second and fourth Monday night Excelsior Lodox no. 281, A. F. ft A. It-Re olar meeting even first bad third Tuesday nlghtsT Chablotti dLurxH No. 89, a A. M.-Begular meeting every second and fourth Friday nlghu. Charlottx Commandary No. 2, X. T.-Begular meeting every first and third Thursdays. KNI0HT8 of HoHOR.-Beular meeting even second, and fourth Thursdays. ' Kkights or Pythias. Regular meetlnr nicht. first and third Wednesday ToSTpS. Lt Maf soulc Temple HalL - I. O. O. IF1. dahT0" Na 88-M wry Mon- Mkoxlxnbubs Declaration Meets every Tuesday night. Lobg Na . nlghu N" 10? Meeta evwyhursday Catawba Rttxb SKOAjipnirr No 21 xrat. First and third Thursday nlghte to each monOX . -i.,.. ., s Index to Nvr Advertisement. A. J. Beall ft Co New Store. Opera House, Wednesday 2flth. Wlison ft BjrweH-"mtlmo" cigars. HO "TIE PENCftflWM, ' t-What the cttyWds ia more dogs. ECotton closed "wefckw yesterday, CJT A little mud is natural curi oaity. tW The Hornets return from York town to-morrow. SW Overcoats have become numerous on the streets. quite IW The traveling salesmen say they are now traveling for pleasure only. w wwiug to me arougnt is now a stereotype excuse for anything from an unpaid fertilizer bill to a dirty shirt. Eff-LKttie Jenkins and Nellie Frd, two colored damsels, were fined $2.50 each yesterday by Mayor pro tern, Os borne, for pulling each other's wool. ft LBflw fPU- t 2 a . iw xuewrusare saia to De more plentiful this season than since the great destruction which befell them the severe winter of 1876-77. in tW Two entertainments at the opera bouse and a hanging at the jail are the events for next week. Forepaugh'a "biggest show in the world" week after next. 5Night before last was too cloudy for meteoric observations and last night a careful observer failed to see the extraordinary showers the astronomers predicted. The Raleigh News-Observer Bays that considerable damage was done the cotton in Wake by the hard rains a day or two since. The rain here was fortu nately not hard enough to do that sort of injury. t& Messrs. T. M. ft. Talcott, of the Richmond and Danville, and Supervi sor Dunn, of the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta passed through the city yesterday returning from Statesville, where they had been to look at the new road of the syndicate. t"Rice, of Baltimore, the most famous shirt man who visits these parts, is at the Central. If you don't think you need any shirts go to Rice and he will show you your very great mistake. One cannot live without more shirts after & shirt consultation with Rice. Charlotte Thompson, the distin guished young actress who will be re-" membered as having appeared here two seasons ago as "Lady Jane Grey" with Mrs.Bowere as "Queen Elizabeth" is booked for the Charlotte opera house early in December. t3T There is some talk of anew social club in the city which is to be so organized and conducted so as to give everybody a chance to exhibit his or her strong point to his or her entire sat isfaction. Every artistic tendency from making faces to composing music, will be utilized for the pleasure of the city. IST Forepaugh'a bill posters were j due here day fief ore yesterday, but j didn't arrive, having to turn back and ! come around by the Air-Line because their cars were too high for some of the bridges orithe Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad. If the cars of the main show are as high, the bridges will have to be altered for the occasion as the circus has an engagement at Chester, it is learned. Under the Wheel. As the passenger train was leaving Wadesboro, day before yesterday even ing, a young man named Archie Mc Donald, from Rockingham, fell between the cars. The wheels passed over his left arm just above the hand, severing it almost entirely in two. A Narrower Gauge, A prominent railroad man of this city says he thinks before many years all the roads will be changed to the 4-foot-8-inch gauge. The roads of the Richmond and Danville- syMicate are about the only oneafcr thw'Sei'Jt 6 feet Yide, and all thenew roadi; in the South-west connecting with the R. & D. roads are being built with the former gauge. Death of Win. Challenger. The Rock Hill Herald records the death of Mr. William Challenger lately of that place, but for gome time before moving to Rock Hill a citizen of Char lotte. He was born and raised in Eng land, from whence he came to this country and to the South after the war. lie was a contractor and builder, and did a considerable amount of work here. Mi Beets. Mr. Eccles, of the Central Hotel, yes terday recceived a barrel of sugar beets from H. H. Helper, of Davidson Col lege. They7 ranged from pounds down, nearly all of them approaohing that weight rather than falling under it considerably. Mr. Helper states that he has raised them weighing as a high aa 13 pounds. This, year thy matured Qa early fts June. . ; . raWLGMiT'pABTS Who allow their children to eat heartily of bighlr easonedfood, rich pies, cake, etc., will have to use Hop Bitters to Prevent Indigestion, sleepless w Biue wunoai mem in we noose. Reform. rn J.U buow wnar a moral reform has come over Charlotte, the fact is cited that five years ago there were about a naii dozen laro banks running from the ten cent institution, run by a be nevolent sport for the, benefit of the poor, to the $25 stack games with the limit what you liked. For the last four months; at least, a Scotland vard dtr. tive couldn't find a place to buy a stack 01 woites ror love or money. "The tiger- lias ceased to waylay the promis mg youth of the town. If a game ever is scared up. say the boys, it is no pleas ure to play for keeping the door locked aiid the gas low. The "rounders" have an gone tq work. At ihetopeva Ustuae ou the 25th. ine uoarieston News and Courier says of the play, "Evictton,' to be pue sented at the operaiiSuse on the evrs ing of the 25th : " The dialogue is gee as a whole, and occasionally show a scintillation of pure Irisn wit, wfe&h never fails to bring down the house. The accessories are fair and the cast as whote tolerably good, a noticeable fea ture being the perfect dialect of the sevwal characters. "Terrence,"MnVer ner, -xerry Flynn," Mr. Frew, and "Cofiiiy; Mr. Conyers, were the central figures, and shared the honors of the evening fairly with Miss Henderson, who, as "Molly McCarthy," -was rery winsome and very natural. The audi ence were lavish in applause and the curtain was rung up after every act ia response to the demands of the house. Burins; a, 20 XIoCs f or t'A. In the investigation, yesterday morn ing at the Mayor's court, of the case against Dallas Simmons, colored, who was arrested at Matthew's station Tuesday and brought to this city on the cnargesof having take $20 from a colored boy named Geo. Walker, aged nine years, and of having made his es cape from the street gang, to which he was sentenced for 15 days; it was prov en that he had jaid the boy $2 for the 820 bill. It was further shown beyond doubt that the boy had stolen the mon ey from Alderman Hutchison. In con sideration of his youth the boy was dismissed on the condition that he was to receive a sound thrashing. The man was put to work out his time on the chain gang, and then in default of 100 bail he is to go to jail on the charge of receiving stolen goods. BUhop aa "Widow Bedott." The advertisement of the appearance of the comedian Bishop, as the "Widow. -bedott," appears this morning. He has been here before and many Charlotte theatre-goers remember -the extrava gantly ludicrous play. Here is what the New York Herald of January 18th has to say of it: "It would be hard to find a more side splitting entertainment than that given at Haverly Fourteenth Street Theatre, to wit, "The Widow Bedott," with Mr. C. B. Bishop in the role of the obstreperous, husband-hunt ing "relict." His droll sayings, his malapropisms, his wonderful facial play and his irresistible bounce swept the audience away in a tide of laughter tnat never eDDed until the curtain fell upon the wily widow and her prey in the last tableau. Everybody knows the episodes of this story, and it need only be remarked that everv funnv Doint was made the moBt of by the company, which is much better than that pre sented by the generality of "star" per formers. Erroneous Heparin nbnui the Troops at Fork town. Rumors were rife on the streets yes terday afternoon that there had been a considerable row at Yorktown. The reports finally settled into a story that the Southern Stars of Tarboro became involved in a row with the Ninth Mas sachusetts regiment, brought oh by the impertinance of the latter. It was fur ther reported that the Thirteeenth New York regiment had taken the part of the North Carolina boys and some of the men of the Ninth Massachusetts had been hurt with bayonets. Intelligence received last night from Richmond is to the effect that the only foundation for these rumors i3 the mis behavior of members of the Ninth Massachusetts in Richmond where some of them were put in confinement, and a continuation of this disorderly conduct by the saijatf regiment at York town. By order of Gen. Hancock the regiment was put under arrest. This is all there is of it, according to our infor mation, and this is in accord with the statements about the misbeha vior of the Ninth Massachusetts regi ment in the Richmond papers. ' Railroad Item. The Charlotte, Columbia and Au gusta road is assessed in South Carolina at $10,000 per mile; the Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge at $3,000 per mile. The Florida travel is increasing. The trains on the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta, are almost daily crowded. Col. Buford, of the Richmond and Danville, is a North Carolinian. He was raised in Mocksville. W. P. Clyde, of the Richmond and Danville syndicate, is at Yorktown with his large yacht, upon which, it is said, he spends most of his time. Return tickets have to be stamped at Atlanta before they are good to re turn. A gentleman of the city, just re turned, complains that the ticket agent' at the depot declined to stamp tickets until 30 minutes before the leaving time of the Air-Line train and that several people had to lay over, failing to get this necessary stamping done on account of the rush at the ticket office during this half hour. The Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio stock is worth about 40 cents now. ' The litigated bonds , and subscrip tion unpaid of the city to the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio road will, with the interest, amount to about $75,000 if the railroad wins. President Myers claim? that the amount will be even more than that. -u. -i -me i , Thousands of women have been entirely cured of the most stubborn cases of female weakness by the use of Lydla X. Fink ham ' Vegetable Com- wuo. eena.io jus. iyaia m, ruutoaai, 200 estera Ayeqpe, Lynn, Mass., fqr pamphlets. FAnXD OB GRAY HUB gradually recovers Ka youthful color and lustre by the use of Parker's H?1"?, an elegant dressing, admired lor Its neIeninrt; su Atlanta. . A gentleman of the city' who return edfrom the Atlanta Exposition yester day repoTts that he found the North Carolina txhiblt of minerals the finest in all the displays. He says that Geor gia beats us in wood, which "hadn't I oughter" be, for is it not acknowledged that our forests afford a larger variety than any in the world ? This spectator was much chagrined at his inability to discover that prpimnei.ee for Mecklenf burg which he thinks' the "Cradle of Liberty" deserves. He offers to pay all express charges on unlimited quantities of typical hornests' nests and copies of the famous Declaration to be sent and hung up in the otherwise satisfactory exhibit of the State. IN JUJEMOHIAirj. , t j.; : . ...... 1 mre. William Jehnotost, :zr- 1 Passed away from eaTttronthe morn ing of the 13th of OctoUr, 1881, Mrs. Ann E. Johnston, wife of CoL William J ohnston, of Charlotte.' Another nobie1 life has gone out, leaving a void, which! in some hearts, canever be filled. ; lt is usual to eulocize. the beloved dead; sorrow and atfectiprtttriiting to,magnify the gifts and graces of the departed' one. But in this case, truth itself is all that is needed. Gentle, upright, truth ful, tenderly devoted to her husband and children, affectionate to her friends and relatives, kind and considerate to ner servants ; with no unworthy ambi tions, no ignoble aims, she was like Solomon's virtuous woman, whose "price was far above rubles." .blessed with abundant means and with a social position inferior to none. yet no class distinctions influenced her in her choice of friends. She Drized the good and the true with no reference to wealth or fashion. Without assuming censorship of the faults cf society, she herself indulged in no heartless social gaiety. Home was her pr4f ince, and she made- it inexpressil<reet and lovely Flowers rare ana exotic, , as wen as the oitt-fasnicr:eai favorites of our grandmothers, bloomed and flour ished under Tier fostering hand, ller green-house, flower garden and fruit garden furnished her with recre.i0n. which others find in worldly amuse ments. She loved beautiful things and surrounded herself with them, but not for purposes of ostentatious display. If she had any pride, it was pride of an cestry; but this, merely a veneration for the glories of the past, which she Tifivfir nhr.mnerl nnnn t.h nnt.ipn nf others. Her father. Dr. George Franklin Gra ham, was the third son of Gen. Joseph Graham. He graduated at Chapel Hill in the class of 181o, and received his medical diploma in Philadelphia a few Tears later. His mother was the grand daughter, of Mr. Peter Eppes, of Vir ginia, of the same family as Mr. Jchn Vv. Eppes. the son-in law of Thorn: 8 Jefferson. Dr. Graham, immediately after his marriage, lecated in Tennessee, where his father had received large grants of land for his military services. His only child, Mrs. Johnston, was born in Mem- Ehis on the 16th of May, 1827, and he imself fell a victim to malarial fever while she was still an infant The youthful widow and her daughter re turned to the old Graham homestead, where they became the objects of the tenderest interest from a numerous family circle. The Hon. James Graham was appointed guardian of the little Annie, and as he never married him self, her training and education became a matter of supreme importance to him. He finally placed her at the well known school of Miss Margaret Mercer, of Tfirginia, where, with the daughters of President Tyler and other young ladies of distinction, she completed her education. Mrs. Johnston joined, in early life, the 1st Presbyterian church of Charlotte, and L shall never forget the expression ot quiet and gentle rever ence, and humble solemnity, which her face always assumed, when she took ner seat m tne sanctuary, it was a privilege to worship near oae, who seemed s) fully to realize the presence of her God. Her fortitude, during her long ilhiess eight months of agoniz ing suffering was beyond de descriptibn. Once, in a moment of ex treme pain, she said; MIfearmypa tience will give way." But God gave her the strength she needed ; and with touching pathos she uttered her grati tude that "drops of mercy" were mingl ed with the bitter cup she was called upon to drink. At length, tired nature found repose, and she breathed her last without visible pain. " The good die never;'? " In this aualnt legend, beautiful and s trance. The crave Is of Its cloom and terror shorn. Man but obeys the law of ceaseless change, And life Itself from seeming death Is bora. The good die never; and although with tears We yield them to the clouds; above earth's strife, And sobs, we bear a voice that calms our fears, i am tne nesunection and tne ure. " H.M.I. BUBNETT'S OOCOATUB, Unlike All Other Hair Pressings, Is the best for promoting the growth of and beau tifying the hair, and rendering it dark and glossy. The Cocoaine holds, in a liquid foim, a large pro portion of deodorized Cocoanut Oil, prepared ex pressly for this purpose. No other compound pos sesses the peculiar properties which so exactly . ult the various conditions of the tinman half. . The superiority of Burnett's Flavoring Extracts' consists in their perfect purity and great strength. Lydia E. Plnkham's Yegetable Compound is a remarkable remedy for all those painful com plaints and weaknesses so common to our Dest lemale population. send to Mrs. Ljam k. nnanam. Z33 western Avenue. Lynn. Mass., for pamphlety, r , Hew dtrerttsc 3. ONE NIGHT ONLY, Wednesday Eye, October 26th. British America to Florida! Maine to Mexico 1 Mr. J. H. Haverly, Mr. Frank W. Paul, - - ift . Proprietor. Manager. J. H. HAVERLY'S NKW WIDOW BEDOTT COMEDY COMPANV OMXDY COMPAN X The most successful Farcical Comedy ever produc ed, introducing America's famous comedian, CHARLES B. BISHOP AS THE CELEBRATED WIDOW, In Petroleum T. Nasbr's second edition of hla re nowned dramatization, supported by Mrajeriy's Star ftmeij Companj. EYEBYTHINO fl .'. ; EntNwfSrVlnndEhtoriamlgt , Incidental to the Comedy win be lntrodueed beautiful music, Quartettes, Duetts. Ac, jenderea by Mseo EIXISTON. CREESE, luster BXNBXS and others o the compan. . ' SCALE OF PBICES: Admission ai usual; re; served seats 81.00. Mow on sale at McSmtth'i and Central Hotel. oct21 Charlotte Opera House 0'" 1 !. mm OFlrn OF THFi v, KB TJLTI-M-Ow CISAR, Fresh and Dlc4 Just received by OCtai WILSOK ft BOH WILL. GENERAL FEED DEALERS -AHD- MISSION MISSION S, MSRGHANT CHARLOTTE, . fc HAYfJra ut opened a GXNXBAL tUD 8TOBI and 00MMIS8I0V BUSIBZSS on College Street, at the old stud of J. 8. BhannoahouM, we will be gi&d to serve oor rrtemds and the public genenuy, with all kinds of FEED At bettem prices, and will haadle and sen all goods Beht us oa Commtsslffa to the very best ad- Tautagejand hope aad believe we can make ft to year lnHrest to glvlus a call 7 Bespretfully, A. J. BIALL CO. I i P. a-iw have now en band One car load YIL LOW COIN, HAY, BBAM, OATS, PXABL GRITS. and CHCf CB FAMILY FLOUB, and will In a day r so hate a FULL STOCK In our one ef goods. cm tf. A. J. B. ft CO. 11RSKINE COLLEGE. I 7 W WAST, DUU1B One OI the Oldest Institutions in the State. Total expenses for Tuition. Board. Books, etc., need not of a Tutor. Locality healthy: community moral motu aiDo. rreDanuorr uenanment in cnarm ana nueiiigeni. upens nrst Monday in October. ooio M w. m. UJUSB. Fres't. i NOTICE. AMeetrjig of the stockholders and directors of the North State Conner anl liaM vinin. Company Jrui be held at the office upon the prop- Thursday.pctober 27th, 1881. at noon, for the purpose of levy an assessment upon the capital siock oi saia company and lor the purpose ot transacting such other business as may be brought octi tr President. OF es i Wei, CLOTH,- ONE DOLLAR, AT BOOK STORE. octg.tf CRANBERRIES, 8TRAIKIO BONKT, PULED P1ACH1S. and OAT MEAL. CHESTNUTS, AT f. HOWELL'S. 1 14 1 Midland N. C. Railway (ItlanHoattg-yorth Carolina Division.) . PASSENGER DEPARTM'T. TlmSTabWll.lo take effect Monday. 12 DS a. mOweter 8rdT881 ; No. 47. going east. ABBIVZ. lUTl Goldsboro.... 700 pm 7 82 pm 7 60 pm 8 05 pm 8 25 pm 8 55 pm 9 21 pm S41 pm 60 pm 1025 pm 169 pm 11 10 pm 1180 pm 1184 pm 1217 am 12 84 am 12 64 am Best's La Grant railing Creek Elnston.. ... Dover Cora Creek... Tuscarora.... Clan's New Berne... Btverdale Cioatan ...... Weodbrldge.. 789 psa 746 pm 8 05 pm 820 pm 8 66 pm 9 16 pm 041 put 960 pm 10 10 pm 10 69 pm II 10 pea 1180 pm 1184 pm 12 12 am 12 84 am 12 61 am 1 00 am Baveiock Newport HoUywood Macon Hotel .... Morehead Depot Ma 48. GOING WEST. ' 1 mm. LEAYJL Morebead Depot .... SSBSwW.-:::::::,:::: Newport Havelock.... Weodbrldge y . Oroatan f... Btverdale...... New Berne...'. Clarke's Toscarora 820 am 885 am 856 am 418 am 449 as 464 am 612 am 525 am 6 10 asm 680 am 640 am ?06 am 27 am 814 am 8 29 am 8 49 ans 9 01 ant 8 25 am 8 60 ami 4 08 am! 149 ami Mam 612 am 625 568 680 640 am Core Creek-.... .......$. 7 01 vover f m rer ston .2... ling CTeelrA... 4... wHtngft ' r viTZ... .. ....... .f... 727 amJ KlnstOD . FalrbiKf 829 am 844 am 901 am 985 am La Grange. Best'iTT:. Goldsboro. Train 48 eoBnertswttl wibamfton Wekton train, leavuaidspero nu lor Btehmond. Balthnere-, rBuwnpu new xo ork, and potato tlmMarthCaro- Snat4UTtrfehoJ1t4 Tram 47 oaonewa wua wumn umingtoa Weldoa train from BJciiaamdi BaBfoee. Philadelphia. IfewYork; gadr-potato North, East and West, thai amves a uowsouiw iSDora oafuavm, Wllm k. Wsldon trains -UaMOiddahoa Korth.fi a. Bk,Mid 104 B Rm SeaiuTtiB ve, North. SfSSpjn. i ' Saslralht,N, Miraigjnti m., leaves ( rfefXl L, arrives flslfcbeis Edoo a. m., ie Bteamer for Tnaanav. 9 OA m.' DL. and new rive at Elliabeth City. V Zg)p.am.,ar- vo a. m., and Satoidav. TAW a. I .m J.RT1TW, octS Cblef gkigmeer d: Oeo'l Man. It T Tk linn JIJ. MM. HHMIS The Life and Public Services Jam Fridav win ni Please Return Faroes Bavlag in their possession Cracker cans belwgteg to the undersigned, will please return promptly when empty, Ml haves great deBaod i for them. LeBOT DAY1S6QX. -iTO THE"- -OF- -AND- SURROUNDING Your attention Is rt spectrally called to the large and fine stock ef New bev store and read for Inspection, which are oaerea ai very eiose ncures. err eiose scums, i am arei prepar- ea to oner special Dcrgaini to the a ads pedal bargains to th ah goods In Bullae. 1 CORN IX CAB LOAD LOT8. MEAL. DC CAB LOAD LOTS. FLOUR, m Cab load lots. JULX MEAT and HAMS, OLAS3ES, 8Y&UPS, CUGAB, COFFEE and TEAS. LARGE STOCK OF TOBACCO. CHEWING ADD SMOKING. FIXE LINE OF CIGARS. CIGARS. Gilt Edge Goshen BUTTER. New York State CREAM CHEESE. CHARLOTm 'FRUIT s, SUCH AS- Lemons, Oranges, Apples, Bananas, Grapes. CANNED GOODS, APPLES. PEAB8. PINE APPLE. GBEKN GB1PES. PLUM PUDDING, RASPBEBBIKS. 8TBA W BERRIES, ASPARAGUS. 8UGAB PEAS, SUCCOTASH. BOSTON BAKED BllNd, CORN, OKRA and TOMATOES. FISH, Cod, Maekerel in all stiles and sizes. Deviled Crabs. Lobster. Salmon. American and French Sardines, Oysters, Ac POTTED MEATS, Chicken, Beef, Duck, Ham, Tongue and Turkey, Assorted. CORNED BEEF, CONDENSED MILK, OLTVK& . LARGE LOT STARCH, 8 to 40 lb. boxes. Farinaceous Goods. OetmeaL Peas, Cheese, Chocolate, Essential Oils Mustards. Aoehovy Paste, Anchovies in salt or oil, and other Imported articles. r A TTTlT"I7C la backets, boxes and iVPlXXXO. benels; Nets, malstns, Fvflnes, Pepper, Splees, Cloves, Xntmeg, Mace. SOAPS, Large steek Toilet andCecomoQ. TBI BXTaZL TEADI WIS tad speeisi bargama ta an goods in say Une. A eaE to seitattsd. as tt s believed that snythuc aesueanisAoosryaiwe.ssac7r Dcspie, cu be labmd la my store. JUjspeetfailr, LeROY DAVIDSON. TokKeMTrade t of Sale leady-made Clothing, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CARPETS, TRUNKS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, &C, Regardless of Cost, T CXOS OUB BUSINESS BY JANUARY 1st, 1882. Having concluded to return to the Eastern part of the State, and te avoid packing and shlptng our goods we have resolved to give the public tte benefit to purchase our entire stock at Driees never before known in rharinttA rwmwio o .n BOW and desirable, hnrlnir hniicht a AnmnTnta n ; nr the best barsalns as this ia nositlvelv a bonaflda Three new silver-plated Mansard 8 foot show cases, 1 No. 7 Hosiers' Are proof safe, 1 hand ome Mirror, 5 Iron Velvet Cushioned Stools, and 4 folding awnings and frames, lor sale cheap. oetlS Roddick: & oo., TRYON WE ARE STILL AHOTHEB LOT OF THAT FAMOUS 10c BLEACHING. A NEW LINE OF CHILDREN' S BEQU- IiAs-mada HOaUEBY. We We would be glad to have our prices and qualities compared with any In the city; we are certain thev . are at least ten per cent cheaper than can be found elsewhere. NEW DRESS GOODS Another lot of these 8 Button Kids at 600 a pair. call before purchase I, as It will be RODDICK & CO Terms strictly cash and one price. AT REDUCED RATES BOUGHT AND SOLD OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTEL, tSsTN . B. Partles'deslrlng information in regard to novia w k D!RTJGrGrISTS, Trade Street, PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO BOTH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE. oct 19 f 'fel T1 n - V . RICHMOND ENERWIHSCO. CHAS. R. JONES, Sole Ag't, Charlotte,N.C. Every Estey Organ Sold is made Throughout with Equal fidelity, and Xieldt unrivaled tones. Send for IUwtratod Catalogw. oct7,dlmoeodw SESSION OPENS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBMR 7, '81. CORPS OF TEACHERS: WK. B. ATKINSON, Principal, Lathi, Mathe matics, and Natural Sciences. was ttBAJEM Aiunu, mnapai oi preparatory Department lua 8A SALLTE CALDWELL WHITE, English XJteratore and History. MmaLTLLIBW LOl NO. Modem LuunneM. Mh MABY L. MATTOON, Elocution and Eng- Hah . - MDBIC DIPABTMENT. Psoar. A. BIDKZ. LL. D., Dlrecter. ASSISTANTS-Msa. B. L DEWEY, MBS. WK. B. ATKINSON. Mas O. A. SAVAGE, Art Department DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. Mas NANNIE TTN8LEY, Intendant of Inflnn- "lilSB ANNA SUTTON, Head of Boarding De partment For terms, etc., apply for a catalogue to Bxr. WM.R. ATKINSON, Principal. angll,tf Chew only the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket rpHK old Oaken Bucket X The iron-bound bucket The moss -covered bucket That htmgin the well. CHAS. B. JONES, Charlotte, N. C Sole Agent - junierai ieims w oeaiera, Charlotte Female Institute Dry Goods ! atulr this Don't fall to call early to secure elosinir nut. raIa. H. MORRIS & BROS. STREET. TO THE FRONT. are making a specialty of RECEIVED DAILY. Full line of Towels Table Linens, Ac. Give us a for our mutual benefit. Uespectxully, TO ALL POINTS BY S. J. PERRY, CHARLOTTE, N. C. railroad travel will nlease address as above. mm Charlotte, N. C. Every buyer should Select an Organ That guarantees good. Every day work and Years of service, .. ESTEY ORGAN CO., Atlnfa, 6. ' P. C. WILSON, CHARLOTTE, N. 0.. Sole Agent Xpr LOUIS COOK, Colnmk Boggy AXp THB WATEBTOWN SPEINa WAGON", COMPANIES; FOB TBI BALK 0.'. BUGGIES, CABBUGER. PHAETONS, SPRING WAGONS, &a,. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. OPEN BUGGIES, 155. - TOP BUGGIES, $65. Special tndncements to the wholesale trade Correspondence solicited. Junll - FOR RENT- , T70B the year 1882, or for a term oi years, mat P commodious and elegant dry goods store, en TnulA street, now OGOUDled t)T H. MOTTlS ft 1 Possession given 1st January, 1882. For terms apDlytoCaptY.Q. Johaaon.er octs lm V. a DeWOLYX. 4 ! I. 1 1 1 ! ' i. " lit v . i V . it: .fil I ..(Si 5 'A- i A T .tt i-'!:, r. td i i r 4 1 K ft i; i i i mi 3i- mi m H 6 jl.