am LOCAL LYftiLUtiKMEa SATURDAY, OCT. 22, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. - ZMSOZEsTILC Phalahx Lodge Na 81, A. E. ft A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday nights. iCKL8iOR Lodgx No. 261, A. F. k A. M. Reg ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. Chaklottk Chaptkb No. 89, R. A, M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday night. CHARixrrn Command akt No. 2. K. T. Begular meeting every first and third Thursdays. 1SZ. OF H. Kkishtb or Honor. Begular meeting every second and fourth Thursdays. Knights of Ptthia8. Begular meeting night first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. atMa sonic Temple Hall. X. O. O. ZF1 Charlottk Lodgk No. 88. Meets every Mon day night. Mkcklenbubs Declaration Lodge Na 9 Meets every Tuesday night. Dixie Lodge No. 108. Meets every Thursday nlgliu Catawba Rptkr Encampment No. 21. Meets y;rst and third Thursday nights In each moqth. inAci to New Adrertlmsmenui. Parker's Hair Tonic. Hosteller's Momach Bitters. IIUITIE PENCIL,! Nf.S. ZW Hand in church notices to-day. pTCold nights and mornings but still warm in the noonday sun. ZW" The fire plugs for the water Avoiks have arrived. CgForepaugh's advance agent reach ed the city yesterday evening. The mining machinery business is booming. EIPThe mayor's court was very weak yesterday morning. One trifling case was all. Mayor pro tern. Osborne, pre sides with much dignity at the city court. ZW Kunkel's minstrels passed through the city yesterday on their way to Spar tanburg. ZW Mr. II. I. McDuffie, of the Laurin burg Enterprise, was in the city yester day. ZW Cotton sales yesterday, 241 bales the biggest day for two weeks. Busi ness was correspondingly brisk. ZW The northern trains continue to come in late, caused by detentions in waitiDg for northern connections. ZWThe Mecklenburg base ball club racket is to be investigated before Jus tice Waring to-day. tSMrs. "Stonewall" Jackson and daughter went to the Yorktown cen tennial under the escort of Senator Wade Hampton. tWThe transfer of baggage, passen gers and express, at Big Sugar creek bridge, on the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta, takes about an hour's time. ZW Raleigh is excited on its sanitary condition. It is to be hoped that Char lotte may become infected with the same spirit. HIT Mr. Will Clarkson, of this city, has charge of the machinery exhibit at the Atlanta Exposition of the Messrs. Liddell. ZW The Richmond papers of yester day confirm the contradiction of the re ports concerning the difficulties at York town between the troops published in yesterday's Observer. !5sFThe sympathy of the community ii extended to Mr. and Mrs. Williams, of Pittsburg, Pa., in their sad bereave ment by the death of their child an nounced elsewhere. t3TTiiE Observer must politely but firmly decline the task, which recrimi nating courtesy would suggest, of cor recting the proof sheets of the Monroe Enquirer after that not altogether in fallible journal has illuminated the public. Such a case was made against Simon Harris, colored, before Justice Davidson yesterday on the charge of hay iog stolen the $41 from the woman Sallie Thomas some days ago, that he was bound over to court in a bond of $300. ZW One of Forepaugh's big cars that couldn't get through the Steel Creek bridge the other day has a print ing press on board, and they do say that this press was busy all day last Sunday. The showman can do anything. ZW Two girls at Atlanta the other day on board a train for New Orleans with a woman who was thought to be a procuress seducing them from home, claimed to be from Charlotte, but it was plainly false as one of them was recognized. tW Gov. Jarvis and staff and the Governor of Pennsylvania and staff will pass through the city Tuesday night to attend the Atlanta Exposition on the 27th-the Governors' day. Other distinguished gentlemen will also pass through about the same time. Dramatic Notes. Milton Nobles is starring in Geor gia in a new play called "Interviews." Is the Phconix dead? -trederick Paulding is playing in Atlanta in "Salviati, or the Silent Man," in which he appeared here last season. Charles E. Verner'a company, to be were oa the night of the 25th, are genu ine Irishmen from Dublin. They play ed hi "Evictions" in Ireland for some time before coming to America. Archibald Forbes Probably ComiDSj. Mr. Thos. McWaters advance agent ior Mr. Archibald Forbes, the celebrat ed war correspondent of the London press, who is now lecturing in the prin cipal cities of the South, was in the city yesterday, and thinks that Mr. Forbes may be induced to visit Charlotte some NRht next week. He lectured in Wil mington last night and from there goes Atlanta where he lectures. It is much to be hoped that this distinguish ed gentleman may come here. His lec tures are fraught with intense interest, D-ing in great part narratives and reminiscences of his long experience as war correspondent from the Danube to Afghanistan, from Paris in the days of the Commune to Zululand where he was one of the party who rescued the body of the unfortunate Prince Imperi ai. -A,d?oe te travelers.-Buy a bottle of Dr. Ball's i,um "J'uf. toe oniy nunc to stop a aaox. Meeting of the Library Association. The Library Association met last night In the basement of Tryon Street Methodist church. Mr. A. C. Hutchison read a humorous selection, "Things not Worth Trying;" Miss Bettie Allison, a poem, "Trust in God," and Miss Carrie Frazier, a poem, "Somebody's Mother." All three were read with good empha sis and fiue appreciation. The festival lately given by the association brought enough money, it is learned, to make the meeting room entirely comfortable for the winter, and this will be done by next Friday night, the regular time of meeting. Neighborhood Notes. The Wadesboro fair was a success. Charlotte was well represented by Hap py McSmith's musical display and W. G. Berryhill's specimens of marble work. The second house burned since Gastonia was a town was that of Elijah Foster, colored, Monday night Concord is to have tar pavements. It is to be hoped they will make better walks than worn bricks. The stockholders of the new cotton factory in Concord have had a disagree ment about the site for the proposed building. If it is net settled, which it is hoped will be the case, two factories instead of one will be the probable re sult, says the Sun. Conrad Foil, an old citizen of Ca barrus, is dead. A Bridge Burnt. The big Sugar creek bridge on the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Kail road was burned completely day before yesterday. The fire was discovered in the afternoon about 6 o'clock, A freight train had passed over about twenty min utes before, and it is possible that the fire originated from the sparks of the locomotive. This is mere toniecture, however. This was the only covered bridge on the road, except the large one over the Savannah river. It was very close, and a new one would, in all prob ability, have been substituted even if the fire had not occurred. Numerous small accidents, such as the scraping of car tops and smoke stacks have occur red. The new bridge will be comple ted in a few days, as operations have already been be;un. Passengers will be transferred at Sugar creek in the mean time, so there will be no interruption to travel. An Oat-ef-the-Way Young in an. As a young man, yesterday afternoon, with beggar-lice on his copperas breech es, hay seed in his colorless hair, and innocence in his every glance, struggled up the steep grade of Trade street in its approach to Independence Square, it was evident to all who observed him that the satisfaction which a brand new pair of boots, uncovered to the knee, afforded him was somewhat dashed by the fact that they hurt his feet. With refreshing unconsciousness of the smiles of the people, the young man sat flat down in the middle of the pavement, pulled them off and drew from a paste-board box his old brogans, which he proceeded to assume instead. He seemed absolutely unaware of the current of passers, which he parted like a rock in mid-channel. Union Court. The Monroe Express, apropos of an item in Tiie Observer a day or two since concerning Judge Avery's state ments as to the criminal docket of the last term of Union court, defends the town and county from the resulting implication of unusual lawlessness. But even if such a state of affairs does exist, the Express thinks that it does not become a Judge to advertise it. On this latter point the reporter of The Observer must do the Judge the jus tice to state that he was probably un aware of the fact that the remark would be made public. So much lor the Judge's part in the matter. The re porter hopes the Express will pardon him for the opinion that its sensitive ness on the subject is somewhat nice Attention has been repeatedly called in this paper to the frequency with which many terrible crimes have occurred in Mecklenburg of late years and surely the Express is not prepared to deny the fact that homicide, at least, has been deplorably common in Union during the same time. . A Disgraceful Hole Attempt at Rob bery. A night or two since Mr. Carlelock, a gentleman who keeps a beef market on Tryon street, came to Policeman Erwin saying that he had been the victim of an attempt at highway robbery. As he passed in the rear of the Central Hotel on his way home a fierce looking white man collared him and demanded his money. Mr. Carlelock broke loose from him and got away from the dark and disreputable hole (which that spot un doubtedly is) as fast as possible. The policeman went immediately in search of the man. He inquired of a woman who lives in one of the rooms if she had seen anything of the man describ ed. She said she had that such an one had come into her room and frightened her terribly a few moments before with the d iclaration that he was a robber and would have money. The woman had none to give him and he left with out blood. All this sounds very sensational, but there is no doubt of its truth, and the facL that both witnesses say that the man was not drunk and seemed to be in dead earnest makes it worthy of at tention. The rear of the Central is about the worst place in the city and has been tLe scene or mucn crime turn mauy in famies. Its proximity to the most fre quented place in tpwn makes it all the more disgraceful. The best Liver medicine known is the Hamburg Drops, and it Is a!se a specific for Digestive ail ments. INDULGENT PARENTS urvin .una thai hiitrn to p.nt heartily of highly eDsAiu.ri f Aivi ft-ii Mjia MkA. AtA.. Will DHVe 10 use 1 U fit:- rs to prevent inaigesuou. ""2 nUhL. .iRiiMHS. ntn. and perhaps death. NO family la safe without them In the bouse. LIEBIG GO'S COCA BEEF TONIO. "RnrtAri or to ftnT tnnln I Visum naad or prOSCrlb ed " says Prof. X. M. Hale, M. D , Chicago Medi cal uouege. 11 is preacriDed w me mom eHwucu physicians for weak lungs, falling out of the hair lappueu no mc scaipi, weaK ana irnuwiq uuvwo. ssinma, snonness 01 Dream, enronio coogns, &uu au nervous anecuona. Beware of counterieita. Railroad Sparks. The Richmond and Danville offi cials in Atlanta have been notified by a general order, issued from their head quarters in Richmond, Va., that in as suming control of the Virginia Mid land railroad, Col. A. Pope will act as general passenger agent of the new ac quisition and Mr. Sol Haas will act as general through freight agent The Gastonia Gazette says of the progress of work on the Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge: "Capt Wad dill is grading at Lincoln ton with a force of about thirty hands, alio whom are excellent workers. He expects to have the track laid to Main street by to-day (Saturday.) A bridge has re cently been erected over Long creek instead of the old trestle. Mr. George Morgan superintended its erection and deserves credit for the skillful work done. This road has its own officers and mechanics, and does nearly all its own repairing with home born and reared men." mining' News. The Salisbury Watchman says that at the Gold Hill mine all is activity, they are constantly taking on hands as occasion requires, and have just receiv ed one of the improved "Buckeye" En gines. It is a seventy-five horse-power and in quality is the best in the market Also a Beckett & McDowell twenty stamp mill with all requirements. The water is pumped down to the 175 foot' level, and they are working a force of English miners. At Beaver Dam, in Montgomery county, a new mill house has just been erected. The engine and boiler has been placed and the arrival of the How land pulverizer is awaited. Some very rich gold ore has been brought to Salisbury by Mr. Samuel Harrison from his Belle Mine in Moore county. He has a large barrel of it and each piece of ore in the barrel shows free gold in large quantities. He says they have plenty of this ore in the mine and at present forty tons out on the surface. The Rymer is still producing good ore, work is progressing smoothly and indications tend to make this one of the standard mines of our State. The Propagation of Fish. The propagation of fish by artificial means was begun in North Carolina in March, 1877. Their culture is new in this country, and while the public are aware of the value of artificial propaga tion in other countries, and the im mense outlays annually made for its sustenance, there is yet a large mass of people who await actual results for confirmation. It was not till 1880 that a general distribution of shad was be gun. Mr. S. G. Worth, State fish com missioner, tells the Raleigh News-Observer to recommend to persons in the interior to cultivate the German carp in ponds. The carp grows quickly, and almost every farm affords suitable con ditions for supplying one or more fami lies with fish. They have been distri buted to about four hundred parties in the State, and have been delivered free of cost. These are obtained in Wash ington, D. C, and deposited at Raleigh as a central point for distribution. No fish has ever been cultivated so profit ably. They are growing at a marvelous rate. In giving tbem freely to an wno apply, the board requires them to be placed in ponds free of other fish. The number at present is limited and this provides against their destruction. Mr. Worth has recently been making extensive inquiries of those who have been furnished with carp by the Board of Agriculture, and only six out of all" the parties supplied have lost any. They report the growth of the fish as astonishing, being about fourteen inch es on an average, while some have reached twenty inches. In several in stances they iiave spawned. They were distributed last February, and the facts seem to prove that they spawn before they are a year old. The midnight marauder should not be banish ed from our dwelling any more qwcKiy man. the system. Dr. Bull's cough syrup quietly yet phnuM awniDh or mid or inT Kind De an von irom positively places all colds under Its control, rnce 25c. PIRATICAL FABRICATIONS, Daneerous fabrications from time to time are gotten up to cheat the public and to sell on the name and reputation of Simmons Liver Regulator. In five legal decisions perpetual Injunctions nave been decreed by the courts for the protection of the public and the suppression of these frauds. Therefore beware of these hurtful deceptions and take only 81mmons Liver Regular, manufactured by J. H. Zelllu A Co. , In White Wrapper, with the large red Z and mortar thereon. "Women are everywhere using and recommend ing Parker's Ginger Tonic, because wey naio learned from experience that It speedily overcomes despondency, Indigestion, pain or weakness In the back and kidneys, and other trouble! peculiar te the sex. Home Journal. See adv. BURNETT'S COCO A INK, Unlike AU Other Hair Pressings, Is the best for promoting the growth of and beau- Ufylng the hair, and rendering It dark and glossy. The Cocoalne holds. In a liquid roim, a large pro portion of deodorized Cocoannt Oil, prepared ex pressly for this purpose. No other compound pos sesses the peculiar properties which so exactly suit the various conditions of the human hair. The superiority of Burnett's Flavoring Extracts consists In their perfect purity and great strength. Lvdla E. Plnkham's Vegetable . Compound Is a remarkable remedy for all those painful com nlalnts and weaknesses so common to our best rnmnlA nnnnlatlnn. " l ... -n nno nr..t. Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. Hand to MTS. xjTaia JS. rmiiiiun, ioo ncswiu .a. A Down Town Merchant, Having passed several sleepless nights, disturb ed by the agonies and cries 01 a sunenng cuuu, kh tiAAnmin? convinced that Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup was Just the article needed, pro cured a supply for the child. On reaching home and acquainting nis wiie wiui wu i uw uw, she refused to have it administered to the child, as she was strongly in favor of Homoeopathy. Thor nirrir. child nassed In suffering, and the parents without sleep. Returning home the day following, the father found the baby still worse; and while contemplating anower Bieeyiess wguw ih. mnthr atennAd from the room to attend to antno nnmani mines, ana leu uie j.uvucr mut uio v - r , , ... . . child. During her absence he administered a por Hnn nt thA Snothincr Htthd to the baby, and said nothing. That night all hands slept well, and the foii nvnirn in tha mornirifir Dneni ana hbo Rn'ri wonderful change, and although at first offend . Tha mnr.nnr whji aeuenun wiiu biro duuuou ed at the deception practiced upon her, has con tinued to use the 8yrup,and suffering crying babies and restless nignis iito uiBttppvarou. & bwki trial of the Syrup never yet failed to relieve the baby, and overcome the prejudices of the mother. Sold by all Druggists. 25 cents a ootue. There are political outbreaks so popular with the whole people that the state dare not Interfere. The breaking out of pustules, pimples, tetter and the like on the faee, can be pleasantly cured by Dr. Benson's Skin Core. Also good for me hair and scalo. Thnriannria nf women have been entirely cured of the most stubborn cases of f emale weakness U7 the use of woia Jt rinauaw v guiw vvui- rtound. Sena to jbtb. .uu t-uuuoiu, Western Avenue, Lynn, suss., ior pampnteu. FADED OB GRAY HAIR gradually recovers Its . H&lr Balsam, an elegant dressing, admired for Its miinrni nnior auu lumo vi uw two va. m. aumom n purity and rich pe: Hew &&vevtistmtuts. KEYS FOUND -By calling at this office and pay ing for this advertisement the owner eu have two email steel keys, upon a ring, which were found on southwest Trade street yesterday morn ing. TURKEYS, GEESE, CHICKENS, CRANBERRIES, CHESTNUTS, LOOSE PICKLES by the dozen or 100, AND FINE NORTHERN APPLES, AT- S. M. HOWELL'S. oct 22 Druggist by Examination. W. P. KAKVIN, AQT. J W. K'DOVfKLL. W. P. MARVIN, Ag't, & Co. and Successor to E. Bean & Co, FOB Fresh Drugs &nd Pure Medicines Rone but the Very Best Drags do I keep In my stock. Also, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Perfumeries, Combs Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Ac, A, GARDEN SEEDS of all the best varieties, and warranted to be good.- Physicians' tlons are given spee- non. Hoping to receive a share of public patronage, T am. respectfully, feb8 W. P. MARVIN, Agt , & CO. Ginger, Buchu, Mao drake, Stifiisgla, and many of the best medi cines known are com bined in Parker's Ginger Tonic, Into a, medicine ef such varied powers, as to make It the greatest Blood Purifier and the BestHeatth AStrearth Restorer Ever Usee. It cures Rheumatism, Sleeplessness, & diseaess L Parker's of the Stomach, Bowels, lit n I Lungs, uver 2 Kidneys, Hair Dalsami "t31161 I Moit Economical Hair Tha Bart. Cleanetl I bur. Ncrer fall, to restore I Toothful color to gray hair. & Co.. Chemists, N. Y. SOc and sle. Larg, Saving Bnrlnt Dollar 81. oct22 AIM GENERAL FEED DEALERS -JHTJ- COMMISSION MERCHANT O OMMISSION MERCHANT CHARLOTTE, N. C. HAVING ust opened a GSNERAL TXBD STORE and COMMISSION BCSINKS8 on College Street, at the old stand of J. O. Bhannonhouse, we will be glad to serve our friends and the publlo generally, with all kinds of FEED At bottom prices, and will handle and sell all goods sent us on Commission to the very best ad vantage, and hope and believe we can make It to your Interest to give us a call. Respectfully, A. J. Bit ALL A CO. P. S. We have now on hand one car load TEL- LOW CORN, HT. BRAN, OATS, PEARL GRITS, and CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR, and will In a day or so have a FULL STOCK in our Hue et goods, i oct21 tf A. J. B. CO. ERSKINE COLLEGE, DUE WEST, SOUTH CAROLINA. One of the oldest Inslltutlons in the State. Total expenses for Tuition, Board, Books, etc., need not exceed S165. Preparatory Department In charge of a Tutor. Locality healthy; community moral and Intelligent. Opens first Monday in October. oct ib lit w. m. uuuut. rres'i. NOTICE. A Meeting of the stockholders and directors of the North State Copper and Gold Mining Company will be held at the office upon the prop erty of the company In Guilford county, N. C, on xnursuay, uctoDer 27tn, inai, at noon, ior the purpose of levy an assessment upon the capital stock of said company and for the purpose of transacting such ether business as may be brought neiore me meeting. JUHoru wiaxna. ociio u- .r resident. Midland N. . Railway (Atlantic and North Carolina Division.) PASSENGER DEPARTM'T. Time Table 11. to take effect Monday. 12:05 a. m., October 3rd, 1881: No. 47. GOING EAST. AKBIVB. LKAVS. Goldsboro Best's 7 00 pm 7 82 pm 7 60 pm 8 05 pm 8 25 em 8 65 pm 0 21 pm 9 41 pm 9 60 pm 10 25 pm 10 69 pm 11 10 pm 11 80 pm 11 84 pm 12 17 am 7 82 pro 7 45 pm 8 05 pm 8 20 pm 8 56 pm 9 16 pm 941 pm 8 60 Dm La Grange Falling Creek.... Klnston . . Cover Core Creek Tusoarora Clark's New Beme Riverdale Croatan Woodbrldge 10 10 pm luou pm 11 10 pm 1 1 80 pm 11 84 pm 12 12 am 12 84 am 12 51 am 1 00 am HaveiocK Newport Hollywood 12 84 am Macon tiofei 12 54 am Mowhead Depot. No. 48. GOING WEST. ABUTS. LXAVB. Morehead Depot. Macon Hotel .... 8 20 am 8 85 am 8 25 am 8 60 am Hollywood Newport Havelock 859 am 4 0 am 418 am 4 4S am 4 49 am Woodbrldge 4 54 am 512 am 454 am 5 12 am Croatan Riverdale 5 25 am! 5 68 am 6 25 a New Berne 0 10 am Clarke's Tuscarora ....... Core Creek 6 80 a 6 80 am 6 40 am 7 06 am 8 40 ami 7 01 am Dover Klnston FalllDg Creek ... 7 27 am! 7 27 am 7 64 am 8 14 am 8 29 am 8 29 am La urange.r Best's Goldsboro 8 44 am 8 49 an 9 01 am 9 85 am 801 am Train 48 connects with Wilmington Welaon train, leaving Golds Doro wu a. m. ior Klcbmond, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New Jerk, and points North, East ana west, witauwugnavw linn train lMvtna-Goldsboro 1 :45 n. m. this a? Annnects with Wllmlmrton fc Weldon train from Richmond, Baltimore, Philadelphia. New York, ana pouwi nnu, mh sua west, uuu aniveftsJGoldeDorooswp. - wnrninstrni ft Weldon trains leave Gdldsbora. I North, 9:50 a. m., and 1034 P- -, Booth, fj6 n. m.. anaMvk v. w- snWh r-juniina Bniirw1 trains, man and naa A1VSWS WW . .. - - i - ' m- atmAF for Elizabeth leaves New Beme, iTnaailai Q-Oft It. TTL. and 2X70 p. ax, ar- rives at Elizabeth City, Wi 7900 a, m. and Saturday, iduhu. , octS Chief Engineer A Genl Man. setuwf, leave otwbuvw, ovw, I WOl find srjeeUl hamlna m all sods In my line. I Chew only live. North. aao p. m. oi1,.ka-. A call Is solicited, as tt Is believed that anything 014 Oaken Bucket Express freight, N. .C. B. K., arrives Geldabore I amairma in tMam mm. raner er stanls. can I 8 :00 a. m., leayw ttowsooro 4aup. m. u Ioula m, .te.' BesyeettaOy. Please Re Parties having In their ponessloa Cracker tans beleeglmg to the undersigned, wOl please return promptly when empty, as I have a great demand for them. LeBOT DAY1D80IT --TO THE- MERCHANTS -OF- -AND- SURROUNDING Tour attentleo Is respectfully called to the large and fine stock of s Mew bt ray store and ready for Inspection, which ate offered at very etose ngurea. I am srsDi ea 10 oner speeiai Bargains xo 11 al bargains to the trade In sx- all goods In my line. CORN, Df CAB LOAD LOTS. MEAL, IN GAB LOAD LOTS. FLOUR, IN CAB LOAD LOTS. JULK MX AT and HAMfl, TyjOLASSIS, STStJPS, gUGIB, COmSI and T1AS. LARGE STOCK OF TOBACCO. CHEWING AND SMOKING. FINS LINK OV CIGARS. CIGARS. Gilt Edge Goshen BUTTER. New York State CREAM CHEESE. FRUIT SUCH AS- Lemons, Oranges, Apples, Bananas, Grapes. CANNED GOODS, APPLES, PEARS, PINE APPLE8. GREEN GRIPES. PLUM PUDDING, RASPBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, ASPARAGUS, SUGAR PEAS. SUCCOTASH, BOSTON BAKED BKaNS, CORN, OKRA and TOMATOES. FISH, Cod, Mackerel In all styles and sizes. Deviled Crabs. AODster. eaimon, American ana vrencn Sardines, Oysters, Ac POTTED MEATS, Chicken, Beef, Duck, Ham, Tongue and Turkey, Asserted. CORNED BEEF, CONDENSED MILK. OLIVES. LARGE LOT STARCH, 8 to 40 lb. boxes. Farinaceous Goods, Oatmeal, Peas, Cheese, Chocolate, Essential OAs Mustards, Anchovy Paste, Ancnovies in sait or oil, and other imported articles. r A XTTaTT?G In buckets, boxes and X-IXJl10 barrels; Nets, Raisins, Prunii, Pepper, Spices, Cloves, Nutmeg, Mace. 0"i A "PC Large stock Toilet OWiVlr D. and Common. TEE RETAIL TRADE ; LeROY DAVIDSON. CHARLOTTE, GROCER S, To the Reta I Trade Cm i Sale of leady-made (Slothing, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CARPETS, TRUNKS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, &C, Eegardless of Cost, rpo CLOSE OUR BUSINESS BT JANUARY 1st. 1 882. Having concluded to return to the Eastern JL part of the State, and to avoid sacking and sniping our goods we have resolved to give the public the benefit to purchase our entire stock at prices never before known in Charlotte. Our goods are all new and desirable, having bought a complete new stock this season. Don't fall to call early to secure the best bargains as this Is positively a bonafide closing out sale. V Three new sllverplated Mansard 8 foot show cases, 1 No. 7 Moslers' Are proof safe, 1 hand some Mirror, 5 Iron Velvet Cushioned Stools, and 4 folding awnings and frames, for sale cheap. octlS R O D D I CK fe CO., TRYON STREET. WE ARE STILL TO THE FROHT. 1N0THE8 LOT OF THAT FAMOUS 10c BLEACHING. A NSW LINE OF CHILDREN'S BEGU-LAR-MADX HOSIERY. We are making a specialty of IIL ACE A1M1E1E8. We would be glad to have our prices and qualities compared with any in the city; we are certain they are at least ten per cent cheaper than can be found elsewhere. NEW DRESS GOODS RECEIVED DAILY. Another lot of these 3 Button Kids at 50c a pair. Full line of Towels. Table Linens, 4c . Give us a call before purchasing, es It will be for our mutual benefit. Ueapectfully, RODDICK & CO. Terms strictly cash and one price. HsaimOeaB tiosets AT REDUCED RATES TO ALL POINTS BOUGHT AND SOLD BY S. J. PERRY, OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTEL, fN. B. Parties" desiring Information In regard novl2 WILSDH DRXJGrGrlSTB, Trade Street, : : : Charlotte, N. C. PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO BOTH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE. ONE CASE OF THE t6TTT TTMH" nTP ADO FRE9H AND NICE, JUST RECEIVED. U JU 1 11VIU lJTirlO JUST BECEINED. oct 19 W.W.WOOB,Maniifw,Moffi K . V RICHMOND ENCTrWfWSCO. SBSEaBsBsVBSBSlEeaBSBMBsVBSSsVSSSRBSSSSS CHAS. R. JONES, Sole Ag't,Charlotte,N.C. Every Estey Organ Sold is made Throughout with Equal fidelity, and Xields unrivaled tones. Send for IUuttrated Catalogue. oct7,dlmoeod&w SESSION OPENS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBMR 7, '81. CORPS OF TEACHERS War. R. ATKINSON. Principal. Latin, Mathe matics, and Natural Sciences. MISS llJtltivM Jbunu, rrmcipai oi rreyaraiurr Department. I mbs. BALLTB CAM I Literature and History. Hub LILLIE W L01 MBS. BAIUjJ-B ViliUnJLii nniia, juikiumi r. NG, Modem Languages. Miss MART L. MATTOON, Elocution and Eng lish Branches. . Muaiu vnrAU iiuuii'. Pun. 1. BIDEZ. LL. D.. Director. ASSISTANTS Mbs. B. L. DEWEY, Mbs. Wx. R. ATKINSON. . MlBS U. A. ok v auk, An uepaixroeni. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. Mias NANNIE TINSLKY, Intendant of Infirm- Miss ANNA SUTTON, Head of Boarding De- VJtmfat. , fof terms, etc., appiy wrn cniuMsuo v Birv. Wm. R. ATKINSON, Principal. the brand of tobacco known as The THE old Oaken Bucket, The tmn-bonnd bucket. The moss-covered bucket, That hung in the well. CHAS. & JONES. Charlotte. N. C., Sole Agent Liberal terms to dealers. Charlotte Feme Institute Dry H. MORRIS & BROS. CHARLOTTE, N. C. to railroad travel will please address as above. Every buyer should Select an Organ That guarantees good Every day work and Years of service ESTEY ORGAN CO., Atlanta, On. P. C. WILSON, CHARLOTTE, N. C. SoleAgentlor LOUIS COOK, Columbus Buggy AHD TH3 WATEBTOWN SPRING WAGON COMPANIES, FOB TSX BAXS OF BUGGIES, CARRIAGES. PHAETONS, SPRING WAGONS, AC, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. OPEN BUGGIES, 855. TOP BUGGIES, $65. Special Inducements to the wholesale trade Correspondence solicited. Junll FOR RENT. FIR the year 1882. or for a term of years, that commodious andelegMt dry goostoon WIS?' j0haaOn-l a DeWOLTE. 1 .life

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