V1" v. LOCAL ITELHUKMCK. WEDNESDAY. OCT. 26, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY; MAS02ST1C Fhaiahx Lodoi Na 81, A. F. ft a. It Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday nights. Exobmiob Lodgr No. 261, A.F.4i M. Reg ular meeting every nwt and third Tuesday nights. Charlottk Chaptkb No. 89. B. A. M. Regular meeting every seoond and (ourtb Friday nights. Charlottk ComtAKnABT No. 2. K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. Knights of Honor. Regular meeting very second and fourth Thursdays. IE- OF DP KNIGHTS or Pythias. Regular meeting nl&hts first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. atMs- soiiic Temple Hall. I. O. O. IF- Charlottk Lodge No.. 83. Meets every Moti day night. Mkcklinbubg Dbclabatioh Lodgk Na a Meets every Tuesday iitghl Dixik Lodgk No. 108. Meetsevery Thursday night. Catawba RrvsH Ehoaxphxht Na 21. Meets First and third Thursday nights In each month. Indx to New Advertisements. JMoilda Orange, 4c , at Perry's. Mrs. B. Gallagher Rooms for Rent Held Bros-Metropolitan Hotel A. Q. Br nlzer Confederate Bonds. HOME PENCILINS. tW Another good business day yes terday. rJT Just two months till Christmas, less one day. W One small case of drank before the mayor yesterday morning. fSF'A fine breech-loading shot gun is to be raffled Wednesday. E2T The hanging takes place inside the jail day after to-morrow. W Weather indications to-day, fair weather and northwesterly winds. E3F" Yesterday was a fine fall day the only cool and dry day of the season. Keene, the tragedian, will be in Charlotte on the night of the 10th of November. dTThere will be a large number of entertainments at the opera house during November. EF The October number of The Cen tury (formerly Scribnefs Magazine) is out and is very attractive. EST Northern travel to the South passing through the city is increasing daily. EST A handsome brick residence is going up on the corner of Fourth and Mint streets. ISP" Messrs. Chick and Andrews, the two Charlotte members of the State York town band, have returned. ZW Dr. Hoffman is building two new residences on Fifth between Gra ham street and Cemetery avenue. IW The coal burner engines on the Richmond and Danville road have a look of progress about their smoke stacks. tW Visitors from Atlanta report that there is a strong probability that the exposition will be continued until March. EgCrab Orchard township boasts of a young man 16 year3 old who stands 6 feet in his stockings, weighs 204 pounds and lifts a 400-pound bale of cotton a3 a nurse handles a baby. W The list of officers of General Greene's army, which appears else where this morning, is furnished by a gentleman of this city who is a depen dent of one of the officers named. tar Mr. N. M. Phillips, of Clear Creek township, found on his place last Fri day a very handsome specimen of gold qnartz, exceedingly rich, picked up in the cotton field. G3T Some of our county farmers re port that they have well-formed cotton bolls in their fields of the second crop, and that if there is no frost within two weeks that they will develop and make good cotton. ' Those who saw Coup's and Fore paugh's circuses in Atlanta, report that both are splendid shows, and the crowds in attendance were immense. Coup will give us the go-by, but Fore paugh is coming. IW The poetic constable is the only thorough-going aesthete in the city. Beyond his official duties he declares that half the time he. is unconscious of the rude commercial bustle of the streets. His real life Is In a transcen dental realm of his own imaginations., tW Gov. Jarvis and staff and several other Governors and staff, with num bers of other distinguished gentlemen, were to have passed through the city late last night en route to Atlanta for Governor's day at the exposition, which is Thursday. C3T One man has been found who describes York town as a beautiful town. He belongs to the fl. N. B, too. He certainly went to the centennial, but his declaration suggests a doubt as to whether he eyer saw the place, or whether, if he did see it, he remembers anything about it. No Detention at Sttjrar Creels . The temDorarv bridge and trestle work in piace of the lately burnt bridge of the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta road over big Sugar creek is finished and the cars passed over safely Mon day morning. The permanent bridge will be put up at as early a day as pos sible. The Uallroad Detective. Some of the men on the Richmond and Danville do not think that the story of the detective on the" road has any foundation In fact or at least that he does1 not extend his peregrinations to the North Carolina division. Besides t his, one of them declares that he would he father gl tba-T pthl?? to ftay. wu aw wjuu., - ; n' ' -i i mm - 1 ' - Hap. AMM.n.M Drt.irl... t' Mrs; Dr. Withertpodn was waked Dy a burglar in her room night before last about 4 o'clock. By a light in the pas- 64ge shining dimly through the door sllA PAiilii aaa fhfi till pf TfttrP.at UL A TUn. could seethe tUiel jeuea m a Run, - .... . i- when ' shelled Whb-Bthere !-She could not recognize the Individual, how- eyer. Messrs. UcAxleigo and p. B Williams, living near Dx Wilhrspoon, bQth report )xiasacccssnlmitempts to enter their houses the same night. Tb Widow Redott To-NlrbC. There is every promise for a large house to witness the presentation at the opera house to-night of the famous col lection of the best known, the humor ous writings of Petroleum V. Nasby in the burlesque comedy, "The Widow Bedott." Bishop, the distinguished comedian, takes tbe part of the Widow and is sustained by a first class com pany under the management of J. II. Haverly. The New York Herald said last win ter: "Bishop as the Widow Bedott, at Haverly's Fourteenth Street Theatre, has made one of the hits of the dramatic season." Tle Play I.U.-U Hig-Uu "Eviction," the play at the opera house last night, like all other Irish dramas, is one in which the qualities of tears and laughter are inseparably mixed. The misfortunes and miseries, however, were, happily, kept in the background, to a considerable degree and the pleasure of tbe audience was measurably enhanced. The staple of the characters were, as usual, a young hero-lover, a scheming rival, a devoted woman, an oppressive landlord and a native bailiff and informer. Mr. Chas. E. Verner, as the young Irish lover, was very handsome, and charmed everybody with hi3 rich hu mor and Irish wit. Mr. Charles Frew, as "Jerry Flinn," the bailiff, performed his part well. The attempt to be a gentleman, a lover and villain all at the same time, is hard to represent, but he succeeded admira bly, and never failed to bring down the house. The balance of the cast were tolera bly fair, and it is to be regretted that a larger house did not greet the company. The PanitDf Troops. The noon train from the north was again considerably behind time yester day. This was partly owing to the fact of the very heavy train eleven cars, be ing pulled up from Greensboro to take the First Connecticut regiment on its homeward way f i om Charleston. The troops could not stand the sea voyage home, having become very sick on the rough trip out. They were to have passed through last night between 12 and S o'clock, and conductor John Dod son was to take them to Greensboro with a train of 13 cars. A press tele gram elsewhere announces that the troops left Charleston yesterday morn ing and were to spend several hours in Columbia with a possible stop in Char lotte. We went to press too early last night to note their passage or arrival here, but it is hoped that the city may find them its guests this morning, al though this is not probable as no noti fication of their intention to stop was received by anybody in the city up to a late hour last night An Unhappy Toons Man, With a warrant issued by Justice Davidson on the complaint of Mr. M. Schloss, of the Charlotte Hotel, Con stable Means yesterday arrested a well dressed white man at the passenger de pot, on the charge of attempting to de fraud Mr. Schloss of a board bill for several days. lie was preparing to take the Air-Line train and jump the town and his board bill at the same time. He had a hearing before Justice Davidson who sent him to the big He says his name is H. Johnson, from Atlanta; that he is a nice young man and wouldn't have his mamma and papa to know of his wickedness for anything. When the constable had taken him to jail and was about to leave, the young man asked that the pastor of the Episcopal church be sent to him. He was, he said, a member of that church, and wanted to eret out throusrh tbe efforts of his brethren. It is said that, besides his hotel bill, he had got into several sa loon keepers for sundry whiskies and sodas. He is said to be very unhappy in his present situation. Personal. -Rev. E. A. Wingard, late pastor of the Lutheran church of this city, hav ing resigned his charge will leave this week or next to visit his relatives in Colleton county, South Carolina. He will not preach anywhere during the. winter, but will take 'a rest for his health, the feeble state"of which is the cause of his leaving Charlotte, When he will resume his ministerial duties he has not yet decided. Mr. Bartlett Johnston, of New York, brother of Gen. R. D. and Mr. James F. Jnhnaton. of this citv. is here on a visit. - - The last of the Hornets got in yes- tBrdav. Amontr them was Uoi. uias. C. Adams, of the Central Hotel, who returns with renewed vigor to his ardu ous duties Hi$ feeble constitution was much 'benefitted by tbe recreation of t.hnYorktown trio, which he! extended as far as Washington. ; Mr. Latta C. Johnston has returned to the citv after au extended absence ut the North. Gen. Joseph E- 4bUn left last nlcrhr. nia. tbe Carolina Central ror - Raleigh. Superintendent Mills, of the Oxford fimhan Asvlum. is in the city. He is Htill lame from the accident by which his leg was hurt some time ago. Miss Lissette Bernheim, one of tbe editors of the North Carolina literary magazine "At Home and Abroad, is in the city. 30 Trained Elephants all Performing Tog-ether in the Great Forepaug-h snow Philadelphia (Pa.) Dally Press. It is reallV Worth ten times the admis f -a tn Frrtfttiattffh's matanloth show to see his great herd of 20 performing oionhanta. Their marvelous exhibitions y &mm&3aX .1 dicL age gaze at vnese- uiqawmuuiu uw I t . 1 i. Zl . A .w Intra on nroico 1 ? !' . PIRATICAL ABRK&iQK8i i- !.- In Ave legal decision. petpeWal tnasti bw Sgg g ,eae xrauoa. i uia uuuuo cuit I , Tharetor; y-- C!tlse nurtrui deceptions and SLVSSX a of mn hmihMn entlttl; cored the most stubborn cum of female weakness by the use 01 tiydta S. Ptnkham's Yegetable Com pound. Send to Mrs. Lydla E. Plnkbam, 233 western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., lor pamphlets. Interesting- Centennial Reminis cence ; TO the Editor of The Observer. The following is a list of the officers of General Greene's Southern army, August 20th 1781 then encamped on the High Hills of the San tee. Major General Greene; aids, Major Hyrne, Captains Pierce, Pendleton and Shubrick ; Chief Engineer, CoL Kosci usko; Quartermaster, Lieut. I Colonel Carring ton. The Continental Brigade Col. Wil liams,' Adjutant-General of the First Maryland Regiment; Lieut. Colonel Howard, Major Hardiman. Captains Oldham, Benson, Anderson, Handy and Dobson ; Lieutenants Ewing, Watkins, Hanson, Duval and Adam; Ensigns, Dwyer and Smith ; 250 privates. 1st Virginia Regiment Lieut CoL Campbell, Maj. Sneed, Capt Edmunds, Lieutenants Selden, Smith, Barnes and Miller, Ensign King; 250 men. Delaware Regiment Captain' Kirk wood and Lieut. Anderson ; 60 privates. - Lee's Legion. Lieut. Col. Lee, Major Eggleston, Captains Rudolphs, Carring ton, Handy and O'Neill; Lieutenants Heard, Lewis, Manning and . Middle ton; 50 privates. 3rd Dragoons. Lieut CoL' Washing ton; Captains Watts and Parsons; Lieutenants King, Simmons, Stuart and Gordon ; Cadet -Smith ; 86 men in number. Artillery. Maryland Battery. Capt. Browne and Lieut. Firm; 30 privates, two pieces. Virginia Battery. Capt Gaines and Lieut Singleton; 80 men, 2 pieces. By publishing the above you will add to the record some information that should be known in these centennial times. St. Taw. "Ah, how well do I remember. It was In the bleak November," when I caught the cold that was wearing me surely and swiftly away; but I heard of Dr. Bull's cough syrup; took It, and am as well as ever. TERRIBLE LOSS OF LITE. - -Millions of rats, mice, cats, beg bugs, roaches, lose their lives by collision, with "Bough on Rats.'.' Sold by druggists, 15c - BLAJBIKIED, In the Presbyterian church at PlnevOle, N. C, onlthe evening of Oct 18th, by the Rev. G.S. Robinson, assisted by Rev. L. B. Stacy. . Mr. W. J. fiennegan to Miss C P. Harris. All of PinevUle. DIED. In BerryhUl township, Oct. 24th, of cholera In fantum, the Infant son of H.E. and Mary A. Wil son. "Suffer little children to come unto Me, And forbid them not." MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH OCTOBKB 25. 1881. PBODUCJL WriiMiNGTOK, N. C Spirits turpentine firm at KOo. Rosin firm; strained $2.05, good strained $2.10. Tar firm at 82.10. Crude turpentine firm at $2.00 hard; $3 25 lor yellow dip; $2.60 for virgin Inferior. Co,n quiet; prime white 90; mixed 80. Chicago. Flour nominally unchanged. Wheat In better demand and lower; Mo, 2 Chicago spring 1.88 cash; 1.84 October; November; December. Corn easier; Na 2 61 cash; October; 61 November; 63a December. Oats duU and lower; No. 2 43fea cash; 43 October; November; 44 December. Pork un settled, generally lower, at $16.25a$16-50cash; $16.40a$16.45 December. Lard unsettled and generally lower, at $11. 45 cash and November; $11.17VS8$11.60 December. Balk meats steady and unchanged. Whiskey easier at $16.00. Baltmobi Noon Flour dull, but unchanged; Howard street and Western super $5.00a$6.70; extra $6.00a$6.7B; family $7.00a$7.75; eicy mills, super $5.50a$6.25; extra $6.50a$7.00; family $8 00a$3.25; Bio brands $7.75a$.800; Patapsco family $8.50. Wheat Southern quiet and easier; Western lower, closing weak; Southern red l.35a45; amber i.40ai.5lft; o. l Maryland i.Rfi: No. 2 Western winter red snot and October 1.44Vfe; November 1.45al.45lA; December 1.5U4 asked; January 1.5414. Com Southern white steady; do. yellow lower; Western lower and dull; Southern white 74a75; do. yellow 70. Baltmohi Night Oats quiet; Southern 49a51; Western white 40a50; do mixed 48; Pennsylvania 49a60. Provisions firm and un changed; mess pork 18.75. milk meats should ers and clear rib sides packed OalOty. Bacon shoulders 10: clear rib sides lOall: hams 15a. Lard refined . oollse Higher; mo cargoes or dinary to fair 9all. Sugar firm-A soft 10. whiskey quiet at si 8.6o. Cihoikhati Flour dull: family $6.85aS7.15: fancy $7.40a$8.00. Wheat fair demand; No. a red winter 1 46; receipts 6,000; shipments 10,000. Corn-steady at -69. Oats quiet at 46ia47. Pork quiet; $15 50. r Laid dull at 11.10. Bulk dull; shoulders 8; elrar ribs 9; clear sides -. Bacon quiet; shoulders j; ribs 10ft; dear 11. Whiskey steady ut 1.13; combination sales finished goods l.l W) barrels on a oasis or. i.ia. sugar easier; h arris i oual 1 : New Orleans 8a. Horn steady: common and light 4-90a6.25; packing and butch ers 5.90a6.65; receipts 2,600; shlpmenta 885. Nbtw York Southern flour . In buyers favor. and moderately active; common to fair extra $rt.30a$7.80; good to choice do. $7.35a$8.60. Wheat Sialic lower. iosing unseiuea ana weak: ungraded white ; ungraded red 80a54; No. 2 red and October 49iAa50t; November 60a5U4; December 51a54. Corn opened lower, closed with the decline fairly recovered; ungraded 66a 7214; No. 2 October 49a69; October 70; November 69a71; December 72a72. "Oats lower and fairly active; No. 8 45. Coffee steady and quiet, prices unchanged. Sugar quiet -and firm; centrifugal 8 11-16; fair to good refining 8i&a8; refined steady: Standard A 9 Molas ses firm; New Orleans 90al.lO. Bice fairly active and firm. Rosin steady at 2.55a60. Turpentine firm at 53ft- Wool unchanged and quiet. Pork dull and weak and declining; new $18.00; Octo ber and November $17.30fta50; middles dull and nominal. Lara lower ana less acuve, closing weak at $ll.72ia$1180; November $lL70a 75. COTTON Sai-vjbtoh 8trong; middling 11; low middling imii" aaad ordinary lOLfac: net retfts 888: ETOBS ; sales 1,250: stock 76,572; exo'ts coastwise ; to Great Britain ; continent ; to France . NOHTOLk Quiet; middling llc; net receipts 4,241; gross i-: stock 86,841; exports coastwise l.doo; sales l,lOi; eipwrvo wi uiml fuuu , continent . Balttmom Steady ; mM'g llo; low mld'gll; good ord'y 10c: net retfu ; gross KS; we ; stock 18,028; exports coastwise ; spinners 200; exports to Great Britain ; to Continent Bostoh 8teady. middling 1 le; low middling lltkc; good ord'y 10c: net receipts l.aiz; gross 2.373; sales : stock 8,420; exporw to ureai Britain ; U) J! ranee. arrw iinanm-Kttdv: mldd'c ll0: low. mid dling 101i-16c: good ord'y 9c; receipt 1,527; gross s-; saies ; mw iu.ioo, wiBe 947: to Great Britain ; to continent PHtLADKLPHlA Firm; middling llc, iow mlddlmg Ilc; ood ordlnan 10c: net reeeipw iKfl. irrndii t.-.-OR: sales 812: slnner 804-ocs 9,674: exports to Great Britain ; to continent HiTimAfl 8tar.dv: middling 100; low mld'g hlO 6-1 6c.; good ordlnan 9c; net receipts 5,802; sma aaies M : SIOCK to.odi; CUMIHI1W BOO: to Great Brltalfl'----: Trance; to oontinent Nkw Oblkaks Steady; mldd'g 11; iow mld- ii n?in: eood ord'v lOVac: net receipts 5,490; eross 6.389; sales 450; stock 176.334: export! to Great Britain ; to France i to coast wise 1 ,9B4 : to comment . Mnsiuc Oulet: mlddUne lllbc: low middllBK lnac: eood ordinary louo; net rects l.lll: gross : sales l.uou: siook z.ieiu: exports coast 1,285; irranoe ; to ureal Britain. Mxmfhis Firm; middling lllAc: receipts 3.360; shlpmenU 1,841; sales 2,000; stock 44 847. I inuimi-SteadT: mlddllns lOSbo.: low mid dling I0c. good ordinary 9c; receipts 1,663; shipments ; saies i.osd. CHAsucnov Firm: middling lllie; low mid dling 11c; good ordinary a oVto.; - net ceeelpt 5,804; gross : sales l,p00; stock 78,042; exports eoaatwlse 8.80U; to ureai xuuxw t continent 'NSW Yok Cotton quiet; sales 831: middling uplands llo; mlddd'g Orleans H ffic: gross : consolidated net receipts 26,415; ex. Great Britain 15,208;'France ; continent 14,824. LrvkBPOoir Noon cotton, firm; tniaanng up lands 6 7-16d; middling Orleans OW, saies 14. 000; speculation and export 1,000; receipts 1,600; AmAUcan 14.600. UDlands low mlddume clause October delivery 6di October and November Aabri? Nntfimnw ana- AecemDer - a lJi-azaoRu: December and January 6 15-&2d; Jaquary and Feb mary 617-Q2d; Februatr and March -ft 9-1 6a-19-32d; Match and April 6d; AprU and May a ii-l ad: Ma ana June o lb ,,lUne0d..,8J?i:iaI, and July wmap ioruxv. iuwiro aiay, .on ttnRMaL.-Eam.-4alN oI Amerlean eotte 1Q. 100 bales. Upland low middling olaase: October. tt ll82dV January and February A 15-824; Feb ruarjr; anoJiaien--i nay o-UDiOiai-oi-K Juaandaia8 116oi30- hi, i :-;H:?r. y. hkk xpiKsituMi aimeit etsrv Bala. WVAfr&r&EtJSr-litt .448.48 UCtODer.. November llA&a.Al. December .--. January February.... March k4 e'Vi ' VA'e -lL0a.jJl ll.94a.85 12.10 12.28 1.24 ia.86a.87 12.4fta.47 12.6768 June . July.... , fXKAKClAL. Kw Tom. Exchange,.. ...i. ....... 4.80 101 1.13 1.16Vfe 8aB Governments firnt : mew o's. four and a half per cento,. . ,. . jrour per cents, jnoney, , state bonds -llgat request Sun-treasury balances GokL. - S75,n68J04 " -Currency,.-. 4,876,249 Stocks Irregular and weak: Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 .. 7gi " Class A, small.... go " Class B,f'8. 99 " Class 0.4's. ftn umcago, ana nonanwwn 1.28' : preierrea.... i, Erie..:.......... .. East Tennessee 14 Georgia. 1.80a. 70 lumens ueninu. , l.2ww Lake Shore 1.19 Louisville and Nashville K9SA MemphlruMl Charleston 72 NashvOie and Chattanooga Mew York Central...... 1.87U Pittsburg. 1 Richmond and Allegheny. 40 Rock Island 1 84 Wabash, St. Louis Padflc......... 48Ui " pmened, 871 Western Union 86 14 CITY COTTON KARKJCT. Omoi or m Oisnri 1 Cbarlotr. October 26, 1881. 1 Tbe market yesterday dosed easier and un changed. 8ood Middling... n StrtcOy middling,.. 10 Middling. 10 Strict low middling. io5 Low middling. Jou Tinges.... 9tal0 Storm co' ton.... 7Vfca9 Bales yesterday 236 hales. Charlotte Produce market. OCTOBERS. 1881. BUYING PRICKS. Cpiur, per bush'l ......... ..-. 1.10 Miai " ; . 1.00 WkkTt Bines, 'wlte, per bushoi.'"'. ".WW" . 1.2 5a. 50 Pxas, day, per bnsh. 90&1.00 Lady, " 1.50 White, " 7Rasn Flodb Family 4 25a4.50 Xxtra. Super It , 400 &75 Eats, shelled, bud FKtrrr 56 4a6 15a20 7al0 8a6 75 1.00 S0a85 I 16 20a25 10al5 20 8 85840 5a6 Apples, per In... ... Peaches, peeled. . . " unpeeled Blackberries 'V Potatoes Irish Bcttkb . North Carolina. S&sa, per dozen. Pocxtbt Chickens 8pring Ducks Turkeys, per Dx Geese . .. .......................... Bxxr, per lb., net mutton, per m., net Pork, " SILLING PBICB3-WHOLXSALX Bulk Meats Qear Bib Sides.. Corrxa TrimeElo 14al6U Good. I2ttal5 MOLA38XS Cuba... . 82a85 Sugar Syrup 85a50 Choice New Orleans 50a60 Common 40a45 zxo cXiTjerttsemjeuls. Confederate States Bonds. rpHX nnderslgned has an order for Confederate jl mates coupon Bonds. and eight per cent. Interest, for highest market price. the ocrao 21 At commercial Nat. Bank. Metropolitan Hotel FURNITURE, Feather-beds, Mattrasses. Car pets, Tables, Washstands, Actor sale cheat). Call this week and secure a bargain. FULD BBOS. oct26 2t ROOMS TOiRENT. TWO up stairs rooms on B street, suitable for gentleman and wife, can be rented cheao. Possession given immediately. ADDly to octzo it" Mrs. B. GALLAGHER. ir Am burlne largely tbese bonds with all coubous from July, '65, attached. Until orders exhausted, will pay $2 a thousand for such bonds delivered at my office, 61 Wall St, New York, free of ex pense. In lots under one hundred thousand, and $2.60 a thousand In larger lots. 0Ct23 61 BAPHAL J. MO&E3, Jr. FOR SALE. AD15SEBABLX FARM lVi miles from the city of Charlotte, on the Salisbury road, contain ing 70 acies of land In a good state of cultivation, well adapted to cotton, good orchard aad a never falling well of water, wQl be sold cheap to a cash purchaser.- Appiy to MRS. M. A. STSaALIj, oct28 4t : Charlotte, N. CL a ONE NIGHT ONLY, Wednesday Eye, October 26th. British America to Florida! Maine to Mexico! Mr. J. H. Haverly, Mr. Frank W. Paul. Proprietor. Manager. J. II. HAVEELY'S . . . -4fSW - WIDOW BEDOTT COMFJ)YtMpiNV TJie most sneee8sfal farcical Comedy ever produo- a4 IntnvlitrHnf A maMAofa'fhhiAna untnLihon CHARLES B. BISHOP AS THB QSLKBBAtO 1D0W In Pfetro e'Jm V. N as ay's second edition of his re oowneaaramapzauon, supported oy Mr. Haverl y's Star ' Gmed j Company. aVUttTHING toUrelyNew,8parkandlatertaJhlmgt IncMeBtal to the Comedy will be mtrodueed leautllul music, Quartettes, Duetts. ke.. rendered by Misses ILLI8TON, CRSSaK, Master BXNNKB and others of the company. ' SCALX OT PRICES Admission as utnal re served seats $1.00. Row on sale at MeSmfth! and Central Hotel. oct21 . xsxftssiimsLX Z.B.YAXCS. W.ltUOLtC. YANCE & BAILEY, - 'AtkonfYi ud CbnaseHert , ' . V.. J - CHARLOTTK. N. C. I Practice la Supreme Owrtjrt the United States, Busreme uonrtoi oma iwouna, jreaerai Courts, and counties of ,Mecklen-. i jiaCtoMimlteloto;ju. , , . BowanaAdyT - hneai two. doors east . of tadependtM ii HO, D GRAHAM, ' j f. . ....... :9'.'pvtfr. and, Forehrn. soUetted. Ab fTtaoB,Surte, 4c, furnished fox eoa omrn E. Comer Trade ft Trtoa Charloae.N.C. i. Jan.0. April. Hay.. CONFEDERATE BONDS Charlotte -0 HoBse Tn the state m PI Return em Parties having In their possession Cracker belonging to thaundertdgned, win please return promptly when empty, it I have great demaad for them. LeBOY DAVIDSON. -iTO THE- -OF- -AND- SURROUNDING Your attention Is respectfully called to tbe large and fine stock of Mew ra my store and ready for Inspection, which are offered at very eiote figures. I am prepar ed to offer special bargains to the bade la all goods in my line. CORN . DY CAB LOAD LOTS. MEAL, IN CAR LOAD LOTS. FLOUR, IN CAB LOAD LOTS. TTJLK MEAT and HAMS, jyOLA88IS, 8YBTJPS, gUGAB, COFFEX and TKAS. LARGE STOCK OF TOBACCO. CHEWING AND SMOKING. FINE LINE OF CIGARS. CIGARS. Gilt Edge Goshen BUTTER. New York State CREAM CHEESE. r FRUITS, SUCH AS- Lemons, Oranges, Apples, Bananas, Grapes. CANNED GOODS, APPLES, PEARS, PINE APPLES. GREKN GBlPXa PLUM PUDDING, &ASPBEBRISS, 8TBAWBEBBISS, ASPABAGUS, 8UGAB PEA 8, BUCCOT ABH, BOSTON BAKKD BKAN3, CORN, OKBA and TOMATOES. FISH, Cod, Maekerel in all styles and sizes, Deviled Craba, iiODsier, twimon, American ana rrencn Sardines, Oysters, Ac. POTTED MEATS, Chkkaa. Beei, Duck, Ham, Tongue and Turkey Assorted. CORNED BEEF, CONDENSED MILE, OLIVES. LARGE LOT STARCH, S to 40 lb. boxes. Farinaceous Goods, Oatmeal, Peas, Cheese, Chocolate, Essential Oils jsostaras, Ancnevy iraste, Ancnovieem sau or oil, and other Imported articles. f A XT"TTT7 O In buckets, boxes and VAIN UlUiO. barrels: Nats. Raisins, Prunes, Pepper, Spices, Cloves, Nutmeg, Maes. OA A PC Large stock Toilet -OvaT IJ) and Common. .:.. :'J r; ; ... it . : :. " . t : - T8I BXf AIL TBASl ' hntMsnaitaikarMfMlaaIl nods In Mi v Mne. fjkeaBlesettetted.as-tfrls eeUeved UaajUktac oma in tne utoeery iawb, uzr VW LeROY DAYIDSON. MERCHANTS HO GROCERIES i leady-inade BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CARPETS, TRUNKS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, &C, legardless of Cost, rpo CLOSE OUR BUSINESS BY JANUARY 1st, 1882. Having concluded to return to the Eastern J- part of the State, and to avoid packing and sniping our goods we have resolved to give the public the benefit to purchase our entire stock at prices never before known in Chariot. Our goods are all new and desirable, having bought a complete new stock this season. Don't fall to call early to secure the best bargains as this is positively a bonande closing out sale. O Three new sllverplated Mansard 8 foot show cases, 1 Na 7 Moslem' fire proof safe, 1 hand some Mirror, 5 Iron Yelvet Cushioned Stools, and 4 folding awnings and frames, for sale cheap. octlS EODDICEciP, TRYON STREET. WE HAVE JOtfT BECEIYKD ANOTHEB LOT OF THAT FAMOUS 60i... ALL WOOL MERINO DRESS GOODS, NEW LINE OF HOSIERY iSS NOTIONS CHEAPEST LINE OF DOMESTICS EYEB OFFERED. W Call early and sOdore Bargains. Terms strictly cash and one pride. . . RODDICK & CO. Iloricia; Oranges, CATAWBA GRAPES, MALAGA GRAPES, Bananas, Apples and Other Luxuries, -AT- -AT- PERRY' WL I DUXJGrGrlST. Trade Street, : : : Charlotte, N. C. PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO BOTH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE. 0 YustaIexceTvetd.he "ULTIMO" CIGARS fejS88tVeinnedce' octl9 CHAS. R. W.W.WOOD,MaiiiiMw,lMoffi n . " - ' RICHMOND EwGRWDfS 60.f efcaEfafjfjfjgajgejgeaejajgejggafaja Sole Ag't, Charlotte Every Estty Organ Sold U made Throughout with Send for IUudrattd C&abgv. od7,dlmoeo3&w te. SESSION OPENS . I WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBMB 7, '81. COnPfl OF TEACHERS Fx. B. ATKINSON. PrtadDal. Latin. Mathe matics, and Natural Sciences. Miss HELEN LONG, Principal of Preparatory Department. MRS. BALJLiLB VALVVXU WlUTf , JEDgllSh Literature ana jHsiery. Mm LtLLIB W LONG. Modern Laneuaees. Mibrmakx jb. lUTiuuH, juoeunon and sng- nsn wrancap. MUSIC DSVASTJ1KNT. Fmor. JL BIDIX LL. Dl. Director. ASSIST ANT8MB8.- a L. DEWEY. MBS. WE B.ATKTNSUH. Mas U. A. 81 v AGs, Art Department. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. Mia NANNIE TINSLEY, Intendant of Inflnn- taa ANNA SUTTON, Head of Boarding De VHpBPk - - - . ---.imm Chew only the brand of tobacco, toown as The Old oaaen BHosiw , ;.-0i J.Ci ! . rriHE old Oaken Bucket,' T f. , s ' X The Iron-bound bucket.- - - Tlion-eovered bucket," Ttuu Aung m ue weiL CHAS. B. JONES. Charlotte, N. CL, Sole Agent , Liberal terms to oeaiers. Charlotte Female ktitu t 5 Clolbiog, H. MORRIS N.C J JONES Every buyer shinU Select an Organ ' That guarantees good , Every day tcorklari& Year 8 of service, , ESTET 0B61N CO., Atlanta, Go. ? : ' f P. C. WILSON, . " I C H A B L 0 T T E, N C., ., ,. Sole Agent for Cfllnmboj iBnggy AffD TBB WATEBTOWN SPRING WAGON COMPANIES, FOB THE BUM Off " BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, PHAETONS, SPRING WAUUHBttBO,, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. OPEN BUGGIES, $5& . TOP BUGGIES, 885. Sneelal tedacements to the wholesale trade Obnespondenos soUclted.;',- . - r - .... ; juuia ; , FOR REN11.:,;, B the year 188 or for a"term,pt rs.that commodious and elegant drt l?a?Jrf?- - T John80a- l a DeWOLTB. H7 g,mmm-mmmJm - lit .ill-' mi m m IS '11 m if I .1 :- t--. A 'Hi 1' :4 ft; i Si! I t P. jlllr 3 R 5 4 1-1 Si' f ; Y i 2' I) '-rt H r- P.B ! 4