LOCAL UTKUUIttBaiCB. THURSDAY, OCT. 27, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. Phiiahx Lodge No. 81, 1F.4A. M.-Begular meeting every second and fourth Monday nnto. EiciLSiOB Lodgx No. 2B1, A. 7. 4 A. SL-Beg-ulnr meeting every first and third Tuesday nights? CIU.RLOTTB Chapter No. 89. R. A. M.-Reffular meeting every second and fourth Friday nights Charlotte Comicadary No. 2. K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. IC- OIF 33- Kotshts of Honor. Regular second and fourth Thursdays. Knights of Pythias. v xne Dar-iteepers and the drug gists are fighting over the auestinn nf A . . retailing spirits in Greenville, S. C in the courts, however. A chip balanced on the head of a druggiat or a bar-keeper iu uui own Durg would not stay long if they happened to meet such, at lar is the impression of some of the pave ment orators. , Dramatic lw, meeting every will always get a oy all means. He good house here. Keene on the 10th will get the big- knights of ftTB3A8--Eegular meeting nlahts 14 OU86 01 tDe season. so far. The A SftS people of Charlotte will never so for J themselves as to forcet his tVrncirma "The Widow Bedott"companv goes from here to Greenville. Paulding should come to Charlotte moval of the. average small boy's shoes Tile Widow Bedott. After the delicate indecency of the society plays and the gilded infamv o the varieties, it is positively refreshing A. I! 1 A to listen to some old fashioned but hon est filth such as the "Widow Bedott.1 wno ingenuously confesses that she hasn't washed herself since the demise of the late lamented, gave us in the Play last night. With the slight draw back occasioned by recurring impres jiuiokuus to tnose wnicn trie re- sonic Temple Hall. X- O. O. IF. daynfTBL01,0,t N' 88-M every MECKLENBURG DECLARATION Meets every Tuesday nlghu night" L0DQsNa WA-Meets every Thursday Catawba River Encampment No. 21 Mm! First and third Thursday nights in each month. Mon- Lodqk Na 9. snarl as Richard III. Index to Now Advertiaeni LeBoy DavidMrn-Speclal Barealns. a. Morris A Bros Sacrificing Sales. HUME PENCIL1KGV. Reckleta Forgei-ie. A negro man who has lately fled the city is said to have forced and ant 1 , - o i .jp v. viiw i.uiiiir;i ia a LI IAJU.OJL through several orders on one our lead- of the different humorous resultants of "uoiucas nouses, ana one or two on the irrpsinrihlo ahcn!ti - & wuu jm. uiu i& ft fi ii 1 i 1 a.i would occasion in the parlor at a soiree tnusicale, the entertainment is one con unuea round of riotous laughter and suDsiamg cachinnation. Bishop's v iaow," as the critics all agree, is a much pleasanter, although possibly i& less correct, representation of the typi cal aown .East "sun-scorched, stove dried, many-angled New England nouse-wiie" than that of Heil Burgess. j. ne iacness or the former is an index enu. UF Mosquitoes still linger. C3Another fine day yesterday. The wells are resuming payment. tW Butler's sale continues to attract crowds. ESThe new social club is gradually crystalizing into shape. t3gThere is as yet hardly any change in the foliage of the woods. tSTThe building of residences is as active as ever in Charlotte. i& several brilliant weddings this full are rumored in social circles. IThe "Widow Bedott" last night had the largest house of the season. EST Ten days more without frost and we may have a second crop of cotton. JSTNothing of late from the new ho tel, but it is coming after a while sure. E"Tho hop at the Pleasure Club rooms to-morrow night will be a bril liant affair. ES A number of citizens but await the circus before going to the Atlanta exposition. $W Mr. P. Lasne has joined the Char lotte Cornet Band, and his flute adds much to the music. tW So far one would not know from any changes, that the Atlantic, Tennes see and Ohio had been leased. E3Dr. Harding will probably preach his annual sermon to the Hornets' Nest Riflemen next Sunday night. EST Durham is to have a steam laizn- dry. There is still a lingering possibili ty that we may have one, too. 7 13" About 150 hands passed through the city night before last from Dan ville, bound for the Georgia "Western Railroad. EThe noon -passenger train from the North passed the special train with the Connecticut troops at Thomasville yesterday. E3T Attention is called to the adver tisement of the bargains at H. Morris Bros., who are selling out regardless of cost. E Mr. Luther Benson's temperance lectures in South Carolina hav the dis agreeable feature of money at the door, according to the Columbia Register. EThe cotton factory and the water works are both improvements of the last two years, and yet it is said we are not booming like we used to boom. tW "Pro tern, is a funny name," said a citizen the other day as he read in The Observer that mayor pro tern. Osborne presided at the mayor's court. ES"A load of watermelons came to town this week and we are forced to confess that some of our colored citi zens bought and ate. They still live. tT Many fertilizer bills become due the first of November. Can't the mer chants be persuaded to wait till the sec cond crop pans out. CSTIt is said that one of the most promising members of the Hornets' Nest Riflemen had his gun stolen while on guard at Yorktown. tCapt. E. F. Young, of the Hor nets' Nest Riflemen, went to Salisbury yesterday evening to act as groomsman at an interesting marriage ceremony last night EST Much of the ice manufactured by the ice factory here last summer was shipped to Greenville, but now Greenville is talking about a 5-ton ice factory of her own. lThe loss of Rev. E. A. Wingard, as pastor of the Lutheran, and Dr. Harding, as pastor of the Second Pres byterian church, will be greatly felt in religious circles and throughout the community. ESTThere was much disappointment that the Connecticut troops did not gtqp with us, although it was hardly ex pected. The Hornets, who met them la Yorktown, speak in the, very highest terms pf them. ESF'The day passenger train on the Richmond and Danville was again be hind yesterday having been detained at Greensboro for another engine to be brought from C6mpany Shops. The one from Danville was out of fix seme way. B3F" Allen Johnson, the Crump mur derer, tq be hung to-morrow, says he is prepared to die and is confident of sal vation. Rev. Price, colored, of the Methodist church, has been diligent in prayer and spiritual exercises with the condemned man. ETwo young men were fined by the mayor yesterday morning for indulging in the harmless recreation of a Vir ginia duel, with a half-ton rock on one side and a split-bottomed ehair on the other. Bon discharges missed and the fines were correspondingly light EST Workmen are now engaged in fitting up the basement' of the Try on Street Methodist Church in comforta ble and even luxurious style for the winter quarter of the Library Asso ciation, which will meet. there every Friday nigbt throughout the winter. ' another. Strange to say, too, the orders twillcu iu a very careless way, and succeeded each other during the course of several days. The merest ac cident prevented the discovery of the iorgery of the first order the morning after it was passed. One of the orders was for as large a sum as $15 cash. The Century for October Among the articles in the October number of The Century is a paper by Mrs. Mary Hallock Foote, "A Diligence Journey in Mexico," a fine full-faced portrait of Geo. Eliot, with interesting reminiscences or the gifted English woman, "Haunts of Fortuny and Rig- iiauit m urenaaa, descriptions and illustrations of the Greek costumes as presented in the Greek plays at Har vard, and a number of descriptive, critical and scientific papers, full of in formation and entertainment. The Century is decidedly the most attrac tive of American magazines. Don't Know Him in the Game. Superintendent McBee was in town yesterday. He says work on the West ern North Carolina is going ahead "to the limit." The other day while he was watching a squad dumping and blasting on the French Broad, a raw boned mountaineer stepped up and nudged him with his elbow: &ee here ain't Vance just hurried you fellows up a little, any how ?" "Vance," replied McBee, "who is Vance? We don't know him in the game at all ; but we are going to Paint Rock in time, you can just venture your succulent existence." with which the farce is bulging. Mr. Sol. Smith, as tne ",ider Sniffles," drew a delightfully severe caricature of the wnnno' mnd' tv n - mv. v mi "iu. Alio remamuer 01 tne cast gave a good support, and if any of the large auuience went there with "grief to mit rigate" it was "matrigated," if the con tinuous and uproarious responses can be relied upon. LI1BIG CO'S COCA BBXF TONIC Embodies the aatrltlve elements of the muscular fibre, blood, bone, and brain of earetsily selected healthy bullocks, combined with the Mwerful tenlc virtues ol the Coca, or Sacred Life Plant of the Incas, and a choice quality of Sherry Wine. Beware of imitations. YELLOW FEVHB PEEVEMTED. The engineers of the Central Eallread of Geor gia say: "Though exposed te the werst Miasma tic influences, going in and cemlng eu t of Savan nah at different heurs of the night, and also in spending entire nights In the city during the pre valence of the yellow fever epidemic of 1874, with put the single exception of one of us (who was taken sick, but speedily recovered) we continued in our usual good health a circumstance we can account for In no other way but by the eflects, nn .0. YldeDce' ot tn8 habitual and continued use of Simmons Liver Regulator while we were expos ed to this malaria." MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH ontbfnl Till-Tapper. :s. George, wife of Mr. John George, has a grocery store on Church street was in her room in the rear of the store yesterday, when her attention was attracted to a noise in front. She went out and found a little negro boy wak ingoff with the money drawer. She caught hold of him and succeeded in making him drop the drawer, but he made his escape after biting the lady's hand and leaving his vest in her pos session. He was caught afterwards and sent to jail. His name is McCombs and he is not over 14 years old. Uncalled for. The following is the list of letters re maining uncalled for in the postoffice at Charlotte for the week ending October 17th: Miss Emma Alexander, Miss Han nah Alston, Miss Harriet Allison, Jeff Alexander, Miss Bessie Alexander, Al len Alexander, McNeil S. Alexander, C.Brown, Miss Ivy A. Cochrane, Mrs. J. H. Clarke, Mrs. Alice Crowell, Mrs Charlotte Davidson, W. D. Derr, W Edwards, Elizabeth Fields, Mrs. Louisa Foreman, John Gather, R. Goose, Sal lie P. Grase, W. J. Glass, D. G. Hood, Mariam Huser, Miss Nanny Hannah, W. S. P. Hunter, William James, J. R. Jones, Frank Kerr, W. W. Kitchen, El len J. Lipscomb, Susan Law, Miss Elve Mellen, Col. F. Montgomery, A. R. Moore, Mrs. Petty Moyson, T. B. Mc Kee, Wm. McDowell, Clarrissy Parsons, D. Parks, Lucy Potts, Lizzie A. Parks Miss Eviline Roberts, Miss Lucy Ross Synthia Reeves, (2), James Stanton, Miss J. C. Saville, Miss Maggie A Smith, Miss Mary E. Smith, Mrs. S. T Simmons, Miss Emma Tomlinson, Mrs Ann WarHck, J. W. Walker, Miss Liz zie Wilson, James West When calling for any of the above, please say "advertised." W. W. Jenkins, P. M. Should the Police Force be Increased A gentleman of the city, whose resi dence has-been the scene of one of the recent attempts at burglary, writes a communication which we have not space to publish in full, urging the en largement of our police force, which with its present limited numbers ia not sufficient to patrol the city with the thoroughness necessary to prevent these nightly outrages. That more policemen are needed is undoubtedly true, but whether the city fathers will take it upon themselves to give us more s vry doubtf ul. Even if the increase led to the capture and arrest of some of the depredators, and their punishment to the limit of the law followed, our past experience gives us no reason to believe that burglary would be more than temporarily ehecked. Henry Home was hung for burglary eighteen months ago; Ben Brown is to be hung for the same crime next month, and John Biggers, after being shot twice before he was captured, is in jail await ing trial with almost the- certainty of conviction and execution, and yet burg lary and attempts are positively of nightly occurrence. Stopping it seems almost impossible. Killing don't seem to have much effect upon our burglars. Write toLydlaS. Plnkbam, No. 233 Western venue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets relative to the curative properties of her Vegetable Compound in aU female complaints. . I hive the utmost confidence la the malls. Sa clqse.81 fottwoboxei, or $2.50 post office order for six boxes of Celery and Chamomile pins ana I will take all risk for money and goods. DtC. W. Benson, 1 C6 Kor.ll. lutaw street, Baltimore, Hd. TERRIBLE LOSS OF LIFE. Millions of rata, mice, eats, beg bugs, roaches , lose their lives by collision with "Rough on Bats.' Bold by druggists, 15C. 1 u m i ie ' if ' '.. ' ' Thou8anda"bf women nave Been: entirety cured t f the most stubborn oases of female weakness br he use ot Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com pound. Bend to Mrs. Lydla E. Pinkham, 233 western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. 0JT03KR 28. 1881. PBODDCS. Wilmington, N. C Spirits turpentine firm at 501&C. Rosin firm; strained $2.05, good strained 8Z.1U. Tar nrm at 82.10. Crude turpentine uiui oia.uu uaru; jw ao ior yellow aip; $2.60 xor virgin lnienor. ix n quiet; prime white 90 in lieu ou. Chicago. Flour nominally unchanged. Wheat unsetuea ana generally higher; No. 2 Chicago spring 1.38 cash; 1.841 October; November; i ovm ixueuiuer. iuru uigaer; o. a Uj' casn: 62la October; 62t November: Deeamhflr Oats; No. 2 44 cash; 4414 October; 44Vi Novem- ur; vi uecemuer. row generally higher, at sio.oucasn; $io.tu .November: December. Lard Irregular at $11.45 cash and November; December. Bulk meats actlver. firm and mgner; snouiaers $7.25; no $9.00; clear $9.40. vruis&ejr sioau turn uncnangea ai &io UU, b uiTrnoBE Noon nour quiet and steady; xiuvtiuu a Licet auu western super oo.OOaxd.7o: extra J6.00a86.7fi; family S7.00a$7.75; city mUls, super $5.50a$tt.25; extra S.60aS7.00; family $8 00a$8.25; Rio brands $7.75a$.800; Patapsco famUy $8.50. Wheat Southern dull ana easier; western inatuve and steady; Southern red 1.85a45; amber 1.46al.50; No. 1 Maryland red 1.55; No. 2 Western winter red snot and fvhar 1. 44ial.44i4 .November 1.451 ;December 1.501 aJA; January 1.53ftal.54. Corn-Southern quiet Bieauj neaieru mm; ooumern WmtO 74; do. yellow 70. Baltimori Night Oats more active; Southern 47a50; Western white 49a50; do mixed 48; Pennsylvania 48a51. Provisions quiet; mess pork 18.75. Bulk meats shoulders and clear rib sides packed 9alOV!. Bacon shoulders 10: clear no siaesiiMj; nams loau. Lard refined 18. Coffee nominally more steady; Bio cargoes or dinary to fair 8al 1 . Sugar steady- A soft 1 04. Whiskey quiet at $18.50. CiNonnuTT Floor dull and unchanged; family 86.85a$7.15; fancy $7.40a$8.00. Wheat easier; No. 2 red winter 1 42al.44; receipts ; ship ments . Corn active and firm at 69aU. Oats dull at 46. Pork nominally $19.00. La d easier at 11.45. Bulk meats quiet and unchanged: shoulders 8; clear ribs 9; clear sides . Bacon quietj shoulders 9; ribs 10; clear 1H4. Whiskey active and firm at 1.13; combination sales finish ed goods 1,832 barrels on a basis of 1.13. Sugar steady and unchanged; hards lOall; New Or leans 8a Hogs steady; common and light 5 00a6.25; packing and butchers 5.90a6.65; re ceipts ; shipments . Nrw York Southern flour ; common to fair extra $6.15a$7.20; good to choice do. $7.20a$8.50. Wheat feverish and unsettled, opening VfeaXc lower, afterwards recovering and advancing 14ac, closing strong; ungraded spring 1.10a87; ungrad ed white ; ungraded red 1.27a5H; No. 2 r d and October 49i4a4Vfc: November 49Vsa50lb; December 52ia53V. Cora hlgner and moderate ly active, closing strong; ungraded 68a72; No. 2 October 70a7l; November 70l4a71i; Decem ber 721fea73lfe. Oats a shade higher, and fairly ac;lve; No. 3 47. Coffee firmer and fairly active; Klo brands 8al 2. Sugar steady and quiet; cen -trifugal 9Uj; Mar'caybo 6V ; fair to good refining 8ia8l4; refined quiet: Standard A 9 Molas ses quiet and steady; old crop New Orleans 50a60; new do. 80a 1.10. Rice firm and ia fair demand. Rosin firm at 2.5a86. Turpentine higher and firm at 54. Wool firm and quiet; domesUe 84a38; Texas 1 6a32. Pork quiet and firm, witbeut quota ble change; new $18.00; October and November $17.304fea50; middles dull and nominally un changed. Lard feverish and unsettled, closing higher at $11.80; November . COTTON Galvmtoh Quiet; middling 11; low middling 10c; good ordinary lOVfcc; net rects 1,648; gross ; sales 800; stock 75,037; exo'ts coastwise 1,832: to Great Britain ; continent ; to France . Norfolk Quiet; middling llc; net receipts 4,893; gross ; stock 38,632; exports coastwise 2,602: sales 1,809: exports to Great Britain ; continent . Baltimore Firm ; mld'g llc; low mtd'g 11; good ord'y 10c: net rec'w ; groM 2,568: sales 1 100, stock 14,511 .-exp'ts coastwise 185; spinners 800; exports to Great Britain ; to Continent B08TOH Steady; middling ll4c; low middling 1114c; good ord'y 1014c; net receipts 1,283; gross 2,595; sales : stock 8,420; exports to Great Britain 2,149; to France. WnJUireTOir 8tasdy; midd'g llVfec; low mid dling IOH-I60; good ord'y 9c; receipts 906; gross; sales; stock 11,684; exports eoast wise ; to Great Britain ; to continent Philadelphia Firm ; middling 11&; low middling 1144c; good ordinary 10c: net receipts 15,931; gross ; sales ; spinners 175 todr 9,930; exports to Great Britain ; to continent Savanhah Fi m; middling llc; low mld'g 1014c; good ordinary 9&; net receipts 545; gross ; sales 4 400; stock 89,1 17; eoatwjse' ; to Great Britain r: France; to continent Nkw Orlraks-Quiet; mldd'g 1U4: low rold al ng 10: good ord'y lOfcc; net receipts 12,202; gross 12,371; Bales 5,000: stock 175.396: exports to Great Britain 5,200; to France ; to coast- 1 wise 8.109; to continent . Mobile Quiet ; middling HUjc; low middling 1034c; good ordinary 1044c; net ree'ts 908; 1 gross : sales 600; stock 22.656: exports coast 1,522; France ; to Great Britain. Memphis Steady; middling llic: receipts 2,305; shipments 2,825; sales 800; stock 44 327. AueuBT a Steady; middling 10c.; low m!d-. dllng 10440., good ordinary 9o; receipts 1,662; shipments ; sales 1,23$. Chahlestoe Quiet: middling 1144c; low mid dling He; good' ordinary lOVfeo-; net receipts 5,030; gross ; sales 2,000; stock 76,947; exports coastwise 786; to Great Britain ; to continent 6,039. Nkw Tore Cotton quiet; sales 812; middling uplands 11 9-16c;mlddd'g Orleans 11 18-1 6c ; gross ; consolidated net receipts 33,291; ex. Great Britain 9,546; France ; continent 6,039. Liverpool N oon Cotton , active; middling up lands 6 7-16d; middling Orleans 64bd; sales 18, 000; speculation and export 2,000; rec'pts 18,100; American 7,500. Uplands low middling clause: October delivery 6 5-16d; October and November 6 5-26d; November and December 6 5 16all-8.2d; December and January 6al8-324: January and February 6 7-16al5-82d; February and March 6ftal7-32d: March and April 6 17-82a9-16d; AprU and May dj May and June 0 24-82ad; June and July d. Sutures firm.- Liverpool. 5 p. m. Sales ot American cotton 15,100 bales. Upland low middling clause: October delivery 6 9-82d: November and December 6 5-16a9-82d; December and January 6$fed; Jan uary and February 8 7-16al8-32d; February and March 6 15-82d ; March and April 64fed; April and May 6 9-1 Bd; May and June 6 19-82d; Jane and July 6d. Yutures weak. New Jore Futures osed steady. Sales 83, 000. . October.... November .... December..... 11.5 January ll.75a.70 Fetirnary ll.90a.91 Maren 12.06a.07 April I2.19a.20 r 12.81a.82 June 12.42a.48 July. 12 52&3 4.804 IOIVi 1.12$ 1.16 3a6 FQlAMuiAl.. Kw Tori. Exchange, Governments quiet: New 5's, Four and a half per cents Four per cents Money, State bonds- moderately activA. . " Sub-treasury balances Gold, $76,219,741 -Currency,... 6.014,672 Stocks Opened weak and closed strong: Alabama Class A, 2 to 6 7g " Class a, small so Class B,6's QmZ ciass c.4'8.....:. w8i Chicago and Northwestern i 24 " preferred.... 784 Jsrte 44Ia East Tennessee. . .-. iIS Georgia Illinois Central Lake Shore Louisville and Nashville Memphis and Charleston NashvUJe and Chattanooga new xoek iwnim gftu Pittsburg. " t a Richmond and Allegheny -4( Bocte Island " qa Wabash, SL Louis ft Pacific. ac " " " ntwftmwuf Rli Western Union 871 COT COTTON MABXET. , Omn or the Omeever, i Charlotte. October 27. 1881. 1 The market yesterday closed Mk and nn changed. Good Middling. Strictly middling Middling. Strict low middling. Low middling. Tinges.... 91 Storm eo'ton ' Sales yesterday 227 bales. 1 ISSr I OUR LARGE STOCK S RAPIDLY SELLING CIiABBl AT NEW ORLEANS. I TWSOaj, November 8th. 1881-188th Monthrt I AT THE- IMwtnc Louisiana State Lottery Company. ,.wo?n2ed m 1888 toT 25 Jean by the Legis lature for Educational aiwl r.rtt. ki J!?i. with . (..i -i VwTTTr "TT'y vyvBoo . . wyuoi vt i.uuu.uuu-ig woiea a reserve fund of over $420,000 has since been addL . JOTerbJ)lml1? Popular rote Its franchise "rE, a vi "ie preaeni state Constitution adopted December 2d, L D. 1879. vvu"wuuwa . Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER firawtnn will n piaos monthly. We stm have a 1 b7 11 10 10 ioi5 1044 balO Vfea9 It never fining nr mmMa t Aw . v togdlsmbattonT ""1UUVW- 1ftn CAPlTALraiZK, S80,0Oa 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-Tickets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : piuu ma 180.n00 ilffiSfifigP::!-- S ,20PrJaof 6W...V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V 10000 gSS X:-:::::: - fflfc i.&SSZ$ ?8::::::::::::::: IS APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $300 $2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200. " . 100 8 Approxlmaaon Prixei of 100. . . . 900 great swrifices we offer at ano below cost. 'the1! S.fl?S.!lll1 Qld advise one and all to call at once and tnett Winter Goods before the best are sold. We offer extraordinarv banmins in Men's, Boys and Children's Ready-made Clothing, Inciting 0YERC0AT8 for all ages, Don't pay profits when yOu ean buy goods REGAB.DLTtw o WB. KemeasDer we close out business by January 1st, 1882. oet27 H. MORRIS & BROS. RODDICK & CO., TRYON STREET. WE HATE J08T RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT OT THAT FAMOUS 60c. 1857 Prirea, amounting to. $110,400 OUaulotto Prodnco Market. OCTOBER 5. 1881. BUYING PRICES. CORH. MrbOSh'l . 1 in Meal, too "Whiat, . w Brans, white, per bushel 1.25a 50 Pxas, Clay, per bnsh. 90al.00 White. " Flock Family Extra. Super 8 ATS, shelled, rikd Fruit Apples, per Ox Peaches, peeled. unpi 2? GRSB SpSr?? Cf ALL WOOL MERINO DRESS GOODS, 25gS5: NEW LINE OF HOSIERY igg NOTIONS. ll.40a.41 ll.4la.43 7 76a80 4.25a450 4 00 &75 56 41a0 16a20 7al0 8a5 I 75 1.00 80a35 i 16 20a25 10al5 20 8 85a40 5a6 noeeled. Blackberries Potatoes Sweet Irish Butter North Carolina Eoe8, perdozeu Poultry Chickens Sprlne Ducks ; Turkeys, per lb '.' tteese , Bket, per lb., net " Mutton, perm., net rriiut, SELLING PRICES WHOLESALE- Bulk Meats Clear Rib Sides iiu Cofptss Prtm61" 14al8 Qoox- 12V4al5 Molasses uuoa 82a35 Sugar Syrup. 85a50 Choice New Orleans 60a60 Common .... 40a46 Halt Liverpool fine 1.00al.25 " Coarse 85al.00 Safe:::::::::::::::::::-.::-.: 10a Com, per gallon $1.80a.40 nRyve' " $1.25a8.00 Apple, per gallon S2.')0a2.25 f2.60 1.00 ttesponsiDle corresponding agent wanted at all K-m wnom ouoerai compensation will be anu For fuU address. ZT,,. ' MOn' cruer by man. Address- VU1 ow M. A. DAUPHIE trV.l. BATTPwrw Htw I", o. 212 Broadway, Hew To. .fL0,2?nd ordlnar7 Drawings are under r9XnT onsral. G. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The public are hereby cautioned against send ing any money or orders to NTJNXSA coTTsa Nassau street. New York City, as authorlzedby the LWs state Lottery ' CofflTto wl its tickets. ThAV am flwwiln. - zZZl with BOGUS CIRCULARS ISrmg to rof the Loutaiana State Lottery (mpanj, and are FRAUDULENTLY representing themselves as iS ..veno authority fronTSs " imTTwnFTwvi ""' 'uxa are not its agents for , . , . M. A. DAUPHIN. Pres't Louisiana State Lotteir Co New Orleans, La., July 4, 1881. CHEAPEST LINK OF DOMESTICS EYES OFFERED. Call early and secure Bargains. Terms strictly cash and one price. RODDICK& CO 37th POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE BARGA N Peach. Wink, Scuppernong, per gallon.. RETAIL. on Lard, per lb k Tallow, ner lb e.m Bacon- N. C. hog round lOall Hams,N.C. IS Hams, canvassed. 1 r.i u. gjc 8al0 Fruit Apples, N orthern, per bbl 8.26a.50 " Mountain. " nn Fish- Mackerel No. 1 1 25 " No. 8. 75 Codfish c Cabbasjc, per lb. .7.7 e In the City of LouUvQle, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court on March 81. rendered the following daeisionn- ' 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany is legal. 2d Its drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Bead the list of prizes for the OCTOBER DRAWING. IS26 - $80,000 J H 10,000 1 Prize. k nnn 10 Prizes, S1.000 each, 10 000 20 Prizes, 500 each, 10 000 100 Prizes, 100 each, 10 0OO 200 Prizes, 50 each 10 000 600 Prizes, 20 each 12 000 1000 Prizes. 10 each: 10,008 9 Prizes, 2300 each, Approximation Prizes $2,701 9 Prizes, 200 " 1 80I 9 Prizes, 100 " " " '00 l.t60 Prizes. $112,400 Whole Tickets. $2; Half Tickets, $1; 27 Tickets $60; 65 Tickets, $100. Bemlt Money or Bank Draft in Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OB P08TOFFICE ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Address all orders to B. M. BOARDMAN, Courier-Journal Building Louisville, Ky., or 809 Broadway, New YorkI oct4 -IN- STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. :d: &XBtZKltB. ASTHMA Quickly and Permanent Seed Oa 5 Dr.Stinsott'aAsthmaRemedy is nneqnaled as a positive Alterative and Core for Asthma and Drnevsia. and all their attendant evils. CURED CORN! CORN! CORN! It does not merely afford temporary relief, bat Is a permanent cue. Mrs. B. F. Lee. of Belmara. O.. ut of it " J am turprited atthetpetdy tfftcUafyovr remedy. It it the firtt medicine In At iwom IAa( Aat iootened my eouc and made expectoration ary. J now tleepaU nioht without coumMng" Ifyomr drug-gist does not keep Iti send for treatise and testimonials to 888 BrooJwoy. Hew Yrk. oct27 dw3m FLOUR ! Confederate States Bonds. THE undersigned has an order for Confederate . . States Coupon Bonds, bearing six. seven and BAGGING AND TIES riuui ier cent, interest, ior wnicn ne win par nignest market price. A. G. BRENIZIR. oenso zi At Commercial Nat. Bank. y the The Attention of the Public, and Especially the Trade, is Respectfully Called to MY LARGE AND FRESH STOCK OF GOODS NOW IN STORE. Everything in the Grocery Line will be found in My Stock Metropolitan BottI FURNITURE, Feather-beds, Mattresses. Car Pets, Tables, Washstands, tea. , for sale cheap. Call tills week and secure a bantaln. Jfl&LD BROS. oct 2 8 2t Welare agents for Charlotte Female Insu Me SE3SION OPENS WEDNESDAY, 8EPTEMBMB 7, '81. Matbe- COBPS OT TEACHERS: Wit B ATKINSON. PrlnrfnSl. UHo. Miss iiONO. FrindDal of Frenaratorv Department. MBS. aAllitK UAliDWAUL WHITE. English Literature and History. Miss lillik w long. Modern Languages. Miss MART L. MATTOON. Elocution and Eng lish Branches. MUSIC DE r ABTMENT. Pbot. A. BIMZ, LL. D., Director. ASSISTANTS MBS, B. L. DEWET. Mrs. Wi E. ATKINSON. Miss U. a. SivAQS, Art Department. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. Miss NANNIE TINSLKY, Intendaat of Inim- ary. miss anna buxtun, Head ol BoaidmK De partment jror lerms, etc. cpiy ior a caiaiogoe to Dfi WM. J THE WATT PLOW Will sell It LOWER than you can buy an other good plow. Full assortment always on hand. Call and see us before purchasing. MAYER & ROSS. aog26 u Seed Wheat, Seed Wheat -AND AT- PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. augll.tf R. ATKINSON, Principal. Florida Oranges, CATAWBA GRAPES, MALAGA GRAPES, Bananas, Apples and Other Luxuries, FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE FARM Ilk mBes from the city of Charlotte, on the Sal Is burr road, contain- ing 70 acres of land In a good state of cultivation, well adapted to cotton, good orchard and a never railing wen 01 water, wm ne sold cheap to a cash purcnaser. Appiy 10 JKB3. A. HTKOALL, oct23 4t Charlotte, N. Q. RUST PROOF, -AT- RUST PROOF, RUST PROOF. -AT- PERRY'S A few Bushels of Z.B. YAVC. W. HJlTUI. vance & bailey, Genoine Rust Proof Wbeat, Attornen and Oouniellon CHARLOTTE, N. C. Practice In 8upreme Court of me United States, Supreme court ox North Carolina, Federal Courts, and counties of Mecklaiv btirg, Cabarrus, Union. Qaa ton,BowanandD4. tW Office, trio doors east of btdenendenot Square. may2d tf RQ. D. GRAHAM, States Conrts. CoBos iign, soncnoo. as mmiisi tot earn I omoi N. X. Comer Trade Tnon stnets' Charlotte, N. & Jan, 6. pensatlon. FOB SEED, THE BEST IN THE MARKET. tgr CALL EARLY. 3 R. M. Miller & Sons. octi8 WILSOll & BURWELL, DRXJGG-ISTS, Trade Street, : : : Charlotte, N. C. PAT SPECIAL ATTENTION TO BOTH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE. Oil CASE OF4THX JU8T BXCSITXD. 0Ctl& "ULTIMO" CIGARS FBE8H 1WD NICE, JU8T BSCSINED.

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