Stye l)arlottt b0trptr SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Daily, one year, pottvaid, in advance 8 00 Six month ..j.,t- 4.00 Three nnontfu. .... li44 ......,,... 2.00 On mo 75 WKBKLY EDITION: IteeT&y (in to fcmniy), wt advance. . w . . , ,$2.00 OutaftheeomUy, Poei-paid 2.10 Six months 1.05 tS Liberal Ktductumfor Cktim. 00& nu& Sfflr Sritxtittfi. TEX OBSERVES JOB DEPARTMENT' Has been thoroughly supplied with every needed want, ana with the latest sty of Type, and every manner at Job Printing c&n now be done with neatness, dispatch andchsapoess. we can for nlsh at short notice. BLANKS, BILL-HEADS, LETTER-HEADS, CARDS, TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTEttL PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS, CmCTJLARS, CHECKS, Ac. VOL. XXVI. CHARLOTTE, N. O., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1881. NO. 3,936. II it If JUST RKCEIVfiD A NEW LOT OF DBE33 TRIM MINGS, SUiiAHS, SATINS, ETC. WE ARE OFrEiUNO DRE33 G00D3 VERY CHEAP. WE HAVE A beautiful line of Blf-KKT FLANNELS. WE HAVE A MAGNIFICENT LINK OF CLOAKS. YOU CAN GET Dr ss Bu-tons, fclbbons, or Anything in ourl'ne cheap. ASK FOR Children's, Mlses and Ladles' Fancy Hosiery. REMEMBER, We hive a splendid stock ol CARPETS, BUGS, 4a., &c, &c. era (taxzhtsd tWM 13TH, 1876.) Alexander & Harris. octlO oots an ft MJxozs 881 M 4 Winter Wl We are dally receiving our F6LL& WINTER STOCK m m us, which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the Ed Brands i Latest Styles. LADIES', MISSES', CHILDRENS,' GENTS', BOYS'. AND YOUTII3 FINE BOOTS! SHOES A SPECIALTY. Lower grades nil Rods In our line In variety and ail prices. FULL STOCK Stetson and Other Hats. A PRETTY LINE TRUNKS, VALISES AND SATCHELS ALL SIZ23 AND RRICE3. Call and see as. PEGRAM & CO. sepfi Contenset TIihb TaMeRortli CarolinaR.R TBAIKS eoIHS KORTH. Date.May 15 '81 No. 47 Dally No. 49 Dally No. 43, Dally Lv. Charlotte, " A-L. Depot " " Junct " Salisbury, Arr.Greensboro Lv.Greensboro Arr.Ralelgh Lv. " Arr. Goldaboro Lv. Greensboro for Richmond Lv. Danville " N. Danville " Barksdale " Drak'sBr'ch " Jetereville Arr. Tomahawk Ait. Belle Isle Lv. " " Arr.Manchester Arr. Richmond 4.05 411 6.15 AH 4.15 ra 6.20 .7.50 9.30 0.50 AMI 4.80 PM 6.07 pm 7.57 pm 8.18 PM 5.56 8.03 8.25 1.40 1.45 4.00 &25 10.21 10.27 10 58 12.37 2.24 8.20 4.05 4.10 4.13 4.18 AM AM PM AMI for Rleh s'mdonly a FM PMj i PM 11.81 11.83 12.01 1.20 2.55 8.51 4.28 4.85 4.88 4.43 AM AM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM P1 PM PM PM 7.28 TRAINS 60IN3 SOOTH. Itote.May 15 '80 No. 42 No. 48 No. 50 Dally. Dally. Dally Lv. Klchnjond 10.45 pm 12.00 M ' Burkevllle 2.25 am 2.43 pm - Arr. N. Danville 7-00 am 6-05 pm ....... Lv. " 7.25 am 6.18 pm Danville 7.27 am Arr. Greensboro 9.26 am 8.17 pm - Lv. 9.31am 8.87 pm . " Salisbury 11.16 am 10.83 pm Arr. A-L. Junction 12.45 pm 12.15 am " Charlotte 1.00 pm 12.20 AM Lv. Richmond 2.55 pm ' Jetersvllle .. 4.41 pm " Drak's Br'ch 6.07 PM " Barksdale 7.25 pm " Danville 7.51 pm " Benaja 8.55 pm " Greensboro 9.27 pm " Salisbury ; 11.05 PM Arr. a-L. Junction . . ' 12.26 am Lv. " " Arr. Charlotte III"!"! i2.80 AM BALXM BKAKOH. NO. 48 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro. 9.40 pm Arrive 8alem , 11.40 PM NO. 47 Dally, except Sunday. Uave Salsm , 7.80 am irrlvea Greensboro....;; , ,,.. .00 am NO. 42 DaUy, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro ... :10.00 am Arrives Salem 11.80 AM NO. 43-Dally. Leave Salem 6.80 pm i -rive Greensboro 7.80 pm Limited mails Noa. 49 and 50 will only man snort stoppages at points named on the schedule. Passengers takmg train 49 from Charlotte will get aboard at the B. 4 D. B, R. depot This train makes lose connection at Greensboro for Raleigh, Jsboro Newberne and all points on Wilming ton AWeldon Railroad. 1 " - xmassL ass rweep Greensboro-, Rale Wh and Goldsboro, No?47 making oonnectlon wlttPW. N. C. B, at Salisbury vneyliie (Sundays excepted), and also eon atreenaboro with Salem Branch (Sun , .ta88?niKer lns No. 42 and 48 main an local ?1, between Charlotte and Richmond, except Wry g, Harrlsburg, Cnlna Grove, Holtaburg, Lin wooa and Jamestown. : No. 43 eoniwcU with Salera Branch at Greens- ginj Cstoods, lailtinr,. Set. We Have Receivet A SECOND STOCK OF BLACK CASHMERES -THIS SEASON,- And Mill be glad to have the trade fn speet then, m we offer then :-25 Per Cent Cbeaper-: Than the same goods has been grid for In this market heretofore. THE LADIES MUST REMEMBER we have the LARGEST and BEST SELECTED STOCK of CLOAKS. JACKETS, ULSTERS and CIRCULARS In the city. Also, Dolmans In French Diagonal, Drap d' Ete, Drap d' Alma, 811k, and Satin de Lyon Effects, all very handsome goods at most reasonable prices. HP" A good assortment of MEN'S, LADIES' and CHILDREN'S WOOLEN UNDERWEAR. T. L Seisle & Co. oct23 Ulejfttjcai. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER ZS A PTJRELT VEGETABLB REMEDY For INTEA1TAX and 'EXTERNAL Use. A snr and speedy cure for Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Diphtheria, Chills, Diarrhea,Dysentery .Cramps, Cholera, Summer Complaint, Sick Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Bruises, Cuts, Sprains, etc Perfectly tafe to use internaily or erfmwfly.and tertcan to afford relief. No famUy can afford to be withont it. Sold by all druggist at fro.. COc., and l a bottle. PERRY DAVI8 & 80N, ProprUtors Provldenoe, K. I sept dw sept & oct. TUTTfS PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. 8YNIPTOM8 OF A TORPID LIVER. jjoaaof appttU,yauaea.bowela oostlTe, Fain In theHeadLwith s dvul eeneatlpn in the Paok part, Fain under the hoolder blade. ftUlaes. after eatinrj wlUt a olein ellnaaon to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper. Iiow ipirita, iioai of memery. with a feeling of harms; neg leeted some dntywearineae, DUaineee, rtntlering of the Heart,Pote before the eye7 x ellqw Bkin, Headaehe. BeeOeis neaa at night, highly colored Urine it tsxsx wijumras lkl jjxexxdxd, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTTl PILLS are especially adapted to ota MHi,nt dose effeeta mehaebange mt feeling aa to astonish the evfliarer. Ta.y anereaae u Apptuu, uqmsm imm boay te Take n rieeh, thne the tyMemJa MUWUS.U1 ot tnirxBieAeHBen tarn Difwilr rgans, Kwnlw atole arepro dueed. rrte. S cut. SS Ilnrrar H.T. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Qat Saik or Wmmsi ehanfed te a Ofoasr Blaox by a lngl application of this Dtb. It lmpsrti patural color, acts InstantanMusly. BolayDritiiU, or scat by azprtM on rMipt of fl. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. CDr. TCTTS HARCAt f IafSonattaa n a Om&jI aMrifto wlU b aalM rUE m afaMiiw.a Ftby.t 23deodwl The MoU rnpul aa4 I IWIW0WII KT FukiaVaMafaU or aii ramma. Oologne gjBSgjg rica, &c, who aro tired out by work or worry, audi Call who are miterabl. with Dyspepsia, Rhcuriia-J r . - 1 ; . A. RahmI YiAnev Art jMrf!flou Ppnts, you can beinvigorated andcnrtdfcy eafagj lfvou in wastinr away with ConiumpUoa,DiM !patioa or any waakneas, you will had 'ark-TV .Ginger Tonic the greataat Blood Fertilixaraad the. ;3eitHaalth4 Siren jthEcstorer yonCaaVs.; land far superior to Bitters and other Tonics, as tt, 'builds mi the system, but never intoxicates. sp. ct. a. 4 $. Hitcox ft r.-.ehorn&iitfy.T-11 Knunt DaafUnf JWrV Chew uuiyuie brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket. THE old Oaken Bucket, The Iron bound bucket The moss-covered bucket. 1 That huu (o tlje aUi ' CHA3. B. JONE3, Charlotte, tt f!.. Rnle AceoL Liberal terms to dealers. THE RAILROAD QT7ESTIUX. The People Want Roads, but Don't Want Them managed by Polltl clan. To the Editor of the Observer: Bv reauest I will erive a few thoughts of the general producing and laboring class of the people in regard to rail roads, their construction, and managers and politicians. Concerning the war tnat has been going on in the papers for some time past, they do not take rnucn stocK in it, out are almost unani mous in their prayers that the (great) Western North Carolina Railroad, about which so much is being said and writ ten, may neveragam fan into the hands of politicians, and thereby heap a heavv burden of taxes on us again, such as we have had for twenty-three or twen ty-four years past. We hare had a lit tle peace for the last twelve or eighteen months and wish it to continue. We hoped and believed the present man agers were the proper owners, since Mr. Best failed and turned it over to them, as we thought, and especially, as they are said to have been making almost superhuman efforts for the last six or eight months to get it completed in as short a time as possible rtiut that they could not Twmpleteit in the time Mr. Best promised, is no t thought to be their fault, as mueh time was lost be fore they toofc charge, and, therefore, we think that they should be allowed a little chance and see if they will push the Ducktown branch to completion within the time stipulated, and we do hope that no further hindrances will be placed in their way; and as to who are the rightful owners of the road we have nothing to say now, as we learn from the correspondence it is in litigation in our -courts, and we know they will render unto either party full justice if that is what is warrting. and we as a people are quite willing to abide their ruling. What we want most of all is for capitalists (we care not who they are or where they come from) to build us railroads all over our State crossing, intersecting, bi-secting, and every other secting, un til all will live within bearing of the running of trains and screaming of the whistle also ; and to mine for our pre cious ores and jewels and build facto ries for manufacturing all kinds of our products, for which we have abundant water power and material to run them after built. Then will our mountains and valleys, table lands and hill sides and swamp3, be made to produce all kinds of crops and this Sjtate become (as it ought to be) the garden spot of North America; as about everything that grows, either to eat, drink, wear, burn, chew, or enjoy in any way, can be pro duced here with proper care and culti vation. As to the discriminating in freight and fares, we as a people know but lit tle ; we have at least to some extent attributed the difference in prices of our products in neighboring towns to the greed of one and the liberality of the other, the difference in many cases often sextuples the difference in freight between two given points; for instance Concord merchants gave us from 25 to 35 cents more a bushel for our corn this summer than Salisbury merchants would (while the freight is only about 4 to 5 cents per bushel, I understand, be tween those two points.) Now, is the road responsible for this difference ? I say not altogether. Again, a farmer near Newton, Western North Carolina Railroad, takes a load of flour to Newton, sells to Mr. A. on Mon day at $3.50 per bag, goes home same day and next day loads up anoth er load and goes to Charlotte, gets there Wednesday and sells out at once for $4, gets his money, or its equivalent in mer chandise, and gets back home within three days. In about three or four weeks he is in Newton and tells Mr. A. that he got 50 cents more for the flour taken to Charlotte than he gave him and wants to know why the difference of so much, as the fireight is not of the difference, when Mr. A. tells him : I sent the flour bought of you the next day by rail to Charlotte to my factor there and here is the returns I nave just got this morning. I got 10 cents more per sack there than you did because my factor sold it to Customers, but here is the expense items of freight,- drayage, insurance, commission, Sot., bringing it down to nearly what I gave yott for it, after wafting three or four weeks for the money. am thus particular to do justice to the railroad, . the local mer chant and the eommisslon merchant.) Indeed we are truly glad that we have as many railroads as we haves, and earn estly hope that a great many more will be built within a few years at most. Those in-the far west are extremely anxious about the Western N. C. Road and the Spartanburg &Asheville, while we, in this section, are overanxious for the Danville, Moksville and Moores ville, now called North Carolina Mid land ; the people east of Salisbury in the Midland N. C. and the Salisbury and Cberaw Railroad and many other sections, are enthusiastic for their pets, and we do most sincerely hope that all will realize their most sanguine hopes and expectations, but not at the expense of the State and at the control of poli ticians, for of such roads we are hearti ly sick ; in short, we are truly glad that capitalists have come forward and taken the elephants off the State's hands and are also building other lines without State aid, and we are very glad indeed for such railread men as Cols. Buford, Andrews and a host of others ; as also ex-Governor, now U. S. Senator Vance, Gov. Jarvis, Judges Fowle, Merrimon and a host of others as states men and politicians, we are proud of them all. We honor and respect you all, so keep at peace among yourselves, and do all for us you can in your sever al callings and we will try and supply you with freight for the railroads and vote for the statesmen when we are called upon, but from any more schem ing political railroads "good Lord deliv er us," is our earnest prayer. With respect, W. L. K Tbe Baptist Outlook in the Sentb.T The Rev. Dr. A. E. Dickinson, editor of the Religious Herald, ot Richmond, Va, addressed the Baptist ministers or New York city, Monday. After speak ing of the minunaerstanaing tnat nas ex isted between the North and the South, he set forth "The Baptist Outlook in tbe South." He said that of the 2,296, 000 Baptists in the United States, 1,- 698,000 are in the South, of whom 740, 000 are colored. Both whites and blacks, he said, are doing better Christian work than ever before, the negroes giving even more in proportion to their abili ty than the whites. They have, built churches almost without number, some of them quite Mostly, and tney have giv en large sums io omer goou causes. There art 700 colored Baptists in: the colleges of the South, preparing for the Baptist ministry. . . v "The profession ought to bear In nund that tbe Llebig Company prepare a genuine Extract of Witch Hazel, and in ordering the remedy be anre td designate the preparation desired'; otkerwlse i worthless article may be obtained: -T "The same firm also makes a'most useful and eonvehleWnatrJetit tonic,' in the form of 'Coca Beef Tonic,' which has Justly received t,he highest ooinmendatlon. We hate used both of those preparations with the mast aattaiaetnialta;' SdHoytal In tbe Medical and surgical TJmea, ' i- BY TELEGRAPH. Collision on tbe Virginia midland. Danville, Ya., Oct 27. Tuesday night about 12 o'clock a train of 10 pas senger cars coming to Danville for the transportation of the first regiment Connecticut infantry, ran into the rear of a freight train near Rockfish depot of pne Virginia Miaisna railway, smash ing tne caooose ana another car. W. C. Lee, of Rock Mountain, was seri ously injured, and also a white man from a rankhn county, named Narton The track was not repaired in time for the morning regular passensrer train from Washington, aboard of which was txovernorloyt,of Pennsylvania. Gov ernor Hoyt arrived in the afternoon ac companied by Uen.-lvatta, en route to Atlanta, having been detained 0 hours by the accident at Rockfish depot He left at 8 o clock last night Convention ml Rlror men. St. Louis, Oct 27. In the Mississip pi Improvement Convention last even ing after the convention was called to order again, a discussion ensued as to wuetner mis snouio.De a convention of Mississippi River States or of all States of the TTninn. Tt wa rlnriHr1 Ho t.ha chairman, reading from the call, that an oi-ates were included, committees Were then UDDointed on r.redenMala. nn the order nf hnnin aha ftnrl fin martin. vuwcuwwe M. tions, and the convention adjourned. unm iu o ciock this morning. New York Stock Market. New York, Oct. 27. 11 a. m. The block marset opened strong with higher prices, immediately advancing to per cent, the latter for Canada O a. 1 , l m . - oouiuern, wnicn sold up to 02; .Lake onore rose to 122M, Michigan Central to 82, New York Central to 140M, Metrouolitan "Elfivatprl tfla. TTninn Pa. cific to 121, and Western Union to o. ouosequeiiuy sales to realize profits resulted in a reaction of to per cent . Schooner Run Into. WaSHINOTOTJ. Cict. 27 Th oirmol corps station at Delaware breakwater reports a schooner, Wm. H. Broadman, Capt. Richardson with six men in crew. irom ueaar jieys, t la., tor JNew York, whose cago-is lumber, was run into off Barneeat on the nie-ht of r.h 9.Kr.h i nor. by an unknown schooner and carried away ner cue-water dows, jiD and jib boon. The schooner was leaking badly. Baltimore's municipal Election. Baltimore, Oct 27. The Democrats yesterday elected their entire ticket, in cluding the mayor and every member of both branches of the city council. Bank of Belgium. Brussels, Oct. 27. The Bank of Bel gium has raised its rate of discount to Cotton Growing in Pennsylvania, Atlanta ConstituUon. We print in this morning's Constitu tion a remarkable letter from the Fal lon Brothers of Philadelphia. These gentlemen forward to the Cot ton Exposition a sample of cotton f?rown in the onnn air in rtAlsiorara county, Pennsylvania a county only a . 1 r T-i 1 -a a a . iew nines out rrom irnnaaeipnia. They claim that the climate, the soil and the seasons of Pennsylvania have mvwarl to be perfectly adapted to the culture vj. vunwii, auu auuuuuce Liiab luey Will plant ,300 acres in cotton next season. The average yield they look for is a half bale to the acre a much larger yield than our Southern lands average. The first imnulsft of this rfimarVnhlc letter will be to pronounce it absurd auu li it is ueueveo, to ascribe tne suc cess of this VAnr'fl rklaTifi j a aAMAAwaue W lUvAU C- cident. The idea of growing cotton as a a Z Ta . . . . a uiup in jrennsyivania is certainly a startling one. But let us not dismiss it as entirely impracticable until we have thought over the possibilities of fertili zers, and the developments that must come from their nerfpoHnn. ThA nhinf difficulty to raising cotton in many nwnuciu unujca uas ueeu tne impossi bility of cetti nor A mat.nrA in in fha short season between frosts. It is easy witu me am oi iertinzers to so force the plant that it will flower, boll and mature in the mnrwr spasnn and nrrv. duce its crop. So great is the advance ujuuoju ijjuuiacLure oi leriuizers that the intftllicrpnt. farmer fan famsl tr. the soil the exact elements that it iacks, just as a physician will doctor a sick A 1 . .a .... peiauu. Aireaay tne use or fertilizers has vastly addd tr th ottn pushing the acreage north and west! v nu oi us can say tnat under improved methods it may not be pushed into Pennsylvania, and that nnt nnrl far Hit section comprised in middle Penhsyl- vauia auu unio r Of Course Wedo nothAliAvt.haf. nrli a thing is more than merely possible. But it is quite within reason to discuss the matter and to armut tha finrrraa. tions made in Mr. Fallon's letter as" neitner absurd or entirely visionary. in BURNETT'S COCOAINK, Unlike AU OtherTHalr Presslmrs. Is the best for promoting the growth of and beau tHylng the hair, and rendering It dark and glossy. xne ivocoame holds, In a liquid fo?m, a large pro portion of deodorized Coooanut OIL Dre Dared ex pressly for this purpose. No other comDound noa- sesses the peculiar properties which so exactly suit the various conditions of the human hair. The superiority of Burnett's Flavoring Extracts consists In their perfect purity and great strength. The Florence Nightingale of (he Nursery. The following Is an extract from a tetter written to the German Reformed Messenger, at Chambers. Durg, renn. : A BKKJKLFAUTKKSS. Just open the door for her. and Mrs. Winslnw wUl prove the American Florence Nightingale of iog nursery, uiuus we are ho sure inatwewul teach our Susy to say, "A Blesslns on Mm winn. low" for helping her to survive and escape the rnping, concKing ana leeuung siege. Mrs. Wind ow's Soothlne 8ttud relieves the child ham nnrn and cures dysentery and dlarrhopa. it aoftens the gums, reduces Inflammation, cures wind oolie, and carries the Infant through toe teething period, it performs precisely what it professes to perform, every nart of it nothlnK less. We have rnr acun Mrs. Wlnslow know her only through the prepa ration of her "Soothing Syrup for Children Teeth ing." if we had the power we would make her, as she is, a physical saviour to the Infant race. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. CATARRH OF THE BLADDER. Stlnelne. smsrtins'. lrritattoruf the minarv naa sages, diseased dl&enarges. eured by Buchupalba. Druggists. Depot 3. H. McAden, Charlotte. MOTHERS DON'T SNOW How many children are jpnlahed lor being un couth, wilful, andi Wdlflerent to Instructions or rewardg. Simply because they are out of healthl An mtelUgenVlady Said or a'-chnd of this kind: 'Mothers should know that tt they would givo the little ones moderate-doses of Hop Bitters lor two or three weeks' the children would be all a parent i Tii AU y&P i it a common complaint If roo feel sa get a package of Kldnsy-Wert an take. U ahdVjooTwlfl at once feel its toniapowet,. U rtnjwslhe healthy anofthtkldlieyB, bowlsnver, and that rtoiaalllfeandBtowriithtotoeivearr T Iifean now be bad In either br -or form, aid in either war If-alwaya towtaMluid An agreeable dressiag for the hair, that wW stop ltsfalirrhMrbeeilngJoogM Ior. Parker's Hair Balaam, distinguished for Its purity, fully aPpUea tatew"::::'"? i?' ?j Tiio Stomaclta New Haven Register. The stomach is the best friend of man, but he uses it as if it was his worst enemy. It is supposed to hold about three pints, but if a man can't put four quarts in it he feels disappointed and -nuneiy." When a man gets hold of anything he don't know what to do with he puts it in his stomach and takes all the risks. And he never learns any better, though he suffers the' torments of the unblest ever after. It is generally considered that the stomach is a hopper into which any thing can be thrown, with the assu rance that the digestive machinery will take care of it. This is not so. Fried shingle nails and fricaseed hair pins win not assimilate with the human svs tern any easier than leathery flap jacks or toaster saiad ana milk. It is erroneous to suppose that when the stomach is packed with solid food of seventeen different varieties it is ca pable of holding several quarts of dif ferent sorts of liquid. It will fail to make a comfortable feeling swill tub of itself. "The older a stomach grows the tougher it is," is an error. A ten-year old stomach will get away with green apples and peanuts, shells and all, while a iorty years old stomach will simply get away with itself and all that is in it. It is useless to try to pave the inside or the stomach with conglomerate, jNoining Dut tne Dest .Belgian pave ment snouid be used and that should be thoroughly masticated. You can eat Belgian just as safely as a thous and tnings you do eat. In making a beer vat of your stom- acn, under the impression that you will thus become a walking brewery you will find out your mistake. You will merely put on a bay window which will be expensive to live up to. A sea voyage is an excellent revela tion of the capacity of the stomach. mere is no danger of losing italtocreth er in the process, though you frequent ly reel the fastenings break. A few hours on land will bring it to its "hun gry." The first thing a man does when his stomach feels bad is to put some medi cine in it to make it feel worse. He is looking ahead, for the happy contrast wnen it win possibly teel better. The more medicine a man puts into his stomach the more that organ seems to crave, and the more money the pat ent medicine man gets to circulate his in looking portrait m the newspapers. Occasionally a stomach is obliged to go empty, it tnose wno overfeed them selves were obliged to fill these empty stomachs with the surplus they eat and don't need, there would be no starva tion in these parts. Don't mistake your stomach for a re ceptacle of everything that tastes good, Dut use it rationally, treat it to gentle doses of strength giving, nutritious food, moderate quantities of mild drink, exhilarting exercise, a little fresh air occasionally, and you will reach that happy elevation of good health and SDirits which will render vou totallv oblivious of the fact that you have a stomach at all. A man who is thor oughly aware of the presence of his stomach is not well. I have the utmost confidence in the malls. En close SI for two boxes, or $2.50 post office order for six boxes of Celery and Chamomile pills and I will take all risk for money and goods. Dr. C. W, Benson, 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. Write to LydlaE. Pinkbam, No. 233 Western Avenue. Lynn, Mass for pamphlets relative to the curative properties of her Vegetable Compound iu au iemaie complaints. Women are everywhere uslrur and recommend' tag Parker's Ginger Tonic, because they have learnea irom experience tnat u speedily overcomes desDondencr. indigestion, naln or weakness fn the back and kidneys, and other troubles peculiar to tne sex. nome journal, see aav. jgfetjettt ptjexltcittts. DIJTIOTSHXrj VTGOB Is reimbursed Unrreat measure to those troubled with weak kidneys, by a Judicious use of Hostet ters Stomach Bitters, which Invigorates and stim ulates without exciting the urinary organs. In conjunction with its influence upon them, it cor rects acidity. Improves aDDetlte. and Is in everv way conducive to health and nerve repose. An other marked quality is its control over fever and ague, and its power of preventing them. r or saie Dy au imiggists ana Dealers generally. 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. raff fmU,tn WE WILL : SPjDjM TRIAL. Electro suffering from Ner vMVealt Gn- or any disease resultine 'irom Abuses and Qthet. - ucmuu iu. fii- nerva lan'ja or vieor. Causes, or to any Rjiii nlcfed, with Rheuma- unm, Neuralgia,1 fat-nh!; Sraoal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Tropica;-jame Back, Rup tures, and other, phases Vital Organs. Also WOJi'irauDkJ ;riib diseases peculiar to heupsex, . jjpeody relief 'mid--complete restoration to health guaranteed. 'Micuc arc the only Electric Appliance that have ever been constructed uponaelentiflenrin. eiplea. Their thorough efflcaey has been prac tically provwt with the snoot wonder fa I sacecM, nnd ttiejr. stave the blahest eaorenienta frommedtcal and aeien Mfl men, and from lrandred who have been quickly natti radieaUjhenreu b their use. a ., ; ,.-ouT .. ..Send at once tor Illustrated Pamphlet, givh? JnlTSl ;Iigrtlti!.TABM IMt mbes from the dty i of Charlotte: on the Bailabaiv Toad, -contain. mz 70 acres-ot land la a rood state of vulttrsrJon. vreBadapbsdtvcottonjro tailing wouuwBiervwiU M SOia cneap raacasm purcaaiwi. apnu;io.- eet2a 4t Charlotte,ira VftlfilS-4 n n I i a n ft fi r Velve love SHOODAHS, HENRIETTAS, EMPRESS, TAMISE AND BUNTINGS. CL0AKS,D01iIANS,UTERS(S WAIEING JACKETS. IDRESS TRIMMINGS, Bhawis, Barmorals. Hoops, Ladles', Gents' and Children5 Hosiery, Flannels. Underwear Damask Towels, Sheeting. 4c. Furnishing Goods, Boot, Shoes, Hats, CloSlngrrSwer Shtrtlfts audTut' I?.Bubllc flnd u 1 telr advantage to examine our stock before purchasing. Gall and exwnlne whether you buy or not Just received another stock of that very popular 10c Bleached Dorntic Bt Give us a caB. Prooint attention gtveo to orders. HAEGRAVES & WILHELM. SMITH BUILDING, TRADE ST. oetsa dor Fall' and Winter Display ! ! Complete Stock. OUR PREPARATIONS TRADE BEING NOW ENTIRELY WE cordially invite our friends and the public generally to an Inspection of the attractions display ed, confidently ' asserting that they wlU be found In every respect up to the standard. In submit ting this we would call special attention to the styles of our own design and manufacture, which we con stantly keep on hand during the entire season. Wa. are Justified In asserting that the long experience and standing of our House, Is a full guarantee that our Clothing Is the most reliable. The garments of our own manufacture are strictly first-class. We are constantly and carefully studying the de mands of our patrons, and invariably Insuring them absolute bottom prices. Our object has always been te bring about a display every season f a full line of garments of the newest styles. The work manship of our Clothing is equal to any of the best in the country. We don't say that our produc tions are superior to all others; we are reasonable and never exaggerate; we tell every customer the truth, allowing no one In our employ to do otberwite, or In any instance to misrepresent goods in order to accomplish a sale. Our endeavor is to please, and to give to each customer the value of every dollar he leaves with us. Our line of GENT8' PUBLISHING GOODS Is complete In all branches NECK WEAR A SPECIALTY. Very Bespectfully, oct9 CHINA PALACE -OF- New Goods Arriving Daily. JUST RECEIVED A Shipment of Fine Porcelaine, Eoual in finish arid aiDearanee to China and more beautiful la design, costing less than half the pries of China. The Royal Worcester pattern Is the latest style. Beyal Worcester tea sets, 44 pieces. S5.00: Klnton teas. S2.00. The latest styles cups and saucers. A full stock of Granite and Common Ware At greatly reduced prices. A large stock of G LASS W ABE at astonishing low ngures. Tinware, Quadruple Plated Ware, Cutlery, Look- tug uutsses, uauj iamage9, iamps ana Lamp Fixtures. WHOLESALE AND'RETAIL. 6 arte Id portrait plates, 25c sep27 Chew only the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket. THE old Oaken Bucket, The Iron-bound bucket, The moss-eovered bucket, Taat bung in the weB. JONES. CharinttA. K P. RaI Imnf Liberal terms to dealers. Quickly and Permanently' Druiim'ilifluniEMasdy ls.sneoualedF s postttve Alterative ana 43nre aad U their attendant evils. It does not merely aOojtd temnorarr relief hat Is a permanent core. Mn. a. Jr. -Ufre, or Jaslmora, U., aajrs or It : -jam mmarited alike ayeeu of your remeay. Ji tt tint ara mtdheint in mart Mot ma loownid my cough and made expectoration eatv. I now tleeo all m om made expectoration eaty. uiola vHtfumt exMoMaa.v If yoar druggist does not keen tt. aendoi treatise and fceatimoniaJa ta . : - j , v 88S Broenway, Xw Torn. . TKE. COMPARATIVE EpITION 0f . j E W T EST A ri EWTI FJJLLTIITOT I A REVISED VERSIOMl - PASAIXBIi PAOS8. ; 3 jam huWaatav 'wnwinas 100 A TlftfiffflSSSial t - J. Brookfield & Co. ASTHMA VUaiOMC'HSLWAME III OBsf tr T M a D IT t lTrrtaa wUitoitjs 9 FOR THIS SEASON'S COMPLETE L. BERWANGER & BRO., Leading Clothiers and Tailors. This great specific cures that most loathsome disease WHETHEB IN IT8 PBLMABT, SECONDABY OB TEBTIABY STAGE. Removes all traces of Mercury from the system. Cures scrofula old sores, rheumatism, eczema, catarrh, or any blood disease. CUBES WHEN HOT SPRINGS FAIL! MalTem, Ark., May 2, 1881. we have eases in our town who lived at Hot Springs and were finally cured with S. a S. MCCAJtMOir 4 MtJRRT. Louisville, Kentucky, May 18, 1881. S. 8. 8. has given better satisfaction than any medicine I have ever sold. J. a. Flxznss. Memphis, Tennessee, May 12, 1881. We have sold 1,298 bottles of 8. 8. 8. In a year. It has given universal satisfaction, Fair minded physicians now recommend it as a positive specif ic a. MAnsfikld Co. Denver, Col., May 2, 1881. Every purchaser speaks In the highest terms of 8. 8. S. L. MaissKTXB. Richmond, Va. , May 1 1 , 1 88 1 . Yon can refer anybody to ns in regard to the merits of a S. a Polk Miller 4 Co. Have never known S. 8. & to fail to oiim a emw ot Syphilis, when properly .taken. 11. L. DKNNARD. Eu Wabbxm, t Perry, Ga. The above signers are gentlemen of high stand ing. A H. Colquitt, Gov. of a. Ixwi?iw?w"1 take your case, TO BE PAID FOB WHEN CURED. Write for particulars. 81 ,000 REWARD will be paid to any chemist who will find, on analysis of 1 00 bottles of S. a 3., one particle of Mercury, Iodide Potassium, or any mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO- Proprietors, Atlanta, Ga. Sold by druggists everywhere. For fuither information write for the little book. 8old by T. C. Smith, L. R. Wriston 4 Co. and Wilson 4 BorweU. Jun25dly s TART LI NC DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A Yiotim of youthful imprudence causing Prsms tnre Decay, Kervous Debility, Lost Manhood, etc., having tried in vain every knows remedy, hu dis corcrad a cUnpleealf cure, which he will seod FBEB to bis fellow-sufferers, address J. II. KEYEg, 43 Chatham St., K. Y. sepl3 THE ATTENTION Of tbe Trade generally, and also the consumer, is called to our special brands of saleable and staple Smoking Tobaccoe Sitting Bull, Durham Long Cuts and Rival Durham to . which we are now adding a full line of the latest styles of the most staple grades of Ping and Twist Tobaccos. We can, in a few weeks, offer lducements in Chewing, Tobaccoe that no other manufacturers can equal. Our salesmen will make regular trips to Charlotte, and the trade of all good merchants U respectful ly solicited, , , B.H.POS may7 Durham, 'nam,fr.u FOE RENT pRmjsE A DXSTBABLX 4-room eottage, Just outside yb jt- limits of the city of Charlotte; one mile-east. There are five aen rflaqdV mod rgaBdea, and -on the premises a good well and necessary etittrand-togsv- It will be sold cheap toJ.2kma0a9.paToha ser, of will be rented to a good ienajit on fjav,orabl tarma Apply to mmimai'' ' urzi .1 11 21.

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