lily fn'r&ratviiillJf-xi 8- s u re u a 0)3 fl SPjfTR Pti : FP) iPo L APPETISER TR03T BITTERS are highly the muscles, and gives new diffeatiTeonnauL tmaovirur : Belching, Heat in Ike Stomach. n -1 -a van 1 1 villi. iiifLi.ivcii ci .11 dmoiata. -Write, for the musing readiwec; duuiIHi Iwm nt.ring from general debility to Tkrmi a. Intermittent severs, vaui t- jyx'y RnlSor Energy, ete. ItWS . b, ' j i:aT r,oTOrxj Tt ants like a charm on tue iha mnv m. nim Fives new ji - jUaautiH Avaeatioaof amonta OKI no .giTemamucu reuei, ira u mo rf li V- - ' " ' - - ' h " " Atthlatime rgan the aae of your Ikon Tonic from which ire t UAIWL I Ban DMH UUW DQIUW bar thakl ewklid la the wit 1 vtonr (kf hedv. Aaa eoae all a k.TknenotrhaU latTetttaeeredlt. via Murk, and PHom-1 JMrfM. eeea(el I SSk M reee etei-V rioe rAier HiaarieTlira IT THI OK. AARTER MEDICINE CO.'. NO. 217H0BTM MAIN SIBttT, 5T, DM I - t ' MWOQDStetiire CHAS. B. JOjSES, SoIeAg't,eharl6tte,N.C. , Every Estey Organ Sold is made Throughout with Equal fidelity and Yields unrivaled tones Send for JUuitraUd Catalogs, oet7.dlmoeod&w 3ti5JCjeIIttexmi5. THE GENUINE has acquired a repu tatlon greater than any medicine ; extant as the CHEAPEST, PUREST and best family medicine in the world. It acta with extraordinary power and efficacy on (be Liter the largest organ of the body, called, from Its importance, the Hwse-keeper of our Health. Wbe the Liver Is torpid, the bowels are lncKlBh and constipated! the food lies In the ftp-, math indigested and poisoning the blood. Fre quent headaches, a Yeellng of lassitude, despon dency, and nervousness, Indicate how the whole system is deranged. To prevent a more serious toondlUon, at once , , . - . t - , f Take 8IMM0HS L1TES EEffULATOEi The test of time and the experience of thous ands have proven It the best salesUand speediest remedy lor all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and BpVeeA As a remedy In - " ! S MALAEI0TJ8 feBTETBS, LVyspepala, Mental Dep"res9lon, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Colic, Constipation and Billonsness, IT HAS NO EQUAL. We eonld fill a good-sized voiune wltB such like ouuncaunea lesumomawaBthffiouorngi i , I have used SImmobt lr ftegutttor lor con stipation of my bowels, eaosed by a temporary de rangement of the Uver, for the last three or font years, and always when used according to the di rections wun aeciaed Deneac r; 1 HIRAM WABKKB, t I oecnlotrJV tse.'wheif my condition teqtrlres it, Dr. Blmmons tavet Etpilafor, wttrrocfleot, ALEX. H. STEPHENS. THE BALTIMORE EPISCOPAL METHODIST -Bail: "Simmons Liver Regulator is aoknowleged to nave no equal as a Hver medlclte.'contalnlnB those Southern roots and herbs Vhlch an all-wlsi Providence has placed in countries where liver diseases pmau.'r Bar only the Genuine In white' Wrapper, with ted K. prepared only by J. H. Kellln & Co. sep8 P. C. WILSON, CH ABLOTTE, N.C., Sole Agent for LOUIS COOK, Columlus -Buggy AHD IBM WATEBTOWN BPRINa WAOON COMPANnS, - ,:; V MB 4pM BUM OB; $ 'v BUQQIEa, CABBIAQEa PHAETONS, SPRUNG WAGONS, SCO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. t)PXN BUGGIES, $55. TOP BUGGIES, $65. -6peetal Inducement to the wholesalA trade OmeepoDdeaee solicited. . f innll W i. , l:" JK Chew only the brand of tobacco known as The via uaxen buckdi. r mHold Oaken Baeke ' X' Tteron-eKiiefcet, . The moss-covered bucket. xua uuiiKin tue wen. ', MiiamnaiocaT an1 utreew now woiik utainn sHmn 1st Jan nanuaiy, 1S82T For teftitf lffl?li!',i,0toMD' . & De WOLFE. recommended for 'all diaeasea'wqnip ioiuwuuw.. , liiv; wvv ABC Book, 3i pp. Tlaltimorfilia 4 mended 6l tfceU-l tai profession, fori Jlpep. Genera I Debility, Female IHn-1 eases', Fan 0 Fttai fv. A'errou lVorra-1 eeeromJerera,re.j ucn an extent tnat my ia wa "IiLaw 1 . W UP X wuu. oaw V?7 J.. . , " nerre re njajea.. xrun j.opjc natnoi wow? uie ATSOX.PaHoMrUllahTIhnroh. Tror, O. - Every buyer should Select an Organ That guarantees good Every day work and Years of service. ESTEY 0BGAN CO., Atlanta, jl $ii&tZlRB VLB, .DOES WONDERFUL CUR'ES! Rwnose it acts on tlio LITER, BOWELS and KIDNEYS at the name time. m Because tt cleanses the systum of the poison ona hnmora that developo in Kidney and Uri nary Diseases, Biliousness, Jaundice, Consti. pation, Files, or in Hhenm&tiinn, Neuralgia, Xfcrvous Disorders and Female Complaints. i -r ; ESTB "WHAT PECTPtE SAi Enpcno R. Stork, of Junction City, Kansas, says, jauney-Wort cured him after regular rny slrisnH had been trying for four years. fceroywas(riTenuptodio by four prominent tehyiician tfthid. tliat he was aXtorwardi cured by Kidney-Wort. . . M. M. B. Goodwin, an editor In Chardon, Ohio, says he was not eineotod to live, boiosr )4otoa beyoad boiler, but fJancy- Wort cured him. I Aana U Janctt of South Salens B. T ., says (not seren yea sqtrtring irons kiiliey treubies 'tring fr6nt kid and othe"conc iiairj,ien was eiaitid ti theoute 16ns was tialcd lriJ-.T.-. t ill ' I John B.Lawren(e of Jackson. Tonn.. mffcred n for years from liver and kidney troubles and after taUnar "barrels of othor mcdicineo," Kidney-Wort made him welL Hlelktl Goto of Jlontgomery Center, Vt., suffertd eight years with kidney difficulty and was: naable to work. Kidney-Wort mode him wellks erer." PERMANENTLY CURES ifinurv niraecc - - - ContiwltronttricrRi tyjJt fifnt uplii try Veei tin eaas, ono package of which ni oMe-lTsni in a of whinh m&knsir miATA : ui meaicine. Also in Aiquia form, very OB rt centrated, for those that eannot readily pre-. .t<'aeta vrtlh eawf tfUcUHeu in either form. H' Girr ai a? TCEciuaiJisTs. price, $1.00 WELLS; BICHATUDSOr & Co., Prop's, (Will send the dry pofrtpai litRLIXGTOJ, VI. J3I Maijrx27d&w dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos- tivefjess, leadache. It assists dU regniatesme . Dowels, purines the blood. A Book sent free.1 Dr.5 Sanfqvd$$2 Proadwy-N. Y. lanjl8 deod eow lj. ! EHATE BONDS. rAmishyTrft lareelT these bonis Mth all eonpoi WUl'Oay .S2.a thousand for. such bonds deilveris mom doiT. 'tut. Rmunwi. 1 mm aiYiani exnanswa j ft mf offlce,'.6f Wall fit. Netf Vorlctree f ek pense, id lots under too-hundred? thousand, and $2.60 a thousand In larjrer lots. J 0Ct23 6t RAPHAEL JttOSBS, Jr. TS" i ? f it I .r I 1 : 1f Mi 1 acts aireciiy upopxn iver,ana cures Liver dmpliinfel Taun-' Stye ljarl0tle hsmifr; TJlBD ASV 025881. It" I. k . liaieis the" cotton is picked.' The yield wHl be. on 'anMaveraee,aDotn, ou per cenc gi that of last year; inan y fanners declare The - rainsnd storms of wind have added their, influence to that of the. drought. i i iVA regret to learn that Hon. A. 8. jlerrimon was called , yesterday to Asheville by a telegram announcing the illness of his father,. Rev. Branch H. Merrimon, who is now more "than 80 years' of age and whb&e, condition precludes the hope of recovery. : : On Sunday a daring bighfway robbery was committed upon Mrs! J6tm Talejr by a negro, who met Haley an4 his; wife, in the outskirts of the city, and assaulted "Mrs. Haley, twistitig 'from her neck a valuablegold chin. He then struck Mr. Haley with a club, causing serious injuries. ; ; : 5 ; 5 The office-seekers ale sorely distress ed and there . is talk about removals and changes which makes the. faint hearted feel very feeble .indeed. Dr. Mott,'. chairman ; of the Republican State executive committee, has gone to Washington to see how things look. Durham Blant: Mr. JliUory Spar row, a -mechanic : in the employ of Wf T. Blackwell & Co;, fell from a house upon which he was at workj-last Satur day injuring himself pretty badly, i Mr. Julian S. Carr was robbed-of a fine diamond pin while on. the,boati be tween Ewtsmouth and Yorktown. : The-Jadies have -1 reorganized the Methodist Aid Society and will meet eveiv Friday . aiternoon at 4 o ciock in ethodist Female Seminar.- iifg last week W. T. Blackwell & rchased 1,000,000 pounds Of leaf jo, for;w.hich they paid the enor sum xt 150,000. sh & Blacpwell on Friday last sold, 80 packages of wrappers at an av erage orIO per. hundred, the sale amountingHo $10,000. These are only a specimen 6l the work bur business meji are doing. , . . " Salisbury, Watchman : Mf. Fred Me nus a workman at the car shops in this place, had his hand caught ;-inn qircular saw last Saturday. Three 6$ his Qngers were nearly amputated. j , Ooblast Monday evening. Mrsu-F. E; Sbober gwti a reception to Miss Aspint wall, of Ngw York; and a" party trrhdni or of the 21st birthday of Mr. Frank Sheber, Jr. This gentleman. has just tetprned from an extensive European t&ftrtv ThV evening was joyously spent Asocial gem. ' v- ' ' Winston Sentinel i Qnatt shooting premises to furnish excellent sport this sewfifr'rleWs :atfr reported to be full of birds. Miss Isabel Hanes -died in Salem, of typhoid fever, on last Saturday. Winston is soon to have a reading club. The sugar cane crop of Forsyth and adjoining counties Is good this year, and a plentiful supply of home-made sweetness, in the way of sorghum may be expected. f Wilkes county court contributed one poor unfortunate to the penitentiary Leah Hampton by name infanticide her crime sentence, 10 years.' , - Corn crops along the Yadkin river will yield far beyond to expectation of many, the farmers tell us. The finest tobacco sold on our mar ket this year was raised in Davidson county by a Mr. Koontz. Fifty-two pounds sold for 855. It was the second crop ever raised by Mr. K. Mrs. M. J. Stout, of Stokes county, committed the horrible crime of suicide, a short time since, by drowning herself in Town Fork creek, near what is known as Kiger's pond. The coroner's jury summoned in this case rendered a verdict of "Voluntary drowning.'- The cause of her untimely death is attribu ted to family troubles of which she had from time-to time-made mention -as be-, ing many and grevieus Anson Times : Mr. Thomas S.- KeidV son 6f Gov. lieid, $assea tnrougn nere yesterday en route toMfigum, on the happiest :errad kndwa' to man. He 'taks away to-day6ne of Richmond's fairest daughters, Miss Helen Pember ton, sister of our esteemed townsman. The best wishes of our community at tend the happy pair. May their voyage through liX be as serene as its begin nirigis profJitipUs. . '.J Greensboro North State: There are now twelve prisoners confined in Guil ford county jail for violation of ithe United tatea haws. -. One of the tarlfinp wheels, manufac tured bV thj DyaVIs Company, has been on exhibition at 'the Atlanta fair, to which place MnXF. Davis, the paten tee, started on Tuesday last. It is his intention to make a challenge on a trial of sDeed and power with any wheel he may find on exhibition there. , , , several 01 tne attendants dvl tnp cen tennial ceremonies at Yorktown, Va., met with the usual loss of money and valuables attending the gathering to gether of large crowds of people, among them Mr. E. D. Settle, of High Point, had the misfortarnO to lose the sum of $20 as well as his gold watch and chain. r Ashebpro, Courier, :, Our farmers tell toi thatlth cbaucrdp iss palming out much better than they had expected. In some sections of this county, par ticularly on the streams,.there will be a fair crop. The free school in Asheboro -will open on Monday, the 7th day of No- Diphtheria has again made its ap pearance in this county. Mr. Reuben Cox lost two of his children last week vibtinisi of this fearful disAse. Tnree hundred "and thirty-five squir rels have been killed within the last three weeks by hunting parties from tftis town. jLt looks a$ 11 we woia nave meat at any rate. s , . , i i The Statement Which the Court De clined to Bear and Which Geos Far to Establish Ills Sanity Pnllajaelphla Press. We Print in a f ac-simile the statement which the court at Washiugton on Fri day last refused to hear Guiteau read. IX was presenneu uy mm on ma arraign ment, and is of importance as going far to'fi&tablish.the absolute sanity of the assassin. wereserveiriDracKets tne interlineations and corrections made by the assassin himself in the draft of thi3ilea: 'If the court please, I wish tOi Bat I have been terribly villified by the press. and has made some persons bitter ana impulsive against me. On October 6th the New York Herald published seven columns from my autobiography, which I expect to issue soon in a book. Aside from the impertinent statements that I am a creature of the greatest vanity . ana tnat a rnirave notoriety." which are absolutely false, ;and; similar unkind statements, i am indebted to the re porter and to the Herald for giving-mer bo i.a.ic a ueaiuiK. jj.s is a i air nearmg; because they, haye.published mostly my own words, and have not twisted my Words against me. It is the first fair hearinsr I have had in the cas l -1 , 1. Insanity: in thafciwas dod's' actH ana noi mmv. xue uivmu pressureton me to remove the president was so enormous tuai. it uesbroyea my free agency, ana t gaily resjponf iDie n xne i prac- 3RB lewas f ul examination, decided that he cae-r nia recover, xwu uiunms aitet jthir T lJanu r avnrnra owk m.a ifficial annorcejnent -bQ idiedfThgrefore I say h:e waa nbtfatally slioi1 'Jlf.he; had been welt.trWted be woutd hav.e , re covered;' v -Toi'K i5?ii:-1 - j . and therefore 'beyorid tteburi8dicti6n of thfa coutt.' 3 This matjuce-itta the president's death in New,, Jfiiy 816 special' p'roceedinga aiid I am bdund U. avail myjielf pf these on my tridl 'for thfe T .VrrfTal r 4tii.! n thrt Tirtrd arid myseU.ltihdertake to, sarhat theord a xuauagujg. m j case WluiJ. witaxiuiavo - ability; and that he bad a special Object in allowing the President tidie lnew Jefsey. His management of - this case is worthy of bjrh as ' the! Deity and I have entire confidence in his disposition to protect me and send me forth to the world a free and vindicated man. "He uttered his voice," says the Psalmist, 'apd .the earth melted" ! the God I served when I sought to remove the Resident, and He is bbiind'to take parf ot me. . "He uttered His; voice and the earth melted." HeVmy, God. ;;The Lord ahd the people do not seem1 to agrejjn this case. ThejeopJe consider the president's remo varan unbearable outrage" and me a dastardly assassin, and they prayed the Lord to spare the President,1and for nearly fthree hath HeJ5 months the Master Eord kept the president at the point of death and then alloed;hihi todepartJUftrfeby confirm ingvmy 'act. : ' The mere fact of the president's death is nothing. All men have died, and all men wildie. General ,Burnside died suddenly about the time the president died.' Thfe president and General Burn side were both splendid men and no one regrets their departure more than I. lTbem-esklentjdied from malprac ticeriGeaeral Burnslde from apoplexy. Both were special providences and the people ought to quietly submit to the liord in the matter, . The president would not have died bad the Lord not wished him to go. I always think of the, president's departure as a removal. I have no conception of it as a "mur der? of as an "assassination." I had no feeling of wrong-doing When I sought. act, and not mine, for the good of the American people. 1 plead not guilty to the indictment. horrible: river accident. A Steamer Collides With a Brldg-e AbatntentwPanrt jot le( EmseeBg;erB And Crew Scaldei .bdprwqed, Niw-'t'ORK, Oct. &A Herald spec ial fronxi Davenport, IoWa, fdrnishes the following: "The Steamer Gilchrist left this point last night in apparently good trim and condition, bound for all up the river, loaded with a large and valuable cargo .of miscellaneous freight, and carrying in her cabins a full list of passengers. When the steamer had passed under the Govern ment bridge spanning the Mississippi and connecting the cities of Davenport and Rock Island, the cam rod of the engine suddenly gave way and at once the machinery became unmanageable and useless. The river is very high owing to recent extensive floods, and the current is very rapid, so when the Gilchrist had no longer her machinery to keep her bow up the stream; the swiftly running river carriied the helpless vessel down stream at a rapid and appalling rate. Being so near the ttridge.tho steamer was thrown with tremendous and resistless force against the abutment. As the Gilchrist came in collision with the enormous mas3 of stone she. careened causing the weights on the safety valves of the steam-chest to break from their fasten ings and slide off. The valves no long er holding a check on the ttaam in the boilers, it poured out in huge volumes ad- enveloped the helpless crew and passengers, who were wildly endeavoring-, the. secure life-preservers in the main. sOoqf and scalded many of them in an, awful manner. No sooner had the steamer. rebounded from the shock otthlLllisidn than she began sinking, in which condition she carried past the city; thL-8hrieks and cries for help ut tered by-.the freftzied victims being dis tinctly audible to the; large crowd of citizens, Who soon thronged the banks, but they could extend no assistance, as the steamer wag hurled past their eyes by the turbulent river. All of the small boats and skiffs usually numer ous on the river, had been drawn ashore and laid away for the winter and to es cape tne noous wmcn nave prevailed 11 1 11 - J! iL. tui uiuiig tiio cuurao ui; ma jxussissippi river for nearly a iortnient, so tnere was no means of speedily reaching the sinking steamer. The other steamers lying at the bank immediately went to her assistance and are actively at work searching for the survivors. I learn there were on board twenty-three pasr sengers, four or wnom were females, and a crew of fifteen. Only eight per sons have been saved so far, and ot these some are very badly scalded. Three of the lady passengers are known to have been killed or scalded to death. The city is in great excitement and everything possible is being done to re lieve the unfortunates. There is but little hope that any more can be saved To do away with the tedium of the always weigh ty sayings ei "Our , Candidate ?Out Next Presi dent" and "Our Fellow-Citizen," It is a pleasure for us to present herewith the opinion of one of Cleveland's most popular druggists, Mr. E. A. Bchelleafrater. 717 '8L Clair street The gentle man writes; I know of ne remedy which has giv en more universal satisfaction than the Hamburg DrflpM I have-not neard of case where they failed to benefit' Tbe very large and dally grow ing, demand fer this Great German Blood Purifier, is aourca pi high gratification. . : , i YBJiLOW FEVEB PREVENTED. The engineers of the Central Railroad of Geor gia say: Though exeosed to the worst miasma tic influences, going In and ceming ou t of 8avan nan at Different hours of the night, -amd also in spending entire nights in the city during the pre valence, of the yellow lever epidemic of 1874, with but the: single, exception. of. one, of us (who was taken sick, Tout speedily recovered)5- we continued in our usual gooa neaitn a circumstance we can account tor In ne other way but by 4be efiects, un der Providence, of the habitual and continued use of Simmons Liver Regulator while we were expos ed to this malarUu" Female Institute. SESSION OPENS NE3DAT, SEPTXUBMB 7. '61. CORPS OF TEACHERS: Wx. B. ATKINSON, PrlnclpaL Latin, Mathe matics, and Natural Sciences. ' ; . . Miss HELEN LONG, Principal of Preparatory TinftrtmBnL JIBS. BAuLdJS UAIiUWJUjIi WIUJLJS, Uteratnre .ana History. miss lujuijs w lAura, Moaem s. Miss MART L. MATTOON, Elocution an Eng- nan taekaKuoo. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Pbof. A. BIDEZ, LL. D., Director ASSISTANTS Maa B. L. DEWEY, MBS. Wit B. ATKINSON. : Miss O. A. SAVAGE, Art Department DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. Miss NANNIE TINSLEY, Intendant of Infinn- tass ANNA BUTTON, Head of Boarding De partment. . For terms, etc.. amir for a catalogue w itsr. Wan, ATJtxnauA, Principal. OMo i.f a, oct istn, i88i, ' Dn-a$d MU, , . louowmg be run ovr this roaqi f . . .'GOING NORTH. . . , , , Leave Charlotte,.... ......... ........... 4 15 p, m. " Davidson College- 5 56 p. to. " MboresTlHe ,. 6 80p.Tm. AmTe.ttBtotogvlu,...... 7 4P V 1 -GOINO SOUTH. sWt Leave a-.m. re a.ffi ff Bins. itIolilivTssee '4 ' Charlotte. N. scDeaniemi e ao iMLEt, ; ocfie , .IT WON'T PAY after so much labor" and capital has been expend edto build up this medicine, to allow, it to deterio rate. Yjoq can take Siminons'. Liver Begulatpr with perfect faith, as It Is made by nq adventurers wh'0' pick up the'buslriess of eoieocUng medicines, but by educated, pracUcal--druggists whdihase. h Hide tha sBidy.ot medte&ievand its coifapounds , the labor -for a Ufetima. The care, precision, neatness ana perrection em lmiea dj me very ap pearance of the Keimlar Droves it to be the best Srepared medicine in the market, and J. H. ZelMn : Co. fully carry out their motto: ; "Purisslma et Optima (purest and best) LEEBIO CO'S COCA BEEF TONIC Embodies the nutritive elements of the muscular fibre, mood, bone, and brain of carefully selected healthy bullocks, combined with the powerful tonic virtues of the Coca, or Sacred Life .Plant of the Incas, and a choice quality of Sherry Wine. Beware of imitations. Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done thousands Of women more good than the medicines of many doctors. It i a a positive cure for all female complaints. Send to Mrs. Lydla E. Pinkham. ( - i i tm MANY MISERABLE PEOPLE drag themselves about with failing strength, feeling that they are steadily sinking Into their graves when, by using Parker's Ginger Tonic they would find a cure commencing with the first dose, and vitality and strength surely coming back to them. See other column. Bkdbobd Alum amd Iron spbihgs Watkb ahd Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains twice as much iron and Ofty per cent, more alum tnum than any "alum and iron mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so fjneraL Sold by all druggists of any standing, rices reduced one half. . .may 11 tf John McGInness says: Dr. Benson, I will pray for you as long as I live, because you took pity on me when I was sick and In the hospital, and sent me two boxes of your Celery and Chamomile Pills, and they cured me of Sciatica, Neuralgia and Nervous weakness. TERRIBLE LOSS OF LIFE. Millions of rats, mice, cats, bee bugs, roaches, lose their lives by collision with "Rouga on Rats." Sold by druggists, 16c 2itx iXtrtrlisjerajetxts. EUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs On as a safe, ntre, simple and cheap External Remedy. A trial eDtaila but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and every one Buffering with pain can hare cheap and positive proof of its claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. 80LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AITD DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGEIiER & CO., lialtinutre, SXd., V. S. X. dec 80 &3l w ly c 3 A SURE RECIPE For Fine Complexions. Positive relief and immunity from complexional blemishes may be found ioJIagan's Hag - nolla Balm. A delicate and harmless article. Sold by drug gists eYerywhere. It Imparts the most brilliant and life-like tints, and the clo sest scrutiny cannot detect its use. All unsightly discolora tions, .eruptions, ring marks under the eyes,saIIowness,red ness, roughness, and the flush of fatigue and excitement are at once dispelled by the Hag noliaBalnu It is the one incomparable Cosmetic, Juu 22 We are now receiving our inter mock OF Containing all the latest styles and qualities of LADIES', Misses and Children's Bate and Bonnets. ALSO All . the novelties far trunmtng: FEATHERS, FLOVE&S, RIBBONS, SILKS, FLASHES, ...... BATIKS, ORNAM2NT3, 0. iteoonr ssuBl large : and ; attractive t ock of white Goods, Laees, Embroldertes Neck Wear, Gloves . and Hosiery.., .Corsets, Shawls, Cloaks, Skirts, AC Another large stock of Ladies' Muslin wylowwioeB wcel,,ed' tnat" wft ap8 offertn at !MKS; P. QUERY RH IW MILLINERY ! 0 IIT MILLINEHY GOODS FRESHilERAL WATER 4 Both Foreiga and Domestic, Just Received, at Dr.J.E.McAden's Drug Store gARATOGA Y'ICHT' From Saratoga 8prings, N. T. A new water re sembling the Imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids diges Uon, is a powerful tonic and strong diureUc Also, Hathorn Natnral Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and in all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, CASES CONGRESS WATER, J 0 CASES BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, jQ CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS -AHD Hnnyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EDROPEAN NOVELTY ! JTJUNYADI JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Dosbj A wine glass full before breakfast. Tfie Lancet "Rvaijbai Janos. Baron Lieblg af firms that its richness In aperient salts surpasses that of all other Known waters." The Sritish Medical Journal "Hunyadl Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Troj. Yxrchow, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Prof. Jttmiheraer Vienna "T n these writers with remarkable success." T2v , Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this." Prof. Lander Brunton, M. D., F. R. London. 'More pleasant than Its rivals, and surpasses them in efflcacy." Prof. Atken, if. D., F. R. 8., Royal Military Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred to Pullna and Frled rlchshan." JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing PharmaclsL North Tryon St., CHARLOTTE, N. C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when It flows from the spring at Saratoga. WOroMlna tYtlo n.n.nv i T V. I 1. XI . which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled O Ollll air.m Dranlr T 1. t Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced N. Y. U. S , U. S. Mall Express Fast Mall and competent druggists, day or night EASTWARD. No. 45, No. 47, No 49 July28 A. B. C. ' L've Atlanta 4.00 am 3.15 pm 30 pm Arr. Suwanee D 5 18 am 4.H7 pm 7.45 pm L. 11. TTllMUli W UU sm::i'i:Mi:rifgr; uis ' , " CharloUe.-.M 3.35 pm 3.15 am 5J3jiAM y r us' WESTWARD. U. S. Mall Express Fast Mall No. 42. No. 48. No. 50. L've Charlotte. . M 12.30 pm 12.43 am 12.33 am " Gastonia...L 127 pm 1.43 am 1.17 am " Spartan'g. K 8.50 pm 4.06 am 8.12 am Greenv'le... H 5.07 pm 5.18 am 4.24 am WHOLESALE & RETAIL " lca 6.51 pm 7.02 am 5.47 am Toccoa F 8.01pm 8.15 am 6.53 am ' Lula E 9.16 pm 9.31 am 8.09 am Suwanee... D 10.38 pm 10 54 am fl 22 am Arr. Atlanta 12.05 Arl2.20 pm 10.35 am Drnggists, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Our stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varuisbes and Dye Stuffs, Is complete. r-GIYE U3 A TRIAL. rpRY OUR INK CAPSULES, Something new and guaranteed to make the BEST INK in the Market. L. R. WRISTON & CO. HITE and RED ONION SETS, For fall planting, L. B, WRISTON 4 CO. "y X HAVE A 1ULL ASSORTMENT Of Seeley's Hard Bubber Trusses at reasonable prices. Every Truss warranted as represented. L. B. WRISTON & CO. JADIES, CORSET BRACE, A shoulder brace and support for the back com bined. Sold by L. R, WRISTON & CO. octl2 GENERAL FEED DEALERS -AKD- riOMMI8SION MERCHANT H ANT Q HANTO. COMMISSION MERC CHARLOTTE, N. C HAVING Just opened a GENERAL FEED STORE and COMMISSION BUSINESS on College Street, at the old stand of J. G. Shannonhouse, we will be glad to serve our friends and the public generally, wjtb. all kinds of iFEED At bottom prices, and will handle and sell all goods sent us on Commission to the very best ad vantage, and hope and believe we can make It to jour interest to give us a calL Be&petctfuUy, ' A. J. BEALL 4pQ. P. S. We have now on hand one car load YEL LOW CORN, HAY, BRAN, OATS, PEARL GRITS. Mid, CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR, and will In a day or so nave a jtull stuck in our line of goods. A. J, Bea senn' trt MOORE'S BUSINESS UNIVKRS1TY For Illustrated Circular. Alive actual Business bvuuui. . uwwwku (wcruy years, oot4 4w BeDson's Cape Porous Plaster Over 5,000 Druggists and Phvsimns hasB signed a paper stating that Benson's Cai-ire p,f Z, a . ou wt iu au outers. I'ricK oct4,4w l.c cheapeaCindisneSo to evD4 K iErTraXu3? " bound in finest Kreneh muaUn, embosiwrt Jter engravinCT, 12S presc" d- ' mail ; illustrated sample. 6 on ti" oct4-d&w4w CUTICURA PERMANENTLY CUHES HUMORS OF THE SCALP AND SKIN. ri1 remedies are for sale by all drucelst. nt! ,f "cura. a medical jelly, ima 1 Wn cents; large boxes, SI. Cutlcura riinif ' 0 Parker's Ginger fc BEST HEALTH AND STRENGTH RESTORER NOW USED. and 81 sizes, rgew buying 81 size bW oct4,d&w4w LQX C0 ' e""su. N. Y. 5000 Agents Wanted to sell the """" Life of President Garfield ffieSS amarnf8 slnation;hls heroic struggle for Hfe-wonderfni rnedical treatment; blood poisoning; removaMo Elberon; death etc Profusely illustrated: splen did portrait of Garfield, his wife and I mother- frf hit 0l00tlise; 016 s,ck chambT Guiteau In his cell;the surgeons and the sick cabinet The only complete and authentic work. A fortune for agents first n the field with this book. Outfit 60c Speak quick. Address 4w HUBBARD BROS.. Pub'rs, Atlanta, Ga St. CHARLES HOTEL STATESVILLE, n. c. 'T'HIS house has been leased for a term of years J. by Mrs. Dr. Reeves, whose intention is to keep a strictly first-class house in every respect Commodious sample rooms on firt and second floors. The patronage of the public is solicited. HONEST 7 'wist Chewing Tobacco Bfi warft of ImftnHnni Nnna - - . A.wmj gcuillD UliiCSB (U. COmnAnleri With nnr "PTnnaet 1ft AAn. ik i . which will be found on head of every box. . ? .y.1100 omr IBBOWM & BRO.. feb20-2w Winston, N. C. Richmond and Danville Railroad. PASSENGEE DEPAETMENT. On and after .TnnA Rth. Pasunm.. 'r.i,. Service on the Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line di vision of this road will be as follows: CONNECTIONS. A With arriving trains of fjftnrtri.l Ontral nnH A. & W. P. Railroads. B With arriving frafna nf oAmh fontr-.l a W. P. and W. & A. Railroads. o with arriving trains of the Georgia Railroad. D With Lawrencevilln Brannh tn anri fmm I -nv- rencevllle, Ga. Jfi with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga. F with Elberton Alr-Llne to and from Elberton, Georgia. G with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, H. C. H with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, S. C. K with Spartanburg and Asheville, and Spartan burg, Union and Columbia to and Irom Henderson and Asheville, and Alston and Columbia. Li wun unesier ana ienoir riarrow Gauge to and from Dallas and Chester. M with C., C. 4 A.-C. C.-R. 4 D. and A., T. & O. for all points West, North and East Pullman palace sleeping car service on trains Nos. 47 and 48, dally, without change between Atlanta and New York. A. POPE, jun5 General Passenger Agent. Carolina Central 11 11 Co. Change of Schedule. OFFICE GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT, Wilmimgtos, N. C. June 4. 1 88 1 ON and after June 5, 1881, the following Schedule will be operated on this railroad: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. No. .Leave Wilmington at. 8 45 am 0 45 K1 o I Leave Charlotte at 6 00 a m a Arrive at WUmington al, 8 ?5 p m Trains Nos. 1 and 2 stop at regular stations qn lyand points designated In te company's timp These trains make close connection at Charlotte wfth trains Nos. 3 and 4 for Cleaveland Springs and all points on the Shelby; division. PASSKNGKB AHD FREIGHT. 1 Leave Wilmington at 5 80 pm No. 5. Arrive at Hamlet at l 26 a in ) Arrive at Charlotte at 8 00 a m ) Leave Charlotte at 7 30 pm No. 6. -Arrive at Hamlet at 1 26 a in Arrive at Wilmington 9 30 a ni No. 5 Train is dally, except Sunday, but no con nections to Raleigh on Saturday. No. 6 Train Is daily, except Saturday. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, EXPRESS AND FREIHT. K. o (Leave unanotte -.... 7 00 p li0'a- f Arrive at Shelby lo 80 p No L tLeave Shelby 6 00 a J Arrive at Charlotte 9 30 a Trains Nos. 5 and 6 make dose connection fiamiet to ana rrom Raleigh, except as above. Through Sleeping Cars between Raleigh and Charlotte. Trains No. 1 and 2 make connection at Char lotte with the A., T. 4 O. B. R., arriving at States vlll the same evening, and connecting then with the W. N. C. R. R. for Asheville and all points on the W. N. C. R. R. Trains Nos. 8 and 4 connect closely with the Chester and Lenoir Railroad at Lmcolnton." V. Q. JOHNSON. Jun25 Gen'l. Sup't FRESH JUST RECEIVE!). FREE XJW& CHAS. R.8JONES. ocram A. J. a 4 CO.