iff sZtftd if! : ifi a cv a I - 8VBS0RfPTl0N RATES: Daily, one year, pott-paid, in advance. .'. $8 00 Biz months....: qq Three months ,....:...' , 2. 00 One month '. '.. 75 WMBKLX EDITION: WeeJdvifn the comity), in advance $2.00 Out of the county, Poet-paid 2.10 gix month 1.05 . TMOBSlSTmJOBriPABTlIINT Has been thorooghiy supplied with every needed tautrn&d with the latest stjlej of Type, and every tanner ot Job Prtntlhr ean' now be done with nentnesa, dispatch and jjheapnegs. ' WD can fur nlsh at short notice, BLANX3, B1LL-HXADS, LtTRB-HZADS, CASUS, TAGS, RECEIPTS, P06TXBS, PBOGBAMJKS, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS, CTBCTJLABS, CHECKS, Ac I VOL. XXVI. ' Liberal Reduction for Club. CHARLOTTE, N. C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1881. NO. 3,940. Qvxs 5na as. " 3ave JCST RBCR1VED A NEW LO T OF DRESS TRIM MINGS, SUiAHS, 8ATIN9, ETO. WE ARE OFFERING DRK33 QOOD3 VERY CHEAP. -WE HAVE A teitutlful line of BlSKtT FLANNEL3. WE HAVE - A MAGNIFICENT LINK OF CLOAK-?.- YOU CAN GET Dr ss Bu.tons, Bibbons, or anything la ourl'ne CSKAP. ASK FOR Children's Mioses and Ladles' Fancy Hosier;. REMEMBER, Wehaveafplendld stock of CAEPET3, BUGS, . & , Ac, &c. (FATXMTBO 1VHS, 13TB, 1876.) Alexander k Harris. octl 6 We are daily receiving oar FALL & WINTER STOCK 9 which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the LADIES', MISSES', CHILDREN8, GENTS', BOYS', AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTSI SHOES A SPECIALTY. Lower grades all soods In our Ur.e In variety and all prices. FULL STOCK Stetson and Other Hats. A PRETTY LINE TRUNKS, VALISES AND SATCHELS ALL SIZES AND RRICE3. Call and see us. PEGRAM & CO. sep6 . Condensed Time Talile Nortli Carolina R. R TRAINS GOttr& HOBTH. Dats.Haf 15 '81 : ri - . H No. 47 No. 49 Dally No. 43. Bally DeJly. Lv. Charlotte, " A-L. Depot " " Junc't, " Salisbury, ' Arr.GreenSboro' Lv.Ureensboro Arr.Ralelgh Lv. " A rr. Goldaboro Lv. Greensboro for Richmond ' Lv. Danville " N. Danville " Barksdale " Drak'sBf'ch " Jetersvllle A rr. Tomahawk Arr. Belle Isle Lv. " Arr.Manchester Arr. Richmond 4.05 am 6.15 AM ,6.2a AM .'7.5a am 8.30 Am 9.50 am 4.15 pm 411 am i 6.56 AM '8.03 AM 8.25 AM 1.40 FM 1.45 FM 4.00 pm I &25 pm 10.21 AM 10 27 am 10 68 am 430 pm 6.07 pm 7.67 pm 8.18 pm or Rlch- AnT fl 11.31 AM 11.83 AM 12.01 pm 1.20 pm 2.55 pm 12.37 pm 2.24 pm 8.20 pm 4.05 pm 4.10 pm 4.13 pm 4.18 PM 3.51 P1 4.28 pm 4.35 pm 4.38 pm 4.43 AM' 7.28 am ' TRAINS 60INB SOUTH. ; Date.May 15 '80 No. 42 Daily. - No. 48 Dally. Wo. 60 Dally Lv. Richmond " Burkevllle Arr. N. Danville Lv. " " Danville Arr. Greensboro Lv. " Salisbury 10.45 pm 2.25 AM 7.00 am 12.00 M 2.43 PM 6 05 PMi 7.25 i 6.18 PM 8.17 p m 8.87 pm 10.83 pm 12.15 AM 12.20 AM 7.27 am rr 9.26 am 9.31 AM 11.16 AM Arr. A-L. Junction 12:45 PM " Charlotte Lv. Richmond " Jetersvllle " Drak'sBr'ch " Barksdale " Danville " Benaja " Greensboro " Salisbury Arr. A-L. Junction Lv. " " Arr. Charlotte 1.00 PM 2.55 pm 4.41 pm 6.07 PM 7.25 PM 7.51 PM 8.55 PM 9.27 pm 11.05 pm 12.26 AM 12.80 am BALEM BRANCH. NO. 48 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro. 9.40 pm Arrive Salem 11-40 NO. 47 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Salem 7-30 AM A. rives Greensboro.. 9.00 am NO. 42 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 10.QO am Arrives Salem 11-80 am SO. 43-Dally. Leave Salem -3 PM Arrive Greensboro 7-80 pm Limited malls Nos. 49 and, 50 will only make abort stoppages at points named on the schedule. Passengers taking train 49 from Charlotte will get aboard at the K. ft D. R. B. depot. This train makes close connection at Greensboro for Raleigh, Goldaboro Newberne and all points on Wilming ton A Weldon Railroad. . , , Passenger bains No. 47 and 48 make all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, and be tween Greensboro, Raleigh and Goldsboro, No. 47 making connection with W...N. C R. at Salisbury for Ashevllle (Sundays excepted), and -also con necting at Greensboro-with -Salem --Brunch (Sun day excepted). Passenger trains No. 42 and 43 make all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, except Query's, Harrlsburg, Cnlna Grove, Holteburg, Lln wood and Jamestown. . , - No. 43 connects with Salem Brancb at Greens boro. A. POPE, , Gen. Pass, and Ticket Aent,-: v mayl8 BlchmondvVa.f BOOTS AMI I I Best Brands Latest Styles (goods, Ixrtfciufl, &jc; : AMONG OUR : -.' '. '-NEW GOODS-- -NEYV GOODS-y- . . . . . . JUST RECEIVED - WILL EE FOUND ' : BLACK NUN'S CLOTH, : - SUITABLE FOB MAKING - r n : JACKETS & WALKING SUITS. : i NONPAREIL VELVETEENS : . UNEQUALLED bt ant IN THE MARKET. : SOME HANDSOME BROCADES : :In light colors for evening dresses, will be: ; sold very cheap. : j T. L. Sefgle & Co. octSO IRheumdylsm Neuralgia, Sprains, ;Paln in the. Back and Side. i There la nothing more painful than these &9eases; but the pain can be removed and the disease cured by use of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. This remedy Is not a cheap Benzine or Petroleum product that must bo kept away from fire or heat to avoid danger of explosion, nor is it an untried experi ment that may do more harm than good. Pain Killer has been In constant use for forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the world is, It never fails. It not only effects a permanent cure, but It relieves pain almost Instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, It 13 salo In the hands of the most Inexperienced. The record of cures by the use of Pain Killer would fill volumes. The following extracts from letters received shovr what those who have tried It think : Edgar Cady, Owatonna, Minn., says : About a year since my wife became euWect to severe Buffering: from rheumatism. Our resort was to the Pain Kil.le.ii, which speedily relieved her. Charles Powell writes from the Sailors' Borne, London : I had been afflicted three years with neuralgia and violent spasms of the stomach. The doctors at Westminster Hospital gave up my case la despair. 1 tried your Pain Killeb, and it rave me immediate relief. I have regained my strength, and am now able to follow my usual occupation. O. H. Walworth, Saco, Me., writes : I experienced immediate relief from pain la the side by the use of your Pain Killeb. E. York says : I have used yourPAiN Ktlleb for rheumatism, and nave received gTeat benefit , Barton Seaman says : Have used Pain Killer for thirty years, and have found it a never-failing remedy for rheumatism and lameness. Mr. Burdltt writes : nJ,nVaiht0Jri relief In cases of rheumatism. Phil. Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writes : lDwJ!ftua!, P?6' I know your Pain Killes Is the best medicine I can get All druggists keep Pain Killer. Its price la so low that it is within the reach of all, and It will save many times Its cost In doctors' bills. 25c, 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. PERRY DAViS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, P. !. sept d&w sept Aoct. TOTT'S PDLLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OFJHE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Iiossof a Nftusea,bowel oostive. Fain in the He ad, with a dull sensation in the back part. Pain under the shonlder- t-l-J-1 A. if- O-'U n Ai.ir,L olination to exertion of body or mincL, Irritability ot temper. Low spirits, Loss of memory, with a feeling of having neg lected soma duty, weariness, Diwinesa. Flntterlng of the Heart. Dots before the eves. Yellow Skin, Headache, Kestless- 6 : r i . , . T. . 1 l ' ness at nignt, nigruy coiorea urine. 17 THESE WAEBTrTGS ABE TJ1TSEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTT'S PILLS are especially adapted to neh oses,one dose effects such a change of feeling aa to astonish the sufferer. Taey lncnait uie Appeuia, ana oaase ine bodv to Tak on VIh. thus the svstam is nourtafaaxl, and by tfaeirTonleAettonon the StlareMlv Onrani, fira1ar a tool areprc uced. Price a cnts. 85 Murray St., W.Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Obat Hair or Whiskkbs changed to aGLoesT Black by a single application of this Dts. It imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Bold by Druggists, or stnt by sxprsss on receipt of 1. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. CDr. TTTTS HAMI AL r Valuable Inform a(h and a Zmtal RtMipt wUl b suited M pylkUsa. Feby. 28deodwl F loreston fass Tb rramnwt ami t7..kLnn.kl. RnLrl Coloarne by da1rt 1 Dm ft k Prfbm- i All Farmrs, Mothers, Buiineis Men, Mchaa kics, &c, who are tired put by work or worry, and; K all who are miserable with Dyspepsia, Rheuma-. tism. Neuralgia, or Bowel, Kidney or Liver Omv 'plaints, y wycanbeinviatedandCTre r . wit ri 4 lrtiiiiinTtion. fjipstion or any weakness, vou TA i GinjjerTonie the greatest Blood Ferhlaersndthel Best Ilealth8 stnusiniieswret jvv.-i other Tonics, as ttj builds up the system, but iifvertoxicates. soj ct. and $t "- & Co.. Chemists, N. Y-1 HASH BAE-SABI aorc.ir. Julrl" rhi hmnd of tobacco knownasThe THE old Oaken Bucket, The iron bound bucket, ; : The moss-covered, bucket,- That hang la the well. CH1S. B. JONES, ; Charlotte, N.C., Sole, Agenti Liberal terms to dealejn. v OBSERVATI ONS. He loitered at the festival, A goblet in his fist. A wishy-washy fluid brimmed The marge bis llplets kissed. Quoth he, "I wish that I could get A pair of trousers made For summer wear as thin as th's Consumptive lemonade. Oil City Derrick, WouMa't it be ageod idea to trim the Whit9 Bouse Into a hotel for the efflce-seekers, and let them utilize the waste malaria? Puck. Nobody will dispute John Sherman's right to feel meaner than any man In the country. .boston Post Mr. Beecher confessed last Sunday that he stole his mother's preserves when he was very, very small. If a dime with a hole In It is worth five cents, a dime with two holes In it ought to be worth ten cents. Kentucky State Journal. A humorous bray: Said the lecturer: "The roads up these mountains are too steep and rocky lor even a donkey to climb; therefore I did not at tempt the ascent." Boston Transcript. Torktown to take command of an army ot 7,000,- viuu men. rsui someming nas to ue uone to over awe foreign despots. Mr. Skeard Is to be the new Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba. Sometimes, however, a brave man may be Skeard. All things seem to work tomthnr for lh national uaiiKs. a vrrmoni cow nas chewed up a pocKet book containing $225 in bills. Eve wasn't unhappy In the Garden of Fden be cause she had "no thine to wear:" "because ' sha satd. "what's the good of nice clothes where there are no other women to envy?" That was what gauea jsve. Burlington uawkeye. Lord Algernon St Haur has advertised that ha will not be responsible for the debts ot his son. This Is all very well, but It won't be long before Lord Algernon will be sending in a "transient" something like this: Wanted One fatted calf. Tt 1 A a nltlfnl t h1no n Viaov m. .Min. Iqv now somfithlnar tastAa Ilka mniiBtoilin un. mH then change color and try to look unconcerned and Indifferent New Orleans Times. A MAthnriifit minister In Tnn h.i hun ..iuinir - v.iu UUK. UbVU DQTClCtl MnrfnimflnHAri fAr Q f tTi Hf n r .mia n r , . v. ... mv" w. "vvuuu a IUUO. IJUIT 13 man going to preach about Noah's ark If he don't get a chance to "size up" the animals once in a while. New Haven Register. "Don't you know that it is a felonv to steal a pocket-book out of a gentleman's pocket?" asked an Austin Justice of a hard case. "Ts. T knnwa it, Jedge, but dat ar pocket-book bulged out so at de sides dat I b'leeve you has so mucn speret in yer dat yer would hab made a break for ir. thi-sait Jedge, ef nobody was watchln' yer." Texas Sitt ings. Mrs. Partington, reading an account of o rail road accident, was much surprised to learn that the engine had been driven-ofl the track by one of ihe swlthes. "She shouldn't have thought." she said, "th-it the great Iron engine would mind such a little thing as a swlth." "Yes, but you must re member, mamma," said Ike, gravely, "the loco motive has a tender behind." It's an ill wind. etc. : Two men dlsnuted ahnnt their powers of endurance, and one said testily to the other: "I bet you that I can hold my legs in boiling water longer than you can." "Done," said the other, and the steaming water was brought In went the lees. No. 1 with an air of rieflanra TJn 2 with an edifying serenity. No. 1 began to wince, No. 2 called calmly for the newspaper, No. l be gan to find it Intolerable, No. 2 smiled at the hu mor of the paper. "In heaven's name!" 8t last exclaimed No. 1 , exasperated by the heat of the water and the coolness of h'.s antasonist. "what i roorleg made of?" "rVood," sententlously re- pneu me otner. Anon. EDITORIAL SHORT STOPS. Over iii Virginia Mahone undertook "to carry Africa into the -war" for a consideration, but the trouble isthat he has never been able to deliver the goods. His bank account fell short with Rid- dleberger on hand as so much unavail- assets, and when Stratham, the would- be Lynchburg. post master made a run on his bank, the Democratic members of the United States Senate closed the concern until the directors could take an inventory of the stock on hand. "Nobody need doubt," says the Phila delphia American, "that one of the sub jects which will largely engage the at tention of Congress during the coming winter is the reduction of taxes." Very rue ; and the branch of that subject which most imperatively demands the attention of Congress is the reduction of tariff taxation under a protective tariff. The principle of such taxation has been formally pronounced uncon stitutional by the United States Su preme court. In connection with the fact that a large convention for the improvement of the Mississippi River has just been held at St. Louis, Mo., is the not less significant fact that the improvement of this stream has been under consid eration since 1845. The Memphis Ap peal has unearthed the proceedings of the first Mississippi River improvement convention ever held in this country. It publishes the original call and the entire proceedings, which are of inter est at this juncture. The convention met in Memphis in 1845, and was pre sided over by John C. Calhoun. The Inter-Ocean (stalwart organ) puts in a level-headed plea for Guiteau. All the average American requires is a little time to think he'll come to his senses and do right if he be allowed time to turn the subject over and ex amine all its phases. "Give Guiteau a fair trial is the honest voice of the na tion," says the . O. "There is but one question, however, at issue in his case is he crazy or sane? If crazy, hide him from sight in a mad-house ; if sane hang him for his crime." Gen. Joseph Alexis Uhrich, known in France as the "Defender of Strasburg," died in Paris, October 25th. He was put in command of Strasburg after the disaster of Reichshoffen. He had a very insufficient number of troops at his command. Being summoned to sur render on August 23, 1870, he resolved to defend the town which was at once bombarded. It held out till September 27, having received during the month's siege more than 200,000 projectiles. Paris was enthusiastic oyer the gal lantry of the defense, and changed the name of the Avenue de l'lmperatrice to that of Avenue Uhrich," but a council of inquiry thought proper to blame the general for his surrender, and the ave nue resumed its former name. Gen. Uhrich was born at Phalsburg, Febru ary 15,1802. , I have the utmost confidence in the malls. En close S 1 for two boxes, or $2.50 post office order for six boxes of Celery and Chamomile pills and I will take all risk for money and goods. Dr. C. W. Benson, 106 North Xutaw street Baltimore, Md. Write to Lydia ft Pinkham,, No.- 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass.',; for pamphlets relative to the curative properties bthgr Vegetable Compound, in aU female complahits. M0TB3&& DON!T JUdW Bow many children are Tunlshed for -being, mv oouth, wilful, and lndlllerent to Instructions or rewards, simply because they &rgout of health! An Intelligent lady said tf a .child of this kiad: "Mothers should know that If they weald give the little ones moderate doses of Hop Bitters for two or three weeks the children would be all a parent could desire." BY TELEGRAPH. Fatal Accident at the Vulcan Steel Works,. St. Louis, Nov. 1. At the Vulcan steel works an elevator loaded with pig iron and carrying four men, fell a distance oi mirty teet from the ma chinery, Dreamng. A man named M. C. Grail was crushed to death and two others, named Daly and Marion, were fatally injured. McGowen. the fourth passenger, escaped uninjured by leap ing to a projection in the wall while the elevator was falling. Hugh Hogan of me same worss naa Deen fatally hurt just before the elevator accident by the accidental upsetting of a ladle filled with molten iron. Reinforcing Troop in Ireland. London, Nov. l. A troop ship will leave Portsmouth to-day with 520 men to reinforce various regiments in Ire land. Orders have been received a Athlone to have a flying column in readiness to proceed immediately to any part of the West-meath and Ros common. -Snow fell to-dav j - v a u v btl 4. -V " er pans or jungiana. Large lob by Fire jxew loitK, jnov. l. Moyera and Bachman's brewery at Clifton, which was burned last night, occupied nearly half an acre and cost $80,000. The to tal loss on the building, stock, machin erv. etC- Will reach nearlv half a mil lion. It was insured for a quarter of a uiunon. A Fatal Fig-lit About a Woman. LawrencevtxLiE, III., November 1. Albert Nichols and John Lenhan, who had been paying attentions to the same girl, fought and the latter getting vruisuju, attempted to run away Nichols shot him dead. From Washington. Washington. Nov. i. "R. w. stnvnt. has been arrested at Union City, Tenn., j-vi uuauu 1A VUUUbCllClt Oil Vol UUIliUS. xne uomptroiier or Currency will probably appoint a receiver to-morrow for the Mechanic's National Bank of Newark, N. J. His Naturalization a Nullity. Salt Lake, Nov. 1. Chief Justice Hunter has dpipidnd th&t r.hft naturali zation of delegate Cannon was a nullity, uwreuy sustaining liov. Murray's po- oiuwu iu ei UNiiitr lii rir , rv mar. an non had been elected to Congress. Death of a Prominent Hotel Man. Baltimore, Nov. 1. Col. Robt. Cole man died to-day, aged 77. He was formerly proprietor of the Coleman T T -VT r , . . rxuuse. ibw t orir. n;nr.aw Hrmao Kai timore, and other hotels in other cities and was widely known. A Unnior that Gladstone will Retire, LONDON. Nov. 1. Thfi Standard sara Gladstone will shortlv rti frnm tha Chancellorship of Exchequer, and prob- auiy irom omciai llie. WHERE SLEEP THE GREAT. Where the Presidents of the United States are Bnriid-From Washing ton to Garfield. The bodv Of Gfinrirft Wanhinfffnn i'a resting in a brick vault at Mount Ver non, in a marDie coffin. John Adams was hnripd in a vanlh beneath the TJnitari an f hnrrh at Quincy. The tomb is walled in with large Diocks of rough-faced granite. John Quincy Adams lies in the same vault by the side of his father. In the church above, on either side of the pul pit, are tablets of clouded marble, each surmounted by a bust and inscribed with the familiar epitaphs of the only father and son that ever held tho hitrh. est office in the gift of the American people. i nomas Jefferson lies in a small nn. pretentious Drivat wmptprv rif innfor. square, near Monticello. james Aiaoison s remains rest in a beautiful spot on the old Madison es tate, near Orange, Va. James Monroe's bodv rpnospa in TTnl. lywood Cemetery, Va.,on an eminence, commanding a Deautuui view of Rich mond and the James river. Above the body is a husre block of Doliahed Vir ginia marble, supporting a coffin-shaped oiock or granite, on wnicn are Drass plates, suitably inscribed. Th whnln is surrounded by a sort of Gothic tem plefour pillars supporting a peaked roof, to which something of the appear ance of a bird cage is imparted by fill ing in the interstices with iron grat ings. Andrew .TarVann was hiirierT in tha corner of the garden of the Hermirjuro eleven miles from NasbriHe. The tomb is eighteen feet in diameter, surround ed by fluted -columns and surmounted bv an lira. The tnmh is snrrminrieH hv magnolia trees. Martin van Knren was hnried nr. Kinderhook. The monument is a plain granite shaft, fifteen feet high. William Henry Harrison was buried at North Bend, fifteen miles from Cin cinnati. John Tyler's body rests within ten yards of that of James Monroe, in Hol lywood Cemetery, Richmond. It is marked by no monument, but it is sur rounded by magnolias and flowers, James K. Polk lies in the private garden of the family residence in Nash ville, Tenn. It is marked by a lime stone monument, with Doric columns. Zachary Taylor was buried in Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville. The body was subsequently to be removed to Frankfort, where a suitable monument was to be erected, commemorative of his distinguished services. Millard Filmore's remains He in the beautiful Forest Lawn Cemetery of Buffalo, and his grave is surmounted by a lofty shaft of Scotch granite. Franklin Pierce was buried in the Concord (N. H.) Cemetery, and his grave is marked by a marble monu ment. James Buchanan's remains lie in the "Woodward Hill Cemetery at Lancaster, Pa., in a vault of masonry. The monu ment is composed of a single block of Italian marble. Abraham Lincoln rests in Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, DU enclosed in a sarcophagus t Qf white marble. The monument is a great pile of marble, granite and bronze. Andrew Johnson's grave is on a cone- shaped eminence, half a mile fromd Greenville, renn. The monument is ox marble, beautifully ornamented. The body of James A. Garfield has been placed in a tomb at Cleveland. It is worth remembering that nobody enjays the nicest surroundings if in ad health. There are miserable people about to-day with one foot in the grave, when a bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonic would do them more good than all the doctors and medicines they have ever tried. See adv. The color ana lustre of youth are restored to faded or gray hair by the use of Parker's Hair Balsam, a harmless dressing highly esteemed for its perfume and purity. EDGEFIELD IN FLAMES. Two-thirds of the Town Said to be Destroyed Total Loss Likely to Reach 9100,000. News and Courier. Columbia, Oct. 30 Information re ceived here to-day states that a fire broke out at Edgefield this morning and destroved a laro-e nnrt.i It is said that two-thirds of the village was destroyed, rue loss is estimated at $100,000. The fire is said to have originated in a st.ahle enrlv tin ing and is thought to have been incen- uiaiy. Xkumors as 10 its extent are somewhat indefinite, but all agree that the destruction was verv orreat The following is a list of the losses as far as can be ascertained here : Mrs. Tillman, hotel, livery stable and out building, $6,800; S. W. Nicholson, three stores and blacksmith shop, $8,500; W. H. Brunson, stores and stock, $5,000; Allen TTarr. atnnb- ftlOOAA W Ti Tann store and stock, $4,500; E.Lieberstrutz, block, s z,uuu ; renn & Anderson, stock, $2,500 ; Dr. D. C. Tompkins, three stores, $4,500: John L. Addison, nffl pa anrl r.wn shops, $4,800 ; M. A. Markst, two stores, ; n . ij. ioison, store and stock, $4,000; Clisby & Hart's store, $3,000; Lawrence Cain,house and outbuildings, $2,500; A. J. N orris, two stores, $5,000; jMigeneid unromcie, stoCK, $800; Capt. Marsh, stock. $2 500; TT. W. MpP.nl. lough, stock, $2,000 ; W. E. Lynch, office anu Btoca, $w,8uu ; oenacor Ji. u. uutier, law omce,$auu; eneppara & uros law omce. K1.000 : A. A. V, IShv ntAPfc and store, $4,000; H. L.Wright, storehouse, j,uuu; o . i. uodd, SCOCJC, $3,000; J. if. Carroll, law office, $600 ; W. D. Ouzts. two law offices, $1,500; B. P. Coyer, slock, $i,ouo; colored co-operative store and stock, $2,500; Wade Youngblood, it is not yet Known what the insur ance amounts to. The fire broke ou just before dawn this morning in the stable of Mrs. Tillman and destroved nearly the whole business portion of me town, only three stores being left xne ore is proDaoiy the work of an incendiary. YELLOW FEVKB PEE VENTED. The engineers of the Central Railroad of Geor- ei a an, lrrk ..V. j a. 11 . - " rv v TIVXDb lUiOOlUd tlf lTlfiIlPnfP.. frlTJy In onrl amfnA nrt f 4 Onn - 2i 1 1 uum wui.upj VU b VL OaTOU' iMMi a.!, uiucrcub uuura or me nignc. ana also in RnAndlncr nntiro nfarita in tha ah-b in4nn vA taken sick, but speeUly recovered) we continued ua vui uoutu jjwu nciiiuu a circumstance we can account for In no other way but by tbe eflects, un- - -----w. w, vk. uuwuuai OUU lAUilUUCU UoC or Simmons Liver Begulator wblle we were expos- cu iv una iuoiario. ONE OF THE REASONABLE PLEASURES Of li fft- A nmnArl? rnAIra maol c ffn. a iihia A " -v-. wvaiA tuvui auuiui) llUirj Ul UJ present enjoyment, and much subsequent torture w a wuuiiAAAAcu uopcytiu. xut wiien cnromc mai- gesuon is comoaciea wn Hostetters Stomach RiltPTJ thA f rkTVrl 1o fiQton nrft-rt Mtlah 4 w-.wf wi u VtMVU VV A VIA XCllOU) OUU lllVStl 111T" DOrtant Of all. in asslmllfltorl hv nnrl nmirlahoo f Via system. Use this grand tonic and corrective also iu reiueuy cunsupauon, Diuousness, rheumatism, iotci auu ague. jror sale Dy all Druggists and Dealers generally, novl SO DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. Paf -"1-W Ja. U,I87 WE WILL. SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, ElectrVolfatcpafice suffering from N-rvo-.iBWeiU(ne8c,Oen eral Debility, hi-s ot nerve force or vigor, or any disease rcsalfinir frrtrn ABUSES and Othbt. Causes, or to any oho afflicted wiui Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Pinal v vis. Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver .T.nxiMes, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other 'Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also women ti oublc-a wiih diseases peculiar to their sex. Speedy relief mid complete restoration to health guaranteed. Tltoe are the only Klectrie AiIiMncf that have ever been cons! ruc(sl upon Hcientifie prin ciples. Their tliorouli efficacy has been prac tically proven with the most wonderful snceess, and ttooy linve the highest endorsenientx irom medical and scien tific men,Hiid from hundreds who have been quickly ami radically cared b their use. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, giviD lil information free. Address, VOLTAIC EELT CO., Xanasil, Xich. July81 IvoftssiomCL Z.B.TAHC. W.HBAHJfT. VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and OounseDon ' CHARLOTTE, N. C. Practice in Supreme Court of the United States, ouyreme xun 01 jNorui uarouna, neaerai Courts, and counties of Mecklen burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Rowan and Da vidson. LJ? Office, two doors east of Tndenanriftneff Square. may29 tf RO. D. GRAHAM, IN the State and United States Courts. CoUee Hons. Home and Forelen. solicited. Ah stracts of Titles, Surveys, &&, furnished for com pensatlon. Oma iV. S. Corner Trade & Tryon streets Charlotte. N. C Ian. 6. TO LET. PLEASANT room in private family, near centre of town ,to one or two single gentlemen. In quire at Dr. Young's dental office, next door to Dr. J. H. McAden's drug store. oot30 2i SONEST jz: Twis t Chewing T9baee Bewm of lrnltailons. None geWie nnless ac companied with our "Honest 7" eopigated label hlch will be found on head ot every box. Manufactured only by rBBOWN ft BBO., feb20 2w Winston, N. a WE HAYE SOME Ml Ill BARGAINS IN SEVERAL LINE3 0FQOOD3 THAT WILL PAT T0U TO EXAMINE. WE HAVE SOME CROCHET SHAWLS a little damaged, we are selling tery low. We are offering some lines of DRESS 000DS at prices that will surprise you. Our stock of PASIMENTRYS AND ORNAMENTS Is varied and cheap. Just received some new and handsome patterns. Call and examine our stock "Tower" Sheets, "Trevere" Kids, "Evitfs" Shots, HAHGRAVES & wilhelm. SMITH BUILDING, TRADE ST. novl Our Fall m Complete took. OUR PREPARATIONS TRADE BEING NOW ENTIRELY WLnte our len8 a?J? tb.RH!)1,f enerally t an Inspection of the attractions dlsplay M , Ji. conndenUy asserting that they wlU be found in even respect up to the standard. In submlt nng this we would call special attention to the styles of our own deslgnand manufactureTwhich we Tcon- v" uauuuutui, uia cuure maava. and standing of our House, is a full guarantee that of our own manufacture are strictly firat-elaaa. W JSSSMJ Pm. d variably tasurtog them absolute bottom prlcea Our object hal always been te brine about a dinnlaT pvprr waann of a tnii tin- ,,t rrvv. . f 3 m.s5lp of Clothing Is equal to any of the best In the country. We don't say that our produc ESS! 1 i1 otnera: w,e ieasonable and never exaggerate; we tell every CTMtomeVthe KAL?.6.11?!16 our !,mploy f d0 o'herwi'e. or in any instance to misrepresent goods In order JJL?mpll8.hv.a 8aleX V.r end-e?2lT18 10 Pfcaw. and to give to each customer the value of every dollar WTtAR? spvpV at -?vr lln25.S?T8 ' TOBMBHIMG GOODS la complete In all branches? NECK oct9 DEALER IN :es, Tinware & House FurnishiDg Goods. MANTELS and GRATES, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Particular attention paid to ROOFING AND SPOUTING. None but firnt-class hands employed. Call for the BARLEY SHEAF STOVE. oct29 Chew only the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket. THE old Oaken Bucket, The lron-bormd bucket, The moss-covered bucket. That hung in the welL CHAS.B JONES, Charlotte, N. a, Sole Agent Liberal terms to dealers. Quickly and Permanent ASTHMA DrtiM0B AsthmaRemedy is aneanaled m s Dodtiye Alterative and Oare for and all their atteadant evils. It does not merely afford temporary relief, bat IS permanent core. Mrs. B. F.Lee, of Belmore, O., aaya of If. "I an turorittd at (A oeedv tfeei ot vowr remcdv. Jlia (A tret medicine fct k years that hat looeeneA my couak and naJe expectoration eary. I now tlcep alt night without coughing." If yoar druggist does not keep it, send for treatise and testimonials to S5S Broadway, Hew York. oct27 aw8m i r-TtVP EDITION OF it a r. 1 & ra t i BhTK versions! ES REVISES VtKBlDRS ARAT.LBL PaOXS. I Pa URI BOOK errois. unanaes anown at tmoiiott. - Bells XepidlV. OoDtaininc I rjoO AHTk0Ku&t AU mp3&w3qq Stoves Heaters Ran CURED FOR THIS SEASON'S COMPLETE, e are lusonea in asserane that the lone exnertence our Clothing Is the most reUabll The garment! am wmatkntw -Z?J .tZiL 5 ,cle L. BERWANGER & BRO., Leading Clothiers and Tailors. This great specific cures that most loathsome disease WHETHER IN ITS PRIMARY, SECONDARY OR TERTIARY STAGE. Removes all traces of Mercury from the system. Cures scrofula, old sores, rheumatism, eczema, catarrh, or any blood disease. CURES WHEN HOT SPRINGS FAIL! Malvern, Ark., May 2. 1881. we have cases in our town who lived at Hot Springs and were finally cured with S. 8. 8. McCaumon & Mcbrt. a a a fc Lo,Jw,,tej Kentucky, May 18, 1881. 8. 8. a has given better satisfaction than any medicine I have ever sold. J. a. UlixNiB. v Memphis, Tennessee, May 12. 1881. . We have sold 1,296 bottles of S. 8. a in a year. It has given universal satisfaction, Fair minded physicians now recommend it as a positive specif ic S. Maxbtckld a Co. Denver, CoL, May 2, 1881. JEVflrr nnronHAPr inailri In tha hlriaa f.m a - . r vvhwu u .uv ui,uvn wiuid VA a a a l. musbktkk. w Richmond, Va, May 11, 1881. Yon can refer anybody to us in regard to the merits of a a a Polx Millkb A Co. Have never known 8. a a to fall to cure a case ot Syphilis, when properly taken. H. L. Dxuhakd, Eli Wabbxm, - Perry, Ga The above ahmera tn i?pntlnmn nf hiah nii. ing. A. H. Colquitt, Gov. of fis. "o'L J.0?? TO BKPAID xun noanvuiuu, wxite ior parncuiars. SI .000 REWARD will he naM tn an. .kaml.t who will ft nil. nn nnalvattt nf 1 nn KfiA a a a one particle of Mercury, Iodide Potassium, or any , Proprietors, Atlanta, Ga Sold by druggists everywhere. For fuTther information write for the little book. Bold by T. a Smith, L. B. Wrlston fc Co. and Wilson & BurwelL Jnn2fvdly Druggist by ExainatioD. W. P. musns, AGT. f. W, ltSOWXU GOto - W.P.M1RVI5, lg&o. and Successor to T. Beta ft Co. POB Fresh Drugs and Pure Medicines None but the Verj Best Drags do I keep in my stock. Also, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Perfumeries, Combs Brushes, Tooth Brashes, ike., ft. GARDEN SEEDS of all the best varieties, and warranted to be good. Physicians' prescriptions are given spec ial attention. y Hoping te receive s share Of public patronage, I am. respectfully, , feb8 W. P. MAR v IN, Agt, ft CO. o H fQ V I ii tt FOR SALE. A Desirable building lot on the corner of Church and Stonewall streets, for further inf 01 ma- iHon apply to Wm, B, MYERJ. wmv vow af SaH Jbrnmrn III I ?! 3, ' it : :1 : f If1 'f il li ! ji 4 i 1 tr it t4 ft Hi St-.