She f)arlottg d&bsztmx LOCAL IfrTKLUftEftCET WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2, 1831. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. PH4LAMI Lodqs Na 81, A. F. 4 A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday nlgnta. Excilsior Lodqx No. 261, A. F. & A. M. Reg ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. Chari-ottk Chaptkb No. 89, R. A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nights. Charlotte Commandary No. 2, K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. IC. OF H. KJnsHTS of HoNoa Regular meeting every second and fourth Thursdays. IC- OIF1 IP Knights of Pythias. Regular meeting nights first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. atMa sonlc Temple Hall. I. O. O. 37. Charlotte Lodge Na 88. Meets every Mon day night. Mkcklbnburg Declaration Lonax Na a Meets every Tuesday night. Dixik Lodge No. 108. Meets every Thursday night. Catawba Rivkr Encampment Na 21. Meets First and third Thursday nights in each month. Index to New Adverllvementi. LeRoy Davidson Patent Piocess Flour. k. M. Miller & Sons Guano Bills. Mrs. P Qaery Closing Out Sale. Attention, Independents. BUSINESS NOTICES. IT WON'T PAY af;er so much labor and capital has been expend ed to build up this medicine, to allow It to deterio rate, lou can take Simmons' Liver Regulator with perfect faith, as it is made by no adventurers who pick up the business of concocting medicines, but by educated, practical druggists who have made the study of medicine and its compounds the labor for a lifetime. The care, precision, neatness and perfection exhibited by the very ap pearance of the Regular proves it to be the best prepared medicine In the market, and J. H. Zellln & Co. fully carry out their motto: "Purisslma et Optima (purest and best.) MANY MISERABLE PEOPLE drag themselves about with falling strength, feeling that they are steadily sinking Into their graves when, by using Parkers Ginger Tonic, they would find a cure commencing with the first dose, and vitality and strength surely cooilng back to them, gee other column. "The profession ought to bear In mind that the Lleblg Company prepare a genuine Extract of Witch Hazel, and in ordering the remedy be sure to designate the preparation desired; otherwise a worthless article may be obtained. "The same firm also Brakes a most useful and convenient nutrient tonic, in the form of 'Coca Beef Tonic,' which has Justly received the highest commendation. We have used both of those preparations with the most satisfactory results." Editorial In the Medical and Surgical Times. "I'M ALL PLAYED OUT," Is a common complaint. If you feel so, get a package ot Kidney-Wort and take it and you will at ooce leel Its tonic power. It renews the healthy action of the kidneys, bowels and liver, and thus restores the natural life and strength to the weary body. It can now be had in either dry or liquid f o in, and in either way is always prompt and e filcient in action. New Bedford Standard. The Florence Nightingale of the Nursery. The following is an extract from a letter written to the German Reformed Messenger, at Chambers burg, Penn.: A BENEFACTRESS. Just open the door for her. and Mrs. Wlnslow will prove the American Florence Nightingale of the nursery. Of this we are so sure that we will teach our Susy to say, 'A Blessing on Mrs. Wlns low" for helping her to survive and escape the griping, collcklng and teething siege. Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup relieves the child from pain, and cures dysentery and diarrhoea. It softens the gums, reduces inflammation, cures wind colic, and carries the infant through the teething period. It performs precisely what it professes to perform, every part of It nothing less. We have never seen Mrs. Wlnslow know her only through the prepa ration of her "Soothing Syrup for Children Teeth ing." If we had the power we would make her, as she Is, a physical saviour to the Infant race. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound has done thousands of women more good than the medicines of many doctors. It Is a positive cure for all female complaints. Send to Mrs. Lydla E. Plnkham. MADE FROM HARMLESS MATERIALS, and dapted to the needs of fading and falling hair, Parker's Hair Balsam has tasen the first rank as an elegant and reliable hair restorative. Bedford Alum and Ikon Sprihgs Watsb and Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains twice as much Iron and fifty per cent, more alum inum than any "alum and iron mass" Known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so general. Sold by all druggists of any standing. Prices reduced one half, may 11 tf FADED OR GRAY HAIR gradually recovers Its youthful color and lustre by the use of Parker's Hair Balsam, an elegant dressing, admired for its purity and rich perfume. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and in discretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay loss of manhood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE of CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in south America. send a sen-addressed envelope to tne bey. JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D, New York City. zvo &&vzvtiszmzutB. Attention, Independents. V OU are hereby notified to attend the regular A monthly meeting of your company this (Wed nesday) evening, at 8 o'clock. A full attend ance Is desired. By order, J. A. BTXBY, W. J. Harbison, President. Secretary. It JjOR the purpose of engaging more extensively and exclusively in the line of W MILLINERY GOODS the coming year, wholesale and re tall, we mow offer all olher lines of Goods now in our stock at very low prices to close out The stock is large, new and well assorted, consisting of full lines cf WHITE GOOD3, LACES, EMBROID ERIES, all kinds of TRIMMINGS, PLAIN and FANCY HOSIERIES, GLOVES, NOTIONS, NECK WEAR, CORSETS. SKIRTS, Cloaks, Shawls, Net'Goods, LADIES' and CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, PRE33 TR1MMJXG, BUTTONS, TABLE LINEN, TOWELS, D0ILIE3..NAPKIN3.&C, Infaot a com plete stock of Ladies' and Children's Furnishing Goods, wmch we offer without reserve at prices that will guarantee their immediate sale. Terms of this sale will be strictly cash. OUR STOCK OF MILLINERY Is the largest aid most complete of any in te State and is constantly being added to as new MI TSaLE styles and nevelHes appear In New York, MRS. P. QUERY nov2 LACONIC LOCALS. tSTPolice affaire are yery quiet. tSPA perfect air yesterday after noon. tThe circus is coming. It is in Greenville to-day. Reports of high water in the i Yadkin reached the city yesterday. C3The collectors yesterday were unusually numerous and aggressive. ESTA-new Chilian mill will soon be pat up at the Black mine, near this city, owned and operated by Dr. Mc Combs. W M. V. Baily, of Richmond, su perintendent of this division of the United States mail service, was in the city yesterday. IW The weekly meetings of the Gou nod, the new social club, as yet without a name, and the Library Association, will keep life from being a burden to many this winter. ESObservant individuals who have watched the city barbers sunning in front of their parlors and hailing every passing nurse have concluded that the barber's lot is a happy one. tW Yesterday was the largest cotton day of the season, the receipts being 401 bales. College and South Trade streets were crowded with wagons yes terday morning, and the look of busi ness was most encouraging. The hop which the Pleasure Club proposed last Friday night, was post poned on account of the serious illness of one of the club's favorite members, who having, it i3 learned with pleasure, much improved, another evening will be fixedf or the hop. E5P"Mr. Harry Phillips, advance agrent forThos.W. Keene, was in the city yesterday, and after consulting tho public desire concluded that "Rich elieu" is the play which will give most satisfaction. So the rising tragic :$tar will appear here as the great French premier. "Messrs. Kendrick & Bixby have just completed great improvements at their bar and billiard saloons. Every thing i3 fixed up in the toniest style and covered with the freshest and whitest paint. Their billiard tables will be kept up in first class order, and altogether it is as attractive a place as can be found in a dozen towns. t2P Everybody now is scraping around for old Confederate bonds. Some who have them are holding in hopes of bigger prices than $7 a thousand. They are not very definite in their reasons for thus postponing selling what have heretofore been considered worthless relics ; but there i3 a vague idea that there will be a still further mysterious rise. City Ilea. I Estate. The sale of real estate in front of the court house yesterday resulted as fol lows: The lots extending from Gra ham to Smith streets, with some im provements, sold for $1,070 toM. E. Alexander, bid in by J. R, Erwin; two vacant lots on and next to the corner of Pine and Seventh streets, sold for $515 to P. A. Osborne and P. S. McLauchlin. A lot on corner of Tenth and B streets with a5-room house and double kitchen, sold for 1,4G5 to J. G. Shannonhouse. Old Probs Reliability. The report of the chief signal officer of the United State's signal service bu reau for the month of August, states that the detailed comparison'of the tri daily indications for August, with the 'telegraphic reports for the succeeding twenty-four hours, shows the general percentage of verifications to be 88.8 per cent. The percentage for the four elements are : Weather, 8S.4 ; wind, 85.4 ; temperature, 91.4; barometer, 90.1 per cent. The South Atlantic verifications are 91.3 per cent. Of the 3,721 predic tions that have been make, 100, or 2.68 per cent., are considered to have en tirely failed; 71, or 1.91 per cent., were one-fourth verified; 414, or 11.13 per cent., were one-half verified; 229, or 6.15 percent, were three-fourths verified; 2,907, or 78.13 per cent., were fully veri fied, so far as can be ascertained from the tri-daily reports. Tbe Leopard from the Leopardite. Mr. "W. A. Berryhill, the enterprising marble dealer of this city, is having a block of the famous ledpardite stone, of which there is a quarry near Charlotte, cut into the shape of the animal from which it takes its name. The size of tbe figure is proportioned artistically to the size and distribution of the spots of the stone, and thus the power of the sculptor's chisel is rein forced by nature with all the effect of the painter's brush, while the harsh in congruity of painting the statute, so re pulsive to the rudiments of art, is avoid ed in the fact that the dark spots are parts of the unyielding granite, and no outre efforts to supplement the naked grace of form, or the impressive strength of solidity with daubs of color. The work will be sent to Atlanta and exhibited at the exposition, where its uniqueness will no doubt attract much attention. Two Similar Mad Stone. An item appeared in this paper a week or two ago, giving a description of the famous Williams mad stone, or Person countv. It was stated that it adhered for a number of applications then ceased to adhere: also, mat ic would not sink in sweet milk until af ter several applications. The following description of a mad stone by the New York Sun has some points of similarity to the stone described in The Obser ver: It appears to be a fossa coral, it is cnnf.avft on one Blue aim cuuvea. on the other, slightly porous, or a gray iah noior. and about an inch across. II is said to be one-nan or me original, which drew so hard upon tne Diie or a dog that it broke in two. It is applied to the wound, and it adheres so tightly that if uHii tairfl off a Diece of the skm if one tries to remove it Dy iorce. VUWV V wv-v i- . - Ti will drop off in a few Hours, ana n is than tmiinn in swepxmiiK.aj.iei nmiuin will adhere to the wound again. After a few days of treatment it will not stick, even if you make a fresh wound. . . ' : Yon need not reelect your business when troubled with a cough or eeld. if you only use a re liable remedy at once. Sr. Ball's cough syrup is Rev. Mr. DnBoM'i Lecture. The lecture of the Rev. Hampden C. .OuBose, returned missionary from Soo cuow, China, before the. Ladies' Mis sionary Society and the Yonnir, Ladies' Auxiliary Society, will be delivered at 11 o'clock this morning at the First Presbyterian church. Mr. DuBose will leave this afternoon for Salisbury to at tend the meeting of synod which con venes there this evening at 7 o'clock. Meek leaburg Presbytery. An adjourned meeting of Mecklen burg Presbytery took place yesterday in the First Presbyterian church in this city. It was called to order at 11 o'clock a. m. by the moderator Rev. W. H. Davis, of Davidson River church, Hen derson county. Rev. J. L. Williams, of Wadesboro, -was temporary clerk. Much routine business was gone through with. The following delegates to the next General Assembly, to meet in Atlanta next May, were appointed : Principals, Rev. M. R. Kirkpatrick, of Macon, and Rev. J. J. Kennedy, of Gaston ; Elders, I. H. Foust, of Charlotte, and J. R. Hutchison, of Mallard Creek; Alter nates, Rev. G. L. Cook, of Caldwell Church, and Rev. J. P. Gammon , of Asheville; Elders, C. Scott and R. L McDowell, both of Charlotte. Rev. W. E. Mcllwaine desired that his pastoral connection with Hopewell church be dissolved on account of his ill health and that he be dismissed to Concord Presbytery. The first request was granted, but the second will be con sidered at a meeting to be held in the First Presbyterian church, in this city, two weeks from yesterday, to which time the Presbytery adjourned. A DorGoned Dograstrophe. Jnp. Henderson, the colored ex-sheriff of Pinchgut, was day before yesterday engaged in sinking the shaft of an in cipient mine near that city. His favo rite "yaller dorg" followed him and frolicked about on the surface while John was at work in the shaft. A dynamite cartridge, with cap and fuse attached, having been greased and pre pared to be slipped into a nearly com pleted drill hole for ajj.last was left at the mouth of the shaft, while, John was putting the finishing touches to the hole. When he emerged to get the cartridge to make the blast he found that his much loved dog, attracted by the grease, wa3 enjoying the process of masticating the nitro-glycerine. John's love for the dog is unquestioned, but he deemed it prudent to retreat to the ad joining valley without staying to re monstrate with the animal on his mis directed appetite. From the bottom of the declivity he observed the mastica tor cease to masticate, but draw un easily back from the fuse, which how ever seemed still attached to the dog, and the cartridge, as it ominously fol lowed every movement of the irregular retrograde. The dog had evidently swallowed the cartridge and cap, and what was John's horror to see his pet with the fuse trailing from its mouth, gradually draw near a fire which was burning near the mouth of the shaft. As perverse chance would have it one of the half playful, half frightened leaps of the dog, all the time carefully eying the trailing fuse, brought that appendage plump into the fire. It be gan to fizz and as it fizzed the dog grew evidently unhappy. The retreat be came precipitate and even reckless. Poor John, from the valley of his hu miliation, could only wait, his hands over his eyes, for the inevitable catas trophe. It came in a few seconds and he hastened to the spot. A hole in the ground, big enough to bury the giant ox was there, but no slight token of the dog could be found. A diligent search of the vicinity, however, finally discovered a melancholy tail in a neigh boring dog wood tree. That was all that was left to tell the tale of the fate of the ex -sheriff's dog. Railroad I tenia. An express car has been added to the fast mail and through Richmond and Atlanta express is carried. There is every indication that the effort for reduced rates on the railroads to the Atlanta Exposition will prove successful. Here is what General Passsenger Agent Pope of the Rich mond and Danville tells the Constitw Hon: "That no line could be more anxious to see the Exposition succeed than is the Richmond and Danville, and that they intend to run through trains from Richmond to Atlanta ana return at very low rates. Of course they desire the co-operation of the other lines in bringing crowds to tne imposition, out rather than see the attendance sum they will run their through trains at merely nominal rates of fare and pour thousands or people into tne cuy. -The Atlanta uonstituuon states that the fast mail will be discontinued and says that it is rumored that the Richmond and Danville have declined to continue the contract with the gov ernment. Railroad men say there is no foundation for such a report so far as they have heard. Railroad men here say that there can be no truth in the rumor published yesterday from the Newberne Commer cial News that the syndicate would likely turn over the Western North Carolina railroad to the Best-Boston syndicate, because of recent complica tions and consolidations of railroad in terests in Tennessee and Kentucky. They scout the idea. It has been rumored on the streets here for several days that negotiations were pending between the authorities of the Richmond and Danville syndi cate, and the management of the Caro lina Central Railroad, for the lease of the latter by the former, and all sorts of stories were current. It was known here that President Murchison, of the Carolina Central was in New York with his attorney, and that he was pre pared to listen to proposals. A private disnatch was received here yesterday to the effect that all negotiations had been broken off, and that for the pres ent at least there would be na change in the management of the Carolina Central. LDSBIG CO'S COCA BEEF TONIC Embodies tne nutritive elements of the muscular fibre, blood, bone, and brain or carefully selected healthy bullocks, combined with the powerful th Tnftfui. and a choice Quality of Sherry Wine. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH NOTEMBER 1, 1881 PRODUCE. WrumrsTOH, N. C Spirits turpentine steady at 50c. Eos In firm; strained $2.06; good strained 82.10. Tar firm at 82.25. Crude turpentine firm at 82.00 hard; 83.25 for yellow dip; $2.60 for virgin inferior. Co n unchanged; prime white 80a85; mixed 75. Chicago Flour steady, unchanged. Wheat ac ute demand; No. 2 Chicago spring 1.291.294 cash; October; 1.291& November; 1.8 1- 1.81 December. Corn active and firm, higher and unsettled; No. 2 62 cash; October; 02 November; 641464 December; 04 January. Oats unsettled and lower; No. 3 43a43 cash; 43Va November; 43 December. Fork steady and In fair demand at 816 50 cash; Novem ber; December. Lard steady and In fair de mand at 811.40 cash and November; S11.57fea 60 December. Balk meats steady and unchang ed; shoulders 87.00: rib 88.76; clear $9.35. Whiskey steady and unchanged at 1.15. Baltimore Noon Flour dull and lower; Howard street and Western super 84.75a85.50; extra 85.75a86.50; family 86.75aS7.50; city mills, super 85.C0aS5.75; extra S6.00a$6.50; family $0 OOaSO.OO; Bio brands $7.H2a$0.OO; Patapsc" family 88.25. Wheat-Southern easy, quiet; Western active and higher; Southern red l.33a38; amber 1 .88al.45; No. 1 Maryland red 1.46al.47: No. 2 Western winter red spot and November 1.38al.89; December 1.44tal.44tt; January 1.48141.48l; February 1.501&. Coin Southern steady; Western inactive and firmer; Southern white 72a72ft; do. yellow 68a70. Baltimore Night Oats fairly active, steady; Southern ; Western white ; do mixed ; Pennsylvania . Provisions Quiet and nomin ally steady; mess pork . uulk meats-shoulders and clear rib sides packed . Bacon shoulders ; clear rib sides ; hams . Lard refined . Ooflee quiet and firmer; Bio car goes ordinary to fair tti4al2i4- Sugar dull soft 10 Whiskey dull and LominaL CiHonrHATi Flom dull and unchanged. Wheat firm; No. 2 red winter 1 41; receipts ; ship ments . Corn active and lower; No. 2 mixed 67ta67. Oats dull and lower; No. 2 mixed 44a45. Pork nominal at 819 00. Laid In fair demand at 11.40. Bulk meats scarce and firm; shoulders 7lfe; clear ribs 8; clear sides . Bacon ; "shoulders ; ribs ; clear. Whiskey steady at 1 1 ; combination sales of finished goods 870 barrels on a basts of 1.18. Hogs steady and firm; common and fair 4 90a6.00; packing and butchers 5.80a6.40. Nw Tokk Southern floor dull and weak: com mon tofairextra84.00a84.70; good to choice do. 87.00a88.5a Wheat opened tyale higher and closed weak at lfeac lower, export demand light and active trade on speculative account; ungraded spring 1.28al.34; ungraded white 82a41; mixed winter 88; ungraded red November 42aa44; December 45a37. Corn opened Male higher, closed weak, advance partially lost, light export business and active speculative trading; ungraded 65a70te; No. 2 white 75; low mixed 65;; No 2 November 68a69; December 71a72Vi- Oats a shade stronger, less active; Na 8 44. Coffee in fair demand and firm, prices unsettled. Sugar firm and quiet; centrifugal ; fair to good refining 8ia8lt; refined steady and quiet; Standard A 9lfe. Molasses quiet and unchanged. Bice fair de mand and steady. Rosin heavy and lowsr at $2.50a52to. Turpentine dull and weak at 54. Wool firm and fair inquiry; domestic fleece 84a48; pulled 30a42; unwashed 12a35; Texas 16a32. Fork unchanged and dull; middles dull and de clining; long clear 9; short clear 9. Lard opened 5a7c higher, afrewards lost the advance and closed weak and declining at SI 1.57laB5; choice $11. T2Vs; November $11 62a62; De cember $11. 70a75. COTTON Oalvmtoh-Quiet; middling 11; low middling 10c; good ordinary lOtfcc; net rec'ts 1,260; gross ; sales 750; stock 76,683: exp't coastwise : to Great Britain ; continent ; to France . Norfolk Steady; middling 11 5 16e;net rec'pts 5 617; gross : stock 42,410: exports coastwise 870: sales 1,281; exports to Great Britain ; conUnent . BaIiTtmobv Steady ;mld'g 1 lc;low mld'glll&; good ord'y 10ic: net rec'ts 95; gross 1 ,001 : sales 100; stock 13.845; exp'ts coastwise; spinners 75: exports to Great Britain 505; to Continent I, 357 Bostoh Steady; middling lle; low middling 1114c; good ord'y l(H4c; net receipts 2,344; gross 4,9o7; sales ; stock 3,420; exports to Great Britain 1,002; to France. WmtniaTOH Dull; mldd'g lli&c; low mid dling 1011-16c; good ord'y 9c; receipts 1,500; gross ; sales ; stock 14,401; exports coast wise 945; to Great Britain ; to continent Philadelphia Steady; middling llc.; low middling 11 lAc; good ordinary 10c: net receipts 28 CT08S439: sales ; spinners 816: stock 4,700: exports to Great Britain 923; to continent Savannah Steady; middling 10c: low mld'g 103rc; good ordinary 90. ; net receipts 5.265; gross ; sales 4,800: stock 82,483; coastwise 12; to Great Britain ; France 8,600; to continent II, 950. Nkw Oblkaks Quiet; mldd'g 1114; low mid dling 10; good ord'y lOtoc; net receipts 5,506; gross 6,888; sales 3,000; stock 188,083: exports to Great Britain - ; to France , to coast wise 4,173; to continent 4,000. Mobili Easier; middling 11c; low middling 10!&e; good ordinary 10c; net rec'ts 2,75; gross : sales 1,000; stock 2,740; exports coast 520; France ; to Great Britain. Memphis Steady; middling 11c: receipts 1,687; shipments 75; sales 1,250; stock 51,229. Augusta Quiet; middling 10 3.; low mid dling 10140., good ordinary 9c; receipts 1,496; shipments ; sales 1,428. Cbablkstoh Steady; middling lllc; low mid dling 10c; good ordinary lOVia; net receipts 4,705; gross ; sales 2,000; stock 84,221; exports coastwise ; to Great Britain ; to continent ; to France 2,980. Nxw York Cotton firm; sales K410; middling uplands HQfec; mlddd'g .'Orleans llc; gross : consolidated net receipts 29,104; ex. Great Britain 3,993; France 4,980; continent 17,307. LrvxBPOOL Noon-Dull and easier; middling up lands 6 7-1 6d; mld'g Orleans 6 9-1 6d; sales 8, 000; speculation and export 1,000; rec'pta 22,100; American 1 5,600. Uplands low middling clause : November delivery 6 9-82d; November and De cember 6 9 32d; December and January 6 ll-82d: January and February 6 18-32ad; February and March 6 7-16d: March and April 615-82d; April and May 6ttd; May and Jne 6 9-16d. also 17-32d; June and July 6 19-32d, also 9-1 (3d. Futures steady. Liverpool. 5 p. m. Sales of American cotton 6,850; uplands low middling clause: November delivery d: November and December d; December and January 63fed; January and Febru ary d; February and March 6 15-32d: March and April 6lfed; April and May 6 17-32d; May and June 6 9-16; June and July 6 19 82. Futures closed firm. FUTUBKS Nbw Yobk Futures Closed steady. Sales 66, 000. November ll.54a.55 December. 1 1.66a. 67 January 11 83a.84 February Il.99al2.00 March 12.15a.15 April 12.27a.28 May 12.38a.89 June 12.49a.50 July 12.5fla.60 August... ll.68a.70 FINANCIAL. Debt statement Issued to-day shows a decrease of public debt during tbe month to be 813.821. 458.87; cash in treasury 8240,960,971.22; gold certificates $5,207,920.00; silver certificates $66, 827,670 00; certificates of deposits outstanding $8,310,000; refunding certificates $598,050.00; fractional currency $7,098,815,192; cash balance available to-day $144,493,448.88. Nw York. KYOhnnirA 4.8014 HI 1.16 8a6 Governments irregular : New 5's Four and a half per cents, Four per cents, MnnflT State bonds-moderately acUve:.. .. Sub-treasury balances Gold,. 76,T10,B08 wurreiicj,... ,iiuiiu Stacks -Weak and unsettled: Alabama-Class A, 2 to 5 7914 " Class A, smaii ou Class B, 5's., 9914 Class C.4's 81 Chicago and Northwestern. . ......... 1.24 Brie East Tennessee . , . , . , arvx Georgia WiT Illinois Central. 1-8014 Lake Shore HiiJS! Louisville and Nashville 94Jh Memphis and Charleston 74 Nashville and Chattanooga 82 New York Central 1 ttsburg. Richmond and Allegheny 881 Bock island l-V3 Wabash, St Ijoms A Pacific... j...... 48 preferred, 87Ut We3tem Union Wi CITS' COTTON MABJuKT. omci OF THX 0B8XBTXB, I Chaklotti, November 2, 1881. i The market yesterday closed steady and un changed. OnA MiiMllnEr. 11 OHrintlv ntlrtrtlln? lOtH Middling..... 10J4 Strict low middling. lOVi Low middling. . 10 Tinges 9!Kl R Storm cotton 7a9 Sales yesterday 401 bales. Cbarlette Produce market. NOVBMBEB M88L KITING PRICES. Cobs, per oush'l Mbai " nrmm ........ ...... 85 90 JUr? n hnahAl I.QRjLKn PCperbnsh................... 901,00 Lady, White, 7580 Fiona Family 425a450 Extra, 400 Super 8.75 Qatb, Bhelled, 66 DaixD Fkuit Apples, per lb. 4Ha6 Poaches, peeled 1520 " Unpeeled 7al0 Blaekberricp 86 Potatoes Sweet................ 75 Irish. 1.00 BUTTEB North Carolina. 80&35 90s, per dozen. .. .16 POULTET Chickens 2025 Spring 10al5 Ducks 20 Turkeyi, per lb. ;.. 8 Geese 85a40 Bxxf, per lb., net 66 MuTTOH, per nx, net POBK. " " SILLING PRICKS WHOLESALE. Bulk Meats Clear Bib Sides. 10fc Comx Prime Rio. 14181 Good. 121jlS Stj&ab White. lOallWb Yellow 75 Molasses Cuba . 8286 Sugar Syrup. 8560 Choice New Orleans 6060 Common 4045 Salt Liverpoolflne 1.001.26 Coarse 85al.00 WHISHT'- Corn, per gallon $1.752.00 Bye, " 82.00a3.00 Bbandt Apple, per gallon. 82.00a8.00 Peach, $2.50 Wink, Scuppernong, per gallon. $1.50 Mzxo &&vzxttezmzuts. All Notes and Mortgages GIVEN US LAST FALL FOB GMJJNTO, ARE NOW DUE, (NOVEMBER 1ST, 1881.) Please call and arrange the same R. M. Miller & Sons. nov2 0ttzxits. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIW A FOR TUNE 11 TH GRAND DISTRIBUTION, CLASS L, AT NEW ORLEANS, Tuesday, November 8th, 1881 188th Monthly Drawing Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated in lHftfi for 2R veara bv tha lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000.000 to which a reserve fund of over $42 0,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 1879. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings Will take place monthly. It never scales or noatnones. Look at thfl follow ing distribution : CAPITAl. PRIZE, $550,000. 100.000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Hall-Tick ets. One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize 830,000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prize " 5,000 2 Prizes of 82.500 6,000 6 Prizes of 1,000 5,000 20 Prizes of 500 10,000 100 Prizes of 100 10,000 200 Prizes of 60 10,000 600 Prizes of 20 in.oon 1,000 Prizes of 10 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of 8800 82,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 9-Approximation Prizes of 100. 900 1867 Prizes, mounting to 8110,400 Responsible oorresDondlns agents w&ntad at all points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. For further Information, write elaarrr. dvlnc full address. Send orders by express or Regis tered Letter, or Money Order by mail. Address ed only to M. A. DAUPHZlf Rm Osiaana. Lonlalaa. er M. A. DAUPHIN, at no. 212 Broadway New York. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawlnm are nnder tbe supervision and management of Generals G. T. Beauregard and Jubal A. Early. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. The public are hereby cautioned asalnst send ing any money or orders to NUNES A CO., 83 Nassau street. New York City, as authorized by the Louisiana State Lottery Company to sell Its tickets. They are flooding the country with BOGUS CIRCULARS purporting to be of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, and are FRAUDULENTLY representing themselves as its kgents. They have no authority from this com pany to sell its tickets, and are not Its agents for any purpose. M. A. DAUPHIN, Pres't Louisiana State Lottery Co. New Orleans, La,, July 4. 1881. SSth. POPULAB MONTHLY DBA. WING OF THX In the City of Louisville, 00 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER SO, 188L These drawlnes occur monthlv (Sundays exceDt- ed) under provisions of an Act ot the General As semDiy 01 Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court on March 81. rendered the following decisions: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany Is legal. aa us arawmgs are nu. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of prizes for the NOVEMBER DRAWING. 1 Prize, $80,000 1 Prize, 10,000 1 Prize. 6.000 10 Prizes, $1,000 each,... 10,000. 20 Prizes, 600 each, 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each, 10,000 200 Prizes, 60 eaen, 10,000 600 Prizes, 20 each... 12,000 1000 Prizes. 10 e&on, 10.00U 0 Prizes. S3O0 each. ABDrertmatlon Prises 12.701 9 Prizes. 200 " " I. Mb 9 Prizes, 100 " u " 900 uvoavtm. 1113.400 Whole Tickets. $2; Half Tickets. 91; 37 Tickets, ou; oo. xicuta, xuu. Remit Money or Bank Draft In Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFFJCE ORDER. Orders of S5 and upward, by Express, ean be sent at our ex pense Address all orders to R. M. BOABDMAN, CwnterJournal Building Lomsvllle, Ky or 809 Broadway, New York. norl km Guano Stan SALES! ! OUR LARGE STOCK -At GREAT SACRIFICES WE OFFER AT AND BELOW COST. i We still have s large assortment to select from and we would advise one nd all to call at once and buy their winter Goods before the best are sold. We ofier extraordinary bargains in Men's, Boys and Children's Ready-made Clothing, Including OVERCOATS for all ages. Don't pay profits when yen Can boy goods REGARDLESS OF COST. Remember we close out business by January 1st, 1882. oet27 roddice: & oo, TRYON STREET. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE GINGHAM PLAIDS, AT 10d; Also a new line of CORSETS HOSIERY RIBBONS, GLOVES SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, DRESS GOODS, FLANNELS, 4c THX RE aL MEDICATED FLANNEL, 40c KID GLOVES 608 A PAIR, In Black and Colors, all sizes. A specialty in Misses and Chlldrens' REGULAR MADE HOSIERY. Another lot of those 81.79 WHITE BLANKETS. We are still selling FRUIT OF THX LOOM SHIRTING at 1 1 & The best 106 SHIRTING EVER OFFERED. CALL AMD EXAMINE. Truly your, RODDICK & CO. (37 Call early and secure Bargains. Terms strictly cash and doe tfttbs. B A RCA I -IN- STAPLG and FMCff GKOCEMES. The Attention of the Public, and Especially the Trade, is Respectfully Called to MY LARGE STOCK OF GOODS NOW IN Everything in the Grocery Line will be tad in My Stock -AND PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. TRY THE . Iss Rose Patent Process Flour, NONE EdHSciDy llDaivndlsdDim. in or id. a, Oranges, CATAWBA GRAPES, MALAGA GRAPES, Bananas, Apples and Other Luxuries, -AT- -AT- PERRY' WILSON k Trade Street, : : Charlotte, N. C. PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO BOTH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE. "MS" "ULTIMO" CIGARS "S8&HkSKd&5?a 'octl9 S RAPIDLY SELLING THX- H. MORRIS & BROS. .It a N AND FRESH STORE. AT- BETTER. BUHWSLL, Beware of imitations. the best remedy we know or. price omy aac

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