flii sure flii Oh Tfn 1 OVSv APPETisEft d)ij y t yiijj TROTC BITTERS are hlgnly recommended for all diseases require .. the muscles, and gives z digestive organs, remoyi ing a certain ana emaent tonic; especiimy xiiujus uun, ijs- pepsia, Intermittent Fevers, Want of Appetite", Iioss of Htrencrtn. Hack of Enercrv. etc. It enriches the blood, strengthens ievi IStlching, Meat in the Stomach, Meartourn, etc iue vmy iruu jr repa ration that Trill not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the A B 0 Book, S2 pp. of useful anr tanusing qjq qq Baltimore, Md- ' ! 1 ', '- r ' j . t -- : ' eat in the Stomach, jleartburn, etc The only Iron Prepa- mvm w a v... m mm wmumw ! . .wing My MvlfarafbedvkaafeaMalaaa teara-atec iMt JrM. JPrw- yftofaa, MMtelml MU8FMTIUI1 Till PR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., NO. 813 NORTH MAIN STREET, ST. lOBSfr . M.WODll.MifaiA h " " "- 'RICHMOND ETI&RWIH6 CaH j CHAS. K. JONES, 86leAgt,CharlotteN.C. j6, ' rr? Every JSstey Organ Said ie made Throughout with Eaual AdelUv. finsi JCMds unrivaled tones , - ott71moeo4ftw 'j ; . THE GENCjINE has acquired a repu tation greater than any mealcins eitant as the Cheapest, pubest 1 and best farnlly medicine uv tns world. acta with extraordinary power and efficacy on w LlTer the largest organ of the body, called, gom its Importance, the H rase-keeper of our Health. When the Llrer ls torpid, the bowels are logKlah and constipated: the food lies in the stp- Spent headaehes, a feeling of lassitude, despon Jiney.aiidBerronsness, indicate how the whole ynem is deranged. To prevent a more serious condition, t eace Take BIMM05S LIVES BEGULATOB. Tie test er Qme and - the experience ofthoos-' I?1 hT?J,roTeu u the best, safest and speediest I remedy Jor an diseases of the Llyer, Stomach audi t'wim. mm m miueu 1U HALABIOUS FETEBS, ImepU, Mental Depression, Sick Headache Jaoadtoe, Colle, Constipation and Biliousness, IT HAS NO EQUAL. mmJL 5?? n.u tooa-Oxta Yolume wllh such like aunucmshed testimonials as the following: UifT? .,ed Slmmoos LItbt Regulator f or con ffi2SJol8'?Q8ed by temporary de ttngementof the liver, lor the last three or f oar years, sndalways when used according to the al ecttons with decided benefit. HIRAM WABNEB, . Late Chief Jastlce of Georgia. I oeeaslonallr ate; when my common requires B, Oc Simmons Liter Begulaior, with good effect ' ALEX. L 8TEPHEN8. THK BALTIMOBE EPISCOPAL METHODIST says: Jlmmons Liter Regulator is acknowleged SitSflSKifi?! H. medicine, containing goseSouthern Boots and herbs which an all wise SseSaseswaa06 to. cowtaU whet bt only the Genuine to White Wrapper, wtt M prepared only by J. H. Eellln ft Cd. P. C. WILSON, CHABLOTTE, H.a, 8ole Agent for LOUIS COOK, Columbus Boggy iss m W1T1BT0W BPBINa W1G0K C0MPAHIE3, ferjaens, cabbiaqes, phaetons, spBma wagons, &a, r JJH0L18AtKAlD KBTAIL. oKSS.aSS tteeleswe trade olA Oaken BnckeC A Itmd backet, " .The mossorenid backet, Xhtt bracts the well. Miiiuii.-.ij'A'.. . . - CHAfi. ml inxn that Sjon. Bro, 'i u i. r A. A TRUE TONIC Tftmnvinc all dTstteDUC symptoms, such as J. aettna tne joocl J K-1 iflMMll i 4 ectl awofeawion. yMl DvhUitv, Wmmale Die-1 j w w.. . sw..."w M eenMremlfeer,4fce.J 1UU 1 k 1 hi WliL At. . ' a . . t neraf before enjoyed. ; If the Tonic hai not dona the J. P. Watbqk. PaatofOhrMiMan Chnreh. Troy. Q. Every buyer should Select an Organ That attaranteea aanA Every datf-worh and Xear of service, y ESTEY OEGAN CX., Atlanta Go. mom TOfifiEATiCUREt RHEUMATISM Aata toe" mil diaaooes of tba KIDNEYS. . 1VER AND BOWELS. Itn1(WTimHthfl'liljlii nf titm -A to" oSTises ' the draadltal nifibriii- trUoh cooOytheTlotims of Bberunatto. ocva miiw. iTHnilSAMnc nr PAcre Arms of thia terrible rtltncsn tw Deaa qmctly relieved, la abort time PERFECTLY CURED aeaaswejtofalstieBMi,'aad an Immenaslv ala-inererypartaf the Oottntrr. tn tun-1' - 1 r nBrrn irfaa 1T1 1 1 oaicai- I nrTt .u Q. . . a 1 Life to all th Important organa of thebodr. 1 Till. Illlf MM! 1 II .11 II . - --wuuuBiuwLjaneyiiiremowa. 1 ThA TilTTAT. 4m nlna-n.&l Af .n i . B a - -iivm v uiuuwiu, ua uie ai iv SowtelanKyrefrml-vKTiii wu.a.iw t .u. Y . ' V . I 1 1 1 1 I . A-U M H wajrtta worrt diaeaaea are eradloated fcom I thanrmtflm. as ass peen proved by ""?iwnts fhat a Lxl Uthe moat egbotnal remedjforcleanaugtlie mj ouoii u aujaarDui aocreuona. XI aooiudbe naed in every bomsebold aa e SPRIMC MEDICINE. ! Alwaya enrea BrUOXTSlTESS. CONBTTPA. . TI02T, KJja and all UMALB XMaeoaea. b put np in Bry VttaUe Vera, in On cans, one package of which make Bquarta medlrfneT Also in Uqald Form, very Coneentratedfor the conranienoe of those who cannot readily pre pare It It act vHth mjual efilcimcy in eitherform. GET ITOFTOUB DRUQQIST. PRICK, $1.00 f (Wai -end the dry port-paid.) I BTOinaTOll, T. Maich,27d&wly - z rCZZJl TSi tt UJ II I II nil llHBHf l H . H if n ! I J1 Niu v cgciaoie viompounatnat - - j rj ' MAe X ' ...mm . cures i-iyer , complaints, Jaun- s" "iis uie sysicm, regolatesthe bowels, purifies the4- iicrirn c-'am.u-. .i a ii pANTORD, 162 Broadway. N. Y.- faml8-ceod eow ly. aJj1 L STA' IVvS" 'or a term of rJ?J?l9"' firstolass house In Intention Is to r ,v. ; lihe FBIDAY. NOV. 4, 188L r iTEaXS OF IlfTEUEST. V. a . . -rrr , . A . , Sydney, Ne w South Wales, is to have the largest electric light in a light hrnioa in tho nmrlir Th rr n-rrri r cr haam is said to have a luminous intensity ex- J mi A AAA AAA J1 ceeaing iz,uuu,uuu Canutes. . Tiast. vfiar 1R njispji worn fril h- fore the Police Court of Boston. Of the whole number of defendants,! 12,245 Pleaded suiltv and 12.768 wrto sentenc ed.- - " ' - Dr. ftlenn. the f!alifnmlft what. arnw- er4 is unfortunate this year, his crop amounting to omy 100,000 sacES. Tms that or other States, but when the fur ther facts are mentioned that he will have to keep $5,000 sacks merely for seed for next year, and that his last crop before this was 400,000 sacks, it is evident that the year is likely to prove a losing one for the doctor. Thft latft TtP.v. T)r Kin art. TtsYA Louisville, was a versatile man w'ho took alivelv interest in nraf.t.iftal affair. and was a sharp, ready debater. After his r.nntrnvrsv wir.h Tr Tfcrkhorf. T hBreckenridge, the latter exclaimed: " There will never be peace among the jrresDyierians 01 JientucEy until 1 go to Heaven and Stuart Robinson goes back to Ireland." A member .of the New York Park Board has mariA tho fWannvaro that. if. takes five men nine days to paint eleven parK oencnes, wniie, according to ms calcnlations. fnnn man. wnrtinof olrrVif hours, ought to paint 14 benches a day. xiie umciax is reminqea mac ordinary arithmetic does not annlv tn mnnimnai x-r-rf labor. The Tmn Arte, turns.' Tho onttftn oil millft that ara rT.i?1v hoincv nnf in mT-J 'V WUV AU operation in the South are creating no vu vnj WV1 UUU11 V4. feet UDOn the asrricuUural interAah nf HLLiH KLir ann nisnnssinn as rrt ihnir sf. the country. This is a comparatively new industry, and we already rind that no leSS than ISO.nOn tnnn nf niloaVa nr mrv. w V VtlVUAV A cottonseed meal, have but recently been -J 1 j j . auippeu auruau,noii counting tne supply SOld and mnsiimp.fl In " nrnnttfn-ryrL I v . wvwu ducing sections of our own country. A good Chicago wife, whose absent husband remiPSted hprro aflnrl in him at New York the numbers of certain Government bonds and forward the bonds to the Treasnrv the letter if not the spirit of the request. With her little scissors the loving wife cut the numbers out of the bonds, sent them to New York, and posted the mu tilated bonds off to Washington to amaze and Cnnfniind tho Tmganni rf ficials. Exnlanationn fix the matter up. . An Englishman wlm had i over the Union Pacific Railway, and ! who had arrived at Laramie the other dav. was forcihlv Rr.mrlr mltd tho ' ww-. . i.u vug v mantic scenery along the road. He was also forcibly struck on the head by the wild, peculiar beautjr of a snow-shed. Tourists should learn not to open the WindOW and affair r.hoir has), nnf wua uuu uiuc feet when they are passing through a snea. as it Rnorira nfrtho snanHim. o., disfigures the shed. Congressman Rlar.irhiirn nroo fraAi ing m Texas not long ago when the other passengers, mostly cowboys, stop ped the train and inaiarod 1 sneech. Tt wan niorhf. oni h irv..i orator thought it best to comply. He wAln(-AW t . iciacu. ocvoitti anceaotes, praised the lone star State and ao nioaaoH hia .wvjvv U1U uccu- ers that they fired a revolver volley in applause STATE NEWS. Greensboro Patriot: A few distil leries are being put in operation in this county. Squirrels are playing havoc with the corn. Still the chilly watermelon is on the market There are over twenty students in at tendance at the present session of Dick & Dillard's Law School. Wright Blount, a convict at work on the CP. & Y. V. Railroad, at the stock ade southwest of this place, escaped last Saturday. As an evidence thaf. nr taking great strides on the increase of her population, look at the prices for wuiuu uweuing nouses are renting. There are actually none for rent. We know of some houses that rented this year for $5 per month that are already engaged at 812.50 and $15.00 for 1882. store nouses also rent at fabulous figures. 4 Wilmington Star: The receipts of cotton at this nort for tho month October just closed footed up 28,870 bales,vas against 28,800 bales for the cor resDondinc month last vAar ahovtn a I decrease of 930 bales for 1881. i Mr. John Rooks had the misfortune, on Friday last, to have his right fore arm and hand badly lacerated while working for the Eclipse Ginninar fiom. pany. at South W ash i no-ton Tandvr county. He is an enterprising, popular young man, we understand, and the ac- uiuoub 19 greauy w pe regretted. His physicians annrpihpnd thaf. h lose his arm. Durham Plant : "Rpven were in Orange last week and broke up - -- ' HUNI UI the upperpart of the county. Nathan Hooker, a ann of Tlr Tt TTooV lwu iiiit'.i i 11 iMi.i 1 mnpa in Tim niaot- in - , JL XAUVlk er, died at the residence of his father, in Hillsboro, on Saturday last, of con sumption. He was 25 years old in.t. entering upon life's journey, with a ongnt future before him. ' At S o'clock- on the nio-hf. of fha onfh of October while shucking corn, Rich- oiu nuuiuiB was Bu?c&en witn paraly sis, and fell SneAchleaa and ianulia He was removed to his home and every cnux t uiauB w restore nim, out to no Purpose. Ha died at a oVlot mri morning, and leaves a wife and six chil dren to mourn their loss. He was a good citizen and neighbor, and was a wvo svituer in tne rate war. Winston FlenHnpI Tvlcr TTatrfn iuiiniui jt rminnnr. nr w 1 r ornn rf.Ai . Henry county, Va, last week. uouiuuosiuner isaum nas Withdrawn the reward offered for V. "NT nwir an I W. II. Winstead. A compromise haa kccu eiLecteu. We are nleaaed tn laarn fhaf.th ,..! xe.i.j 1 ue factory recently s put in operation uero, 10 meeting witn aeservea success. We know of nothing better to say than tnat tne nrm has mo orders than can uu. IXTIno T?mn n . 1 3 ... - . l in " W jaU on Tuesday. charged with i an at i " "ou jtoxis, vuioreu. was loacren in j-uoovuay- s W tQjf -rapeon thejersin ot jViu: OAU cwoxea giri in Old Rich- V'VA fi-t.h h KinMat . Vnminiin. Liu. meew nere next? wees;-iter. T.'BL' Skln xneHamborg tton mills sat Bft, A!? SLbei in-oporation Egain; t- -.iuu j uuiiui n"rtflt? entire o?Hre latest raiproTed v. tf . . r- . . I vkviJf iMnBd by myrladf ot, pimples, : and. narktogs of lettar it -recUe,wliU4aMreaafly; lonetdreisinfLiirniMn. u tw-..; I - TVTiW"' aukui Viurc, i ' ii: 1 . mmmm ' - -'.it ,J.ii. 71.....'..: ': lZJ2iLynni names- of ladles that j"'""!1 iwiijroo wo penecTt neaim ny vne use of iYinf.m.1. i"1" ywiuio curs zoz most stubborn cases of female weakneaaTxn :rmmMf au apt inpoaTArrr xcisioir. AcMJUt, Boilroada Operating taaaeAJLIaiea lVoUaev 8tme , . . WASHriiQXoit Oct; SlA question of much imrnrtano tr all milrnstil rnr- HUiWilHV iMMUW14Vl. WUW , U4-a4-A J J 1 1 i ouuo na oo Dusuieas ozr ieasea lines in other States, was decidedin the United States Supreme Court to-day. The Question. . arose in three cases of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Compa ny against Jioony & Jtunxnouser, which were brought here by appeal, from the Supreme Court of Appeals of v uKiui. xne ; aezenaants in error Sned the "Ralt.imnro and Ohin "Railroad Company in a Virginia State Court for 'r"" 1. 1.1 l;i 1 z M udtuoges vu aucuuuii ui. uie jLiiuug; ui. three persons several years ago in an accident on the Virginia Midland Rail- ivau, wuicu was afc wab uuie uue uj. tuo leased lines of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. The latter eompany filed a petition for the removal of the cases to the Federal Courts for the reason that the Baltimore and Ohio Company was a corporation, of Maryland while the COmnlainanfa urinra all rtitisanH nf Vir ginia. The petition was denied by the State court on the ground that the Bal timore and Ohio Company by leasing the Virginia Midland Road became a corporation of the State of Virginia, ana, as sucn, was properly liable to suits in the courts f that State. This decission had been affirmed' by the highest State tribunal. The Balti more and Ohio Company brought the cases here on a writ of error. In an elaborate opinion by Chief Justice W ftl t".A fhio nAnrf hnlda t.hnf. a -railrnoi corporation which operates leased lines ana transacts business in another State than the one where it is chartered does not hy reason of that fact become a corporation of that other State. On the contrary, it caries with it, wherever it goes, all its chartered rights and may claim all of its chartered privileges as a corporation 01 its own state Dy doing business away from its'legal residence, which is at its principal place of busi nessia theStatewhich chartereditltdoes not change its citizenship but simply ex tends the fields of its operations. In o'ther words a Maryland company does not become a Virginia company simply because it leases a Virginia company's property. It retains its citizenship and all privileges which that citizenship confers, and it cannot be forced to trial in the Virginia State courts. The judgment of the Virginia Su preme Court of Appeals is therefore re- v 01 ecu. Why Planters are Poor. Atlan.a Cor. Kew York Times. The credit system is an evil of, per haps, greater dimensions than the all cotton delusion. Aside from the de moralizing influences which debt al ways and everywhere has over those who incur it, the system of farm credits in the South has some mischievous ten dencies peculiar to itself. Its effect is to make the planter the serf of the merchant with whom he deals. All his gains are his master's; he cannot sell except to that master nor hnv of anv other, and he must always pay the price demanded of him, but is compell ed to accept what he can get for the crop. A farmer who is without capital goes to his factor in the spring and pledges to him by chattle mortgage or ortherwise the cotton crop he intends to raise during the coming season as Security for the mprrhnndiaa that Via will consume while the crop is grow ing. On this security the merchant advances him money from time to time to pay his help, and furnishes him seed, tools, bacon, molasses, flour, h av. and oil farm and family supplies. It must not be supposed that these goods are charg ed to the farmer at the cash price. If this were the case the credit system would be comparatively innocent. In general argument and discussion it is customary to speak of the credit price as being from 25 to 40 per cent higher than the cash price. The difference is really much greater. The Georgia de partment of agriculture has carefully investigated this matter, and its pub- jioucu Btaieiuenb snows mat in north Georgia bacon sells on an average at 9 cents per pound cash, and 11 cents on time, an advance which, if we take in to consideration the time for which the credit is granted that is from the date of purchase until the first of Novem- uci auiuuuus on an average to 44.5 per cent per annum on the cash price. Corn self for 64 per bushel for cashfand 90 cents on time, an advance of 81.2 per cent. For the whole State the average advance on cash prices is, for bacon, 40 per cent per annum, and for corn, 61.4 per cent. To buy on credit in October a bushel of corn worth 64 cents and pay 90 cents to discharge the debt on No- vomuor x is equivoienc to Dorrowing at 40 per cent per month, or 480 per an num. There is no occupation in the world, except, perhaps, successful bank burglary or diamond digging, which can oe made to nay a r a turn on Aanitol borrowed at such a ruinous rate. Now can it be possible for the planter of the South to raise cotton for 8 or 0 cents a pound, sell it for 10, pay their exorbi tant provision bills, and have anything left ? As a matter of fact, few of them do have anything left The factor, the buyer, the ower of gins, presses, and compresses, the shipper, and the manu facturer levy their toll on the cotton crop and all get rich. The poor farmer alone grows poorer, and his own folly is the cause of his poverty. Atlanta handles every year 120,000 bales of cot ton. On every bale she levies various tolls and commissions, amounting in the aggregate to $150,000 or 9180,000 a mt j -w Mwav wvwru business, exclusive of manufacturing and speculation. This money goes into the pockets of a limited number of men a few hundred at most in sums varying from $100 to $15,000 or more. The 200,000 cotton farmers of the State do not average more than $40 apiece as their annual share of the profits for their year's work. If they raise 760iO00 bales, selling for $7,500,000, their share of the profits at the liberal estimate of 10 cents per pound would amount to $7,500,000, or $87.50 each. By raising their own supplies and buying for cash whatever was needed to supplement YOc&i. lur liih cilv cjii I ij vnn a arrrtn uume proaucuon, mey coma easily di minish their expenses to a degree which would reduce the cost of cotton low enough to allow a profit of 6 cents per pound, or $112.59 annual profit for each planter in Georgia a very large average net gain on a single product. The COlOr and lustre of vnnth dm reatoredtn faded or gray hair by the use of Parker's Hair Balsam, a harmless dressing highly esteemed for Ha fwrfnmA .nil nnirff. yv.ii.iwi mni yAAAJ. HURRAH FOR OUB SIDE! Many people have lost their intemat in nolitles ana In amusements becaose they are so out sf Buna ana run aewn that they cannot enjoy any ; ..H BUC,h Jrsons would only be wise enough experience Its tonls and renovating effects they Vfnnlil UAH Kft htmaVl Hi. A. . . v " uiuirauiux wiut me ivuaesu in "her dry or liquid f omit is a perfect remedy for mujuu uyw, KiuneyB or Dowels. Exchange. , A0THIR CANDIDATE. Bj a large mafiwity the people of the United States have declared their faith in Kidney Wort as a remedy lor all the diseases of The kidneys and liver, some, however, have disliked the trpb- um vi yreuonng u uom the dry form, iror such a new estrirlldatA nTuaa in ..m a run.. Liquid Form. It Is very concentrated, is .rli, 10 cumy emcieni as uieary. Try it LoulsTllle PostT II Dl IV VO a A a.h . 4m a. AS- ; THE OXONIAN, A UWtouTMATURE41I)UCATI0ir vuuuaoo monuuy at Oxlord. N.c..atoni .Otoalnirtta the Interest for WtereturelnT SdESWlrjrandves orhrhS ar- tw.lSff Jmpp-anas as well aa f &Utism of the newest andm vajEaWe rmhllca- I Moniuif oub. i . .w .. . .... . . i." jTi.V - i- r '.; . Je fladvantages to aoertlaers. High average ciroulation. Advertlsernrits are shown ErRPS.6?,' ?rec from errors, and am taste- iZXlmm", S"SrZ-,1B advertising rates are not In 551? LJi? to a advertiser. Advertise. lwSf itar?d publlcantJon to any Issue, fctoe offloejw the 20th of the month TWlA-tt 4, & HORNER, OxfoKl, N. u i PiillSf. If. FOB EHEUMTISI, Heurolgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Bout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, 1 Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equal Sr. Jacobs On. a a safe, sure, simple and cheap External Beiaedy. a trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of SO Cents, and every one suffering with pain axa have cheap and positive proof of lta claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. BOLD BY ALL DB UGGISTS AID DEALEE8 IN MEDIOIFFL A. VOGEUSR & CO, Baltimore, Md., X7.S.JU deeSOdAw ly La,dLie Do you want a pure, bloom ing Complexion? If so, a few applications of Hagan's MAGNOLIA BALM will grat ify you to your heart's con tent. It does away with Sal lowness, Redness. Pimples. Blotches, and all diseases and imperfections of the skin. It overcomes the Unshed appear ance of heat, fatigue and ex citement. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear but TWEN TY: and so natural, gradual, and perfect are its eifects. that it is impossible to detect its application. Jan. 22 Notice to Railroad Contractors. Wbstibh North Carolina BailroaivCo, Salisbury, . C, October 25th, 1881. OEAXBD PBOPOSAL8 will be received at the vuiia; ui uio oujipauy in aaiiSDUry, n. u., until 12 m, November 16th, 1881, for the graduation On4 maaAvtiw a. At . v. .7 j.u iimnmij uu a yan onae uuckcowo line, Western North Carolina Railroad, west of Pigeon Kiver. Profile and specifications can be seen at Infl nmOA nf tha Anmnanv si nf tl. . 9?,leI5nlneer- MaJr James W. Wilson, Ashe- x no ui puny reserves me ngnt to re- lull OV1V nni. nil t.1 J - . n . Vjfw on uuu oil U1U3. A. U. A IN Ullit WO, oct30 10t President TOUNDOn the streets last night, an Alpacca - uuiw-uo, wiufuuic ueau on tne eanuie. it haa hacn lgt nf fV4 n A a ... . , . . . . uwu icn a. una vuico auu win do aeiiverea to the owner by proving property and paying for this NOTICE. f I iHK mMHnff nf th atyubfinl1n- i.i of the North State Copper and Gold Mining wuniQuj , iTiuBu miis iiu uo ueia at 11s omce on the property of the company in Guilford county, N. C. for the purpose of levying an assessment on the stock and other business which might be present ed to the meeting, has been postponed and will be v.- Buiv yiaco at noon OI me Z4U1 Of N0- JOSEPH WTLKTWS. ocwo tl President CO THEB X GIVB HEALTH. "Zxcellent Tonic, Alterative and Diuretic." Medical Association. Lvnchbure. Va "Used with great benefit In Malarlaand Dlph- wcua. o. x. uupua, jn. i ua. "Successfdlly used In dyspepsia, chronic dlar- tj , p ouiviiao.- flffl. a. rfuctuon, XL v.. "Invaloable as a neryous tonlc."-;rHon. L C. Recommended as a prophylactic In malarial dists,-D.B,Falrex,M.D..N.O. . m 'Restores Sebllltated systems to health."T. & Mwti wu v., ina. "Adapted In chronic diarrhoea, scrofula, and oiroviiia. uw. A. UOTllWUi JO. U.t n. J. "Successful In diphtheria and neuralgia." J. P. NeABA. M n.. v. ri. Jlll6 f?r certain diseases peculiar to wo- rau. a lui. , u. uvwuuiu, ju. u., va. a.va. . v. uwijiuui) JU. AA. VIS. iPmmnt In mllnvfrnr liA.ri.nl. j TVU3. ACT. A. u. JLWUSOD, "UlWd With DTP fit hnrtAfit In llnnar-l. 11' V r. "Sulted to bronchitis and diseases of digestive organs."-J. p. Houghton, M. D.f Ala, TOlaaWe remedy known for female dls- A A SAfl 9 . Ts a 1 m mm a. a a n. M - So1 curative virtue." Thos. F. Bumf old, "Beneficial to uterme derangement and mala- .JBWg. 2? J2 W?Pi. waking It i.ir. v, bvu ua jaisa ia., 01 c. u. UftTrf ifv mlnerai toincs."-iFrhejsr "Inestimable as a tonle and alterative." Hun ter sfnt-rnim. if n v "Jine appetizer and blood purtfler."-n. Fisher, M. D., Ga. . . "Very beneficial to Improving a reduced sys tem." Bishop Beckwlth, of Ga, ' "Invalids here find welcome and health." Rev. oi ' i0,,"1: ow 01 Richmond, Va. pTmnhw.!! r"'i1,1Sea Journal. attSSSh.811 01 daes begins 1st June, 885 aj ajymfcA . aa.muir;ao ; re w.tn iv DAVTE3, Pres't of the Coa 78 Main St, Lynehburg, Va., P. O. Box 174. J : BOLD BY J. H. McADEN, and L. B. WRISTON 4c CO- Chew only the brand nf tohae vnr.um . n. Old OakennHii 3 WD "cwnaaThe - ' : - .- ; , .. . . ,, - . . . . nf ' That hung in Jewell. -.1 t-.-. (Tria TO TAVTM LTberal tm,5S2 Soto Agent THE GREAT ilUMEtf TOT ottCaken Bucket, . to bound, bucket; B'TV ine DinUkmniUif hn.1 Srfijjs km Wlt&iciues. "Mmaa,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,, n-nrni ijn.rnr n jhhl l1 n, i FRESH MiERALf AIM Both Foreign and Domestic, Just Received, at gARATOGA yiCHT. n'acld: cures dyspepsia, aids dlgea Hon, is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Halhorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended Yery highly as a cathartic and al terative and In an forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, CASKS CONGRESS WATER, 1 0 CASKS ROCK BRIDGE ALUM, 1 A GASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS AHD IT T TTT I aanyaai janos waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY JJUNTADI JAN08. TO BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Dobk. A wine glass foil before breakfast TtlM Tmrri "TTrmiT. T.nA. . n T . . . . llrms that lta rlnhnoaa In n4in .ni- a that of airotowTnwaters." BUP188,8 xne jsrwun jaecueal Journal "Hunyadl Janos. The most furrnAAhia uf 'ir . aperient water." ""o Frof. Vvrehou), Berlln.-r"Invariably good and Xr , ".won Toiuauio. theMterfh'o0 aSt,T y-.. frescnoea luu.uinauic HMXH. tnTOf. AntaantW Vnnriinn T 11 hntthi ' luvBcrioe none JJtryPtonlM- D ' F- R 8 London. Mttoanlts and'surpttsses .fqrAIKen' M- D: F- 8- Royal Military Hos- rti.h-VT.Ti w xuuua ana jrnea- JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and tlspenslng Pharmacist North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. a DON'T fin Tn a A Tt a nwi wnen von am oat mati Ihd . . WiTrfw,iv fhV0.;";," T B,1' oaraioga. llrtff ft. Bhan ft ftsMws .w. . . . "kwa wMch we return as soon aaempOM to beflUed agaui every week. , J. h. Mo A DEN, Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 WHOLESALE & RETAIL Druggists, CHARLOTTE, N. C. OOP rtocs ot BraiB. Kedldmo. Ch.ml,l. Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs, Is complete. W-GrVS Ud A TRIAL 3 rpRY OUR INK CAPSULES, BffiK Mktrrante61 to make L. B. WRISTON & CO. -HITE and RED ONION SETS, For fall planting, L. M. WRISTON A CO. Ty X HAVE A IULL ASSORTMENT V 8 EnDb Trusses at reasonable j.ruBe warranr n as represented. JU a. WB13TON A CO. T ADEBS' CORSE! BRACK, -JLaf blued. Sold by L. r wriston a m ootl2 A.J.Beall&Co GENERAL FEED DEALERS -AKD- n 0 M M1RR in N M B B OHANTO MERCHANT tO OMMI8SION CHARLOTTE, H. C. HAVING lust OMned a OkNEBAIi FFT.n STORE and COMMISSION BnfilNKPH on CdIIpm Btreet, at the old stand, of J. G. Bnannonhouse, we ww ne giaa to serve our friends and the public generally, with all kinds of At bottom, irlces. and will handle and baII av OCdssentus onConunlsslontothe very best ad vantage, and hope and believe we can make a to your Interest to give us a calL J . Bef pcctfully, . .: - i A. J. BE ALL & CO. j - P. S. We have now on hand an Mv Uwit vv LOW CORN. HAT. BRAN. OATS, n iv. cbik, and CHOlCK F AMTLT FLOUB, and wm to a day Dr J.fl.McAden s Drag Store Li Witt M ONLY DAUttimRCUR JOlfSUMPTIOJT. When death was hourly expected an m , in, with the many herbs SmSiSZ ly made a preparation which cured his . of CONSUMPTION. His 00 ,? country, and enjoying the best health. h f proved to the world that CONSUMPTION J POsttlTely and permanently cured. The rw, now gives this recipe free, only asking two cent stamps to pay expenses. TWs herb cures Mght Sweats, Nausea at the stomach S T,8 001(1 ta twentyXur Philadelphia, naming this paper. FREE Sena to MOORE'S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY A .1 A rfl For Illustrated Circular. A live actual Business School. EBtaMUhed twenty yean. : "viauwarrBmAithL. I a. " aai uuni.fni A Great Offer for HOLIDAYS ! PTAKOfl nn1 nun i vra LOW m J ?i-rBA0RDINA1v HfLKNDID ORGANS, S4R7stKn An re'vel NmcENT?"!!! MiG w---' -.v VUDUi 1I1HMI IYtanfn . the rffelll Aiarrar- . ! kalkLlEnlitiG PJAMO. nt H UHcST AWARDS jb In the GREAT WORLD'S 5at "t KV3 1861 ; at the GREAosmov PSSSP' Sendor Circular and Prie List. CHICKERING & SOUS, 130 Fifth Avenue, N.Y. 156 Tremont St., Boston. Viif Novl-d&w4w WttettllKuzons. kpt Safe Ever Made by any Book in (he UNITED SIMS Over 200,000 Actually Sold in '5 TTITTiTiTr 1 - : CT PRICE 25 CENTS. Cl TA rv T -r-i --r E iSrlllrKN IrVK H KJ V J X JJil u in "Genuine fun, wit and humor.-Albany Press. Derrick. ver Publ!Bned.,-Oil City Herald?6'8 0t 1011 ta TarIOUS 8hapes."-New Yoik "Hiinnlnar luinir .v. .. . Times! BCttBun.--.iNew Orleans lK,3Hl!S mMWU laueb- a. a . . . . cagoBelHerakL 01 e oay."-cm. c3ail2lrS!.Ve8ti,numor 01 Jerold's famous Irat&toS-f M 0riS!mal 88 humorou'' For sale at oct29 JNO. R. EDDINS Book fitore "TtlA mnf Arilnl 1 . .. . ..... . Ginger, Buchu. Man ufiucet StiHingia, and ttanyof the best medi cines known are com bined in Parker's Ginger Muio, wio a mcuicme Of SUch nrial finnwt 9. to make it the greatest oiooa tymnet and the BestllealthAStrenpth uuskviTr ever vita. It cures Rheumatism, Sleeplessness, & diseaess Of the Stomarh. TViimt. Parker's -a, Bitters Ginger Essences iSati Economical Hair .....vu iW Dili II UUIW X UI. iffTeT"J1 "tor th. neverintoriratf Mf rr. omcs. as it 1 rBJto never intoxicates. 7iWfU color to gray talr. & q, . ru,;, TV' s. Hisoox We. and 1 tfaei Urge SaTlng Buying DoUm Site. oct22 Richmond and Danville Railroad. PASSEIJOEB DEPAETMETTT. On and after June 5th, 1881. Passenmr Train fervid or i the Atlanta aid Char&aTALme d? , ' 7 vwvwm Jjr J jj-J g'w1 JtAHTWARD. No. 45, Na47, No. 49, . . A. B. . C. Vn Atlanta. .... 4.00 ah 8.15 rat 6.80 fm Arr.8uwanee....D 5,18 am 4.87 pm 7.45 pm Lula 6.54 am 6.69 pm 9 06 pm " Toccoa 8.14 am 7. 15 pm 1 0 1 ft pm Beneca.. . . . .G 9.20 am 8 40 JS 11.25 S ., Grenv 6 10.68 am 10.20 PM 1.00 am Spartan 'g...K 12.14 pm 11.40 pm 2.11 am Gastonla....L 2.8 pm 2.18 am 481 am JlCloUe...M 8.85 Pal 8.15 am! 5.85 am WESTWARD. U a Mall Express Fart Mall Kft 42. No. 48. No. 50. " Ga8tonia...L 1 27 pm 1.48 am 117 am Spartan'g.. K 8.60 lod 12 ai2 iu Arr. AHanta.:.... 12.05 am 12.20 pm lo.5 5 . jiV ' "w-viWflB. l.VwPgaW8 Ge0rBla 411(1 WandASrScS604 A' SUth gtho Georgia Railroad. WCOTuteTGa!? an and 110111 Beorgli1580 -lhLlria to and from Elbertoa, 'o&ST towld&om Co?uSiWatl te htrVrrnlJ?J?Vt!? pdAshevine, and gpartan- t it therif 611(1 4wtonand Columbia, trn, n?,6.8 JQb Narrow Gauge to and ;xroJ?,a5Pr Chester. ; - AH WH! c G B, & W and Ju. T. f or sU points West North and East wn18, "leeptng ear service on trams An1? i8 daily, wltheut change between An4wIork,- . . apope, t-?0?6 fi General Passenger Agent

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