SATURDAY, NOV. 5, 1881. , ' SOCIETY DIRECTORY. phalahx Lodox Na 81, A. F. & X. M. Regular melange very second and fourth Monday nights. kxcklsior Lodgx No. 261, 1.F.AA. M. Reg ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. thablottx Chattbb Na 39, R. A.M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nights; CHARLOTTE COHMAHD ABt NO.- 2, K. T. Regular rneetmu every first and third Thursdays. i HZ. OIF JE3L. KjnoHTS or Honob. Regular meeting every second and fourth Thursdays. is:, op :p. knights of Pythias. Regular meeting nights arst and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock; p. m. at Ma sonic Temple Hall. . '".." - i. o. o. " " - ' Cuablottk Lodgx Na 88. Meets every Mori. day night ' - Mbcxxxnbubo Diclaratiow Lodqi Na a Meets every Tuesday night. Dixiis Lodoi No. 108. Meets'every Thursday night. "H: : Catawba Rivxb EnCAJmfrirr Na 21. Meets first and third Thursday nights in each month. index u New Advertisement.. Bulus Banineer Notice;- . ' ' n V Barker A Derrana Pert 9t Barker Notice business' Notices. LISBIG CO'S COCA BEEF TONIC. Gives more tone than anything I have ever used or prescribed," say Professor H. GOULION, M. D.. Physician to the Grand Duke of Basonr. Knight of the Iron Cross, etc "The effect of the Coca borders upon the mar velous and if not clearly authenticated by scien tists ot undoubted veracity would be altogether be yond belief," says Dr. Wm. a. 8EARLE, Brooklyn. N.Y. It is invaluable In bead affections, weaked mem- ory, dizziness, determination of blood to the head, nick and nervous headache. Also highly beneficial in palpitation ot the heart and other forms of heart disease, In neuralgia, dropsical affections, paralysis, djspepsla, monthly suffering and bilious -iiesa. Beware of worthless Imitations. "Incomparably superior to the trashy article which are palmed upon the public," Is the verdict of Professer DUNCAN CAMPBELL, M. D.. LL. D., (President Royal College f Physicians and Sur geons, Member General Cornell, , University of Edinburgh, etc., etc.,) In regard to the LleWg Go's Arnlcated Extract of Witch HazeL It cures Files, Bait Rheum, Catarrh,- Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Painful Monthly Flow, Bore Throat, Varicose Veins. Beware of counterfeits. Bold In fifty cents and dollar sizes. ABSURDLY STUPID AND FOOLISH to allow prejudice or Ignorance to get the better of good Judgment It has been .amply shown and conclusively proven that constipation, bad breath, dyspepsia, kidney affections and all diseases of the liver, stomach and bowels have been cured and can be cured by simply taking Simmons Liver Regulator. - It is harmless; not unpleasant and easily procured so there la no reason to be ignor ant of a true remedy. If you suffer, . you have no excuse, for this medicine places certain relief and cure within your reach. Who Is Mrs. Wlxslow T is this question Is frequently asked, we will sim ply say that she Is a lady who for upwards of for ty years, has untiringly devoted hex time and tal ents as a Female Physician and nurse, principally among children, she has especially studied the constitution and wants of this numerous class, and, as a result of this effort, and practical knowl edge, obtained in a lifetime spent as nurse and physician, she; has compounded a Soothing Syrup, Sot children teething. . it operates like magic giving rest and health, and u moreover, sure to regulate the bowels. In consequence of this ar ticle, Mrs. Wlnslow is becoming world-renowned as a benefactor of her race; children certainly do rise up and bless her; especially Is this the case in this city. Vast Quantities of the Soothing Syrup are dally sold and used here. We think Mrs. Wlnslow has Immortalized her name by this lr valuable article, and we sincerely believe thous ands of children have been saved from an early grave by Its timely use, and that millions yet un born will share its benefits, and unite In calling her blessed. No mother has discharged her duty to her suffering little one, In our opinion, until she has given it the benefit of Mrs. Wlnalow's Soothing 8yrup. Try It, mothers try It now. Ladles' Visi tor. New York City. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle, ' MANY MISERABLE PEOPLE drag themselves about with falling strength, feeling that they are steadily sinking Into their graves when, by using Parkers Ginger Tonic they would find a cure commencing with the first dose, and vitality and strength surely coming back to them. ee other column. MADE FROM HARMLESS MATERIALS, and dapted to the needs of lading and falling hair, Parker's Hair Balsam has tasen the first rank as an elegant and reliable hair restorative. Bkdiobd and Iboh Springs Watxb ahd Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains lwice as much Iron and fffty per cent, more alum tnnm than any "alum and Iron mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so general. Sold by all druggists of any standing. Prices reduced one half. mayll-MJ : i 4m . ! FADED OR GRAY HAIR gradually recovers Its youthful color and lustre by the use of Parker's Hair Balaam, an elegant dressing, admired for its purity and rich perfume A C ARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and in discretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay loss of manhood, Ac. , I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE of CHARGE. This, great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. . Bend a self-addressed envelope to the Rxv. JOSEPH T. IN MAN, Station D, New York City. tw &&vtxttezmtuts. LA CONIC LOCAL, NOTICE. PURSUANT to a decree of the Superior: court of Mecklenburg, I will sell at Public Aoctleoy at the court house In Charlotte, on Monday, the 5th day of December, 1881, that very valuable and de sirable lot of land lying between the intersection of the N, a B, Bv-tod Trade-street, formerly the property of P. M. Brown, and -now owned by J. T. Butler. tojv-. Terms Vi cash: balance on 8 and 6 months ered tt with interest . RUFTJ8 BABRINQKR, novfidoawids CommlMlener. NOTICE. TO THE PEOPLE ABOUND ' - ' '. . HCNTEBSYILLE, COWAN'S FORD and RAN DLISBUEG, t we wculd respectfully call your attention to the fact: that we have goods toQ T7 T T and all we want Is for you to comeOXVXXJwlth the money. If we have the kind of goods yon want we win sell to you. All you have to do to get goods cheap is to Jew at us a little. We don't Intend to let Charlotte, or any other place, undersell us just now for cash. We know that you will not find as many goods with as as in Charlotte, yet we may have as much as you will want and will sell to you' at your prices, it we cant getjoura. COMB AND SEE. BARKER & DERR and DERR & B1RKER novS d oaw 8w w8w , Home and Democrat copy 2w. .' " Confederate Bonds. WIS will pay thelilghefit market price fOrCon TPflArar hnnva stTitri 1 QAR MuinAm An Vml naa better send yours at once, and should our or nnpa ha i .v. j ... . . . m - m ' " muuuawo we will return w yuu uva ua o press. THOMAS BRANCH CO, nov4 lw Richmond, Va. HIGHEST PKICES PAJLf?r Confederate Coupon Bonds, and $100, v.,vw vvuivuv, v.iwa . K. 9. YOUNG, nov48t At Trader' Nat-Bank. PEOPLE'S B. & Lj A. aw WVUB,lit 111 UIO A 17V VAV V 'JUUUWIU 5225' 15th November. By rderof the nov4iw w 1 Bee-yandrTrea. Dott't foreet to send in chnrf.h notices to-day. . , v Which vvill draw the most select crowd, a circus or a public hanging ? E?"! The streets are in perfectoondi Uon for driving now, and the late after noon temperature ia equally fine. f- IThe young man from Proyidence went up for $5 and costs . yesterday. The mayor pro tem. is mild. IW The station house was full three deep last night and they were still be ing run in as we went to press. - , Even those who sat atill all day yesterday complained of being tired. Such ia the subtle effect of a crowd. tSr Cbief-of-Police McNinch annar- e4 yesterday in a brand new andtastef ul I j unuorm, and all the policemen were in full dress. 13?, There was a maa in town yes terday who actually walked all the way from Wadesboro 53 miles to see the circus. W The county commissioners meet Monday. There wijl probably be a re newal of applications for license to re-, tail spirits. t2T The occasion of the detention of the circus train yesterday from the South was the giving out of water on the engine of one of the sections. . A collection will be taken up in the First Presbyterian church to-mor-row morning for the education f und the support of candidates for the min istry. E" Easiness, except the sale of the ardent, was not as brisk yesterday as might have been expected from the large crowd. Business and the circus are distinct facts. tW One of the female equestriennes of Forepaugh's circus is a sister of the famous rider Bob Stickney who used to be with Old John Robinson. Every body recollects him. tW As an indication of the crowd in the city yesterday the fact is cited that, 175 people boarded the train at Pineville yesterday. There were 20 from one plantation, all coming up to see the big show. : tW A family of eight colored people assembled in front of this office yester day and devoured a frosted watermel on with a relish that would do credit to the middle of August. Everybody who passed shivered. tSTPmkeye, the rare horse disease, has not appeared here yet, although its arrival is feared. It has attacked sev eral horses in Greenville, coming from the South, Atlanta having suffered from it some time before Greenville. KP'The rumor prevailing to some extent here yesterday that a row had occurred in Spartanburg the day before between citizens and showmen, was en tirely without foundation, as we heard directly from Spartanburg. tW The complimentary tickets is sued by Forepaugh's circus bear the in scription, "Report me and my cause aright," from Hamlet, and '"Base is the slave that pays," from Ancient Pistol. They serve to keep the bearer duly humble in the presence of the show man. In Luck. Conductor.!1. S. Clarkson, of the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta, hav ing been somewhat indisposed for sev eral days, Conductor DeSaussure of the mixed passenger and freight has been running his train. Mr. Ed Roseborougb, the genial and popular baggage man, has had Conductor DeSaussure's train. Ed is in big luck even beyoad this well merited compliment, for while out on his trip, night before last, a friend threw a chance for him in a raffle for a fine watch and chain and won. Water Works for Greenville. The Greenville News publishes the substance of a proposition from Chas. E. Robinson and others to the authori ties of Greenville for the construction of water works there. The rates offered to private persons for the use of water are the same as those for the city of Raleigh. Mr. Robinson it was who made the contract for water works here. The proposition is in 'many respects 'similar to our own contract. Accidentally SItos. Charley Keuster, a 15 year old son iof Mr.F. Kuester, the well known gun smith, was yesterday exhibiting ,u 32 calibre Smith & Wesson pistol to a cus tomer. His father, who was working at a vice about three steps away, called Charley's attention to the fact that the pistol was loaded. Charley passed Jhe pistol over the counter to the customer who cocked it and thoughtlessly return ed, without nncocklng it. Charley at tempted to draw out some part of Ahe machinery And he pressed his finger un consciously against 1 the trigger. The pistol exploded ' ana an exclamation from Mr. TCuester followed. The ball entered and lodged in his thigh making a painful but by no means dangerous wound. Even if the ball is not extri cated, the doctor says the. wound is not serious. , Trade Improving. Upwards of 4,600 bales of cotton were weighed on the city scales during the month of October last. This is con siderably more than for the same month last year, so that the gloomy anticipa tions of , our trade for this fall and win ter, based as much on the very slim re ceipts of the first few weeks of the sea son as on the fears of the drought, were, it seems, premature. The receipts of cotton . are daily increasing. ; Tuesday they were 473 bales 72 mof e than any day up to date. - In spite of the rain all Thursday morning. .274 .bales , were weighed. The cotton compress is also at work nearly, all the. time now, and the railroads are transporting fully as much cotton as could be expected. For QeSiSlJed -iro ftutt Umes via sHamsjurgi 2?Zl u told at a small advance foe essfe oi ""eu4Ur0OKOn, Dy A l-ift-1 -, ' , "j'.t g 'liwf) i ' UPSHUR GUAKO-COMPAHT,t -1 ABAUNDXB8, - , v emrf AgenclBi. dot4 lm CIRCUS IAY. An Immetfea' Crowd suad Irian r , Drank.ln Excellent 8now, The biggest rbwd since the centen nial of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, and the biggest crowd which has ever attended a circus in Charlotte, except Robinson's in 12, or thereabouts, during the fair of the Caro-1 Unas, was in town yesterday. It was to put it mildly, a rather heterogeneous one. The darkies were in the majority, as it is their privilege to be when the big show comes. It was a fine minstrel show all day to watch their grotesque salutations, their pantomimic gesticu lations, their reverence for the show men, their primitive flirtations. Their quarrels, their drunks and their delight at the gaudy parapheraaUaofj the street parade made up a day of delight for the many who never grow tired of the ex hibitions of negro characteristics. But besides the negroes there was an inter esting assortment of rural and village f olk,f rom the broad-brimmed white-hatted ruffian full of tangle-foot, and long ing for a foe, to the quiet honest old farmer unconscious of anything but his own business. The bloods in store clothes, heavy overcoats and slouched hats, jostled the citizens in red-mud-ingrained breeches, faded coats and shirts through which might be seen the heav ing breasts of their indifferent pro prietors. Whiskey was the regulating agent and the diffusive and cohesive element A gentleman of the city re marked, "I wonder where all these peo ple! come from, one never sees them go ing about The circus crowd is certain ly usui generis." The drunks were somewhat too numerous to mention, and the policeman's lot was not a hap py one. Trade, Tryon and College streets were crowded all morning long with this variegated mass surging, jostling"cus sing." The circuit was behind time and the parade did not appear till about l :30 o'clock. " Liquoring-up " became the popular diversion, and exhausted vic tims of J. B. Corn stood not on the or der of their lyingdown. But finally the gorgeous street pageant which the great Adam Forepaugh had promised dawned upon the expect ant multitude. Gilded chariots, painted cages, fourteen elephants, two brass bands, a calliope, a typical female in the stars and stripesurmounting the globe, whose pride had to stoop for the tele graph wires; and last but not least, the $10,000 beauty, who smiled and smiled, and from her velvet throne upon the monster mammal's back, scattered burning glances o'er the waiting crowd -rail these were there, and more. The street parade was displayed only only on Tryon street and doubled back upon itself. It was really quite attrac tive. The morning performance began about 2:30 o'clock and the evening per formance at 8 o'clock. Between 2,000 and 3,000 people attended each ; and it can truthfully be said that the circus was the best ever seen in Charlotte. To be sure there were only 10, instead of 20, trained elephants forming the pyra mid, as advertised ; but even with this bisected number it was a wonderful sight and a great feature for any traveling-show. Why the proprietor should take the trouble to advertise more than he really showed is curious. It was en tirely unnecessary. But this particular was, if our recollection is correct, the only feature not up to the advertise ments, and the tumbling and especially the acrobatic features surpassed expec tation. To be sure the firing from the cannon is a humbug but everybody: knows, or ought to know, that before hand. The bicycle riding was marvel lous, as were also the performances of Zuila including the riding of a ve locipede across the high wire. It is curious in illustration of the diversity of taste or possibly the perversity of disposition that a great many people pronounced the. circus a failure. It did not so strike the writer. It is decidedly the best traveling circus it has ever been his good fortune to see. AH over the world Dr. Bull's eoogh syrup is mak ing Its way, and every place it reaches consump tive people are more seldom men It fs truly a oiesaing to cumamry, anacoswonixzoc. . : The fairest laces; are sometimes marred by myriads of pimples,7 and markings of tetter or freckles, which are readily- removed by a popular toilet dressing, known as Dr. Benson's SklnCvre. Even scrofulous ulcers yield to tt. . ...if - i i i i i i - '- Write to Mrs. Lydfa E. Prnkham, 288 Western Avenue Lynn. Mass., for names of ladles- that have been restored to perfect -health by the use of her Vegetable Compound. It Is a positive core for ine most smoDom eases oi lenuue weaKness. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Llrer Pills for Poultry A lady of the city who had lost many fine chickens, Plymouth Rock, Cochin China and other breeds, at length killed and opened one and found that theliv . er was much enlarged. Her chickens continuing to die, none recovering which once showed symptoms of the disease, she at - length administered to one of them a liver pill such as she used in the family. The experiment proved successful, the pill acting .with fully as much benefit as upon a human being. She is confident that the ordi nary liver pill is as good for chickens as for men. thelastteii days ; there fgBit: Hlohateiyeavj fcpre;tn,ecUy's trade. Merchants; report uca.iarer sales in all classes of goods. Everybody is deddedly mcto cheerful, and the out look for a season, equally as good in proportion to tha crop of ,the country, ar: that- ot last year? is Arst rat6, fchd then if has tainel, 'besides, and that 'iaji- ai- t.i-L-:.Li -t--i -jj;J-- -' Rev, Dr. Harding:. The Concord Register of says: Tliia Alrtminr. yesterday V ministef of Christ (reached in the Presbyterian church ast Sunday morning and night. The Doctor is one or tne most aeepiy reaa; learned and profound preachers in the State. His efforts were beautiful, scrip-i tural and-apiritual." The 8un says that Dr. Harding has had several calls to churches, all anxi ous to hare him accept. His family is still in this'city, .he himself being in Charleston for a few days. He Will de cide the scene of his future labors on his return. t november 4, 1881 pbTwucx. WnjmfGTOir, N. C Spirits turpentine dun at 49a Roeln dull; strained St.lZlfe; good strained 82.071&. Tar firm at 82.25. Crude turpentine firm at $2.00 hard; S3 25 for yellow dip; 82.60 for virgin Inferior. Con Quiet; prime white 80a85: mixed 75a80. Chicago Hour dun and nominal, buyers offer ing lower prices ; common to choice western spring S4.50aS6.76; common to fancy Minnesota 5-25-aS7.05; Patents S7.50aS9.50; winter flours, fair to choice S8.00a58.00; fancy $8.00aS8.25: low grades S50t45.00. wheat active and lower, unsettled and very weak; No. 3 Chicago sprlnr SL2flSAcash; Sl-26ft November) Com fair de mand and lower, market weak and unsettled; Na 2 60 cash; 59a59S& November; December: January. Oats dull, weak and lower; No. 8 421 cash; 42 November; December. Pork ac tive and lower atS15.75a81tt.00 cash;-Novem-mber; December; SlI.12al5 January. Lard dull and weak and lower at $10.95a311.00 eash; November; Sll-lO December. Bulk meats fair demanded lower; shoulders S8.25; short rib $8. 80; short dear 89 00. Whiskey steady and un changed at SI. 1& ... Baltmorb Noon Flour quiet and unchanged; Howard street and Western super S4.75a$5.50: extra S5.75a8.50; family S8.7RaS7.50; mills, super S5.00aS5.75; extra $8.00aS8.5O; family S7.75aS8.00; Rio brands S7.o7.02; Patapsco family $8.00. Wheat Southern stronger; Western lower, closing firm; Southern ltd 1.40a 1.4S ; do amber 1.46al.50; No. 1 Maryland red 1474; No. 2 Western winter red spot and Novem bej 1.88a; December 1.421.48; January 1.48al.47; February l.SOUal.&oW. Corn Southern higher; Western lower and aulet; South ern white 7 la72; do. yeUow 66a69. BALTrxoax-Nlght-Oata higher; Southern 49a52 ; Western white 50a52; do mixed 48M; Penn sylvania 50a52. Provisions aulet ana steady; mess pork 818.5a tfulk meats -sheulders and clear rib sides packed 8al0U. Bacon should ers 93; clear rib sides 1 Ilk: hams 14al5. Lard refined 124. Ooffoe firm; Bio cargoes ordinary to fair 9allU. Burar sseady AsottlOta. Whis key steady at 8l.l7a$l.7Vfe. . CiBOiHHin Ylorjy dull' and drooping; family 86 30aS6.65; fancy S7.OOaS7.75. Wheat heavy; No. 2 red winter 81 88a$MJ9; seoelpts ; ship ments . Corn active and lower; No. 2 mixed 841A&65V4. . Oats weaker; Na 2 mixed 44sa44Vs. Pork scarce and nominal; new S17.75. Laid dull at S11-O0. Bulk meats quiet; shoulders 6; clear ribs 8; clear sides . Bacon scarce and firm; shoulders 834; ribs IOTA; clear 11U. Whis key active and firm at 81.12; combination sales of finished goods 680 barrels on a basis of 1.12. Sugar easier; hard 10a; New Orleans 8a8A. Hogs active and firm; common and Mght 84.90 a$6. 10; packing and butchers S5.90aS6.40. Nxw York Southern flour dull and unchanged; common to fair extra 85. 90a$6.90; good to choice do 87.00a88.50. Wheat opening 1 alfte lower, at the close the decline had partly recovered: No. 2 Chicago : ungraded red 81. 2481.44; ungrad ed white $1.26aSl.43; No. 1 white $1.89a$1.41; mixed winter ; No. 2 red and November Sl41ttaSl.423A; December Sl-44aS1.47tt; Jan uary Sl.48asi.49l.fe. Cora opened H4alc lower, closed strong, with a alight reaction; ungraded 63a70; No. 2 white 74; yellow 78; mixed ; No. 2 November 68ia69U; December 70147U6; Jan ury 72a7834- Oats tfealo better and more ac t!2e; Na 3 47. Coffee quiet, rather more steady and unchanged. Sugar firm and very quiet; cen trifugal - ; fair to good refining 8a8U;. refin ed more active and strong; Standard A 9& Mo lasses quiet and unchanged. Rice steady and moderate trade; rangoon 82.70 ia bond. Rosin quiet and unchanged at 82.50a52lfc. Turpentine about steady at 50a58tfc. Wool firm, but aulet; domestic fleece 84a48; pulled -; unwashed : Texas I6a32. Pork dull and heavy, and nominal ly lower at S17.50a817.75; November 817.25; January 818.50; middles dull and easier; long' clear 9&a9i ; short clear 914 Lard lower, closing beavj; November 81L80a$ll 87Vfe; December SU 80a$11.42& COTTON O At, vxstob Steady; middling 11 ; low middling 10o; good ordinary lOtto: net reCta 8.077; gross 4,080; sales 890: stok 78,728; exp'ts ooastwlse ; to Great Britain ; continent ; to France . Weekly net receipts 15,947; gross 1 7.007: sales 6.027; exports coastwise 1,726; to Great Brltlaln 4,702; continent 5,424; France . Norvolz Quiet; middling lUAc; net reo'yta 4,993; gross ; stock 45,171; exports eoastwlse : sales ; exports to Great Britain ; continent. Weekly net rec'ta .29.549; gross ; sales 8.093; ex. ooastwlse 15,163; Great Britain 15, 55; channel ; continent . Bilttiiorm Quiet; mld'g llc; low mld'g 11; good ord'y 10c: netrec'ts . ; gross 1,620; sales ; stock 15,857; exp'w coastwise ; sptnfiers ; exports to Great Britain -; to Continent Weekly-net rec'ta 894; gross B,743;sales 1,443; spinners 1,018; exports Great Britain 775; coast wise 700; Continent 2,057. Bostok Quiet; middling Htic; low middling lltfec; good ord'y 10t4e; net receipts 1,193; gross 2,783; sales : stock 8,420; exports to Great Britain ; to France. , Weekly net rec'ta 10,180'; gross 19,014; sales-; exports to Great Britain 8,001. WnjtCTBTOH Firm : mldd's 11 i-lBe: low mid dling lOtfcc; good ord'y 9 9-i6e; receipts 2,169; gross -wise ; sales ; stock 15.640; exports ; to Great Britain ; to continent UTaaItIv viat MWWklrvfa O OC1A exports eoastwlse 5,000; to Great to continent . : sales ritaln 2.694; PKTTADBTPinA Steady; middling llc; low 99; middling HUe; good ordinary 10c; net receipts gross 2JB2; sales 8,030; spinners exports Great Britain to continent Thai, W. Keene. A metroDolitan exchange says of Keene to appear here next Thursday night: " Mr. Keene is an actor who elves as much promise as any upon the Ameri can staire. This cood opinion was en tertafned of him last year by all who viait.Arl the onera house durinsr bis en o-fto-ftment and it is certainly confirmed by the manifest devotion to his art that has in the space of a single season ton ed down the roughness then displayed and rendered his performance of Bfcie lieu one of the most even we hare ever witnessed, at the same; time retaining that exhibition Of virile force so essenv tiall v characteristic of this young actor, Mr. Keene is destined to occupy aT very tlghTjosttion.ntour Btage.T t i v.. thtaAitT- 'VnMtnlieE 4th. wife of Mr. J. & Tieeman. The funeral will take place this after ooonl o'clock; Friends of the family invited Weekly net receipts 7.963: gross : sales 1 .832 : spinners 1 .294: eoastwlse : Continent : to Great Britain 923; stock. 8AVAHHAH Firm: mlddltng 10e: low mld'g 10e.; good ordinary 95fe&;net receipts 5,401; gross ; sales 0,900: . stock 8fk440: eoastwlse 1 to Great Britain 1 ; .Jfranoa ; to continent. " . ." . ' Weekly net receipts 8a.849uzross 86.922 aales 20.500: exports to Great Britain 6.854: France 8,600; eoastwlse 14.591; leonOneni 21,746. Nxw OaLAAn-Quiet; taldd. illii: low mld- 10U: good ord'y ltMbe; net receipts 10.879; gross 11.093; sales 6,000; stock 207,182: exports to Great Britain -; to France ; to coast wise ; to continent - - Weekly net receipts 8.924: gross 65858: sales 3,450; exports Great Britain 74,900; Chan nel ; coastwise 1 i,wo: jrrance ; contmeni MoBrui Steady: middllns! lie: low mlddllns 10c; good ordinary lOUe; net reo'u 276; gross -: sales 1.800: stock 26.898: exports ooast ; mrance ; to Great Britain. Weekly net receiots 12.19 1 1 sross 12.1 87:ales 8,600; to exports Great Britain 8,600; coastwise u,c3z; Jrrance. , Mjocpfjb Steady : 2.4Q1 ; shipments 55.882. middling 780; lie: receipts 1,650; stock .......... 118.722 149,501 662,764 825,162 696,602 v 704,271 182,560 116,741 609.000 407,000 161,000 "251,000 Exports for the week. . Same week last rear..., Total exports to this date same oate last year... Stock at all United States torts.. Same-time last rear ..... Stock at all Interior towns, Same time last year , Stock at Liverpool..: . . . Same time last year.t. . Stock of American, afloat fog Britain... ...... .......... ......... Same time last year .-n. Lmtxbwja Noon flteadyt "IAffllt - p lands 6d; ' mld'g ortoana ed; sales 12 000; speculation and export 2,000; reepts 7.800; ail American. Uplands low wiMditnff Clause: November delivery 6 54 Od; November and De cember 6 5-16d; December and January 6 18-82d; also d; January and Febrmary 6 7-16d: February and March 6Md: March and April 6 17-82d; April and May 3 9-1 6d: May and June d; June and July 6 21-82d; July and August d. Futures quiet, but steady. Lrvrspoau 6 p. m. Sales of American cotton 9,4100; uplands low middling clause: November delivery d: November and December 64fed; December and January 6 7-1 6d; Janry and Febru ary ' d: February and March d; March and April 6 9-16d; April and May 6 19-82d; May and June 6d; June and July 6 21-82d. Futures closed firm. , FUTURES n Tons Fu ar-s aiosed steady. Bales 69, 000. November..N. ll.52a.64 December Ii.ft8a.69 January... 117 February 12.02a.04 March 12.19a.20 April 12.22a8 May 12.48a.44 June 12.64a.55 July 12.60a.66 August ll.67a.68 FINANCXAU 4.804 101 1.1a 1.16 5a6 !. 876,907,089 4.728,843 77t Nxw you. Exchange , Governments firm : . New 5's. Four and a half per cents, Four per cents, Money, State bonds light request: Sub-treasury balances Ookl.... currency,... eTocxs-Irregular, closing firm: Alabama Class A, 2 to 5. ' Class A, small M . Class B, 5's ' Class C,4's. Chicago and Northwestern " " s preferred.... Erie .V. East Jennessee Georgia DUnois Central. Lake Shore -.......-.-.... Louisville and Nashville Memphis and' Charleston. Nashville and Chattanooga New York Central Plttabunr. Blchmond and Allegheny Bock Island Wabash, St. Louis A Paetfie. " nrefened. Western Union CTTV COTTON MARKET. Ornon or ni OBsnvxa, 1 Chaklottx. November 5, 1881. 1 The market yesterday closed doll and un- cnangea. Good Middling. , , Strictly middling, .... Middling. . Strict low mlddJhAgn .. . .... low middling.... Tinges Storm cotton.... BXCXTPTB FOBTHB WSXX KKDES fEIDAT, 4th. BatuTday.... 280 bales Monday.... 128 " Tuesday 401 " Wednesday 478 " Thursday 274 " Friday 289, " . 83 1.404 1.88 It 10?a losa saiu teaa Weekly net receipts 17.R00: shipments 7.671: aies e.aou. austtsta Quiet mlddtlnfl lOSh.i.: low raw dnng 1010., good ortnnarr QVgti; rveelpU 2,005; shipments v,aoo; saies 157.' Weekly net ree ts 10,457 : shipmt 6,255; sales ?,iW7;spmners ; sweav... CHASUBrroi Steady; middUnt HlM; low said- dllng 10d; good ordinary 1044a; net receipts 5,572; gross f Bales IfiQQ; stock 93,948; exports ooastwlse ; to ureat sntain to continent ; to France . WaaIcIv net reeeffits . 88.110: cross : sales 1ft 7fKl: coastwise 7.a02;Contlnenf 5.400: Great Britain 2,571; to France 0.U8U. Nxw Tobk Cotton deH; sales 548: mlddllhg uplands llMo; mlddd'g .Orleans llc; gross : eonsoudated .net receipts . : ex. Great Britain ; France ; continent . Waeklv net rects 1.739; rross 57.714: exn'ts to Great Britain 8.826; France 664; continent 2,023; sales 6,988; stock 11507. .. MnuTooMXHT Steady; middlng 10ft: low mtd- 1044c; good ordinary 9e; receipts 6497; ship. ments 5,108; stock. Present year, v,vi i ; stoca, last yar, 11,440; saies 0,13. Maooh steady; middling lOfae; low middling 10c; good ordinary VMkc; receipt sates 8388; stock, present year, 10,067; stock, last year, 7.937; shipments 8,179. . . mT.mrHTJB Ouiet: mWdlrnr KflkK low middling 104ec; good ordinary 9c; receipts 6,844; ship ments 8.802: Bales h,ib; spinners 4UOt sues urea .oruaui , eoaskwiBe i 16,065: ex. sales. Nashtillx 8'eady; middling 10e; low mid- 10c; good middling ester net receipts 8,855; shipments 1,728; aales 1.688; sptnnen stock, present year, 10,880; stock, last year, 9,663. . . ; Pmrr wriTiT s. C Weekly net receiots stock 608; exports toQreat Britain .685; coast wise 8,000; sates ,aott t PtvfDXJtcx, K L 'Weekiy-et recetpU - kvt a t.l 4tle : inlddrlKK 1 flriie: low mld- e; good ordinary Week! rreeelpu 4.309s iintoZUZnta Kant utix: umaeut ito fClQSL jtt.aA;eadyi sirli4ef w mid. ntff jt- ooixfabativx unui fuun6ns- t Net receipts ataU uunaswesjora 'i ; - -Si ? i xing.wi.K.u-;-i';.loaB 8am w4k last year .hu i- 262,657 TSteTXwinte to this data,, jl Ju an-tMBJMS 8sanodateJA9tyeai.v...w.rt!.rti .LIotSlM 4 Total bales 1,840 oltjerljes. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITT TO WIN A FOR TUNE HTH GRAND DISTRIBUTION, CLASS L, AT NEW ORLEANS, Tuesday, November 8th, 1881 188th Monthly Drawing Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated la 18ft8 for 25 years br the LAdM. lature for Educational and Charitable nurnosea with a capital ot 81,000.000 to which a reserve tuna oi over X42U.000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings Will take place monthly. It never scales or Dostnonaa. Look at tha fallow. ing distribution: . uapital fbjzx, 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half-Tick ets, One Dollar. IJgx OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize 130, 1 Capital Prtee 10. 1 Capital Prize 5,000 2 Prizes of 82,500 6,000 6Prttesof 1,000 5,000 20 Prizes of 600 10,000 100 Prizes of 100 10,000 200 Prizes of 60. .. 10,000 500 Prizes of 20 in.non 1,000 Prizes of 10 10,000 APPROXIMATION FUZES. 9 Approximation Prizes ot 1800...... 82,700 9 Approximation Prize of 200 1300 0 Approximation Frizes of 100...... 900 1857 Prizss, asBScntmc to. ... . . $110,400 Responsible eorrasnoDdlnr amnts waniad at all points, to whom a Ubera) eompensatton win be paid. For further Information, write eleaitr. svm tnU address. Send orders by express or Regis tend Letter, or Money Order by malL, Address ed only to XL A. DAUFHUI Wm nrlmm lirtdm. or K. A. DAUPHIN, at NO. 212 Broadway, New Ton. All our Grand Extraordtnanr Drnwlrm nmdir the supervision and. management of Generals G. x. eauregaru and jqdsj a. saiiy. NOTICE TtJ THE PUBLIC. The nubile are hereby cautioned sswlnst send ing any money or orders to NUNES CO., 88 Nassau street, New xork uty, as authonjed py the Louisiana State Lottery . Company to sell Its tickets. They, are flooding the country with BOGUS CIRCULARS purporting to be of the Louisiana 8tate Lottery Company, and are FRAUDULENTLY representing themselves as its agents xaey nave no autnonty rrom this oom- pany to sen its uckets, and are not lis agents lor any purpose. . . Prea't Louisiana State Lottery Co. New Orleans, Lai, July 4, 1881. SSth POFTJLATi M0NTBX7 DBAWING OF TEX .mi . irrMnTiirraKiKiil sftslsislsBaasflsT xi " Wist I I lairl UK In the cttf of Louisvriie,oii WED2OJSDAT,N0VEMBER 80, 188L These drawimrs occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As- semDiy oi a-emucxy. lit, uuuai nwuw uuijum uuun uu auna am. renderea tne iouowing decisions: 1st That me commonwealth Dtstrmouon uom- pany is ial. 2d Its drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fond. Read the list of prizej for the NOVEMBER DRAWING. 1 Prise,.... 880,000 1 Prize,... lO'gOg 1 Prize, ... .MOO 10 Prizes, 81,000 each. 10.000 20 Prizes, 600 each. 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each, 10,000 200 Prizes, 50 each, 10,000 600 Prizes, 20 each, 2.00g UYtn YHmi. 1 n tmrtt 10.008 9 Prizes, S300 each, Approximation Prizes S2.7 ? Prizes; 2poT " r. : i-ggk v raxes, iuu - . w 1.960 Prizes,.... .......111A400 Whole TMkcts. S3; Half Ticket,"! 1; x7TVsts, 850; 66 ZwaetB, iuub nAmtt WnnA nr Bank Daattin Letter. Of Send br Express. DON'T BEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OB P06TOFFICE ORDER. . Orders of IS and upward, by Kxpress, ean be sent at oar x- pense. Aaaressauorueri mi . t . . -. B M. BOARDMAN, Conleroaraal ' Building tornsvule, Xy- or 809 Broadway New York, novl ; , ' Vi. . : THE ATTENTION M11VXULJL XVJLL! A MJL OUR LARGE STOCK S RAPIDLY SELLING AT TEM- . ' " GREAT SACRIFICES V7E OFFER AT AUD BELOW COST. We stm have a JsneaseortBttRt to select from and we would adrtse one and an to ean at ones and bny tbetr winter Goods before ttw best are sold. WeeOerextrstllnary taUYatashi Uen's, Boys and MM Ready-iade ClotMnj, InciBding OVERCOATS for sil ages. vw,t fmy mm j mh" mnqfUPTfart COST. BinemberweoloseogAboxtoessbyJanuaalst,1882. tetfl H. MORRIS & BROS. R ODD I CE&G O., TRYON STREET. wi EiVB ran bxcittkd jlvotexs lot oi those eisGHAn fliiia it lot, AMoaoswltneof CORSETS, HOSIERY, RIBBONS, GLOVES, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS- : H DBX GOODS, FLANMaXB, e THE SBIL MED1CATEB TLAXNEL, 40d EaV GLOVES 60c' . A PAIR, in Black and Cotoca, ell stses. 1.75 WHITE best lOcT RODDICK & COT IT ssfl BAR OA m&fm and r tv , MOT GEOOEHU :d:- - A. The Attestion of the Public, and Especially the Trade, is R e pc t f a lly CaJ I rf to MY LARGE AND FRES1I ' STOCK OF GOO NOW IN STORE. Everything in kGrocery Line will k M in My.SM AND AT . 7" " PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. ; TRY THE ;; at otm !4d-iswtMrto and alas the eeasumer. la liiamf nfankMriln ami stanls Smoking Tobaccos SttOnc BulL Jurhasa Lou Cuts and Rrrei JJmham-teJosv wo no adding a full line of the la2erfxMetjyfce most staplTgratles of Plug and .Twist Tohsaoos. We slaafswweeks.ugei Idocements In Chewing 4nKBiwM that a fuw injuinfAtaiinn ean eouaL Our salesmen wiU xtake regular trips to Chariotte. NONE BETTER. Florida Oranges, CATAWBA GRAPES, MALAGA GRAJPES, Bananas, Apples and Oler Lpri !, , f AT- -AT PERRY'S. I ILSfli k Bill; DRTJGrO-IST, Jlf'i j lit- ' Trade Street, : : : Charlotte, N. C. Mt-mmi iTTFriTionarfl rath .A. - WHOLESALE AND RETATL TRApE. iOH C18101VIHI ett wt mwrAiiI ws i'rtrr" sm'st m.'n inr ssnrTx z-i ,t.-'..::U.-. .; : r !tv,yi i.-i t ii ' 1".: auuA yv wip general Buoyancy , r WAtbA,.,; ,. .'it