LOCAL i lNTELLItlENCE. SUNDAY, NOV. 6, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY Phalahz Lodob Na 81, A. F. ft A. ML Regular DiKuiiV vioi mwuu iuiu luunn iwnnnny nigrm. ElCTLPIOB Lodgb No. 261, A.7.4A. M. Reg ular meeting every first and third Tuesday night. Charlott Chaftkb No. 89, B, A. M. Regular meeiiug uvorj stscuua aaa iounn JTlday nights. Chabtxjttx Command aby No. 2, K. T. Betrular uieeuuK ever urai ouu uutq Aniirsaaya. Knights ot Honor. Regular meeting even BvvUUU OUU AVIAICAA X UUlDUaB. Knights or Pythias. Kegular meeting nlahta ursi ttiiu uiuu ncuiioauajrs, t O ClOCK p. m. at Ma- Huuiu xeiuyie uou. T. O O TP. Charlotte Lodge Na 88. Meets every Mon any nluht. Mbcklkhbubq Dxclakattoh Lodsx Na ft Meets every Tuesday night. Dun Lodox No. 108. Meetsevery Thursday night. Catawba Btvxb Emoampkhtp No. 21. Meets um ouu uuiu xuutbuoj uiuis in eacn month. Index to New Adrertivemeu A. J. BeaU A Co - Just Received. Jno. B. Erwln Land Sale. T. Coleman Boarders Wanted. Louisiana State Lottery. J B, Kddlns Seasides and Music. Wilson & Burwell-Just Beoelved. 8 wift Specific Co 8. S. 8. John Van Landlngham Oh Consignment Tbe Ch niches To-Day, Young Men's Cbhistiah Association Devo- nuuai Bicraaes m me aiiernoon at 5 o'clock. First Presb ttebi ah Chcech. Services In the morning at 11 o'clock: and tn the evening- at 7 to . j t . Jy . a. tr. ximur, yosiur. CUUQftJ SCuUOl II f AIL nUlAKlr iihii. ...otuu wuvmvU. UVITIUH IU the morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 7A o'clockby Rev. Walter W. Moore. Sunday - &T. Pstkrii 1tPTfWnAT. rinrnrw ImImi i uviiiva III the morning at 1 1 o'clock and In the evening at i flujwi. . d. vucsmre, rector. Sunday school Pt Ptnii'g rurnnrtu rmratir e i a. morning at 10 o'clock, and in the afternoon Baptist Chtjhch. Services in the moraine at t x u-ciocn. ana in we evening at 1 o'clock, by the Sastor, Bev. Theo. Whitfield. Sunday school at o'clock a m. Associate Rktobxxb Pkksbyteman Chapkl. services in the morning at ll o'clock, and in the evening at vvs Dy nev. w. T. waller. Sun day school at 1 0 o'clock. Calvary Mission Chttbch (Methodist.) Ser vices in the morning at 1 1 o'clock and In the evening at 7A by Bev. J. S. Thompson, pastor. Sunday school at 9 a. m. ; Class-Meeting at 4 p. m. Trtok Street (M. E.) Church. Services in the morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 7U o'clock, by Bev. J. T. Burwell. nastor. Hnndn school at 8 o'clock. Prayer meeting afc-7 Wed- Colored Presbyterian Chdhch. Services in the afternoon at 8 o'clock and In the evening at i vs uj xh5t. jur. njuie, piBwr. Sunday scnooi at 1 1 o'clock a m. BUSINESS NOTICES. LIIBIG CO'S COCA BEEF TONIC. "Gives more tone than anything I have ever used or prescribed," says Professor H. GOULLON, M. D.. Physician to the Grand Duke of Saxony. Knight of the Iron Cross, etc. "The effect of the Coca borders upon the mar velous, and If not clearly authenticated by scien tists of undoubted veracity would be altogether be yond belief," says Dr. Wm. a 8EABUS, Brook'in. N.Y. It Is Invaluable in head affections, weaked mem ory, dizziness, determination of blood to the head, sick and nervous headache. Also highly beneficial In palpitation of the heart and other forms of heart disease, in neuralgia, dropsical affections, paralysis, dyspepsia, monthly suffering and bilious ness. Beware of worthless imitations. "Incomparably, superior to the trashy article which are palmed upon tbe public." is the verdict of Professor DUNCAN CAMPBELL. M. D.. LL. D., (President Boyal College of Physicians and Sur- feons, Member General Council. University of idlitburgh, etc., etc.,) In regard to the Llobltt Co's Arnlcated Extract of Witch Hazel. It cures Piles, Salt Rheum, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Painful Monthly Flow, Pore Th'oat, Varicose Veins. Beware of counterfeits. Sold In fifty cents and dollar sizes. ABSURDLY STUPID AND FOOLISH to allow prejudice or ignorance to get the better of good Judgment. It has been amply shown and conclusively proven that constipation, bad breath, dyspepsia, kidney affections and all diseases of the liver, stomach and bowels have been cured and can be cured by simply taking Simmons Liver Regulator. - It is harmless; not unpleasant and easily procured so there Is no reason to be Ignor ant of a true remedy. If you suffer, you have no excuse, for this medicine places certain relief and cure within your reach. Who is Mn. Winslow T As this question is frequently asked, we will sim ply say that she is a lady who for upwards of for ty years, has untiringly devoted her time and tal ents as a Female Physician and nurse, principally among children, she has especially studied the constitution and wants of this numerous class, and, as a result of this effort, and practical knowl edge, obtained in a lifetime spent as nurse and Jhyslclan, she has compounded a Soothing Syrup, or children teething. It operates like magic giving rest and health, and is moreover, sure to regulate the bowels, in consequence of this ar ticle, Mrs. Winslow is becoming world-renowned as a benefactor of her race; children certainly do rise up and bless her; especially Is this the case in this city. Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrup are dally sold and used here. We think Mrs. Winslow has Immortalized her name by this in valuable article, and we sincerely believe thous ands of children have been saved from an early grave by its timely use, and that millions yet un born will share Its benefits, and unite In calling her blessed. No mother has discharged her duty to her suffering Little one, in our opinion, until she has given it the benefit of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing 8yrup. Try It, mothers try ltnow. Ladles' Visi tor. New York City. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. . MANY MISERABLE PEOPLE drag themselves about with failing strength, feeling that they are steadily sinking Into their graves when, by using Parkers Ginger Tonic they would find a cure commencing with the first dose, and vitality and strength surely coming back to them. See other column. MADE FBOM HABMLES8 MATERIALS, and dapted tn tbe needs of fading and falling hair, Parker's Hair Balsam has taien the first rank as an elegant and reliable hair restorative. . BxsrosD ALt ahd Iron Sprthgs Water ajto Mass. The great tonic and alterative' contain twice as much iron and fifty per cent, more alum inum than any "alum and iron mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so general. Sold by all druggists of any standing Prices reduced one half. mayll tf - - FADED OB GBAY HAIB gradually recovers Its youthful color and lustre by the use of Parker's Hair Balsam, an elegant dressing, admired for its purity and rich perfume. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and in discretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay loss of manhood, fte., I will send a reclpe-that will cure yo'i, FREE of CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Bend a self-addressed envelope to the Bey. JOSEPH T. IN MAN, Station D, New York City. zm &&vzxtiszmzu$. JUST Received the LARGEST and MOST SELECT STOCK of HOLIDAY GOODS ever offered In this market. : Odor and Dressing Cases, Box aod B )U1 Per. umea, Card Cases. Ac. fipyq WIL8PS 4 BURWELL. Boarders Waited. HAVING rented the res'denee of W. J. Black for the ensuing year, I am prepared to accommo- uuic several iammes witn ooara and comioriau'e rooms, also day boardes with board: all at rea sonable rates. Apply to the undersigned or to his wife at the house, comer ot 8th and College streets T. COLEMAN. dov8 8t LAND SALE. BY Vlr!ue of a decree of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg county, in the case of tbe Nerth Carolina Ballrpad Company f gainst R. N. Grimes, l wlll expose to sale at tbe court house doer lb, the city of Chatlotia.cn Monday, December 5th, 1 881. a lot of land lying on the east aide of the North Carolina Railroad, between 7th and 8th streets, tunning back from said road 58 feet, and extend ing along the whole front of tbe lota onied by aldR.N.GiimM- ' -.. : - Terms Ouh nov6 oaw 4w sun Commissioner. . ON CONSIGNMENT We I ave ARB must be sold, 200 barrels Potapeco and Chesapeake Flour, guaranteed best qualify. O0V8 It J0B!n VAN LAJIDINGHAM. LACONIC LOCAL, tST Oysters have finally appeared on the market. l-Keene's appearance Tuesday night as "Eichelieu" will be the event of this week. tW The Present will issue a proc lamation fixing the 24th of this month thanksgiving day. tt3TThe neuro man injured in the fight with members of the Mecklenburg base ball club some time ago is, it is learned, almost entirely well. LsT The drunks yesterday bore wea ried and bedraeeled evidence, that it was the second day. The inertia of cir cus day liquor was all that kept them going. tThe stale fish trade was reported very slack last night, presumably from the fact that the luxury of the circus had precluded the possibility of their usual Saturday night treat to the color ed people. W Weather indications for to-day are for slightly warmer temperature, east to south winds shifting to wester ly. Local rains and partly cloudy weather. tW The monthly business meeting of the Gounod Club will take place to morrow (Monday) night at the resi dence of Mrs. Bessie L. Dewey. A full attendance is desired. tW A North Carolina man welcomed his 4th pair of Itwins with EtheVemark: "Now this is two d d two!" Profanity and sathetic culture won't mix worth a cent, but tbe poor man couldn't help it. It is learned that the wound re ceived by Mr. F. Keuster Friday, by the accidental discharge of a pistol in the hands of his little son Charlie, is more painful than at first anticipated, although by no means dangerous. tW It is hoped that the gentlemen who attended the mayor's reception yesterday will pardon the nnavoidable omission this morning of their names, and the detailed narrative of their ad ventures. The space of the Obsekver is limited and this is Sunday morning. HP The statement in the item in yes terday's paper that the cotton receipts for October of this year were greater than for the same month last year should have been that they were great er than for the preceding month of Sep tember when they were 1956. 1ST Several enthusiastic citizens fol lowed the big show to Chester yester day. They returned yesterday after noon and report even a larger crowd in Chester than greeted the event here. Adam is removing all the punched coins from the country. He is truly a great man. ESTton't forget that a big ball takes place in the new "Cash" warehouse in Statesville to-morrow night. The train leaves here late in the afternoon and returns early in the morning, so that little or no time will be lost from busi ness. All are cordially invited to at tend and several from Charlotte will, in all probability, accept. l5FTbe excavation for the water works stand pipe, in the court house yard, is completed. It is about eight feet deep and fifteen feet in diameter. The stand pipe will be 80 feet high and all the work about the tower will be of iron. The pipe was manufactured in Philadelphia and has not yet reached the city. Bf" Some nights ago Clark Hall was forced to apply to the city for lodging. He complains bitterly that the city neg lects to provide its guests with mosqui to bars. lie suffered much annoyance during a restless night from the atten tions of the insects. lie feels confident, however, that all that is necessary is to call the attention of the authorities to he matter to have the omission reme died. i i i Legality a Sheriffs Licence Judge Avery's decision in one of the whiskey cases against W. R. Cochrane, turning upon the question of the legal- ty of a license to retail spirits, issued by the sheriff for the county commis sioners, has been rendered. It is ad verse to the legality of the license. The case was heard, it will be remembered, at the last term of Superior Court, and the decision has been withheld for con sideration until a few days ago. Frederick Panldlttg- Still IV. It will be seen by the following no tice from the New York Mirror that Mr. Paulding is still seriously ill and will not be able to fill any of his South ern engagements: "Frederick Paulding was prostrated ast week by malarial fever, contracted in New Orleans and Mobile. Our Dan ville, Va., correspondent says it is pro bable his Southern dates will all have to be cancelled, as he is considered very ill," Charlotte Day at tbe Atlanta Exposi tion. Among the special days throughout November at the Atlanta Exposition is "Charlotte Day," on the 22d. It is hoped that Charlotte will respond cor dially to the compliment, and no doubt she will, but it is also hoped that the suggestion in the editorial columns of The Observer, a few days ago, for a North Carolina Day, will a'so be acted upon. But above all things let the railroad rates be bisected at least. personal Gov. Jarvis and Dr. Worth are ex pected in the city to-morrow to attend the meeting of the commissioners of the Western North Carolina Railroad. Miss Mamie Stoney has returned to the city after an extended absence in Washington. Mr. L. F. Osborne, clerk in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court is thinking of going to Florida to gp into the orange business sonie where on Indian River. . . Mayor De Wolfe has returned to the city after an absence of two weeks at his old home in Tennessee. It is lean d hU regret that hisnrlsitiwas saddened by the death of an aged uncle to see whom his visit was more parties larly intended. . , Always keep it on hand, ss delays Increases suf fering. If you hate, a cough ot cold use Da Bull's cough syrup, it will cure jou. Price 25c Gaston Court Judge Avery reached the city yester day from Dallas, having concluded the fall term of Gaston court. The crimi nal docket was disposed of, there being no cases of much importance. A gain was made upon the accumulation of cases on the civil docket, which has not been the case for the last few terms, tbe cases being docketed more rapidly than they were disposed of. Judge Avery goes to-monow morning to Shelby to hold Cleaveland court this week. mecklenbarg- Wheat at Atlanta. Mr. J. G. Shannonhouse of this city has some rust proof wheat on exhibi tion at the Atlanta exposition. Yester day he received the following from Commissioner McGehee at Atlanta: "Your wheat has attracted much at tention. Of what variety is it? What is the price per bushel? Can you sup ply those who wish to purchase?" This wheat was introduced into Mecklenburg some years since by Mr. J. W. Wadsworth, and has attained very great popularity here. Twenty-eight Plain Drunks. Mayor DeWolffe having returned to the city night before last was just in time to preside yesterday morning at the best attended court which the re cords of the city have ever commemo rated. Twenty-nine cases were dispo sed of and five coutinued. Of the twenty-nine there were twenty-eight convicted for plain drunk and profane swearing in the streets. None of the cases were for an affray most wonder ful to relate. The fines ranged from $2.50 to $5 making a very neat little ac cretion to the city finances. Taking in to account the five continued cases this beats Greenville where thirty cases were disposed of on the morning after the departure of the great Adam Forepaugh. The Chmciies To-day. The religious services at the rooms of the Young Men,s Christian Associa tion will begin this afternoon at 5 o'clock instead of 5.30 as heretofore. As announced yesterday a collection will be taken up at the First Presbyte rian church this morning for the edu cational fund the support of candi dates for the ministry.- Services regu lar and by the pastor, Dr. Miller. There will be no services at the Lutheran church to-day. Sunday school at 3 o'clock p. m. At the Second Presbyterian church Rev. Walter Moore. Evanzelist of the First Presbyterian church, of this city, is expected to. fill the pulpit, morning and evening. Services at the other churches reg ular and conducted by their respective pastors. See church directory. Death of Sir. John R. Johnston. Mr. John R. Johnston, one of the wealthiest and most respected citizens of Lincoln county died at his home on the Catawba river Friday night at 11.30 o'clock. He died of paralysis, having been stricken upon the left side yester day evening a week ago upon his re turn home from Charlotte. Mr. John ston was a brother of Col. Wm. John ston, of this city, and died at the home stead of the Johnston family one mile from his birth place, where he has spent his life of 66 vears.' He leaves a wife and six children, among whom is Mr. Ural Johnston, of this city, to mourn the death of a loving husband and a wise, prudent and kind father. His re mains will be buried this morning at 10 o'clock at Castanea church in Lincoln county. His loss will be much felt in his county and mourned by a wide cir cle of the friends of a lifetime. The Weather. The frost of Thursday night was the second of the season, it having been just a month since the last. It is also cited as a curious coincidence that the first Fall rain in 1SS0 occurred on the 3rd of November last year, the same day on which the first rainy day of the season occurred this year, although it rained very hard a night or two pre viously. It will 'be remembered that after the first rain last fall it was wet almost continually throughout the whole winter. Couch, the New York weather prophet, predicts many storms and severe and phenomenal weather for this montb. Vennor, on the con trary, predicts fair and open weather succeeding the fhst few days of the month. If it remains fair, cool and bracing, as it has been for the last two days, it will be highly satisfactory to his community after the exceptionally hot October the hottest, it is thought, for ten years. The frost has done an other grateful thing also in putting a stop to the humbuggery about the sec ond crop. otne Suggestion for (he Great Fore paugh. Grave doubts have been suggested as to whether Mile. Zuila, Forepaugh's high wire-walker, was really blind- olded or only shamming the other night when she tiipped the wire so bravely with the handkerchief over her eyes. To settle the point it is suggested that she be submitted to that infallible test in blind man's buff of holding up so many fingers before her eyes and ask ing her how many there are t It is thought that the fraud would be quickly exposed in this way. Another sugges tion is made that the attractiveness of this part of the circus would be much enhanced if the baby elephant was taught to walk the rope and to: stiffen his tail and trunk while Mile. Zuila rode her bicycle from the tip of the caudal appendage via the spinal column to the tip of the nasal appendage and baclf again, This would, it is claimed, combine ail the effect of artistic con ception and brilliant execution, and while it gave a pleasing variety to the wire-walking act, would detract noth ing from the human and chivalrous in terest in the nervy exploits of the fe male perfonner.. lT p The fairest faces are sometimes marred by myriads of rumple, and markings of tetter or freckles, which are readily removed by a popular toUctoiesslrjgj laaown aaDr.lteiiwn'a SUn Cure. Even scrofulous ulcers yield to ftV - ' : " Railroad. Notes, . Conductor Tom. Murphy, of the Western North Carolina road; has got a leave of absence to visit Florida he be ing still troubled by a wound in the leg received in a railroad accident last Spring. The Statesville Landmark says " Iron for the track on the Paint Rock and Ducktown lines, is passing up the Western North Carolina Railroad al most daily. Last week there appeared in our columns an item to the effect that Col A.S. Buford, president of the Richmond & Danville Railroad system, was a na tive of North Carolina, having been born in Mocksville. Mrs. Isaac A. Withei spoon, of Statesville, knew him well when they were both children, hav ing gone to school to his father and with him. She says that at school he was sharp as a briar. Those who know anything of his achievements since need not be told that he is sharp as a brier yet. A millionaire Beggar. A blind child of Italy bearing upon his manly breast a placard with the legend, "I am a poor blind man caused by small pox," and led by a bright-eyed vivacious little brunette, who called herself his daughter, wandered yester day from house to house begging a pit tance. Many.no doubt, opened their hearts in pity for the man and child, and it will without doubt be very pleasant for them to hear that the "poor blind man caused by small pox," was seen yesterday, by a gentleman of this city, to count out $5,000 in clean cash des tined for his paternal ancestor amongst the white walls and blue hills of distant sunny Italy. The reporter did not see the roll, and this comes at third hand, but it comes straight. Possibly the man of small pox origin could be induced to invest in Southern securities. It is shrewdly suspected that he is a millionaire probably one of the Erlanger syndicate. Rape and Lynching In South Carolina. A special to the Greenville News from Pelzer, S. C, gives the details of the lynching of a negro man named Williams for committing an unmen tionable crime upon the person of a lit tle orphan girl, nine years old, named Blayton, under circumstances of pecu liar atrocity. It says: She was outraged several days ago at the Rev Mr. McBee's, in Greenville, near Reedy River. She was the ward of the Rev. Mr. Attaway, of Williamston, being in Greenville on a visit; and on her return home her condition was dis covered. She then confessed and detail ed the horrible circumstances of the crime, which was committed by Robert Williams, colored, in a cotton field, in which they were at work together. He had threatened to cut her throat if she told of it, and terrorized her into silence. Thursday night he was arrest ed, and Friday morning was taken to Williamston and identified by the child. He was then taken from the guard house at that place by citizens of A nder son and Greenville and brought back, being m;.rched through Pelzer about 11 o'clock Friday, attended by probably one hundred men of both colors. He was notified of his impending fate, and acted very coolly, calling a colored man to him, to whom he confessed his crime, and proffered a request for a preacher, which was granted. Just across the Saluda River in the woods he was hang ed to a tree that inclined over a hill side, being put on a horse, which was driven from under him after the rope had been properly adjusted. He died very easily and was stolid and unmoved to the last There was not the least excitement or disturbance, the whole affair being con ducted in a quiet and business style. Yesterday I had such a bad cold that I could not speak. I used Dr. Bull's cough syoup and to-day lam as neu as ever, it cost me on ly zoc. By the an o Ue G:ea German Remedy, Ham burg Drops, you can maliS i l good d.'sest on. DIED. On the 4th Inst,, in this cltv. Walter Edwin, in fant son of J. W. and A. V. Barnes The funeral will tnte place at 5 p. m., to-day. Friends ae in vited to attead. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH NOVEMBERS. 1881. PBODUCE. WnjasoTOir. N. C Spirits turpentine firm at 49c. Rosin dull; strained S2.02; good strained 82.07& Tar firm at 82.25. Crude turpentine 0-m at $2.00 hard; 3 25 for yellow dip; $2.80 for virgin inferior. Co n quiet; pr.me whits 80a85 ; mixed 75a80. Baltihob Noon Flour easy and unchsnzed: Howard street and Western suuer S4.75aS5.50: extra S5.75a86.50; family 66.75a87.50: cUy mills, suoer S5.00stt5.75: extra S6.00aSA.50: family 87.76rS8.00; Bio brands S7.50aS7.62; ratapscaianuiy s.ou. wneat isouuiem easer; Western lower, closing steady; Southern red S 1.38 af 14 4; do amber 31 .48s$1.60; Na 1 Maryland red 1 4714; No. 2 Western winter red spot and Novem ber S1.88i4atfe; December 81.4218; Jauuary S1.461A; FeDruary $1.49iaSl.4& Cora South ern easier, qu'et; Western lower aid da'l aod ne glected; Southern white Id; do. yellow 67 new. ' BALTTjtoBi-NlKht-Dats 8Lez$i: Southern 48a50: Western white 49a50; do m'xed 47f 48: Penn sylvania 46a50. Provisions eisler; mess pork 818.00. ttulk meats-shoulders and eftat rib sides racked SVfcalO. Bacon shoulders 9t4: clear rib sides 1HA: ha no 18Vfeal4. Laid refined 12H4. Coflse ea-y; Bio cargoes ordinary to fair Hall . Sugar sseady A soft 1046. Whis key quiet atSl.l7aSl.i7Vb. Ctnotkhati Flour dull and heftw: farrllv $6 20aS6.60; fancy S6.90a87.50. Wheat doll; No. 2 red winter Si 88 offered; receipts ; ship ments . Corn heavy and lower; No. 2 mixed 61a62. Oataqo'et; No. 2mlxci 44a44"A. Pork scarcaat $18 50. La-dloweratS10.90afll.10. Bulk meats 'u fa'r demand: shoulders 6; clear libs 8; clear sides . Bacon scarce and firm: shoulders 8m; nos iu; clear lllfc. Whis key heavy aod lower at $1.11; combination sales of finished goods 445 barrels on a basis of 1.12. Sugar qulei; hard 10feaft; New Orleans 8aS. Hogs-steadv; common and light S4.90aS6.10; packing and butchers S5.90aS6.40. Nxvr Tom Southern floor active smA nut: cam mon to fair extra S5.90aS6.85; good to choice ao $8.50. wneai oren og ae nigger, after wards lost the and fell off about lc cloane firmer. Cora onened a "hade better, closed heavv at SAal e lower, trade moderate. Oats a shade- easier and laJriy act've; no. a -.. conee quiet, closing steady. Sugar firm and quiet; centrifugal ; fair to good refining 8ia8v; refined quiet and uncnongea; Diauuara a. v jaeiasses uncnap; ed. Bice steady and quiet. Bosln quietat $2. 52V Turpentine steady at 53Vi. Wool quiet; domes tic fleece 84a48; pulled ; unwashed - ; Texas 16a82. Pork dull and prices nominal; ly lower at $17.50; November $17.25; January $18.50; middles dull and declining; long clear iyt ; short clear W- Lard opened higher, closing lower; November $11.80c$ll 85; December $11 85aS11.40. COTTON eAtvwros Steady; middling 11 ; low middling lQcrgood ordinary lOVftc; net rec'U 2,850; gross . -: sales 720; stock 78,141; cxd'U coastwise 8,937: to Great Britain -; continent ; t3 France . Nobiulx- Quiet; middling 1114c; net reopti 4,870; groat : stock 49,041; exports eoastwlM 1,000; sales 955; exports to Great Britain continent. u-:-. .. Bi t,TTJfOB-DuU; mWglllis; lowmWglUfe good ord'y 100: net retfta 39;rou 5,E 88; sales 125; atoek 80,87a; expkaeoaatwiaeTS; spinners 15:' exports to ttreat Britain ; to Continent 218, , '- wTffl-Ckitet: middling llae) km WddUns IHfec; a-cod ord'y 10JAC L1MelntaJ14i VW 2.292; tales tato& 8,420; exporbj great Britain ; w Mmioo. WnJOTOTOH-Flrifl; .mldd-it 11 Mfe; km mid dling lOfcc; jfoodoiWj 9M6c;reoelpt "U84i gross sales j BMKKgWtfi.expons oosm wise ' ; to Great Britain i;$o continent PHTjuDixrHU steady; middling llfte.; low middling llAe: good ordinary 10c; net receipts 11,666; exports Gnat Britain ; to continent Sat AJsTH am Firm ; middling 10e; low mfcrg 1 ftlAw MwwfJ - A4i(iss CsnA. a . s? Old. w-nri -ftvw viuumi v stow iiyv ViOirv fjoea ; sales 4,800; stock 82,664; coastwise z ou; 10 ureal untam -; jrrance ; to continent us. raw OsiiMAHs Firm; mldd'g 11$; low mM Lng 10; cood erd'i lOtoc: net reeelDts e.582: gross 6,741; sales 7,000; stock 199.188: exports w ureal imam o,uuu; rrance iu,lbd, to coast wiao ; to oonnnexu ion. MoHTXJt Firm; middling He; low middling 10c; good ordinary lO&c; net nets 2,978; : sales 1,500; stock 27,857; exports cum x.oio; francs ; to weal tsmam. mmthib iq-m; middling He: receipts 2vA!i "mms 1,754; saies 2,725; stock ArjSTJBTA Firm: middling insta. in nM. oUta lOiAe., good ordinary QVso; tweelpta 1,908; xuiuxiduis ; saies 1,200. Chabxtshtob--Firm; middling HUje; low mld- "ujk, xuffie; gooa oramary lingo.; net reeeiots 6,024; grass ; sales 8,000; stock 98,972; uuura coastwise ; to ureax taaata to continent ; to France . Naw York Cotton quiet; sales 2,167; middling upianos ixtoc; miaaag orieans ll jc; gross - ; consolidated net receipts 81,608: ex. ureat uniam o,wu; ranee ; continent 10, loo. FUTURES NaW YOES FutmH eiomd atMUlv. Mm ft"! . 000. ' November 11.51s 58 December. ll.66a.67 Jaa.-r ... H84a.45 bd a' .' iVLiHn.m Maich 12.15a.16 API" 12.28a.29 May lORQudn Jane 12.50a.52 JnlT-.; 12.61a.63 August 1 1.708.78 FINANCIAL. Nrw Yorx. Exchange 4.80tt Governments quiet : NewS's......... 101 Four and a half pet cents 1.13 Four per cents l.lttte money a State bonds inactive, firm: Buo-treasury balances -Gold $76,396,120 uurrenoyH.. 4:71B,154 8TOCKS Opened firm, closed unsettled and de. cllnlng: Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 uiass a, small Class B, 5's " Class C.4'8. 99M 88 1.26 1.86 47 14 1.60a.70 1.821 1.22 " 881A 1.401 1.39 40 1.35ft 48M) Chicago and Northwestern preferred.. Erie East Tennessee Georgia DJ'nols Central. Lake Shore Louisville and Nashville Memphis and Charleston Nash:ileand Chattanooga New York Central 1 sborir, Blchmond sad Allegheny Bock Island Wabah, St. Lords 4 Pacific. preferred, Westsm Union 86 CITY COTTON MABJLET. Omoi Of TBI OraxuvBK, I Cbablottb. November 6, 1881. 1 The market yesterday closed dull and un changed. Good Middling. r.... 11 Strictly middling, j o Middling. jofW Sjict low middlng, joft Low middling. ioy Tinges filial n Storm cotton 7Ua9 Sales yesterday 262 bales. Charlotte Produce market. NOVEMBER 5. 1881. BUYING PRICES. Cobs. Derbush'l 85 90 Mxal, " WHKAT. " Bxams, white, per bushel 1.25a.50 Pxas, Clay, per bnsh. 90al.00 xaay, 1.50 White, 7fiaftfl FlOTJB Family 4.25a450 Extra..... 4 00 Suoer a. is Oats, shelled 55a65 Dbtjed Fbutt Apples, per lb 4&a6 Peaches, peeled 15a20 " Unpeeled 7al0 Blackberries HaK Potatoes Sweet 75 Irish i.oo Butter North Carolina. 1 RnOK Bogs, per dozen. 20a22 Poultry Chickens 12a20 Spring 10al5 Ducks .r. 20 Turkeys, per lb. 8 Geese R5a40 Bkkp, per lb., net 5a6 Mutton, per lb., net POBK, " SELLING PRICKS WHOLESALE. Bulk Mbats Clear Bib Sides.. inu Corm Prime Rio. 14al8 GOOd. 19.1Aft1K 80OAB Wlilte 10all Yellow 7a9 Molasses Cuba... . 82a85 Sugar Syrup. 86a50 Choice New Orleans 50a60 Common 40a45 Salt Liverpool fine 1.00al.25 Coarse 85al.00 WHTSXET Corn, per gallon S1.7fia2.00 Bye. sa.noaa.nn Brandt Apple, per gallon, S2.00a8.00 Peach. aa.RO Won, Scuppemong, per gallon. $1.50 RETAIL. Ceebsb - , Labd, per lb. Tallow, per lb Baooh 20 15 8al0 lOall 18 15al6 8al0 8.258.50 8.00 1.25 1.00 75 15 4a5 N. C. hog round Hams, W. a Hams, canvassed. BlCB , FBtirr Apples, Northern, per bbl " Mountain. " Fish Mackerel No. 1 " No. 2.... u -NO. 8. Codfish Cabbaqx, per Ex Midland IV. C. RailwajS (Atlantic and North Carolina Division.) PASSENGER DEPARTM'T. Time Table 11. to take effect Monday. 12rflK a. m., October 8rd, 1881: No. 47. GOING EAST. ARRIVE. LBATB, Goldsboro... 7 00 pm 7 82 pm 7 50 pm 8 05 pm 825 pm 8 65 pm 9 21 pm 9 41 pm 9 60 pm 10 25 pm 10 59 pm 11 10 pm 11 80 pm 11 84 pm 12 17 am 12 84 am 1264 am Best's La Grange Falling Creek.... Klnston Dover Core Creek 7 82 pm 7 45 pm 8 05 pm 8 20 pm 8 55 pm 9 16 pm 941 pm Q Kfl nm Tuscarora Clark's New Berne 10 10 pm Blverdale Croatan Woodbrldge Havelock Newport Hollywood Macon Hotel iu tv pm 1 1 iu pm 1 1 sn nm 11 84 pm iz am 12 84 am 1251 am 1 00 am Morehead Depot. No. 48. GOING WEST. ABBIVK. LKATX. Morehead Depot Macon Hotel .... Hollywood Newport Havelock , 8 20 am 8 85 am 856 am 418 am 4 49 am 454 am. 8 25 ami 8 60 am i 4 08 am 4 49 am 454 am 512 am 5 25 am 5 58 am 6 80 am Woodbrldge.... uroatan 512 amj 625 Mail Biverdale New Berne ... 6 10 am 680 am 6 40 am ?06 am 27 am 814 am 889 am 8 49 am 9 01 am Clarke's Tuscarora .... Core Creek... Dover ........ Klnston ...... Falling Creek La Grange.... Best's ........ Goldsboro.... 6 40 am 7 oi am 7 27 am 7 54 am 8 29 am 0 01 am 985 am Train 48 connects with Wilmington a Weldon train, leaving Goldsboro 950 a. m. for Blchmond, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and points goxth. East and West, and with the North Caro a train, leaving Goldsboro 1 -45 p. m. Tram 47 connects with Wilmington ft Weldon train from lUchmond, Baltimore, FbriadelaMa, New York, and points North, East and West, thai arrives at Goldsboro 6 SO n, m, Wilmington ft Weldon trains tear Goldsboro. North, 90 s nv, aid 10:24) IX- as., Soath, M VStOxoaa train, man and pas senger, leave Golds bojo, Sontk. 1A& p. m., ar rtveTKsTth, 82311. " - STpresstrslgkt, X. d B, &. strives Geidsboro 8.-00 a. m,, leaves Goldsboro 420 p. m. Steamer for Elizabeth City leaves New Berne, TMBdViV-OO ; m and Friday 2QQv. m., ar rives at Ellxabeth City, Wednesday, .7-00 a. m., and Saturday, 7 -00 a.m. ;.. . ; mtmmm J. B. YATES, octS Chief Engineer ft Gen'l Man. OUR LARGE STOCK g RAPIDLY SELLING --AT TBI GREAT SACRIFICES WE OFFER AT A FID BELOW COST. We HOl have a larre swortmeat to select freta and we would advise one and all to e&n at once and buy their Winter Goods before tbe best are sold. WtoBuuaolSutln Men's, Boys and Children's Ready-made Clotoj, IncJortlng OYXBCOATS for all ages. Dont pay profits when you can buy goons KEG AIDLESS Off COST. Remember we dose out business by January 1st, 1882. eet27 RODDI CK & CO, TRYON STREET. WE HAVB 08T BECETVED ANOTHER Also CORSETS, HOSIERY, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, DBSSS GOODS, FLANNELS, Ao THE BB1L FAXB, in Black A spedaltjlnMland Chlldrsns' BBGUL AB SHTBfxNG ZYfiWXffiti CALLjiEXAMO& Truly yonrs, 100 RODDICK & CO. C&fl eftflr and secure Baxgalos, Terms strlottr cash and one price. BARGA STW1LIE and FAM GROCEE The AttentioD of the. Public, and Especially the We, is Respectfully Called to MY LARGE STOCK OF NOW IN i -AND n it fiveryiD PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. TRY NONE loss Rose Patent Process Flour, " KdeHSoy IlI)avMsiip! Florida Oranges, CATAWBA GRAPES, MALAGA GRACES, Bananas, Apples and Other Lnxnries, AT- P EH R Y ' k Trade Street, : : Charlotte, N. C. PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION JO BOTH; ; : " WHOLESALE AND ONE CASE OE THE 4tTT TTTlJt"s7! Vl JUST RECEIVED. UlillMU VlijAiCo JUBT BECXINXDlfl ectlO H. MORRIS & BROS. LOT t)F THOSE GINGHAM PLAIDS, AT lO&i anew tlrie of RIBBONS, GLOVES, MEDICATES FLANNEL, 40a KID GLOVES 60s and Colors, all sizes. MADE HOSIEBY. Another lot of those S1.75 WHITE -IN- T AND FRESH STORE. AT- THE 2 BETTER. AT- n RETAIL TRADE. IE (.01)8 the Grocery Line will be found taMock TI IITUT T mm IF