'J C - .aafaamBBIBaVaBBaeMSa. - S' ' a- "Sav " - 4- i f " SURE APPETISER mOIT BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases requir UYiaSeffidSt tonfc; especially Istion Uys ivposla. Intermittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, IxS9 or Sn5XSoferffy,ete. It enriches the blood Btrengthena SSS!i?b 'the nerves. It acts like aciarm on tbe SSertorSreinoTine all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tastingthe Food, SKaTKLa, ItSiLr etc. The only Iron Prepa SSon'ttSt noTblacken the teeth or give headache. SSaSst Write for the A B 0 Book, 32 pp. of useful w iimi I ....fWda frrraa jnrt sue an exten uuw my ioor w nuHunwiiuu Ar2J54oWmSdid no (Its aw much relief, bat on the contrary, ni followed '. jtLTj "rTnrr . .i.i-7i.. ik.ui.immi InnnTowia. from which Ira yif5!!?3i... aadvaadarfal results. The old energy returned and I found that mr natural force !J'mm-,mS1S!S rKrSatHthrVTItt ft r Tenia Siaoe using it I hare done twise the la SaSartaTw 414 1 taTaaiie Mats dvUjrW Ulnm, and whh doable the ease. With the tranquil nerre SSliStSJSrSXmZSuiSZmik thonahtnerer before enjoyed. If the Xonio hat not done the .'Tr--r7L-- , u. .1. ... setwhaK Ijaielttk Mrmm) Tmntm m iraMew. mf rv- KafLadintli pMmt. mm tmtmi ettJa FewiM isvv aim jese wfcert lea I 1 .3- ftAI iimata THf n. HiRTER MEDICINE CO.. ID. 813 NORTH MAIN SHEET, ST. 10BI JtWlT STAG. . -V CHAS. R. Sole Ag't,Oharlotte,N.C. Every Estey Organ Sold is made Throughout with Eaual Adelitu. and Wield$ unrivaled tones j &nd for IQutCratsd Catalog. oet74lmoeo(Mfcw - TI1GN&INX lias acquired a repu . ' tatlon greater than any modicine' extant as the CHEAPEST, PURKST and best family . medltlne In tbe world. ni i t rr i 2 , it ste wnhrrtrnordlnitrr tiower and efficacy on m Uver the largest organ of trie body, called, from tte Importance, the Hinse-keeper of our Health. Then the Lrrer Is torpid, the bowels are alocflsh and constipated; the food lies In the sto mach Indigested and poisoning the blood. Fre JMiit meadacftM, feeling of lassitude, despon enty, antf Eerrausness, Indicate how the whole system la deranged. -To preyent a more serious eonoUMen, at enee Take 8IMM058 LIYES EEQULATOE. The test of ttme and the experience ofthous aods have proven It the best safest and speediest remedy lor all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen. As a remedy in MALAEI0U8 FEVERS, Dyspepsia, Mental Depression, Sick Headache Janadtoe, Coll, ponsUpaUon and BUlonsness, w"e esold mi a good-sized volume with such like dUttngmshed testimonials as the following: I hay used Simmons Liver Regulator for con stipation of my bowels, caused by a temporary de rangement of the liver, for the last three or f oar years, and always when used according to the di- reoUons wfth decided benefit. HIRAM WABKXB, Late Chief Justice of Georgia, I oeoaatonalry ase, waen my 'condition requires tt, Dcflauaons Liver Begulator, with good eSeet '?. "y v ; i f-i TBI ftALTDfO&X XPISCOPAL MZTHODIST says: "Sfjamons Liver Regulator is admowleged to hava no eqaai as a liver medicine, containing those Southern roots and herbs which an all-wise rrortdence has -placed in countries where liver diseases prevaiL. . . Boy amy the Geaalne In White Wrapper, with red B. psepared only by J. H. Kellln & Co. : ; - - , P. 0. WILSON, CMABLOTTK, V.C, Sole Agent for LOUIS COOK, Columbus Buggy AHS tHB t -- I WATttTOfl RJJ10 ,VAGCJI ?C0MPAHISS. j KracpXS, CAiEUai? PHAETONS, SPRING U JV&OLTSALX AND ESTAIL. t pty Btroaiia, 155: - top btogebs, $85. Special tndaeements to the wholesale trade errespondenoe solicited. - r ? 02n!aJBuoket1 J., : mHEoM Oaken Backet X The iron-bound backet, i; p wKio.iBoie Agent. Leal tetms w - it ii. jV1Wu. - , - i k H. jtoms cs uro. . j I, " y git ii t fTi - fi- - - - - - - v A TRUE TONIC mm m m m sw' t CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. fSMfaMMIataf 1 mended y t -1 ai sftetnr tori fiuMMMia, General I MOM ana uiiiwhm-i lcnew.Fteter,fce.J I -Jl . J. P.WilWK, Pastor Christian Canran. Troy. V. BICllMlKliraiWIICCOj' JONES, Every buyer should Select an Organ That guarantees good Every day work and Years of service OEGAN CO., Atlanta, Ga. THftGREATiCURE -RHEUMATISM AaUta for'all diaeoaes of the KIDNEYS, 1 LIVER AND BOWELS. It dlstnaea the scntem of the acrid noison tost oatises 'the dreadfol BTLfferinff which only the viotisie of SMnsuntsia reeUee. THOUSANDS OF CASES of the wont farma cf this terrible disease have been quickly xeUeved, la a short time ailtrfiw I al VWKBUi aeead wderfnltnrnn, aad an Immense aaie in erery part or tne Country. In nnn dieds of oases it has oared where ell else had failed." It is mild, but efficient, CXKTALJt VS ITS ACTTOX, but harmless in all cases. (Tit eleaases, Strena-tfceas asd ctves Vew life to all the Important organs of the body. The natural action of the Kidneys is restored. The Uvea is cleansed of aU dlseese, and the Bowels mors freely and healthfully. In this way the worst diseases are eradicated , from the system. - - As it has bean proved by thousands Oat I al is the most effsctnal remedy for i-'TiTigtrit L' mJ w. tm muwmn .1 HHUttM used in erery household as a , SPRING MEDICINE. Always cures BIXJOUSNZaa, COHSnPA TIOlT.rmS and all nMXUS Diseases. Im put up in Iry V ea-etable Form, in tin cans, Also in Li qaU Versa, very Caeamtrataiar theeonrenleaee of those who cannot readily pre pare it. It actiieUk equal QTloieacv it eitherform. ml qxt rr or tour druggist, price, ei.oo nSLLS, JUCHARDSOX At Co.. Prop's. f (Wffl sen theory port-paid.) BUaxniaTOR, VT. Marchi27Id&wy Only Vegl64Cpuclli acis curecpy upon tne I4vr, anti cures Liver Complaints; Tauri- Ec4 Biliousness ; Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headaciiel-Itassists di gestion, strengthens the system, regu)ates jel&welsi purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. Sakford, 162 Broadway, N.Y. TOJt SAXJS BY. AX.Z.VSSUOOZSTCM' JaMlrrdeod eow-4y. Cm - S I SKCHABLESnOTEI BTJmiSTlLIJS, h. a house has been leased for a term T Mr . Ttr i Run. .hm. IntaiHiM ia to keeTestoi(tlT flnitaa ttntiM 1n mmrt nwrjAct. . Commodious sample rooms on first and second rum ii - u rv:u ESTEI DrSANFOBD'S SUNDAY NOV 6, 1881. NORTH CAROLINA' EXHIBIT AT ATLANTA, 0ll,811ver, Copper, OontBdaau, SXlcra - and Prwelwos) stones Correspondence Hew York World. The wjiole exhibit or minerals is too great and represents too wide a territory f or a single letter, or, in fact, for a whole series of letters. The single sec tion that contains the specimens from half a dozen counties of southwestern North Carolina is the most extensive in variety and perhaps the richest in qual- icy. xne ores are uuwiiou uj mo uuiu mond and Danville Rpilroad company mnrAlv ri avfirt'se theresion that its extensions peneti ate, not an acre of wmcn is tne property 01 iu uuuiptuiy. There are no statistics and it is impos ciViia t oat annh accurate information as one desires r "thout making a scien tific visit to tne region, xne geologist in charge, Mr. C D. Smith, of Franklin, N n . it is r-nnfiftded. knows more about the wealth of these counties than any one else. But he has only such statis tics as he has himself gathered. He can speak only with the vagueness of the early prospector i a Colorado. The cen sus returns cover oniy ine mining pro perties that are worked, and yet the r.1 invested in mi nine in North Carolina- is greater than in any other . a t . ml A. . M State except uoioraao. xneiextension 01 the Richmond and Danville Railroad nvstflrn from Asheville. N. C now in course of construction, that has Chatta nooga, Tennessee for its objective pome, will open the counties of Yancey, Bun combe, Jackson, Swain, Mason and Cherokee. In this section there is every reason to believe lies the richest miner al deposits on the continent The belief 1 a nam oron Arallv ATnressed hv men who have investigated the subject somewhat ... . - 5 Ali tnattne mining retrion or which mis section is the centre i3 much licber than the Rocky Mountains and tne ra cific seaboard. TJNWORKED MINERAL DEPOSITS. Even in the counties of North Caro lina that are further east, through which there have for years been rail roads, great quantities of minerals are vet un worked. The Dan River coal in Rockineham county is very fine and there are great quantities of it. Yet nobody knows how much, and it is not worked. The magnetic iron ores, a belt of which runs from South Carolina diaconallv through North Carolina into Vireinia. are much more valuable than the coal, and only an insignificant part of this probably exhaustless deposit has ever been touched. Mr. J. J. New man, of Mitchell county, owns 64,640 acres of land in which there is ore, no one knows how much, which yields 68 per cent. iron. The well-known Conrad Hill Mine in Davidson county yields an ore from which steel is made as readilv. it is claimed, as from any ore in the world. Cabinet specimens of this have heretofore usually been brought from Greenland. In Orange county, near the middle of the State, a shaft has recently been suok irom which an ore is dug that yields 61.24 per cent. iron. Three years ago the DroDertv was bought for 55.000. Now it is valued at nearly twenty times the amount paid for it. There are speci mens of gold and copper ores nere, an analysis of which shows as follows: Gold ore from one shaft of the Conrad Hill Mine yields $120 per ton, from an other $200. From the same mine a rich yield of copper is got, the richest, it is claimed, in America. From Ore Kob Mine in Ashe county, a number of charcoal-refined copper ingots have been brought, which command the highest price in the market. There is a sDec'.men of gold ore from Rowan county which is worth $400 per ton. At one place in Cherokee county, limonite, manganese and magnetic ore are all found in quantities on one small tract of land. There are eighteen copper minesin Jackson county. In Randolph county an ore is found that yields 846.51 of gold and $4.78 of copper per ton ; in Mecklenburg county $93 of gold and $1.92 of silver per ton ; another in the same county that yields $500.43 01 gold and $6.52 of silver per ton. Ine well known Gold Hill gold mine n now worked 750 feet below the surface and yields ore that commands from $40 to $250 per ton. There are 17 gold mines in Rowan county, ore irom some 01 which is worth $400 per ton. ASBESTOS, SOAPSTONE AND MICA. Seventy-five per cent of the mica used in America comes xrom JNorxn Carolina, and yet the business of min ing it is in its infancy. In these west ern counties large quantities or r SDestos of very good fibre are found. Soapstone is quarried in large quantities in Guil ford, Davidson ana swam counties, it has been hauled 100 miles in wagons to be shipped to Massachusetts. There is a vein of kaolin in Macon county 900 feet long and twenty-five feet thick. It is found also in other counties. Chrome is found in Jackson and Yancey coun ties. These metals point to an enorm ous new industry the manufacture of porcelain, perhaps within reach of the materials. The discovery of vast quan tities of corundum in Macon county has already resulted in at least one large fortune. The owner 01 a tract or land on which corundum sand is found hauls it sixty miles in wagons to the railroad and finds it so profitable that he persistently refuses to send speci mens to geologists or to hint to the world what bis Income is. A specimen of paint is exhibitrd from Cherokee county, wmcn is supposed to have a good commercial value. Marble, of course, tnere is without limit in Swain, Macon and Cherokee counties. The mountains of marble that have been pierced from Tennessee, Georgia and North Carolina must con-' tain enough stone to supply the world henceforth. Yet Quarries can now be bought in many places as cheap as other land. Lead, feldspar, plumbago, pyrites and other minerals can only be men tioned. PRECIOUS STONES. Mr. Stephenson, a kind, childless old gentleman in Western Carolina, has amused mmseif collecting, precious stones, a cabinet of which he nas lent to be exhibited here. This and Mr. Smith's cabinet of stones are sufficient to cause a mining rage that may sur pasa.the California madness of thirty years ago. There are rubies, sapphires, perfectly colored amethysts, yellow and rose garnets, beryls and the already fa mous hiddenites. These stones are found in Jackson and Yancey counties, except hiddenite, which has been found only in: Alexander county. It is ' said that Mr. Stephenson years ago discovered this stone, bat did not know its value. Mr.: Hidden, played the old game of Arnericus . Vespucius. . The hiddenite is an emerald and has become famous mainly as a curiosity. A few have been sold for as much as: fexoo: a carat. The yield ox precious stones in North Caroli na has thus, far been mainly a sensa tion, but lapidist8 have placed Wgb vafc uew-on- B9meTxnas sKrve been round. Wbat jaayr come-.ot &f . course, mains to be seeiwt Mr. Emithi has here a rf f? waimsntains ifdniatnre diamonds,; and ha W joail- mosb hkely in Alexander county. This entirewexplpred, retina o&yoirf that await development ; the min eral respurcek is 97;one toe;'ot do, velopment'Ther MftVfrbmesMth forests and in the soil, as well as tmdflr agent ot the, Richmohdraad Danvilla Company, haa ui exteriSive-MdVirS ableexhibitof wood here W&f orrS me also that his railroad transports an nually 8,000,000 pounds -of dried fruit, peaches, apples and blackberries from a single shipping point ana luu.ouu pounds of n commercial herbs. The whole section is less densely populated than any . other part of the United States east of the Mississippi, except the inaccessible portions of Florida. Railroads are now piercing it from two directions. Within two years it will be open to the world. No part or tne globe has greater atttraction for capi tal. The cotton exhibition affords the very first opportunity ever given to ad vertise these resources as well as to furnish a key to the investigation of tne region. Doubtless men win lose fortunes there, but other n en will make them, and the day is not far off that The World has so long predicted with confidence, when the section rich est in resources will begin to be rich also in available wealth, in manufac ture, and, better than all, in a broader civilization. THE COLORED FAIR. The Biff Day ok the .Exhibition A Splendid Speech by Senator Vance A Large Attendance and Merltori oua Exhibit. Raleigh News and Observer, 4th. Raleigh never contained so many vis iting colored people from a distance as were in the city yesterday to attend the fair. It was a well-dressed, good-humored and orderly crowd, and the po lice give uniform testimony to the good behavior of the visitors. Out to the fair grounds the people made their way and the scenes along Hargett street were gay. The feeling of pride was perceptible in every African s face, for little and big were alike impressed with the dignity of the occasion and the merits of Mde culled folks' fair." The display of stock is. meritorious, and of swine is splendid. The. finest hog shown, a Poland China boar, is of immense size. A number of good cows, calves and horses are in the stalls. A pair of light bay horses, owned by War ren C. Coiemah, of Concord, an intelli gent colored man, attracted much at tention, as he drove the pair to a buggy of his own. As has before been said. the poultry exhibit is one of the best and largest ever made in tne state. To sum up the merits of the fair, as impressed upon a visitor, it may be said that it is an honor to the colored people of North Carolina, and that the fact of their having made it the best of the three held shows a commendable progress and desire for improvement, which the white people rejoice to see. SENATOR VANCE'S ADDRESS. That distinguished son of North Car olina, Z. B. Vance, was the orator of the day yesterday. He went out to the grounds in a praeton, drawn by four spanking grays, and escorted by three companies of colored troops, and two companies 01 firemen. After inspect ing the exhibit he was taken to the speaker's hall, where, with Gen. W. R. Cox, another honored son of the State, he took his seat Around were the of ficers of the Industrial Association, and a number or our most lnnuential white citizens, as well as quite a party of la dies. The hall was packed with people but not half those on the grounds could get inside it Senator Vance was pleasantly intro duced oy tne colored master of ceremo nies as a man who had won in the highest degree the regard and respect of the colored people of North Caroli na, and as one wnom thev delight to honor. The Senator than began a speech of an hour's length, which, from the beginning to tne end, was full of ad mirable things, good, cheering, com mendatory words for the colored peo people. It was an earnest intensely practical taiK, witn just enougu OI wit ana numor to give it zest Senator Vance said: "The world moves." If any one had told him ten years ago that he would to-day be here addressing the third annual fair of the colored people he would have been as founded. The exhibition you make does your race credit and does your State credit The people of other States cannot realize its extent, its mer it its importance. Sixteen years ago you were slaves, set free by violence, after a long civil war, with no land, no houses, no prop erty of any kind, and now, "won derful to relate, you are contending with your late masters for the prizes of peace, while one of your late masters addresses you and others sit with you and wish you God-speed in your work of progress and advancement, moral, social and industrial. It does our com mon humanity credit a credit that the future will not fail to give. No man can deny that you have had a hard time of it But yesterday a race of slaves, ignorant and uneducated, you were set free in a manner calculated to inflame hatred. Yet notwithstanding all these things, peace reigns and good feeling between the races increases, day by day, month by month, season by season. No man will deny that you were unfitted for the duties of freedom ; that you lacked that foresight and manly self-dependence that was need ed to make you self-sustaining. And yet, while these were all against you, you have had such good as rarely falls to the lot of any people. Your lot has been cast in pleasant places in the ge nial and fertile soil of good, old North Carolina, among a people with whom you were raised and to whom you are bound by a thousand ties. Yes, your lot is cast in a state wmcn nas no equal in the plenitude of its old-fashioned freedom ; handed down by the ances tors of the white race, but in which you are free and full participants. To-day you are precisely upon the same foot ing as the white people in all matters of law and public education. The speaker then said he had never asked colored men for their votes, but that when he became governor he at once made it a duty and a pleasure to see that the negroes of North Caroli na had exact and equal justice before the law, with full participation in the Srivileges of the public schools. In bus benefitting the colored people he declared that he had benefitted himself and the State. Then the speaker went on to speak of the vast responsibilities resting upon the colored race, responsi bilities wnich grew greater day by day as ignorance gave place to intelligence. The duties of citizenship so varied and' so important, are onerous, but can not be lightly observed. So far, the speaker declared, he had no reason to feel dis satisfied with the progress made by the colored race in North Carolina since the war, tor in all respects it had been equal to that made by the white race. You have accumulated much property, rnd. if you continue to progress will Boonbe a wealthy people. ; . Senator Vance advised his auditors not to lay too much stress on education, but to learn - how to work. He urged a careful compliance with contracts, say ing that character and integrity were the poor man's capital. Again he allu ded to the good feeling between the races, and to his delight at the exhibi tion, and then ureed his hearers to ac quire land, not to be tenants, but own ers. Wltn mucn such, good aavice ana amid continuous applause he closed his admirable address. THE OXONIAN, A JOURNAL OF. LITERATURE EDUCATION published monthly at Oxford, V. G., at On. Dollar a year in ad vanoe. ; -The Oxonian aims at m.cmf'pg the Interest tot Literature and Sdocadon, and gives original ar ticle on subjects of vital Importance as welt as eriOcVsms ot the newest arrfnMiitvalnabtopobUca- ToirerJdeelied: iidvakag to srfwrHsers. High average circulation. AdverUseraenta -are shown proentiyawirea trom enow, and are taste tnUypjajeqy 4ta advertising rates are -not m Zi&LZ&SJ advertiser. Anvertlse, marl8-4f j. c. HORNKB, Oxford, N. & . TOE-GREAT, Qts( M RE IB I FOR EU1ATISI, Neuralgia. Sciatica. Lumbaao. Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns ami Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation en earth equals Sr. JACtrat Or as a sae, rum, gitnpl and cheap Xzternal Kennedy. A trial entails but the eomparattraly trifling outlay of 50 Ceats, and every one suffering with pain cju hare cheap and positive proof of its claims. Directions in Kleten Languages. SOLO BT ALL DBUGQISTS A2TD fiEALESS IS MEDICnTB. A VOGEIiER & CO., JBaltimorrJiteU, XT.M.M, dee 80 dd: w ly a Do you want a pure, bloom ing Complexion i If so, a few applications of Hagan's MAGNOLIA BALM will grat ify you to your heart's con tent. It does away with Sal lowness, Bedness, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases and imperfections of the skin. It overcomes the flushed appear ance of heat, fatigue and ex citement. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear hut TWEN TY: and so natural, gradual, and perfect are its effects, that it is impossible to detect its application. 3 Jan. 22 Notice to Railroad Contractors. Western North Carolina Railroad Co, Salisbury, H. C, October 26th, 1881. OEALXD PR0POSAL8 will be received at the tJ office ox the company in Salisbury, N. C, until 12 m, November loth, 1881. lor the graduation and masonry on a part of the Ducktown line, Western North Carolina Railroad, west of Pigeon River. Profile and specifications can be seen at the office of the company, or at the office of the Chief Knglneer, Major James W. Wilson, Ashe ville, N. C. The company reserves the right to re ject an; and all bids. A. B. ANDREWS, oct30 lot President FOUND On the streets last night, an Alpacca Umbrella, with dog's head on the handle. It has been left at this office and will be delivered to the owner by proving property and paying for this advertisement. octdO NOTICE. THX meeting of the stockholders and directors of the North State Copper and Gold Mining Company, which was to be held at its office on the property of the company in Guilford county, N. C, for the purpose of levying an assessment on the stock and other business which might be present ed to the meeting, has been postponed and will be held at the same place at noon of the 24th of No vember, 1881. JOSEPH WILKINS, octSO tf President TO THffH I OIVB HEALTH. "Excellent Tonic, Alterative and Diuretic." Medical Association, Lynchburg. Va. "Used wjthgreat benefit in Malaria and Diph theria." SVjr. Dupon, M. D.. Ga. 'Successfully used In dyspepsia, chronic diar rhoea and scrofula." Prof. & Jackson, M. D Univ. Penn. "Invaluable as a nervous tonic" Hon. L C fowler, Term. "Recommended as a prophylactic in malarial districts,"!). R, Fairex, Jt. D.. N. O. "Restores debilitated systems to health." T. C Mercer, AC D., bid. "Adapted in chronic diarrhoea, scrofula, and dyspepsia.-" Geo. T. Harrison, M. D., N. T. , "Successful in diphtheria and neuralgia." J. P. Keese, M. D., N. C. "Excellent for certain diseases peculiar to wo men." Prof. J. J. Moorman, M. D., Va, - "Prompt in relieving headache, sick and ner vous." Rev. X. C. Dodson. - "Used with great benefit In dyspepsia." J. Mo Ralph, M. D., Pa. - "Suited to bronchitis and diseases of digestive organs." J. F. Roughton, M. D., Ala. "Most valuable remedy known for female dis eases." Jno. P. Metteanr, M. D. , L. L. D. Jf! I? So! CBrave vlrtue-"Th- V, Rumf old, "Beneficial in uterine derangement and mala tloufl condlUons."-G. M. ValL M. D., Ohio. "Ch arming on the complexion, making tt smooth, clear, soft and rosy." Miss M., of 8. C. "The prince of mineral tonics." Francis Gil Dam, M. D., N. C. "Inestimable as atonic and alteraUve." Hun ter Mebulre, M, D Va. "Fine appetizer and blood purifier." H. Fisher, M.D.,Ga "Very beneficial in Improving a reduced sys tem." Bishop BeckwHh, of Ga. "Invalids here find welcome and health." Rev. John Hsnnon, late of La., now of Richmond, Va. . "Has real merit" Southern Med. JoumaL Pamphlets free, upon application. Water. $4 $) case. Mass and Puis, 25, 60, 76 cents. Sent post-paid anywhere. Bummer season of Springs begins 1st June. 835 V month. Address . . A. M. DAVTJCS, Pres't of the Co,, 78 Main St, Lynchburg. Va., P. O. Box 174. WILSON BUB WELL, J. H. McADEN, and u. a. wttisxuH a CO., mar27 Charlotte, N.C, CMOakS SlSbSf. -bf0CO known " ? The toon bound bucket, Xhentoaa-covered bncket,-: .' ; Xhiatrmf JnthewaB. i - 7 EH 1 IVvSKW uaXTBStEii!ii!:!3s.3. FRESH MINERAL WATER Both Ftreigo and Domestie, Jast Received, at UlJ-ll gARATOGA "yiCHT, From Saratoga Springs, N. T. A new water re- BeuiDimg me imponea vicny. recommended as an antacid: cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Reoommeaded very highly as a cathartic and al terative and In all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, CASES CONGRESS WATER, Y Q CASES ROCK BRIDGE ALUM, IQ CASES BUFFALO LTTHIA. And a full supply ox IMPORTED APOLLINARIS Ajm Hunyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT 0IROPEAN NOVELTY ! H UNTADI XANCfl. THE BESTT NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Dosir Awine glass full before breakfast The lancet "Hunyedi Janos. Baron Lleblg af firms that its richness hi aperient salts sumasses that of all other known waters." The British Medical Journal "HunyadJ Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Prof. Virchow, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Pro. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Pro. Bcanzoni, Wurezburg. I prescribe none but this." Prof. Zander Bpmton, M. D., Y. R. 8., London. "More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them In efficacy." -fTT"1' mP-j F- 8- Boyal Military Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred to Pulina and Fried ricnshalL" JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. a DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water to large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J. H. McAPEN, Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 L R. Wriston & Co., WHOLESALE & RETAIL Druggists, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Oar stock of Drags, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs, is complete. GIVE US A TRIAL rpRT OUR INK CAPSULES, Something new and guaranteed to make the BEST INK in the Market L. B. WRISTON & CO. -yyHITB and RED ONION SETS, For fan planting, L. A. WRI8TCH & CO. w X HAVE A xULL ASSORTMENJ Of Seeler's Hard Rubber Trusses at hsSimMi prices. Every Truss warranted as represented. ' L. R. WRISTOM CO. JADIESJ CORSET BRACE, A shoulder brace and support for the back com bined. Sold by L, & WRISTON & CO. octia CHINA PALACE OF J. Brookfleld & Co. New Goods Amving Daily. The finest collection of Triple 4 Quadruple Silver Plated Ware. TRIPLE PLATS TABLE KNIVES $460 per doz. TRIPLE PLATE on WHIIE METAL CASTORS, 6 CUT GLASS BOTTLES, $4 EACH QUADRUPLE PLATE PICKLE CASTORS, 82.50 EACH. 17 Fine Poroelalne Tea Setts, 44 pieces, & Fine Poroelalne Dinner Setts, 100 pieces, $19. : s3T GOBLETS 76 cents and SI per Dcaen, jq WHOLESALE AHD RETAIL LARGE LINE OF .FANCY GOODS JUST TO HAND, Dr.J.H.McAden'sDrD Store , &VtXtlBZXUZUts AN ONLY DAUttlffERC CONSUMPTION. When death vfaa hourly expected, all remedle, having failed, and Trr w 3, '. . 63 If mid8 it ninnniHnn .1.1.1. . . ulal . nuiwi cured niS OnlT Ohll Of CONSUMPTION m .n 'u' child . " is uow in this country, and enjoying the best health. He h. '",v wvrm wo wwauMfTION can bo positively and permanently cured. The Doctor now gives this recipe free, only asking two three cent stamps to pay expenses. This herb also cares Night 8weats, Nausea at the Stomach and will break up a fresh cold In twenty-four hours Address CRADDOCK 4 CO, 1032 Race street' Philadelphia, naming this paper. FREE Sena to MOORE'S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY For Illustrated Circular. A 11-re actual Business ichooL EttobUehed twenty yean. MWLM1" AWARDED tne Author. A new andrnut u J Unset Frenoh moiaiB' .ri.na " Wo, j Bulflh .t. AGreat Offer hr HOLIDAYS ' LOpT SOIIDBABT SPLENDID ORGANS, , MSTSBO Mn n n16!!"4 NIFICENT m oct. ROSEWOODS llANOq MJG; andTOver, orjy$l90. Wairanted Tear ' im 001 trated Catalogue mailed. Agentewanfed Illus' HORACE WATERS 4 CO., ManufaSn'm, , Dealers. 826 Broadway, New Tort Wrs and THE CHIGKEBIMB PIMO. THF HlffllKT AWADno Were ersnted In th qur PIANOS jM ; at! roRBATJ KPOSmON mAHTs' NIAL EXHIBITION in KuTalgdS?11' JPf!5? vH8h,n P-rchaaP (or a. vu' men arc respeetfnUy in vited to visit our Warerooms. Send for Circular and Pries LUt, chickerihs & sons; 130 Fifth Avenue. N.Y. I 156 TremontSt., Botton. - , yovl-dAw4w Largest Sate Ever Made by any Book in i UNITED STAES Over 200,000 Actually Sold in THIRTY DAYS ! By PEICE 25 CENTS, s Ti A A TV T1 IT T ITTT Tl KM II K If ! II II H i uui v in "Genuine fun, wit and humor." Albany Press. "The funniest book ever publishedV'-OH City Derrick. "NllffffAts of fnn In varlnna artoTuia n Von Herald. "Funniest book of the season."-New Orleans Times. "The fun is uproarious, but pure and whole some." Indianapolis News. "Absolutely crammed full of irresistable laugh ter." -Keokuk Gate City. "The most original humorist of the day. "-Chicago Evening Herald. "Equal to the best humor of Jerold's famous 'Caudle Lectures,' and as original as humorous." San Frag Examiner. tW For sale at JNO. R. KDDINa' Book Store 0C129 Ginger, Bucha, Man drake, SdHingia, and many of the best medi ciaes knows, are com bined la Parker! Ginger j.oaic, into a meaicun of suck raried rxwcrv as to make it the greatest BetHealtaAStren?th jMsxonr Ever used. It cuics Rheumatism, Sleeplessness, & diseaess of the Stomach, Bowels, Lungs, Liver & Kidneys, & is entirely different from Bitters, Gutter Essences aad other Tonics, as it nerer intoxicates. Hiscox L Parker's Hair Balsam. Ti Bt, CkasMt, aaa Mort EoooomW IU!r Dteu tn. Kvrar foib to ratore th. yootMul Mlwto tpwj aair. & Co., Chemists, N. V. Sarfag BnTlny Dollar 8ba. 80c and ifaei. Ijayt oct22 Richmond and Danville Railroad, PASSEffGJJE DEPAETMESTT, On and after June 6th, 1881, Passenger Train Service on the Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line di vision of this road will be as follows: m . o U. 8. Han Express Fast Mall EASTWARD. No. 45, Na47, No. 4ft . A. B. C L've Atlanta 4.00 am 8.15 pm 80 ? Arr. 8uwanee....D 6.18 am 4.87 p 7.45 fm &54 am 6.59 fm 9.06 fm " Toocoa F 8.14 am 7.16 pm 10 1 t , Seneca.. tf.,G 9.20 am 840 pm 11.25 f Greenv le ..H 10.68 am 10.20 pm 1.00 ah " Spartan'g...K 12.14 pm 11.40 fm 211 ah Ga8tonla....L 2.86 pm 2.18 am 4 31 av " Charlotte.. :M I 8.85 Pm 8.15 am 5.85 am '"" 11 N jf (j S " WESTWARD. U. & Mail Express Fast Mall Na42. No. 48. No. 5a L've Charlotte.. .M 12.8o"pm 12.43 am 127s3 ah Gastoni...L i 27 pm 1.48 am 117 am Spartan g.. K 8.50 pm 4.06 am 8.12 am Greenv'le-.H 6.07 pm 6.18 am 4.24 am ' Seneca G 8.51 pm 7.02 am 5.47 am H y0?00 - S! 8 01 8.15 AM 6.58 am " Lula........R 9.18FM 9.81 am 8.09 am tm - Suwanee...D 10.88 pm 10.54 am 9 22 am Am Atlanta 12.05 am 12.20 pm 10.85 am . A.wJtT?JT?P trains of Georgia Central and P, Railroads. r vQ'Pn2stt$tia of Georgia Central. A. w , jv and W. ft A. RaUroada, L1. "T" trains of the Georgia Railroad. wraneerUle Branch to and from Law "Nonieastern Railroad ef Georgia to and from Athens, Ga, flJWbertw AliI4ne to and from Eibertoft rtJUi ' cihunbia and Greenville to and from 'PSbla and Charleston. S. C. Columbia and Greenville to and bora Colombia and Charleston, A, c, . K with Spartan bora; and Asheville, and Spartas burg. Union and Columbia to and from Henderson AahejU18' ajod Alston and Columbia. . h with Cheater and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and fromDallas and Cheater. - M with C., C. 4 A.-C. &-R, D; and A T. O- il Points West. North and East Koa. 47 and 48, dally wliaout ehange betweeo Atlanta and; .ions uenerai ntBeengw

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