atjc f)arlottt XD Imam LOCAL INTELLI6KJICE TUESDAY, NOV. 8, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. Phalahx Lodoi Na 81, A. F. a a. M.-Begular w vowuu auu i-uurui ALonciaj "'gh1! Exoxlsiob Lodox No. 261, 1.F.4A. M.-Beg-ular meeting every first and third Tnwuiiw mhV7 CiLUiLOTTjr Chaftkk No. 39. B. A. M. Bogular "iw,uj6 owuum iuiu luurm m na&y nigntfl. CHABLomCoiafANSABT No. 2, K. T. Besular u, ounuM. uepuar meeting every OWXfVUU OUV4 viu vu AUUlOUaBi K!. OTP T Knights of Pythias. Regular meeting nioht first and third Wednesday? o'clock pTm. at DVUIV AQUipro "fill, X- o r -en. CHABLorra Lodgb No. 88,-Meeta every Mon day night. ' Mkokunbubs Declaration Lodox No. H Meets every Tuesday night. D D8" No. 108.-Meets'every Thursday t JBE" 3!??" Na' 21.-Meets . .i uu xumwMj mgnts in eacn month. Index to New Advertlecmeut. Wilson & Burwell Holiday Guods. BUSINESS NOTICES. LACONIC LOCAL. LIEBIQ CO' 3 COCA BJSXF TONIC. " 51 e.. than anything I have eyer Sin iSK2?S .WJH'a- ooullon, w mo unuia urne oi saxony. Knight of the Iron Cross, etc ' The effect of the Coca borders upon the mar velous, and if not clearly authenticated by sclen Us,8.l n,n20Ubtod JBrac,tI would 06 altogether be- ja at. wm. o. bb.uu,ie, Brooklyn, It Is Invaluable In head affections, weaked mem- . 1 1 wMiuiowt wkiiujujduuu ui uiuua io uie neaa. Hick And tlArWAllft Tl AAla Aha Alan Kl-.t-l-. kA....! In palpitation of the heart and other forms of AGAR dUAARA. ffl flAllMlH- riMn.tal -.---..... paralysis, dyspepsia, monthly suffering and blllous- wxxs, mniuo wx WWUUBSS luUHUlOnB. "Incomparably superior to the trashy article hlAh M WtA vt 1 w W. W a . . T . " " "jnl cu uwu ui puDiic," is me verdict (President Rat1 rnnH f Ph ..iTj VT1 . i. a ..J ' Rooms, Member General Council. University of , -.uuui6.i, civ , viw., in ogu mi uie AiieDlg Urs jAiaoi or wirea uazeL it cures riles. Bait Rheum, Catarrh. Rheumatism. NenmicifL. Painful Monthly Flow, Sore Throat, Varlwse t ems. neware oi counieneils. Bold in fifty cents uiu uuu&r sizes. ABSURDLY STUPID AND FOOLISH to allow prejudice or Ignorance to get the better of-good Judgment It has been amply shown and wuviuoiTcij yiuToii ui cuusuikiuuii. Daa ureaul, dyspepsia, kidney affections and all diseases of luo nrcr, Bwurncu ana Doweis nave Deen cured and can be cured by simply taking Simmons Liver uKuaw, a. 1. uatjuimsj uuit unpieasans ana easily procured so there is no reason to be Ignor ant of a true remedy. If you suffer, you have no "uuao, wi una meoicme piaoes certain relief and cum niuuu jvus mwik Who.U Mrs. Wlaslow ? As this Question is freouentlv askMi. m hm aim. ply say that she is a lady who for upwards of for ty years, has untiringly devoted her time and tal- euis as a jemaie i-nysician and nurse, principally ouiuuK uiumcu, duo mts tsspecuuiy siucueu tne constitution and wants of this numimu niasa. and, as a result of this effort, and practical knowl edge, obtained in a lifetime spent as nurse and physician, she has compounded a Soothing Syrup, for children teething. It operates like magic giving rest auu iioiuua, ana is moreover, sure to regulate the bowels. In consequence of this ar ticle, Mrs. Wlnslow is becoming world-renowned as a benefactor of her race; children certainly do rise up and bless her; especially is this the case in this city. Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrup ard dally sold and used here. We think Mis. Wlnslow has immortalized her name by this in valuable article, and we sincerely believe thous ands of children have been saved from an early grave by Its timely use, and that millions yet un born will share its benefits, and unite in calling her blessed. No mother has discharged her duty to her suffering little one, in our opinion, until she has given it the benefit of Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing oruifc a 17 it, mowers iry h now. .Ladies' visi tor. New York City. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. MANY MISERABLE PEOPLE drag themselves about with failing Btrength. feellne that thev are steadily sinking into their graves when, by using .ranters uinger xonic iney wouia nna a cure commencing with the first dose, and vitality and strength Bmrely coming back to them. Bee other column. MADE FROM HARMLESS MATERIALS, and dapted to the needs of fading and falling hair, Parker's Hair Balsam has taten the first rank as an elegant and reliable hair restorative. BXDVOKD ALUV AND IRON SPRINGS WATXB AND Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains twice as much Iron and fifty per cent, more alum tnum than any "alum and iron mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so feneraL Sold by all druggists of any standing, 'rices reduced one half, mayl 1 tf FADED OR GRAY HAIR gradually recovers Its youthful color and lustre by the use of Parker's Hair Balsam, an elegant dressing, admired for its purity and rioh perfume. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and in discretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay loss of manhood, Ac., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE of CHARGE, This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Bend a self-addressed envelope to the Rxv. JOSEPH T. IN MAN, Station D, New York City. Boarders Wanted. HAVING rented the residence of W. J. Black for the ensuing year, I am prepared to accommo date several families wUh board and comfortable rooms, also day boarders with board: all at rea sonable rates. Apply to the undersigned or to his wife at the house, comer of 8th and College streets r. uuijulan. dov6 8t LAND SALE. T Y Virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg county, IB tut ease oi the Nortn Carolina Railroad Company against R. N. Grimes, I will expose to sale at the court house doer in the city of Charlotte, on Monday, December 6th, 181, a lot of land lying on the east side of the North Carolina Railroad, between 7th and 8th streets running oaoa rrom said road 53 leet, and extend ing along the whole front of the lots owned by siiiutt. n. unmes. BF- Terms Cash. JNO. B. EftWIN, nov6 oaw 4w sun Commissioner. NOTICE. TO THE PEOPLE AROUND HUNTEB8VILLE, COWAN'S FORD and HAN DLES BUBG, we would respectfully call your attention to the fact that we have goods to O T? T T and U we want Is for you to comekj AJi XJ J-Jwlth the money. If we have the kind of goods you want we will sell to you. All you have to do to get goods cheap U to Jew at us a little. We don't intend to let Charlotte, or any other place, undersell us Just now for cash. We know that you will not find as many goods with us as In Charlotte, yet we may have as much as you will want and will sell to you at your prices, If we can't gegours. COMB AND BEX. BARKER k DM and DERR & BARKER nov5 d oaw 8w w8w Home and Democrat copy 2w. NOTICE. "PURSUANT to a decree of the Superior Court of A Mecklenburg, I will self at Public Auction, at the eourt bouse la Charlotte, on Monday, the 6th day of December, 1881, that very valuable and de sirable lot of land lying between the intersection of the N. C. R. B. and Trade street, formerly the Butter17 f P" M' Brown aad now "raed t7 T. u T?9 V cash; balance on 8 and 8 months cred it with interest BUFUS BARBINGKR, novSdoawtds Commissioner. mm ie Bonds W1 rs will paj the highest market price for Con uad better send yours at once, and should our or- flftM Kb ntik j ... . m m mo wiuiarawn we win return vt you iree oi ex? press. hoMAj CBANCH CO.. - J(4 lw " . :-,k Blimond.Va, HIGHEST PRICES Pirpfor Confederate Coupon Bonds, and SlOO, SlKAn anl ! iwi Kill. - w " nev48t xx Traders5 Nat. Banlt. A very hard rain Sunday nieht. ' The burglars seem to ho tntfn a. iitue resu W Everybody, or at least ... omer ooay, has a cold. inere were 175 arrival atfchA Central on the 4th. The front row. halftrttiv. fnr Heene'8 "Richelien' Thurarlav nitrht uaa already Deen taken. l"Another rainy day yesterday and the streets had a natural winter look. Tempera! ore much warmer. 3P An interesting wedding ia to oc cur this morning which will be an event in Hebrew social circles. Extensive additions are being made to the already large machine shops of Liddell & Co. I3TA meeting of Excelsior Jlodee. No. 261, A.F. and A. M., will beheld a their hall to-night t"The regular monthly businesss meeting of the Gounod Club whic h was to have been held last night at th resi dence of Mrs. Bessie L. Dewey was postponed on account of the unj propi tious weather until to-night at the same place. A young negro girl set up a, pite ous howling on east Tryon street yes terday, and when the police arri ved it was found that she cried because her father was attempting to force- her home, she having run off some tim.e be fore. She claimed that he beat her so that she could not live with him. Both were taken to the station house and will appear before mayor this morning. CSMr. Robert Dunn states that while traveling in Stanley county-for his house, Wilson & Burwell, druggists, of this city, last week in crossing Swift Island Ferry, his horse fell from the ferry boat and disappeared from sight, coming up on the other side of the boat, which drifted over the submerged animal. Mr. Dunn caught hold of the bridle and the horse swam after the boat and landed in safety on the other side. Robbery at Iron Station. The store of Lineberger & Houston, at Iron Station, on the western division of the Carolina Central railroad, was entered last Friday night and robbed of about 8100 in cash. The thief or thieves have not been captured. Night Train on the C. C. &. A. It is learned that next Sunday a night passenger train will be put on the Char lotte, Columbia and Augusta road, leav ing this city at 11:30 p. m. and arriving at 5 :55 a. m. Some slight changes, it is thought, will we made in the connect ing fast mail on the Richmond and Danville. An Engine Walka Into a Pit No 21, the engine which was steamed up and stood in the engine house at the passenger depot of the associated railways, yesterday afternoon, ready to pull out the afternoon train to the North, concluded that it was time to leave a few minutes before everything was ready, and with the assistance of a litUe steam which escaped from the not tightly closed valves, moved off. She gracefully ran her pilot over the waiting pit of the turn-table immedi ately in front of the engine house, but not finding the supporting table ad justed to her particular track, contin ued to move slowly and with much dignity until the part of her which im pended over the pit ound itself in the majority and plunged the pilot into the mud below, hoisting the cab and ten der to concurrent angles with the track, of about 45 degrees. Railroad Notce. The latest rumor is that the Best- Boston syndicate are negotiating for the purchase of the Cape Fear and Yad kin Valley railroad. Mayor DeWolfe, who returned from Tennessee via Faint Rock reports much work to be done yet before the Western North Carolina road is com plete to Faint Rock. It will, he thinks, take several months. At one place, he reports, above Warm Springs, there is a distance of two miles upon the river bank, along a great part of which the space for the track will have to be blast ed from the solid rock cliff, upon which nothing has as yet been done. The bridge two miles above Warm Springs has not yet been built, the hands being now engaged upon the abutments. He states that the citizens along the line were, however, much encouraged at the actual progress toward completion. Hardly a day passes that some of the trains do not draw into or through the city the special car of some presi dent, superintendent, or party of excursionists. Sale of the Carolina Central, Last Thursday the Carolina Central changed bands in New York, Mr. John M. Robinson, president of the Bay Line of steamers, the Seaboard and Roanoke, the Raleigh and Gaston and the Raleigh & Augusta Air Line railways purchas ing from Mr. Murchison, a controlling interest in the road. It was stated yes terday on reliable authority that the wife of Mr. Edward Matthews, of New York, who holds a large amount of stock in the road had served out an in junction against the transfer, but it is net believed that this will do more than delay the change in the management for a short while. Those of our citizens who learned of the transfer yesterday express much satisfaction with it as it insures a competing line to the seaboard, operated by a very wealthy and power ful railroad combination. An officer of the Carolina Central ia this city yes terday, expressed the conviction that the new management would not con- tinue to pool freights with the Rich mond and Danville company, and if his opinion is confirmed it will result in very great advantage to Charlotte. It was stated that the Richmond and Panville company, it will be; remem bered, were negotiating for this road a few days ago, and it seems that Robin son was bidding for it at the same time. The terms of the sale could not be learn ed from any railroad authority in the city. A Joke n the Sheriff. A private letter from Morganton, re ceived here under date of the 3rd of November, says: " "We had an excellent hoax in town yesterday. Some of the boys dressed a sack in pants, coots ana coat, and tju it in the well over in the old camo-field, Some one gave the alarm, and Sheriff Uritton summoned a jury, got a man to go down, &c - Rev. Hoylo was present to hold services, and proposed to Cobb to sing "i would not live always. MICKS tnougnt "ne must nave been in some time, as he smelt bad." The sheriff was the maddest man in town but the rest seemed to enjoy the joke.' No one would ever be bold enough to try such a thing as this on Coroner Wil liam. The Strait of an Artist. The keeper of snakes with Fore- paugh's show was Mr. Alonso Denson rormeriy or this city, wno will be re membered by many for his admirable amateur venture in "Toodles." The way he pulled his hair and cried in fine tragic vein, "If a rat should cross my path shall I not crush him," will never be forgotten in Charlotte as long as there is appreciation for high art in our midst It is sad to see so promising a debut result in nothing higher than enake charmer in a side show. When he exhibited to the reporter a healing wound in the palm of his hand, inflict ed by one of the reptiles, while a faint odor, neither violet or heliotrope, from the fat woman hard by made itself per ceptible, the kind heart of the scribe was moved almost to tears to see genius midst such surroundings. Uncalled for. The following is the list of letters re maining uncalled for in the postoffice at Charlotte for the week ending October 31st: Miss J. L. Alexander, Mrs. Lydia Ab- ernathy, Wm. H. Balshane,Mrs. Theresa Blair, Robert J. Barker, D. 6. Bennett, William Crow, W. B. Cooper, Israel Chavanelle, Robert B. Cunningham, Pickens Coles, Miss Lue Carson, Coot Crockett, Mrs. Emma Cable, Miss Sallie Davidson, Jno. F. Ferguson, Miss Sallie Jane Grose, Thomas H. Haliburten, Mrs. M. A. Houston, C. W. Hodges, Ben Jones, C. B. King, Junius Kerr, colored, J. C. King, Polly Love, Murphy Lomley, Louis H. Luud, E. H. Lee, R. A. Masse, Martin Moore, Miss Jennie Matdow, B. F. Morrow, Hager Owens, Adline Phifer, Mattie Russell, James Robert son, Miss Flora Stilwell, Mrs. M. Schenck, Miss McStroup, Mrs. Nancy Springs, A. J. Smith, Mrs. E. Smith, N. W. Thrower, Austin Turner, Miss Jen nie Wolfe, W. S. Wakefield, William Wedlock or Geo. Hearne, Mrs. Thomas Wallis, Mr. M. Wallace. When calling for any of the above, please say "advertised' W. W. Jenkins, P. M County Affairs. The county commissioners met yes terday in regular monthly session. It was ordered that when the amount allowed a teacher holding a first grade certificate does not exceed $40 per month that ihe treasurer be authorized to pay the same without the special ap proval of the board of education. It was ordered, the order to take er ect from the first of November, that S.E. Belk, county treasurer, pay the coupons of the Mecklenburg county bonds issued to the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio and Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line railways, falling due Novem ber 1st. It was ordered that the treasurer pay all jurors for the November term of the Inferior Court when the tickets of the said jurors shall have been certified to by the clerk of the said court Rarringer and Trotter were allowed $24.35 for goods furnished for the use of inmates of the jail from September to the 27th of October. Wittkowsky & Baruch were allowed $81.53 for goods furnished for the use of inmates of the poor house from Au gust 4th to October 26, 1881. A number of other accounts were au dited. An application for license to retail spirits from W. B. Gooding was defeat- on a tie vote, the chairman casting the deciding vote in the negative. The board meets again to-day. Personal. Besides Gov. Jarris and Dr. Worth, commissioners of the Western North Carolina Railroad, the following rail road men were in the cjty yesterday and left at 4 o clock with the commis sioners on a tour oi inspection or. tne Western North Carolina road: Col. A. B. Andrews, Col. T. M. R. Talcott, su perintendent of the Richmond and Danville Railroad, W. A Turk, solicit ing agent of the Richmond and Dan ville Railroad, John R. McMurdo, freight agent of the Western North Carolina road. Mr. Louis Alley, an aged citizen of South Iredell, was in the city a day or wo since, and to a question as to his age, suggested by his vigorous look, he replies that he was just 11 years old in Sundays. How old was he? Mrs. A. H. Boy den, of Salisbury, is in the city, the guest of Mrs. Jno. W. Miller. Mr. M. P. Pegram , and wife re turned to the city night before last af ter a two weeks visit to New York. The Seneca, (S. C.) Journal says: We were pleased to see in town on Wednesday our esteemed friend, Mr. W. H. Justice, oz Charlotte, JN .a, who is traveling in the interest of Kyle & Hammond, naroware aeaiers. xie is ar sunerior to the drummers oi tnis generation. He is a gentleman by birth as welfc'as by education. We underi stand that be will probably reside in New York in future. Mr. J. E. Toms, executive clerk, accompanied Gov. Jarvis as secretary, yesterday, Mrs, J. G. McCorkle, of Spartan burg. S. C, is in the city on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Charles Mason. Sr. Bull's cough syrup has been before the public for years, and is pronounced by thousands superior to all other articles for the cure of coughs, colds, influenza and all other Pulmonary com plaints. It costs only 25J a bottle. DIED. In this ctty, on Monday afternoon, Mrs. Martha K. PhuUps, in the 70th year of her age. The funeral services at the residence of her son 3. a Phillips, th& afternoon at 8fc o'clock. On the 2nd Inst, the infant son of W. a P. and X. Hunter, In Mallard Creek township, near Charlotte. liHiyM i v mimj u DMHiy, To the Editor of the Observer: In a late issue of The Observes ap peared a short article under the head, "Tne jeopara rrom tne jJeopardlte.' It is therein stated: "Mr. A. W. Berry- hill, of Charlotte, is having a block of the famous Leopardite stone, of which there is a quarry near the city, cut into the shape of the animal from which it takes its name." A few remarks on the nature and composition of this singular rock may be acceptable to the general reader. Leopardite came into conspicious no nce as a curious spotted rock" at the time of building the Branch Mint at Charlotte. It was then, as now, regard ed as "a thing of beauty," and soon af ter acquired its present amroDriate name. Most of the foundation rocks of the Mint were brought from this Leop- consiaeraoie aounaance. Leopardite is essentially a feldsva- thic rock (variety, Orthoelase) compact finely granular, and receives a good polish. The stripes running through me rocK snouia oe oroKen at nghc an gles to show the spots to advantage. xnese spots, aue 10 tne oxyas 01 iron and manganese ore, are as permanent as me rocx itseir. Leopardite has not been found else where in the United States in such aounaance or in sucn well denned ap pearance aa at me quarry near unar- lotte. If Mr. Berry hill, the enterprising mar ble dealer, succeeds in makinz this 8 tone representative of the living leop- cuu, wibu no uuuiciuus cuaraciiensuc spots, showing its grim and frightful visace, and exhibits it at the Atlanta Exposition, it will undoubtedly attract a great aeai 01 attention from the large crowd there assembled ; not only for its artistic design and finish, but for the rare and beautiful rock of which it is composed. Will not thousands be there Drenared to exclaim, "What is there in the veget able, or mineral kingdoms of intrinsic value the Old North State does not pro- s see . . m . aucer xui we snouia not be too ex clusive in tne admiration 01 our own State products. Should we not hoDe A1 A. XI. 1 ... n mac me grand exhibition or our numer ous Southern resources will open the eyes or tne entire JNorth and West to our prospective destiny and greatness in mesisternood 01 states t If "seeing is believing." then we mav justly expect much from the Atlanta j-ixposition m encouraging immigration to our genial climate, and in inviting me capital, stun, and enterprise or our Northern brethren and foreigners to assist in promoting our future prosper ity. U. L. H. The Gouiod I0ualcal Club. To the Editor of The Observer : Please allow me to sav throu&h the " . . mm" . meaium or your estimable paper mat 1 am neitner musical director nor mem ber of the institution now existing un der the name of the Gounod Musical Club. This is an entirely different affair from the club started three vears . . . . ago unaer my auspices and named by me after the great French comnoser. Charles Gounod. The club in its bres-1 ent iorm, witn new members and anew constitution, under the old name, is really an offspring, so to say, of the cast I selected last year for the Pirates of Penzance. Although I personally think that the new ciuo nave no ngnt under the cir cumstances, to the name of Gounod, I nevertheless wish it may meet with all the success that it is entitled to expect Jttespectiuny, Aloys Bidez, L.L. D. Charlotte, N.C, Nov. 7. in m-EmoRiAitr. Died, in Gaston county. N. C on the 4th of November, 1881, John Reid Johnston, in the 67th years of his age. On Thursday, the 27th of October, ne returned from a trip to Charlotte in his usual health. On the following morn ing, about sunrise, he became suddenly paralyzed in nis left side, and soon thereafter was rendered speechless. Medical aid was nrornDtly procured and remedial agents applied, and al though the paralysis was partially re moved, yet full consciousness was never restored, and his improvement was on- or snort duration. On Thursday his condition became worse, and gave un mistakable eyidence to his physicians that his approaching end was near. On Friday night his spirit auietlv and almost imperceptibly passed away from tne scenes or eartn. as we fondly hope and believe, to the brighter scenes and unending happiness of hie beyond the grave. it was the writer s privilege to know the deceased from early boyhood, and through the succeeding years, reaching almost to the scriptural bounds of hu man existence ; and during that inter val can bear a willing testimony to his unselfish deportment purity of motives, and Christian integrity of character. ossessed of a strong mind, and large fund of useful intelligence, his conver sation, accompanied with a vein of quaint humor, always made his society instructive and entertaining, mis na ture was . one of genuine impulses, showing forth the genial outflowing of a'kind and sympathetic heart for his own beloved hoasehold: and in the various relations of life, a husband. ather and friend.his many noble deeds were performed with sincerity of pur pose, without ostentation or vain show. Although never called into public life he was frequently solicited to become a candidate for legislative honors. Those solicitations he constantly declined, preferring the quietude and enjoyments of home, to the restless and often un satisfactory life of the politician. ne leaves an estimable wire and seven children to mourn their irrepara ble loss. But his relatives and friends should not grieve as those who have no hope. The ways of an All wise Creator are often dark and mysterious, and it is hard for frail mortals to see the designs, and become reconciled to be dealings of Providence, all intend ed for our everlasting gOod. We should ever remember that "behind a frown ing Providence He hides a smiling ace. we should faithfully endeavor to obey the Scriptural injunction, "Be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye Mnk not tne son oi man cometh. "Friend after friend departs Who has not lost airiemdr" There is no union here of hearts, That has not here an end. ' C L. Hi Vn n.iiAr mmedv has Droved ho fPAiial in re lieving coughs and coids as Dr. Bull's cough syrup. It Is recommended by many physicians and costs only 25c a bottle. SKINNY MSN. Wfiii'11 Health Renewer. Absolute cure for ner vous debility and Weakness of the generative func tions, $1 at druggists. DepetJ. ILMcAden, Char lotte. .4 - v- MICHIGAN PERSONAL ITXM. Among the many who have experienced the re-. markable benefits of the Great German Blood Purifier, Hamburg Drops. Mr. Mathlas Baoseh, Cold Water, Htt&, refers to the easa of aa ac quaintance who after suffering for a year with In digestion, which physicians and remedies failed to relieve, was made well and hearty by the use of Hamburg Drops. The fairest faces are sometimes marred by myriads of pimple, and markings of tetter or freckles, which an readily removed by a popular toilet dressing, known as Dr. Beaaoa't Skip Cora. Iven scrofulous ulcers yld to K. . MOTHXRS DONT XNOW How many children are punished for being un couth, wilful,- and Indifferent to Instructions or nwards. simply because they are out of health! Ab intelligent iboj bbiu u a euuu uj. uui kiwi. "Mothers should know that if they would gtve the Bttie ones moderate doses of Hop Bitters for tvo or three weeks the children would be all a parent could desire." write to Mfa.Lvdl.L Ptakbam. 2ftft WMtant Avenue. Lynn. Mass., tar names of ladles that nave been restored to nerfeet besttb or mm nw of j her Vegetable Compound. It is a positive eure for uie most stuoDom eases oz iemaie weakness. UAEKETS BY TELEGRAPH j KOYXMBXR 7. 1881. PBODDCX. W-UUHBimi. N. CL Snirlts tnmentlnn rImIv at wsc nosin auu; Branea gooa strained 32.07ft. Tar firm at S2.25. Crode turpentine arm atf&uu nam; lor yellow dip; S2-60 for virgin inferior. Co.n unchanged; prime whit QOaQR. ml-l TC.OA ' www, w iwogub Chicago Flour quiet; oommonto choice West ern spring S4 50aS.66; common to fancy t ; fancy $8.00; low grades . Wheat active and Irregular, unsettled and generally lower, but dosed higher: No. 2 Chicago spring $1.28 cash and novemuer: slzowi uecemoer: si.2H an thn aui uw-4a nwTcmuer; osm ueoemoer; January. Oats unsettled and lower: No. ; eaBnL.42 November: 42U December; Pork unsettled and lower at $15.50 cash: Novem- S?V.imwlBZaie.85 January: $15.50 all the year. Lard In fair demand and lower at iiu.iuzii.'.h ennn jumi NitfAmhw $10.75a$10.80 December. Bulk meats eteady in fair demand; shoulders $6.20; short rib $a65; short clear $9.00. Whiskey dull and lower at BAIiTmOK-E Noon Vlnrrr vnr fnH uul . Howard street and Western mnei LL7KaK kj! eitea $5.75a$6.50; family $a75a$7.50jdxy J11"?. suMr 00a$&76; extra frt.0OtSQ.5O; family S7.75aS8.O0; Rio brands $7.57.62 Patapsoo family $8.25. Wheat-Sotrthem dull and weak and lower; Western Irregular, closing easier: Southern red i Run. HQ. X .h? $1 .48a$1.48; No. 1 Maryland red ; No. 2 Wes- lvZfVrtJPtJ01! $1.8814 .uo-m, jLTOXMuuer ei.4iwaei.4iw; January $1.45a$1.45J4; February $1.48a$L48&. Com-1 southern a shade higher: Western lower and ne- giecioa; owuaern wnue il&TZ; do. yellow 68. BAUmOKX Nlsht OatSdnll: AvntbAm AQaRI . Western white 49a50U: do mixtvi l7jib. p,.. jiToiua tooou. jrrovisions quiet; mess Dork $18.00. Bulk meats -shenldere and .in Hh sides packed 8ftal0. Bacon -shoulders 9Sfc; clear rib sides llU: hams lRLWiui. .. refined 12i. Coffee quiet; Rio eargoea ordinary to fair Hal 1 . Sugar quiet A soft 104fc. Whis key quiet at 9i.jua91.1uw. ClflOlaMATI ITlOnT-dllll fnmll Oft QKoQA AA. fancy 86.70a$7.50. Wheat In fair demand and' rower; no. a reu winter iB6a91.S7; receipts ; Diuyuicuis . uirn in gooa aemand; He. a mixed 45. Oats quiet: No. a mixed fork dull and notnlnnl At sic Kn t-mh Ann . $10.75. Bulk meats scarce and firm; shoulders 6; dear ribs 8; clear sides . Bacon scarce ana nrm; snouiaers ribs 10U: dear 11. whiskey unsettled at $1.10. dosed at $1.09; com bination sales of finished eorwin 1 ua hnia nn a basis of SI. 10. Sugar aulet: hawi inibiiinu. New Orleans 8t. Hogs steady; common and "w -vuo.iu; packing ana butchers $5.90a- HW TOM Southern flour dull and hAvr- common to lMr extra $5.90a$a.85; good to choice do $8.90a$8.50. Wheat ttaltyc lower, dosing heaw: nneraded red 1 Oi si AO- nitmi -.-.. $1.86; No. 2 red and November $1.89a$1.40tt: 1,? Y"1U waw wwer, ciesea auu and weak and less doing; ungraded 82a67U; No. 2 XftSNfaMk ? N.ov.?.ml?r 67a687Decem- oT,',"'. Vrlc lower, eosing neavy; No. 8 46tta47. Cofiee unchanged and trade light Sugar firm and verv nni- MntHfnmi : fair to eood reflnlnsr ftAaxi Kflnn ,i!n and fair inquiry; Standard A 9lfe. Molasses aulet A -.-! OHMll DIju ....... J . . . uxu uuuui(w jutc BVBou una numerate ae mand. Rosin aulet at $2.50M. TnmAntinn at 53a54. Wool quiet and steady; domestic fleece 3448; pulled ; unwashed ; Texas 10032. jrorx weas ana nominal at $17.25; November ; January ; middles dull auu wuouj nommai ; long ciear ; short clear . Lard opened lower, closing firm and the decline partly recovered and less m-iw Nnmh COTTON QALVJ-BTOB Firm: mlddllnir 11: low mid-Ulna 10c: eood ordinarv 1 nun: nnt tu fl qai mu 7.097: sales 2.21 0: stock 82.71 ft: ein'ta eoiutarlM 538: to Great Britain . ; continent 1,982; to ranee . NOHTOLk Quiet: mlddlinff 11 lift: nt TmiJntm 5,046; gross : stock 51,496; exports ooestwiM 2,591: sales 1,157; exports to Great Britain ; Baltoiom Quiet : mld's 1 1 lAc: low mld'tr 1 1 u good ord'y 10c; net ree'ta 175; gross 2,741: sales ; stock iiairi: exp'ts coastwise 200: spinners ; exports to Great Britain 2,192; to Continent OUR LARGE STOCK S RAPIDLY SELLING, GREAT SACRIFICES WE OFFER AT ADD BELOW COST. We stfll e Jae aasortmeat to select frem and we would advise one and ah to can at wm ani vat toeu wuuer uoous oeioreiae oesiare soia w aw itre-vMn-iiy ftff v. Men's, Boys and (MM Ready-made Clothing;, Induding O Vraoo AT8 f or all agM. Don 91 profits whent yen can boy to EXGABDUtSS 09 wo a. awnwiw we nose out dusumss ny rfanoary isi, iSiSL et27 H. MORRIS & BROS. R ODDI CK & G O., TRYON STREET. WI HATS JUST BXCKTVKD AKOTHXB LOT OF THOSX GINGHAM PLAIDS, AT 10c, AIM a IMW line el CORSETS, HOSIERY, RIBBONS, GLOVES, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, DRXSS GOODS, FLANNELS, && THX BBiL KXDIC1TXD FLAKNXL, 400. KID GLOVXS 60s A PAIR, In Black and Colors, all sizes. A spedalty ta Misses and Chlldrens RBGULAB MAPI HOSIXBT. Ansther lot tf those $1.75 WHITI RODDICK & CO. BT Caaesrir czidseeareBaiialns. Terms strtcty ask and om prfte, jMJiFiEa(C5ir.3ia BARC Al N -IN- SMIPLE and FMf 85,752: coastwise ; France ; to B08TOH Quiet: mlddllnc 11 tte: low mlddllnc i iwe Kooa ora r luuic: netreeemts i.akm: rroi 2.414; sales : stock 8,420: exports to Great Britain ; to France. WnjinrsmM Steady; mldd's 11 l-18c:lowmld- aung iucrc; gooa ord'y imc: receipts 1,871; gross; saies ; stocc law h; exponceoasc- wise ; to Great Britain ; to continent PUTT .lT)T.raiA Steady; mlddllnc 11a.: low middling lliAc: sood oralnarr 10c: net reoelDto 86; gross 623: sales ; spinners 170: stock 12,109; exports Great Britain ; to continent . SAV AMAH Firm: mlddltaff 10c: low mld'tr iuvsc; gooa ordinary uu&;net receipts 5,567; ktoss : saies 4.mni: stocx 4.479; to Great Britain continent . Niw Obueahb-Quiet: mldd' 1 life: low mid dling 10: good ord'y 10:; net recelptu 14,220; gross 16,628;sales 12,000; stock 204,387: exports to ureal uniam ; to France ; to coast wise ; to continent 7,509. MOBHiB Firm: middling lllAeMow mlddllnir 10c; good ordinary lOtbc; net ree'ta 3,532; gross o.oon; saies i,tuu: stock av,4B4: exports coast z.ueu; i ranee ; to ureal Britain. MXKFHD Firm: middllne lie: Mmlnta 6.088; shipments 2,112; sales 1,750; stock 61.221. Ausubta Quiet; middllnK 1054.3.: low mid dling 1014C good ordinary ec; receipU 1,719; ihlpmenu ; sales 12,562. Chablbstoji Steady: mlddllnc lllbc: low mid dling 10c: good ordinary lOfttc.: net reoeints 5,459; gross ; sales 1,000; stock 97,944; exports eoastwtse 2,687: to Great Britain ; to continent 8,800; to France . Nzw York Cotton quiet; sales 824: middling unlands llttc: mlddd'e Orleans 11 3be: sross : oonsoudatea net receipts 48. 3B5: ex. ureal uniain 4,475; France ; continent 18,741. Liyirpool Noon Firm: middling up lands 6d; mld'g Orleans 6ttd; sales 12, 000; speculation and export 2,000; rec'pts 5.400; all American. Uplands low middling clause: November delivery 64hd: November and De cember 6d: December and January 6 7-1 6d; also d; January and February evsd; February and March 6 17-82d: March and April A lO-QO-l. Anvil or U,f AILKH. Vf aw ,n Tim. 6 ll-16a21-U2d; June and July 6 23-82all-16d; July and August d. Futures steady. Lmrarooii. 5 d. bou Bales of American cotton 11300; uplands low middling clause: November delivery d: November and December d: December and January d: Jan'ry and Febru ary 6VW; February and March 6 13-B2d; March ana Aom o v ina: apru ana nay a; stay and June d; June and July 6 13-16d. Futures dosed quiet. FUTURES Nsw ToEk Futares dosed weak. Sales 68.- 000. November.. ll.46a.48 December. 1 1.59a. 60 January ll.78a.79 February ll.94a.95 March... 12.10a, 11 April 12.24a.25 May 12.84a.85 June 12.44a.48 July 12.54a.56 August 11.63a. 65 GROCERIES. -:d:- The Attention of the Public, and Especially tie Trade, is Respectfully Callld to MY LARGE AND FRESH STOCK OF GOODS NOW IN STORE. Everything in ie Grocery Line will lie fold in My Stock -AND AT- PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. TRY THE Moss Rose Patent Process Flour, NONE BETTER. 4.80 101 1.184 1.16 2fta3 1.82U 2Vfe FINANCIAL Nxw Tons. Xxchange, Governments steady. : New iS'Sf Four and a half per cents Four per cents, Money, State bonds lleht leanest:. Sub-treasury balances Gold- 875.799,450 Currency,... 4.573,159 Stocks Generally strong and higher: Alabama-Class A, 2 to 5 " Class A, small.... " Class B,5's.. Class C,4's. Chicago and Northwestern " preferred.... Krid .see iim East Tennessee Georgia Illinois Central. Lake Shore Louisville and Nashville Memphis and Charleston. Nashville and Chattanooga New York Central Pittsburg. Richmond and Allegheny...., Richmond and Danville R-Kk Island ,.... Wabash, 8t Louis & Pacific. " " preferred, Western Union CITY COTTON MABKT. - Omcs ar nm Ossnrss, I CHAKLorn. November 8. 1881. 1 The market yesterday desed dall aad ub-ehanged. eood Middling. Strictly middling,... Middling. Strict low Til fcllllf LOW ltifaMllng. Tinges IH-U nwniti .............. Sales yesterday 108 bales. EdelEoy ID)siivfidlgliQo .Florida Oranges, CATAWBA GRAPES, MALAGA GRAPES, Banw Apples and Other Luxuries i.ffl -AT- -AT- PERRY WE HAVE RECEIVED THE Largest aod Most Select SttccEi e.eA a t 11 10 B HOLIDAY GOODS, Ta9 - Chew only the brand of tobacco known a&Tbe Old Oaken Bucket. TBI old Oaken Bucket, The tam-bound backet, ' The mosovered backet, . That hung te the well CHA8.B.IONSS. Charlotte, N. C., Sole Agent Liberal terms to aeaiers. xtzb of mxD n tbis ma&xxt. Odor aad Dressing Cases, Box and Bottle Ferfiimes Cari: C&ses, M WILSON & BURWELL.

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