1. ST. tti XROTf lil'Vl!EltS nn highly recommfehclel for all aMfeasesJ feqnlr in a certainand efficient tonic; especially Indigestion,; Iys pepttL Intermittent rFevers, Want of Appetite, Jjoss of aacefi&Icof Energy, etc. It enriches the Mod&'strengthena the" muscles, and givernew life to the nerves. It acts'like a charm on the dieflve organ, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Food, i UBMeSat ik tie Sum. Heartburn, etc ' The only Iron Prepa ration that Will not blacken the teeth or grive headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the A B C Book, 32 pp. of useful an OfiTSSYCndsaCAIi CO.f Baltimore, ML 2 r . - - j mended by ecu snwnvn. nr 1 IDymjtcpmia, fJenral Ieoeee, Want of Vital-1 KtiwMraSariac from rearal dabiiitjr to uacix an extent that ray labor was exceedingly bus ium or a mama a in not anve n buu miiAT. nm on rnn ennrr&rr. waa raiiowen n ..k4ll. . B. .Jm.. ' " - - -- - " -- InAwTAiran 'I - - -v r-vnra jr" fmyTnt) a..-. ft. ttll1a litMaliMA w i x. t Tavti fm whlnlt f w m4 wonderful results. The old energy raturaad and I found that my natural force ted. I have need three bottles of the Tonic Biaoe qsiagit I hare done twice the la- '" iw-g and with, doable theeane. With the trananil nerve r oeioree: Watbow yi ee em iiimii aetee, nave aesatnree potties ox me ear tetl erereid to the aaaee timednra my Pinnae, and ejUuef oieedylJaMeomeaUea eleeraesaot thought nere , i atfiiMWaalabf laWii .J.. irwta TmiU to never before enjoyed. If tke- Tfnln bat not done the fartorohrarttan arch. Troy. O. teMJav MM reMfe I JtMrmtl IU1CTIIII HTML DR. HARTEB J .j.ti 'a. j .u i a- T . cli7r-T EOICINE CO., 10. 13 UBTH MAIN STIEET, ST. lOUIfr 0 CHAS. R. JONES. SoleAgCharlotte?N.C, ; -TlIUltSDAY, itOT 10 IMU rj .n iA CHAPTEB OH COXTOn, . , ) - v s iv - ..! !' iWii.,, -8m iBtcreatlngr'Fstcui oh i it Treats l.k fws -r i , . ; ; - .,,:Mri Edwrd" AtKnaon "inet J e'yral, representatsYes qf -the press at the press navilion.? at the - Atlanta ExD08itioii.- Honday- afternooin ajnd gave an intert estinit talk on the culture of cotton and the different modes of preparing it for market. One of the most important features of . the' Cotton Exposition is that it brings together the cotton grow- with wMch theimi mala had teen wiol ly fed. Another, important fact not generally kno wh ' is that the wool-clip buto ICU UU1 CUtiUXI WW UUUUUU9 OnA STld & Viq1 mtmula cr-f t-q a' rrooaA In , conseauence tha wool ia somewhat depreciated in Value, bnt there is. noth ing equal to this grease when' treated wi the 4 naptha w proeestf ot ? entry ing 4eather.fi. 7 r!;?. 'jtix-xiHi I . Nil rm Dri Alw nAf wfctl' tha T.nA. sition can fayy;abpreciate, the great Wfances made hvthe machinery for. tne preparation; and manufacture: of, coHon. .xnere nas, never oefore been so complete a display of the appliances and fahiliUpS fnr wnrlrinff nn fhia Mnr. ly crop, nor so large an opportunity for juuiuk we Bupenoncy oi American ge- or urVw Sat ntiQAnnoinfo xrlfV f hA man. n "v- uvHuwii,vu tt4wa w 1 xiius. xwijweeii in Dorse ana xn steam uf acture of tli ste there ia arrast difference, and be- "'w mwvj aii v w yyva-a. wiitiiiiwvwwva UTfCviX who knows nothinsr nracticallv of the cultivation of the crop, and enables them to learn, invaluable lessons from the experiences and suggestions of each; to the ood of both. The preparation of sea island cotton for the use of nne spinners is a handicraft, and never has. a machine been invented to properly clean and prepare it. The same care is required, in less degree however, in pickings moting and preparing the up land staple xor market, and to ascertain the cheapest and best solution of the problem is fraught with wide-reaching conseauenees. . UDland cotton ia the greatest and most;, useful crop. It is ginned on the saw gin, but the saws nip the fibre, consequently decreasing its strength and depreciating its value, .3 -y I: it . ana xor. mis reason it is ciaimea mat, THE PRTATTTTVP" nT.T TilAM from the mountains of. East Tennessee and. the swift , flying shuttles of , the moaern weaver propelled by steam is meaanrAri tha wuw VT VUVtVA A. Ul UAV&eVOtl JLaV the last half century4 -And yet we have not learned the alphabet of an industry f not ia ronMltt Z4-s . ... r i'ivl4J y aiiiiug utwi a giuu ADDlealav Mmtm Verk. The high prices at which aunles have been selling in New York city have nausea i this fruit to be brought from a greatiilstanoe. The Westernew York crop, which for several years past has almost entirely supplied the New York market will Onlr iriva na nna-fifth of the usual supply. Large quantities of ouu luiriuu acmuu ib is uialulou lUaw, i ayyivo ill vcars UaSb nave Deen DrOUgDt sawgjn will do, the roller gin is better I Canada, but there is not a full crop in auapueu u uue wuring oi toe core ang j mat ocace, ana - not many wm come the preparation of the staple for mar, 1 ivom there; Along the west or north snore or tne unio river there has been lrof. rpViA nanHinfF nnuiiAn of ffia position is whether or not the inventors of roller gins have brought the capa citv of their machines un so nearlv to that of the saw gin that planters can use it without decreasing their profits; whether a sin arle roller crin. oneratin? aryoinfet: a eaar rrin' ttttII AA .-' annni amount of work with less motive power w WM.wa, -SM7 WVCU crrown a fair crop this season.' whil a nn the east or, south shore there is a full crop. The southwestern apples are lesa hardy than the Northern apples and will not last as long( and cannot be safely Btored for winter, use. '.'-'Bat so long a nayigatlon ppntinuea open and the feather continues warm enough and less labor. The matter will be put to keep the apples from freezing, the to tha rest, at tha kiaaHt!, rf Imartcl mill ha l.nr f.i.i. . n-j "THE QKNUINB has acquired a repu tation greater than any medicine extant as tne CHEAPEST, PUB EST and best family medicine in the world. It acta with extraordinary power and efficacy on na LlTSr the LajVAxl mvnn nf thA hndr. mIIa1 got , Ma ymportaace. the Hxue-keeper of our II fill I i .Vlua flu Y Im. f. tnmM .K A (..1. alacttea'and constipated; the food lies in the sto aaaeh IndUnsteel and poisoning the blood. Fre- Ioaat beadaches, a feeling of lassitude, despon enty, and Beironsness, indicate how the whole tom is deranged. To prevent a more serious ooMltlen, at ones , f - . . , . - Take BIMMOSS LIVES BEGTJLATOS. The teat of Omeand the experience of thous andaiaTe prmrea It Ute best, safest and speediest sautmaUnesf e Lrvef, Stomach and Wwtal Depression,' Sfck Headache Jaobdlee, Colic, Constipation and Bmonsness, IT HAS NO EQUAL. We could fill a good-sized volume wttr such like gisslngnlihed tesUmonlals as the following: I have tmail Blmmnna T.Im Dn1itL.f.. supatloriaf rax bowels, caused by a temporary de langewwrof the nveri for the last three or four mSwKjJJ?i2d aWrcUB to the di recuoas with decided benefit. HTBAH WABNZB, - Late Chief JasUce of Georgia. u low&ftonaUr ae, when my eondlUon requires THE BALTTMOBS EPISCOPAL METHODIST says: "Simmons Liver Regulator is acknowleged to have no Moai u a liver medicine, containing those SoBthern roots and herbs which an all wise SSasesjSrevaa.1 10 countries where liver Buy only the Genuine in White Wrapper, with toi prepared only by J. H. Zeuin ft Co. P8 If f n 1 ir "iCURE POUi DUCII II ATlOlfl As itju fbr'all disposes of the KIDNEY8. ' It'oleansea the arstara of the nmM ru ub. causes voe areaami snsezisg whioa we Tioams or """""nn can realise THOUSANDS OF CASES Of IhA WDNt ffWItia AalVla Jtu... have been quickly relieved. In a short time "PERFECTLY CURED. to the test at the meeting of THE COTTON GROWERS ASSOCIATIOM which will h Tialrf nn tha "R;Tvolt;rt grounds on December 6. A roller gin that, in Mr. Atkinson's judgment, will beat any gin in the world, is now being OQnStrUfltfld and will ano-acra n fha competitive trial. The best roller gin in England is the Dobson & Barlow gin, and the next-best gin is now in the Exposition, and was made by Piatt Brothers, at their factory in Alabama. A Dreliminarv trial of all tha orina in the Exposition will be had on rievr. Wednesdav. and thair rtrodimt. nrlll Kq J 7.7 WT ... carried bv Mr. Atkinann tn Rnatnn fnr exhibition before the New England Cotton Manufacturers' Association. which will be held in that rif v nn Vn. vemberSO. This ginning match will be the first that has evnr heon hald nnrl olMimmk the preparations are imperfect they are wonderfully adequate. The beginning Of the Science in tha troatmAnt. nf ntj ton from THE FIELD TO THE FACTORY will be laid here. It will be necessarilv but onlv a beginning. trial of every kind of gin, cleaner, press and nicker, tn ha maria i of the New England Mechanics Insti tute in Boston, in TiBAamhav 100O E very man m the South who is espe cially interested in cnt.tnn nmHniHAn . - .'AVWWWVU and manufacturA will ha Invito AUT.WC. bu plant a specific acre for use at this trial, which will be the sppnnd ntan in nhof ... nuav has been so well begun in Atlanta. The picking and savin? thA Mttnn on the ground, the cleaning, ginning and Dackinsr of the stanle i n crnaH nrtn dition, offers to the Southern States a branch of nnfr.tnn most important in the whole series of operations which neither the Northern States nor EnronA nan shara hnf n which there is greater opportunity for profit in ratio to the capital invested than in anv other dp.narrmant nf monn facture. ; "No staple in the world." Said jnr. AtKinson, "except the sugar raised market will be kept fairly supplied from the Ohio river crops. There nave been shipped to England this season A 1 M . icBB mpiubb wau ior several years. .Dur ing the early parts of the season apples sold quite low in all the English mar kets, and shippers of this fruit lost from ai to $8 per barrel. But now that market is paying high prices for New town pippins, (which sell for more in that than any other apple,) for Spitzen bergs, Kings, and all the finest of these varieties are shipped across the ocean. To get these apples for this demand, New York fruit-dealers have gone throusrh all narta nf tha mnntm there was any chance to get them, even into the mountains of North Carolina, One dealer has brought upward ef 600 barrels from that State, most of which were carried down the mountains 20 miles to the railroads. These apples, when they arrive here, are carefully assorted. The best are put into half barrels, the second irrada into and sent to Liverpool; London and Glasgow, while the lower grade of sound ones are sold to the jelly-makers and the decaying ones to the vineear makera. m Why Irelaat Weavre (be Green. London Truth, October 27. In your note on the Order of St. Pat rick in yesterday's issue of your paper you suggest that the existing blue rib bon should be changed for a green one, uu wo kiuuuu mat bucu an alteration WOUld be Well reCAiTAd hv Triahmnn Will you allow me to point out that this suggestion arises from a total ly unfounded, though very common, be lief that green is national color of Ireland? ThA truth ' emwf MW IV w W4k f IS IUwV green was never heard of as a national or party color till 1798, when the Uni tea States Irishmen adopted it for the following reason: The ancient flag of Ireland was a golden harp on a dark blue ground, as now depicted or embla- Zoaed in the Trish nnartar tha thii-ri t the Royal Standard, and the revolution- FEESHMINERAtWATER Tie T TT If. n t Store MBMiTISE NnUftilnlrt Baokache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache. Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Meh. He Preparation on earth equals Sr. Jacobs Ore Jf ae, sure. ettnpU and cheap External trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and every one suffering with t. a.m . . . . eJaima uop wan pueiuve prooi 01 m Directions In Haven Ian eiM. bqw IT AW DusaiSTa isi) dealees XB JULUiUJJIiii At VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Jfd., IT. . X. deoBOOdtwiy Both Foreign and Domestic, Just Received, at ) e l mm ay &r A gABATOQA yiCHT. mheKSLJ- A new-water re- as anTntarfdT...f mi?end6d Hon. S ,r,."1?' ? oies- , - rv""u wuic ana sirons diuretic. Also, Hathorn NaW Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al- , teratlve and In all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO. 5 CASES CONGBESS WATER, 1 0 CAS3 BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, 10 CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS -Aim &&vzvti&zmtut When death waa hnnri. o . having failed, and Dr. H. Jans was exrn 6dle3 tog with the manv hrh perimem. hr made a preparaoh ur ZT" of CONSUMPTION. His cTTX country, and enlovw th w.., 7. J thls t proved to the woridCON3UMP positively and permanently now gives this reclDe fm. niv ..wL. "e Uoclor Im k T XVausea the Stomach ani will break ud a frsh ,vm n . . an , "huadelphia, naming this paper. - bena to MOORE'S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY For Til ,7. t y K-" m FREE inLArirh. i i r: or8cie0,Life "eel eiiBri""Dentifu AIGreat Offerlir HOLIDAYS t IwfPOMASS at iXTRAORnrv.. ' SPLFWD ORGAN8n-lU'm!2ta re,v NIFICENT 7toct RnSiwS' 860 UP- H AG fa cover, onl sfTS ZUS' s trstprt ratDi. -r.' warranted 6 vfura m... HORAATrnWnwtor ers26 Broadway; 'toS 811(1 UnnTrn I? Tn. TT7 1 uuuvttui uauus vvaiers. the I afBa !THE GREAT EDKOPEAN NOVELTY ! bmCtiERING i JJUNYADI JAN08. Do you want a pure, bloom ing complexion i if so, a few applications of Hasan's MAGNOLIA BALM will grat ify you to your heart's con tent. It does away with Sal lowness, Bedness. Pimples. Blotches, and all diseases and imperfections of the skin. It overcomes tho flushed appear ance of heat, fatigue ana ex citement. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear but TWEN TY: and so natural, gradual, ana perfect are its effects, that it is impossible to detect its application, THJ BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: boa -A wine glass full before breakfast fiaaS ssaa Trri'.'Hunyadl Jano.- aDerient wa? ouu most emcaclous rJISk yircfwv Berlin. "invariably irood and thesewrJte'T" n.8Te Prescribed bnt thi" nur8ZDUrK--1 Prescribe none Prof. TjmtUr Ttmt it . n DiuetffeJVfj S?? MUitery Hos- ficnahaji " w jriuulB "led- PIANO. 1861; tthTGWT5sffioNiAD' All n AM AM a Mrl.LI aminA lnrm " 10 Parcnaae (or e- v at pruuina. Sendor CiraOca an4 Priet LUt. CHICKERING & SOUS, 130 Fifth Avenue. N.Y. I 156 Tremont S4., Boston. Novl dw4w JOHN H. McADEN, Imperttng and Dispensing Pharmacist North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE. N. C. Jan. 22 DON'T fin Tn SAD A mrn iML " jwah.and spark- WTir,r-"."'V. Baratog " d. H. MCADEN, Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 L H Wriston k Co., This great spedflc cures that disease most loathsome SYFEIIiI aaakaAweaderfaisueeeaa. and an iwiwim. ue in every part of the Country. . In hxca- S;." mua, cut emelent, CEKTAXJf IN ITS ACTION, bnt hannless la an aaseaT t .JiZ "ff? Btretkes sad sjItcb New TOe natural actios of the Kidneys is restored, xhe Uver U cleansed of all disease, and the aw wcia loo vb meiT ann nMithftiTiw Tm avi. tmrtlis WoTft diaAaaoa mm aMJ4MA Hevaawie AM it im been pgottd by tintln thit mini iiri 1111 i in 'sprais AT 13.00 FEB SAT. AN IMM?NfS STOCIOF UL80 il'.f WiiKvShades, My Carriages, CHROHOS.ailToklCES. fairilaeoti - t in i i E. M. ANDREWS DEALER ' Afvurn 7TOKT. w St. CHABBES HOTEL . 11 . ? r' mrnr' ' "" ?fri,Tnfthe Ulneii yia Hamburgi 6eraa.c ib iiaaUadTafotcasii,t V tpgatiS 6uaito coiiPANti . , , ' . ? AWiiAWAH ,1 floorsTT t samyw Mimi on nm ana Be btates of the American Union." AN IMPORTANT OTTFSTTO-M. One Of the cranf. niiAAtinna tr Ko o. termined is whether tha nnmnrAMlnn Of the COttnn aftar it has hoan sinnnJ iujuica uie nure. ib nas Deen assumed. theoretically, that if cotton were spun without being baled it would give a petier product. JHorthern mannfac- tnrem r Hi viflH in nnlnfnn nn ' ;u vuimuu OS Ml wuemer tne country bale is better than I0Wer Of the steam nnmnrfian Tn T?n . vv ve f . II AJUK land some cognizance was taken of the matter in the trial of East India cot- ions, ac wnir.n -ir. mri nnf. annaov tKo- compression did any harm. Mr.Du mont, an experienced manufacturer, lawn Mills at Lowell, Gaston County, North Carolina, recently made a test of the matter and with similar results. He took a lot of cotton that had never oeen Daiea, another lot that had been oaiea nv a. nnnnrrv nroao nri a . ioi mat naa Deen subjected to the hard' esc pressure uie unariotta ataam mm, nresa conld cn'va ft' Vanh Inf woo aAna rately spun Into yarn, and to Mr. Du- uiuuiib oawawuiiQiit ae ionna less Waste and A Innrar nryvlnr-f. tmrn tK. compressed cotfon than from, either of uio uimci 4uuj,; AaBproaucb 01 tne COUntrv bale was in tnrn hafr-or flion that from the cotton taken from the neia. xne yarn made from the im pressed cotton was. nerhano. a frnrHnn stronger than that spun from the pressed cotton, out what slight advan rage ic . possessed in this respect was more than counterbalanced by the even ness of the thread from the pressed cot ton, which aft.Ar ail la a u inn l 1 1 111 ii:h.i,i 1 1T1 nr nrranrrrn 'iha mn Only Vegetable ComnoundtW QJ?$ Mr- Dumont's ex- j " t . a, , - penmeat 01 course, ana in order to ob- acts directly tiponthLrver, and tain to absolute result, better in facf cures . Liver - Comolaints. Tann-' anJi?,ul 06 .a regular cotr, a: tw ' - . , wu mm, me wmiamanuc company. QlCe. lJllinn;np:c: Malnn xrhn hiva fr.a? mavtnA iX '---wwwe e ej, AOy TkV"1 tiveness, Headache. It assists di- gestio'n, strengthens the systefh,' repriiatesthe bowels. nnnfiesthf blood, t A Book sent free. Dr. w vT t .MV.VIViUWUU" xbjviusuu, ciuepL bue Bugar raiseu 1 ,Muw ucmg aaxioos to unite to- bv the Malavs. ia traafail I Pfither all clasflAa nf Triariman Hoi nr. in as the cotton produced in the Southern that respect the exact converse of the .'tte most eAotaal'mnedy for eleaasliig the system of all morbid aearetiona. It ahonidbe mt in aaumaaoia as a SPRING; MPnir.iair Always cures ' Em0tTaN"B88, CON3TUA- x-utK uo au Diseases. . Is pot np in T-i YeceUkle Vara, in tin cans, one package of which mslrea gfnart.MMW1. fwj vwHwinmigr r CllA IVrllTnrl1anA.Af rr.nuMk.u. . In 1 - v. wum tt miiinrt rmHlllTllllt a m4 rHf..uy.L . . .... r. wa. uvfivvi nUCK,fl.ea rrsoiiiH. uiuiLauuHiiN Pnni. (WHlsend the dry .postpaid.)' BCKLrsaTOK, TT. present agitators, and to ioin the Or- angemen to the rest of their fellow- countrymen adopted green as their dis tinguishing color, which is of course DrodUCed bv mixinff ttio-athar ornlrl onrl hlUA. At thA Mmp fhfirfnr trt 4 - - m ..va v-w Vf V Uv 4AA stitution of the Order of St. Patrick, in 1783. the onlv and undoubted natinn.i color was dark blue, and that would pruuauiy nave Deen tne color ! the Ribbon hut that it had already been ap propriated by the Order of the Garter. vvujvii was uHKiuuuy uiae, out naa oeen altered bj the Hanoverian monarchs to Its present j color to distinguish their KHignts irom inose Whom the two Pre tenders continued to invest with the old light blue-ribbon. Hence, by the way, the expression "True blue." Un- aer tnese circumstances it was origi nally proposed that St Patrick ribbon should be orange, but as this would have savored ton mnrh of nnrtrv It :ma ultimatelv determined that it 'should be the old color of the Garter light Diue. Yours, M. WHETHER IN ITS PRIMARY, SECONDARY OR TKUTIARY STAGE. Bemoves all traces of Mercury from the system. Cures scrofula, old sores, rheumatism, eczema, wiri i ii, wi auy uiuuu disease. CURES WHEN HOT RFRTOfss vmi Malvern, Ark., May 2. 1881 . we nave eases in our town who lived at Hot BfiuiBB auu were iinauy curea wnn a. a. S. MCCAHKOH & MOBBT. Memphis, Tennessee. May 12, 1881. We have sold 1,296 bottles of 8. 8. a in a year. It has given universal satisfaction. Fair minded Physicians now recommend It as a positive specif- " O. ALASSFIKUI a UO. w Denver, CoL, May 2, 1881. purchaser speaks in the highest terms of , Li. juSlSSSTSB. Lonisvllle. iTftntnclrc M, in loot 8. 8. a has given better satisfaction than any muvtuvuiu . uaio crci ouiu. 4. a. rLEDilB. Y u refer anybody to us In regard to the v.v vt 0 o. o. rVLJA. Jl II.I.KH J LO, a w neTBr anown a. a. a. to ran to cure a case vi. ovuiuB, wnen properly laKen. H. L. Dknnaed, SCI WlBBBf. wvi Biasuars ttio gciiutsmen oi mgn stanu ing. A. H. OoixjorTT, Gov. of Ga. WHOLESALE & RETAIL Druggists, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Our stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs, is complete. GIVE U3 A TRIAL March 27 d&wly r MM IWUIGOEilTOrs av . IJlw Broadway, N. Y. .FOB BALE BV ALT. nnnnnraTo anil8 deod eow ly. P. C. WILSON, ;OHABtjpTB;:N.x, .t30ie Agent or, LQUISCOOK, Colnmlns Buggy. ' AHO-TEB-f WATERTOWN SPRING WAGON COMPANIES. TOB TRX SAU OT BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, PHAETONS, SPRING WHOLESAT-lt inti nvKin OPEN BUGGIES. SRK. I lar? : tSpeeial btttatemebU -to Hhe onieaalTr i wff iwnftnn awwo aniinitaai - w -w--a srvatWHasiii )unil , ; , , i r tfjtrrlisi - W aaaaMaAAsau VAV VwlAlUUY who have their machinery in the main ?r i wuuuuig, win repeat ine ex Deriment over and swai arroin rni final result will be anticipated with a Kicab ucai ux ouxious mieresc as it may larirelv affect tha f nfnra AnvifA r O wiaw vrvaA477 UA VUO cotton market. t But the capabilities of THE COTTON PLANT have not been sounded. In addition to the .value of the fire as a substance for the manufacture nf twrfcll a fahri.a n 'may be extracted from the seed good' tug baujriUU OUU bllO UtUlQ, Uie UILUS are invalnable ast animal tnnl tia leaves possess medicinal virtues, the roots "contain dyeing properties, and from the stalk-the finest "jute" can be maae. a torn tne seed - a valuable ar ticle or. iooa,'TOTTesponaing to the 3hi- uwwy j,y "ODop, VJJ ,UO us iiuxn- tlOUS, palatable and muscle-producine O d Kaiann AAi AAsvar f7L... Aif .1 made. in Memphis andXJincinnati a ' . which is largely substituled for lard in irVinC mPat-. nnrl iMnal.ll : .tk. Jews.- 'Onve oil-iS Trtadsi is-'nAH-nn 1 ne.JS XS , 7"7 ww www -jf-i w-y va-vw - sf fj rj Si Til til MAP muuos Ka,ft ffl H tootoybii want we wm sen poom dassMlrr ISrl.? A Ten ement Haae Tamblee Buries the Ii jxew xork, kov. o. At 'fifty-five minutes past six o'clock this morn in sr a " - ' 1. 1 i- a. ?. huive siiurj wueiiieuii iiuuao l uie SOUtn- east corner of South 5th Avenue and Grand street fell in, burying the occu pants in the ruins. The fire department were immediately summoned and up to mus uuui wis, wiwi iiue oasis lance oi citizens, had extricated five of the vic tims from the debris. The Life of two was extinct and the others were ' seri ously injured. How many were in the buildinir at the time of the accident ia not yet Known. The work of removing uioueuna is oemg pusnea witn ail speed. In the matter of disordered nerves, Boston girls suffer uo more than those of other dtles. There are painful sensibilities that nothing , can cure so thoroughly as Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomlil rms, ana ever nerv ous gu shoulLuse them. SH NewBloomfield. MlM.. Jan. 8. 1880. -wteh towtoyoothat 1 have been snfferlnz Jor the Jast- Ave- years wtttia severe Itchingall over. . I have heard of Ho Bitters and have Wed it I have used up tour bottles andtt has done me more good than all the doctors and aredlclnes that eould use on or with me lam old and pooj feel blew you for such a relief by your iiave had fifteen doctors- at rn . om in me seven ourices of solution of arsenic another took waal four bottles clean 'J'BY OUR INK CAPSULES, BKTmK Marker raEteed tte L. R. WRISTON 4 CO. . YyJtUTB and BSD ONION SETS, i For fan Dlantlnz. .1 - L. R. WRISTOJf & CO. nJwJ&t59Sl, IF caw. TO BE PAID JOB WHEN CURED. Write for particulars, and . copy of the little book "Message to the Unfortu. , nate." $1,000 REWARD will be paid to any chemist . , , . . . ' 'w uvuicb uiao, 3., i one particle ot Mercury, Iodide Potassium, or any mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CoT . , . proprietors, Atlanta, Ga Bold by druggists everywhere. 1.75 Der bottle, and smtill rIza hniHinor half tt,a nn..H; o nov4 "Y"E HAVE A 1ULL ASSORTMENT Of SaIpt TTbtvI TnKKo r.n.. i , prices. Every Truss warranted as represented. L. B. WRISTON CO. JADrES' CORSET BRACE, A shoulder brace and support for the back erm-Dlne5l- Sold by . L. B, WRISTON k CO. - ootl2 CHINA PALACE OF THE OXONIAN, A Journal or literature a education XX published monthly at Oxford, N. C, at On, DoUar a year In advance. v., own, : "PflA nrAnlm Alma . . I i t . . Uteiatare and Education, and gives original ar- .... fj. ...u uuvviuuo) oa wen as emclsms of the newest and most valuable publlca - Offers decided advantages to advertisers. High AVnTava- ftnmlgHnn . A ilMiMwmit. Au prominently, are free from errors, and are taste fuliy disDlared. Its advertlslna- rntun am nnt w. excess of 1U value to an advertiser. Advertise- "" S5L t"1S?SQ- any issue, Buwiuu us ui uisvuwo ui lutj ztm or inn mnnrn warlft-tf J.C HORNER, Oxford, N. C J. BrottlJ & Co. largest Safe Ever Made by any Book in the UNITE D STAES Over 200,000 Actually Sold in THIRTY DAYS ! IW PRICE 25 CENTS, : Sp OOP miiE "Genuine fun, wit and humor." Albany Press. Derrick 6111111681 bk eTCr pubUshe(L" 011 City Heraid?etS f tW varlous 8hapes.'-New Yoik Times. :uu. ,ew uneans "ThA flin la lmrn.i.r. ..... K . . some.-fcdiapiteNews. " VUr WDOie- "ThA nut nriiriniil knn..i. .a j . cage Evening Herald. VL l" ay."-cni- aHrLA -SanFrau Exarnner; numorous. tW For sale at oct29 JN" EDDINS' Book tore lifaiiaaifwiHiMajaiimm n 1 rarKers Hair Basami The Bat, Ckuett, and Mott Economical Ilalr Drenv never falh to restore the iffl oolor to nay hair. 80c and $1 tt, Larga Ginger, Buchu. Man' drake, Stillingia, and rnanyof the best medi cines known are com bined in Parker's Ginger Tonic, into a medicine of such varim-1 nnixrrc ast to make it the greatest nlrti-wl Plt.'M Anil al BestHealth AStrength nesioror tirer used. It cures Rheumatism, Sleeplessness, & diseaess of the Stomach, Bowels, Lungs, Liver & Kidneys, &is entirely different from Bitters, Ginger Essences aad other Tonics, as it neverintoxicates. Hiscox & Co., Chemists, N. Y. Saving Bnyin; Dollar Size. oct22 NOTICE. a ounces ot solution at araerdet another took t ..... ' ouarta of blood lWmelf wuldell TF1.6 8kxb.ldera and directors that ft was skin islckB -No after these ?LSfoe 8tat? Copper and Gold Mining bottles of your medlSne, my sWrTte m. P25ST'.w..chWM to Its office on the anasmootnaseyer. Bxtxx Ksooa. , ! t NOTICE. ; TO THE PEOPIJE ABOUND HUNTEB8VTLLE, COWAN'S TORD and BAN- WO WOnM manantftiTiv mTI fmi amHmi rn Hi a font ( ' .-m , ww wwumw w mv mm. that wenave goods toS Tj T'Tf arid all we want u foryoB' to oomeOJtiJjJLywuh the money. "- " "ww w viu Ul at3 VAAJVO VU IlAIU DrODeitT OI thA enmnanf In OnflfAwl amihi. w r SSJvSi'F'JS6 S ?plW an assessment on the stpek and other business which might be present- SiiH t??l.meetln' P postponed and will be Jlo game place at noon of the 24th of No embex, 1881. - . ;- . .-v JOSEPH WTLRTNfl. OCtaOtf - ! ' President. STATESVILLE;R. C.:j , ri 1. h. S2a!r2a,rVeen lease a term of years Ti; j: KTes, whose IntenUon Is to imiTZS uouse in every respect. - - Commodious sample rooms on first and Becond its oheapnes&r The peari: nak itho . ' - . - - - ' mwwu wauuiBi 'Known for nactinfr tha- Vr.m.M. road; car wheels. ;There are iralnahip tanning; ropertiesin hull iand togIC bueep, fed , wholly mi cotton seed will fcstanceis cited of where three-fourths lLj t. i .4iiuji a laiKH HOCK I "''""' ViilUB ( had twih lambs, supposed to have benn I ! w (- nartlvcausri-hfcsyfvJ -I5 ioorS dnawSw wn. , ww y,W4Wtt CUet I 'Horn " -.vv.eie WilJ XV, ja to eair it lijee; to tot wAsjMSrvw; V AUJ.UfOC.. fUsVCOf III W II I III! JMIH aaiaWiiWAl i i n. a.-A - r art l av - aU A. --ww vikuw - TTwauvw tun, yyu yviu nui iuiu o. i cuu aumxrsoie UDi MajtB havaiftMnncii u ion will want and will sell to you I rEaSt '' s' rfJB Bast F T. mt,r? CITY PROPERTY FOB SALE. A 1tBJSABt8lde?ee W0" from the ..tt ?rr" "t"?1' vuouuiio, wui oe soia cnean KM.We. well of wa- j 7 - -aveMVAOa AO iiimnunw HllHniPlI TflFina iSf"!?! a lawyer, doctor or preacher, harina sasLA Buiiiirxiiisi ii nnin Ata i. library or st odv iwim. hntit f rhS ifutthsr particulars, nrir. trm. inia ujtjtius. New Goods ArriviDg Daily. The finest collection of Triple & Quadruple Silver Plated Ware. TRIPLE PLATE TABLE KNIVES 84.50 per doz. TRIPLE PLATE on WHITE METAL CASTORS, 5 CUT GLASS BOTTLES, 84 EACH QUADRUPLE PLATE PICKLE CASTORS, $2.50 EACH. :..r ... ;jJ ,t, . - ; t tttr- Pine Porcelaine Tea Setts, 44 pieces, $1' Ftna Porcelalne Dinner Setts, 100 pieces, $19. GOBLETS 76 cents and $1 per Dozen. W"A vJKKSa. ii it nsctsia fcaa tsote IB te&lelieap.i : r j I'HOLESALE AtiD RETAIL IflMi BARKER TLiSIS1,6 eiSnl? ,t innth atreet and the aWMniSSeet. Soluble either for HTTiLTFa. LARGE LINE OT' TANCV GOODS JUST TO , . HAND, ; - '080 ' ' Rjchmond and Danville Railroad. PASSEHGEE DEPAETMEKT. On and nffAr .Tnne Rth tfiBi t Service on thn Al.lnntn an1 rhn.H. if. t . I. ""v"" luou mil uo as IOllOWS: N. Y U-S vicT.-u7.cr. U. 8. Mall Express Fast Mail EASTWARD. No. 45, Na 47, No. 49, A- B. C. Arr.8uwanee....D 5.18 am 4.87 pm 7.45 pm Jla 6.54 am 5.59 pm 9.06 pm . f 06008 8.14 AM 7.15 pm 10 16 PM - Seneca. G 9.20 am 8 40pmU25pm ; Greejiv'le ..H 10.58 IS 10.20 lioo Spartan g.,.K 12.14 pm 11.40 pm 211 am SaBton.lB-vL 288 2.13 am 481 AM JlCharlotce...M 8.85 pm! 8.15 am I B.Sfi am WESTWARD. V. 8. Mail Express t't Mail No. 42. No. 48. L6 GasSSS2," 12 48 12.88 am astonla...L 127 pm 1.43 am 1.17 am I?S !-t 8-S 4.06 AM 8.12 AM saS le" S B-07 5.18 am 4.24 am - S -6 pm 7.02 am 6.47 am nT 'I -91 815 AM 6.53 am J101 E 9.16 pm 9.81 am 8.09 am Suwanee..-.D 10.88 pm 10.54 am 9 22 am Arr. Atlanta 12.05 am 12.20 pm 10.85 am PShlaS!118 01 6601818 aDd vf PdAfRaMdi!60'81 CeDtra1, Al S Srh tra?8 Ste Georgia Railroad. renwvllleGf06 6 Brancn to Law- ftoirTlatnlSSS 01 60r8la to oloberton Au-Llne to and from Elberton, rlST!a, a?d Greenville to and from wXbte and Charleston, a C Cnw. SS!?1, nd Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, a a taV?!b',K anl Ashevflle, and Spartan- LAFwSiSnd l1?61 to and Henderson TiSM!! $n and Columbia. lmXdrarn0lr Nari0W Q&Uget0ail(1 i m with a, a 4 a. -a c.-b. ft d. and a., t. 0-tor ail potato West. Northand East arfl 1 1 Wa ft n Vttlla jaiik. . . . . . KnTio . "wpinK car service on irams 0 47 and 48. dally. With rait Khanim horwpen A. POPS, General Passenger Agent Al I Atlanta and New York. i a. juuo