. . ,-.,.. -..f...,.,,, .; , ; r-jr-v, J..' ''' .'.. - 2 a tMm&M3&&& !UMtt8aaaisgwsaaii le IssyeeUgeulenTcaav V? ITER jrnuaaeipnu Tunes. ,far$ i 6fK APPETISER K? nil till 1 - r? . i ? f SJ, unermijx - y Vt.i xtv. thens , Xack of Energy, etc.- charm on the ti . . . iii'.i.tUruinTM 1 1 acta lite a cfl Writafor the A B 0 Boot, S2 pp. of M o r ll imdji ; U leal jarfm9UrH mm wi tit, arro ntofViiaUM AVroatra-1 i Jonvalmm-l I . ra.xfcc.f mi natural force i done twice the la the trwmU Mrre Itne ionic nu no omm ute tfriiitlatf CBur: JTrof. X isewJrram.. sueme. teeMsseesw wvf ssssjejae. fflNMtoMM IfASTUll II Til OR. HARTER MEDICINE CO.. ' wly y n " -RAlAio-h Netcs-Observer: W'WWW to leam of thedeatliiof Mts Di5 vnv a hitrhi v nwDected citizen or x ratiKy -F D . . t l& was a brotner-ingaw .oxjpnc wi wpamaiK ttttSiaa 'i j ' s ;5HI v ::!r J al sections this.caanty- -arextpetition-r ing forcBseijfbborhood. elections off the StoeKEaw-'Wstwn'- i c There is a probability"of admeTartips In thisr county getting iato trouble f6y teariidinianjtitflattnir advertiser, mehts. It isapeaiieatiary.QSanae. i j r-, Afwwdeabaroi.car wafcrcapfcuried in theekt,twfflilesJaft-of Shel by, on the dr-O. ftaflrtadne'iiight last, week., -It was ia ttiep083888toinofftWor mea'wliosttaine tjtfv flictttjtf :fitf$4r; was'iinawe td1el':mt;PlM: thisnemmachibut -Warh ttotlt load.-iaBd,wiiottgb it ij aai-enttreiy wooden struoturei'fta jtpeeil l&ftiraliead nf an ordinary handrcar. olteiisoaw iir the toonseBSJOJrul! "tbt mllroad; g.fcl afc Sialisburv Examiner : We are inf otni ed by Uk JV' Mock tfiatf iCa&ti BoM iJOTioxeFWn. wui mane uiis.-jew .one tobusaiid 'biisbeld of corn on twenty acres of upland. Mr. Mock brought a samnla of the corn to this t)lace which he says is a fair average, of the entire . croD. It is the finest we1 nave ever seen, t Mr.'Bost bTDaghttheland tistoits pre-T - OH A Sr. R. JONESi s 'si SoleAg,t;Charf6tte,N.C. JliBcelIatte0ttB. THIS GjtJNUlTE hai acquired a repu tation greater tbaa any medicine extant as the CHEAPEST, PUREST and best family medicine In the world. It aeU with extraordinary power and efficacy on r the largest organ ot the Dooy, eauea, i importance, the Hmse-keeper of our Health. When the Ixlver la torrid, the bowels are the. Uvar the limn onran Its importance, tne unue-Kee; froi laerish and eonsapated; the food lies in the sto mach Indigested and poisoning the blood. Fre qoeot headaches, a feeling of lassltnde, despon ieocy, and aervoaanesa, indicate bow the whole aratemlsderanced. To preTent a more serious ODdUiOB.at MN Take 8IMM0VS LIVEK BEGULATOB. The teet ef tUne sad the experience ol thous ands have proren It the beat, saiest and speediest remedy for all diseases of the Liter, Stomach and Spleen. As a remedy In MALABI0U8 FEVEBS, ... Dyirpepftialf ental Depression Stek Headache Jauidlaex CoJlc Corasupatlon and BUtonsness, , fy HAS ijOiEqiJAI r '' We ewild' au igooW-sr such like distinguished testimonials as the following: I aave used Simmons Liter Regulator lor con stipation of my bowels, caused by a temporary da magement of the liver, for the last three or four years, and always when used according to the di rections with decided benefit. . . . V:i(fj 7 j jUta CbJet Jasaee of Oeorgta. ! occaslonaliy we, wheh my condition requires M, Dr. Simmons Lfrer Begalaior.wlth good effect . AIxlX H. 8TXPHXN& TBI BJLLTDCORI XPI8C0P1L METHODIST says: "Simmons Llrec Begolator Is, te nave Deeeuaias those Bowthern i Provtdenee has placed diseases prtrau." Boy only the red & prepared septs THBlGREATlCURE .RHEUMATISM IAsJtJa for all dlaeasea of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. J It'oleansea the Byatem of the acrid poison tnac oanaea the droedfal mneriag which only the Tiotims of Bheumatiani can realise. ' THOUSANDS OF CASES of the wont forma of this terrible rtlenaee hare been quickly relieved, in. a short time PERFECTLY. CURED. "Snr i; Ibib vVol baa had wemeerfklenaeeee, and an Immense b salelnererT-partof the Conntry. In nrm dredsofoaaea it has eased where all else had failed. It is mild, bet emeient, CERTAIN i. H ITS ACnolf, bathazmleaa in all cases. tylt eleauea, Btreartheaa aad ajtvea Kew UTe to all the important orgaaa of 4he body. Tne natoral action bf the Kidneyf ii restosed. The Liver is cleansed of aQ disease, and the Bowels more freely and, JuslthraBy. En this waythe waat dlnsasns ara eradteated frost theaTBtenu i ff i A m . Aslthasbewsi pyrffadbythoaaandaflnU v .J uXIJX - - - u aa a j iiTcr tneieuif owwuuai roots aiMf herbs which an all wise In eountnes where lwer Genuine In White Wrepperwial only by J. ILZelllnACo. 5 " " AT S3.00 PKB BIT. AN tHHENSE STOCK OF lathenvesetaalrenLedforoleanalna;the system of all morWd seorettans. Zt should be nsadinereryhoTisebcld ase j f SPRINQ LMIOICIffBfi Always enrea KIIDirsjrBsa, 50NartPA faoarTTTxWaad an TXILUM IHaeaasa. Is ptit up lnDry Vegetakle Versa, In tin cans, one pacaags ot wnvn mares sqnarts meiueme. Aisomuaiir the eoarenianoe of those who cannot reartfly pre, paratt. RacttveithequaX efieteneit etttiiyona. WBXli IT OF TOTJB EOGGISl. i PEICS WELLS, KCHABI80xf2Ce.TWB7Bvi aaii. m .m m A, .-.M VstTTBV IWOSJASJ ffV Vf Hi PBsTAO IMP Oiy powl-ymjiU f pusmmwawnf March 27 d&wly m.irtV, mar. Ttrt tO-ioH ' riVnl or Monroe Exprm ,iA,inad4pg,i wbica was said toiave een tpllowmU tbp way ftowStaslf outy,j wa killed in towifdti lMt jfld.iy' 1 '. . .1lt:-;ii9'cl62 whiliii towB,.aDd weddnotknowhow many o&tbe;ronte,; bat prpbably lieveri- theiookottt fortbenia .aui.jatn rids'i-1 Monroe Enquirer: On last Saturday night a difficulty xjcconed near ShiiaH chnrch between J. M. Richardson 1 and his son-in-law, Traok 'BeH( and C p, Belk. a brother . of . the latter, . daring which Richardson was bad.y beaten tip about the face and had a rfb broken Dr. Monteomerv. his rShvsiciani thinks a bottle was used as s-weapon, as there! wereseveral gashes on his face.1 0. C. Belk received a stab with a pocket-' knife just over the heart, ; which pro duced a serious, but not 'necessarily dangerous; Wound. - minriifo inteuui gszice. Salisbury' Watchman. Cant. J-'' Ax Bamsav. civil eneineer. tells that in the work now progressing on the Paint Bock branch or the West ern Jorth Carolina Eailroad, that they have ,cutthrbugb several veins of quartz, which carry-gold. This point being the cliff in Mountain Island. ; TlT ALLSN ALXAJIxAYLOB--Sitnar ted near ThomasviHa,' is progressing sinking a new shaft They are down in the deepest shaft 104 feet, andintfo. 2, 28 feet They have pumps, .engines and boilers, and three chiliian mills. There is a suit pending which will settle the name. One party call jt; the Allen and the other the Laylor. CWe cannot take sides, therefore style it as above. Beaver Dam Gold Mining Co.- The last of their machinery has arrived and they will commence running the first week in November. Mrs. Garfield will retain the interest held by her hus band in this mine, and should opera tions at the mine prove as now antici pated sfce will visit it this winter. 20 hands are at work; engine houses com- Eleted and now building dwelling ouses. Klan Mine. Mr. J. J. Newman has just shown us a map of the above named mine, in this county. The prop erty lies in the gold regions and from the description must be very rich. He also showed us a map of the Parker mine, in Stanly cotmty This property adjoins the Crowell, and is very rich, in placer gold. Nuggets from 1 . awt to 6 pounds have been taken from this mine. Tlae Ifews from Tlg1nlsi--116wr i 'Af. tewted tneeHritle Banimore Sun. pr" ' ' The newr front VirIajtoirncing the defeat of the Fonder tjcket; caused a splutter among Virglniaseciiritiea in this city yesterday, and there wa3 a big effort made to sell at' the ' Stoclf change. Consols'had been advancing some time on the strength ot favorable Democratic reoorts and claims from Virginia, and on Monday they closed at cration of the Evan.IlihdS scandal id tne ixtn Auditor's office, some details oi wnxca nate ; i)en.i puDiisheaj waara en up at Uie.Tteasuiry. Department J nds .andf the hitherta( iraaDectStble cbariacter of.iMajoj; tirMwftrdstJ Bvahs have; made the. examination of Calirtvate aaWv F4s . jown,i;ftowVeiVTttiat John Beside,) arTreasury; employe, .paid Major vans for: ,frniaihixig -out- biob ftttorjya tiisD oijupaianoes ( ae postmasters, uponLwhichjlistrclalmt were -.ledt against : thsf gorerntnent; MajorvMantonaelaimTaaent.iDaid.tha ,riQi).eyr Jti ia' laimedj,that his list of paiancesp in.thefiandwntingof-tufiS and was gotten up with the understand ing that. -the., attorney-ees should be. paid to Man ton and that Evans waJ to have one-haf-, In the woman scrape J. JBdyd testified 6$ has been already reported relative' to the use of Evaps', rootn: r In : addition it was stated that on ( last . Thursday . when Miss Hinds-i oam&tp work, every Jadv: ip .the. roonil 8V" viirPivoi . ner miugr wig,. wBiit home. They refused to remain 'In the1 same room 'with' her. It is also in' evi-f dense. that Tyrter took his sister-in-lawci to Europe, where they were anient two. or three months. ' Her name was borne. on the rolls and she received pay all the 1 time, ! the same as those whtr worked. The exarmnation or the dshk 1 eterks m and others will bs Tnadetmttrrotr4 J f ' i Wasbtttsrtou Notes 1'WAsmN3rTtNi'Novf0.A tfuiiiberof aiiL.i'w -cJk t 'r- ' . aaa . r j s -: i i ; m . . i trfiere J m u a tnaition" xr great . uneasiness. These5 gentlemejf. 1 wero'jjrom'ihent. ia Workfng agfjair (fefi.; Gfftfltlft the elec iah ot- delegates for the Chrcsgo dOp yention last year and In- favor of Sher man delegations. Several of them tyere members of the eonvention and fought bitterly to the last against Gen. Granti They ate 1 vofu afraid they L vl their 'lofflces,1 and are here. WyUg Joi mike jihtrdence th favor ot tetaiaiSpi thete."It. is1 believed their -feirTarq groundless, ss those closest '( to , Pre?;, dent' ATthur have no ided that he prcn poses entering on a policy .'.of. ven geance. These alarmed officeholders are not likely to Tie. disturbed while theit .'comml8iona hold--. .When their commissions expire it may be conjec tured that theywill not staiid-quite so gOod"a chande. for re-appointment as ii they had not been so active m their hostmties.s', : The election of a Democratic mem ber of the House of Representatives from the eleventh New York district destroySi the majority of the straight. ouy iwyuujwaua, OUU LUVy Will Utt auie co muster wo.yotes, one less. than: a UDBjonty.'.Tne iiepuDlieans here are not very much concerned over this, as they express bo doubt of beincr able to pick up the one vote requisite to consti tute a majority without much trouble. They have nine ereenbackers. two Vir ginia readjusters, and one .New Tork ndeDendent reDuhlicana la rwmit frnm : i A 1 3 ' - 1 a - ana tneipcaicuiaiions are. Therefore. based on good foundation, Yet ifthese twelve members, who belone to neith er of the regular organizations, were to CDmbine they could dictate their own terms. . ?- ' - tfaW Censoe af ISaurt India. LondoM Spectator. " The details of the new Indian census- taken on February 17, have reached London, Thfr total rxroulation of In dia is 252,00000 ithe tptai population Of British India 213,000,000, and the in crease since 1872 little less than ISjOOO, 000 a nation in itself requiring masses Of -additional food, which we fear are not produced. The separate provinces contain great nations. Ben gal proper, with Assamr, numbers 78, 000,000, . or more thamlouble France ; Madras, 80,000,000, or more than Italy and Greece; Bombay, 1S,000;000, or three Swedehs Oude, 11,500,000, or three-fourths of Spam : the Punjab, 29, 000,000, or the population of Great .Britain : and the northwest' provinces. 32,000,000, or nearly as, many as the whole United Kingdom. Is it not like us Englishmen to leave that last huge territory,; mo very core or our power, without a name? Its proper name, Hindostan, is disused, because people wuiconxusaic witn inaia, uia we ere too intellectually lazy and indifferent to adopt another. So we leave a sa trapy with afBopulation exceedihtr 30.- 300 without any, geographical name lflMHlrSi U i.f; The Caoe Fear & Yadkin Vallev rOad la ; graded 2a shlles ' Irom Gfiensboro. DrS AW I Zt 1 mmmmm ALflO Window Shkaes, ' Baby Carriages, C HEO'SI OS and CORNICES. .1 EfulHineof 3HT 3Vi: rnOLX3ALX BZTATL IURM1TUUX DXAJJEB . ' a WBTIX VRONT. tifPr if r r 8 1' Sales having been made that day if j One. hundred and twenty-three convicts eu,wu consols at ironr euj w ri?j.- i are now employed on tne work, super terday 121,000 consoit were 8aja5j.we.intendent Stamps, who was in town different calls, opening at 77, . 8JUnt fcastwetefc renorts thett ' fiL Srodd fkindl- down to 75M.seUer 6Cy flat but afttrw tuon.' ' HeMntima ted it. mieht be BoArd recovering and seilmgi WtO"77;f nejSry :(o send k partuf Jthe-foroe.tri again, on tne strengtn ,or. repcrw ijs t tne.westenj etth1 aWHnailBallroad. the-LegislatiHe,! Virginia had ge jWeallear Funder by three en joint ballot1 The fthehniper of convicts in thelate is scnrittes principal UIVDt Ul Virginia part of the the sales4t is nnderstoodwere for out-of-townpartiei A farther .decline is nredicted when the Badiustervictorj becomes assured as the consols are heidl larorelv in EuroDe. where . the boldexa are very timid. Baltimore brokers iti cures Livet Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness,- Malaria? Cos tivenessi : Headache. Hassistedif f gestiori strengyfens tlnp system; regulatesthe bd$rels,tianfiethef fclpod! A Booysentlree. I Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, N. Y. '' FtlS. RAT .TT TJ-V AT T TTTTrtTlTL snidifclosed out on Monday, Dptn. snore lin-ftheJISW .withc am long, ana are consequent jercusej tie affected. The Virginia ten-fortiestThig he attMbulliteBeral sold Monday at 52$ to 53, ana aeciraearjierity and plenty tttthe land. Also to yesterdayi tofiOHmntt BZf closing towbi the fact that judgment 'm susDended than neiasi ngure.- .wwnsoi coupouni iu rejecept in the most flagrant cases. The ever. wmch. under the . iteaajusterfr a ..... ia,u-u .ass iii-r-ij scheme.'re said to be- as good as - cdn sols, advanced to naving spia arlft vp.stflrdav of o726o ten-forties and liLOOO DeeleriC tnarmoOT Virginia I securities dispedorre yesterday. OaltaM'a Tril 1 Washington,.No v. 7.-Thei govern-? roent isacuvem its enorts to ,prea I from this-citt ' .FOB SALE BY ALT anil8 deod eow ly. P. C. WILSON, CHABLOTTX, K. &, F -I Sole Agent for I. Wf lt COOK, Uoljsijijs'liiiggy Aim down the insanity defence; of , Goiteaurf Detectives, in tne person or surgeons, j t Se employed to visit tne jau ana ex iineGuiteau"s physical and mflntal, condition, As Guiteau is alwaya anx otis to converse there is no difficulty itf the matter. He willingly subjects hint- Ben 10 tui zauuuaixiuu ui. iua )mi Guiteau says he does not object to thisi although men who call tlremseltes sur WhateTer to fexpertia iiaaMng'. BXAnnH tlons in behaitol the government. -M wishes them to- iutve - a f reecdtrs.'Jn waxxrxowm sraraa wagon caiPABiiHfc,ttieir eiaminauon. as this, wiu onxy.neipiia 111 ifesAl.lSBhi JO WAGONS, &C, WHOLXSALX AND BXTATL. OPixff BUOGIXS, $66. TOP BDGOTJES, $85. Speetal inducements to the wholesale trade soucuea, povi in ""pBia house has been leased for a term of years JKTiJ1?' neetea, whose Intention Is to -Tr,1' 1 uravcjaaa nouse in frrery lesi savs rie can discern a decided diffel in lluiteau at different times., aridtbmt tdsinsanity is unquestionably chrofde in rrSvpature. m times uuitean is 117 ufl-i- . . .. Irom Saratoga Springs, aw. iiiMwitami- gial bnomrnj3ffix ui; i.iif ,ii HMS1; .r j Haurdaia. Sciatica j Lumbaao. 1 iff. 1 fyntu'ns,: -Bums -juri ; it Scalds, GeneraJ Bod ilj 7ooA, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other . Pains and Aches. No Prepirtlon.jo arts., eqaala S. Jacob On, aa a ae, ewe, simpln and cheap Extsmal Bemedyoi.A trial .entails bnt the oanmawrtrfeli trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and every one suffering With, pain ew hate chety) ad poaltiTe proof of Its SUohi in Kmn IAagnagea. BOLD BY ALL DSTJQQISTS ASD DEALEHS . i i M iriaicnrE. 1 A. VOGEIiER & CO., ' ;: . "if f&tm,JitdiV.M.J jjOeeaQdftw ly . . ;.- m ILaiidLies Do you want a pure, bloom ing Complexion? If so, a few applications of Hagan's MaGKOLIA BALM wiU grat ify you to your heart's con tent, It does away with Sal lowness, Sedness, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases raid imperfections of the skin. It overcomes the flushed appear ance of heat, fatigue and ex citement.' It makes a lady of THIRTY appear but TWEN TY: and so natural, gradual, and perfect are its effects, that it is impossible, to detect its application. &5kiOf rthis nnmber 450 are enrpIOyed on-the Western JNolina l&uV roai;and of - this nimber only -too are available hands. 1 TheToadis ' entitled tb 600 able bodied eOrrvf ctsl Mr.KtJimtia d'th 'tftneralcondiUonot..the cor icta...wasi:gixd. He'-Jso marked, ot I Ths FaBtavlns) l?nrln m. VsitlarM. I Th wonderful l?oir tjve, for which gnrestiltswereptfl ukm, smu wmca was jco nave DeengiTon 1xrot"spl5e4 8h0rtlyn.the JTeii' York division of the Pennsylvania ItailroadLIias.bBen suddenlv sent back to the shops at PetersoG. where it- was constructed. The -nn:e was : taken t:w'Aaujon for- prenmin- Ifrork. wherila nArvdliar- construe ifit.UDDer aadlawrfvlnrwheeis68?1 -. 7 . .. . -(Dtfjin. m as careiuiiy examined, by tne master echantcs pnnw aa juiuuiuiy, ima axterwjuri.XAVK.i LaL . This trial was, not satisfactory td locomotive ezrjerts. - Thev said that ItSlBU LXiO UUUIUCIISUILIUU. III. . . CALrafrWCVK. eeondiriy lrf- trnfMrWEti to. gppus pom umiawm wip.iya mcuMi Pennsylvania KaBrcM.CQniiiaiwsays to see 11 ne is sound, yne or. tnesw that if 1 the eiieine was ariVe straight pertsuuiteau says, called mmseir vr.i tiaefcandenecar it could nrjdobtrr' Smith, and. professed to ne a" suweolaktfgmtime; bntlf tried titfaerthr anxious to know ix :,lhe PrUtme circumstances as engines ,ithis. Were sound. Mr.4Scovrile, attofftWtoifla the rMriltlwoitkLlje verynn uie nuvuBeu, nay a 110 uos uu. uujciyvH I 8 Itisfactory. 'A t saf afeea iS rtl'ii. V4 Bob Toombs is as notorious 1 01; hiCr . seinuity MXprrjgWQfrthe Plow lonsr since it wasnronosed to ouiia. h itt;asltetoiW where ,hi riVaaadaxoTnanittee called upon shin' roioa smbscriptiofy. Jnalthe neii nor ou wan? ms hotel in asrnngwmr te pjm.fmm towa-cu.ts.ijirD.ci . " ' " "W . -mm I eojna.anaverjhaaSRf karestown because i& i l. 4.-. r . x-. - . a . ; . ssm..i .ewsjmr t . i Ti? o Aiwi-.MAt Ai'wi1Sfs'i ueajaatwiTWBTOrBywnere.ncao J mtW . AWU.BIHUWKMI..WWI H limi.l I-l -xi.t. At. 1 1 T-XL T jxl -li. . 1 . u rw.M tmm r n mm ii. a k i tt wwt n t. a 11 pens to examine. - -j-ai a""j3a.iuj 1 1 axIDI ntOM HABULESS' IsATXhuXS. anal, Xj-CA-! dapted to the needs of fading sJidialltot?nair.'P elTe rauri iuii j aaeieaaatanal -iaAif r - - " Ons debility and Weakness of the generative fone raers Hair Balaam haa taaan tlM HiBt &nkJ eiegaat and leHaWe hate restoraUTeT .?llLffiSilM f. LSeala8 Pepot J, B. stcAdOhais w.'i. .xt. t'jjeiljtir ai ,t(!aA Jan. 23 2 Both Foreign and Domestic. j:t'fcuicl) ai lvn-i? iTastBecefred, at 'sDif Store lABATOOA CHY, N. T. a a.. ... 0 -r?7irvvllouvlcu'' recommended as an 1 antacldt cures dyspepsia, aWsdiges tton. Is a powerful tonic and strons: i diuretic. Also,; Hata Natural Mineral Water, Becommended yery highly as a cathartic and al teretlye and In all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, K CASKS CONQHES3 WATKB, I Q CASKS BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, - .... 0 CASKS B0TFALO LITHIA. - And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS HiiDyaii Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN KOVELTY UNtAM JANOS; THE BEST ATTJBAL APIBIENT. AS A CATHABTIC: DosnA wine glass fuU before breakfast. T7i Zawrf-"Hanybdl Janos. -Baron LieMg af that its richness In aperient salts surpasses that of -all ether known waters." The British Medical Jotnai-,'Hunyadi Janos. Themost agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water;" Froj. Yircfww, Berlin. "invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Pr&Bamterger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." v. TSC' "Swwoni, . Wor&xburg. l prescribe none but this."- - Prof. Lcmderprtmton, M. D., r.R 8., London. "More pleasant than Its rivals, and surpasses them to efficacy." .F&At1' Jfiv?-. f- A A, BoyaLMUitary Hos pital, NeUey. "Preferred to Pullna and Frled-richshalL" JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist. North TryonSL, CHABLOTTK, N. C. DON'T GO TO SAKATOGA When yoa can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when It flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water in large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J. H. MoADEN, Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 This' great' specific cures that disease. most loathsome WHiiTnia IN ITS PRIMARY, SKCOSDABT OB TKHTIART STAGS. ' Removes all traces of Mercury from the system. Cores scrofula, old sores, rheumatism, eczema, ' catarrh, or any blood disease. CUBES WHEN HOT spumes ATxr - ; Malvern, Arte, May 2, 1881. We have cases tn our town who lived at Hot Bprlngs and were finally cured with S.& S. 1 JBOuajuIOxl ct xuUBBT. .- Mevphte, Tennessee, May 12, 1881. 1 We have sold 1 .2ftfl bottles of 8. 8. S. in a vear. tt has given nnlversel -eatlB faction.- Fair minded hysiciana now recommena it as a positive specu 5. 8. MAK8mixD0a Denver, CoL, May 2. 1881. -Kverr ftnrchaser sneaks m the- hlKhest terms of ' Lonlsvnie, Kentucky, May 1 8, 1 881 S.S. 8. has given better satisfaction than any medicine 1 have ever sold. J. A. Flsxnsb. Btchmond, Va., May 11,1881. i, Toucan refer anybody to us in regard to the merits of 8. a a. .i . : Polk MuuatACo. 1 ) nm, uovor uvwu o. d. p, mi fjui ui gwi, a -our, t)t Sffihllls, when properly taken. ii. ) 1 ' a, l. iwniuv, ' . : , ' EU WaBEXH, r . uJ i. . Perry.Gftv The above alznera are gentlemen of nleh stand-. tfiCV ' A. H7CuijQUiTr, Gov. of 6a. I'lJIliai. L'J till. U'J J ij . l ses-asaa J. ' roq trtishi vtel afll take .-yens case. TO BK PAlDi FOB WHEN CUBED. Write for particulars, and utue Deo -Message to xne unrortu- copy of the l , SI .OOO REWARD will be . nald to an?, chemist Who will find, on -analysis of 100 bottles of S. & one particle At Mereiiry,, Iodide Potassldmior any. Tainerat sfibstonceT" SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ..hi ' u:j y,.uoprletors, AUanta,w j Sold by druggists everywhere. ijy Price of large of regular size reduced to tl.75 per bottle, and small size holding haul ip qtaantity, price 81. " nov4t4 ;., .f, r, rr ' :..:': ) JOURNAL OF LITIBATURK A KDTJC ATT0 il published, mpnlhly at, Oxford, -N. C , at On, IJollai a year tn advance, ti t .n ".ii'j:. -iThe Oxonian alma atlncreaslna the Intareat foe iThe Oxonian alms atincraaamg the Interest for literature am Education, and 'grves orlgirml ar Uclea en snbleets pf vltat lmportanea's, welt: as acisms ei uie newest ana mosAvaiaaoie pupuca- imiiJ0'!i t!'ii Toilers djesWed advantages te advaatlflersp High" avfiMaw'' efwblatlon. Advertisements; are shown' imenuy, are nee rroni errors, aoo are taste- cuspiayea, us aavemsing, raies are not in WHOLESALE & RETAIL Druggists, CHARLOTTE, H. C. Our stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, . Oils. Varnishes apd Dre Stuffs, is complete. -GIVK US A TBIAL a JBT OUB INK CAPSUL, ; SouethBig new and guaranteed to rnake the BEST. USE. In the Maiket.. , x . ' L. S. -WBISTON k CO. ."). ' i i j . 'j i THJTB and BED OMONSETSx : ; For fall planting, . ,. TTE HAVE A T ULL ASSbRTMENT,. , OfSeeley's Hard Rubber Trusses at reasonable prices, i jcvery miss warraimyi as represented. i ;.; ,. ,,, ;, uy L,,B. WBISTOW atCO. AnjJWCOBSKT BRACE, ' ' '' ' !: A gfioniler brace iuid 'BnppOTf for the back com Wnd.' 8ldbj . L. IA WBISTOK A CO. n - .I .- Associatee-Railways -;;;CpNSUMPTI01f. yeWMhouui expected, an reme tavlng failed, and Dr. tt, James JJJIT ing M many fJZZZZ lymarireparlon wWcn-mred his only -SS" of ranxnm-.'abf euu is now country, and enjoring tne best health. He ha? proved to the world that CONSUMPTION can hf Positively and permanently cured. The Dockr now glvesthls recipe free, only asking two tTee cent stamps to pay expenses. This herb also cures Night Sweats, Nausea at the Stomach. tnS T.ll ,dta nty-four hours. 77 "Afwva. a w., 1032 Race x ixtiaueipaia, naming this paper. street. FREE Sena to MOORRm BTJSIJTESS UNIVERSITY Atlanta n For Illmtrated Circular. A lbreactaal Business SchooL IXabUthed tiaeniy yean. DLB sarnxi .u... ftjlHriit mniin, emboased naff mm.pSfe4' AlGreat Offer fur HOLIDAYS ! LOwTricerfo?BS3 lSyIWABY SPLlSNDID ORGAx JU5In8m22 Wa HEflCENT 7 ort" BolswoOD IunRc MAG aod cover. onlS i on Sr-IL11'. JrlANOS, slool trated Catal " L .?? Ius- HORack WATroaT Kt5Dls wanted. THE CHMEBIMG i value' to an; advertiser. Advertise ments, intended, r publlcantioa la . any Issue, shosrid be in the omce by the 20th or the month. . intariai-t if;.J..fcjaQBNEB.!OxIird.N. C- 3. 2ix.50l:;t kT-,rrinr-rrsj ; .-.ivtl teeettat of the stookholders and: directors 'A. of the North Staj;e Copper and Gold, Mining. wmvni7,'miwaw Dvneia lis omce on tne for ihe tSuTDose of lenlrfar an assessment on the m ouke meetings naa Deep postponea ana wui do eidat the sametlat5eat noon of the 24th or No ' . JOOTHWIItSHrS,. . uaouu- j-i r-.'y. mi i-tsu ireaiaeBc.s1 jUJLiJL X i JfiK U r JB; K T -';iii lent kind of a It loMuis bmi U'DEeT&AxxEr9aen :oicwiuarejn Wiarioite ijw heboid wu uu rewonanie terms . to tne ni varehaseK. i Ths dweuuar MjM. a mu f eqmfoitabie rooms. brtckJUtchen. flne wea of ,wa 1 tV The house Is admirably adapted for th1 mseh aa admirable library or stodv room, bniit for .tna Srpose.. For furthsr particulars, prU'termsv ::,r'i. w.y iws. MA jtn ram'' nauroaa: Intotwoit Ndldfnsffl tioax ; 18S.T ' I ; -WUI either .be enld awliniaYtMA . a A-hnlBil i)i)8M . V si : : - ;'. . :- -OF-- VIRGINIA and the CAROUNAS. Blchmondj Va., November 1st, 1881.' ) ; " .: : I'M. . . i . - ;:; . ' : Memoranda of Arrangement of Bound-trip rates, Tickets. Boutea of Traneoortatlon. and Advan - tages offered f or the. formation of parties of , (visitors to the IMRNAMAL COTTON EXPOSITION ;, ATLANTA, Af From the Territory traversed or reached by the - , JKauways 01 tne menmona ana ian . vllle .System. i From and after: this date, from Charlotte via rrhovWitto flnH Atl.tta Sfr.f-fKA' DqIIu..- 'NxVa..- good one day going, two days staylngia, and one day returning from Atlanta, will be sold as follows : for single person,..,..,........ or parties of 10; each,... . rorjpiaraeioi.aOiewjjti,. 8 00 jror Dames oi hu. eacn. 7n J! w psraer w w, snoop . ... w. . . 5 85 Tne Borind'TrlTlcWBts hereiii named; when r8lDgty.arexasrciftc pontract lbrm,lvoid tf transierred to othera.thanorJirlnalJDurchasers.'' and authorize the reauirementndSntiflnaUon of .eaia purchasers, at the options tit i thet Bailwar agvuui ur uunauciors. To the r, 810 7l .. 9 8. 1 AWARDS sjp?5tod In the GREAT WORLD'S FAIR In TiK 1861 ; at the GREAT EXPOSITION in PARTS I??.. and at the grand CENTEN NIAL EXHIBITION la PhJlklelpbla, lSft, AU perMBs vrlshlna; to purchase (or v Vntne) inatrnments are respectfully In vited to visit oar Warerooms. Send for Circular ana Pria List. CHICKERIHG & SONS, 130 Fifth Avenue. N.Y. I 156Jremonl St., Boston. Novi dAw4w Wltettllixuzons. kpt Sale Ever Made by any Boot in the NITETAE Over 200,000 Actually Sold in THIRTY DAYS ! PRICE 25 CENTS. Spoo i jj VU V u 1. 1 Ml 1 II UU V 1 11 "Genuine fun, wit and humor." Albany Press. "The funniest book ever nubllahnd." nil Citv Derrick. . "Noreets of fnn in various ahnnp' TCom Tmt Herald. "Funniest book Of the season."- Nw Orleans Times; "Tne ran Is nnroarlons. but nnre and nhnltv some."1 Indianapolis News. "Absolutely crammed full of lrresisbihift lanph- ter." Keokuk Gate City.' "The most orlelnal humorist nf the d.iv "-Chi cago Evening Herald, : "Equal to the best humor of Jerold's famous tnQ1-H1aSv. TLAhiKAa anl n A.lln1 1 n vuuuiB -aipvUfj3l Mau,QBj far paa (iO 11U111UI ULL3. SanFjuJBxamlnef. ' fy. Jfor sale at . JNa B. KDDINa' Book Store oct29- ' Ginger, Buchu, Man drake. Stillixiria. and .many of the best medi cines known are com- pineain i-"arker s Uinger Tonic,' Into arTTwiirhie of such Taried sowers.as td ntaka it th greatest Bl00r Poriflfct-Sntt trie BcsUIealthAStrength uenomr Gvervsrff. It cures Rheumatism, Sleeplessness, & diseaess of the Stomach, Bowels, Lungs, Liver & Kidneys, ftisentirelv different from III T'. TV. tj -i . .x liitters. oinirer iLssences Met EcoBnmlrl Hnir n.x. ana other Tonics, as it nig. Never filli to restore the n$ver intoxicates. Hiscox yoothful color to gray hir. & Ca . Chemists. N. Y. 6Qc nd fl Large SvIbi; Buying Etolha- She. . Parker's: Hair Balsam oct22 Richmond and Danville Railroad. PASSENGEE DEPAETMEUT. On and after June 5th, 1881, Passenger Train Service on the Atlanta and Charlotte Alr-Llne di vision of this road will be as follows: : EASTWARD. Le Atlanta.... Arr. Suwauee. . ..D ' f Lula :e Toccoa. V Seneca...... G Greenv'le ..H 8partan'g.i.K Gastqnia.,,L Charlotte... M It 4 U.S. Man No. 45, A 4.00 AH 6.18 AK 6.54 i 8.14 AH 9.20 i 1058 am 12.14 m 2.86 m 8.85 ta N. Y. Express No.R47, ais pm 4.87 pm 5.59 PM 7.1S rm 840 pm 10.20 pm 11.40 PM U. s. Fast Mall No. 49, C 6.80 pm 7.45 pm 9.06 pm 10 16 pm 11.25 PM 1.00 am 211 AM 4 31 am 5.35 am WKSTWABD. M L K L've Charlotte.. Gastonla.. 'Spartatfa-i Greenr'le-.H r Saneca cs t, Toe)a....:Ff " Aitua El . " Huwanee...D ait. Atlanta... U. a Mail No. 42. 12.80 pm 1 27 pm 8.50 PM &07 Wd 0.61. PM 8.01 PM 9.16PM 10.88 PMi 12.05 Express No. 48. 12.43 am 1.43 AM 406 AH 5.18 AH 7.02 ah .15 AM 8. 9.81 AH 10.54 am 12.20 fh DTS. Fast Mall NO. 50. 12.33 am 1.17 am 8-12 AM 424 am 5.47 am 6.63 am 8.09 am 9 22 am 10.35 am ea&of aflnnitrn namuvJl tiilfBa iar vuuuuk in. axpoaiuon, contract uckeca, aaaptea to partiee-of the Btze herein named, are likewise onereq. t.Tuej embraeeall the stipulations. ol Bln- W T-T '" "" MW OUUiUWU VUSIfr. VXKX. VUVJJ RIO , MJ AT W . f. IWW.-.l gooawmuisTJortatkmtoAtiantaTOiy whenpre- - B with anlflnir brains of fianroia rntri a & aented en trains in connection with 'fan othera nf 1 nr tT 1S1Sg.tr&1D.! 01 Georgia Central, A. a tlwsrjee Class thevbelonetoi w rthe rirififti I SSTtZiSi AlS?"?"8- .. . Moioera or triASA Mnlrorj, mar ntnm mum triAm I , .7T vtuwu u xivx kuu. x-.. alnglyi wlthlit the period of than- valit provided -l wii An Office for the UeatifteatlcbOf imtehaaBra and t I.r Axr-.me t Uie Union Depot in AUantaa wilHe epeaSOl J? trains of Georgia Central and ncevllle,Ga. nu. xiuimcaaieni nauroaa oi ueorcia w aim to and from Elberton, to and from o with) CoInmbtaArKl GreenvUle rAl ViwaTrvlM . Aa. a ft n raaEfSa and Greenville te and Hi U Hi ilia r 0---T----7 T" ' i.r nLfat-ea m:ejijxeaveoui TriHi'u ni int.ts tim wTHpuivu ui.jus auyuaucBS tor personal aoa moo, means or uanalt rwJ tween Atlanta and the Exposition amnrui i,w I i5tWw"M uouimma. SeVtteaiSoS that WSStSnwSS r JLiSW tLenolr GD8 o "d Dgtoapleasaritfictewffl - - - t I tion Agents, ol the .Atlanta and 1 flailwav.--tJiiu.Tv7 from lamDia and Charlestcn. 8. C a. with Spartanburc and AshevlBe. and Spartan s', Union and Columtla to and from Henderson iAAsheyfilex and Alston and Columbia. for all DOlnts WeaL North and aTnat. 'if PDJlmanrjalar alfmina iiaj.iMnrj trains :oontalaedtn thfTaif ver 7WZZ X .t 4.ruuman 1 naiace sieeDlna- ear, set x . T tS ... a. X - aaat aivtl .A A. as iuo5a (i :rto i General Passenger Agent. ......i..:..j " .jtseaci j .... jfiOlUis yjq .afiOttJJJO?,!! j 5!ji-joo ion t .. 9ftliiH?r4 ed.t , . .UMfc liili.-' . ' : '

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