-.... , -Miatt9Maaaaa . 0; U M U.liaUUCJJ APPETISER rovu- ta htehlv recommended for all diseases requir St&&H?i23?$ Sfc SSriche, Ihf blood .rtraetl. jSa jaS& -a. -f51?S,SSSe. ration tnat wiu noiu"r-vr mo jor we a. jj j j-'"""! rr' SUNDAY, NOV. 13, 1881. XHE OLD NORTH STATE' NORTH GinOLMl AT THE COT TON EXPOSITION. ; Sold CAIi CO., Md. iEnciored an rc I&lldnunristKr'YV XTZZ oldenrrtnrt-rftmBd I that W 1 . a - - " - -- " a OHIO. Diixan ausaaasj, m 4 lamaldiathssasi Da rw Twntf Imtrepmrmtton OT rrm MM Mimorm StoMl MSUSBBMl W-1 - I ... ,. dtu Mill STStET. fACTfttlM TII DR HARTEHWIEDlciwei tw.i ' not profexaion, for IvVvia "Fwr" ceneeron'eer,fcc. extent that my labor was eif dingly bm i which I re natural force twice the la- Vnrt -Uh donble the ease., Wltn tne tranquu nmj ?MMaSlKta Snioi HSt Tonic-ha. not'done the miJTZSn'? r? -jTPJWiTflW.PsstorChrisMan (Jnarcn. iroy.w, MM' MMYZm III I a m il II II M I 1 1 1 a S m II II W M VI ST. 10I L,U-'1 U ylT- RICHMOND ENCTAVIHyCO. - - ff CHAS. R. JONES, J ISoleAg't.CharlotteN-C. JJ nrnnorfni ueioniceii of Iler KUV Forehts, Field and mines An Unexplored Empire of Hidden TTAAiih -A Larero and t;reoaoie Dinplay. Cor. Charleston Newa and Courier. att.atita. Nov. 7. North Carolina deserves praise for making one of the lareest and most creditable displays of agricultural, mineral anu mimmovnn ing products in the entire Exposition. Tn aYtpnt-. and varietv. excellence of ar rangement and thoroughness of pre- naraHnn. it. 13 an honor to the btate ana ft stitnnin? lesumuuiai uu mo iuwcdo on ere v an d oatriotic exertions of the TTnn. M. MClienee. Ill ouaia Wiuiuib smnpr. nf Aorrieulturei. The display oc cupies one-half of the the western wing of the itanroaa xsuiiuiug, ttuu suu wo vast range ef minerals, wooas, soiis anu nt.s contained in the State the ur.hiAVP.ment of the preserit: and I the possibilities of the future. Th t.imhp.red wealth of North Caro lino ha not. been developed, and no ef fort worthy of the name has been made to utilize the product of the forests. ThAr are fiftv thousand square miles of territory in the State covered by forests which have scarcely been touch ed by xnE woodman's axe, Small shipments of lumber are made to Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore, iioston, ana occasiouiiiy uu mo coi Tndies. but no large mills have been es tablished, no furniture factories are m operation, and tno principal consump tion of the timber is in the construction of railroads and in supplying the neces sary limited local aemana. m tne eas tern part of the State the trade in cy press shingles is immense, and lately the exportation has begun of walnut inmhr to forieen countries from Ashe- ville. in Buncombe county. This busi ness is yet in its infancy, but it is the beginning of a large and lucrative in dustry. Of the specimens of native woods on exhibition there are 112 dis tinct specimens, embracing all the com moner varieties and the ornamental woods. In "Western North Carolina there are immense belts of cherry, and the supply of black and white walnut is practically unlimited. The western walnut which has heretofore held the market has been largely exhausted and now commands high prices, thus afford ing ready sale to the large supply in this new field. Of the different kinds of woods most valuable in the arts in the United States, there are 22 species of oak, 19 of which are found in North Carolina and so on, as follows: United States. North Carolina. Pine S species 8 ntaries of the Daa JU?erj nThSsefUsrj bosits have not , been worked, to any great extent, as wooa is armnaant -in this section of the State and' there are no means of transportatioD,r .BaUrpaaa are now Duuaing tnrougitocKinguaui county, and there is little; doubt that thfl beds will soon be onenea UD. umu. la also found in Granville countv, north pf the State capital, a , ! . . - ;. : (iranhite is. also widelv QlStriDUieu throughout the. State, and specimens havft hften found in Burke. Yancey, Ca tawba, Person, Cleveland, Gaston and Lincoln counties. - ThereJaa most ex tensive bed in Wake county, . wnicn runs in a northeasterly and soutn west erly direction, is from sfxteen to eight een miles in length, and of an average thickness of from two to four feet, n has been partially developed, and is of good-quality. Ail tne minerals usea in me manu facturing arts are found in North Car olina in immense quantities, specimens of which are contained in the collec tion at the Exposition. KAOLIN AND TALC Spruce. .5 Elm 5 Walnut... 2 Birch 5 Maple. . . .5 Hickory. .8 Magnolia. 7 .4 .3 .2 .4 .5 .6 .7 ftT LESS TH&H Auction Prices THE THE FINEST COLLECTION OF O ILVKB-PLAT OlLTlB-FLlIKD E D WAR WAR JJ Ever exhibited In Charlotte. JUST BXCEIVEC: BOG KUS' THIPLE-PLATE KN1VE3, $4.50 DOZEN. A full line of Table? Fancy Silver Ware, At greatly reduced prices. Call early and get first choice. Bespectlnllr, noTlO J. BBOOXrilLD & CO. Twin Springs -TH EtGR E ATi CURE ' l, wmim pob : RHEUMATISM AaitjM for'aU diseases of the KIDNEY8, " IVBRaAND BOWELS. It'eleansea the system of the acrid poison that causes ' ths dreadful suffering which only the victim of Ph'n""1"" can rcalixe. r THOUSANDS OF CASES of the wont forma of this terrible diaeaaa have, been quickly relieved, tn a snort time PERFECTLY CURED. tL4kaskadwemderfaltueeea,sjid mn iTnmwnso sale inererypartoi toe uoonizy. in nun dreds of oases it has oared where all else had failed. It is mild, but efficient, CERT ATS IN ITS ACTION, but harmlfl in all osses. ' IVlt eleaasee, Strenrtaemi and rlresKew Life to all the Important organs of the body. The natoral aotton of the Kidneys is restored. The Un la eleansed of all disease, and the Bowels move freely and healthftilly. Xn this m way toe worn msrownw are cwuam uwi tne system. Hkw as it nss psen prorea oy tnousanns ma system of all morbid sweraUonl. It should be nsed la every household as m , SPRING .MEDICINE. Always enres EmoxrsmB88, CONBTLfA TIOK,FILaand aU nSUALS ZMseaaes. Il pnt np in Dry VestaMe Tmrm, in tin cans, f one panrage at wnirh msressqnarts rooaicinw. Also la IJmlAFerBB,TeiT Ceueeati mt tot the eonrenienoe of those who cannot res iWy pre pars It. It acts vtk eqyuil ffflcienct tn Htherform. GET IT Or YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, f 1.00 WEUiS, BICHABDSOIi Co., Prop's, (Wmseadtbsarypost-pald.y BCMJHCTOa, TT. March 27 d&w 17 Perhaps no other State in the Union can make such a showing. In Western North Carolina there are immense bodies of white pine timter that have not been touched. The ex tension of the Western North Carolina Kailroad now being built, particularly the Ducktown branch, the Yadkin Val ley Road, and the road from the East Tennessee line to the Cranberry works are now in process of construction, and numerous other projected lines will throw this country open and make a market for the timber for which there is now no demand. The price per acre for the timbered lands in the State ranges from five to fifteen dollars no price has been fixed on them as timber- In Eastern North Carolina there is an almost inexhaustible SUPPLY OF PITCH PINE, the belt of country extending from Vir ginia to the South Carolina border and averaging at least from sixty to seventy miles in width. In the coast country there are large quantities of cypress which are so sur rounded by swamps as to do compara tively inaccessible. The swamps are susceptible of drainage, however, but this can only be accomplished by asso ciated effort and the investment of large capital. The cypress timber ex tends along the whole coast and for many miles into the interior. It is -t m 1 A . 11 Al wortny or special note mac an me woods of the State can be highly pol ished. THE MINERAL WEALTH of North Carolina is unbounded, and as shown by the specimens on exhibi tion of more varied richness than that of any other Southern State. Minerals exist in the greatest quantities from the simply useful to the form ox pre cious eems. Of the useful copper and iron there are valuable deposits all over abound in large deposits. The kaolin occurs in many of the middle counties, but the finest quality, as white as snow and entirely free from all sand or grit, in found in. Macon county in the ex treme southwestern part of the State. It lies superficially, and can be worked at inconsiderable cost Bed clays for making brick and light colored varie ties for the manufacture of pipes and coarse pottery are found in the central part of the State and in the Piedmont country. The minerals peculiar to the State are corundum and mica, and both of which exist in large quanties. The richest deposits of corundum ;are f.nnm) tr XXanrun iniintv noar . EVanlr- liri, and in Clay county, on Buck creek, and elsewhere in similar quanties. THE MICA MINES .." are in Mitchell county, and yield re markably fine specimens. There are now found shafts in this county that were sunk before the white man ever came to this country. How the shafts came there no one knows but trees have been removed from the debris covering their mouths which indicated centuries of growth. It is supposed by some that the aboriginal workers of the mines carried, on a great traffic with the inhabitants of the Mississippi val ley, the interpreter of the mystery be ing able in this way only to account for the presence of mica in the Indian mounds which are found in tbe Missis sippi valley. However this may be, it is a singular fact that the ancient shafts to this day indicate the best veins of mica and yield the finest product. In mica and corundum Western North Carolina now forms the storehouse of the world. In the southwestern part of the State now being opened up by two lines of railroad there are large quantities of . THE FINEST MARBLE, of varied colors and susceptible of the highest oolisb. Specimens are on exni- bitioh, the most striking of which is a beautiful flesh colored variety, which would be especially suited to statuary. There are large quanties of the best va ries of building stones, gray and brown sandstone in the central and western portions of the State. -The quarries have not been largely worked. The new Federal buildings at Ral eigh are built of Rowan county gran ite, which, in addition to its building qualities, will take the highest ana most durable polish, the sharpest lines being easily traced upon it with a chisel. Encouraging indications have been found in the State of the existence of illiiffllliiP Fort RHEUMATISM, FRESH MINERAL WATER Both Foreiga and Domestic, Just Received, at J DrJlMcAden'sDro Store 'ABAT0GA ICHY, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbaqo, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil as a safe sure, simple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails but the eompaxatively trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and every one suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of its claims. Direction In Eleven Languages. BOLD BY ALL DBTJGQISTS AKD DEALEE3 nr MEDionfE. A VOGSIiER & CO., Baltimore, Md., U. S. A, dee 80 fi w ly From Saratoga Springs, N. T. A new water re sembling the Imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cares dyspepsia, aids diges tion, Is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Morn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and in all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO. g CASES CONGRESS WATER, CASES ROCK BRIDGE ALUM, Q CASKS BUFFALO LITH1A. And a full supply of IMPORTED fiPGLLINARIS -AKD Hanyadi Janos Waters. Tl GRM EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! JJUNYADI JANOS. Do you want a pure, bloom ing Complexion? If so, a few applications of Hagan's MAGNOLIA BALM will grat ify you to your heart's con tent, It does away with Sal lowness, Bedness, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases and imperfections of the skin. It overcomes the flushed appear ance of heat, fatigue and ex citement. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear but TWEN TY: and so natural, gradual, and perfect are its effects, that it is impossible to detect its application THE REST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Dosb: A wine glass full before breakfast. TTte Lancet "Hunyt.di Janos. Baron Llebig af firms that its richness in aperient salts surpasses "that of all other known waters." The British. Medical Journal "ITunyadi Janos. The most agreeable, saf jst, and most efficacious aperient water." rroj. yircrww, Benin. "invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." rrqf. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed iiieae writers witu remajKaDie success." r-njj. camami, wurszDurg. l prescribe none dui mis." Pro. Lander Brunton, M. Tf., F. R 8., London. more pieasani man lis nvaia, and surpasses Prof. Atken, M. D.,F.JL 8., Royal Military Hos puai, Netiey. "rTeferred to Pullna and Fried- ncnsnau." JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist. North Tryon St., CHARLOTTE, N. C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can eet water lust as fresh and sDarfr Hng as when it flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water in large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J. H. McADEN, Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night. July28 Jan. 22 -ji,- PRECIOUS STONES in large quantities. Five or six very handsome diamonds have been found by persons washing for gold, and an en tirely new gem was recently discover ed in Alexander county by Frof. Hiden, while working over the debris of an old gold mine. This stone is of a green color and very beautiful. It is said to be equal in value to the dia mond. In his explorations, Prof. Hid en also discovered a pocket of emeralds of great purity and beauty. Topazes, garnets, and agates in great numbers have been found, and the wealth of the State in this direction alone is wonder ful, though not begun to be explored. But I shall reserve for another letter some interesting facts about the agri cultural and manufacturing resources of the good old State, as illustrated in the Cotton Exposition. Richmond and Danville Railroad. PASSEIGEE DEPAETMENT. On and after June 5th, 1881, Passenger Train Service on the Atlanta and Chariotte Air-Line di vision of this road will be as follows: L R. Wnston & Co., AN ONLY DAUGHTER CURED OF CONSUMPTION. When death was hourly expected. A.11 Mma (aa having failed, and Dr. EL James was experiment ing with the many herbs of Calcutta he accidental ly made a preparation which cured his only child of CONSUMPTION. His child is now In this country, and enjoying the best health. He has proved to the world that CONSUMPTION can be positively and permanently cured. The Doctor now gives this recipe free, only asking two three cent stamps to pay expenses. This herb also cures Night 8weats, Nausea at the Stomach, and will break up a fresh cold In twenty-four hours Address CRADDOCK & CO., 1082 Haw street, Philadelphia, naming this paper. Sena to MOORE - VERS ITV BUSINESS UN1VI Atlanta. Ca. For Illustrated Circular. A live actual Business School. slablislied twenty yean. A DID Mm it raSJ W. e"t Me iZ. ln beet and man,entitled Ltl f t , .-uyoui IAIR fni ip- r 1 HIT1"'' "cenig ; J'.' UUiy Wl.Vft pie, t cents auiliui nun. KKR. Ha rBllA? AGrcat Offer fer HOLIDAYS ! PlfNOSand ORGANS at EXTKAORnrNiwv NmCENT m cAlMS !& MsfS THE CIUCKERING PIANO. BSmSBUBBBBBBBSlBBBXJBBjB were rratr lour PLAN uted OS THE HIGHEST AWARDS in the GREAT WORLD'S PAIR in LONDON 1851 : at the GREAT EXPOSTTTfYNT in piW 1867; at the INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION in CHILI, 1875; and at the grand CENTEN NIAL EXHIBITION in Philaf elpais, 1S76. AH persons wishing to purchase (or s amine) instruments are respectfully In vited to visit our Warerooms. Send for Circular and Pries List. CHICKERIHG & SONS 130 Fifth Avenue. N.Y. I 156 TremontS., Boston. Novl d&w4w Seed h 8 CORN! CORN! CORN! 1 ! The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Tax Case Raleigh News and Observer. This case is, perhaps, the most im portant that has ever come before the commissioners of Wake county for de cision, a3 it involves the legal liability of the ixaleigh ana uaston xtauroaa ComDanv for an annual tax of from $8,000 to $12,000. At the October meet ing, the railroad company, by their at torneys, Messrs. Hinsdale & Devereux, iresented a petition to the board, ask ne to be relieved of certain taxes on their irancnise ana preierreu block, m and Augusta Air-iane ' N. Y. D. S. U. S. Mall Express Fast Mall EASTWARD. No. 45, No. 47, No. 49, A. B. O L've Atlanta 4.00 am 3.15 pm 6.30 pm Arr. Suwanee. . ..D 5.18 AM 4.37 fm 7.45 pm Lula E 6.54 am 5.59 pm 9.06 pm " Toccoa 1 8.14 am 7.15 pm 10 16 pm " Seneca. G 9.20 am 8 40 pm 11.25 pm " Greenv'le ..H 10.58 am 10.20 pm 1.00 am " Spartan'g. ..K 12.14 pm 11.40 pm 2.11am Gastonla....L 2.36 pm 2.13 am 4 31 am " CharloUe...M 3.85 pm I 3.15 am 6.35 am , NTT! UTK WESTWARD. U. S. Mail Express Fast Mail No. 42. No. 48. No. 5a X've Charlotte... M 12.80 pm 12.43 am 12.33 am " Gastonia...L 1 27 pm 1.43 am 1.17 am " Spartan'g. K 8.50 pm 4.06 am 3.12 am " Greenv'le...H 5.07 pm 5.18 am 4.24 am " Seneca G 6.51 pm 7 02 am 5.47 am Toccoa F 8.01 pm 8.15 am 6.53 am " Lula E 9.18 pm 9.81 am 8-09 am " Suwanee. ..D 10.88 pm 10.54 am 9.22 am Act. Atlanta 12.05 am 12.20 pm 10.35 am WHOLESALE & RETAIL Dru exists, CHARLOTTE, N. r Our stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, t.hA "Raliecrh the Piedmont country and the western Kailroad Company, on several grounds. section of the state. Tne ure juiod i Among mem, mat uw cum tci Apicoa AT S3.00 FEB SET. AH IMMENSE STOCK 0? Copper Mine la the most largely worked and yields a? large nroduct for which there is reaay saie. xne inraa : Aim Mine, in Davidson county, is also a very valuable property, ana in mecKienourg, Rowan, Ashe and Guilford counties there are mines in successful operation. They are all in the hands of individual corporations, and as they publish no re sults, their actual product is unknown ; but the surest evidence oz tneir capa- Dn.SA!JF0R9'S I Onlv Veo-etable Comooundtliat: acts directly upon theLiver, and SSTffSSFJJ cures .Liver complaints, aun- dice, Biliousness, Malaria; Cos tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purines the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. lv exempts them irom an taxation. which has been sustained in the case of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Com pany vs. Reid, decided in the Supreme Court of the United States in the year 1871 ; that the Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line Railroad preferred stock, own ed by the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, cannot be taxed, under the revenue law of 1881, because the Raleigh and Au- eusta Air-Lfine is taxea upon res iran- "3 city and profitableness is found in the chise and property, and that this would fact that their machinery and working amount to double taxation, which the force are being increased year by year, statute provides against, and again be- Tmn in th ViiwhftHt. fnrmu fi"rist. in nanaa this preferred stock, diiierent AAA VUW V ss,VAaHa I ' . lOlOKU V11 VU1UMU11. Aa 1 v tho .ant ral' and txraafm narfa nt t.h I f rnm ordinarv stock, may be regarded I nromlnentlv. are free from errors, and are taste- or "iro ?r Unw Mr,r . a onlvAnt credit and so in the hands folly displayed. Its advertising rates are not in excess of its value to an advertiser. Advertise ments, intended for publlcanUon in any issue, should be in tbe office by the 20th of the month. marl6 tf J. C. HORNER, Oxford, N. a CONNECTIONS. A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. W. P. Railroads. B with arriving trains of Georgia Central, A. & W. P. and W.ii. Railroads. C with arriving trains cf the Georgia Railroad. D with Lawrencevilie Branch to and from Law rence vllle.Ga. E with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga. F with Elberton Air-Line to and from Elbeiton, Georgia. G with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, 8. C. H with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, S. C. K with SDartanbure and Asheville. and Spartan burg, Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Asheville. and Alston and Columbia. L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and from Dallas and Chester. M with C C. & A. C. C R. & D. and A., T. & O. for all points West, North and East. Pullman palace sleeping car service on trains Nos. 47 and 48, daily, without change between Atlanta and New xork. a. tvr js, t jun5 General Passenger Agent THE OXONIAN, A JOURNAL OF LITERATURE & EDUCATION published monthly at Oxford, N. C.atOn, Dollar a year in advance. The Oxonian alms at increasing the Interest for Literature and Education, and gives original ar ticles on miblects of vital Importance as well as criticisms of the newest and most valuable publlca- tlnns. Offers deIed advantages to advertisers. High average circulation. Advertisements are shown Oils, Varnishes and Dyo Stuff3, is complete. l-GIVE U3 A TRIAL rpRT OUR INK CAPSULES, Something new and guaranteed to make the BEST INK in the Market. L. R. WRISTON & CO. "YTHITE and BED OMON SETS. For fall planting, L. R. WRISTON & CO. "YE HAVE A fULL ASSORTMENT Of Seeley's Hard Eubber Trusses at reasonable prices. Every Truss warranted as represented. L. R, WRIaTON & CO. JADIES' CORSET BRACE, A shoulder brace and support for the back com bined. Sold by L. K. WRISTON & CO. oct!2 The Associated Railways OF- State. Extensive mines are now being successfully operated and new ones are ALSO Window, Shades, Baby Carriages, CHROHOS and CORNICES. Santord, 162 Broadway, N.Y. anil 8 deod eow ly. P. C. WILSON, CHARLOTTE, N.C., Sole Agent for A full line of LOUIS COOK, Columbus Buggy ,E.,M. ANDREWS, VBOJJEtiXJ ftXTAIL rUHDlTUREDEALEB . AX WHITE FRONT. nct28 ". K A I N I T 1 . Mt fim th Mlnei via Hamburg, jd tor cotton, tr : DPSHUB GUAM) COMPANT, . KokroLX, ta, t i ti . dimmraa. Soptf Ageacte AKD Tttl"v WATERTOWN SPRING WAGON COMPANIES, FOB TEX SALX OF BUGGIES, CARRIAGES. PHAETONS. SPRING WAUUNS, AO., . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 5 T OPES BUGGIES, $55. TOP BUGGIE3, ?65. BiMelal Inducements to the wholesale trade I Oorresponoeaoe soucited. inaii St CHARLES HOTEL ;8TA!T33YlLLS,ILa I rpHIS house has been leased for a term of years JL ty Mrs. Dr.-Beeves, whose lntenUon is ta sep a Btncuy nm-eiass noose m ctoi . Commodious sampler rooms on first and secona The rmnDnags or rao puwuc 1 wubwu. :. . JulyKOtf. ; tate. there beine but few foundries and no rolling mills of large capacity in tne state. Among the eres most largely worked in North Carolina are the gold ores, some rich specimens of which are on exhibition. Their existence has long Deen known, and the gold-bearing belt covers almost two-thirds of the State, extending from .Franklin county, in Eastern North Carolina, entirely across to the western boundary of the State. The mines most extensively worked are situated in Mecklenburg, Rowan, Ca barrus and Gaston counties. Of late a number of mines have been , BOUGHT BY NORTHERN CAPITALISTS, who are introducing improved machin ery and operating "with encouraging re sults. Before the war gold mining was confined almost exclusively .to the placer deposits and with clumsy appliances.- The methods have been entirely changed, and the vein mines!! ar& now worked with great profit. It is estima ted that since the North Carolina piines were opened they haye yielded at least $12,000,000, ; ''::;r;"'- Coal is found in three localities in the State. .Extensive beds of bituminous coal are situated in Chatham :county, about forty miles:: from Raleigh. It contains more , or, less sulphur, but, when the beds are more fully explored, it is expected that , the coal will h found in a much purer form. The principal mines have lately passed into the hands of a company of Northern capitalists, who are moving down their machinery and preparing to work the beds on a large s scale. Other beds of semi-bituminous coal lie in Rocking ham and Stokes counties. It frequent4 ly crops out otvthe surface. andTondfirJ wes tne bed of one Of the nrincitiai tnh-' as a solvent credit, and so in the hands ef the Raleigh and Gaston Kailroad is not liable to taxation because the in debtedness of that company exceeds the vnlnA nf its solvent credits. The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, in addition, asked the board to reduce the valuation of the pre ferred stock to its true value, claiming that it is worth much less than par. The matter ; was not heard at the Oc tober meeting, but was contiuned till November 8th, when it was taken up and folly discussed before the board for two days. Tbe board or commissioners, route 1 . TT 1 - . A , i. HnAfnimllv 1 sentine vybkb countv. nou uuunuwfjj- tnnlr the view most favorable to tne county and held the railroad coxnpany liable for about $12,000 of taxes. 1 rOitt this ruling the railroad company ap pealed to the Superior Court of wake county, where the case will probably be heard in Jannry next It will doubt less go to the Supreme Court for final decision, and will be watched with much interest by the public The case was fully argued by Messrs. Hinsdale & Devereux for the railroad nrtmnanv. and bv .Ind&re Fowle and Geo Snow, Esq., for the county. ( J. ' as thousands: do testify, So does Thomas Roberts, Wholesale Grocer, Phil adelphia, who says: "Burnett's Cocoalne allays all Irritation of the scaln. and will most effectually remove dandruff and prevent the hair from falling BURNETT'S ELATOBING EXTRACTS. The superiority of these extracts In their perfect ' puri lty and great strength. They are warranted free from the poisonous oil! and acids which enter the composition' of mmj factitious fruit navors. - - . . SKINNY MEN. c WfiiiTiAiiMii ttiaw . ahwdnta cure for ner- vous debility and Weakness of the generaUve func- uoos, at druggists. Depot J, a. Mieava, vnar-. NOTICE. THE meeting of the stockholders and directors of the North State Copper and Gold Mining Company, which was to be held at its office on the property of the company in Guilford county, N. C, for the purpose of levying an assessment on the stock and other business which might be present ed to the meeting, has been postponed and will be held at the same place at noon of the 24th of No vember, 1881. JOSEPH WILKTNS. oct30 tf ' , President. STARTLING DISCOVERY! . LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of youUuuI imprudence causing Prema ture Decay, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, etc., hiving tried in vain every known remedy, has dis oovered a simple self cure; which he will send FREE to his fellow-sufferers, address J. II. IiKEV-ES, 43 Chatham St., . Y. seplS ... CITY PROPERTY FdR SALE. -; A DESIRABLE residence, three blocks from the public square tn Charlotte, will be sold cheap and n reasonable terms to the right kind ef a purchaser. The dwelling is on a full lot, has nine comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine weU of wa ter, etc. The house is admirably adapted for the residence of a lawyer, doctor or preacher,' having an aamiraDie UDraxy or stuay room, suui ior : ine purpose. For furthsr particulars, price, terms, etc.. apply at ' THIS OFFICE. fTHE Lot on the corner of .Ninth ' street and the JL .North Carolina "Railroad; fronting 140 feet on Ninth street and 190 feet on the North. Carolina Railroad,. wfll elUier be sold as a whole or divided Into two lots of 70 by 1 96 feeU Suitable either for- ouiiaing or iactoiy purposes. Apply w junzD,u j. p. ritnii.irar , VIRGINIA and the CAR0L1NAS. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. 1 Richmond, Ta., November 1st, 1881. j Memoranda of Arrangement of Round-trip rates Tickets. Routes ot Transportation, and Ad van tages offered for the formation of parties of visitors to the INTERNATIONAL COTTON EXPOSITION AT ATLANTA. OA., From the Territory traversed or reached by the Railways of the Richmond and Dan vule System. From and after this date, from Charlotte via Charlotte and Atlanta Air-Line Railway, tickets good one day going, two aays staying in, and one day returning from Auanta, will be sold as follows For single person $10 70 For parties 01 iu, eacn, w an For parties of 20, each, 8 00 - For parties 01 au, eacu, a iu For parties of 50, each...... 5 85 The Round Trip Tickets herein named, when used singly, are of a specific contract form, "void 11 transierrea to otners than original purchasers." and authorize the requirement of identification of said purchasers, - at the option ot the Hallway Agents or Conductors. To the end of affording Increased facilities for Visiting the Exposition, contract tickets, adapted to parties ot the size herein named, are likewise onerea. xney emDraoe an tne stipulations 01 snv gle tickets, with the additional one, that they are good for transportation to Atlanta only when pre sented on trains in connection with "all others of the specific class they belong to, as per the prices given.' " Holders of these tickets may return anon them singly, within the period of their validity, provided they are the original purchasers, and Identify themselves accordingly. ' An office for the Identification of purchasers and stamping of return-coupons has been established ax tne union vepoi in Auania. 11 win do open 80 minutes prior to the departure of trains. None of tbe conditions ot these tickets will be "changed in any respect. ' . investigation of the appliances for personal comfort, lodging, and food, means of transit be tween Atlanta and the Exposition grounds. author izes tbe assurance that all elements exist contri Doting to a pieasanx ana economical visit.' For all Information sot- cantaimvi tn t,f $Ja&I!Z& thejmderslgned, or to the Sta- S Jr? " ttuu utarione Atr-Llne Railway. ; . , : ; - A POPE nov9 - . ;i GenlPaasehgerAgenL' BAGGING AND TIES Welare agents for THE WATT PLOW Will sell it LOWER.thanyou can buy an other good plow. Full assortment always on band. Call and see us before ; urchaslng. MAYER & ROSS. aug28 Guano Guano 1 All Notes and Morfow GIVEN US LAST FALL FOR 3-.XJA.N"0, ARE NOW DUE, (NOVEMBER 1ST, 1SS1-) EST Please call and arrange the same nov2 Ginger, Buchu, Man drake, Stillingia, and many of the best medi cines known are com bined in Parker's Ginger Tonic, into a medicine of such varied powers, as to make It the greatest Blood Purifier and the Host TToaUh AStrcncth Rostortr Ever Used. It cures Rheumatism, Sleeplessness, & diseaess of the Stomach, Bowels, II . . Limes. Liver & Kidneys, air Balsam f5ocms Bert, Mort Eeonoml ine. Never fa ywnuu eoiortogtay Imir. & Co., Chemists, N. i- tOe. end 1 the lxr Savlpg; Buylpg Dolbur S'M. Parker's oct22 NOTICE. PURSUANT to a decree of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg, I will sell at Public Auction, ' the court house In Charlotte, on Monday, the "i" day of December, 1881, that very valuable ami de sirable lot of land lyina between the Intersection ot the NrO. R.B. and Trade street, formerly tne property of P. M. Brown, and now owned by J- Butler. , Terms cash: balance on S and 6 monthscrea It with Interest RUFUS BARUINGEB. nov5doawtds Commissioner. Bdvilm

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