8VB80RIPT10X RATES: Daily, one vearpottdiin advance. . . "THE 0BSERTKH JOB DEPABtTtBtt J Has been thoroughly inppiiea rtttoBfWTiieedeXt want, and with (tie latest BtyTMbfJW.' R manner ot Job FflnOnt eatmow be d0B wlU neatness, dpatcliandrapn j Wej tm nlsbat sho rt notice, . ' T 4jfcmonlAs.V.. TftrwmontAs.. Or monfA WEJtKLT XDITIOS: BLANKB, BILL-HEADS; Weekly (in Ate county), in adecwies. LETTEB-BXADS, CABDS, ' ' ' ; ' TAGS, RECEIipa, POSTXBS, PBOGBAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS. CffiCULABS, CHECKS, al Out tftht eounty, Poetjxtid .... BixmonthM ................... CHARLOTTE, N. C-, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1881. VOL. XXVI. NO. 3,951 Liberal Beduetionjbr Clutx. v........... 2.10 I i ., '. "... 1 77. , ... - , . ...A- n., . ... : : : r ! : : lie JUST BBC BIV ED A NEW LOT OF DRESS TRIM- MINGS, 6TJHAH3, SATINS, ETC WE ARE OFFERING DRESS GO0D3 VERY CHEAP. WE HAVE A beautiful line of B4.SKKT FLANNELS. WE HAVE A MAGNIFICENT LINE OF CLOAK 3. YOU CAN GET Dr 99 Buttons, Ribbons, or anything in ourUne CHEAP. ASK FOR Children's, Mlises and Ladles' Fanor Hosiery. REMEMBER, Wo nave a splendid stock of CARPET3, BUGS, to) ron Uxh, 1876.) Uexanler & Harris. g00ts an ft Mfoozs 1881 Mm inter 1881 We are dally receiving our FALL & WINTER STOCK which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the Best Brands i Latest Styles. LADIES', MISSES', CHILDRKNS, GENTS', BO IS', AKD YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS! SHOES A SPECIALTY. Lower trades all roods In our line In variety and all prices. FULL STOCK Stetson and Other Hats. A PRETTY LINE TRUNKS. VALISES AND SATCHELS ALL SIZES AND RBICES. Call and see as. PEORAM&CO. sep6 tita Time MteHuttCartBDaO TBAIK8 eOIBS WORTH. Date, May 15 '81 No. 47 Dally- No. 49 Dally No. 48, Dally Lv. Charlotte, " A-L. Depot " " Juntft " Salisbury, Arr.Greensboro Lv.Green8boro Arr.Ralelgh Lv. " Arr. Goldsboro Lv. Greensboro for Richmond Lv. Danville " N. Danville " Barksdale " Drak'sBr'ch " JeteravlUe Arr. Tomahawk Arr. Belle Isle Lv. " " Air.Manehester Arr. Richmond 4.05 ah 411 AM 5.56 am 8.03 AM 8.25 AM 1.40 FM 1.45 pm 4.00 PM 6.15 AM 6.20 AM 7.50 am 9.80 am 9.50 AM 4.15 pm 4.80 pm 6.07 pm 7.57 pm s i a ta Sot Rich- ..Bn'ndonly 8.25 PM 10.21 AM 11.31 A 11.83 AM 12.01 PM 1.20 pm 2.55 pm 10 27 AM 10 58 i 12.37 PM 2.24 PM 3.20 pm 4.05 pm 4.10 pm 4.13 PM 8.51 PMi 4.28 pm 4.85 PM 4.88 PM 443 AM 4.18 PM 7.28 AM TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Date,May 15 '80 No. 42 Daily. No. 48 Dally. No. 50 Daily Lv. Richmond ' Burkevllle An. N. Danville Lv. " " Danville Arr. Greensboro Lv. " " Salisbury - 10.45 pm 2.25 AM 7.QQ AM 7.25 AM 7.27 am 9.26 AM 12.00 i 2.43 PMl 6.05 PM 6.18 PM "8.V7PM 9.81 AM 11.16 AM 8.87 P 10.BPM Arr. A L. Junction 12.45 PM 1.00 PM 12.15 iAM 12.20 AM " Charlotte Lv. Richmond " Jetersvllle " Drak'sBr'ch' " Barksdaie " Danville " Benaja " Greensboro " Salisbury Arr. A-L. Junction Lv. ' " Arr. Charlotte 2.55 pm 4.41 pm 6.07 pm 7.25 PM 7.51PM 8.55 pm 9.27 PM 11.05 PM 12.26 i 12.80 AM BiLXM BRANCH. Na 48 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Green !.. . ,. 'j.i-..: 9.40 TM Arrive Salem;. ......... ..,;..;..;;.. 11.40 PM NO. 47 DaUv. except Sunday J,: Leave Salem . . .V.. .. . .. . . . ." 7.80 AM Arrives Greensboro ...... 9.00 - NO. 42-Dally , except 'Sunday. Leave Greenahnm 10.00 Arrive Salem... ....11.80 AM NO.,43-tDaUy. I t Leave Salem. .......... J . . A . . R80 PM Arrive Greensboro 7.80 PM Limited mails Not. 49 and 60 will only make snort stoppages at points named on the schedule. Passengers tnkinff train dfl from Charlotte will eet aboard at the R. 4 D. B. R. depoC This train makes close connection at Greensboro for Balelgh, Uoidsboro Newberae and all points pa Wllmlng ton 4 Weldon BauroadT Passenger bains No. 47 and 48 make all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond and be tween Greensboro. Rnieiirh Mid Goldsboro. No. 47 making connection with W. N.tX B. at Salisbury w Asneyiiie (Sundays excented iand ejMcpi- rasaeneer truii, x. it 'iui Alt tnaka all local Uig between Charlotte and Richmond, except Query's, Harrlsburg, Cnlna Grovel Oottsbaqb Lln wood and 'amestown. ::'. . No. 43 connects with Salam Branch aft Oreens- uuru. BITS ID 101 Oak Pu Kfut T1flt AMIlt. WE MOTE RECEIVED A LABtiX LOT OF Warner's Celebrated Corset, Corallne, Flexible Hip, Cross Boned Hip, Abdom inal, and Nursing, In all sizes. NEW STOCK -Of- REPELLANTS and CLOAKENGS, In new and desirable effects. Another choice lot of DOLMANS, JACKETS, UL STERS and CLOAKS. A good as sortment of MXN'J, LADIE3' & CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, for Winter. Bemember we sell the best SHIRT for one dollar to be found In the city. T. L. 8EIGLE & CO. P. S. We will make sweeping reductions to prices of DRESS GOODS on Monday morning. noTlS laWeumdiism Neuralgia, Sprains, Pain in the .Back and Side. f There Is nothing more painful than these diseases; but the pain can be removed and the disease cured by use of Perry Davis Pain Killer. This remedy Is not a cheap Benzine or Petroleum product that must be kept awajr from fire or heat to avoid danger of explosion, nor is It an untried experi ment that may dp more harm than good. Pain Killer has been in constant use lor forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the -world Is, It never falls. It not only effects a permanent cure, hut it relieves pain almost instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, It Is safe in the hands of the most Inexperienced. The record of cures by the use of Pain KnxxB would fill .volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those who have tried it think: Edgar Cady, Owatonna, Winn., says : About s year since my wife became subject to severe Buffering from' rheumatism. Our ' resort was to the Path Kti.t.m, whlca speedily . reuevadher. Charles Powell wTites from the Bailors' Home, London: I had been afflicted three years with neuralgia andyiolent spasms of the stomach. The doctors at Westminster Hospital gave tip my case in despair. I tried your Path Kn.T.an, and it save me immediate relief. I hare regained my strength, and am now able to follow my usual occupation. G. H. Walworth. Saco, Me. , writes : I experienced immediate relief from pain m the side by the use of your Pain Killer. . York says: I have need your Path Ktllxb for rheumatism, and have received great benefit. Barton Seaman says : Have used Paw Ktt.t.kk for thirty years, and have found it a asr.ailing remedy for rheumatism and lameness. Mr. Burdltt writes : -JknelVilaiu togive relief in cases of rheumatism, Phil. GUbert, Somerset, Pa., writes : Prom actual use, I know your Pain JCrr.m is the best medicine 1 can get All druggists keep Pain Killer. Its price is so low that it is within the reach or an, and It will save many times Its cost in doctors' bills. 25., 50. and ffl.00 a bottle. ; PERRY DAVIS A SON. Proprietors, ProVSSno. R. I. sf si d&w sept a oct TOTTS POLLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS. CLERGYMEN, AN THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. AND THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF; THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Xiosaof appettte.H'apsea.bo-weis eosttre. Pain in iheHead.with a dull sensation in the back part, Fain under the shouider bladerfalmess after eating with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper. Low spirit. 1 of memory, with a feeling of having is leeted some duty, weariness, Dissin nnta, Aioaa near 1 f?C H)U lump uuiji t. . .v , ".-"-"t TTnttHrKr nt the Heart. Dots before the jyes. bellow Bkin. Headaohe, KelIeB ness at night, highly colored urine. U THESE WASimrOS ABE TJKHEXSXD, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. , TU aT'8 FILLS are especially adapted to ' such eases,one dose effecU sach achange of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. ' They Inereaae the Appetite, and eaase the body to fake on riesh, thus the system is ManiBco, ana oy "15" iducedjrtce: re Organe. ieaTn mwmn juvvrv. , cents. narrarskit . 'S HAIR DYE, jBATHAia or WHnwams changed te ipaparxi a, naturae ww, -" M'r7 BfilJjtii OruggiU, or nt by azpreM on rscaipt of fl. Office, 35 Murray New York. CVr, TUTTS BAHIA1. " tsimsw iimwm. Cutal U-kvU UI fee aalM rRKX aiUtaUM.f LCwtal BMipU UI fee aalM rRKX JTebj. 28deodawl . , FlorestoriK'"; Mt rrattaat aa4 Cologne s.wrreWa5' tttuiiwMJacat Mechaa-4 i Pic.&.Wha e eWoutfcy iork tor worry, Sndl AUFrm,Mosers( -n are miserable With iWirtayiraA andaahyesfagj a .. - - - 2S35 awperieV.ihl Mpei4eTi Bitters totlwawTwu hbuad:Me wm.it -jrrsssrsm UawTMPaiOrq fJt ..ti-Bildcen SAM imh5 a.fi to9ff9'3oaj f ,':(... r'XT.Tnori- iff". annul .iir i'U I Beware of Imttattons. u.- None gettoe ftWr f . ':-' V. -! - s - T Hi.ii IvtK't eompaniea wun our "tionest' eopyiKotwv TDTT j Majrafaotared only by rpiBOWM BBO. STATE NEWS. Se-, Fayette ville Examiner : ' Tho Ctun berland county fair was a-success. Jt i On Wednesday, Noremberjad, a aifla culty occutred in Flea Hill township between a colored young man by. the name of Joshua McPanieland Fair cloth1, ft white man, which resulted in McDaniel's receiving a severe, cut in the abdomen from the effects of which he died Faircloth was arrested and committed, to tie jail in this place. The graded school is doing well. The number of pupils now enrolled is about four htuidned.r . ' The recent rains have raised the Cape Fear River few feet and the boats have been tunning during the past and present week. ; Kaleigh News and Observer : Sheriff H. E. Kearney, of Franklin county, Fri day, placed in the penitentiary five con victs, three for. larceny and two for bicramv. Their names are: Franki Branch. Isham BrinkleyWm. Winston, Isaac Jones and Euffln Foster. The .Norfolk and North Carolina Navigation Company was organized in Norfolk, Thursday, to ran a line of steamers on the Dismal Swamp canaL Capt. Henry Roberts was elected presi dent. Greensboro Tribune : We are in formed by a gentleman connected with the revenue service that at least 18 whiskey distilleries will soon resume operations in this district. The Baptist IHlmiem Work. Winston. Leader. An interesting discussion took place in the Baptist State Convention, Thurs day afternoon, on the subject of the State mission work of the Convention during the last twelve months. At the close of the speeches pledges were made for the assistance of the State Board in this department of labor, to the extent of 93,400 a larger amount man ever before raised in the convention at one time for that purpose. From the report of the board we gath er the following facts, which wiItno doubt prove of great interest to the Baptists of the State. The entire lia bilities of the board have been met ; a greater number of missionaries have been appointed and large appropria tions made than at any previous time in the history of the board ; during the past year more than 6,000 professions have been reported, and about 5,000 ad ded to the church. In the colored church more than 9,000 persons have been bap tized. M The number of State missionaries under the general supervision of the board has been 20, of which 11 have been sustained by associational boards, and commissioned by the State board: . The following statistical statement will be read with interest: Associations correspond'g with the Baptist State Convention, 26 Number of churches in these associations in 1880. ......... 767 27 New churches organized this year Whole number of churches in 1881 794 Communicants in these church es in 1880 78,000 Additions in 1881 5,000 Professed conversions under Baptist preaching in North Carolina in 1881, more than . . 6,000 10 Associations in Western Bap tist convention Number of churches in Wes tern Baptist convention 250 Communicants in Western Baptist convention 17,002 Number of Baptists in North Carolina corresponding with State conventions of Virginia, Tennessee and South Caroli na... 8,000 Whole number Missionary Bap tists (white) in the State 103,002 31 Colored Baptist associations. .. Colored Baptist churches. Colored Baptist communicants. Whole number of Missionary 866 88,816 Baptists in North Carolina. . 191,812 The total amount expended upon mission work in the State is reported at 868,420.57. Carious Facts About Fishes. Much interest is now being taken by scientists in reeard to the habits, in stincts and emotions of hsues. -Natu ralists have generally accepted Curviers view, that the existence of fishes is a silent, emotionless and joyless one; b ut recent observations tend to suqw mat many fishes emit vocal sounds, and that they are susceptible of special emotions, particularly such as regard for their young, attachment among vue hat as and for locality. Among mono gamous fishes there is often seen decid ed evidence of watchfulness ovef. their voune. in which the males not inf re- nuentlv act an important part. Among nest-building fishes the male often pre nares the nest. Amtmsr some that do not Duiid tne nest me eggs are eameu nhnnt in the cheek hollows of the male. Cases have been' noticed-where male fishes have remained in the same spot in th river from which the female had been taken. A . case is noted where, after a nair had been separated, both appeared miserable and seemed nigh unto death, but on being united again both became happy. In fish battles it is sometimes noticed that the conqueror assumes brilliant hues, while tne . de feated one sneaks off with faded colors. the change evidently being brought about by emotional feelings; here are certain classes of fish that are capa-. ble of a kind of organization for acting in concert for common uerense or to attack a common enemv. The remark able success which has of late attended the breeding of fish has shown that as a matter of economy an acre of good water is worth more to a farmer than the same area of the best arable land. This subiect. in all its bearings, is one that deserves even more attention than it has hitherto received. AN ENTHUSIASTIC ENDORSEMENT. - J Oorham. N. IU July 14th, 1879, Gents Whoever you are, I don't know; but I thank the Lord and feel grateiul to yoa to know rthat in this world of adulterated medicines were is one eoBspoaad tnat proves ana aoesaiinaa' ye ruses to do. and more. Pour years, ago 1 had a slight shock of palsy, which nnnervea me te socn n ortAnt that, the least excitement would make me shake like the ague. Last Mar I waa Induced te try Hop Bitten, fused one bottle, but did not ;e any ehanes: another did so change my neryes lhat they are bow as steady as they ever were, - It nSea IO taae OOtU lliumn w wriw. mu aiuww xpod right hand writes this. Now, if you continue mannfuthiM m hflnMt ind eood an article as you da yoa will accumulate an honest fortune, and rrroatoat Mttaainff nh Tour faUowmen that was ever conferred on manauna. TO ACCOMMODATE THE PUBLICS, r y ! 1 ihbi'niAtnM nt timt immense! Donnutrrem- aAr Kfdner-Wort, to recognition of the claims of the nuWlo which has so liberally patronised them, have prepared a liquid preparation ot that remedy (oi the special accommodation of those who from ,any reason mslike to prepare It for themselves. t. la .m MmiwntiuM ana. as ine cose is snuui. Auii taken bv manr. " It has the same ; - ' . T. . . . . ti- .eneetuai aouon in au oiacoBes va u muwji jflf OT DOWBiB.--JaWBS hub . . vf i The color and insae oi youm are- reswnaw A. hatr hv the nse of Parker's Hair Balsam, a harmless dressing highly esteemed for Its perfume and parity. - BY TELEGRAPH. ' Stetck: Blorket. ' New Yobx. Not. 14.U a. m. The Stock market opened irregular and the general list was weak in early dealings, prices declining to 1 per cent, the latter for Memphis and Charleston whieh however was H. per cent' hieher at the opening than at the close on.Sat urday, , Alton and Terre Haute shares were notablv stronz. common stock selling up to per cent, to 59, and the. preferred 2 to y.: Xhe rest of the marset aiso oecame urm at loejirsc board and an advance of M to nef cent, was recorded which was most marked in Erie preferred, Missouri Pa- cine, .Northern jfacinc and Texas Pa cific. . . A Crank ThreateisB Jay Gould's Life. New YoKff. NvV. r14. A 'crank, or blackmailer, has been , setidinir letters to Jay Gould tbreatening.ttf.Jtake his life if the writer is not given' 'ritoints wnereny ne can recover a ioriuna lost in stocks. The writer" claims to be In-' spired from God,, and the. method of oarrvine out his linear! ks described is similar to thatofGr4taU'a;. iuid he signs himself. -an oidWctim. a uai was ecu vuu mw writer ui. uie etters was eaueht vesterdav. He cave his name astJou J. Howard Weli He, gave a fictitious address. . He is about eo years old. He admitted iiis guilt Arrested for an Attempted Aaojaaetna- . tioo.' Shreveport. La.. Novl4-GnsJ Ma rion and James. Boynton, three brotbes, were arrested yesterday And locked up charged with ; being the parties who attempted to assassinate Wm. YaQghan about two months ago near. Longwood m this parish. A posse is how on the lookout for Lee Boynton, another brother. Death of Mrs. Bdtria neofh. New York. Nov. 14. Mary Francis McVicker Booth, wife of Edwin Booth, died yesterday afternoon ' at the resi dence of her parents, No. 13, west 63rd street. The -cause of death is; said to have been consumption. Mr. -Booth is said to be in Philadelphia. 1 Collision at Sesw Boston, Mass., Nov. 14, On Satur day evening the schooner Amos Walk er from Richmond, for Boston, came into collision with the brig Jeremiah from Delaware city, for Boston and both, sank. The crews escaped. , Judge Folger Enters Upon the lnties ! of Treasurer. ' ' Washington-; I). C. Nov. 14 Judge Folger qualified this morning and as sumed the duties of Secretary of the Treasury. Death, of as Archbishop. London, Nov. 14. Pierre Paulinier, archbishop of Besancon, is dead. Progress of-the Baptists In Worth Car olina. Winston Leader. From the reports of the correspon ding secretaries of the Mission,, Sunday', school and educational boards of the North Carolina Baptist State Conven tion, now in session at this place, we gather the following items: ' -There Are in the State of North Caro lina 67 associations, composed, of 1,910 churches and 191,812 church memoers. Of these 31 associations containing 866 churches with 88,810 members are col ed, which leaves 36 associations, 1,044 churches and 103,002 members among; the whites. Ten of these white associa tions, containing 250 churches with 17.- 002 members are in the "Western North Carolina Bautist Convention which iies beyond the Blue Itidge, and about 3,000 are memoers oi cnurcnes wnica no along the borders of theStat and "co operate with the State coventiOhs of Virginia, SOuth Carolina and Tennes see, so tne convention, now in session at Winston represents 26 associations. 794 Churches and 83,000 members;; all Of which are -white, and lie east :oi. the Blue Rdge mountains. Dutiiigliie p;ast year, uiey iurve raiaeu , For church eltension and ; missions,. L V. '. : . . , $68,4207 For Foreign mTssTuns" ... . 3.79L55 For Home and Indian missions . 1,21802 ! For Ministerial education.. . . . wwa For BtateS. Board,,. 3,633.87; Fori SundaV schools and oun- dajr; school institutes,! .; . t5.000.oo Making atotal'of .1586056.69; or an Average or 51.03. per memoer. xu rirTflr the veaf lfesi thevliave erected 46 new churches and made a gaih'if 5,000 members over the reports tor iaic jear. When' the cbnvenftiori was firrt .DTgai ized iri 18S0 there ' were in tW whOW State mt it assflfciati0.ris and about; 15,- uw memuers xociuuinK i roo ,. Ahti-Missloharv or Primitive: Baptrnts as welt as Missionary Baptists,; - NOW the. Missionary Baptists alone num per lULSlZ communicants, or neany one out of seven of the entire population v -i . . . j . ,i . . . . . -:- There brbutr one verdict and that is. that m thirty-three years Dr. Bull's cough syrup has never rauea to cure a cougn, coia or general ooarseues. At drug siorea.. r Price L25c . , , ;; , The owner of the Walnut street livery stables, Lancaster, Pals. Mfc IsaaerJPowell, ho. writes: : My mother used St. Jacobs OH fora bad swelling, I which doctors pronounced rheumatism and dropsy combined.' Although so 111 that she could hardly walk, after the use of St Jacobs Oil she went about with ease. I also used St. Jacobs Oil on a horse that was badly galled; It removed the sore ness and healed more rapidly ; than any prerara- LuontTCr:sawr; J; ::: ': Newulck, complete cure 4 days, urinary afleo- tlons, smarting, frequent or aimeuit urinauon. ana kldnei diseases. -81 at druggists. Depot, J. H. MoAdent Cbariptte, N. ft w: 7 ..... ; . -.' ii ' . S SO! I H.'i .r-i.i - - as; fBoosjJtiiis-do-Tisnrr, So doesttmas ojaerta, jfse43it?hll--adetDoia,who saw urnetta Coooalne-allays rernose daB4ruff and preveht the jMtt'from fsUlnfcf 0ot".:'.--jil .fcus xc-.a x?i.sr wx Smti te.i-i BrmNETT4 Itlavobino istbaCts ifbo superlortty of these extract hv thbly perfect Ijurt-. ltysndgieat streogth. They are warranted free from the poisonous oils and adds which enter the .Ja. im 3UI.I.JI. tt'n. .... "T.T.- !- Composition or manr wcuuyua inn wrqs : ; In tWmatter of aTsordeted; PArves, Jftoston gWs snfme he more thin thofte el. othoE ciaes There are wiibilMes ttiat nothing an cure Kife'aaUwijy'Msteac i '. i vfMffiTtn iffiXY HAIB tradualiy recovers 1) mmhfnt color and histre by tbe nse Parker" : Hah Balsam, en-elegant dressing, adnuied f or its nurltv and rich perfume. r ! ' TJebhr Co's Amlcated rtraet-f "Wtteh Haz fa thnWr best precarattonof Wlteh Basel ;whica : rJrTiiim snt'-Wlieeiagvest:ar:i. nnesPDesiBattBlMttnn;T I ro,uru!dinflrtreeniaaiMioouar'Sisss.i lT""a -T-:.:-. i- - .1 - It :fJ, : n (a u4it TAmembe oysthe- nicest surrouhdtngs if In Bad rhealtlu- . There are Sawhena hotUeOf er-s Glnr Tonte would do tfaeminoregood ttan alltte doctors a inedlclnes they have ever hied. i See ad?, m r.fa.L. A Fsment Case Settled at L.stsU Baielgh Wews-Observer 12th Inst. Goi-DSEORO, Nov. 12. To-day Judge Shipp decided the habeas corpus case involving the custody of the children In the Arrington case. About thirteen years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Arriagton. being highly respectable citizens of Nash county, intermarried, but shortly t Hereafter mere were lamiiy jars, which, continuing, Mrs. Arrington went west and obtained a divorce, whose legality, however, is questioned. Some months ago a habeas corpus case was begun to determine who was entitled to the custody of the children. The evidence taken was very voluminous, hundreds of witnesses being examined, among them the very best people of that county, who all took a great inter est in thel result of the case. A host of able counsel were retained on both sides. Among them for Mr. Arrington were Messrs. Merrimon & Fuller and IfcHBunn, and for Mrs. Arrington Hon.'W. T. Dortch and Hon. J. J. Davis and Jacob Battle. The result of the trial has been awaited with great in terest - It was in the discretion of the Judge to award" the children to either party. And he decided that the mother shoulcVhave them. The costs were di vided. ?atjettt pijcxXtjcitucs. ONI OF THE REASONABLE PLEASURES Of life, a properly cooked meal, affords little or no S resent enjoyment, and much subsequent torture a confirmed dyspeptic. But when chronic indi gestion is eombatted with Hostettet's Stomach Bitters, the food is eaten with relish, and most lm port ant of all, is assimilated by and nourishes the system. Use this grand tonic and corrective also to remedy constipation, biliousness, rheumatism, fever and ague. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. novi 30 DAY8 TRIAL ALLOWED. - rt'r m Wilt SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, DR. DYE'S EleDtro-Voltaic Appliances MEKT suffering from SiprvousWeakncwtcs, Gen eral Debility, loss of nerve force or vigor, orany disease resulting from Abuses and Othet. CadsIS, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma tism,' Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Ruptures,-and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also woken troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex, . i f Speedy relief and complete restoration to. IheaUff -guaranteed. These are the only Electrle Attliaiit iU&t have ever been constructed upon Keientiflcprip. ciules. (Their thorough enlcacy has been prac- ticallv proven wiia tne moss wonaenni sneeess, and thy liavo the highest ndontenieiil) from usedieal and scien tific men, and from hundreds who have been qnickly and rudieally cured b their nse. 'i - ii . i Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, givin? all information free. Address, . ' . juiysi . '.;"'-,;:.:.,;. . :. . j. ' ij -f-iToh nciiii.i ls.'.r,r.M novll daw ' " - Pens Rannle box.W dUTereu Uljtos M ' PWjs Peas sent for trW bx isatt.oneceipt of 25 centa. . Sole Agents, - Ivison, Blakemini'Ty!or & Co., my20-Ha2tawklyr a, j. TO THE PXOPLZ ABOUND - HTJNTER8V1LLE. COVTAITS FOBD and BAN- DLESBUEQ, we weald respectfully call your attention to the fact that we have goods toC PT T and all wa want is for yon to fomftrf 1ix'JJ "rt'tl tne money. D we have the kind of goods you want we will sell lb yoa. .AUm have to da 4o. get goods cheap is to Jew ataa-a.iltOe..; We dont, intend to let Chariotte, Or any othex plaoa; ondersell us just now far caslUL .We know that yon will not find as many goods with as as in Charlotte, yet we may fliave as much as yuwei 1111 want and will sell to you .sit your prtoesrf-W mf gtCodrs. finO'jsrarT COSLS AND SEX. r nevR4ffiowBF!r' Hcrae'anrl rjeihoarflt copy 2w. ; 1 -g S r iPer&g Perrv & Cos WE HA.VE NOW:",: IN STOCK THE HAND303I1ST LINE OF PASSIMENTERIES AND BUGLE FRINGES, EVER SHOWN IN JUSt received. Some BUGLE VRmaES ner Ertimqa. Wa havn aman nnJnA imnda la hsrufanmA K8-. f0.r. making WALKING JACKETS. All 'LOTH in all colors, at extremely low prices. evening dresses. DRES9 TRIMMINQb in endless Opera Flannels, in all colors, at prices nerer before "Evitt's" Shoes, "TarDer's" wATiu in au colors, at extremely low nrices. WHITK PERSIAN LAWNS Come and see our IMMENSE STOCK ot Goods, and you will be convinced that our prloss are low ' . TBULT,'- ' HARGRAVES SMITH BUILDING, T R A D E ST. P. 8. WILL C. ALEXANDER, formerly with H. Morris & Bros.. Is with as now and will be nleasM to see his friends around. novl3 Our Fa and fin Complete StooM OUR PREPARATIONS TRADE BEING NOW ENTIRELY WE cordially Invite our friends and the public generally to an inspection of the attractlpns display ed, confidently asserting that they will be found In every respect up to the standard. In submit-, ting this we would call special attention to the styles of our own design and manufacture; which we con stantly keep on band during the entire season. We are Justified In asserting that the long experience and standing of our House, Is a full guarantee that our Clothing Is the most reliable. The garments of our own manufacture are strictly first-class. We are constantly and carefully studying the de mands of our pawns, and invariably Insuring them absolute bottom prices. 1 Our object has always been to bring about a display every season of a full line of garments of the newest styles.. The work manship ef eur Clothing Is equal to any of the best in the country. We don't say- that our produc tions are superior to all others; we are reasonable and never exaggerate;, we tell every customer the trutb, allowing no one in our employ to do otherwise, or in any Instance to misrepresent goods in order to accomplish a sale. Our endeavor is to please, and to give to each customer the value of every dollar he leaves with us. Onr line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS is complete in all branches. NECK WEAR A SPECIALTY. Very Respectfully, oct9 f&XStZllVLVLtOUS. L A. GMUM, DEALER IN ses, nnware&Honse Furnishing Goods. MANTELS and GRATES VO'OLXSILI and. RETAIL1. ) Ftirtlculat attention patd to E00FIN6 AKD SPOUTING. None but ntet class batids employed. Call for tbe BARLEY SHEAF STOVE. oct29 Chew only the brand of tobacco known as - The Old Oaken Bucket. . nnHEld Oaken Bucket, i X Tbe iron-bound bucket, ' The moss-covered bucket, ; That hung In the welL CHAaB JONES, Charlotte, N. C, Sole Agent, ty .Liberal terms to dealers. " ' g WEW TESTAfslE MTl .1 n JIJIX TEXT OF : CMtS& REVISED VERSIONS Hi yARaXI.Tilp PAOE8. ,' VERSION'S; .IN ONE 'BOOK! FrM from rrors: Chances (hewn at a glaaae. :Orily OMK Book BBQvr&KD.' Saves time. aaTes labor, insures accuracy, gives satie- laeuon. sells JUapicuy. tjuauuniixi I QUO ' AGENTS jPrl) WANTED) $1,505 Mp3,d&w3inQs s. H. 6HAM8ER8 & CO., A.U&OM, ueorgia. t Quickly and Permanently CURED ta nneqnaled as s positive ltraiJvM Bad flsrav tote AlrtwaawaPwgTjaiaeJa.L sad all their atoadanV evils. - It does not merely sfford temponuT relief, tart Is s permaBent euro. Mrs. B. r. Lee, of Belmore, (X, aaya of It : UJ am turprited ml the tptto tgeeu of voir remedy. ' Jlii the prk wtedietn t Ms years that hat iooeened tnv eovah tmdLmade expectoration eat. I nox ilecp ait , night taithout toughing. " If your drasgist does not keep it, send liw txesttee sad testimonial to - 80S BresMlwisr, Kev D. -. B. I-SHA IJUW : wxsnt, - ;oot27 (Uw3m Stoves Heaters Ran IAST11LV3A ?.f THIS MARKET. wool SHOODAHS, C tSHMJCUES and LADLE4' WHITE PERSIAN LAWNS in very flfle fabrlcartof variety. VELVETS and VKLVETESNSLaU eolors. shown In this market. Damask, Towels, acjl . Shoes, "Treves Kids & WILHELM. H. 4 W. FOR THIS SEASON'S COMP IE TE, . L. BERWANGER & BRO., Leading Clothiers and . Tailors. I Druggist by Examination. W. P. MABYIN, AGT. . 1 W. M'DOWKLL. Goto ' ' w. p.MRra,Ag&co; and Successor to F. Bcarr & Co.. i -jobs. Fresh Drugs and Pure Medicines None bat the ' ":; " ' Very Best Drags do I keep in my stock. Also, Toilet and Fancy Articles, t erfumerles, Combs Brushes, Tooth Brusties, 4c., t GARDEN "SEEDS , 0 H v i i H tfl w 1 of all tbe best varieties', and warranted to be good Physicians' prescriptions are given ieo-1 ,lf . 11 nttBntlnn . f Hoping to receive a share of publle ciHrvnacsi i tun, reauecuimjjio febg W. P. MARVIN, AgL, & CO. TOR the purpose of esgagnoeaore extensively and exclusively In the line of MILLlNjEBT G0QD8 the coming jrearyWhQlesale p4 re- -f tall, we now: ofier all et herfUnes of Ooodfl now In . our stock tt very low riees to" cfosfiout' The 1 stock' Is large, hew and well astorted; conslsflng of full lines cf WHITE GCODg.XACES, EMBROID ERIEg, all kin dS of TRIM&I ttTO8r 1 LilJif ah d FANCY HOSIEllIES, ;GLiis,6TIQIHECk . WEAR, CORSETS T& r ,Iif:j., , . , . r' - i ': aft c-ii Ir..; ;-. .. . ': . ' ' i ' ft ''ft-- '' ' Cloaks, Shawls, Net Goods, LADLES' and CH1XDBEN"'; ijshk&whjCt' DRESS TR1MJIING, BUTTONS, TAIwLjMNV;i TOWEL&POJLIE3,NAPKINS,jjL, i4ict oom-f.ii pletostbekbt'i. J--' K ' -k"' .i5JLf tyM M ChildrenVFuniiliiitooacv .which we offer Without TeserVer at prices thatwilf .""'11 t guarantee 'their immediate' Eaie. Terms "of this OUB STOCK Of JiiLLINpftTf' lathe largestandhiost66mpret6 cr'a -hi-: w sua is, cnrigtaniiy being added to as new styles gad noves appear in New-Yorfc. f 3! -. Iwnoija vto' ' ' fill 'r ' uMES. B. QUER 4 kill Vii;Ii:v.i A . rWibTe lwndWg torori theeor X. anaiJtooewaujbUeeia aror juriner wnorroa- tlori aDDlv to ' 'Witt. :K BEtt3." t.octSO oaw 4w LiiCt'i the ' mayi8 UchmondiV. Ieb20-2w "VlDBtOTJ, ear iiiauni. n eea