- " I I . ' COAIil A Fom-Omcs as LO.AS WEDNESDAY, HOV, lfr 1881." DeLesseps, the Isthmus canal man, Is nearly eightjjem old. In England they call American oiec margarine "Holland batter." Theodore McGark is on trial in Phil adelphia for a murder committed twen ty years ago. The exports ol New Orleans hare in creased from 863,000,000 in 1879 to $103, 700,009 in 1881. Then are 100,000 bicycle riders in En gland and the manufacture of bicycles has become one of the industries. John Bright, the English orator, was a meekly child, but he is a vigorous old man at the age of seventy Gen. Sheiman declined any public demonstration at Atlanta, though he said he would be Dleased to meet friends who might call on him. It is stated that there are 15,000 miles Of railway to be built next year, which Will call tor an investment of six hun dred million dollars. But a few weeks ago it was announc ed that Edwin Booth had separated from his wife. Death removed the wife the other day and made tbe separation permanent New York policemen are given to a weakless use of pistols, and the trouble is they are such bad marksmen that they generally bit what they don't aim at It is to the advantage of Washington officials to commit "infamous" crimes if they commit (any, for then they will stand a better chance of having pro ceedings in tbe courts quashed. Augusta Chronicle: A correspon dent says, with truth and fervor, that "to inspect the Richmond and Danville mineral exhibit at Atlanta, is like turning over the index pages of a fas cinating book." Washington malaria has a good many responsibilities to shoulder. When too much rum, too much general cussed ness, or anything else that don't sound well attacks the average Washington Ian it is put under the general head of malaria. Dr. Leonard, who has been practicing medicine for forty years in Calhoun county, Michigan, was arrested last Saturday for circulating counterfeit sil ver money. In his trunk were found dies of all descriptions from nickels to dollars. He is seventy-four years oM. The Hartford Timet- observes that uthe Democratic national committee should have taken a more active inter est in the Virginia election. The State could have been saved, with half the effort made by the Republicans." The Democratic committee is much more Ornamental than useful. Hew Orleans Democrat: Cotton seed continues pouring into the city. We are 15,033 bales of cotton behind last year, but 84,532 sacks ahead. In view of the increase in the value of cotton seed this season, our planters will make quite a considerable amount from this refuse of their crops, which will help to cover their losses on the staple itself. In a confab with Gen. Grant in New York, and to all comers, the text of Gen. Gordon's conversations is this: We believe there is a great South as well as a great West and we propose to develop it" That's it There are several volumes of practical, hard sense in that brief re mark. President Arthur, Secretary Blaine and Gen. Grant have been invited to attend the Atlanta exposition. The President will attend if the press of of ficial duties will permit Secretary Blaine will go accompanied by a num ber of Northern capitalists, when re lieved of the duties of the secretaryship. Gen. Grant's answer has not yet been received. The king of Ashantee has undoubted ly some original ideas, and may be a gentleman of taste, but we submit he could find a better use for those two hundred girls he recently slaughtered to get their blood to mix the mortar for his now house. There may be too many girls in his bailiwick, but he oughtn't to build houses with 'em in that style. Two negroes in Norfolk county, Va had adiapuU the other day about poli tics, and went out in a joking way, to settle it with a duel. Shotguns were used, By accident or mischief a charge of bird shot was tut into on of the guns, and when the word fire was given we spectators were surprised to see one of the duelists fall. He died that even ing, giving rather a serious ending to a foolish joke. As Mahone and Davis were the im portant factors in the Senate, so will the nine Greenbackers be in the House of Representatives, since the Republi cans have lost their majority by the de feat of Astor in New York, giving them one less than a majority. There will be some nice playing for the Greenback Vote, but the Greenbackers realize their . importance and will probably stand Upon their dignity. Mr. Kelly, of Penn sylvania, as their leader, will be a sort of-bosar The grumbler Is confined to no par Ucular locality nor section. Just now tbe peoplelof New; Orleans are growtj tng because most of their paper money beinff in the country where It Is requir- ed to move the cotton and sugar crops, the ftobM9unc U 1 nperalwu tance of gold and a plentiful lack ot Oreenbacxj." . If these New Orleans wAii nf i,wo artrnrfhini to crum- people mast hre wW?g tie at, they are fortunate that it is tne ubundance and not tbe lack of gold as Well frrorir9f1r ihntll t&fl OStter. ow woo nwn jo Wmm a ojPwJ an at otoooww ow - tACm rm. THEORY. Mr. Edward Atkinson, of Boston, Mass, one of the chief, promoters of, and most active workers, in jpnshin to success the Atlanta. Exposition, - has maintained, and still maintains that cotton manufacturing in the South will not pay, in the face of the facts which no one attempts to deny, that they do pay, and pay handsomely. There is not a factory in the South that is not pay ing a reasonable profit on the capital invested, and some of them very hand some profits, according to the skill and experience with which they are man aged. As a proof of the fact that they are paying, without taking the mere statement of those interested, their number is annually increasing, 'and all these show healthy signs of prosperity. The fact is, Mr. Atkinson has. started out with the idea that the Southern people are an agricultural people, an1 have no genius for manufactures, in which he thinks the people of the North have gained a pre-eminence ol; which they can never be deprived. His idea that people must necessarily be always what they happen to be once '8 simply absurd, and is not supported by facts. The people of New England were not originally a manufacturing people. They were driven to manu facturing by the sterility of their soil, which was too poor to be profitably cul tivated, and they grew into a manufac turing people, and grew all the faster when they began to reap a handsome profit They had to learn just as all other people had, and have. They were not born with spindles and looms ft their hands nor in their brains, and if to-day they excel in that industry it is simply because of the experience they have and not because of any particular talent thev possess. He lays much stress on the "habit" of people. There is much in habit it is true, but it must be remembered that "habit" is acquired, and if one people can acquire It another people, as naturally gifted as they, can also acquire it There is not a single reason t hit Mr. Atkinson gives in support of his theory that will stand the test of discussion in the light of the developments of the past few years. He don't believe that Southern manufacturers can secure skilled operators to run their establish, ments, but forgets that skilled labor seeks employment where it is best re munerated, just as capital seeks invest ment where it pays best. The owners of Southern mills, if necessity compell ed it could go right into New England, and in the manufacturing districts there find abundant labor by offering the inducements which they could af ford to offer, such as higher wages, cheaper lands and homes, and more con stant employment But there is home material enough for some time to come at least to afford all the labor that will be required, which will become with time, experi ence and practice, skilled labor. The rapid improvement in the quality of goods made by Southern mills within the past few years is a proof of this, the work of some of these mills rank ing in English markets superior to that of produced in New England es tablishments. The machinery for man ufacturing cotton has been so much improved late years that fine goods are turned out as readily as coarse goods were in times gone by, and there is no good reason why good machinery, with intelligence to direct it will not turn out fine work in the South as well as in the North. The North has j ust one ad vantage in the contest now and that is the capital to do on a grand scale what the South has been compelled to do in a comparatively limited way. But even New Eogland capital is finding Its way southward, backed by New Eng land experience, and New England per se verence, both of which are adding materially to' the success of southern manufactures. Nor is there any reas on why, as Mr. Atkinson remarks, that southern milb will be- restricted to home demand, when the markets of the world are as open to them as to the New Englander. It is just simply a question whether the Southern, manu facturer can tanr outgoodts that will meet the requirements of the purchaser in quality and price. " That they can do the first is proved by tbe "fictlbat al ready in Esrope their goods rank among the first while there is every reason that in point of price they can certainly sell at as low if not lower rates than their Northern competitors. They have all the advantages in competition, advantages that factories remote; from the cotton producing fields do not and cannot possess. The saving in the trans portation of the raw cotton itself gives a. wide margin for profit in the way of competition, while in buying from the yuuiwi uuoci, wiucu we can uu, iue cost of the commission merchant and "ra;"r 7: " v also be saved. In addition to this there is an increasing demand annually for these goods as . the great Southwest wnicn is oecoming a vast empire in itself fills up with people, and the sys-, tern of railroads now in process of con struction opens up Mexico and the Pa cific States, all of which will become good customers. There is no danger of over-stocking the market or of failing to find purchas ers while New England finds purchas ers ior ner goods. There is ft neid large enough for all, and the Southern manu facturers will continue to increase and continue to make money notwithstand ing that Mr. Atkinson holds to his theories lit' . . 111 A m OVlXlSlLlOXl W LU TIUXS I brought to hia attenUon daily by what he reads and what he has South. The Boston Post says: "The Atlahta exposition is a splendid educator, but it Is doing as much for Northern men who attend it as for the South; tuider whose auspices it is held.; Ho -good business man can examine the; many su&r&restive features of that emoaition without becoming convinced that the South is enterlnfe upon newajtdirem- ising indoHsial era; fc4etWo)hiet of whieb do buu ah nowsittBate -Xhi Southis rioUa be slnVrfyf eeer of Konlieni ia toiifactmbnt W rather to fee jta rival if theisjghs of tfie B&es?ir not decepttt e'The Industrial posslbilit ties of that seetion have been underraU : d There are ambiUoa and '., shrewd ness and thrift that- are Yery acUvely manifested when onee awakened, and the Bigns of awakening seem unmia? 1 1 tftKable. The scientists tell us that the water on the earth is drying up, .byye vapora Uon, and that in about jfigje trillion of years this earth will i W ' fry and waterless land. -There in&j&v some consolation In '.this foltho3& who- are debarred from visiting Europe from the fear of sea-sickness, for when the big-pond is dried up they can walk over. It will be rough on the fishers, though. una we sauors, anaxne men wno . taxo mixed drinks between meals. r Forty-six railroads, operating a total of 37,500 mileanearly one-half of . the entire mileacre of the country report gross earning amounting to $195472,776 O - i I during the nine montns ox losi ending i ... Z . i n .-... I .. -a j. I Wim oepiemuer. xor me pcuuu i I ia.f vaai-tha Wdloa iTo nf those, rnnrin xsran I j w, r-JTZJJ:?! t 32,284, and the earnings $167,779,134. The increased earnings this year keeps pace with' the increased mileage, the average earnings per mile being $5,206 this year against 2o,ivi in isw,v GUITEAUSSECOHDDAx Ntinacb f a Btteb, Sstre by Riglia Selecting- tbe Jary Men tbat Have Formed Opinions and ITJen tbat Harea'i-Tbe Colored men Come in Oecairtonally The Nintb baa been ronnd Who 1 bloke he can Rcaitf a Fair Terdlct, AVbicb Bx banata the Panel. Washington, Nov. 15. The pressure to obtain admission to tne court room this morning was not wholly greater than it was vesterdav morning. After the ushers had exercised the right of se lecting and admitted two or tnree score of well aressea respeccaoie loosing peo ple, includinsr a Pennsylvania member of Congress, jtccompanjed hy Jadthe doors were thrown open and-thftre was a sudden and impetuous Influx of rep resentatives of the rougher elements. The five jurors who were selected and sworn yesterday were-early in atten- H anio The judge took his seat and (he court was formally openea a iew minutes al ter 10 o'clock. Immediately afterwards the counsel in the case and the brother, and sister of thlrisoner entered. After the lapse of few minutes Ouiteau was hurried into the court room in the custody of half a dozen policemen and deputy marshals. The handcuffs were remov ed from his wrists and he shook hands with his I sister and brother and took the seat reserved for him between them and his counsel. Mr. Sooville then snbmitted an affidavit and maae appli cation for an order for an additional number of witnesses, which order, the district attorney making no objection, was made by tne court, men tne ad ditional list of 75 who were summoned last evenine was called, most -of the nersons responding when called.' Gui- teau manifested less nervousness and excitabilitv than he naa aispiayea yes terday, although in his whispered con- versauon witu uis uiutuci. uc 00 4m to demonstrative and earnest in his man ner. - A colored barber named Seward was the first juror to be called and examin ed as to his fitness to serve. His an swer showed him to be not disqualified from service, but the defence challeng ed him peremptorily, being the fourth neremDtorv challenge. The next was named Lynch who had a decided opinion tbat Guiteau ought to be hanged or burned. He was of course excused, as was also the next, named Bailey, who declared his belief that Guiteau wascrazy. The next was a colored man re markable for a frilled shirt front and his dramatic posture and man ner, who related the history of his Dastlife. and then was peremptori ly challenged by the defence. In fact it is understood that Guiteau is resolv ed not to have a colored man on the jury. The next was an Irishman nam ed Michael Sheehan, with very pro nounced broeue, who had no opinion on the subject of Guiteau 's crime except that "the man was out of his head. He was sworn as sixth juror. William Talbot, an iron worker, an swered questions to thesatisf action of the defence, saying that he had "never bothered his head on the question of Guiteau's guilt He was challenged neremDtorilv bv the prosecution, sev eral others in succession were excused on their statements that they had form ed decided opinions. One of them be lieved that Guiteau ought to be hang ed, and another, would require convin- ing medical testimony to change ms opinion. A long faced young colored man. named Foster, declared that he was perfectly free from any prejudice in the matter, but admitted that he had mentioned it (the murder of Mr. Garfield) to several partiesfas "quite , a serious accident". He was challenged peremptorily by the defence. Samuel F. Hobbs, a native f of Maryland, and plasterer by occupation answered all questions satisfactorily, and was sworn as the seventh juror. G. W. Gates, a voting man. a native of Washington and a machinist by trade, answered all the questions satisfactori ly and was sworn in as eighth : Jurorl After that for . about an hour every man who was called confessed be . had formed a Arm or decided or unalterable opinion on the question of the prison ers sruilt and was excused. There was one exception in the per son of a colored man, uaipn wormiy, . a E loiterer by occupation, who. thought e could render a fair verdict, and said he had sot read more about the case than he didin; ordinary cases: of that kind. He did not believe everything that: ha ms1 in nflwsn&nAni hAftaiiRA 1 they had puDiisneu things sdoui; mm (self that were not true. He could not I sav whether the President was shot bv the brisoner until Atf-woutfiHear w the tartimdny. -Of coursetif Vany MnSane man did theshooting hewpuld be as much guilty as . anybody ftelse. The crazy partTbf thfi business was "some thing! elsfe" No-; sensible man could have ddne stfch a thing.! i After consul tation between counsel and the prison er and his Drother.Bcoviue said tne ae fence would accept the Juror and Wormier was" sworn in as the ninth been 'exhaustM tfcie inaAhalwas order - i kto f nr morrow.; cxmxs m jaaw aojouurea. i no Ino Wenther. : Wasiiington, IJov.J-IniicatiQns; t Foe the utli. Auanue Bta PVtly I UVUUT wctltUw ,A wavwAwoiuy- DVfiui ciouayweatneT uk wd hitjwwuii- ra portion areas Of -tt northeast to as Beenin'UiP4souineasc wino.jasMg apiwyrea oy falling barometer and f slight fall in 1 1 1 1 1 BW The best physicians assure us that Dr. Bull's zn syrup is a rename ana never iamng remear. 1 geep u. zoc a Docue. The color and hntm of vouth are restored to faded or gray hair by tbe use of Parker's Hair Balsam, a harmless dressing highly eateemed for hs penume a&o.puirr , ; - 5,. -.. is 1 ,.- .. ' i ' ' 111 1 , '. I, In the matter of disordered nerves. Boston giris suSer no more than those ot other, cities. . There are, painful sensfWUtles tbat nothing can, core so thoroughly as Dr. Benson's Celery and rt.nmmle . PUls, and ewry nerfong gin slxmldtiMthem, Far BrvsekrAl. Attamatle. aai PaineaaW Complaints "Brownt BroiMmlat Troches'' mani fest remarkable curative properties. Like an oth er meritorious articles, they are frequently imita ted, and those pmxasuig should be sure to obtain tne genuine. - ---;. y 1, rrnt made tne picture 01 neaitn wr a lew Dottles ot ny Bitien. wm yoaetUen euOei wben so. eaaUr euroa? , "TV. ALL PLAYED OUT." c - la a oommon complaint If too feel se, get a package of Kidney-Wort and take It and- you will a occe feel rtstesrle power. It renews Um healthy action of the kidneys, bowels and liver, and thus reswraunajuiai are awl strength to u weary body. It can dm ba hai in itHr Art -or 1 in aid form, and to either way is always prompt and. emoeni in acuon. New Bedford Standard. 1 UABKETSBY TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 15. 1881. . WnjaHQTQK. NLfiitfrtti tnrneotlm firm at 50 Vic Boa In dull; strained $i.K5; good attained 82.00. - Tar firm at 92.40. - Grade turpentine firm at 82.25 hard; $3.60 for yelkm dip; S2 80 for virgin inferior. Com unchanged; prune white oa8i; mixed 76a80. 'MoagoFIout' steady, unchanged; common to vmivmv 1VU1 CXKTCftVLJ . fQgJ g ; common w iancr winter floors, fair to choice iw erattes . Wheat ao- Y 1 W wui s ; fancy 9 ; low grades live and weak, and tower and uve and weak, and tower and unsettled: No. 2 Chicago SDrinir 1.2Rai 9Mmm ih and November: $1.29 December: JanuanS . . Corn fair dec mand and lower: No. a fiMou cash and Novem- uer; ov ueoemDer; January, uau unaeiueu and lower; Wo. 8 44 cash and Norember; - December. Pork lower, at Sift.5rtaS17.00 eash: 9io.uaiD.ouiMOTeniDer ana ueoemDer. ijoju -actlre and' lower, and Terr weak.- at Si 1.1 Ba sil-17ft cash and hoTember; December. Balk meats easier; shoulders S3 86; short rib $8.95; short clear $9.20. Whiskey stead and UDcnangea at BlLTMOKl Noon Jlonrantlv and nnchaneed: Howard street and Western super $4. 76a$5-50; extra S5-76aS&60; family S6.76aS7.50: city mills, super S5.0OaS5.7R: extra S8.00aS6.50: family S7.76aS8.00: Bio brands S7.S0aS7.62: Patapseo family $8.25. Wheat Southern steady ana quiet; western easy; southern red susaa 81.48: do amber ai.45a81.fi3i No. 1 Maryland rea31.4va51.4uvs; No. 2 Western winter red spot and Norember ll.4asfcafi1.401b: December S1.42&S1.42U: January Sl.4rta81.46U: February $1.49fta$1.5. Corn-Southern quiet and esfty; wesiero umei: souuiern wnue ooavu; ao. yeuow 08a7a ' ' - : 1 ' - : - BALrrSO&X Nleht-0&ti flnnert Southern 60a5S; mixed Western white 50a51 ; do mixed 48a49; Pennsylvania 49a52. Bye dull at 81.05. Bay steadyr prime to choice Pennsyrtanla and Maryland 18a24. Provisions quiet and firm; mess Dork 817.75. Bulk meata-sheuldera and dear rib sides packed 8tt.al0. Bacons-shoulders 9M: clear rib sides 11: hams 13Ual434. Lard- reflned 12V. Coffee doll and easy: Bio cargoes ordinary 10 rair van. sugar quiet a son hm. uih cm s ati jfiouT quiet and unahanged; family S3 40a$6.65; fancy $7.10a$7.7oCheaaler; 0. 2 red wmter 81.89a$l 40. Cora In good de mand and fuU prices; No. 2 mixed 48a46k. Oats strong: ho, 2 mixed . fork quiet and firm, at $18 25aJ18.5a Lard-easier, at $11. 0614. Bulk; meats firm ; shoulders 7; dear ribs 9. Baeo--soaree and firm:' shoulders 0: ribs iota: I4BM . a rm niuoMii avuTVi uiiu auu 1 "jfjiwj am 81.10; combination sales of finished goods 1,668 barrels on a basis ot $1.10. Sugar firm and un- cnancea: nam liMaiuu: mew Orleans gastt. Hogs acttre and firm: common and light 85.25a- 90.00; packing ana ouicoen soooa96.76. Nxw York Southern floor aulet and steadr oommon 10 jair extra iB.uoa90.B61 good to choice do Sa90a4fe&a Whefit-lalVae lower, doslnc dull and weak; ungraded-red fl.25a$1.45; un graded spring S1.87; mixed winter $1.4Oa$140i4; uncraded white ; No. 2 red and November 9i.4HWi91.4414; December 91.4da47; January $1.48ia$1.49. Cora-opened lalttc tower, and cioseq auu ana weak, ana m aoini eoaotf : tio. a white : reuow -: No. 2 Novem- bar 68a68i December 69a69; January 70 a72. Oats dull and BHghtly In buyers' favor; No. 8 47. Coffee fairly active and unchanged. Sugar dull and unchanged; Molasses sugar 71; centrt- iugai ; nur to gooa reurung mgatm; rennea steady; Standard A 9ft. Molasses unchanged and quiet; Porto Btoo 86a&5; new crop New Orleans 65a78: old do 84S55. Bice moderately active and steady. Bosto unchanged and quiet, at 82. 37 14 a 82.40. Turpentine dull and lower at 55. Wool bout steady and quiet; domestic fleece 84a48; exaalfiaS'A. Pork cash lota heaw and lower: options firm ana moderately active. atfl7.50&' $17.75: November -s January $18.50: mldr dies dull and weak; tons: clear 9; short clear Lard tower and less active, drains weak, at $U.52a$U.60i November flM7a$ll 67ft; ueoemoer Bi i-4i4$&$J.l.rx; January - COTTON. Galyestoh Firm : middling UU: low middling lie: gooa ordinary luvc; -net reeeipu 1,481 ; gross-; saies 025) stoea 87,iii: exports nent ; to France . IfORfoix Finn : mladllrtx littei net recelDti e,7oz: gross : sues &i,7W; exporu eoasi. wise 068: sales 027: exports to Great Britain ; to eonunent . Baltimobb Firm: middling lltte: low mid' dllng HVi; good ordinary 10w: net reeelpU 819: gross l.uuw: saies vuu: stoes zo.07: exports eoastwlM 160; spinners 400: exports to Great Britain ; to oononent Bostom Firm: mlddHns 12e: low mlddima 114M: aooa orainary iihm: net reeeiDts i.vi I: gross 2.590; sales : stock 8,420; exports to ureal Britain zi; io rranee. WiunKGTOW Frrm: mlddlms: tlUe: low mld- dllna io 18-lBc; good ordinary 0e: reeelpts 1,78: gross ; saies ; stoea 17.4H'J; ex ports eoastwise 1,884: to Great Britain : to continent . Pirrr.tTnrf.PHU Firm! mlddUnc 13d.: low nuodung llioe; good ordinary lOUe: net reeelpts : gross 885: sales 821: spinners 818: stock 16,241; exports Great Britain ; to continent Say anx ah Firm : middling lltfac: low mid dllng lOlse: good ordinary 10&: net reeelpts 9,645; gross ; sales 4,800; stock 89,817: exports eoastwise 8,101: to Great Britain -; to nance ; to eonunent Nxw Oblxavs - Qalet ; middling HMe: lew middling llliie: rood ordinary 10te:net reoelDti 1O.OB0: cross ll.HBa:saiesr5.00O:tockai787: exports to Great Britain T.885; tq France w; to eoastwise ; to eonuneni ICOBiLk Quiet; middling lllbe: tow middling lie: rood eedlnarr lOlfce; net receipts 895: gross i,24o; sates i,ouu; stoea 27.0W8: exports eoast 1,187; nance ; to ureal ismain . AtEXFEis Firm; middling nue; reeelpts 1.080: sainmenis iMit: saies 1.200: stock 64.732. Augwta Steady; middling 10e: low mM dllng 101e: good ordinary 10c; receipts 1,506 shipments ; sales 1,02. Chahlbstok - Quiet: middling llltc: low mid- ounc hum: good ordinary iimm.: net receims 4.831; gross -; sales 2,500; stock 103,555 exports eoastwise a,i4u; to ureal Britain to continent ; to France ; to channel Nsw Tobx Cotton easy; sales 904; middling oniands 11 e; mioaiing oneans izw: eon' solldated net receipts 85,669; exports to Great Britain 7,653; to Franee ; to continent ; to channel Lirmpootr--oon -jrirmer; irnodiing op- lands 6Vhd; middling Orleans Qd; sales 12,- O00:specuianon ana export z,uuu;recpts 17.70U; Inwrlnui 1T.KVL TTrjIimdS low mlddilnv eliuiM November aeiiveryn itf-ezarnovemDer ina ne- eemberBH-lOd: iMcemoer and January n i-B2d January and February 6 21-82d; February and naren m iirina: una ana jipiu dzh hi April and Hay 65ia25-32d; Hay and June A ia-82a2S 82d! Jane ana July 27-H2alS-16d July anaAuguM a. nmni steaay. LrmFOOL-R d. m. Bales of American cotton 9200; uplands tow middling clause: November daiimrv d : November ana JDeembeer 6 l7-82d Tjeeamner and January o vioa: jan'ry ana irebru ary d; February ind March d; March and April d: April and .May d; May and June a; jane ani tmj o zo a closed weak. . FDTUBE3. Nxw Tobx- Futures closed steady. Sales 1 30, ooa November. December.. January... February.. March ll.7la.78 ll.Ula.88 12 028.03 12.a0a.2l 12.88a.89 April 18.51a. 52 12.62a.6 May r June 12.78a.74 July... August 12.84a. 85 11. 90a. 92 FINANCIAL. Nxw Tobx. Kxehanse.. 4.80M Governments Irregular. . . .new o's.. 1 fE"! p I or pec cents,... tl8R 1.1T 6 State bends inactive, except for - tens, wnicn were strong ana ao- tlve..i..... Sub-treasury balances GoloV. ..... ; . .. ' roirenCTi.' SS81.840.172 4.44089 Srocxa-Openlng strong and dosing wpafcand lowerc i - j - -j-t iP""" aassBiR's..,,.:,...,, . " UWIU,'i. ,..,,M)' Chicago and Northwestern ., .' ' ! preferred-. Krie. . i ............ ..4. . sast Tennessee Georgia Illinois Central...... Lake Shore Louisville and NasbvUM V . . t. . .'.-.v. Memphis and Charleston Nashville and. Chattanooga. New York Costal. PHtAbUTB .--.- - ............ ..- Blchmond and Allegheny Blebmond and Danville , .. Bock Island. ......rt..T .......- Wabash, SI Loots a Pacific.. - . preferred, Western Union . - CITY COTTON MABKBT. . .- .! .: orncmo TjaOvmy - t , ;f C-UMibrrxs Noveniber 16, 1881t JP?J2$U ttnzl4r jflosedl fasr at the follow- Tinges Storm cotton S&tes yesterday 43aiIes! 1 sood ioMaxt...z - .... n - e tadies, Gentteffienv IVIiSies; BoysairdrGhUdren K 1' FOliPLE TT-X guarantee that every pair of 8HOXS we sen shall be found Just as represented, and shall allow no house to give yon better goods than we do for toe money. Our stock has been carefully selected with a Hew to the wants of all classes of customers, and comprises a fun line of beauUful and seasonable goottiaWlwtVuslItT and aU grades, f If you wish to get your boots and sho-. salt yon and at the towoat possible prioas yon-caanot 1 r seplS Charlotte Prodnce market NOVEMBXB 15, 1W1. BUTINQ PBICB8. Cobs, uer bush' i ,85 ' 90 1.25&60 SOal.OO 1.50 76a80 42534.50 400 &75 . 55a65 41a6 . I5a20 , i710 8a5 75 1,00 1620 20a22 12a20 1 10al5 20 8 85a40 5a8 Han. .-..... ' Weut, " .. ....... Bxahs, white, per bushel. Pxas, Clay, per bnsn. ; uuu, ........ White. " FliOOB Family. ....... Kxtra. ........ SuDer ......-... - ....... 0iT8,sheUed, ......... Dried Faurr Apples, pern)...... ... Peaches, peeled.. Unpeeled ... Blackberries.. POTAToaa 7 . Irish . . . BOTTKB - . Korth Caroltaa, Boos. neidQaea..., ........ POOLV8T- umoitens. otimiw ........ w... .... ............. I Ducks.., Turkeys, pertt.,.....,. (loose ............ Bkkf, per In., net.'.. .......... ........ Muttom, per rh., net.,,, CUB, " , " SHYING PRJCKS-WHOLZSASSi Bulk Miat ciear tpo aiaes.. ...,,..v;..... ie 14algtt 12lAal5 Halll 7a9 ,82a85 UfU- Prime BJa... ...... Good. ... 8UBAB wnite. Yellow Cuba.. ......., e Bugarflyrnp. Choice New Orleans Common sgaeu 60a60 ... 40a4& ... SoOal.25 ... 8al.OO ...1.7Ba2.00 ..S2.00a3.00 ...52.0OH.Og SL50 Salt uverpooinne ,, " coarae-..,, WHJ3XST corn, per gallon Bye. " , Bbamdt Apple, per gallon. Peach. " Wont, Scuppemong, per gallon. ?! 8al0 Lard, oerlb. TAliOWipertt)... BiOOM N. C hog round Hams. N.C.. lOall 13 Hams. canvaaied. ' IRalBSs Rica ..ti 8al0 Fruit Apples, Northern, per ubl 8.25a.60 Mountain. 8.00 Fish Mackerel No. 1 1.25 " -No. 2 1.00 M -Na8. ,, Codfish ..." Cabsaoc, pet fb. . . . .' 4a5 TTNPBTC1DTOTKD ATTRACTION! U OVXB HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes wun a capital 01 si.uuu.uuu to wnicn a reserve fund of S550.000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 187a Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the lollow- ng aiatribonon: far GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, during which will take plrce tbe 1391b Grand Monihly -AND THK- EXTRAOBDINABY SEMI-ANNUAL DRAWING At New Orleans, Tuesday, December 13th, 1881, Under the personal supervision and manage ment 01 uen. u. t. usiuuKUAKU, 01 Louisiana, ana uen. 4 ubaij a. baulk, 01 Virginia. - CAPITAL PRIZE, SI 00.000. Cgr Nonca. Tickets are Ten Dollars only, Halves, $5. Fifths, $2. Tenths, Si. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 Capital Prize or SI 00,000.. ...E100.000 ... 60.000 1 Grand Prize of 50.000 1 Grand Prize of 20,000.. 2 Large Prizes of 10,000.. 4 Lares Prizes of .000... 20 Prizes of 1,000. . SO Prizes of 500.. 100 Prizes of 800... 200 Prizes of 200.. 600 Prizes of 10O.. ... 80,000 ... 20,000 ... B0.000 ... 20,000 ... 25.000 ... 80,000 ... 40.000 60.000 iu,uuurnzes oz 10 100,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes of $200... 100 Approximation Prizes of 100... 100 Approximation Prizes of 75. . - 120,000 10,000 7.500 1 1,279 Frizes, amounting to 1532,500 Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of La. t Comm111., Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Va. ( wramiss era. Application for rates to clubs should only be maae to t&e omeejor tne company in ew urieans. Write for circulars or send orders to . M. A. DAUPHIN New Orleans, Louisiana, or M. A. DAUPHIN, at No. 212 Broadway, New Toxk. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The public are hereby cautioned against send' tag any money or orders to NUNES ft CO., 88 Nassau street, New York City, as authorized by the Louisiana State Lottery Company to sell tta tickets. They are flooding the conntrr with BOGUS CIRCULARS purporting to be of the Louisiana State Lottery . Company, and are FRAUDULENTLY representing themselves as its aeents. They have no authority from this com pany to sell its tickets, and are not Its agents for any purpose. M. A. DAUPHIN. Pres't Louisiana State Lottery Co. new urieans, 1&, juiy , jsi novd .. ( SSth. POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING 6T THE b the Otj of lnilsTliie, on WEDNESD AX, NOVEMBER 80,1881 Tnese arawings oocnr monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly ox. Kentucky. , The United States Clrcutt Court. oq March 81 rendered the foUowlns decisions: - 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany u legal. 24 a drawings-are fate. The) Company has nnwenhand a large reserve toad. BudWiio; prljes for tbe , N0VEMBEBDB4WINa. vieAt r. $80,000 10.000 , 6,000 iaooo ' J. X'XlSOff eaieM-ei 10 Prtoea, S1.000 each,. : rrues,,, t lOQ Prixea, 1 ... ... -.. each, , , m . rf-. . . . each. iu,ou lOfiOO 10,000 .sou. raxes. . lnnnMwi.. inu-h. 1 8 Prixefc S300each.i UeowakU.H...;;.411MM WlM)eTtalBSte.t2; Half Tickets, tl; 27 Tkkets, 50;MWoketa,S10a - ' . BemftKaney or Bank Draft in Letter, or send grbprese. -DON'T 8ENB BY SEQISTSBSD LETTla OB POSTOmCE ORDEJU ..Orders of 5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at oar ex- r, 3,? CourlefJwa Bunding 'pO0fiALrf(;'; w EDDINS' BOOr STOBJS T'SW CANNOT fin, t6 B SUITED IN FALL AND WINTER do better than at our store. Give as a call. . A.:E. S 1 0 W. T. BLACKVELL & CO, Durham, n. C. MttctWH the Original and Only Gennla DURHA TOBACCO Mar221y WhstzllvLUztms. DB. C. W. BENSON, of Baltimore, Md., inventor and proprietor of the celebrated Celery and Chamomile Pills. These pills are prepared expressly to cure Sick Headache, Nervous Head ache, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Paralysis, Sleep lessness and Dyspepsia, and will cure any case, no matter how obstinate, If properly used. They are not a cureall, but only for those special diseases. They contain no opium, morphine or quinine, and are not a purgative, but regulate the bowels and cure constipation by coring or removing the cause of It. Te? have a charming eOeet upen the skin, and a lovely quieting effect upon the nervous sys tem, simply by feeding its ten thousand hungry, yes, In some cases, starring absorbents. They make or create nerve matter and give power, force and buoyancy to the nerves, and in that way In crease mental power, endurance and brilliancy of mind. Nobody that has a nervous system should neglect to take them two or tnree months In each year, as a nerve food, If for no other purpose. Sold by all druggists. Price 60 cents a box.' Dei pot, 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mail, two boxes for 91 or s bases' for 82. SD, to ftp address. DR. C. W. BENSON S SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cur gOZIMA, T6TTER8r HUMtRa, INFIgApiMATIQN, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISBASS8 OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES and TENDER nrCHlNCSonallpartaofth body. It mekea the skm watte, eeft and sueotbs remove taa and frecikuea, and im tha BEST toilet dressing in THU WOULD. Elegaaay put p, two bottles in one jaokagetiHialaUlig ottatt twWwnal and external treatment. An first claaadruralata have ft. rioell.perpackage. At i4 the regular price, ciU at , , 4- !I)DIN9B00K STORE. m ITBII L PIirpfl.lFlYKH, TASS., LYDIA E. PINKHAr.VS I, a Positive Cure ftoraTl Ueae Palnral OonpUtata aad WeakaesseS v MMsiaateewrbetfewaMrlattewiu It will ear eata-elr the worst form of Etomale Cka. platnto, anvarlan tronblea, Ttiflartinatlott andf tTlcM tion, Tailing and Dlsplacementa, andHHf eoBMqMnS gplnal Weakness, and Is particularly adapted ta 4 Cheageof Ltfe.' f3T"-Of .'? "i t will dissolve and expel tmnonfrom the nternttn an earir tagaof deTdopmena. The tendeaoy toean- marem lainiayea, naroieney, oeHroriiu iwmw forettenilaBta, mad reUeva, wiVana, eftlieatomaa. It eares moatrag. Headache, servoas mewmajea general Daofflttt Bteertstness, Peprearlcm sad ladV tlbM feaunyif tearmgaown psteTwght and DMtkaehe, is always txrtnatwntry eared ky Ma aai, It wm at all that and ondar all drctuiutaiioM aM ra Barmony wttk the lawa that gvnrn the female ayetan i Tortheesreof aadneyComnianita of eitiaer atzthk) ipnMam1 tk nmmMM. " '... !. i. J TDIA'X. PUTKHAIFB TESETaBLE CSV PWTJSVia prepared at SB and SSS Westers, Avanoe, b)baPEioaai..SUb(tUeafor.SMtbaMa rreelyanawan an letter, of Inqutry. Bead fori let, Addraaj as ahovfc MmtUm (Ma Pap KafamllT abWd' bawltaenttTfIA.:WwvTii UVXR PILLS. They ena ixmipa, fc1UmiHBi -- - '"aw-wi'Kl tf senS : - ' . 11 1 .. .'J ",; fw ana jaaaoneryiihe, m a v.a. . -u - tgbt6 ';T V'T BOOK STORE. U EDDINS' 9 k, sow 1 w jlonwn 1 I, t BJs ' .villi' f 11) Jl . 'Z. . TRADE. v--.,.-x-..o v - RANKIN & BRO., Central Hotel Block. Trade 8treet: BURGESS NICHOLS, ALL KINDS Ot E, BEDDING, &C. AlVLLLTXiet Cheap Bedsteads, AND LOUNGES, Parlor & Chamber Suits. OWTDB 0 ALL HUB CI EAJTB. at. I wist nun sisasr. vlu "iim ior merit is based upon tlio fact tkat a analysis proves that the tobacco Sro.faV Pur soctloa is better adap ted txi make a G OOD JURE, satiSiivcfoi-y smoke tuva AXY OTHEll tobacco giown in the world; and 'being: jsifted in the HERT of this iubacco section, T?Lf latvfe Wjl'lCK of the offerings. The public predate this; hnca our sales 5 EXCEED the products of ALl! thTsiyidiug wiaH-aCfctorics com- U frrufae w. ftH fr".jkr!ftr-eS the, Hv2L GENERAL FEED DEALERS -airp- COMMISSION MEBCHANTO OMMI88ION MEBCHANTO, CHARLOTTE, II. C. WE HAVE NOW ON HAND : CAB LOAD BEAN, J CAB LOAD COBN and PEA MEAL MIXEDV J CAB LOAD WHITE COBN, J CAB LOAD. YELLOW COBN, -I CAB LOAD PATAPSCOPATEST PBOCES3 1 FLOUB, 2 CAB LOADS TIMOTHY HAY, AMD WILL GLADLY QUOTE PRICES -TQ-- tiOTU THE WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE. Respectfully soliciting a shaie ef your patronage, we are respectfully, nov6 A. J. BE ALL CO, rpHE E8TEY ORGAN Is the best the World over. If you want one call at EDDINb' BOOK STORE; where you can t e accommodated, and given two years to pay for It. THE ATTENTION Of the Trade generally, and also the consumer, Is called to our special brands of saleable and staple Smoking Tobaccos Sitting Bull. Durham Long Cuts and Rival Durham to which we are now adding a full line of the latest styles of the most staple grades of Plug and Twist Tobaccos. We can. In a few weeks, offer iducements In Chewing Tobaccos that no other manufacturers can equal. Our salesmen will make regular trips to Charlotte, and the trade of all good merchants is respectful ly solicited. E.H-POGUE, may7 Durham. N.C -pOB AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Any style and price, go to "EDDINS BOOE 8TO&E, LAND SALE. BY Virtue of a decree of the Superior Court ot Mecklenburg county, in the case of the North Carolina Railroad Company against R. N. Grimes, I will expose to sale at the court house door In the city of Charlotte, on Monday, December 6th, 1 881 , a lot of land lying on the east side of the North Carolina Railroad, between 7th 'and 8th streets, running back from said road 58 feet, and extend ing along the whole front of the lots owned by said R. N. Grimes. ' ty Terms Cash. JNO. R. ESWIN, novflt oaw 4w sun Commissioner. F OR FAMILY BIBLES, Teachers' Bibles. Prayer Books and Hrmnals. go to EDDINS' BOOK STORE. New Beef Market I have lost opened a Fresh Meat Market in the build- ingon East College street, rrom surer a boss'. where 1 will keep a full stock on hand at all times to supply my customers. I am determined to please.1 I will make a specialty of fresh Sausage made for ibis market Call and try me. novia lw M. F. TROTTER. N EW YORK PIANOS, R is conceded, lead the World. Ail tbe celebra ted New York makes are sold at , ... EDDINS' BOOK STORE. ' At factory Prices. City Property for Sale. !J&?,i..ma residence with Ave rooms, cXFitth streei, near-College. Apjply to awrl8 t F. MTSHELTOI on TX-T E.B.YAHCB. .;,-. W.HBA1LXT ! VANCE & BAILEY, ' :;iJtefcmBm )u& Oonnaellon .: iu -t.; f,i . - CHARLOTTE, N. C. "actloa la 8upreme Court of the United States, ;. . Sflreme Court olNortAClina, Federal Coorta, and eounUee of Mecklen- ourg, oaDarrus, Unlor Gas- . f vjepepdencf "-' - IN the Stare sjidTJnited Statet Cbarta. Col B01-.110106 nd Foreign, solicited. Ah toactsofTttles, Surveys, &&, furmahed for com ajBouaMaajauiEai . Omni -W W' flMiaj Tryon streeti fan.e. Chartotte.it. T- Fun iJ.HcalMi S3 One door .

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