iaYairfiftiTpfnpif n.he caoit I' 'iaayaaiaaya'1 aaa'ij-' i'upw i a n F iTCL5 J;! CJ ff ? H HJ Y if j I 1 . 1. m a I P Y.fCTT SURE APPETISER 3 tROJj iil'iiAJBS hlgnly recommend tor all diseases requir ing a certain and effluent tonic; especially Indigestion, JPys-t pepsia. totertnlttent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Ioss of Strength, lACk of Energy, etc. It enriches the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. It acts like a charm on the digestive torgins, xemoving U dyspeptic symptom such as frigiKe Food, Theonly IrottPrepa- ration mat wiu not oiacK-eu mo wciu ui -"" Write for the A Jt$ tJ uook, b pp. 01 useiui anr, , Bold by all druejrists. IEMJ :CAIj CO., iWtiinore,- Md. pecs so get 1U current fnewb ex- Hence among the cor- .p. -voa boim.ui. AiiruBniiiaii" efensive and arrirrfiRRivA hava hflRTh ci.--x(ct i otk' ana Tjnicacro papers The? 4&f rh c To the Editor of The Observer: 1 nzrrt ttrzrzv-rzwz 7MIo-aef and I naeif nrnurmMi il . t-olfesaim.. -! I inmeinaA kiwi i hi i Mom. and Ccmvalea- aa from carmi dabUit to aoch aa ztent that my labor wMexesadingly tan moon rauel. ptn sua contrary, waa louown u. -.J t baeaitth. aaa ofyonr Jjson Tonic, from which I rs d energy retoraad and Ifoaad that mj natural fore rfths Tonlo. Btaoa using it have dtwe twia. tha la- UMaaTi 1 ni Mfiwrlnx from rwwrai UbUit to i torn. A vamUoa of a anonta did not air me 4 ,raaaaTia aad afaiaina-ottiiMc 'AttUiinar It . 1 1 1 II. iliilnl hMa4 thiaahotilaanf ttia Tanla. HiiuM nainatt I B iuff ttirt Tt-tt aHdia 1-t nt ttaat dariaaiau Ulaaaa. and with doubla ha aaaa. With the tranqntt Berrf :.; aMauMwaaMasfvaalaaa alMrnaaipf NwtMjwbewiS'ffi!!' JrSIP-l?Lf "5! n" OTbe Gal(i ttlmlmam9tm ptm I stem atTOataiiirfirterrta.T Tn i W ;i-rWcfariliifta-. J some instances tlwfe,-are en; jptres Tba fneTltable Newspaper Cdref-J ppjadnts.'lii lthes6,,nleaLr Ibe 6niy pondentaUtaSomelhlDir Atrial fkt PllKtMlMM OOfi Id a fee. ! :iTnPr8'w ' pay any jitters fled, J)tt will nofi ex llhn ?YM toe fcOSt of ing4fcleat. hceatres iifth tftofcf Gunman. whiehdaUieSttrtKeVn WPW'Mi. l.he ?.rectln ?la td.tfeleSph a column or apafe.S Abe iuau.urui mj accQmuiouaie me anucpwq importance jot the. news llasOfies.i It; wunse qo ooto xiaes pro iinay pa toenttctoed here that 'these Dai Pi iopported jiy the corjomunities ht Which they art published. VAjiews-. betrelehfedyScotine, brother, ip( iw.wrapFUft H! ; im-lawfOuiCBauiaiid4 M'Rhhinsnna 1 Wijpepreflents. and when you see a poar young lawyer of abUity, of this citi MWSpaperit can isal most besassttmed' The trial will probabjy last over feirf we commumiy irwbicn itls'VUb vweekflr'Kiidofcmftri therftfiw. iwiit I iisaeaLitfeirtta reading onejJ:Mi.n K'adishf Gnrtea-d brteTeffrlpti for yoar I "th prestoent and his CAirNferl ' breakfast each mornine. Durinz the I ,! ThPrMonfni ted crowds. f ess . themselves prepared .to go ahead. Attorney; trkniUiwU be. assisted' by J dge Pprter. of Jiiew Torkrand JST. A. Davidge, of this city. The defense will 9H HiUH hr rJ VfnaPll Xfci-JiJ l 4 .... OMllliiKii IILklibU I. lDwllJfllllot, " Itlllll m 1IU1 IB1LM1 reign And Diaestic, JastBeeelred.'at ; 's Drag Store gs-.Toat yicHT. Saratoga SprW N. T. A ne water v Uon, Ls a powerful tonic aad strong dmretlc. Also, Beoommended ineral Water, Terynignij as a cathartic and al- teratlTe and In all forms at dyspepsia. ALSO. liui dred witnessed will be 'exjtn Ihed ' and over two- nunarea tetters, written :Dy the prisoner will be put jn as evidence: xuo piea oi ioe aeiense win oe 30 west I I V Al W4b(b a4) .' m6jfQ&Kl&& KftrMt aaa aaJacr iNSkjTY, public' business may now expect to re ceive some attention. The Tarbpro and Torkyille postpfflces will nowr be, de cided, and it may , be set down as acer tainty that the then, that can give the uivoa uu auu comiori-o we iiepuDucan Hearatata. Sciatica. Backache. SHhdna ' v A- " Goat, Mnsy, Sore Throat, Swell- am yprams, auras ana Scalds, General Bodily :, rams, Jp j g CASES C0NGBES8 WaTKE, and .tbeletters.in' question covering a lp - penoa or .tnirty years, win e produced I secure ' the; iibpointmehts. ;Thir iaa ana Headache-, Frosted i reer ana tars, a nil nil nth . VlllVf h antral IfMTIUI SI Til DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., MO. SIS ICSTH MAIN STBIET, $f, in the hope of. proving this. All wii been the1 Wethod puraaed jnrgidia I nesses summoned will testify to this;, during tte recetit campS tuau w,. petty ppsimasters -neinj, re- partt of idblic ; plunder, beihput; in. W.W.WOQD.MIM In ' R1CHM0KP ENCTAVIMft CO and. the family of the prisoner Will Hive evmenoe to vne same enect. umteaus brother and his sister, wife of Mr. Sed villare now, bere and fisitedblm CHAS. K. JONES, Sole Ag't, Charlotte, N.C. AT THE JAIL 1 this afternoon. The interview was of ther)nost affecting ofiarabterias it is the nrst time since the snooting that Gas teau has seen any member of his own family. : :( THE TRIAL ) Will be before Judra Cox. who .atMndff' noji wiui .uuquar, iiere as an uprigntana uuucoi, iuuko. nis recent aecision in the star route-eases, where he braved public sentiment to conform to law, is an evidence that Guiteau, though an assassin ofthe nation's, peace, will be given a trial as fair as though he were but a petty thief. It will most likely take the first week, to secure a iurv' and the trial will proceed without iw terrupiion until the close. POLITICAL AND gOCIAL EQUALITY. There was a little breeze in the school ooara last weex, wtnea illustrates how the negroes, encouraged by the success of Mahone in Virginia, not only desire political but social eoualitv. A Mr Smith, colored, who. bv the vav. is A a. sistant Librarian of the House of Rep resentatives under Mr. Hussey, of your State, objected to the report of a com mittee which refused 'admission tn, Colored child to a white school. He contended that the report was in viola tion of the fourteenth amendment ail made; a distinction because ,faf . raw and on this ' point he arcrtied t itmtrih iu Buppurt ot iiis position, xne matter : ttye? Jtod ttos'jj msynipathy"w4tli;the WPl "PCPPQiio piuiuier.iiexngpput; in. A8 the State-updn which the next ecu sade will be made .is North .XJafoiina you may expept a similar state of affairs as occurred across the border in the State of Virginia but now of Mahbrie. Amooff the - oatenta iRftntwl atia . : . mv T"HwaB aw vus s Mepaen m. uavisj of JimetyiSix, South Carolina, beins foxeondensem nf 'AAtfm nM t-ai 1 - ii- (PATHfiUlNGOFlBRCLANS; t" y-.' . ,i ;' fni ji. : . :. I , TUe Wart Ut fuiiMa Beiua to WMhiaWtOBSUtlwarta) f u Tp. and Sbermanltea Coming to Grief. Ct i. doldsboni Messenger. , WAiniNQTQN,N6v. 8. I duly chron icled the arrival of some of "the faith ful last week. More of them have since come in. Yesterday the Ebbitt was fairly asUr with the Grant Anakim of-NewKorth Carolina," as this gen try are fond of calling their present home. . . Of Republicans in the and unrecorded, the following names may serve to conVey -an idea of how the dritt is now : ! ; Settle, Humphrev. Yoiinir .Shaffer tt. vgu. . a meeting was neid on Monday. QhAnf w.tir.kl . 1 . . a www w u.iji wuc o was an : air or -secre- ' pa the part of the participants. nouglLJibwever, has leaked out for a circumstantial state of facta to be made up wiiu large prooaDiuuea of itsreveal- ueariy u .not tne exact truth. . JTlrst, Judge Settle was the chni Ko Preparation and Aches. OB earth MiM.ta S: .Tumi An 2?v IS?07 ff 60 Ceats,and eYerjrona Buffering J"" " bae cheap and poslUYo proof of ito i JCecUonaln Ebran Languafrea. -. eOI.-ALL ZiUG0IST8 1BD DEALEE8 : . : - in kedightb. 1 , , A. VOGEIiER Sc CO.f BaltUnor, Md.t V.B.A. , , dMSOttw It Q CASES BOCK BBIDOE ALUM, CASES BUIXALO LITH1A. And a full gtrppiy of IMPORTED AP0LL1HARIS '"-USD ' HoDyadi Janos Wate THE GREAT ECROPEAS HOVELTY ! : THK BBST KATDKll APKBIxNT. :.':-:;i' '') "-AsjeCATHABTIC' 1 DosiA wine cass hiu before breaidrast ' ! " T7 Tjlimd 'TTnn1.H T..a. t. .... ftrm. that lis USSSSS to apertent sSsU" that of all other known Waters!'" - surpasses ;i.rC0HSUMPTl05; paratlonwhl cored hto.Vl f poeltlfely and permanenUr rrvi t,. n De -U4 w par expenses. . This herb also a. vu., IU32 Philadelphia, naming this paper. Raci street, FREE uena to " MOORE'S BVSIKKSS UNIVERSITY Circular. A liS-JBnHfn. JSMoouvtea (weitty yean, School. a' - J OLD loalWr""? Me Mat . - ' I g-- mf LXlTV? "mpleecen'- A Great Offerer HOLIDAYS f BPLEXDIIOB61NftMK.2 motived. W 7 Oct: B06EW00D PUNOS and cover. om i on TO..Ljr". i1AJX os, ".826 Broadw.?: New YoK Mm 111 us urers and THE CHIMI31E1G -asajHMiaamaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiaaaaj JJJ j tmmrmmswmmsmwmtmmr for a. cabinet ; p!ace--Secretary of the was unaer nerismn -nf tha nholr a "Ra. I but not before a vote was taken. whiw La iaLu- A?i .,wiero was Do yon irant a pnro, bloom in? Complexion? If so, a few applications of Hasan's MAGN OLIa BiXM will grat ify you to your heart's con tent. It does away with Sal lowness, Bedness, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases and imperfections ofthe skin It overcomes the flushed appear ance of heat, fatigue and ex citement. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear but TWEN TY: and so natural, gradual, and perfect, are its eifects. that it is impossible to detect its application, aperient water. good and -rvr mmuMtraer: v iu it . these TwrlteiiK X"1! omSk'""" Prescribe none -K5r.i-.. . lndon. theSta elK ' 8Urpasa8 ! rtohahall ' auu inea- JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharnuidst North Trjon St. CHABLOTT , N. a AT LESS THAN Auction Prices. THE THE Si FINKST COLLECTION OF LVIB-PHTKD WA LVEK-PLATED WA iter exhibited In Charlotte. JUST BECZIVIJ): B T7 B Hi IHEtGREALCURE Aiitjf' RHEUMATISM it Ja toe an diaeaaea of tha KIDNEYS, LIVIR AND BOWELS rIt"o1aanaaa" tha'ayatam of tha acrid poiaon that oanaaa tha draadftU auflaring' whioh only tha Tiottma of RhnnmaWtm oaa raaUaa. 1TH0USANDS OF CASES Of tha wont forma of thla tavriUa -" haTo baaa qulokij- ranarad, la a abort Uma PERFECTLY CURED.A BOGXBS' TBIPLK-PLATE KNIVES, 84.50 DOZEN. A full Mneof Tabe FaDcyfcfare hot 10 At great reduosd prices. Call early and get first choice. Bespectrnllr, J. BBOOKFULD & CO. AT 3.00 PEB SET. AN IMMENSE STOCK OF ALSO Shades, Baby Carriages, C H R 0 M 0 S - and CORNICES A full line of Coffins and . VUfWJUV VM E. Me ANDREWS, WHOLXaAU M BQaTL IXIBNITURX vm nx . AT .WHITE TBOSTi .-It v . t i Imported Herman?, consigned KINTT'! i direct from the Mines laHambarg, and sold at a small advance for cash, ot for Cotton, by UPSHDB GUANO COMPANY B. B.8ADNDEB3, BoP't of AgendeAV tawlutlwaaidajfalatiaatifc aad aa alalaarorypartof tha Oonatry Zn an- 4r0daafaaaeaUhaaoarad4rheTaU iaa had lailad. Itia mild, bat efflolent. CERTAIN IN ITS ACTXOK. bat harmlaaa In all aaaaa. nrit alaaaaea. Btraatkaaa aad drcaKaw F dia wau toa important orgaaa of tha body. Tha natural action of tha Kidneys la raatorad. Tha I1t iM cleanaed of all disease, and tha wrwaia mora naerr and aaaithftiiw. - t h a way tha wont illintana ara aradinalad trm Ii tha system. .aaitnaa aaaa pnrrad by thoaaaada that J 4 U tha moat afleotaai tamady to ring thir aavBiuoi lumarniaiMwQdBi, It should b used-in rrary household as a i al SPRING MEDICINE. ' Always eurea SmoUHETESS, CONHTIPA TIOIT, TXLXS and all fXUAZJI TTlsoaicm. If pat ap in Dry VecetaHe Wmrm, In till Cans, one package of which makes quarts medicine. Also In Iisjali Forsa, yery Caaaaatratedf or the eonTenience of those who cannot readily pra Vitlt,iteUvUkequal ffleimte in eltherforw GET rrOFTOOB DRU(XHgX.'LRlCE. tls WELLS, B1CHABDS0X A CiwtProsa (wui sena toe dry post-paid.) BTauxuTOB, TT. March 27 d&wly 13 Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly tipon theLerVanid cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos livness;Headac3ie. Itissisfsdi gestion, strengtfiens the systemj regulatesthe bowels, purines the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, N. Y. -FOR BALE BY ALL SBUOQX8TB. aniis-deod eow-ly. P. 0. WILSON, CBABLOTTX, R.O, V L jBoleAgentfor 1 I A I i. V L CoIiIiiiIib Baggy - s VT ixn in WATEBTOWN SPBIHG WAOOR 55. "T ft t fe. " ' il . , - n la ' nMs&mtii'&! s r . ouuuira, CABBIAOEH, PHAETOVH. HPRTNO WAGONS, 40., , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. OPEN BUGGIES, ESS. TOP BUGGIES. E68. lw-uu uniuoemems tO tha abAlaaala tntda St. CHARLES HOTEL BTATESTtLLE, h. c TI? liM been leased for a term of yeats 17 demonstrated tbat tbe white trust even holding Republican views, could not sanction mixed schools. The three coiorea memoers oi toe board. howAvnr voted with Mr. Smith.: The matter can vet come up, when it is expected a live- uiauusaion win ensue. THE MALABIA STILL DISCUSSED. The citizens of Washington are aomn. what exercised over the ranm-tii thar. 1 . .. . . . ' . uave none iortn mat tne city is a not wju wx lUAiduiov. bu lu BDeaa:. ana onran. ized action bv the local modirtAl unmet- has been taken to determine the truth fulness of these feporta. - It is charged, and with a show of trutlL that insinua linn a shnnt thla fv - -1 : stricken have no foundation ia factexr cepv 111 uie orains or newspaper corres pondents, who in .dejulli of hAn- . . . osucuittiiy iu me summer sec them? selves to the task of defaming the capi tal or the nation. The men, appointed by the medical societv to wrtairi 't.h facta are-all rell lmownpractitiolSers, and their renort. which will hA fnrth. coming-in a wecK or tea days; is anxi ousiy lopxea Tor br.the; citizens, ,who jasuy regaratnese reports as injurious to the prosperibr of the -city. The re port of the Health Office i just out dis- vusBtuiia quesuon at length, and says that-WashimTlibn's death-rate atands fifth, in the Hst of large cities. New iorxanaripwDurg, a, being in the lead. The'reDort sava malaria preyail here to some extent, but is not a previuenc as aepictecii 'The cause of its existence at all he traces to the Po tomac1 flats ia -Iront of the city x and woicn is is Deneved will soon be im- provea so tnat,the cause being removed, patana will altogether disappear. 4XB CTTY FTLLZNO TJPlflWsTBANGEIts; ! In expectation of a lively session of qongressvthecityls fast fillln9 "up with ftrarigers.' Thislslways the caseVand especially at the inception of a new ad ministratioii; It is rIlevM cn an sides that many chances will be made in the departments, and in view of this fact alonerthe hordes of office-seekers al ways? '1114171- tjfdably numeroqg just Bow. The success of Mahone, too, witi stimulate the nrooly" loyal to emi grate from Yircnia in, the hope of be rewarded fetlIr pertay to fiieir State and loyalty, toiMahont Ajad, with the , advent t)f the crowd. ' too. THE INETITABLE lEWSPAPEn MAN. He is here in t nil force, nrennrfiil' tn mn. ter the ' campaign and push it vigorous-' ly tptha close. He is.Indeea most nt merous.ithaji always been the case that Northern and Western newspapers were generally represented at the,capi talduriiigthe wiaterr-not so, however, with Southern newspapers. One ' has been able,, heretofore, to'ebunt np' on the fingers correspondents who1 represented newspapers published at. the South. The weeklies and .small dailies of the East sometimes find cor respondents among the clerks of the departments, ; aad a letter , weekly id expected in their columns.his'asr known to the "Uk" as "charity, bums," received, as the designation shows, no compensation for their services. It is, however, surprising to learn how much certain journals pay for the newi."?Thr sreatuaiuea QiAew xorior instance, f alH all have special corresDondsnta htn the year round. These rjatMrf tnr.pis, ceiyeassocjated press news in addition. ejr,xqTt,aMmm Wash- sides others aUacbed tosiU bureau here; teeeiye from, M,bOQ to JWm pet; an num. eacn. 'The Sun rauMtthm smmma- uuv nwe Derano; ne;gnicagtf'lapers ahd StLonis Jouxnalir aJi navelSaay bnreans.rlt will be-seen :-wVSSS3k thesepapersv During .PregldenV Garek IfS f V t C I Yorkerod,in addition its burelS hererT?airriiriteeklrwitf erage 6fiom5 $800 for news, and by thus practically disregarding all expense, yeas enabled eacn morning to presenrine xni rate and complete account of the Prwl. dent's condition; dlstanctog'aUetJinrjo lition. Tbe . figttres u&me$ present -what wjistdfor.'the.news alone, not the exiense, of ..telegraphing it, which cesf as'hch.f-addlUoiL This diversity of sentiment in the confer. ence. .There are not wanting evidences that a Settle pressure is being brought to bear on the President. This ihg, however, two rumors are oat. Ac cordmg to toe first, and this is from a strong, Settle source, the . Judge is. no where m, the race, and knowing it ia go ing to leave Washington to-night in de spair. The other report is rosy; the booth is getting solid for Settle ; nobody else is now thought about, and so forth and so on. - .Second.. There is w lively feeling on the subject of the revenue collector ships, Ike Young, who has been kept An A Raj! Aa.tk.mM 1. a. v" ucuuivuwuj wfxa lomese many years has, so I learned, to-day, resolved to swap with Bill Smith for something eV "to if tne is bag fed by BAlly, Jkey will exchange bini bags, whether ight unseen" or on foil ctof Jv11 divulged. Major t There is a pretty little story which, if I could telV it, would perhaps throw some light on the, above alledged fact. Suffice it to sav Smith had lowing Isaac to ?p4ay too high a hand" while he, Smith, was responsible for the results at .Washington. ' ' CannadaviskentouitA Young, and just now for better reasons. The latter is.stm in the ring, and has his say about how things shallbe fixed. If he steDS down and out. it ,ni h. tnA someBhihgniee and warm. He surren ders; if strrrenderhe l&mXL to a"Tiw hi ax: qjart,wbiriy(bim auipro quo. Not so Canadayr -HV Is the leading snerman man, -tne chief of the half breeds, in North CartaiiiiWivThat which he hath is tQ,pprfrt$Ub him, and nothine istobffivenlanhancro ti gon thatClSto There is BQaeeo poorita teft ff hlm rev erence. uHetoetaf:He per ished whenheooghiTis on the highway to immity'R is too late for him that Guiteau should be punish id. Hil Iff e Is aowghastly miyave been,, Let him ery .upon the rocks? to CQvermthe mountains to roll over and hide him in the night of his sorrow that has come upon hicj liket a, thief in : Third. The chief ! ooint deefff in t h a wu yi. xuuuuia. xiyiUBU IS UJ DereSl eu io uie itaieign postomce , , DONT OO TO rat? a tw! a When yo can get water Just as fresh and soark- Drogglst and Chemist Prescrlpuons carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or nlaht. )uly28 Jan. 22. and Danville Mroad. PASSEHGEE .DEPAETMEKT. On and after June 5th, 1881, Passenger Train Service on the Atlanta and Charlotte Alr-Llnedl- tuuuu vi uus roaa win do as follows: U7Z N. Y. U. 8. ' U. a Mail Express Fast Mall EASTWABD. No. 46, No 47, Na 49, , A B. C. L've AUanta 4 00 am 3.15 ra 6.30 pk Arr.Snwanee....D 5.18 am 4.87 fm 7.45 pm Lnla E 6.54 am 5.5H fm 9.06 pm fF600 14 7.15 pm 10 16 pm Seneca. G 9.20 am 8 40 pm 11.25 pm GreenT'le ..H 10.58 am 10.20 tm 1.00 am Gastonla....L 2.36 pm 2.13 am 4 31am i!jCjgriDtie...M 8.35 P- 8.15 am 5.35am WESTWARD. U. a Mall Express Fast Mail No. 42. No. 48. No. 50 L've Charlotte.,. M 12.80 pm 12.43 am 12.83 am "; Gastonla...L l 27 pm 1,48 am 1.17 am 3IHtai"I 2-5 PM 4-06 am &12am 6MDTle,..H 5.07 PM 5.18 am 4.24 am Seneca G 6.51pm 7.02 am 6.47 am Tofcoa F 8.01pm 8.15 am 6.58 am " Lola.... ...E 9.18 PM 9.81 am &09 am . 8uwapee...D 10.88pm 10.54 am ft 22 am Arr. Atlanta 12.05 am12.20 pm10.35 am , 7t ' . sVi VVlNVsl v auci " ' 1 " . V - ?"i " J . I LlffristralCo., WHOLESALE & RETAIL Dri I ovists, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Our stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dje Slufls, Is complete. 1 VtitYt . fJAnAxiuruUj BXPOSITION Vltedto-TUltTWaTeronBfC"UlJy SendOr GreUUn and Pries List. CHICKERIIIG & SOUS, 130 ni Ktim, M.Y, yvit TnmontSt, Safe,. Novl dw4w- CORN 1 CORN'! CORN !' FLOUR ! BAGGING AND TIES . vwnJuI?'1.ng trains of Georgia Central and A W. P. Railroads. B wUh arrtrlrig. trains of Georgia Central, A & ?. i. auu ?. . a, a. jtiiuroaus. C with arrlTlng trains of the Georgia Railroad. J wiin jawrenceTlue Branch to and from Law- X with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and" from Athens, Ga. . .. lll GIVE U3 A TRIAL berton Alr-Llne to and from Elberton. to and from Fwlth Geonria. G with Columbia arid Greenville Amunuuk ana unarieston: s. u. Hwlth Columbia and Greenville to and -from Columbia and Charleston, a a t K with Spartanburg and Ashe vUle, and Spartan burg, Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Ashevllle. and Alainn aiutffetlmnKln - - -Lwjtti .Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and. Mwltha.GftAaS-B. 4 lX and A, T. 0. tor alljHMnts West North and East Wt??11 Patoee sleeping car service on trains Nos, 47 awl 48i dally, without change fcetween Atian va auu xiew xora. a. .FUFE, rpBY OUB INK CAPSULES, bSSJSf! HSK018066 to matt the i uis, ui uio auuaet. , i -..J;i -j.' L. B.' WBISTON 4 CO. "THITE and RED OWON SETS, For fan planting, L. B. WBISTON CO. General Passenger Agent a W1 tjgs dpfiabpehi wiied a presi dent isihot. 1 f ! i ! t r I . F s i "The deen darnnation Midi rtivUi offl jextends toinnumerableersoiis! The last time I saw him, Nichols seem ed the incarnation of good luck and happiness. At that time W. W. was in the dumDS. Now Nichnla 1 "nlavftrt." and Holden rejoiceth with exceeding great joy. No maa knoweth the dav or the jhowen llKhtMng iWin stmce nun. ' ' . ; ..i, iut Birds Killed by tbe New Fawt TraviBa. When the fast trains now onerated between New York and nhinaoro arrive step4rbnd to the8 front-of the loco- mouve ana Drusnes the dead birds from the plate over the "cow-catcher." Birds miscalculate the speed of these trains, and attempt to fly across the track im mediately in front of . the engine, nd are struck by -the smokestack or the headlight and f ali dead upon tbe plate ac ne oouer neacus THE OXONIAN, AJOUBNAL OF LTTEBATUBE & EDUCATION paWlshed monthly at Oxford, N. C .at On, Dollar a year la advance. ,T : The Oxonian aims at increasing the Interest for ptemture and Education, and gives original ar ticles on subjects of vital importance as well as criticisms of the newest and most valuable publica tions. . ; . . " , ' Offers desMed advantages to advertisers. High average circulation. Advertisements are shown prominently, are free from errors, and are taste fully displayed. Its advertising rates are not in exeeu or aarvaiue to an advertiser. . Advertise-1 uouj uiieuuea ior, puoiicanaon in any Issue, uviuu u ui vuwb oj mo k3(un or me monin. marl6-tf , J.jCj HOBNEB. Oxford, N. a "YTE HAVE A ftfLL ASSOBTMENT,. Of Seeley's Hard Rubber Trusses at reasonable pneea. Avery aruss warranted as represented. j jb. whistow Ct), X. ADIBS' COBfiET BRACB: ' A shoulder brace and support for the back ennv viovu. ouia uy Ik K. WK1STON A CO. 0otl2 ' - ' : ' NOTICE. THE meeting ofthe stockholders arfd directors of the North State Copper and Gold Mining. Company, which was to be held at its office on the property of the company la Guilford eounty.N. a, JELrS PJFP?86 21 tog an assessment on the j Stack anrf nthnp ttnalnaaa n i I hlk? affh?a!rb?p wod IsirwliJbe neM at tne Bama oiaaa at tunn t ih. ah . r Knlut lost - w- octSOtf Tresldi I .! le Associated. Railways .-,... ,. -OFr- -: ... s VIRGINIA and the CAROMS. PASSENGEB DEPARTMENT, . i Blchmond, Va. , November lBtTl881. j Memoranda of Arrangement of Bound-trip rates, Tickets, Routes of Transportation, and Advan tages offered for the formation of parties of visitors w tne INTERNATIONAL COW MP0S1TI0N A T L AN T A,, G A.f From the Territory traversed or reached by the xumwajro ui iue oicuaiuua ana AJan ' ' vllle System.- - From' afj J after this date, from Charlotte via Charlotte and Atlanta Air-Line. Railway, ticket Buuu (me ubj kuu'k, vwu uofs Butyios, ui, ana ' one uaj iwurauis lxvm Aimnui, mil Do sola 8S 1O110WS LOST MANHd06 New. aulck. eomrjleta mm A darn, tninarr affee Oons, smartlog, frequenter difficult urination, aad kldnev diseases. ' SI t dniMrtata. DeooL J H. McAden, Charlotte, NG , vh! , JWotla of ToathAd Imnradenee jaisintf Ptemai tnra xBna.i wumi. avjJiu r-v j ... . late I nsvnw tried In yaln everiiknowa ramedj. bs dis !i t "BPlAoW send rHEB WUUttOtltfII.Y.i!. In : ; For singh? person,.... J: .. For nartiea of IO. nnrtii... Vft. novHaa nf OA aonh f v. yw uuu iiui vuu, ..... . . For parties of 80. each.... . .T For parties of O.eacaAjju.,.,,-. The - la aaa . . . . , AA THOUSANDS DO- TESTIFY, ' So does Thomas Bberts Wholesale Grocetv : adeiphla, who aaysi ,Barnett,s Coeoame allays an irritation of thesealp, and win most effectually temoje dandruff and prevent tha hatt from falling BUBNXTT'S FLAVORINQ XXTBACTS. The CIY PjRpPERT.Y ls-.--.--i FOB. SAUL,, l, ru WperlorttJ of Ihese eitracia In thetr netf ect purl- RMMnabto torhe aa admtMiV?-Ci?,RrW' SMWHOt M! Uk7 III n IIMP rtQ'TAnInH - -wtngakljfXBei IWWsajanwa xfea g imrooaaT V?f nnlan JMi iA T.M.h Tantai-tha I h OWMHPKCetJeraa, S1Q7Q 0 85 8 00 6 70 8 TrlD. Tickets. hlTPin MniM khan used singly, are of a specific contract form, ."void if transferred to others than original nrMipV I and authorize the xeanirement of Identification ot Agents er 43andaetaitt -t ; t-;; n.ii i TTi . To the end of affording fnovaavi fnMiitiAa fF ylsiUriK ihe lxpoBltlon, contract Uckets. adapted fu vuues iuj ui aize nerein, namea, are uaewue; offered.- They embrace all the stipulations of sin (tie tickets, with the additional one. that th am good fox transportation to Atlanta only .when pre-, Bcmou on inuna in conneeuon witn au ntnnra or the specific class they belong to, as per the prices. - aauiwh b ui kuinijcaai uiar rmaurta iintm 'TrMrn singly, wtthln the period of their "aUd ty. provided) IheV are thn nrfoinnl nnwhiaan inH IH.ii,. iSnvesrSngly. - -trr-.. "V, :?-m, saa omoa ior 4n kmd tmcanon orparehasen and cdmnoaitiAn . a. nere la no alBnitv bntwnn xtwian and useless Daw, wme, and lnm tnnlna anH tha T.lnhlir Co's X- "w w , uewara at lnutauons. stamping of letoinoottpona Baa- men established an the Union Depot In Atlanta.. It wlU be opea SO minotes pnor w ure oeparture ei n rains. AttSiy.iy . HABMT.TBB MATXrIALS. and n.tJ5wuni ie.fantoHl bauvl an elegada,f""1(?Jlnlr"M J 5SfJjwWhol N! ,-WWlngor lactdrytnKr-lDn He&eef thaeondHloBs-ef - these -tlcketi !wul:ne" chanstejniy,respMfe5 rtr: 'ts.M Investtgatlpn .oJ the appliances for personal ouunorfci ioobiiik. anaiooa. meana-or tranai. i twean AUanta and the Expeskien gtonndsantfini&i lzes the assurance that aJlalmi5L. 5?! ' emuig 10 m piesKmcwa economical visit For all Information" not- contained in ttita Usemeat, apply to tbe undewiSeKto o2?SL won Agents ofthe Atltmtajuffioi? . n0T?K.i ...... G;EsserAnt , Weare agents for THE WATT PLOW Will sell it LOWEB.Uianiyou can buy an othfet good plow. Full assortment always on hand. Call and see us before purchasing. MAYER & ROSS. aug26 Gttano km All Notes and GIVEN US LAST FALL FOR Gr tJA. JNTO. ARE NOW DUE, (NOVEMBER 1ST 18S1.) W Please call and arrange the same iiov2 M .aW ffM sTst .ra2T-r"'l aaBaaaaaaaaM f o as " 1 I -- m AT. .aaaaaB ... m Parkfir's Hilr7 RslSrfii Ginger Buchu, Man drake, Stillingia, and inanyof the best medi Clnea IcnmnL am com. tinedla Parker's Ginger vwc, in co a meoKinc Of such Varied powers, as ta Jnalce k tha greatest 'Blood Purifier and the BestHealtk AStreapth Kostorar Ever Ud. It cures Rheumatism, Sleeplessness, & diseaess oioe Momacn, tsoweis, t vl is nunr iiiiurmn in nil fiait. ClesanL JaB, Litters, Ginffer Escnces """W Man? Dim- and other Tonics, as It Mo BWSI rr" toit mm th. neveriatoxt rtT 3o,; OaanW N. Y. w 11 .hM. Iafw Sarins BaytePoll8lia. r oct22 NOTICE, v ' A ,ft('8. ltej "ty.i t P t21n? to . of the Superior Court of h ?Bbw IwUlaeil at Public Auction, at oomjHrasela Charlotte, on Monday, the Mb. arable lot Of lAnd lrln.. hmtmoA ,lLltn a B. R. and Trade street, formerly tbe Boiler!?. ' Brown. now owned by J. T. FfJP.8 3 "fai balance on Ftitfft roontbs ered it with Interest BUFUS BABBINGEB. a -:d novoaoawtds Comn)laaioner. i .i if. i -'. :. ?... -. ; I