.L4 Y7tf-t A eonyentlon of whistoj men, who ! Uht ChOrUrttC Vy00tnJtr. bdfcre there ia too great a production 01 1 "fly article, IS veuig uoiu u viuvui- THE ASSASSIN'S TRIAL BY TELEGRAPH COAX,! A BLCUAe THUESDAY, NOT 17, 1881. -Offer forty thousand applications are now before the Iriah Land Coort The French people pay annually 618, 000,000 for the game tbej eat Bismarck la irritable. He i suffering from neuralgia and the result of the late elections. The Lord Major of London receires a salary of $50,000 a year. He is elect ed and serres one year. The Hew York Herald reports that there is a downward tendency in the price of table supplies. Guileau's divorced wife has been summoned to testify as to bis insanity. Bhe 11 res at Denver, Colorado. Capetown, sooth Africa, shipped fourteen hundred and forty pounds of diamonds to Europe last year. a-a The f attire is an enigma," says one of our exchanges. True; and just about this time one of the most enigmatical of enigmas. The London Times estimates the loss to American commerce through the lack of American shipping to be $80,-000,000. nail to effect if possible, a combination all oyer the country to make a pro rata redaction of production. . ' mm I mm.. The plan of the nayaj.adrisory board recommends to the Secretary of the Hayy the construction of forty-one new ships Of war, at a cost of $31,000,000, to I be mostly of steel, also ten snips to do built of wood. Of all the ships built before and since the war there remain but twenty-one fit for service. THE TVELTE J17BOBS SYTOKtlf 3? ;,. i wl Cgeatfef Seth Low. of Brooklyn, a young mil lionaire; was elected mayor of that city. He announced from the beginning that he would not pay a cent to forward his canvass, and he did not His success was as merited as was the defeat of As tor, wbo essayed to buy a yictory. How shines this example when contrasted with the corruption of Virginia? Dead eels are polluting the drinking water in Boston, and now the Boston ians are objecting to eel-soup dealt out to Atlanta. In that way. Miss Til ton, daughter of S. J. Tilton, 1 of Tilton, New Hampshire, is about to get married, and has supplied herself with $5,000 worth of weddingclothes. Augusta Chronicle: The tone of Gen. Sherman's speech, yesterday, in Atlanta, was manly and inspiring. Time, which has not dimmed the rete- ran a eye, nas meuowea toe out sol dier's heart If we interpret the tone of our dispatches, he was received in a respectful, unostentatious manner, and took part in the reunion of Mexican veterans, where his record was proba bly most satisfactory to all parties as sembled. As a general and distinguish ed man, Gen. Sherman is entitled to re spect and as an American citizen he commands the courtesy of Southern Sttt Iatcrot Takw am tt BMpMttkU the An Appeal tm tma ImgmX Pw ess-test f a Help aaa ChimIi WMlch SMewfcst Cheeky Washtkotok.D. C. Kov. 16. The at- tendance of spectators in the eourt room this morning shows that public enriosttv is increasing; and a desire to witness the proceedings is dailyv grow ing stronger among me mgner classes in the community. There is a much larger proportion of ladies and well rireftMdneoDla in attendance than on either of the first two days of the trial. Ttefora io o'clock every space in the rnnm was occnDied. The lawyers on pithpf wide soon filed in and made their way with difficulty to their respective tables. The judge entered and the court was opened with the usual pro clamation. Thereupon Guiteau was hroncrht into court by police offi cers ana deputy marsnsus arm. uemg Hved of his handcuffs took his usual seat between his lawyer, Mr. Scoville, on one side and bis brother ana sister nn the other. . The nine furors already selected and worn were called and answered to their names, and then the names of the 7 men eomoosine the panel for this morninj? were called. There were but f w absentees. Then the work of test ing their individual qualifications to sit as inrors in we case reran, oevi ul the nnit batch confessed to having en- tprtainml verv decided opinions as to the prisoner's guilt One of them, how ever, a laborer named Thomas, declar ed that he had neither expressed nor formed an opinion, that he cannot read and that he had never held any con ver- flAtinn whatever on the subject Mr. Scoville remarked that this man was Ahnntthe kind of tnror tnattne law lies, Gentlemen S3 THE FA BE TO ATLANTA. The great Italian tragedian, Ernesto Rossi, will be in Richmond on the 30th and 81st of December and play Othello, Romeo and Hamlet. The Fort Wayne (Ind.) Gazette says: 'Senator Voorhees will be a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the Presidency in 1884. This is settled." Miss Lillie Duer, of Focomoke City, MtL, who two years ago shot her friend, Ella Hearn, convicted and sent to the penitentiary for a short term, was mar ried last week. Having carried Virginia, it is said that Mahone aspires to the Presidency, which is just a few rounds higher in the ladder than Billy thinks of climb ing, in our estimation. The Augusta Rem thinks Gen. Sher man showed good sense in refusing a public reception at Atlanta, and that the committee displayed very little sense in proposing it The New York sanitary board is raid tag the cheap lodging bouses, where lodgers are crammed into small apart ments without a view to comfort or sanitary regulations. Jay Gould's blackmailer is a real Colonel who fought in the Union army. He is most respectably connected, sup posed to be rich, and had gone crazy over Wall street speculation. There are two parties in Cleveland quarreling oyer the location of the pro posed monument to the late President Garfield, one wanting it on a public square in the city, another at Lake view Cemetery, where it ought to be. East Flanders was naturally the bar renest part of Belgium. Cultivation has made it a garden, which em ploys and f eedslOOpeople to the square mile. That's agriculture for you ! The Governor of Virginia is elected for four years, so that Mahone and Cameron have a pretty long pull at the State, and time enough to lay wires for the next presidential election. There is not o much pistol talk in Virginia now, but much mourning on one side and rejoicing on the other. No good in repining. The Democrats have learned the value of organization. Mr. Flower paid his individual elec tion assessment to the campaign fund, and not another cent Many Republi cans voted for him, because they had heard his opponent Astor, openly boast that he could buy any New York dis trict for thirty thousand dollars. Ninety-five per cent of Mahone's men are negroes. Now let us see if tbey will be content with 5 per cent of the spoUfty Augusta Chronicle. Con tent or not content that's as much or even more than they will get and there won't be much of a revolution in the camp over It Oulteau says he foresaw civil war in the clash of factions of the Republican party last spring, and the Lord inspired him to remove the President Ha alone of all the Republicans had the brains to conclave and the -nerve to execute; that the Lord employs no incompetent agents. But It does seem that the Lord employed a "bad marksman." people. Further than this, we see nom ine significant or auspicious in his visit nteniDlated but that the defence did I . . . w-w A -1 11 1 not want nun. .tie tnereiore enaiieug ed him peremptorily. The next a colored barber named Williams, answered all the questions in Roc.h a manner as to show that be was nnt rtiftnnalified and in his case too per emptory challenge was interposea by the defence. Wm h: Bra wner. commission mer chant being closely questioned by Sco- HOVDCBXaiB. 1881 :-: si - r - ii. VSjIIBraK. K. C. Rilrtl 'IiHiMitlif mrlAt at EjOfe. BotfadaUjtzaJtnedSl.5;eoodaaaliMMi S2.U0. Tar Ann at S240. Crude terpentine arm at S2.00 hard; S3.60 for yellow dip; S2 80 forvirgtn interior. Co n quiet; prime while 75; mixed 7a Bautixdsx Koon-Vlonr mtOwrn. and steady: iiowara street ana western super 4,5a5o-bO: extra $S-26a5 .farally . $d25a$6-50; eitj mis, soper$5Xoa$S7T xtra $.00aSrL5O; family S7.75aS8.00: Kfc brands a7.50as7.tf2.- Patapseo family S&2& yrbeat-fiootbern easy, and quiet; Western weak: Southern red SL35a $1.42; do amber Sl.46ail.62; .UaJ.1 Maryland red SL48tta$L49; Ke.2 Western winter red spot ana novemoer - 9lVW3lJtm, veeemner IL40aSV4U January SL44s1.45; Tebraary L48a$l.4& Corn-Southern steady: Western ami ana easy reeatoera wntte 67a70; da yeuow 67a7a BiUDHa Nicht Oats ateadr: Sflntbera 60a52; mixed wiern watte 60al; do mixed 48a49; FenniylTania 49a52. Bye dull at S1.05. nay swaay; prune to enoiee Pennsylvania ana Maryland 18a24. Provtetons qmet and stead: s porx MiBS&a. tmk. meats snsmders and dear rib sides tpaeked&kalO. Baooa-snoalders Ws: clearrU) sides 11: bams 18ttal4 Lard -reflned 12V. CoffM doll and nom'l; Elo cartoe ordinary to fair eall. Sam steady-A soft 10 wbttkey qmet and ncs&nal, at SLlBwai.io. Jreigtus quiet. Itsw TOBK Sontnem floor notet imehansed: common to fair extra aS.90aS&S6; good tocnoice do aa.90aS8.6O. Wbeat kalUe lower, elosed firmer; imcraaed red Sl.24aSl.45; nngrad ed spring S1.89; mixed winter SL39; tmcraded white ai2a$L43Vi; Ma a red and November l.42ta3l.43Vx; beeember S1-44&45; Jannary 17al.48. Corn opened VgaHtfi lower, and eioeea stroncBr. Mtter export business; angraded oiao; no. wmte ; yeuow 72w a Novem ber 67Vfea68; December 68i4a69W: January 70 a71. Oats a shade tower and fairly active; No. 8 47. CoCee fairly doll and tmcnanged. Sogar quiet and unchanged; Molasses sugar 7Vk; eentrt- rogai ; iair to good refining hal: rennea steady; Standard A 9& Molasses doll and weak: trorvo iucu ooaoo; -new crop new vmeaBs 65a70: old do 86a60. Blee in fair demand and steady. Bosin auiet. at S 35aS2.40. TurDenUne doll and weak at 55. Wool about steady and quiet; dometiefleeeeS4s48; Texas 16a32. Pork dull, at $17-60; Morember. ; ianoary $18.00- a$18.25; middles dull and weak; long dear 9; short clear 9. Lard lower; $11.87tta$U.40tt; November $11.40a$l 1.45; December $11.37a- $11.45; January . jrnegnts nn&er. w. ... CAKSOT FAIL TO BX SDTXKD IN Qmm stock mm wmrm ajnd shoes OR TflB 'EAIX AND WINTER TRADE. TXTX guarantee that every pair of 8HOX3 we sen sban be found ust as represented, and shall allow no boose to gtre yoa better goods Uun we do for the noney. Onr stock has been carefully selected wttb a riew to the wanU of all classes of customers, and comprises a fun line of beautiful and seasonable gooda,of the very best qaalltyaiid an gradi from the fn Heaviest Brogan. It yoa wish to get roar boots and shoes to nUTtan4atUlow Give us a can. A. E. RANKIN k BRO., sepl3 ' " ' Central Hotel Bloet. Trade 8twt -rTNPttWntniNTTO ATTRACTION! . U OVBU HALF A MILLION DL3TBTBUTXD j A SXwdificavtioa of tbe Rates. The Obsebteb has taken an active interest in the Atlanta Exposition, and whatever will tend to its success ss the grandest exponent of the material re- Yn nvani m a - r A A t A. 1 1 7 m a i J aonrces oi tne aouw wax, uas vecu ei- i kv thA irovernment. was accepiea ana bibited in our day and generation, and as there was some complaint about tbe time allowed for the validity of tickets sold, we have taken the trouble to write to headquarters for an official state ment about the matter. In the reply, which we give below, it will be seen that tbe time for the va ladity of the tickets, sold via the Atr lanta and Charlotte Air-Line Railroad, has been extended two days ; that is, they are good one day going, four days (instead of two) in Atlanta, and one day returning from the exposition : MAJ. POPE'S LETTER. To tbe Zdltor of The Observer: Richmond, Va, Nov. 14. Yours of November 12th has my immediate at tention. The period of validity for round trip tickets between Charlotte and Atlanta is six days, being one day going, four days for staying in Atlanta, and one day for returning. If that should not prove satisfactory to visi tors, I will increase the period of va lidity. I am very much obliged for the interest you take in the matter. We had carefully considered the best meth ods for the sale of these round trip Atlanta Exposition tickets, consistent with protection of all other passenger interests involved. I do not think it would be difficult for harmonious parties of ten.twenty.thirty or forty to be gotten np in your city and section, ana 1 pre sume that said parties would prefer to be enabled in this way to make their own selection of those to compose a group of visitors than to be compelled to participate in miscellaneously form ed excursions. In reference to the arrangements for the Georgia roads for visitors, I beg leave to say that they have only per mlttedXhe use of the one cent per mile rate on one given day in each week. Tbe system we have adopted enables the formation of parties at will on any day in the week. If, later in the season when the pro gramme for the exposition for the fu ture developes itself more definitely, we find it necessary to arrange for particu lar days for particular cities or towns, each question can be considered upon its own merits. The one cent per mile rates used on the Georgia roads that you refer to, on ly permit a three days validity, viz: one day to g, one day to stay and one to return ; and from some of the points near Atlanta only 24 hours validity is given. You will see. tlu refor. , bur position is very different from roads immedi ately in the vicinity of Atlanta who can transport to and from their homes large numbers of people in a very few hours time and without there being suf ficient miles or money involved in their transportation to enable revenue de rived from regular through travel to be affected thereby. l beg to assure you, uowever, that we are ready and anxious to do all that is possible to promote the success of the exposition from the standpoint of transportation, consistent with all other passenger interests, both local and through. We endeavor to keep a supply of sin gle individual and contract group tick ets on hand at Charlotte and all other leading stations, and I presume that trips to Atlanta are always the subject of several days discussion and arrange ment by intending visitors and that it would not be difficult for them to make up their parties and give us the reason able notice we ask. Very respectfully, A. Pope, G. P. A. The Observes, has registered about twenty names of parties who desire to visit Atlanta about the 22d, and will be glad to assist farther in making up parties who desire to take advantage of tbe reduced rate. oottoh. . GALVXSTOH eteady inrlddlmg 1 1U flow middling lie; good ordinary lOtte; net receipts 2,940; cross ; sales l.vzv: stock vo,Uol; exports coastwise ; to urea Britain ; u eona- nent : to Trance . Nobjolx Steady; middling lllfc; net receipts 128: cross : stock 65,489: exports eoasN wise 1,435; sales 2,164; exports to Great Britain ; to continent . BiXTOfOHa Steady; middling llftc; low mid dling 1114; good ordinary 10J; net receipts 81; gross oiz; saies : wcx zo.ou; exports coastwise ; spinners 75; exports todreat. Britain 800; to continent RnsToM Firm: mlddltnc 12e: low mlddlrnc llc; good ordinary 10c; net receipts 1392; s l,4Ui: saws : mock o,4zu; exponsio Great Britain ; torranee. WrLMHTGTO -Firm ; middling HUe; low mld- siinv io H i Be: cood ordmarT B!m: reeewts lAsoSt gross sBisaies -j mom tft.iuft ex ports coastwise -; to ureal Britain to continent -, FeoladxlfhXA Firm; middling 12c; tow middling llMc: good ordinary low; net receipts , 70: cross L47U: saies ; spinners ozo: si l.lStt; exports ureal Britain ; io oannnent tauifiana State lottery Company. IiMornorated In 1868 for 25 -years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes wun a eapttai oi x-i.uuu.uw u wnie a fund of &hfiO.OOO has since been added. By an overwhelming popular rote Its franchise was made a part of tbe present State Constitution arinntnd December 2d. i. 1. 1879l Its GRIND SINGLE NJJMBXB Drawings wOl take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the f oTlow- ng distnouaon: tW GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, daring which wOl, take ptece tbe 139th Grand moatblr -AID THJS- XXTRAORDINABT SEMI-ANNUAL DRAWING At New Orleans, Tuesday. December ISttU 1881, ' TJader tbe personal anpeTvlsioti and manage ment of Gen. G. T. Bit AUB KG ABD, or Xionisiana, and Gen. JOBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia CAPITAL PEEK, $100,000. W None. Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, $5. Fifths, 82. Tenths, Si. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 Capital Prize of 81 00,000. . 1 Grand raze oi oo.uuu.. i.T ... , "yw - ' 3 ifil rlnW sworn, makinsr the tenth juror in thA raw Ofto. T. Keen, in response to interlocutions, said there was nothing under the sun which could change the opinion he had formed, and several nthpw opntlftmen were as decided in their answers asasMr.Keen. During the examination of talesmen, the fol lnwinor statement was prepared by ftnitaan. cooied bv his brother, and given to the press: Tn t.Kf. Tmil Profession ofAmerioo.' T am on trial for my life. I formerly Tjracticed law in New York and Chica go, and I propose to take an active part in my defence as I know more about my inspiration and views in tbe case than any one. My brother-in-law, Geo. Scoville, Esq., is my only counsel and I heaxtilv aDDeal to the legal profession of America for aid. I expect to have money shortly so I can pay them. I shall get it partly from settlement of an old matter in New York and partly from the sale of my book, and partly from public contribution to my defence. My defence was published in the New r TT.TJ j nflu Attt an1 in x ui. 4crun vu. vvww v, i CHAHTjraTOH Steady; middling 1 my speech published November 15th, diirn goodordiriarr logc yesterday. Any well known lawyer J 5,oiOj gSss ; sales 8,000; s of crinunai capacity, aesiring w aaausi n mv defencfl will ulease telearraDh without delay to George Scoville, Wash ington, D.C. If for any reason appli cation be refused the name will be withheld from publication. Charles Guiteau. In Court, "Washington, D. C Novem ber 16th, 18SL T. Heinlein, an iron worker, has been sworn as eleventh juror. Joseph Prather. commission mer chant, accepted and sworn as twelfth iuror. A recess of half an hour was taken, and when the court re-assembled the oath was administered to the jury. The District Attorney then said it had been customary in cases of this kind to allow the jury one day to make ar rangements relative to business mat ters, and therefore he asked for an ad journment until to-morrow. Scoville arose and disclaimed all and any responsibility for the papers writ ten ana given out oy uruiteaa to uie press. Guiteau sprang to his feet, and in an excited manner said: MI desire to be heard. I appear here in a dual capa city; first, as prisoner, and second, as counsel; and I want to have a final say in this matter. When I request coun sel, the court can assign them ; that pa per was addressed to the legal profes sion, and I expect many responses to it I want it understood that I appear here in part as my own counsel, and until I request counsel I propose to defend myself.'' The prisoner then resumed his seat The manacles were placed upon his hands and the court, at 1 :45, adjourned until to-morrow. am i i aw ..8100,000 50,000 .. 80.000 .. 20,000 ... 20,000 .. 20.000 500....... 25,000 800. BU.UU 200 40.00 inn 60.000! 10 100,000 20,000. 10,000 6,000. 1,000 fiAtAiTHAH-Ftrmer; middling 1114c: low mid dling 10e; good ordinary 1038.; net receipts 6,146; gross 6,248; sales 4,100: stock 8,82; exports coastwise 1,785; to ureal amain : to rranee ; to consmem oo. Nxw Celiacs -Steady; midtfttng liiAc; low mldobng 1 lle; good ordinary lOfte; net receipts- 16,578: gross l lAsoz: saies ',wu; swck jzjuku. exports to Great Britain. 4,200; -to rranee to coastwise 8.686: to cuntmeot 4.850. Mobil -Quiet; middling llfec; low mwdllri lie; good ordinary low; net receipt ii77 gross : saies i,suo; mock 21.00m exports coast 1,725; France ; to Great Britain . lixxraia Firm ; middling llle; receipts 3.866: sbipments 2.125; sales 2,100; wocx 65463. atjotjbta Virm: middling 10e: low mid dling lOHe; good ordtnarr 10c; reeelpu 2,083; snlpmeots ; sales 1,832. CHAKLxaTOH Steady; middling llej low mld- l; net reenpa stock 10T.962; exports eoastwiss -; to - ureal urHaui ; to continent 603: to France ; to channel Nxw Tobx Cotton steady ;sales 1,797; middling uplands 11 The: middling Orleans 12tte; con solidated net receipts 41,252; exports 10 Great Britain 5,168; to France ; to continent 10,903; to cnannei . T.rmMMb Noon Firmer: middling nr lands 69-16d;middllng Orleans 6 iri6d;salesl5,- 000; ipecmauon ana export z.uuo; rerpts American 18,000. Uplands low mlddung clause: November deUrery d; November and De cember d; December and January 6 9-16d; January and February d; February and Marcu q; jurcn ana .pru o i-iou; Anru and May 6 23-82d; May and June 6 SAd; June and July d; July and August a. smures suMuy. Lttxbpool. 5 p. m. Sales of American cotton 9.200; uplands Jow middling clause: Norember deUvery d: Norember and Deem beer 6 17-32d; December and January 6 9-1 6d ; Jan'ry and Febru ary d; February and March d; March and April d; April and Mar a; May and June d; June and July 6 25 82d. Futures closed weak. FUTURES. Nxw Tori -Futures closed firm. Sales 106,-000. Norember JHl?? 1 Grand Prize of 2 Large Prizes of 4 Large Prizes of 20 Prizes of 50 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 200 Prizes of 600 Prizes of 10,000 Prizes of APPBOXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes of S200...- 920,000 inn Armroxtmation Prizes of 100 10.000 10O Approximation Prizes of 75.... 7.500 11,279 Prizes, amormting to .. 5 522.5C0 Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of La. tmm,a.,.n Gen. JUBAii J.KAKi,!, of va. j ' Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the office or the company la New Orleans. Write for circulars or send orders to 2d. A. DAUPHIN Ne Orleans, Louisiana, Ot M. A. DAUPHIN, at - - No. 212 Broadwaj. Tew Yoik. NOTICK TO THBfUBLIC. ' ' The public are hereby cautioned against Rend ing any money or orders to NUNES & CO., 83 Nassau street. New Yorlc City, as authorized by the Louisiana State Lottery Company to sell Its tickets. They are flooding tbe country wltb BOGUS CIRCULARS purporting to be of tbe Louisiana State Lottery . Company, and are FRAUDULENTLY representing themselves as Its agents. They have no authority from this com pany to sell lb tickets, and are not lis agents for any purpose. v k ninuuiM Pres't Louisiana State Lottery Co, New Orleans, La, July 4. 1&81. nov8 SSth. POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF TUX December.. January.... February- March Anrtl May June July . August .... Tits Weather, Wasttington. Nov. 16. Middle At lantic, slowly v rising temperature and slowly falling barometer, southeast to southwest winds and generally fair For the South Atlantic, slightly the southern portion local rains, falling barometer and northeast to southeast winds. For the Gulf, Tennessee and Ohio Valley, partly cloudy weather followed by local rains, stationary or a slight rise in temperature, winds mostly irom east to south shifting to westerly in the Uhio Y aiiey ana railing barometer. A Chinese woman was shot in Cam Cook Alley, San Francisco, last Thurs day night, by a Chinaman, because she splattered some water on him while washing her feet, and that means, ac cording to Chinese superstition, a grave disaster. She tried to placate him with coin and candy, but he swore he would have to kill somebody and shot her. A Boston gentleman, eminent for bis heavy and successful operations in mines and mining Industries in the far West, made the following statement to a group of Northern and Eastern capi talist!: I bave been two full days ex amining the mineral display at the At lanta Exposition and X am so astonish ed over that hitherto unnvaiea show ing of precious raeUls, base metals and wide range of minerals generally, that it seems almost impossible to believe my eyes. I cannot yet quite compre hend that this great metallferous belt, of the South unequal in uw Mountains." - ' : Itwpwrt af Treasurer Wwrta an the ranalag- of Ola Danas Faar Mll llaas StUl oat. BALKIOH. N. C Nov. 16. Th RUta Treasurer of North Carolina reports that over eight millions of old North Carolina bonds have been funded into new four per cents under the compro mise act of March, 1879. The time within which the act oper ates is now drawins to a close and all operations of exchange will cease Jan- i uan 'the first There art .about four million dollars of the old debt still un presented, tbe holders not having avail- u buouisoivrs oi uie acx. Oae Dls ay aa Acetaent, the Other by His Owi Hani Galveston. Nov. l6-AdisDatohto the news, xrom urennam, says : nm. Mnnroe, a cigar maker, ' was . run over and killed by the north bound express to-aay. ,: A dispatch to the News, from gal phur Springs, says: "8. B. Fritchard. i late of the Arm of Norsworthy & Fritchard. merchants of this place, com mitted suicide at xexarxana yesterday by cutting his throat. The avenues, leading to an early grate have ten bean opened by eough .or eciav ' Thonsandt have been ourcd and saved by pi. Ball's eouga syrup, it i cneap, oniy zoo a pouie. - - Mr. J.J. Schubert, Kankakee, I1L, wrUit My mother has been a offerer with Innimmslory rheumatism for the last 15 rears, la which Urns he has tried numerous remedies without relief, At last her llmbi became io swollen that the oouid not go about, and I gave np' an hopes of her recov ery. Aa t final resort, I Med St. Jacobs OIL The application gave her relief end tbe use of six bot tles has performed a cure. em eaa go about as .H--I i H Jlii-I1 (4i rmi, to tha best methods and remedies; for the enm annaUnatlon and disordered Uver and kidna - r. : .l... ..aaj. vmaawim. . - .n most u ubr tar the best medicine siown. Its stioni prompt, thoroaga and lasttnsva Donl take. puis aodother mercurials that poison the system, hut PT Using sooner-wur restore iiim WHum aguon oz an im ersnns. w wmun , tim ntn mnA instM of math are restored tn faded or gr-.y hair by the use L V222J mvwb jroip w jniiDgw vl.:.i pfrfume and purity. . ataok Market .. . ' Nkw Youk,Nov. 10.-11 a. rhv-The Stock market was irreffular and unaet tied at the opening and in early deal" ?' ings prices declined ft fraction for most of tbe list,' Soon, however, epeculiit lrr beeamagtronir and an advance of M ia 1 per cent, took rtttct.UuwbichTBaaa PttClftfl. Va m Ynrk Vntral and North ern raciao were meet prominent,- tnie A-acina man was an exception . ! BaoolnaM a'i .oarssiMuui, eougn ad prasMrtty devend to a very great kgoodbMltn, All ttose Buttering irom , sold ot soughs, should try Dr. Bull's imp, it suns Da tews onli25c tntr. w ? f lUl fWCB - T ? tnva'td tfe.' lster. mother, m aarttbtor; banVie' f Bitters. Will yoa let them suhbc vwa m easily 11.03a 94 12 12a. 14 12.8181 12.51a.52 12-68ar4 12.75a.76 12. 80a. 88 12.65a.96 18.fc2a.04 FINANCIAL. Toss. Kxw Xxehange, y Governments Irregular New 5's,.... ..k......... roar and a hair per cews roar pereents - Money ; State bonds dull. Sub-treasury balances OokL..... 8rocxa Irregular and weak and closing firm: Alabama-Clagi A,2to5 H4 ou 4.80 101 1.18 . l.lftMi 4ao $82,116,481 4,871,790 In the City of LouiSTine, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1881. These drawings oocur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court on March 81, rendered the following decisions: 1st Tnat the uommonweaiui uisinDuaon uon pany la legal. oh its dm wines are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fond. Bead the list oi pruas roc tne NOVEMBER DBA WING. 1 Prize, SSO.000 1 Prize, 10,000 1 Prize, - 6.000 10 Prizes, S1.000 each, 10,000 20 Prizes, 600 each,... 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each 10.000 200 Prizes, 50 each 10,000 600 Prizes, 20 each 12.00U 1000 Prizes. 10 each,. 10,008 9 Prizes, 8800 each, Approxlmatton Prizea S2.70C 9 Prizes, 200 " " " " l,80u SprtoS; 100 " " " " 900 1,960 Prizes $112,400 Whole Tickets. 82; Half Tickets. SI; 27 Tickets, Sou; oo iicxeis, aiuu. Bemit Money or Bank Draft in Letter, or send by Xxpresa. DON'T BEND BY REGISTERED LETTKB OB POSTOrriCB ORDER. Orders of S5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Address all orders to B. M. BOARD MAN, Conner-Journal Bunding Louisville, Ky., or 809 Broadway New York. novi Class A, small.. ....... Class b, o;s...,. aasiC. 4's..... rhiMM and Northwestern " . preferred Brie... ,4. Bast Tennessee. Georgia i Illinois Central...... ,r-l AJona oj 1.28 1.42 .1.62t.66 IiOmsTille and Nashville .. Memphis and Charleston... Nashville and Chattanooga New i ore central Pltttbtrrg. Blchmond and Allegheny. Richmond and Danville... Dime, Il&n1 - - Wab&ah, Bt. Louis & Pacific. ?8B 1.21 96l 85t 1.8914 1.88 preferred, . 42Vi .1H 1.8514 48 Western Union CITY COTTON MARKET. Omei of Thx Obssbvxb. l Chabuxtti, November 17. 1881. 1 - Tha market resterday e!osd steady at the follQW- ing Quotauonsi GoodMldonng...., , Strictly middling,.. MltVtifttg, , Btriot low miooung. i Lowminfliing........ rmgoa........ Storm eotton. Bales reeterdar 858 bales. It li ""V!,,, BURGESS NICHOLS, IIS 104 BEDDING, &C, irsuLmoi Cheap Bedsteads, AHB LOOHSKa. Parlor & Chamber Onita. wsrg.at W. T. BLACKWELL & CO. Durham, M. C. K&nfactsren ot tke Origiail and Only Oeouin DO TOBACCO Mar 22 ly Onr claim for merit is based b pon the fact that a chemical f analysis grofTi in our scctica Is better adapted to make aGOOD JURK, sa.tii;iiioioi-T eni..ko Uiaa ANY! OTHET. t oba c in awn T n t w W tljic HE:2T or t?iL? ine tobacco r section, lxs.T tbo 1'lCisof ne offcrintTs. T pa" Lc .as-! preciate tms ; hence oj- sales ', EXCEED the products of ALL. & tha lofU-ln manuiiictci ice. coki- ban &t iradtmari 'of lie BJ1. ft JJtiscellancotts. SUscjellauecats. DR. C. W. BENSON, ot Baltimore. Md., Inventor and proprietor of the celebrated Celery and Chamomile Pllla. These pills are prepared expressly to core Sick Headache, Nervous Head ache, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Paralysis, Sleep lessness and Dyspepsia, and will cure any ease, no matter how obstinate, if properly used. They are not a cureall, but only for those special diseases. They contain no opium, morphine or quinine, and are not a purgative, but regulate the bowels and cure constipation by curing or removing the cause of it They have a charming effect upon the skin. and a lovely quieting effect upon tbe nervous sys tem, simply by feeding its ten thousand hungry, yes, In some cases, starving absorbents. Thej make or create nerve matter and give power, force and buoyancy to the nerves, and in that way in crease mental power, endurance and brilliancy of mind. Nobody that has a nervous system should neglect to take them two or three months in each year, as a nerve food, If for no other purpose. Sold by all druggists. Price 50 cents a box. De- not. 1 rm North Eutaw street. Baltimore. Md. Br mall, two boxes for SI or six boxes for S2.50, to any address. . DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINCSonallpvtaafttis bo&r. It make tha uia wHua, aon na Bmoota nmoTca tan and flreekjes, mad Is tbe SOCST tenet dreBtisgin THX WORLD. ZtegasSr P TO. two bottle in ona package, eoasfetiiic of both tntnrnal and external n flrrt dam, druggists havtt. PtiMei.perpsckagS. JpOB MUSIC , At Vt the regular price, eta as EDWMS'BOOKSTOBJL EBS. LTDIA E. PIKKBIO, OFLTIH, SUSS., . ..... . H a., i. ...... .... .Cttarlau Fro4nea market NOTZMBKB 15. 1881. BTJTIM0 PBICIS. Ooair, per bosft'l MSAfrf, i'9 ffi . ..'..... WHAT, ..,........... Bsams. white, per buehel...... .. Pas. Ci. per bMh. WtuU, " frirn. family. ... .... ..'... .... t ... Extra. miiiii ii .... Oats, belied, DBanFatrtT ' Apples, per lb... .. Peaches, peeled m-. ..... m .,.. . - ? l7npeeksd4...nM..... . Blackberries POTATOSS 'Sweet. . . . . . . ...., Bui'isu North O Sees, per dossa rouvm .Cblckens. , pnn Dneka. 1 ISriAM w-m . "1 , W,.... ....... ........... 51 TO THBB I OIVB B5AX.TB. . "Kxoellent Tonic, Alterative and Diuretic M liuwtaHrai T.nihhT(r. VS. ' "Used with great benefit in Malaria and Dipa-theria."-a F. Dupon, M. D., Ga. , "RnrwwwtniiT nsd in dyspepsia, chronw diar rhoea and scrofula," Prot 8. Jackson, M. D., Univ. Perm. , . . "Invaluable as a nervous toalo.n Hon. L C fowler, Term. , , . , "Recommended as a prophylactic tn malarial "Bestores debilitated systems to health.'-T. C "Adapted in chronlo diarrhoea. eerofula, and OSMpela.-'' Geo. T. Harriaon, M, D., N. Y. eooeessful In diphtheria and neuralgia."-J.P. Nanas. If. d.. N. C "SfceUeniforeertato diseases peculjar towo Mtn.T' Prof. J. J. Moorman, M. CJ. - . "Prompt to relieving headache, stek ana ner Touv' Rev. m a rxd8on, : ,i : Z "Used with great benefit In dyspepsia.'1 J. Mo Bglph.ILlX.Ta. . ... . luited to Mononios ana diseases ox aigesare W. Ti ROUSntOn. M. IJ.. A la. female dls-j L.L.D. os. F. Bumroia, ilk, GENERAL FEED DEALERS -AHD- MKBCE1NT MEBCHANT CO H M I 88 I 0N OMMISSION CHARLOTTE, II. C. S, WE HAVE NOW ON HAND : Ik Par Grits 2 JUST RECEIVED. CAB LOAD BEAN, CAB LOAD CORN and PEA MEAL MIXED, CAB LOAB WHITE CORN. CAB LOAD YELLOW CORN, CAR LOAD PATAPSCO PATENT PROCESS FLOUR, CAB LOADS TIMOTHY HAY, WILL GLADLY QUOTE PRICES -TO- BOTH THE WHOLESALE and RETAIL T8ADE. Respectfully soliciting a shaie ef your patronage, we are respectfully, nov6 A. J. BE ALL 3c CO. nrsmna" J. f. Houghton: M. D.. Ala. ,nMostvaiabla remedy known for eases.'Wno, Itettsaur, M. D., 'EWaVeurfiUW vtrie.,'-Th( , "Bsnsflolai m Btome derangement and mala rious condlUoas,r,0, M. VaU. M.D Ohia - !,Vbummg oh the complexion, making Tt smooth, els?, poh and oy." Miss M., of a G ' "Tha nrlnaa of ninaMil tanlna iiVanxia fill. '19 4W and , wterauve." uun- i h, va, . awe turn. 7 I tor Mouulm, . . . - W mm m aai : - ,,..,... ..... - iwfjfMwsw aaa mom punner."-H. ru&en ...a... tttUffl hlS!&iml -a 1 r?mpiom irtitt, noon SDDiieftOnn. ' 88a45 aJS?El m inn a. SOU aEBaTBu- uear bio IT . - . Good........ Wait tt IS nwn mm eente.. anl iHun.m( W npniA, 78 Mala r?t 1 Aar27 WILaH 1 Ik 28.60,78 iprlngs begnf 1st JaBa',83 Presl of thecal g.,r.O.S0X174t eh ATtT.Tk VaeADENrahdv uniA . WBISXON CO.. " nonp: v LYDIA E. VE6STJLSLS COMPOUITI). ' ' IsaPoaltrveCnre fa alt UM PaUral Owwslalata sag freakaassee ' It will ear nthW tha worst form of Foniale Oom platnta, all ovartaa trovbiea, raflarmiattan and TJloar tfoa, ralUng and DtoplKwne118. fcadtt coneriien Bptnal WeakneM, and Is particularly adaptod to the Chang ot Lira, - It wul dbtolvs andnpeltunoatnimthsBtarasm an aartjr atagaoC OaTalopment. The tendency toeaa orous humors therei ebecked veryapaedflybyitsaas. jt mwmaifslatniai. flatulency, deatawyaall artng for itlmnlants, and reUeTefweakBcai of theomdu Jt enrei moating, Headaches, Serroes Proetratlon, General WtiBUr, Bleerlfwwiaf, Depreailon as4Iad scatlna That teekng ot bearing down, oaaiing pain, weight and baekaohe, la always parmanently eared byUs ssa.' ItwfflataHwmasaad imderellUrrninafawraiaotta harmony with the laws that govern toe fetnale system.. Tor the ewe ot Kidney Complaints of ettner ajttids OompOondls oiUTirpaaMd. ll ; l.TIA V PX3TKIUJPS TECETABLK COM' FOiraaia prepared at S3 and s Weetem Avenue, jjriin,aia. .Prloe$l. SU bottle for 5. Bent by man theZorm ot ptBs, else la tha form at laeanges, ea t nrioa. tlaerbox for either. Xre.PtnVham rrTLwerelllettfirs of Inquiry.. Bend focpampb- 1V Addreei as above. MmtUm tUm toptr. '". KofanuTy shotaihewiUwrntlTDUl. nHEHAlM XIVKR FILLS. They ear eooattnattaM batovsneat 1 and torpWlty of theUrer. 15 cent per box. r Bow mx .:hptw ... .fc- TBiAjSTTBIHQ. Iia the Bops and Stationery ltnergdto'-? Otul Otto, H, C, , J ff fT. w WM)INS BOOK STTjaa - .srV- thzgxKl ine has acquired a repu tation greater than any medicine extant as the CHEAPEST, PUREST and best family medicine in the world. It acts with extraordinary power and efficacy on the Liver the largest organ of the body, called, from Its Importance, the Hrose-keeper of our Health. When the Liver is torpid, the bowels are i . . .... n ..w. . fiwul IfAa in thA atw mach indigested and poisoning the blood. rre Quent headaches, a feeling of lassitude, despon dency, and nervousness, indicate how the whole system is deranged. 10 prevent a mora eenuuB condition, at once Takfl SIMMOKS LIVES EEQULATOE. The test of time and the experience of thous ands have proven it the best, safest and speedleot remedy for all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen. As a remedy In MALARIOUS FEVERS, Dyspepsia, Mental Depression, 8lck Headache Jaundice, Colic, Constipation and Biliousness, IT HAS NO EQUAL. We eonld fill a ood -sized volume win such like distinguished testimonials as the following: I have used Simmons Liver Regulator for con stipation of my bowels, caused by a temporary de rangement of the liver, for the last three or four years, and always when used according to the di rections with decided benefit. UDXAH WARNER, Late Chief Justice of Georgia. I occasionally ate. when my condition reouires ft, Dr. Simmons Liver Begnlator.witb good effect. ajjU. n. orariL&na. : THI BALTIMORE EPISCOPAL METHODIST says: 1'Slmmons Liver Regulator is acknowleged to have no equal as a liver medicine, containing those Southern roots and herbs which an all wise Providence has placed In countries where Uver diseases prevail " Buy only the- Oehulne In White Wrapper, with red Z. prepared only by J. H. Zellln & Co. v sep3 JjiOB PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, From25e to $20.00, call at SDD1NS' BOOK 6TORE Z. BL TASOaVi W. H Bailxt. VANCE & BAILEY, Attorners and-Oounsellors PraeOce in Supreme Court ot the United States, , unpreme uourt ox Mortn cajonna. jreaerai Courts, and counties of Meekien Cabarrus, Union, Gas . ton, Rowan and D--, ... , .... -t: . . ridson. , , sV Offioer two doors east, or Independence SQuare. -: ;..v. iU ; maj29-tl EO; D. GRAHA1VI, F Uw BtaW ana United Statee Comtt. CoUeo tkms. Home and Foreign, aoitened. AD straots of Tttles, Burveys, o,, tntnlikad for com pens&Oon. Ctootj-R at Corner Tr. Tryon streeU Chartotta,lLa YT

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