LOCAL THURSDAY, NOV. JL7, 1881. SOCIETY P1BECJ0BY. PBALAXX LOD8B NQ, 81, A. V. & A. M. Rgulat meeting every second and fourth Mom ntrtV ErcsLBTOB Looob No, 261, A.F. & A. M. Bee alar meeting every nret and third Tuesday nights? CHABLorm Chaptsk Mo. 89. a. A. M. Secular meeting every second and fourth Friday nights, Chabluttk Cokmakdabt No. 2, X. T. Becular KinaHTS or Hqhob. Regular . meeting even irvTaim ft PtniTit VufnlB - first and third WedneedaysT? 'etoekpum. attta- Charlotti Lodoi Ncl 88.-Meeta every Moo- KBGXLXNBUBO DBCL4BATIOH LODI N(X ft Meets every Tuesday nhrtot. - Drxa Loses No. 10a Meets'every Thursday j irsi uiu uuiu, x uurmutj iiigius ID each tnflnm, , Index u New AdrvTttoaienta. King of the Day. John Craig No: Ice. 4 8. M. Howell Turkeys, &c. A. J. Beall ft Co -20 bbls. Peart Grits. BUSINESS NOTICES. AN ENTHUSIASTIC ENDORSEMENT Gotham, N. H., July 14th, 1879 Gents-Whoever "you are, I don't know; bat I tdat in thU world of aduheraied medicines them la Ana mmmmiiiJ (kt . . j 0 VUw wuiyuuiiu Ulan yivTco aim uues all It all" vertises to do, and more. Poor years ago 1 bad a slight shock of pa'sy, which unnerved me to such an extent that the least excitement would make me shake like the ague. Last May I was induced to try Hop Bitters, "fnied one bottle, but did not' se any change another did so change my nerves that they am mow as steady as they, ever were. It used to take both hands to write; but now my good right hand writes tMs. NevMf you eonttnoe to manufacture as honest and good an article as you do, you wUroramulaas an honest fortune, and confer the greatest blessing on your fellow-men that was ever conferred on mankind. TtjcBubch. MANY MISERABLE. PEOPLE drag themselves about with falling strength, feeling that they are steadily sinking into their graves when, by using Parkers emger Tonic they would find a cure commencing with the first dose, and vitality and strength surely coming back to them. Bee other column. ' Bedford alcm ud Isqh Sfbibos Wats ahd Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains twice as much Iron and fffty per cent, mora alum tnum than any "alum and lrdn mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so feneral. Sold by all druggists of any standing, rices reduced one half, may 11 tf A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and in discretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay oss of manhood, Ac., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FEES of CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America end a self-addressed envelope to the Bzv. 08EPH T. IN MAN, Station D, New York City . BARON VON. HUMBOLDT, In his travels and explorations In Booth America, became deeply interested in the wonderful proper ties of the Coca plant Consumption and asthma, he says, are unknown among the natives who use It. and It is furthermore conducive to longevity. The Coca forms one of the ingredients or the Lie big Co's celebrated Coca Beef Tonic. "It is condu cive to health and longevity. Its use is very bene ficial. Examples of longevity are numerous among the Indians who from boyhood up have used It. Cases are not Infrequent of Indians at taining the great age of 130 years," says Professor J. J. VAN TSHUDi (Travels in Peru, along the Andes, etc.) Be sure to get Lleblg Co's Coca Beef Tonic, as there are worthless counterfeits, it Is Invaluable In dyspepsia, liver complaint, etc. Imi tators will be prosecuted. Mothers! Mothers II Mothers I II Are you disturbed at nurht and broken of vonr rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of eutting teeth ? If so. go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WIN3LOWS SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it : there Is no mistake about It There is not a mother on earth who has ever used It who will not tell you at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operat ing like magic. It Is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the pre scription of one of the oldest and best physicians and nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. TURKEYS, GEESE, CRANBERRIES, Cabbage, Chestnuts, Turnips and Honey, at nov!7 8. M. HOWELL'S. F 'OB HANDSOMELY Illustrated Gift Books in cloth and finer bindings, go to ED DINS' BOOK STORE. NOTICE. CHAR , COL. & AUGUSTA R. R. CO.. Columbia, 8. C, November 14th, 1881. f THE annual meeting of the stockholders will be held In this city, on Wednesday, the 7th day of December next Stockholders and the mem bers of their famlles will be pussed to this meeting- JOHN CRAIG, uovl7 2t 'Ass'tSetfy. c0 Old THE old Oaken Bucket The iron-bound buftkflt. : The moss-covered bucket, That nung in the well. CHAS. B. JONE8. Charlotte. N.&, Sole Agent es" Liberal terms to dealers. . LAND SALE. BVTivV ' 8pertor Court of cltw nt rfTr . " nouse aoev in um -'ij or Lnarlott t.-n a, h- i.nk th lest ln?J?.B3feetex said R w 5S ; mh ownea or gr- Terotcash.T f , JlfO. ft. XftwTJL - " 4W San ", : x i ' . rnrnmlaakmrr. S3 11 (PL5) mm C3 CamTTn. "wniy, in ine ease or tno nvrui 1 wn d CoBanygaiut & M. Grimes, 9 IA.CONIO iacax. E3T"Cotton receipts yesterday .868 bales. itThe fall weddings are getting nu merous. ESTwo days have passed with no re- porcea Durgiarles. 1 Another bar-rooni was opened yesterday on a raae street. t-Meeting of the fire department to- nignc at tne independent's halL tTbe trains for Atlanta are al well filled when they leave here now. IS"The streets are again dry. but not dusty, and the air is just cool enough not too COOL 6"Next Thursday is Thanksgiving day. Turkeys are already plentiful up on the market. lWillie Edouin's "Sparks" combi nation Saturday night at the opera nouse. It is well spoken of. fcff When the water works here are completed the contractors go to Canada where they have a similar contract &Tbe regular evening meetings cf tne Young Men s Christian Association during this, the week of prayer, are rather slimly attended. One hundred and twenty hands passed through the city yesterday bound for work on the Macon & Bruns wick road in Georgia. tSTOne ofr the splendid oaks in the yard of the First Presbyterian church was cut down yesterday, it having been so injured by a storm some months ago that it was dying. t The hole 8 feet deep and 15 feet wide, dug for the foundation of the water works stand pipe, has been filled with cement after a week's work. It will make a very solid foundation. tW Bill Hall, coL has a goat, which fell, the other day. into a well 28 feet 'deep with but a few inches of water at the bottom and was rescued with no perceptible injury and unimpaired di gestion. tW The Supreme Court is now at work on cases from the 6th district. Amonghe lawyers in attendance this week are Messrs. H. C. Jones, N. Du mont, T. M. Pittman, J. H. Wilson and Clement Dowd, of Charlotte. IBThe resignation of J. A. Bixbv. as President of the Independent Hook and Ladder company, has been finally accepted, Mr.. Bix by remains a mem ber of the company. His successor has not yet been elected. tSf-Col. Thos. M. Holt. Dresident: CoLL. L. Polk, secretary, and Hon. Kemp. P. Battle, vice-president, all of the North Carolina Agricultural socie ty, passed through the city last night bound for the, Atlanta" exposition. They were accompanied by several members of the State Agricultural so ciety. IW It is said that Vennor, the great weather prophet, has signified his in- ention of visiting the Atlanta expo sition. Director Kimball will name some day late in December for the visit and it will be known as " Vennor's Day." Look out for bad weather about that time. ITJF'Next Tuesday night the execu tive committee of the Pleasure Club will give a hop complimentary to Mr and Mrs. R. II. Jordan, whose marriage and departure for Chester is announced elsewhere. They return to the city on Monday. The hop will be given in the dining room of the Central Hotel, and bids fair to be the most pleasant occa sion of the season. Got WMIUUUM To-nlgbt. To-night at the opera house appears Gus Williams, the great specialist, who as to0ur German Senator" captured the theatre goers of Charlotte here last sea son. Of the new play in which he ap pears to-night the press has nothing but praise. A large number oi seats nave already been sold, and there is every in dication for a large house to greet the comedian. - i I m I i B Hope tmr tb Old aisvlda. The following results of the investi gations of a curious German in New York will possibly inspire some of our despondent maidens with fresh hope of double blessedness. A German has been making exten sive researches in statistics to find out when eirls marry. Of 1.000 girls 51 mar ried at the age of 19, 66 at 21, 80 at 22, 00 at 23, 99 at 25, 102 at 27, 102 at 28, 05 at 29, 82 at SO, 68 at SI, 61 at 32, 58 at $3, 57 at S4. 53 at 35. 50 at 36. 49 at 37, 48 at 38, 46 at 39, 46 at 40 years of age during the past twelve montns. Deeds and inortgageiu Mr. Cobb, clerk to the register of deeds, reports that an unprecedented number of deeds are being registered now. Many of them are the records of actual transfers of real estate, while there are hIso a number of land and chattel uiortgageS which were taken last spring and not registered from the confidence of the owners that the fall would cancel them all. Bui it has prov ed in many instances a fall of disap pointment, and they now hasten to register their securities. ia i i i i s v fflarrlage Bella, Yesterday morning at 11 o'clock, at the residence of the bride's uncle, Mr. John L. Brown, Mr. K. H. Jordan, a popular young druggist of this city formerly of Chester, was united in mar riage to Miss Mattie Dillard, of this city formerly of Henry county, Virgin- la. The ceremony was performed by the Kev.Dr.A.W.3IUler.of the first Presbyterian church. Both the bride and groom were in full dress, and: the beantv and grace of the former and the manjT'iyesring and dignity of the lat- ter excited me eQiuuauwuu suuutauuu of : the number of friends who assem, bled at the hospitable mansion of Mr. Brown upon the - happy occasion, r Mr Jordan has been ajtftizei for several years, and luring that time has made a y ery tlarite aumber of f riends botlv n spcial and busibes8,cir cles. 1 1 bt- bride was one of the mestat tractive of our city belles. The bridal tmrtv took the, A o'clock train for Ches ter, where last'nigbt theyiwere tenr ed a r reception by the r family of r tne gToprn.: Thty: return to Charlotte jonr Mondaj a4.wili reside here.' marriage lit Steel Craek. f. (-r Mr. John McDowell, son of Mr.' It. W. McDowell, was united in marriage yes terday morning to Miss Emma fteeiy at the residence, in steel Creek township, of Mr. J. a;Heely,the bride's father, formerly a resident of this city. The ceremony was performed by Be v. J. T. Plunkett. pastor of Steel Creek Presby terian church, The bridal party, after the hospitalities attendant upon the marriage, came to Charlotte and took the one o'clock train for a visit to At lanta, ; Sol Saalta BssmU Ctoaatag-. Mr. W. W. Fowler, business manager of Sol Smith Russell, was in the city yesterday arranging for the appear ance of the great comedian in his new play entitled "Edgewood Folks which will be brought out at the opera house on Wednesday evening of next week. Sol has hosts of friends in Charlotte, and as this will be his first appearance here in a regular comedy and surround ed by a dramatic company, a large au dience will be apt to turnout to see how he acquits himself in the role ot an ac tor. "Edgewood Folks" is a bright, clear comedy, and is well spoken pf by the press in other cities. Nortb Carolina miaee Prof. Maillefert, metallurgist, of the Lalor mine in Davidson county, jras in the city yesterday and in response to a question by a reporter of the Observes as to his opinion of the North Carolina mines said: MI have travelled in Cali fornia, Nevada, Colorada, Central America, South Carolina and Georgia and am familiar to some extent with the mines of all of these sections,' and I can say that comparatively the mines of North Carolina have been much un derestimated. They are upon an aver age richer, I think, than those in the sections named. And I think their value will at an early day be very great ly appreciated by the perfection of methods of desulphurization." This opinion is confirmed by that of many experienced and travelled min era. Uncalled for. Ther following is the list of letters re maining uncalled for in the postoffice at Charlotte for the week ending Novem ber7th: William Atchison, Preston Alexan der, S. H. Anton, Lucy Ann Adams, Addie Alexander, Ed. Alexander, Geo. Caldwell, Hallie Bennett, Harriet Brient, David S. Baker, Bettie Berry- hill, J. A. Coleman, J. II. Clarke, Tom mie Conder, Mrs. S. F. Davidson, Miss Sallie Davidson, Chas. Dunn, Charlie Dulin, Chas. Davidson, James A. Fair, William Gilmore, Eliza Greene, Fannie Greene, Miss Glass, W. J. Harrison, William Hunter, Jane Hoover, Jennie Houston, Daniel Hudgins, C. W. Hod ges, Caroline Henry, Mary Ingram, Laura Johnston, Alfred Jones, Charles Kimbo, J. C. McCall, Elizabeth Muse, Mrs. Lelia Meriditb, Mrs. Missonie Moseley, A. Moore (2), D. W. Mitchell, Miss Charlotte Murphy, Lavinia, Par nell, J. A. Prim, Mrs. Amelia or James Rowdon, Austin Russell, Sarah Jane Rainey, Kate Smith, Haywood Springs, Edward Stephenson, Miss Nora Trailor, Mrs. Fely Torrence, Stephen Washing ton, William Walters care of William Brown. When calling for any of the above, please say "advertised." W. W. Jenkins, P. M Lecomotive sparks It is now said that there are two parties bidding for the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad and that a meeting is to be held this week to sell or not to sell. It is thought the road will be sold. The New York and Atlanta sleep- ng cars that were formerly run over the Fredericksburg and Richmond route, now pass over the Virginia Mid- and railway,- giving Richmond the go by. The Spartanburg Herald says of the transfer of the Carolina. Cen tral : We are glad to know this, for Mr. Robinson is a citizen of Baltimore of great wealth, and represents one of the strongest railroad ana steamboat corpo rations in this country. His line is abundantly able to compete witn tne Clyde Syndicate, and we hope that he may be induced to extend nis line irom Shelby to Spartanburg and on to Atlan ta, giving us the great through line which we expected to have had through the Virginia Midland. If so, it may urn out to have been the best for us tnat the Virginia Midland failed to secure this connection, ior Mr. ttoDinson s ines would afford connections just as good, and, in some respects, prefera ble. CSMt from Tale District. The following caies from this district were called and acted upon by the Su preme court in Raleigh on Monday, as is learned from the News and Observer; Court opened at 10 o clock yesterday mnrnincr. All the Justices were res ent. Appeals from the sixth judicial district were called and disposed of as follows: M. L. Davis, administrator, vs. J. L. Watkina et als, from Mecklenburg ; con tinued by consent J. H.Craig vs. Smyer &Lineberger, from Gaston ; put to the end of the dis trict. J. H. Wilson and wife vs. C. J. Line berger et als, from Gaston ; continued, under former order, by consent. W. 8. Brown and wife vs. T. S. 'Coop er, administrator, from Mecklenburg; advisari heretofore taken ; court took the'papers. I L. J. Twitty et als vs. G. W. Logan et als, from Rutherford put to the end of the district J. W. TutUe et als vs. BM. rHarrell from Rutherford; argued- by; Reade, Busbee & Busbee for the plaintiffs; no, counsel for the defendant ' J '. E:D. Hawkins,-admmistratorrvsv-J. H. Carpenter et ate, from f Rutherford; argued by D. G. Fowler for the defend ants; no counsel for the plaintiff. Mary Sooggin vs William Scoggin, from Rutherford ; argued by D. G. Fowle for the plaintiff; no counsel for the defendant 1 . & A. Torrence et als vs. E. C. David son et als, from Mecklenburg ; put off the docket 5 , - W. S. Norment et als vs. City of Char lotte, from Mecklenburg; advlmri here tofore taken: court took the papers. . G. W. Chalk & Company vs. Charlotte Columbia & Augusta Railroad Com pany from Mecklenburg; argued by T, M. Pittman for the plaintiffs, and Wil son & Son for the defendant . . i , Court adjourned until 10 o'clock this morning, when the consideration' of appeals from the sixth district will be .resumed.' " .'x-. , . - lae XAlar ISlaa, . - XtheKmorolTneObaerreE; . 1 Thomastillk,NCJ,Nov. 15, 188L 1 Deab Sib: I findm your paper of tne I2tn instsni ine iouowing article cooled fiwm the Salisbury Watchman THV&txra alias Latlok Situa ted near Thomas villa, is progressing sinking a new smut. 'Aneytare oown in thedeepest shaft 104 feet and in Nou 3, 28 f eet - xney nave pumps,-engines and boilers, and three Chilian mills.' h There is a suit Pendinr which will settle the nxma. One parjy call it the Auen ana uie owier uie xyior.- we cannot take sides; therefore style it as The nnblicatkm of the above notice may possibly be productive of an im- Sression wmcn may resuc xo tne preju ice of the parties now interested in the new organization, which lam sure you would regret, and I therefore respect fully ask space enough in your valuable columns to allow me to give you ashort statement in relation to tnis property now known as "the Lalor Mine." On the 1st of Feb., 1881, the former owners of the property in question eith er on account of the inability of one or more of the co-partners to pay their pro rata of the amount then due, or on account of disagreement among them, lanea to maxe me vnira annual pay ment due on the 1st of Febv 1881, and by the terms of their contract the;prop erty (mineral right only) reverted to the original owner. ' After a delay of ome months Mr. Wm. Lalor, of New York, purchased the mineral right and later he sold it to the "Campbell Mining and Reducing company'' of New York, who now hold it and win eonunne to do so. One shaft, No, l, is 105 feet deep. No. 2, 65 feet, No. 3. 60 feet, all of which are continonsly connected by drift and we are now raising ore of various grades. We do not use any anti-deluvian ma- cnines called Chilian mills as Jd escribed in the above notice they are the prop erty or tne oia company. We are provided with only the most improved desulphurizers, crushers, pul verizers ana concentrator. The law suit referred to is one brought by one of the partners of the old company against his former part ners and has nothing to do with tha name of the mine. I trust you will publish the above, not only in the interest of the mining in dustry of North Carolina,- hut also in that of the company I have the honor to represent. very respectfully yours, B. Maillefert, Superintendent Lalor Mine. Indorsed by the Pacaltt. The re Dotation af Dr. Bull's ooogh syrup has been solely achieved on aeoount of its merits. . Physicians presortbe It Congas ant celts are often Orerlseked. A continuance for any length of time causes Irrita tion of the Lungs or some chronic Throat Disease. Brown's Bronchial ' Troches" are an effectual Cough Bemedy. If the mother Is feeble It is hnnosslble that her children should be strong. Lsdia K. Plnkbam'a Vegetable compound is a perfect ipeclQc in all chronic diseases of the sexual system of women. Send to Mrs. Lydla X. Plnkham, 223 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. The young man or woman who must forsake society because of mortifying freckles, tan, tetter, pimples and Itching exoriatlons of the face, should use some of Dr. Benson's Skin Cure. It cleanses the scalp and Is good for the toilet SYMPTOMS. . Slight pain in the side, the skin and eres assume a thick yellow coat, digestion is impaired, an un pleasant sinking sensation at the pit ot the stom ach Is experienced, the bowels are Irregular, the mind fretful, The memory weakened, sometimes a slight cough, coldness of the bands and feet some times loss of appetite and at others unnatural craving for food, dizziness of the head, blurring be fore the eyes, depressed spirits, bad breath, feel ing of uncertainty of having left something undone but can't tell what It is. Take Simmons Liver Regulator, it wttl remove all these feelings and maaeyoa weu. i i ii Lleblg Co's Arnlcated Extract of Witch Hazel I consider superior to any Witch Hazel in the mar ket" EL B. 8 TOUT, M. D., Jacksonville, da. Cores Piles. 8alt Rheum. Paint al MonthUM. and Weak Byes. Sold in tlfty cents and dollar sizes. . ITS ACTION IS SURE AND SAFE. The celebrated remedy Kidney-Wort can now be obtained In the usual dry vegetable lonn, or hi nqura ronn. u is put in tne tatter way ior tne es pecial convenience of those who cannot readily prepare It It will be found very concentrated and will act with equal efficiency in either case. Be sure and read the new advertisement for particu lars. South and West Saldte aaa Dyspepsia. A most remarkable core for dvanensU. "Well's Health Benewer." The greatest ionic, best bu llous and liver remedy known. SI at druggists. vepot j. l JUAaen, Charlotte, . u TABBAUrS SELTZER AFX2LEST May properly be called the "Hercules" of medi cine, for tt eleanaes Nature's angean atabtes.and ouuws me recuperative powers oi me system ro ao the work of restoration to health. No medicine cures; Nature alone cores. This Aperient opens the proper avenues, the functions are permitted to resume their work, and the patient gets well. ouiu oj mu. aroggisis. Jun5 dkweoddnro jEW TORE JPlANOS, It Is conceded, lead the World. AH the celebra ted New Xork makes are sold at EDDINS' BOOK STORE, At factory Prices. t-AT- ins Landscape Series of the Poets! finely Engraved Landscape Views, whichprinted in suoauea uuis, kivo an eueet novel and pleasing. Each volume has tbdeen- distinct iLand&apet, .lnUi I n tmm tit In titntfMtttranT tlnta Ihna vlrtuajly forming a picture on every page. Cloth, (tttra thick bevelled boards, sunken tvorJne Centres, miW uibuouwu, inn ouu eicgauk in- sign In colors and gold, foil gilt back, ' gltt edges, Siia Persian Moroooo. bevelled full gilt sides and Auks -Jrftt mtmfitmA mtttfh si A7 srwvsa m4I graving, biography Of authors, In laid with sunken lllamlnated satin or calf centre. Each book lna paper box, per voL.... . ....$400 Bjwb, Bun' Caipiell, Coleridge, . 60LD3MTTH, BXMAK9, AQLTOS, MOORE. COWPER, 8HAEE3PEARE and TEN- 'Nothing would be more suitable for a blrta- dl sift or a present to a frtaoda t&anyui one ot Ei Bool Store " OPEKA HOUSE.- I ONE NIGHT ONLYr Thursday, November 17th, 1881. WANTED, A CARPENTER Is the title of An original comedy drama by CoL A. B. Calhoun, (Major A. Rochefort), of the New York Ledger, andG. T. Lanigan, Esq., of the Hew York World, In which the famous Comedian and Vocalist, MR. GUS WILLIAMS, wm appear aa Prof. Conrad Reiser Of tne University of Heidelberg, inventor of the Patent Non-etealable, Reversible, Indestructible, Magneto-Electric, Combined Torpedo UMBRELLA! Contains a 8 word -Cane, a Magnetic Tack-Hammer, a Lady's Tan, fa a Lightning Conductor, Llfe-Pre- seryef, Camp Stool, Cork Screw, and Liver Pad. Tor State or County Rights apply to PROF. KEISEB, NOVEMBER- -1 7th- NOVEMBER LV" Prices aa usual: seat on sale at the nsna Places. JOHN RICKABY, novia Manager. OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Sakday, November 19 th, 1881. Second season and Brilliant success everywhere of WILLIE EDOUIN'S S- -P- -A- -R- -K- -S COMPANY. FRANK W. SAUGER, f Proprietors. Pre seating the Charming Musical Mirth Provoking Concert, DREAMS, OB Fun in a Photograph Gallery A BANQUET OF MIRTH! Laughter Reigns Supreme. Pronounced by both Press and Public the REIGNING ATTRACTION, By far surpassing all others. Reserved seats now on sale at McSmlth's Music House. novlS F OR SCHOOL BOOKS And School supplies, "if you want them cheap, i go to EDDIN8 BOOK STORE. Tnis great specific cures that most loathsome disease WHETHER IN ITS PRIMARY, SECONDARY OR TERTIARY STAGE Removes all traces of Mercury from the system. Cures scrofula, old sores, rheumatism, eczema, catarrh, or any blood disease. CURES WHEN HOT SPRINGS TAIL I Malvern, Ark., May 2. 1881. We have eases In our town who lived at Hot Springs and were finally cured with 8. a S. MCCAKKOV ft MUBST. Memphis, Tennessee, May 12, 1881. We have sold 1,296 bottles of S. 8. 8. in a year. It has gtven universal satisfaction. Pair minded physleiana now recommend it as a positive specif ic. 8. UAN8FIXLD ft Co. Denver, CoL, May 2, 1881. Every purchaser speaks in the highest terms of 8.8.8. itMnssmB. Louisville, Kentacky, May 18,1881. aaa has given better satisfaction than any medicine I have ever Bold. J. A. Fuxkxb. Richmond, Vs., May 11, 1881. - Too can refer anybody to as in regard to the merits of a S. 8. Ptajt Mnxxs ft Co. Have never known S. S. 8. to fall to cure a case Of syphilis, when properly taken. ' - H. L. DSHVABD, . . Eu Wabbxh, Perry, Ga. The above signers are gentlemen of high stand ing. A.HrOOLgom.Gov.of Ga. If you wish, we wm take -your case, TO BE PAID FOB WHEN CURED. Write for particulars, and copy of the little book Message tq the Unfortu nate." , : , i . SI. 000 REWARD will be paM to any enemist who wlU And. on analysis ot 100 bottles oia s7S.r one particle of Mercury, Iodide Poesssjnm. or any minora) substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Proprietors, AUante, Ga : Bold by druggists everywhere. J3f"" Price of large or regular size reduced to Sl-75 per bottle, and small size holding hatf the quantity, price SI. - , - ; nev4 R BLANK BOOKS From 2c each to $45 00 per set, goto EDDLNS' BOOK STORE. Atlantic, Tennessee 'Ohio Railroad ScPKBrjrTKlKirii Ornca, ' 1 ' - Charlotte, ZL C, Oct 18th, 188L f On. and. after Monday, Oct 17th, 1881. the following schedule wn be run over this road: ' : 7 . 'ctonra north. Leave Charlotte.......... v. 4 16 p.m. M Davidson College 5 56 p. m. " Mooresvllle ............ 88 p. m. Arrrve atStatesylDe........... 7 45p. m. , ,. GOING SOUTH. Lea8tatcsvIDew.......r....rv...... 6 80 a. m. MooresvlUe .......,..7.V...... 7 44a.m. DavldsonCoUeg,..... 8 24a.m. Arrive aACAahotte,.. ..10 00 a.m. Mi-it ,-i -f : t Sop, ' -i'Il ;M ill c: "1,1-1 iU ,'.".''' -5;i' --.J ii vu'ih-mi" fa-; ' Chew oalytM braa4 tobacco known as The Cid OakenTBueket . f , . . . i rpHE old Oaken Backet, . ;JL Thelron-boandboeket. j , ; , The mosaeovered backet, . . j , J . Txjjat BBog in the wen. Cnkrlc CUSole AfBU Liberal terms to i ! I "M S"V TTTPiT MTl T M M TT -WVM OUR LARGE STOCK .- n jt s. k . i r t ? " m at r y GREAT SACRIFICES V7E OFFER AT MID BEL0VJ 0ST. We stfflhava a large assortment to select from and we would advise one aod aat&ee and buy their WkMer Goods before th best are sold. "We offer extraordinary bargains In 1 ' - v. - f ' Men's, Boys and Children's Ready-made. QolMngi -v Tndndlng OVSBCOATS for an ages. Dont pay COST. Remember we close oct27 tryon. WILL CLO&' oJJsmnansii?y CALL EARLY AD SEGREBftAI5 goods wixt.'BE sbLijifo'-trri D A A3 n n rl 1 Art This Is positively ft bonaflde sala Yon wonld do well to- eive ua ii-caiTbaforfl purchasing elsewhere, as we mean BUSINESS, . Truly yours, r R O IP1 IES 'lu . " " C : ? " " ; Vr, . i ,j C5 Boffi: 21 23l CRACKERS, illl AjpipIleSa IB J? -AND- MALAGA LLelTBdDy DPsi WE HAVE RECEIVED THE mmm and MtfslMMira EVER Of FERED Odor and Dressing Cases, Box and WILSON & R AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Any style and price, go to EDDIN3' B00K6T0BK New Beef Market. , . I have Just opened a Fresh j. ifc b Meat Market in the build-IT 1 ooe door East from Mayer Boss', si where I will keep a full stock on hand at all times to supply my customers. I am determined to please. I will make a speetaRr of fresh Sausage made for this market Call and try me. novl2 lw M. F. TROTTER. JpOR, FAMILY BIBLES, Teachers' Bibles, Piayer Books and Hymnals, goto KDDLN3' BOOK 8TOEE. Sri il BAf TIliiL' profits when you can buy goods REGARDLESS OT out business by January 1st, 1882. . ; H. MORRIS & BROS. street;, rsrrss v V . sa. - i A k -Sti,A k V.v BullS,A&l II ci f- -f'A-fe.? D D I C K & 0:0. ;r.i, i 'IPairs t . ! GRAPES. if: i) OF- r! a ti rn, f'l i M j i h i. IN THIS MARKET. i Bottle Perfiiues, Card : hirt in, Hit BUR WELL. rpHEEdTEY OKGuk J" X ' - . ' : j l i I Is the best tne -worw over, call at EDDINb BOOK 8ipSE;Mteriry accommodated, and given two years w ft tllA VMAA MUMll. .1.. , 1- walled to ear special brands wf -saleable and staple " tuBoamg xooacoos buong Bull, Durham ixmg Cuts and Rival Dofhanwo which: we are now adding a full line of the latest styles of the most staple grades of Ping and Twist Tobaccos. We -can, in a few weeks, offer Waeements in'Qbewing Tobaccos that n other manufacturers can equal. Our salesmen will make regular tripe to Charlotte, and the trade of all good msrefaants Is respectful ly solicited. : .eu-- r-u E. H. POOUK. t may7 to ,:vDarharalLC., JiOB WALL PAPXB ; .. ; :f l ' And Window. Shadeai go Q KUpiNS'BO-.KSppE. CK1 trail baytortt. -f

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