Ctjorlottc tobsztott. CHAS, Bo JOIO Eiltwi Fwprlrt O, A! BMOtOKXAM HARSB.) - r FEIDAY; NOT. 18 1881. The Attorney General of - Minnesota has decided that women are elegible to the office of county superintendent of schools. B u correspondent of the Nashville American states that from conversa tion with prominent Northern men re turning from Atlanta, he is satisfied that the South, instead of the West, will absorb the cream of immigration. The railroads now penetrating this region, as great syndicates, will be of inestim able value to this section. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in a case decided at Pittsburg, Monday last, sustained the wholesome principle that a Juror to be competent need: not of necessity be an ignorant man who does not read the newspapers and forms no opinion of what he reads. It Juror lo do THE MOVE OH THE SOUTH. Every day but strengthens tnefceon viction that the policy pursued by the administration in Jigin is but, the initial step in the programme that is to be played in several of the Southern States. The advices from Washington all point that way, and the utterances of leading Bepublifjans and the gather- iotrs of Drominent soutnern wepuDu- can politicians at Washington corrobo rate them. The success o; tne coaiiuon with the Eeadiusters in Virginia n: been so decided as to encourage the at tempt in other Southern States, where, though the same favorable conditions do not altogether exist, there is sun ground for the belief that much may be accomplished. ' The New York Herald of Tuesday, commenting on the course pursued in Virginia by the administration, dis courses thus, and while we do not look upon the Herald as very reliable politi cal authority, yet it is in a position to be informed on the question of which it speaks, and hence its utterances are worthy of note: '., Will the Mahone victory in Virginia break the solid South? It depends somewnat upon woeuiei in other Southern States the Indepen dents who are already a numerous GuTTEAFS DRAMAS 'V ' . . - : RUSH, CRUSH Alt D 11 ABKETQ3 Y TELEGRAPH 0 STRtTCltiliE Paler and BIre Flurried than Here tofore His Counsel in Accord He Objects to Robinson Appearing An Exciting Scene Tne Trial Begun with Secretary- Blaine as First Wit- M eSfc is only necessary ior u .. body; can have courageous and pertina able to decide according to the leaderships, su5h as the Virginia dence. Louisville Courier-Journal: Some of our Republican contemporaries at tribute the failure of the Government in the Star-route prosecutions to the "blundering of officials." It looks very much like it when the cases were ad-J journed so that the statute of limita tions would act on them; but it dose net look very much as if the 'blunder ing was Intentional ? The Wilmlnirton Star doesn't get alarmed ove the prospect of the wa ters of the earth drying up some 5,000 000 of years hence and says, "that's not the way the end will come. It is not drought but fire that will renovate and destroy." It seems to us they will have to get rid of some of that water before they can have much of bonfire. The Galveston News calculates that during the next fifteen months, ending December 81, 1882, there will be built In Texas 3.185 miles of Railroad, cost- lag $27,850,000, not including equip ment The Few estimates the cost at the low figure of $10,000 per mile. Dur ing the twelve months ending Septem ber 1, 1882, it estimates the new railroad to be laid down at 228 miles against 1,884 for the preceding twelve months ended September 1, 1S81. The National Tariff Convention to be held in New York city on the 29th and 80th instant is creating great interest throughout the country. Over 450 del egates have already been elected. It is estimated that representatives of more than $100000,000 worth k capital in vested in manufactures will be present, while mechanical labor and farming interests will be equally well represent ed. United States Senator Warner Miller, of New York, will be perma nent chairman. Some time' ago, Jesse Baldwin, of Yeungstown, Ohio, who held forty thousand dollars of Government bonds, went to Washington and presented his beads for payment. He demanded gold, got the sold and went home. A few nights ago five burglars entered his house, blew open his safe and got some thing over $30,000 of it, and then stole his carriage and horses and made good their escape. We suspect there is not a parallel in the history of Southern newspapers for the remark of Father Evans, of the Hilton Chronicle, that for 40 years he has printed papers in that town! Forty years 1 It is more than a gener ation. And our old friend, whom we have never seen, but whom we esteem, makes as sprightly a paper as if forty were the days of his own year. Farm er and Mechanic Tee, and we are 75 per cent, poorer today than when we commenced pub lishing this paper. Father Evans in Milton Chronicle. This would be a sad comment on North Carolina journalism were it not that the publication of a newspaper, like any other business, if a pecuniary uceess only when it supplies the de mand when! toere U demand. Mr. Evans acknowledges a pecuniary fail ore, and yet he has done more for North Carolina, and especially for his imme diate community, than any forty men in it In Gov. Holden's address he was denominated "a capital editor," and such he undoubtedly is, and it really seems sad that after forty years' service he is forced te the confession that his life has been a pecuniary failure. An evidence too, of the lack of apprecia tion en the part of those to whom this service of forty years was given. WHAT TOH BlClDIOinAHDliN. . YILLE RAILWAY IS DOING, m We publish to-day from the Atlanta correspondence of the Charleston News and Courier, a'letter showing what the Riehtend and Danville Bail way com pany is doing In the way of making an exhibit of the products of the country along its lints, and a splendid .exhibit it if, one .which gives distinction, to the section represented and reflects credit upon the" foresight, energy and enterprise of those making the exhibit According to,. the uniform accounts thert never w fered'at anyone place such a magnificent collection of the woods and minerals of any section, astonishing'' to strangers and A equally astonishing to those whe have been fa miliar with this section,: all their, Uves, but wbe had no realization of its sptafr' . dldlcmrce luse no systematic ei fort was ever before made to thus "npttaent " warua?wisff move ecni w 'the part of thVEichmond and DanvllW 1 to irlvs UiwaUcntioa to; this,lmattri, fni- fn slowing up the vast resources 't JnSteiAt way and Bft,Sr iiiim r- f tt.t-il nnnn trial section tola wcows rr ZZjj 1tA anon A An tA- Ia Alabama the Independents have elected Congressmen and have polled a strong vote. In Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee and Mississippi they nave made a good fight, sometimes on local and sometimes on State or Congress ional tickets. In all these States the Republican office-holders have either fought shy of the Independents or op posed them outright They have done this out of a desire to secure the Fed eral offices to themselves, and the Fed eral administration has usually en couraged them in this. Thus there have ceen usually three parties, and the Democrats have carried the dayv It is now ' generally believed that President Arthur means to pursue a different and we think a wiser policy ; that he will not reward the Republican Bourbons for playing into the hands of the Democratic jsourDons, dm, wm "recognize," as it is called, all the rep utable elements of opposition to the Democrats in the Southern States. The Virginia Democrats complain bitterly that the President thus "recognized the Mahone Independents. But why not? Mr. Arthur had the duty of se lecting men for certain subordinate Federal offices in Virginia. His duty to the public was to " select honest and capable men; his right, bearing this public duty in mind, was to select such men from among those who agreed with him in policy rather than from those who were opposed to his policy. Even the most rigid civil service re formers would not deny tne rresiaens this right of selection. Now Mr. Arthur was wise enough to see, apparently, that to appoint only Republicans, in Virginia was to openly cast the weight of the Federal adminsi tration on the side of a parcel of politi cians who had or expected no power or influence in the State, ana wno aesirea to maintain their separate organization only to serve the Democracts in the State and secure for themselves the Federal places, as so called "martyrs. This is what has been done at Washing ton f or the last dozen years, and it has constantly helped to maintain the solid Democratic South. Mr. Arthur, pursuing a different and wiser poli cy, showed the Independents that they were recognized by him as a valuable political force, and obliged the Republicans, much against their will, to join hands with the In dependents, and the result is a political change in Virginia, which we have not the least doubt will be of vast and last ing benefit to the whole State. He has only to follow the same course in other Southern States to see similar and equally necessary and beneficent re- ults come aDout mere. With proper and entirely legitimate management at Washington thev'solid South" can be ground to pieces by next fall and a normal political situation es tablished there; and that is all that is needed to give the Southern States a proper impetus toward7 great and last Ing prosperity' '. . ' The eighth of November made Vir ginia pratically a Republican State, and however unpleasant the fact is, we can not shut jour eyes to H nor ignore it ifW'wond;anc"and, his asso ciates have undisputed control of the State fplr tiixtfour ..yeara jand shrewd pulOttS -is to the mean's io-acomplish their schemes, they: will; work that State from j-he seashore to , the moun tains and effect such an organization within that time aa will place, than in a fair way for voting in coming contests. By repealing, which, they will do, the poll tax requirement to vote, they com mand the full negro vote, and will be able to control it and by the distribu tion of State and Federal patronage they will form a little army of organ izers and earnest workers. ) With Virginia reasonably .sure for them, the Republican manipulators will seek other fields for conquest and we may look for pretty, active, opera tions in the near future in several of the Southern States, among which North Carolina will receive no small amount of distinguished consideration. - Washington, Nov. 17. There was a ru-h and crush and struggle for posi tions as soon as the' criminal court room was opened this morning, which soon resulted in filling every available space. ; Court was formally opened at 10 minutes past 10, and immediately the prisoner was hurried into the room and to his seat by the deputy marshals and policemen.. He looked paler and moTfl flurried than during the last two, days, and carried in with him a package of New York newspapers. The names Of jurors were called and responded to. As soon as the court was called to order Mr. Scoville arose to a personal explanation and stated that there were no differences between himself and Mr. Robinson, and that they were in perfect accord. The speech had the effect of bringing Guiteau to his feet and precipitating the first scene of the day. With flash ing eyes and violent gestures and . ex cited voice the prisoner addressed the court, and said he objected, to Ropinson appearing in the case. The Court (severely.) Take your seat I wish you to understand distinctly that your labors as counsel in this case, as you claim to be, shall be confined to consultation with the associate counsel in the case. If you disobey (he contin ued, as the prisoner jumped to his feet and commenced another wild speech) the court will be under the necessity of ordering your removal from the court room and proceeding with the trial in your absence. Prisoner Your honor said that I could be heard, and I have a speech. The Court You cannot be heard till the close of the case. - Prisoner (Evidently laboring under great excitement) I desire to be heard tnrougnout tne case, x our nonor uas no right to cut me off, and I am going to make a noise to the country . about it When I want counsel I will notify your honor. . The Court Counsel has been assign ed and you must keep silence. The prisoner was Irrepressible and broke out with the remark that he would not trust his case to the best lawyer that ever lived. After several more outbreaks he became quiet. ' At half-past ten Secretary Blaine ac companied by his son, Walker Blaine, and Cniei uierK .Brown, enterea tne court room. District Attorney Gorki hill then proceeded to open the case for the government. At the conclusion of the District At torney's speech. Secretary Blaine was called for by the prosecution and exam ined relative to the shooting, and after detailing the facts of the shooting, pointed out on a diagram of the Balti more and Potomac depot the spot where -it occurred. He was cross-examined by Mr. Sco ville about the difficulty in the Repub lican party in the New York Legisla ture, and the events connected there with, with a view of showing the feel ing of bitterness in politics and bearing on the prisoner's mind. At the conclusion of Mr. Blaine's tes timony, the court took a recess. NOVEMBER 17. 1881. PRODUCE. WnJOHGTOH, N. C. Spirits turpentine firm at 5le. Roein dull; strained 81.85; good strained, S1.90. Tar firm at $2.40. Crude turpentine firm at $2.25 bard; 83.50 lor yellow dip; $2 80 'for virgin inferior. - Com quiet; prime white 75; mixed 70. ' i Chicago Flour a ulei unchanged: common to choice Western spring 8-; -common to fancy St : Patents rr: winter flours, lair to choice 8: fancy S -i low grades a. Wheat tnv settled ana lower; o. iiumcago spring 5i.5 w- cash; 81.271 November; i December; January. Corn steady and lit fair demand: No. 2 59tta59tt cash; 59 November: December; January. . oats easier: Mo. 8 43IA casa, no member and December. Pork active, at $16. 50a 817 00 cash; 816.25a816.40 Norember and De cember. Lard- In fair, demand and lower, at $10.07fca$ll.l0 cash and' November; De cember. Balk meats easier; shoulders 86 85; shortrlb 88.96; short clear 89.20. Whiskey steady and unchanged at $1.14. Balttxobi Noon Flour quiet and firm; Howard - street and; Western super 8475a850: extra 85.25aS5.50; family 86.25aS6.50; cicy mills, super 85.00a$5.75r extra S6.00aS8.50; family 87 75a$8.O0; Bio brands 87.50ag7.62; PatarMfio f nmllT WhAAl Houthftm active and firm; Western dull; Southern red $1.85a 8L42; do amber 81.45a$1.52; No. 1 Maryland red $1.49; No. 2 Western winter red spot and Norember 81.8tHtoa81.88Si; December tl.40a8l.4l; January Sl74laSi-45; February 1.48a$1.48& Corn-Southem doll and steady; Western dull; Southern white 6870; do. yellow 69a70. BiUrntOBZ Night Date firm and unchanged; Southern 60a52; mixed Western white 50a51 ; do mixed 48a49; Pennsylvania 49a52. Bye dull at 81.05. Hay steady; prime to choice Penn sylvania and Maryland 18a24. Provisions- quiet and nominal; mess pork 818-20. Bulk meats shoulders and clear rib sides packed 8UalO. Bacon -shoulders dear rib sides 11: hams' 18ttal43fc. Lard -refined 12. Coffee dull and easy; Bio cargoes ordinary to fair Pall. Sugar easy and quiet A. soft 10. . Whiskey dull and nominal, at 81.151.1& .yreignts dull. n mm ww ati Floor dull and nnchaneed: family 86.40aS6.65; fancy S7.10&S7.75. Wheat-urmer; No. 2 red winter $1.89a$140.. Corn firm; No. 2 mixed 67. Oats -quiet and firm at 4a47. Pork-dull at 818 00. lard firmer, at 81 1 .15. Bulk meats quiet; shoulders 7; clear ribs 0. Bacon scarce and firm; shoulders 9; ribs 11; clear 11. Whiskey active and firm, at 91.10; combination sales of finished goods 815 barrels on a basis ot 81.10. Sugar quiet and un changed; hard lOtfealOty; New Orleans 8a8. Hogs dun and firm: common and light 85.00a-ftrt-OO: naeklne and butchers S6.loaS6.4Q. h . Nbw Tori Southern flour rather easier -and trade moderate; common to fair extra 85.90a S8.85; good to choice do Sd.80aS&00. Wheat itelc lower, closing dull and heavy: ungraded red 81.20a81.44 unsraded spring SUiOaSl.28; mixed winter 81.8WI uneraded white 81.25a- 1.42Vij Na 2 red and November 81.42 1.42; -Pecernber S1.43sSL45Uj January 81.46 '&a$1.48. Cora opened 14aUc lower; un graded60a69: Na 2 white 7SM: Tow mixed 70; yellow 72V4; No. 2 November 67v8a80; December 68a38; January 70a70. Oats a shade easier and less active) No. 8 47. Coffee dull and nominally unchanged. Sugar firm and quiet; Molasses sugar 6; centrifugal ; fair to good refining 84fea8Vk; refined dull and easier; Stand ard A 9 Molasses doll and nominal ; Porto Rico S6&55; new crop New Orleans 60a70; old do 85a60. Bice steady and In moderate demand. Rosin dull and easier at 8Z.H2V&as2.87. Tur- Ladies. Gentlemen, IVIissesBbys and Children CANNOT FAIL TO BE SUITED IN "I. I 0 Uit "STO CK 0 F B 0.0 T S AN D SHOES FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE. Y"E goatantee that every pair of SHOES we sell shall be found Just as represented, and shall allow no house to give you better goods than we do for the money. Our stock has been carefully selected with a view to the wants of all classes of customers, and comprises a 'fun line of beautiful and seasonable . i .. .. 1 1 f t ... goods, of the very best quality and all grades, from the finest French Kid Button Boot to the Heaviest Brogan. If you wish to get your boots and shoes to salt you and at the lowest possible prices, you (sajmof do Defter ttian at our store, ive us a can. ;-....- . .af. f " , c A, E. RANKIN & BRO., sepl8 " - l il : - Central Hotel Block. Tra de Street. "75880 4.25a450 400 875 55a65 4a6 15a20 7al0 8ao 75 1.00; 15a20 20a22 12a20 10al5 20 8 35a40 5a6 -WHOLESALE. 10 White, TXiOtna Family.... Kxtra..... : super......:.. ... Oats, shelled, .. . Dried Fjujit Apples, per nx-vf... Peaches, peeled. , Unpeeled. Blackberries. : -. . POTATOKS ' Sweet.............. - Irish. Bcrmat North Carolina. Baas, .per dpen. PODLTBt Chickens.. Spring i... Ducks Turkeys, per n... Bxrar, per TU, net. -, . - Muttom, per lb., net.. . . . . . . POKK. " " SELLING PRICES -Bulk Mxats .Clear Rib Sides. Corrat 'Prime Bio. 14al6 Good. , 2al5 OUttlK 1116.,..,..,..,. teUow...tv. M0T,VTBa . Cuba : ..'..-.': Sugar Syrup. Choice New Orleans Common 8ALT-r- Llverpoolfine 44 Coarse WHISEEY ' Corn, per gallon..... Bye, Bbakdy Apple, per gallon, Peach, ,r ............. Wink, Souppernong, per gallon.. RETAIL. Chxbsk.... ........ Labd, perlb. Taixow, per Th Baoom N.C. hog round Hams, N. 0. ................ Hams, canvassed. Rica JTrittt Apples, Northern, per bbl 3-25a.50 .. 10alli 7a 82a35j .i. 85a50 60a60 40845 .. 1.00ai.25 ... . 85al.00 ..Sl.75a2.00 ..S2.00a3.00 . S2.00a8.00 82.50 81.50 .:. 20 15 8al0 lOall 18 ... 15al6 8al0l Iarlted to tfee Expoaltiaa. Chicago, Nov. 17. In theTarifl con vention yesterday, ex-Gor. Bullock in vited the delegates to attend the cotton planters' convention at Atlanta on De cember 6th. The committee on per manent organization was empowered to appoint a committee to meet the cot ton planters of the South and the New England manufacturers n Atlanta. i i i i I i awn Imposition on a Snburban Be porter Chicago, Nov. H. The report that a conspiracy had been discovered for the assassination of President ' Garfield with which Guiteau was connected, and of which he was an instrument, has been ascertained to be a wholesale fabrication which was imposed upon a suburban reporter. Cbatumoog a Republican Electa mayor. Chattanooga, Nov. 17. In the mu nicipal election to-day, Evans, Republi can, was elected mayor. The- new board stands T Democrats, 8 Republi cans. j Gen. T. Sherman and staff are in the city guests of ex-Postmaster Gene ral j&.ey. xney leave -ior uincinnaa to-morrow morning. i i i i i A Floral Trlonto From Ciaclanatl. Cincinnati, Nov. 17. A number of the merchants of the city desirous of complimenting the Atlanta Exposition, had nrerjAred two colossal nieces of floral work to be exhibited at tne Expo sition. A special train left here last night with the floral tribute and a num ber of merchants with their wives. pentioe dull and weak at 54tta55. Wool steady Pork-dull, without Important change, at 817.50; November ; January 81 8.00aSl3.25; middles dull and weak; long clear etyaf: short clear 9. Lard feverish and unsettled, closing heavy and lower: 81 145aS1147M; November 811. 42VU aSU 45; December SH-42feaSll-47Vi; January . jrriegnt8 nrm. COTTON, GH.VPSTOH Firm; mMdUnglMg; low middling 11c; good ordinary lOVc; -aet receipts 2,197; gross 1 sales 1,950; stock 92,249; exports coastwise ; to Great Britain ; to conti nent ; to France . NosroLK Steady; middling 11 9 10e;oet rett'oti 5.078; ffross : stock 67.967; exports eoaat- wise 2395; sales 2,595; exports to Great Britain ; to continent . BiXTDfOBi Quiet; middling llfcc; low mid dling llfe; gooa ordinary 10; net receipts -; gross 861; sales -; stock 26,152; exports coastwise ; spinners 75; exports to Great Britain 945; to sontlnent Boston Firm; middling 12c; low middling liqgc; good ordinary lOOfec; net receipts 2,817; gross 5.866; saws : mock b,4zu; exports to Great Britain ; to nance. , WrumieToir Firm; middling lll&et low mid dling 10 18-1 Be; good ordinary 9c; receipt 1,289; gross ; sales ; stock 19,094; ex ports eoastwise ; to Great Britain ; to continent . middling llrc: Kood ordnaa 0VaP- net receipts 810: gross 1,482; sales ; spinner- 233: stock 16.015; exports ureal Britain id,uuz;o conunent Savikit ah Firmer : middling llfee: low mid dling lie; good ordinary 10&; net receipts 5,287 1 gross ; sales 500; stock 91,245; exports coastwise 8,871; to Grew Britain ; to France -; to aontinent Nsw Oblxs-Steady; middling llc; low mindiin' i lua: cood ordlnarr Cf&o: net recelnts 2.911; gross 4,155; sales 6,000; stock 224,462: exports to Great Britain ; to France - -; to eoastwise 2,576! to oontment - MoBin-Qulet! middling lle; low mlddltng lie; good ordinary lOwe; net receipts 1,257; gross : sales l.'iw, siock n.av: exports coast lJos; srance -; wantHiwuuu . MsxpHis-Stcady; middling receipts 8.649; shipments 2,828; sales 8,750; stock 66,784. ' 1T7OTJBTA Fin: middllnR 11; low mid dling lOfte; good ordinary 0c; recelpu lo; iniprnems saus ivo. ,.: CHiirr.w-roif Firm: middling lllbc: low mid dling llc; good ordinary lWbynet 8,932; gross ; sales 8,000; stock 101,743; xporu ooastwlse 50,070 toGreat Britain ; to continent e.088; Francf r- to channel Kvvb VmOAttm flnni galea 1.958: middling uplands 11 6-16c; middling Orleans 128-18e; eon AiirtntAii nAt TMeiDts 25.188: exports to Great Britain 8.641; to Franos ; to continent 6.081: to channel . T.-mnMwNoonSteady: mlddlinz tn I ' lands 69-16d;mlddllngtrtsaiis611-lM;saletl2,- 000: speculation MweipoBowu, iwio.wi nut-iran nnn. Colands tow middling clause i November delivery 6 l9-82d; November andDe cember 6 19-82d jDecember and January 62 l-82d: January ana jreonmry o4ini, inmu; uu i March : - d; March : and .April . d; i April, and .May - B lo-lou; June 1'.OJl,u't'1M jolyand August- -d. Futures arm. tiwuwit.-)i n. m. aaies or Amencan eotton 9.900: uplands low middling danse: November jtMwww muxi? NoMmDet ana ueemDeer tnna: December ana iianuBJT u ; auuBuuiuunr Mountain. Fish Mackerel-No. i... " -No. 2... " No. 8... Codfish CABBog,perR(..... 3.00 1.25 1.00 75 15 4a5 UNPBKCEDVNTED ATTB ACTION I OVKB HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of 81.000.000 to which a reserve fund of R5R0.00O has since been added. By an overwhelm mg popular vote Its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 1879. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ng distribution: . ty GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, -&3 during which will take pfrce the 138tIi Crand ITIoutblr -AKD TB.S- EXTRAORDINART SEMI-ANNUAL DRAWING At New Cr'.ein3, Tuesday, necember 18th. lS81t Under the personal supervision and manage ment of Gen. Q. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, and GeL JOBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE, S100,OtX). . ty Notios. Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, S5. Fifths, 82. Tenths, Si. LIST OF FRIZES: ICanital Prize of Si 00.000 8100.000 ou.uuu ou,uuu 20.000.. 30,000 10,000....... 20,000 5.000. 20,000 1,000 20,000 600 25,000 800. 80,000 200....... . 40,000 'Jim 1 Grand Prize of 1 Grand Prize of 2 Large Prizes of 4 Large Prizes of 20 Prizes of 0 Prizes pi Of Prize rig &ten -AmreaUrd - Erie. Pa, November 17. Last even ing Holden and "White were arrested on complaint of Sheriff Bttles, ot Ash tabula county, Ohio, and committed to jail to await a requisition from Gov. Foster. After' fighting four rounds, near Couneaut, Ohio, in which White was knocked down several times and one eye partially closed, the deputy sheriff of Ashtabula county endeavor ed to arrest them, but was knocked down and the whole crowd crossed over the line into Pennsylvania. The referee decided the fight a draw. ; m ATsinllUrtlisl (hot. CrNCTNNATt. lS'Ov: n.Tho Gazette ot unanestown, west Virginia, says wn Robinson, a no torionsr character, of Maiden, six tntles - above Charles town, shot Town Marshal Allen Beliker Tuesday night killing him instantly. He also fired two shots at the .mayor, but missed him. . Robinson was arres ted and brought to i Charlestown. It was rumored laat nltrbt that ' ft' Tnnh' won coming from Malden to lyncn ,the;lnur flerer, and the . militia , .company ,were ordered to be ready tft.p.rotecthSw-o, i u A ratal EacplMlam mn mVmmH,n 3ui i it a-jtitnvi tciiii .;. atcnrrotn persona WUe lv injured br an exbloaidn on DOaid the Severn and four' were conveyed" o the Hpsplta in a dynjgcondltion. i ' - - 1 f " n ft" ' tl . ' BaOlread CUisin, j Mobile, AlaNov. 17.Tbe incom ing passenger train on the Mobile and OhtoiuiiroadMaue nere at SJa) a. mu collided with a freight engine two miles from this oity. lolives were lost, but eeveral passengers were badly bruised. Tbe WefUbwr, , aj WAsraKGTOir, Nov. 17. Indications : South Atlantic States, increasing cloud . ness and rainreaaterly winds, becoming variable, railing barometer ana station ary or slight rise in temperature. - , i SJrtTOToariB. Theatre goers and all sucH as keep late hours are very liable to contract a severe cough or cold. A safe and reliable cure Is Dr. Bull's cough syrup. The price Is oruy 26a iTii 1 1 .1 m- Vebruarr fend March and April -wit April and May i and Jane -d; June and July- cloeedfinn. , -. , ; . jrrjTUBES. Nrw Tobx Futures closed, firm. , 000. November. . December.... January..... lrettruary.,.. Maron.. April... ....................... Mar...:. June July... August ii May futures Prizes 200 Prizes of 600 Prizes of 10.000 Prizes cf APPROXIMATION PRIZEa -100 Approximation Prizes of S2D0.... 820,000 100 Approximation Prizes of 100.... 10,000 100 Approximation Prizes of 75 7.500 11,279 Prizes, amounting to 1 532,500 Application for rates to cliibs should only be made to the office of the company in New Orleans. Write lor circulars or send orders to , , . : K.A.DAUPBUI . new Orleans, Louisiana, OrM. A. DAUPHIN, at . Mo. 212 Broadway. New York. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: The public are hereby cautioned against send ing any money or orders to NUNES fc CO., 83 Nassaa street. New Tork City, as authorized by the Ixxnsianar state Lottery - Company to sell Its tickets. They are flooding the country with BOGUS CIRCULARS purporting to be of the Louisiana' state Lottery company, and-; are FRAUDULENTLY representing themselves as Its r nave no auinomy : agents. They any purpose. ve no autnonty rrom this . com pany to sell Its tickets, and are not its agents for - . FINANCIAL. Sales 181,- j 1 '11.8587 11.95a 98 12.17a! 12.87a.88 12.563.57 12.69a.70 12.81a.82 12.0la.92 iaona.02 13.06a. 08 , ....l ninsmu . , Pres't Louisiana State Lottery Co. New Orteafis, La, July 4, 1881. , nov8 ... ....'.. There net' a 'f farm, I believe, m our town where a bottle of Hamburg Drops cannot' be found ; tor chins and levers an very prevalent with us. But the folks 'know wen, that. It they only use Hamburg Drops la good time, they eanjave many' a doctor's MIL 1 E. Laugh, . ' ' Morriaon, Ma , AS THOUSANDS DO TXSTOT, . . So does Thomas Roberts, Wholesale Grocer, Phil adelphia, who says: "Burnett's Cocoaine allays an Irritation of the scalp, and win most efleetuallx. remove dandruff and prevent the hair from falling, out" , !. . . , " ; . .. BTJRNET'3 TyORING EXTBACTS. The superiority oi vueoo ejLuacts ix ,tomr pexieot, pop ity and g.eot strength, -They are warranted. tree from' the Ytonoui Ollisria acid v?hloh enter the- composttton Of may facttBooafrna flavprs. s I . w adsd-ob gray SATB graduany recovers its youthful color and lustre by the use ot Parkers Hair Saltan, an elegant dressing, admired for Its .... JW . . ' ' . ' .. . ' ''-. if - . ..) ;.: : i : t j" - cue ,. Biehalha. .t New, Tiulck, complete cure 4 days, rtnary 6ffee nona, Bmarung, rrequem or aimeuiturmanon. ana 4.80' 102 ... 4a6 S82.830.040 4.888,068 a AKDON0V, ,17.rA dlSp AJowia gAja xorty-three Dad frea kidney diseases. Si jv;.acnt ynanoaer at druggists. .v.- fT Depot, continuance foi Aoy; length- oi -tfjak net.fclta tSm omil Bt tome jaifumu Thiual Dteeaie,' i Sm" SSSSiA WW mVXAtXWU Galway.has been toouRBWortwiy ' of it ll also entitled to qongiw lunder escort' and 'lodged :Ur'JiLas ' lor theemlnenl ucco it M member T a.t sitrti tut a'tluff'tit. fi ii i ii i. 'm TdTllMgfNiiit-BJUoSjm Hmtfes-afid lichiag eaortattabs of OMXaotL should mmip-mmei C It cleanses x MM a4 nsieifUk - HJn? SemritSWtoeara fw dyspepsia, "Wen's. Homn5ei?wer- Th greatest toiuThest W E?V2J ' jd UTeJ! remeo known. SI at drumlSs. Exchange, Sovernments sieaay . New 6's,. t ...... ...,.... ... Foar and a half per cents,. Four per cents,.. ........:.i Money,'...; .... i..... .v.. i.1.... Btate bonds fairly active and firm. Bub-treasury balances Gold....... ST0CU9 Extreme! j;dull: Alabama-Class A, 2 to 5 . , uiassA, smau. m - class B,6' ; : Class C4'ajt;i.,i. Chicago and'Morth western ... ....... - preferred.... lde.W.........v ..V.v. Xist Tennessee. .... j ..- Georgia v . st, . ... I UmoUCentraJU... ....... ...T.. f, - r .... 1 uuLs.ouvn.i.. Loulsrllle and Nashville MempBiaand Charleston... ...-.. Nashvflleand Chattanooga.,.-..... New York Central.r.,,. ...... Pittsburg. ; . . . . . ...;..';.;..'..' Richmond and Allegheny. J.. . .. Bleb mood andDanvlUe..M book iana.......... r, Western Untort3..v....i-.. !i i u . iCnMitrnt: November 18,1881 t-Wa iiAM VnMAM-.r loMd teadT IDC IOQOW- OMulWiUlhM .' i . , ' 1 1 RtrUlRiIddllnu., ......... ......... 118-1 Ktddilng.1.. v .TT.V.. ; J 71. .. .... . - 1 1 J Strict low mlddnngji.a'j;. lxmiddUBg..i..i...,...v fntifJr storm eotton:.:;i::v...t..V-,.V..i4 il.ifi-dl I'f.-z. s f.La''t-i -t-- h ' 1 Cpit, pet buahi,. i 1 iv .(iikiai'ifiaii Jii BURGESS NICHOLS, a l it Krsnt ov - FURNITURE, BEDDING, &C. A ItTLZ. LDXI Of Cheap Bedsteads, AND LOUNGES, Parlor & Chamber Suits, oormo or all kdqqs esi sum. W. T. BLACKWELL &C0. Durham, N. C. Uknnfketnreri of the Origiiml and Only Gcnnlne TO BAG Our claim for merit is based & upon tlio fact that a chemical analysis proves that t:-c tobacco S ffroAvn in oiir section is betters aaaptca to rauko a C OOD-ril2:, OrXLiiail tobacco ciov. n.ir. the world; and fcehir sitaatodinH ihe HEART of ri Un's f-ro section, liavo ilia. It7l; uf& the offerings, jnt.Iic an- preciate this; henio our sal:. 5.. EXCEKD the pro!wots f AI.L;i tho loading T5.aminu.fcor u s com- jS maco. tSSST f ii'-! ,' "Wiling v bean fi irade-rwrh Cu: Jla'S. Mar 22 ly ttXxstzllumiovLS. DE. C. W. BENSON, of Baltimore, d-, inventor and proprietor of the celebrated . Celery and Chamomile PUla, These pills are prepared expressly to cure Sick Headache, Nervous Head ache, Neuralgia, Nervousness,' Paralysis, Sleep lessness and Dyspepsia, and will cure any case, no matter how obstinate, if properly used. They are not a eureall, but only for those special diseases, They contain no opium, morphine or Quinine, and are not a purgative, but regulate the bowels .and cure constipation by curing or removing the cause of it. They have a charming elled upon the skin, and a lovely auleting effect UDon the .nervous sys tem, simply by feeding Its ten thousand hungry, yes, In some oases, starving absorbents. They make or create nerve matter and give power, force and buoyancy to theherves, and in that way In crease mental power, endurance and brilliancy of mind. Nobody that has a nenous system should neglect to take them two or three months in each year, as a nerve food, if for no other purpose. Sold by all druggists. Price 60 cents a box. De pot, 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mail, two boxes ior $1 or six boxes for 82.80 to any address. DR. C. yv. BENSON g I SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cur . . ECZEMA, TITTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILICOROST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DI8EA8E3 OP HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES and TENDER ; rTCHlMOS tffii body. It aaalces the skin white, toft sad smooth; removes ta& id freekJea, and is.th BES1S-toilet drsnrlTig ia tHS WOJU4VXlfaat:put.vxy twc bottles in one paoiaf8, cohsuuxig orwcrriirnRial MUSIC At the regular prie. -ean'afi. SDpINS'OOK STOKK. HRS. LTD1& PlKKHArlrOFLYKH, MASS., ml j POPUULB 1TOOTHLT DBA WINe OF THE i In the City of Louisville, on J WEDNAY.NOVlS&Bift SO. 1881. ' These drawing occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provision of an Act of the General As sembly of -Kentucky. The United States circuit Court on March 81, rendered the foUowing decisions : ; - lttr-Tbat the CQZumonwealth Distribution Com pany S U3K2U. .'t.,... MIU drawings are fair. The Company has new on hand a large reserve fund. Bead the 11st or prizes ror tne v NOYXMBSB DRAWH7& ' . , 5 'm-x 5 'jA '- If II 1 ' - J S8O9OOO Prl-a.. .. 10,000 x xn0i.........ra...itt,..M vvw 10 Prizes, 11.000 each,, ... ........ 10,000 '20 Prizes, 600 each,....1......... 10,600 " 100 Prizes, i ICO each, . t. . . . u . -t lOvOOO 4 I.19 1000 Prizes. 10ach...... 10,00fl 1.85U I 9 Prizes, 8800 each, Approxlinatloa Prizes $2,70C iiW. I 8 Prizes, 100 " M ; - 00 XiWOu nrxes,... i '..iv.........,iia,4vu vThole Tlcltets. t2ti HftH Tickets. SI: 27 Tlokiets. :. - Bemtt Money or, Bank Draft la; Letter, or .send I. r JbV Express. j)ONT SEND BT BXOIaTXRKD I T "wwi VUCME9A- 1 PaAS, Clar, per bush. xay, ; 85 90 1.25S.60 BOal.OO 1.60 XXTTKR OS POSTOFFICK ORDIS. - Orders of Sfraad upward, brXxprees, eanbt seat at our ex pense. tAddreeaallerder to , ., , , ; uB.'Mi BOABDMANCorle4ourBal BuQdJng vouisviue.aynur, yu roadway jxew.xpra. , . Chew Old Oaken i ' . . . t. .. m m 1J .14 1 . f VUk vni VOMU OKHIi 1 tl .... . . . . m Ti'na iwnn-nnnna nnwHt - 1 Theinoas-eoveted hucket,15' t That hung In the nen. i , ' CHlH. fi. JOHTZiL i i 7yhetenhSitodesJelr 3,,t;.; ; v. ". V j-f. . j- iff !.? j;'T anlv (h'Ahrnrwl nt tnhiuvM lrn&wn Tba Bucket-' ' -Tj - ':" - " . i Tpy)R BLANK,B00X3 m ivui vftvu wnouu iki ovf iv w SDDLNS' BOOK STORE. 0 lydiac;e- PiriKHAr-rs , : ' , 7E&STASLB COMPOUITI). - '. , . ' .' dials' a Positive Cure i':' . ftrart tlM-Paiarai eBuiBta wi j- mmM ta hiM t tmmi. Mla.tl Itwnf irtirdrwM w--S fonavCTeauteCbm. plaints, all ovarian troubles, Inflacunatioa and Uluera; .ttpQ, Fuling.and Displacement, and the eonwqaoPt Spinal Waakhias lMdjlat p-tto-Oariy-a4ated t U rtm-dbaolv -dexpllwMfzoIatbairaIa, aa aartr taordev9lopMfeai Tb teaAaoaj to caa- oawna8gfliorjtlieil ejected tw 1 ii-wdflyy tfcw. Ianvesfatatn flatulency, detro!r aU crating (ovaUmnlanta, tad icJiTa irakneM of thiomach 1 ttr- Shjattaav? Headaohe-, -Uerroua Prottratjoiv GeiMral Debflltr, mepkna8-is Peprewtott and ladt 3a f-nrig otl)eao, ea-lng 4dnighf anQiariraah, lgalyarirrtnannOy cored H-o-.-' ISvdn at all Hates and ondeaU!lrnfataacaattia ' Torta omTO ot Udnoy- Ooiq11nt of -1U-T atx thUf OanpoandUuB-orpaa,d. 1 4 LYBIA PrNKHASFB TZOETABLS CSM POTJjrPiS prPf a 3 maA "Wa-ter. Avonua, Inn, Maav Prioi $L BU bottleof o ftrrtWirttrtaaq tn tho form of yniyolort IfittO totnvot lo-enge, est ipl bfrittc-; tliwrbo foKthor.. Mripinkhai-) freolyantwen all letter of inquur. Bend tor pmpphl Ko famfly ihobld Dewlthont LYfetlH i wV u lyj CBfTlxgv zney emro eooatlpatlon, bfl orpidlty of ttahWSScaitaWlboal . se . mF.Bmld by, all Draggista. tttheBo6Karid8tatIoneiTllne,toto?.oJ 1 BDSUiS' BOOK STORE. GENERAL FEED DEALERS -A.KD- -10MMI88ION COMMISSION MERCHANT MERC UANT S, CHARLOTTE, N. C. i f ; . i f a' ! WE HAVE NOW ON HAND : r s JUST RECEIVED, CAR LOAD BRAN,1 CAR LOAD CORN and PEA MEAL MIXED, CAR LOAB WHITE CORN. CAR LOAD YELLOW CORN, CAR LOAD PATAPSCO PATENT PROCESS FLOUR, CAR LOADS TIMOTHY HAY, ' AND1- WILL GLADLY QUOTE PRICES .' . -TO- .' , BOTH THE WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRiDE. ReBpeotfully ioikslBf a shase cf jour patronage, we are respectfully, mrtfj : - A. J. BEALL & CO. AT- ins Book Store 4 Landscape; SerM of the Poets ! Jlnely Engraved Landscape Views, which, printed in subdued tints, give an enect novei andpteaslng. Each volume has 'sixteen distinct Landscapes, printed in from nix to tight different tints. Uun virtually forming a picture on every page Cloth, extra thick bevelled boards, sunken lvorlne centres, inlaid medaHioa, new and elegant de sign in colors and gold, full gilt back, . . : - gUt edge, $1.50. . , Persian Morocco, bevelled, full gilt' sides ar,d edges, MtistraUd with x full page steel en grwings, biography of authors, ln 4ald with sunken illuminated . satin or calf, centre. ,. Each book In a paper bpi, per voLV. '.. . . 8 4.00 Byron, Burns, Campbell, Coleridge, .GOLD3MITH, HEMAN3, MILTON. MOORE, COWPER, SHAKES PEARH and TEN V KTSON. ( ': a3NotaIng would be more suitable for a birth day tiff or a present to a friend tbaa any one of I these elegantand hew style Poeaw. w.Ci t Z. B. YAHCK. V''- i W. H Bailst. Vance & bailey. eyi aniiObtuueQon MJrtit wtfftf v .j CHARIATTTK. N. C. PTaic Irt BurmeCkJdrt of ihe United Suites, Bume?ouitt North Carolina, Federal Cabarrus, UnlooSas- n, tiowaa apaxia-. v Etxne twd doors east -of - todependen Squartt Jj J - ej. i!i(i:iiiii!ay2iHu 1 -4 xww.. KjLa jurxwxJJ-fu, 4 TNthe 8ta and CriltMJstateg pa.Z IX Hons, Home and Foreign, solicited. J stractaafTUles, Surveys, &&, furnished tor com omaHL . comer Tr xryon. iCaarlotte,N.a fjan.6.

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