, T 1' - - ( .. , '""""""''''''''MStMSMMSMSW Kli W AuJAJHBBaBBnMBBMMBHBMKaBBBMBBBMBnaBBSnSnSnSBH J r.-.iiiMgjiit . - V i : ; 1 : r 1 . . - . .J u 1 I (ii m 3 lit I It). I! f , 4 vti ' A 1 V t i I i J 1 LU II FRIDAY. yOV. 18, 1881. I 0 M (H 1 : ,&TRiiF;)T.nNin:4. I I I I n 11 I I I I i I vwi.iw ! I . , . . . . ,. m . m m t i i . ; t i I Ml I 1 1 v y I I A 1 ... I A'tad SURF A3PPETISER IKON BITTERS are tognly rr mptU, Intermittent levers vtt )f Appetite, Xoss of Btxenctlli Lack Of Kncrgry, Ct It enriches the blood, strengthens tha mSdSvAti Hew lif to the nervea. acfc Uke a charm on the iration 5vi5 libtblacken the teeth or Rive headache. vfi T ST.tTTII.- Mf tw the ABC Book. S2 pp. of useful an :fijaj ldmffrfsta. Write for the ami aMdi3aSCBEmCAlM CO., Baltimore, Md. ' ' i-J ( fr J! HI sTs eeefiS tfflm. SPJf I M -A pOOM KJU WV IVW HIV MultM- THeold Is-naaintlTS'rilTi I i it ilii.. tinHU.nftlin Tcwiift. " waakTUaewaea wknfc- IefciK .Mmm in miwhiii sr VMM "3T5 mum wmmmm irUTI If Til OR. HARTKR EDICIfiE CO.. 0. M 0T- I"TT- ' AG- - " ff CHAS. B. JONES, 1 8oleAg?t,Gharlotte,N.C. . JJ pliBctHaticotts. AT LESS THAN Auction Prices. THE THE FINEST COLLECTION OF SILVER-PLATED ILTKB-F11TID WAR WAR E Erer exhibited In Charlotte. JUST RX CXI VXD: ROGERS' TRIFLE-PLATE KN1VK3, 81-60 DOZEN. AfuU line of "' Tai i Fancy Silver Ware, At greatly reduced prices. Call early and get first choice. Respectfully, J. BR00OIILD & CO. nor 10 AT ffcOO PES BET. AN IlfUENSS 8TOCK OF ALSO CHBOMOS ud CORNICES. A fall line of ' ' 0.. . .V Si .1 jIIm VfioB a-JiTa ,! Hamburg. alda saU adrance totjxt, or Im j-Osrmacy, ' ennalzimAlOt AOttOQ. P7 eperoa GUiirci :cditYl ('A1WnT.'.'VA., mis WW- fa. B. 8ATJNI)EB3, --T- BupU ot AtuAe aair4lsii ' V ,-'-ljr iL 'v' -."' - (jiiMWs RTdTat tj '.T'M A B U liook, pp. i nMMJ emel i - imfliiiteii . rr-l XteeUtttr, Jriemtf jx- m. Ifaiif or rtiai. ?, arerr esse JS'oetr- iywtavejwer'av amlmTJhP extenha d Woe wmeexoeedipslfbw iwni . ill P,, Hiun rets I hi with ths tnnaoll nerr Tmiliai not dona tha Chrttln Uhnrcn. ttToy. THElGREATiGURE RHEUMATISM ii Aiit la : for all diaeMM of the KIDNEYS, IVER AND BOWELS. It'cilowTiiw' the system of the acrid poison that onuses ' the dreadful rtrfferinx which THOUSANDS OF CASES 1 Of the worst Itarma of this terrible tlsssss fcambean aniokljr rellered. to. a short tboe 1 PERFECTLY CURED. - i and sj& Snunsnse ale ineveiTpertof the Counter. In hun dreds of eases It has eared where all else had tailed. Xtis mild, but efficient. CKKTAXS 1 Mmm ixs f bat harmless in all oases. GTlt elwinses. StMaarthens and rlre. Hew Urn toalAIhe Important organs of the body. . The natocal aetton of the Kldneysls restored. be"TATe UelaiAaedDran disease, and the ff'rv"1' i 'Timl hftnlthfiillT In this A way the wezts dlssasaa are mdioctod from the system. v-i As It has been proved "by thonssads that is the most eObota&l remedy for cleansing the system of all morbid seoretlons. It should be need in every household as a SPRING MEDICINE. Always cures , BH20USIIESS, COKSTXTA TION.PHJSS and tURHlLI Plsssses. Is pot bp iaSiy TestiaUe Ten, lntm cans, one package of which mutes Squirts medleme. Also in IAmUl Itn, Tery OesSjentmtedfor the eonrenlence of those who cannotreadilypre- parels. It cut wit equal t0rieeiteltherfonm. GET IT OT YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICK, $1.96 WELLS, RICHARDSON A Co., Prop's, Wm send the dryposHwld.) BFB.IJSGTOS, TT. March 27 d&w ly mmmm Only Vegetable Conjpound that acis airecuy upon tne i-iver, ana cures Liver Complaints, Jaun- gestion, strengthens tne system, regulatesthe bowels, purines the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway MtobKsale fiv ALiJcaoaaifl'rs. amr8-deod eow-ilr. ' " - - j P.C.WILSON, i CHARLOTTE, R. C, LOUIS COOK, CoUns Baggy ! -4- TOR TBI BALI OV BDQQIE8. CARRIAGES. PHAU-TONPL BPRTSra t tOP BTJG0tgfe5. iar in b"i 8TATESVIIXE, a Kl'l ; I ' 1 itiis noose nas oeen teasea 101 A br Mrs. Dr. ReevesvwhOM keen a strictly Orat-cJasa bouse in everr resnecU Commodious sample -raoasa 00 arst aosLsecOnd Tne natrooage of th pitbito is oiiofte. J, .- bu on the oontrary, was tollowtd b. Since tuina ill have done twloe the 1- 2? i n n W?B ; i I ii I n i 'mi THE CtJSS-ED MONOPOLY. lAMi: AIO FAK1ED piSMA IN THE COTTON EXPOSITION. XTIial' tbw nicknd an sutUIs) Sratem of RaUlrvstda la Doing- so De velop the Countrr THe "ImmeMo P Deposits) f Oeld, Iron, Coal smd olh or Wlaioravls WsUUns to be rorsxed. bar. Charleston News and Conifer. - " "( , Atlanta, Nov. 10. The railroad ex hibits in the Exposition to which I have already called attention, were col lected at an expense to the different flnWparticjpatine in,, the' dteplay. Of more than forty thousand dollars. They embrace the widest possible range of all the products and untold resources of, the richest country in the world, and as such are rare Btudy for the:; political economist and the capitalist seeking 5 rentable iirreBtinents for fhis money, 'he exhibit of f ; 1 THE RICHMOND AND DANVILLE SYSTEM of roads will te of more than ordinary Intarest te tho peppl of South Carolina, more than five hundred miles of whose territory is traversed by the lines under control of this wealthy corporation. About the 1st of August the Richmond and Danville Company, determined to make an exhibit at the Exposition. At that:time nothing had , .been done and no material had been secured 6 make the exhibit, but by active canvassing through its agent, by the distribution of circulars and by employing subordin ate agents in various localities, a fair illustration- of the -resources of the regions penetrated by - this system of roads has been gathered. In the exhibit -the products of North Caro lina occupy a large space r qB . ac count of the large number of miles 'of road owned And operated in that State and the popular Interest takjen in"the success, of the display. TroBOXrginia there is a handsome but, snssller , dil-! play, because the lines run morejargery through farming than through mineral regions. From the line of he Rich mond and Danville JRoad proper there is a fine display of coal, slate, gran ite iron and-copper ores, tobacco and other products. The Virginia Midland Road occupies-a handsome, space and shows the finest .ty pes of iron, manganese, barytes, limestones, building'stones and L woods. THE DISPLAY FROM SOUTH CAROLINA is astonishingly small, although the same circulars were issued and the same means employed to get a fair illustra tion of her material resources as were used with abundant success in the other States traversed by this system of roads. In North Carolina the commissioner of agriculture heartily co-operated with the agent of the railroad company, jtbe two working together in such way as to redound to the mutual advantage of both. From the agricultural depart ment of South Carolina, though the same facilities were extended, the agent Of the road received no aid and no con tribution whatever. The only material from South Carolina in tho exhibit in the way of minerals was furnished by Professor Charles Fromer, of Anderson county. There is, however, a' fine col lection of woods, embracing about one hundred and fifteen varieties,', from Oconee county, furnished bra commit tee of Citizens with Mr. G. Wanner as chairman, and partly by Mr. Shelor, an enterprising German - citizen of that county. Below Anderson county, from the line of the Columbia and Greenville Road, there is no exhibit of any kind, and from the line of the, Chailotte, Co lumbia and Augusta Road there is only one single specimen of clav taken from the kaolin depwits in Aiken ' county. There is'nothinsr from the line of the Spartanburg,' unioh 1 and Columbia Roads, and nothing from the Asheville and Spartanburg Road. In South Caro lina 650 miles of road are controlled by the Richmond and'Danville - Company, and in North Carolma 552 miles. so that it would seem the displays from the two states should nave oeen nearly equal. Mn the'Eichmond ' and Danville ex hibit there is nrobablv one of the most remarkable displays of wood of every merchantable Tariety overseen at one time or in one place.' The forests from which these specimens were taken ; lie in North Carolirm, South Carolina and Georgia, -and embrace vast areas of original growth from which but little has vet be4n taken "save what has been needed tor sirpply; the demands of a purely local character. In-these ' for estaareto.be .found the choicest Tarie ties of all. the hard woods, and the for ests of North Carolina particnlarif, as displayed in the exhibit, are to be found tm ombers most desirable for eaoipet making purposes, for components -of vehicles, for car building ana lot erpdr' tation. The newly developed -lines of the Richmond Danville system, with low rates of freight and good manage ment, promise to bring these vast re sources of timber within easy reach of all demands Jhat ufll be made upon iTWBPLAT. In this exhimt-embraces a variety and extent of otesiaxKjjjninerala which is astonishing. In It are. found not only all varieties c4rro treaViuch as hema tites, umomtes . and magnetic ores, but also the chrome orea.aM carbonates of iron. Owirig to the geological forma tion of much of the country traversed by this system of roads, particularly in North Carolina, it furnishes abundant specimens or the finest and most de sirable magnetic ores, the analysis of which renders them peculiarly de sirable forUtlalXtrorks. At present there is a large demand for these ores as ores, andther are ehibned in large Quantities to Northern establishments. With a lateaddttioEvof the Virginia Midland Railway, connecting with the vueBiN9tth.v iuiu jauj Aaiiroaa un Charlottesville, Virginia to the Rich-: mond and Danville ystjbm, ready ac cess nas Deen secrrrea. ta tne great coal fields of WestiYIrjiaia, and with the projecteu extension ; 91 tne Ricnmona and Danville-system; now being rapid ly pressed forward to Birmingham, Alabama, it may be readily seen that all this wealth of iron ores, lying inter mediarybetween two of the grandest coal field. systenlnthe United 8totedJSrffi55? supplennfcy Richmond fields, immedTateryon the line of the road, this toiSfrrrble auxiliary will inevitably bring -about great develoo- ment 01 iroa pruuuuw. Hardly less -important will be th! cheap and ready coal-etipply to a mu greater ana inner aeveiopment of the Woof. mannMaS'Af nMASA tmlA .llvm lead and zinc Wlilch so largely abound1 111 wie regignaxrayjirETa oy uus system 01 roaas. as tnis exmou are aispiavea specimens of copper ores, which from thett aiecan4richhessftafrj0j Buoviuieus ui rennea mgon copper; ue riyed from them, excite.the surprise and aamirauo or jji,hile" ir has not been hitherto annnnoAd . thnf. nflvar nit iSGWlPW abundant in North yona, mAarge- and rich displays made would-seeia) tindlcatTOjt 7&A tiniaoria iojkwnf bvDsVidson count u wmmu i, 1 hit 1 ai: u ib imu-sk-u' Which has ItanfflnAii Iri .TRiflMmnr. h,. ialK4SSSRSSR T ,fPyeaw. expo&jift IK' LLf mm Vrtseuted and of mIffi' fuI phuret ores containing gold, botho e.1 of ipjC.ftmpingfand There - Are , Also crold a t tas?en irom the : caiiidrnia wmmesana loss isa case cohtain in g specimens of 'nuggets, washmgs from placer .nTlneSjtgoldijbars andrtetorted goldnot essla value than $14,000 in the aggregate.. It is sai3 upon the highest authority tbatthe'gOld'ores in the Dahlonega' regions of ' Georgia are for the' most part free milling: ores, and ar a worked at a minimum, of cost the post of mining and stamping pre properties, how profitably wOTKeaDnot exceeding fifty cents per ton,' whicn would appear to give even: the Wwest grade ioree at a fair margin of rprofit , to the miners In the large display from North Carolina, consisting both-of sul phurets and free milling ores, many of the-specimens from, the yarioua. mines are accompanied by an accurate analy sis made by Prof.'Hanha, of the United States mint at Charlotte,which give a range of Talue'pri.frbjQ $250 .; n, H ; f j THE COST jQF MINING. ' ' ? : f In 1 connection witl" in.yestmenis in mining properties and it ; working- and developing mines, it may1 be said that this1 field presents inducements) and ath tractioua which cannot be met" with hi the remote "regions of the Weak "It needs no argument to show that:the immense difference in the cost Of trans portation alone gives a larger, margin of i profit. The cost of transporting miilsand all mine and miners supplies is a serious tax when it comes to be considered that the metal prod act Of the Western mines has to be shipped to the East by express atisk ,nd. heavy cost. A large portion of the oresTiaye to be transported to redoctfOmil 'works In San Francisco, fn the Eastern cities oriacross the water to the establish ments of the Old World, and the greater advantages of this section in mining operations will at Once be seen a sec tton t no point more than a day's: ride from the port cities on the Atlantic ?oast, not exceeding forty-eight hours rom New. York and the other great 'cities of the North, and possessing11 a system of railways already highly de veloped and being rapidly extended. Add to-this a genial climate, healthy alike in summer ana winter, a popula tion not only highly civilized and weFl ordered, and every advantage of culture and refinement which could be desired by any one wishing to acquire an in heritance and establish a permanent home for himself and posterity. Add to this again a soil producing all the cereals of the finest qualities, delicious1 fruits of every variety, the great staples of cotton and tobacco, adapted to the most varied systems of agriculture, with lands so cheap as to come within the means of all and offering to those wishing to make investments, whether in mining lands,' in farming lands or in timber lands, a field of selection so va ried as to meet every. taste and want In addition to; the-great- LEADING COMMERCIAL MINERYLS to which allusion has Seen made there is a bewildering display of others that are also of great importance in the arts and ia commercial valneJor example corundum is displayed not only in mas ive form, from which the finest emory wheels and grinding powder are made, but also in the gem form. - From Wes tern North Carolina in this exhibit there are beautiful specimens of exquis- fenuine blue, pink and white sapphires, nown in the- trade as "Oriental gems ;" beautiful and valuable cut and polished garnets, amethysts aqua marines, cairn gorms, the atfenfte' rutilated quartz and rate-liquid, bearing crys tals. ,- 'xaI- -vi-r .. 1 There art alsaTa lTie North Carolina department jd the Rlchmohti and Dan ville eiMWt nnmerotl-raijd 'fine speci mens of al-Jijnatalnsed in the manufacture of porcelains, such as ka olin, feldspar, porcelain, clay, barytes, manganese, chrome ores so valuable for the manufacture of biichromate of potash nickel ores, zinc, soaps tones of great variety, pure talc,' plumbago, as bestos, hones and whetstones, and a su perb display of black, white and flesh tinted marbles.' It wil not do to omit the fine display of mica, for which: the mines of North Carolina are so celebrai ted and furnish more than 75 per cent, of all the mica consumed in the United States. - Not the least' interesting feature of the Richmond aid Danville exhibit in the Exposition is the display of AGlpCT7liTUBAI PRODUCTS. It contains ! neibADs the finest show of bright tobaccos from North Carolina and Virginia ever made ' before attmy tmae'or place.' The-pricea attached to the various samples show a value of from twenty dollars to one hundred dollars per one hundred pounds. The belt in which this bright tobacco can be nown lies almost wholly in North Cart olina, to-day without a rival in the prof and without a competitor in the mark ettj Tha's&mples shownujf -al..varietne tit thmtlcxm.rAn fcfrdrve arabriattri passed :-iir-thehexf eetion-bf tt grain, climate to' the successful "enrtivatio and perfect development of .'these cropsv'.-!. i'.ii i Deservinsr of esoecial mention in con nection With thiajtjjil. 4 ! THK DISPLAY Oy DBlSDTBTnTS, ' gacheK apples and blackberries. The lit is dried in the sun;and -rivals the process dried fruit ln beauty of color ana -surpasses is m;uauiT ,m xair fruit years the shipment of rthis pro duct alone over the- line f-the Rich mond and Danville road, is from eight to nine million pounds, the shipments of the fto.lnaktaz ; the - display; Hall Brothers,: kV Hickory, ..N; ,CL, alone amounting to 1,600,000 pounds pet aii- As a conclusive indication 01 tne im- mense and valuable field lor- invest- bientulifferedinitlieri conntry developed .bj ,,ih ,Bichnwnfi andDanyille- aystem of railroBdai it maybe atatectthat of the material of the great and Tariea exnroit mane haa yet;feeen 'eYeloped' or made sub ject oLInYstmeot.' Of cpurse a specu- ior lUtovawaPie .propernes an wuuuku The soccess liHehdirig the grand 6t- lifbItOf-the-,'Rftjhmnnd and Danville. never netterti novAr TtAT.tAr T.rtnrr sr. nmunL r road 4s due to UiejinUring exertions Of Captviix ui Atcrhail, 1 01 wenmonu, whose' fine intettleence. wide informa- naYflaBieftnAuwcouetjso IVJEr jmoatxtensive and .magnificenti als- (niirht iMin in the tYtaA skin and em assnne. tatok yellow coat, dlgsstlon is impaired, an am steasnt staking sensation at tle pit of the stom acltls eioerteaeed. tbe txmels tare trresnlar, the mind fretful, tne memory weakened, sometimei allgnt eoagn. coldness of the bands ana xeei. so ttatt ksna et sDMUto-uid it others nnnati JieMtlnslsv fond, dizziness erannaler teed, dlzzlnessof tba bead, blurring lore uta ATM. oeDiMmi smnu. tts. bad oreatn, iee lag efnneeitaCoty of bating hrftrsometsang nndone luceatys'tellwnat'it Oav Takoi BlmmooauLlrer Rsgnlator, tt !CItJDBai;.aU tbese feelings and 1 V .-i in iii.9MiLi) inwm Mt " .4 -it TWoolos and hutzo of yo srorestered faded-or srmy hair . br. thai nasTS Parker's i Hair rr cured? eaauy iftagtsjnfrfpittreSgofd, ranjg, rjoaaripownn une-ot7iqau attractive- features in the diSplaV THECREAT mmimxt i 1 RHEDlATISffi I "?iii'ji) wbimikH, M-uuiuuuy, Backache, Soreness of the Che sf, ' Gout, Quinsy, Sdre Throat, Swell ' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Par and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. K Piwparatiott on eaxta eqmls Sr. Jacobs Oik .as a afe, sure, gimpl and cheap, External Eeraedy. A1 trial eDtalls 'bnt the ' eomparatfrely trifliog omUay of 60 Cents, and eTory one ufferin 5 with pala can haTe cheap and positive proof of its claims.. .- . ' ' . . DlrectioQs In Eleven Languages. SOLD BY All, DEUGGISTS ASD DEA1EEB . ri MEMonrB. A. VOGEIiER & CO., BalUmwre,ird.,V.a.A. ; dec80dA w ly Ladies Do you want a pure, bloom ing Complexion? If so, a few applications of Hagan's MAGNOLIA BALK will grat ify yon to your heart's con tent. It does away with Sal lowness, Bedness, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases and imperfections of the skin. It overcomes the flushed appear ance of heat, fatigue and ex citement. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear bnt TWEN TY: and so natural, gradual, ana perfect are its effects, that it is impossible to detect its application. Jan. 22 Riikond and Danville . Railroad. PASSE3TGEB DEPAETMEUT. On and after June 5th, 1881, Passenger Train Service on tbe Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line di vision of this road will be as follows: N. Y. Express No. 47, B.' u. a U. a Mall Ko.45, Vast Man EASTWARD. No. 49, L've Atlanta 4.00 5.18 6.64 &14 9.20 10.58 12.14 2.88 8.85 AM AX AH 8.15 47 5.59 7.15 840 10.20 11.40 2.13 8.15 PM PM PM PM PM PM PM AM AM 6.80 PM 7.45 pm 9.06 pm 10 16 PM 11.25 pm 1.00 AM 2.11 AM 431 AM 5.85 am Arr. 8nwanee....D . Lula.........E M Toccoa.: AM r". Seneca..... .G " Oreenv'le ..B M 8partan'g...K PM PM PM ": Gastonla....L ' Cbarlotje...M! N. Y. Express No. 48. trsT- WESTWARD. U. a Mall; No. 42. IFastMaU No. 5a L've Charlotte.. Gastonla.. M. Spartan'g. " Greenv'le,. " Beneca Teeooa ' " L ola M Suwanee.. An. Atlanta .... 120 PM 1 27 PM 8.50 PM 5.07 pm 6.51 pm 8.01 PM ftl6 PM 10.88 pm 12X5 AM 12.43 1.43 406 5.18 7.02 8.16 9.81 1054 12.20 AM AM 12.33 AM 1.17 AM . 8.12 AM 4.24 am 5.47 AX 6.53 AX 8.09 am 9.22 AM 10.35 AX amH AM AM AM AH AM PM " - - OONKECTlONa ' A wKh arriving trains of Georgia Central and A W. P. Railroads. ,. . B with arriving trams of Georgia Central, A ft W. P. and W.4A, Railroad a. C with arriving trains of tbe Georgia Railroad. D with Lawreneevllle Branch to and from Law rencevlUe,Ga. . E with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga. E with Elberton Alr-Llne. to and from Elberton, Oeorgia. G with Columbia and Greenvllls to and from ColumMa and Charleston, a C. H with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston a C . K with Spartanburg and Asheville, and Spartan burg, Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Asheville, and Alston and Columbia. L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and from Dallas and Chester. , ' M wUh 0,C.A. a C R. A D. and A., T. 4 O. for all points West, North and East r Pullman -palace sleeping car service on trains Nos. 47 and 48, dally,, without change between Atlanta1 and New York. - -;APOPB, tjaa5 General Passenger Agent, THE OXONIAN, A JOURNAL OF L1TERATTJRS ft EDtTCATION published monthly at Oxford; N. C .atOn, Dollar a year in advaneet . . . s- . .. 1 Tbe Oxonian alms at increasing the Interest for Literature and Education, and gives .original ar ticles on subjects of vital importance as well' as erlnclams of the newest and most valuable publica tions. : j- ' Offers deeMed advantages to advertisers. High average circulation, Advertisements are shown prominently, are free from errors, and are taste fully displayed. Its-advertising rata are not in exeess of its value to an advertiser. Advertise ments, intended for publican don tn any Issue, should be in tbe omee by the 20th of tbe month. ' marie--S " J. a HORNER. Oxford. JR. C. j NOTICE. '.1 - : c: 11 . .- .! ; THE meeting of the stockholders, and directors ef the North 8tate Copper and Gold Mining Company, which was to 'be held at lei office en the property ef the company In Guilford county, U. O., for the purpose of levying an aaseasment oa the' stock and other business whigh might be present ed to the 1 meettng, has hejsn wistponed aid will be held at the sme place at noon of (he 24th of Ho .fember,.t8&l,'. .:t ; .; JOSEPH. WILKINS, t .'Presidept ict30 tf NOTICE. ij;iorj u all Bed as administrator of tha estate Hooges, deceased,, alt persons in .estate must make immediate nar ehavtns? claims awnottoed Iri dm. sent them within: the : tfm nceaerlbeH- hr Uw nr this notice will be plead to bar of their recovery,' r novl8w4w . t .'-; ) .r : j '. jli h : l: GITY n't "1 .J. 1 A AX8IRARX.H residence,, tkise blocks from the e In Charlotte, wUI be old cheap le. terms to ;the 'ttght ktml of a dwelimgB on s fu) lothas nine tmhlle aniiAm buu wi tvaavauom. lermB 10 ;tn turehaeer. TherweUlBg on s slnTiaat fsilil mi 1 W 1. s a.. ' admirahW i Knn ttnAw OUT . h . MI Sr?aV-wm.ei,Jk5r oW M a whole or divided BY. debtosaM meat Tnoa vwiuwHujiTOiiB, ones. Kucaen one weu oi Jtesidenee of avtawver. 'doctor or nrntctiRK-fiit Tj" ol4lpnthtsteet and the Both Foreign T aM tiomestie, Just Received, at tUtlAl gABATOGA yiCHY. From Saratoga Springs. N. Y. A new water te serablmg the imported Vichy, Recommended as aa antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids dlges ' Hon, is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, 1 Hathorn Nataral Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and in all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO. , K cases congress Water, 0 - ' - 2 Q CASES ROCK BRIDGE ALUM, . ,1 A CASEa.BUlTALO LITHIA And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS -Aim Hanyadi Janos Waters. TOE CRM ElWEiN NOVELTY ! ' JJTJNYADI jANOa THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. ; AS A CATHARTIC: Don. A wine glass-fun before breakfast The Lancet "Sxaub&l Janos. Baron Lleble af firms that Its richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." The British Medical Jbttmri-'-Hunyadi Janos. The most agreeable, safoet, and most efficacious aperient water." Prof- Ttrchow, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." JhSamberger, Vienna, "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." . Scamoni, Wurszburg. I prescribe none but thlSi" Pref. Lander Brunton, M, J., K S 8., London. More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them in efficacy." EPfi,Atlceni i?2 F' R- 8 Bofal Military Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred to Pulina and Frled richshalL" JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist. North Tryon St., CHARLOTTE, N. C. DOKT GO TO SARATOGA when yon can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from the spring at Saratoga. w receive this water in large block tin reservohs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. j. H. Mo A DEN, Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 WHOLESALE ft RETAIL Druggists, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Our stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs, Is complete. ' tVTGIYX US A TRIAL. rpBY OCR INK CAPSULES, , Something new and guaranteed to make the BEST INK m the Market m. L. B WRISTON ft CO. 'y-HITE and RED ONION BETS, ' V ' lot f aO planting, ! '- L. R WRISTON ft CO. ' tTTE RAVE A 1UIX ASSORTMENT 10 I ". Of Seeley'sard Bnbber TftiBgas at1 reasonahie prices, Every Truss warranted as represented. , I R. WRISTON. ft CO. JADHS' CORSET BRACE, 1 ; 5 ; j v A shoulder brace and support for the back com bined. SoWby J R. WRISTON CO. octl2 . VIRGINIA and tbe CAROUNAS. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, Richmond, Va., November lBt, Memoranda of Arrangement of Bound-trip rates, . Tickets, Boufesvf Tran spor tation, and Advan tages offered for the formation of parties of visitors to the INTERNATIONAL COM EXPOSITION AT ATLANTA, OA., From the Territory traversed or , reached by tbe Railways of the Richmond and Dan vllle System.'. 1 a . , ' ! Fromr and after this date, rroot Chsrtottevla Charlotte and Atlanta Air-Line Railway, tickets good one day going, two days staying In, abd one day returning from Atlanta, will be sold as follows: For single person,."... V.I.. . ..... $ 10 70 For parties of 10, each, 9 85 For parties of 20, each,.. 8 00 For parties ef 80, eachi!.i..i......ii...;. 6 70 Forpartteaoieo, each............ 6 85- ; The Ropd Trip. Tickets, herein named, wben used ainglyare of a speclfia contract, form, "void If transferred to others- than' original purchasers," and authorize the leaulrement of Identification of said purchasers, at the option of the Halfway Aaenta'cr Condaetoran :..'! j To theend of affording Increased facllltlea for visiudk nw xpoBuion, coocrac BeaetsY aaaptM toparUas of the 'size herein namedf , are . likewise offered. They embrace all the stipulations of sin gle Ockets, with the addXlooal enevtha they are geodfor transportaUon to Atlanta only when pre sented on train In connection with "all others of the specific class they belong to, as per th priees given." i Holders of these tickets may return unto them singly, .within the period of their valld.tr, provided Uiey kre'tne origlnBi ' pnrchasers, and ldenttry thexlws sswrdtogb.1 -'7"j'r v-..,f i-". rsuimpwKoirewrn-ewponsau Deen aMatuxhed aritthk changed in, any respect, r . lEveetltadon.'ol- th app?taiee.lor, toarseiial eamiortjoaging,'sna ioea,.meang of transit be tween Atlanta and jhe Exposition groundlauthor Izes tbe assurance that all elements .xiA. SST hnMn. rn a. MAanant anil nMi , J i rr wiuviuou vims. nov9 Oetfl Passenger Agent -A- BftSS l T vrr-ar ii UPJMcAdensDrn Store L. R. Wriston & Co., ( m wm Awpw. iftiuwii, u wui oe onen minutes trior to The departure of trains." frrr, f tfnns lif Hin mnnflnna nf ibnan tMa.aiii JForaUlnformaUonnot contained In this adww. BaUway, .u'ia : ha k.- AiTOPJg! anonlxdauguterWredof When death Waslwarty expected, ail re-na les having failedrand Dr.- a Jamea-was experiment ing with the many herbs of Calcutta he accidental ly made a preparation which cured hft only child of CONSUMPTION.- His child b now in this coimtir, and enjoying -the best: health. He has proved to the world that CONSUMPTION can be positively and permanently cored. The Doctor now gives this recipe free, only asking two three cent stamps to pay expenses. This herb also cures Night Sweats, Nausea at the Stomach, and will break up a fresh cold In twenty-four hours. Address CRADDOCX ft CO, 1082 Race street, Philadelphia, naming this paper. FREE bena to MOORE'S BUSINESS TJJH VERSITY For Illustrated Olrcmlo. A H J. -1 n School. Established hscWy years. KSindSig: iSJJSl pf l Great Offer fer HOLIDAYS ! NIFlCENT 7oct RoelwooD' PUNRq ",4G; Dealers, 826 Broadwaf, N?w York THE 8HICKERIMB THEHIGHESTAWARDSortWol AmONALESITIo!l l?r 9?3?T5J. ,nd At the grand CENTEN NIAL EXHIBITION ia PhelphiA, 1870. Pf100" wtahlng te pvrcbaae tor e Inttramentai are respectfully in vlted to visit our Warervems. Sendor Greukn and JVfcs Litt, CHICKERIHB & SOUS, 130 Fifth Avenue. N.Y. 156TremontS.,Boton. Novl dftw4w CORN! CORN! CORN! R! BAGGING AND TIES Wejare agents for THE WATT PLOW - Will. sell U LOWKB.thanryou can buy an other , good plow. Full assortment alaays on band. Call and see us before purchasing. MAYER & ROSS. aug26 Alt Notes and Mortgages GIVEN US LAST FALL FOB GTJJNTO ARE ROW DUE, (N O V E M B E ft 1ST, 1881.) tVPtoase call nd arrange the same 3 . m. Miller a .v nev2 Ginger, Bucau, Man drake, StiUinKia. end aasHref the best medi cines- knewnr are com W44ialrl'erGinfer Tonic, bto a medicine ot suca varied powers, as to make it the greatest Blood Purifier and the DestHealthAStrearth lUitorttt Ever Used. It cures ' Rhesmatism, Sleeplessness, & diseaess cfthe Stomach, Bowels, Lungs, Liver & Kidneys, j&isentirely difierentfrom I"-- rl. - IT-. Parker's HairnBalj Matt Kmawnfcat lUir Trm.a OtBCf Ton ICS, as It rfcdft u "f40 ths never intoxicates. Hiscox a jam W other Tonics, as it ""T""irl & Co.. Chemists. N. Y. jgfc.ua fl tlies. tsw8iiyfcigBuy1rD9lhir8liB. oct22 2fTX7ftiTICE: PURSUANT to a decree of the Buperior Court of , MecklenburK, I will sell at PubMe Auction, at the courthouse in Charlotte, oh Monday the mb day ot December, 1881, that very valuable and de sirable lot of land lylna between the Intersection of the N, a R. R. and Trade street formerly tbe Property of P.M. Brown, and now owned by 3. T- .?J $ bljalanpe On 8 abd 6 m oaths cred lt within teres! T-7BUFU8 BARRING ER, nov5 d oaw Ida Commissioner. Guano .... m