Stye eljarlottt Bienifi 5 1 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Daily, one year, post-paid, in advance. . . . Bm been3horoughly supplied, with, evrineeded $8 00 . 4-00 .2.00 ..f.... ...4...J, Three, Om rkmM . WMMKLT RD1TIOS:. ,' .. mumnf of Inh'PrtnUng m ftnafhdbfti 75 Hah at short notice, (jTraejiilfcxv, . .2 Y WeeXLy tn Uxcomnty), In advance.. ...'.. ...J2.00 Ottfoftotwnijr, WiHMW .wv,ii... 2.10! iz montt. 1.05 BT" literal Reduetkm jbr Chit. TAQSrBECElPfN, POtWElBBj u .... i- EBoeftAMMza.minfiiLi&l,H VOL.-XXVI. charlotte; n..c, saturday;-november 19, lssi.' NO. 3,955.- PAJttPHLETS. CBCULlBaCHBOKa, ftc. ' to OVR FABHEBS. BY TELEGRAPH. NEWSITEaiSU y, ' r f ';s !' J v'," .-'.i.-.tjr.:4 . -.iir.7' ..!,-:,., ....- - "u' - - - "JA'i r ' ; S i -f 1 ' . , - i- .-.:. .- '.: ' "?.' .,!:r,..' c'ci wioit ! A FtW DAYS We U1 receive oar SECOND STOCK of OOOD3 tbls season irhlcb will include all the latest novelties tn Ladies' Neck Wear, Lace, AND OIEIB GOODS FOB THK HOLIDAY TRADE. Aso, a maenlflcent line of the latest styles In LAD1IS' CLOAKS, WALKING J ACKETS and ULSTERKTTE9. tT One of our firm has started Kortn and we will soon be receiving new goods by every steamer. Alexander k Harris. $00ts mi fl Allots 1881 Fall & Winter 1881 We are dally receiving our FALL & WHITER STOCK which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the LADIES', MISSES', CHLLDRENS, GENTS'. HOIS'. AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS! SHOES A SPECIALTY. Lower grades all goods In our line In variety and all prices. - . FULL STOCK Stetson and Other Hats. A PRETTY LINE TRUNKS, YAL1SES AND SATCHELS ALL SIZES AND RRICES. Call and see us. PEQRAM & CO. sep8 CoEdensea Time TaMfr-Norll(MaiaR.R . TKilSS (WIS8 HOKTH. . Date.May 1581 Ho. 47 Dally No. 49 Dally No. 48, Dairy -4.16 pm Lv. Charlotte, " A-L. Depot " " Juntft " Salisbury. Arr.Ureensboro Lv.Oreenaboro Arr.Balelgh Lv. " Arr. Goldsboro Lv. Greensboro for Richmond Lv. Danville " N. Danville " Barksdale " Drak'sBr'ch " Jeteravllle irr. Tomahawk Arr. Belle Isle Lv. " " Arr.Hanehester Arr. Richmond 4.05 AK 411 Alt 5.56 AM 8.03 am 8.25 AM 0.15 AM e.KAkf 4.80 Psr AM fi.07 PM AMI PM 9.50 8.18 PM 1.40 FM! ir Rlch- 1.45 ivi n'fid only 4.uurM, 8.25 10.21 AM 10.27 am 11.81 AM 11.83 AM 12.01 PM 10 58 12.87 PM 2.24rM' 8.20 PM 4.05 PM 1.20 PM 2.55 1 851 PMi 4.28 PM 4.10TMJ 4.85 PM1 4.88 PM 4.18 PM 4.18 FM 4.43 am 7.28 XaAD?S QQTltft SQPTH. Date.Hoyl5'80 No. 42 Dafly. No. 48 Dally. Na 50 Dully Lv. Ulohmond ' Burkeyllle Arr. N. Danville Lv. " " DanvUle Arr. Greensboro Lv. " Sallsburr ia45 PM 12.00 M 2.48 PM .05 PM. 2.25 i ?."5 AM 0.18 PM 7.27 AMI kis- 8.17 PM a 87 PM io.8a pm 9.20 i ... 9.81 am 11.16 am 12.45 PM 1.00 PM Arr. AL. Junction 12.15 AM . . ..... " Charlotte Lv. Richmond " Jetersville ' Drak'sBr'ch " Barksdale ' " Danville " Benaja " Greensboro " Salisbury Arr. A-L. Junction Lv. " 44 Arr. Charlotte 12.20 i l.Sh FM 4.41 PM S.07 PM 7.26 PM 7.51 pm 8.55 PM - 9.27 PM I 11.05 FX 12.26 AM 12.86 am SAUEM BBAHOB. NO. 48 Daily, except Bandar. Leave Greensboro. , 9.40 pm 11.40 PM . ....... Arrive Saleou . .... Kn. 47 Dailv. exoent Bunday. . . .. Leave Salem. . . w. a & 1 7-go Arrives Oreensbaro.........- IMW-AM Leave GntX,...4i'4-ll?i Arrives Salem. ll.THT am Leave Halarn ... 5.80 Vr Arrive Greensboro 70 P I lul ..alia mnA ftfi Brtll OIllV makS short stoppages at points named on itoe nscMduier rassengers taking tram no VutT'"; get aboard at toe BAvTA B. VU depot . ThU train. Qoidsrjow-Newerae--and all potato ea WUialaiHl wn weldon Ballroaa. . Passenger trains No. 47 and 48 mars all local stops between Charlotte and Richmond, and be- tun hja. iaiairh .nil Ooldaboro. NO. 47 maklns connection with W. N. C B. at Ballabory tor AsbevUle (Sundays excentod). i0,?'?" nectlngat Greensboro, with ftUem ,Branh (Sua aiu aAanal . .. . . . . j , Passenger mXinUmiJ B L" stops bimm:QMtUM,imirt--BktonMaa,maw Orr'arflsborg, Cnlna Grove. UolUborg, Lln woodandJamestownj oT' ? No.43eonaects wUb .SUwa Brw at Gtosbs-boro.-'- - - : i i-tvr - Best Brands Latest Styles WE BOTE BKCIITXD A LARGE LOT OF Warner's Celebrated Corset, i Coral ice, Flexible Hip, Cross Boned Hip, Abdom inal, and Nursing, In all sizes. NEW STOCK -or- REPELMNTS and CLOAKINGS, In new and desirable effects. Another choice lot of DOLMANS, JACKETS, TJL 8TERS and CLOAKS. A good as sortment of MEN'j, LADIES' 4 CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, for Winter. S Remember we sell the best SHIRT for one dollar to be found In the city. T. L. SEIGLX & CO. F. 8. We will make sweeping redactions prices of DRESS GOODS on Monday morning. noTl8 in keumdism Neuralgia, Sprains, Pain in the .Back and Side, r There Is nothing more painful than these diseases; but the pain can be removed and the disease cured by use of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. " This remedy is not a cheap Benzine or Petroleum product that must be kept awmy from fire or heat to avoid danger of explosion, nor im it an untried experi ment that may do more harm than good Pain Killer has been in constant use for forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the world is, It never falls. It not only effects a permanent cure, but It relieves pain almost Instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, It Is safe In the hands of the most Inexperienced. The record of cures by the use ot Paw Killxb would fill volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those who have tried It think: Edgar Cady, Owatonna, Minn., says : , About a year euuse my wife became subject to severe Buffering from rheumatism. . Our resort was to the Pah, which speedily relieved her. Charles Powell writes from the Bailors' Home, London: I had been afflicted teeeyearswlth neuralgia andyiolentipaanwof tM stomach. The doctors at Westminster Hospital gave up my .case in despair. I tried yonr f axk K it.t.tb, and ijgave ie Immediate relief. I have regained my strength, and am now able to foQow toy usual occupation. G. H. Walworth. Saco, Me., writes I experienced immediate relief from pain in the ride by the nso of your Paxn Eilib. . York says: I have used your Path Krma for rheum&tigm, and have received great benefit, Barton Seaman says : Have used Pain Kn.unt for thirty years, . and have found it a ner,failirig remedy Jor rheumatism and lameness. sir. Burditt writes : It never faiU to (rive relief in eases of rheumatism. Phll.OUbert, Somerset, Pa., writes : From actual use, I know your Paim Etixxa is the best medicine I can get. All druggists keep Pain Eillxk. Its price Is so low that it la within the reach of all, and it wffl save many times Its cost in doctors' ' bills. 25c, 50c and $1.00 a bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, ProwdSnci n. i. sept dfcw sept oct iNDOft$E'By;-::a; PHYSICIANS, CLERQYMEH, AMD THE AFFLICTED EVER YWHERE. : THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE i i; SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID tMssofaTOsWU.lTansa.borelsoostiTa, fain tn tfiSHsaAwith dull sensatiotf in hi hud L Pain nnder th snovua fl? uflness after efg, witn f dSj cllnanqn to exerttQa or ooav or IrnUbiuty ot temper. at memory, fhaTlng Knor e?ea. Yellow Bkin. Hsadaohe, Bestless- pe, at night, highly colored XTrins. XT TSSSX WAKiniGS iBI VTHXXpTD, SERIOUS DISEASES Will SOON BE DEVUOfED. tUTTl FILLS are esoeeUlry adaipted to sneaeasestolDedeae effeeto hsehangs f f eellar as to vatoniah.tss anffcrar. . Thsy iasireeso Um ApyeUte, Mdcass the body to Take rlefta, thus the syatsm ta ihil and sr thetrToal Aetlosion th k BMrwlevStooU are pro- dacad. Frio 2 c ecnts. . M Miirray-nM., J llfilll'Ulkl Black by a single application ' l.HlS'.il1 faiparts I natural color, o iMtsataartoosly. Sold by DrnggisUrU Mni by azprtM ooTMtrpi of ft. Office, 35 Murray St. Ifw York. cWhl lklt wUI W -uiM tun as eUmUm.f Vih WAjuuImT " ' ' - : n tT" ft Mad lyurast XartlaSranr : ,.IV:l,.'J..W..f.'!JM.WIW All Fanurs AioUMn, buuneu rict ScSho1 swtbywsvks wormesal . KUnH. raaui beiBviwralwl sdcawdsyfaqj a. r veawiMi Consumption, ."H tiiealinHKor an 1SIM MM w j - . - - tl. andfi .. H'cnx ftOv." rtnM.ta.N. Y.i lUtnavttDaadiaf BiMtSWaCakK hurl" 'IL T -T.7T7OfP 2Vtt :." tiewars or inuiauuiiB. "'iavrrri. eoiB ananled with oui "Iloneat T",oop: srhii ch will be found on head Of ere: of memory, wiin ieeuna qi nw uqs leetedsome duty, wesrlnsss. Plylness; sn?Sii4n a nf fhi Heart. Dots before the Sme Mnsrrestlons About ComnaerelaJ Frtilizrii which it may b Warth . NO. 1. : : i Tma Obsebveb has klnrlly ofEered us the us of its columns to place before you views we bold, in common with some others, relating to the use of com mercial fertilizers on our crops. We hope to place the subject before you in a plain, intelligible way, and make sug gestions of a practical nature, which, if utilized, will prove of value to your in terests. We are firmly convinced of their great utility, and it shall be our endeavor to arouse in you the same in terest we feel in the matter.. We are one of you, and write solely in our mu tual interest The drought of the past summer has upset all of our pre-conceived ideas of the value of the use or commerciai.ier- tilizers on our crops, and left us at sea as to the doucv ot continuing their use. So Ions as their application seemed to give ua a profit we were content to con tinue their use without once consider ing whether-oiaoJn.the long ran it was our true interest to do so. But the losses entailed on us by the drought, and the hardship of the payment of our guano accounts, have brought us face to face with the Question, and in a man ner most of us will long remember. We see the seeming profits of a series of years, arising from their use, swept awav bv this disastrous season, and the time is now propitious for taking into consideration whether or no we nave not been "paying dear for our whistle .11 il l 1 aii uie long jfsan we nave uceu ubuik I 1 1.1 . una uuii ueem a nuwi aoio ui wuucjr w haye bought any of these superphos Dhates. Science and practical acrricul ture are beginning to shed light on this subject. Animal bone and mineral phosphates are the base of all the "superphos phates" of commerce. They contain about 50 per cent, of the phosphate of lime, which makes them valuable main ly in agriculture, and when treated with sulphuric acid (oil of vitrol) they become superphosphates. This treat ment with acid is necessary, it has been held, to separate the phosphoric acid of the phosphate of lime from the lime, and thus make the phosphoric acid sol uble in water to prepare it to oe taken up by tne plant as rooa. unaertnis suDoosition the phosphate material thus treated acquires its principal value, commercially and agriculturally, irom the percentage ot soiuDie or iree pnos phoric acid it contains, and when am- mom a, potasn, or otner piant iooa is . . X . 1 A. A J added, the value of tne material in creases relatively. When void of am monia and potash it is Known on tne market as "acid phosphate or "dis solved bone." If fresh animal bone is used the ammonia is furnished by tne bone, otherwise the manufacture adds it from other sources. If potash is re quired it is added by the manufacture, it not being found in the natural bone or mineral Dhosphates. As "superpnospnates," -ammoniatea superphosphotes, &c, these latter goods are known on tne mamec. rnis ma nipulation of the animal bone and mine' ral nhosnhates is what erives business to the many establishments scattered throughout the North and South for the manufacture of our commercial fertnizars. The farmers and planters of the South are their principal cus tomers, the farmers of the North con fining themselves to tne use er me crround bone and ground phosphate without the acia treatmeuc Ana wise ... a. . J . ly, too. as we hope to show you. We in North Carolina bought about $3,000,000 worth of the manufactured article last season, or wnicn you oi jueckienpurg a . a - r 1T t- took from & 150.000 to 8115.000 worth. L.eadinfir scientific and practical agri culturists are bejnnning to discover that the laboratory or nature is arwe to prepare the food for plants in her own way without tne aia oi tne cuemisi uuu . a AL.4 .Vm.sVm fertilizer manuiacturer, uiab piauus have dierestive powers of their own, and that if we place food within the reach of the plant nature will utilise it for us. In our next communication we shall endeavor to place before you sat isfactory " evidence of the soundness of Cabarrus County, 2. C Tbanksg-tTlns; Preclaroaiiou. State of North Carolina. Executive Department, Custom, law and eratitude alike. re nnirinc that at least one dav before the p.Ioae of each Tear should be devoted to giving thanks to Aimignty lioa ior ms . . . .a. J maniioia mercies ana Diessing, a auwiu as J. Jarvis. Governor of North Caroli na, do issue this my proclamation seir ting apart Thursdaj', jxovemper ins!, as a Uay or tnanKsgiying ant nravftr. and do earnest! v reauest ai n people of North Carolina properly to observe the same. Let the cnurcnes and other places of public worship be opened and the places of business close. Let the people, resting irom r.hMrlhnrs snend the dav deVOUUy, R3 becomes a thank'hl Christian people On that day let not the poor, the widow and the orphan anywhere he forgotteni rememoering inai w give iu ulmd i ienq to him irom wnom a uiooouiKa come. Especially lei not. tuo vMur Orphan Asylum be forgotten, tne ne , AASAitiM nf whose unfortunate inmates; neve greater than now, l especially commend to the eenerous considera tion of a grateful people. Ta k nf sva-a Alfv Wacrh t his the SIT ..nth riovnr NnvpmDer. in u'eyeai: of our XK)rd one thhusand eight v. - . . 4 A i .1 m v,,,nrirA(i arm eicniY-ouc. auu.ju vmb J vear of American inaepenaence-ine one Dunareubu uu wavu. Thomas J. Jabtis.:, By the Governor: v - 1 I .. I II; I1I.KY. Private Secretary. 4 The Long- Psvst svn4 the Presents "M. Onad" at Antletam. - - . , . ; t the hreaatworks of the Sixth .rns across the stony fi6ld. Into thick- I fits and out. and here and there . ar6 ! relics of the long past A piece of bonej ; an old canteen, a an old bayonet. ttheag of bullets, and what not. AndyetvasI ! stand on the the earth-works orr which no grass has ever yet tanen roow a ooi-. 'Ativan nn nrnharda laden with. frUlt, Children returning from school,' the hnv in the mellow fields, and" heat : amund me the soft notes of blne-bk and robin. Ayel asiiooK, tne piow- dot stops to pun - earth, and hold. UP nine skull! Strange grimneas-stranger . neace I s ifiX'' 5wo wmwwsx vtatt "fiiL.nmna a&ama bti fdnridAd that a rmmbef ; of prominent citizens of Baltimore have Tesslved; ; to erect a monument to the memory ofthe tare. ; Dr. j. w. Bull, discoverer of that woiiderfulroin i ay. Air, saui. ww'T -it'T ut l.u. rjm iniMtjui JMrmiinf Witeh Hazel I Mnaide7 iuneilor to an Witch Hazel-gi -tjoe iaart r . 1-7---- o k oin ii n OmTOes. PaltBnenin, to mv aight, a grin- The iprra Mpoeclu : Berlin. Nov. 18. The ISmrieror's speech emphatically points out that so cial evils are not to be relieved bv re pression alone, but rather by concur- rent promouuu ui. uib weuare or tne working classes. The Emoeror save he will look, back on all his success, and with greater sat isfaction if he bequeath to the father land new and lasting, guarantees for continuous peace, t home and to the necessitous a more secure and generous measure ox mac , assistance to v which they have a claim- The aged and in firm, he says, are entitled to a greater degree of state provision, than they now enjoy, at this moment when, matters connected with : internal institutions 1resent far-reaching and different prob ems, the solutions of which is not to be maaterea in a single session, but which the Emperor has felt it to be his duty before God and man to . put for- wara. lie rejoiceu more to oe , aDie to exDress his entire satisfaction with the state of foreign politics. At no time during the -tost ten years, he says; could the maintenance of peace be anticipat ed so confidently as at present. The meetings at tiasten ana uautzic were an expression or close personal and political relations between the sovereigns and their empires. The con fidence thus ex eating between these imperial courts is a trustworthy guar antee of the peace which is the identi cal aim of their policy. The speech conclude as follows : Our relations with all other powers and the i , r . W i : r i I moscfnenuiy : ener m uermanyioyai . .- - -ITT- Jlj . . I uoiu wim every uatiuu. e ieKJi.u tb as a duty to God and the fatherland to strengthen and justify that faith. Two hunarsa deputies were present during the reading of the speech. , , t Trouble In ihe West irs;lnla Coal, mines. Wheeling, Nov. 18. Gov. Jackson was informed Wednesday night that a mob of 850 miners, at Caunelton, haa driven out 60 men employed to take their place and that trouble was ex pected. He directed Col. Buffner, of the state militia, to examine into tne matter and report. Word has . been re ceived from Col. Buffner that' trouble i3 still imminent, and that he has order ed a company of militia to Caunelton and directed others to be ready. OenveAtloti mt Distillers Caicago. Nov. 18. The distillers' con vention met yesterday .; f Before the meeting closed: all but two of th dis tilleries in the United States were rep resented, and those two sent word that they would abide by the aetidn of the convention. All present shtned - an agreement to reduce their operative capacity, to pool their funds and to ex port all old products. sale Ratification Selma, Aul, Nov. 18. At a meeting here yesterday of the stockholders of the Alabama central railroad, the ac tion of the directors in selling the prop erty some time ago to the East Tennes see, Virginia and Georgia railroad com pany, was rauhea. . . . . . ; A Move en the Belffloas Order. Pabis. November 18. In the cham- "hpr of denutiea. M. Roche, of the ex treme left, introduced a bill proposing aecularization of . the property of reli gious orders and edihees of seminaries oi Church ana bpate. Wives Satisfaction iu Franco. Pabis. Nov. 18. A very satisfactory. impression is caused here oy tne pas sage in the German Emperor s speech referring to the peace poiicy-oi tne Zr m . - a a l . Uerman empire. Klancbester JHarkeC Firm. Manchesteb. Nov. 18. Market for yarns and fabrics firm and tending up ward. STATE HCXV8. :., jreeii8bore Tribune: Fronv July 1st to date S 190.000 more revenue was collected in the 5th district than for The same period last year; about: 25 distil leries m operation with a large num ber preparing to starttbut little blocs; ading ;. col lection b fur October, SI 20 JXK). a aozen or more wewunjoi uo tapis.. . ; ::: '. ' Wilmineton Star; There is' a big business done here, in the shipping of fish and consequently they com m arm a rrrut Tirh. ' " ' -' iMn W.M.Hay'es hai a cat at his shop, corher of Sixth and - Chesta ut streets, which sports a cdt of white; wool j, like that of a sheep, a coyjenpg of hair, peculiar to .therorainary. ruuoi the, feline population;; 1 : SalisburV Watchman ? The wrr- shor)s of the5 Western N. C. Railroad is in full operatron, with between 4(Tand 5X1 hApds busily at work building and renalrint? cars. They have iust put on the traoK a Deaumui passeuKer uoacu No. 10, comprisin g all the conveniences and laxuries.Of 8 first class. The shops have been entirely: .rebuilt, ' except :the round liouse . whiehV i unfinished for y ears; is 'Pb w cotpplfeied ndf' a part tot it oeeu by-.a-Taridditlon. of new machines dI -various kinds je.Qjtrea by a ahopof full apacity.-All' parts of the fr: frorri flat na except fh "rt heels. are maauf actured .re,.and'V?),th a fa- 1 ciu vv-utei w Sncerj' Our counlyrjaU now contains 11 prisoners, low contains U prisoners, '.f;1, f c : : , We learn tnac jyir. Asa s;ran aored citizen of Monroe township, died outhe Mh InstaAt ..iTieedftga . Anntlier madoe etemen in lowii yesterdajPiir KeMy the visits of these louw'.ic :j9i s .ia ;i.i . . . t,..-, nAfj Tehxrtotih and Messenaer: r.. vou ten me uie onzin ox xne say? fnff -CottoaisiuDK.? ouotedi fSO; rteih ASSEfffiS nrSft he a b f araa.we can learn the ezptesston was originated ty Hoh.amesH.Ham GovrrvO .'t3orjUi Carolina. ; , 1; is stttf eduthabbSr asMrted the supre- tri:fttatesL asDeefch that attracte&jnuch WO:1 laoprme a this way:, "Nbyou dare1 sot alake wara .cot- ton. No power on earth a ares to mase war upon cotton.tCottpn is King! Un til lately , tbetBan of England was kftur; rhutfrie4to-prt;hervsoiwfcM usual, thaTfalL IWqrelthe.JaihS ootton-cropv and .w Mutter ly-vanqiush-j cent evente, tliattUon.i&supreme?n u iMGrOV0inTiKmo;.. nas. sarjgnisnfB i X' MlZstrt I rMTMIL WiUUWIUbWil The distemper amen the horses em ployed on the New xOrK- street car lines continues. Out of 750 horses own ed by the Fourth avenue line, about 200 are laid up in the hospital. The Hebrew ladies of Baltimore have &igS2EhS&tZ Mr. Patrick Eean. treasurer of the land league, now in Paris, received 2,800 last week, practically all from America. . ... Mr. John Walter, of the London Times, who has returned from his visit to the United States, thinks that more Englishmen should emigrate to Ameri ca. - . Annie Murray, an old woman, aged 80 years, was locked op Wednesday I with two females in a cell at the second district station house In Philadelphia. Shortly afterwards she was found hang ing to the bars dead, having used her apron to hang herself. Aaron A. -Chase, editor, of the Scran- ton (Pa.) Times, was convicted Wednes- ; . day in the special term of court held in Wilkesbarre, of libel against W. W. Scranton, late manager of the Lacka wanna Goal and Iron company. The jury gave a verdict for damages in the sun of $3,858. There was shipped from New York city for Alexandria, Egypt, Wednesday, a portable pleasure and hunting-boat, manufactured for Mr. August Jtfeimont, Jr., who intends to use it during a I JO" years sojourn in the East, during which iime he will hunt snipe alongtheEgyp- 1,1 a" I1YC1B. Numerous embarkations from Mar seilles for Tuni3 will commence this week. A steamship com Dan v haa been Ordered to prepare for the transporta tion or soldiers to Algiers. The total imports of the-United King dom were in 1880 valued at $2,001,248,- 66, against $696,806,150 for the .United States. The exports of the United lungdom during the same vear were $1,393,835,986, while those of the United States were $890,680,149. The gross amount of our foreign trade was $1.- 587,4S6,299,while that of England, Scot land and Ireland was $3,395,054,672. - . Failure of a Liquor Dealer. Memphis, Nov. 18. G. Baum, whole sale liquor dealer of this city, has made an assignment. .Liabilities, $70,000; as- j sets, $35,000. The principal creditors i are Freeberg & Workum, of Cincin nati, to whom is due $46,000. Abraham Seezel is named as the assignee. Icy Coldness. London, Nov. 18. The Standard's Berlin correspondent says the Deputies listened with icy coldness to the Em peror's speech. Not one sentence was applauded. ONE OF THE EEAStMfABLK PUBABUBES Of life.a broperly cooked meal, affords ntaeomo meaent enioxmenL and muoh subaeouent torture to a eonflrmed dyspeptic. But when chronic Indi gestion is cmnbatted with Hostettert stomach Bitters, the food hveaten with relish, and most inn portant of all.' is asstmilated by and nourishes tha system.; use uns grana iooie ana eorrecuve atso to remedy consupunon, biliousness, rneumsxism, fever and ague. '- ' '! j. j... . j foe sale by ail Drugetsts and Dealers .generally.. joMiai8N yt. Will. SND &0?DAYS! TRIAL, ElB6trffi1ftBfe,pplian C8S suflrjirtrKrfTjm SfetHVrS Wewlciiesfleir, Om- oral JebIIltyylsjf yf. nerve force or vigor, or an v disease resmttrfs-fom-ABOSES and Othet. tiam, Neuralgia, Pursrtai fBptnai XMBieulliee, Kidney or uvcrriiui.-KtLSiBMk, Rpp- tnres, ana otneriwwiwnir we viiat vrgsna Also woken irouoicu wiui cu8eose8 peculiar 10 their sex. Speedy relief nnd complete restoration to health guaranteed jJiJijEse, are the only F.lectrie. ADiitium-cs that have ever -been eonMrnetlftfMiivselitlBeiriri- eipies. neir,ui0iwjMjmoseyMp oeen prao- snecesV. ' Knd thdHhav-tlitf hiahest - ttfle men, and XiJfritrtajrwlHhavjP; been qiiioKiyjiii r.rtieaiiy rnreu their use. " " Send'at once OH rffiifated TptueVgivlnr U iniocmatlon icee, Address, . , . v . 32 2A. , tt ii oonceded lead KWorld. Ail the celebnir 4 TkV.ynlUa m4'milA ft :rrrDBO0K8T0Blt. -Cat factor raSvHw E.i:i t-u 'itjrllmvkvwnn. epvmma DC n w44 u mr a h r r- ... . . ra u r CTfjSBTAiaEWTT b r V I "STTt.T. TSIT OP fOXS JAMES A REVISED VERSIOMS "VERSrC iANiOl Jll If AK.A I.I, Kb fAUJtM. . B O OK JFvm mm AFMirm. ChansBS ahowxi at s SavMtiots, 4aon laanrea aecwaor, bit fctioo. 8 Bap Containins I OOO pagea. ACrEWTRH PrWr,'l Mfc M. CHAMBEBs- V M IRERS- a HI.. illi! ..;v ; t AttanU, Gaoisls. iB8rddor8mjM i s.i, .-. Quiddy'and;:k J$tmanently;i fiUREDl "AalSaalfillJjCrar MW aBdaM does ot msrsly auurant cur of Us "Ja VsO Mat M( AwmnsS i ssaiM Tnoo tleeo MttiA Xf your dralsgist does not M-- jpj-yf, alL aEC9 .aV DOw J;Wfil4wnyt,ew Terk, an ...r.t .. IS K STOMACH 'lr 30 DAYS TiRIAt UaMMKbMUSiM 121 STOCK tOX IlANDS0MI8r LINE OF - - PASSIMENTERIES AND BUGLEJ.RINGES, EVER SHOWN IN Just received, some BUGLE FRINGES per Express. mm. fir nuiklnir WklXltia Iirrrrg . in patterns, for making WALKING JACKETS. All uiAJXumaueoiors, at ex&emely low prices. WHITE PERSIAN LaWNS lrl fry fine fabrics, for eventm KuicsocB. vuoa imuuflw) m entuess vanesy t v ju.vfx ana vnvurr. rlannels, In all colors, at prices never before shown In this, market, pr"W'r. Opera "EvittV Shoes, "Torncr'f Come and see our IMM EN8E STOCK ot Goods, -TRULY,- H ARGRAVES SMITH BUILDING, T R A D E P. 8. WILL C. ALEXASDER. formerly with IT. to see his friends around. t novl3 . Fa Complete; OUR rilEP AEATIONSIFOE THIS SEASON'S TRADE BEINGi N(5W" ENTIRELY WS cordially invite our friends and the public generally to an Inspection of the attractions display ed, confidently asserting that they will be found in every respect up to the standard. In submit ting this we would call special attention to the styles of our own design and manufacture, which to con stantly keep on band during the entire season. , We; are Justified In asserting that the long'ekpeTience and standing of our House, is a full guarantee that our Clothing Is theiSosP teHuuMi The garments of our own manufacture are strictly first-das. We! are constantly and carefully atndyina the de mands of our, patrons, and invariably insuring tne ml absolute bottom prices, our object has always been to bring about a display every season of i full line of garments of the newest style. The work' manship of eur Clothing U equal to any of the :beat In the country. We don't say .that our produc tions are superior to all others; we are reasonable jand never exaggerate; we tell every customer the truth, allowing no one in our employ to do otherwise: or in any instance to misrepresent goods In order to accomplish a sale. Our endeavor Is to ptease, ann to give to each customer the value of every dollar he leaves with us. Onr line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Is complete in all branches. NECK WKAB A SPECIALTY. Tea Respectfully, oct9 DEALEB IN i Tinware & Honse Furnishing ttoois. MANGELS and GRATES i it WHOLESALE and BE TAIL. Particular attention pa!td to Ty ' ' U ,7 i' . ! 1 -M. iJl 13- c '. i. uy , .in ; ;.,, ROOFING AND SPOUTING-: None but first : lass hands employed. ' Call for the Oot29 Chew only the brand ot tobacco known, as . The Old Oaken Bucket.. , . . ,, .1 ...... -I . fi . . v. l . - rpHE old Oaken Bucket, , ' X' The lron-bouhd bucket, J ; The moss-covered -backer. Tnat.hungjn the welL Chartotte,' tlUberal terms to dealers.- lilU It TTtJ NGTI6E. I - -' --TO TiPTJSABOto--- ,: : i: HUNTESVfifcE, Wi TOBD and ; Mini ".... .- ' TDIJteBOBG, s ; ' iiiiUf. ! we would respectfullr can your attention to Um fadt that we have goods toG. T?TtT and all we want Is for you to comevZTAlixJJLvwith the money.' If we have the kind of eodsyoa want we will self to yoa. All you hare to do vto get, goods eheap- U to Jew at us a, lttle.:i We don't, intend to Jet Charlotte or any other place, undersell us Just ni3w for'essn. We InHQikyotl wUI not'HQdas many goods with aias m CSuwlotte, yet we may have as much as you will want and will sen to. yon Com? AND-'aei.' Hi- i.' K 1 Stoves Heaters Rao moras and Demomat copy 2fe 1 'J it! !') THIS MARKET. Wa hMA mim vnr fln mMa tn huvlamnA wool 8HOODAHS. CaSHMRKKS and -LADIES' SENS, all colors. i marketj Dftmaak, Towels, i Shoes 1:iflr ; ' and you will be convinced that our prices are low. & WELHELM. ST. Morris A Bros.. Is with na nan and srlll ha nlAAond . . H. W. , . -V.-t J t;t.n i-r - 0 OMPL'SfE, - . . . i . ,v .. L. BEWANGEH & BRQ4 Leading Clothiers and Tailbfs. l-J. W. P. MARVIN, AGT. J W. IfDOWEU. w o a i H Pi Got and Snccesaor to Beari AOa 10 .a: ; PdTe"Medi(iiies None but the ' Very Best rng(s ' ' .-. : . u -do I keep in my stock. Also, Toilet and Fancy Articles. 1 ferfuiuerles, Combs BrUsbea,. Tooth .Brushes, i;C GARDEN SKE&8' V I ft of all the best vartetleh, a to be ftiOd. and 'warranted H 'it Fla I Physicians prcrlptioris are given, speor. 1 - - -' j& 'attBnrioa - - - f 17 :i i J,u:. . 1C Hbnlna to receive, a hare of nubile patronage, I am, respectfully, rt" Jebffl . ' :W,.P..MABT.lNi rU cp., flOB the purpose of engaging more extensively Qd excUiskwty,in, the lln .pf BsT JJILLiNEBT .QXMfeS: LtSi the ooailngireay, wholesale nd T tal''&B'now 6ffer rfothelf (niibs'oitrod's Wt'ti ' iur stock si very low prices to close cutT, The . jsfoekjis; large, pew and wehaMqrted, consUUng pi . tull lines f wmm. GOODS,. Li GES, JUBBOID EBXES, all kinds of TBIMMIN!S1LIN And' KANCf EQlIl, tVZOTNECK 'wEAH; COBSBTK fiXIBTB, 3fI5nq ). t. & nvj: t-ivtwt ljuna iuxtii'fj-, , -V: fi HtUiW 'Jittt il t' ; it t 1V( IfADIEaV, ,aad5. pTLDBEN'fl UNDEgWEAB, , ;DBE83 TttllAUBOBTJTTONS TiBUCUNEN, : ' A ' ffll&i JQNEi .70W,1X)ttn,'NiPmSB.tte,m hWtc:tifsoleAHU - -'l i' ii A -.a ,;' r t -H'J vVvH S 'vV Laaies ana tuuarea&riirfliMUiigjuooQs, I" ?' i .) :-miT .-.'ihv.-tAO .ti.. jWiich.we otter wlnjrerye fpricetj thit will gn&rantse uau -uqmeouuyt fats. f xerms, ec ; yus sal wnl be' strict sash: -jijfcrI J; . ! --i-odb 8TCX'OllOI34I i 'ZtiiuA ijU io aoiialitettozm x I ' li ft lfodpen oany ia ae jState and Is oonstanily being added to as new. 0 il..-..' r-I .l9j-HVn 53l baa mi'.-j euu ; nov2 '-rrtrr- i a .t4 - a wi wt.M m ..i -l r-a . a- . r I .w l;i:i i..vr .T.-rn -ysi SiiJ f ! voVvflAiS7MnitTnsrTBrofCtitircfe i.sud 8tonewaaum;V- Jfor furtpsr inroima-- r III iui mi UVXReV Hon apply to ' "WmI'W-HI Dotao oawdw ; fiim ! end Ticket i ; llanuladuredotuy br 11(1 tead .SttHt .: s '.! --i - 'J ) maylS v - , I , . .McluaoAd,( i I-- " - - ' i

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