She f)atIoeb0OTtt: LOCAL LMliLUGECE. SATURDAYKpi9;j88i;! SOCIETY DIRECTORY . i Phalxhx Lods No. 8i; A. T. & A. K.--Balr rceettag every second and fourth Monday nlghU Excklsiob Lodsb No.'26l, A. F. ft A. M.-Bee-ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nlgnta? Chablottb Chaptsb Na 89, B. A-1L Eecalar meeting every second aiid fourth, Jttday nights. -.. . Chablottb Ooioiahdarv No. 2, K. T. Reeular meeting every first and third Thursdays. . iC- oir. 3at . .7. ' ;; ; Knights or Honor. Regular" meetlna evart second and fourth Thursdays, , . - Knights of PiiiiiAa, Bfegular meetimf nlahta first and third Wednesdays,. 7 o'clock p. m. atMa- sonic Temple Han. . 4 i- 0V6. ibv t:t CHAKLorra Lope no.. 88.-Meeto Overy Mon day night . " Mkcklxkbubs Dxclasatioh Lanes no. a.i Meets every Tuesday night. Diiib Lodob-No. 10&-Meetarran Thursday Catawba Bitbb EHOAMPXXirt Ko. 21. Meets g.rst and third Thursday nights In each month. .. Index to NeW TertiMment. Lost Jewelry Reward. . i ' ' ; i " LeBoy Davidson New Good?. Alexander 4c Harris Second block. Opera House, Nov. 24th. nVSINESS NOTICES. AM ENTHUSIASTIC ENDORSEMENT. Gorham, N. HU July 14th, 1879. Gents -Whoever you are, I don't know; but I tlm iik the Lord and feel gratetul to you to know tbat in this world of adulterated medicines there is one compound that proves and does all It ad vertises to do, and more.- Four years ago 1 had a slight shock of pa'sy, which, unnerved me te such an extent that the least-excitement would make me shake like the ague." Last Mar I was induced to try Hop Bitters. I used one bottle, but did not see any change; another did so change my nerves that they are now as steady as they ever were. It used to take both hands to write', but now my good right hand writes this. Now, If you continue to manufacture as honest and good an article as you do, you will accumulate an honest fortuneand confer the greatest blessing on your fellow-men tuui was e yci wuicxxvu VII m&D&inu. TIM BUKOH. . ; a card. ' , ;. . : To all who are suffering from the errors and in discretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay 09S of manhood, fcc, I will send a recipe that will cure you. FREE of CHARGE This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America ' end a self-addressed -envelope to the-rBxr OfcEPH T. INMaN, Station D, Jtew York City . B IRON VON HUMBOLDT, In his travels and explorations- la South America, became deeply interested in the wonderful proper ties of the Coca plant. Consumption and asthma, he says, are unknown among the aatives who use it. and it is furthermore conducive to longevity The Coca forms one of the Ingredients or the Lie big Co's celebrated Coca Beef Tonic. "It Is condu cive to health and longevity. Its use Is very bene ficial. Examples of longevity "are numerous among the Indians who from boyhood up nave used lc Cases are not Infrequent of Indians at taining the great age of 180 years," says Professor J. J. VAN T3HTJDI (Travels in PeruT along the Andes, etc.) Be sure to get Liebig Co's Coca Beef Tonic, as there are worthless counterfeits, it is invaluable in dyspepsia, liver complaint, etc. Imi tators will be prosecuted. MADE FROM HARMLESS MATERIALS, and dapted to the needs of fading and falling hair, Parker's Hair Balsam has taien the first rank as an elegant and reliable hair restorative. THE DOCTORS DISAGRXX as to the best methods and remedies, for the cure of constipation and disordered liver and kidneys. But those that have used Kidney-Wort, agree that it is by far the best medicine known. Its action is prompt, thorough and lasting. Don't take pills and other mercurials that poison the system, but by using Kidney-Wort restore the natural action of all the organs. New Covenant. MANY MISERABLE PEOPLE drag themselves about with falling strength, feeling that they are steadily sinking into their graves when, by using Parker's Ginger Tonic, they would find a cure commencing with the first dose, an vitality and strength surely coming back to them.' Bee other column. BlDFORD AUTM AND I BON SPRINGS WaTXB AND Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains lwice as much iron and fffty per cent, more alum inum than any "alum and iron mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so general. Sold by all druggists of Any standing; Prices reduced one half, mayll tf ITS ACTION IS SURE AND SAFE. The celebrated remedy Kidney-Wort can now be obtained in the usual dry vegetable form, or in liquid form. It is put In the latter way for the es pecial convenience of those who cannot readily prepare it. It will be found very concentrated and will act with equal efficiency in either case. Be sure and read the new advertisement for particu lars. South and West. If the mother ia feeble it is impossible that her children should be strong. Lydla & Plnkham's Vegetable compound is a perfect specific in all chronic diseases of the sexual system of women. Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Plnkham, . 223 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. FADED OR GRAY HAIB gradually recovers Its youthful color and lustre by the use of Parker's Hair Balsam, an elegant dressing, admired for its purity and rich perfume. Baenupalba. . t New, quick, complete cure 4 days, urinary affec tions, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, and, kidney diseases. $f at dniggisis. Depot, J. H. McAdeh, Charlotte; . U It Is worth remembering that nobody enjoys the nicest surroundings if in bad health. There are rulsera ble people about to-day with one foot in the grave, when a bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonic would do them more good than all the doctors and medicines they have ever tried. See adv. JJcur flttertiseraeuts. Tost jewelry. LOST by a lady while shopping yesterday ajter noon. one narrow bracelet of gold, with black f liaraue:,flowerlng. A small chain and bull are attached. - a suitable toward will be paid on de livery at this office or at the store of qovl8 U LeROY DAVIDSON. pOB BLANK BOOKS From 2c each to 145 00 per set. go to KDDLNS' BOOK STORE. -OPERA HOUSE.--!e Sjgkt of Refined Comio Opa! Thursday EveniDg, Nov. 24th, '81. After a mos( btfljiaut touir, marked by eoitlnueus successes 1 1 : i . i ? tun. unna. a. runu 0 Ia GILBKRf & SlfXlVAN'S . v i New English Opera the greatest success of ton- don and New York entitled :'-. .'i? The Initial and following nerfonnaneeaef whieh n New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wasktn jon and Boston, attracted ftp largest frtjenefls, W was criticised ai follow 'ilecVwM fA mirawy "presentt'd. ,; It-wail elegamOy are8sd throughout, and was without iiuoronlfmi'" tiei BiogiBg of the troupe wu good without excepttenJ '8 Looette made a great nit as Patience, fcri tzgerald wu more than good as Gr6ivener."llr,' oogendorp, as the Colonel, sang and acted In bia usual effective style, and Mr. Beanie as Bunthorne capital "-Post T.'.tSJiii iCr onTTbe OP A M eomfaewsa hL3l- NweniberJar 1, at-tbajBSiial 'plaeea niustrated Gift Books in cloth and flner bindings; 80 w RnniMt' nnnc STORE. LACONIC liOOAK., wv , wuuvu uvuva wniai,! j i i 1 ; ; : t3T ? Cottonsaies for theweei doaLog yesterday 1771 bales. rar-Work at the site of the water worts reservoir is still booming. 2T Quails are now worth $1 per uozen. in uus market. t3?T Still another mad dog this week reported in the Monroe papers. tS" Maj. Jno Hughes of Nw Berne Is in the city. He is registered at the vnirai. W Cotton is said this season to have an unusually small amount of lint to 'At . A tue seea. . tW One or two cases of small impor tance oerore the mayor yesterday morning. EST" McSmith, of the music house. nas ordered a 1,000 piano for a gentle man or this city, t The colored f estiment" continu ed last night and the Sharon colored Dana discoursed. Monday is the day for the meet ing or the board of aldermen. Will there be a quorum ? tW The burglars are now taking a lew days recreation. They will resume acuve business in a few days. tW The citizens of Mecklenburg are disposed to sell the top orop for one hundred dollars for each township. The turnip crop bids fair to be unusually large. The drought drove the farmers to turnips in large numbers. mu The Galaxy," the new social club, held its third meeting last nieht at the residence of its president, Mr. H. watts. The fourth Quarterly Confer encefor Try on Street church wili be held at the parsonage to-night at 7 o'clock. A full attendance is desired. tW Bishop Simpson of the Metho dist Episcopal Church North, passed through thecity day before yesterday returning from a tour in the South. The organ grinder and his mon key got here yesterday. They perform under the auspices of the McSmith mu sic house and the chief-of-police. ' : ' Charlotte Thompson on the 2nd of December gives the next succeedin&r entertainment at the opera house after "Patience" on the night of the 24th. IS" The entertainment of the Arm strong Bros' minstrel troupe given un der their canvas, which was to have come off here to-night, has been post poned it is learned until Tuesday night. JUT The 24th instant being Thanks giving day it is suggested that a collec tion be taken up on that day for the Oxford Orphan Asylum. "The poor ye have always with you." The ordinance of baptism will be administed to infants at Tryon Street church, Sunday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Parents who desire to have their child ren baptised are requested to present them at that hour. The test of butter will be read with surprise by some. It i3 from the Paris Journal de Pharmacie. Rub some of the suspected butter on a piece of broadcloth. If the butter disappears without leaving a stain it is pure, how ever poor. But if it leaves a "greasy spot," it has been mixed with fat. A. T. ic O. va. the City. On Wednesday, in llaleigh. the case of the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio railroad vs. the city of Charlotte was called, and argued by Messrs. Jones & Johnston for .be plaintiffs, and Wilson & Son and Dowd & Walker for the de fendants. The appeal was taken by the defendants, it will be remembered, at the last term of the Superior court. Death o( a. Popular Young man. Mr S. W. Berryhiil, a popular young man of Charlotte township, living near Sugar Creek, died at his home day be fore yesterday of typhoid fever. He was 9 years of age and his untimely death is mourned by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. He was buried yesterday afternoon in Elm wood cemetery. TbjrongU the Soutlt on Tiro Wheels, Mr. E. K. Drew, agent for the Colum bia bicycle company passed through the city yesterday. He is traveling for his company and rides a great part of . thg time upon bis bicycle. lie left Boston some weeks ago and rode a . great part of the way to Cleveland, Ohio,' and hence he rode through tberountry the entire distance to New Orleans. He is now going north. Library Aaaocation. The programme at the meeting of thj ibrary association last night consisted in the reading Qf (elections by Miss Iula Mobley, Mr. Chas. Stichner and Miss Augusta G. Keisler. There was a large , attendance. : Rev. Mr, Bagwel made some farewell remarks iff antici pation of a probable removal by the next ' State Conference. The society has taken steps toward the securing of a piano fpr use in its rooms, Literary Item.-. " ' ;'! ' Mr. Elihu Vedder. the well known American artist, lately returned from Rome, has been working since last sum mer upon a permanent cover ror xw Centurv Maaazine. The new cover. which is just completed, is. to whsist, not of one design, but really of five four of them for the different' seasons of the fear.. Surrounding tstcWlsft ;ap-: propriate emblems for every montn m emblematical female figure of creat dig f, o ni!rtha 'iftHaf. atrfltt nflr M klf!iia1 In ef of the eoVer -will bepreserved,'whilsfc the ink wlllle r)f a meheeper; tiht! and the trenerat massing ef 4he leti ters will alsp;. be (nWihelwisei the qgsign -ft lentirelfianapflgjnai Tashi-m N ii.t-Tareollarsare UtUe worn by Udto. lu kettovn, ami this will ttv rise toaaay severe ceogbsend eoid. r. BuU'a eough srrup u aeertaln and sale eme bt nrf or:Pnea 260iA f-i3 md9i4. lf&i A -nsw i oonUnuance tot abrJengtlt otjitoa aflaeSirrlta nonot tna i!nngioisopiacnTonMThrQpiaease. "Broirn'f Bronchial TrocheB" are an-'effdcSnaJ vvusu iwiucu;. Willi Eftaiaa l The Atlanta Constitution of a day or two since says j- 4 s Willie Edonin's Sparks Compapy oc cupied DeGive'S opera house last night, anda very large and 'intelligent' aud ence was present Truly Willie could not have asked for a better reception. "Dreams: or Fan in & PnotosiaDh Gal lery," a quaint and queer conceit, was tne ptayy iuu of . numor, possessing much wit. and broueht before the au dience some new and pretty songs and airs, xne nrss act snows tne lunks family at home. In this act Edouin plays an old man of ?(LlIn his chim ney corner he falls asleep and dreams a dream. This dream forms the basis for the real play, in which is fun unlimit ed, and the whole company ' appears, some m several aixcerens cnaracters each, giving songs, dances, imitations and all sorts of funny and enjoyable bits of acting. "Dreams" was a decid ed hit, in. its way, and a repetition of it to-night will furnish , pleasing 'enter tainment for those who wish to laugh. -every memoer or tne company is an arusi in nis or ner une or business. This company appears at the Char lotte opera house to-night. The sale of seats has already been considerable, ana there is very prdspect for a good nouse. 'Patieaee. The advance agent for Mr. Chas. E IFord's opera company was in the city yesterday and billed the citv for "Pa. uence"- next Thursday nieht. the 24th. Thanksgiving day. The company is said to be an excellent one and consists of 30 voices. An exchange says of it : Ford'S BITCARftRf 111 - - ' v-waww wuaawu J as, v uuwu jrauence insi mgax 10 one 01 f iSnKMA a: a e tne iiucst auuiences txiaL ever assem bled in t.hft Mishlflr AAQiiamv TVia singing and acting was enthusiastically Kppauuw, as n, uuiwrveu. xne com pany iS One Of the most: rlpJArvinir nn the road, and has an enviable reputa tion in eastern Pennsylvania. The story of the opera of "Patience" has been told at Ton err h nff-on Tvit love-sick maidens" worship Bunthorne, a poet modelled after Oscar Wilde. He loves Patience, a dairymaid. She in turn loves Grosvenor, another sesthete, who is so handsome that he considers himself the "trnatea nf haanfv " am.. venor loves her, but they are kept apart by Patience's desire not to selfishly ab sorb all of his beauty. He comes down off of his loftv stilts J ww mmmM WU1 monplace at the request of Bunthorne and. then all is well between him and Patience. In- the onpra alon annnaro o i-egimentof dragoons who are cast aside uy wjb girts ior ineir poet lover, out are finallV taken harfr'Wrun thav h.ainma sesthetic The' music is much like both "Pinafore" and "Pirates of Penzance," ana yet outers m general tone. It is written in a lean snricrhtlv rlaahinn vein, but it has the same general har mony that characterizes Sullivan. Expeeltton Parties. The afternoon train from Atlanta yesterday was crowded with returning exposition visitors, most of whom got off here and went downk the Carolina Central. . A party of fifty will leave Laurin- burg in about eight days for the Atlan ta exposition. The Monroe Express says a party of at least thirty will leave Monroe on Monday afternoon for the exposition. The Salisbury Watchman says: A DartV of 50 nersons will lnavn Sal is. bury on Tuesday nieht November 22. for the Atlanta Exposition. The party is already, nearly made up, but there is no limit to the number over 50, others' wishing to join it mav do so bv hddI v- ing to Mr. P. N. Heilig, Lawson Klutts or Henry Cauble, committee. The price for each member, the round trip $0,26. The Register says: A COmrjany Of vonncr ladinflanrl cran. tlemen of Concord contemplate" start ing on Monday to visit the exnosition at Atlanta. The Greenboro Patriot ; has sug gested that th'j North -Carolina Press Association attend the Atlanta Expo sition in a body. Other papers havo endorsed the Suggestion and amend itr with a proposition . to meet in Char- otte about the 1st of December and eave here all together. The Secretary of the association is now in eorrespoja- ence with the railroads on the question of rates, and scheme will very proba bly be oarried out. Charlotte will give the gentlemen , of the press a warni welcome and a hearty send off. Attention is. again called to . th proposed meeting of Atlanta excur sionists at the court house Monday morning at 11 o'clock. Several otberj parties informed Tim Obseeveb yes terday of their desire to join the party.' Neighborhood Note. ' The Gastonia kmtte says:- Mr. Jos. R.Kincaid, of Gaston county, H doubt- ess the youngest living child pf"ary f the soldiers who f ought in the battle of King's Mountain. ,His father, John Kinoaid, was a neutenant died at the advanced age of 92, when Joseph, wjfo s now 53 years' old, was only eight Gaston county will head the list in spite of every effort to the contrary. -tMt. James C. Jenkins, of Gastonia, son of Hon. D. A. Jenkins, has located in Atlanta to practice his profession; . The Concord Register says: We learn that W. J. Black, Esq., has traded his Rocky River Factory property with his son for property 4 ft Charlotte. The factory will be operated by its new pro prietor. . The Presbyterian, church in.Cohr cord has got a new pipe organ i.s,niyI!Bt they are not proud. . V '.'i A fight in Anson the other day re sulted in the biting off of the nose of one of the belligerents. Crab Orchard is called upon to sustain the honor of Mecklenburg. - All the neighbrhoodVpeis cof- tatn one or more accounts - or brilliant wedding ceremonies H'-a't- Reports Of the small - grain crops around about are most encouraging!.. ; . . The . JSTorth . Carolina . .Methodist (colored) conference, meets in Monroe! next Wednesday, the 23d. The Rowan Riflea have extended! Vte Ujcnmonq uowitsen an lnvitationj to visit Salisbury at tn'elr convenience. rXe&olutions of thanks have also been xortne nospitauty 01 me nowib- ze&.whentlM.Bifl Richroghld en route to Yprktown. :),'.'t I'it .teJ I 3 t.-A A.: - AS THOUSANDS DO TESTITY, So does Thomas Boberts, Wholesale adeiphia, who- saysr "Burneli'a Ceoxiabje Uaj aU lrrlttooo thf B,ilh topi effectually. remW dtrcf aaf prevent the'halrfromfaulna BDBNXTTtfl fLATOBINO UTUACTaTh soryirlorttj of these exttact In1 their rrfe :WtlJ Jtr and great strength. ; They are .iranaatod fret from fbe prisonous ens and aelds whkh enter the eomposraou 01 many ueuuwia nun ubvwb. : GENERAL FEED DEALERS' titi: i'VK'C-.: Ol il-.i..--,. j. -j. r, ; -asi- ... , ; ; " COMMISSION MIBCH1NTD OM M I SSI Q N MXBCUANTOe CHARLOTTE, II. C. WE HAVE NOW ON HAND: ' JUST BICXTVXD. J CAB LOAD BRAN, J CAB LOAD COBN and PBA MKAL MIXBD, J CAB LOAB WH1TK COBN, CAB LOAD TXLLOW COBN, f CAB LOAD PATAP8CO PATENT PBOCESS 1 I'LOUB, 2 CAB LOADS TIMOTHY HAY, AHD WILL GLADLY QUOTE PRICES TO- BOTH THE WHOLESALE and BIT AIL TRADE. B- BesDectrolli ollelttng a shate ef your patronage, we are respeetfuDy, BOTO A. J.' BE ALL ft CO. W1I II AT Landscape Series of the Poets ! Finely Engraved Landscape Views, which, printed in surjaoea unts, give an eaect novel -and pleasing. - Each volume has wuiee dlattnct Landaeanea. punted in rrom nx to eigM dlflerent tUita, thus virtually forming a plaure on every page. Ctotlr, extra thick bevelled boards, sunken lvorlne wuires, muua meaaiuon, new ana elegant de sign In colors and gold, full gilt back, - gutedge$f.5a Persian Morocco, bevelled, fan" gilt sides and edges, uaucraxea wkaz jvu page Keel en graviHffs. biography of authors, In laid with sunken Illuminated satin ax call centre. Each book in a paper box, per vol. . -' SAOO Bjtod, Boras, Campbell; CokrHje- GOLDSMITH, HEMANS, MILTON, MOORE, COWPEB, BHAXE3PEABE and TEN- liTsOSC " y Nothing would be more suitable for a birth day gift or a present to a friend than any one of these elegant and new style Poems. novlS NOTICE. CHAB , COL. ft AUGUSTA B, B. CO., I Columbia, & C, November 14th 188h 1 THE annual meeting or the stockholders will be held in this city, on Wednesday, the 7th day of December next Stockholders and the mem bera of their famuee wul be passed to-Uus meet lng. JOHN CRAIG, novi i a ass t oecrj. PHOT06BAPH ALBUMSr From aSc to $36.00, calT at - ' r" . BDD1NS' BOOk 8TOBX TURKEYS, GEESE, j. l . ' ' ' I - CRANBERRIES, CABBAGE, , r-.;- r TNU'S artf HONEY Alr- S.t; UWELL'S. 1': noi s! - .7 j F OR ANXTBIKQ inithe Book and8tatloiiery4uM, go jk ' STOBK. 1 MIDDLETOWX, CONN, .B. Vahcb. H Batxjr. YANeE&3AILEyi "1 .. :uv Attornevi'nd VoBnaellort i ! tv.iHtoiziai .iamlw v iHCH ABIXCTTK; ML CL I VraetleftM Suftreine Cwnt tT the United' it' ' . . tfc, rJomm Antwt nf Worm OMllHnt1 hlhM Cmirta. and eoun! mi 0ce, tw tfttr a IN the ttata ai TWttM etatef -Cowrti. CoOm , ttooa,' Home, and foreign, , oftetoaw.A stractsof Tiae;strieym, ta tmiuafee far oam nSrBOTit IV Comet TrtWstre- martotte. w. c. jan,o. 20 Bis. Pear Eddiss Book Store viwewiiaciiB Co.: I !,-TiT-T: f .rmvtK f fwSS-rW )"eart of OPERA HIOUE. "05TE NtGHT ONLY." ' Seepnd season and Bdlllant uccess everywhere of ' ; WILLIE EDOUIN'3' ; S- -P- -A- -R- -K- -S -COMPANY. VTT.T.rv irvmiv k IBANK W. SAUfiEB.. . f noprietora. a in H . . Presenting the Charming Maslcal Mirth Prorokmg Concert, DREAMS, OB Fan in a Photograph Gallery A BANQUET 07 MIRTH! Laughter Belgns Supreme. Pronounced by both Press and Public the BEIGNING ATTRACTION, By far surpassing all others. Reserved seats now on sale atMcSmith'a Music House. norl3 -OPERA HOUSE,- A Welcome Star in Charlotte ! THE GREAT COMIC 8UCCKS3 OF THE SEASON. Wednesday Evtniog, Nov. 23rd. Appearance of the Renowned Comedian, Sol Smith flussell, la his famous creation of TOM DILLOWAY, In J. E. Brown's New American Comedy In Four ! Acts, entitled ' EDGEWOOD FOLKS, As played at Abbey's Park Theatre, New YorkT four eenseeutlve weeks, to a succession of crowded and de lighted audiences. BICK1VD XVEBTWHXBE WITS SCREAMS . OF LAUGHTER. W THclTAtfl rf nrimloatnn 1 IK aitrt RVn Seats can be secured In advance at the McSmith music nouse. noTl8 5t This giat spedflo euree that most loathsome r aisease WHETHER EN ITS PBIMART, SECOND ABT OB TEBTIABT BTA6E. Removes alltraees of Mereury from the system. uses seroruia, out sores, rneumatum, eczema, - catarrh, or ny blood disease. , : CUBES WHEN HOT SPRINGS EAILl Malvern. Ark.. Mar 2. 1881. We have eases In our town who lived at Hoi springs ana were anaiiy eureo with a. s. a. . . UOUAlOCOMAMnSBT. ' Memphis. Tennessee. Mar i . 1 881 . We have sold lSB bottles of 8. a. S. In a rear. It has given universal satiafaction. Fair minded phyalciana now recommend it as a positive spedfe la 8, Manbftzld ft Ca : Denver. Oblu Mav 9. 188 1. : Even Durehaser sDeaks in the highest terms ef i n. p- b. iu. ju-KISdxtkb. 8. 8. 8. has slven better satisfaction than unv raeoicuie i nave ever Boia. J. A. jtlxxxkb. , ' SMimraut VL Vnll 1 QQ1 Ton ean refer anrhortr m n in roourd tn Dm wains vi o. o. o. - - - xxila ii,iiH a Have never known S. A 8. to fafftoismw'a ease oceypnras, wnen propeny taceiu- ' : (.. Jtt. i. XWWABP, Eu Wabkxm. . ' Perrr. 6a. The above staners are eentlemea of his h stand-1 rag. . a. 11. uoxDxrr, uov.oiuaw, uimvBUrm vui iu -TVuT owe, vu-u rjtU. IPO wttxn uukkd. wet for ttotfcoiais. and opi otthe tbjwaagato'tta UpIorK STOO BEWABJD lbe ild ta Eftvfefa&i& woo wiu-noa. oir amuyBis oi iuu Bewes er H. b.j., one particle of Mereury, Iodide Potassium, or any -.:-j J?qpoeHrs Ananuyua Sold brdraesrlsts everrwhere. Price of laree oe raerular size Mdneed to quantity pHceSL holding hail the nor iMXAM: ilii. .iO woi I'ino.if BI COsJ" fc ifilHiiialllWjWl fisia iii i itesw a0 jt. JE - - N And Sehool nppHeVJMrf yea want tbem cheap, j av w juwuiir tmu& oxubb. WI&BB0tB0KB0HMMMMmMWMMtKiMM1MMMMWMMWMMMMM9MMMMWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM rr m . I 1 Mfff.'J JiiM I A OUR LARGESTOCK. GREAT SACRIFICES WE OFFER AT, MID Muff COST J :-f Weatmhalarfeasscrtrrjertteeeleetrromandwewe And Day merr wmter tHxxu before the beat are sold, we ofler extraordinary bargains In j . . . .... . , ny--, , u. -irirar; vom 1 Men's, Boys and (Mdretf ; Including OTSBCOATS for all ages. Dont pay C08T. Remember we close out 00127 TRYOIf will cLo;sTjnros3T. C A T T T7 A T3T "V. A XTT JTVJJLIiX VV 1 1 lU This is Dositivelv a bonafida aala. Von leiar parchasing elsewhere, as we mean BUBIKESS,; ,;. Truly yours, i .v : j R O ' 1 ti CC5 IQJ iMiiisiii, - - . : ' . ' -AjND- 1 r' -HVLftfit 7 V .' - c (Mis '! v A L L -: vr r,. 1VXB OEFEBXD Mor MiDressiDg Cases, Box and WILSON & IB AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Any style and price, go to "' ' . i EPDINS BOOK STOBS. S TARTLIWC DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. : a vifltim et ronthfnl limmidenca ausinir Prema fore Decay, Nerroo DabUBy Lost Msnhood. .etc covered a siippto self cure, which he will send FREE T"1. . ' mm . . 1 w n V. VI W.S ..1.1 to hit teoom-mmetaa, mooixm u uxcv xSf 43 stnsmwH . a. . . , . i aapia Tr : : t j F08 JrAMTLT BIBLES, Teachers' Bibles. Prayer Beoks bjv Hrmrali goto EDDINS' BOOK STORK 100 Sa6k; Fine Coffee, i9 A i-i M (In g'JaAPttoYjMl LT THE i wS W& 1 profits when yon can bur goods' REGHUDLES lot business by January Jst, 182. , - it H MORRIS &bRQS4 STREETS! D "rtlb tot I i, at f mi orrT-rvW-STVr'lri a -vS i0j Six, pKIjLitJ A wnnM An waII tn iHva nn a -art DtDtJ . : .-"?.ft3flr J ' je-V " . j-. si m e Tr A' 'I GBiPES. of SIZES.?, fi (Hlii !!I7 i ' IN THIS MARKET. ' J I Bottle y Ferf peg tCa ae j j. BPRWEL 1 iia IHHE K3TEY OEG f J4 i . til'- I Is the best We call at EDDINe BOOK 8TOBE; where you can b acOTmmoaatau ami even jwo years vo payiom. Of the Trade eeneraHv. and alaa the eonsnmer. 1 called to oar spatial brands jesj saleable and staple Dmoarag lVDaccoe buung buu, vuruam, iug Cuts and Btval Durtiauy-ta which wo- are ow adding a fuHllna of tin latest styles' ef the most staple gkadiaIplisJsnTTtlst T0taccos. We can, in a iew weexa, oner laaoemeuw iu wwwuk Tobaoods that no .other, maiMifaetinTOeweqaaL Our salesmen will make regular trips to Cbarlotte. and the trade of, aU gooinercjuPTOi may7i.iltfaj OXATlii swt:nu&Gi F IB WALL PAFXBJ X 'Z AniVtoloSlile9roto KUDINS'HOQKfiTOE it ir mil Ll' ? tit - . - we - j r I I - L li -j- im,tm. - - r ijaaj ismmji TTTTTI i:ill!!rv"l Tlllli..tllilll.l ma Tjven iLaiiau u X fl Pi All Hi FN X AVJl 4, ' : vWr-.