TTT. r i 11 I 11 Hi s 'it. A' J i ,,f' iO g lite u ty MiMfM iVJL Iv-I V 11 - l.i A TRUE TONIC SURE APPETISER Hi. A? .nd give. Ifjtoi'.'SchSSns ll ibo Write ' 8!je l)ttrtoltt tom3ti:. SH60TIKG ATBinP. SUNDAY, NOV. 20, 188L STATE NEWS, fW1 hr nil drnrsriflta. ami raldabUitato aaeb aa m jmmm ami Mtwirflaunit vri UMi ana I extent that dt labor wa oBedinKly but . Y k i irbottiMtf tn Toma pv wu rirrz--7-i it jM.MffW "W".i:irim J. P. WATBOK. yutOtUMTOMW- . riLlWIMI'aw -- tha aa I ' 7ffMVffP mm www s aw sav a aar ' v mm m m m Mr-mi maw Mm Mm mm mm a m Wnb tfeemmmrwJ r""TTlTTT!!"TT",Tr7 ... anoTB Mill tTIEFT. St. tBat IfMTIIII M T DR. HARTER MEDICIHB w, - (f CHAS. R. JONES, II 3oleAg,t,Charlotte,N.C. JJ WiAtorh KetnsJibiener:. .The white IWtridTO in Tucker's window attracted: that in the Swift Creek section, a fetw years ago a white partridge waa Been, but was not captured. The wells are not filling, despite the heavy falls of rain. Street Commission er Andrews says, wells are going dry now, and that they will not be filled be fore the new year comes. . sYesterday at the museum of Agricul ture a quantity of native woods i were received for shipment to Atlanta. There are eighteen specimens in tne lot, six of them not being on exhibition at Atlanta. Admirable as our. exhibit of woods is there, tnis win greauy aaa w t. Died in this city, on Thursday morn ing, ail liUO iCOlllOUViD Ul PUU) W. Albertson, Mrs. Kebecca Albertson, aged 81 years. The funeral win taxe place from the residence of her son. Southeast corner of Jones and Person streets, this morning at 11:30 . o'clock. The friends of tne lamuy are respect fully invited to attend. The Grand JL.oage or Masons wui, as snnAArs rtv announcement ui uiauu Secretary Bain, meet in this city on the 7th of next monin. sessiuuo ujl wio lodge are always oi interest, ana mese annual meetings are looked forward to with much pleasure. Apart irom tne mvstift work of the order, their social features are numerous and enjoyable. fireensboro Triton: We have been informed that there are yet many cases of small pox in Richmond, Va, and at Keysville, Scottsburg and other places between here and Richmond there are several cases. - " . Wnrk on the ( ,ftD6 rear ana i aa&in Valley Railroad is progressing satisfac- Howqame LUUe BllMlppl Girl HamphigAYalanche. . ; --'. '. - .In oneoi tjber Mississippi towns, not yeyy far from Memphis, on the line df , the MississiDDi and TenneaseeitaiirQaq; little lady, aged about J5 y eara,v shot anq-i severely . wounaea an i , wnpuueu u tramp? who attempted to tenter the house after being ordered not to do so. The lady; who is small but game, and a crack shot with a pistol, was the -only white person in the house when the bur ly tramp approached. "We havenoth ing for you; you needn't come in," said she to the tramp. "iBut I will come in," he answered. "You had better not, or you will get what you don't want," Suietiy responded the lady, as she laid own her knitting, picked a six-shooter rrom ner worfc DasKet ana approacnea the aoor. "You go back in your room, or IH pitch you out of the window," exclaimed the ruffianly tramp, as he walked inside the door. Bang! went the DistoL and tramD staseered back on the porch, shot through the arm and breast. She raised the pistol again but the tramD fled. A neighbor rushed around the house and asked1 the little lady, who was sitting down and en gaged in knitting, with her .pistol in her work basket, - What's the matter V" She exclaimed, "He's gone!" "Yes," she replied, "and if he kept on coming 1 would be shooting until now." The tramp was found to be bleeding pro fusely, and it was with difficulty that the flow of blood could be stopped.. He left the town a sadder and wiser man, havine been taueht a lesson in man ners that he will not soon forget. The game little woman is worth her weight in gold dollars. The Georgia Pacific and Its Conncc- tioa wltn Baltimore. Baltimore Bon. The long-talked-of project of a rail road across the southern portion of the establishing through : SH TTnihAd Ktnt.PH torily under the management of Presi- transportation from the Pacific to the A- UiituiMnfAniianr lAnM I n l a 11 i : . nnnUnn.. Z n l. l V. n Greensboro is getting to De quite a far advanced toward completion that hi LESS THAI! Auction Prices, THE THE FINEST COLLECTION OF O ILT1S OILVBB-PL P L A T X D 1TID WAR T7 W A B Hi Iver exhibited la Charlotte. JUST BICI1VID: mum viimv i THElGREATCURE RHEUMATISM AJtJxr'U diaMMM of th KIDNIYt, f, XVUaMMth'f7tflni of th Mrid polaea v.. hiit tvt . dreadful mattering wldah aair thmrioOmm ef Skenautlni eaa iMlias. ' THOUSANDS OF CASES of ths'wont forma of this terribl iiammm hmtim quickly reUovad. In m, hort timt T PERFECTLY CURED. fc k wdrftq rotten, md mlmmnMl Hi in trrerj part of tlis Country. In nun dredaof r,M it h cnrdwQerIl 1M had frUad. It la nild. Vat efficient, CERTAU k IM XTB AVTIOS, fttttnarmi mil tmm. t Crlt eleaue BtratkcM aa4 BtrcaKav Km Ufe to au tne important orgaaa or tne Doay. TnoziMaruaeuonoitnJuaneyiiaieauMu. The Ilrer la eleanaed of all diMaae, and the Bowela more freely and healthfully. Zattda M wifvu -wmn manaaw are nwieuN uw tnaayatmu Am it has baen prorad by thooaanda that cotton market, Messrs. Odell Ck. ana Mr. W. H. Hill are the principal uuyers. Wacons are comine in from Virginia almost every day loaded with elegant fruit, butter, &c. Two wagons and teams passed through Greensboro to-day on their way from South Carolina to Alamance county, in this State. The wagons contained four colored families who left Alamance some years ago to seek their fortunes in the turoentine forests, rice and cot ton fields of South Carolina We learn that Mr. Brooks Kernodle, whose home is near Gibsonville in this county, was so badly mashed between two cars yesterday that it is thought he cannot recover. The accment occurrea near Princeton, on the N. C Ktailroad. Mr. Kernodle was one . of the bridge builders in the employ of the railroad company, and received the injury while attempting to pass between a box car and a fiat when they were in motion, coming! together. Mr. Kernodle was brought up to Gibsonville last evening on the regular passenger train from Goldsboro. Statesville Landmark: The North State Mining company have consolidat ed their railroad interests withother companies, and by a prospectus in the New York Truth we see that Wades boro is one terminal point and Charles ton, West Virginia, the other. So the Statesville and Jefferson Railroad has vanished into thin air. It is learned from letters received in this place, that Mr. Thos. Cowan Gra ham, of Newton, dropped dead in front of the law office of Mr. W. G. Burkhead on the streets of that town last Monday afternoon about 4 o'clock. He had of late been in excellent health and had no premonition of his end. Mr. Graham was about 63 years of age. HEWS NOTES. the last link, 500 miles in length the Georgia Pacific, as the new railroad is to be called has been let out to con tract Baltimoreans are specially in terested in this transcontinental line, since it is virtually an extension of the Richmond and Danville system, which, by its recent absorption of the Virginia Midland, has been Drought to our doors and made a feeder of Baltimore trade1 The Georgia Pacific, extending west from Atlanta to Birmingham, Ala., through an enormously rich coal and iron region, will continue thence through Columbus, Miss., to Arkansas City, where the Mississippi River will be crossed, and, proceeding in a direct line to Texarkana, near the Texas and Arkansas line, will there connect with the Texas Pacific. The latter road will be completed to El Paso, distant about 850 miles from Texarkana, by the close of the present year, and as it will there meet the already completed Southern Pacific, which has a length of 1,285 miles, Baltimore can reckon her route to the Pacific at San Franciscoas fol lows: Washington Branch, B. and O., from Baltimore to Washington .... 40.00 Alexandria and Washington R, R from Washington to Alex andria . 6.09 Virginia Midland, from Alexan dria to Danville 242.20 Piedmont R. R, from Danville to Greensboro, N. C 48.60 North Carolina R. B, from Greensboro to Charlotte, N. C. 223.15 Atlanta & Charlotte R. Rfrom Charlotte to Atlanta, Ga 269.00 Georgia Pacific, from Atlanta to Texarkana 500.00 Texas Pacific, from Texarkana to El Paso, Texas 850.00 Southern Pacific, from El Paso to San Francisco. 1,285.00 FOB EU1&TIS1. Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth eqnala St. Jacobs On aa a safe, sure, simple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails bnt the comparatively trifling outlay of 60 Ccnta, and every one suffering with pain con have cheap and poeitire proof of ita claima. Direction In Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALL DEUGGISTS AND DEALERS IS MEDICrETE. A. VOGELER fc CO., Baltimore, 3fa, U, 8. M dec 80 04 w ly XpOR HANDSOMELY Illnstrated Gift Books la clotb and finer bindings, go 19 EDDLN3" BOOK HTUKii. a Ladies bloom- so, a Do you rant a pure, 1 ins ComDlexionf if few applications of Hagan's MAGNOLIA JbALM. will grat ify you to your heart's con tent. - It does away with Sal lowness, Bedness, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases And imperfections of the skin. It overcomes the flushed appear ance of heat, fatigue and ex citement. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear but TWEN TY: and so natural, gradual, and perfect are its effects, that it is impossible to detect its application. FRESH NERALWA TER Both Foreign and Domestic, Just Received, at Up.J.U.McAdensUrD I Store ' ABATOGA rICHT, From Saratoga Springs, N. T. A new water re- semoiing me imported vicny. Kecommended aa an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Morn Natural Mineral Water, AN 0JSXY DAUGHTER CURED OF CONSUMPTION. When death was noorty exoectad. mi ... having failed, and Dr. H. James was expertment. tag with ttie many herbs of Calcutta he accidental ly made a preparation which cured his only child of CONSUMPTION. His child Is now in this country, and enjoying the best health. He ha proved to the world that CONSUMPTION can be positively and permanently cured. The Doctor now gives this recipe free, only asking two three ceni stamps w pay expenses. This herb also cures Night 8weats, Nausea at the Stomach, and will break up a fresh cold In twentr-tour hm, La-uuress uttAUJJWJt & CO. 1032 Baca rniiadeipma, naming this paper. Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and In all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO. CASKS CONGBJ5SS WATER, CASES ROCK BRIDGE ALUM, 1 A CASKS BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply at IMPORTED APOLLINARIS Hanyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! H UNYADI TANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Dobs: A wine glass full before breakfast The Lancet "Hunvndl Janos. Baron T.ieMi? f firms that Its richness In aperient salts surpasses that of all ether known waters." The British Medical Journal "Hunyadi Janos. ine most agreeaoie, saiest, and most efficacious aperient water." Froj. vvreiww, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Prqf. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed inese writers witn remareaoie success." irroj. acamonx, wurszDurg. 1 prescribe none but this." Pro. Lander Brunton, M. P., F. R. 8., London. "More pleasant man its rivals, and surpasses them In efficacy." Prqf. Mken, M. D., F. R. 8., Royal Military Hos pital, neuey. -rfererred to runna and Juried' ncusnau." JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as wnen it nows rrom toe spring at Saratoga. We receive this water in large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J. EL McA DEN, Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 Jan. 23 OR ANYTHING Roaxaa' TRIPLE-PLATE KNIVES,! 84.60 DOZEN. A full line of Mb Fancy Silver Ware MVlO it greatly reduced prices. C&n earry and get first choice. Respectfully, J. BROOKPIILD & CO. Tn SpnDgs 1 ia tlia moat efiaotnal remady tax oleanifng tha ajalaia of all morbid wore Horn. It ahouldba naed la every honaabold aa a i SPRING MEDICINE. Alwmya enraa BTXXOTTBlTESa, COlf 8TIPA TIOJT, PUJg and all yZMAU Daaaaaet la pat vp in Dry Ye(ctable Tana, In tin caa mtfi P'g nt imtMtqmiti nwdlrin. Alao In Llqld Tmrm, Tery CaeatratAfdr tha eoaranleaee of thoaa who eannot readily pre pare it. It actM tritk equal efficiency i eWurform. GIT IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. FBICK,1.M WELLS, RICHARDSON Co., Prop's,. - j (Will lend the dry poet-paid.) BURUHBTOH, VT. Jaarth27td&w;ly DR-SflMFORB'S AT VMS, 8XT AX IVXENSE STOCK OT iiiiE The Kaffirs In the Transvaal are said to be rising. Mr. Seth Low's majority, as declared officially by the Brooklyn canvassers, is 4,300. Mrs. Maria Carey, widow of William H. Carey, bequathed $116,000 to chari ties in Brooklyn and elsewhere. An armed conflict is daily expected between the "regulators" and 'modera tors" in Eastern Kentucky. A Kentucky farmer, recently dead, willed his $10,000 estate to former slaves. His relatives contest Major Daniel's official majority in Lynchburg is the same as that of Col. Cameron in Petersburg 086. The nihilist organ iof St Petersburg condemns Guiteau's crime in the strongest language. It declares such an act inexcusable in a free country. Wren gel Land having been folly ex plored and found to be a small island instead of Dart of a continent some new Arctic theories are iniorder. Ajrner-Oenera sum mer house, at Brookfteld farm, l?a was tratfied last Wednesdayfternoon. In sured for $17,000. Edwin Booth and daughter, J. H. McVicker and wife and William Win ter accompanied the remains Of Mrs. Edwin Booth from New York to Chi cago. The - New York committee' which manages the Michigan relief fund has received a dispatch from the Governor of Michigan thanking Mme. her concert for the benefit of the forest fire sufferers. He intimates that half a million dollars more are needed. In the United States Circuit Court at Richmond, Va yesterday, Judges Bond and Hughes presiding, in the Atlantic, Mississippi and Ohio Kailroad cases the petition or - cue . Jtsngu&n Donanoiaers, asking payment of expenses, amount ing to $481,000, was denied. It was de cided to pay five per cent, of the debt to said bondholders, withheld in May last, making the payment in full. Total distance from Baltimore to San Francisco, miles 3,464.04 The Mexican Central, running north ward from the city of Mexico, a dis tance of about 500 miles, as the crow flies, connects with the transcontinen tal line at El Paso, and places Balti more within about 204 miles of the City of the Montezumas. It will be observed that the distance to San Fran cisco considerably exceeds the distance to the City of Mexico. The operators of the Georgia Pacific expect to reap great results from the opening up of the coal beds which for a hundred miles border its tracks, -and they count on stimulating every branch of Southern industry Dy supplying black diamonds to a wide area of the Cotton States, hitherto cut off by want of transportation from their use. The road wiupass through the Black War rior, the Little Warrior and the Coosa River coal fields, and will supply New Orleans and other Gulf and South At lantic cities with an excellent quality of steam-nroducinsr fuel. Pittsburz is too distant to compete successfully. Coal from that city destined for New Orleans has to be carried 2,000 miles, while by the new enterprise the Cres cent City will be supplied from mines not over 600 miles by rail and river transportation. The president of the Georgia racmc uauroaa is ex-senator Gordon, of Georgia, who says: "We believe that there is a great South as well as a great West, and we propose to develop it The resources of the coun try on the line of our road are inex haustible." A Sneeslng Scene. New York Mercury. Pmhablv one of the meanest stage tricks thai was ever played was played on Mxrv Anderson. 16 will oe remem beredthat ,in the play of "Ingomax' Parihenia and the arbarian nave aev era! love scenes, where they lop on each other and hug some that u, not too j much hugging, but justhugging enough. Ingomar weara a nuge iur garment, made of lion's skin, or something. One day he noticed that the moths were get ting into It and be told his servant to see about tne mows, ana unve . uuuu out. The servant got some insect pow- der and Mowed the hair of the garment F In the Book and Stationery line, go to EDD1KS' BOOK STORE. TURKEYS, GEESE, L. R, Wriston & Co., street, FREE sena to MOORE'S BTJSIXESS UNIVERSITY AtleLntm. fim For Illustrated Circular. A li-v i Mno School. Established twenty vean. 8 D LB aarriAi wJt A nena great Me ",.HTiniM tne best nH cheapen, indipenble toeTei "t&U Sice of I!X tiona. Pnca" o$r86PrbP; maU; illnatrated R.1?"' teol or Dr. W H P . t """" No. 4 Boiench tt.R" A Great Offer for HOLIDAYS ! PIANOS and (IPfiiva , ek,only 819- Warranted 8 yeara ffi trated 1 Catalogue mailed, igenta wanted HUHAUK WATERS A m fQr..,fT "cia, oo cruauwsy, ew lOrK. and THE CHICKEBIMG PIANO. were granted our PIANOS THE HIGHEST AWARDS in the GREAT WORLD'S FAIR In LONDON, 186T; at the INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION in CHILI, 18T5; and at the grand CENTEN NIAL EXHIBITION in PnilaaelphiA, 1876. All persons wiaMng to pnchaie (or ex amine) instrnmenta are respectfully In vited to visit our Warerooms. Sendor Circular and Pric List. CHiCKERING & SONS, 130 Fifth Avenue. N. Y. 1156 Tremont St., Boston. Novl d&w4w r0cjertjes. Seed k S! CORN! CORN1! COKN! mm ! CRANBERRIES, CABBAGE, CHESTNUTS, TURNIPS and HONEY , B23 -at- S. M. HOWELL'S. novl 9 JjX)R PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, From 25c to $20.00, call at EDDINS' BOOK 6TORE WHOLESALE & RETAIL 33rTiggists, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Out stock ot Drags, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stuns, Is complete. KS-GIYE U3 A TRIAL B5 s gtZJJ L, g S Si Pa Ml W mi OUR INK CAPSULES, Something new and guaranteed to make the BEST INK in the Market. L. K. WRISTON CO. yTHITE and BED ONION SETS, lor fall planting, la. a. wuistun x uu. "WE HAVE A 1ULL ASSORTMENT Of Seeley's Hard Rubber Trusses at reasonable prices. Every Truss warranted as represented. J U. WBiaTUK az CU. ADEES' CORSET BRACE, A shoulder brace and support for the back com- Dinea. sola Dy i a. wkistujn a w. oct 12 J9H9END FOK CTRCUXJLRS.-C fsm ALSO GHB01I0S ui CORNp -: :uli mrl,, .,..,). r..,-i, , ., r -:M:?m0M0m - st. ohaeeessotek -in:i,.,...,'ilf,i-.i1,,.,..l..,i.. ,'; lanils rM ..,!,;, i:,. i ;..: a.. '3 mwmm Only Vegetable Compound Aat acts directly upon the Liver; and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun idice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos- tiveness, Headache. Itassists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulatesthe bowels, purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, N. Y. SALE - BT AZ.Xi DBUQUIBTft.' anilg deod oow ly. P. C. WILSON, CHARLOTTE, K.O, Soto Agent for . r louis cqok; CoWns Boggy A3JD TH..; WATEBTOWN SPRING WAGON COMPANIES, wtrm aoni mtrm nm - bugoies. cABBiiaEaiPBASTONS. SPBIHO 1 '.SSSwSklSStSSw'li a duster on, and Mary snoze - wAOONS.ftas . v . . . I riiJlS? . - , : . The Associated Railways -1 I Victor Sewing MaclB fo, ymma and the carolinas. BAGGING AND TIES Wejare agents for THE WATT PLOW Will sell It LOWER.thanIyou can buy an other good plow. Full assortment always on band. Call and see ns before purchasing. MAYER & ROSS. aug26 Guai Ml All Notes and Morte MIDDLETOWN, CONN. noTll dw PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, Richmond, Va., November 1st, 1881. Memoranda of Arrangement of Tickets, Routes of Tn the ijroarnlngs of the Unicto PacifiS full of it.and scrubbed the ; inside ot toi a gj Eaiiroad fertheByear ended jtme benzuie SfSwS2ffiS 1881, as 922,765,152, and net learnings $11,296,842; Central Pacific, gross, earni ings $229344, net earnings 90C840 Northern Pacific, gross earnings $2,931, 802, net earnings $985,645; number ox mues operated 754. before he went on the stage, ana thought it ididn't smell jast right, but he had mo time to enquire into 15. tie had not got fairly in his position before rnrtTuHiiri cmt en a hop. SKip and intnri a.ri trrrAw hnrRAlf ftll Over him - : .1 I LflKar CTtf. AnA Inrtty f nil nf Insect DOWder. The stockholders and dewsltors iLl-ern?ha.HA-fu f . benzine, and as Newark's broken bank have ditmrilned I. he saidr Wilt thou always love me, to sue tne united suues government u recover their losses on tne for eieht years .mat the jrovernmenthad deceived them 07 publishing, false re- ot;"Uie e aetaerminea I he said: Wilt thou always love me, rrernmenttlrn0,nar77Bhe dropped her head over grptindthatl nis gaovader, and said in an aside: "For ports of . the conoiuon e pank. 'J .'t'31'Ji.V P4JUB$,Btoii rational XtautK rlonallBarAarfoeddwyri Ivesterdav. Krom itsinceptionit has .labored ' un- a member of the cTearincfTiinse. The itastrODhfi litis 1ati ImnanHinw si the love of heaven, what have you been HnMrwW md then she sneezed a eouple of times. - Ingomar held, her up the best he could, considering that his nose was full of insect powder, and he answered, 1 wilt,- and then he said to her quietly ! "Damfino what it is that smells so They went on with the play between sneezes, and when the curtain went down she tali Ingomar to go out and shake himself, 'ana ;ne am. it was noticed in the next ;act : Uiat Ingomar III- !- udPWfy no more. Ltoblg CWi AnileatedKrtiaBloC Wltcb Hazel HHiSt' om toranfWlttlj Hazelin the mar- (ri1 ir tin ff,jfv ritw JaCKtouTiue, ris. M M fcAM WMUPOIXTA, il B.RATJXI)XR3. . Bapt of Agencies. 8TATE3VILLB, KC , THIS bouse has -been Uaaed It k term of yean b Mr. Dr. Beeyes. aFhose- mtentlon to to keen a ttrtctlr nrsVelass house to eterrPW,"i Commodloua aamole rooms oi ftnt ana cona flop. v rbe Benonage or roe paone u aonciuw.j -, riiuw. n Nbw York, Nov. 19, dlrdlftst night. . ket."' h CntMniac oM wmPalnfnl Montaltos. and ( AHULt'i.' .tail 1 1 T T "ana uenerui jftmes ana panj.ien waanine von w-u ht lor uuutwwm S -mH . ft 'aUa 1 m aa . & . na uoi. Aiiompwf iiHTiwinn tvi rn. if Aig Airs. A'caiaoiu u.o. wsua nort a. LAW 1.. eorge L Balsam. M g jjjgkijr esteemed for Si;.if, TlltliRinDEN, iQTalld vlfAi i Mm,htJ Mm Ha eipJcaits of be&ttb bfw bottles of Hop will you let taem suffer wnen so easUy CITY PROPERTY FOB SALE. residence, three blocks f rota the Charlotte, win be sold cneaD terms to the right kind of a mirehaser. The dwelling is on a full lot. has nine comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine well of wa ter, eta The house Is admirably adapted for the residence of a lawyer, doctor or preacher, having an aamiraDie uorary or sioay room, duui ior ine purpose. Jror lunnsr paracuiars, price, terms, etc.. apply ax this vrxivx. uiy20,ati City Lot for Sale Cheap. THX Lot on the corner of Ninth street and the North Garolffta Railroad, fronting 140 feet on Ninth street and 196 feet on the North Carolina Railroad, win either be sold as a whole or divided Into two lots of 70 by 196 feet Suitable either for pu jlsE PHTLLTP8 Z.B. Vahcb. VANCE & BAILEY, . AttornflTg and Gonnaellors , . CHABLOTTX, N. C. Practice tn Supreme Court of the United States, supreme cons os ortn uarouna. jreaerai SQuaxe, Courts, and counties of Mecklen burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas- . j ; ton, BowanandPa-Tidson. OfQce,; two doors east of Independence Hi Kin 'GRAHAM,- Bound-trip rates, ransnortatlon. and Ad van tages offered: for the formation of parties of visitors to the INTERNATIONAL COTTON EXPOSITION AT ATLANTA, O A., From the Territory traversed or reached by the Railways oi tne wenmona and Dan ville System. From and after this date, from Charlotte via Charlotte and Atlanta Air-Line Hallway, tickets good one day going, two days staying in, and one day returning from Atlanta, will be sold as follows: For single person, 810 70 For parties of 10, each, 0 85 For parties of 20, each, .- 8 00 For parties of 80, each, 6 70 For parties of 50, each, 5 85 The Bound Trip Tickets herein named, when used BlDgly. are of a specific contract form, "void If transferred to others than original purchasers," and authorize the requirement of identification of said purchasers, at the option of the Kail way Agents or Conductors. " To the end of affording Increased facilities for visiting the Xxpositlon, contract tickets, adapted to parties of the size herein named, are likewise offered. They embrace all the stipulations of sin gle tickets, with the additional one, that they are good for transportation to Atlanta only when pre sented on trains in connection with "all others of the specific class they belong to, as per the prices given.'' ' - Holders of these tickets may return nrmn thAtn singly, within the period of their validity, provided tney are tne. onguuu purcuasers, ana jaenury thmmlMM MfcoKfinfflf. .-; An office for the Identification of purchasers and stamnlnff Of retum-ooupons ha been established at the Union Depot in Atlanta. It will be epea 80 minutes prior w uiv winnure vi inuns. : NoneTjf the eondltlons of these tickets will be chanced, in any respect. . . ' . Investigation of the appliances tOT' personal mforLlodirmff. end food, hmm r tMn. W. H BAILXX. toay2-tf : :' I 5 - .- .... .. i. I .Tprae-etAteiaiid TOafi Wats Courts. Collee I dojw a weasamaiw economical visit. " ? fienaiHonM aad,; Foreign. sottotted. A I. ForaninfonnaUonnot contained in thia iivAr nan of Titles: Snrmva. Aa.. fiimlrtte I lor com 1 tlsement, apply to the rmdemimAHi n ,h. 1. i. . -"-bmvim va a,u uid oui- nansatlnn. Offhs & Oenier Tr 0barlotte,N.C llTttm strejetor jpiyto tton Agents of the nov9 J - Ch&rlotte Alr-TJnA "1 t - MIMH GIVEN US LAST FALL FOR GrXJA. JNTO, ARE NOW DUE, (NOVEMBER US T , 1SS1 Please call and arrange the same HMJfc&k nov2 Ginger, Buchu, M' drake, Stillingia, and many of the best medi cines known are com bined in Parker's Gmf Tonic, into a medico of such varied powers, as to make it the greatesi Blood Purifier and tne BtHalthAStreng;t Boston ETerls?i' T Rheumatism SleeDkssness. & dUeaf of the Stomach, Bo M ml Lungs, Liver &K.dne) Balsam &5?SS5 Xmr biii to niton tha never intoxicates. tuf yorfifnl color to gmy hir. & Co.; Chemists, N. 11 We. and tl ih Irg Srlng Baying vo' - NOTICE. mj Xf UQUAll A w a UCCWWO VA "Y- . r. . ..Minn. & jV Mecklenburg. I will sell at Public Auction- and: rmiitot rhfll Mtl II I wa lAnaA lam A1 At A Mt Mnndar. tDe, day of December, 1 881, that very yaluab e an sirabie lot of land lylmi between tl of the N. a B. B. and Trade street. tomeTt jperty of P.M. Brown, and now owned pj' Temis 1A cash: balance ion 8 and 8 month! tt with mtaresL BUFUfl BABBL?", I.B0T4. ! nov5 d oaw tds " Comnii - V iao.o. 6e&1 Passeaaer Agent n