She Cfjorlottt b0ttctr LOCAL-iJSTKLUGOCE. TUESDAy.KOV.22,1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. tvt a soisrxo. Phaiajtx Loimb No. 81, A, W. A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday nlghta. Excxlsiob Lodg Na 261, A. V. ft A. M. Rer alar meeting every first and third Tuesday night, CHABLonm Cbaprb No. 89. R. A. M. Regular meeting every leeoDd and fourth Friday nlghta. Charlotte Cojoiahdary Na 2, K. T. Begalar meeuug every u wm with xnursoaya. K.OPH. Khishts or Honor. Regular m ttnm second and fourth Thursday. OF H?. Khights of Ptthias. Regular meeting nights first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'eloek p. m. atMa- BOD1C xeiuyic JCLBU. I. O. O. IE1. Charlotte Lodcm No. 88.-MeeU evert Mon- day night. MXCKXXNBTJBS DXCLAKATIOK LODAB Meets every Tuesday night. Na Drxrs Lodqx No. 108. Meets'every Thursday nlghL - Catawba Rim Zhoakphxht Na 21. Meets lrst and third Thursday nights in each month. Index to New Adver)lwmen la. K. H. Andrews Lost 8. M. HoweU Buck wheal Flour. Tarrant's 8eltzer Aperient. BUftJlftESS NOTICES. AN ENTHUSIASTIC INDORSEMENT. Gornam, N. H., July 14th, 1879. Gents -Whoever you are, I don't know; but I tliiink the Lord and feel grateiul to you to know unit la this world of aduherated medicines there is one compound that proves and does all It ad vertises to do, and more. Four years ago 1 had a slight shock of pa'sy, which unnerved me to such an extent that the, least excitement would make me shake like the ague. Last Hay I was Induced to try Hop Bitters. I used one bottle, but did not we any change; another did so change my nerves that they are now as steady as they ever were. It used to take both hands to write, but now my good right hand writes this. Now, If you continue to manufacture as honest and good an article as you do. you will accumulate an honest fortune, and confer the greatest blessing on your fellow-men that was ever conferred en mankind. Tin Bubob. " I'CAIU). To all who are suffering from the errors and in discretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay oss of manhood, fce.,I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE of CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America end a self-addressed envelope to the Bit. OSEPHT. INMANj Station D, New York City BARON VON HUMBOLDT, In his travels and explorations In South America, became deeply Interested In the wonderful proper ties of the Coca plant Consumption and asthma, he says, are unknown among the natives who use it, and it Is furthermore conducive to longevity. The Coca forms one of the ingredients or the Ue blg Co's celebrated Coca Beef Tonic. "It Is condu cive to health and longevity. Its use Is very bene ficial. Examples of longevity are numerous among the Indiana who from boyhood up have used it. Cases are not Infrequent of Indians at taining the great age of 180 years says Professor J. J. VAN TSHUDI (Travels In Peru, along the Andes, etc.) Be sure to get Lleblg Co's Coca Beef Tonic, as there are worthless counterfeits. It Is Invaluable In dyspepsia, liver complaint, etc. Imi tators will be prosecuted. SYMPTOMS. Slight pain In the Bide, the skin and eyes assume a thick yellow coat, digestion Is Impaired, an un pleasant sinking sensation at the pit of the stom ach is experienced, the bowels are Irregular, the mind fretful, the memory weakened, sometimes a slight cough, coldness of the hands and feet some times loss of appetite and at others unnatural craving for food, dizziness of the head, blurring be fore the eyes, depressed spirits, bad breath, feel ing of uncertainty of having left something undone but can't tell what It Is. Take Simmons Liver Regulator, it will remove all these feelings and make you welL THE DOCTORS DISAGREE as to the best methods and remedies, for the cure of constipation and disordered liver and kidneys. But those that have used Kidney-Wort agree that it Is by far the best medicine known. Its action Is prompt thorough and lasting. Don't take pills and other mercurials that poison the system, but by using Kidney-Wort restore the natural action of all the organs. New Covenant MANY MISERABLE PEOPLE drag themselves about with falling Btrength, feeling that they are steadily sinking Into their graves when, by using Parkers Ginger Tonic, they would find a cure commencing with the first dose, and vitality and strength surely coming back to them. Bee other column. It Is worth remembering that nobody enjoys the nirRt mrmiiTMiinBH if in bad health. There are miserable people about to-day with one foot in the grave, when a bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonic would do them more good than all the doctors and medicines they have ever tnea. oee aav. MADE FROM HARMLESS MATERIALS, and dapted to the needs of fading and falling hair, Parker's Hair Balsam has taaen the first rank as an elegant and reliable hair restorative. AS THOUSANDS DO TESTIFY, So does Thomas Roberts, Wholesale Grocer, Phil adelphia, who says: "Burnett's Cocoalne allays all Irritation of the scalp, and will most effectually emove dandruff and prevent the hair from falling out" BURNETT'S FLAVORING EXTRACTS. I he superiority of these extracts hi their perfect puri lty and great strength. They are warranted free from the poisonous oils and acids which enter the composition of many factitious fruit flavors. ftxa avtcvtlBtrnzutB. -NATIONAL- Mutual Benefit Association, -OF Lonisville, Ky. LOSS S3 PAID,. .829L608.92 ALL LOSSES DUE TO DATE PAID. BURPLU3 FUND... ...$30,000.0 -INVESTED IN REGISTERED UNITED STATES AMD IfQuisyille City Bonds. OFFERS CHEAP, SAFE AND RELIABLE SURANCX. IN- V ' V W. N. Halt xv ax. PresldeiitCourlootnal Oft, L. BiMpKBSIB... A. 0. BRAMKIH, H. W. HpiTKR,.. J AS. A.LlU.. Thos. h. Hats,,. . .of Bamberger, Bopajk (jp. filnln A Glover, ....General Insurance Agent ,. .General Insurance Agent. . Sup't Fulman Palace Car Go. J.M. Atdbtoh,..,. J. T. 8. Bhowm...... of J. M. Athton Co. ... 7.....,.r:iiarcftant. J D. AlXXM,.... , Allen, Smith Co, J. D. ALLEN. President -. J ' ' T. H. TAYLOR, Becretary and Trcasweiv PraL w. M. n a i.t: vesical Director. ' 7 ' ' Auditor-Geo. 8. aLU.-WN. Cashier 2d Hat Bit. . : :: i m-L.j , Wi J. F. Uoyd, Gehl Agent for N; C. LACONIC lOCAJLS, Confederate bonds told In' Bich- m nd last week at$T per thousand. CiTThe boys are beginning to rob up their guns for a "bout" next Thursday. t3T Miss Lissette Bernheim has been elected organist of the: Lutheran Sab bath school. say-A little more rain and yesterday would have ranked first-class aa a disa greeable day. w. W. McDiarmid, Esq, editor of the Robesonian, took the train last night for the Atlanta Exposition. There were a large number of mountain wagons in the streets yestex day. Most of them were offering ap ples ror cash. HfSol. Smith Russell to-morrow night will very likely play to a good house. He is one of ' the characters that the public never forgets. ETesterday morning slight forma tions of ice could be seen by close ob servation. So far only two days this fall have been cold enough to produce ice. CSTMr.F. Kuester, who was accident ally shot on the 4th of this month has been suffering severely from the effects of the wound, and is still confined to. his bed. t" New benefit certificates for mem bers of the Knights of Honor have been issued by the Supreme Lodge. Has Charlotte Lodge No. 336 got them ? If not, why not? XW We have been handed a note re questing that the thanks of the congre gation of Clinton Chapel be returned to the white citizens who generously aid ed this church in purchasing a chande lier. &TA collection will be taken up in the Episcopal church on Thanksgiving day for the orphans at Oxford. So far as is known this is the only congrega tion in the city that has given any sign that the little ones are to be remember ed on that day. tSTCharlotte has been very fortunate in escaping the ravages of diphtheria this season. Raleigh has suffered much from its effects, and reports come up from many .sections of the State that this dreaded disease is desolating many homes. ES James Newton, Western Union telegraph messenger, was kicked by a horse at his home in this city, Sunday morning, and had two ribs broken. Dr. O'Donoghue was called to see him and reports that he will soon be able for duty again. tW Some of the aldermen met yes terday Afternoon with the intention of legislating for the benefit of the muni cipality, but when the mayor proceeded to count noses it was found that the body was short of a quorum by three, and they didn't legislate. However, it seems the city gets along after a fash ion, whether the aldermen meet or not i i s Tbe OT.laatreI Tonight. Armstrong Brothers will give a min strel performance at the opera house to-night, and offer a very attractive programme, for the entertainment of those who may go. It was their inten tion to have tbe exhibition under can vas, but the cold weather has caused them to abandon that idea. The pro prietors are n alive South Carolinians, and promise to give a first-class show of the kind. To be Sold Again. Mr. Ueoree K. Wilson, as commis sioner, advertises the old Rock Island property for sale again. A sale was made of this property some time ago, but the court failed to confirm it, hence it is up once more. For manufacturing purposes it is a very desirable property, and it would well repay an examina tion by any one desiring property for such purposes. RandaUbursr Beard From, A correspondent at Randalsburg says he has been makimr it his business to inquire of the farmers in that section what their crops will consist of next season, and has met with the almost unanimous response of "wheat, oats and corn, at least enough for home con sumption, with cotton for a surplus." It seems some of them have come to the conclusion that cotton is a failure as a money crop in a dry summer. pecially when everything else lias been neglected for its cultivation. The same correspondent svys that the section boasts a colored eituen who is known as Junius Moses Webb Lee Cal vin Johnston Bettie Dan Tucker. Pereonal. Revs. P. J. Car ra way and J. W. Pu- ett passed through the city yesterday on their way to conferenee at Durham. rRev, Mr. Bagwell left yesterday moraine for Durham. It is stated that BishoD Foster will preside at tbe approaching Methodist conference. Mr. W. C. Wolfe, editor of tbe Mon- rne Enouirer. Dassed tbroueh ' the city vesterdav en route to Durham. -Mrs. K M Moyer and Miss Laura - Vogel left the city last mirtir ior lhus . . .... . i.i. Rock. Ark. to visit relatives ana frienda. They will reraajn. there dur ing the winter. i raeetllisr of the A. Mb E, Cnffnee, The second session or tne uemrai North Carolina Conference, of the A. M. E. Zion Church, will convene in Clinton's Chapel.' this city, to-morrow rnonuriA at 10 o clock, lsisnoD g, ,yy, TTnnd. tiresidinflr. '. U t h ,i Tnia is tne teaming aenomiBauuH among the colored people, in Charlotte, as to numbers and much - preparation has been made by the ; members to en tertain the delegates and members ot I the: conferenee who com from a di tanoe. In addition to una ue iuiue oe the church has "been, handsomely re painted and TC-arpeted, and a new an4 . tasty pulpit has been ereeteow . J Q A. Haddaway, lsq.. t !JS2S: dlst." HaHI,..ore, Md.. writes r "wn wucu vr , ure t uutt ui me gooa eneou XZlZ syrup ta my iamiiy. nan ueu " - and eacbatwM tbe lesult was entirely saUatao ton- Prtce25cabotue. ; : , n n ,- caacna.anal everlaket.'A eontlnaanee tor any length of time eausea lrrltar tionof theLmigs oTSomeehronlcTnroninseaB. "Bnn'i Bronchial Troelws" are an effectual : The following is the list of letters re maining recalled for in thepostofflce at Charlotte for the week ending Novem ber 14th: ' 1 j Miss R. H. Alexander, Mrs. Nancy Alexander W. B. Beevers, John T. Broadnax, Mrs. Laura Blount, Mrs. A. F. Brown; A. B. Baker, Mrs. M. J. Cole man, M. H. Caldwell, Wm. B. Caldwell, Miss J. Belle Chapman, J o. Crawford, Jonas Eccles, Mrs. Sarah Florence, Will R. Ferguson, Miss T. Huston, Miss Mary Hayes, F. E. HiskelL Jno. Haw kins, Tillie Stephenson, Bud King, Mrs. Jane Lee, J. JJ. Lindsey, A. J. Lovejoy, Tillie Phif er, James M. Parke, Sis Ban kins, Prof. J.W. Reid, Walter Sonthgate, Charley Starks, Linda Torrence, Joanna Torrence. Hanna Torrence, Mrs. Maria Witherapoon, Mrs. M. Woodsides, Shade. Wooten, Miss Jennie Wolfe," T. H Walker, Mrs. Walker, Geo. Youn?, colored; When calling for any of the above, please say "advertised." " W. W. Jenkins, P. M A Good. Yeau Work When the members of conference are called upon to render an account of their year's labor, the pastor of Tryon Street Methodist church, of this city, will no doubt feel a just pride in re porting the condition of' his church. When Rev. Mr. Bagwell came to this church he found it encumbered with a debt of about $2,500, which had been weighing it down for a number of years. Principally by his own efforts he succeeded in a very short time in ridding the church of its burden, and now for the first time in a long period the congregation is clear of debt. Offi cial information puts the general con dition of the church much better than at any time in the past dozen years. The amount received during the con ference year for all purposes, was $5,500. The accessions to 'the church membership were 48, with about the same number of removals, leaving the number at about the same figure as at the beginning of the year 434. The pastor is deservedly popular with his people, and the congregation is unanimous in its desire for his return here next year, while the public gener ally will gladly welcome him back. Inferior Court This court met yesterday at 10 o'clock for the transaction of such business as may properly come before it, and from all accounts it is more than likely that it will have more of it than at any pre vious session within its history, as the docket is said to be larger than ever before. .The grand jury is composed of the following named gentlemen: S. B. Smith, foreman; W. Rankin, W. A. Johnston, W. J. Byrum, A. G. Barnett, R. F. Christenberry, M. N. Hart W. C. Miller, W.M. Martin, J. Mc. DeArmond, John T. Todd, S. F. Query, L. Leon, C. B. Todd, and J. N. Hunter. The reporter failed to hear the charge of Justice Waring, but those present at its delivery sfry that it was a most ; excellent one, being plain, comprehen sive and thorough, reflecting the highest credit upon its author. Most of the day yesterday was con sumed in getting the machinery in order, and o-day it is likely the court will get down to its work. The only case disposed of yesterday was that of Thos. W. King, indicted for assault and battery. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty. A case against W. C. Hastings, charged with retailing liquor without license, was taken up, argued and given to the jury, after which the court adjourned till this morning. In the Supreme Gomrt, Appeals from this judicial district were considered by the Supreme Court last Friday and disposed of as noted be-: low. The report is taken from the Ral- eigh News-Observer: J. W. Wiley vs. G. W. Logan, from Mecklenburg; continued by consent. G. W. UbalK vs. Traders .National Bank, from Mecklenburg; continued. Alexander & Wilson vs. John Robin son, front Mecklenburg; argued by Wil son & Son for the plaintiff, and T. M. Pittman and Armistead Burwell for the defendant. J. M. Torrence vs. J. P. Alexander et alsn from Mecklenburg ; argued by Bur- well & walker tor the planus, ana Jones ana Johnston ior the aeiena- ants. F. E. Barrett vs. John L. Brown, trus tee, from Mecklenburg; continued by consent. State vs. Thomas A. Lowder, from Stanlv : - arsrued bv Attorney-General Kenan for the State ; no counsel for the defendant. State vs. J. W. Snusrzs. from Stanly; argued by Attorney-General Kenan for the State: no counsel for the defend ant' William Johnstoa vs. S. P. Smith, from Mecklenburg i continued under thft rules. The above concludes the nrst caii oi the docket for tbe sixth district, and the court then proceeded to call ap peals at the end of the docket and dfe- posea ox sucn as xouows: gbr, from Gaston ; argued by Armistead xsurweu ior sue pioiuuiL, aim o wuco i t Twittv et als. vs. G. W. Lowra t nisu from Rutherford: netition for certiorari ; argued by Battle & Morde- i .z nintntiffa ai Toon a Knanao XTXTT' u DUiuvaiui tus uwnuuwiw J Ranyans ys, WWiam Patterson, from Cleavelandi continued for ab sence of counsel. J. P. Allen vs. Gilkey & Gilkey, ad ministrators, from Rutherford ; contin ued for absence ox counsel. David Mauney vs. J. w. Gidney, ad ministrator, et als, from Cleaveland; Continued by consent. . . : J. V. wiiuams vs. jonn mcuiis, et bus from Union ; continued for absence of Mtata va. jnnn luruocK. imm uiu coin : argued by Attorney-General Ke nan for tne state no counsel ior uu Aekt Anrlanfc. Sbuford weathers vs. .bwney Havnea, et als, from loncOln j conun - UOU nil qnuii vm. su huw Paul Bernhardt, executor, vs. W. A. Smith, et als, from Cabarrus; contin noli fnr BnAAnea or ccransei. 1 J. H. Wilson, Jr, ana wne, vs. u, j . Uneberger-, appeals by both plaintiffs and defendant, rrom uasxon ; wnus i certiorari ordered and cause continued Wm. Dennis & Co, vs. D. L. S. Sum mile twAtaDiiealsbv Dhvintifb. from finumt cominuea xorwanoi counsel. -- - - - : .S 7 . . m - , Richard Harris vs. John M. Ross, from Stanly ; continued for absence of Panctaally is the Hinge of Baatoeaa.' Xnraihi Hes wbew Dr. Bull's sough syrnpis kept,, there to Mwteusol absence nom scdom or on account of coughs, eolda or sort Tsar Ins There are two appeals to be decided by the Supreme Court of the State that aje of eonsiderable importance to the citizens of the town, namely: the At lantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad vs. the City of Charlotte, a suit brought tor the recovery of a subscription made by the city In aid of this road, the payment of which has been contested, and a de cision had adverse to the city in the lower courts. The other case is that of the graded school tax, in which Mr. W S. Norment and others appear as plain tiffs, restraining the levy which was voted at the election held eighteen months ago. In this suit a decision was had in favor of the city, In a hearing on an application for an injunction re straining the board of aldermen from levying the tax. It was thought that these cases would be decided during the present sitting of the court, but from the report of the Raleigh Netos-O bserver it is to be inferred that both cases have been postponed. The Adams Redaction Works. It is probable that the public will soon learn something definite in rela tion to the action to be taken by the parties interested in the Adams Min ing and Reduction Works, located on the outskirts of the city. But little has been heard of the enterprise since Prof. Adams fell sick last summer, and after his death it seemed that no one knew anything of what was to be done Mr. Bear, the old secretary and treasu rer of the company, has returned to the city after a prolonged visit North, and in reply to some inquries by a reporter, said that perhaps in a few days he would be able to give some definite in formation as to what will be done with the property. Mr. Bear stated that the company was comparatively free from debt, which leads to the hope that the enterprise will be pushed to comple tion. Of course the death of Prof. Adams will necessitate a new manage ment, and it is likely that this will be organized soon. For the Atlanta Exposition A week or so ago The Observer suggested that a party of fifty or more persons be made up to visit the Atlan ta Exposition, and since that time has kept the matter before the public until the suggestion has been carried into ef fect. The party, was organized yester day, and contained a sufficient number to secure the lowest possible rate given by the railroad. By this means the rate is made just one-half of what a single individual can obtain, and it is more than likely that the success of this un dertaking will bring about other simi lar parties, thus inducing many to visit the exposition who would not go other wise. The party which left last night at 10:45, was organized in Charlotte yesterday, and is composed of the fol lowing named persons: IL B. Williams, W. L. Gilbert, W. B. Wood, G. Reeves, L. B. Alexander, D. A. Barkley, W. L. Pharr, J. A. Hobbs, J.G.Shannonhouse, H. Gallant, N. Wallace, J. B. Grier, J. Abel Cowan, Miss Mollie Cowan, Mon roe Bell, W. B. Wilson, Mrs. Gray, B. IL Moore, J. S. Sossamon, C. F. Morris, M. M. McRae, J. W. Potts, H. G. L. Rea, J. M. Rea,M. E.Crowell, C S. Mallard, W. L. Bolick, Dr.T. C. Robertson, S. M. Bigham, J. W. Bigham, W. B. Alexan der, W. J. McRae, J. R. Hutchison, Charles Caldwell. Miss McNeely, S. A. Kirkpatrick, F. S. Neel, J. W. Long,F. S. Cooper, R. S. Cooper, Miss L. Yogel, B. McLaughlin, Jr., A. M. Sloan, S. T. Caldwell, H. D. Smith, J. T. Alexander, J. G. Young, Mrs. E. M. Moyer, W. S. Caldwell, Mrs. B. J. Shannonhouse, Mrs. Virginia Houston, C. H. DeJarnett, Mrs. DeJarnett, Mr. DeJarnett and child. The evening train from Monroe brought about fifty others, and the par ty numbered not less than one hun-1 dred and twenty-five in all. At near ten o'clock last night about fifty of the pilgrims entered The Ob sebveb, office and made the announce ment that the railroad agent would not issue tickets, inasmuch as 36 hours pre vious notice was required by officials. This was a surprise to all parties, as no knowledge of such requirement was known to the public. Efforts were at once made to overcome the difficulty, and the desired end was only accom plished by Capt S. S. Pegram providing the necessary cars to transport the pas sengers, and an agreement on the part of Capt Luke Johnson, conductor, to receive the published rates and secure return tickets on bis arrival in Atlanta. Mr. T.T. Smith, the agent of the rail road, was disposed to be accommoda ting, but declined to assume any re sponsibility in the matter, not consis tent with his orders. txo &&vzvtlsctucuts. LOST. A li.SLgK ery to me, or Inlormanon leading to its recovery. noraa l . r. Jb'anmuwa TURKEYS, GEESE" BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES, and HONEY S. M, HOWELL'S. nov22 v . LAND SALE. Y-VH Monday. The l n fool mm 1 JfSL the estate et Itodema Jen- ONI VA A4CU3U1UCI. IDOl kins, I will sell attbe eoort noose' door in Char- ktfM. tat eaah. the foUowlnareltv nrorjertv.vtz: Two store houses and lota on Trade street adjoin ing stmi h Dowd, P. M. Morris ' and others, being part OI iam nu. su, square o, vi uw pta ui mm Mt at fThulatta.. . . : Also, two lots on Trade street and Cemetery Avenue, known as the Tax. property, adjoining the ander and othemXoU No. '151 aad 15U of the uiiinkiLAiinicinof unanona. - : ThfaMODertr Will be sold suhleet to the Ufa esute 9L.V. a. viuMUf .,.,.,, am : - . ; -s i t Cqm Testamento Annexo of , Sv20 dlt w4t frrJ , Lodem Jenkmsl FOESALE. ; a . VslnahI'eKv rnssYlnnfin - with hi g A. walkef pubiKt smareT1 Trot pdittcolars apply novou im tttttaetttjetits. OPERA HOUSE.-- ONE RIGHT ONLY. Today, November 22nd, 1881. A&KSTBOXa BB0TEEBS' A XXBICAlf MTNSTRXL3 and BRASS BA1IT xiJUXaiCAN MINSTBXL8 and BRASS BAN.LJ 20 B 20 IK I BBA88 BAND -f r lO IN BRASS BAND 10 6 END WN XND MKN O The original Australian Monanbs GIBBSN3 aid DAVXNPOBT, in their original Song and Dance Specialties. GXORGI DXHATJIX, The Boneless Kan or Human Boaconstrictor. BILLY ARMSTRONG. The Toangest Impersonator of (he Aged Negro on the American Stage. DAVJE MICK, NXD OAXHAN, BURT CHRISTY, Bakjo Eoihsts. A. BRAND. J. a MACK, noY19 Director Orchestra. Leader Brass Band. ARMSTRONG BROS., Proprietors. OPERA HOUSE. One Night ef Refined Comic Opera ! Thmy EveniDg, Nov. 24th, '81. After a most brilliant tear, marked by eontlnmoos successes, MB. CHAS. E. FORD'S English ComicOpera Comp'y, la GILBERT & SULLIVAN'S New English Opera the greatest success of Lon- don and New York entitled Vm The initial and following performances of which In New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washing ton and Boston, attracted the largest audiences, and was criticised as follows: "The piece was ad mirably presented. It was elegantly dressed throughout, aid was without anacronlsms. The singing of the troupe waa good without exception. Miss Lucette made a great hit as Patience. Mr. Fitzgerald was more than good as Grosvener. Mr. Hogendorp, as the Colonel, sang and acted in his usual effective style, and Mr. Rennle as Bonthome was caital."-P08t. W Tbe sale of reserved seats will commence on Monday, November 21st, at the usual places. Reserved seats 81. noviy et OPERA HOUSE. A Welcome Star in Charlotte ! THE GREAT COMIC SUCCESS or THE SEASON. Wednesday Evtning, Nov. 23rd. Appearance of the Renowned Comedian, Sol Smith Russell, In his famous creation of TOM DILLOWAY, In J. E. Brown's New American Comedy In Four Acts, entitled KDGEfOOD FOLKS, As played at Abbey's Park Theatre, New York, four consecutive weeks, to a succession of crowded and de lighted audiences. RlCZrVID EVERYWHERE WITH SCREAMS OF LAUGHTER, r- Tickets of admission Si. 75c and 50c Seats can be seemed in advance at the McSmtth musle noose. nov!8 5t IB BLANK BOOKS from 2tte each toS45.00 goto SDD1 This great speciaa euree that moat loathsome WHETHER IN ITS PRIM ART, SECOND ART OR TERTIARY STAGE. Removes all traces of Mercury from the system. Cures seronua, out sores, rneumausm, eczema, catarrh, or any blood disease. CURES WHEN HOT SPRINGS FAIL I - Malvern, Ark., May 2. 1881. We ham eases la our. town who lived at Hot Springs and weronally cured with S. a 8. Memphis, Tennessee, May 12. 1881. We have sold 1.296 bottles of B. & 8. In a year. It has given universal satisfaction Fate minded pnyslcians now reoommena n as a posrave specu- . b. maiiHXKU) w Denver, Cot, May 2. 1881. Every narehaser sneaks m the hUrhesttorms of aaa L.MxmansB. Louisville. Xensneky, May 18, 1881. a 1. a has given bettor satisfaction than any medkina 1 have ever sold. lilUnn. Richmond. Va.. May 11. 1881. Toweaa refer anybody to us In regard to the BavenemloMwna&atofatltoeiire a ease ot SypbJUa,whea properly taken. , XL. la. uuaiui, Ell Wabbxk. Pernr.Oa. Tha above akmen axe gentlemen of high stand- "a- , ...,' r 4, Ai.iiojDirr, wv.oiua. If you wish, w win take your ease TO KK PAID FOR WHEN CURED, write tor particulars, and copy of the little book "jiessage to we umorva tlOOBEWARDtwOl be paid to any ehemist who wlU And. on analysis e( too bottles ef aas., one parttele et Mercury, Iodide Potassium, or aar Proprteton, Atlanta, Ga . ftild Kv illtunWH MMIiSMA A3T Price I large oc regular size reduced to fllTSper bottle, and smail size holding naif the auaauiy, price si. :-" - ' AsdSebool nropnea. "If yew want theas eheap, m jKt f r XADUifl BOOK STORK. IR MUSIC OUR LARGE STOCK g -AT GREAT SACRIFICES VJE OFFER AT AIID.BELOVi COST. We stm have a large assortment to select from and we would advise one and all to call at once and buy their winter Goods before the beet are sold. We ofler extraordinary bargains In Men's, Boys and Children's Ready-made Clolhing, Tnrinrtlng OVERCOATS for an ages. Dont pay profits when you can buy goods REGARDLESS OF COST. Remember we close out business by January 1st, I8t&r oct27 WACE ROBDi ck so, -exmi TRYON ARE 1108 T PRICES. THIS bnoiZ CLOSING OTjT'tofSSS OTl Close Jannary M9 See our Cashmeres, see our Calicos at 4fcc. Ton nave an opportunity now you may never have again. WE HAVE NO SPACE TO ENUMERATE, A VISIT ONLY CAN COVER THAT GROUND. RODD I C K & 0 0. I nip -:L: Mfl low 1 50 CASES SARDINES Try Little Katie, Atwood's HOTT8' COLOGNE, 4711 GERMAN COLOGNE. just iteceiveu oy wiwuna wwiic& if nArMi1?D?0 TTTtTTTT I a superior remedy tor aHTJlseases he BLlDDEa. VUUJl JCiXV O -ljUiJLlU SWonlyby - - - WILSON & BURWELL. GROUND SAGE, FINE TOILETTE. SETS, Jmr. The largest and nicest assortment ever brought to this market. WILSON & BUR WELL. TURKISH BATH TOWELS, . TTVTM) A "f TXTT7 (HYDRA TED OIL). Hydraltne has i been proven ot the Jslghest JLL JL xJXiixxjirN Hi, value in consumption, aad all wasting diseases, Invariably srodut lag hnnedlato Increase to weight? fresh supply at 1 ' Wilson & R AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Any style and price, go to - EDDINff BOOK STORE. S TARTL1MC DISCOVERY! tT MANHOOD RESTORED. ; a viotiia of youthfal imtradnoa csnsing Premsv Inn DwrServoue Debutty. Last Manhoodetc havimr tried in vain every known remedy, has dut eorlsclmple self cue. which he wiU send FRES WM MUM WW, '.IIIW mim i w. mw m i i eepis . . ,,; i R FAMILT BIBLES, Teachem' BtOles, Praye Books ami Bymeala, All. JDINS BOOK STORE. RAPIDLY SELLING THE - H. MORRIS & BROS. STREET. -a. 4 I J. 1 -i V :D: Crackers. French I Amerra. Try Little Maggip if Qologitlf VINE NAnBBtSHiS, fllKE I'BESCn 8oi.P3, xj ill GrounicayeJ Pppr. fMUl BurwelFSii Is the best tne world over. If yon want one call at EDDLNS' BOOK STORE; where you can be accommoiitiitoa, app gif en twj yearsto pa for It. THE ATTENTION , Ot the Trade generally,, and also the consumer, la called to our special brands of saleable and staple flmoklng Tohaonoe rutting Bull Dnrhnm Tinnp Cuts and RlvalJDuzham-rto which, we are now adding a fuU llneof the latest styles 4f the most staple grades ofupand Twist Tobaccos. We can, in a few weeks, offer lducementa in Chewing Tobaccos that no other manufacturers can cfaaL Our salesmen wilt make regular trips to Charlotte, and the trade of all good-merchant tewepeettm- F01 R WALL PAPER? And Window Shades, go to LtI loDINS' BOCKBTOBStV ( 3.1' m It' 4' it! to -'r I! . a 1 1 r. I k t-r a: 1 ft it m III!!' I Si v. item k -is. I :. Ml ncTlO d4w suatu wlm Cough Remedy. 25c goto,

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