&t)g charlotte QbhsztQa. LOCAL IRTKLUBfiSCR T HUESD AY, NOV. 24, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. Phalanx Lodgk No. 81, A. F. A A. M. Begalar meeting every second and fourth Monday nights. Excklsior Lodsb No. 261, A. F. ft A. H. Bee ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. Chablottx Chaftxb No. 89, B. A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nights. Charlotte Command aby Na 2, K. X. Secular meeting every first and third Thursdays. EI. OIF1 H. KKiGHTa of Honob. Begular meeting every second and fourth Thursdays. P. Knights or Pythias. Begnlar meeting nights first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. at sonic Temple Hall. I. O, O. IF". chaklottk Lodge No. 88. Meets every Mon day night. ilBCKUBJTBTTRa PZCI-ARATIOH LODOB Na 8. MeetD every Tuesday night Dixm Lodgk No. 108. Meets'every Thursday night. Catawba Kivtcb Encaatpstknt No. 21. Meets trst and third Thursday nights In each month. Index to New Advertisement. Change of Schedule B. ft D. B. B. B lama Still Ahead Ornaments. W. B. Atkinson Stockholders Meeting. LeRcy Davidson-Goshen Butter. BUSINESS NOTICES. L&COHIO LOCALS. EPISCOPAL METHODIST. "Warranted not to contain a single particle of mercury or any Injurious or mineral substance, but to consist entirely of medicinal roots and herbs, w hich is the reason Simmons Liver Regulator Is & t-tTectual yet so harmless. Ttita mnritrMnA u acknowledged to have no equal as a liver medicine, containing those South ern roots and herbs which an all wise Providence hast placed In countries where liver diseases pre vuli. "Baltimork Episcopal Methodist." None genuine except that prepared by J. H. Zelllu A Co. PONDER ON THESE TROTHS. Torpid kidneys, and constipated bowels, are the great causes ot chronic diseases. Kidney Wort has cured thousands. Try It and you will add oae more to their number. Habitual eosUveness afflicts millions of the American people. Kidney Wort will cure It. Kidney Wort has eured kidney complaints ef thirty years standing. Try H. 8ee adv. The color and lustre of youth are restored to faded or gray hair by the use ot Parker's Hair Balsam, a harmless dressing highly esteemed for Its perfume and purity. Mrs. Wlnslow's soothing syrup. rpv Svlvanus Uodd urns writes in uio Boston Christian Freeman: We would by no means re commend any Kina 01 meoicuro u w u" ""2 know to be good particularly for Infants. But of Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup we can. speak from knowledge; In our own family It hasroved a blessing Indeed, by giving an Infant troubled with colic pains, quiet sleep, and Its .parents unknown rest at night. Most parents can appreciate these blessings. Here Is an article ; which works to per fectlonr and which is harmless; for the sleep which It affords the Infant is perfectly natural, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." And during the process of teething. Its value Is incalculable. We have frequently neara moinerB say they would not be without it from the birth of the chUd tin n naa uiuouou mm mo mu. DU1U III CU1 siege, on an druggists. ! consideration whatever. !5 cents a bottle. AN ENTHUSIASTIC ENDORSEMENT. Gorham, N. H., July 14th, 1879. Gents Whoever you are, I dont know; but I thank the Lord and feel grateful to you to know that in this world of adulterated medicines there Is one compound that proves and does all It ad vertises to do, and more. Four years ago 1 had a slight shock of palsy, which unnerved me to such an extent that the least excitement would make me shake like the, ague. Last May I was taduced to try Hop Bitters, fused one bottle, but did not see any change; another did so change my nerve that they are now as steady as they ever were, it used to take both hands to write, but now my good right hand writes this. Now, if you continue to manufacture as honest and good an article as you do, you will accumulate an honest fortune, and confer the greatest blessing on your fellow-men that was ever conferred on mankind. TTX BUBOB. tSTSunday hours will be observed at the postofflce to-day. J5T Bu iness wouldn't boom yester day. Cotton was absent from the streets. tT Thanksgiving services win be held at St. Peter's Catholic church to day at half-past 10 o'clock. t-TIckeU for "Patience" are going off splendidly, and a favorable evening will fill the opera house to-night EST There are 82 prisoners in the county jail at present, 21 of whom will have a hearing at the present term of the Inferior Court. SW. H. Bailey, Esq, of the Char lotte bar, is in Raleigh this week, at tending to legal matters in the Supreme Court. t37In the article published yesterday la relation to mines, a mistake occurred in the figures giving the amount of ore on the dump at the Silver Valley mine. The amount should have been 2,000 or 2,500 tons, whereas it was put at 25,000 tons. tS" In the item published ia yesterday morning's Observes about the failure of the paper to reach certain points on the North road, there was no intention of leading the reader to believe that the fault lay in the postoffice at Charlotte. The trouble arises after the paper leaves this office. But few mails North have been missed within the last six months, but complaints have reached here that the paper often reaches its destination a day late. much Ado Aooat ZfwUklasr. Much of the time of the Inferior Court was yesterday taken up in hear ing a case of forcible trespass, the plain tiff and defendant to which reside in the city. Malice seemed to be the cause of all the trouble, as the trespass, even admitted, amounted to nothing, while the costs in the case will be considera ble. The damage resulting from the trespass, according to the evidence of the prosecution, would amount to some thing like 75 cents. Inferior CeuU This court disposed of the following cases yesterday: State vs. Ja&Hornbarrier, illicitretail ing, mistrial. State vs. Chas. Torrence, assault and battery, two cases; submitted. State vs. Chas. Yann, assault and battery; submitted. State vs. Fink. Parnell, larceny; not. pros. State vs. Ed. McCombs, larceny; guilty. State vs.Hattie Ellington, larceny; guilty. THE ATLANTA EXPOSITION. NORTH CA.&Ol.INAS SPLENDID DISNJLT. The Apprehended FaUlo.ro Bee 1 A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and in discretion ot youth, nervous weakness, early decay oss of manhood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you. FREE of CHABGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America end a self-addressed envelope to the Bkt. OSEPH T. IN MAN, Station D, New York City MANY MISERABLE PEOPLE drag themselves about with falling strength, feeling that they are steadily sinking Into their graves when, by using n.,.k.j uinra, Tnnii. thnv would find a cure mencln2twlththe first dose, and vitality and strength surely coming back to them, column. Bee other It is worth remembering that nobody enJys the nicest surroundings If In bad health. There are miserable people about to-daywlth one foot to the grave, ..W.Kiffl would do mem more guuu man u medicines they have ever tried. See adv. MADEFBOM HARMLESS MATERIALS, and dapted to the needs of fading and fiUHng halr, Parker's Hair Balsam has tasen the first rank as an elegant and reliable hair restorative. DON'T DIE IN THE HOU8E. . Ask druggists for "Bough on Rata." It clears out rats, mice, bed bugs, roaches, vermin, files, ants, Insects. 15c per box. AS THOUSANDS DO TESTTJT, So does Thomas Roberts, Wholesale Grocer, Phil adelphia, who says: "Burnett's Cocoaine auays all Irritation of the scalp, and will most effectually emove dandruff and prevent the hair from falling out" BUBNETT'S FLAVOBING EXTRACTS. The superiority of these extiacts In their perfect purl lty and great strength. They are warranted free from the poisonous oils and adds which enter the composition of many factitious fruit flavors. DECLINE Of MAN. Impotence ot mind, limb. OTiTbT" vous weakness, sexual debfflty, Ae., ird by Wells' Health Renewer. SI at druggists. Depot J. H. McAden, Charlotte, N. C DeelttloBM Last Monday opinions were dtlivered by the Supreme court in the following cases: A. H. McDonald, assignee, vs. K. D, Dickson et als from Richmond ; no er ror; judgment affirmed. State vs. Thomas A. Awuer, irom Stanly; error; judgment arrested. M. Martin vs. John A. Young et als., from Mecklenburg ; no error ; judgment affirmed. By A-Stk, J. t State vs. Clarke & Hermon, from Union-, error: iudrment reversed. ' ,w . jl TT! Li. 15. tJnnstenoerry vs. v. kj. jviuk, from Mecklenburg; no error; judg ment affirmed. To Psurllea for Atlanta. Prompted by the success in organiz ing the party which left Charlotte Mon day night, and which safely reached At lanta at the reduced rate of fare, oner ed bv the management of the associat ed railways of Virginia and the Caro lines, The Observer will undertake to organize another party of fifty or more to leave Charlotte on Tuesday night next, 29th inst, at 10.45 o'clock. We will register the names of all par ties desiring to visit the exposition re ceived previous to Saturday night, 26th nRr. nd then notifv the railroad au thorities of the number so registered in order to comply with the stipulation which will be required in future that thirty-six hours notice shall be given of the formation of parties. Persons llftngat a distance who can reach Charlotte In time can write us the names of parties desiring to visit the Exposition about that time, with the full assurance that the names will be registered and tickets secured in vnsnil BeeUene Men With mm 1st Tnelr Eye A MogTilf lcent ntmwtmg'Vnu Nortn Carolina la Ike Effect Her ExhlMt Attraetlnff Attention to . Uor Iflnw Clrestt Exhibition of Sontaerm mdaotrieo Which Every One Oaarht to See. Special Correspondence of The Observer. Six weeks ago the writer attended the opening exercises of the Atlanta Cotton exposition. At that time there was. beyond the programme arranged for the occasion, naught but promise. The buildings were up to be sure, but the workmen had not left them and their enteriors were bare and repulsive. One felt chilled and lonely in wandering through the vast shells.- There was an irresistible feeling of despondency, that it was too great an undertaking for even the aspiring and indefatigable Atlantese they had begun to bulla without counting the cost. This feel- ino- wfta intensified bv the days and weeks bf sparse attendance which f ol lowed, and although the newspapers North and South spoke only words of commendation and encouragement there was an almost universal forebod ing in Atlanta and elsewhere that the great event would prove a failure Even those who still had faith in a orfiftt dianlav despaired of a financial nnd exposition stock fell at one time to ten cents upon the dollar. But the last few weeks have wrought a great change. The special days and attractions, the reduced railway rates, and the magnificent variety of the ex hibits have drawn such crowds that the stock is now sold at 48 cents. The daily attendance averages three thous and And in ranidlv increasing, and the .Itir ta Prnwdad with vlsitOU from al VVJ ww v parts of th9 Union, Many of tnem, too, come not from the neighboring towns to spend a day, but from remote cities for protracted stays. The exhibitors as sure me that they daily meet numbers of people whose object is business and not pleasure, capitalists, miners, machin ists, inventors; all either seeking fields for investment or laborer desiring space for their own productions. Maj.McPbail, of the Richmond and Danville exhibit, states that he knows of 150 mining men who have set out, after the examination of North Caroli na, South Carolina and Georgia ores, for personal Inspection with views of pos sible investment in the mines from which thav were taken. So it Is with all the convertible resources of the smith whieh are displayed. The finan cial success of the exposition is a mat ter of trifling importance when it is be lieved with good reason that it has done more to attract attention to our undeveloped and hitherto - obscure wealth than the accumulated labor of the last decade. To appreciate this somewhat .startling claim our must come and see what is. shown to the people of the sterile North and the rich but one-crop N onnwess. In the North Carolina exhibit, for in stance, one ' cannot help being struck with the fact that it embraces every stame product with which we clothe ourselves, from silk to hemp, and our food crop from, wheat weighing ten pounds extra to the measured bushel, to the Cape Fear rlcei superior to any in the world. But not nly corn is there but wine, and I seize this opportunity to make favorable mention of the dis play, otnatlve wmes by CoL Wharton Green, of the famous Tokay neyard near Favetteville. It is far ahead of any similar exhibit. In the other sta ple luxury, tobacco, the North Carolina gold leaf, is also prominent As for the comparative merits of the North Caro lina exhibit in variety it -s most creditable, but in artistic collation and display it is not so. A casual observer wnnid nnt he imnressed. Nor are the proportions of ita space, or the, itee for size is a strong card in these, "world fairs of its specimens sufficiently or truslve. The North Carolina contri bution to theBlchmond and Danville exhibit and the State really furnishes about three-fourths and decidedly the best part of it-is. however, not subject to this criticism, and one cannot bat re gret that the two are distinct It ia unnecessary to spaa ox any wur -A- New Kind of Household Ormmests JUST RECEIVED. KALO-MEDA, WALL POCKETS, GIPSY BASKETS, LADIES' WORK BASKETS, SCRAP B iSXETS, LUNCH BtSKETS. WHISP POCKETS, Christmas Stockings VASES, EASELS, CANES, Ac , &C This Is an entirely new Parisian style of Orna ments, -and has never been offered In this mar ket, and can ba bought only at ncv24 ED DINS' BOOK STORE. (MensBu Me Me-SiflttCaraliMR.R TBAXHS SOUS HOSTS. pate.Nov20 '81 No. 61, Through passengerl naiiy No. Kfi. FastMalL Dally No. 53, Through passenger Dauy Lv. Charlotte, " Salisbury, Arx.Greensboro Lv. Greensboro Arr.R&lelgh Lv u Arr. Goldsboro Lv. Greensboro for Richmond M N. Danville " Barksdale Drak'sBr'ch M Jetersvllle An. Tomahawk Air. Belle Isle Lv Arr.Manehester Arr. Richmond 4.40 ami 6 80 AM &23 AX 6.35 AX 1.25 FX 4.10 fx 6.20 fx &46 AX 11.00 i 8.10 AX 4.42 AX 6.25 AX dVso AX 8.80 AX 9.28 AX 11.09 ax 12.47 FX 1.49 FX 2.25 PX 2.80 fx 2.BS 1 2.88 FX 5.46 FX 7.27 fx 9.15 FX 9.85 fx 12.19 ax Ij04 ax 8.20 5.88 6.54 AX 7.48 ax 7.46 am 7.49 AM 8.00 AM ransemjettts. -OPERA JBLOUSE. One Night of Refined Comic Opera I Thnrsrlay Erafe' Nov. 24th, '8i. EXTBAOEEIHAEY ATTBAOIIOHI TBAHKSG1VKG EVEMG ! After a most brilliant tour, marked by ooaUnaoos 8U0C6W6flt IIH. GBAS. E. FORD'S SACKISM!! OXJRLARGE STOCK 0 RAPIDLY SELLING 1 THE- GREAT SACRIFICES WE OFFER AT AllD BElJOVJ, COS JtSSWfe. ,. .... . i We stfll bore a taze MsoTtmeY to select from and W wwflj MJtoe oneandall to call at once and bttielrWtteoods before the best are sold. We offer extraordinary bargains In .Men's, Boys mid Children's Sfia4f-mMClotlig)T3!5'5A Including OVERCOATS for an ages. Dont pay profits when you can wry gooas. ukuajuiajsoo vm H. MORRIS & BROS. Ia GILBERT & SULLIVAN'S n i in n n 1 l mm U'nnlinh I atkii A I Innnn I ATflTt TT I 1 ' . liuguju wuycia winy j, . n nr- n-r New English Opera the greatest success ef den and New York entitled The laltfal and following performances of which In New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washing ton and Boston, attracted the largest audiences, and was criticised as follows: The piece was Ad mirably presented. was-etegaauy dressed throughout, amd was without anaeronjsms. The singing of the troupe was goad without exeeyUen. Miss Lucette made a great hit as Patience. Mr. ntzgeraid was more than good as Gresvener. Mr. Hogendorp, as the Colonel, sang and acted in his usual effective style, and Mr. Rennle as Bunthome was capital" Post l-W The sale ot reserved seats wm commence on Monday, November 21st, at the usual places. Reserved seats 81. D0V19 5t EODDIG TRYON STJtEET. BMNTKfS CLOSING OUT SBnijOK ABB MOST PRICE& T Will Close Jannary -M KkTl" 9 .:vv:r See our Oashmeres, see our CsHcos at 4c You have ait opportunity now yon mayoevei hava.aga, WE HAVE NO SPACE TO EKT7HEBATE. A VISIT OKLY CAN COYERiaL GBppKD tt t ttw "t r -rr "loi -,e 'S iri To 3a TBAim eoats booth. DeteJNov.20'80 Lv. Richmond BurkevUle Arc N. Danville L. " Arr. ereensboro Lv. Goldsboro AmBalelgh Lt. ' Arc. Greensboro Lt. M SaUsbun Arr. Concord Charlotte Na 50 Through passeng'r No, 54 Fast Mail No. 62 thro' pas. andrnaU. iass ami 12.40 AM 4.30 FX 4.65 FX 6.60 PX 10.00 i 12.25 FX 2.85 FX 0.45 FX 7 .Oft 9.02 fx 9.65 FX 10.45 FX 7.80 FX 9.10 FX 9.15 fx 1054 Fx 12.25 11.25 FM 2.87 AM 7.00 AX 7.25 AX 9.25 AX 9.86 AM 11.14 A 12.06 fx 12.50 fx c Na 50 Dally. Leave Greensboro. "'iJ-Sl'S ATrtte Salem 410 m NO. 51 Dally, except Sunday. Lour Salem. 4.29 AM Arrive Greensboro. 6.00 NO. 62 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greerjsboro. 10.00 am Arrive Bsiem.... 11.8 AM HO. 58-DaOy. Leave Salem . 40 fx Arrive Greensboro................ 6.80 FX AR passenger trains arrive and depart from Trade street depot Charlotte, and trains Nos. 50, 62. 55 and 63 wUl run dally between Richmond. Vjl, and Trade street depot Trains Nos. 61 and 64 will ran dally between Nerth Danville and Trade street Nos. 50 and 61 will runaniy oe ailitwun and UrMnSborO. TamS BOS. 60 and 61 will run dally between Rlehmend and WfratM"gWNertb. andjouth make dose eon dmOm with trains on thbbiUem Branch for Salem and Winston morning atra evening. - - . A. FOPX. Gen. PUs. and Ticket Agent IUehBtond,Va. til llliH : :L: J): H ,. - -"'.9 ATV" jj - ... . -:- . !. v - . . tockers, il 1M loxes cNATIONAL- Mutual Benefit Association nov24 lonisflUe, Ky. ARDINES French t American. fjooxaxam. 40tmL VI aM-. Lr'l time. All persons who desire to take advan nf tho oJnh rites to the Exposition v- - : .. - . i . , tii a waIT mi rrlvlnv in tfifl CllV w I ar anAeial exniDltS or uwwikw",1" nn At Trra Ossximat office, realstoT I exfxwiUon. Yoorreaders havalreaay f.hir Ttxmea ana w sovet thav m&v ba found, which will LOSSES PAID.. S290,60a92 ALL LOSSES CUE TO DATE PAID. Little liai &---Try Little Maggie, SURPLUS tUND... 30,0Q0J) :' -nrTED;-;;'.;-.;v ! KHKO WIIED SUIES . TTdDDB ASD-r' rbich enable thnA crmnc to more readlli find others and thus facilitate the organization of parties. ' . ' . ti, auk ot HtstSooTlllo Oawo. 3 Several years ago suit was brought by T. M. Hauserj against 8. MoD. Tate, president of the defunct bank of States vil. for recovery of money due plain tiff by the bank. Tha Sopreme- Court at the present term rendered a decision which makes tha defendant liable for debts contracted by the bank. . rne nMiP i familiar with the case, aad as It is of: considerable local fas well as general interest we give a digest of the decision: ,! 1,-The- president ot a bank is cnarga ble with constrmctoyenotice of Xt vonr agement of Its anairsoy uw other subordinate officers; and when -v. V,V a Anf hlldnM3 WlthOUt le gal organizatio,eajn eaeape lh SporJiWlityl self the president of a legaflyconstitu. ted AlhSCJ This powder nIli ZSoSS I served credit tp a spurious ofjratio-v remrth and wholesomen! More. "0Jrr7 I w iTVt. - m jmrnVinatinn than the ordinary klnds. eanno. -.J. oo -I m,; rum TrXTwftno eompeutton mSSSt&W Ooiraua, wyww 7ttA read much of the exposition, and I can ; AnivAonacientioualy assure all wdo eon- Umplate a visit here that the Southern j a tT-ana nnvr affords the'most VA awao"oo - interesting show in the world. ''j.'- DM. V. 0JrXa3. JSXAP. BATE AND '-' .'8URANCE. BELIABLE IN- owr -Used with great benent in ojBuepsio.. mtj n toldtoesaes of destl brgsmw-J.r.Boughton,ll.DAW: - 11 -vriit mnable remedy known for female due. o n n i"f Absolutely Pure stmnirth find wholesomeneM. jsore "JMa-owood FolMo. r This play was presented at Ujftjopera house last night to a rather slim an dience,but one that might beconal4ered fair when the extremely wfaVorable weather is taken into account As 10m Dllloway, the leading character of the playBusseUnndsa splendid opportu nity to bring out his specialties, and to his credit it can be said that h'never; allows an unchaste worrj br a uggesuon to mar bia work. Dls support to good, and it can be said that the piece as pre sented gave satisfaction. These i are rmrta of the lav that no doubtTsauld be to hx i eiva HX4X.TK. Ttiwulent T(. AMerativi nd Mnretta, Mw&WlA and Dtph- rhosa and scrofula-Frof, B. Jacksea, M. AX, Univ. Peon. , t '!J.it.'. t y "lovateable as a nemos ;)tert&Eo& r i ,2Becimnl ed as pp tnstrtt8,"-D. Ht Fatrex.lL D.. N. 0- Bastores debilitated systems to neelm." T. c. Mereer. M. Q., tod, : cenentfoteeTtatB aieeaeee peeejia w ww i i .u.'-..'..-i ;j ,rj i. tf Wr.nltrt nnM:f; . ynmrjt in relieving heartache, .sick ana ner- f , . . . i '..' v T0OA-Bev. . u uoasoa. v. wT TTZTj ,i i. tupTPuhBSJi PalaefrHOAr Co, .:.t 25 TUBS GOSHEN BUTTEl,sM-Ww, serefula, and DTBEOTOBS: President Cour Journal Co. i a . j. jot Bamberger, sieom c i " - -A t-jr kia ' ' ' ogne, BOXTS COLOGNE, '47 1 1 eEBNrLOGNR NJ TL BRUSHES, VBWELL. oso-Joo. P. ifeueaur. xyjuj VLUti "UI great cuxbutv .tmmt t'Beneflclalu otftTme derangement and rloiu conditions." -r-B. K. van, H. u.,umo.. -: Oianntng on ! the complexion, l&aklng HAAWOi , -rwwsow t. j.Sw.'iw..4Mithat COOPER 4 CP; GROUND - SAGE, TJiepmce t mtneral tonus, SttmaSwis a lonle and alUrattre.-hBtm- u . v n . vl inSi e Worf wirlfier "-H. Fishery some and befff'Bjrt. or BienmorgvTa. Moa JSL Ill ,J).AUX,A" T.H.TATXOB. Secret n4 Treasurer- AOdUor-fleo. B. AJLLISON, ChlM Zd KM. trx. FINE FBENCH SOAPS, JLADDEB. BUB WELL. I . . r ; i-m km ...... ; 'kmf fo: 5 tested its approval by profuse appUuae ttti3&fiS2&s! M' 75 nov28 . . V - ; - POSTOFFICE KEY FOUD-l thU Offlee, pay charges ar rewatd the Snd-;. , vi ava axis uvuvesj , ; i , j 2 j.L - Karriceswill be held In St. Episcopal church this morning at 11 o'clock. An olterAtory wjy be fcad in ' uanja will vw m uit,Vm w - - - - 1 the Charlotte Fcrne i Bat Harvet WllsoaT A full attendance Urea.yetsd.te builness of importance B0T24 2t"' SSSSSSt design; and slight ditlsped thatthis fact will berj evidence of ;oncert la sufficient to let mCmbred. Surety: the Christian peopla HSWS? afariotfea,6uid nmS! lovl aTpurlous . bank for debts con-1 ones a mom. , ow rrscrssri irw,-. 1 oss . 'AfAVrEF rnehburgr Va T.O.i 'OUL'flI1:"i-.'. WTLSOSBUBWELL, -j. ndfADXN. and ''WW Cherlolte.llc.f 4 T?TNT TOTTTTTJ SltTraor'a vpTTiotrTfiti Ttt trtIsI 4e!M4ns rBeaELibT . ir .... - . ' L. I . i V j J i r r . tx .3 4 ; 1 0 f : I 1 xrvTYDi'rm nir mdmiM asrneeii value la consumpuuu, suu u mwuii Fresa supply a a f tie highest varlatfry produc- tusort0d4yf jwfowrm ; in Of The Co.,. .BOKl-iOr Stodhtl Mcetinc of HERE will be BjaaefW r-no.W ?filTl "wrT: f astbabsmk.il legAW coawi-i; r hViraw; J. ft. : mm ; at aU dwaaists to? ' : .-. $ T A Valuable dty'. iesldeee xx walk ol public square jrVTirT? 1 1 to W.H.BAllI CfPLATI WAJJOiLa tomeys. Udla x. nnajia's v--i"ii-. ki frees U drooptae Aiasticlnf i anaiiMS to iM step. leewwa -rvr tre to toeeye, and pucto ion two ig i kotsty us rress roees ot vm f-"T7 WlJlBTSBaTT 'i? , ;. 4rarMaar tf urcen.etS-' . CmI1MX2mllns. Mewmoand Pahv ;-WMH M Wil l i 78 Main iiUrlBUUniVlVvi .! :,.;. -o UOJ ;;u iM. i At iik Mii Mindejas. retrrinc rsem .. kui bIkmuI In hi Eahda bf tabtodati to oekeitknowu to bis tore Chew only tU brand of tobacco knowas Tho V ' ' rtisE old Ckm Bueket, . i . .. trtiv4ioomlBoeket . fTro t ,i : t Tao loues fwesTed fcuej?!.. ; : :?J caiaR. ioNis, -i 7.'i . : Chartotte.M.U.oole Agent jWilson 1 !2 JU1 VV UXA in s. TURKEYS, GEBE, icaxfFaveaS- 08200. WIWO'I WWJIWI latest and beet I tally dlsplara oUHMUM UO envelope, 'Ds. L.nlM -M. Carrett sWSaldmpre. mv fu.s: mor lAUuio at Oxford, . CHO, M .umtML naa wvee w tixo ot;itot iMDOxwnee as wen u taiCTPitaiacvslapublko- iSrartatesto adrerttaers. Eii etreyaidveMotoaooto.are showw mfTMnom'erjqre, ItS aavertiswgwwe iirv jrabe ta aa advertiser. Advertise- i mhUeanOeo in any 1 tie Dfflee Mthe sow f tne j J-il BUCKWHEAT FLOUt. ... and HONEY Of the Trade generally, and also the eonsumer, is rcalledta our special brands ot saleable ana swpie SmokBit Topacooo auang r-'u mbwuu mu mo uvw the most cos. we Chewing Tobaeeos that no other Tm&nnfaetarers can equu. par salesmen will make regular trips to CbatMto, .4h rfulAt AS Strur Mli fi t iti WlLSC llATK I j 0.f4'!.'!'u g . Chew only the brand or tobacco anownas iw OK.;: t Mi tjj loi a il.': . i: Issue, nta. BNJOxfosd,X,& f 'T 'il l t-qt. f t i i ... , . . ; -si. Si S .1 I. i ,1 S. 'M ; HO WELL'S: BOT22 I oidCaamaaowM rriHE old Oaken Brt 7vr, . a is invts n-'i i novSOlm i ;a-. ii a

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