She Cfjarlottt bBtrutt LOCAL INTELLIGENCE SUNDAY, NOV. 27, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. PHALAHI LODGB No. 81, A. f . ft X M.-Beralar KZCKLSIOB LODOX No. 261, X. F. ft A. M. Reg- Ulttr uicnum vvij ium nuu uuni XUeSOBy n1gHTt CHARixrmt Chaftxb No. 89, R. A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nighty, Charlotte Commakbakt No. 2, K. T. Regular V J h - AHdk aw Amafr a n s4 4 kiwi tA a W Diwiui( era lum uiu uiuu i nuranftyf, OTP TT Knights or Hohob. Regular meeting every sovuuu auu iviuui utuouoa IC.OPP.- Kmghts of Pythias. Regular meeting nlatata iirst and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock am. atMav- suinu iruiyiuuaii) Chaklottx Lodgk Na 8a Meets every 'Mon- Mecbxenbubg Dsclaratior Lodos No. 9. Droit Lodge No. 108. Moets"every Thursday night. Catawba Rtvkb Encampkhnt Na 21. Meets irsi auu tuim xuuniuaj mgnts in eacn montn. Index to New Advertisement. LeRoy Davidson Great Tumble la Prices. Roddick ft Co-Everything at Cost. Opera House, December 2nd. T. L. Selgle Co By Express Yesterday. A. P. Newheart To Renu Keys Lost T. C. Smith. Lace Handkerchief Lost. Tbe Churches To-Day, Young Men's Christian Association. Devo lonal exercises la the afternoon at 6 o'clock. First Prksbytxrian Church. Services In the morning at 11 o'clock and In the evening at 7ft by Rev. Dr. W. Miller, pastor. Sunday school at 4ft o'clock. 8t. Peter's Episcopal Church Services In the morning at J i o'clock and in the evening at 7ft by Rev. J. B. Cheshire, rector. Sunday school at 5 o'clock. St. Peter's Catholic Church. -Services In the morning at 10ft o'clock, and in the afternoon 4ft by Rev. L. P. O'Connell, priest. Baptist Church Services In the morning at 11 o'clock and In the evening at 7 o'clock, by the pator, Rev. Theo. Whltfle;dT Sunday school at 9ft o'clock a. m. Associate Reformed Phesrtterian Chapel. Services In the morning at 1 1 o'clock, and in tbe evening at 7ft by Rev. W. T. Waller. Sun day school at 1 0 o'clock. Colored Presbttxriah Church. Services in the afternoon at 8 o'clock and In the evening at 7ft by Rev. Mr. Wyche, pastor. Sunday school at 1 1 o'clock a m. BUSINESS NOTICES. EPISCOPAL METHODIST. Warranted not to contain a single particle of mercury or any Injurious or mineral substance, but to consist entirely of medicinal roots and herbs, which is the reason Simmons Liver Regulator Is so eflectual yet so harmless. "This medicine Is acknowledged to have no equal as a liver medicine, containing those South ern roots and herbs which an alt wise Providence has placed in countries where liver diseases pre vail. "Baltimore Episcopal Methodist." None genuine except ihat prepared by J. H. Zel'ln & Co. Tbe color and lustre of youth are restored to faded or gray hair by the use of Parker's Hair Balsam, a harmless dressing highly esteemed for its perfume and purity. Mrs. Wlaslow's Soothing Syrup. Rev. Sylvanus Cobb thus writes In the Boston Christian Freeman: We would by no means re commend any kind of medicine which we did not know to be good particularly for Infants. But of Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup we can speak from knowledge; in eur own family it has proved a blessing Indeed, by glvtn g an infant troubled with colic pains, Quiet sleep, and its parents unknown rest at night Most parents can appreciate these blessings. Here Is an article which works to per fection, and which is harmless; for the sleep which it affords the infant Is perfectly natural, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." And during the process of teething, Its value Is Incalculable. We have frequently heard mothers say they would not be without It from the birth of the child till It had finished with the teething siege, on any consideration whatever. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. AN ENTHUSIASTIC ENDORSEMENT. Gorham, N. H July 14ih, 1879. Gents Whoever yon are, I don't know; but I thank the Lord and feel grateful to you to know that in this world of adulterated medicines there Is one compound that proves and does all It ad vertises to do, and more. Four years ago 1 had a slight shock of pa sy, which unnerved me to Buch an extent that the least excitement would make me shake like the ague. Last Mar Twas induced to try Hon Bitters, fused one bottle, but did not gee any change; another did so change my nerves that ihey are now as steady as they ever were. It used to take both hands to write, but now my good right hand writes this. Now, if you continue to manufacture as honest and good an article as you do. you will accumulate an honest fortune, and confer the greatest blessing on your fellow-men that was ever conferred on mankind. Tim Burgh A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and In discretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay oss of manhood, fcc., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE of CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America end a self-addressed envelope to the Bey. OsEPH T. INMAN, Station D, New York City DON'T DIE IN THE HOUSE. Ask druggists for "Bough on Bats." It clears out rats, mice, bed bugs, roaches, vermin, flies, ants, Insects. 1 5c per oox. DECLINE OF MAN. Impotence of mind, limb, or vital function, ner vous weakness, sexual debility, Ac., cun-d by Wells' HeaUh Renewer. 81 at druggists. Depot J. H. McAden, Charlotte, N. C. zm &&vzvti&zmzutB. Absolutely Pure. ma puwuer never varies, a mni to vi strength and wholesointmess More economical than ths Awllnam bifida nnd saniint hA OA ll tit competition with tbe multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. 8old only In vaun. tiuiAii BAJi-lPiu rvnuaa w., nov23 New York. v.o contlntw to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats, radi: Murks. Convrlaht. etc.. for the United States.. anada, Cuba, England, France, Germany, etc W uavt: naa ininy-uve years' experience Patents obtained thmnch ua are noticed in the SCI ENTIFIC American. This large and splendid, illus trated weeklypaper,3.aOayear,shows the Progress of Science, U very interesting, and has an enormous circulation. Address MDNN CO Patent Solici tors, pub's, of Scientific American, 87 Park Bow, icwxonc. HandftooitttBonpatentsiree. NOTICE. 1 TAVTNfl timltfla1 as a1m1nlutTntArnf the ffttste 1 Af U tlf TT ,1 J , .11 u.taAn. 'IH' Of-bu-d to said estate must make immediate p "Din,, inose navmc ciaiirs are noiinea w pre sent them within the Hme prew-rlbed by lwor this notice will be plead in rar of th-r recovery. , ' J .1 .'W, HOO0. " November 8th. 1881. -ys-j,y v Adm'r. novl8 w4w ' r' in ; . JpOB ANYTHING,: ! . Ii A CONIC lAtCALiM. K2TJu3t four weeks from to-day un- ui (Jtiristmaa. ECotton receipts yesterday 308 bales and a rising market. KThe promptness and despatch of the blonde bill poster, 2T. G, has attrac. ted much favorable comment of late. IMayor DeWolf e thinks it proba ble that a quorum will attend at the next regular time for the meeting of the board of aldermen. The time is the third Monday in December. BSTAtthe mayor's court yesterday morning eight cases were called one of which was continued. The others were disposed of at the rate of $2.60 and coats, except one which went off atCS5 and costs. They were all d. and d's. tW McSmith, the Charlotte music man, is thinking of srettinir up a special train load of people for the Atlanta Hixposition, to attend the Chickering concerts about the 6th of December. Chickering gives away a $1,000 piano, ana the chance for this splendid instru ment will be one of the inducements offered by him to visitors on that occa sion. Deaib of an Aged Lady. Night before last at 8 o'clock Mrs. Sophia Eowark, 78 years of aee. an old and much respected resident of Char lotte, died at her residence on Graham Street, in this city. The funeral servi ces will take place at the residence this evening at 9.30 o'clock Friends of the family are invited to attend. The Baltimore and Nortb Carolina mine The extent and thoroughness of man ner in which this mine is being devel oped is a guarantee for profitable re sults. The company have a, force of forty men employed and are daily onnging to surface large quantities of rich gold ores. Over 1,000 feet of lev els have been driven carrying the vein a a..-. . 9 wnicn averages in wwtn 2 feet, the en tire distance. A 100 stamp mill is kept constantly going. Mining experts who nave recently examined this mine pro nounce it one of the most desirable mining properties in this State. Copper will entr extensively as a value in this mine as a large valuable copper mine has been recently discovered. This is said to be an elegant mine and will turn out big values in the precious metal. m Tbe Chnrcbe and tbe Preachers Rev. Dr. Woods, of Galveston, is still hesitating as to his acceptance of the call of the Second Presbyterian Church. Dr. Ilardiug, former paster of the Second Presbyterian church, preaches to-day in Charleston, from whence he goes to Savannah to preach a week or two. There will be no service at the Sec ond Pres'oyteriau church to-day. The pastors of the Tryon Street and Calvary Methodist churches are in attendance upon the State confer ence at Durham, consequently their pulpits will probably be vacant to-day ; but in case some one can be found this morning to hold services it is desired that church-goes should listen for the ringing of the bells of those churches. No service at the Lutheran church to-day. Personal, Mr. J. W. Soper, one of the water works contrutors, has been quite ill at the Central Hotel for over a week. He was somewhat better yesterday. Judge Settle missed the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta train yesterday, the noon passenger on the Richmond and Danville being behind, and lays over in the city until the afternoon train to-day. The Judge is looking re markably well. Mr. J. Patton Lyon, a prominent citizen of Pittsburg, Pa is in the city at the Central Hotel, with his family. They will spend the winter in Char- otte.- Mr. Lyon spent a winter with us three years ago and made many ac quaintances and friends who will be glad to see-him again and learn that his impressions of his first visit were sufficiently pleasant to induce his re turn. Mr. J. W. McRae, of Rockingham, is in the city returning from the At lanta Exposition. Inferior Court. The fall term of the Inferior Court was concluded yesterday and the court adjourned. The following cases and sentences were the results of the day's wdrk. Ida Houston, larceny, guilty; two years. isaam Uuffin, larceny, gumy; iz months. Henry Rushing, larceny; not guil ty. Henry Howard, larceny, guilty; bound out (ten years old). Elsie Fullen wider, larceny ; jail for 1 year. : Andrew Neely, larceny; not guilty. Ross Hall, assault and battery, six months. John Glover, larceny; bound out iJurwell Johnson, larceny, put under bond to appeal at next court. Charly Hart, retailing spirits without license. 4 months. Charley. Vann, assault and battery, 3 months. Wyatt Goings, 4 months. , Ed. McCombs. larceny, six months.EJ Hattie Ellington larceny .twelve months.' : James Davidson,' forcible tresspass. judgment suspended; capias for a rep etition ' " ; Mary Johnson, white, assault and battery : judgment suspended. , In the case of the State ys Koowles and Elizabeth Blythe. f or I orn ication and adultery, the State appealed from the special verdict qf the jury reported in Wednesday's Obsebteb. Thut ver diet was: it will be remembered, that if the previous marriage of the defendant to Mine vaGfiffitb. aga!4 was not legitl mate, then tbe latter marriage to Eliza beth Blythe was legitimate, and tbeae- Xendant?. was not guilty; tw , , ; 'fciat'?'.,! , - " ' i m i it I, . ) '?r if- t - Strengthen your voice and remove coughs, colds I Price 25e perbottleY ana Hoarseness, or uutmg vt. rxiu s couku It ATLANTA'S IMPOSITION. TVhlcb is Delnff for the South mere than her Press, her EJteratare, aad bm Lsksi hare beea Akle ( io, A representative of The Obskbveb returned yesterday from a visit of a week to Atlanta and the Exposition, where is presented in miniature the present and future interests of the South. The miniature is not unworthy of the greatness of the original. .Atlanta itself is the capital of the new South. From it proceeds, through its press and through its people more of that new energy with which we are clothing ourselves, than from any city within our borders. It Is the main ori fice through which the fresh blood of progress and material development is being transfused, and however much may be said as to its empty noise and boasting, its extravagance in carrying out the new ideas & g. the Sherman cordialities and its many unsubstan tial and evanescent business projects, yet that it leads in the new departure it is foolish to deny. The most striking illustration of this is to be found in the preponderance of young men in business and in office. The whole South has yielded and is daily yielding to this young but irre pressible city of her best youthful blood, talent and energy. Young men are at the head of everything, and everything exhibits the impulse of a new genera tion.and however much the Bourbon tra dition may prevail in politics orBourbon sentiment in private intercourse, they are not sufficiently active to check the nervous activity which impels Atlanta toward the fulfilment of the modern mission of leading in the regeneration of the South. The exposition is the exponent of this truth. That no other city in the South could have successfully brought it to its present greatness may not be true, but that no other Southern city would haye done it within the present decade is very probably true. That Atlanta has done it at all is at least a stu pendous fact, and although everybody may not be prepared to go the length of the enthusiastic Atlanta man who points out thd world's fair and says with a magnificent wave of his hand, "None but your H. I. Kimball's and your God Almighty's could do this sort of thing," yet the credit for so collecting the resources of our unrivalled South that tbe world admits her greatness, and is in wonder that it knew so little of it before, must be given to the capi tal of Georgia. It is proven within the limited space of Ogelthorpe Park that we have posi tively qvery natural source of wealth, and are capable of converting within our own borders that limitless munifi cence of nature into utile form. Never before in this or any other country has there been such a display of un developed wealth, while the indus trial exhibits from the South are sufficiently large and various to prove satisfactorily that Southern manufac tures are paying and growing. No in telligent man can visit the cotton expo sition and not receive an impressive conviction that the greatness of the South has no limit, but in the energies of her people, and of these he is again assured by the spirit which pervades the industrious and substantial South erners whom he meets on the grounds To the reflective and specula tive visitor there is an almost fascina ting interest; to the patriotic visitor there is just satisfaction ; to the curious and idle visitor there is an infinitely various and inexhaustible array of at tractions; and to the business man there is the best field of information or the widest medium of advertising. The truth of this latter assertion can not be better proved than by the single Uustration to be found in the fact that the Messrs. Liddell & Co., of this city, who have an exhibit there of machin ery, have sold in several instances to exposition visitors almost from their own doors. As the writer has before stated in a letter from Atlanta, North Carolina's contribution in variety, in value and in quality is most satisfactory. If all that comes from this State were in one ex hibit and that exhibit were more artis tically and attractively arranged it would be the exhibit of the exposition and would so Impress the casual visi tor as well as the careful inspector. Among the latter our State has already attracted a very general and flattering attention. The Observer and tbe Mails. Since the recent change of schedule on the railroads some complaint has occurred in regard to the delivery of The Daily. Observer on time at Con cord and several other points North. We have this to say : The paper shall be printed and mailed in time, and it SHALL BE DELIVERED, Or W6 will knOW the reason wby. Our postage bills now reach nearly $500 per annum, and we have the right to demand tbe service extended by the government. Treasury Department, Washington, D. a, Nov. 10th, 1878. f I take ereat nleasnre in certifying te the efficacy of Dr. Bull's cough syrup, in use in my family, and as a 8 pacific for colds of children or- adults. I have round it to oe a cure aunosi lmmeauue ana always permanent. Very respectfully, Taos. B. Pbics. The well known druggist of Andalusia, DL, Mr. RobC Boss' sends us the following: Since I bought the store of Mr. Thompson, (deceased), I have In troduced tbe St. Jacobs Oil and it is remarkable how nuay thorough cures It has preduced. I my self have tried It And th three days I was relieved of the Bsost acute rheumatic pains. Have retailed Ave dozen of the Bt Jacobs Oil in two weeks, and the village Is not large. THAT POOR BXDRIDOEN, Iova'ld wife, sister, mother, or daughter, can be made the vlcture of health by a few bottles of Hon Bitters. Win you let them suffer hen so easily cured 7 A 1'afsrlte Ceng Bcaiesy For lelis, Bore Throat. Asthma, Catarth, and other diseases of the bronchial tubes, no more useful artlcte can be found than tbe ttell known "Brown's Bronchial Troches." . FONDXB ON TflSSB TRUTHS. Torpid kidneys, and constipated bowels, are the own! nauaM ef ehronle diseases. . i -v. . Kidney Wort has cured theusands. Try it and yeu will add one more to their number. - Habltoal costlveness afflicts millions of the AmArieaa Moole. KJdBer Wort wlU cure it - : Ktdaey Wort has cured kidney cemplalnts of thirty years stanaing. ( a ry u. - oee aav. ; .j ... i 111 iBi . ' i i";s ' TADID OB GRAY HAIR gradually recovers its nnthfni Mttor and rostra bv . thernse of Parker's Hair Balsam, an elegant tossing,, adjured for Its purity auu un vtumuii a & x diL s A SC. E. CONTEKENCB Fourth Day' Proceedings. Conference met persuant to adjourn ment. . Bishop J. W. Hood, In opening the conference read the 30th chapter of Jeremiah, and Rev. Sharper J. Adams lined the hymn, "How. beauteous are their feet," &c After singing, he fer vently addressed the throne of grace. J. W. Smith, of Fayetteville, read the journal of yesterday, and on approval, several corrections were made, and finally a second reading was called for and the secretary re-read the journal, njust here T. F. H. Blackman brought forward Rev. Henry Williams, who severed his connection two years ago, and recommended, his return to the Church. After reading the recommendation, J. A. Tyler, who knew the circum stances, said he was willing to vote for his reception if would confess his wrongs done to Bishop J. W. Hood and several of the brethren and churches, on leaving; the Church two years ago. Brother Williams arose, by request, and said : "I have discovered my errors and returned to the conference to con fess all my wrongs against the bishop and the several brethren, whom I of fended.'' He then came forward and gave his hand to J. A. Tyler, .David Williams, Bishop J. W. Hood, H. L. Simmons and J. P. Holmes, asking their pardon, and there seemed to be a true willingness on the part of the en tire conference to forgive and receive him. Brother Reeves thought the church at Manchaster, Cumberland county, ought to be satisfied before the confer ence received him. Bishop J. W. Hood thought that "our receiving him on his spirit of contri tion, should satisfy that church. Fur thermore, that he did not care what a man might say about him (the bishop) if he love Zion ; and if any man among us- wanted to go to Bethel he would lend him to that church long enough to convince himself as Brother Williams had been convinced." Brother A. F. Goslin thought the Quarterly Conference in the States ville district had acted illegally in drawing up the recommendation, but the bishop ruled that the action was legal. This question being settled, Willis Williams, A. A. Williams, W. M. John ston, J. W. Whitsides, John Miller, W. D. Smith, H. L. Simmons, John W. Smith and H. Williams were examined on reading and writing, and also, on the Discipline of the Church, habits, and the doctrine of Steadfestness in Grace and Sanctiflcation. Rev. C. R. Harris moved that A. N. Nicholson be returned to the quarterly conference for further studies. Rev. R. S. Reeves amended the mo tion, that all deficient in grammar be referred back to the quarterly confer ence. Rev. R. H. Simmons offered a substi tute, that all of them be received, but he withdrew the substitute, and they were voted on separately. On motion, John W. Smith, H. L. Simmons. Cyrus White, J. A. Miller, W. D. Smith, Hauser, John W. Whitesides, N. M. Johnson, A. A. Wil liams and Willis Williams were re ceived on trial. A. N. Nicholson was not received. Bishop Hood read a statement con cerning Brother Felix Thompson's moral standing in tne rresDytenan Church, as he wished to withdraw from that Church. The bishop said he did not regard the letter, as read from Rev. S. Mattoon, D. D-recommendation such as we require. On motion, he was not admitted into conference on the recommendation. The committee on devotion reported for Sabbath services to-morrow: Clin--ton Chapel, J. O. Clinton, 11 o'clock a. m.; Bishop J. W. Hood. 3 o'clock p. m., and C. C Pettey, 7Mp. m. First Bap tist Church, Rev. E. L. Campbell, ll o,clock a. m., Rey. F. K. Bird, 3 o'clock p. m., and A. J . Adams 7 o ciocx p. m. ; Second Baptist Church, Rev. D. E. Best, 11 o'clock a. m., Rev. G. W. Grange 3 o'clock p. m., Rey. R. C. Moore, 73 p. m.; Presbyterian Church, Rev. C. R. Harris, 3 o clock p. mM He v. L,. w. ll. N. Wyche V p. m. ; M. E. Church, Rev. T. F. H. Blackman, 11 o'clock a. m.. Rev. L. A. Payne, 8 o'clock p. m., Rev. P. J. Holmes, VA p. m. ; Biddleville, Rev. M. Slade, 11 o clock a. m., R. S. Reeves, 1 o'clock p. m. The committee on elders orders reported as follows: We have ex amined Deacon L. H. Wyche and found him efficient, we recommend him tor an elder; having examined C. R. Leach, we found him deficient and recommend that he pursue his studies ; we found M Slade efficient and recommend him for elder's orders; we find J. E. McNeil deficient and we recommend that he pursue his studies ; that P. J. Holmes, W. D. Dickenson, W. R. Hunter and J. G. Turner" piirsu their studies. We find A. W. Marsh efficient and reeom mend him for elder's orders. (Signed) L. D. Blackson, R. C. Collins, S. Carter, R. D. Russell, A. M. Barret. Ch'mn J. B. Small, Sec. The following were called up to be received in full connection : A J. Mc Donald, W. L. Howard, T. P. R. Moore, H. M. Mosley and Ransom Hasty, but to save time, they were sent before a committee for examination in various studies as required in our discipline. Prof. Richardson, editor of the Star of Zion, offered a resolution thanking Bishop Hood for the interest ne mani fested for the Church while in Europe. Rev. S. Mattoon, D. D. came in and was introduced to the conference, and took a seat amonjr the members. ! Prof. A. Richardson wished to Know whether or not the course of the Star of Zion in the temperance movement last summer, met the approval of the conference. Its course was unani mously endorsed by a standing vote. The hour for adjournment arrived. but Rev. S. "Mattoon, D. D., was asked to make any remarks that he might wish to make. , He said he appreciated the action of thee onference just taken, in endorsing the course of our church organ last sum mer. That temperance is the hand-maid of virtue. That he was pleased to see the Erogress the conference had made since is acquaintance with it, and he then referred to his work in Biddle "Dniverh sity, and the advantages offered all per sons who wish to avail themselves of an education. He closed his remarks by bidding the conference God speed in its noble work. , Conference then adjourned until Monday morning, with benediction by Rev. S. Mattoon, D. D. MADE FROM HARMLESS MATERIALS, ami - dapted t tbe needs of fading and falling hair, Parker's Hair Balsam has take the. ixst rank as an elegant and reliable hair restorative.-? : TO RENT FOR 1882. THE house and lot earner of 7th street and North Caro lina Railroad, now occupied by L H. roast : Also, a 4 room house between 7th and 8th streets, on N.C.R. B. ApprytoA. P NEWBJSA.BT oe B. it COCHRANE.. :-.;. a-r A m22t,I "LOST. A bunch of keys was tost) - r somewhere ea tbe streets XCa onFridar or eaturday last Thaflnder wilier V i a soluble reward 11 the keys an delivered T. C. Smith's drugstore. f J7 2t j.t&s-j4 aLDr, D0V27 LOST.- Young, a, Lace Between the residence of Mrs.. A5- V. Vonnfr -iut Mn. J- A. Handkerchief . for the return of which tne owner wui give a reward or $.oft ; Bey tarn w " , . ",; . , j9tnjmm y 14 noy27; OPERA HOUSE.--- ONE NIGHT ONLY! Friday Evening, Decembtr 2nd. Announcement Extraordinary. Spoclal Engagement of America's Greatest Actress USD . CHARLOTTE'S OWN FAVOBITS, f s Supported by the rternng actor, MR. C. G. CRAIG, And a powerful Dramatic Company, presenting Mr. J. K.Tlllotson's Famous Comic-Drama, THE PLANTER'S WIFE, IV The Greatest of all Southen Plays. No advance In Prices. Admission as usual: reserved seats secured without extra charge at the usual places. noa27 6t Xotlcrijes. UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! OVEK HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED LoflMaiia State Lottery Company Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes jap" of 81.0O0.0O0-to which a resem fund of $550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 1879. Ita GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ng distribution : IV GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, daring which will take place the 139th Grand Ulontlilf -AKDTHB- EXTRAORDIN ART SEMI-ANNUAL DRAWING At New Orleans, Tuesday, December 18th, 1881, Under the personal supervision and manage ment of Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, and Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE, $100,000. W Nomcs. Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, $5. Fifths, $2. Tenths, $1. ' LIST OF FRIZES: l capital Prize or St 00,000 S100.000 1 Grand Prize of 1 Grand Prize of 2 Large Prizes of 4 Large Prizes of 20 Prizes of 50 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 200 Prizes of 600 Prizes of 10,000 Prizes of 50.000 Krt.ono 20,000 80,000 10,000 20,000 5.000. 20.000 1.000 20,000 600 25,000 800.. 80,000 200 40,000 100 60,000 10 100.000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes of $200... 1 00 Approximation Prizes of 1 00. . . 100 Approximation Prizes of 75. .. $20,000 10,000 7.500 1 1,279 Prizes, amounting to J 522,500 Gen. G T. BEAUREGARD, of La. 1 , , Gen. JUBAL i. EARLY, of Va. f Commiss'ers. Application fo' rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the company in New Orleans. Write for circulars or send orders to M. A. DAUPHIN or M. A. DAUPHIN, at No. 212 Broadway, New York. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. The public are hereby cautioned against send ing any money or orders to NUNES & CO., 83 Nassau street. New York City, as authorized by tbe Louisiana State Lottery Company to sell it? J'ckete. They are flooding the country with BOGUS CIRCULARS purporting to be of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, and are FRAUDULENTLY representing themselves as its agents. They have no authority from this com pany to sell Its tickets, and are not lis agents for any purpose. . M. A. DAUPHIN, n , Pre'- Louisiana State Lottery Co. New Orleans, La, July 4, 1 881. nov6 33th POPTTLAR MONTHLY DBAWXNe OF THF Jn the City of Louisville, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER SO, 1881. These drawings occur monthlv cSnndan .xn.t. ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly of Kentucky. The United 8taia Clrenlt Cnnrt nn utamTi Rl rendered the following decisions: ist Tnai me commonwealth Distribution Com pany is legaL 2d Its drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of prizes for the NOVEMBER DRAWING. 1 Prize..... $80,000 1 Prize, 10,000 1 Prize,... 5,000 10 Prizes, $1,000 each 10,000 20 Prizes, 600 each 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each, 10,000 200 Prizes, 60 each 10,000 600 Prizes, 20 each, 12,000 1000 Prizes, 10 each. 10,000 9 Prizes, $800 each, Approximation Prizes $2,70C 9 Prizes, 200 " M " " 1,804 9 Prizes, 100 " " " 900 1.960 Prizes, $112400 Whole Tickets. $2; Half Tickets, $1; 27 Tickets, . 60; 65 TlCKOtS, 5100. Remit Monev or Bank Dm ft In Tjttpr. nr aandS by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OB POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Address au orders to R. M. BOARDMAN, Courier-Journal Bunding Louisville, Kj.. or 809 Broadway New York. novl Chew only the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket THE old Oaken Bueket, The Iron-bound bucket, . The moss-covered bucket. That hung in the welL CHAS. R. TONES, Charlotte, N. C Sole Agent Liberal terms to dealers. Sale of Valuable Land. BT Virtue of a decree of tbe Superior Court, I will sell at the court house in Charlotte, on Monday, the 2nd day of January, 1882, those two tracts of land in Mallard Creek township, which jgere owned by the late Hiss Grlswald Henderson. . The home placecontalns about 443 acres, with a dwelling house, grist mill and other improve ments, and loins the lands of R. & Cochrane. Jno. A). Hunter, William Black and others. . The other tract contains, about 123 acres and Joins Dr. T. a Neal, Martta Alexander. W. F. Alexander and others. Valuable gold ere said to be found on this place. -, Each tract will be derided into lots to suit pur chasers, and a plat of the land can be seen Bt the store of Alexander ft Harris, In Charlotte. 'Persons desiring to buy land in this county, con venient to market and in a good neighborhood, win find tb is a good epportunlty to purchase. - Terms:- One-tenth cash, balance on 12 months credit, ssreb&fer to giT note with anareved secur ity, bearing Urterest from date at eight per cent !--noV2 dt wtds Commissioner. Chew only tbe brand of tobacco known as Tie Old Oaken Bucket . ) E'C rpBX old Oaken Bucket v -JL The iron bound bucket. jjphe moss-covered bucket ,T " ' CHAS.R. JONES. 1 - ; iThnrlnttA. N. fL. RaIa Latent. idoerai tenntgw aeaiers. if Charlotte Thompson MIS SACRIFJOING mi OUR LARGE STOCK -AT GREAT SACRIFICES W OFFER AT AND BELOV COST. We Kill have a large assortment to select from and we would advise one and an to call at once and buy their winter uoods before the best are sold. We oflex extraordinary bargains in ' : '.- i . . ' - TV: " , Men's, Boys and Chfldren's Ready-made Clotlinf, Including OVERCOATS for an ages. Dont pay profits when yon ean buy goods REGARDLESS OF COST. Remember we close out business by January 1st, 1882. oet27 RODDICK & CO, TRYON WE ARE SELLING OUR STOCK VERY C We have no space to enumerate prices, a trial win convlace the closest buyers. On'y a few patterns left of those famous BLACK CASHMERES. W Frank Leslies' Paper Patterns given away. A Sunshade given to every child who buys Ore cents worth of Goods. Truly yours, TERMS: CASH. GEEAT -IN -OF- :L: : o : THE ATTENTION OF THE RETAIL TRADE IS ESPECIALLY CALLED TO MY STOCK, WHEBE CAN BE FOUND ALL TBE ielicacies of WILL BE FOUND TO BE THE GILT EDGE GOSHEN BUTTER CONSTANTLY A.t wood's MY SNOW FLAKE CRACKERS HOYTS' COLOGNE, 4711 GERMAN COLOGNE. FINE NAIL BRUSHES.' FINS' FRENCH SOAPS, Just Received by WILSON ft BUB WELL. POOPT7T?'Q "RTTPTTTT lasoplor remedy for all diseases ot-the BLABDEB. rjlX O JJ UVJJl U Sjldonlyby - . - WILSON A; BUR WELL. GROUND SAGE, GromdCMpepGdi FINE TOILETTE SETS, 8EfSftf JxW2,te The largest and nicest assortment ever brought to this market ' WILSON k BUB WELL. TTTTTTTRTT "RATTT TAWTTT C Atoejawortment, Jnst 'rlcelved by TTT"rT) A T TTVT? (HYDBATED OIL). Hydrallne has been proven of the highest J-L X AXiXXXJ.Av XU, value in consumption, and all wasting diseases, invariably proauc- Wilson & TURKEYS, GEESE, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES, : and HONEY S. M. HOWELL'S. nov22 ; .- ;i1,J- . g RAPIDLY. SELLING THE - H. MORRIS & BROS. STREET. -ft K'nfee., RAPIDLY. EVERYTHING IS OFFERED , (QJ o RODDICK & CO. TUMBLE THE - :D:- : o : the Season. BEST IN THE MARKET. and FANCY CREAM CHEESE. IN STOCK. Cologne 1 t- r 'I Burwellfa THJB; ATTENTION Of the Trade generally, an called to pur special .brands Smoking! Tobaccoa-&lrtle sumer, is staple Long tans ana wvat ayaraanvtof wh adding a full line of the latest 5rv are now most staple grades of Plug and Twist Tobaccos. We can. in a few weeks, offer Idncements in Chewing xwuwjwp uhujiv ucner manuiacKirers can equal. Our salesmen will make tegular trips to Charlotte, and the trade of all good merchants Is respectful ly solicited. ' ' ' - 1 B. H. POGUBT maj7. . . .. , Durham, N.C. Chew only tbe brand of tobacco- known, as The OldOaken Bucket, , - "j , rpHE oll Oaken Bucket "1 . ,Xr The Iron-bound bucket , . The moss-covered buckev j , Vliatlinrjgjnthe' wen. ' ' - CHAS. R.' JONES, - .,. Charlotte. N. C. Rn! iwnt. Ltberal terms to dealers. eavy and Fancy. alWfceeoi ssieaoieand E Phui ataraam icniwi i 'A i P 1 1 n V 1 I If i 1'., K5i h h r hit -if V 1 1 : .t-. 1 A