r7Tirn Si r . r-s ? . f nTrTv I . f I A ikul lumu o U R SURE - APPETISER nr nTnmn?a . w,MT recommended fcrjaJl d&easea reqmr sniaLlY Inmsrestion, Mjy- ing a certain anoj emcm. vvpra Want of Appetite, Loss Of hens ? e - the muscle, and gives new kfe as Zbtivfe Food, SSo'S'thStiUnotb BBelIteeor give headache. KiKw ABC Book, 32 jfrTWBUW." amusing readir-sA EM CAIi CO., Baltimore, Md. CB I iEndormea ana ams. Warn FWol- m.. mH CTonvales I to: 1 waa m mucWlS: bat on th. contrary, w-wuowe A vssbuob w '-?- r ,.7i Thrmn tha m of TOnr 1BOH xomiu, "" -r m n n kiIim ciiiiiBi Awuwv-ww : - j w hax. vtit nuuni SI my labor was xcdinglybnj WasS AVWWy v. 1 WMno4p!i-nt abated. I SJgd with do, cot uuti STknbVBotwJt. lgivsttth.er.dit. ITJSO 1m Ton return d Bines and I found that Wrt"l foro ansing U I hT done Swiss th 1- of boar, nascwi. w . ?,T " j. p. WATSOK, Pastor imrmnn vjnnreu. .w.. VAIirMTIIEI II THE DR. HARTER Awly ; . i ICINE CO., 0. 213 KOBTII MAIN STBKT. ST. IB81 SUNPAT.NOV.27,1881. THE STATE'S WEALTH. Salisbury Watchman : "ijames Caiup, Of ProvidaneA TnwnshiD was hurt last weeiE.pT a . cotton ein.. lie .was eaugut rj in the belt and. thrown oyer the jibart - 1 A.t ' ' ' ' i M ' VI. Wnn r vtaQt vte I W.W.WOUD,Maim&ctiirfir,ffiioiiJ.C: 1 CHAS. K. JONES Sole Ag't, Charlotte piisteWaEDns. ftT LESS THUH Auction Prices THE THE FINEST COLLECTION OF SILVKB-PLATED ILVEB-PLATED WART? WABlJ Ever exhibited in Char'.cf.e. JU81 RICEiVFD: XtetzllVLUZons. Ai THEiGREALCURE IFOA As It la RHEUMATISM for U diaoMM of th KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. TVelMnsea the system of ths acrid poison that causes tbs dreadful safiraiaff which ftnljthsTiotlTrn ftfBlirivH"" "11 THOUSANDS OF CASES of the wont forms of this terrlUs fllsssss hsre been quiokiy reliersd. In short ttm PERFECTLY CURED. ROGERS' TBIPLE-PLATE KH1VE3,' $4.50 DOZEN. A fan line of Tablet Fancy Silver Ware. At treatly reduced prices. Call early and get first choice. Bespectrully, norlO J. BBOOKTIKLD 4 CO. Twin Springs AT $3.00 PEB BET. AN IMMENSE STOCK OF fcaa had wh Am fsl sneessi, end sal fnunenssa sala insrerypartoX ths OormtrT'. In hm dredaoroaaaaithsaoorsdwhareall else had failsd. ItU mild, bat efficient, CERT ACT k, TV Tira IJVPTAV " 1 r-It eleaases, Btreasrtkems mmi arlrea Kew Life to all the important organs of the body. The natural action of the Kidneys Isiestorad. The liTer is cleansed of all disease, and the Bowels move freely and health ftiTly. In this way the worst flinssts are eradjestsd ftom thesystem.. As it has bean prOTMbyfhonts&dffhM is th most effectual remedy for sleansinc the system of all morbid secretions. It should be need in every household ass SPRING MEDICINE. Alwsys cores BILIOUSNESS, CONSTI?A TION, PXLZS and all FQIALI Disssses. Is put np in Dry Veg-etable Tmrm, in tin cans, one pack&ge o I which makei I qoarta medicine. Alan In IJaiaM Fi- Trr Cm emirate for lilin MmTcnienai of those who cannot readilr Dre- parett. It act with equal efficiency in eithrrform. GET IT OF TOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, $1,0 WELLS, BICH1BDS0S A Co., Prop's, (Wffl send the dry post-paid.) BCKHSCTOH, TT. Uarcb 27 d&w I HVIfiORATOR Nortli Carelimaa Bounteous) atom oi Himirn1 Thir BsTelspmennf tne 8Uk Induatry, Etc BalelfiJti News and Obsenrer. TnTvesteardat's iisaue , we, gaye some i ndtea of ah interview with that talen ted gentleman, Itor. w. u. Jerr, our State geologist. Tne sudjw uiacusaeu - r - - - mw9 w" w a tiArOmA Was our native wuuua, nuu ub uww exhibit of them as made at Atlanta. After concluding the chat on this sub ject, the conversation turned on miner- erals of our State are noted, the world bver for their variety and Talue, ; ' There are in jHorun v;arouu, professor, no less than 180 minerals, be fnfT a tarcrnr number than are known to exist in any other State this side of Col orado. .Many or tnese, oi course, tuv not economic that is they are not used in mnTinfar.turea or the arts. The ex hibit of minerals maae Dy me qmh. v Atlanta is not complete, so far as varie iu ,AA9. hiit is "economic." being com posed of the useful minerals alone, and not of scientific curiosities. . The minerals shown there are: Coal, (miH silvftr. the various ores of copper, zinc, lead, manganese, plumbago, the various ores of iron, such as magnetic, homnt.iro. limonite. specular, black hand and sDathic: corundum, kaolin, soapstone, both talc and pyrophylhte ; miiiarmA and erindstone grit, whet- .Mn mh huildins atones as red, gray oni Ho-ht: ninred crfanite: white, pink, gray, black, malted and banded marble, of various shades; mica, chrome, py rite, baryte, etc. v , All these are more or less abundant. The iron orfes are especially notable, nntoniv on account of their wide dis tribution, but for their exceedingly high grade. The specimens shown at Atlanta are large masses, the value of each plainly given. The mica exhibit is without a parallel in the whole wnrld. From this State, the world's display of this useful mineral comes. At Atlanta our mica is shown in eighty different patterns, arranged in a circle five feet in diameter. It is the only mica exhibit made and is marvellous. Some of the sheets of mica shown are the largest ever taken out. Such large sheets are worth $10 per pound. The variety and beauty of our marbles, which come principally from three counties west of the Blue Jiidge, sur pass description. Going into the muse um, the professor showed us a dozen varieties, each worthy of note. Of gems there is also an exhibit at Atlanta, of such as beryl, amethyst, ruby, sapphire, and the famous hidden ite. We have in the State a wider range of mineral species and a wider range of the valuable ores and minerals than in any other State. Diamonds have been found in several counues. .a. iew months ago a fine one, loaned by a gen tleman of Rutherford county, was in the museum. No funds are available for the purchase of needed minerals and gems, so this was sent buck. In a few days after the gentleman received it, he placed it on a mantel. A negro servant, seeing what she thought was a pebble in a little bottle, tossed it out of a window, and so was lost forever the finest diamond yet found in North Carolina, for no amount of search served to find it. Prof. Kerr went on to speak of the constant search for rare minerals, gems, Indian relics, eta, made in the western counties by people from every State in the Union. These "rock-hunters," as the natives term them, pay fancy prices for whatever they want. Some of them buy for themselves, others for museums or schools. The largest and finest crys tal of corundum ever found was found not lone since. Its weight was 315 Sounds. It was purchased for Am erst College, Mass whose museum it now adorns. North Carolina's museum should have had this magnificent speci men of one of her most valuable mine rals. The collection of minerals made by the lateProf. Humphreys, of Greens boro, is tne nnesc ever maue oi uie minerals of our State. He was a man of great scientific attainment, much wealth and untiring energy, and had for years devoted himself to a search for rarities. His museum is now for sale, and ought to be secured for the State. People who go up west among the mines carry away many of the most valuable minerals, while many others are sent to the Smithsonian institute, at fcWashington. Some people leave funds in the hands of parties in the west, giving them carte llanche to buy any thing; that turns up. - - Having : discussed the minerals, the next subject was something peculiar to the east, and which is to be one of our Sreatest sources of wealth marls, hese are shown at Atlanta from the entire eastern section, and some of the specimens are of high grade. Then there are shown in glass jars specimens of a dozen different soils, from the coast to Buncombe. As is also the case with the marls, the analysis of each Bpeuiuieu ia uiaiuij kiyou u u jw, with locality, etc. The next subject taken up was one which is particularly interesting and which has always had an attraction that is silk culture. In this at Atlanta, our State stands pre-eminent. There are shown the cocoons of various colors, reeled, floss, spun, and Woven silk, the whole forming a display which would attract attention anywhere. Seven counties contributed to make it up. Wake leads and then come Cumberland, Harnett, Wayne, Lenoir, Granville and Vance. In 1373, when Professor Kerr was at Vienna, lie saw some people en gaged in silk culture, and brought to their attention the fact that North Carolina was an admirable .place for the culture of the silk worm. Three or four of these people, Germans, came here, brin sing with them eggs from several times, striking Itfs , head on ,the at each revolution, 'inis causea -flrround At Aar.h rvnl h M on. -1 i r - - ! ' 'VTS- t In. QoujjtsjLioajoi ine Dram. jo.u , u:jkr was Also, broken f At last accounts ne WW alive wttfcji 1 chance for recovery, ulrrham jKcebtWr -Theegro who murdered Capfc. Lyneby of Oxford on the 23d inst;; has' DeenarresGSd And lodged in jail. He killed a good man for 020.'- ' .; - Out young legal friends W. S. Eoul tiac, 1 was married on last Tuesday t0 Miss Braodnax, of Virginia. They are now enjoying a Northern tour. V Danbury Reporter': We learn that a number of witnesses were' summoned to go before the grand jury last weekr against the men who took from the jail in Stokea county a short time Since, aftd hnnnr the two neero prisoners chareed with committing Tape On white persons. We do not know what the result of the investigation was, whether any bills were found or not. fialishnrv TSarstminer : About forty mmtlemen left; hera Tuesday night for Atlanta. ' Mrv Charles Sides, a highly respecta ble farmer, died near this place Monday mornini?. He was about 65 years of age. He was taken to Stanley for in terment. It is with sincere sorrow we an nounce the death of Mr. Henry Cuth- rell, who died in this city of typhoid fever last Sunday- morning at.llK o'clock. Mr. Cuthrell was1 about 23 years of age, and a young man of moBt excellent character, steady and true. He was a printer by profession and served his aoDrenticeshin with us. Col. Tom Coooer has dropped a few hints about what the programme, for the next campaign in this State will be, and it has scared the prohibitionists out of their boots. We suspect that when Tom's programme is put before the people it will be mighty hard to beat. -A i Jll IILslIllli il vl 1H II II ' still Uli-r'H''f aJfUHIMI : ........ j "" l ,.... ;.,,...,. . .. . . RES ml EMINERALWATER r v Both Forf igo and Dim est ic, Just Becelved, at DpJ.H.MeAdensDras Store 'ABATOOA CHT, FOR From Saratoga Springs. N. T. A new water re sembling the Imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, is a powerful tonic and strong diuretia Also, Baton Natural Mineral Water, Becommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and In all forms of dyspepsia, Statt Jvdxtertismuuts. AN ONLY DACttHTERCCRED CONSUMPTION. Whan death was baoriT Axritvaft on . J - - " n ITJ lrt, having failed, and Dr. H. James was experiment tag with the many herbs of Calcutta he ace'dent,,' Of CONSUMPTION. His chfld Is now in th?s country, and enjoying the best health. He has proved to the world that CONSUMPTION can h. vuaiuToiy tutu permanenuy cured. The Doc'or now gives thla recipe free, only asking two three- aeat suunps w pay expenses. This herb also cures Night Sweats, Nausea at the Stomach, and will break up a fresh cold in twenty-rour Lonm tT tU . IVH'A RM ot. Philadelphia, naming this paper. Send to H00KKH BBSIJiKSS lljilVEBSITV A tla astat c. For Illustrated circular. A lite actual Biuin.. School Established twenty years Bus'ness O0V TnYIPflnL?..lWARDpD uuv ii luiuiii.i tuuuur. a npw FREE HEUMATISI Neuralgia. Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bod7 Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and aI other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals Sr. Xtooss Oil as a safe, sure, simple and cheap External .Remedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling onUay of 50 Oats, and every one suffering with pais ua have cheap sad positive proof of its claims. Direction in Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALL DEUGGI8T8 ASD DEALEE8 ru MEDionrE. A. VOGELER Sc CO., Baltimore, MO., V.S.M ec80d&w ly 5 ALSO. CASES CONGRESS WATER, ranted the best and papesC tad spensableYa every man. entitled - the Science nf S.1,1. reservation;' bound in finest French miT in bossed, full gilt, 800 pp. contata? Hut 'H?'.S eBgravlngs. 125 prescrtpttonTprlc? o -sent by. mall; yustrated sample, 6 X- ltd W. 11. faKhKB, No. 4 Bulfinch St. Bnst.m 10 CASKS BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, 10 CASKS BUFFALO LITHIA. A Great Offer for HOLIDAYS ! at J XTB AOBDINAHY And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARI PIANOS and OBGANS ynces lor casu. insralmonfa SfsySSSS?5BQ1N8' wo- o np. Mag! NIPICENT 7 oct. ROSEWOOD PIANOS, stool 5PJer ,only 81 W. Warranted 6 years. Illus trated Catalogue mailed. Agents wanted. HORACE WATERS & CO., Manufacturers End r -,t - Broadway, New York. - ASD THE SUCCESS OF SCOVIL.L.E. Jul lean's Good Fortune In SecnrlUff a Sensible Man au Well asi a Capable Lawyer. Charleston News and Courier. Washington, isovember 22. Mr. Scoville began a renewal of his opining in a low voice, which gradually rose to its usual degree of clearness and reason ance. There were, as before, no ge3 tures,no thunder claps of noisy rhetoric, no sensationalism of any kind. The speech was a sober argument addressed as to sober and thinking men. TT WAS EVEN JUDICIAL in its fairness of statement, the speaker warning the jury against considering GuiteaiTs antics, as they were not in testimony, thus forestalling the prose cution's probable point. There was great contrast between the opening srxw.h of District Attorney Corkhill and that of the defence. Mr. Corkhill's was adorned with many figures of rhe toric and rendered dramatically, even with manuscript to read from. Mr. Scoville's excited more interest, in spite of its great length, among the audience and the jury. The latter looked indif ferent at first, yesterday and to-day, but as he proceeded they leaned toward him intently. It was apparent that he made A DECIDED IMPRESSION upon them all. It is pleasant to see that even the papers most hostile to Guiteau and his plea of insanity have handsome ly recognized the course of Mr. Scoville in its manly simplicity and self-sacrifice. He left his practice in Chicago. his wife mortgaging her property to do so, and came here to take up the most unthankful task that any man could select, one disapproved of by the public, full of difficulties, expensive and labo rious, all to aid a man to whom he was related, but who had previously render ed him no mental nor material return for past benefactions, and who sow abuses mm loucuy in open court, ne knew that he would have to compete, almost unaided, with THE BEST CRIMINAL LAWYERS the Government could find, while he had no experience in any but civil busi ness. So he surely did not expect to gain either in purse or reputation by is volunteer services. He took up the onlv line of defence he believed to be conscientious and true, and in spite of i the many adverse criticisms received, he is likely to carry it to a successful conclusion. I don't think there is a man in the country who will not give him credit for the effort. TUB STAR ROUTE SCANDAL,. Do yon "want a pure, bloom ing Complexion I If so, a few applications of Hagan's MAGNOLIA BALM will grat ify yon to your heart's con tent It does away with Sal lowness. Eedness, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases and imperfections of the skin. It overcomes the Unshed appear ance of heat, fatigue and ex citement. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear hut TWEN TY; and so naturaV&rad'ual, and perfect are its effects, that it is impossible to detect its application. Hanyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EDROPEaN NOVELTY 1 JJUNYADI JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Dos: -A wine glass full before breakfast. The Lancet "Exawdl Janos. Baron Lieblg af firms that Its richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." T7as British Medical Journal "Hunyadl Janos. The most agreeable, satost, and most efficacious aperient water." Prof. Virchou, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." 1-tqt. aamoerger, Vienna I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Pmf. Scanzoni, Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this." Prof. Lander Brunton, H. D.,KS 8., London. "More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them in efficacy." - Prof. Aiken, if. D., F. R. 8., Boyal Military Hos pital, NeUey. 'Preferred to Pullna and Fried-rlchshalL" CHICHI: PIANO. THE HIGHEST AWARDS: a 'were granted Innr PllNno In the GREAT WORLD'S FAIR In T.ONnnr 1861 ; st the GREAT EXPOSITION in PARIS 1867; at the INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION in CHILI, 18T5; and at the grand CENTEN NIAL EXHIBITION in Philadelphia, 1S7. ATI persona wishing to purchase (or ex amine) instruments are respectfully in vited to visit oar Warerooms. Send for Cireular and Pric Litt. CHICKERIHG & SONS 130 Fifth Avenue. N.Y. 156 Tremont St., Boston. Novl dw4w JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist &X0ttVlZS. North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C hi k DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when It flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water In large block tlo reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J. H. Moaden, Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 CORN ! CORN ! CORN I SsMaaSi Jan. 22 S THE i m H8h3l PtG 5 11 lot Soda Water ! ! FLOUR BAGGING AND TIES CO HOT SODA WATER I! We are agents tor CO S7-SEND FOR CTRCULAKS.-il Stimulating, Bracing, Exhilirating, Victor Sewii Mufti Co., MIDDLETOWX, CONX. novll dAw Mensefl Time TaMe Nora Carolina R.R TRAINS GOING NORTH. BUT NOT NOT THE WATT PLOW Will sell it LOWEB.thanryou can buy an other good plow. Full assortment always' on hand. Call and see us before purchasing. MAYER & ROSS. aug26 Date Jlov 2081 fiiii .. y, , r nere, Dringing wuu vuoiu ckk fwui Only Vegetable Corrtpoundthat Turkey:- They chose a- spot near :Fay acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveriess, Headache. It assists di etteville, where XKere are large mulbeiv ry orchards; cotitjUnlng several thou sand tree3. They raised one crop or eggs and then gave up their work. The silk obtained from the cocoons was taken to Philadelphia, and shown by Processor Kerr to the gentlemen in charge Qt the Eestion, strengthens the system, aSSr&fissWB retruiatestne toweis.t)imnestne no nner buk coma oe rtuaeu u jbuw, Q ,4 . . blood. A Book sent free. Dr. Sanford, i&2 Broadway,; N.Y. "TOB BAX.fi BY ALL ami 8 deod eow ly. EEU uQISTS. ALSO Window JMes, BalyjJCairiages, CHROHOS audi COM ICES. P. C. "WILSON, CHABLQTTE. JL C. ..Sole Agent lor A full line of i t - 11 ; III . 1 rE.MiANPBJiws, WBOLSSALX ft RETAIL rUKMTUUX DEALER AT WH1TI IB0NT. - . .mm LOUIS Columbus Buggy ASD TUB ' WATEBTOWN SPRING -W A f 7 " dos co COMPANIES, FOB TEX 8AIS QX CARRIAGES. PHAXTONS, SPBTN6I BUOQIRS. WAGONS, O0.,K . , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. OPEN BUGGIES, S55. ,TOP BUUOUia. Via., Soectal inducements - to1 tho wnoieswe sraqo . Corretpo'idence solicited. - . iua 11 - 'im Alrect froiri the Mmes via Hamburg. JSndlold a small advance for cah, or .!, exnlgned lor cotton, by FPSHUR .GUANO CCilPAp, - . ' : KORTOLKf VA, . o BiTTwmms. . - Sup't of Agencies. mm mm vsww w STCHARLBSHdTEt: j HEADQTJAiTIBS T0B DEIJMJIE1S. . rdTATESVILLE. N. C. : JU Commodious sample rooms on Manq sccono floors. . ' - . ' 5 The paironage it iy i.nnnc v wuciwu. ulyt.dtf. and also expressed great surprise at the size of the leaves of our native mulber ry, which were shown them. Th next year Mr. Ed.Tasnachy a Swiss gBntle mah, living in Ealeigh.-establised ' cocoonery, and began Uie business of raising eggs, which he has; since con tinued with marked success. His co coonery Is about a mile and a half south; east of Raleigh, and. he has there plant Bd thousands of mulburry trees. He tods it mora profitably t e eggs of ;t& flilk worm ioy ; shipment .abroad than to imp the cocoons.. The eggs in France trr attacked bv disaase. j while here thav are Berfectlv sound. Mr. Fas- nacb shlpr eggs toltarselllea and alaa to Phiiadelphia.For them he obtains from $3 to 68 pet ounce. ' The r cocoons he sella at from 81 to SL6Q. per pound. xweiea siiK sells at xrom e to si per pound. , Mr. Fasnacb raised About .120 ounces Of ecza the naat anmmer. lit tak ing oniy a month to raise a crop or e22s. ms , r . . . AM buk maustry ui iwrnna to develop FayettevlUe, and ln.the.oi wnicn contribute to th( piay."-" A QaeerStateaoat. The New York Sun publishes a letter written to President Garfield on j the 20th of June last by M. C. Redell, ex Senator Dorsey's private secretary, in which he charges that Attorney Gener al MacVeagh and Postmaster General James had attempted to "seduce, bribe and corrupt him. The letter is sworn to by Bedell as being true, and in it he gives apparently a circumstantial de tail of the efforts made by the cabinet officers named to obtain from him such books and papers as -would convict Mr. Dorsey of complicity in the star-route frauds. Redell says that he purposely pretended to have it in his power to get noh Avidence. and led the cabinet of ficials to believe him in order that he might find out what they were doing in the matter. Reell goes so far as to charge that promises of place for sever al members of his family were made, provided be succeeded in delivering up the needed papers, uommenung on Bedell's alleged disclosures, the New Yorkffan.says editorially : Garfield is dead, and no longer has any power o ver these cases; but Mr. MacVeagh is liv ing, and should not be condemned un heard. It remains to bo seenwhat an swer he will; make to RedelFs allega tions. Besides, the, testimony of this witness is affected by his own declara tion that, in tft a interest of Dorsey be deliberately ed about the whole matter to James andMacVeagh. What Qaj anteeis there that in his letter to Presi dent Garfleldhe did not he still more energetically, and swear to it, in the the same interest?" No. 51. Through passenger Dally No. 55. Fast stall. Dally INTOXICATING. Guano Guano No. 53, Through passenger uauy Lv. Charlotte, " Salisbury. Arr.Greensboro Lv.Greensboro Arr.RaJelgh Lv " An. Goldsboro Lv. Greensboro for Richmond " N. Danville " Barksdale Drak'sBr'ch " JeteravUle Ait. Tomahawk Air. Belle Isle Lv. " " Arr.Man cheater Arr. Richmond 4.40 ax 6 80 am 8.23 am 9.35 am 1.25 M 4.10 PM 6.20 pm 8.46 am 11.00 AM 8.10 AM 4.42 AM tt.Zff AM 6.30 am 8.80 am 9.23 AM 11.09 AM 12.47 PM 1.49 PM 2.25 FM 2.30 PM 2.88 pm 2.88 pm 5.45 pm 7.27 PM 9.15 pm TRY IT. TRY IT. WITH All Notes and Mortga 9.35 PM 12.19 AM 1.04 AM 8.20 AM 5.36 am 6.54 AM 7 43 AM 7 46 AM 7.49 am 8 00 AM TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. 50 I No. 52 Date.Nov. 20 '80 Through No. 54 thro' pas. "" passeng'r Fast Mall and malL Lv. Richmond 1085 am 11.25 pm Burkevtlle 12.40 am 2.37 am An. N. Danville 4.80 pm . . . . . ... 7.00 am Lv. " 4.55 PM 7.30 pm 7.25 am An. Greensboro 6.50 pm 9.10 pm 9.25 am Lv. Goldsboro 10.00 am An. Raleigh il2.25 ru Lv. f 2.35 pm r.v An. Greensboro 6.46 pm .......... Lw. I 7.05 pm 9.15 pm 9.80 am " Salisbury 9:02 pm 10.54 PM 11.14 am An. Concord 9.55 fm .......... 12.06 pm " Charlotte 10.45 pm12.25 am 12.50 pm Chocolate, Lemon, Cream & Coffle SYRUPS. LH WRISTON & CO. GIVEN US LAST FALL FOR Gr-TJA.JSrO, nov26 SALXM BEASCH. near ier counties Atlanta 'dig. T lie yi ui of gold in the South lAtlan tiq StHV;tf;date la tei22,000,00O.; K f T-- WWSSMBaaMM(BlBBSBVaBBBBBSSBBBBBaBBBBLJ lo AS THOUSANDS DO TESTITT. v 8o does Thomas Roberts, Wholesale Grocer, W1 aaftlnnla. who sara: "Burnett's Cocoalne allays an irritation of the scalo. and will most effectually emove dandruU and prerent the hair from falling , BURNETT'S TLAVORING EXTRACTS. The nrperioiMy ol these extmctt to their perfect purt- ndMreat strength. They aro wbjumiuju un tram the pdaonoat oQs and adds which enter the tomposltloa of many factitious mm nowm. , It to worth temeWlrta ihal : taoW enjeys nloest BurrourKllngs II InW heal .Tp" f miserable people about Uhd&ywith one toot totoe grave, wnen a bottle of Ps Gingw Toole Mitrf Aa thmm mm rood than all the doctors end i medicmes they have ever tried. . See adv. , i rek taeadache. nervous, headache, neuralgia nmongnessipaialnisi WW' ,"1eW , end brain diseases. 'DOWvemaMWk MJ ut. sen- Celery ah ChewBlhtilhey eottahil ho opiuhi, hutnlnot other haraim, uiug. t pojo, Woiaggtati. 'r - -.i 'itr-' Ji- : - , i li-.-te . NO. 0 Dally. Leave Greensboro, 0:51 pm Arrive Salem.. ....... ..... 11.50pm r. JiOi 51 Dally, except Sunday LeaveSalem.... ......... ...... .......... 4,29 am Arrive Greensboro.............. 6.00 am ; . KO. 62 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro....... 10.00 am Arrive Salem 11.SO am " NO. 63 Dally. Leave Salem.. v.'... 480 pm Arrive Greensboro......... . 6.80 fm All passenger trains arrive and depart from Trade street depot Charlotte, and trains' Nos. 50, 62, 65 and 58 win ran dally between Richmond, Vswi and Trade street depot. .. Trains Nos. 61 and 64 will run. dally between North Danville and Trade , street Nos. 60 snd 51 will tun daily be . tween Goldsboro and - Greensboro. Tains Nos. 60 and 61 will run daily tetween Richmond and West Point. Va. Trains going North and South make close con neclien with trains on the Salem Branch for Salem and Winston morning and evening. . - a. POPR, - i .. Ben. Pass, and Ticket Agent, , nov24 ' Bichmond.Vv O I flOrfl fit wy. Sifiurtm. t Bncoa av :--r w w w,. o..m. Ail Foimcrs. Mothers. Busiasss Msa. Me rics. &c . Who are Sired eut bv work er worm I LsH who are miserable with Dyspepsia,' Kbeoma-J : Mw,Xleuraiu. or ccrwcL JsatWey or Ararua f rAalnts,yon can betnvigdrated and cured by sang - majst aiinsitAsuBrsuirus crag therriserres r i.rriLu m ajitj or v ithnntott I. f,.llirtr strensth. fHl .iilrIr? 1 tA8SLnTk mytt tnnlft SJld ajterafiyi teOBtainS t. wci a "lu",' 'utwF- -sraaia nmu care i y-n.iiw muj - -huh : v.i. commencing w tth fhe first dose, and talitvand I 'ast the thtngfor the "spring weaknes''now so sirengiii surety eonuncoaes to them. - Bee other I K,unai. ' Sold by all ajuggisis oi aay maylitf u musn traniiwmvmtB LonsuniDtisa. J 4oatioa w m-t-jmpmu. Tod.' witt fiad Parktr's fGugtr Tone ths greatsst Blosd Fertiliser and thsl - rBett BSslthKtsiitAKfetsrer vosCaeJCss faadtarsapriortsVIMk4s r uuuusme IllW iyilseg-owt sever intoxicares. - m rasarfStrfcUsWi HisrMicTCsehesnists, N. o y JulyiO srtiawOloe 'gxcrtz&Biarml. Z. B. VAHCX. W. H BAJLMT. VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and Counsellors 4 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Practice in Supreme Court of the United States, Supreme Court of North Carolina, Federal i;oun, ana counues ox mecKieu- burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Rowan and Da-. vtdson. tfT Office, two doors east of Independence Square. , may29 tf RO, D, GRAHAM, IN the State and United-States Courts. CoUee tlons, Home and Foreign, solicited. Ah streets of Titles, Surveys, Ac, furnished tor .com pensation. ; . utfiom : n. x. turner tt . Trron streets Charlotte. N. C . rian.6. NOTICE. ir' PURSUANT to a decree of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg. I will sell at Public Auction, at the firm it nonse in Charlotte, on Mondar. the Sth day of December, 1 881, that very valuable aad de- sirame lot or land iyms Detweea me miersectlon of the N.CB.B. and Trade street, formerly the property of P.M. Brown, and now owned hy J.T. Butler. . Terms 1M cash; balance on 8 and 6 months cred Bwlth interest : BUWJS BARRINGEB, novo d oaw tds . s , . ... .tttmmlttloger THE OXONIAN, JOURNAL OF LrrSRATTJRS 4IDUCATI0N jnL pubUshed monthly at Oxford, N. Cat On. Dollar a rear to advance. - r-.; . The Oxonian aims u mcreasmg the interest for Literature and Education, and elves nrioinnt ticles on subjects of vital Importance as well as enncums oi tne newest sjoq moat valuable nubllca-. oners aeMsvavantageg tr ivertls. Hten mommonaj, are nee lruui errors, and are taste- Z.HSf'e,?BeH no in I rTrTT .t.i j H." 101 8X1 au veruset, . Aaverose "ln fended for, i publicanUonn any issue, w wuivn us S.LIX9 ai rm ui usee biunilii. i ARE NOW DUE, (N O V E MJ E It 1ST Please call and arrange the same nov2 g0r gzdz. CITY PROPERTY FOB SALE. A DESIRABLE residence, three blocks from JJ public square In Charlotte, will be sold enw purchaser. The dweUlng is on a fulllot. has comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine well of ' :her, bavin ter. etc The house is admirably adapted n - residence of a lawyer, doctor or preacner, b. an admirable library or stodv room, duui w rurthsr particulars. purpose. For etc. apply at - Iuly20.dtf r.ri tern'" THIS 0KK1CH marlfl tf J. C, HORNER, Oxford, N. a ; City Lot for Sale Cheap. THLot on the eorner of Ninth street and " North Carolina Railroad, f ronOpg 140 Ninth street and 196 feet on the North Railroad win either be sold as a whole or a into two lots oi 70 Dy iwo xeei, buu" hundhigw factory purposes. AjpjJ g'gjTXt, ui THE COUDAQATIVE EDITION t u WK9 T Y sVi-JJ " ' . - s-i alT BOTH l?J!!"!ScosS IN ONE I N A'AltSJtUH'ii '----njH B O O ! I tosj Cw? "RMCisg: OMMBBIIum ,Y"V Mtet ihn tuna. MM moor, unm Men faction. Sails Kapidly, OonUlnin AGENTS WANTED Slaaes. .Only Oms Boos iv ep3,d&w3mos

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