' :tml. ?4 m. flare i.utj. .i H, I i. nc uutitwiw . 24,000. 27 rtsalden Ton- tvdar fio Bnch ixiwer ;la lexerciseaf d; thoseciid-asiiatatit Dostma8trcener! Wowyiiil rnlimitiTa) i"pm-wiai Jul m WIZ3taeUMk,iBusie. toxed"4 delivered on The cases against Brady date back ser-. EIiT". oral Tears, bat as the laWTHOTBS siowiy they arp histieoming 16 triaL, VsrfM 9af. WdMbacfca; of bunglMs potoisel W Um f exii Tor-fern and nenitl "t tjuuit nKKr rt, -ierivne trKr iffo. And Don OF COltGttESSIttES. disrepTTtable persons empioyea' oy tjiwi - 1x3 prosecuuop, u, . wwy vw SS 4 TaH etttal"ittMK. aiv'aDafaMM twttur . m. -i. i !-- ii-tTir-r'i - - i twiar fio BncniMwer ;ia lexerciseo? uxin i rj ; m'3u:i . , , i i s icm f h k vnkai m n i fill s vJLlI TOrESSDAY.ltOV.23,1801. 1 .oi4ittWJTATUL li A SCj lltj'illl J ' ' tl I III f I Iii !1 till! I Hvlfe I'Tl . l ., , i . w . . w , t - ,- - 1 mo awiuuTMiiiimi yvuumiwjwv E9 I fc- m ! IFIs.',Mt-l- v n n v I I ' . 1 TheMytoteMTr $Vtl , ill I . i j i i . , ... . a irf tit i nnuiiviiiu aiuuv i nrai inn. uuu as uio iw uuu yco wumj i aw r, i irjt in iii ,T r r ft r ' n a a n t s i; i f wv a ,n i m-r 1 1 1 n ipiiilm i jnsrer Veer Art irJ ran S I SooU toi HSK M-9ttMUl atwi:(iNMiiMLnll ad l tmk. .T233 WO SURE APPEtisra moir certairf and L Ui mm inff a eertai pepaia, intermittent fevers, . ins . at. .a.mmm i nra ii Kb 31. mizuru vx tO till e nerves. i.BacU; th, miacka, iS TOSSgjmM i- en ine wewi ur k j X. ' readinr eeni re. t HI mi mm MAv . . , w ak tfikt mv KDcr ' FJ i. lantin i aim, g mTT cu s- xewedlnglybut contrary, waa fouoweg d. To fbe laltorol Tin OtaerWK.'uix.i. i v w 4 HnroTOV. Not. 26tn. 1881. VY lin each succeeding day the cafit ass for po sitionsbi the House tprBsetaUyes, erows farmer, ana ine scrsmuie iui u OtuCcft irom tue opwmi w tit r Tirv tofavoiasKamiiWMmL?Fe I cation! at hornhM returned muw fniia.IIV C8IUU11 Uia I .24. ? ' i Itr.if !j,5 . be weli 'topIaUhafe-tW routesv was appiiea w au ruuvw i-ailrniul or stpamboat. and were desie- nated MMBfMi prenzea u uiem. Mr.Menderihaei.of the doolceepers disgusnw roapwwiM--. latiys; who has been spjenonffinis Trar wtatoet and it is almost equaiiy cerwuu r" I city. ItendaD, of l,eniwyaawl.fe puu up flaj h Democrats. At present writing i nrMiraA&thi fitst NArth. jCarolina . . n i. J wAn I fT . 1 ii .ere are out pfmtfMz BU'tr"jr- i district in tne Mouse, is now practicing teejaofjt the PHeaafciai IA .city,. ajKy j divided between tne two par- n arwj riyawtHwtVft'- --- lfaT . j i muuN lfR. Hiaoa u" V'A fin which I re (Ul IWT BOB" '"".r- With tto temoQnU I uw SaWarar dldinthTuma ttmaaarln ki 1" haTnoTdon. lary wr)iM avwere HI I Mm. it it i f t it fwmi it if MTi I 1 ,. MO. 1 Holm ( i &lTA(fit!l IT TMI DR. !ARTavR rtED4ICIrtB CO, TT 11 an i a. . J 11 11 n a un h as vu mtieax! f vuemmmm mtutkTf 1 V tffiraiiil ffllliil I.. OnriKH A .TIOT. BM KLJ 9dT fexntiot esw f$ bin I ami 41. NWU. K Y. IFeSTGI TT 'irn In Ihp World. aenlfient Gift Boots? Roi iMwn Jun. llavBoeki: 8oDerb Bibles xxl-PfiLWit Booka aim, at t girea tww-flii mar itnnq mi. UMtawtam in ; tAcW4JdlflatTO4 1x4 ..MldbnfiJ t( CHAS. R. JONES, SoleAg't.Charlbtte-N.C- JJ m.,..;..,.,. I jlhaaTpaTiira r.".f Rj,nnt4taaTe8. either in I- WM'!T.-7iB tionalIaitiiattMy.w "mZJZg couldbehad, thel wwWJmc-ffiJ1 1 Inw rndfiredthe foUowine .verdict: 4- -id O TnQTTJr flT 1IT1 IHlrUUllXt IU Alt 10 1 f J -T . ' " - T . i J " " rrr v:.vz;;7th Mars-Eliza- Hawjuns came to 3fl t rr u j t .1 M law m iLajs vv j .tuiu io.vivmiiv w"?woo M ii 1W divided between tne two par- caT,atn Ranannv haa arrived xana 1 th. nan. . Tf,. . 7 .i". " j .-11... ties. Among wreaftinwww tv -i"-!-!!! trp nis quarters at tne jsaeiropyip" vass isftively. The.mans;-.ye8prte4 ,te j ten fobis looked tigori mfffli ftr not always of bests for-mstance the cthdm hftadonarters: " . lOllOWing circuitt muiw xw-- i tjenaXOrjtauce 13 8ttneBam " I flP. by a nfwspapepaayu, ,T , 01 xaOuoo f r.-Trj- : '".I would be pleased.to se- eure yTur support for toe position PnSlir uu;ttflT .TommiH,,!,!! veil to ranpuuw Hmaaacne. rrowaM diwi r ' s-iiuojuxwu,--- ------"j - Htfimentiast sattiraar mmwBtBnumvy v-de .ui hua uhoti-at - the batue or .?1,ur o-7 I mknrbwl remalxfrfiof a hlte woiiteEfltof I'liJ raw u'i" 7,TV. , . waw. A i t Atinroina .iiiiih mm. m - - i j - v . uhi ha vvamau-atriAn on, auxa amu uzua dz, wavuvo . i W" "ifL".r-iJh.feiriireDutAble chanicter.fwere frouna mfoL zrATcir -mtamt0mjtt4ai u "v,Jv.- .;M.Mminrtfl AtheMiChl- l tne rauroau .'P rr?T-r"Tl r uo.uSrVriaii r. she had been tonnttTWrcrrji.twi kni gan aau-i- t flncto. "about S' 0clb6krcril8hea;;,1XiT liTuTT i .Ij la ituildi i U aWSTWaWaaaBmawau w lt t Ifiit, it.t. ThrRnftATaTftiaBTLESAUISa j ISJUJJT't whUpasseUhm AlrTiFi ' lMEWt31TO bna aoilib etablicans in Deaa sea-rawer uianm -rrv- - - wUh low-rtf i.n vvr-r. a 4v I . . . i wiw npr r'u r f ALSO, I WIT fi ill Yf fl iW kmmrrt 7 ImiA t ledUlreB nol 3 . I (in ukMkiiMiiaii laawui .utflVJiaw nw iqur accee. aa il 1, h. AeentS iJ lo mkodaaoJ edJ la aaib Jnui 'WOotttawn k t. I ay i AAA OTf a TkVn .aa. . . . T 641 LatafaBeteiMiaAdaotthQn awnai aa 1 1 n m mnniki ; AT LESS THAI! Auction Prices. THE THE FINEST COLLECTION OF Si ILTKB L V B B FIiiTID PLATED W A B T7 Ever exhibited In Charlotte. JUST fiXCXIVXD: RHEUMATISM Aa it Ufbr an dtoeaaw of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND B0WEL8. Za'lanaaa the ajatem of tlia acrid polaon Qiat oaoaea tlia droaAfnl aufferixiff wbiali OBlythTiottms of BhfTi"1""" T"1 - THOUSANDS OF CASES ' of thA -wanttbrma of this terribla dlaaaaa have boon qtdokly relievod, tn a anon PERFECTLY CURED. a ka4 wdaffaj aofetai, amt- tmmawaa alatacraiy fkllad. Itta'nrild, Imt-eftoara, CKBTalS IN ITS ACTION, but harmlwaa in all oaaaa. rylt eleaaaea, StrenrtheB aad dTea Naw Life to all the Important organa of the body. The natural action of the Kidney la reatored. The river la deanaed of all diseaae, and. the Bowel, move freely and healthfully. In thla wavthe worat ttlaeaaea are eiadioatea xron Irovadb-moansf2uka wayw wwi u WtawXiaJi tne conesive W S, hv hinwa from the shantLi of one that relic ox recpnsupuoaajB -lri-'smTf.h"&ir Jthat-she was r.At Hmto hnr miii nnwmuuiuBj iiwuub w"..v", F - - th ampliation of the JBe- publican party ot tne soutn ; ior it iuuoi, be understood that the Bepublican par ty of the North 'i1 comparatively- re spectable compared with the Southern brotner. uut txj wie anvuu iuiw revenue that North Carolina paid into the treasury for the fiscal year ended June SO, 188U Trietate m aivweu. i killed or disabled by him and then put the railroad track." . ff O Smith left forBocky Mount on Satur day morning, but returned Sunday, aftr -arhictt 'Tre was lodeed in prison here to await trial 4n;Xuesday evening VuffavCaBavs 4fer. ' Tbe unfortunate republic of Peru has ' '-'i - , :to taaCU UJ W ail la aaw taafjj y .IS' i tallktai 'iMuiiifcW' ynglftTUK! Wtt"FAI i j.. at -P PaS ayi fciata J aOX Q!1AaUCAHATXCiii bftbvM . ifeny so ifn- aiJ A jjtj MITtn.... 4 T.nA. Dnu T I.KIa i iiiin.ai mamMumm im&i trim unuu . HcrrriM tnamrterir salJ tanaMas-rGio? other known waters." Tl . agreeable,' fnnr fliVrift: knoWri on the book Pfthe i bv the late disastrous war been Shorn -"ilT T. I - u ... ! il. treasury department as Oiftncfa, .num- 0f her valuaDie guano oe posits on ne ber 24. 5 and 6. ;There iarrjxodmtra faniohs Chinchi islands, for the victon- 1 Ul a. iiuui mit, " a . p 1 iwiiin.fiiiinin r mmm vw r - - - - the aggregate receipts f rem ibis source I and will doubtless retain them Mean fmArth namlina fnr t.he fiscal vear I. hiii '-arifitriAT of hef: eTeatest" lndns- ia $2,478-44025 ajrairist .2,354jQ065i &r f tries is serldusiy menaced by "British; the, previous fiscal year, or an iBtras I competition, tor. that enBrgetic people of ai 9-i-t,UL54. riecemts Dy oisuicw ara i nave mantea nearly o.uw,ww qumuw Aa'Voiloiiniv District No. 2. 1881. SI4L- f trees; in India, and have established f25,1880$58,605.72vo.4,l881,e850;tmagazi of this faluftble' article of 967.45, 1880 925,483.18; Jo. o, iooi, &if commerce in fjaicutia, in maunw, uu 081,585.47.1880 $91108.83; No. 188J, in Bombay. During the last year the $499,455.08,4880 $457,918.98. South Caro gupply of quinine from, these groves Una is comprised in one diattictr which was 3,000 pounds, yet, strange to say, returned for 1881 $185j907Jja: against fhta yast quantity suddenly thrown up- $HU$08 forthelastfiscar yean. -i ;: rthe market had very litUe effect up- The statfjoute Cases against 'Brady, nthe price, for notwithstanding the ex-second aasisia postmaster genera fa peru, the districts where qui- Frencb.chief clerfc under Bradr, Mo- Trin i8 produced are so far removed Grew, ex-sixth auditor, and- Billy, ex- from the centre of hostilities that the deputy sixth auditor, are all weir disasters attendant upon the war had known. The failure of the government but little effect upon the industry, foy in the original cajseJbefore Judge Cox, this valuable tree grows principally in on motion, to file information is still the northern portion of the republic, in fresh in the public.niind,. and; to this the" mountain tvalleys that border on failure must no w'be added: another In- the confines of Brazil and Ecuador, and stituted by the governmentmgaiastSit- the products vat the puttings ? were ly and which has just been dismissed smuggled through Equador. to the mar- by a jnsttcfli.ot tne peace, awso repeair j tetg pI tne wono. ea iaiiiirea oi wuo iwiieiuiuouu wHxwyf i , ; ,i are weakening tlieir aide of the case be f nr the nntrYMJ0t ' tnat tne- oases T)n von want a trare,WooiDi irig rCoiTipleiion J A If W1. few applicattons: of Haaik ; IfV ryrMt tn vrtnr rtftart'S COD.-; tenta,Itdoe9airwltl.i8afc ti lHn vkXiSciin't XHmnUteiz I m nRrirxuuua. iu iua najjin i orercornes the Unshed uppear? m: T antt W) nauirasriMiuAi, ri: rtArtWt BMoitatifillSBCt8i tbat ft islmpossiWeto deteciH : amtAr vchoa. Berlin. "InrartaDiT rood w- Vienna nsw -preacnoea . Wamzbanr,-!-! nreaerlbe none itirsijvo iiljo ati i5ifiiai BrvmUmtU.JS, f.A A. jLaaaon,, eaaant than to "fltaa. 'TUMT atirpaseer lUi jtetrcr.-rTererTew -a 'WcittsIA moil ,n3i JrO E uiacooPiMWu. .1 1 1 i-i ,t-i.. MiA .in. aV. iirsftrr feifyftfjj rays av aiow U fi- ifcl vabit4! erwi aeafn arerr week. ' ROGTEBS' TBIFLS-PLATE KNIVES,' 84.50 DOZEN. A loll lime of Table Fancy Silver Ware tWTlO At ireRtlj reduced prloea. .. Can early and get fint choice. -M Respectfully. J. BB00OTELD ft CO. la Ike moatefllsetual wdi tat enalnf Oia yateift of an morbid tedretJMU. ItahoaM be naed In every honaaanm aaa SPRING MEDICINE. Always onrea BTXJOVBKESS, COKBTTPA- TlOir.nLXS ana aunaua siaaaets. Ia not no inDrr Vecctaale farm. In tin ease, Alao fa UaU Tana, vary CaMBtrate4 for the eoBTentence of those who cannot readily pre pare It. It aet fit equal fftottnctnettAtrjomu GET IT OF TOUR DRUGGIST. FBICX,!. WELLS. BICHABDSON Co., Prop'!, (Wm send the dry poet-paid.) BTKLIHflTOH, TT. 7. themselyea are wottMess; and toe oun glesame manner in which they are con ducted lead people to believe so. In both failures the counsel, for the government went into the case without proper pre paration ; in the first instance the mo tion asked was clearly against the dis trict law, though the-courts of other important was not. producedJBespito rh-A hlnnrfl-'diaaatious as'fhey may be, the bfitrtm&wK'iM the ;paH&ed fintexM It is, however,- a raatter :ofbasedai 1 cretlon onw that - The crimes com? rafr! Ijw feirairist f tnetal bail 10jW ttiere istiMtfgress bKfag'm&taiBf& What Sbermaa Saya. Senator Sherman, in referring to the coming session of Congress, says : "The mAsonrM or tne next seasion is useiy w be thereduction of taxes, the reyiajou. of the tariff, and, 1 hope, some good law regulating' Presidential elections and annointmenU in the civil service." ' Be Ldeclares that none of these measures are of a political character, ano tnataii ;.: .!..' ' ! 1 i. ii.:; , ;' ' 1 7 if 'ifjdf 'A H.-3 12-' L; '.i: DraggJat anbnlAt atSLa WPttoM ararj4l7 5aTBd ertfnoetr Jiot204)iWi,M Ma . JIM, WM e H M . I 1 .1 '..! t a rl a lmm3ea ?erktlarllaA m:" baond In nn H silt, ano nn. ennfflp. heantiful steel i, preaerlpt'ons, price only $1.25 &nrrMratBd4fttev S aMUfWDd Aadkna aa. war. ymaa nV turn, tnolronaabla to Bad tha Seieaaai ot.Lilsor. aalf ;" baond In On eat French maslln.Ba- edtaaHnstttnio or Dtv Mtf' Boston.'- 11 ut mtjm ins .Utjjten t jii i i i mi lull lluliui. 1UI.I ital' VlWB.rrw . in uwitJUAi- utUiu arAitt ilk uunui "MWft bitba ITJEXPOSTTIOin T Kf ' .r . . . . . . . . a a. OS )X.i 'ABI3. tn CglLI, 18TS; and at thetTaad CENTS All EXHASXTlOIHa fblladelaaU, ISIa. l'tnAHtiff aa4 TMaruanalnca. 3A 'WKrA QNT.JO TOAKATQQAiul tOab twcraOTJR!--. WT Meanest water Insl riesh wd ipirkU AWlrllfTHllMA; rin-IO liarasiwben tt flow from 4i aprlng a-8arato. T '''UniUlVkltllAQ Ik OUIIOi lTe Oils water In large--Mock tta j return i ffiT rial miasj m aatf r i a-io run; - , i ' aimWllW:r - j tatjcT tigniitei; mint Uw nol.ittla sJU Ii aT ii flf f-tata at tutot ad: w t 3to ei o-itiU Jjt av-4 ATI dAH ilTlf WW if H is .MIIialV H T1,1 I j&SESD FOR paOTJIiAKSfTSa portamity lor steauag ant 2wi''i" tbe leaking iPUcallv ebnked rtho atAalirio. VoTMnatance.inth6 State of Hareh 274&W Twio-its 4T 13.00 PER SET. AN fJOtENSK 8T0CK 0 J DaSAH FORD'S 0 secondwgaiiist Sillyawitolboici te acted upon from! a non-parti san standpoint Mr. Sherman a posiuon ia t.hfi correct one.bnt It is sincere ?Et- perlerice teacMs. that when, al Bepubll can leaoer aavocates non-parusuuiBiuu . ne Is contemplating tne arrangement oi pome disreputable partisan jwork. 'For instance, ia.087a, the Berobtloan Isitr lug statesmen" went to Louisiana in "WpnfBflRAnl v nrm-tartigan caoaclty.' but really to steal theelectoralvotesof that State. Mr. Sherman was one or them. wohh Sherman is a eool, calculating, aecepUvsa sly, dog .ia In f,poUtlc, The -Postmaster General has abolished whajt,yfio ia,f in ,the; weather busl the steamboat route and Yerf sMgwy o-d Believe the very opposite of waafc extending the star route suppU eatftftfttie gets pretty- near 1 th sametime savl' td thfe 1 government J anytoingtafairo boat the Demoerats. ractlciUly the same places gggfgA ; nigb-Pria' Dwgm 4 tia ln'iwiaw in the second assistant 1 $500.00klCk4ast week Tmvoitar TTi ot n-n flrmriTi nr' ITfihrilTtfl flff ir. ii ir .Anvniiu i.ini.miin in I 1UIUX UO ItAAl AUUAtJLUW WV optil daw ' ': .'6 -ti! j.iaJa nj sahai f -?i M ,ivKhioti iii ,dii i iM Lre o tumn tnm to iuj hiiOTq dJ 0.ad ?b idd ileBUTsw tiaJ.i t ut 'ft A itXfr Wa nil. asm jam !J i4s aii iet,l ' r..,M.t srw oni br"!?tsnj ifnti' i-: i rtv ATfTt ay-H . fl -- - 1 aj a sy am aa sak is aa vu,aai . r - 5u CMeniod Tlm& TatlKrtti Carolina L B . asm a rm QOTVa VaalLMalU j.-. .1 fAd ro'1,W V A Kii j .. jijO jiuT l& tfw)tt plow. UiKvr. auiJ t:0i efli co Jdito-oJ sUhaJ TantiAssAA thATe was a . steamboat route andsTstar route to the same towns. aud cities. : A xewoi tne towns were lmawu 3 i -.BBBBaasaBa. i 1 1 I r I v 7 ' also' itiWIGOfifl TOSr --svv wmai.. douars nave petiwons BeflH. w.,v"o t-4 acts curectiy upon tne JLiver, ana partmerwxor miw1"f,3 tV, 1 t o t 4. T 1 thrice a week. Now If he could dellv-1 "lires Liver Corrrolamts, , laun 1 iV . w X e I C3 DUO liiaaii au - " Xir Tfi1T,ee MalarJa fnc. onweek. it'8houkllUrtHlBorel WeAithi aavana . K1CKBQ7 ana Kiiiea.-ac- ra. was "rrrjJttittZTCTL-izz 2JTi:.,f-ioTA i A5rrf-writcii .'Witn otnernrra aoi mewioasy wuicu wwo 7----i riri' "T" xrtKam tr.r.Foravw steamboat routes were let ana expear-i KiiH ;hv rfrry tedfomarmapter teemtog wlthwt rupiioa.'iirtbeiUacot Ithere.waaJ ftr tiie by. " S,CT?imh tonaMVt?a1ne-a I SXrSrSbFiv tiTOOTtorl at WlltomjotXJelaware, has a large cfniii Br X'J"W? uumi I tai fVi- and RAnda hiv trainers to Jrer waa rn na nAiivnrea ddcbh nccn.- xu i - , m.i nri -rtTT: ir. r7frrvriTildHhr elL Koctingtrsroj 'ano: otner' points, imrriTnrafciv m to work kndtrT Al season, to teaen indimriailafcrirmtrttof4w4MUdred standin; reensDOT t the ownei wMch are 1 'W : - . Aoa Hois - . a a a a rz vakdBAata - si m, a ataranrii aaawaa i.mir w ibtsb w ii aa in mv a bbjjb m 1 r .f " -" tact to've the pointers - to Farmer and Mechanic. deist tef,theJtr DaM,Nor2b.'81 pdSaSxcfpoirl 1'' IUXj, Ly. Charlotte, Badabory, Atf.OnetwQOHh T av Qvaam a KataVa Taw Dnratoli ' - -1 ii aa 1 . 1, irr. uowauoro L. OreieaboiP . . torBJcfimond. ' u W iCtena4HaJ- Battadals r j. praa-aoa-Ra; Arr. JTomahawk Art. Art. No.51. LNo.55.;i o.3r,' Tarfaukh'frastllattrTTirooslr B.10AMU H.4S4 a) ester Richmond 440 A (USOrAX 8.2 AV A.S5 AX l5sPJfi 4.10lral 6.20 FX ,442J1 -ava A a a a aT t t il .A ndvt ,H .11 ,iAitio; Aiitfl a'M SI i w TlatV-'MJj.iH ( . 1 ail M I II. ' riXTIT.TS Wa an aseafx hi A I Ubf-. iti ta-T Ai Jiaai:'; k' on band. Ban ajTMtenirtirbra utSifliajlnaV toad; ; i--.Lui wT LX - W a-. -v iM-J ! - ... Txrwrr .... . II TBaUKB GOUrO SODTSt , )a.eu.WL& 21 11.0 l'J.4 Tarf'TaJf 28- nil VUXlDAaC r-FTT-rnprrsi 9J liutJ B AM1,1.04A I , p-4 Akt I.f fTirtffci liin j. i Dato20'80 Lv. Richmond " SarkeTlUa TTt'it. DanvLla, La.T' . Arr J Oraenaboro Lv. Goldsbom ' OrMiiahnHi I JTF It.. ff Ballsbury I Arrjeonoord law rJll.U ka i regulatestheboif Si . n ,m m ii i i . nim in n aa, ! wiiii awsni aa rniiTJi m as uraDUTiUD uonii i r ' t ;t J w mcjnt wotdd glyoia aomeinstanees . . . .- - ' i I J V A 1 1 rrjr JlTZl 'I L-,yA BMra RATI I 'araanvflli Diooa. a isooic sent iree. ur. OTSmAwSKS, " Hr.-r a U- bill r -r- r r I uiutsia auiut. ai vow awnv.,w"y , i. . y lnT'-wreT.tag- i T0a;BALE Br ALL' X a V Ww.ar ' aml8 deod ir. raiwiia0Hiau CHARLOTTE, N.C., n ft) - 13 ' ' a AJCoahnool fcaiaasmZ TW:r!3UJ I!iOl UIS COOK r V at wwa i miles aiyr vo- 940ow i joriii M.iiwHrv'fira invettiffated hvi a Demo, unrar. hl3S mea cnarces critl? cttnej is now Bra it-corinaxiaoeu tDiin iTtiicvS'TTrs&xe arrrexaWatu raatxsin llonirress and :laii)ASSed,ii,j: new t: as a but of a b; Bed with lfhi avbison. When ph,andtheba r thB attending prrt got hisJdefi- i it lvely-,tolr pnCitdurt nw-ariirVtWoT t nniraA fnvlha avotjarA '. tiTL .rtl? iil ,Aiut I take unthe poison tnrouzn v il BAUEK HRAsTCH. JdlKrt tf tr a& ra a si ar r aiaaaa aia '-v rew$wkfl1MMc, "Cbartotta ti A - - - , l f t Ml! it IK I M BBBI A BBBT IAEXITV UlVUUBUUEVt eV a a. be xww i I . J . .1:' S. -t-. t knot Icar- iTblood oVwlth Fbody. shoulaV'fish for m A IS ra. ,bro:sn. ' Al .a '.. ai T- S 1 - ur I a-fi a arajk Vi- -- TVJ ay'waW'rjudgtFot J numan narAije i TJiooavessers urTOuBViTw VwSvlXatSi'il: tnTMrRrrtararnd.Orn vonr bax of-rrW AhWrfj? or set an w-salne inIemocrI exploded one,.and the 'grei-tetror . . . : mm, .. j a . i J a m. j aa.L m a a v w - . j av Aa sBaa Ar on ra KiWtaaw w, j, uut. i inn nit am ave learned what every mwys rats i ;a i iuii:. . HanMTf a Jewks in tt Gen til, in this cquAixy as m. wip5Viuwi.iu. ttn right time whenAnetf Congress was to be felex' He- had -the power im41irwid:he1tr.ould ly surfeeonTha knawflevtesmce'the UiOmi IU dUJ out W t f w'lil WHOLX3ALE at ETIAli; ,sis"a.T WHITE ROST. ii ul I ! WH0LS8AXX AR9 KXTAXU rATiatoif Ktosa wlixiariwi MMMniTO 5 L.,JzzlZZIw."tv- I - ton m SAza at maBOset-dbwm r '4M'&1- jrenaart wjAun2iyB9aff ,ua, vn v 'did- Kfiolexm.i"nCTessmen jdot not They Wx ftaooner,eoinew seats than they commarvMt toigSfcL a' renominauon ana eiecuons jstkmaB Brady said he would take on tne,route 1. ' J'-' 1-1.- J kanw. ln.nl atvatw ill lineso uiau wiArauu -uouw-mm a uom t. - - swim , . . . ... a . . j. nii i. I awnji vctoij wuwiPWia. anil CDnBUtUBnW WIUKWn, Oltt WUlWW irVr trr rTrnaf "Sol 7 7': 5 OPEN BUGGIES, S55. TOP BUGGIES, $65. AttUi 3ar;0ldll0hbr.t worMdo thoat nMmcoodthBnaU tba aQnapiT -aMiiriu Tttt.x; fH!i (jm jtatrt ,fo!i Bm;i ai.,..iuiju..LLiai Al t.!.aTl puj .J.iii.i iwia .n .asaViaj:."? ffft jre "5 v JT1h'aas ' aa.eK aiaMHMtajhM taported direct from 4h ,ianea TlaVt IAUUUUUAiTJSla8 l UA UJiUilALLUS. . 8T ATEsrnXx; N, c. . ;r .-- ; '' r f.i I . Ill II I I I Ii nn.. il l ir I iif.i.u , -. VSt iwwa tmi. i.v watM a, ' I SV. D7 i Bf. . J aW AnffUa.. at . B. B. 8ATJKDEB8, LDOfi lam . Bap Agendea. I twioa aaritMBk tren and fJjMi aHU-r,,7r; aiurn.. mnnv ana vrar vrajHta aa . uoa I Cnmmndlniii umr.la wn.a .nt .unnif I l..n4 3 il Vio nnolflnn v I JilBt that lnln4 lot 'snrina' M tfcori . "-5r reaan brU''drGggWa crwabwOtofv xncea reaucou ooe oau. . marll-tit , - IT Aira. rw.lRiiiitlrhDullnlmtkin im tn Komratjrl.'JVl!'n:,t iniu -n.! tat a?atrcnMrraVBaaa aooae an every tea petCi iBfoniAura) i i aTJaaV3.M ariaaV I iwieaaa-a ! tennvtba J TAi.miwflillVIIMamMI T y.rwuKJl P.K FJIl f?l I 'I-,, i' rfPTA k l'W Amount asked? foru tPis imemberl who voted for nia;?aw sooecause BradvlheiTad theTSower to make i contract sndexpedite routes, but that BTVWATXAa - aka.a aikABo -ra.,.. aann tj.rtal Tpegtmaca ol Uie puhHo U ollclted. Second-aisUnt rtmasteiSgwietarh I should at tnat time oe occupying a ceu jus.-". An own. wottAneaa now ao 10.85 Aart 12.40 AH 4.65 Pa A RA M mm muz 0.02 ru HO- lanHm .lV.rtif2C!pk'f 1 orr 1 pa NOi 52? uv, 2.37 AM ait oiayfit WAN J H'i. ItL rial. : . . .-i. . . A MA. m MStfj ureousuoro.'. ; p. . iv ..t t i47M4w. i www Anrta Salem M.u.irifuaWkAI 02: , lilttij H0uBSVtlajflr.tjdt q;tjifia'1 Leave Salem..... liiiSQr in paaaenger aratna awrya- aaa--dapaat- trom fsmsss&SmStim wUl iron datty botween rifflpTnM da street. Noa. 60 and 51 wttlMnf datlMbev 3ween Go TnVNattTi and rfi-reltoa afd-i noction Wtut gains on uw awtem mmawnat vmm m r- aod wmston morning ana ereiuBSV' ms 1 - . Jn tajyaj. to f;'eajrBja, MgTiBaatweBtB adS wfl(HhrPa laTTaataMteft, fvtlfKflffrt peat ,i:?jneat our 0Ujkt amfcaasag aatfla paw jiwUisrn&af! a )q kl a4 vrt fi run lrajffWlTIl On tod spff BstuidgyvHav: EOtftrlssl, the liUowlna aol.aJU paXfcl aaaWUKtQaatt . aa raiaiK2Sr rrtrfa t4tT m Ctiajlotta,vU.f?.X tar aioowarid j:v:v;.i'.7r.'r.T"v . pn?f i iT,1iioowatid::rii,i'.w,.TJ?w,i uiv mm a.bu... J v 0 a m a a r a a ay flSeafa) tXatfaB..ii.JCi atOBfeariiia . c:jacai. a. a. in. ni Muia f9dJ aoa .iXrtnisi atf naa lUtu iiilwui aa:-i a F 'jr I ' a a a m .Jj-jill 1 tfw V tt i til .aoabtili AJl ,lUbaaJ t V CVT3TTT3G 9ibO J( JLiiL4. 0a? VL n w w r v w j fiiT n i a -w w ' " 1 AVKlVillfVuI'lJJI 3s-k(,' :l AUKJ1VA1 . VVl . I i atu oj i-JK9uuii an aioi ra M- -nt ti'h,4iKl liaaitS ot28 Attornert and tVunseTrs J T tX ... Saprem Coart ta i.uVHMaA&iUAnlrlMnrn. ta il, m aw i'.ii.fmm KniAn. una . tBTTtowaaaaI1 t"V jaiHi akiaorav't fuhi?tt.a eaat ex inaepencdnot oW iaaasJ-at3 1 tia mo eXjOl tar Offiea. two soon . i ' a " a .A ... a aj . . . . a j im aaav mrf wj uwiju K i: 'nWI BAai faariTafassFw U. ' 1.11 saUus elf 4 -da cfHWAili3teaolr riSrjattl tiaWdtSJritrtrrC!)!; rlHckleBbni UlaAiW1 Pii'4o AoL atT OfaokleabrjalfMllaAiWat IW'O AdosL atT stsourt aome 1j Ct attottoT WJa t-o gMl We! tafi l.leiin(w iaaatarraftSb I GIVEN U ITAXTr)K I al S. I H AataTKalK af Tl.-w 4iWrMrtric( laiorJw awf a a e laMJ a. 'J2TkmmT. I cafa k..J a: M Z7-j?ZZi CPOii. Qeiw, tu iws iiwi e. ruuuar: axceaa tse&w aboatd mmrli "S, JNJii i DrAtt rMrtenoei thxaa Uwu froni the . . is. tsrLta. wUlbeaold cheap v taajtw"' win;wa, bhca aiaanen, una wou wj tmT.at-- 'he avtj-rafesbraatoi rtsldr ,At- 4orvlT, tjaawn ratla llurarf ot feadrreoia, buiit lor uw fe, wnna. i fnaduuiatla m ii aaiawjia ai -- inn.r .i"" 'rn'na, anxarxa. aa. --5. w sV aaf avHK,. a.. i-. VII 'a , Wi-''. waan awaaal aaaksat 3 . . V. i W laoww r a";if LT ; , . j . ttw OiMM??m IT5i,ie, S1' Ai.fl . . r t - J aapajJaaieweBu b-.?.' LiC-.tS ww-4 1 Cy.itTTllw.wae&aJaW