I. .; "y Y- - Tbe TTetlier. ; " WEDNESDAY, KOVtt 1, tub BOSH TOB TBE COVTBLY IIOVSEi T ottHfl! - nra BITS tO v KmXCm AW w Tbrenrbtb Crowd Tbe jPrtar ttt nmitvviir ?1 It ; being riyes hia IjnpreasiOTi of eMlUlcal ta bi8 own ;3tcrowdwhich rv a erantfnrrn.nr "Knxr. 90 Tnd5nationa ; 1 itiASiiuiuivu -" " , weauier una run nuruioB uu wunu east ; winds,' rising-temperature ? and whom m'vsrxsaf Btatus at WasMnrtdn toymen W U1K1QmS , the Garfield Jeldnitojj to w Eat WwiSvioui iRjflec ton?dwendttepol and noheUltlOrBUlwart jfad e- men had great lenity ta7Ereveflgng There Is now a stalwart ,reyei . to Washtogton. The en who lisped the MBAinAii r laaFTtoid wiinii iid cumv tremulous voice, are not hedin the hotels, or the street or tojhedejarfc menu. .His BtuTbej WafJi Sowhippers lorCJIl!? .ot r every rulerand contempt or every ruler of the past, jiow, speaic -Trji.i t'm.aaa -intA th RotirG room. wSch raM$ Bled Ttothe utmost JdJS?J?!L..io.i rhiii iiftv formerly been sosuccessful in, admitting, ,wWH Wit diffioultyrtnose persons wuu Y""iVT-. thoonnrt mnm were this Tmrntinir of no utility, and the jndge,: couiseiroTSndepertsJiadto flgnt "S waUe toMrwitoess I stand and took his place, closely guard- I bad not slept a good nig&Ta leep all winter nottl I tued 8t Jacobs Oil, to the way Mr. P. A. PlnBiey,Mallceytown,IlUliHtt, , -u congnlng. A twenty-five cent bottle ot Dr. Bm' IT" w tiv'mnw rt 1 iirr.vaa V A TTTTttiTA and I aZt!a tn th nmdi at taOiaz and falling hair. Parkeri Hair Balsam nasiuen uw nwu an .elegant and reUatole nalrreBtorattve. .- - , t4 ABKETS BY TEGBAPg The OapriciotisneM of the Blind Goddess Shown by the .varied ana ungual . Bestowal of Her Pavon, 4' J. U Ml NOVXMBXB 29 1881. " swuu k - t ua lurcvctj v. . :k. n-.vf. i KvfwnTtniiRemen aname court viur rTwTtthe candidal kilo nawsuuiu . r. of 1884 -Elaine is about to retire to hte 7,1 hrtmA in the ;Pine-Tree State. I UIDM UVM W , . T . . m. TT.'n. aoVai sAavHIa tn 'ffive some tocidents from his earliest recollections DVWww - - . m x - 1 ..k.Mln has gone amidst the leers ox me nuw trinmphant,publicrplnde try . rT . -t -r Via ai 1 1 ilea to iae jxew xet " r:j.v mtniafratiAn t.wpii- T npftses Present. , , . . . , Ill ttUU aUUUb WD ouuium"""--- - icuuvu - - . , ntitnasa twlav. nr only to luen- . M. . 1 null fiulav i buto m? to the course Ul ween- - Sco villa Ml naa arrangea w oWto-davand there are no other witt utssacs luopwi" , i- i ... . i tam AjiMtro t iva Avor i jiniiiiAiiaw Ladies. Gentlemen, misses, Boys and-Children r l- , -. . :v CANNOT FAIL TO MS SU1TID IN r ,,'7 t;'v"!s 1"' , . x-FOR THE JFAlii AOT)';'WiNTER TBADE.r t " L ' TTTB guarantee that eTery pair of 8E0XS wi sen dm he loond Just as represented, and shall allow no house giro you better goods than we do for the Jfy. rL. Ia. i... un MMfnn MlMted with a yIow to the wants of all classes of customers, and amntau a fan lln of baantirni uu ...v... . j"3!' f r." . ' 7 , j I nrtdn.'rf thrr beet auallty and an grades, from the finest Irench FJd Button Boot to the Heaviest Brogan. If youwlah to get roar boots and shoes b during; the Year ending November, ; , A. E.. RASKIN; &'BRO. Wi. together with 'the'names tod ad- . ffiW;-.. r , ; - y centra, HotB.Tn dresses riven toJthe Company by the mZ22--mmmmmmtmmlmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiin i M bolders.'omlttIng those who have.re- rv Kew York:e? 'Wool-'!; 'T' - 5 ""t ;rW r fH -VmnVLffmVt.fT VaesissaeslMIiatlwa ill XIIBI twiiniL ; tfEDING &C. inuunet Ctcapr Dedsteds, AKBLOrjKQn, I OOTtHieK ILfcaTMW J- B9.f WXnTKlBOl . I a Hrinz. uuuman. ah.va . uunvcuiik , ."LI A rnnz. UUllulali. wv -'ltAMfntjtfnrthAftmAnn1a-ardvoa,luef at the offices of the company..-; : J-Wl: iilV -.-. - j. . ;i..v. .rfAfn A damn I i J EUiort. w bibhwi xuvu,. . T!Trras HomDanr. which1 has collected oh .behalf of holders "of :' prlies 1 sold DBAWING of QCTOBEB 11, 188L . oh .behalf of holders ;lof 'prlies-soia AUOT8turDe Grummnnd.i488M-? - -through the New York office more than gt, Washington, D.Ci,. 15,000 aMillion'Dollara. ' v li Schmidt, m 82dstUNew Vnrlr t:. Jiix: . .'.j: . . -i . . ... . 15.000 John a Dieffenbacb, West st, New York City,. 6,000 collected tnrgngn n -u BJXtiiini--Koonllour aulet and unchanged; Howards-wetland Western super f425aS5.00; St&famlly W.R0-. elty mllla, super 84.50; 52o:lfaSly7.B0$7.75; Bio brands lohen; dnilf Western Jower nd dun; South rnrd Sir8(5a81.85; do amber SI -40aS1.45j Na i inland red S1.4STA; No. 2 Western winter mdulli Siem white 64a67i do. yellow Biiflnnmi Nlght-Oet nrrnr Southern . 50a Kslirestem wimeolo-!; do-mixed 48a4; SscSmi raweehMns .i8A,juarl.t. j.., - . ...V;.. .V. 600 (mo Oaspari.245 Argylest, Bal- SSSfeurlotY ' ordinary wrauaj.. . t . l,.An -miak . - K.00O1 -n t ttJ.-- Vun "MJoo . , WhuKey nrm, a . w-" "t-..- CntonniATi-nonT easier, but not auototoyr e:o?aKKi winter $1.87. ,Corn i DRAW-NQ of DECEMBEK 14, 1880. Ktra a n "MnnasTin. fi2 Fourth St. Chelsea, Mass, 20,000 Cookv Jr,i&,Co pankers, - ; Joseph SUckeL 329 Gmdst,Wil-, . washingtonfTvO,. Bamsburgh,NewYork;..i... ,10,000 Alexander Urias, biH Division ti R Convert Cartersville, Ga-.. 6,000 ttbw York city 200 A V. Chardayoyne, CtourtJto'' 'LI l j q Raux. Edwards, Missn..i".. . 2J5QQ strong !-w W-'J8!" tstnihnwiu Ann: shoulders m; dear arllU. ales of J Fata unaui-m AHuwiiu 9..KOA B B Howard, Aberdeen, Miss.,. 2,500 New York,... 1,000 ribs 8; clear Bacon ulet; snoaiaersMf, 2S2 ii. rJftnTlllirwliisfcey steady, 81.15; mWn slw of ilnhUied fjharrew . . . . .e Hnm itall; flomibon packing and butchers Garfield man will a will be generously considered .py we eo over the whole business carexuuy and scienuncauy, bo w dv-.J" 4- .a in ;aaA tAitirur condition. YV wLlw wu jvww. w r Scojjiller:-! shall only ask you some 61 Hi pit? qucflwvrupt - i BnaWfll, mj Ul,V-wl 7. 3 A1. - new administrationwnen utoj. butlliraTneldeimWiean-wver va a, Hrr&nffer to the favor of the AT- Howl quicl frojh the je togdbeVcictoagl. there fe ratedWtheUters put in evidence ( . .' ' . i anil naotiinlav hA TMfl. not mucn senumen m Jediacussion, Judge Cox when politics means food and clothing MttJTwent on the stand tiiam ia Avn Iam Ronseouentlv we don t A.n t-mnfrt ha Tniiar. Hnhmit to beinz cross see much matter of surprise to the fact examined, and if his examination as a T" - . m - s. jni. -a-t nown on a basis oi S-1.1Q- .uir-n ",'rr"'",:r 101: new weans j ww and Ught So00-Sti.lU 80.50. r -. - Chicago Hour uncnangea; coumoa wsuw" Weera spruw 8$4 B0aS.75j common to fancy PenU S7!BS 9.26. - Wheat active, firm 5!ebruarjCor-ralrly acUve and a shade nigner: no. a nwoo ylZJZvZZ.m hK BSa5 January. -tats--oderaWyaeUve and higher; No. 8 444 ct January. - Porjt active. cash: - uecemDer; -auMpcj.--Moderately active and higher: rtouWers $6.40; shert r!bl&); short clear 894V ; WhWosy mod erately acttvo and higher, $1.17 . . - .-. : HXW YOBX-fioutnem tort Unchanged and quiet; OOmmon ,W imu wv; y. and dosing with mom J"iJ,?1.25Iol? f 1.85; mixed wrt.ungrred f 1.26a- t&h; seeemoen oj Arm and higher, at w a i?AoArL Democrat Office. Lit ue uocs, rju,. ' V ' Paid to theNational BanXof the ,.:, - Common wealth Boston AlassH' ' 1,000 Ferdinand Major,AumuurK,j.-w, ... ouy j j lung, lsz vt. !ui h York,. . . .7. vvV. ; ,. ; v., . . ! James McDougal, Wilmington, jr. c. . . ' J L Leckwood, 1242 jsigntn st? N. W, Washington, D. C . . . i A H Kassing, 14U 2d av. New ; York,. t 'ffr f:tj Y'A J DBAWING of N0VEMBEB8, 1881. f John' T Gary ins M H BR Stav tion, Bartlett st, Boxboro Dis-' trict, Boston, Massi". . 15,000 JBussell, 144 Main st, Norfolk, tVa- collected through Ex- , cbange JN auonai jaans,. . . aouw 6,000 6,000 5,000 K ) -r : J- j L Edwin Hotter Em mitU burg, - Vcollected through JM Beixas & Co, New Orleans, La, John Beatty, 101 Christopher st, :NewYorkcity........ Prank Weibel. 71 First sU Va nrltnr T.a .. . . .... i - 900 By Jacobs, Warrensburgt Mo : 2500 By authority of tbe State.- GenlG. Deaorefirani. or j-a, ima uen juuw a. ii IT- 211 MABMAnalfvt AWMttIM I "Rariv. of Va will tersonalIv arrange irray, Ottawa, BJa 15,000 j details and supervise the extraordin- 201 SOUth BamnaXt I an SSamt. A nnnaf Ttrawincr f thft TjOU- 860 mucn matwc ui. euiyiuo u biuiiu,iiu- ii ri Da and cIosIbs with mom strength; Mo. 'd spnog that office holders andmeekers witnestfwasbeMnitcooidnotbe ,suj. ter ;ed red fi.26v tnai omce nuiuvf"v rTTL.-. rjfeildedxceptl)y cpnseat of counsel Of liLfcTuntraded white Sl.40g$l4l5 Np. 2 red turn from and forget the dead Garfield, ffigS" Sid SovmbT;$1.88Tf5w; .tnn, fawn noon the living SH181 TiSn hi had anorovinir. $l4a81M.: ?ir3!fel and turn to and fawn upon the living Guiteau, nodding his head approving Arthur. To all such one living iTesi- w -that's the rule J udge as i unuw dent is wortn ter l aeao ones. " J , After further discussion Guiteauleft Wtoklenhri2editallwhenheiaid,?h9W u intX snniiiA rad'the letters. m fnrimt vhATI VA ATA ffOnel I ... n.wian ' Vitt fill Hp 3 11 til nlfl his Cora-Maie nigner. rj 1 low muea : jeiiow t-e, . m soon veare forgot vheh ve are' gonel" especially by those who hang upon the living for favors. In this, however, the Washington office seeker and -office holder is not much different from his averaee fellow-mortals. Sun worship- au ata writtfin bv UUlteau w fothar and other members of family. .Scoville proceeded to read the letters passing between Guiteau and his rela tives from '57 to '77. With the excep tion of strong religious feeling shown 81Aa81jMfr ruary . tower: NoT848a6a iHops unchanged, CoSee VcsntrTlug-l --nWr to good reflnlng 78 7; reflneOrm and Uj aood dinand,-Btand-ard A ttU, Molaaseeernwlw.eiop demand moderate. Boain oll end weak, at eo rn0 OR .. TiimmiUna httTf and flTO. at R7 wool steadr and auiett dome-tie Aft- Tatm l(taS2. FOTK- .... . . a .1. I i , ers turn their laces torn son - "ouwKdicative of mental rising sun,land just iiqw 'lit. Arthur SSnSmentiTtnjm. When the read takes the place of that luminary in the ing wag finished Scoville proceeded political sky. They'll worship him, of with the examination of the prisoner, course, and sing his praises and follow &Zgg3t him devbtedlhne there isn prospect SSS&BSSm d times of profiting by it ttnder the magic in- aIusing sketch .bf .: Incidents in his ca- fluence of gain ,.the Garneid men oi yesterday are the Arthur ; men of today, and- is to them all and every thing ' that a , patriot v arid a statesman ought to; be. The cohesive power that we hear so much about comes in; here and keeps the party together, to hold what they haye and seek new con quests. The fact is the Stalwarts are acttvo and shade 800 600 ..600 .600 DBAWING of JANUARY Ur 1881. no xrn t;aa. sua Canal SiL New ' -- " T , . " mw nnn York. . , ? ioaw .Tames LMu Philin Itlaaa. !. at- fJa-ar rtrlnartfl. Ta. Mrs, Charles Baquie, 234 Canal ; st, New Orleans. La, f .... John J Schultz, 592 DeKalb av. Brooklyn, JS Mrs J G Wilson, 170W 126th st, 3few Yorltv.. -..... v "DRAWING of FEBRTJABY , 1881. Isaac Kern, 101 st jouis st, jn e w Orleans,,.. ft. r1aafta J W John Shasr.'Alleffheny aty, Pa., 10X the advertisement tof the conanany I . - a-Z. T Bf rW-TV I 11 J LA. - M L' " ' Frank A. Lieej ew prjeaoB, fa., jyw i anotner pan a yayv t. - - - an T7tm kk ar twAwrnn or a MAvtori wwv t r W insiO W V iaut w xwuii9w Boston, Massv.... ........... 2,600 Tawo vxrinrf te av I r wwa- -ylW4 " ro . r AAA I Orleans, Tuesday, December 13. ; 11,279 5.000 prizes amounting to $522 Wlndudmg r i onevtpiuu irnzooi oiiwAw,uu yai O00 Prize of eejjbop; one Grabd i Prize of I ftonoA. atl TTcketa. ten dollars 10)j 1SK5l flr dollar.' Fifths two dollars ($2) ; Tenths, one dollar (81.) writeiior circulars or euu nuuicoa .y JOF80Wft HC 7i T. BLACKWELL & CO. Kuomnn f ongiBai ad Only SalM XKACC MARK. TOBACCO Our claim for merit Is based V pon tno ract that a chemical I analysis proves that, tho tobacco gwn in our sociiou is better i adapted to make aGOODJPCRE, i satislactory smoke than ANY i OTHKR tobacco rnovrM- in tha woHa i iud beius sjRavd bi ! the HEART of tlxhi fine tetMnoa i t oiroa. Too pnliUo ap- EFO(J&to thiiSI bfiuoo ,ni fialr-v. EXCEED tho prodvetrt of all' two toaains MiiUiuluct-ni'ied com bined. JBSjMW $ nul4 t?.r :': Uan th trademark of the Jjv'd. Mar 22 IT fie Associated Railways :rtir YIRGINU and e CAMLjH . . L -tTTir . it ra, Mmwunhar and De- SSTf 17ToAl757TaAr:uary 73 February iR2fLa4l8.a71A: middles amec ana nrm: ionS 1MI HWW; urn aw vs tIZzr tiZ.l1Z oer nuMrea torn oigner mm mwro "w. iUtgTJirfiU-Oi .Norember $11.42: De blr tlL2UASll.45j J&nuary S1L67B- fll.70v FrleghftlJwrpflrnj. G Andry, ew prjeana,, 2f600 J J Cronto, J Boston coppfirar MSiffmons, todgaycom- N Sickles, ssegar, t tv. 90 Sudbury J snBos'p.Masa, 1.000 C0TT0H. reer. Most or tnese ; racis nave ueen already brought out in the - testimony 4.. vAn tTa - hf ttArl rlp.nonnced the Oneida community and reproached his ftwfnr hnTinfr. aa he said, driven him into this vile and fanatical asaocia- j tion, saying he was only kept there by fear Of eternal damnation if he left the community. Speaking of his father he said he was a terrible crank, which he AnlainAd aa meanincr a badly insane k 0?fQMA iirffl rnro-1 man. fie gave a rather ludicrous de- 4" w"w v L"-TT-t-r7TrV Motion 0 hi- admission to the bar i pose, to retain commana, wnicn mey i 1,v,,a ..h-- mftlia ftf fnTrino- hnsi- will do very effectually by a judicious I nftaa, havine . made two thousand Galtbtoh Strong; middling llllminJd'nJ! : good ordinary 1015: net reeeipw ijooi. dollars by his first years practice. Jlben he said, upon leaving Chicago s.oma aA ' inTr." TJpt was incarcerated to the tombs in New York for a board ing debt, and he said it was me unnap-. niAnfc exnerience of his life. He thought will hare t& followers, of' coarse, but tawoaldOTfrMy there. not W hnothlng'to give bat promfaes to 'fSJPW those who go with him stoto any fight again. He here detailed his scnenie for ha rnkrht hA-idisnoafldfo make." and' hnvinffthe Inter Ocean and explained 7. a. . , 1 T 1 distribution of patronage. They may array "some antagonism, but it will be an antagonism that will be powerless to defeat !the Stalwarts, whehave the td vantage ail On their side. Mr. uiaine be might be disposed to make, and promises don't amonnt.to mucn when weighed with the solid realities of offi ces tangible andspoiles assured. . . Z ; concluding lines of. the extract " irte quote to .the-programme kv?ew to cap- the feature of the plan, saying he had triven valuable ideas which had been; taVan arli.rttaf7A of bvthe nrfisent Tiro- prietjors of thai iper, f He gave an ac count -of his 'lecturing experience, ana of the ill reception of the lectnre by the people generally, but insisted that his uww 3?a'-?"'v?" 7 I book'had-.ioreyer settled the question vuie wjtwuu ouuiuwu Bubcs uj mo vf- v3t.thejecona coming oi unnsu jEiaier chase jbf democrats to lead In the inde- teeing or bis -eicperience while beating Wdent toovemenbiald to be on foot hte way to the,BastjBgato:aad of sever- Pt rme;.eto be tak& filgKBSSS'SS !shape and fromv present indications it bft ai tired juad the uonrt ad journed. will not be loiiftoablyteidite'jtre ?tCtVp;T can tell how the wiiid ib blowing, and ineiin;( dief WaUonal AgricBitarai, jriamaiiaeAvrusf t awn tiomiaerciai New YonlJbveniber.29. TheNa- Ainnal "nnlwiiriHnflnf t.hA rnrAoflnt.a- ily what Is I tives of the agricolturaU manufactur- i 17.1 7 how much of adust itJs going to raise. " We hear - mention rflippoiMhiebHb 'M'Norment'g name AL ',m.miHlLt. M . mmi.m'mJ au UBpiiaub iui puui iw ;aUtAL!lfiae wftfiout regard to the quality lie gross : saies OWI i2,0i-H OOUlWlSt UIBB fiWHU - nent i to nance Nohtoix Quiet; mMdnng lle: not nceipta 5,064; icroas stoat 64.226; exports eoaat wti562; Mtoa 7-- exports to Great Brttain ; to comment . . Baltimok Quiet j middling llc: low mid dling 11: good ordinary 10: J?t receipts---; gross 616: isle : stock 86,924; exports eoastwlse ; spinners ; exports to Ureal Britain 106; to eonUnent . BpsTOH-Firm; mlddttiut 12fee; low mldnint llfie- coed ordinary 10e; net receipts 2,526; now 2,706: saliT--: Kock 820; exports to Sreat Britain 462: toTmnfiO - dUniTlO 16-l6c; good ordjhary lOe: reeelptt poT'eSSriirrto ereitWtain ; to ! continent w. ? FsnvAPDvPau Una; middling l&e; low MMtiitn i i&be: sood ordinarv lOSAc: 'net receipts 867: groas 1.1B0: sales jsni spinners 817: eli 27,031; expona ureat onuuu , w wuumu flATAiniAH-Quiet: middling llc: 'lew mld- cuing tie; gooa onunair luwi um -JS'S.VKr 4,719; gross ; saxes uu; mock iuov. exports coastwue ; w uivm oouuu to Trance i to continent . - - . K-mrm rvirr viva Arsn1. tnM111nff fllAfi: low mldaUngllUtc: rood ordinary lOic; net receipts l0gfOsTll,&97 stales 10,000;stock 267,716; exports to emat Britain : to France ; -to eoastwlse to continent 5,512. y' , MomaQotet; middling ljtoe; low middling lie: good ordinary lOJAc; neT recelrU a.4S8; b1-L: ssJm i JWO; stock 40.966: exports coast 14; Franco- ; to GreatBrttaln. ; MMraa Firm;' middling llto: receipts i.QAH: hinmenta 2.056: sales 2.650: stock 71,280.'' r;-'. Augcbta Quiet; mlddimglle; Jew; wiid aftng I0&4e; good ordinary 10c; recelpu ,1,600; hlpmenu ; sales 1,107. QurJasroH--Ilrm; flUddhnf lle; low nvattiliag imet ' ood ordinary ip3c.;net nlDU4,&4r gross j salee 2,OW?;rtock 11834; exBOrts aoutwlAe : to Great BrSeto i.e7afto mSSm i5to t irnuv r to channel.- -y . . KzwToBX-Cotton steady-ales 1.120: middling oplaods 12c; mlddllDg Orleans 12c; eon soUdated net reeelpu 83,698; exports toGreat Britain 8.748; to France ; to eonUnent t-y LrntBHxnv--Moon--ymetr miaaung upmnuo. DBAWING of MARCH 8.188L ridi a KnmMn. 047 4th sL.Cam- den, N,J,.....w. ............. 15.000 t lr xmrann A orrienltnral Den L . Baleigh,N, u;.r .fM,.: 15,000 Miss Maggie McCrann, 210 ast - unth t. TTew York city. 8.009 W J Haw, 231 S. Front st, Phila WOO tj A buvey, u. xw A. xw xk omcc, Chicago,... .......... 2,800 DRAWING of APRIL 12, 1881. Charles Sailer, Mt Holly, N. J-. 15,000 PaM Avtcrln.nalifornia Bank Ifmtu1 San 'Frartftiscn. OaL... 15.000 Jas Gaudin, S. Braintreei, Maas. 6.000 Mrs Catharine s xayior, ouui- i van. mcu. ...f.f-f r ?! o,wu Joseph! teeiipoinjK.F. 2M) James M.MCiwen, w wuuu bu, Pittsburgh, Pa, . . zJu AUr navmr 1991 R 5x1 Rt PhllSL 200 Johng Haring, VYashington,La? 1,250 DRAWING Of MAY 18. 188L ; Geo P Deshon, 4 jupv st iws- tOD, WaSS.,, mcMfj-j".";:: -, w asnington, u, u, mi 15J0OO 15,000 5,000 2,500 2,500 country was called to order at 10.30 a. m. in Cooner Institute bv CoL D. T. Houston, chairman of tha lxejcntive committee.; ... , n - 'tTAnOrahlA flAhrcA ft Trlna'.,'nArn missioner of agriculture, was elected m .... I ' temporary cnairman. i- TjnHnff vm rMivei1 tvith annlanaA and after thankinir the i delflffates for t.hA hnnnr nnnf flrrwl nn him. raviAwed ,t - w ' I agicoiturai lnausbries ox.uie counuy ( Wnirfl'l another nroOf tthat . nartieS aSl anf nunmmAnrlr1 KawrtAn In thAAAn. wen as uepuwics "are ungrateiui. of it Mr a -a ar Norment Is entitled to the recognition of the powers that be, for he has cer tainly given his party zealous service and 'carted about as .much djrt for i as f.Any of the rank and , file. Others who nave laoorea . less - nave reapea ine specuiaUon and export 2,000; t receipts 6 950; AmirfBJin 2.oa' uplands low middling clause; l n ',..0 Irh firm, ! which h been in' Ihe habit of buying dry goods to the extent ' '"of O00'a rihohth "to England, now " - bnyVbut f 10,000 worth.' The Irish are ' taking Parnell'a advice, and are turning their attention to home manufactures. The ''Irish Land League" match is the vention, so that the greatest good might come to the greatest number. , Newspaper Conaolidaulon v New Orleans, Nov. 29. The Piea yune publishes areport that the Times and Democrat will be consolidated about December 1st. It is ascertained that the owners of the Ximes have exe- nnt-jvl an aorrAAmAnfc of raIa t n an a or Ant mnrMuntinv t.hA anAlrtr bnatnona men favorite fire-producer among, the Irish of this city for the sum Of $50,000 castv -'.at-.. 7?f-flt!rA.( ..--.., . I anrl fhat. nrw-in novm'onf ' 'nf t.hA , nriA PeopWaowVfWSi mmim&. - JSSwai; Swnttieiwfii bconU- flrm to Pobun,. :. ; ? dated with the Democrat and the two ' ' a '.. notiu.ur . a iL wperswmbeeontinnMbytiie?ytW , Atlanta JJowtautiont An lmpres- 2)7wcro publishing; company .under fl;l0ii has gatoedigrtrand al?roadsthat the the management .of l, .i A. . Burke, at ' - . . . . . . a. ' M . w - ---- wBoalrioii will be continued beyond the I present managmg ecutor oi itne xjno-1 1 ---- ;Iie!Prjoy vw iiiHun - . NnTMTihor - and Dm, comber : oecemDer ana wnuuarj iv-ow, January and Tebruary ; Ibruaryand March a) 2i-82a8 ll-16dj March and April 6a282d; a525ra2dj June and i. 6 87-82df July' and August 6d. IWtttjis ffer'? ,LW , . i .mnmi.-K tl m. SaJm of ATcericfih cotton R.ROO: nmands low middliBg elaule.' November delivery dj November and DecemGer-- -d; Peeemberand January d: January and Febru ary -d; February and March df "May and June 6 27-82d; April and Maj t XBtares tores closed Ann. ...-. T iKr ' NW.towt-rulures closed ten,' 'Sales 188' 000. v - . . Decemrjer........M......'. i.U4a.yo : I Matthew Gelson, Eagle Offlo, low I L-BroklyB. Yj...... r..?it l) wenzeiie, cow t. ui bw Pbila Pa,. ...... ... .......... A 3 Biff el, 225 Segar av Toledo, Ohio, Freld Schreoder6 Michigan sL, TAiArio. Ohio. .' Wm B Brewe?,timore, Mk,. v J ijLPrgan, xa ew a, via, ... ...... M Tin a IVTVa of JTJHE la! 1881; AlAVaner B McCroskv. Somer- ... . V ; . i . rA AAA . Vllle, a. ennessee, au Tfthn Wall A. P.O. BOX 2410. NeW ' York City,. .;. ...... 'i'.';-..... . 10,000 ' iRalAThotf'Anfer 574 Wi Sthtlf S, . 1 I . " . . f . f AT. --,... A AAA " . Cincinnati, umo, v. uv. ....... omo Wm E McCaffrey,- Monroe st, v ; New York city,.., a. ..w sjooo W 0 Pendieton, 13 Bradley at, : New London, ? t 8L, jjOUisvuie, xky,.. ....., . . avow ! Kentucky stsiQulncy.IlW.-- WW Paid National uanx oi ljaiiasr " PASffENGEB paJ'ABTMgNT,; Eichinond. Va.. Nov ember m, 1881. 1 llerooranda of Arraniromen of "Bound trip 'rates, TioKeu, ttouws oi x-ranBporiBuwt, juiu auu TaJreltor' tfte ormaa qt pkrei of SnriNATIONiL (X)TT0N EXPOSITION AT AfLAJfTA, GA, , .. from the Territory traversed o reached by ,he AcUWttJs ul ud nwuuivuu awa panyiup System. cioHiauu tuier uus uswi iiviu wiwi i Charlotte and Atlanta Alr-Llne Railway, tickets gooa one aay gomg, iour aajn siujiug m, uw viro day returning from Atlanta, wul be sold As fol lows: ; For single person SI 070 For parties often, eaoh,..,, 5 For names ot twenty, eacn, yv or parties of thirty, eaehH.... ........... 6 70 "or parties of fifty, each........ .-v... . . 6 85 Tha Konnd Trio Tickets herein named, when nul oinrytw km nf anoffia Mttitnu4 form vnifi and authorize tha requirement ot identification of aKI- purCIUMeiB, a m ovum wi. m aaunoj mis or uonauctors. . o the end of affording Increased facilities for trf ilttnv tViA Wrnnattinn. ftnntrfipt tickets, adarjted to parties of the size herein named., are likewise OtferM. TheyemDraoeatiiMsiipuiaaousoiHB- tfdta,rwftMtheta4dal oD. U)t'theyre rwvf Jnw traiHmnHjtttnh td Atlanta MllRVhen DPS the specific class they belong to, as per tbe prices arwn. - - - The railroad companies at interest in this trans portation claim the right of 86 hours' noUee for (pSiyulg HCKOts uu iuruuuui housuvimuuu lere i Ho fhro tw thm nrdHnal mrebaMn.-f and 'Ideiltlfr (aetnstTps acporuuiipj. . ClMMi Old Oaken tbe brand of tobacco lOMwn ga the rpHI old Oaken Bucket, - X Tbe iron-bound bucket, Tbe moss-covered bucket, ' - That hung in the w&u. Liberal terajs rnia o mvKA. N. ut Bole Agenu TRUSTEE'S Texas,.;. ..v..'..v.... Samuel & Sharp," 100 Castle at. . nnHLUii. ouoooh. ........... C'A S H SALE. .2,000 i. mm . . 1' -.. M.- tai.l''iaiU tn Wkn t W V-iWf R-MMaatAiiar Phila. i I ri nr. Ttmorn. I win sell for CASH, to the highest UCU.A-JIWAW WVV---w- W . I " " . T.- . . . - n ik. ..a KA xerim,js-u" "' I MOTIONS, oc, now u nis iw I mi JJOUUIUl 3 w o - vA ,. - - mv-- vacuum. ... v., . I irTM5: Ttwk ' iT V 1 ' . '--..i 1 AAA I V.!-mlsY MOtMBlB 24th, 1881. 8t,: Baltimore. Md; , , 1,000 J An4 joi)nim Aivxiove January............ ....... ........... '12 24a25 ADIaIma Aa I f attrv ( t!P f f v 1 1 ; Tr ' ift. n5ik is September,...,... 12J4.55 iTKAMCIAL. i date.flxed,, f or .Its OTipg-the8is :of Decemberl r Tlds is tocorrectas'the ex position will certainly close ton? the day . nantAL puma vnn man tn. attati fchbuld not be misled by sttch rumors. aiowdoti,;xh ov. Arthur Xxchanffe..'................... ...wiv- 4180 Govern mentsfhlgheri a. new o s,. waar and i Four por.eanu, MAT! AT. ...... 7WK aAWMW is maw navi-mHi.p - -vurrencyn..:s'. " aou,oa J - lJAXMMm.m,m. u w . n. I 1. 1 1 1 mr I I IV. People who wish to attend I the murderer of Gold, was hanged short. - - - w i a i m i.i 1 1. .ii.ini t. . . v . vn .v fv.rn ail crowa oipexss were otf tho .outside l-1.17 ..i'.myj -ffandl.lo; 8888501 him.; !..- A.A8fl.flBa Srrxapened weak ana dosed flrmt'- v- jLiabamaAciass A, 2 to 5 f Jt ' tW Baltimort, Md-. , , .., v '.'-; 1,000 1 eenfl 5LoveJoyAnneapoli8,Minnw 1,000 ft.- OrlAana. Lsu. . ii 1 1.000 I sar- x. John Kitte, 138 wainut su, v;inf - -1 cinnatii OX'SK: .V.v 500 j B H Campbell, 41 Biver it, Caxori m hridcrenort Mass.. . . ........ :'. 500 JJBAWINQ of JULY 12, 188L T) H ITaam aw. f allnr vith Warner . . & fiearfes. Vniks4unf.Mlss. .7-15.000 iesse r js v odd, uay as n euv- Chester, Pa... ISrOOO Tnrin "RAn . T TTnnft Rfc.TIticai N. -M Ty; . .17. 3 .... m . . . 10,000 James O'Gorman, 38 NorthDela--;;' ; ,7 ware, ave- Philadelphia, Pa;. . f 500 J,B .Hendrickson, ;New .York" - city., . , ... 1 2,600 B Stoto, S B Pond, UnionSdfltte, f r few Yorkpity,,,;'. ; ' L W all is ipld. Bale wiOjout re- J. A. HeLnre la anthorteed to eouect ana S.ai, nfnink) nnnftntita inar tA thA aanl Brown. Such iwrsomr wltt PmmjmJnud ana nuts ana botw ouaiq v """"""i "CWWV BAMDXL b. stlton, bov29 ids Trustee. Ylaa A n.BTT Class B, B's ...... f .. V,' Ghleago and Northweatem. ........,,'.' ,1-28 wy. xxawauns, - or xenujco, xias 1 1" Tt,Ttr.i flaor JtPnW alafet wisll l.n, Viin tr ,iu v..- wm uwuvi w. wv' McuucouAj,! "jt Ma Biiout on uw way- w vuo scanoia. m . 1 mm A. - .. ... . - I tkM& 1. 1 . . . I .... ... .' ' : uecemDer ., wj consiaer. nine suoiects I u expression- was; gnasuy.xxne i r27LS m -. -jjt,; v : j ni 7? for legislation, the most": Importaht .i Death ;.was instan- K,WaWcaa; rfc - ;bcte2 tha redistricting of Restate. K ' ; t IrAwWSLwgJi ' " ' , 7 ! I PMtmswtereneiraa Jstmea Xayesh i what-.alarming extent over a territory. i JJ&onvtixe. ttov iSc-tmaster TrvnTTT7TTCrTi1 : , ONE NIGHT ONLY! ' . fVAawsawaaaa Friday ipiigDeceiitf 2nd. j, .- f.... j ... .- -H rtsCNe::2l - ! AnnoHhcement ItoortiiaiT. r- S6f AUPtrST0,18al.f t . 'y 'J UL m:m-J. r n-S, ' iVfluo' I ePecUI nta of AmerJca-g Qm& Ao&eAt Brio. y .... ...n, .,.. , - ?,, S4fi asc nnnwwes. ............. . -.- Georgia ........ ...,. j - l.f LakeBhore..v...Z...-........ , ;sl.21 4 CBJlBL0TT'8 OWN f AVOHTTaC 1 . . , Smssmv. TAtiVtnAnA. . lAnro t-n TI- (4snAMl vTom.. rrn nc-y afor a.niAaa - .'T-v.-- .v ''wm.'i .m.. li rkatrtnffrtTiiATi.ilettlasteyen- marck, uaxoi. Pw 1 1 f AVintT lAi ayresultiof the IT .CI rservica I nrnrfra4 ,. . I ft mTmr - AUr"Vr 4 JAr "iaf an thA tj - P Uuntisston i v v""7- - i-aj i' if t C wrj-f:!'.. MWWI anvumwiwi saaaaa aviitwiiwnT. uvi itw 'i ' Supported by the aterllng aotor, , . : ........ V f . J; ; 1 .1 waaan,8t.Lo4Faelfia. 44 ininridsvOTti fca greatly im- WestemTJhlwT.:...;..1 CITY COTTON HABKBT. ' . . BBIII. A. EH I r. ill ' . fTT i TJT lyw. Vnv.lnliMfir..1uu4 The market yesterday closed firm at the follow ing quotations . t s , . j i.F f -f'T mi...:. ,ig '...,........ H ii.; Aiiauuna.... .................. v"" jiif taiiowr"i(cing...., ........ - - v isa.-; Ia-hiH' an. ....... ......... - v j mZ2Lx:' New OniiEAjsaC.lTov.'23.-John Mo- . .. tJ rrUTffi-is-u Tr: 77-1, r;-EW OntEAjsa;.lTov.'23.-John Jac ' ' ' i rrexas end Taciiis BaUway, but .feser- ortoii; ased wTa victim of the Blair WPaYlsotisIa'atcd thi echsae .(llle? explosion, died yesterday 'Chicszo is well suppUed with root VtnTOffieeK I couch syrup, Jhrtce ic DBAWING Felix D Lester, tO ,1V; ftlSVU 1 Bp'togWemeii oUmerici'gqyeat Actress Sh2Pac?Tennr.,...5l5JO ' T. . I ' lien w Kargaoii. aza kjuviij du- i , oro i.Norrlstown. Pa-. in , W WmWShawXaiesldeToMidryr r Mrs1 HS New York city,. $000 ' mm. mm mmr-m. nm Mt n K BW . ; .lim ' T ' K AA Mrs i aiacKJNew x otk wvy,. mv w Chas Burcb, New York city.:... t 2,600 S Delmonte,v 520. Magaztoft.st, 7 r . i V.A'A.U.na.T.I K .r j J-. .f . I.V.Vl Henry Ziemer,rEastNow York,.,, j ' :; - , - - . , x . t N A Frier, through MMP00I km vC lVr"r-.V H 8.!:; PowerM-riainaue Corany.: TrumanBaTetW5TMmontsV; -I ,,'sn,Y -Vf Boston, Mass..W.....-4l250 J ;;rDra?n,W:; ""7rM DRAWING of,SEl?TMBEB 18,1881. T 1 1 E ' F Lft Fl T ERS VJ I FE John Conners, Eng7neerL&N,, - - , 1 tvrLRil 1 Wr x xw xi, riempnis, xenn... xoaaj uuuu . Duveraan, xnoiaa Ark-: .,.,:., i ... i t .. r " MVUVWy V uvviiuvwi as wTjafHan pi its Bpf abt. skoonpaey oa AftnxAttf 01 am a. Removes all traces of Mercury from the system. catwU. or any Wood disease, VTaa Ksiwia. amcbrAai In onv tisam waTtin I.waxy at Rnl w uof MwaviM aaa mv-m -nw mtv ihm- 8prlngs and were finally cured with 8. a 8. ' Memphis, Temesaee. May 12, 1881. WW wnww tiwn la. a. Mt It has given universal aaUafaoaon. Fair minded Euwcuuia uvw reouuuuquu u oa n arbhutv ivnu I. ; ' 8. MAHBIXKLD A. Co. AJenver, uol, auy z, ibsi. Bvarv rjorfihasar snaaxs tn the blithest terms of 8.8.8. L.Mxi8SsrEB. Louisville, Xentooky, May 18, 1881. R a. ft haa riven hnttar aattafiifltlnn than an. medicine I have ever sold, . J. A. FurxsxB. Bichmond, Va, May 11. 1881. Ton can Tatar anrhodv tn nil In regard to the merits of a & & Folk Mrxxaa & Co. TT.w. nam. Vnnam ft A ft tn f AtT tA am a mtaaj Of Syphilis, when properly taken. Dm An UWmtW, Tha ahova atanara ara Mntlemen of hlsfa stand. tag.' ' -. iu''lrColnlTi,Gov.ofa ion io au or rap pa?ues aoquu unuicu. -tderaol thesoticketsmay'ietuFn'lipbn them ' ntthf. irKn-wwiMArf nf tWalf voJIHIM nmvltMA I...IIm n. im.ili a .up. .nn BtamDinief return-ooupons has been established at tha Union Denot in Atlanta, it will be M A M trains open TWtnAt in FhlW mlnntaa rMfiria tha denartnra MoneortnecoBauwnsoiuies maun wut ua diuiMd tn anv rasDaot. invesugation oi tne ai comfort, lodging, and ic for neraonat means oi transit do- tianan Atlanta, anii tha lCrnoaltlaB BTminda. ADthON izea tho assurance that all elements exist contrl boana to a Dieasant ana economical visit. tfor au piQrniaiioa np coniamea ra win auvcr tljatlaeclFtarasSSioraiinied: or totUeBt ;m Agentt of the Atlanta ajwt Charlotte Air-Lm ftaaway. , A. POpB, npv9 General Passenger Agent. ft. r 'anaaiAanW ; f a jf i . .9.-... p i ' SWIriaH 4;i scholil OnfaiMDts i V ' JOST Bl " : ' -l '.Oil C.".i 1' rjts wobx ba tt ra. m. BiskiTi -T3,. Ii - .M i.r, a. y v a g t ff P0BJLpBA3-5?tTeV MJNCH B.iSKXTB, WHISFj i -.t,i. . ruvou. - VA8X3. XASXa,' CAS; . lm At, . . : - (, J This is an entirely nex Parialanuatylo,'oi Oma . J-L . . ! . . mm s 1, jienH, anu ws neyef oeen ooereu m uus oar- 1 1 trot.' art-, nan tt tuuintit nnTa nt )T f '- T. f . i 'noy24' " r.o lDBKiTli(wdlUE, IiAND JSALE TJT Vtrtrje of ft iecree of tlr Btrrertor Comi oi X3 Mtvktenhorcr rvmntT. tn thd eaae of the North 1 wffl expose to sale at the court honso doer In the city of Charlotte, on Monday, December etbl 1881, a M h.iniii Mna nn thai ajunt aid a ett tha. Vnrt). Carolina Railroad, between 7th. And, 8th gtreetsd running wixdwiihn ivawt ta iwv uiu tueuu. in along the whole front of the lots owned by -i3f- Terms Cashi: JSa B.IttWnR-j.v, nov6 OAW 4w SUB. Trs.cb ijip rtAtiVE ccmon fir BOTH 1 iiiM.lAA.XOa vwr --S3 Jjlv .3 ftmra vr"::cs f . mL m . .... tU . W OOK1 1 Fnavfrom nor. Cbao thown at a ' . ' -mm , V.J JWU.-anJUUrUi .. a, labof, lainraa amaraar, riraa Mm. wi... rui aapiuir,. coatamto lot J a Aa) Tad 1 SI.S0 1 , Ataaata. ::, spa.aJorainos v t (voighw If you wish, we wm tat your case, TO BI BAIU wntej l T"y Ayvi w t"T) Htak m r.au41rwilf.rfl And 'mm Af thA 2!HiA htfvitt "MftUAim to the Uiiforcu- W S Jf- IW" -"V-aj WW- ""A W W T" W Wta,0 , MnDraiBn nnll tin a.al1 ,n ,n ahamfar f MUUvaananv nua in, am.ii. mil vuvuiw. who wtU find, on analysis of 100 bottles of a a 9., . . . -1 . , .... . .. Y . .. uno pacucta vt annxin, iuuiuo ruwHiuni. ui ou i- i ......... awt mi omnimp nn tuuienu uuraaTii o w a a. ox iv w,. iiiT-l' - rTopnetors, Auanta, oa Sold brdrugglars everywhere. i?w Prica or lanm or reaular size reduced to 91. to par duwd. ana huu bub autuuis wu u qftMiiH Mid GENERAL FEED DEALERS -AHD- nOMMISS ION MIRCH4NTO pMMI8I01f mbCJnP CHARLOTTE, II. C. ! . W UTE NOW OK BIND: Is 20 Bbk Pear- lip just Rxcxxyxi). 2 CAB LOAD BRAN, -J CAB LOAD COBS and PXA MEAL MIX CD, J CAB L01B WHTT1 WBN, CAB LOAD PATAPSCO FATXST PBOCE33 VLOUB. 2 CAB LOADS TIMOTHY HAT, WILL GLADLY QUOTE PRICES i ,1 ? rT9 BOTH TUB WOLXaiLl and BJSTAJL TBADB. . CT" BespectfuUy soUdOng a save of our pAtronage, wo are respectfully. aovtJ A. J. BX ALL CO. ' . . . ; ..- - luaaata. we continue to act as solicitors mr ratcnts, v;; Trade Marks. CrpyrighUu eta, for the United 8t Canada. Cuba, inKlaodTr&nee, Grmny, etc. bavebad tttirtyflTe ysuraxqporfeBe'ga. Pataabi obtained through us are noticed to nmno AxxmiOAa, 'This largo and sptendwu FdRSALE. .. ..J .V. . -tA ATaluahle city wsidence, wtthta J wwjjj walk ef public square. WjiJJJJ td W. H. BAlLAYor f LATT D, WALKllVi4-tome"-. ..... f.j.. , . t. . w-w fVHwtwi VIA IrlHTBg 1 -:" - t"-3. i .

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