1 V V ' - .3 J . 1 . Stye Sf)artott: OJterrc:d4 LOCAL lATKLU ! ,' " j WEDNESDAY. NOV. 80, 1831. ; 2 I society c:r.CTcr.Y;! . " j KBALUfX LOvas Ma 81T A : l. M.1tM!tf BioeUag erwj aecoad and f oartb lloiutay BlgltWn txiranm horn No. 231.x. r.4 A. H-Ee. alar meeting every lint and third Tuesday nlghST CBABLona Cxupnra No. 89, B. A. lCABccular meettnc ri7 aeoood and tovrUi JfrU&r dUu.,i CEAKuyrrsOoiauuroiBT Ka: 2. K. T.-Bflcalar maeOnc etea first and UUrd Tlnuidajra. . Mule Temple Ball, vTy.f "T, ?T Ueeu eTery TueiMlaj night w Domi Lodsi Ko. 108.-KeeU!ert7 TIiundax Catawba Era XncumcvHT No, 21-Maato Irat and third Tbnraday nicbta tn eaakiaaoiithvr In Aex Nw AamttocaitaH. .. ' 1 LeRoy DMldsoQ-Oo eonalgnment: - r L. B. wriston ft CoHoliday Hooda. T. I Belsle ft Co Nw Qooda. - s- Loulnlana etata Lottery. " i h" - Houae and Lot for aaio at DaTl4aoa Cellege. BUSINESS NOTICES. warranted not to eontaln a alntrla nurtw of mercury or any Injnrloua or ml neral Mtbatanee, bos to oonsiat entirely of medicinal root tad- beiba. which la tba reason eimmona Liter Batalator la aoflectoalrtaoliarnusa. "ThU Bedtdno la acsnawledsad to bava m eaoal aa a liver madlelna. eontalnlnc tboaa Sootn ern roaU and barba wbleb an allwlaa FrorUenoa bat placed In ooontrtea bere ttm dlaeaaea pra all. v.v :mBauimqkb XriaraPAi. Vmfmiwr 1 ulua except that prepared by ; SI f . Tb eolof and loatre of yooth are reatorad to faded or gray hatr by tb w of Farker'a Hatr Balaam, a bannleaa dreaatng blgblr iinhnnixiil tar torfnin.apoTy,?&(? p V ' ' j AS TBOUSAMD8 HO TXSTDTT. jti hu 80 doaa Tbomaa fioberta. Wbolaaala CboperV TtS adelphta, who sayat Boraetrt Coooaino aJkSn all Irritation of tbo aealp, and will nwt t tnawUrr ernoT daodroff and prerant the A)r from faJUnf oat." -. .-ji. avi-jift&'is' ;r.&,i'p'i t;' BUHNirra JtiYORraa kxtbacts. Ta auperAortti of taeae eziraete ta'thelr perT6ot"lmrl ff nd great strength. Tbey r warranted fret from tba polaonona oils and adda wblch enter tbe eompoiRloa of many faetmoas frutt t&Tor; S MANY JfI8XBABLX WOPLX On taemtelr About wttbtaUtag atwmgttt. feellwa ,Uu4 they ara otexdlly sinking Into tbelr gravas when, by italng jirkeia-i utagar Xonlo. ,tuey would find genre commencing with tae erst dose, and Tltallty and atrenatbaarelreoadngbacgto them Bee other column. V p ". . c AN XMTHUSU3T10 tMDO&8X)ifXNT. . -GoTham; k S4 Jiuj i4ts;l8?feir eenU-WboeTar Ton ate.-1 don't know: boit tkank tba Lord an4 feel grateinl t you to know that lntWa world -of aOuberatad aydwnee tbere ii oq pompoond .that proves and does altltad erases to do. and more. - fowf xaars aco 1 bad a slight shock otpwsr, wniea-imBerrea to snob ee any ch≱ anotber dh! ao eluuiea toynrrM mat ibey are sow aa steady agtbey aver were. It used to take both bands to write, but bow my good right hand wjtte.thW.--Now, IX you eoatlnue to manataetnre aa bonest and 1004 an- article aa 1. you win acetnnoiaie an iioiieet fortune, ana poorer the greatest blessing on your felUM-aen that van nf Mtnfermd m mankind. -' . W . " To all who are auflerlng f roaa the errors ad In- l discretion of youth, nervous vjeakneaa. early decay oas of manhood, Ae.,I will send a recipe that will cure you. F&KI of CHABGX. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Bend a aelf-eddreased. envelope to the Bar. JOSEPH INHAN, Station D, fiew lerk Ctty. ' - f mi tj 1- ' THAT POOS BEDBIDDXN. Invalid wife, slarari tnotber. or daughter, can be made the nktore of heaith br a few bottles of Hon Bitten. Will you let them suffer when so easily euredf ' - rite cmx wmmn ceils, sere f AaOumv,' Catarrh, and other dtaaates of the bronchial tabes, no more nseibl artteteeabbe foond than the well known "Brown's Bronchial Troches.' . ,:' - J 'f ' ":: TADXD OB GRAY Hint gridoaHy recovers tta outhfuleolor and; loatre byTtbe oae ot Mffl WW This nowder never varies. . , . ......I. I r nomiSi strenrth and wnoleaomefiaea than th onilnarv kinds, and Im metty IB i edinuAiitinn with the cfrulUtude testf snoS I mlki umerhdsimalB podersSpld onll fana W it0Al BAgpiO wwta uu... HOLIDAY 1! v. r Kftre yon seen m. tlOO of iJanttjul CMnotmafanar. swiuea-a) fmc WehatafaaiaaornaeDA at as ana oda ai.fag :. ib.iba.M Ia this market, t JfA Mi i ... :' -.- i A w I PLUSBAICD ,.,-, .-?o i a .Gents' Ehavnig Casek' LaCcr . tret P aad Odor Case camblned, Eaby's Case. CJren' tc7 Cau a.nt. Tmrwh Plate Q IM rrld -rTZ'TTTV I-..;. -lift tv.r owia kurrors, laituis, "-7 t traets aa4 Toilet Waters, ,EA 6nuhM, tc.,'&C; Ca'J icl tza. ' 7 v"-'r 1 AbbolutelyiPu.! Holiday v uoods if IiAOOTTIO LOOALff. 7An interesting cxarriazs btooo- car at a priratelresidence tLis erariis2 iTnerewere sarena sasll c2ss btote the mayor yesterday pornisj. I , w Awuwt runaway on Tryon Etrest yesterday. It is belieyed nobody -wm hurt. i - -jf-t - ,l" It is learned with pleasure from Dr. Joseph Graham' that the condition of Mr, Peuster If much mprtove(Li ',tr.-The; souadi of - the Auctioneer's voice is no longer heard at Brookflefd's wuction bouse.. -Tfie yelling system has teen abandoned. I Mr. L. P. nabofn ifk w ihf for Raleigh, with two female prisoners sentenced to short terms in tbo pent ienUary for larceny. w -C , ) - , -r,z:. - 7 ' IT'Christmas .goods have begun to ZZSli - t0?1 n the toy horn isialreadT heard in the land. 13?" The shperintendent of the Vao cluse and Graniterille cotton factories was in the city day before yesterday pauu viwieu uia aiea. couon HUii. JLie I expressed great surprise at the perfect appointments, ana satisfactory remits I at this mill. He was extraragant in I nis compliments to its maqagen. tItisobeerred with much pleas- ure that fortune baa smiled upon that worthy citizen and brother, Ber Bur- well Johnston, t The hashenr in "the. I Boost" seems tabetetumlng handsome I dividends, as the reverened gentleman appeared yesterday In a handsome suit of black, set off with a plug haiv spring Style Of 82'JX '.V:n; iMXtf . Another; fuUcourrior the Mayor iuonoay morning, ana hub time they are all white. X. J. wingate was fined eifiO for being -J drank on the street: John McConnell the same forlhe same; Iuther , Mitchiel was .fined &0Q and costs for a d. and (U and, was bound over to the Inferior Court for carrying concealed weapons; H. B. SmalTwaa fined tZ80 ' for loud swearing on the street' '' ' " " ' ,::..:, axaote itlauaiau -- if Ignt before last a jwrty of 100 peo ple from Lexington, and about the same number irom WinStOh-Salem, passed through the city en route to the Atlanta exposition. These are the two largest, parties which have 1 yet gone from "North Carolina. Last night the North Carolina Press Association left this city for; the exposition on a special ear Besides the press gang there was also a party of between 30 and 40 from this city and adjoining country. a rtcac Before a city justice yesterday, Jim Jones and: Leander drier, both colored, were, np fpr atf affray, in which it was proven that Jim had fired two shots from, a pistol at Leander. Ouo of the shots struck a knife in Leanders pants' pocket and flew off baTmlesa, The pow der from the other shot besmirched Leanders datk eomplexlon. Leander COtin his work with a rock. He knock-1 ed Jamel down and came out first best. I The affray originated from a; dianjtfed boundary of landa in the . country. I Bath darkies were bound 'ever to court aawawa BHiieei wuwiifi . i f Ernesto Bossi, the great Italian trage d'ah, who came' so3 near running- the -culchaued" Boftonians daft ir an- "HW V iWTOVtt " the it oi-veceor. uannot our opflr ,hQaie. manager ifiduee; him to omo to uharlauek wnen ne gets as close as Wilmington? There can be little doubt that he would secure a tre mendous house here. He plays "Other lo" in Wilmington, and though bis own lo" in Wilmington, ana tnougn nis own i of xhrovA troubles Tie ordinary rou part is spoken in Italian, he is support-1 tinejiusbeaa was? eon'dncted with dis- eu uj m Birv. v. v?h ftS TOT: Cauuaax Taia Attention was called some days ago to the fact that ifrand. concerts waa4 he 'iT? M tae Atiant4 exposition on the four days gncceeding and inclu ding the 6th of December, and that Str. 1.1-SU AtT : A.waAawAfraay1 . v ra m n tv w iv. at . iwiiiiiiii 111a . jlaai - - - a in this 'aTI JmTr.nt ?-L'-i''-z.(j-AwttTtnnrrrnifdT1nA died Many caiy oy Mcamiw. wi. 1 give away to one of the visitors a 1 magnificient piano. It is now under- stood that the Ume for the concerts and . I tt ffmtnttnna frt1Aff T(T thfl nianO .o an i,Bffafl XZilth 1 Ath. isth I " ETC r,:T.M iXZ'EZ ff.w lXL7t. tt.'awm.ftirm at that time so .di tT-nt :U Viii vk yAAai atirWl iw nHnda of the exDositlon. . w , Sunday hiiht Mr. B.'J. Peiry.'livifiarl on the corner of Sixth Street and the . a J-m t - !, -.! ..uat.MltlA.1 VTOWvrae. w tr n tt nniu III nis uu ruuin. . US itvn, .u- tf t Mtii . . v .t j ifii.1. -.-.a ssge fly open. aM againatwgu vn an open.wiiRwwi a barefooted black burglar escape tnrouga tne wiuuww. w-. sw wr iM tmo hpa tinin e -states -that'this is attempt to burglarize nis .fnM.r.a anmmer. A bursiar ai - soentereaanoutex tcwuouw fi.tf.Mftv nlffht. and stole a mocxinii I A M Xrf VtlnrW anlSlaW i rr?:-rriL OT fr.n v tha trnnbla-fA huntUPin uiet tcjk wbai4?l H'S-HISi ritawhSk AUisonVforlaeafiidianC I on sonthsida jMWWJS graAttoJasiATiirong. on -v rc&tawrja; 'in xtooi: . Alezaiidi,-ln TUckeryaCreenItntherro -in lsoi granttoHenry Polk, on north ' . i OaIV a hat 1 5. 1T5.Q ; ir-r.t- ta if 13. v-a bitsiisfcf thia Cawts, la l?tgrtet i.toCc tcDowtit ca e-ir j . tv-a n rr e tf f on rsa f ?' I notffettohisp I t&V&UfUa'. ' I Virtrldo Side-of Catawpaiin ais 1 r '! , 1 : 1 Tx.:r.ri-vffi Wrzi of catawoa. me -wriryF-fTT T " w t sntl tire March ai.ciT5Jj aai auc'x ca Sept,i . Ttarollowiszua ustcr letters re mainins uncalled for in - the postofflce for the week ending Nor. 21st; 7 21n Bsttia U JLEStla-: Jessie Ander son, O Attains, Alfred Barnes, AB Baker. DrSP Brock. IQss A Brown xnomas lancnara. w u liixnaxn, xxus llattie Eliham.lIiasElTa'n Caldwell, S DaTid3onP,W DeLane, Z DeFor est. Hiss Kolie Frazier.' llrs Ioulsa Paison, Col P Gardner, Martha Jones, Ida Jenkins; PUis Klnz. Jl tD Kran- shai w, lira ME Little, Jis A Jlarka, Jn Munzler, T A . llcDonald, Hattie Nlmms, LA Koroent, Jessie Owens, Laura Palmer, Annie Bassen, Anthony Bobertsorv Jno Beeres.no A Barn- sour, Julia Selkms, J B SraitbMiss Mary Saddler, Emiline Thomas, Mrs Tenia Thomasv Alice White, Miss Bes sie Wallace, Baster Wiseman, J A Win ten, 3 W Weathersby.;Mrs Theresa Wilson, Ra3sell;lVtaon, Mrs Mary Washington." .3 r zi- - When ealUnsj for any of the abore, please say "adTertisea.", .4 - - 1 W.W. Jbstkins, P.M. m an wiiw asavai hh mwwmvg - tThe following' very liberal proposh tion disclosing a perfect scheme to beat the: fiarana lottery, was received by a gentleman - In - this city yesterday through the medium of a lithograph letter much' cut up, as will be seen, in ponctuation, presumably to atoid the law; an headed by a grandiloquent an- nouncemenfr that "that Spanish- doub- loons and government securities are bought and sold." It is hardly, necessv ry to state that the gentleman will for- i ward the 10 immediately. f Dkab 8ra : Wishinir to extend our Business in tout localitv. We make tou the following liberal oner; which at a glance you will find to your interest to accept. ' ;un me receipc or eio, Ten dollars sent to us. We will forward you An assorted Package of Ten- Tickets I All different Kumbers, by which Ar- : rangemenc yon are enabled to draw Ten ! of the Highest Frizes. Andsosaneuin are we that you will be successful. We 1 agree, that Should you not draw at least i $600, or over, we will send you a Pack ! age of five Tickets in theext drawing ; freeof .Cost. If you have not been f or- tunate tnis.metnod will give you a double chance. And at the same time it will redound to your Advantage, and help to increase our already large Busi ness. Answer this promptly in order to give you the best Selection Jot Tick ets. And: when' you send the 810. remit oy isanK Draft or by .Express, ana state to us the above proposition- we have made to you. And the full scheme will be sent, and whether or not we may use Jour name as a reference in case you raw a Prize of $500, and if you will answer au enquiries prom put concern ing the same. Hoping to hear from you soon. . . we uemain. Emobv & Co. TlaeataM M. E. Cvafoswaiew, Through the kindness of Rev. J T Bagwell of the Tryon Street Methdist church, who, it will be heard with great pleasure, has been returned to that church for the coming year, The Observes is enabled to give' the fol lowing notes of the meeting oftUe State conference of the Methodist Epis- cooal church which has lust conclnded its annual sitting at Durham Durham is one of the most active and enterprising towns in the State. But while the people are tinterested in making money, they are not insensible to the demands of religion, or sparing in their hospitality The Methodists there few. an ele gant church which east them about $18jQ0d Daring the conference, the fcospitalHtei Of Durham were both pro- fUseand elegant The busin business ot the conference was hurried, owing to the fact that Bishop Pierce had to preside over the conference at Selma, Alabama, this week . Though improved in health, the bishop could not preach on. aiount patca and with little friction not: withstanding the State ; of financial de pression occasioned by the drought the financial reports showed progress in evv ifilTWFment ttorthe; whole, tne I year has been one of marked progress; in the various departments of church work Quite a number of young minis ters were received on trial During the - w Uotoditovlnrbwn in feeble were reported as naving . Jf neaitn ,abp v r.aw traces of bard$prk; and much endnr-1 . . - .v i I ttUOO ; i . ! The difficulty, or misunderstanding between Bet Messrs Black; and lim andBev PfK.Wood. which at first; seemed a threaten serious results, turn- Ilea out to DO as tne oomiftittw I , . - ' X ' J.4..t-- .1 HMA won nimm muuuuHruuiuuiiu ' diyision questioij ntt w)tb decided dis - favor the oonferenee voting abt even i to annoint a committee to .consider it M 1.' Tf .-.nA A a.A( oH riiA I wu IuriUDU. LUI uio ll-cbuu wuiu, . vlitavi Atii. 1 . . . w" j - wi; wa tvuv v : vj- A ; . . r The f ol,o.wlmi delegates were eieeia . w w "r.Vr"'"" 1 i itl.iu.. in in. m 1 it M'i-i 1 tn naauvAAAo m r". Wils6ii.Dr B Craven. Dr LSBurkhead, iDrHT Hudson, Dr is A ifttea, ana 1 r-v w Biaeit: KTha lavmen elected i arwvu w v-t i m Bobbins. ... - : r- i - 'rns TAi-nsr timuit or uuvut vuiuuu, :r tt.' land Bev J W Wheeler appointed mpm arefined, Ch4sUai, 'en:l,mUes from mimJ' - ' - VOTM ' , . m thMfkM and atatera. or tha fond f other l charehes Ha the conference arapupusn- ed in aiiotter column of thU morning's 1 r 4 a, h been stated Bev mt BajrweU.has boen.' returned id the Ton street church; -IBev J W Wheel- i i-r-. ;i .nMtnfcwi r.&iB 7r at that 'ehuroh were most ti I . n.i - C-T VV ' tlits ft MosQurrois. . 15 hot et f r-or-i en Kats',wlU keep a boos 1 from Hies, mosquMies, raw mm uukm, m w ; . s -i ' -.1 4- -- ' - . . Torpid kUneys, and eo"st?ste4 bowtX fc ere I'l OSIIIT s r rnrrri-r i i - ' .' iidmi wait baacurcl tjaanTi. ? Try tt ana jW9 wtJ adl C" nr to C ruuiuo?. ' aT'laal V-.lW-e .-a iCta rrtUUons of the uiraTM-klVylopla ef thirty years itang'.ng. Try . US adv. TMy Dottier Iluamr Xftraavtyw The- blonde. bill poster yesterday billed the city for the appearance of the ! bldZfavorite Tony Denlers Humpty Dumpty troupe, at the Charlotte opera house, on the night of the 8th of De cember. What it is this season may be judged from the following notice from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch: - Tonr Denier pantomime company closed a highly successful engagement at tun uiTinDia tneatre lass msnt. one of the most successful, in fact, that he has erer played in una city. Tne com pany u a gooa one, ana nas giren en terUdnments full of notelty and at- 1 uacureness.inak wui win xor u goiaen opinions wherever it may appear. The remodeled rerslon of JHumpty Dnmp- tr" ;is a aeciaea improvement on tna 1 old Dantomime by that name, is shorn I of the ancient tricks and contains mnch ! that is entirely new. The specialty ! people are all artists in their lines of ! business, and present an array of novel features that would prove a whole outside of the pantomime. - - -: A m. E GORaTEBfillOaV . . Sixth nya Preees4Iaga - November 29th. 18S1. Conference met at 10 a. m. " Bishop T. H. Lomax opened the con ference by jreading the 63rd chapter of Isiah, and Bev. E. Fletcher conducted the singing and prayer. - The roll was called ana the ionrnai of yesterday was tead and approved. Bev. C Ei Harris offered a resolation of testimonial and respect to Bishop J. W. Hood f or untiring efforts. Ha fol lowed the resolution with an. impres sive speech. It was adopter. . Many minor resolutions were offered and adopted.' These resolutions touch ed upon all the closing duties of the conference.:. ' r---, The special hour arrived fori Breach ing the funerals of Bevs. Samuel Pul ler, Kelly Gray and B. C. Person. The conference then suspended', business. and Elders A. M. Barrett and S. J. Adams officiated in the f urneral servic es as directed by the conference in its previous session. v When these services were , closed, Bishop Hood, assisted bv Elders'. A. P. Moore, B. H. Simmons, T. P. H. Black- mon and J. JJ. small, ordainea W. Smith, of Fayetteyille. to the omce of deacon. Then he proceeded to ordain to the ofhee of Elders, Wvche. Mavfield Slade. Jerrv E. Mc Neil and A. W. Marsh. The sacrament of the Lord's supper was administered to the ministers. Bev. B. 11. Simmons moved that the Star oZion print the minutes of the conference. The motion prevailed. Bev. J. B. Small read the committee's report on education. Bev B H Simmons movea tear; tne report oe adopted, xue motion prevailed. Bev. J. W. Smith read an able essay : subject "A cultivated mind." Bev. C a. Harris moved tnat tne essay be printed in the minutes, if it do not mage tne minutes too large. Bev. K. H. Simmons read a supple ment to his financial report which had been read st an early stage of the con ference. ' The bishop said if desired, he would announce standing committees for the conference in 1882: On education, J. B. Small, F. K. Bird, J. W. Smith, A. W. Marsh, J. McNeil. On temperance-J. A. Tyler. JU D. Blackson, B. C. Collins, R. C. Moore, H. Bicnardson. . ; On Star of Jioa C. R.Bussell. E. L. Campbell, 11. Ii. Simmons. On Church Extension B. H. Sim mons. B. S. Beeves, A. P. Goslin, J. S. uobieyj simon nest. On saDDath School A. . Moore. David Williams, Henry Williams, May- neidsiaae. On Presidina? Elders' Salary T.F. TL Blackman, P. J. Holmes, A. M. Barrett H. V. Harris and G. W. Grange, Then tho Bishop read the appoint ments for tW ooaferenoe,trhichmay be seen by reference to the printed minutes. : The minutes were read and approved. Conference then adjourned to meet in SUtesville on the third Wednesday in November, 1882. -The doxolosrv was sumr and the bene diction pronounced by J. A. Tyler, IK BEaOQUM, Hattie. vounsest daushter of Gen. D. H. Hill, cued of heart paralysis, at the residence of her grandfather, Bev. B. H. Morrison. D. D. in Lincoln county. N. Con the 12th of November, 1881. Her age was twelve years and three montns. Probably never was sundered a tenderer tie than that which bound this lovely $hild to her ' parents and older brothers and sisters. ;The Benja min of the family, ; she seemed sent to irradiate with ' joy the peaceful after noon of the old soldier's life.' and to fill her mothers heart with a fountain tof perpetual gladness. In the first agony of bereavement, they, feel ineiined to cry, like the, Hebrew prophet ls there I anv sorrow like nntd mv sorrowr It w j m r mm. vm w m iravrvi l witt take7 time toT heal 'the; crushing I woimd, and enable them 1 to find that 1 comfort which the rememberance of their darling vwffl 'eventaallT" bring. 'TrtAi s TngafviVlpw wartil n taTsaTI TgTtif1 1 w Art &J 1 aisss aalvaAivi VUa vn vu wvaj wu ai the attractions of thp innocenV laugh ing and loylng little one. ' !' ; , To know that they have this treasure In Heaven, whom ' they will regain when life's Mraev is over, win impart a new and aancuneo; interest im we re mainder of '.their pUgrimage j will quick en their seal la following their Master's 1 footsteps and. enable, them, t6 realize fully David's tolace, We shall go t: awaf vue otto ajsaeaaa aav vvms v - Dear utue uatue loved her won ana was punctual in tha cibservanee of daily child-prare V On one: occasion when Iirinne wlQl hei mother she taidJ as if is ww m, lane nan some nronneuc msient. into me I f utorewiam'maaitldd'n thtiik I shaaJeV a o9 aznuo 10. ute auuuenij ; Jioeiaure i that Jesus wanu to taa,t me to mm WnmihW awet la the trnatinir. 1 !..w.rwT)T- t j -o 1 nnnncKit-.lrttitnff faith M a rhilrf No rt I tfchMncaoflontr years of: nnnardon- led sin; no sxepucar aoupts. orTme I ,ww . vi o w r. ."V. vw for those who are ieft beheld. And onr savior said, "except ye be convert island become aa Uttie children, ye it - j u v i .- i- -. -. i esiiuot cuwn- .wiy tw . aiukuuw : vm. history is ana a t immortality " thousand brothers and sisters, or the fond father loved so aeariy; near her, out we i . in onr tears:' "God knows besti" and the' new beauty and glorified peace which Death -jet upon her A lovely fea- best? TO THAT KKBEATED5 grAJLXX,X. tBVAJlU Bet toakiv "! words, eacAl aMntfllo of TJh-A tM-Miona soma, or' toweled caskets rare. 1 - la memorys viutt are bid rrom taman eight. And ft&4bsTU euont them e'er from rear to year, JTjairtXP5mt ihelf gelat night.'' , ...;... !.-. A.JU.A AH those wn hav given tt a trial wffl not be cures, . aw, nuuscouga ayrun. -HOUSE AND LOT-f t 'U V SAVlDStUt VULtUia, N. U .3, U 1 -O jr.. . . !, t .-.-..... .--. . . V rienee. For pa? cola's call an or ad- aXXOANV-TOitPSON ft CALD- WiXIDavWfflnColle2e.N.a BIcSawltaB Xr t Atlauttav-a fx,eoo , - Flauia) to ! Glyeai Away. To iJW Good Teople 0 Old Meck lenburg, Jkc, &c.z , We are going to raise a little "Rack- quel" in behalf of the Atlanta Exposi tion and the: Musical Girls and Boys of the. "Tar Barrels" and "Palmettos." The Carolinas - "Head of - the Heap T McSmith, the Musical Man of the Caro linas, has' set apart ; four . days for all lovers of music, and. souls hungry for such.v- .: Happy Me, takes a special delight in displaying the Pianos and Organs he sells. - jrjhickering Pianos and Mason & Hamlin Organs (the favorites of: the SouthX by the dozens H flickering Pianos from $400 up to $L600! 43 Ma son & Hamlin Organs, from the Table Organ up to $1,200!. The best perform ers in the Old and New World will be there to "paw the ivory." Everybody will be filled with music! Nothing will: be spared to : feed and feast all of Happy Ma's friends (musically). Free concerts at Braumuller's Music Hall at night Mc will be at the door; and knows all the "Tar Heels" and 'Sand Lappers." December 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th are the days. Special rates on all railroads. Apply to railroad agents for information. Make up your crowd and come along! McSmith will leave Charlotte on a special train. December ISth, and especially requests all visitors on McSmith'sDays to call at the Chick- ering stand, register their names and get their number,' as flickering & Son will give away a $1,000 Piano to the man or woman holding the lucky num ber. . Don't forget December 13, 14, IS, 16! Blew your bugle! Sound your horn! Well all be "Happy" yet! , Dont fail to-be counted in with McSmith's Days. SXXHXBJL. f . Ton are sick: well, there la lust one remedy that will core you beyond poeslbilliy of doubt. If ifs Lirer or Kidney trouble, consumptloa, dyspepflla. oeDtuty, weirs ueaiu nenewer U yoar l Pragglata. " Depot, J. H. ate Aden, Chart oue, ti. u. trtt&ciz&. UNPBECKD1NTED ATTB ACTION t OVKtt HALF A MILLION PISTBIBUTU) Louisiana State Lottery Company . Incorporated In 1888 for 2R years by the Legb labin lte XdueathMtal and Ch&rtt&ble numm with a capital otS1.000.000-towhleh a reserve rnna ox S65u,UOO has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made a part of the present Bute Constitution adopted December 2d. L D. 187a naoxtAKO sufttL NUMBER Drawings will take place monthly. seaiee or postpone. Look at the xoUow ng dJatrlboflon: GRIND PBOUXNIDX OONCEHT, daring which wUl take piece the 13sHti Onusd nsauily -AHDTHB- KXTEAOBDIN4BY 8 IMI-ANNUAL DBA WING . At New Orleans, Tuesday. December 18th, 1881, Under the Dersonal annervlaloa and buua. ment of Gen. Q. T. BKAUBSOA&D, of Ixulalana. and Qeik JDBAL a. XABLT, ot VklnJaV capital pre?jc, $100,000. . Koncx. Tleketa am Ten Ttnllm mh Halves, 86. FirthA Si Tenths. 81. U3T Of FRIZX8: 1 Capital Was of 81 00.000 tlOO.000 1 raad Prite ot 60.000 RO.noo 1 erand Prlxe ot 2 Large Prizes of 4 Large Prizes of 20 Prizes of 60 Prises of 100 Prizes of 200 Prizes of flOOPrlzea of 20,000 80,000 10.000.., 10.000 10.000 6.00a. 1,000.... BOO...... )$0CV 800 I0O....... 20.00O 25,000 80.000 40.000 6O.0OO 10,000 Prize of 10 100,000 APFBOXnWTION PBEZX& 100 Apriromaaon Prtaea of 8200.... 820,000 100 Appsoxjina Prizes of 100..., 10,000 iWAwnaiawNnrnaiai Aftw... 7,6UO 1 1.279 Prizes, amormtmg to w... 852200 Appllcatloo for rates to dobs ahonld only be made to the office of the company in New Orleans. wme hk circulars or aena oraera to M. A. DAUPHIN Kant Mam. Trriana or M. A. DAUPHIN, at - . . No. 212 Broadway. Now York. Z : ROTICxTOTHXPUBUa The TtnbHe are berehv antWwwui tMtnrfumi. tag any money, or orders to NUNXS ft CO., 88 Nassau street. New York Cltr, as authorized by the wuuuiou . cwmo AioHerr uompany vo aeit Us tickets. They are Sodding the country with BO3US CTBCULABS parportlng to boot the iS'TSSAlSSS Jj0tter'- Company, and are VBAUDULXNTLT mnreaentlna' Oiemaalvea aa tta agents. They have no authority from tble com pany to aearu tickets, and are not Its agents lor anyparpose, i r- - ii. E A. DAUPHIN, . Pre Louisiana State Lottery Co. New Orleans, La., July 4. 1881. nor6 . . . ,, .... SStb. POinJIJia MONTHLY DHAWINO OT THP r laVr mmm v si ; la the Ctty of IxnavlUe. en WEDNESDAY.NO VEMBER Stx. 1881. Tbese drawtmrs oeonr monthly (Saadars exeept ed)enoe provisions of an Actot taeQeaeml Aa nimniy or annwysji TheUntted Btatea Cbeott Cotsc. on Marah 81. ranoerea we louowing oecuHona ' laj-That the Coramonwealth pai& u lega. ' " 241 ta drawings are bus. The Company haa now on band 4 bats fond. Bead the Hat of prizes for to ' . JWYitmrHat uujk wawi 1 PrnnVi i ,.... w....... . ..,...., 1 Prize,,... ..Mrt . . ...... ... ... 830,000 10,000 ' 6,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 12.000 ' 1 ST1ZO,,., ........ io Prusj,eoe : 20 Pvasea. 500 et IdO Priaea, 10Q each,.... razes. Prize. Prizea. 10acb.....i 10.00A -40fl 9 PAtaaApproxuiuUloaP Prla,5Q " " " u:-.-Vm ntaea, iuv aw lJ)eO Prix.... 81 12vt00 Whole nekata. 88: Half Tleketa, 81; 87 Tleketa. , Sou; bo Tuxece, aioo. Remk Money or Bank Draft In Letter, or send br Sxpreaa. DON'T 8XNP BY RXQISTSBJED LXTTKB OB POSTOrnCB OBDXB. - Orders of 86 and apward, by Xxpreas , can b sent at oar ex- Hnae.1 anwauozaenio, . JL BOABDMAN. Conriar-Joanal LoutsvlUe,Kor 800 Broadway New York. TURKEYS, GEESE, NEW.ORLEANS MOLASSES, : aUU AUo?AA ' S. M. HOWELL'S.. Bor2a vj - V- V T f i ' Chew on rthe brand of tobacco known as The Old oaken TOY ok( Oaken Bncket,' J -"4 . The Iron-bound bockat. fir ' The moss covered backet. That hoM in the wen, r C3 AS. K JONX3. Charlotte, N. C, BoleAgeat! V3 Liberal tenns to dealers. -1 , OUR LARGE STOCK GREAT SACRIFICES VJE OFFER AT ACQ CELCVJ COST. alarraaanrhaeiil toaeeteandMWorjldadv to ea!t aft one and -: buy CtoK Wmtar fiooda before the beat are llenXBoys aidj(Mlren's Bdy-ciis Qijj Irtrlnrrinf 0VX2COAT8 for ka ages. Dont pay . WJSJX. we one em teat R O D D I GKL cSc c o., TRYON STREET. - WS ABJC BXLUKG OUB STOd VZBT We have no space to enumerate pnoas, a trial win eenvtece the ttoaeat bnyers. left of those tamoas - -BLACK CASHMERES.- Vraak Lealte ParjerPatterasgfren away, eenu wttt of Qoeda. Truly yours. HQ TXBMSt CASH, tor srTiiAoiijraiiT aWLirapt ILonisiaoa' State ILoery, DECEMBER 13, 1881- " ?S 1; CAPITAL PRIZE; i - $100,000. (SYS ADVXBTISXMXNT IN THIS PAPXB.) " t 1 -:L:- 1 SEVENTY-FIVE BUNCHES IS ea Se ISST AIO.JUST BECEIV15D A LABQEJ.OT OP :o: B0YT8 COLOGNX, 4711 SYBMAN COMGITYCJ VXt HAttBBTJBHXS, i.,. . rfoat sHieaiiasi oy COOPER'S buchu GROUND SAGE, Ground FINE TOILETTE SETSS-2?&SS: The largest and nicest aaaortmeat ever brought to this Biarket . m. . WiLSOa ft &0E WILL. TURKISH BATH TOmWsBa UVrtT? A T TMT? Uitkiate) oiu nydraMi n I UlkilLiri AV va'u to eonsnmpuoa, and all -Wilson " &ukVyb11U 0 RAPIDLY SELLING soUL, We eSereairKxainaiy batzanai to v- prods when yoQ eta bey rjoainoaf ay envaiy us. H. MORRIS & BROS. BAPCDLY. mSCCTSIS9 13 OfttSS .4 OnTf atow a STflMhade given to every ehM whobaysAre DDI OK & G Oe -:D:- 3fiT aa. CI :o:- j ' . ri TTNY YEZrca SOAPS, wuaoa mjanit ttistr; Is a sopertor remedy for all disease ef tn IXiDPXS, .. waajbaui ttuawaAO, Cayene Pepper, Gjotma Bisek Pevper. at WILSOJ ft BUB WILL'S. ',l,1 ..'i's ii. iiiUi Cases. rba Bosea; llaao. tOrronv received by rawxLi. AIPIPILIES. v .. .. . i r'H ' ' awlldl Cydrallne has beeB proven of the highest ' urrarwuy rroaiay 4 t it 1 1 i 4 1 ; 1 8. . - nov80 . 1 - ,5 J '1' ? tVO'i'.'l 1 '--J.- ft - 1 -l f - 5 j i-i V ( V ' .m.vbiW a. w i ti-s, t s SMti sjia a

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