local ; iprrixuuc'rc THUBSP4Y,Dai,188K tOClETY OJSSCTCnT;. nLurUnMM NuT,'a. r. nujhnf meeting every second and fourth afondarnlgutt, SxcxLHoa Lax No. 281, a; r. M.-Baa alar meatlnc miy flnt aiMl UOitf ToMdar nigbtfc CKiBbom Gbarbb Na89.IL A.M. Begular meeting every second and lonnh JTrklar ""tU. CKABLorn OqulUtsast Nor 2. IV T.Baguiar meeting every first and third Tbiiredaya. ' . .. ... .tr., tbv. tar - r Ki1 03 a?.--' ' ;.' - Kbishts o PTTHua. Regular aieetlng nights' lint and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock rTfa. atMa sonic Temple BaaTTTr?! yT????'"?? '.XLt'o0'('a,-4-i ....- CHAKLOtn Lmxw No. 88,-Meets overy Moo day night. -. irTU' ,",' '!? "4 fj.tr:rf.. HlOSLnBtTM nat1f.tlTMMf ' Lota Ntt ft Mets every Tuesday night., , - - r - Dixn Lomi No,; 108.-MeeU-every Thursday night. t-jtizi-, " Z Catawba Brrra lOAiipiairr Na 2i.---l(eeta irst and third Thursday nights la each month. j Index tm ffew AdYertlsMwiaw : Tr. Benson's 8Un CqreJ " ' V- - Hostetteer's Bitters us&or Davidson Molasses and CHer. - BUSINESS MOTICCS A Beva TevaMercaaat. . Having passed several sleepless nights, distort ed by the agonies and cries of a Buttering child, and becoming convinced that Mrs. WhuWa Soothing Syrup was Just the article needed, pro cured a supply for the child. Oa reaching boa and acquainting his wite with what he had done, she refused to have It administered to the child,, as she was strongly to favor of Homoeopathy, That night the child passed to suffering, and the parent without sleep, fietuming borne the day following, the father found thebebystm worsej and while contemplating another sleepless nigh, the mother stepped from the room to attend" to some domestic duties, and left the father with the child.' Daring her absence he administered a por tion of the Soothing Syrup to the baby, and said nothing. That night all bands slept well, and the little fellow awoke in the morning bright and Imp py. The mother was delighted with the sodden and wonderful change, and although at Ant efflendV ed at the deception practiced upon her, Jms. con tinued to use the 8yrup3nd suffering crying babies and restless nights have -disappeared. single trial of the Syrup never; yetr failed to reUeve the, baby, and overcome the prejadiees of the- mother; Sold by all Druggists. 25 centra bottle. "I have used the Lleblg Go's Arnleated Extract of Witch Hazel la cases requiring that valuable remedy, and have had every reason to be satisfied with its purity and efficacy." ', ? I i-;.;WM, H. SOLCOMBE, M. 9j t m.': ftewOHeaus, La? Cures tTlesBhiaumaOsui. Painful 1 onthlles arid Female Weaknesses, Salt Rheum, Pimples, and other eruptions. Bold 4n. fifty cents and dollar sizes, g-Ji f, - . -,. ; i emit. LtxBXQ 0'a:o6cABxxr TONIC has received the highest medals at Principal ex positions, and is endsed and prescribed by the medical faculty hewandabroad, a the standard tonic.' 'j .'.-"' v t.T . Hi It rmbJdles the nutritive elements of the mus cular flbre, blood, bone aid brain of carefully selected healthy - bullockv combined with the' powerful tonic virtues of Coca, or Sacred Life plant of the Incayaad a eholee quality of Sherrr wine. B ware of worthless Imitations under ours ana similar names." It is Invaluable to dyspepsia, biliousness, etc - 11 1 - - '--, Silaea Cfesages ef the WWOttt sftta, Caase Pulmonary,. Bronchial and Asthmatic troubles. "Brown's BronchialTroches Dl aflay. IrrttaUon which Induces coughing, oftentimes giving imme diate relief. IMUfXHT MEN. It may be observed that no attempt Is made to hunt up out of the way or unknown place to And names to endorse Simmons Liver Beguiatorr: Hon. Alexander H. Stephens. John W. Beck with. Bishop of Georgia, Gen. John B. Gordon, U. 8. Senator, Hon. John -GUI Shorter, ex-Governor of Ala., Bev. David Wills D. fiv, president Oglethorpe College, ' i y i i , i . ; y Bishop Pierce, of Georgia. ' -1 Judge James yacksoQ, Supreme Court, Gs And did space wd time permit we could fill a vol ume with the highest testimonials. Thousands of ladies have found sudden relief from all their woes br the use of Lldla K. Pink- nam's Vegetable Compound, the great remedy for diseases peculiar to females Bead to Mrs. Lydla x. Plnkbam. 233 western Avenue Lynn, for pamphlets. That great DermoteloglsV Or, C. W. Benson, oj Baitlmore.hai pirepahfavQrJte pMsptton fa general use and now any jerson, however poor, can get the benent of his best treatment for skin disease. It oonslsts t both external and Internal treatment. - PRXMATTJBX LOS3 07 THX HUB ' -' May be entirely prevented by the use of BDB NKTrs COCOAINX. No ether compouad pos stsaes the peculiar properttas wh o omcUi suit the varlqus conditions, of ths huma hajr, I softens the hair fchen harsh' an4 4rK' foejlrrto icaltl ' It iUordse ricnest ustre. ' l enU tie rialrlrQm taking Off. Itprqwotcf ttj healthy, Hgorous growth. It la not greasy nor iticky. It leaves no disagreeable odor. It kills dandruff. Burnett's Flavoring Extracts are known as tne best. - - HOW TO GIT 81CX. Xxpese yourself day and night, eat to much without exercise, work toe hard without rest, doe- hch U answered lit these words i Taks Bop .tiers. ; i . i cabd. i iiU:lh To all who are suffering from the errors and to dUcreUon ot youth, nervous weakness, early decay oss of manhood, 4c., I will send a recipe that will cure you. FttXS of CXLABUK. tms sneai. was discovered bv a missionary In South A aaiwi aAicMmi anifalone:'uto the' Bar jOSPH t.ftMAM, Bjatfro p.'Kew York cny. qiYKN UP BY DOCTORS. IsttposslQlethst Mr. Godfrey tt no and at WdwUh notalaS bu? Bapbifiersj jsnd wnji n oars ago hu doctors gave aim up and said he must dial" "Wella-dayl That's remarkable! I will go this day and get seme for my poor ueorge i gnow hops are good." THAT POOR KEDBJDDXN, Invalid wife, sister. mother, or daughter, eanbe msde the picture of health by a few bottles of Hop Bitters. Win tou let them suffer when so easily cured? , v 1 TnrH'rrai t with JreAdoanr rec rofattftui tbfinto he use of Par Hair Balsam, an elegant dressing,! admired for 1 purity and rich perfume. MS This powder never varies. A marvel of ponryi stramrth mnA atuiioununu, ..Hon . eeonomlCM than the ordinary kinds, and "eBnot be sold la oompeuOoB with the multUuUe ot lown oort A i b -1:?. :L' wmgui, atom er phosphate powcrs. "hoy Davidson, Sola Agent, Charlotte, C. i t t35T-Tht first day of winter.V Tr:; 7 ' ' t3Tt Still anolher marri Wirl ! ' rj wwwtw xoompson to-morrow i tST The unre of the cltj Douhdstry wW be completed to-dar; m lTbree eases ot drunk and disor der before :h4 mayor leeterday at Cl0 each. u 4 r J v - tST The Hornet Nest Eifleraen are preparing to have a big' entertainment in about a month. T fer T) H. Green, formerly of this city, now of New Vienna, Ohio, is here on a Tisit air Tony Denier will hate a big house on the'nlgbt o? the 8th, ls he al ways has In Charlotte. t:' i:M 1 - -: y IS ; Attention is called, as a matter of form, to the miserable condition of the payement in front of thes granite row. tSTThree drummers passed through here the other dayone jelling pistols, another coffins, and the third tomb stones. logical progression, ; ; - tST Mr. T. H. Haughton, the agent in this city, has receired check for, 9000 from the North Carolina State Life Insurance .Comnany to Day the in surance on the life of W. D. Farker, of Elizabethtown, N.C, ? : ft i: The Galaxy Oub, owing tolne inclemency of the ,weather, did not meet night before last as was intended. If the weather is f syorable to-night it wlU meet at Mrs. U. JL Osborne's. ' If the weather ia not . faydrable the meet ing win W again postponed to Tuesday ttightnext at Mrs. Osborne's. Mosue The wheat and oats crops of this sec tion are, the farmers report, better than they hare ever been known. They an ticipate that the : results from these UropB will nearly put them even for the short cotton crop, which in this county is now estimated at about a half crop. The prospects for the next spring trade are quite bright ' '.' awVgw " ' i " Death f PronalsMsU CKIsmi. Mr. Jas. Lee Grier, a most substan tial and highly respected citizen of Steel Creek, died Monday night of pneumo nia, in the 60th year of his age. He was buried Tuesday in Steel Creek Presby terian church burying ground, the fune ral services being attended by a large number of mourning friends. Mr. Grier leaves quite a good property and a memory which will be highly cherish ed by all who knew him. Mere AUsutta Pavrtle. Several gentlemen are anxious that another party for Atlanta be gotten up to leave here Monday night next. Far- ties are being gotten up in Raleigh and in Goldsboro to pass through here Mon day night also. The Goldsboro party will probably number 100. The Obser ver will continue to keep a register of names of those desiring to go in parties and it is hoped that by Monday a suf ficient numMririllcomeforw Aateuber Colore rsU. The Observer acknowledges with thanks a complimentary ticket to the first annual fair of the colored people' Carolina Agricultural Society, tpi be held at Wadtth&o on the 90th, 9lst and 22d of December. This, it is said, is, be sides the Colored North Carolina Fair, the only agricultural fair of the color ed people in the South. The Obser ver sincerely wishes it every success ' and feels much pride in this indication of the advanced spirit ot r,f$ neppje of tua jitjfr A TFelcwm Hwcuw. The union springs (AJaoama) jour- Wh HJ9 of the arrival there of a young couple recently married In this city. Miss S. A. Abernathy being the bride: Mb EJ7. Peterson our affable and accommodating telegraphic operator. returned last; week from inemaTar Heel State, accompanied by his beauti ful North Carolina bride. If ha is not cl as a lord of his recent good , slntf W ftawraS a king, ap- tes are very deceptive, inner enial surroundinn and the warm- ear ted friends who wiu gainer anout er here, we hope Mrs. Peterson will nd her Alabama home all her fancy has painted it, and have no anxious longing for the one she has ner. nmrrlasrw Hells. -., :.jr 1 xne roomy ana eiegand mauawu ot Mjr W. J. T8 was crowded last night with ! a brilliant company aaBembled to Wj;.T V. :l m Wwm5 Of w.i .TeM1lpartment to-day submitted his annual ton Falaon,' of Duplin county, to Miss I report to the secretary of the treasury Sallie S. Yates, daughter of the genial host. Though large, the company was mainly composed of the relations of the families of the bride and groom. WiMi 4C- "'"""V rv emony was renaerea more aeiievwy interesting from the fact that tre lore- 7.eWitwV?r;rL tha marriase bavlno heretofore neen postponed on that account. Dr Faison is an accomplished ana nanasomei young physician with a large practice in DavU eonntv. ; . ue nas a wiae circle of warm frtenas in i.nar otte wbo witnessed bid'marjiage with rait Dleasure. The cerewoay was perzormea y itey x a "w -RiAntiti RtrflAt M ethodist Chiirch Of iafAtf, - aHiatui liwRew J T Baffwell. of the Trron Street ; cnurcn ot o-ma a m M 9 i. eltv: IThe following were . the attsnd- antk. who were anracefully grouped in tfiw rear narlor about the onue ana feroohi while thrguests of the evening - . i .. i. 1 - k.. m tv. witnessed tne ceremony iu. kuw- partort48 Tirtlnia Faison, LeRoy SDriniMil8s Bosalie Wilkes. IS J! Hrrip& imynmmn ZmTfcViJFHMPAlMtol i t t xoionn uim 1.11a snnnsa. tv mamZWu Mary Hitt. Brevard M Springs; Miss came uryce, oprtnga Conradr Mbs aura ww, xacury .. . . .Ill .I. In hi city for tnr present " w" gratulations of Tbx. .Obsi&vxr are ex: tender v-- T. ihlli, annffli Ifffll knd fOUM tt .1 7 ZT.aZ-w. p. Uarke. las niiMi leva t . , Kk oTtii Walnut street, 1 Wladelptia IHat?! color to tmy hair, remove daudrufC, and euros itching ef toe soan f ...y -g.. Totosrrsipkls Noiwa : A force of hands is now at work near Shelby engaged in overhauling the Car olina Central telegraph wires of the Western Union Company. ' The force will work this way and it . is expected to thoroughly , pair the line all the way to Wilmington. The wires will in a great many ., places: be strung anew on the new: poles erected by the Ameri can Union Company before the consoli dation. -- r -- Charlotte Is also to be made the dis tributing point for messages to Ashe ville and. points on the Western. North Carolina Railroad, so that the delay oc casioned by the relays at Salisbury will hereafter be avoided, " " A Polleeasuui aU lbs) DwpeX i l Day, before yesterday afternoon a drunken white man raised a big cuss ing racket; at the passenger depot of the associated roads. He took his stand near the States ville train, on board which were several ladies, and fairly exhausted the blackguard's vocabulary. He raised one or two fights and was knocked down once or twice but did not subside until two policemen, who had been sent for, came and took him into custody. The officers of the rail road complain bitterly that a police man is hardly ever seen at the depot at the time of the arrival of and departure of trains; and that one is badly needed there is proved by such occurrences as the above. It is hoped that the chief-of-police will attend to this matter and have an officer at the depot when the trains come and go. All other towns of our size have them at the depots. SaMTlavsrw SJcwawwa The following marriage licenses were issued by the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county during the month of November: WHITE. James W Austin, Nancy Good rum. W S McCall, Mary J. Dulin. A B Lemmond, S S Ray. A A Nathan, Jeannette Schloss. A B Young, C W Goode. J B Flowers, Fannie Black. John McDowell, Emma Neely. S A Williams, Julia C Squires. E N Peterson, Sarah A Abernathy. RH Jordan, Mattie H Dillard. J 0 Summerville, V W Williamson. C J Todd, M C Hayes. A H Freeman, Nannie Dixon. H M Dixon, Jane Morrison. DD Led well, M J McGinn. J N Hunter, L M Nelson. I W Faison, Sallie S Yates. BLACK. Larkin Sadler, Rachel Woodward. Charles Adams, Jane Walker. Andy Barnes, Sarah Bobbins. G G Ford, Martha Boyd. Wm Smith, Jane Price. William Jones, Jane Ross. Louis Mahe"w, Jane Westley. Thompson Neel, Mary Beatty. Andy Miller, Amanda Wilson. Aleck McClerkin, Bella Parks. Isaac Dixon, Emma McKnight John Peoples, Amanda Harty. S W Thomas, Alice Houston. Godfrey Crawford,' Mary J Dav John Williams, Creacv Wstton, Anderson Bvww, Ida Ross. Baraou Herndon, Nellie McLaughlin Julius Bunton, Laura Houston. Robert Crawford, Ellen Houston. Prime Davis, Emily Elms. Elijah White, Charlotte Whitley. Org-autlsmilwjs of m Lodge of sqte of Bomor. To the Idttor of The Observer; A subordinate, ledge of Knights of Honor was instituted at this Dlace last etching, being the 29th of November, nnmuenng seventeen mejftDers uy w. . Williams, D.O.D.witb the follow ing officers: P. D. II. K. Keld. D. D. C. Anderson. V. D.Sam'L B. Cunningham. A.D. John W.Griir. C. Oswald Alexander. G.-H. J.Norris. R. -John H. Collins, F,R, John A. YounU. Trjeasurer-. Fiflher. Guard B. F. Withers. Sentinel W.C. Good. M. E. Thos B. Meacham. E. J. A Ardrey. Three applicants were rejected by the State medical examiner. Qu.r pros peet for a large membership is good. 11. uouxns. PjT. y Nov. 80th. Befort of CosBsolaaiomev Rsn IflBts la Besjmr to BeduoUon WAfiHiNflTON. Nov. 20. Commission er Raum of the internal revenue de- I W AUkUIU UL WC 1UU31UB1 IOIEUUD for the fiscal year ended June 30. 1881 Tha ranort ahoWS that the receipts Of internal revenue in rouna numuers iur the fiscal year 1879 were $113,500,000, for insa. a 124.000.000 and for 1881. 8135.. 000,000. The receipts for the first iour mnntha nf th nraaent fiscal vear have -uSm and irtis increase should be maintained durinir the re- OOO.OOa - SespecUna- a reducUon of tho internal revenue taxes. Mr itaum says: "The lafora increase in the receipts-of tne ffoverntnem ana we grew reuue- tion in the principal and interest ot tne public debt are causing discussion as to the propriety of reducing the Income of tha covernment hv lowerintr some of the taxes and dropping others alto On the anbleet of the enforcement of the laws, the commissioner reports: In collection districts where frauds ip the I mAnnfaGtnre and sale of spirits and to- mrm dhb uetsii xixe nuco tnuwuvs to authority has prevailed, there has been a manifest improvement in public sentiment. He says that while there ha va been 859 Illicit oisuiienes seisea and lJiio illicit distillers arrested dur ing the past sixteen months, illicit dis- 1 inir uie uasb suiwa uiuuvua. tillbgbsA by the Active operaUons of paitlve vears, been reduced to a minimum, and the illicit manufacture aifidlSei fiSSSSl amount of collections from tor the vear was 84285401 1 wrnien is anonc b.vuuu.uuu more iuau uiq receipts from the same source last yeaK The Indllferenoe 1 with which so many people re eraaoougaor ild la tnilr unnardonable. These lead to eonsomDtion. and should in Urns by the use of Or. Bull's cough I .JWin '.;L'8nHiBJt Ton are sick; won, there is Just one remedy that WUl eUZW VU WTWUH pwn wmu u . liver or Kidney trouble, consumption, djspeps&u debUlty, Well's BaatthBewer. 1 wt hope, ' l. Drucflirt. C?p0,V 1 was the remr arul thus keen myself and family In good health, th, When I am well I always feel good naturoo.? othoreoiBMaB Mfiow do youMauagesald aTady to her friend, Wpear ff happy ah the ttmeff' HI always Wi atntmr Tonic handr." was the reniv. ' Lost time is forever lost. Absence front school Is often caused by a cough, eold or hoarseness, and ean easily be prevented by giving Dr. Bull's cough sjrop to the children. Price 25c. 4 Mr. a Xrah, 59 Grifflth street, fort Wayne, IxmL. wrttes the foDowing: I was safierlng with rheu nuUlrasobadlythatlwas unable to work, and passed nstless nights m vam endeavor to sleep. I used a great many remedies without being re lieved, and was despairing when, told to by, 8L Jacobs 00. By the use of one bottle I was entire ly cured. I recommend 8t Jacobs Oil to all af ffllcted with rheumatism. ' ' " v LABOB SAVDIG. 1.. . The demand of thepeople for an easier method ot preparing Kidney Wort has induced the proprie tors, the well known wholesale druggists, : Wella, Blchardson ft Co.. of Borilngton, vt, to prepare It for sale in liquid lorn as well as in dry form. It saves all the labor of preparing, and as tt Is equally efficient tt Is preferred by many persons. Kidney Wort always and everywhere proves Itself a perfect remedy. Baflalo News. . . Hf HOSTS 07 FAMILIES Hostetter's Stomach Bitters Is as much regarded as a household necessity as sugar or coffee. The reason of this is that rears of experience have proved it to be perfectly reliable in those cases of emergency where a prompt and convenient remej dyls demanded. Constipation, liver complaint, dyspepsia, indigestion and other troubles are over come by It. ror sale by Druggists and Dealers, to whom ap ply for Hostetter's Almanac for 1882. HOW DR. C. W. BBNSON'3 CKLXBY AND CHAMOMILE FILLS Build up the nervous system and positively cure Sick Headache, Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Sleeplessness and Dyspepsia. It has been proved that they successfully ward, ofjt all danger of Paralysis, Apoplexy and. Sudden death. Their effect upon the Nervous System is some thing wonderful, and, there b no wonder that thousands of people avail themselves of such a valuable remedy, while tt may be found, in these days of Nervous Diseases. The simplicity and purity of these pills are at once in their favor, as they do not physio. Paralytics that have net walked for two years have been fully restored by these pills, and thou sands of cases of Nervous Weakness perfectly; cured, whHe the cases of Sick and. Nervous Head ache and Neuralgia that the? nae cured are tar numerable each, yea; and add to their popularity. Too much, oannot be said in their favor, for while Ihey cure these terrible Nervous Diseases, they also improve t he general health, and especially the complexion and skin, and invariably Improve the digestion, Sold bv all draesrisls. Price KO cents a box. De pot, lOa North Kutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mail, two boxes for SI or six boxes for $2.50, to any auareas. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE II Is Warranted to Cure EQIEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH BOALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES sua TENDER ITCHINGSonnsrof fhe body. It nudua the skin 'whlta, soft and smooth; Mmoraa taa and flrefeuaa, and is tha BEST toilet dr fng-jn TEH WOHLD. HegMitly pat up, two botOMln one package, conalntiTig of both internal and external tawatment. AHflntolaMdjraagrUtahavalt. Fripetl.pCpaokiNK CBS. LYDIA E. PINKHiH, OF LYKK, BSS, LYDIA E, PIIMKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cure IWrall IfcMe Painful CmplalM Wcalnasses Bmwtmo tomknl female ppnlatl. 1 It wUI eon entirely the worst form ot Fomalo Com. rVitit. all ovariaa troubles, In flanmatlon and Ulcer tion. Tailing and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakneas, and la particularly adapted to tna Ghana 01 Ule. It will dissolve ud expel tanM from taa. ntavat la aa early stage ot development. The tendeney to can- earant bumorstkere H cbecked very ipeedilj bj Its u. It removes (alntneei, flatnleney, deetroysall craving frrrrtlTpnhr. and relieves weakness otthestomaeh. It cores Bloatingi Headaohos, Kerrous Prostration, Qeacral Dabfllty, SteerJessness, Depreadoa and Indi- vaatloa. That teettag of bearing down, caasing pain, weighs mmA 1m alway parmannT enred byltSUS. It am st ell Wnvw eiMI ulw all drcoaxtanoee act In karmonr with the laws that gorera the female syet inn. Tor th cure of Kidney Complaints ef either sax this Oompoond Is ansui pawed. . LYBIA K. PTjrKHaJPa TZCKTABXJC COX POTJK9U prepared atn and S36 Weetera arenae, Ian, Maaa '; Friee gL, ttzbotttosfortf. Bant by mail lathafona of puis, also lath form of lozenges, oa raoeipt of price, gl per box for either. ICrt. Flnkhara frealraniwersaillettersof Uvrolry. Send for pamph- M. Address aa abore. Umtbm (Me fuptr. X family ahonld be Without LYDIA X. P15AHAITB UVZB PIIXS. They ear eonrtlpatlon, tafcOjrnaia, aad torpidity or tn over, m eenm pea bx mr MA hr all TAmrswrta. -a .L -.OUSE AND LOT- V DAYIDSON COIXKGE, N, 0, f The house is new, wtta ewr conve- i Mnee. Vor paraoularaealion or ad--I dresa&XOAN. THOMPSON df CAU will, Davidson College, N. C. f A -, novSO dlt wtf ' : qS STOMACH St ' TFBXCXDKNTXD ATTBACTIONI UVJEtt itALc A MILLION DISTSIBDTZD Stale Lotteiy Company . rneorporated tn l8e8 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational awd Charitable dutdosim wjacapltal ofSl 000.O0O-to which a rewarvo fund of S660,000 has atnoe been added. Bj an overwhelming popular vote Us franchise JUKSUS1 w POwonws. Look at the foDow- ng distribution: mW GBAND FSOMXN ADI 00NCXBT, during which will take place tho 130tli Grsmd BloaUiIr -akd thb- XXTBAOBDOUBT 8EMI-AKNUAL DBAWINQ . At New Orleans, Tuesday, December 18th, 1881, Under the personal supervision and manage ment of Gen. G. T. BEAUfiKGARD, ot IJana. and Gen. JOBAL A. XABLY, of Virginia CAPITAL PRIZE, $100,000. tW Kane, Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, 85. Fifths, 82. Tenths, 8L LIST OF PRIZES: 1 Capital Prize of 81 00,000. 8100,000 60.000 1 Grand Prize of 50.000 1 Grand Prize of 2 Large Prizes of 4 Large Prizes of 20 Prizes of 60 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 200 Prizes of 600 Prizes of 10,000 Prizes of 20,000 10,000 6.00a 1,000 600....... 800. 200 100 80,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 25,000 80,000 40,000 60,000 100,000 10 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes of S200.... 820,000 100 ApproxlmaHon Prizes of 100.... 10 000 100 Approximation Prizes of 75.... 7,500 1 1,279 Prizes, amounting to. 152200 . wen. u. r. beaubegard, of La, 1 Gen. JUBAL A. XABLY, of Va. Commlss'erS. AppUcadonfov rates to clubs should only be made to the office or the company in New Orleans. Write for circulars or send orders to M. A. DAUPHIN or M. A. DAUPHIN, at Orleans, Locdaiana, No. 212 Broadway, New York. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. The public are hereby cautioned against send ing any money or orders to NUNESA CO., 88 Nassau street, New York City, as authorizedbr the Louisiana State Lottery Company to sell its tickets. They are flooding the ooontrr with BOGUS CptCTJLAHa purporting U) bfofthe Louisiana State Lottery Company, and are FRAUDULENTLY representing ttemseCs asU agente. They have no authority from this com pany to sell Its tickets, and are not Its agents for any purpose. TD M. A. DAUPHIN, . Pres't Louisiana State Lottery Co. New Orleans. La., July 4, 1881. nov6 SSth POPTJLAJB MONTHLY DBA WINS) OF THE In the City of Louisville, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 80. 1881. These drawings oecnr monthly (Sundays except ed) under prarlalons of an Act of the General As sembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court on March 81, rendered the following decisions: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com' panyislegaL 2d Its drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Bead the list of prizes for the NOVEMBER DBA WING. 1 Prize, 830,000 1 Prize 10,000 1 Prize SjOOO 10 Prizes, 81 ,000 eaafc, 10,000 20 Prizes, fedOeach, ...... 10,000 100 Prises, 100 each,.. X.. 10,000 200 Ptlzes, SO each, X, 10,000 600 Prizes. 20 each. 12.000 1000 Prizes. 10 each. 10.000 9 Prizes, S300 each, Approximation Prizes S2.70C 9 Prizes, 200 " ... 1 80tl 9 Prizes, 100 " " " 900 1,960 Prizes, .....8112.460 Whole Tickets. 82; Half Tickets, 81; 27 Tickets, ou; 00 licaeis, 9iuu. Remit Money or Bank Draft in Lettei. or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICX ORDER. Orders of 85 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Aoaress an oruem to R. M. BOARDMAN, CourleisJoumal Bundlna Louisville, KyM or 809 Broadway, New York. novi St. Nicholas for 1881. 5,000 Fob Xhglahd, 100.000 Fob Akebioa ST. NICHOLAS, the ehaxming magazine for boys and girls, edited by Mrs. Mary Manes Dodee. has Increased so much In size and number of pages duaing the past year that the publishers have been obliged to issue , the yearly volume fa two rvs, msieaa 01 one as ueretoiore, as mjns cujcu Jon. they report a gain of 10.000 In the averaee monthly editions of 1880 over 1879. The an nouncements for the coming year Include a capital serial story for boys, full or excitrng adventures, "In Nature's Wonderland," or, Adventures In the American Tropica; Stories of Art and Artists, by Mrs. Clara Ersklne Clement, a faithful outline of the history of European Art, with many illustra tions; "Phaeton Borers," a delightful and humor 1 oua serial by Rossiter Johnson; "Mystery in a Mansion," a six months' serial; The Treasure Box of Literature, directing and encouraging young people in the best reading; The Agasslz As sociation, fully explained In the November num ber: "Two English Queens." by Mrs. Ollnhant: "The Land of Nod," a children's operetta, with, music, iuii 01 cnarmmg laoieaux ana enecxs a. series or Deanoiuiiy uiusiratea rsauaus ior, xoqpg Folks, beginning with the Christmas number; A, Snecial Budget of Fairy Stories by Frank- &. Stock tonthe first of which is In the November num ber: An Indian Story by "Brieht Xxea." the Ponea Indian maiden ; a splendid holiday story. "A Christ mas with the Man in the Moon," by Washington Gladden. Open-air Papers, stories ol sports, and games, will be continued, with all the popular de partments. Subscriptions beginning with the November Is sue will Include "the wonderful Christmas num ber," of whioh the edition will be 6,000 In Eng 1 land and 100.000 in America. The price of this number, to be issued about November 80th, will be 80 cents. Secular price S3 a year; 25 cents a number, for sale, and subscriptions received, by all dealers, or the publishers, Scrlbner z Co. 743 Broadway New York. non27 f Perry & Cos Pens Peaasent for trial by mall on receipt of Scents. HaieAareBiBa ' - Ivison. Blakeman. Taylor & Cev, Naw XV. Bmay20 d2tawklyr t of tobacco known at The. Old Oaken Backet. THB old Oaken Bucket, The iron bound bucket. : The moss-eoverad bucket, Shat hung in the well. CHA9. B. JONES. Charlotte, K Cfc8ole Agent Jfineiai wnns.w aeaiers. Chew only the brand of tobacco, known as The Old Oaken Bncket. m;-;:.;; - i old Oaken Bucket," , JL The iron-bound bucket, : The moss-covered backet, - r r . That hung in the welL CHAB. B. JONX3. . " Charlotte. N. CL, Sole Agent 17-UDemtenu to dealers, TP r 5 Eiisijcrry I j - . aTSJ ,;.aTi av-v ffwrr ai - j aj ; , a afa- v'v-Trf-'r-v uauiiuiuuiu uiiijijui ls.' nm? T ADm? orvnmr GREAT SACRIFICES VE OFFER AT RHD DELOVJ COST. We sail bawl a bufftelr Goods before the best are Men's, Boys and Cuildren's fody-uk CbCiirj Inoi rifting 0YZEC0AT8 for an aces. Don't nay moots when rou ean C08T. Remember we dose out oet27 EODDICK&CO, TRYON STREET. ?- WK ABJC BILLING OUB STOCK YXBY &APISLY. KimtHlNft 18 OflSSP X 5S? O O 5? We have no space to enumerate prices, a trialwta eenvmce the doeeat buyera. a faw patterns left of those famoms BLACK CASHMERE S. v -.KfUS68' pJr Patt"!" given away, a Buashade given to every ehnd whebwystrw eents worth of Goods. Truly yours. TXBMSi CASH. MOTT'S ALL ---50 BARRELS-- li IN WHOLE AND ILBlEiDy IE)sivMspD Atwood's HOYTS' COLOGNE, 4711 GERMAN COLOGNE. just ueeeivea oy wuisun a ouawui -AfTY?T'C TJTTXTTT Is a superior remedy tor all diseases of the YLADDKB. KjVJUr Hilt O X U LH U Sold only by - - WILSON BUBWILU GROUND SAGE, Qround'CwettePepper' T?TTMT? THTT "ITT'T'T? GsTHTG Jewelry Cases, Puff Boxes. Band Mirrors. r 111 Hi 1 JLjLjrj 1 1 Hi DUi 1 Odor Cases, in all styles and at allprtces. The largest and nicest assortment ever brought to this market. WILSON t BUS WILL. TURKISH BATH TOWELS, ITVnT) A T T 1MT? (HT DBA TED OIL). Hydrallne has been proven of the highest XX X XXVxxXjXIi X2i, value In eoasumptton, and all wasting diseases, invariably produs- lug immediate increase in walgbx. Jreih supply at . , Wilson & Sale of Valuable Land. BY Ylrtae of a decree of the 8upertor Court, I will sell at the court bouse In Charlotte, oa Monday, the 2nd day of January, L882, those two tracts of land in Mallard Creek township, which were ownea dt tne sues tzruwam uenuersen. The home ulace eontains about 44S aerea. with a dwefilng house, grist aittl aaav other improve maaavaai jpias the lands of B.B. Cochrane, Jno. li. unater, wuuam, tuaca ana otners. The other tract contains about 123 acres and Joins Dr. T. C. Neat, MarUa Alexander. W. V. Alexander and others. Valuable gold ese said to be found on this phw --r--- - Each tract will be devlded into lots to sutt pur chasers, aral a plat of the land ean be seen at the atom at Alexander Harris. In Charlotte; - - .- Fbibmu dealrins to buv land In this eownbr. con venient to market and in a good neighborhood, will and this a good opportunity to purchase. Terms: One-tenth cash, balance en 13 months credit, purchaser to give note with approved secur ity, Deanng interest rrom uaie at et?ni per eent T. L. ALEXANDXB, nov28 dlt wtds ; Commissioner. m r a tjttit v ctjt y vtun -. f,jf vy v tosaleetfionaridwwwouMadvtaaenaar to eaB at anea aatf sold. WeoteearaorulnarylMKgalBatA SIQASDXXSSOi bnalneas by January H. MORRIS & BROS. RODDICK & CO. CIDEE, SIZES. HALF BARRELS. Cologne, 1INX NAIL BBU8HXS, JINX TfiEXCH 80AF8, Ground Black Pepper, at . WILSON A BUB WELL'S. " - -; '? if A fine assortment lost received bp WILSON BUBWALL. Burwell's. I turkeys, geese, '.'ml ylH BUCKWHEAT FLOUB. NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES, ' ' " 7 r i an HOKE Y - . it . S. M. HOTvELL'S, nor22 . " 5

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