aif)e oiijariottt QDbzmzt. rfl V.J. .11 1" V !- : III 3f c l v AX V A A SVlSaUMPTlOX RKTKHl . , TBS OBSERVER JOB DXPABTMXST PaHy, one year, post-pail, in advance; i '. i " $8 00 Has beenSthoroutdily nrnfiuedi with ererr rjteede!l na mrwdh Tfiree moftUi want, and with the latest styles of Tme. and everr: 2 00 iivMiner or. joo rnniuig can now Ma9nevZa -neataa9a,dl8pateaandehMr J " ' nlshatthort notlrA- V.V-? f t ' -. BLANKS, BnJrHEADS, , V " " yt month.... 75 f , ' - Weekly (ft the county), in dwv:.. i-.f.t.t .00 to months. .... . .;. -, . ;-. ,;-. : f nfC iJsTTXR-HIADS, CAaDfl,"'-' - - - "t - r " TAGS, BJCCXIFES, IHlSTXSa, PBOGTt imrp, HAinttlLLrL v" y f," - ' . ff- r " -j ' -3 Liberal Reduction jbr Ulutk? :.,.- yol; xxvi. CHARLOTTE, N;" G.EA DECEMBER 2, 1881. NO. 3,965. 4i - rfir iirhnin.1 m ag Nj Ft S ent mi. JUSTRECEIVED! BLACK CASHLIE.aES, EVERYTHING 10 BE SOI D AT BOTTOM PRICES! WE CLAIM TO HAVE THE BEST STOCKED CARPET DEPARTMENT IN WiC&TKBN NORTH CAROLINA. New Stock,, Just Itju '?ri'WV$m. , We are daily receiving our FALL! WINTER STOCK whipb will be more complete than ever before and. comprises the L4PIES', MISSES'. CHILDREN3,' QHT, BQS'.AUp YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS! SHOES 4 SPECIALTY. -- ., - Lower grades all goods in our line In variety and .all prices. Stetson ad LOthciJBfits, APRSTTYL - TRUNKS, VAUES AP SATCHELS ALL SIZES AND BRICK3. Call and see us. : - ,- , PEGIIAM & GO. Pftfl rJJATJ.QFAj- -OF- kisYille,Ky. LOSSKS PAID, 291.608.92 ALL LgSiKS DU? BAT I'AIB. 6UHPLU3 UND.v ...$30.0000 -INV3TEDIN WUM UNITED STATES Louisville City Bonds. 0PFE&3 CHEAP, SAFE AND RELIABLE IN- ' 8PBANCK;;.; f .: praEOTOftai nr. N. (Af DijfAy, dCmirQaal Co.' L. Bam BEBOKt, . . '. . , , ,of BambeTger, Bloom Co. A. o. bbanmih, ..7....,...?of BmnntoGtor. H. W. Bustxb, ... .... General InsoHOJee Agene J as. a. LtKAH... . .. atBeral iMuranee gent Thos. H. BATs,..gupypblinaHr J. . ATHiraoiiJ. v,6ol J AUiejtCo: 1 D. Aim:.: 'J.:?-: " c&. i. tri i '-ft t iU' x - i J U " - S ' V T. BL TAYLOR. RMratarr and Tre&aurW, 5 :: Praf. .M.GALT, Medical DlrectoC . Audltor-Geo. & ALLISON, Cashier 2d Nat B'k. r iiiii v iiii -7i wi ill! FaofMEtc. 1881 Fail I Winter 1881 v ' . . . ' i " .i .i ' noTlO d4wjota win , BY EXPRESS YesterdaY the largest aiid most beautiful assortment - OF NECK WEAR i-ir: iJJ;. ; For ladles, ever seen In Charotte. Also one hundred gross DRESS BUT TONS; great variety of designs very cheap.g We are constantly receiving NEW GOODS, Which will be sold at a small profit Ton should examine our BARGAIN COUNTER, On jvhlch will te found desirable Dress Goods at one-half their value. nov27 T. L. 8S1GLE & CO. medical. !Rievuu(flism Neuralgia, Sprains, . Pain in the .Back and Side. i There Is nothtng more painful than these diseases; but the pain can be removed and the disease cured by use of Perry Davis' Pain Killer, This remedy is not ft cheap Benzine op Petrcjleum product that must he kept away from fire pr heat to avoid danger of explosion, nor is it an untried expert nient that may do more, harm than good. Pain Killer has been In constant use for forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the world Is, It never fails It not only effects a permanent cure, but it relieves paiq almost fcstantaneously. BeUig a purely vegetable remedy, it Is safe in the tanda of the most Inexperienced. The record of cures by the use of Pain Kiixkb -would nil volumes. " The following extracts from letters received show what those who have tried it think; Edgar ady, Qwatonsa, Minn., says : About a yelr since my wife became subject to OTer! suffering ' from ' rheumatism. Our reeort was to the Paim Kji.t.b, which speedily relieved her. Charles Powell -writes from the Sailors' " Home, London:' " x paa peen afflicted tftrea raua wiax Benrateia gent Pwinrof tho Btbmach. Tm doctors Itmuister Hdecit&l irava nt mv tam iii deapsis. ItriedyourAiKKiLKB,anaitgave humediate reUef. I have regained my BtreriKm, and am now able to follow my usual occupation. 6. H. Walworth. Saco, Me. , writes : v ?Terioed Immedlata, relief from pain in JA bJiJS by the Tout Patm Killib. - E.orltiays: - 1 ' ' I have, used your Pixtr Ktll.eb for rheumatism, and have received great benefit. ' Barton Seaman says : " Hap nsed Pain Etxxeb for thirty years, &&aih.toiy to eaaee of rheumatism. PhiL Gilbert, Sorneraet, Pa., writes : 'Tpm actual use, I know your Pain Ktt.t,t:b tehebmedfc4aeJcanE, " AU utoggista keep Pain Ktixer. It3 price U so low that It Is within the reach of all, and it will save many times Its cost in doctors' bills. 25c., SOc. and 81.00 a bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, PropHetors, Prov-idonco, R. f. srrdjtwseptoct INDORSED 8Y PHYtlOIANl, CLIRQYFJEN, AN THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. AND THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Logs of appetite,wpM.bovfli oosWYe, Aram in maaUit'w iiavi murowv .g th6Hgad.yith a ananaaon in ciination to exertion of tody or mjna, IrrttebtUtyor temiMr.ixw apirita. IiW of roaroory. with a feeling of haying peg: looted aome duty, weariaeaa, Plaaineas, PTutteHng of the Heart, Dots before the 'Tea, Yellow Bfcin, Headache. Beatless neaa at night, highly colored urine. LT THESE WARNINGS ABE TKEZZSES, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TU TT'8 FILLS are especially adapted1 to mch eaiei,on doae fTect saeh a change SroiarMrd?and by theirTenle Action on the " diiced.-. Price & cunta. 83 Mnrrmr If.W. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gsat Haib or WHTSKBchan tn K nuiHT if this DTK. It rirr.iT. onT.w uta Tnatantaneouslv. Bold by Druggist, or nt by azprMa on raseipt of f 1. Office, -.35-. Murray St-, New Yorlc Dr. TCTTS MARCAL af T.lullile Infaraattoa umi Ctai I Itowlpto wiU b auiM FKKK o aUcattoa. Feby. 23deodAwl ft nany of the best sm cine cnown ar9 conv. blued In Parker'a Ginger Tonic, into a medicine nf cilrh varM MVBIS. as r.of Unl th AKfrnarth ' (AiOStortr crnr uavu T. !t mlM Shmmatism. . TT M -Sleepleineas, &disettesa ini kTOTn it r n raiwos. Y..- UmvA- TTiltiw- imiisentfely different from1 iHf. I DutertGweer tsences bi,t Sever 4a! ! to rntor (b sever WtoXlCatts. "1SCOX yvwciut wvus tv Ba7 ?b vt ti ' tkc vinyiAH Dratul of to known as Th .- je. x lie iron iwunu uuuaciy .- -w, i . ;,,.,iTh moss-roteied. bucket, .-, l vt?t . Xuat fcrmr i the well. , , . . mm. - . l ..a ft.....!....::'..' .-' vr.' i -U , . CHASt B." JONES, 1uli wV,Ttnartotte,VCMBole Agent -Liberal farms.te dealers. , , , m mm beico I rEHS OF INTEBEST, The United States and Canada have shipped 883,975 barrels of apples to Eng land thiafalLw, . . r - Senator Hampton's daughter, Miss Daisy Hampton, will make her debut in Washington this winter. The Montreal Telegraph company transmits four messages on the same wire at the same time, two operators working at each end. The live stock interests of Texas ag gregate not far from one hundred mil lion dollars invested capital. Dan Rice, the ex-circus clown, said to a reporter: "For nine years, 1 received one thousand a week and was surroun-, ded by flaterers; now I'm too poor 'to get along and haven't one friend in the world." A tool that weighs twelve thousand pounds has just been made at a Wil mington machine shop for an Alliance, Ohio, iron company. It is a huge plan ing machine capable of planing a sheet of iron ten feet wide and twenty-four feet long. . The Shah of Persia fell violently in love with the Princess of Wales during his visit to England some years agOj and about once a year makes a temp ting offer to the Prince for her. His last proposition was to give him two of his best wives, his mother and grand mother in exchange for Alexandra, but Wales still declined. - - In his work on worms, Mr. Darwin points out that Stonehenge ha3 not been brought to its decadence by time alone. The earthworm has undermined it, stone by stone, and the very mono lith lately propped up by Sir E. Antro bus has probably been put out of the perpendicular by the action of th6 worm. . A co-operative society in Philadel phia has six stores open. This repre sents a steady growth from a small be ginning eight years ago. The three groceries and one meat market yield a handsome profit, besides providing goods for the nine hundred and eighty members at a discount from regnlar rates; but the dry eoods and the shoe store have barely paid expenses. On the whole, however, the enterprise is a success. The six healthiest cities in the Uni ted States are said to, be in the order following: Knoxville, New Haven, Portland, San Francisco, Cleveland and Lawrence. The unhealthiest are Char leston, Memphis, Lynn, New York and St. Louis. St. Petersburg is the un healthiest city in the world, and is fol lowed by Malaga, Alexandria, Warsaw, and Buda-Pesth. in ,New York the deaths exceed the births by a thousand a month, or twelve thousand every year. STATE NEWS. Raleigh New$-C&servfr ; It is under stood that the Atlantic Hotel, More head, is to be opened for about a month, beginning Christmas week, for the benefit of sportsmen. In a dozen places in the streets lie dead cats, dead dogs,de chickens, etc. Complaints are daily made to. us in re gard to these n.atters. The cotton gin of Dr. Geo. Gee, about five miles from Weldon, N. C, accident ally caught fire on Monday and, was to tally destroyed, together with a quantity of cotton, The loss is estimated at Sa.uou ; no insurance. Montgomery Star: Samuel Wright, son of Aaron Wright, of Ridge's Creek, died of typhoid feyer on last Wednes day. Deceased was about -25 years of age, and unmarried. This is the second son Mr. Wright has lost within the last two weeks. Lumberton Jtbesonmu : In Wisharts township about three weeks ago, a lit tle cnua or Agrippa Knuiips was oaaiy scalded by turning over a pot of hot coffee, from the ejects xxf wnieh it died last Sunday evening. In Blue Springs township on toe I7tn a little son of Milton Baxter was badly burned and died on last Saturday. Though the burn was serious it is not known what was the immediate cause of his death. The sir aad four, or five bales of cot tori bemnffihz to John MdPhaul of Blue Springs township, wa? burned on the l iin. xne nre was ucciuentai anu n is supposed was caused by a spark, from, the engine. Nginsuranp. Qn Sunday, the 20,tb, a little daughter pt Ann Jpniza:Tyner, Qf Burnt Swamp township, about seven years old, while cooking' suppejr had ter dress tft catch fire and was Durnea so Laaiy inat sue died on Monday morning, . We resrret to learn that on last: Wed nesday the cotton gin of Mr-Lewis Pitjnan.of Buck Swamp township, with eight bales of cotton, was oonsumed by nre. i ne lire is supposea 10 nave origi nated rrom a maton passing tnrougn me gin and igniting. No insurance. Laurinbure Enterprise : Mr. T. B. Brady, who was shot two weeks ago by Mr. D. W. McLaurin. died on Wednes day evening last frOW the wounds re- ceivetL. Wilmiriaton Reriikin : A colored child. ahnnt twn months old. was found last night at the door of the residence pf a colored man ny the name or Moore, re niriincr nn t.hft (idrner of Market and t.h af rfipta.' Thft r.hild was irf a basket and there was found with it $2 in money and a lot or material ior making clothes. Indicteaifor murder, NTww rVRT.-RA-Nrsr T)p.. 1. The errand Ti-ifw vootorHnv Mir.naftl and JiJ a-av-.wv ' " HqitM TTAnnaflQAv fnr t.hft mnrnAr of , . " -V . A 1 MALL. Thomas lievereux, on uctouer aouj. ratriH TTonnAv ha hfipn in nrison JUH ? X 4VAM WWfcwi a-avv gT since the shooting, but Michael Hennes- . a M f J sey, who is sun sunering irom wounua, rrattt. A OA ADA Koil Tr T?. Roaldes certifying that his condition . 1 1 . A. A. L will norr aamit or nis removal to me parish prison. . From Berlin. " Beelin. Dec. 1. In the Micksiaa to. rlav Prince Bismarck replvihg to a question or fror. v irenow tprogressist,; said that in providing for ' a Prussian rp.nresentative at the Vatican h was puidedbv the interest of the State. should the ceneral interest assume prominence the appointment of a Ger man representative there was contem nitAd. Thft time was not obbortune he make a statement in regard to the negotiations. "''';c;Stestmeru-jl!1bref . Vnrw MnwRfiii' TlPft. 1.-The Kfeamer Excelsior.of ihe Washington and Nor folk line, went asnore on xiauipun uar last night in the dense .fog,-where she now lays. The tug Sampson, ox .Balti more, has gone to ner assistance. t TttrtiTAlTD ALTO AJTO iBOH SPBIMGfl WATIB Am) Mass. The tTeat tonle and alterative contains lwioe as mucn iron ana imr per avib mors aium fnum hn unT "ahim and Iron mass" knafnt Just the thine for the "sprrnr weakness" new so general. Hold of au arugguHa vi any Bianaing. fnees reauoea one uu .i.r.- -. majll-tf Patrick Henry rrke, a. prominent citizen of Richmond, Ya, and inventor of the celebratedDixie plow," died in Richmond Tuesday. Mrs. Matilda Raymond, an aged lady, who was mercilesily assaulted at her home in Woodburn, Mass., several days ago, died Monday from her injuries. The formal opening of the ninth con vention of the National Butter, Cheese and Egg Association took place at Ce par Rsrpids, Iowa, Tuesday. Twenty two States were represented. ' An affray occurred in the Nashville (Tenn.) penitentiary Tuesday, between two convicts named McDaniels and Lambert, in which the latter beat the former to death. . Mrs. Garfield has sent to Queen Vic toria, through the State Department, a photograph of Gen. Garfield. A meeting of the stockholders of the Pacific Bank to receive the report of the bank examiners is in session in Boston. It is known that one item shows the Pacific to be indebted to oth er banks $1,600,000, and there is due other banks $150,000. Burglars broke into the postoffice at Sunbury, Pa on Monday night, and blew open the safe. Some person at tracted by the noise; fired into -.the of fice, and the robbers fled. They secured only four registered letters, dropping $250 worth or postage stamps in . their flight. Insurance Commissioner Foster, be ieving that the State Capital - Mutual Life Insurance Company, doing the lar gest Dusiness in Harrisburfr, Pa., has not conducted its work in accordance with its charter, has ordered a thorough examination of the company's books. Some developments are expected. Danford. thelowner of the banks at- Hunnewell and Caldwell, Kansas, which recently suspended, and Smith. his cashier, were arrested Tuesdayj and were afterwards taken from toe officers by a mob of the citizens of Caldwell, who at the List advices were holding them for tho purpose of making them "disgorge." It is believed that they are in imminent peril of being lynched. The proposed consolidation of all the grain elevators of St. Louis into one company, which was" to have taken place last month, has been postponed until spTing, in consequence of the in ability of Jay Gould to complete his elevator in time. Work on this build ing is progressing, and it will be com pleted early in the spring, when the consolidation will be made. An agreement has been signed bv more than half of the loaning banks of the Clearieg-House Association, to go into effect on the st of December, set ting iorth that the custom oi loans bv Boston national banks of any excess of their reserve is full of danger, as it fa cilitates banks to do business upon fic titious oasis, ihey agree, therefore, to end no money at the clearing house, but to make such loans and render such assistance as may seem proper upon ap plication at the respective banking rooms only. Over one hundred suits have been be gun against railroad companies in Con necticut Dy a lawyer who alleges thev have failed to provide for the comfort of passengers as required by law. Another ex-clerk of the Philadelphia Tax Receiver makes' confession of fraud. The Prince of Wales, as Grand Mas ter of the English Freemasons, will moye a resolution of condolence with the widow and family of the late Presi dent Garfield. A debt of S22.000.000 hangs over the District of Columbia, which the United States at large are asked to pay to re lieve the District government. Mr. Phillips, an arrested suspect, in Ireland, says that incriminating papers were stolen trom him when he had fal len in a fit in the streets. An Express Messenger Disappear and Keturns. Cario, III., Dec. 1. G. TX Herring, Southern Express Messenger of the 1 . i - iv;i' j j Jrvm, mountain Axaurpau, uisappeareu rom his train yesterday with some money packages. He subsequently re turned to Cario voluntarily and refund ed the entire araiou.nt he was 'accused of app?P.T?'iaHng. Start d for Atlanta ViCKSEtrRtt. Miss.. Dec. l.Col. F. E. Morehead. president, and a number of prominent members of the executive committee of the Cotton Planters' As sociation, leave for Atlanta to-day to complete arrangements for the rWep- Uon and accommodation of the mem bers, No Power to Make Certain Removals. Augusta, Me , Dec. 1 The Supreme Judicial Court of Maine has unani mously decided that' Gov. Plaisted has no power to make certain removals without the consent of the council. Completed to Cedar mil Galveston, Dec 1. A special to the JSews trom Dallas savs the traek of the Chicago, Texas and Mexican Railroad was completed to Cedar Hill yesterday. . o A Down Town Merchant TTnvtno nnsprf RAvnral RlnnrJeas nlehts. disturb ed bv the azonies and erlss oi a 'suffering child, and becoming convinced that Mrs. Winstow's Southing SjyWp was Just the article needed, toro cared a supply for the child. On reaching borne and acquainting his wife with what he had done, she reiusea 10 nave iuunmuiierea to me cnua, as she was strongly in iavor oi Homceonatny. That nisht the child passed In suffering, and the narents without sieeD. Returning home the day following, the father found the baby stUl worsen ana wnue contemplating tmuiuer sieepiess mgnt, the mother steDDed from the room to attend to some domestic duties, and left the. father with the child. Purine her absence he administered a por tion of the Soothing Syrup to the baby, and said nothing. That night all hands slent well, and the little fellow awoke in the morning bright and hap py. The mother was delighted with the sudden and wonderful change, and although at first offend. ed at the deception practiced upon her, has con tlnued to use the Syrup,and suffering crying babies and restless nignw nave cusappearea, . a single trial of the Simp never yet failed to relieve the paby, and overcome the prejudices of the mother. Sold Uruggista. ooum a uouie. LIKBIG CD'S COCA BEEF TONIC hag received the highest medals at Principal Ex positions, and is endorsed and prescribed by the medical faculty here and abroad, as the standard tonic-- it embjdles the nutritive elements of the mus cnlar fibre, blood, bone and brain of carefully selected healthy bullocks, combined' with the powerful tonic virtues oi coca, or saerea use, nlant of the Incas. and a choice Quality of Sherry wine. Beware Qf worthless imitations under ours and similar ivis invaluable u dyspepsia, Thousands of ladles have found sudden relief from sll their woes by the use of Lydia E. Pink barn's Vegetable Compound, the great remedy for diseases peculiar to females Bend to Mrs. Lydia K Pinkhamj 238 western Avenue Linn, jiass., ior pampnieus. . , Chew only the brani of tobacco known arTb,n, Al J Anlrnm On SkL-.- THE old Oaken Bucket, .; v Tb,e tron-bound bucket, --i . The moscheovered bucket, -- That hung in the weU. .. Hharlottn. ti. 1: flnta AjmnL Liberal lenns to aeaiera. r "I have used the Iiebh? Co's Aminated- "Extra of Witch Hazel In eases requiring that valuable remedy, and have had ever reason to be satisfied with its purity and efficacy. - WJn. U. JIUuUUJIUJJI, XL. Uj New Orleans, La. Cures Plies. Rheumatism. Painful Monthlies and Female Weaknesses, Salt Rheum, Pimples, and outer eruptions, ttoia m nicy cents ana aouar sizes. Safldea Changes of the Weather often Cause Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic troubles. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" will allay Irritation which Induces coughing, oftentimes giving imme diate relief. EMINENT MEN. It mar be observed that no attatmtt la maIn tn hunt uo out of the war or unknown Dlaces to and names to endorse Simmons Liver Regulatorr: Hon. Alexander H. Stephens. John W. Beckwlth, Bishop of Georgia, Gen. John B. Gordon, U. 8. Senator, Hon. John Gill Shorter, ex-Govemor of Ala., Rev. David Wills. P. P.. tTrftalrinnt ftolathnrnA College, ' ' ' " Bishop Fierce, of Georgia. .Judge James Jackson, Supreme Court, Ga., And did space and time permit we could fill a vol ume with the highest testimonials. That great Dermotologist, Dr. C. W. Benson, of Baltimore, has prepared his favorite prescription for general use and now any person, however'poor, can get the benefit of his best treatment for skin disease. It consists of both external and Internal treatment. RUM TTTTR V VnTl .rfl Btair" UTAH thflM la 1net Mi. .v " w.w, mi wuwv .a jua. Vila UIIM will cure you beyond possibility of doubt, if it's Liver or Kidney trouble, consumption, dyspepsia, Druggists. Depot. J. H. McAden, Charlotte, N. C. "HOW dO TOU Manaee." said a ladv tn her frianf to aDoear so haDDv all tha timv" "i nimn have Parker's Ginger Tonic handy," was the reply, auu uius imp injseti auu iamuy m gooa neaitn When I am weU I always feel good natured." See other column. "Screw the flnsrer as tlsht as von nan. that's rheumatism; one turn more, tuat's gout," is a familiar descrlntlon of these two diseases. Though each may and does attack different parts of the system, the cause Is believed to be a poisonous acid In the blooo. '-Purify this by the use of TARRANT'S SELTZER APERIENT It will do the work speedily and thoroughly. It I the great friend Of th sufferpr (mm rhnnmn.. tlsm and gout. eoia Dy an druggists. Jun5 d&weod&no IN HOSTS OF FAMILIE3 Hostetter's tomach Bitters Is as much regarded as a household necessity as sugar or coffee. The reason of this is that years of experience have proved it to be perfectly reliable In those cases of emergency where a prompt ana convenient remej dyls demanded. Constipation. l!,vei complaint, dyspepsia, indigestion and other troubles are over come by It. iror sale by Druggists and Dealers, to whom ap ply for Hoste tier's Almanac for 1 882. 30 DAYS TRIAL AVOWED. WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, Electro-Voltaic Appliances suffering from lSrvm Weaknesses, Gen eral Debility, las.-- of im force or vigor, orany disease resultiuii from Abuses and Othkt. Causes, a? t siy one afflicted with Rheuma tfeta, Neuralgia, Pnr:ily-is, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, and othi-r Piseases of the Vital Organs. Also women troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. Speedy relief nnd complete restoration to health guaranteed. TUese are tlie only Electric Appliances that have ever been constructed upon scientific prin ciples. Their thorough efficacy has been prac tically proven with the most wonderful success, nixl tlioy have the highest endorsement n from medical and soten. tific men, and from hundred who have been quickly and radically cured b their use, geo.d at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, givim $J1 iniormaUon free. Address, . VOLTAIC BELT CP., XarihalL BTich. July 81 THE GENUINE has acquired a repu tation greater than any medicine extant as the CHEAPEST, PUREST and best family medicine in the world. Tt. atta with A-rtravMiTiATT nower and efficacy on th T,1vr r.hA lAiwst nrtmn of the body, called. ira its -importance, ine n. uor uiuur laTth. Wrmn the. Liver Is torold, the bowels are sluggish and constipated; the food lies In the. sto mach indigested and noisonine the blood. Fre quent headaches, a feeling of lassitude, despon dency, and nervousness, indicate how the whole system is deranged, to nreveni a more serious mTMlttlnn. at nnie Takft 8TMM0SS LIVEJt filiUUliATUi5. The test of time and the experience of thous ands have proven It the best, safest and speediest remedy for all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen. Asaremeuy in JlALAJiiUUftAvrJiAWiL , Dyspepsia, Mental Depression, Sick Headache Jaundice. CoMe, Constipation and Biliousness, We-coaW fill a good-elzed volume wi h such like distinarulshed testimonials asthe followlne: - I have used Simmons Liver Regulator for con Bti nation of mv bowels, caused br a temnorarv de rangement of the liver, for the last three or four years, and always when used according to the dl- morlnna with rtenlrlAri hflneflt. - Xate Chief Justice of Georgia. I occasionally use, when my condition requires it, Dr. Slmmpni Liver Regulator.with good effect "yr. 7 ALEX. fa. STKPHENS. , THE BALTIMORE EPISCOPAL METHODIST gays: "Simmons Liver Regulator is acknowleged to have no equal as m liver medicine, containing those Southern roots and herbs which an all wise Providence has placed in countries where liver diseases prevail.'1 - . ' , - - .- Hi n - - Buy only the- Genuine In White Wrapper, with red prepared only ny j. tu zeinn 4; vo . - sep3- - ' 1 -' fel H STOMACH - f& w Goods. -:n: WE ARE DAILY ..... OF THIS FALL'S PURCHASE, , COMPRISING ALL THE NEW NOVELTIES IN E DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SATINS, &C. A new Un'wLKma JACKETS, TJL8TEBS" DOLMANS CLOAKTNGS, BEPILLANTS and DRESS FL ANNBIJ3. Our stock of PA8SAMJNTBXJt3, BUGLX ORNAMMnxsTT , FRINGES and DRESS TRIMMINGS are notsurpassed bjany, ' ' .' KrT.We have the largest line of SILK VEKVSTS and VELVETEENS in 'the market Big drives in some lines of Dress Goods. All Wool Mamie Cloths in BR colors; 48 Inch 50c,?24 mch Give us a call and save money. Orders promptly filled. fio TO -TBULT, HARGRAVES & WILHEUVI. i SMITH BtTILDING. TBADEST. Our Fall ant Complete Stools. OUR PREPARATIONS TRAI?E BEINGJ NOW ENTIRELY COMPLETE, WE cordially Invite our friends and the public generally to an Inspection of the attractions display ed, confidently asserting that they will be found In every respect up to the standard. In submit ting this we would call special attention to the styles of our own design and manufacture, which we con stantly keep on hand during the entire season. We are Justified In asserting that the long experience and standing of our House, Is a full guarantee that our Clothing Is the most reliable. The garments of our own manufacture are, strictly first-class. We are constantly and carefully studying the de mands of our patrons, and Invariably Insuring them absolute bottom prices. Our object has always been to bring about a display every season of a full line of garments of the newest styles. The work manship ef our Clothing Is equal to any of the best in the country. We don't say that our produc tions are superior to all others; we are reasonable and never exaggerate; we tell every customer the truth, allowing no one In our employ to do otherwise, or in any instance to misrepresent goods In order to accomplish a sale. Our endeavor is to please, and to give to each customer the value of every dollar he leaves with us. Our line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Is complete In all branches. NICK wis au a sixiuiAiiTx. very Kespecuuuy, L. BERWANOER & BRO., Leading Clothiers and Tailors. oct9 A. iL GASTON. DEALER IN es, Tinware & House Furnishing Goods. MANTELS and GRATES WHOLESALE and RETAIL. St Particular attention paid to ROOFING AND SPOUTING. None but first-class hands employed. Call for the BARLEY SHEAF STOVE. octaa Chew only the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket THE old Oaken Bucket, The iron-bound bucket, The moss-covered bucket, That hung in the well. CHAS. R. JONES, Charlotte. N. C, Sole Agent, Liberal terms to dealers. s TARTLIWG DISCOVERY! LOST. MANHOOD RESTORED. 4i Twir VAiwwia'IVhfHrv. Twrfe Manhood, etc.. baring tried in vain every known remedy, has ditv COYCreO a Simple Bell cuxv wiuuuuv wm rcui ojuhi to hit feUow-miffereM,' address J, li UEEYES, 43 Chatham St,t Y. . f sep!3 - TRUSTEE'S TVT Vlrtne of a deed tar trust made to m by B 1 H. Brown, I will sell for CASH, to the highest bidder, at public auction, au or tne stock oi vux GOODS. 6ROCSRIBS, FARMERS ' 8DPPLUS, NOTIONS, 4ei now in his store, Trade street, Charlotte, N. C, on , . ; . . , , - - DECEMBER 24th, 1881, - And continue until 11 la sold. Sale without re- t , serve.. . WW J. A McLure is authorized to collect and receipt for all notes and accounts due to -the said Brown Such parsons will please come forward and setue and save costs in my aDsenoe, who. - Mr, MeLure.. . . . y ,-. euruiii h, HaXton1, - ootgft td - r ., Xrustee. : Stoves Heaters Ran - :w: - RECEIVING OUR ' ',, ... . , . ;.',' FOR THIS SEASON'S Druggist by Exanmation. W. P. MABVTK, AGT. J. W. lfDOWELL. Goto w. p. nmm,-Ag'tY&co. and Successor to F. Scarr & Co. FOB Fresh Drugs and Pure Medicines None bat the Very Best Drugs do I keep In my stock. Also, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Perfumeries, Combs Brushes, Tooth Brushes, &&, 4. GARDEN SEEDS of all the best varieties, and warranted to be good. Physicians' prescriptions are given spec ial attention. Hoping to receive a share of public patronage, I am, respectfully, f ebS W. P. MARY Di, Agt , ft CO. JpOR the purpose of engaging more extensively and exclusively In the line of MILLINERY GOODS the coming year, wholesale and re tail, we now offer all other lines of Goods now in our stock at very low prices to close out The stock is large, new and well assorted, consisting of full lines of WHITS GOODS, LACES, EMBROID ERIES, all kinds of TRIMMINGS, PLAIN and FANCY HOSIERIES, GLOVES, NOTIONS, NECK WEAR, CORSETS, SKIRTS,' Cloaks, Shawls, Net Goods, LADIES' and CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, DRESS TRIMMING, BUTTONS, TABLE LINEN, TOWELS, DOILIES, NAPKINS. 4 c, In fact a com plete Block of Ladies' andCMldren's FuniisMngGoods, Which we offer without reserve at prieej that will guarantee their immediate sale. ' Terms of this sale will be strictly cash. OUR STOCK OF MILLrNERT-i- la the largest and moat complete of any In t State and Is coristanOyTJemg added to as new styles and novelties appear In New. Tork MRSptTERY . nov2 Chew only the brand of tobacco known as Trr Old Oaken Bucket. . THE old Oaken Bucket, - . The iron-bound backet, - . The moes-covered bucket, - That hung In the welL f - . v ' CHAS. 6 JONES, . -a . , - . . Cnarlotto, N. C Sole Agenlr Or? liberal tenu te deoietai. ,,- -, . f 'i - 1 J 1 !.' S .1 V pi. . I "i I' .1:1 " 1 f m in !! 4 4' - - '-.i .V 1 1'