Stye fjartoitei bBtnfei. local; ih'ffLUjiimx-t SUNDAY, DEO. 4; 1881; . SOCIETY DIRECTORY PBALAMX IXUMI Ma 81, A. K. A. IL Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday aighta, Ktcklmob Lod Na 281 , A. jr. a a. 1L Reg- MABLvrrm uurra wo. 89, R. A. M. Regular annul nwuu fUMl MH1TUI many P'gHHt. UHAJOOTTS UOKMAJTBAKT MX 1 K. T. ReffUlir jmwmu vtwj VN uucu AilUTaUclV. Kjhobts o EWKaaJ Regular " meeting Khmhts o KTTHIAS. RtStraiar meetlnir nlht sonic Temple Ball. "".r.:r-Truw'" ' oiock n. m. at Ma Aw i . 9J?prI'0,"'Ka 88.Meete every Mod- Meeu every Tneadaj nlgnt. ik?: f Drxra Ia No. 108.-Meets eTery Thursday eight. . --efX i. t:i i.ttei. :. Cataatvto fooAMPiairr No. 21. Meets us buu muu xnunw ij mgnu ineacn month w AdvertiaeiMuu. LeRoy Davidson This Week Only. Commonwealth Lottery. C. H. Wolfe-Fot Rent i .i fi .i t: J. T. Julian Removal. J. H Zeiitn Great Germ Destroyer. Tbe Cbarches TDar, ) Yochg Mxa'a Chbistiah Association Dero4 iuuai exercises w ine anernoon at & o'clock. - ft. Pxtkb's Catholic Cedbch. Services in the morning at lOtt o'clock, and In the afternoon 4ft by Iter. L. P. O'Connell. priest. 8t. Prrra's EpbotjPAir CHTJBCH.lflervleea in the morning at 1 J o'clock and In the evening at Sunday school at 5 o'clock. - - First Pbxsbttsbiav Chubch. Service to the morning at 11 o'clock and In the evening at 71 bf X?9: ?r, x w' Miller, pastor. Sunday school at 4Vt o'clock. - . v Xvtrxbah CnimcH. Bervl oes In tne morning a 1 1 1 o'clock, and In the evening at 7 o'clock, by Bev. Dr. G. D. Bernbelm, Sunday School at U o'clock p. m. , , ; " Baptist Chubch Services in the' morning at 1 1 o'clock and In the evening at 7 o'clock: - by the pastor. Kev. Theo. Whitfield. Sunday school at Vfa o'clock a. mi ' ' .- -ff .sTsl. Tbtoh Stbkr (H. S.) Chubch. Services in the morning at 11 o'clock, br Eev. W. B. Atkinson. Fandaj school at 2V o'clock. Prayer meeting at IVg Wednesday evening. 8oond Pbxsbttkeian Chubch. Services in the morning at 1 1 o'clock and in the evening at 7 o'clock, by her. W. W, Dowlng, of Vlrglala. Sun day School at 4o'clook. : ; Tml Amoutin BtFOBXxs Pbxsbttsbux ChapkL Cervices far the- morning at 1 1 o'clock, and Jn tne evening it-T- by-4ter. James -BofosrJb -Sun-day school at I U o'clock. CALtARi lrisiro Chobch (Mkthomst.) 8er vices in the morning at, 11 o'clock and In the evening at IVg by ttev. J K. Thompson, pastor. Sunday school at 9 a, m. ; Class-Ueetlng at 4 p. m. Colobxd Pbxsbttxbiah Chubch. Services In the afternoon at 8 o'clock and In the evening at 7Vfr by Bev. Mr. Wyche, puator, - Sunday school at 1 1 o'oloek a m. . ,- BUSINESS NOTICES.' A powi Towjn Mewkaat, I several sleepless nights, disturb eo Dy ine agonies ana ones or a suffering child. ud becoming convinced that Mrs, Wtnslow1 Soothing fVTUP was Just the, article needed, pro cured a supply for the child. On reaching home and acquainting hi wife with what he had done, she refused to have It administered to .the child, as she was strongly in favor of Homoeopathy. That night the chM passed in suffering, and the parents without sleep. Returning home the day following, the father found the baby stOl worse; and while contemplating another sleepless night, the mother stepped from the room to attend to some domestie duties, and left the ftther "Kb, the thud. During her absenoe he administered a por tlbtt Of the Sopthlng Syrup to the baby, and said nothing. That night all hands slept well, and the little fellow awoke In the morning bright and hap py. The mother was delighted with the sudden and wonderful change, and although at first offend ed at the deception practiced upon her, has con tinued to use the 8yrup,and suffering crying babies and restless nights have disappeared. A single trial of the Syrup never yet failed to relieve the baby, and overcome the prejudices of the mother. Sold by all Druggists. 25 cents a bottle. . UEBIQ GO'S COCA BS7 TONIC i received the highest medals at Principal Ex tUtons; and u endorsed and "prescribed1 by the (Seal facility here aria abroad, as the standard ante ' It embodies the nutritive elements of the mus cular fibre, blood, Jwne and brain of carefully selected healthy bullocks, combined with the powerful tonic virtues of Coca, or Sacred Life plant of the Incas, and a choice Quality of Sherry wine. Beware of. worthless, imitations under ours and similar names, it is invaluable in dyspepsia, Dwpusness, mc. thousands of ladles have found sudden relief from all their woes bv the use of Lrdla K. Pink- ham', VMmtnhln Crnnnnnntf. the arraat remedv for diseases peculiar to females. Send to Mrs. Lydia K. Pinkham, 233 western Avenue Lynn, Mass , for pamphlets. HQW.TO GET, SICK. , Expose yourself day and night, eat too mnch without exercise, work too hard without rett. doc tor all the time, take all the vile nostrums advar- BOWTQ qT wiLL, Which is answered in these words; Take Hop Blttbrs. ' ' ' To all Who are suffering from the errors and ln- aiscrenon or vooxn. nervous weaKneifB. coin uvuti hob if manhnnrt An . I will send a recine that will 5ureylolCpABbEi MghL 'rmed to the BX?. ' ew xprwij. GIVEN UP BY DOCTOBS. 'IsltDossiblethat Mr. Ohdfrey la np and at work and eared by so simple a remedy?'' "I assure you It-Is true that be Is entirely cored, id with nothinchut Hod Bltterst and . only ten k uw uuini VI wv Hiuyiv souihui - days age his doctor gave him op and said be most diet" "Wella-dayl That's remarkable! I will ge this day and get some for my poor hops are good," George l know THAT POOB BEDBIDDKN, Inva'id wife, sister, mother, or daughter, can be i.ide the picture of health bv a few bottles pf Hod Hutera; Wn7puljstthjBhi -6? lwhei f eaflljf ' sw4 1 m- , , r Vnnr Ha ii In 1ancri shfn votf klloW BV Severe eob or cold to go unchecked. Dr. Bull's conga gyrup is a cheap, harmless and rename remeoy. Mf dfJif!!SinmlnMa .CHWL economical Qan the ominarv kinds: and eannob ne- aiMu u UimnMlHnn ath th mnlMllvia nf MMP.MS. might, alum or Dhosnbate nowders. Sold only in cans. J-smulAXXSQ WVSSSs novza " .-' -ji(w ivi LeBoy Jjedsoxu Bole AgenCCharlc&sNC. LAND-SALE. Ah Carolina Ba .ODg the whole front of the Jots owned.W wwa iuaB.!?, t . was giscQverea y niuwwwttj m s BatiiT n. iteTf-iifldiwBRAd enVelorje JOSEPH T. 1NMAN, Station p, N Carolina Ballroad Company against I Ljee S. Oveiman, J aS. J. .UwjvJMu' MfTOltofoy 1 1 4 hAtaiAAn ' j m mi mi -iuu mm W 0W stvoatS I I'iUl K3 1lGDlUUIKir . A MW 'vmm 0 X.ACOKIO K.OOAX3, ftTIt is said there . are to be a nam- ter of marriages in January; tJChe editors returxxlnsr; from At lanta f continue? to -paas - through in squaas. tW Benson, the temperance lecturer, is sun in upper South Carolina, lectur ing. r pMr..Il, C. Eccles ?and .wife, and CoL B.c M." Oates returned from the Afc lanta exposition yesterday. EST McSmith, the music man. wants the crowd leaving here for Atlanta to attend the Chickering concerts to be ready to leave on the night of the 13th.' ESTThe Charlotte Thompson troupe went rrom here to Danville, Va, In stead o Greenville, S.CV&S Inadver tently stated yesterday. t" A 3-pound and 10-ounce carp just one year old, was taken from Trotter's pond near the city a day or two since. Thereseems to be no limit to the rowth pf these fish. ,,!., tSrihei feoyal Bakintr Powder Com pany of NeW York city, has made Mr. XeBoy Davidson, of this city, sole asrent here for the sale of their goods at this point . K3T We are indebted to the McSmith m r s - tr juuoic uouse ior a copy or a new sonir puniislied by Ludden & Bates, "When We are Old and Gray, Love :" music by W. Ludden, and words by F. E. Weath- erly tW The train from Atlanta yester day was detained an hour or so bv a freight train off the track 8 miles this side of Atlanta. It reached here about one hour and a half late. , tW A member of the police force sug gests that mothers be careful to keep their boys at home after dark. Many complaints are . made of mischievous depredations in certain parts of the city. r Mr. W. W. Jenkins, the Charlotte postmaster weighs 191 pounds; the Gastonia postmaster weighs 103. Qas- wmia wazeue. Of course; there is more room to grow fat in the Charlotte postoffice than in that in Gastonia. . IW Several more names have been registered at this office of parties desir ing to go to Atlanta Tuesday. This makes nearly 30. There is little doubt that a party of at least that number can be gotten together. tjp The Statesville Landmark says: "The statement was made us the other day that the 1st day of May and the 25th or December or eacn year invariably fall upon the same day of the week. The 1st of May of this Tear was Sun day ; Christmas falls on Sunday. It is f J A.1 .AL uaiu mat me ruie is an mvari&Die one. Is it so?" As will be seen elsewhere a number of the churches will be filled to day lay unfamiliar ministers several of hem strangers in the city. As there is always a considerable degree of attrac tion about new preachers there will probably be unusually large congrega tions. t Tony Denier's Humpty Dumpty Thursday night is the only entertain ment booked for the opera bciuge this The Dunpty Dumpty bills ex cite, nearly as interest among the colored folks and the small boys as those of the big shows. ISTThe male department of the city graded school will be opened at the old town academy in the firt ward to? morrow morning . at Q o'clock. The school will be under the charge of Prof J. L McCain who has arrived in the city. He will be assisted by Mr. J. S. Bell, of the county. The train on one of the New York or New England roads, u,pon which were Meggra. Q. hQwh. fl. M. Mil ler, Jr., and, T. M. Pittman, of this city, en route to attend a meeting of the stockholders of tb.e. Budisill mine at Hartford, Conn,-, collided with another train, it i learned b BrtYftt otters, bvtforfla.rely ViWft 9t tne Charlotte party were hurt in the slightest. BET The National Cotton-planter's Assoction wilt, meet in Atlanta on the 6th inst,, and its president has asked the Go vernor to appoint three delegates from each county in the State. Maj. W. A. Graham, of Lincoln passed through here yesterday, as a delegate from his county. JSo nominations nave been announced from this county. Clrcaa Notes Forepaugh nmhaed a gqfld portipn of van AmDurgnv parens ana menagenei r - l . -Zm T at a public sale a few4ys a(p, inclad Ing Jhis monster elephant Bolivar Coup was in Washington. City Tues day .for the purpose of making arrange ments for going into winter quarters there. - Pmrden f si Blajavmlsc. The conviction of A. L. McManus in this county about two years ago for bisramv will be remembered his second wif f being $ Jptng laly p,i this city. It IS learneu rrom toe xaonruo jiiwurv that he has been pardoned throqgb the efforts 6f Messrs, Covington and Adams, attorneys of Monroe. The petition for pardon was signed by both wives ana by Judge A. A. McKoy, who sentenced him. Will th Tlm be Extended? There Is considerable interest felt in l : - - - - - - .- , ' i n Charwtte in the Question as to wneiu- er tlie tfine for the Atlanta exposition will or will not be extended. Quite a number of people deolare their lnten tion of -attending if it is continued through January and regret their ina- biiitv fa ff6 befor&""ItIs somehow gen erally belie jedtat: the time will be ex tended: notwitstanding the statement of ikiMlml ConsUtution to the eon- trafypt .ttll TO f ikeisABii''acflalted4 'tVtlv-lf v' vi Mofles Ai.uenceni. wnue, pfW the mufderjqCThps: BeK morefiolored, was acquittea on jj.rmay IaatThetrial'ticcupied three days and about thirty witnesses .wtjiu Mr. Dobson. lheJoucivor. wn in th nn.secuUon by -" H,-.'yieme.i w m ' ' - . . r m - i thQ jury at ioK o'clock; Friday ; night, , hrnta uamnnA thAT retuA- I .ith - veriict of "not ffuUty.", Wm. Turnercolored, was fined $5.00 and costs by Mayor DeWoIf e yesterday morning for firing his pistol on the street. " ; .'Warren Beid, colored, was bound ov er to the Inferior Court for cruelly bea ting his horse on .the streets. This is the second arrest in Charlotte under the recent penal statute against cruel ty to animals, and,, as far as la .known these two cases are the only ones repor ted in the State. Before the magistrates yesterday there were also several unimportant cases for carrying concealed weapons, fraud, &c CfeareJa Xwileef Bev. W. B. Atkinson will preach in the Tryon Street Methodist church this morning at 11 o'clock. There will be no services at night Bev. J. T. Bagwell is absent visit ing his parents. He will return this week and fill his pulpit as usual next Sunday. The Bev. James Boyce, Jr will preach at the Associate Bef ormed Pres byterian Chapel this morning at 11 and this evening at 7 o'clock. The sacra ment of the Lord's supper will be ad ministered at the morning service. Bev. G. D, Bernheim, of Wilming ton, will preach at the Lutheran church to-day, morning and evening. Sunday school at 3 o'clock p. m. Bev. J. Ed. Thompson will fill the pulpiUof Calvary church to-day, morn ing and night He will deliver his fare well sermon to the congregation to night Bev. W. W. Downey, of Virginia, will preach at the Second Presbyterian church to-day, morning and evening. Services in the other churches regu lar. The Adventure of JsMskswe. A dapper little Bostonian wearing gold eye-glasses and a miniature Derby hat yesterday, while waiting on a Pull man car for the arrival of the Charlotte Columbia & Augusta train, made him self generally unbearable by fidgeting about asking snappish questions and abusing the South and Southern ways. Finally he approached one of the rail road employes whom he had before in sulted with some of his uppishness, and demanded in the imperious tone of an excited dwarf: "I want to know what's the popula tion of this town." "You'll have to find out from some body else then," replied the Tailroad man. "What's your name? I'll report you to-morrow, you impertinent puppy,' said the gentleman from Boston. "You call me an impertinent puppy !" and the railroad man reached for his hip pocket and drew out a a small steel punch. But as soon as the cultured gentleman saw the hip pocket motion, he made a desperate break for the Pall man steps never looking to see what was behind him. The drawer of the dreadful implement suppressing his aughter gave a fiendish yell and made a noisy feint of pursuit They do say the Boating man beat the record in mounting the steps and making his way to the ladies' saloon, from whence he emerged not until the car left for the North. Termor for December, Here is what Yennor says about the weather for December. It will be seen hat the first few days have not been re markable for accord with his fore cast December, 1881. 1, 2, 3. Storms or indications of storms in the Atlantic, and cold, blustery weather at New York, Boston and other seaboard citr les snowfalls in the middle and north ern states ana uanaaa: very com weather west Probably a brief mild term. 7 to 11. Generally very oald weather. Drobablv commencing and endine with snowlsin northern, middle and wes tern sections, and bleak and stormy weather south. 13 and 14. Probably milder in all sec tions, with rains South and West to j a limited eitegt .... " 15 to 20. very com ana clustery pe riod, with snow-falls where these were experienced in 1876 and 1880, the 19th and 20th probably being the days most marked in tms respect, intense coia in Canada and the New England States. 25. Christmas has a cold and stormy period before and after it but the day itself may just escape. 26 to 30. Alter tne zgtn i see join ing but cold, snow anjHtfuster to the close of the year for Canada and much of the united States, West and South, the month probably resembling, in many respects, the Decembers of 1876 and l$$Q. As to the intensity or degree of these snow-falls, I have no very defi nite indications, but am impressed in the direction of low temperatures for the forepart of the approaching winter season. But January will have its "thaw" this time and probably a very marked one. e es- - ' Tbe fUorj at tbe Expoeltten. 1U speaaing 0 ine lormai regepuuu day before yesterday in Atlanta to the Florida visitors and a portion of the North Carolina editors, the Atlanta Constitution of yesterday says: At the conclusion of Mr. Fosters re marks, Mr. Kimball arose and paid a tribute to the press and the great work done by the journals of the country in furthering tne success oiwe expusiuuu. He closed bis -remarks ny lncreaucing Mr. Charles B. Jones, of Thb Chab- LQT&E UBSEBYWi WBO maae a neat T-r? j. ,11 ii.. ..... ..i ,:. aaaresauiur buo ytcaa nuu wq wiv ing journalists from North Carolina es pecially. In tbe course of his remarks he read the following resolutions, which were passed Dy tne visiting editors from the Old North State: T5XPO8ITI0N HOTEL, ATLANTA, lA December 2-At an informal meeting of the press association of North Caro lina held this morning to take into con sideration the prqgrammapf txay, in which ftforoaTecepuon or ue asso ciation haj een ' arranged by the au fMrftiWbf the exposition, the foilow- ina resolutions were adapted: i , Meaotxtefti xnat uie meraueni ol vno nrAaa association of North Carolina present at the exposition in the city of Atlanta nave learocu wiwi yiuiuuuu dftnaibilitv the distinzuished honor pro- nosed to be extended to the association by a formal reception by the authorities of the exhibition and the ecMUve of the State of GeojS!ia.5fe M- :? viously made tor tne return or tne asso ciation to North Carolina make the ac ceptance of . the proposed honor impos Hihhi at ' the hour designated by the committee, and It Is therefore reluct antly declined. - - ? , : J- 'u ' - - 8. A. Asm; President. .Tn-RTkAxt Stone. Secretary. -. ' - The remarks by Mr, Jones closed the exercises and the audience dispersed well pleased with the events of the oc casion. V - W. Pi. Clarke. Xaoom Walnnt rfnwt. Vhflal phla, Pa., writes: l,l have used Dr. Bull's cough syrup and found tt to be tbe best remedy I ever XKDUNT FEXSICIAN3 are prescribing that tried and true remedy. Kidney Wort for tbe worst eases of biliousness and eonstt- nation, as weu as lor kidney complaints. There ia scarcely a person to be found that win not be rreatly benefitted by a thorough coarse of Kidney Wort every spring. If you teel ont of sorts and fiont know why, try a package of Kidney Wort ana you will feel like a new creature. Indianapolis Benonei. V , ADVERTISEMENT. BlcSmitb' Day at AtlsuttewA 1,000 Plavno to be Given Away. To the Good Teqple of Old Meck- tenourff, a:c.Ka:c.; . We are going to raise a little "Back- quet" in behalf of the Atlanta Exposi tion and the Musical Girls and Boys of the "Tar Barrels" and "Palmettos.' The Carolinas "Head of the Heap!' McSmith, the Musical Man of the Caro linas, has set apart four days for all lovers of music, and souls hungry for such. Happy Mc. takes a special delight in displaying the Pianos and Organs he sells. Chickering Pianos and Mason & Hamlin Organs (the favorites of the South), by the dozens! 14 Chickering Pianos from $400 up to $1,500 ! 48 Ma son & Hamlin Organs, from the Table Organ up to $1,200! The best perform ers in the Old and New World will be there to "paw the ivory." Everybody will be filled with music! Nothing will be spared to feed and feast all of Happy Mc's friends (musically). Free concerts at Braumuller's Music Hall at night Mc. will be at the door, and knows all the "Tar Heels" and -Sand Lappers." December 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th are the days. Special rates on all railroads. Apply to railroad agents for information. Make up your crowd and come along! McSmith will leave Charlotte on a special train December 13th, and especially requests all visitors on McSmith's Days to call at the Chick ering stand, register their names and get their number, as Chickering & Son will give away a $1,000 Piano to the man or woman holding the lucky num ber. Don't forget December 13, 14, 16, 16! Blow your bugle! Sound your horn ! We'll all be "Happy" yet ! Don't fail to be counted in with McSmith's Days. zro &&vizvtiszmmts. REMOVAL. HAVING removed to the comer of College and Xlghth streets. I am now prepared to accom modate a few day boarders and lodgers. oeo4 J. T. JULIAN. FOR RENT. A desirable cottage on Morehead street, between Tryon street and the C C. 4 A. RAlll-raul- AnntAtnflnir fnnv mnmm with all uecBKuuy oumouses, a weu ox gooa waier. xne property Is in good condition. Price 88 per monin. apply either to c. H. WOLFS or at This Office. dec4 It Holiday -IN- -IN- STOCK and ARRIVING DAILY. Just in some beautiful NSW GOOD3, among them a very handsomepleoa of WATERED SILK. a" Another lot of those FOLDING..COLLAUS so popular with the ladles this season. dec4 T. L.8IIGLK4C0. GREAT GERM DESTROYER. a:rb ys PRQPHYUCTIC FLUID. PITTtNG OW 8MALL FOX Prevented. SMALLPOX ERADICATED. Ulsters purified and healed. Gangrene prevented and cured. Dysentery cured. wounds healed raMdlv. fVintairinn riAatraved. Senrvey cured in shorj Sick booms punned and ume. maae pieasanv. Fevered and 8iek Per Tetter dred up. i V nenectiy narmiess. ror core Throat- it is a sore ears. sons relieved ana re- frrtdhAil hv hathlne with Prepay latlc Kluld aMart to tbA WKW.T. Soft White Complexions seenrea ny ns use m Katttlna Impure Air made harm- was ana purinea oy sprinkling Darby's Vlnld about. Ta nnvlfw thfl UMAth. v " - Cleanse the Tee in, u. mn'tbe nrnassed. Ch olera dissipated. Ship Fever prevented by, catarrn reuevta ana In oases o death tat tbe houee, ftshould always be used about the corpse R will prevent any unnleaBant amelL Erysipelas cured. Burns reuevea Bnxeves all unpleasant eaoia. An antidote for animal or vegetable roison, . SUngs, 4c CABLET - FEVER Dangerous : tffluvlas of sick rooms and hospt : tals removed by Its use. : CUREDJ Yellow Fever Eradicated. - , 'S In fact tt islthe grjaai Disinfeetani aiid Purifier, h. zEiilnsr & cov i 4 , ' If anuf acturlng Chemists, Sole Proprietor?. EORSALE. WALKER,! At- tomevs. i nor20 lnv Goods GREAT PR0FDS10N DIPTHERIA I PREVENTED The Associated Railways OF - VIRGINIA and the CAROLINAS. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, Richmond, ya., Notembec 1st, 1881. J Memoranda of Arrangement of Ronnd trlp rates, - Tlcketa. Routes of Transportation, and Advan tages offered for the formation of parties of visitors to the mfflATioNEranoN.rosmoN AT ATLAHTA, GA., From the Territory traversed or reached by the Railways of the Richmond aad Danville System. From and after this date, from Charlotte via Charlotte and Atlanta Air-Line Railway, tickets good one day going, four days staying in, and one day returning from Atlanta, will be sold as fol lows: For single person, 210 70 For parties of ten, each, h 85 For parties of twenty, each 8 00 For parties of thirty, each,. 675 For parties of fifty, each, 5 80 The Round Trip Tickets hf rein named, when used singly, are of a speclfie contract form, "void if transferred to others than original purchasers," and authorize the requirement of Identification of Bald purchasers, at the option of the Railway Agents or Conductors. To the end of affording increased facilities for visiting the Exposition, contract tickets, adapted to parties of the size herein named, are likewise offered. They em brace all the stipulations of sin gle tickets, with the additional one, that alley are good for transportation to Atlanta only when pre sented on trains m connection with "all others of the specific class they belone to. as ner the nrlces given." The ruiroaa companies at interest in this trans portation claim the right of 86 hours' notice for supplying ticket ana furnishing transportation thereon to all of the parties herein named. Holders of these tickets may return upon them singly, within the period of their validity, provided they are the original purchasers, and Identify themselves accordingly. An office for the Identification of purchasers and stamping oi return-coupons nas been established at tbe Union Depot In Atlanta. It will be open thirty minutes prior to the departure of trains. None of the conditions of these tickets will be changed in any respect. Investigation of the appliances for personal comfort, lodging, and food, means of transit be tween Atlanta and the Exposition grounds, author izes the assurance that all elements exist contri buting to a pleasant and economical visit For ell information not contained in this adver tisement, apply to the undersigned, or to the Sta tion Agents of the Atlanta and Charlotte Alr-Llne Hallway. a. POPE, novy General Passenger Agent. Mdins SI Ahead! A New KM of Household Ornaments JU3T RECEIVED. KALOMEDA, WALL POCKETS, GIPSY BASKETS, LADIES' WORK BASKETS, SCRAP BASKETS. LUNCH BASKETS. WHISP POCKETS, Christmas Stockings, t- VASES, EASELS, CANES, Ac , &c This Is an entirely new Parisian style of Orna ments, and has never been offered In this mar ket, and can be bought only at nov24 EDDINS' BOOK STORE. 3 c (sis) WE LEAD ! All Ota Try to Imitate ! CHARLOTTE OPERA HOUSE. 8 THURSDAY Q DECEMBER O Annual Visit of the Favorites, TONY DENIER'S -MATCHLESS "Humpty Dumpty" Pantomime Troupe, and brilliant association of SOPERB'SPEOALTY STARS, With "the Clown of all Clowns," . GREAT A&oerat of the Stilts, -ma C THE LATE GEO. L. FOX, - j Dispensing with a lavish hand FOIBtEFUSFROLIC. . A CAS2STVAL Off COMEDY!. ; A STAGE VMABDI GE AS.- Prices of admission as asoal; Reserved seals on sate at ine usual pieces. r dec2t. - t , , , . YOUR LAST 0UB BUSINESS WILL BE POSITIVELY CLOSED! BY ' . jFAEsru&mrs' 1st, i2. . And in order to dispose of the balance of our stock daring this month, we have concluded to OFFER GREAT SACRIFICES. Do not faU to take advantage of this important sale. We offer extraordinary bargains in BOYS' AND MENS' CLOTHING. E" For sale at my residence one Crimson Parlor Set, One Walnut Bedroom Set, One Handsome Walnut Sideboard, Two Poplar Bedroom Sets, Centre Tables, and general household furniture. Possession given at once. decs R O D D I CK & CO, TRYON STREET. WE ARE SELLING OUR STOCK VERT RAPIDLY. EVERYTHING 13 OTTERED Q fJJ S . ' We have no space to enumerate prices, a trial will io iv ui tnoae lamoas B LACK CASHMERE S. Frank Leslies' Paner Patterns siven awav. A fliinohrria orimn tn hwm .f,ni in him n eento worth of Goods. Truly yours, X3T TERMS: CASH. h i I hi H A U L Ult 1 111U If I WILL THi . At My Retail Store, Trade St., GROCERIES Very to Ir Cas AS I AM MAKING ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENTS. Atwood's HOYTS COLOGNE, 4711 GERMAN COLOGNE, JUSl tteceiveu oy wiuavn a oxjanauu. TT?T3 9C TJTTlTTTT Is a superior remedy for all diseases of the BLADDER. (JOUJt HK b JiUL'XiU Sold only by - - - WILSON BURWBLL. ... GROUND SAGE, GromdenePepGro TTTVTT? TTT T7rTrFT? GT?TPG. Jewelry Cases, Pufl Boes. Hand Mirrors, 1 lINJli LYjLLjrjl JLJCj OJlAO, Odor Cases, in all styles and at allprtces. The largest and nicest assortment ever brought to this market. WILSON BUB WELL. TURKISH BATH TOWELS, Aflne " fS&Jr TJVrD AT TXTT? (HYDRATED OIL). Hydraline bas been proWn'oituVlnlginest H X UlliVljlrN XL, value m consumption, and all vmstms diseases, invariably pnxiuc- Wilson & asthma uivni J ujiu Permanently DrtiMon'iAsUimaRemsdy CURED is nneqn&led ae a poaitrv Altflrmiiva ud Oort CMC ABthma andDvrDetris. and all their attendant evils. It does not merely afford tonapOEM relief, bat is a permanent core. Mr. B. l-.teeTof Belmore, a, aays of its thM medicine in fix ytart thai ha lootned my nioht without eovghtno." If vow druggist does not keep It, sena lor ww"MawHraw H.P.K.PECKACO,. oetST dewSm Chew only the brand of tobacco known as Tbe Old Oaken Bucket, v. & ? r - -rrEK old Oaken Bucket. v X The Iren-txHmd backet, , Tne moes-covered backet, -That buns In the well. 1 J? ' CHAS. R. JONE8. Charlotte. N. CL, Sole Agent Liberal term tedealerst v ill! ! H. MORRIS & BROS. convince the closest buyers. Only a few patterns " RODDICK & CO. EEK ONLY! llli SELL AS I AM Cologne, EINE NAIL BRUSHES, FINE FBEHCH 80APS, - Burwell's; TURKE YS, GEESE, BUCKWHEAT FLOUJ& NEW ORLEANS MOLASSE5, ' ' and HONBy -A- 3LARGE LOT OP KINDLING WEEK, oovQ oaw 4w sun ' '

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