CHAS, B. JOWES Bditenr Prwprfttw isansMD at m PoBT-omai akc&ibuhtx, . C. as ssooxD-CLiaa hattbb.i ... TUESDAY, DEO. 6,1881. Bob Toombs thinks "Guiteau ought to be kicked to death by a mule." St Louis and Cincinnati are suffering from a coal famine caused by ft cor ner" by speculators. . Keif er, who was yesterday elected Speaker of the House of Representa tives, is a stalwart Republican. We don't know whether Guiteau was possessed of a devil or not, but he has certainly raised the devil The Boston Transcript says that while Guiteau's brain may be softening his "cheek" is not mellowing a particle. m At the last election in Wisconsin a Constitutional amendment was adopted providing for biennial instead of annual sessions of the Legislature. Thn rnnrtfl from Norfolk. Va., for the month of November aggregated in value $2,904,475. Included in the ex. ports were 50,162 bales of cotton. Rev. Dr. Pomeroy, of Cleveland, Ohio, thinks there is a profound feel ing that the halter is the only proper cure for insanities like Guiteau's." It is rumored that Emma Abbott is losing her teeth. We're sorry to hear it, but then a girl that deals in sham Rhn does ouerht to lose her teeth. There were twenty-eight deaths from small-pox in Chicago last week, and the Tribune cries out against the filth that covers that city and invites an epidemic of disease. It is said that a company has been or izpsd in "France with a capital of B I $3,000,000 to buy lands in Virginia and North Carolina, upon which to locate colonies of grape growers. We are in receipt of the first number of the Daily Falcon, of Elizabeth city, edited by Frank E. Vaughn. We trust it may meet with success and live to a ripe old age. The Baltimore Gazette (Democratic) has been ourchased bv a company for about $50,000, and will be under the management of Mr. W. B. Hezelton former manager of the American, (Re publican.) Exactly what the prosecution in the Guiteau trial is aiming at in showing that Guiteau didn't pay his board bills we don't know. Perhaps they consider ed it good evidence sot a sound mind to beat a boarding house keeper. Jacob Thompson, who wa3 born in North Carolina, but who afterward moved to Mississippi, and became Sec retary of the Interior before he took risks in the Confederacy, now lives in Memphis. He is seventy-one years of age. The Valley Virginian, Republican, says that there was a tacit understand ing that John F. Lewi3 would be elect ed Senator, in the event of the success of the Readjusters, and that if he is not it will be a violation of faith which will cause a row in the camp. Kentucky is in a prosperous condi tion. She owes only $180,394, and has cash in bank and turnpike stock esti mated at $708,133. The State tax is 45 cents on the $100, 20 cents of which goes to the school fund, 5 to sinking fund, and 20 to the expenses of the State government. The number of free schools in South Carolina for the year 1880-81, was 3,057, with 3,249 teachers, of whom 2,020 were white and 1,223 colored. The school attendance was: White 61,339, colored 72,119. Total 133,458. The average length of the session was Z months, and the amount of the school fund was $420,000. Rainey, colored, whom the Republi cans when they were in a minority in Congress ran for clerk, concluded he would try his luck again when the Re publicans had it in their power to elect him, but McPherson walked in and knocked down Rainey's persimmons, and now, no doubt, Rainey has discov ered that his white Republican friends are not anxious to give posts of honor and profit to the colored man and brother. Whan they couldn't give him the clerkship they would, but when they could they wouldn't, uneyare loud in their prof essions of friendship for the colored man, but when it comes to placing him in positions of promi nence there is a sudden stop to the in terest they feel. As a voter the colored man is a capital fellow, but as an office holder and sharer in the spoils of vic tory he is not quite so capital. At the caucus of the Democratic members of the House of Representa tives Saturday evening last a resolu tion introduced by Proctor Knott, of Kentuckv. endorsing the plank in the Democratic platform of '76 and '80 ad vocating a tariff for revenue only, was laid on the table by a vote of 53 to 42. A rumor from Republican sources says that the leader of the Independent Mahone movement in this State is to be an ex-member of Congress in an east ern district. There is a land movement in Scot land which promises to be quite as in teresting to landlords as the league movement in Ireland. Connecticut is afflicted with a variety of diseases, among them typhoid fever, diphtheria and small-pox. , m A Bloomfield, Iowa, preacher fell from grace, abandoned his wife and ran away with his servant girl. GUITEAU'S FIFTH WEEK THE SIDEWALKS CROWDED. JORTT-SETENTfl CONGRESS XHE GATHERING OF BIAKBRS. : THE LAV ft Ladies; Gentlernlnf MissespBoys ar.yxGht.dtar.i M.- He Ben to be Taken to the Back En trance, and Moves will Fear and Trembling- He Wants to Know the Opinion of Experts A Chicago Doc- tor has no Donbt of Ills Insanity Would Rather .be Hung- as a man Than Acquitted as a Fool. "Washington, Dec. o. Guiteau was brought to the court house a little later than usual, and court was not opened i:1 1 - - ft'il aU An i im m An a A The present prosperity of New Or leans is attested by the increase in the values of real estate and the large amount of building done the pasfrseason and now in progress. At no time since the close of the war has there been such a building boom, which includes splen did business' houses, palatial residences and extensive manufacturing establishments. 'Greensboro is having high hopes on the purchase of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad by the compa ny which Dr. Canedo represents. The extension of that road as proposed by the parties who offer to purchase, will give the "City of Flowers" short and direct connection with the great West, and will no doubt prove of vast benefit to her. nntil eleven o clock. An immense crowd had gathered on the side walk and when Guiteau alighted from the van he evipced unusual trepidation and begged the officers to take hito around to the back entrance. He was assured that the escort was ample for his safety and with trembling steps and cringing gait he quickly shuffled through the angry crowd. Abject fear was depic ted upon his sallow countenance, and it was several minutes after he reached his room before he regained his usual composure. Ex-Speaker Randall appeared in an swer to a subpoena but was at a loss to know why he had been, summoned. Immediately after the opening of court Scoville called to the stand Dr. James Kennon of Chicago. Before any questions could be asked, the witness, Guiteau. desired to ad dress the court, and without waiting the assent, or dissent of the court, said in a quick, nervous way, "I want ,these expert witnesses to pass upon this point. Where a man is impelled to do an unlawful act by a power which he can not possibly control, or overrule and by which his moral agency is domi nated, is he to be considered sane or in sane V , . Jndffe Cox. "We will have that ques- stion discussed." The witness said he was managing editor of the Chicago Medical Review and a lecturer upon mental diseases at the Chicago medical schools. He deliv ered his first lecture last April. The witness replied to a hypothetical ques tion predicated upon the trustworthi ness of evidence to which he had listen ed, that he had no doubt of the prison er's insanity. The witness admitted that when a man committed a crime while acting under the direction of Divine inspira tion and then conducted himself pre cisely as a criminal would do it would be presumptive evidence against his insanity. Guiteau. who had been quietly, but intently, following the witness, here broke in rather excitedly saying, "Noth ing of the kind in this case, Judge 1" Davidge "Well, we will see." Guiteau, angrily "You're going too fast in this matter, we want facts, not your judgment; the witness has stated one ining ngnwine Aiora. injects toe inspiration and then lets man use his own judgment to work it out." Thaf s just my case; that's the way I got my inspiration, lne L.ora aon t employ fools to do His works ; he gets the best material." Davidge then put a still stronger hy pothetical case, using the term, "Like a common vulgar criminal." Guiteau turned to Davidge and with an air of immense superiority said: "There's nothing vulgar about this case, it's all high-toned." Laughter quick ly suppressed by the court. The witness thought an insane man in carrying out an inspiration lyouid act according to his peculiarities of manner & temperament, although there were types of insanity where a man's general character became changed. He gave the scientific name. Richard J. Hinton, editor of the Washington Qazette, had seen the prisoner at the Republican headquar ters in New York and - had formed Senator WIndom Sworn in as one of ' the Senators from Minnesota The House Informed that the Senate Is Heady for Business. Washington, Dec. 5.-SENATfiL The Irst regular session of the Forty Seventh Congress began to-day, and both houses were called to order at noon. In the Senate, after the usual inter change of friendly greetings by mem bers, the President pro tem Senator Davis, of .Illinois, formally convened the chamber, and after prayer y the chaplain, presented the credentials of Senator elect William Windom, of Minnesota, chosen to - fill the vacancy caused by his resignation in the term ending March 3d, 1883, said vacancy having been temporarily filled by ap pointment of ex-Senator Edgerton. After reading of the credentials, Sen ator Windom, accompanied by SenatoT Hoar appeared, was duly qualified and entered upon his duties. Resolutions for committees of notifi cation to the House of Representatives and the President, informing them of the organization of the Senate were adopted. Annual reports of the acting secre tary of the Senate, sergeant-at-arms of the Senate, chief clerk of the court of claims, and public printer, were pre sented bv the chair and laid on the table. The hour of meeting daily was fixed at 12 o'clock m. Numerous bills were introduced and the Senate took recess until half past 2 o'clock. Upon re-assembling, Edmunds of fered a resolution continuing the com mittees as now constituted. Bayard offered an amendment request ing the President of the Senate to de cide whether the committees should be divided equally between the two politi cal parties or not. Without a decision the senate ad journed. House. The House met at noon, roll-call showing four members absent. Keifer was elected Speaker and. the swearing in of members was proceeded with. Considerable discussion has en sued over contested seats and it still continues. " A number of bills and resolutions were presented and laid over, among which was one by Beck to provide for the recall of the trade dollar and its re coinage into the standard dollar. By Logan, to place Gen. Grant on the retired list of the army. By Sherman, to provide for the issue of 3 per cent, bonds to the amount of $300,000,000, the proceeds to be applied to the redemption of three-and-a-half s. By Garland, to provide for the tariff commission. This bill is a substitute for Eaton's bill of 1880. Also by Morrill to investigate the tariff question. Grover. restricting Chinese immigra tion, being mainly a copy of the vetoed fifteen passenger bill of 1879. Coke, allotting lands in several Terri tories to Indians on various reserva tions and for other purposes. Pendleton gave notice that he would to-morrow introduce his civil service resolution. Reces3 from 1 :15 to 2:30.. Upon re-assembling a resolution was introduced continuing the committees of last session, pending which the Sen ate adjourned. House. 290 members answered the roll call, the absentees being Morse, Scales and Deuster. The vote for Speaker stood : Keifer 148, Randall 129, Ford 8. Necessary to a choice 143. Fulkerson and Paul, of Virginia, Re adjuster, voted for Keifer. Upon calling the States for swearing in new members, Jones, of Texas, ob jected to swearing Joseph Wheeler, of Alabama, and after some dispute Wheeler stepped aside. VTTT) UU1 t v. 4 4 fri. 11, CANNOT FAIL TO BE SUITED IN The Southern Methodist Blkhops. Baltimore jj- ".s '".', t -, ! Bishop Pierce, in his address at the recent ODeninz of the North .Carolina Conference, Mi E. Church South, said that Bishop Wightman, of South Caro lina, was sick Deyond recovery, ana Bishop Payne is very ill also. - Bishop . a m -n A North CaroUna. There Tare but three W guarantee that era? pair of SHOES we tell shall be found Just as represented, and shall allow no noiipive you better goods than we do for the l .t r.i.L JJ L Tfcl 1 kTA J - - - . . ... .11 Jkna-AMMa SAMAstisU ss nH aV hAantllbilMil ...kl. Si FOR THEaFALL AND WINTER TRADE. to do reeulardutv. It is thought that at least three -or four biahops . will .be elected at the session of the General Conference to be held next Hay. and anion? those mentioned- in this con nection are Rev. Dr. A. W. Wilson, of ( the Baltimore Conference, and Drs. J. E. Edwards and J. C. Granberry, of the Virginia Conference. ; .. Work on a Blexlcsm Bailroad. City of Mexico. Dec. 5. The Cen tral Railroad has been completed to San Juan Del Rio, a distance of 190 kilome tres from this city. The government has contracted for the establishment of a mortgage bond with Mexican parties. Failure of a. Beeton Boot and Shoe House. Boston. Dec. Crain, Rising & Co. boot and shoe merchants here, are re ported to have failed; liabilities estima ted between $150,000 and 8200,000. mone; r Ota stock ttu been carefully selected with a Tiew to the wants of alclassea of customers, and eomprtsesr a fan line of beautiful and susanabto iioods, of WYeW b Heaviest Brogad. If you wish to get yoot boots and shoes to salt Ton and at the lowest possible prices, you eannbf fltf Mitef ea eau.- 4fi Hit l sepl8 Centra! Hotel Bloek Trade street. and March ; March and April 6 2ft82a; April imi m a lit-iHri! Mat and June HSi: Jane and July 6 29-32d; July and August ; August and September . Futures steady. LmEFOOCK 5 p. m. Balea or American cotton 8.450: UDlands low middling clause: December riAiivArv i' i I. . Daaembar and January January and , February February and i Miunh fUud: March and Anru- -: Anru ana nay : May ana June o ia-ioa; jujhj anu wuijr 6d: July and August & 16-lttd. Futures ciosea steady. ' ' FUTURES. closed firm. Sales 127,- The Weather Washington, Dec. 5. Soutfc Atlan tic and East Gulf fair weather, north erly winds, becoming variable, station ary or higher temperature and station ary pressure. NxW Tori Futures 000. December.'.'... - ritmuary............. irfthnia.iT March.................. ia.61a.62 April.........; ;, May.. ' 12.fc9a.90 i Ail. m June..... .......i July.. August September.....:.. I8.05a.06 42 8?a.28 13.00a.01 13.lia.13 18.20a.21 12.51a.53 FINANCIAL. Nsw Yoke. i. 1 1 t f il I A - BUTIGESC-NICHOLS, wn Qiisali sat Eetaa parley Air I. KXRBt WW BEjijiL'j,! A FULL Un a Cheap Bedsteads. akslouxqh, J m. i wzsT nun Xxehange... ttOTernmena airong:. ... Four and a half per cents jrour per cents,.... In Dletreee Wtt.mtooton. Dec 5. The steamer "Pvrf-. Rnai fmm Xaw Vorklf or Florida I Money .iiT. ol" a VrRIi State bonds-dulL.. i-." V,.. Bubreasury talances-Gold. UJIi, 1U UlSUeaa, OUUUaj uiuiuiug. j. tw.- ticulars not yet received. 4.80 102 1.141k 6a8and8 $61,153,164 4.719,784 Springer, of Illinois, objected to Cults JlffiS" - -T ir r -KT v i oi iuwa. viiu'vwiLia, ui Killed by Accident. New Orleans. Dec. 5. Thos. Colon, azed 25 years, was accidentally shot and killed by Jas. McDavitt, aged 10 years yesterday. . Biff Fire at St, Paul. St. Paul. Dec. 5. Later estimates re duce the loss by fire to $345,000. The Boll of Honor. The progress of many a bright and promising scholar is otten arrested and discouragement brought en by absence from school caused In so many cases by a cough, cold a. um ttimiit- dtwtt Dr. Ball's couzb siruD and let vour children answer "present" when the roll is called. Nerwepaper Geneelldatlen. ' New York, Dec. 5. The Express ap pears this evening consolidated with the Evenina Mail and under the name of the Mail & Express. 1 1 nn nthw amunn of the Tear are . coughs and colds so prevalent as at the present time, and in mftarer should check his complaint at once by the use of Dr. Bull's cough syrup, and thus pre vent it from leadins to serious lung aneouons. Price 25c. . Mr. A. W. Tyrrell, Merchants Hotel, Shelby st.. Detroit, Mich., writes: "I can cheerfully bear tes tlmony to the wonderful healing Qualities of the Great German Remedy. St. Jacobs OIL I was af flicted with rheumatism for a long time, and I al most gave myself up as incurable. The use ef the above nre taxation cured me completely, and I feel like a new man." MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 5. 1881. PRODUCE. Biltmoei Noon Flour very firm and fairly active, and Instances higher; Howard street and Western super 4.26a$5.00; extra S5.26aSfl.25; f on.n. fit) rt'-ait7.9fir ciu mills. suDer S4.50aS5.2o; .TtrA RROaSA.'2n: family S7.50aS7.75; Bio hnnrii 7 9F.aS7..17: PataDSCo family S8.25. Wheat Southern higher; Western closing firm; Southern red Sl.85sSl.42; do amber SI .48a$1.48j No. 1 Maryland rea ; no. a western wmusr red spot and December $1.39t; January Sl-42- a$1.42; February $1.45aS1.46; March . rvwn RmithArn stronger and active; Western her and firm; aoutnem wniw otn, jsm preferred... if 100 f.27 1. Currency, W8TOCK3-Opened arm and closed weak and fer- ensn: Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 Class A, smau. Class B, 5'a;... Claaa C. 4's Chicago and Northwestern m m nn fcie ... East Tennessee. Georgia liunoisuencrau. Lake Shore LoulsTuie and Nashville .. Memphis and Charleston.. NasbvHleand Chattanooga New York central Pittsburg. .- Richmond and Allegheny Richmond and Danville Bock Island wabasn, St Lotus pacme.. " " preferred, Western Union - 1 1.83 1.20 1.04 RK1AI 1.H71& ' 1.80 7. T. BLACKWELL & CO. ; i j Dufhara, N. C. ; MMiBffcbrerS M th Orlgla! knd Only OonliMi TOBACCO , 88 , 1.25 1.34 41U 81l Mar221y Our clklm.for merit based, upoxi.tb fact ibkt & ckiemlkal ttalysis proves that the tobacco grown in our soction la better adapted to make a GOOD JPUllE, satisfactory smoke thou ANY OTHER tobacooovn, in the world J 4U& belhl iitdtate! 1 in thie HEAR1I of tills line tobacco section, WE liave the PICK of the offerings. The public ap preciate this; hence our sales EXCEED the products of ALLi fe the leading xaajftufactoiescom-1 Ibined. ; SSjKonX' (fi,nuihie;xiii?m tlH I bears the trade-mark cf the Bull. H CITY COTTON MARKET. nvrrmi nw Tint OBSESVXB. CSABixyrrs, December 6, 1881. The market resterday dosed firm at the follow ing quotations Onui W1H111ri7 11 avw m.. . - Br Strictly middling J J Miaanng. j' tU.VW WW UM-UW , AX. Low mlddlina. ...fjff!1 Tinges.. . Btorm cotton oaww Sales yesterday 192 bales. WLt&tzllnntBXcs. iJ.Bea GENERAL FEED DEALERS -AND- C8 King, of La ; and King to Van-Voorhis. Springer to Wads worth, of N. Y.; and Calkins, of Indiana, to Dibble, of S. C; Moore, of Tennessee, in dramatic fash ion, obiected to Chalmers, of Miss. Bragg, of Wis., imitating the words and tone of Moore in turn, objected to Moore. All objected to stood aside. The remainder were sworn in, and Jones, of Texas, took the floor to state objections to Wheeler, and offered a resolution referring the matter to the committee on elections, when appoint ed ; tabled on motion of Randall by al most unamious viva voce vote. Objections were then withdrawn in all cases except those of Chalmers and Dibble, and all but these two were sworn. Chalmers wea also sworn after some further skirmishing. Calkins then called up the case of Dibble, of S. C, and offered a resolution referring the matter to the committee on elections when appointed. He gave a statement of the circumstances under which Dibble was elected, and contend ed that there was no vacancy, inasmuch as it might be that Mackey bad origin ally been elected. Brown, of Indiana, took opposite ground and argued that Dibble had as good a prima fade rifffot to the seat as any other member. , Evins, or S. C, moved to lay vjaiin? resolution on the table and. it being agreed to, Dibble appeared and quali fied - A, McPherson was elected clerk, the vote being McPherson 148, Adams 129, De La Matyr 9. Hooker Brownlow and Sherwood were then elected sergeant-atarms, doorkeer and postmaster on one vote, and all the officers were sworn in. BUscock, Qrth and Reagan were ap pointed a committee to wait on the Pro sicl 6H Pred D. Powers, of Washington, yas then eleoted chaplain. Adjourned, Nothing now intervenes to delay the President's message but the swearing in of territorial delegates, which will be BHiTmoM Night Oats firm; Southern E0&53; Western white 61a53; do mixed 4950; Perm sylvania 60a53. Prorlslons-qulet and steady: mess pork $18.25- Bulk meats -shoulders and clear rib sides, packed SiAalO. Bacon -shoulders gik; clear rib sides 11; bams 18al3. Lard reflned 12VL Ooftee dull; Rio cargoes ordinary to fair 8ialO. Sugar quiet A soft 9. Whis key firm, at S1.1TO. Freights dulL Chicago Flour stronger; wheat common to choke Western spring $4 60a$t.7S; common to lanes ; Patents ' Wheat actite. firm and a shade hlgner; Ke. 3 Chieago spring $l.28Vfc Sl.28 cash; $1.28 December; Jan uary; February. Corn unsettled and gen erally higher, and closing weaa; No. 2.60a6Q cash and December; January. Oats falrty astire and a shade higher: No. a 4544 cash; 45ia- 4514 TJecember: JaDuary; February. Pork In fair demand and low; new (17.00 cash and December: January. Jfd-active and lower, at SI 1.10 cash and December; January. Bulk meats steady' and unchanged; shoulders 83.60; short rib $05; short clearS9.30. Whis key steady and unchanged, at $1.17. Hnr vrm Southern flour steady and demand moderate; common to lair extra $5.76a$a.76; good to choice do $oS0a$8.12&. Wheat-unsejr tied; HO. Z Spring ; , uuiea wuuer , mr graded spring - ungraded ; ungraded whit, si Riai.421At unzraded red Sl.81aSl.46: No. 2 red aid December S1.41tyaS1.43fc; Jan. uarr 1 February t March , Com strnnor. iinoTurtTVl AKaTOUi: lOW mixed ! MO. 2 white 7SU; southern white 71 1 do yellow 78 ti; Na2 Deoemoer 70a70; January ; FeDruarj nuts bettor and moderately aetlTe: No. 49M. Bops dull and unchanged. Coffee quiet and nnchaneed: Bio 814alllA. Susar dull and 'nominally unchanged; Molasses sugar ; een trifugal i fair lb good refining 7&ft7ty; refined dull and easier; Standard A 9147 Molasses quiet and uncnangea; new crop new une&aa ; uiu uu . Blae steady X2..2U83.Zo. 60t and aulet TurpenQne Rosin firmer, steady and quiet, ladimsetuedrowmw 10 8lS.2oaaLO.OU; uuuiuob muu buu uuvucuikcu. HI rtftTqii8.9.Kfi5ti8.E0: mld tWcaQWa: short clear 9. Lard-low er and moderately active, and closing weak, at jmegnts po laverpooi quu. 811.S5aSll.40. COTTON. low mld'ng 5,638; AugustaAronicZa; President pro tern Davis is not likely to disturb his friend Shober as Secretary of the Sen ate, and will hardly upturn anything that is working smoothly, elsewhere. He can give the Republicans every thing in the way of patronage around the Senate, if so disposed. His whole nature is conservative, and unless goad- edinto resentment, he will let well enough alone. A Washington correspondent of the ew York Times, .Rep, speaking of tjren. Keifer, Speaker-elect of the.House of Representati ves,bef ore he was elected ays "though a man of good record and safe, he is neither a great man, nor one in whom Ked the elements of future "greatness." His election was a stalwart . victory throngh, the ' manipulation of Cameron, of Sennsylvauia. President A. B, Hinsdale, of Hiram Allege, announces that Mrs. Garfield , appointed him the editor of Gen. "uarnews works, : with instructions to - -collect, edit and carry them through the "Press as speedily as is consistent with - completenesssand thoroughness: This .mmlsstotfYcovers the speeches, ad- JJarBeld,buthas nothing to do with his rvr "V-.,'- .i 'J;'." 1'..'.. -:, ' ".. ' " opinion that he was esceedrngly ill balanced, cranky and egotistie. The witness was asked what he thought of the prisoner'g speech, "firar field vs. Hancock," and replied that in his opinion it was a ridiculous disjoint ed affair. . Guiteau, who had smiled complacent ly when the witness came upon the stand, became veryjmuch incensed and shouted out, " Well, it wasn't anything of the kind. You dont know what you are talking about. My speech received the endorsement of the best men in the country." The witness resumed by saying the prisoner seemed to be a perfect nuis ance about the rooms, but was inter rupted by Guiteau, who stated: "You were a nuisance vourself. I'd rather be hung as a man than acquitted as a fool, and I won't have any more of this kind of evidence."- -The witness added, "He was talking BLOCK so xar as ns .couia see. Guiteau beeans greatly enraged, and turning to Scoville, shouted: "If you put any more of these crank fellows on the stand I'll score you again. : It wasja great piece of ; impudence on your part to put Judge Davis on the stand with out consulting me." 'j. A irilMlng-Propeller. : Wlartok,-Ont, Dec. -6-The ; tug Tommy ; Wright returned vlast, night it. 8ea& ater the missing propel ler, Jane Miller.. She found a laree done in a few minutes. OiT.TWiTOH Firm: mlddlinr 1114; niio: mod ordinary lOttc: net receipts gross ; sales 1,579; stock 102,014; exports coastwise : to Oieat Britain ; to conti nent ; to France . NosTOix-Qulet; middling lts; net receipts fS-sT gross 1 j Stock 64.962; exportt wt wlss 4.008: sales 2.070; export to Great Britain 2.191; to continent1--, -f BiLTWOax DuH; middling. llo; low mid dling ilu tood ordinary 1OM1; net receipts ZZi Mla stock 86.B95;f ex coastwise 1,558; spumers exports to ttreat Britain ; to oontment aif ?pcre 1st emotive Balldtagf. ,,3 Flft vears airo not a sinele locomo- gross 5,991; sales stock 4,600; expo1" to Jxl-J'x. , si 4 I ttreat unuun j vo Enoxoo . Rve engine naa uxu uu, m wir.KraoTOH-Oet: middling llfcei low mid- try. Tbe numper now in use ifi xoao, ,. w Ac: od ordinary 10e; receipts all made m America, yaiuea aiu; gross : saes -; sroca m Aznnnn ailrnnil .ar of all kin'ds'nuS- borte'iwaitwlsa 1,723; to Great Britain-; ; to J.;.-l.i J oonilrifent . liar AUK I H I (I1HI.IT1 cy VL1. M. 1 f w iwuiiHaui ; fi 600.000.000. The total value of loco PHUiApzLPHiA Steady; middling 131 midditn 1 1 sofi- roodominarT lOttw; net r Locomotives have also been built 1 15$0d; exiorts Gnat BrttsUv . i to ctfnnent motives and cars, therefore, is $764,450 000. Locomotives have also been duuc for exrjort to all carts of the world, as he superiority of the American loco motive is everv where recosmized. Can ada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward' Island, Mexico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Ewiador, Central America, Chili, Peru. Argentine public, Brazil, Cuba, Porta Bico, Ja maica, Norway, Finland, Russia, New Zealand, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and the Sandwich' Is lands, are some of the countries where the American iron horse is the favorite. From 95 to 63 per cent, of the locomo tives used in the English colonies land in the United States. Sixty million dollars worth of cars and locomotives have Jpeen exported. Sivimtiw rnW? miwiin llfas: low mld dims lie: mod ordinary lWbcr net receipt 6,822i cross 5,850; sates 2,100: stock 105.780 exports coastwise ,3,870: to urea iu"" to- franco 1.800: t continent 4,14ft - : Ksw OnT.i-Oiilflti mlddllBZ . llc; low mldaldig lmc: rood ordinary 10ic; net receip 18489: rross 22 ,558 ; sales 6,000: stock 800,01 epbrU to retf Brltatai 900; to France to coastwise : to continent 1,195. . MopfLB-QuIet; mladirri ilc: low nMdln gross 7,008; iales 1.B00; stock coast 8.128: France ; to Gn ek 45 iiafllBrBaln Mmfhib eteadyi nUddTlM 11: 'reostnrt 'low '8 WJid- ipr wfocsage mine vicinity or White Cl5ud, in Georgian Bay. There ia no qq- j c. that t.hA Xfuior ' Wimf 4 An Mi I with allien board, numbering 25 per IBons, including lft passengers. - KII14 hj m Crautr New OniEAxs, Dec. sPA special' ip the Times-Democrat, from Ticksbury, reports the killing of J. D. McGralt a Planter and store-keeper at Sunny Side janding, by.Samuel'Cole ahalf crazy nezro. . " ; '' - f: , ' a eougn unnts one tor business, society f any viae, except muiancnoiy reneononst thins Hull's nniioh limn anma sustaining one's usefulness. Price 25c Dr eot., thos jmi- IrUpmepU 4,440s 8o,on. - - ' - - - 1S .4 t S f dllng lOe; good ordinary 10; ceeetpU, 1,858; nlnments. : sales 853. "l 4 Cataijwroir'-Ouletf -middling 11: n miadtuu IHhe; good-ordinary llc; net MMlnta KAini! nnu .1 IfllM 7.IXK): IKWI 114.M1! loan . aoastwlBft 8.882; to ureal Britain " ; to continent ; to rranee to- dnannel ' - i w ..w?-1 ' Taut Winn dull. A1crMial8l BHH : nua'H onlands 12Uie: mlddlfnar rifans 12 f-lfJcr'eon- aeuaawa net l Britain 8,771 ; Lmao-ooTy -Noon-Steady: siddnot uplands ai l-lAd:mlddllnirorlAftnii A 13-16dualel 10.000: speculation and export 2,000; receipts 6 200; meitcan 8,8502 Upland low mtddllBg clause: December deUrery d; December and January 1 6d; January and February 6 11-164; February ids. 12fec; middling ofleTma W Virc: eon ited nel reoalpui 64484": exports 9 Great in- l2.689t to France, lMOi toonQneal L; to channel v 1 1 r ".' T- MMI8SION MMI88ION MERCHANT MERCHANT S, CHARLOTTE, H. C. WE HAVE NOW ON HAND : 20 Bis. Pearl Grits JUST RECEIVED. CAB LOAD BRAN, HOW DR. C. W. BENSON'S CELERY AND CHAMOMILE FILLS Build up the nervous system and positively cure Sick Headache, Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Sleeplessness and Dyspepsia. It has been proved that they successfully ward oil all danger of Paralysis, Apoplexy and Sudden death. Their effect upon the Nervous System is some thing wonderful, and there la no wonder that thousands of people avail themselves of such a valuable remedy, while It may be found, In these days of Nervous. Diseases. The simplicity and purity of these pills are at onee in thlr favor, as they do not physic Paralytics that have net walked for two years have been fully restored by these pills, and thou sands of oases of Nervous Weakness perfectly cured, while the eases of 8lck and -Nervous Head ache and Neuralgia that they have cored are In numerable each year and add to their popularity. Too raueh cannot be said in their favor, for while they cure these terrible Nervous Diseases, they also Improve t he general health, and especially the complexion and skin, and invariably Improve the digestion. Sold by all druggists. Price 60 cents a box. De not. inn North Kutaw street Baltimore. Md. By mail, two boxes fox 81 or six boxes for $2.50, to any address. DR. C W. BENSON'S TTNPfitfQKpENTED AttttifcTlON f U j yWHAlAjMlON jJTBlBUTKD Louisiana State. Lottery Company Incorporated In 1888 for 25 rears bv the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of 8l,OO0.0OO-a wbicfc a; reserve fund oi 8660,000 kai since been added. ' By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present 8tate Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 1879. Its aRANOIKGLB NUMBER Drawings will take place Qtonthry. i s ? ; , it never scales-or postpones, boot as toe lollow- ngdlstrtbuaonj f ; 9 t ORA FROMENAB pONCERT, UEI during which will take piece the 139Lb Grstnd nontblr -AKDTH8- EXTRAORDINARY SEMI-ANNUAL DRAWING , At New Orleans. Tries, Deoemoeriati, 1881, Under the Dersonal supervlslonl and ittanace- ment of Gen. G. T. BEAUBBGARD. of Louisiana, and Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE, 8100,000. KorriCTt Tickets are Ten Dollars onlr. Halves, 85. Fifths, 82. Tenths. 8 1. LIST OF PRIZES; rtae ef dOQO. X I . $100,000 1 CAB LOAD CORN and PEA MEAL MIX ID, CAB LOAB WHITE CORN, J CAB LOAP YELjiOW CORN, 1 CAR lOAD PATAPSCO PATENT PROCESS A FLOPR. 2 CAB LOADS TIMOTHY HAY, Aim WILL CIADLY QUOTE PRICES -TO- BOTH THE WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE. SKIN CURE la Warranted tg p,r ; IOXIMAi TftTTPRfi H0"f I u .ilMllAU 'Mil If OIIC IB 3 I ALL ROUOrt SCALY IRUPTlOM J, DISEASES Of HAIR AMD ftCALBV SCROFU LwTULEftSt JPILB8 and TEOEir'lTOHIIiP?onii"PiMFtoffte tody. vlt 'tssliwr tbv sHa whiW soft sad uwft tnoqrit tsa and, froolaes, . and tt. the BEST toOet dnwlniTtTi TK WOAIA " maeaatly put up, two bottles in on p&fcfce. CBtHlTigot botlt Internal Mil llinai iiauiiiii ft fiiiim.v.! All Am elMsdnggistahavslV PttteX.pssAcaff. Respectfully soliciting 8 share ef your patronage, we are respectfully, novS " ' ' 4, J. 'BEALL ft CO. This great pedflo cqtcs that . disease most loathsome WHETHER IN ITS PRIMARY, SECONDARY OB TSRTIARY Tg&, . , Removes allirales of Mercury from the pystenu Cures scrofula; old" sorts, r heunufl3sm, eatema, catarrh, or any blood disease. . CURES WHEN HOT SPRINGS FAIL1 P MSyerri,Ark7May,1881.' We have eases in our tovn who mod at Hot Brlugs Wd ware WMQQgfy Metnpblf, Tennessee, May 12, 181. We have sold 1,296 bottles ot sTa & In a year. It has given universal satisfaction. Fair minded hyslcians now recommend It as a positive speclf S. '. S. MXITSFIKLD A CO. Denver, CoL, May 2, 1881. Every purchaser speaks in the highest terms of a a i' r T. Mimnn . a. c j Xouisvlllei 9. 0. S. has slven l mediclae I have ever sold M ay 18, 1881. ' rlcUotf thafl hay ekr. eattsfi ii A. Fjajssp. Richmond, Ya May 11, 1881; . refer anybody to us in regard to tne . a. a. Pais Mnxjs&Co. .. You can merits of 8. Have never known a 8. 8. to fall to eon a ef Syphilis, when properly taken .... .. ,. H. L. DEHHASd, ' -W'- SUWASBIH,!'- Perry.Ga, 1 The above signers are gentlemen' ot high stand oi'rr, FOB WHEN CURED. Write for partksnlars. and copy ot the little book "Message to the Unforta, - Bate." - - ' ' 'if - f 1.000BEWiBl wui 1w - paid' td'ias 'Chemist w wlllSad, on analysis of 100 botUea of a 8. 3., ppe parcels of Metcuxy, Iodide Potassium, or any 'lAC ' l-?fW PtQft.attantaGs, Sold by druggist! everywhere. - -' - -'13B- Price of large or regular size induced-to 81.75 per bottle, and small size holding halt, the quantity, price 81.' ' - 4 hot . -fs"a Positive Cure fMll lu Pahfkl Caanlalata ul Wufal It will cure entirely the wont form of Female Don plaints, all ovarian troubles, Tnflnmtlon and Ulcer Unit IVlnwt-aiianUlaWttta idltw, i -ii i MHi't t wifi lissatrt luexBtl tumoff Twi iwnmawttlswWvsisdgyfcytS ! It HMni fsltitiwss, meienef, tafttorna ffrsv- iorstintBbats, sad we-iises ll arM Vhmttag, BmAtattu, Kerwu Prartnttoal faenentl PebOUj, Elet&mwH tmprtlrtt sad ladU I fkat Jeritef o besrffrfdcweaiislaf pln.w!gM kd backdM.b mlmj permaneady mn y aaai I Itwffl MU toners WrfmnoiTMeJctW .itannoat wttktelMsegoTeftMaSkyrtanl fSSSB SfatTVbla Dwmirtd" at to and SSf Wertwm AvmOA lath tan of S)s, alsef aftt fPTO f en i wejpTof prlbATH t&6t1ormb.Kmtnkim4 Xreelymfwsrf lOl Utton of inquiry. Send (or WMSW let. dflrf as qiffm ISpwVj -t3iIUwstVal rarxfeiWI A-muHa cify realdan w w. a. bj torneys. D0r201m Grand Prize ef 50.000. . 1 . . m.onn 1 Grand Prize of 20,000 80,000 2 Large Prizes of , ,10,000. 20,000 4 Large Prises Of &000.. ... ... 20,000 20 Prizes of 1,000 20,000 50 Prizes Qt 800 5,000 lMMssa-oC: SOQ. So.000 200 Prizes of .. -' . 2O0 40,000 600 Prises of 100 flrt.onn 10,000 Prizes of 10 100,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prises of 8300.... 820,000 100 Approximation Prises of 100.... 10,000 lQAppfxlinattpaP , 7.600 1 1,279 Prizes, amounting to 1522,500 mi JUBALX imr Ta.- Pmls8'e. Application for rates to clubs should only be raaoe to the. office o the company to ev OrWaDo. wrua ror aiottfttwMscuiwoera ip ' 'M,ArBAUHm New Orleans. Louislans, or M. A. DAUPjBJN. a ! 7 v ,i i. no. atg groagway, j?w i or h The aubJlfanihaKbr esnlonid lUalnst send. lng any money or orders to NUNE8 4 CO., 88 Nassau street. New York City, as authorised by the LoiflsIanaBiatelttetr sell Its tickets. . They are flooding, the country with BOGUS CIRCULARS jpnrporttng to be of toe Louisiana State Lottery Company, and are FRAUDULENTLY representing themselTes as lis agents. They have no authority from this com. pany to jell Us tickets", and, are not Its agents for any purpose. t ! ij ? : liyii;:! ;; IWt Loolslsua 8tate LottBry Co, , New Orleans, La., July 4, 1881. ! novS S9th format RTWT 'iWlf1'!? V am In the City of Loulsrllle. on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1881. : These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General A sembly of Kentucky, The United State droit OpMt on Marcii th. rendered thd followtng aWjUflonsr' ' ssThat qte Ckjnmspwealth Dlstrlbutloi, Cop- I-HwlnU are rate, i 'i The Company nas now an nana a targe rewnj eaa ineiwat nruws to? iae DBCEMBER. DRAWLS, a tat' it goren vm mwpMi g KTABj2!f jii S and SSf Wertwm A-wmOU I Prtsa,.i..f 1 Prize,. 1 Yn 10 Prizes, 81.000 each,.... 20 Prizes, SOfeeach,... 100 Prizes. 100 each..... 200 Prizes,, 60each,. . ; 600 Prizes. ,20 each.;;.. ' f AAA Miis t ftaah ' J tf" Tfw ; wirnjii:. 1.800 Pnws. S80.C in.c 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 12,000 lO.ouu or Jriwuam a ouBuies Bare. For partlcQlraiply tPLATT D. Wil KK.iM- t--r.;!" fifth Wbol TWkU.t3; Half rTtokeU.Sn ST TIskvti, 50; 88 Ttokets, 1100. . Mn(J Bewilt Money or Bank Draft In Letter.? Pg bv Express. DONT 8 END BY BEGI3TKBKD LETTER 0B POSTOFFICX ORDER. .0rde $5 and upward, by Express, ean be sent at our ex psnne i ilrtmns til nmprs tit r - R. M. BOARDMAN, CourierJouroal Bulldlitf Lomsrine, Ky..' or 800 Broadway New-Tori .XSSES Havngleased the -METROPOMtM v HOTEL, CHABLOTTE, N. C, I am bow ready for the entertainment of local sod trWeit eastom,f ,11 MoW 14 nfw, at J " 3ut af trie ciyU lifve Ue aW afid If ! endeavor to please. dec3 ;b.p. bw"