, - -r 1 . 11 m " A nitt Clilli and Pera. gs jBvrB'eFayFewwswaT'.w'Tw r ; t Thaarrflst of President Caldefon of MMHMbteMMWMNMMiawriPM. . mm Mi.iimi ii.WiWrWMWilW wiiiwi. I MvA;l ft'wwbf,..v .y I ' . 1 1 , , 'I WED NE4D A Yrf DEC) 188Lj'j ' I SOCIETY DIRECTORY.1 ' U nnunn LoMX Kd 28U A. F. ft A. M. ra. alar meeUngaTaoaiMaiMlUilnlTueadaynigbta, rnBUim Ourm Ko. 89, B. A. kL EeaUr neetioc erwr tecood ad lounk JTHdaf nlhu. CHABLom CoKXAmoiST Nas, x. T. BdEnlw Knights or homok. KeRiuar - flaeeant comiaadiwgiiajiya. t :1 - -f- vr ' I v wiairm aw PTTHLA& KfteulAT imuttliM nbM Brst and third WednaadaiO O'clock p. atM 9onlc Temple Ball. V , , . CHABLom Lodoi Ha. 8a Meet erery Hon- daynlghU S ; JdKCKLZNBUBa PXCL&BAtlOa .liODflS JIa A Mueis everr Tuesda ntsbl. s , ItTi i Dim Lod Mo. J08.-rMuterrThnnMta night- i -i""'iiv J;ifjj Catawba Rrrra KwcAJOTOBTJia 21. Meti int and third Thundai Blshto to Mch montlj. ' in i in if Index M w, Advef tiMiaeni, Hargraves ft Wllhelnj Attraethr Stock. ffe f Boddick ft Co Santa clause Headquartera.. ' Atieptlon, Independna. it' a i .fj ki A HavlnK passed several sieepfenTntgnts, dtstarb ed by the agonies and cries of sunenng ehild, and becoming, convinced tbaV Mrs.v Winatow's QtUlKt eheTefuaedtofiave ttadBkhilaterM to the child. as soewM BBwutii'm isTor-. oi uomosopainj. Tbat night the child passed tn suffering, and the parents without Bleep. Ke turning home the day roiiowi . iv . a-t . ' A." i i T , . 3 and tbe gome domestic duties, and left WfTTO??.!?! 'thiWSS eniid. LTunng ner absence tion or tne Boouung Brrup to nothing. That nhiut all kan ds slept weiL and the I little fellow awoke inhe atornlng bright and hapr vngutwa nam pj. xne momerwns'oenHHeorwiin ine suooen ' and wonderful change, and although at flrtt offend, ed at the deception practtoed opoa, her, has '" tinued to use the 8yrapauul suffering erytng baLes and restless iilghtsiiava disappeared. A slr"l trial of tbe Syrup never yet 'failed -to relieve t baby, and overcome the prejudices of the, moUr. dett I Sold by au Druggisis. ,26 cents a bottle t?f!3f I LIKBIS CXT8 COCA BKja1 TOSlOj has received the highest medals at Principal Im positions, and is endoised and prescribed by the medical faculty here and abroad, as? tbe- standard ionic. r " - , It embodies the jfntrttlfw elements f the mns cular fibre, bloodstone and raln of xamuily .AlAAtoH inltl-' Kail k-a ' Anmhlnbl rtth h. powerful tonle virtues ol Coca,' or 8cred Ufa:! plant of the Incst, and avetmloeeaalttfvel-ehan4 wine. Bsware of worthless imitations under oars and similar namejIt tnv-uable m dyspepsia, biliousness, etc. 17j i H li'H P 3 f pfei Thousands of lai'li haveiotitil ahddea relief from all their woes lJU8ft Jurdia B. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound, the great remedy for diseases peculiar to females. .Bead t Mrs Lyduv K. Pmknam. 288 FestoroK Avequefna, Was. ! iu, voiuvw. strife ffiiiti r i HOW, TO eZT.SICX; : r.' T l Expose yourself day nd hlgbt, -J eat too much witnout exercise, wors tOO hard Without ret. do-' I tor all the time, taka ui the.vjieoostramiadve 1 lsed, ana men jou wm waMioanow. . " ; HOW to gsj jsaxl, f J wweh is answered ln.ttesawoTak iT'-Vf5 If I 1 J! 0 1 To all who are suffeTlhg 1 sunering rrom the errors ana in-1 discretion of youth, nervous weakness; earty decay oss of manhood, Ac, I will send a recipe that will cure you. 1TBXB of CHAB6X. . This great, remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America, ftpnd a selfmddressed envelone - to the Kxt. jOfcEPH T. ixtaLiif, etanan u, Kew York aty. GIVEN UP BYlVfc!TOk&rf -i "It it possible that Mr. Godfrey 1s up and at work and cured by so slmDle a remedy?' I assure too it ts tree that he IS entirely euraa.; and with nothing but fl miters; ana onii tea days ago his doctors gave aadstddheMast "Wella-dav! That's reii: day and get some for my poor George i lk know bops are good." - - XMINXNTMEtf. It may be observeddhat no attempt Is made to bant up out of the way or .unknown places, to find names to endorse. SUtamoi Uver wgulatom Ron. Alexander H. Stephens. Jobn w. Beokwlth, Bishop of Georgia, Gen. John B. Gordon, U 8. Senator, , t -Hon. John Gill 8borter,x-Jovernor ef Ala Be?. David Wills, D. prasldehf Oglethorpe Coee, ' 1 1 Tt Bishop Pierce, of Geergia. if: f ? : 2 ; Judge James JsdcsotaBopreiae Conrt, SW And did space and time permit we could fill a vol ume with tne highest testimonials. , . " v '. 1 y '" y TIBKIBliBltosS'OF Lrm1 ' - Millions of rats, mice, eats, beg bug, roaches, lose their lives by collision with "Bough on Bats." Sold by druggists, 15c. . . To promote a vigorous growth, of the hair, use Parker's Hair Balaam, f ft; restoee the youthful color to gray hair, remove dandruff, and cures tchlng rf the scalp. " - - - .. FADED OB GBAT HAtB iTadually T6COV0T8 its youthful color and lustre by the use of Parker's Hair Balttam, an el dresatngj admired for its purity and rich CATABRH OT THK BLAVbXB, ttrtU 8tlnging. smarting, irritauoa of tbe urinary pas- snges, diseased discharges, cured by Buehupalba, Druggists. Depot J. H. MoAden, Charlotte, . v I pH'nrif t-H.w Tf I. at AM.,t .l,T.sfamoi(v sa mnafc I . ivvujittiv ciumia f Hivaa dvuvsmo au wm-. mnr.mr w-uta am ibx 0 vfuuiruiiui uciiiUAt, outvu mvww a powerful disinfectant, and a positive gem destroy- I at. ftniMi ntrfMtlr uf. ia nu mmi in im nuai l of the most tnexperlenoed. fit la highly reotna mended hv malnant Bhn1tens and chemists, and endorsed by hundreds ef ethers who have, need, ft 1 and know its valuable pr trifle and willeave mues roveniea. - cosis am a d suflertng, time and moa. et. Darhvs Flnld h hta iwemrmzed as a house hold article for universal family use, Prepared by I n. Minn a. im.. manuiacuinnii enemuHs, suie 1 proprietors. uu iwwaer never vanes, a marvei ui V"1."! - itftYAi. RAirrva powt)T5r.CO.. ' :c nov23 , tfln. -Mew ToxkT eRpyrMvtdson, Bole AgenCMrfptte, sf.-O.;- VALU ABtE FARM .. , ,FOR SALF ,wa Ktvih n e a B'. nutte i it & Y i l; lb; j ' ., - ' - - .1 AMullymTel! T will sell at the ewt house - In ; Caarlotte. en --OTSfaaWean TfP' 4 A 8ATiinnv nvrirunvu ui.t thai Valuable I cnan.M i eMiooi wii' . ' foWonyarm, near Huntewule, N. 4J.. on which j Adam BtaahimM mm miim Thla la considered one of the best cotton farms fa this county, eon-1 wiumg aw acres., wett watered and wunin ie- 'none mile of the A., T. A O. Eallroad. and vrtthln less than three miles ef the depot at Bun. ttoeSto : Agent Iot Bawrer. Wallace 4 Co. DiumuHt nr in a -: w i-i. a.naiii. lerms v mn th nth mmiiAnti in six. twelve I Bonths, wha .rf! Qt Thlsf Ian A Va-j.1 et 1a4 alVW i f'nTl't V- suiMB SZJt.ii m gMBiiif-iia. ai I a f - o r T ae-a a to close -the form to make the malls, i t r-ij.-. --- Tl a!! j??u .JPnf 1 flashed over thA Iffi!?Rftttinir1fc- orl I Pee at a time We werb nrlrt xrom; maunff "a synopsis of it as we I y mld hTe done if ire had had the message before, us In Its entirety.It wi oer concluded to-morrow it is hoped;' Darsiar Cafcrfct la 6alUBrr. . Ourj Salisbury corresDondent savs: I On Sunday night, Just after, sapper, a , tespeable'eolored maiwxealdlnff in'tht I pixouVIlle i ; suburbs, hearing a noise at an outef window, upon InTestigation found a white man trying to force an burglar, and turned him over to the I police. A search of his person revealed I a' large assortment of keys of all kinds ; and sizes, several pocket-books, a razor of extraordinary sharpness, several knives, matches! &c-hv full burglar's buWHeUsadlr$y Ipokglemi wnot could not 361 telligiblaBnglis bably a foreigner, about forty-five years old, redish hair and whiskers, and of low stature. He ' was committed, and the grand jury now in session will In quire promptly into the case ;.' Tea Oaf (are In lb Seath v Atlanta Cet. Bait. Sua. ,l 'An authority upon the culture of tea Who has spent ten vears in China in- forms:ntf that tea can be; grown in' -any JU0 VUttHWa V" of J Staets south el Baltimore, where naiueauy had. He says that the tea treereq&lres plenty of rain and all the un ix cangew An Europe tne people as n ciass n nil c ananuoH or iail wm a in a TCLl-r ,T-TTI?3r" r?1 amencaaoreuiaai is conaiaerea no l fMVM W SUA, UUIWJO WW MliinA UU ff AA J tt SuJ .tic f 2jaj. Green, - a;- prominent railroad nan, tens me that at the Foster, place, near Georee town. S. C- tJbere is an ave- nue of tea trees used for no Other our- vuso uiouxuf .Ajm axiaue uia. mey .give. This is the home, where the . late Dr. A M. Fosteii i prominent pbydan:of the Palmetto J5tate resided during- his life trmetv Three vears aoro Dr.' Foster died frothi injuries sustained by being turo.Wn from a flOggy ?wmlei tiding, Tl - w avenue ia ouitft a loriff nnel and fh trPM anmm nf thm vr ,thlrt--,fMf Kee5 samev,PI l?.e VMttanytreet high, are cetinually in foliage. When the leaves droppfl they: decay the same as those Of the Oak; elm.Wand have) -T. aZ CT.I tiZt Lt-ztStJ,?? "D u?su,u,?u' f. . w- '"K :LeJ)uc 8 administration as the commis- "the6 TnUeS ofhthesYtoeS SlOher Of agricultnre jOlV suites some or tne leaves w " w uubu w uiuu vj uic cuja- uiiaBiuucu mesa ii;aoa wqr cureu, aua JirsJ Foster after wards drank seme tea ww maae rrom tne leaves sent oacK ' to' neri after tbev bad oeen cured nr thft teom. I missioner. The Foster place was once 1 . AM t- a. VI- . I plantation, ,a,nd f niAhoiT Tmnw . k,-. I 1 v . X. ." vfi or.Atey. Mr. x ropier, now pastor ox sc. Michael's church, Charleston. S. CL'Who brontfht the plants from Jauan while a lieutenant in the United States navy. iiaaur. osier uvea ne wouia noi doubt have gone regularly into the cul ture 01 tea. as it is now, nowever, tne entire, avenue or. trees -covereanvitn leaves, and which would pay thousands nf rlnllnni tmmt if AttAndtwl tn: wrvn 1 u z j .11 1 uuiy as Buaue ucw 1 jr uatwe auu poul try, while the residents on the place and in the' vicinity" sit down at home, and, while looking at tne trees, drink tea made from the same source and brought all the way 'from ' China to their homes. It is surprising that some enterarisine Wtfaawh is familiar, with I the manner of curing the leaves of the I tea plant and attending to tne trees themselves does not go to South Caroli na and get possession 01 tne avenue, in tne language or'juoi.? tseners. "Anere s millions in it," and the road is operi, all tne way. "i Vi i iiii . 1" M APrepbet Olore Pepnlar tbain Venner ibuTsville Post n Vf , y The I goose-bone has ? long been f an honored weather prophet In some of the back counties of .Kentucky the farmers make all their arrangements in accordance with the predictions of the goose-bone. In. some localities , the croose-bone Is laid aside, labeled with the year; and it said- that one old farm- er in ureatnitt county nas tne none ex tending back for more than forty years; To read correctly the winter of any year take the , breast-bone of a goose hatched daring the preceding spring. TttA Knna .la tMtnlflrtont nA it will VtA ZXtZ XT5ZZ ZZa Th cold. If the spots are oia ugn snaae 1 . - - , .. - a e. . e . a . . t r Ti tTtn fr-atYl TI VAlT -W AUrn rRl IT - -4TT I saaa vauwvhvu ar www t v-v-a - -r - lnow mav, be looked for. The Potttl . - . w - . ' v . . - ti has eiarninedithreeboues, JBne j soatnwe8tern j.entucs:y, one frbm Jeff erson county and one from I T ArArtj Ttf iThew. indicate. M motleV I winter, with a mild December and Jan narv and a cold February. - 4 -t t i.r-ii.:"- wt jtntit , 1st Ula Ureavt awrrew. Of Edwin BcA)th atMrs3ooth's burial a private let jnted in Boston Batarday Evening Gazette says: 533d win Booth stood' with uncovered head a few paces f rom ,the graved aud;7tyheri here-enUred Uie ' carriage he was, so shaken with emotion and with the bit ter cold that he shivered like a man in ague, We were glad to get.hiniaway from thls gloomy lspoC HIs cbhduct and hparinc all throuffh this trviDZ or deal have been marked by great dignity and propriety iindhefnoatr taste.i If I had not already known the strength and beauty of his character. Its aintni a Yi Ahf-ft and . thoochtf ul tender- hnes I should t aVeleArft W It f nl8! T tiftvn . ftPPTt 1 - seen of mnr in -nisr time to y hlA finlvv. those who knew . him - I "io iuesuow flawing -uipra, unrtMiwniMB I as IV canimnaerstaangnt tne caam n lYJ -o r.i."jr. .ri- -G-fortitudewith which he hasKndujred j jr O -J-. it" "U" "M" w" "O- M . ami nrm or ". and, bitterness or heart, and crud.niisrepiesenmipW; W man was ever more ,wue that will sustain him against all the de- The CapwFear.BlTe reer - t i iWettitoltAmlner. The Cape Fear Navigation Company received a few days ago from tbe uni ted States government a cnecKior viw- ithesumnaciea in tne ci,s lted States Congress, to be paid. the impaoy xorxne surrenaer or- ixieir irhta i ni iiie-tnaffiaruver-.jjie deeaf OlT sxaTenuer ..ai . mobia ouw, i from a rjugmt of' Ahecsizs of a horse ladthaO?ie obH u which practical men Csay. donp.f t innr.Aroha.bff that anvthina win oe ddne In that directlori until the-ieason ' oUow vriter. which may : be expected I durinir next summer.1? ' ' - t .;..Vi f. ,t r , It Vis! LJ'iJT ..vK mam aiuf inMMl i euruig aoow i vs ivbm wi x LiJL. are presertbing that trM and true remedy, BMney vk for iha worst aa4a of biliousness anaensu ptttodTas U is for ki y ecrr"'-.; Isicarcely a per tobe fount! i inot ta j "Ilt-; . ft as a r a a tAiuuiaK a . . . uai riar AViAAAAav every spring. If you feel o"t of BArta. aDi know mbr. ti a Dackaga of kidney Wort an , you will xeet a new oiurs-rAivwiAitVf Eentinel, , - " - ' . . 'aiis by the Chilian authorities ten er- ed cromDt iaction?by our, coTernmeat 'Wbleh had recognized him as the chief fi 1minfafif4in rnecesarv. Aa g6on as disrotches Kmld wprwK wwiJa jBilwr igr' warded his -protest 4 to Peru. Walker Blaine, third ffcf&t3a:S8ert&rr State, and "WnWILTrescottEailsdfroia New Torjc fort CsUsa (a Eiturday in the steamship Cotorvbeirln these :di3 patches It is uxulerstootL Jthat. while their purport 4s In the line cf -rigorous protest against the riolent measures ta ken by Chili, they do ?not contain an unquaimea approTai ox xir. uuri- ooumln jprwnls4 Albaay (a) IMsptca to Che On. -etatia: The lynching of Christopher Davis at b mumo well at was discussed at an earnest, v tended meeting of the ladies of Albany Tuesday 1 eveBing. As an evidence of the feeling entertained by them, here is one of the resolutions passed : "Ke solved. That we pledge ourselves to op- pose, we prosecuuon 01 any one wm was enzazea in uie aaoeiniE ul aj&tib. f-lllf - ' 1 II 1 11 Kniu nuil Ita 1 Dtitl'. nh awmn. andpronoonee tt the best tnedlclne In- nse. .A ease of consumption hen, was enredV by Its use. We cheerfully recommend tt te-all aafiereis.9 Price only 26. " vo' - . ':r ::--1 " .tsr'i'sitw-'g n'tftm'm TBS tmsjXSCi HI AN XDITOB'S I consider tt Vor fcTpul nfa good wor for St' Jacobs 00, which I do fiont myown experienoe. Xy wife had rheonatlsri sar yeaj," irut snflerM tery greatly; she used ter many rentedlet with out rellet ' A few montha co .bonghta, ottfa of fet Jacobs Oil and the fucceap which attended Ita use leads ' me to recommend fblsarucl'to an similarly affected. The tot application acted like magic and the oeeawionftl use' of Si, Jaeobs OH baa prevented tbe retAQoIthlpcrtioable wUh us umost rntoierabie pauw 1 consider Bt. jaeaos toaacmat if. aiui advbte an no snff -iu. .1. . Muaasa' tm few .4w" sauiA 1 wmm. 1 ... I have net aald too muchttt ta praise.1 Buof, id. iiAi ETS BY TELEGBAPH tt,.,- at PBODUCat "Vi-il 4 . wneas Boutnem lower; western lower ana clos ing firm; Soathem red none offering; No. 1 Mary land red : No. 2 Western winter red snot and Peoeinber St.88l.38tt;r.Janaarr SlV.a fi.4iv; jreoruary. si.44wai.44M; varca $1.471&S1.478. Corn-8outnern stsadfi West ern easier and closing -steady and flrav; gouthera white 67; doUoweSJ iJfllT I BAXAwaa NlgtuV-Oato duD; Southern E0a53; western wmie. ei; mixea 4vaout Annajivanu 8O.4 Provlslona--aaiet and unthaneed. Ooffse ttwrnrn Wtannchged.. , , v; hi- C0TT05. : uplands - nUMUiwarlMBa Al.1Adi IJOOOt ipecuiaUon and export 1,000; reeeli 20.600; American lt.200. Unlandstow mldc Tiiis.MiAl-iiai iliHsii i Ti Ti 11 if Tmhmm 6a6 19-82d; January and February 6 21-82d: rebruary ana staren o za-tssa; uareii ana A.pru May e a-Baa: my ana June ; . Tnlw mv4 krutrtm A OfDKM. angusiana sepwmner LmraFotavS p, it Sale of Amerlean eotton 8.000: uplands low middling clause: December delivery -p December and January January and February February and -If arch 6S4d; May and June 625-82d; June and! July ; Juiy ana August .1 . ; jauretciosea teaay. , JTJTURXS. 1 j Nsw Tom Fatnres dosed steady. . Sales 104 ooa December..... January....... '11.96 1215 12.84a.86 lvUSa.54 12.68a.69 12.80a.81 12.91 a.92 rebiaary March. ..... ..., APrtl. ...... Trb . AVn .. Tnle 18.0ia.02 August..... .... 18.lla.l2 .... ' 12.44a.46 Septomber.... Q0TTON MABKXT Omen or Teb Obsebvxb. I CbABXATrrx, December 7. 1881. f The market yesterday closed dull at the follow ing quotations: - Pood Middling. 11 Strictly middling,. life Middling. lite Strict low middling..... 10 liwrnvkinin .... lUqg Tinges. 1 e-ea-jaw a a wwaiu'e 8a9M Storm estton; ... ........ .... . 8ales yesterday 620 bales.' tytrv &&vzvti$ctazuts. r Attention, Indepdents. . 1 ,:" t. ir on are hereby noUQed to attend the X. monthly meetrna of vour eomnani this SvSTt ail ay) evening, at 7Vi o'clock. Aluliattend- Si'JrfrJidniaI anc Is aesti Jni&tness 01 lmponanoe. - ; n Br order. W. J. HATBI80, - Vloe-Presldent. I secretary.. i It 1 7 ALSO, A XABGS LOT OV .iri-ti 2 't4 H I AT WBOLXSALB 0T BBTAHV s' l ! .-. ....... f-- f in - -it- . " - ...i .... , . : - ... . ... OA f-j - ai nhrilD a '.it ti III. fAlNUntVYO, -5.- - ' v,-r il . i .j5!Jt 'AT WHITE FRONT, ' - . - sopronrnnrnKirrt Omen, 1 .i.Ouutotte, M.i Me 84tn7l881, f yn and afterSatnrday, Not. 21881, the gouowing seaeauie wiu m sue. ws uu tvmui- ri -,eiK3 CaBTH.r LeAve f.a"iU)tteJ:i... j.. 45 p. n. Arrive Leave ?tausvfne;.". J : : . . ; . .X ' T CO a. c v I Davidson CoHefe,.:.... ...... 47 v a Anlvs it Charlotte,.:,.. ....... 19 15 a. n r y'r isMT.irr. ' ; f ' v 1 refrolar IWed- nTTn lTTrnn ri n - t-UnPillllrib, f,..-J J -f7 .!."&... . ..'!;.. Bcass. niyr' ' I. i -ct mjmmm wva-aia ' " t Mooresidlle ...,..l,.,v.-t-" 7 52 p, m,. at &tatesvlll Vw(. m. Shtikteat tpectao enree that jnost 1 3r ? t murium a rrs csxxast. soossast gs TX8XIAKX,STAUL . Bemoves aBI of Meiuuiw fronlhe trstem. Oaum asrafi old sores, rneumansin,eoama. -.s caBurn, orany wuva wseavew i-t omxa whew hot springs fatxi , j i MatTern, Ark-May2. 1881. , TtkiMsuMm out town who lived at Hot! Bpnngs and were onany - vemBhta, Teimessee, Hay 12. 1881." weaavesold i JZOd bottles of 8. 8. S. m a veaz. Tthaa vtven tmrrersal saUsfaedon. Fair minded physicians now recommend tt as a postttvespecttV 10 , d auminBUD a w,, Denver, wm., suy a, senriiRuiaser sneaks in the hiabesttenae of a a a - 1. n 11 11 11 , Looiavffle, rentocky, May 18, 1881a" 8. B. Si has erven u given better satisfaction than any medicine 1 have ever sold. . ! ' ' ncnnood,Y Kay It; 1881; Ten Can mfer anvbodv to ns In recard to the jneius no. a. v., rmuuBgai,, Have never known & a & to fall to erne a aa etSxphnis, when properly takenw , a. At. imnisu TTl , TIT 1 ;1 v xne anove awnen are cemiemen 01 nun anna. sm . ' f , .4 Atwnwixr,wv.oit, if Ml.k 'mm mmM l.fcl mmmtmmm, mMrtmaim 'm&m1rmm I B WHKN CTJBXD. write for particulars, and Of the lime bxk "Message to toe Unforta. Si .000 BXWAKD will be Wdd re any ehemlst wno will nno. on analysts oc 1 et txxues 01 n. a. s tne paroeie 01 J&ereury, loaiae Awssinm. or any mineral suostance. dwxjtt btisoxi w., :m- ' Preprtetora, Aflanta, Qa Sold bv druuf Ists eteij where.. -; t .. . Price of larss or resuiar size reduced to 81.75 per bottle, and small size holding half the enanuty, pnoe ;nor.i f-iiv?-.-.: J: f TO TBXB I OIVB BSAbTZS. "Kxcellent Tonle, AJterattve aM Dturetta" I AWticai Assodauon. Ajncnnurr. va. , j "Used wUh great benetu In Malaria and Diph. snena."-B. jr. Ainnon. si. lk. ua. . "Successfully used in dyspepsia, ehronle dlar-1 ntoea and scrofula." Prot 8. Jackson, M. Bt, univ. Perm. . "Invaluable as a nervous tohle.--Ho& l tV rowier. Tenn. " "Becommended as a prophyiactle In iriaiarlal msOTCia." al k. jrairez. n. u.. n. u. 'Bestores debilitated systems to health." T. C. Mercer. M. D Ind. Aoaptea in enronic aiarmoea, scrofula, and epaiar- eo. i. Aurnson, a. aa, a. x. uccessful tn dinhtheria and neuraurla.''-I. P. Moose, at. il.. rf. U. Jtzceiieni ior certain aiseasea neeauar to wo men." Prof. J. J. Moorman, M. D., Va. "Prompt in relieving headache, sick and ner VOUB." MWV. a. u. Aiouson. "usea wun great oenent in aaspepeut" J. mo- ih, au D., Pa. to bronchras and diseases of dlaestrre oreans.nw. F. Boushmn. M. D.. Ala. ' "Most valuable remedy Known for lemaiaou. easoa." jno. tr. Meoeaur. ml. d.. i. i d. -ui grea. euraave vmae." xnos. jr. itumioKi, Beneflciai m uterine deransement and mala- nous conaiuona.- u. ja. vau, ja. u., umo. "cnarminc on the eomnlezion. niakm smooth, clear, soft and rosy .'WMlss M.. of 8. i "The nrlnee of mineral toniea." )aneU 60-1 11am,M.A.N.a inestunaoie aa a tome and aneraiave."iiua- ter ucCfUire. u. d.. va. 'Jine anneazer ana Mooa nmaer h. ruber.. M. D.. Qa. , i ... . "very nenenciai m rmnmvin a moneM svs- iem." tnsnop Aiecawnn, oz wa. Invalids here find welcome and health." Her. John uannon, late of La., now of Eichmond, va. nas reai mem. oouin-rn ueu. journal. Pamnhletsfree. noon armlicatton. Water. 84 W ease, Mass and Pills. 25. 60. 75 cents. Sent pest-paid anywhere. Summer season of SnrinM beetns 1st Jnne. S35 an , . - . m w & moutn. Auaress - a. it. AtAviAa, nesr oi tne tat, , 78 Main 8t, Ithburg. Va., P. a Box 174. : , . SOLD BT . WILSON ft BUBWKLL, t ' J. H. McADKN, and t; L.B. WBIST0N4CO, i..- .r,: "ar27., rCtMtfjDttfclMX Chew bnly the brand o tobacco known as The oid oaken Bucket. : fpHJE old Oaken Bucket. , . . .,. A,, The Iron-bound bucket, , , The moat-covered bucket,- Thathunginthe weD.: , , ,t . ... . . . . . CHAS. B. TONES. ' Charlotte, M. G., Sole Agent. s Aaoerai terms to oeaiera. : .-j :.: St Mieholas for 188L 5,000 FOB' XzTQLAJTD, 100.000 nn AHSBIGA CT. NICHOLAS, the charming maraztne for boys ouu (UU, oiiwu VJ Wh' uaJhij mayo.- vwaisi nas Increased so .much in size and number, of pages during the past year tbat the publishers have Been ODUgea to i obnged to Issue the yearly volume to two nartsi! , Instead of one as heretof o iore.' as i toitsdrcu-1 ntlon, they report a gain of 10,000 In the average monthly editions of 1880 over 1879. The an- nouncements for the coming year include a capital serial story for boys, full of exciting adventures, "In NBiure't Wonderland,'' or, Ad ventures in the American TkIes: Stories Of Art and Artista. by Mrs. Clara Brsklne Clement, a faithful outline of tbe history of European Art, with many illustra tions; "Phaeton Bogers," a delightful and Itftmor eos1 serial oy uossuer jennsoni -Mystery m m Box of JJtetatere, dlrecfJng and encouraginf young people m tne oest reaaing; xne agaasu as sodaUon. fully explained In the November nnm- oer; VTWO jsngnsn yueens,- uy sua. ujipnanti The iAMsfM"! ehlldren's ooeretta. with tausic full of charming tableaux and effects; A series or -Mainuuuy luustratea isauaas ior xoung Soiks. hesrlnnln with the Christmas number: A Special Budget of fairy stories by Frank B Stock tonthe first of which is in tbe November num har. An Indian Sinn by "Brlitht Eves.' the Ponca i Indian maiden: a splendid holiday story, A Christ mas with the Man in the Mooa,? by Washington ttladden. Open-air Papers, stories ot sports, and tames, win do eononnea, wim au tne popmar oe nartmAnta; ..... u 1.-j. . i. ana will include "the wonderful Christmas nun- i ear, of which the edition will be &000 to Eng land and 100.000 In America. The price of this number, to do nsuea aoout 4roveiniereA,' wui inHnMnim. - -. v - . . . fkAffnia nriaa S3 a year: SK eents a number, tor sale, and subscriptions received, by all dealers, or the publishers, Sorlbner .4 Co. 743 Bnadway Mew ions. ; ,r: '.. -i; . j , j xonyi- Jiv I'w i il Chew only he brand of toteM0 knowa asThe old Oakaa Bucket. .:, , - .r .'A- The iron bound bucket. '.' i-u,, xne atess-coverea uucxew r y CHABv B JOBZS. ? Charlotte, M, CSole Ageat. "J Adberai ternuuio oeaiera , , 2 am Oxonian,; - A JOUBSAL OF LXTEBATrjBE ft BDTJCATIOB' i A, pubHshed ssenthly -at GsfetdV M, X, at On Do'iay a year ia auvauoo. . - . - - i h nrnnian alms at bttreaslnc the interest for Literature and Education, and gives original ar tw.tM im anbtect of vital tmDortance ae weQaa eriuctsmsef the newest sjid most valuable pauica- j.f-. daatded advantages to aderttoers. Bbra averaee - circulation. Aaariiseens are shown prom fuUyi imlnenuy, are nee uub mm, aou anr taste UiSDiajea. its auveiuuig- mw are noa ia exeesa oi Hm value to an adveroset, Advertise. ments, intended for publlcantlon m any issue, Should be In the orace w jtne z jrn oiine monta. maxle-tf .. J. C. UQZaUL, Oxford, 2i U ar. "MB- jpsjsjBBjssMawaaeneasaaBMafM a toeOhsome " - 7 . - QEHBALTEETi PEALEE3 V? ,.-'.-dJtn- COMMISSION OHM IS 8 I OK OMKlflSION MtBCHlKTfi II HI 8B1U MM Jt tt UUAfllUI -CHABLPTTE, n. X!. IE HAVE NOW ON HAND i! : "t ' ' JUST KZCX1TD, ; " - : 1CAB WJAD BSAM, CAB XaaAD OOSOI and P1A MZAL MUlD, 1CAB IX)AB WHOT Q083X, . ' - i - ..... . CAB IjOAD TJCLLOW OQBH, 1 CAB LOAD FAT APSCO P ATSST FBOCZS9 a , -ixocrsa : ; ' . 2 "CAB LOADS TIMOTHY HAT, WILL GLADLY QDOTE PRICES BOTH THB WnnLPi t,t and BIT AIL TBAD& JPT Bespectfully soliciting a ahare ef yon patronage, we are respectfully. note a. j. bkall &oa rnaments JUST BKXTVX1X KALO-MEDA, WILL FOCKEjS,; GIPSY BASKETS, LABIXS' WOBi; BASKBTS, SCRAP BASXXTfl. LUNCH BASXETS, WHISP POCKXT3, dristias StocKiigs, W TASXS, BASXLS, CANES, Be, , This is aa entirely sew Parisian style of Orna ments, and has never been offered tn this mar ket, and can be bought only at BQV24 XPDTN8' BOOK STOBX. .T...iWy......t I.', il WE LEAD! J ' - ' i. -J ' CHARLOTTE OPERR HOUSE. 8 THURSDAY Q DECEMBER O 1 -'. ' , Annual Visit ef the Favorites, - TONY BE NICE'S l 1 , ' " v , Emzpty Driytfl: P:i:. Tim vt -. and trmtsnt aseeouttioo of. --WTUOowaof aaaowns,w. ALFRED ' MtT rrrt srcjravn TBB UBXAT V lUAixVV'..f TKB OBSAT til AiitoeratoftheSttltA, 4 PXXB OF T8 LATX ia Im -TOX i AaspensinE wait a lavisit nana CCIDLET-EW7r4CUe; ' A CABSITAL OT COSSBT ( V : "i-A I3TAGE I llArai GBAaU Prices of admission as nsualj lserred seats n sue at tne usual piaeei.p . v .7 .-data a; v , .V:;;; .i '" OUB .BUsnrEss .TOLL BE n7rT:Tnryja7 loft, 1C32. And in order to dlypbss cf ths balance of wrr rtock dortog tbis month, we havd concluded to OFFER GREAT SACRIFICES. Do not fail to take advantage of this important sale. We offer extnMxrdirxary bargains la BOYS' AND MENS CLOTHINGr. tsr For sale at my residence one Crimson Parlor Set, One Walnut Bedroofn Set. One Handsome Walnut Sideboard, Two Poplar Bedroom Sets,. Centre Tables, and general household furniture. Possession given at once. . ; . M 8 .. . ....... ...... .. . -:- " KGDDIClt. & CO. , ; . J A P A N ES E W A RfE J AT C 0 RODDICK & CO. FANCY QOODS i?SS: - RODDICK & CO. 'iBGDIi &C0. CAlillAllSikRODDICK & CO. TRULY YOURS,-.- - - ll(5tm?F0nntATCIi0sEr OR THK WEB 1 WILL nn n At My Retail Store, Trade St., GEOCEEIE ASiIlAM MAKING ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENTS. LL AtwOod's H0IT8' COLOGNE, 4711 GERMAN COLOGNE, x just iteceivea oy ffTJT?T"90 . TJTT.OTTTT Is a superior remedy for all diseases of tbe BLADDKBV wUUJrJC4i D i U yil U Soldonly by - - WILSON ft BUB WELL. ITT'MT? HTiiTT T?TVT,T? CT?rTC Jewelry Cases, Puff Boxes, Hani Mirrors A?livXy 1 J LLsFj il Hi DJCilDa Odor Cases, In alltries and attiljwiees The largest 'ttd nicest assortmeot ever brought to ttis7market. WILSON ft BUB WELL. .,t TURKISH BATH TOWELS, ? tlVnt? A T TTSIT? (HTDRATXD OIL). Hydrallne has . been proven of the highest AA A lJIxAXjJLlXSlii. value in eonsamption, and all wasting diseases,- invariably prudue- tog taimMlate Increase to weight: Fresh supply toSlarmefTlstt Increase to welglit: WUson; & QufcMycnd Permonsnily ErJSaitoeiiaiiBsRigteiy mum amaomalad ae a poattsve A narattve aee ware- sot A gf. DvrT'ft'1 1 'Ai Saw aad au UaAtiadaat ertlB. It doss net bmnIF aftord totnaorarr sttaA bat Is a anaanot i UMkr.WkiiaMa,MnfutTM Mdictaa mm Mat Att i 5 aeafBsMBlMD OMOMMtV. Jactna4M. U yeer drapiatdoas aeS aoa HVHBOIUMI o - . IX. . WU PBCK COu ' i war, aw xarsc. eettT dAw-n Chew only Ue brand of tobaooe known as The iiyue bn iPket. rrHX old Oaken Bucket. A The iren-boond bucket. Ttia wim rnTil tinrT nf - v - - that lmrt tn the welL i . ciift. w. joNSS. J Ai J'. .!- Caarlotte, H.CL, Sola Agent POSITIVELY'; CLOSED H. MORMS & BROS - - RODDICK & CO., " warftWW SELL K AS I AM Cologne, FINE KAIL BBTJFHZS, FINE FBEKCH SOAPS, waaowi asuswAUk fine assortment. Just received by. , WILSON ft BUBWELL.V.' at Burwell's, ttjrkey$,':geese; ,aaaaaaTWr. v4 i V-.ii?-lf -.7m- NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES, . "s -Snd HONEX -a- LAEQE LOT OF iKLNDLING, S. M. HOWELL'S;" ' nov22 11 S 1 . ' j Z fill - rl'r1 I ; i i 1 .'4 'it V i 11 V fl - i!j ' f 1 M i: i Hi V f if v ! - oh ' t 1 r ; V V. r 1 iV kv,. Wij i- r v -1: I