r - K 'T-' )TTTAT. 1 IF) APPETISER ) inem,i&e and rivea new life to the TblsMna. Heat Sold br all drajorista. ' - Wrifirib the a nil .a ; fimwnxmMi 1 ma aaSi inMuiaiiH. A neauoB m m won i bar that iTioorof bodT.haaoomaUa oiearaaaaoi huhiw work, icaow not womb a it m w ITfca XM 9r irw aaiWaat J ra 1wer jHtrsaM eatrf lUIIFACTItU M TBI OR. MaKTEIMfPiCI TTrrvw TirrTERS are nknlv reconnncnded fbraH diseases, requir- - . t Ti effimenr. tonic S' especiauj iuyp-w-,-'-.-. Kio tram geiobuito "to""" TT. .VTlia k Tcav aiFDiCINC CO.. MB. til MOBTN - Tr- t AT LESS THAN Auction Prices THE THE FINEST COLLECTION OF C ILV JB-PIATID WART? U I L ViB-PLAlKD WAR Xrer exhibited In CharloUe. JUST RZCXIVSD: ROGiaS' TBIPLE-PLATE KNIVES, $4.50 DOZEN. A full line of At greatly reduced prices. Call early and get first choice. Respectrully, J. BRO0HHLD ft CO. norlO JI JTC S :ok- TV A3 - Of the eonntv nf MwtiMiaiM ma ..h of ChaSSffin WUrt toUM ta tbeeW Ififrl lOTf ' ftf TnmiavTT - 1000 l - theafluch were owned by the late Mary M. I tSSJS-' Yrf 0,1 ,the Lawyers' read, eontalns 408 actes, wltb a large Brick Dwelling House,- good bams and ulnar imnmmt.7 c-r TH1J ALLEN TLACK, contains 27 aeres",!" 4 mile from the city, adjoins the Home Place, and Ues between the Lawyers' road and tba modkm toad. . tHlWtNXNS PLACE, On the Potter road, coif was 188 acres, adjoins the Home Piaov and is THE WILanw Pi.arw- Z, x .1 a -.J- k- if- ' BlllM fjNMII-ChftrWttawnntitna UO'J vr tntlea frotn Charlotte, contain. 97aoreat J TAT. wtmuauwwu a vaiuaDie ooia Mine, in TJn- Ihe Home twt; the Allen tract and the Wilson ; tract, eat-j, U tist bo ottered la lota and Uwaas -. a whole. -- ' -' -. . . , . , . ' This sale Is made subject to th mtiacatlon aa4 Termst Ona tenth' eashi halanee In t lnstallmenta at ona and two years, with. seIritT 1 - Deeds and Plata aan be seen at the law office of Parties " to examine the property win ao-1 - C. MAXWAXL. I T,mlrM December -ids-dally 4t a . naa o-- rmtS!T?''' ftmrv i. rooms, c i "tth nfcfct, ui.rea' iminntes' wi. from tae square, Aviii u ti iMil tn r pood teDftfit f rt roder rntes, t.-r .U.e year uccl sua At Po&tuUce. .ajjjjafJjjajJMBMMBaBa ff CHAS. R. JONES, j SoleAg't.Charlotte.C. JJ Fancy Silver Ware 4 V AT TT AUTT? T A XlTkO y-tT-iA--Aj.iixK3a fuice, A5UlpnesJaalMSSj TTBTTJX Of a decrM of ATRUfc TONIC 1 dk 'jO 3f nerres.. It acta like a cLarm .on tte ji i A frioTituwt v. . 1 f- 1 ltaia lliilia llltllft laW nrrer bef ora ojo J. P. "Watsok. Fi Ohriitlmn Ohnrel MAIM STIUT, ST. tlliS r . '.mji'vrrj THE ONLY MEDICINE 15 EITHER Liqni OIl DEI FEaT That Acta at tke tomt time atl m LI7SM, T22 B0W2LS, AUD TESr S1DE27S. WHY ARE WE SICK? BtccniH v4 allow Viet great organ to lieeome dogged or torpid, and poitowut humor ar thertfor forced into the Hood that $Aouidte expelled naturally. J WILL SURELY CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, , ; k i tfltit complXiitts, PXX.X47 TPATI!r, 1 VHKA3tT WI i HKR, TEXXLX WEAKSESSXS, X X3TO XXSVOVB DISOBJBS, by causing free action qf these organs and restoring their power to throw off disease. Why avffer Billots palma aad ackasl y Wky tormented with PIlea, Coastlaatioat Why frightaed owr dlsordar4 Kldaejil Wavy aadara aerroaa or alek fcaaAaekaal UuUmy.WOnTandroieeUheaUh. It is pat up in Dry Veawtokl Term latin caju one package of which makes aix qaartatrf! maflirina.'- aleo InLtmU Fana, ary f aaaaa trstad, for those tbat caonot readily prepare it. t3TTt acta wtth equal efficiency In either form. oet n ov tour nRnooisT. . price, ai.oa 0 WELLS, BICHABDS0H ACo.,Proa, M CWffl tend the dry post-paid.) BTJlUMMaVVtV gTWa,TL an March 274&wly 0 mmsMnjhSim lid. mfi Tir.il lAb Jl - hns Tmnn. from which I n On.SA TV71 r. ili Only Vegetable Compound iicclIfectliitifSfi" thfe Liveiaiwi cures Liver Complaints, Taun- 'geOTOllJiStreja UI'J' f A T i1 J - rV - -r . OANFORD, 102 CTOadway W.Yii FOE BALE BT Alt OBnOfllSTA : saml 8-iaod eow-j-iy; . T 1 fiT "T Pi :0, '.WILSON, -... 1 ; v a. . Bbui x a,-AU a i - ' Bole Agent f o BV t fc JC.aL.kjaf . 1 w r ....'T;T.?,I?i'M,;i iij i IartTfir.Ti.Tir.lK lira '4Witx:,si?ff':-5 i- v . .ir- iii i. jaw - nm am..an-n-, .. . .. '.'iil-l ef01! Indooementa .wf3ia,,wtelesala traCe1 at - f Srr1 e ot year. ooaou. sample roomi on &iSvA " B 2aT iLH kt BL SB SB' BrE r t 'kew notes: 1 Friday night the body of an unknown Vnan was found In an. abandoned cham ber of the BeUeru shaft, Scran ton.Paq The hands and face were eaten oil dj ffiMerritt, a drover, was fatally ahot by Lboia Bohrer in a Baloon at Louis villiL Kvi on Katnrdav niebt. The men were etrangiraito Jeach pther;j BOhrer Joseph a Caverly has Deeaplaced In fiiT td await the fesUt of iaatoDB thd body Df MrsTMaretBrahanT, who niea in txreemana, rt . xi Daturuay uiku a M JI -w-w CI A Wk under BUBpioioas circumstances. 1 CanL' Wm. A. Webb.-who served as an dScef in the United States n&VT.and .afterwards 'in ,tne j Confederate nayy. niexTT"; i lus Tesiaence - in vuoocniana lOtihty, va December 1. i 'Andrew drnw Painftffift..of 'Httabnnr. Pa- made an, off er'to jthe city o Pittabnre ! epend2fojiS4oI fit Si5f0dp for its maintenance. (New urieans) railroad suDiesjwaterj street, near Louisiana avenue, wnuei filling thegas machinSestromgUieil stable and contents, mcwomg nrtj ani- tharness, feed Btnfl-&c. "'Lross, The German arovernment is mm orer tne tjrecedentBdr em .tidn from Germany to the United LiHexDedition to evict delinauent ants will soon be made to the islands came into court in New York Saturday moraine with a verdict of, murder in the third decree against Mrs. Coleman. -Theiswerftnd, her mother and rela- iiThe iuehest sentence by law is four coniesseu.xu jiuiKeutia aiuuununK tu uo- tween STiOeo and 38,(XX). He forced thed names of Injamto'BatjBpian and GeoJ (j. veracMjaa3eai tne anoneymxnec Ck)l. CRichard Henry " "Wilde died in New xork a few nights ago of Bright's disease' of the kidneys. " He was born in Louisiana in 1852, and was a grandson of it. li. wiide, oi 4ieorga, ana 9 grea erandsbn of Gen; Jahieo Wilkinson, at one time general-in-chief of th United States iarmy. A man named Mocle.-.two brothers. uamed Chapman, and two others, whose names! are unknown., started to walk from Ophir, ColAitpJ $UxertonvSBYral aays&go, ana nave not since neen nearu from. The snow on the mountain, range between the-; two places is three feet, and it is feared' that the travelers' have perisneo. . J. LJBerg & Co., importers and whole sale dealers in drugs- and1 oils m 'New York, made an assignment Saturday and gave preferences for 98662. Leon Berg. 6t Philadelphia, isTth6 father, o thu senior partner ot the firm. The trouble is the result of the failure of Paul M. Swain, of Boston. The liabili ties ard about $193,000, and the asseU oa ao ? Ka 1 a vA " " ' 1 : ' - tug sxftji, a us? acax7. A BATTLE BETWEEit BiaDS HowaCretk Raui Beal wltki abe of sua Catg-la) staal av VlMk. ai eaeiac Vlail. tii.L. V.ak.- I AV. '- - " ' l , " ' .1 ou UW aluui. vonswoooo. ; i A eentleman from Stone county, who I k 4T.a- a.h k. Ms. kV i ticnfara of a remarkahlB fnmrlPTit. wfh he vritneased whileerosainff White riTftr I he witnessed while crossing White river n the ferry just above the mouth of eycamore creex. wnenneariy nail way across tae stresun aa Tnormoua. eagie swooped down on a flock of geese,' which were swimming in tne river some eign- ty rods below the fboat. The fowls, upon observing the eaxlerapprjgLching, instinctively dived under the water just as the bird struck th&3EXBi Baf fled in the first assault th& eaglet flew slowly upward; ouid when tna .geese came to the surf ace dartedtdownward again and burying ats taiona.in one of them attempted to bear it awav. - The goose ; struggled violently, while" its companionB swam around it uttering shrill cries and the persons in the f erry- Doat watcneu tne strange : acene witn keen interest Once the j6igl4ifted its prey clear out of the watermd-seemed on the point ' of conveying-itto the mountain cliff that rtSa SZZS&jin the air on tne otner sinews ine stream, dug the struggles of the, goose forced the captor downward. When water was again reached the goose made s supreme eflort and plunged bfioWlUa surface, dragging the eagle after it and causing thelatter to loosen itaholldlxise up- Ward with afierce smsiw The eagle next attacke4J,vaaother goose; but with the same--re-! Weeing compelled to relinquish its hold when its intended victim plunged beneath the waves. This strange contest lasted fully thirty minutes; at the end of which time the eagle gave np the fights and rising, soared away to the mountains -westward while the floc ol cccsa s warn further down the stream, vjtfone of the filock' were killed, but the wstcrin the vicinity, was dyed witn bloody and tne surface of the stream was covered with feathers for aconsideraUejU;tnce. r a keal nonANczf.- YU tXelrcjis of Six nilUott' Secret rr-. rn iuATrn. I mance has iiisfcome4aJlghthereinxe-1 ardtotbe fa reofAFargo.'ths Uonsmade tbrheff fatheHn Wells & aiKU o cayioHt oiac became en ratted durinjr the past sum' mer to Lieutenant lEL G. Sanires. of the army, stationed fej JPet MpnrqcJ ifieii mother opposed the match, but the' young laoy naving a spirit-or ner own, irmmea iv circumyent parental op-t mvmm tbe tlthv oil laiMQptobj and Lieutenant Saufres went for a walk from the Hveeia Hotel to Hamp ton! On reaehhiff Hamptontbeyrwent- 4 lnt.h hnnspi nf .TrB TWT' rJOritir5 and annojoaced thejf innj;ionf itingif made; no objection to tying- the : knot, out owing to tne- seTions'Uineef oinis; wife the party adjourned 6 "the house ol a heiihboTMr.ireffeltoger.rherp the ceremony was performed. Mr. and Airs. squires - tnen: rretumed to Old Point Nobody suspected they were married, as the clergyman and witness- .ITrtoaTds tie last of October Miss Pargo; ess nan peenoound overt secrecy) to WtrMa tRat loaf nf Vitu lf YS.n 9 She was -stillcalledA left with her r tdLher for their home in "Rnffalo. and wliw days af terwarjil Mri SoairfesfoW w ,f ea ner ana claimed niswiiei u 'Lock miz the stable-door . waa no nan thfin. an Mr. and Mrs. Squires ' returned to Fort ediis haying taken "place on the nth of October - So well had . they kept their tesret that not the least suspicion was awakened In regard to the trun atatu nf- the case, .and, the announcement was a tnunderciau - to their ' tuant intimatA ;: . l Urc3 SAVcro :vr. . 1 ; . . Tbe demand of toepeople for an easier method ot preparlns TDy Wcl r8 In-'nosd th tr"rlSf fora,uieweii auowa waoicoaie cmcalata.' Veils'. 4 Kidney wort .Jwayi aid a wiJeiTOiS lUeit a pertect remedy. Bu2alo liWsv . u r: , rr , ."' 1 rui"-",n, Yw., 10 prepare lt torab.a u La-.d ivn as wa 89 la dry f ttm. It saves a 1 the labor of pw"an.n, and as It is increafs of noner s t: I M I fct 45414 r c:iTep-K-:ltVAl !-jd f jprlTaitaj s Tbtlr Cpltttl-smA TSUt! The combteoller :6itaahr'i!is annual report sya: JEightv-six national banks were or ;H,ad curihir , the TSii. ending Novemberlswith nagsre gate aatnomea capital or.S9,65U05U. to. which 155,233,1580 in circulating' notes nave i peenissuea. Twentysir banss with an aggregate i&pital of 2000,000 have Tolontarily discontinued business during the year ii s-uTia y.rsw . Thp.ra wort? nr-lfnilnrsr nf national anks daTihgtb! 'iterioli'ffdnf Jnneir 3880, to ISToverahfiCi ist j?f ,tbe -present year, .national nans? are-4oeatea in yery' 8tfta:o.p siDDi ana every lerriiorv exceDt Ari zona. Th total numberi in i operation on vciODer jsi last was z.132, --JTne esUmatedldsseata' tiie i 'creditors from failurea of national hanks during the eighteen years since the pass aj?e of the act is ea40,000iand ie 4 average. I! loss nas tnererore '.been aoout ,000 In the business of corporations. nit an acCTta; camtai ol ;kuc LUQfiilOO. fmdenoaitav;aetirrratinsr about 00,000)00.- Two of these insol vent baKS nave paia tnelr creditors in full, and forty of them have paid more thanJ35 perxsenteach. f' ZJXJ&& -9. 3iTb ifadividuvliabilities of share- holders I efJnsolyent banks have been hlorced 'In j f oryrthree instances and about $270,J000 has been (collected from xnis aoinxseiTrrrTT .The comntroller recommends that an act be passed authorizing every nation- r.miiar. isr. RiiTtLims nnnnw -ina awn years prioimmejsiiaraaoffoijiacnai ler. ro i ezHamaosperioa oi existence o.twenft;ye9i? The increase of national bank notes during the yeart endedi Nbvember;lBt;i was ciiu,!;, Tms toetnerwitntb increase of gold oia tl0ge8979 and of suver cput' 9ZUTmA nuuces the total increase oicjLtand b$nk notes $182? I VISC ID. tl'S:ifi -ift '. t.;.:. !-., i' P There are in "the tTnited 8tate8h4 "Territories 8,03a private bankers with an aggregate capital or C93,txx)00 and ;ate aeposita or 541,000, ar amount paidK by national banks .Treasurer or. tno united states fes on capital and deposits during Uhei year ended June 80th last was 572J78, anav tne? amount paid by banks Other than national to the Com missioner of Internal Bevenue, was 03,75712. The value of two-cent check stamps issued aunng tne nscai year was 2,366,081. 'Total amount of bank: taxes. was ii,49r3,nt;;,-x - OergiV. inaeemsMi f . Wamltk Atlanta Ccnst3ttifioiVrWu i ?r- ; 5 Som days since thS'- gratifying fact was noted that, f 01 two years past, the estimated Talue of property in the city of Atlanta;! made for taxing purposes. was exceeded largely:: by; the actual re-, tarns. That this fact was largely indi cative; not only of the progress of At lanta, but of the advancement of values throughout the Whole State; there could be no ? doiibt;:, and thft following state ment jof the assessment for 1880-1881, made py the (mptjollejeneraj,proyes it Co 'be tril6!yt4i ,$t'-i3;-'T"": C Returned on digest, '48S0, $230,BSi5,755 Keturned .to xomptrpuer- -geneTal880: . . .:.J. i5.. : 12888 Ki 'JVi.ZT : 1 . . "1 .'..i 1...".' Total return.l$80. -a $252,109,040 Returned on digest i&l?. . . $25S23Q xseturned comptroiier-HGrene- -a'Tiua . & rai X8i j v m? -- ? .lejspi.rsos T9tal retorh; , tniWiSBMi for 11 owftr ,ll rU R(M . ii . iti - ' -xasb TBaT we increaM wns noout ttbtrteenr milUonS- While , as- AhoWnt above, there 13 Uug year an increase of eighteen anda half millions on an as sessment ef but two hundred andtif ty million dollars. This gain is not based on an increed 'agsessmeht; but repre sents new capital in the ahape. of new buildings, new manufactures and im provediarms.lt is an increase.) that proves the actual growth of .the wealth' of Georgia and is one of the? strongest evidences that the resources of the State are not yet exhausted; and . that the people, are becoming rich and pros-pftgonfy-"''a!''""? 'r 'a,i,'' wiii In every 6!ty jn jhe Statethere is a( tivity In bullding( new companiea are being formed to conduct manafactnxv ing enterprises; new railroads are im proving the terrftbries through ' which they pass,nd improved methods of cultivation are 'being; adopted by the tillers; of the soiL The work -of the fiast, however, is insignincano beside hat Which is ahead, and' the -'people of Georgia mfty be relied upon to be at the f rent in - the . great enterprises of the i1 uay. I Llmilsf Time Llmilsf BsllroM Balldiair." Mr. E4ward Atkinson' has been en gaged in sketphing the; future of rail road development m jhe JJnited States. e conclude after . allowing for one commercial crisis and rone railroad panic witldn Ihe next spven years, that 117,500 mile of j luew railroad will be buUt J before r the beginning;o ! JflOO. There! were fitOOO in operation at the first of 1881, and he expects thU .figure to be dwelled to, about 209,000 1 by the close of the centuryt - His theory is that we sbajyhei hateailKittghi assuniing as tUJUm,- u&m1mmiuas$. chnsetts nas'ot will have on thecoma pletion of tteMassachu5etta Centrales to be Uken jaS i themeau enough fer the restof the country Hot finds that the State of Massacbnsetta had on the 1st of 'January, ? 188L .one; mile Jot road to reach ,4.12 square mile ; of suzv face, ttnC4t.dfrtJ!worid'oK lowed in this order? 15filfiiim-T:nfflanrI SS?:!WTfW Bhode Island.-OBiio.: Illinoii Pennsvl-' vaniai Delaware,XndIana, New Hamp-; shire: Switzerland, fendin 2 with'Kew York), irhjeh has cie mile of .';road ltd. eaen wiw iB:,i.e uuuuimubs that some section of t';country: witt never need, fuom thaani to 64iuWAmish4wJiQt have itforSSjitf and g, since ibetpres ecij ott Aavigableritreamf "nd 'wider mountain ranges wmaffectrtnevneea and laserlsMee h:j.'-:.'-r- ;.'-l. MrtlifaiSttaetTBa CoL Benj, ILUaasett, died at Brenham. Texas, on the. loth :of November, of heart disease, and her sister, Mrs. An? nette' Lewis Ingle. wife ' of the "Eev." Jnlian Ingle, of Henderson, K. died on the 10th of November, of consump tion.! These ladles were daughters of the late Col. George W. JBassetiy of EU thanl, Virginia, and sisters of Mrs. Ua B. Washington, one of the vice-regents of the Mt vernon' Association. They iwere also grand-nieces of Gen. George Washington; . " Mi - I PBXMATrjSX LOSS OV THE HAIB ; JSay-ie. enttrpreTente4by tbe use of BUB KJCTT3 GOCOAINX, i Na cer , compound DOa sauestbe pegalja jitoperfieA jwblcH sq taufXt salt the ariooseeadmpps of he baman hair. Jt softens the baltwhen bi'wjd dryr- Jt soothes Lbejrrltated scalp. It aSords tbe richest lostr prevents (he hair from faClns oli lt promotes ha t'thy visorottB ejrotb.zt Is not greasy not smmex. ;B leaves no disagreeable edoK, It kill tfangrnlL. ; (f ;Ac j.. v , v B3fjm&e$ yiaTorlng Extracta art known as toe ) '' ' in el .li t ( jU,.;l.M "How en rj KaEsr,' f i a laey to fcr fnetia, to appe-r o 1 y i t 3 t je" "I a' wrs Lv' 8t' rlr'arirywaatheKp?, nd thus krtp D,, :i &i-1 iuy in good nes...J . W&',am,weU Jalwaye teel good natured." gee aaapwouuy or a country xor; rau- . i 1'iai it - 'i v,c..vi. I BXSXOSD AXCX ABS TSXOI BPPIBS9 WATSSVAX9 t m--Trrreat tonic ano aereu' re "contains iw nch iron and tllu roe ijt, more aluntri t aB7-Maluafnd f(U,tSDrlr ift: inaasJ'; known. or ti1, t'sprtri weakness" now so oid tf AJ' Cruiiat cf any standlna jfrl j'wd Oue half. j -a. . titrittA iref Hi hii.il 1 I f4 I : f.outaJaiarScJC&ca, Lumbago, Cackdche, or9oan f tha Chest H GQtit. QuimT. Sor Throat Swell- i maro.XiaparmaoB; on 'earth eqtrtls S? frjoia- 'Ora 'l as aWarasli. trifling eolay of &0 Caats,snaTery ona ufferlnfv iifiiisMr-f ; "BOLD BT DEU(Mim Am.iLAXEU j IB MEDICLB. A. OGErJESBrCOar:,, - Bee 80 4 ly ..rr : 3? iv5t fsPH ;-r- 9H4i in.'.' Ttl-3- lev: EVERY LADY iii f TO There exists a means of ge sturing a soft and brilliant Coinplexion, nst matter how poor it may naturally be.: HaffalIaoIla;Balm la : - delicate and harmless artlt cle tthJeh instaiftijf remoteij vnuuKuuRsu ruDiiuns.'ini .Si e!ieaianliatiirA ltal suspeeted by anybody, iB ; v , ;,.Xo ladr has the Tight to present a disfigured face in ?s6eietf when the JTagnolia Balm is sold by all druggists for 75 cents. 1 North Carolina Railroad. i:i V OOJTDTOIID S0HEDTJLES; Tainre soma kasx ATT -a,f 1 BBW - i. - .y .. -- ' .- a aav a r B.a TJ Ci ffj ; d. i jr lhf . ... ! ,Ct Llvfly-o.! .v,jvi sisii 111-., 7 lilt ! f'J Date,NOT.aO,'81 Na B5 No 51 No. 58 ' Dally. Dally. ) Dally.; Leaye Charlotte, I &10 a mi 4 40 a m 5.45 pm 8aliebarT, 4.42 a m 8.80 am 7.27 pm High Point T58 am 70 pm ArrtreGraiub'ro &25a m - &28 a m S.44 p m Leaye ereensb'ro 8.85 am 9.15pm Arnre Hlllsboro', t . lL42am x. Durham..' J iai7pm - . :rBalallv- - 1.25 pm Leave BaleignA.. , 4.10 Dm Arrive GoJosboro' . U rf .;. j C.Z0pmj Ho, 17 Dally, except Satnrday. - . : Leave Greensboro', 5.40 p. m. ' Arrive at Raleigh,. .8.04 a. m. ; Arrive Ooldsboro,..S.OO a. m.- i i i i- . - i i jn,,- ml' ' m : Re. 85 Connects at Greensboio1 wlth ,& ft D, BB.lc aUpotat ljortbaj West : : - la. 81 Connects at 'Greenabora' wKh-B. ft D. B, B. for all DOlnu North. East and West via Dan ville. At Goldstwro wUh W, 4 W. B ?or Wil mington. : :k4 -r-J V' i- He. 61-Crjnriect9atSaIl3rwlrtW. ll C,B.B. for all points in Western North CaroUnadaily; at ereensDoro with B. ft D.- B. B. forali points North, East and West, s TBA1RS WHNO WIST. Leave doidaborof " 310.00 a ml 1 ' ; ArveBsJelA. 125 psa Leave Balelga, .. 2-85 pm .Arrive Dinl)am,r " 8.49 pm S8BS5E.Vfr iSffiil AnivaSaUsbnry, 10.54 pm ftOQpm ll;14am Arrive Chartotte, 12.85 am 10,45 pro 12 40 pm 2-Dally, except Sunday. -.. j'; , ,., LeaveGld8boro,,..8.00p.m. ..,'..; Arrive Balelgh..... 7.80 p.m. " Leave Balelgh,.... .6.00 a.m. vi.s I Arrtve QreensboroOQp. pa. , No, 50-Connecti at Baltoburf Wttn Wi Hi C B. B. forAahevfUe, fte., at Charlotte- wita L ft C. Alr Llne for all points In the Sooth and rJoothwest Wo'54Connects at Charlotte wltb A. ft C, A-L. BaUroad for aU potato South and Southwest 7No;52-ConnecU at Charlotte with A. ft a A-L. lot Mints Sooth and Southwest: at Charlotte with a. C.4t A. B, B. for all points, booth and Booth- .. , - --a . If. W. If. C. RAILBOAD. WHHtf WX8IV 11 Leave Breensbora..,.. 0. P.m Ayrtfe rnemvlUB....... r.....ll.B7 Pm Arrive aalam...... T.; Ha 62-DUr xsp gaodaj. t . ,. Cesse Greensboro......... ....... 16,00 am Arrive KemersvUle.. .v........ ..... 1 1.00 a m Arrive ealem....... .....iL80 a m . Q,trarao;W4 rln. . I f j - ;t Wn K1.Tio.nv. avaanc Bniutu Leave Salem........... .. . . 7.80 a m Arrive Kerneravllle. ....6.04 a m AmveQraenaboroM.,.., .4. .... 8.00 a m Leave- Baiem.w..-....,. ......... 480 pm Arrtvd Kernersvllle... ...... ........... 6.10 P m Arrive Sreejuboro.; .7".;... .;v:.;V....a80 P m guns jita'Qiaw ' On Train No. 50-New Torit antTJUJanta, ila Washington and Danvjtie, -. On Train Noi 62lcbmon(I and" panvtUe, sod Washington and AQgnsta, Ha Danvuie.. t2fThrop''h Tickets on-sale at Oreensbore ' Balelah, boludboro, SaUsbory and Charlotte, and prlnetnal.polnta South, Southwest.!. Vest. North and East or Emigrant Bates to Loalalana. Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest address. - v . t '.i't General Passenger Agent 4 .iee8e.tt .t.f t .4 -? icbmond,Ta.T, -J i fU. JT Weeont!nnetosxjtassblldtonforltT!'.L 'ii I3 4? Cjf jTlgbta, etc., forthe Uniusd fe-iic Canada, Cuba, lng!and, rrance, Germany, etc-' We tave had tMrty-ve year experience, ratentsobtained throagh ns are noOoed ia tie jynna Americav. This larye and arirjf aia sdweet'ypaDer,t3.S,0ayearnowsi..atr' s or l cience, U very interact" and has an enoi mou ccL.lon. Address iiCAxi ft CO- Patent Solid-1 LgwYork. Hand book eWtP-r free. "'aa-aaWBsajta-afAaaa tfii . r-n... - . - . . i ........ i . rv I'J W-t4t ' . . ' ' A MaFTII'IIi 0K8AH. the MH0ZABT."m ,aiif jfrwY v. ,.,! HOLIDAY- GOODS ! ! ! f a.- - ... . . ."Vi;Ui.:i(t) t-.;.v' n If not, call at once. s T15 1 We have an assortment of as flne Goodi "as was ' : ever brought to this market FLUSH AND ( , ; . rf1 LEATHXB COVEEXD ljiJ t , ' TOILET CASES fL'T- . , " , AND OD0B STAKD& cvtotstaiBlBf Oaaldles Work 3x BB4 OdoT:cembined;Baby, C1 Children's Toy Twur. arenca riaw jutpa ana Lablns, Tetlows and Colgate'aEs; Toilet Water; Hah-, Toottf and Natf xc uii ana eiRnunn. - ' -I WJU9150N ,150,. Foreigtibd Doia'estie. --;';JasiaieeBrttt jfTomBamweaspwnfAm A new water re- omiuir ioe jmportea vieny. - Keconunended ; . Bf an antaetd; caret dyspepsia. aMa dlges- , , JlolfBirM toandBtronrT ct-'l : n Mineral' Water, Bivsrmmfmided, very hlghly as a eathartie and aV . . teratfrv an. man forms of dyspeptu. .. ; Also, g CASES CONOBXSS WATXB, ' M-jf Q CASKS BOOT BBIDGS ALUH, CASES BUTTALO LITHLA. ndfansnpxdyof APOLLIfiAm ,AB1-V Tl GEEA! EHOPEAN MELTY ! H UNTADI TANOa . : TBH NATOBAL APEBIENT. : ASACATlaABTKr";: '''. ppsjrA w1n;ia tnfl beim breaAfast flrr2nrgiS that of all oilier known taSant-ff T?. to BrUish Medimd Jeemtol . WimtH kamast The most agreeellK attest' sAtdimaaa effleaaioiii prompt nccessraM)a4vtfiabJeJ TTxir . Pro. CaaaatMrJ nammri iMHar waaaarrhftjt these writensrlthTCmarkbw swceaa,-T,Tr $g&! PwlasgsaNtfteat jy.Ttt, iCBv JULmaoni -"More peasant than Its rivals, ;apd aofpaaaef them toefaeaey."iT - T , , fl Iftal, NettevPre i -i aeasssasmamwa rf T . n ,'. jr HortftfrroaSt. : CHABLOTTE, N. C. P0VT GO TO SABAT0GA - n yon pan get water lost as fresh and snarb na aa When it linn Twtrnh anvlrm. Ml ajUAnM. Wifreoelrathlawatfirlniarge bWplaroserfoL5 which we return u soon aa emptipdto be renlled SAOlnerory weefc, -.. . j. h. Moadenu i .uii?ntS -. DinAaWBWCmlit, PreacrtpttotiB eamtuBf pmpami bf Trrttnarfl , r amd aomrteteat V s"a aaaiaaBBaaa'arjaaaaSfl oayotftbrhi. L B. VABCsV,, t j ."V ; . V W, H BA1UX. - VCEjAlOJy;-- I'Attorneyf and 'ObttttselTorti tt tjl r - - aCaABLOTTE,H.l nw 3BO. DrOKaVXajLt 9t i 1H Uie"ete4 iW Ucfiffa iRates Oa?1' A tarn,, tiome and ' Vorelcn,7; so. iXo raeMTiUesi Snrveya, awfcuiteUA tar eom Charloae.N. cTV V, -Ti-a Cxlaore,i.4 mhos ioa Stand Mlmn, ImetBand ax isuios, ea. tWV80 I . Btia II-T n if ill ii n re i m ; gABATOGA yiCHtV ! ' lUPdnTED Hshyadt Jands TTaiers. 1 PraenceteBBpreaeCoTOt i tba uaited StataB, SuprbmB Coort f Nortn Carprna. Jredeml 'T i TbiOT. Pnien,. as-" ta - t liranandri ;f -v v 4 bJb;OCUbv tarn slnnra auiat- tf TnunuU aa"aawaaaaiiaMaaaaafc--l-a-. l 1"" " V - 'a n t - s ? - , . - arrrM t .'t. -slTtl. VJA.e wen 1 aa wo.ia.uuo. 7 stopa 10 faU sets bolden fm. BUB Beed, J80LID WALNUT fiShlrlllshed Caee, New find valuable improvements wS? oea. etooi. aonir. mnii. i n. a .tiirrr-TT uM ears here, price ONLY- ritty. rwir iVt : Cash. 4 aaasFactloo mamnteed tnyaryrT r'JX."' one WsSJ: nexuu Qculari . rVL. 2ft,0U is etandins: Aovertlsemebt Order at ooee. t jJothtni swukT rJT?.r" mMMiiKuta ctsit jm oars. 'Verr to teas money than trTjiSi.i fe Washington. New Jersey. tea of Chrome Cartls with name; or Tears' Cauda, irks. WiMinrrTVr; 175672 ? Books; abperb Bibles aftBoilnort given awayTarand Boliday CauSogueheeT? wnti LEGGAT BROS..! 81 Chambers Streetv Mar Broadway, Hew fork. . 'vinainrbriii" ninnvrav; t . - w. . .. w. v. wW v aw .i BfSTAit TIP ULBfP ' ay Pee, tj 1880, t filvas a Brintsnt. White and Steadr fawtck l0c.825ZT2k.71o ' v aaa 4: MBTAI, TIP LAMP WtCX COi luceniaadt wn.fy. f 0 Atlantio y.0i fJiiy toiee- 50v M8 XACS: BACH1 At PABvrt,BtiHrsfetTi40f ea& in ftlWtioXcla;nds SrWSoilpinS wj U6Bfatfwmf,ii.li, atoDBmill?IlS t? - 1 wiTi:,'-' j', . abaapast. ina uinM,..KU i. wowjaaiiiaail i iaaisi n, w l ga-agaiaalniBasto., . inc. BBBBaBsaflBBtaa - OS " : a JfraBted, vri wao ta the QBXAT WOBL1VS PAIR to LONDON our NIAL iu vuiu, joio: ana at tne aV WlsUnAt te psmhaae (of . vtteriaw Wajiks . a saris. - i. HoV24 (groceries. C01tN!COEN,!COBN I BAGGING AND TIES We are agents for THE WATT PLOW WJJT tlltt.XWthan. jon can buy an other , good tity- fW-uyQmtffl al-7a op jiana; ' - - - --c av w CaUandseenstieforBparonanav ' MAYER & ROSS. GPfEN PS LAST FALL OB ARE N, U 3 , Wsl 1 v 3r' PaasB eaU and arrange ibe same a T ! - 3 -iVSS?181 three blocks from the ; inare in Charlotte, will be sold aheap f.aa mrma totbe right kind of a ""- The dwelling is en a faUlot has nine miortk! rooms, brick kitchen, fine well of wa c'!T5e ous admirably adapted for tbe LnM ,!?r' oeor or pnaoher. Having , f?1" oratodyroom. built for the pnrixisafor: XurUiar parUcuiars, prtce, termt iIrfrntv'ier ref strrtt j and the 1 ...at 1 J. 1 oj.fna' feat oa -1 frt p 1 1 x f-?t n t-. North, Carol laa r t M..juiahuliiV clflded .J.'IUW EulU.blf ettbeilof N-aa - CttNMBtf CIIEEPEST Maanln wicbjF" At 1 iliK B 1 Sl:a- KCl'v-c 'Ulii.UTHTKKI.K.mJ ; ",fV, f 'aaa. X a". 1 i a . . 4. a V- -1 ja:ni"i l imp lHEH!SHhSTA7AnS EAHIBIT1 to! . !.:. - . a? a : i - - j f ft S4 i v,,iw ir4r (mm rt w- "?trt .

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