ft coas, n JONES Baito ProprtetT; 7 - II II at ram FoBT-orrttm ai C&aelqptb, . O. as 8aoranaAM matteb.1 - -- - THURSDAY, DEO. 8, 1881. More national banks were Started last year than In any year since ffl?y f , u . . The pinkeye has made its appearance among the horses at Norfolk, V. ; Mi hi . Eastern papers are advising Hlscock to go West and grow up with the conR try. ; ' A party is being organized in Wil mington to visit the Atlanta exposi tion. . " . ' There are about twenty-five men, as far as heard from, in Georgia, who want to be Governor. Mississippi stands oat solitary clone without a national bank, and yet Mississippi is happy. - Gov. Blackburn, of Kentucky, says "four days at the Atlanta exposition are worth dayB of legislation.' ?" " - Six within two weeks is the record of Judge Lynch's operations two in theorth, four in the South. BroadstreeVs Reporter estimates the cotton crop th's year .at 5,014,170 bales, 1,592,000 bales less than last year. Ex-Collector Murphy, of New York, it is said will be given the place of As sistant Treasurer at Washington. If the experts go back on the "inspir ed remover" an Important feature of the Washington farce will be eliminat ed. - - - A new cotton factory with a capital of $100,000 is to be started in Wilson; $50,000 of the stock have already been assured. Mr. N. Dumont, of this county, is one of the committee on credentials, at the Cotton Planter's convention which met Tuesday at Atlanta. The Cincinnati Musical Society has offered Fatti $18,000 to sing at the mu sical festival in that city, three nights next February. They say that Keifer, the Speaker elect of the House of Representatives was Conkling's man. which recalls the fact that sundry Republican journals informed us some time ago that Conk ling was politically dead. Coal is put out at the Pennsylvania mines at from $1.50 to $2 per ton. The dealer gets it for $2.50 and sells it at five, six and seven dollars. This is to rich people. The poor pay at the rate of ten dollars per ton. Philadelphia Times: In all the com ment on the Speakership fight the opin ion is quite pronounced that Pennsyl vania bossism is spreading. When it can run things at Washington it is not to be sneezed at, apparently. The National Mercantile Traveller's Association is going to start a weekly paper at Atlanta, the first number of which will appear on New Year's day. Well wager a pint of goobers that it will be a rollicking sheet. Richmond State: They do things better in England. Lefroy, the mur derer, was tried and hanged promptly without any disgraceful scenes in the court or at the execution. But, then, England's law is only common. Quit's quite uncommon. The Richmond State has been figur ing on how long it will take at the pres ent rate of evaporation to dry up the waters of the earth, and finds it 7,000,- 000,000,000,000,099. We don't doubt this calculation, but are puzzled to know how the figurer got in the 99. Much feeling is being aroused among the labor unions in the factory districts of New England against the Canadians who have been imported to work in the factories, because they work for lower wages and are taking the places of the native operatives. The crowds are increasing daily at the Atlanta exposition. There were so many people there Tuesday that the or dinary places of accommodation could not hold them, and citizens .had to throw open their doors,which they did in hospitable style. mm i hi i mm An ordinance was passed by the city council of Richmond several months ago requiring the removal of telegraph poles from Main street; which will be contested in the courts by the telegraph companies as an infringement of their Vested rights. i i President Arthur has been summon ed to appear as a witness in the Qui teau case by the defence, but Scoville stated that he did not care to have the eubpcena served until he had seen the President personally. Guiteau wants Gen. Grant, Conkling and several news paper editors summoned. An investigation into the tax returns of the city of Wheeling, West Virginia, has developed the fact that people of the highest standing showed no com punction in defrauding the city by mis stating the amount of their property. It is estimated that personal property Of the value of $2)00,000 has not been returned. .-. , - - i - - .Atlanta Constitution; Gov. Blox ham, of Florida, commenting on the ad ranee of civilization in his State said: "A sawing machine agent sold a Singer to TigerTail, the Indian chief of the Everglades, the other day, and after working it one day the old fellow kick ed bis wife out of his tent," which goes to develop a .heretofore : unsuspected danger in the sewing machine, It is the opinion of President pro tern, Davis that the Republican party might die if lb Democrats party would give up the ghost. Bat notwithstanding this . oninion the DemocraTlc party win per . list in living right; along, and keeping the Republican .party aUve. This is mlnentlT considerate, and shows the tcrenerons unselfishness ' of the Demo cratlc party. ...''' TUB PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. L The President's messae,hichjas: been -eagerly looked for by. th&Ameri can people as an index 6f I thejptolicy tdf be pursued by the new admihistratio IS a 'somewhat voluminous document, and was evidently written with thought and care. After referring briefly, and appropriately to the "appalling calami-" ty" which deprived thVfcountry of an illustrious chieftaincy the death of the late President Garfield, it speaks of the bounteous harvests, with which Provi dence has blessed us as, a people ;Jljet views oar relations with foreign gov- ernm$nts,r with allf which we are jn friendly terms, and refers " to the suppression of the trouble with the In dian tribes. It notices theTYorktown centennial and the cordial intercourse with theFrench and German representa tions as an evidence of the good will that exists between our people and the governments which they represent ea.V in passing uoaces ine pmaabuuuu Paris and several other notable gather ings in which our people as well as, those of other nations are interested. It calls attention t otitragefr income of the Spanishjplohial ports on Ar&etfcfui vessels. It speaks of the insecurity of life of American missionaries in Tur key, noting the instance of the death of Dr. Joitin W Parsons, In tef erence to whose death correspondence has been had with the Porte. .. Our relations with Mexico . are harmonious, as they are also with the neighboring South Ameri can Republics. The Monroe doctrine is substantially re-affirmed in speaking of the . Isthmus canaL It deplores the unhappy strife between Chili and Peru detrimental to the cause of Republi can governmentand states that a spe cial envoy has been sent with the hope of bringing about friendly relations be tween, these govern meals. Glancing at our relations -wifif fcjhijie. .land' Japiiji and treaties 'perfected with these na tions, it refers to. the cordial feeling ex isting between the Hawaaian King dom, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark and several other countries, makes refer ence to reports received from consuls abroad, and reviews at some length the reports of the secretary of the treasury, postmaster-general, secretary of war secretary of the interior, and of the navy, calling attention to and com mending some of the suggestions made in these reports. It applauds the efforts by the postmaster-general to bring to justice the star route swindlers and de mands the full penalty of the law in he case of the guilty. The depreda tions of the "cow-boys" on the Arizona frontier demands some special legisla tion to preserve peace and vindicate the laws set at defiance. Speaking of the Indian problem it is suggested that in stead of the plan of reservations for tribes the policy be adopted of giving each head of a family a certain tract of land in fee simple as a farm, thus en couraging agriculture among them, and also an appropriation by the govern ment for schools similar to those now in operation at Hampton, Carlisle and Forest Grove, from which much good results have already come. The poly gamy question must be met and that institution suppressed by the passage of laws which will make prosecution in the case of indictment possible. It asks the attention of Congress to the ques tion of popular education and recom mends the dedication of a certain por tion of the proceeds of the sale of pub lic lands to that purpose, especially in -the Southern States, where the changed condition of the colored people with the new responsibilities devolving upon them as citizens makes it important. The pension question is reviewed at some length, as is also the question of civil service reform, in which reference is made to the system : which prevails in England, which the President thinks, with some modification, mieht be adopted in this country. Internal im provements are endorsed, especially on the great wiEBt rivers,' which are the highways of orach; of ,our inland commerce. The amendment of ths reve nue laws and the abolition bf taxes say e on spirits and tobacco k recxraraended. and the attention of Congress. Called to tne importance iof:so legislating on the question of deciding the count on the election of presideitlai'electors.and definitely settling the question of presi dential disability, so that there may be no chance for dispute or misunder standing on these vital matters here after as there has been in the recen Past. ' -; . '. ; ' .. The message takes range, and touch es on every topic of public policy in which the people of the .country are supposed to be interested. It shows evidence of study, is well, and carefully written, and avoids jfiying offence to any particular class or section, in mark ed contrast to the messages of some o: Mr. Arthur's predecessors. On the whole, while there are doubtless portions of i which will not meet with the endorse ment of a large body of the people who think differently, it may be regarded, we think, as an able and creditable State paper, which will repay perusal' The Goldsboro Messenger ''records the death of Mr. R. L: Gregory, the well known hotel keeper in that town, in the 69th year of his age. & V " " " uGUHenf Use DlMtT Is Alreadr Washington, Dec. l,-r-ThBUit ijbe belief is that.the President has made BrA 'am aaIm Jas. ... Ti l. i i ai 4. W3 hi. tux eany aat&iat JS saw that a? aay or two ago a party of Senators call ed upon the President to urge the claim of a well known public man. for a cabinet portfolio, when the President brought the discussion' to an 'abrupt termination with the statement, "Gen tlemen, the matter is already piosedJ" C "-V- ly:Cnls'''Af ? Chicago, Dec.' 7The re-organia-tlonrschame of the Southwestern Ralli wayrAssociatloa" BhXtered.'seriotrtrf joss" yesterday. - The North weitern Conipa ny insisted upon its4ight to? withdraw at any time on thirty day's ttc&Cofcr orado pools are thereforeilkeli.to prove 01 short life. - - Try!? tm Arrest fnf Spread of Sssall CmoA&o,Dee. 7-The city atithori ties are at last taking energetlo ;mea4-: uico w u tus Dj(cnu vl i. BUIIU1 POX. Vaccination of all persons will be in sisted upon. - - OUR LAWMAE1 BI.L zidrna tvA'il BEeinori&l CfemaiUc-Am TTMIart' in DUcuMion The PrenlSent Pro Tern. Exercises Hie Constitutional Xtifflit- Bills : lntro4ieea -jgorrlll Gets tbe FI SifUTUES oor oa tho TfLxiu, r , f r r U rw eat Gulf, fair . weather . variable ol.Deo; xvUsiitt4PSMJ tion Washington. Lapbam. Bavard and Morgan were ap- pointecLlrf th03Bhsir 0 a ' jonmit-j ieq ior me preparauon oi a wviuuiim unon tne deam " or tne laie irresiaens Among other icommunicauoia la before the Siditd wia one front Attorney-General Phillips e4d0Spa thQ annual report of the Attorney-General. A portion of the morning hour was consumed in an uninterestingdiscussion upon the propriety of dispensing with reading at length of communications from beads or departments addressed to the president tf .the Senate; the- que. lion ansmg upon a communrcauou from the secretary of War in relation to an application for increased clerical force in the Surgeon-General's office. President pro tern, ruled that in accor dance with the practice of his predeces sors the paper would be read at length unless otherwise ordered, and after re marks by Senators upon different inter pretations of what had been the prac tice heretofore; a vote was taken.when not a single response was given both in negative and affirmative. The chair caused some little merriment by observ ing that as the vote was a tie he was obliged to exercise his constitutional prerogative and would vote aye. The reading then proceeded. . , v. A lkrge nnmber.of bills of a private nature, mainrvifor individual ctJief. were intrtcedtokfl referred If- i TU9 bur Hntrocracea oy-r means 'en abling the people of New Mexico to form a State government was tabled. By Plumb a bill was introduced mak ing trade dollars legal tender for all does, public and private, except where expressly stipulated otnerwise. Ev Call, granting pensions to soldiers in Mexican, Creek, Seminole and Black $lawk war. Referred to pensions com mittee. r&y Davis, establishing a department pt agriculture and commerce. Tabled. At tne expiration or tne morning nour Morrill's tariff-: commission resolution was in order and he was awarded the floor, but instead of speaking he moved an adjournment; agreed to and ad journed.. . FB03I WASHINGTON. HoiUe Appoint nentsTUePresldenf's Private Seeretarr Experts Csji'l o Gnlteaa any Good Dlstrist' Attor ner - Corkalll Thinks tbe Trial will not JLast Ions;er than One Wore Washington; Juec.' l.-DoerkeePer' Brownlow of the House has made' the following appointments: Richard W. Austin, of .North Carolina, assistant doorkeeper; CoL lJl R Popbanv Vir-' ginia, assistant doorkeeper, in cnarge oi document room. Popham is a Head just er. The resident took un nfs residence at the White House this afternoon. . It is now understood tnatJonnuavis, nephew of Bancroft Davis, and son-in-law of ex-Senator FreeUnghuyaen, of New Jersey, will be President Arthur's private secretary, and will assume his duties in a day or two. . Washington Dec. 1. The morning session of Gajteau's trial was devoted to the examination of citizens of Free- port, 111., on behalf of the prosecution The evidence of tnese witnesses was that they had known the Guiteau fam ily and did not regard L. W. Guiteau, father of the prisoner, as insane; also, that they believed the o&er members of tne family sane. The fact that but a few of the twenty or thirty experts, summoned for the de fendant, gave their testimony excites some remark, and it is said that nearly all of them came to the conclusion that they could do Guiteau no good Dy their testimony, a lew experts naa inter views with Guiteau Monday afternoon, but none of them appeared yesterday on tne witness stand. District Attorney Corkhifl is Quoted as expressing the belief that the trial will not last more than a week longer. i e Arrested for BareVsvlBs; a Prieel GBEEOTTMir)."iMAss.r December 7ffr, 1881. David McMillen, who shot Father McCarthy, last Sunday, the 4th, reached nere last evening, and rears were entertained of an attempt to lynch him. Tbe train was stopped some dis tance from the depot and he was put into a carriage and - driven rapidly to jail. News, nowever. naa leaked out and the jail was surrouaded with people anxious to get at the prisoner but a dis play of revolvers Dy tne ameers aeterrea them from violence. Father McCarthy died about' midnight, but before his death he made a dying declaration as V to the circumstances of the assault, and a warrant for McMillen, charged witn murder, was issued. ,.. . . . . meeting; l the Cotton Planters Ao elation Atlanta. Ga Dec 7. The National Cotton Planters Association met in convention to-da. at the Exposition grounds and was called .to order by President Morehead.. Speeches were made bv Director-GreneraTKimball.Gov, Colquitt and Hon. Thomas Hardeman, of (xeorzta. and juage tsnnrou, oi Mis- sisslppl. ' President Morehead BPeaks to-night at the capital,, and Commis sioner Liorine,seaK at tne .Exposition to-msrrewonwSmali Farms Compared to Large Ones." The city is crowded.. . The .Press, As sociation of Mississippi arrived this morning, fifty strong, under President WalpOle. ' Tennessee siate Fanlns; Bill,' ' , Nashvthjs. Decv ?.--The State f nnd in r board v)rtTdaT'!1h the 'Supreme court entered a .motion to advance on, the docket the ease of tha f undine bill injunction suit The .bill ' is. known as the -one hundred .and three bill. And was passed dv tne last uenerai .ssem- blyjtproyfdfsJLorfundiBgthe.State debt at par and makes S per cent cou-. pons receivahiefpr taxes.! it tbe case is not advanced it is probable that owing to the crowded state of the doc ket it may not be reached for yearsnd may be lef tjppen for farther agjtatioir I ' lstrTN.ftp.TBe3epubli Senators held, a. short .cauctts jthls can morning to arranrt for -making some ebamres in the Retmblleari tnmbflrshin Of the. Sen ate. eommitteea. in , nrdA An tneet personal convenience of Senatorsv nu tBere especially to provide suitable committee jnaitienf Mrx Wipdsm whose re-enttrto thenaii? this Tses- Itonakeslltdesirablejlnitho opinion i vi uiacvueaKaee tnwc nesnonia do again j Eiacea larommiepomiions or.wom,' leoce. Axommittea Was aDDoto ted b the caucus to confer with individaals re ported that WilUam AHen.rwh0.iilIecL William ir ScUteTrMayT. jerAaien Warwick if fet nig from Jail at Warwick CLIL last night by a party of masked men and hanged. ? Bemember that true happiness Is forever lost when your health is once broken down. Dr. Bull's cough syrup prevents throat and lung aueasei and ceres colds and coughs. It costs only 250 a bot- gejSBjgsSssssssSBBSBaBBBSsyssss ' TPeatlter. WASHtjtQToiiDM DeerMiddle, itlantic,coider i fair r weather, aaorth i westerly wiaas,iugnet barometer W South Atlantic colder, fair t weather, weswriv, veenog to norcuerij"wiuua, higher harometer. East Gulf, fair weather, winds mostly northerly, stationary or lower tempera- -tnre,atationary pressure. -r. - tair weatnen . north-westeriy winds, generally shifting tof southerly.' in the least portion higher, and in the west poruon lower pressure. ssji Hi ifc Twi Men- nirierd ul iUUre Clllsoii Texas j t GALV3STOS,Dec.' 7The5kodIeaof two mors rAuf dared -njea - were found this' merning iiwenCy-five miles from here. The supposed perpetrators are the parties who killed yshrift Martin a few?daysslnJ isl special to, tne iv tram .Long- view .says at 20 this morning, two trains icolllded jat ' Hallsville,- twelve miles east of bere hree persons' were killed and others, wounded. W ' Foon4JeioJMin lirtlMTeK RicMMOlTr-Thebodv oit a genteelv dressed man about 65 years old was found fleating; in the riffcr'fce the city yesterday.' Atobv of the Pittas ourg uommereuu iffizeUe louna m lus t pocket, also two envelopes bearing the stamp ex, tne Jtittsourgana ..yvestern Clkveland. Dec 7.i-A heavy eale is jLse Xino m UB-Tjcuiy out uiu? iar 110 loMreff,fo li- yi &i SleeUng- ot the Tlrglnla vto$jUiitv&t" RicmtoNk tec. 7-rTe General As semoiy met to-day in Dienmai session "HOW ASS TOU MX OLD fBIIND?" 1 Aaked a bright looking man. "Obi I feel misera ble, I'm bilious and cant eat, and mj back Is so lame I can t wort, "way in tne world doa't too take Klaney-Wort? that's what I take wbea I'm oat oi sorts, and K alwars keens me In nerteet tone. Mr doctor recommends ft ior an snch Doubles." Ktdney-W on Is th nre; oore for bll lousneas and eontlpa Hon. , Don't all. totrjlU-r LongBmnelkaeva. . LJeutnAot-Commandcr Gorrmge In bringtmifbe Obelisk to New York has performed Indeed a monumental work. So has Dr. C W. Benson Of Baltimore, In ormg the nerroos disorders of the world, with his Celery am Chamomile Pills. it i i I. ! ; ii ii I UARKETSBY TELEGRAPH DBCIMBJW 7. 188. PBopucaL Biltdcobx -Noon Floor higher and flrmi Howard street and Western super S4.60S5.0O; ui.2fiftsa.H7 samuT so azaxi.vbxiu nuus. super S4.5Utx6.Sdf txin SMuat.u xamur S7.50ffS8.00i BOO srarjasa7.250)m?.U7iraapso ramuy . wjiea ooumern sieaoy, western flnrier: Brorjietntsd fl.86S1.40t amber Si.42' S147 T-o. 1 Maryland red SI 4; No. sWest Am winter red snot and DeoemberS1.88ttQSl.Sd: em steadn Wsstom itmert Bouthem white d7 00. yeuow v&&aowt. BiiTsou-Klght-0li aoM and steady i South am' erm c 4 . w . hi,. ti nRQ. ml.ul . rw r.f Pennsytrania bUtrrwJ. rronsions easier ana quiet: mess pork S17.7& Milk meats -shsoklers and clear rib sides. Dacked 8ffl 91k. Bacon -should ers 9ii clear rib sides 11: Sams 18 18 Lard - refined i2Uu Ooffse Brmer and in better de mand: Bio cararoes ordinary to fair vSkaiCPA Sonar easts- f soft W. - Wfdskey-ann, at Sl.niIJlBJXX Frelgttlsdi , Chicago Flour steady an4 unchanged j oommoa 10 cnoioa western spring ouk$o. o: common ia fancy - wceai aottT. nrm and nigner; no. a trine SI. 2 8 cash and December. Corn Chicago i lo good demand and a shade higher, at rxmatJl ash i srDeaember. Oats fair demand and ntrh- er. at 45U oashi 45b December. Hos- hlsber. ata 80e$7 00. Pork-aeOie, Sim and hliher, at S1725 cash; S17.22sSl725 JamavrLud strongar and higher, at Jll.06ffiSll.lQ esih and December. Bulk- meats moderately acdre and higher: shoulders S6 50; short rib S9 00; short clear .Whiskey steady and oncsangt ed, atSl.17. common to fair extra So.75fi8o.75; good to choice do SO.803S8 12Vs Wheat-Opened a shade eav nmw iiw BuuMnni win ami maa wuiwinui ler, afterwards recorered and advanced mQUVio, etoslng reryflrm: unKradedtprliigSl-OOUSSl.22; ungraded red s t .aoasi.44; mo. red ana ieeem- ber 9L42SSl.42u Corn higher and eloawf Tory strong: ungraaea o i to n; new souxnern wmis 70: do yellow TOM: No. 2 December 70tt71 Osi-a shade higher and more acUTe; Ha 3 48S49U. Hops steady and Terr quiet; yearlings 12S22. Coffee more active and firmer; Bio 8l &Vu Sugar dull and nominal, rumored sales or K.OOO hhds. within Uie oast wees without furth er paracusis j fair good refining 7fcffiTHi refin ed qalet and steady; Suniaard A w rf"f'tt up changed and Quiet Rice quiet and steady. Bosm soong. at w4-vfi92.6&. Turpentine quiet and firm, at 66. Wool quiet and about steaoyt ido- msitic fleece 85960; Texas 14S31. Pork-high er and ratter mare active: old mess spotsi7.50i 817.75; latter cliofa- new do 8l84tS; middles dull: long dear 9&9tt; short Heart. lrd -higher and more aoflva, and closing weak and Un settled, at Sll.80S11.87. ineghVViJrer- pool strong. COTTON. Galtbstok Xasy; middling ll4e; low mld'ng lie: good ordinary lOtye; net receipts 4,846; BTOSs 4.571: sales 8.275; stock ia478: exoorts coastwise 1,899: to Great Britain -; to conti nent ; to rnnce Kobtolk Weak; middling llfte; net receipts 4.481; gross ; stock 70391: exports coast wise 1,819; sales 410: exports to Great Britain ; to conanent . BilrnroBi Flat: middling lle; lew mld- dllng-11; good ordinary 10); net receipts 100: cross 2011: sales -ss stocs 8.950; exports ooastwise zuu; spmners --r-, eanons. u ureal Britain rt-; io sonwaeai - ' BosTOH-Quiett middling 12le; low mlddlini llte; good ordinary lOfcct net reeelpu 14)57; gross 494; sates : stoca ,ouu; exports to rea Britain ---; to Jfranoe-r. ,,. , WnjUHSTorr Xasy; middling lltjte; low mld tfllng 10 15-1 6c; good ordinary 10 Ingle; receipts ; gross : saies ; sues MiiMo; ex ports ooastwise 1,458; to Great Britain ; to continent. i Phtladxlphia Quiet: mlddHns 12Ulc: middling lltftc: rooa ordinary 10o: net receipts 1.064: cross 1.076; sales -; spinners 655: steak 16.311; exports Great Britain ; to continent -7T. BATAWAS-Xasiajr; middling HUo; km mid. dUnizlOfto: good ordinary lOUo; net teeelDts 4,164; gross ; sales 8,000; stock Q7.A90; exports coastwise ; to Great Britain 2.843; w jrranoe "; e eontuwui sauu NWOBlJU-DuU; middling lllbo; 1 low mlddlmslle; good ordinary ,104of net receipts 4,564; gross 4,996;' sales 4,000; stock 298,002: exports to west Britain ; io rranoe to coastwise 71,292; to continent 2,240. , . ' Mobilx Xasier: mlddllns 1 1 lkai low mtddnmt lie; good ordinary lOVte; net reeelpU 10,769; gross 1,810; sales 2,500; stock 45 664; exports eoast 1,820; France ; to Great Bruaiq Kmmsvsb Quiet; middling lle: .receipts 8,118:) shipments 2,822;, sales &00O; 84,864. -' ' : ..- . " stock lnBSTA Xasv' MddrtTis - fts: - low mld- dlln lOQfieygood ocdlnary lOes; tteatpts 2081 snipments -i sues iis : CEaBLxaioxInacUveand prlsat Beminal; addV anng e; tow nmaiuig. o gooa oroisa.--j net receipts 4,leli gross : sales 800; stock) 10.768; exoorts ooastwise 728: to Great Britain -i to continent 7.000; to France; to chan nel k ,. , ... ,v, Nsw loaiCotton neivj; safes'583; middling uplands 12c; middling Orleans 12 5-16c: con solidated net receipts 80.142; exports to Great Britain 7,119; to Franoa ; to oonttnent If ,240; to channel ' tr. r I4Tbtw oon Tending oowa; . nuaaius; OP Oianas middling Orleans 6d sales 8,000s specuiaaon exDort 1.000: receipts as,i 1,000; American 21.00a TJplatodslow middling December delivery 6 9-: -ie&6 17-82dj TObet and Jannarr B O-lSfSS 17-82d; J anuary ana fo- ruary 8 19428 9-1 6d (dt Febraarrandlisrcb : March and April 28-8 2d: Atnil and HST 6 2 d: and Jane H 2S-S2Q6tkd: June and and July Sl8 -lead 2M2d July and August : I Aug- net and September 7 fc liaqres firmer. txVEKPOOtg p. m-. 8ales ot American cotton 6.500. Vutores in allers' lavoc- Kt JuM - .V't lr Tojut-Futnres closed steadf. Sates 14o tiMmiasr1 - i . ,...v. .3Uc:"'-i! i Apfc4..M1.t,iii.jUtViM.i .w.tki 'i2.eoa.ei f L- .tUiu Ml.x -OSew Toke. Rkehange; Jttauroaa ou 01 .wiucli was addressed V 'V- : Fh? , '; 102 die3lGentlemejn;MisseS&oys m 1. M- fr fe-: - -at;- jiii - - X Tjraanu sen j011?0? ,!Tn!al, wted wmt gooas, oi tne very Dew raaiy ana au graoes, irom salt yon and at the lowest posU prio Toa seplS; torn tuA k half Mr eents . .. ,ij-4 aOn07, ............ a. ...... ........r44XQ S4KIA"Ki hn ponaa aou..,, - - - ,280,695 . 1 . .. .... , ... f ... .- T a an uaK 8T0OTS-)pened feverish and closed Srmt- - aiftnama viasv Jt, a wo 81 81 . 1.0L 82 . 1.27 1.894 4574 1444 1.68 1.82 1.21 1024 71 84 1-3814 ua 88 ciassA. amau.... Class B,5's.......v... Chicago and Northwestern uass v,-e-s. i :.east preferred. . Arte..,. Bast Tennessee. ......... rr.. ... Georgia ............................... unnois.veninu... .-. iw....... Louisville and Nashville ' slemphisand Charleston...:.......! KashvUieand Gnattanooga. rTork Central... ........ ......... hmonasua AUOKoeuy IJchmond ana iwnviue 1.28 1.84 Beck Island......... Wabasb. Bl. Lotds PaeUe. . .42 " ... . nmrarmd. WbsterttlTrjion 4-. CITY COTTON MARKET. i Cnmo or The Obsxrtxb. y. , r CsiBLom, December 8, 1881.1 The market yesterday eloeed weak at the follow- Ing inotatlonst'' JOdMWdltog....... 11 jlotly middling lift rioanng...... ii BtrtotlowimjJdllng...... . !Qft ixmniiddttng...... lou Ttages l0,t Storm cottoeu.. , bQm Sales yestBrday 853 bales. . . SSI ISW.il I . . . ' Olssurlbtte Produce JtXaxsiet DXCXMBKB7. 1881. 3 V ; - RTTYTNf PBICXS. Gobi, perbushl . Whxat. 85 90 Bbaks, white, per bushel. ., Bus, jCUu, per bash. 1.26X50 90al.00 1.50 76a80 4.254450 lift white. y.y.y.'., Floob 'i Family. Xxtra..... Sonar .................... O its, shelled. . . 5565 4Ua6 DBIKP MBXJUt - ..... Apples, per DX. ... Peaches, peeled " Unpeeled- ... Bladkberrles... 15a20 POTITOXS ii, OWWl . .. . ...... Irish...... 75 15a20 202 Beirut North Carolina.. ..i . torn, perdoxen. BoDivrsT- uniftKens r"---;utr :,: Spring .....j.i Ducks fjbjx Turkeys, perlfxv.v...viasj(l:; 12 0 15 20 8 liOOSO ef . ; XXJ a-85a40 HWi W Mdttov, POKE. Bulx Meats Clear rib sides. Coma Prime Bio Good Whlte Yellow Molasses . - - :v - 10 !! tt e 14sl61 12al6 Cuba. 82a85 85a50 50a60 40a45 Sugar Syrup ....... Choloe New Orleans Common wfe.::::::::::::;:i!:M:?B WH1SEET Corn, per gallon fl.75a2.0Q Rye, ' ......2:0e8.0D BRAJfDT Apple, per gallon. J2.00a3.00 Peach. 82.50 ilso Wiirg; 8cnppeinon, per gaflon. eg!..-...... Laed, per in... Tw.plb....r;r.............::r. N.C. hog round,,, 18 SalO lOsll nouis,.u... (tiititf ftTittritf r " 1 uams,oanv leal Biea Fruit 8al Apples, Northern, per bol " MormtaJn, M Fish Mackerel No. 1. " -No. 2. " Na8. Codfish Cabbage, per lb...... 8. 85. 50 8.00 U6 1.00 75 IS 4a5 Coins and Metallic Cases, AUO, A IABOB LOT Or -C--H--E-0--M--0--S- AT WBOUC8ALS or R1TAIL. E, IV1. ANDREWS, AT WHITE FRONT. dte2 Perry & Co.'s Pens 'BsjJ.e svyns or leiiy'e , OIX40EUHa , raayifJCStawkivr r n.s "V i , rr7i i ' x ? -r- - ji Hi'. KLSfe2L!8oac torIeiita)OsTOatifct Jte obtained ihimghu we no to tbisci: in re,?w drculrt(ai.C r . . . sf t luwnwnr, novi on mm im- una MJNN eWYorg. Handbook a bout ft to the name of "Hsi." ini u t to his SS. .lTlTl HZZiniTZll'i mm, ISPGEIWBIW , per lap pet, ig FlilHi, " FT n ' (I - J liev.SI diifttmnt fUUIlBtJlSffMW Parte Bowl I 1 &; s;-m OT faQ, to b eurrxD r K -v It; FOR THEtFlLLL AND WINTER shall be found Just as represented, and snail allow a Ttew to tbe wants of an tdaases of eastomers, nnd tne nnest siencn Jtua uuuon Boot to the Heaviest 0t dtf Our store. lve w eatt. A. E. 7. T. BLACKWELL & GO. : Durhawvlf Ci l . Ksisikctttsrs of ths Orltlasi sad Oily Ssmalas DUE TOBACCO Mar2gy ' HOW DB. 0. W. BKNSON'3 CELERY AND CHAMOMILE PILLS Build np the nervous system and positively enre Sick Headache, Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Sleeplessness and Dyapepsla. It has been proved that they successmliy war oj! al danger of Paralysis, Apoplexy and Sudden death. Their effect upon tbe Nervous System Is some thing wonderful, ' and there is no vtonder Chat thousands of people avail themselves of such a valuable remedy, while It may be found, in these days pf Nersoas Diseases. The simplicity and purity of these cUa are at pneg in their f&f or, as they do not physic i, . "Paralytics that have net walked for wo years have been fujiy restored by these pills, and thou sands of cases of Nervous Weakness perfectly cured, while the eases Of StcJ and Nervous Head ache and Neuralgia that they. have, cured are in numerable each year and add to their popularity. Too much cannot be said In their favor, for while they cure these terrible Nervous Diseases, they also Improve t he general health, and especially the complexion and skin, and invariably improve the digestion. 5 Sold by all druggists. Price 60 cents a box. De , iuo Nona jsutaw street, Baltimore. Md. By .1, two boxes for $1 -oi six boxes-for S2-.50, tQ DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE If Warranted to Ours - - IOXIM A . TITTIRt,, HUWOR8, ALU ROUGH StCALY tRUrTIOaSt ' DISKASRS OF HJURvAJtJ) SAfJ. 8CRP7ULA. VLCRRSf PIkjALRS and TRMOCR rrCHIRaS oajriliwrts of ths kedy. XtSMOsllIIMISEt WSl ssft and smooth; ths BEST teOs SMssmgln THS TlfpBXDJBegfaflar put p, two setUsin on package. mi ii i.j " ii,, i ; n t j HMii'l'KVi) AH flirt flOTXrasslsSUva. , sUXSsokaB VEGETABLE "COMPOUITD. . i , u t IraPosWveCpre ' 1 ftfl mm VmlmM OimMmttnm ltwmcrire snUrsly the worst rormoCrsBMls Oam sad Vksrs MBsaeng CbiMtt IAta. I. ttlsiffdMsoivesadsarsslaissatsrthsawasta matbsaiwaki s . - - sa ssrty stsoot e)viopesstt.Ahs IssSieny - liiiMiiii1ii1.ii,i i i m mtn In ttu use XtWowves rstntinsi, SatvlsncyV dMgsait ersvicy forittmolMts, sad MlsvMweskassi 4MStooMMa.v II sarss BtoattBg-, Hssdschss, ssrvoss rrartwttaa,' 0sW MbOtty, ti ijinsjiiav Pssrisloa sad toCl SBf SS.-.P -s gai 1 ---ii ISM VieOar el swrtagaowm, eutnc psln, ws aadK;'ytftf le niail(MifTMeiiswjt. STTiilissnirrrnfil tlliliCUiU III,! xnLk jr. JWKxaiAirs TxarrABiJSOSfxs potafsipriSMid es set seeVsat Wsawm Avsaael ' l.mn. Pries L toMtlCrfJ ssstby SMllT riM, fivvbox (orsitasr. Mn.PtaaaMa.1 fc AeSsslaskeeATlIRiriMJO iH ud Aanidtts4f thettvwr. jgjrj Said ay au inas&utsnak,? , A-I5fra,5lI22WW inntes tomeys. VS.--..- -i . v..' .. ..i" .. . - . "ir'"",rT ' ' T HAE1 V i ffDS I veil ,R Btvvnui SEfirwiL me I $ ,: i- JjM'--' r-: ft IE v g IN PSD?' I'E a j . j t and4Jhiidr3eri! ! r, . AND SHOES TRADE. no house togrreyoa better goods than we dofor the eomprtses )i fafllmeof l)erflral afld itabw Broean. : if von wih tn 0t . RANKIN. .& JgRQ.r. Central Hotel Block. Tra do Street. BURGESS NICHOLS. , ALL KINDS 9W FUIITPE, BEDDTpf&i&C. imLunsf Cheap Bedsteads, ANBLOCKQIS, mm. s wist nan SLC. Our claim for merit is, based upon me iact tliat a chehiieal analysis proves that the tobacco grotra in our section is better adapted to mote a GOOD,PURE, satisfactory smoko than ANY OTHER tobaeco.groAvn'Jtn. the world; and''belrie: sit tutted in theiHEART of this fine tobacco wuuu, wis iiavo the PICK of ue oircrlnes. The Tmblie preolato this; heuce the IdagJftMurAotaties qojqo-il h&r the trad&mark cf fhe Bull. 3 IBUTtTJ Louiaaaa State. Lottery tapj Incorporated in 1888 for 26 years by the Leala teture forBducatlonaA and- CtutoUs mtriios- Xund of 8ft 5a 000 has since been added? i-V-'!1 PP Tote its franchise was made a Dart of the nrmuuit a nnn.titnMAn mAnntaA Tw. ciZ. T ------ wuou.uwuu us unsjtu auuxjuX ng at i6iaKpioisiayoaiET, "jh during which will take place the 139 th Orand nonchlr -AND THX- EXTBAOBDINABT 8KMI-ANNUAL DBAVINQ -r0.'f'r,. unaer ioe personal supervision and manaed ment of Gen. G. T. BSAUBBGABD, of LouSlana. and Gen. JOBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE, 8100,000. HalTes,8Vhs. i. enths!i r0ncE. Tickets EM Ten Dnllnra nnlv lcapitarpmeofsioo,! . ...non.oAA i urana raze or 1 Grand Prize fif 3 Large Prizes ef. 4 Large Prizes of 50 Prises of lOOPrizesof 200 Prises of 600 Prizes of 10,000 Prizes of 50.000 Rft nrwi ?0'0g 80.000 10.i S.i f 20,000 20,000 1,000 .,S00ww 100 V0.000 25,000 80.000 40,000 60,000 100,000 $20,000 10,000 7,500 10.... APPROXIMATION PRIZES. iou Approximation Prizes of $200 100 Aoproxlmattss. Prtessof 100' Apprexanatlon 100... 76i.. 1 1,279 Prizej, amqrmting to s22.K0o ( Conumss-ers. Application for rates to dubs should only be mad e to tbe efflee o the company Jo New Orleans. For information apply to .i -r . K A. DAUPHIN orlLA.DArjPHrjf. "1 Mo.'22 Btoadway, w Vocg, t NOTKITOTHIPPBT , The publlo ate hereby cautioned against send ing any money or orders to NUNES & 00., 88 NafsetreetHNew Terk City, as authorised by tbe LOUlSlana State Lntterr rVtmnnn tn ull fits tickets. They,- are floodinsr the -eonntrv with BOGDSCmCULABS porportliig to be of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, and are FRAUDULENTLY representing themselves as its agents. They have no authority from this com pany to sell, Its tickets, and ate not kg agents for ""mitmr iu- Prest Louisiana (ttate Tvittnr Vi New Orleans, La., July 4, 1 88JL. POPULAR MONTHLY DBAWINO OT THB In the City of Louisville, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 81, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Snndays except, ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As. sembly of Kentucky. The United states Circuit Court on Harcb 81, rendered the following decisions: 2d IU drawings arefafr. ; ; The Company has now on hand a large reserve toad. Bead the list of prizes for tbe DECEMBER DRAWING. 1 Prize.. , W;A.4...J. f. 4,. ...i,. $80,000 1 Prize.. 1 Brtae .......... .v. 10.U0U : 1 .20 i w r t sw. ';! facn.;;,, eaelL.tf.iKi.ii 20 eaeh;., 10 each.. SSOO eseh. IniwmtMkHnn Mm ! 7lfT Prizes; 200 -5 got Prizes, 100 " rf " ooo MWOPrtoes,... ( Hllttlt ..$1 1200 - 4 Tickets. S2: Half Tleketa. S1 : VI Tickets. ;.S60i6& Tickets, $100. Remit Honey or Bank lrah to Letter, or send Kpress. nUtJtyV DSHD BY llSuJUiTJUtau tR OR msTfirvirnr. ranm nnton of t-se.Uat.aur ex- L --LBPiJUAlUN..iCourleTJournai, PUBLIp- jP Havlr g leased the m T i 1ST . j . CHARLOTTE, N.C, I era now ready for the entertainment of local and Mn.tn Aii lait.ji i.Li j LL aJ fH mibMi .1.... . -'- --. !. .,. . n nATn Wpocea.4x4 atifleforiow. "y-wj aw win 1 ),ooo 12.000 I0.00U Bm -nrs TOTTTR i m flee aafEoaAM. wwo ira " . - V CTdec8

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