1- w --4f-f 8UJ5SORIPTION JLATB8: party, one Vw. I-txri. in advofM..... $8 00 Itixmpnthi 4.00 Ttove month. 2-00 0moA 75 W9MKLT BDITIOIT: WteJdv (fa twmj. . . ,.f2.00 OutqftlHV. Paetrpatd . .... 2.10 Six month 1.0S Liberal Bmluctionjbr Chibt. THE OBSERVER JOB DEPARTMENT Has beerthoroughly supplied, with every needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and every manner or -Job, Printing can now be done with neatness, dispatch andcheapness. We can fur nish at short notice, . Z BLANKS, BILL-HEADS, r LETTER-HEADS, CAED8, TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, -PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, ft VOL. XXVI. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1881. NO. 3,972. '. T ; ; if :5 f J L - . . Some day this week and get a pair BLANKETS, or a SUIT of READY-MADE CLOTHES, or an OVERCOAT, or a CLOAK or a WALKING JACKET, -or a- Pair Flannel Shirts or a Carpet, OR AM of the a bora goods and yen will find plenty of oil.er atr ictlve goods to .look at ileefl ALEXANDER 4 H1RRI3. Boots ar, fl jSlxocs 1881 Wliffinfep 1881 We are dally receiving our FULL 4 WINTER STOCK which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the LADIES', MISSES', CHILDRKNS,' GENTS', B01S AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS! SHOES A SPECIALTY. Lower grades all goods In oar line In variety and all price. FXTLL STOCK Stetson and Other Hats. A PRETTY LINE , TRUNKS, VALISES AND SATCHELS ALL SIZES AND RBICES. Call and see as. PEGRAM & CO. ep6 -NATIONAL- 1 OF Misville, Ky. LOSSES PAID,. $29.1.603.92 ALL L03SE3 DUE TO JATE PAID. ETJHPLuiuifiP-.-T ...?ao.ooao -INVESTED IN , REGISTERED UNITED STATES AMD Louisville City Bonds. OfFEBS CHEAP, SAFE AND RELIABLE IN 8URANCE, f DIRECTORS: W. n. Haldxhak. PresldentCourler-Joumal 6a L. Bam bxrqxr, of Bambsrgsr, Bloom ft Co. A. 0. Bbankix, . of Brannin & Glever.: JAa. A. LnttM.Ui ...OealInnnuxce Ant. Thob. a HAti,..:..BTOV!2T,IC?,,' J- M. ATHMo."r,.rriti.. co- J T. s. BBowH,i...'.i..(.;....l J..Merchant J D. Alleh,. ....... ...... ...of Alln, Smith Ca J- P. ALW, President. , T. H. TAYLpE, Seprttary and Taawi. Pt W. M. GALT. Medical Director. - - Audltor-Geo. 8. ALLISON, Cashier 2d NatBTc. est Brands Latest Styles Viutua Benefit AssociatiOD S8 &sf lotMufl, c; Ho Goods may -IN- II -IN and ARRIVING DAILY. Jast In some beautiful NEW G30DS, among them a very handsomejplece ol WATERED SILK. Another lot of those FOLDINGCOLLARS so popular with the ladles this season. dec4 T. L. SRIGLE & CO. medtcal. Neuralgia, Sprains, ;Pain in the .Back and Side. t There Is nothing more painful than these diseases; but the pain can be removed and the disease cored by use of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. Thl remedy is not a cheap Benzine or Petroleum product tbat must be kept away from fire or heat to avoid danger of explosion, nor is it an untried experi ment that may do more harm than good. Paifi Killer has been In constant use for forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the world is, It never fails It not only effects a permanent cure, but It relieves pain almost Instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, it is safe In the hands of the most Inexperienced. The record of cures by the use of Pain Killer -would fill volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those who have tried It think: Edgar Oady, Owatonna, Minn., says : About a year since my -wife became subject to severe suffering' from rheumatism. Our resort was to the Pain Ett.mh, which speedily relieved her. Charles Powell writes from the Bailors? Borne, London: I had been afflicted three years with neuralgia andyiotent spasms of the stomach. The doctors at Westminster Hospital gave up my case in despair. I tried your Path Kxlijcb, and it gave me immediate relief. I have regained my strength, and am now able to follow my usual occupation. Q. H. Walworth, Saco, Me. , writ a : I experienced immediate relief from pain In the ade by the use of your Pain Kit.t.kb. E. York says: I have used your Pais Ktllib for rheumatiem, and have received great benefit Barton Seaman says : Have used Paiw KnLEB for thirty years, anq tove found it a never.failing remedy for rheumatism and lameness, Mr. Burdltt writes : .Jkne?Zfaiu. togive relief in cases of rheumatism. Phil. Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writes : From actual use, I know your Pain Ktllbb la toe best medicine I can get. All druggists keep Pain Killer. Its price so low that it 13 within the reach of all, and it will save many times Its cost in doctors' bills. 25e., 50c. and f 1.00 a bottle. PERRY DAVI3 & SON, Proprietors, Provldonco, R. !. sept diw sept A oct PAULS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS,- CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TllUHPH OF THE AGE. 8YMPTOM8 OP A TORPID LIVER. Ijoas of apptite,W aasea-bowels costive, Pain in theHeadywith a, mill sensation In the baek part, Fain under the shomder blade. fttllnesa after eating, with a difin- clination to exertion of body pz Wd. FHtteriog of the Heart. Dots befora the eyes. Yellow Skin, &eadaehe, Bestless neas at night, highly colored. Urine. U THESE W AKHIirGS ABE U1THEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON EE DEVELOPED. TTJTT8 FILLS are especially adapted to 4ch wione doee effects saehachange of feeling as to astonish the offerer. They BtTMM tbe ApvoUto, and cause the hsdVtoTak Flesh, thus the system is TUTT'S HAIR DYE. GaATHAia or Whtskibs changed to a OtMar Black by a single application of this Dtx. It iSparU a natural color, acts Instantanepojly. Sold y LroegiU,r Mnt by iWtprsss on rassipt sf SI. Office. 35 JWIurray SW Nw York. CB,, TUTTS BAIKAL rf Talnbl. UtMrMttoaas h CmM BMlpt Witt s sniM l-BBX si tpUmXUm.f Feby. 28deodAwl ' . : Vringer. isucnu, war : drak, StUlinsisL, and tiiau w aya u fcfw m dncs laftown ux com bined in ParWs Ginger Tonic, into a medicine OA on1A I ti waMt W UMAw fc ayj . UfWU Witr aw hw . rTfstll.ftUhAStresgth T X?.mm TTsiAil To 1?liaMiniar-im. Sleeplessness, & diseacss Parkers Ts' Tr1 ; ? f Lungs, Lhrer & Kidneys,) Hair -Balsarru !gg&gES Ottne stomacn, oowoi, Lungs, Liver & Kidneys, llmr.. Hanr fills to ntcara w ""- : . . . . . a-i Ibnrtnv Tkilln Slu. Huif-.rrtMttAPAtnC gUITION Of" i BOTM VERSIONS 1 IN ONE 1 a f . -. . I . tnnM .hAwit at a " ' slsnoa. Only On B00K BJfQOTMD- ' BTe time, aaras tabor; tnsnfM aeracr, JtW" Ji o o n ! AGENTS i PHfe. tvfi. H, QIMMBHS . WANTED I f 1.90 f " AUaaU, OtwrgU. GREAT PROFUSION of memory, with a feeling of faring nel- . aepSUkwSmos GOOD KlfUJJGH. "O woman. Id oar hoars of ease. Uncertain, coy and hard to please." Tin Terr snre,". she sobbed, "yon love me net." 'Why so?" quoth I; 'say, precious little pet." "Because," she naively answered, "you've forgot To tell me so, and lovers don't forget." n. . Ah, then I kissed her lips, and cheek, and brow, Hogged her closely to my Sunday vest; At last released "There, that will do just new," She bluahlDgly said; "why, you beat all the rest!" The Judge. OBSERVATIONS. A man is not necessarily a Christ! n because he rents a pew. His is sometimes a kind of pewter religion. Oil City Derrick. Gulteau's trial will cost the government one hun dred and fifty thousand dollars. A Chicago woman has Just given birth to her twenty-second child. Chicago women seem to think there's going to be another war. Courier Journal. "I wouldn't give five cents to hear Bob Ingersoll 0H 'the mistakes of Meses,' bat would give five Hundred dollars to hear Moses on the mistakes of Bob Ingersoll." Josh Billings. "America," says an Ingllshman, "Is a country where a man's statement is not worth two cents unless backed up with an oiler to bet you ten dol lars. Senator Jones, of Nevada, is a lucky man. He has a wife who hunts up authorities for him, from the French, and a secretary who puts his speeches Into the best English. Playing cards for kisses is now called "cut throat" euchre. Only two can take a hand, and no matter which wins the kisses are forthcoming. It will be a verr DODular eame these Ions winter eventegs. It doesn't require much light to dis tinguish the cards. New Haven Register. There are twenty-five million barrels of petrol eum in stock. There seems to be nothing in the way of the servant girl's happiness. The road to their heaven Is greased with the "crude." New iiaven register. A Brooklyn man who had one of hit amieulars chewed off during a little unpleasantness In a bar room en election night came home and told his wile mat mis was an "on 'ear in pontics" ior him. urooaiyn aagie. EDITORIAL, SHORT STOPS. The Philadelphia Times, in view of the better opportunities presented to large thieves over small ones to escape punishment, suggests that if during the winter any of its leaders should be scarce of food and be tempted to steal a mackerel, they had better re-consider and steal a kid, which gives a chance for investigation, a stay of proceedings and escape from unpleasant consequen ces. Miss Hazeltine, the St. Louis belle, who has attracted some attention in the papers, first by her reported en gagement to Samuel J. Tilden, and la ter by her affair with a variety singer, was married last Monday in Fhiladel phia to Mr. Paramore, of St. Louis, to whom she was engaged while carrying on the flirtation with the singist. They were married in Philadelphia to avoid making a sensation in St. Louis. There is a rupture between Mexico and the adjoining republic of Guate mala over a boundary question Mexi co threatens to invade Guatemala, which has the sympathy of other Cen tral American States, which will side with her in ease a conflict follows. Pinchback's advice to his colored friends is to strike for big offices', and if they can't get what they want to take what they can get, which will probably b,e considered a "taking" sug gestion. Central Park, in New York, has cost the city $43,194,150, including interest, but it is now valued at $200,000,000 while from the increased value of sur rounding property the city has $65,000,- 000 in taxes. The indications are that there will be a free rough-and-tumble fight in the next gubernatorial election in Georgia. There are a score or so of aspirants with several independents looming up. The fact that the two Virginia Re adjustertmembers in the House of Rep resentatives voted for Keifer, don't leave much doubt a3 to where they will stand. Rev. Dr. Talmage says "hell is strewn with tobacco leaves" so that wicked smokers and chewers have a prospect of not being deprived of the weed in the hereafter. New Orleans licenses gambling houses, and Houston and Waco, Texas, are so pleased with the idea that they propose to adopt it. Gen. Toombs says all it takes to start a guano factory is a "d d big bank of sand and a pole cat." The members of the Kentucky Legis lature are peculiar. They refuse to ac cept passes from railroads. Coup, the show man, is going to run opposition to Congress by building a hippodrome in Washington. The United States, revenue from beer is $14,000,000. How is that for lager? Miss Annie Louise Cary has warbled herself into a fortune of 8450,000.. President Arthur carries $100,000 In surance on his life. The President's Tnessage contained 14,000 words. ASHEV1XL.I3 AND CINCINNATI. From morris town to Cumberland Gap Under Contract. Ashevflle Citizen. Onr Morristown cotemDorary. the Gazette, enables us to make a most im tortant. most stratifying, and a long hoDed-for announcement. Its issue of the 30th ulto. says: - "Having derived our information from headquarters, we are able to 8av now that the road is under contract from Morriatown to Cumberland Gap." Thia road will make an air-line from Asheville to Cincinnati, Louisville and Chicago, and secure to these places the shortest and most direct . route, via Asheville, to the southern seaboard. It will open to Asheville the magnificent coal fields of the Cumberland mount tains. Asheville can andvshould be made the distributing point for all shipments from the West and North westror Athena, Augusta and Sayan vah, Ga Port Royal and Charleston, a C Wilmington, Chariotte, Salisbury, Greensboro, Raleigh, Qoldsboro, More head, and Norfolk and Rich mond, Va. ' , . ' Now is the time for our people to be gingto move in earnest and substan tially towards making Asheville what she can be, and what ahe jnustj be .to reap the advantages which are being Sut withinher grasp. : Let us dq up and oing. ; THE RICHMOND 4c DANVILLE EX HIBIT. , Some of tbooe to whom we are In debted for the Fine Display at At lanta. ATLANTA, Dec. 7, 1881. To the Editor of the Observer: . In your article of the 6th inst. enti tled "The New South," in mentioning the exhibit of the Richmond & Dan ville Railroad, you do Capt. C. C. Mc Phail too mdch,ionor.- l am merely the agent through whom the Richmond & Danville Railroad Company has ac complished the results which you have seen and commented upon the agent of a system of railroads which has linked its destiny and fate, in large UJtWASUlB, WILLI UcillUa UL HltttJI Willi me weal or woe or .worth Carolina. I ob serve you say "every North Carolinian who visits the .Exposition should take off his hat in the presence of Capt. Mc Phailand Prof. Smith, who have the department in charge, for the labor and pains they have taken in getting to gether and -arranging articles," &c. I nave disposed of Capt. MePhail's claim for recognition ana' placed the credit for the exhibit, in which North Caro lina is so conspicuous, where it properly Deiongs. in collecting and arranging the ex hibit of the Richmond & Danville com pany I have been its sole agent, alone responsible to its management for what ever or success or tailure which may have attended it. Prof. Smith, to whom you make reference is only one of my paid employes, and has the department of the Richmond & Danville Railroad at the Atlanta Exposition, or any part of it, as much under his charge as one of your type-setters has The Char lotte Observes under his charge. I doubt whether any one of the manage ment of the Richmond & Danville Rail road Company is aware of the existence or Mr. smith, except in so xar as his name appears on my pay roll. He was employed ana paia oy me to collect material for the Richmond & Danville Railroad exhibit, in a few western counties, and is also one of - my several paid employes for taking care of the exhibit, attending to visitors, &c. I merely call your attention to your arti cle because it may serve to do injustice to other worthy and public spirited North Carolinians who have volun tarily and without remuneration ren dered me, as agent of the Richmond & Danville itaiiroaa company, valuable assistance, and have, as far as I know, no personal interest in the material they have contributed. You give large credit to one of my employes whose services are fully paid for in money, and you mafce no mention of men like Prof. Hanna, of your own town, who contri buted a large line of mineral specimens witn valuable analyses attached; J. A. D. Stephenson, of Statesville, who con tributed a large case of rare and ex quisitely beautiful crystaline forms, gems, &c., one of the ornaments of the exhibit; T. K. iiruner, of Salisbury, who brought a large assortment of rep resentative gold ores, kc- and arranged them ; Prof. William Beal, of Murphy, Cnerokee county, who made splendid contributions of minerals and woods, his object being to bring before the world the grand material resources of his section, - and who would receive no compensation for his valuable services or for the time spent in this work. I make no mention of others who have made valuable contributions be cause it may be said they will derive their measure of . benefit from the op portunity thus attorded tor the adver tisement of their materials. At the same time 1 feel under none the less obligations for the aid which they so kindly rendered to me. I also feel it is due to myself to correct the impression that Prof. Smith has any connection whatever with the exhibit of the Rich mond & Danville Railroad and its sys tern of roads beyond that of my paid employe. Very truly yours, C. C. McPhail, Agent R. & D. R. R. Company, in Charge .Exhibit. Suggestions to Suffererw from Dia betes. Baltimore Sun. Messrs. A. Abell & Co. ; The follow ing bill of fare is the result of the ex perience of a sufferer from diabetes, to whom these foods have proved not only unobjectionable, but conducive to cure. In view of the fact that the highest medical authorities have decided that medicines are of little or no, avail in this disease; that the chief reliance is upon appropriate food : that improper food surely encourages the disease, while suitable food unfailingly retards its progress, and that very few who suffer from this trouble are accurately informed as to what foods are admissi ble and what are objectionable or dan gerous, he offers this list as containing nothing which has proved injurious in his own case. The suggestions in regard to bathing, exercise and most of the foods are the results of his consultations with emi nent medical men in America and Europe, among whom may be mention ed Prof. Bouchardat,of Paris, and their value as curative agents are borne out in his own experience. As the elimination of sweets and starches has proved beneficial in nerv oiis prostration and brain exhaustion, it is believed tbat the bill of fare may be wisely adopted Dy ail nervous suf ferers. The gluten flours, cooked and uncoofc ed, may be obtained of the Health food Company, 74 Fourth avenue, cor ner Tenth street, New York. Bill of fare and suggestions for suf ferers from diabetes: Oysters and clams. Raw or cooked, WitnoUb nour mixtures. Souds. All those without flour, rice. vermicelli, or other starchy substances, or the prohibited vegetables. Fish. Of all kinds, fresh or salted, including lobsters and crabs, sardines and other fish in oiL Meats. Of all kinds, more particular- lv beef and mutton, (livers not used i) also tripe, ham, tongue, bacon and sau sages Poultry and Game. Of all kinds. Avoid sweet jellies and sauces with the game. Salads In all varieties except pota to. Use freely of lettuce, cucumber, romaine, watercress, Brussels sprouts, chicorv. dandelions, young onions and cold slaw ; also olives, celery and toma toes questionaDie. -VegetablesOf all kinds, except po totoes. beets, carrots, turnips, parships, peas, beans, rice, or those containing sugar or starch. Cauliflower, spinach, cabbage have been found particularly valuable. Sour apples cut in quarters, dinned in beaten eggs, ronea in cooKea gluten, and fried in very hot fat make a good substitute for potatoes, and may ba used moderately. . Fruits--All" kinds of tart fruits. Peaches and strawberries in profus- sion. with cream, (no sogar;) . Milk and Cheese Milk in some cases Cream, butter, buttermilk, and all kinds of cheese rreeiy. y ery oia cneese inju rious.. : - ' 7 ' , ' ! ' ' ' , Bread Only that mad froxaiwheat gluten flour.- 4j'rom giujen; rimper of palatable breads, rolls, pancakes, frit ters, crullers, griddle cakes, mushes, and. puddings are made, rendering ordinary. Dread unnecessary. - Nut Almonds, walnuts, filberts, pe can nuts. 'They should be freely salted. Pastry None, unless made from glu ten flour, without sugar. .Eggs Plenty of them, if boiled, let the time not exceed two minutes. -Use in any way except in sweet omelettes and custards. Picked codfish with eggs chipped beef. Coffee and Cocoa moderately, with cream and glycerine, (no sugar.) Cereal coffee particularly recommend. Tea ob jectionable. Spirits or Liquors None, and na wine except claret, Burgundy, Rhine, or other acid varieties ; claret preferred. No malt liquors. Eat slowly, and in moderate quanti ties. Take as little liquid as possible during meals, and throughout the day. The tendency is to a dry skin, and per spiration being highly important, fre quent warm baths are advised; the evening is the best time. Cold or tepid baths may be taken with advantage in ne morning, exercising afterwards to restore circulation. Turkish baths are also recommended once or twice a week if approved by your physician. Exercise as freely as possible in the open air, and sleep eight hours of the wenty-four. OVERWROUGHT AND FEE BLR NIRVKS are quieted, digestion promoted, and the system strengthened by the Llebla Co's renowned Coca Beet Tonic. 'How do you Manage." said a lady to her friend. "to appear so happy all the time?" "I always have Parker's Ginger Tonic handy," was the reply, "and thus Keep myself and family in good health When I am well I always feel good natured." See other column. . . "Screw the finsrer as tleht as von can. that's rheumatism; one turn more, that's gout," Is a iamuiar uescnntion of these two diseases. Tnougn each may and does attack different parts of the system, the cause is believed to be a poisonous acid In the blooa. Purify this by the use of TARRANT'S SELTZER APERIENT It will do the work speedily and thoroughly. It Is the great friend of the sufferer from rheuma Usm and gout. eoia Dy an druggists. un5 d&weod6mo IN HOSTS OF FAMILIES Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is as much regarded as a household necessity as sugar or coffee. The reason of this is that years of experience have proved it to be perfectly reliable In those cases of emergency where a prompt ana convenient feme! oy is aemanaea constipation, liver complaint. dyspepsia, indigestion and other troubles are over come by It. For sale by Drngglsts and Dealers, to whom ap ply ior nosieners Almanac ior iaa. 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, DR. DYE'S Electro -Voltaic Appliances to ssansxiK Buffering from Xcrvons Weaknesses, Gen. eral Iebility, loss of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Othet. Causes, or t any one afflicted with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties. Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, ana omer diseases 01 tne vital urgans. Abo women troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. Speedy relief and complete restoration to health guaranteed. Tliese are the only Electric Anitliances that have evfer been const ruetel upon scientific prin ciples. Their thorough efficacy has been prac tically proven with the most wonderful success, and they liave the hisrbest endorsements from medical and scien tific men, and from hundreds who have been quickly and radically cured b their nse. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, givhr all information free. Address, VOLTAIC EILT CO., Marshall, Mich. July 18 Coffins and Metal Cases ALSO, A LABQX LOT Or -C--H--R--0--M--0--S- AT WHOLESALE or RET ALL. E. M. ANDREWS, v AT WHITE FRONT. deeg. tiflSTETTEHfe IpJ CELEBRATED Law am -:h: OUR SECOND Is now in, and custom rs will find It to their advantange to examine it before purchasing elsewhere, oa no uavo ou uie uew uuveiues m DPress (Goods and trimmings, And at prices, that will save you money. We MORIE The newest thing out. Cloak ClaspSr Cords and Tassels, Iridescent Beads, Ornaments and fringes. We have the handsomest and most varied ever shown here. Ask to see our new Beaded Fringes, vi a uamg i acneis is large ana attractive. - uisiers, jjoimans, a lew nanasome Cloaks at a sacrifice. ' Cloaklngs, Bepellants, Flannels, Underwear, Gloves, Hosiery, And In fact everything In the Fancy Dry Goods line. voiij uui Bcvuro utugoma. HARGRAVES Complete Stock. 1 OURSPREPARATIONS TRADE BEING NOW ENTIRELY WE cordially invite our friends and the public generally to an Inspection of the attractions display ed, confidently asserting that they will be found in every respect up to the standard. In submit ting this we would call special attention to the styles of our own design and manufacture, which ne con stantly keep on band during the entire reason. We are Justified in asserting tbat the long experience and standing of our Bouse, Is a full guarantee that our Clothing Is the mcst reliable. The garments of our own manufacture are strictly first-class. We are constantly and carefully studying the de mands of our patrons, and Invariably Insuring them absolute bottom prices. Our object has -alwajs been to bring about a display every season of a full line of garments of the newest styles. The work manship ef our Clothing Is equal to any of the best In the country. We don't say that our produc tions are superior to all others; we are reasonable and never exaggerate; we tell every customer the truth, allowing no one in our employ to do otherwise, or In any Instance to misrepresent goods In order to accomplish a sale. Our endeavor is to please, and to give to each customer the value of every dollar he leaves with us. Our line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Is complete in all branches. NECK WEAR A SPECIALTY. Very Respectfully, oct9 L L GASTON, DEALER IN , Ranges, Tinware & House FnrnishiDg Goods. MANTELS and GRATES WiW H O L E S A L.E .'and RETAIL. Particular attention paid to ROOFING AND SPOUTING. None but first class hands employed. Call for the BARLEY SHEAF STOVE. oct29 Chew only the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket. THE old Oaken Bucket, The Iron-bound bucket. The moss-covered bucket, That hung In the welL CHAS. R. JONES, Charlotte, N. C, Sole Agent , t3F Liberal terms to dealers. s TARTLING DISCOVERY! Lost manhood restored. " ' A victim of yobthfdl imprudence causing Prema ture Dscay,. Herrous Debility,- Lost .Manhood, etc, taring tried ta vain every known remedy, has dis covered a simple self cure, which he wul send FREE to hit f enow-sufferers, address J. H. REEVES, 43 Chatham St&Y.i sepl8 - -' . , j TRUSTEE'S CASKS ALE . BT Virtue of a deed In trust" made' to me by B. H. Brown, I will seU for CASH; to the highest bidder, at public auction, all of the stock of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. FARMERS' BUPPLUS, NOTIONS, Ac., now in his store. Trade street, Charlotte, N.C.oa . DECEMBER 24th, 1881, , And continue unta all is sold. Bala without re- IVr J. A. McLnre is authorized to collect and receipt for all notes and accounts due to the said Brown. ' 8uch persons will please- come forward and settle and save eosts In my absence, with Mr. McLnre. rvl t , - - - 4 -1. : - n baihhlh. hllton, noy29 tda ' Trustee. Stoves Heaters ive Stock ! :w: - FALL STOCK hare added to our DRESS TRIMMINGS STOCK, SA.TINS, We hare a new line of stock of Passamenhies and Beaded Fringes a handsome piece at 75c per yard. Our stock A small lot of Kid Gloves at 25c per pair. Call Aii nwi juomie viotn at zoo. &WILH13LM. FOR THIS SEASON'S COMPLETE L. BEEWANGER & BRO., Leading Clothiers and Tailors. 50 Bushels EASTERN YAM POTATOES 50 BUSHELS -RUST PROOF OATS,-- Just received on consignment, and MU3T BE SOLD. MUST BE SOLD. CHAS. R. JONES. dec9 CLOSING OUTSALE JOR the purpose of engaging more extensively and exclusively In the line of tST MILLINERY GOODS the coming year, wholesale and re tail, we now oiler all other lines of Goods now in our stock at very low prices to close out The stock is large, new and well assorted, consisting of full lines of WHITE GOODS, LACES, EMBROID ERIES, all kinds of TRIMMINGS, PLAIN and FANCY HOSIERIES, GLOVES, NOTIONS, NECK WEAR, CORSETS, SKIRTS, Cloaks, Shawls, Net Goods, LADIES' and CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, DRESS TRIMMING, BUTTONS, TABLE LINEN, TOWELS, DOILIES, NAPKINS, Aa, In fact a com plete stock of Ladies' andMdren'sFurnisliiiigGoods, Which we offer without reserve at prices that will guarantee their Immediate sale. Terms of this sale will be strictly cash. -OUR STOCK OF MILLINERY- Is the largest and most complete of any la t State and is constantly being added to as new styles and novelties appear in New York. MRS. P. QUERY nov2 .' . ' " ' ' Chew only the brand of tobacco known as Thef Old Oaken Backet. THE old Oaken Bucket, The Iron-bound bucket, iiw uiusB-wrcrou uuc&ei, .. . Thai nnriff In tbs wfill. : . - . - Charlotte, N.Cy Sole Agent LSI ". tThoMil tArms tA titular v . BoU0d4wiuto wlm 0