Sfje Charlotte; bBenjcr SUBSORIPTlOir RATES: Daily, one year, postpaid, in advance 88 00 ftix months . . 4.00 THree month .. . 2.00 One month .. . . 75 W SMELT EDITION: WteHv in ths vmmty), to mdtmnee $2.00 Outtfttovx&tV, Pott-paid .. ,..T. 2.19 Six months 1.05 lr- liberal. Reduction for Out. 2HJft ma gait gritttiw 14 THE OBSERVER JOB DEPARTMENT Haa beeiilthoroughly supplied wltZi every needed want, and with the latest styles of Type. ud every manner of Job Printing can now be done with neatness, dispatch andchjeapness. We can fur nish at short notice, BLANKS, BILL-HEADS, ' LETTER-HEADS, CAB03, y TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTEBS, PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, Ac, VOL. XXVI. CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13,1881. NO. 3,974. Wmin itdl in , , si I II I I 111 A, Sr 111 vl . Some day this week and get a pair ot BLANKETS, on SUIT of READY-MADE CLOTHES, or an OVERCOAT, or a CLOAK or a WALKING JACKET, - or a Pair Flannel Shirts or a Carpet, -OR- AH of the abov goods and you will find plenty of other attractive goods to look at decO ALEXANDER 4 HARRIS. We are dally receiving our FALL&WINTER STOCK which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the LADIES'. MISSES', CHILDREN9,' GENTS', B01S', AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS 1 SHOES A SPECIALTY. Lower grades all goods In our line In variety and all prlees. FULL STOCK Stetson and Other Hats. A PRETTY LINE TRIMS, VALISES AND SATCHELS ALL SIZES AND BRICIS. Call and see as. PEGRAM & CO. sep6 -NATIONAL- -Off Louisville, Ky. L053K3 PAID, $293,603.92 ALL L033ES DUE TO DATE PAID. EUEPLUJ IUND,... $30,000.0 -INVESTED IN REGISTERED UNITED STATES AND Louisville City Bonds.. 0T FEUS CHEAP, SAFE AND RELIABLE IN' SUBANCK. DIRECTORS : W. n. Hatdim aw. President Courier- Journal Co. L. BAumcvnirR nf TUmherzer. Bloom & ci 4. 0. Bsnwpj of Branny 4 Glever, 0. W. Hpufim, General Jnsuran Agent hi. A. Lihax .General Insuranoe Agent Tnos. H. Hats Bup't Pulman Palace Car Co, J- M. athxbtoh of J, M. Atherton ft Co. J - T. s. Beown Merchant J- D. Allmt of Allen, Smith ft Co, J- D. ALLEN, President T. H. TAYLOR, Secretary and Treasurer. f. W. M. GALT. Vftrtlrad Director. Auditor-Geo. 8. ALLISON, Cashier 2d Nat Bt J. F.Lloyd, Gcnl Agent for N. C m m m Best Brands Latest Styles Itl Benefit Association A Second Stock OF NONPAREIL VELVETS, JUST RECEIVED. 8om9 beautiful Some beautiful INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS For presents. We. will close out our remnant stock of light weight DOLMANS, At manufacturers' prices. Remembef we are soie agenls for the sale of Warner's Corsets. A full assortment of sizes always In stocK. decll T. L. SKIGLE & CO. lalieumdism Neuralgia, Sprains, ;Pain in the .Back and Side. f There 13 nothing more painful than these diseases ; but the pain can be removed and the disease cured by use of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. This remedy Is not a cheap Benzine or Petroleum product that must be kept away from fire or heat to avoid danger of explosion, nor is it an untried experi ment that may do more harm than good. Pain Killer has been in constant use for forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the world is, It never fails. It not only effects a permanent cure, but It relieves pain almost Instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, it Is safe in the hands of the most Inexperienced. The record of cures toy the use of Pain Killer would fill volumes. The following extracts from letters received Ehow what those who have tried It think : Edgar Cady, Owatonna, Minn., says : Abailt & Vflftr irincA m V rifn MmmA Knl-itont to severe suffering from rheumatism. Our resort was to the Pain Exllxb, which speedily relieved her. Charles Powell writes from the Bailors' Home, London : I had been afflicted three years with neuralgia and violent spasms of the stomach. The doctors at Westminster Hospital grave up my case in despair. I tried your Pain Kit, lib, and it gave me immediate relief. I have regained my Birengin, ana am now aoie tq louow my usual G. H. Waiwd'rth. Baco, Me., writes : I experienced immediate relief from pain in the side by the use of your Pais Ktt.t.itr. E.York Bays: I have used your Path Ktlleu for rheumatism, and have received great benefit. Barton Seaman says : Have used Paw Kxlutb for thirty years, and have found it a never-failing remedy for rheumatism and lameness. Mr. Burditt writes : It never fail to give relief in cases of rheumatism. Phil. Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writes : From actual use, I know your Pain Killeu is the best medicine I can get AH druggists keep Pain Killer, Its price is, sq jow that it Is within the reach of all, and It will save many times Its cost In doctora' bills. 35c, 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. PERRY DAViS & SON, Proprietors, Provldonco, R. I. sept dw sept oct THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE, THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TQRP1P LIVEEm Pain in theHead.with a dull sensation in mini -HI IH.LIU1A VI VAVJM. WWU W - T Tnntabllitv of temner. Low spirits, Aiosf of memory, with a feeling of haying neg: leeted o.m dnty. wearineaji, Pjggineas, fluttering of the Heart, Dots before iEo eyes, bellow Bkin. Headaohe, HeBtleas ness at night, highly colored Urine. IF TH3JSX WASHINGS U1THZEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TTTTi ULLS are espeolally adapted te snch eases,one dose effects such a change ox feellns; as n hwiiuu u iiuior.i TUTT'S HAIR OYE. m fltiaiv Orat BtAra or Whisksb. ehuna I to ,C iwssr ttfflcd, 3S Murray St., New York. yeftr. asdeodewi ? nrnium mamas maw Bucliu. Man drake, Stfflingia, and many of the best medi cines kaown are com pined in Parker" Gmfdr loniCi'iito a jnedkane rffnirh vqhmI nnwera. as to make it the greatest DostHoalth A Stnmptli It cures Rheumatism, Qeepjestness, & diseaess of "the Stomach, Bowels, Lungs, live c KidntyJ, feiscatirery differentfrom Hair Balsam. Bitters. Gfecer JSwnces and other TotJcs, s It never intoxicates, mum ! JOWUVI over w R7 Bartof Baying Dol Im- 81. oct22 ...wiieeniTlnll OF D O O K-! I rre. frem error . 4Bh i. uim labor, injure aeearaey, fastlon. sens .Hapuuy. unnmnw vr the Pack part," mn unaar mb ;anmui blade, fullness after eating, with a disin- AvavfiAnrnf sSiSHfr rtT mind. ' 11 J The Tnrlciala Bath. Bossell In Auguita Chronicle. Did tou ever take one? No? Well, let me describe it In the first room I entered, the undressing apartment, there were a dozen men, all strangers to me, ready for the plunge. Now, I am a modest man, and I insisted on having a private apartment, from which when disrobed I was shown by a salamander into a dark room and told to take a seat. I did so for a thousandth part of a second, but the chair was so hot that I jumped four feet high! 'Sit downT the salamander commanded, when I lit. 'Sit down ; you'll get used to it.' I sat. Charley, that chair was so hot that I heard myself frying. Then by degrees the steam poured into the room until I felt myself melting. Hot! it was sev en times hotter than any place I ever read of at Sunday school. 1 begged the salamander to take me out. I told him I was done enough for the mostsesthet ic cannibals he was cooking me for. At length, after what appeared to me to be an age, he moved into another room, so much hotter than the one I had left that the air from the lat ter was chilly as he closed the door. I was par-boiled already, and this was evidently the baking oven, and being too weak to get out, I just allowed my self to be rolled onto the marble table, where I supposed I, was to be carved finally. But I did not think I was to be skinned also, as appeared a minute later,, when the salamander with a heavy curry-comb began that process. I was raked and scraped and scraped and raked until I supposed he was over doing the job and I told him he would hare nothing left for the cannibals but my bones if he did not stop. The idea seemed to strike him as practical and he stopped, helped me into an other room, and bracing me in an up right position turned a water spout onto me. The water was hot at first, but directly.it was only warm; then it was not warm ; next it was cool, then cool er; became chilly; became cold and im mediately colder, until I could feel the drops turn to ice as they poured on me, and at last form into a cake covering me from head to foot. I shook and shivered and chattered untii I begged to be thawed. I was toweled down and removed to an ante-room and stretched on a lounge, and had a blanket, wind- rag-sheet fashion spread over me. A Model Farm, Atlanta Constitution. Yesterday, Major Blacknall, the live representative of the Durham bull, said to a Constitution reporter : "I see to-day at the exposition and in attendance on the cotton planters asso ciation, one of the members of the old North State, Captain Thigpen. a South ern farmer, that every Southern man should be proud of. When I say self- sustaining, I mean it. Captain Thigpen commenced after the war on a desolate, poor farm, without money, without stock or without anything. Now he has one of the largest and most complete farms in the State, and on it he makes from 600 to 800 bales of cotton per year, all the com, fodder, oats, wheat and pork to supply his entire place and always a surplus to sell his neighbors, who plant ail cotton, x ou will fand the captain here as you find him and his family anywhere else, neatly dressed in clothes that are spun, wove and made at home. He even raises his own sheep, wool, etc. tie also raises beef cattle for market, has flour to sell, which is almost an un heard of thing in a cotton country, he also raises his own mules and horses, not only enough for his rarm but often has a surplus to sell. When our cotton farms can get in such a healthy condi tion all through tbe South, we will have the grandest country on earth. I am told that the captain makes gener ally a bale of cotton to the acre. He is plain, modest, unpretentious South ern gentleman, but one of the best men of North Carolina." Caucus of Republican Senators. Washington, Dec. 12. The Republi can Senators this morning held a cau cus of very brief duration at which the report of their committee on the sub ject of revising the Republican mem bership 01 some or the cemmittees was received, explained and accepted with out controversy, it provides tor mak ing Senator Windom chairman of for eign relations committee ; senator Mil ler, ot California, cnairman or tne com mittee pn revision or; laws, and Senator Small, of .Bjew Jersey, chairman of the committee onenrolled bills, Windom will also be placed on com. on patents, education and labor and transportation routec to the seahoard. No compre hensive resolution on the subject will be submitted to the Senate for various changes whioh will be made from time to time separately. The caucus also this morning adopted a resolution pro viding for the creation of a senate com mittee on the rights of women. Sena tor Lapham will be chairman of this committee, with Anthony, Ferry and Dawes as its other Republican mem bers. Death of a Prominent Kentuckian. New York, Dec. 12. A Troy special savs: "Col. T. if. snaflner. or Liouis- ville, Ky., suffered a stroke of apoplexy at the Troy House, Saturday, from the effects of which he died last evenining. He was prominently identified in tele graph and railroad enterprises ana in troduced the telegraph system into Russia. He represented the State of Kentucky in the national lodge of Odd Fellows. He leaves an estate esimat- ed at over a million dollars." Southern Forests, Boston Economist. The Southern States are awaking to the realization of the richness which ex ists in their vast f ores,ts The New Or leans Democrat estimates that Louisi ana contains more than 17,000,000 acres of wooded land, The saw-mills have made little impression upon this vast suddIv of timber, which comprises a larire varietv of valuable woods. Most of ft, too, can boeasily marketed, thanks to the bavous and watercourses with which the State is liberally provided. Since the increasing scarcity or western timber became apjwept, large purchas es of timbered lands have been made in &oiritfk 3 this smendid possession, the importance of which tbe South is just beginning to ; comprenena,win do mauageu witu mure care than has been bestowed upon the foresta of the North and West This country, must learn the science of forestrv sooner or later, and now is a good time to begin. PREMATURE LOSS OT THE HAIR May be entirely prevented by tatf use of BUR; RETT'S COCOAINK. No otfter compound pos sesses the peculiar properties which o exactly' gait the various condi tions of the human .hair. It softens the hair when harsh and dry. It soothes the.lrritated scalp. It affords the richest lustre. It prevents the ham from falling off. it promotes Its healthy, vigorous growth. It is not greasy nor tfekr. Itleaves no 'disagreeable odor. It kills dandruff. Burnett's ilavoring Extracts areknwn to be the best : Hold BUnlng In Cabarrus County. Concord Sun. Mr. Henry J. Fox, of Philadelphia, the president of the Tucker gold mine, in this county, and Mr. H. H. Reed, one of the directors, made a visit to the mine last week and as they came through town on their return, they had to show for their visit, a gold briek weighing an even pound and worth $300. They are happy over their in vestment and talk most encouragingly. Mr. Fox says some of the ore at the Tucker cannot be excelled in the Unit ed States. Six months ago they bought the land and cleared the woods away and now they have fine machinery at work, a number of houses built and five shafts sunk. Gapt. Orchard is the superintendent and says that he will ship Mr. Fox, on the 23rd inst.,six more gold bricks of one pound each. All this within six months shows what there is in Cabarrus mines. Capt. P. A. Kennerly is now workine the gold mine in town, on Joel Reed's property along B and h street. Some of the ore brought te the surface is worth $12 a bushel and gets richer the further it is developed. The vein rTlns east and west, and under-runsBand L, Main and Spring streets at an average depth of 50 feet below the surface. How many of our citizens think of all this treasure as they pass over it every day? Enforcing the Kansas Liquor Law. Topeka, Ks. Dec. 12. Owing to the fact that the provisions of the law pro- hiDiting the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquor are constantly viola- tea in various cities or the State, liov ernor St. John has issued a proclama tion offering rewards for the arrest and conviction of any person guilty of man ufacturing or selling intoxicating liquor in violation of law in said cities, also of any policeman, city marshal, shenir, county attorney, or other officer, for failure to perform duties imposed up on him by the provisions of said law. FrelinghaytcnNoinlnaied For Secre- .tary of State. Washington. Dec. 12. The Presi dent has to-day sent to the Senate the nomination of Frederick T. Freling- huysen to be Secretary of State. Fatal Railroad Colliaion. London, Dec. 12. Five persons were killed and thirty injured in the collis ion Saturday at Canonbury.on the North London Railway. Driven Into Port. London, Dec. 12. The bark Premier, McKenzie, master.f rom Sligo for Bruns wick, (ia., has put into Queenstown with loss of sails and otherwise dam aged. Lieutenant-Commander Gorrlnge In bringing t ie Obelisk to New York has performed lndee 1 a monumental work. So has Dr. C. W Benson, 0; Baltimore, In curiDg the nervous disorders of the world, with his Celery and Chamomile Pills. Bedford Alum and iron Springs Water ant Mass. The great tonic and alteraUve contains lwlce as much Iron and fifty per cent, more alum tnum than any "alum and Iron mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so general. Sold by all druggists ot any standing. Prices reduced one half. mayll tt OVEB WROUGHT AND FEEBLE NERVES are quieted, digestion promoted, and the system strengtnenea by tne uebiK co's renowned Coca Beef Tonic. "How do you Manage." said a lady to her friend. "to appear so happy all the time?" "I always have Parker's Ginger Tonic handy," was the reply, "and thus keep myself and iamlly In good health When I am well I always feel good natured.'1 See other column. .imj A SUGGESTION WORTH ADOPTION. At New Orleans, on the 8th day of November, at the 138th Grand Monthly Drawing of the Louis iana State Lottery, 530,000, the first capital prize, was captured by ticket No. 46,353, half of which was held by John T. Garvin, a driver lor many years on the Metropolitan Horse Railway, No. 8 Thornton Place. Boston, Mass.: the other half by J. Russell, of No. 144 Main street, Norfolk, Va, through the Exchange National Bank there. The secona prize. iu.ooo, by no. o4,37U, one-half held by Mr. L. Edwin Motter. of Emmlttsburg, Md., and the other half through J. M. Selxas & Co., of New Orleans. $5,000. the third capital prize. went to No. 10,101. held by Mr. John Beatty, No. 101 Christopher street. New York city. The fourth capitals, $2 500, two prles, No. 46,414, won by Frank Welbel. No. Tit First street, New uriean; ana no. ie,zuy oy a. m. jacoDs. war rensburg. Ma mi ext drawing Is on Tuesday, Jan u'ary lOEh, 1882 Write to M. A. DauDhln. New Orleans, La, or at once send 6'm iwo dollars. BRAIN and NERVE. Wells' Health Benewer. trreatest remedv on earth for Impotence, leanness, sexual debility. Ac 31, at druggists. Depot J, H. McAden, Charlotte. Coins and Metallic Cases, ALSO, A LAEGE LOT OF C- -H- -R--0--M- -0--S- AT WHOLESALE or RETAIL. E. M. ANDREWS, AT WHITE FRONT. dec9 Attatie, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad StTPXBXHTXVDBHT'S CtfVJUX, - 1 Charlotte, N,. C Nov. 24th, 1881. ? On and after Saturday. Nov. 26th. 1881. the following schedule will be ran over this road: GOING NORTH. Leave Charlotte, K 45 p. m. FURNITURE, 1 " Davidson college,. 7 18 p.m. Mooresvllle -' 7 62 p. m. Arrtve at Statesvllle. 9 00 p. m. GOING SOUTH. LeaTe8tatesvnie...J....... 7 00a. m. Mooresvllle 8 13 a.m. ' Davidson College, 8 47 a. m. Arrive at Charlotte, 1015 a. m, J. J. GOBjMLEY, nov28 SupV "Screw the finger as tight as you can, that's rheumatism; one turn more, that's gout," is a familiar description of these two diseases. Though each may and does attack different parts of the system, tbe cause is believed to be a poisonous acia in me Diooa. runry uus by the use 01 TARRANT'S SSLTZER APERIENT It will do the work speedily and thoroughly. It is the great friend of the sufferer from rheuma tism and gout Sold by all druggists. Jun5 d&weod6mo fJflIIIfl IN HOSTS OF FAMILIES Hostetter's Stomach Bitters Is as much regarded as a household necessity as sugar or coffee. The reason of this Is that years of experience have proved it to be perfectly reliable In those cases of emergency where a prompt ana convenient reme ay is aemanaea. constipation, nver complaint, ayspepsia, indigestion ana other troubles are over come by 1L For sale by Druggists and Dealers, to whom ap ply ior nosteners Almanac ior 1882. 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. Pit'4 June IS, 1878 WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, DR. DYE'S Electro-Voltaic Appliances TO MSN suffering from Nervous Weaknesses, Oen erai ieonny, loss ot nerve lorce or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Othet. causes, ui w Hiiy ow uwiewa-Trrm-Rherrnra-tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also women troubled with diseases peculiw to their sex. Speedy relief and complete restoration to health guaranteed. These are the only Electric Anulianoes that have ever been constructed upon scientific prin ciples. Their thorough efficacy has been prac tically proven with the most wonderful success, and t!iey have the highest endorsements from medical and scien tine men, and from hundreds who have Deeu quickly and radically cured b their nse. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, givin- uu iuiuiiuauou inje. Auuress, VOLTAIC BEIT CO., Earshall, Mich. Juljl8 This great specific cures that disease most loathsome WHET HUB LN ITS PRIMARY, SECONDARY OR TEBTIARY STAGS. Removes all traces of Mercury from the system. Lures scroiuia, oia sores, rneumatism, eczema, catarrh, or any blood disease. CURES WHEN HOT SPRINGS PAIL! Malvern, Ark., May 2, 1881. We have cases in our town who lived at Hot Springs and were finally cured with S. S. S. McCAKKOH & MCKBT. Memnhls, Tennessee, May 12. 1881. We have sold 1.296 bottles of S. 8. 8. in a year. It has given universal satisfaction. Fair minded physician now recommend it as a positive specif ic. B. MANSFIELD dt (JO. Denver, Col.. May 2. 1881. Every purchaser speaks in the highest terms of S.S.S. L. MUSSBXKB. Louisville, Kentucky. May 13, 1881. S. S. S. has given better satisfaction than any medicine I have ever sold. J. A. ylkxskbu Richmond. Va.. May 11. 1881. Toucan refer anybody to us in regard to the merits of a. a. a. .rout mtt.t.kb s co. Have never known 8. S. 8. to Ian to core a case ot Syphilis, when properly taken. h. l. dxbhabd, Eli Wabbsn. Perry, Ga. The above signers are gentlemen oi nign stand lug. A. UL UOiAjBTTT, UOV. 01 U&. If yon wish, we will take your ease, TO BE PAID xva WHEN cured, write ior particulars, ana copy of the little book "Message v the unioru- nate." SI. 000 REWARD will be said to any chemist who will find, on aaalysis of 100 bottles of a a 9., L - a . . it 3 . . uu paruuie ui uerouij, luuiue ruissiuin. or aiij- .Proprietors, Atlanta, Ga Sold by drueeists everywhere. & Price of large or reeular size reduced to 81.75 per bottle, and small size holding half the quantity, price $1. - nov4 To tie Stockholders 09 THE "NORTH STATE COPPEB AND, GOLD MINING COMPANY" rrUKE NOTICE An assessment of FIVE CENTS X tER SHARE was, by resolution ot the Board of Directors of the above company (passed on the ura aay oi ieeemrjer, j i, ievh-a upon, us capi tal Stoek. payable THURSDAY. ' January 12th. 1R82, to the Treasurer, JOSEPH WELKINS, at the office of tbe comoanr. Boom lO. No. B7 Second street, Baltimore city, M&ryiana; anau was runner Resolved, That notice of this assessment be given to the stockholders oi tne company by adver tisement in The American and Sun. of Baltimore city, and CkibIiOTTB obsebveb, of North Carolina, ones a week for four successive weeks orevioas to the day of payment; and-upon the failure of any stockholder to pay such assessment on or before tbe said 12th day of January, I882r sMja stoek, or any part thereof upon which said assessment shall remain unpaid, as aforesaid, shall be and hereby is oeeiarea xorxeyea ior tne oenent or ine com pany. JOHN M. MCELROY, JOSEPH WILETNS, Secretary. xresiaent. dec9oaw4w -- jstfaj m and Attractive OUR SECOND Is now In, and customers will find it to their adrantange to examine It before purchasing elsewhere, as we nave ail the new noveines in iress Gioods and f rimmings, And at prices, that will save you money. We MORIE The newest thing out. Cloak Clasps, Cords and Tassels, Iridescent Beads, Ornaments and Fringes. We have the handsomest and most varied ever shown here, i sk to see our new Beaded Fringes, of Walking Jackets Is large and attractive. Ulsters, Dolmans, a few handsome Cloaks at a sacrifice. Cloaklngs, Repellants, Flannels, Underwear, Gloves, Hosiery, And in fact everything in the Fancy Dry Goods line. early and secure bargains. HARGRAYES Our Fa Complete Stock. OUR PREPARATIONS TRADE BEING NOW ENTIRELY WE cordially Invite our friends and the public generally to an Inspection of the attractions display ed, confidently asserting that they will be found in every respect up to the standard. In submit ting this we would call special attention to the styles of our own design and manufacture, which we con stantly keep on band during the entire season. We are Justified In asserting that the long experience and standing of our House, is aiull guarantee that our Clothing Is the mcst reliable. Tbe garments of our own manufacture are strictly first-class. We are constantly and carefully studying the de mands of our patrons, and Invariably Insuring them absolute bottom prices. Our object has always been to bring about a display every season of a full line of garments of the newest styles. The work manship of our Clothing Is equal to any of the best in the country. We don't say that our produc tions are superior to all others ; we are reasonable end never exaggerate; we tell every customer the truth, allowing no ene in our employ to do otherwii-e, or in any instance to misrepresent goods in order to accomplish a sale. Our endeavor is to please, and to give to each customer the value of every dollar he leaves with us. Our line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS is complete in all branches. NE.CK WEAB A SPECIALTY. Very Respectfully, octQ tistzllnuzons. A. A. &M! ON, dealeb m es, Tinware & House FurnishiDg Goods. MAKTELS and GRATES WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Particular attention paid to KOOFING AND SPOUTING.- None but first-class hands employed. Call for the BARLEY SHEAF STOVE. oct29 Chew only the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket. THE old Oaken Bucket, The iron-bound bucket. The moss-covered bucket, That hung in the well CHAS. B. JONES, Charlotte, N. C, 8ole Agent XW Liberal terms to dealers. STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of youthful imprudence causing Prema ture Decay, Nerroua Debility, lgt Mannooo, etc., bavin" tried, in vain every known remedy, has dis covered a simple self cure, which he will send FREE ...... .jj t v, nruvut to CIS jeuow-suuexeiB, muuxmi w. u mmmu t 43 Chatuam st-, s. z. sepia . TRUSTEE'S GASH SAL E BY Tlrtue of a deed In trust made to me by R. H. Brown. I will sell for CASH, to the highest bidder, at public auction, ail of m stock of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, FARMERS 8UPPLUS, NOTIONS, Ac, now in ttis store Trade sweet, Charlotte, N.O, on . . ; DECEMBER 24th, 1881, And continue until all is sold, serve. Sale without re- J. A. McLure is authorized to collect and receipt for all notes and accounts due to the said Brown. Such persons will- please come : forward and settle and save costs In my absence, with Mr. SAMUEL H. HILTON, nov2 9 Ms ' Trustee. Stoves Heaters Ran Ski FALL STOCK hare added to our DBES3 TRIMMINGS STOCK SATINS, We hare a new line of stock of Passamentrles and Beaded Fringes a handsome biece at 75c per yard. Our stock A small lot of Eld Gloves at 25c per pair. Call All Wool Momle Cloth at 25c & WILHELM. FOR THIS SEASON'S COMPLETE L. BERWANOER & BRO., Leading Clothiers and Tailors. 50 Bushels EASTERN YAM POTATOES 50 BUSHELS -RUST PROOF OATS,- Just received on consignment, and MUST BE SOLD. MUST BE SOLD. CHAS. E. JONES. dec9 JpOB the purpose of engaging more extensively and exclusively in the line of MILLINERY GOODS mOSi the coming year, wholesale and re tail, we now offer all other lines of Goods now in our stock at very low prices to close out. The stock Is large, new and well assorted, consisting of full lines of WHITE GOODS, LACES, EMBROID ERIES, all kinds of TRIMMINGS, PLAIN and FANCY HOSIERIES, GLOVES, NOTION8, NECK WEAR, CORSETS, SKIRTS, Cloaks, Shawls, Net Goods, LADLES' and CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, DRESS TRIMMING, BUTTONS, TABLE LINEN, TOWELS, DOILIES, NAPKINS, Ac.j In fact a com plete stock of Ladies' andChildren'sFundshiiigGoods, Which we offer without reserve at prices that will guarantee their Immediate sale. Terms of this sale will be strictly cash. OUB STOCK OF MILLINERY Is the largest and most complete of any in t State and Is constantly being added to as new styles and novelties appear in New York MRS. P. QUERY nov2 Chew only the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket THS old Oaken Bucket, The iron-bound bucket, The moss-covered bucket, That hung in the welL ? CHAS. B. JONES, . Charlotte, N. C., Sole Agent- ETIdberal terms to dealers, 1 novXO WwsuAtu wlm " iep8,dw3nos